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To Live is My Fortune(CC/UC, Mature) Ch6 20/01/08 [WIP]

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 10:31 pm
by M&M<3
banner by me

Title: To Live is My Fortune
Rating: Mature
Category: A/U, Couples - U/C
Disclaimer: The characters of "Roswell" belong to Jason Katims, Melinda Metz, WB, and UPN. They are not mine and no infringement is intended.

Summery: What if Liz was successful in pushing Max into loving Tess, and Liz herself found herself falling in love with Sean? What if the Royal Four end up following destiny in the end instead of true love? What happens when the war that they had been shipped from catchs up to them and their families?

**Note: To Live is My Fortune is a Prequel to my story Miles to Go Before I sleep. Everything happened up till the the middle of season two. Alex actually went to Sweden for six months from January first till August first. He missed out on everything in between. Max and Tess still slept together but no baby and are just trying to figure out where they sit with each other. Liz found it easier to get over Max when she was with Sean so they are a sorta couple and Michael and Maria still have their I love you I hate you relationship. There is still a huge rift between Max and Liz, they love each other but after Liz pushes Max away and he sleeps with Tess they believe there’s no way it can work and turn to other people. Departure never happened.**

Too live is my Fortune

Prologue - Serena

This story started a long time before I was born. I don’t know all the details, but from what I’ve felt and seen through the people who were there, I know there was always a chance for happiness among them. But, after wrong decisions, lies, and deaths, that happiness and life died inside of them. All of this will come in time, and the best place to start this story is in the beginning, as I was told.

Once upon a time on a planet far from Earth, there was a princess named Vilandra, who was destined to marry her brother’s second-in-command, Rath. Her brother, Zan the Second, King of Antar, knew that while his father sat on the throne, there had been talks of splitting the planet in half in order to keep peace between the two species that lived on it. While that idea had failed, their next one, to put his sister, Vilandra, and the son of the Skin’s leader, Khivar, together in order to join the people under one commander of both origins, had almost been successful. If not for the death of King Zan the First, this union might have saved his people. After Zan was crowned King, Vilandra told him of her love for Khivar and asked for permission to marry him. Knowing that a marriage between his sister and this Skin could mean his removable from the throne, he denied her request and pushed his most loyal friend to propose to her.

Outraged, Vilandra set out to run from her family with Khivar to a place where the two could be together. One night, while her brother and fiancé slept, she opened the gates to the royal palace for her love to enter. While Khivar stood in front of her, behind him stood hundreds of the Skin’s army. Before she could comprehend what she had done, the army flooded the palace, waking Zan, his young wife, and Rath, while fighting off the royal guards. Before the end of the night, the Royal family was under siege. By the end of the following day, the King, his Queen, and his counselor were dead by the hand of Khivar, and the fair Princess Vilandra had taken her life.

But this story really starts with the hybrids, four beings bred of the Royal Four’s Antarian DNA and human DNA. Soon after the war on Antar broke out, the pods were sent to Earth, where they could be hidden from their enemies until they could return home when called. Because of the need for a leader in the future, the Antarian’s sent two sets of pods, each with one of the Royal Four and two guardians to watch over them.

After fifty years of resting peacefully, King Zan the Second, Princess Vilandra, and the Warrior Rath emerged from their pods together in the desert of New Mexico. They wandered through the desert alone, not remembering their destiny or the lives they once lived. Zan and Vilandra were soon picked up by Diane and Philip Evans, who would adopt the brother and sister and love them as their own children. Rath, who wasn’t as lucky as his friends, was picked up by a social worker and was destined to spend most of his childhood rotating between foster families. While the three had began their lives, they had forgotten about the last member of their group, Zan’s wife, Ava. She emerged from her pod much later than the others, and the only person to meet her was one of their protectors. He was a shape shifter known to her only as Nasedo. The girl remembered nothing of her past, so he renamed her Tess, and together they traveled the globe in search of the others like herself.


The brother and sister who once ruled a planet started over again as Max and Isabel Evans in Roswell. They never remembered where they had come from, and, up until the day they were reintroduced to Michael Guerin, they didn’t remember the boy from the desert who had been with them when they had awakened. The three of them quickly became a trio, realizing they were different from the other children around them.

