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LizNdAlec4eva's Fanfics. Updated 10/17

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 3:36 pm
by LizNdAlec4eva
Disclaimer (General): I own nothing, not the shows not the characters. they all belong to their creators/makers. :mrgreen:


A New Life On The Strip
Rating: ADULT
Summary: The Pod Squad- minus Liz and Kyle- all leave for Antar. Once graduated they go and work for Liz’s Uncle Ed. What will happen when the Pod Squad return to Roswell to find out that Liz and Kyle are gone?
Couples: Liz/Danny Kyle/Delinda

From Cheating Boyfriends to Army Barracks
Rating: Adult
Summary Liz Parker was cheated on by the love of her life, so she joined the army. A few years later, when her brother is in a horrible accident, they meet up again. Can he convince her he's changed or has she moved on?
Pairings Liz/Kyle, Liz/OC. End CC

A New Mutant
Summary: Liz is a very powerful mutant who knows Adam. When he calls for help, she goes immediately but what happens when she meets sexy mutant Brennan Mulwray? What happens when she has to choose between Mutant X and returning to Roswell? And what happens after that?
Category: Mutant X xo
Pairing L/Bren ... 87#p667487

New Life, New York
Rating: Child
Summary: On a day out with her family in Central Park, Liz meets up with a blast from her past who wants to know how much things have changed in the years they’ve been gone. ONESHOT
Category: CSI: NY xo
Pairing: Liz/?? read to find out.....
viewtopic.php?f=6&t=19008 ... rGlowy.jpg

A Prom Interrupted
Rating: Adult
Summary: Liz and Kyle are enjoying their Prom night, but when their big brother shows up telling them they have to return to the one place they are scared of, Manticore, what will happen when one of them gets captured? Will they get out alive or be turned into the soldier they were meant to be?
Category/Pairing: Dark Angel XO, L/Biggs ... =6&t=18522


A Transgenic In Ipswich
Rating: Adult
Summary: After Max leaves, Liz tells the Pod Squad she’s an X5 and they accept her. But when her brother arrives and sends her away to Ipswich will she be accepted and find love there? What happens when Max returns?
Category/Pairing: Dark Angel/The Covenant XO, L/Po


His Guardian Angel
Rating: Adult
Summary: Liz Parker died on the day of her High School graduation. Now 7 years later, she is a whitelighter helping people getting their lives back on track to becoming whitelighters when they die. When she is assigned Nathan Scott as a charge and is told to help him after an accident that could end up causing him to lose everything, she never expected to fall for Lucas, his brother. But she did, and now she has to deal with her feelings for him, the elders and the fact that Lucas’s ex just came back to town and wants him back.
Pairing/Category: OTH and Charmed XO, Liz/Lucas with Liz/OC moments.

A selection of XO drabbles with Liz/OC pairings. ... =6&t=19897



Maths Can't Solve Everything
Rating: Mature/Adult
Summary:10 years ago, Liz Parker fled from Roswell after being humiliated by the man she loved. Now, a successful FBI Agent, about to transfer to L.A, is she ready for the love, heartbreak and problems that arise with her new team? And what about the Roswellians, will they let her be, when they find out about her new life?
Pairing/Category: Numb3rs XO, with Don/Liz pairing.
Progress: Prologue completed, working on Pt.1.


Holy Matrimony
Rating: Mature/Adult
Summary: Everything was going right in Liz Parker’s life, her family was safe and her life was going perfect. But one night, she is witness to something that scar’s her for life. Running to Tree Hill, she doesn’t expect to fall in love, nor have to leave her new life as she is needed in the fight to save her family. When she returns will everything be the same, or will it have changed so much she is no longer welcome?
Pairing/Category: OTH/DA XO, with Liz/Nathan and maybe Liz/Alec pairings.
Progress: Prologue completes, working on Pt.1 with bits and pieces written for later on in fic.

Re: LizNdAlec's Fanfics.

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 12:35 pm
by LizNdAlec4eva
API: Parts upto 8 posted.
ATIW: Parts upto 10 posted.

Re: LizNdAlec4eva's Fanfics.

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 6:33 am
by LizNdAlec4eva
API: Upto part 11 posted.
ATIW: Upti part 12 posted.

Re: LizNdAlec4eva's Fanfics.

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 6:54 am
by pijeechinadoll
LOL ^^ i did a banner for a new life on the strip, for you on the request thread but you must of missed it LOL

Re: Fanart of Any Kind Request....

pingx :mrgreen:

Re: LizNdAlec4eva's Fanfics.

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 12:00 pm
by lovalien
I just saw your sig and since I love Numb3rs, I can't wait to see a crossover between the two :D ...I don't think I've ever read one

Re: LizNdAlec4eva's Fanfics.

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 1:44 pm
by LizNdAlec4eva
API: Part 12 posted.

Re: LizNdAlec4eva's Fanfics.

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 1:39 pm
by LizNdAlec4eva
Just a note to say, that all of my updates have been postponed for a week or two as I broke my USB! :(:(:( So, I need to buy a new one, and start all of my posts again, including my Numbers XO from scratch.


Re: LizNdAlec4eva's Fanfics.

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 1:40 pm
by pijeechinadoll
LizNdAlec4eva wrote:Just a note to say, that all of my updates have been postponed for a week or two as I broke my USB! :(:(:( So, I need to buy a new one, and start all of my posts again, including my Numbers XO from scratch.

is it not possible to retrieve the information? :(

Re: LizNdAlec4eva's Fanfics.

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 2:13 pm
by LizNdAlec4eva
Nope, because my USB takes this tiny card, which I've accidentally snapped!! It's going to be a long night of writing for me!!

Re: LizNdAlec4eva's Fanfics.

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 2:29 pm
by pijeechinadoll
LizNdAlec4eva wrote:Nope, because my USB takes this tiny card, which I've accidentally snapped!! It's going to be a long night of writing for me!!
sorry to hear that. x