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Thoughts Of A Broken Girl (Heroes, 1/1, Claire POV) COMPLETE

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 6:27 pm
by LysCat
Title: Thoughts of a Broken Girl
Author: Alysia
Category: Cannon to the show.
Summery: A short piece of drabble. Mostly, just Claire’s thoughts.
Disclaimer: I don’t own any characters associated to Heroes. Though, the idea is mine.
Author’s Note: Let me start by saying that this show is a little new to me, this is my first story in the Heroes universe. Although, I have been writing fan fiction for years now, though it’s mostly been Roswell. Also, I’ve never written in this format before, so I apologize if it’s not your cup of tea.

“You’re totally my hero.”

Even now, Claire winced when she played it over in her thoughts.

Could she have sounded any younger?

Looking back, she always wondered what Peter thought.

Did he ever remember it?

So much had taken place since then, so many things had changed.

Her life had turned upside down in a matter of weeks.

When she met Peter in the hallway at school, she never imagined there’d be anything more to it than that.

Did she find the handsome, older guy in the hallway attractive? Of course!

When he saved her, did her thoughts about him grow? Most definitely.

She wasn’t sure how it started.

In the beginning, she was thankful to find someone like herself. She felt like less of a freak.

It was freeing to know that she wasn’t the only person in the world that wasn’t normal.

After he left, her thoughts stayed with him.

She wanted to see him again, longed to get to know the man that so willingly saved her life.

Although, she never envisioned the matter of which she did.

Nor did she anticipate the bombshell she learned when she arrived at his apartment in New York.

Uncle? That didn’t sound right.

At least not describing Peter.

He was young, he was attractive and she was attracted to him.

It wasn’t fair!

He was her hero! She wouldn’t have minded him becoming more.

That was until she learned the truth, and then all she felt was guilty and dirty.

Even despite knowing the truth, she noticed little things about him.

The quirk in his bottom lip.

The very slight, almost not there, green specks in his eyes.

The fact that despite his lean build, he had an awesome body.

Things that she shouldn’t have noticed, or at least thought about.

She knew what it meant, their situation. Her heart just wasn’t catching up to that logic.

The more time she spent with him, the more she struggled with the terms.

He sure as hell didn’t feel like her uncle, and she was betting that his thoughts about her, were similar.

When he ‘borrowed’ her power, she felt closer to him.

As corny as it sounded, it was like he was a part of her…or would she be a part of him?

He’d saved her.

She saved him.

Claire was sure that it wouldn’t be the only times they saved each other.

Yet another reason why she couldn’t wrap her mind around the fact that they were related.

She refused to think of him as her uncle, because as far as she was concerned, he wasn’t…at least not in the relationship sense.

But what did that make them?

They were more than friends.

They were less then lovers.

Yet, there was a closeness that existed between them that had taken them to a place where they were closer than any two lovers could be.

Slowly, she pulled herself up from the pavement.

She spared a quick glance up at Nathan’s office window, slightly put off by the worried expression on his and Angela’s faces.

She knew that now was not the time to think about her conflicting feelings.

Peter needed her.

And she’d be damned if she let him down in his moment of need.