I should mention Elizabeth Parker about now, a human girl that changed the lives of the Royal Four in a most significant way. About the time they were settling into school, Max had set eyes on the little brunette girl, becoming fascinated immediately with her. Years later, while in high school, he would risk his secret to save her. Once Liz discovered the truth about her three classmates, she stepped up, helping them fight off the FBI, alien hunters, the local Sherriff, high school guidance counselors, evil aliens, and their parents from figuring the trio’s longest kept secret. Through Liz, the three got closer to other humans and affectionately began to call their group of friends the "I know an alien club".

It was about a year after Max saved Liz’s life that Tess Harding and her father appeared in the small town and stirred up a feeling in Max that he could have never recalled. It wasn’t until she gave him a memory from a life he had forgotten that he knew she was the fourth. Michael and Isabel welcomed Tess into their group, while the humans felt uneasy about the new girl.

Nasedo was killed as the Royal Four’s enemies began to come to Earth searching for them, forcing Tess to move in with the Sherriff and his teen son, Kyle Valenti. Although the change was difficult for the two teens, they soon began to fall for each other, but Tess knew it could never happen. Destiny had been drilled into her since she was little, and she knew she was to end up with Max, as was Michael with Isabel. So she let go the thought of being with Kyle and started trying to make Max see what their future was to be.

As they grew together, fighting off whatever came their way, they lost people they loved and gained new additions who they could never imagine their lives without. Eventually, they believed that together they could get through anything. It's funny how what you think is your destiny isn’t meant to be and crushing when you realize who you wanted to be isn’t always who you end up as.


Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 6:45 pm
by M&M<3
Hey everyone, sorry i haven't been around to update, but i had to get a new laptop now and should be updating weekly!

Chapter One

Roswell September 4, 2001 - Kyle

“Listen. Ah, this may not seem like very much right now, but there's something I'd like you to know. Alex died yesterday. He didn't die today. And I don't want you remembering it as if it happened today. All right?”

Kyle nodded, looking toward the floor. He still couldn’t believe Alex was dead. How could this have happened? After everything they’d all been through the last two years, how did this happen now and with no evil alien? How am I supposed to feel about this? How do I comfort and mourn with the six people I’ve come so close to? How is it we’ve come so far, with many chances to lose each other ,and yet still be so unprepared when it actually happens?

“Happy birthday, son.”

Roswell January 17, 2003- Isabel

“Max, don’t you get it? I love him!” Isabel pulled the ring out her purse and pushed it onto her finger. “We’re getting married.”

He stared at her, trying to comprehend was she must be thinking. “What is wrong with you, Isabel? You know it's too dangerous to let anyone else in! I forbid this!”

“You forbid this?” She choked back the tears that had escaped from her eyes. “Well, that’s too bad, Max, because I didn’t come here to ask you for permission. Stupid me, I thought my brother would be happy for me.”

Max sighed and tried to reach out to his sister as she moved away from him. “I’m happy. I just.. I just don’t think this is a good idea. We can’t let anyone else know who we are.”

“Whatever, Max. Jesse and I are getting married, with or without your blessing.”

Roswell July 3, 2003- Tess

“Max? Are you still up?” Tess looked over at the boy lying still next to her. She put her hand on his arm, and when she was sure he was asleep, she ran her fingers through his hair and sighed. “There’s something I’ve been trying to tell you about for a week now. I... oh god... this is harder than I thought it’d be... I’m pregnant. You're going to be a father, Max.” She stared at him, waiting for him to wake up at her last words. When he didn’t, and she truly believed he was asleep, she knew she was safe to continue. “I don’t know if I can do this… after Alex.. what I did.. it haunts me. How can I raise a child to know the difference between wrong and right when I murdered someone and covered it up? What do I do, Max?”

Roswell October 16, 2003

Max held the tiny baby with both his hands, careful not to look away from the boy, fearing something would happen in an instant. He looked up at Tess, who laid back in the bed exhausted and smiled at her. “I can’t remember if we settled on a name yet.”

She smiled back, shaking her head, “Not yet.” She stared at the little being that had existed inside of her, and in a split second, she decided her guilt would go to the grave with her. This boy would never have to know a world without his mother. “Zan. Let's name the little prince Zan.”

Max rocked the child back and forth and smiled, “Zan… it's perfect.”

Roswell March 24, 2006- Liz

“Elizabeth Parker, will you marry me?”

Liz felt her face go flush as she looked down at Sean DeLuca, a ring in his hand and on one knee. She looked around at the customers who had put their meals on hold to listen for her answer.

“Yes!” Sean stood up and lifted her into the air. She screamed excitedly as the small alien themed restaurant began to cheer.

Maria stood beside the small window to the kitchen and shook her head. “I can’t believe she said yes!”

“What’s your problem? Still have that hope for her and Max?”

She stared at her boyfriend, unable to believe that he was taking this so much better than she was. “What, and you don’t? Max and Liz had that hopelessly-wishing-so-hard-it’d-happen-but-threatening-end-of-the-world-thing going on.”

It was his turn to shake his head at her. “That was a long time ago. If anything was going to come of them, the day Tess got pregnant was the end of it.” He stopped and looked at Sean, Liz, and the happiness beaming off them. “Besides, as much as they loved each other, it wasn’t good for either of them. And, Sean is in love with her. Look how much he’s changed and how happy he makes her.”

Maria shrugged, unable to look at Michael. Why was he suddenly my delinquent cousin’s biggest supporter? Oh yeah, that whole male bonding crap. “Just go congratulate Liz. Pretend, at least, that you're happy for your best friend.”

Roswell November 3, 2006- Max

Max stood outside of the church and stared at the invitation in his hand,

You are invited to attend the happiest day of our lives

Sean DeLuca & Elizabeth Parker

Are to be married on November 3, 2006

at St. Andrews Church

Ceremony begins 10:30 am

Reception to be held at The Crashdown at 1:00 pm

He knew the invitation was sent as more of a courtesy than anything, and he had tried his best to stay away from this place at this time on this day. But, he found himself here looking up at the small church at exactly 10:30. The guests were probably sitting in the pews by now, with Sean and his groomsmen walking down the aisle. He didn’t know how it happened, but as his mind wandered, he found himself walking up the steps to the room where hundreds of brides had waited until their time to walk down the aisle.

He pushed the heavy door open quietly and stepped in. He almost stopped breathing when he saw her. Her long dress, white of course, brushed the floor gently, while her veil sat on the desk beside her. “Liz?” She looked up at him surprised, almost causing him to back out the door he just came through.

“Hey, Max.” The tension between them sprung up like jack rabbit, causing Max to sway a little when she spoke to him. “I didn’t think you’d come.”

“Well, you invited me, right? Do you want me to leave?” He couldn’t look at her like that...the excitement she felt to get married...married to Sean and not him. It was painful just being in the same room, alone with her.

“No! I mean, if you want to stay, please stay. It's going to be a beautiful ceremony.”

His arms tensed up as he tried to look anywhere but on her, Beautiful ceremony. It's like she‘s trying to rub it in my face! He felt his stomach drop, and he began to mutter the first line to an old fight. “Yeah, beautiful with Sean DeLuca. It’ll be what you always wanted, won’t it? You’ll get your white picket fence. Of course, you’ll have to be careful and stay out of the law’s way. We all know old habits die hard.”

Liz took a deep breath. “Fuck you, Max! What the hell made you think you could walk in here on my wedding day, and all of a sudden be jealous?! Sean and I have been together for over four years, while you, in the mean time, have been with Tess. You have NO right to barge in here and expect me to take this!”

Of course I‘m jealous! Did the time we have together mean nothing to her?! “He doesn’t deserve you, Liz!” He stopped, watching her choke back the tears that were beginning to fall. “I’m only with Tess because you pushed me away. You did this, Liz! I LOVE YOU! YOU'RE ALL THAT I WANTED FROM THE MOMENT I SAW YOU, AND YOU PUSHED ME AWAY!” His heart was beating so fast that he thought it was going to explode. How could he speak this way to the love he had allowed to slip away from him?

“I DID WHAT YOU WANTED! WHAT YOU ASKED OF ME! IT WAS DESTINY FOR YOU TO END UP WITH HER! You think I wanted to let you? No, I didn’t, and once I finally get over you and find someone that makes me happy, you come here to ruin it for me!” Max could feel his heart start to break and the warm tear falling down his cheek. “I’m over you. There is no you and me, and there never will be again. Ever. I’m with Sean. We're getting married, and I love him.”

Max couldn’t control his broken heart anymore as he turned and walked out the door, walking out of her life.

Liz fell back into the chair behind her, tears escaping from her eyes. I had to do it, put an end to it once and for all… I had to..

“Liz, is everything ok?” Kyle slipped through the door that Max had made his exit from.

She looked up at him and wiped her face, “Yeah, I’m fine. Just.. Max stopped by..”

Kyle pushed her hair back and wrapped his arms around her. “Having second thoughts? 'Cause I can go tell everyone to go home, there’s no wedding today.”

She laughed and pulled him in tighter. “No, but thank you. I haven’t said that to you enough lately. Since my parents died, you’ve really been there for me. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

“You'd still be at Harvard... you know its still there. Or you'd be here, getting married.” He kissed the top of her head and pulled her back so he could see her face. “Speaking of the whole getting married thing, you still wanna do that?” She smiled at him and nodded. “Good, 'cause I was sent in here to tell you they're ready for you.”


Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 8:21 pm
by M&M<3
Hope you guys enjoy !!!!

Chapter Two- The First of Many

Roswell August 13, 2007 - Lulu

“Oh my God, Liz, she’s the most beautiful little girl I’ve ever seen!” Maria held the little girl, her lips stretched ear to ear. “Lulu.”

Before Liz could answer, Sean and Michael entered the room, each taking a seat beside their significant others. “The crib's officially put together.”

Maria shot her cousin a dirty look, “You couldn’t have done that, oh, I don’t know, say anytime in the last nine months?”

Liz, realizing it was about to get nasty yet again between her husband and best friend, decided to change the subject quickly. “Sean, why don’t we get our guests something to drink? In the kitchen.

“Ok, ok, I get the hint Liz. I’ll lay off.” Maria could feel Michael staring at her with that "what are you trying to do?" look that he’d acquired. She waited until the other two left the room before she pounced on him. “Would you cut that out? You're being creepy.”

“When are you going to realize that Liz and Sean are together for the long haul? I mean, Hell Maria, they got married, and now they have a daughter.” He put his arms out in front of him, waiting for her to hand over the little girl.

Maria sighed as she placed Lulu gently into his arms. She stared, amazed at how much he had grown into a man since they’d been together. “You look so cozy with her… does this mean we get to have a baby anytime in the future?”

Michael smiled and looked up at her, “Maybe sooner than you think.”

May 29 2008 - New York

Michael stood outside the Evans' residence, banging on the door, until a very unimpressed Max opened it. “Michael, it's three o’clock in the morning. I have to be at the office at nine. What the hell are you doing here?”

Michael pushed past him to the living room and grabbed the remote. “Sorry, Maxwell. I don’t think you're going to the office today or any other day for that matter.” He pushed the power button, and their greatest fear was brought to life.

”As you can see behind me, New York City looks as if it's been hit by an atomic bomb. Already in the early hours of this horrible attack on America, there have been a reported six thousand injured and an almost downed of reported dead. Beside me is Kayla Person a survivor. Kayla, can you tell us what you saw?”

“I was walking Uptown, and… there was this guy… well, he looked like a man… he stepped out into the middle of the street, and it …it looked as if he blew himself up, like the suicide bombers you see on tv. Then there was a white light… when I got up the man, the one that had blown himself up was standing in this huge crater-like hole in the ground. And that’s when I saw them..”

“Saw what, Kayla?”

The girl started breathing heavily and pulled her arms into her chest. “The ships...they looked like something from a science fiction movie. They were in the sky. It looked like there were thousands of them.”

“Do you remember what happened next?”

“I don’t know. I ran into the closest building, down into the basement, and stayed there.”

“Thank you, Kayla. Reports from the President have claimed this attack was the work of terrorists, but, if you listen to the stories of the survivors, it was Aliens who destroyed this once famous city.”

“Have you called Isabel?” Max almost couldn’t form the words, the shock had set into his body. How could this have happened?

“Yeah, she’s on her way. Maria went to get the rest. Now, go get Tess. We’re meeting everyone at the Crashdown.” Michael started to walk towards the door as Max grabbed his arm, pulling him back.

“Who do you mean the rest?”

“Liz, Kyle, and Sean.” Max gave him that concerned look he’d seen so many times before at the mention of her name. “Max, we don’t have time for this. Whatever happened or didn’t happen between you and Liz... she’s involved now and so is Sean. If the Skins have begun their attack, then we need them. Now go get Tess. We have to go.”

“I can't believe this is happening.” Liz ran her fingers through her hair and looked towards the baby monitor on the counter. Sean came up behind her and wrapped her in his arms, squeezing her tightly.

“It’ll be ok.. right? I mean, you guys have fought off these.. Well, for lack of a better term, evil aliens. You’ve stopped them from, yet again for lack of a better term, taking for the world before… right?”

Kyle laughed nervously, putting his arms around his chest. “Yeah, that worked so well the
first couple times, seeing as how they’ve always come back and this time, with reinforcements.”

“That was different. They weren’t so much taking over the world but trying to get Isabel. God, don’t you know this story?” Maria looked toward the end of bar where Isabel sat silently with her thoughts, then back towards Sean. The worried face he presented to her sent a chill up her spine, and she took a deep breath, attempting to soften her tone. “Think of it this way. If the Skins are attacking, we have no idea how many of them are coming or what their plans are exactly. We’re in the dark completely!”


The small bell on the front doors chimed, catching everyone’s attention, as Michael, Max, and Tess walked in. Max placed his sleeping son in a booth towards the back, as everyone began to move from the bar to the booth that had slowly become theirs over the years. After many moments of awkward silent, Michael decided to say what was on everyone’s mind. “Ok, so this might be that big epic battle everyone’s been waiting for. What’s the plan? What do we do?”

“We go to New York. We stop them before they attack again.” Liz looked around the table as she spoke, avoiding Tess’ stare and stopping at Max, staring at the wall behind him.

Kyle nodded his head, “Yeah, yeah, good plan… if we all want to die! Come on, they're probably here for the Royal Four. Let's just lead them to the Skins on a silver platter. And, after they get what they want, they're still going to keep coming.”

“Kyle, they’ve already killed half of New York. If there’s a chance we can stop them, don’t you want to take the risk?” Liz ran her fingers through her hair in an attempt to calm herself.

“No, Kyle’s right. No matter what we do, even if we surrender, they’ll keep killing. If we go to where they are and try to fight back, there’s a good chance we’ll die.” Max tried to stay objective, no matter how hard it was to want to side with Liz.

“Max, how can you say that? THOSE PEOPLE ARE DEAD BECAUSE THEY WANT YOU!” Sean placed his hands on his wife's shoulders in a seaming effort to reserve her.

“Is this the Alex thing again? Come on, Liz, say it… He was killed because of an Alien.. BECAUSE OF US?! NO ONE FORCED HIM TO KNOW ABOUT US! YOU TOLD HIM! NOT ME, NOT TESS, NOT ISABEL, AND NOT MICHAEL! YOU! SO MAYBE IF YOU'RE LOOKING FOR SOMEONE TO BLAME, YOU SHOULD LOOK IN THE MIRROR!” Tess sat quietly at Max’s side, her heart racing in her chest as Zan began to cry.

Gently, she touched Max’s shoulder as she walked past him to their son, “I've got him.”

Liz thought for a couple moments before she began to talk. “Yes, I told Alex about you, and how many times did he save your asses? Hmm? How many Max? Once, twice, three times?! I risked my best friend’s life to help you! Don’t you get that? Yeah, his death might be on my shoulders, but it’s definitely on yours as well.” She tried to push the tears from her eyes but knew she couldn’t hold out any longer. “I can’t keep rehashing the same old argument whenever I see you, Max, and I won’t anymore.” She pushed her way from the table and walked to the back, Sean following close behind her.

“That was a great meeting.” Maria whispered under her breath, still in shock over Alex being mentioned, a state she’d reverted to at the reminder of him.

Michael shook his head and looked around the table at Kyle, Isabel and Max. “We’re not done yet. We still need a plan.”

Max took a deep breath finishing with his thoughts. “We stay here, safe in Roswell, and we figure out a way to use the Granolith to our advantage in this war, and we wait.”

“Wait for what?”

“For them to come to us.”

May 30 2008- A Familiar Face

Liz sat in her regular booth, watching as Sean walked around the café taking orders. She sipped her coffee and pushed the alien fritters around on her plate. The sound of the bell from the front door caused her to look up as Isabel walked through the front door and started over to the counter. “Hey Isabel, over here… Hey!” Liz froze for a second seeing her. Isabel looked so different from when she’d seen her only a couple of days ago. Her hair was long again, curly and blonde, and her clothes weren’t the housewife silk she usually wore but blue jeans and a t-shirt. “Isabel!” Finally Liz was able to get her attention and signal her over. Isabel joined her at the table, her face still unsure of just what she was doing. “Look, Iz, I know you’ve been in a bad spot since Jesse left, but changing your hair to remember your Ice Queen days... isn’t that a little much?”


“You know how hard it is to keep a secret around here. Sorry to say it, but everyone knows, and they’ve known for a while now.” Isabel sat in front of her silently, just staring at her. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to jump all over you. I’m still a little upset over last night. What happened in New York was…unbelievable.” Liz finished her last bit of coffee, trying to get her head out of the nightmare.

“Liz, would you like more coffee?” Sean appeared in front them, coffee pot in one hand and dishes in the other.

“Yes, please, thank you honey.” Liz sipped on her coffee and began to worry about her old friend. “Are you alright? You're scaring me a little.”

Isabel looked around the café and stopped when she saw Michael. “You see that guy? He’s gonna try and carry out a big order by himself, and some little kid is going to run straight into him and spill it everywhere.”

She turned around, saw Michael, and began shaking her head. “Michael, yeah right, with his spidy-like abilities. He doesn’t drop anything.” The sound of plates breaking behind her caused Liz to turn and see Michael holding an empty tray and glass around his feet.

“How did you…” she stopped talking as she saw a tall girl with short brown hair walk through the door, sporting the silk she wore everyday. Liz turned to the girl she had assumed was Isabel, her face a ghostly shade. “Who are you?”

“Serena. Serena Odar.”

Liz paced back and forth in front of the couch that the Isabels sat on. “Ok, so let me just get this right. Your grandmother was abducted by aliens, who took her DNA, mixed it with some of Vilandra’s, and boom, fifty years later, here’s Isabel?”

The girl who identified herself as Serena nodded her head, “Yup, that about sums it up.”

Isabel had sat quietly beside her look-a-like up until this point and finally decided to say something. “But, if it was your grandmother that was abducted, then how do you... look so much like me?”

“I always looked so much like her, my face I mean. Everyone said we could have been twins if I had been born eighty years ago.”

Liz thought about it for a minute, then sat across from the two. “How did you know Michael was going to drop that tray?”

Serena sighed, “Since I was a kid, I’ve been about to see things before they happened. Well, only four seconds before it does.”

“So, you can like, see into the future?”

Serena laughed, “Yeah, all four seconds into the future. Like those guys from down stairs, Michael and that guy that brought you the coffee, they're on their way up here with some other people.”

“That would be the I-Know-An-Alien-Club.”

April 3 2008

“They’ve reported more of the attacks in Canada, Australia, the Middle East and Asia. All the survivors have said the same thing as the New York survivors. We should be preparing for a major assault.” Isabel stood by the window of her living room and looked up to the sky as she spoke.

“With what Iz? Guns from the Piggly Wiggly? This is absolutely crazy.” Kyle bit his tongue, venting his emotions with humor, not always such a good idea.

“I’m still trying to figure out how to use the Granolith. It's still very…”
“Alien.” Liz almost choked on the words. She knew it might have been best to try say nothing, but her evil side took over once in awhile.

Max didn’t look at her, he couldn’t. The other night had dragged out a hurtful topic for him, and he was still trying to get over it. “Yes, alien. I just need more time.”

“We might not have more time, Maxwell. There’s been more reported attacks across the US as well, not just abroad. It's like they're trying to limit the places we have to run to after the eventual Roswell attack.” Michael held Maria’s hand as he talked, trying his best to be emotionless in the situation, trying to think like the warrior he was in another life.

“Maybe I could take a look at it.” Serena stood in the doorway from the kitchen, not feeling part of the group yet. She felt that she had to stand on the outside.

Tess looked at the girl, still amazed Isabel could take this stranger in so trustingly. “And what could you do? Did they teach your grandmother how to operate the equipment when she was abducted?”

“I do have an engineering degree from Harvard, and I’m, like, a mechanical genius. I can get almost anything to work. I’m just saying I could help, but if you don’t want it, I understand. You have so many other options to choose from anyways.”

“If you think you could get it to work that would be amazing. I’ve tried everything. Could you come with me tomorrow?” Max was almost giddy at the thought of getting the stubborn machine to actually work.

“I’ll be there.” Serena looked at Tess as she spoke, running the words in her face.

“So, even if we get the Granolith to work, what’s the plan?” Maria looked at Max for an idea, an old habit that would never end as long as she lived.

He sighed and thought a moment before figuring out exactly how he wanted to word his thoughts. “We go home, we go to work, and we meet. We get the Granolith working, and, hopefully, we have some sort of protection when the attack starts. Until it happens, we do nothing but go about our normal lives.”

“Max, can you really let all those people die when you know they’re going to keeping attacking?” Liz couldn’t believe what she was hearing from the man she once loved.

He swallowed the lump in his throat. It hurt him having to allow people so much pain, but he knew that the most important thing was for them to survive so they could fight back. “Yes. If it protects my family, I can.”


Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 10:24 pm
by M&M<3
I had a little bit of trouble begining this chapter, there was so many questions to awsner and not alot of time to do it in but once I got going it kinda took off on me. I knew before I started writing this story this would be the hardest chapter to write. Its a little longer than I had originally intended Hope you enjoy.

Chapter Three- I thought of you and where you've gone

April 4, 2008

Isabel sat curled up on the couch by the window. She went through the files surrounding her one by one, determined to get through all of them by the end of the night. So far, it wasn’t going as well as planned. Usually throwing herself into her work took her mind off her problems, but, since Jesse had left and filed for divorce, her coping mechanism wasn’t working as it should have been. She paused as Serena walked through the door. Seeing her still took Isabel’s breath away; it was like looking into a mirror. “Hey.”

“Hey, didn’t see you there.” Serena took off her coat and shoes and took a seat across from Isabel, pulling her feet under her. “So, after four hours of trying to figure that thing out, we found a way to use its power to... well, sorta create a... force field. It should cover most of Roswell.”

“That’s good.” Isabel thought for a second, working up the courage to ask a question. This questions had stood out in her mind since she’d met the girl, but she hadn’t been able to ask Serena quite yet. “Why did you come here? I mean, why come to Roswell?”

The girl sighed, “My parents died when I was really young, and my grandma is really the only family I could ever remember. She never said anything about her abduction until a couple months ago. After her heart attack, she was bed ridden.” Serena stopped and looked towards the window, trying to keep the tears she could feel from falling. “Sorry. The point is ...before she died, she told me about her abduction and that they had cloned her. She said she knew where her clone was… in Roswell. I just.. I had to come out here to see if it was true. And, well, I found you.”

Isabel stared at Serena. She felt the pain of not knowing her biological parents and losing the only ones had known. Almost automatically, she knew what she could do to save herself and the girl in front of her. “Well, either way I’m glad you’re here. I think its better to be surrounded by family, especially since we’re going into a war. I just want you to know that I think of you as my family, the sister I never had.”

Roswell April 17, 2008- One Good Turn…

Kyle paced back and forth in his living room, looking up at the clock every couple of minutes. 12:30. He took a deep breath and began to dial the number he’d memorized since he was 17. He waited nervously as it rang.


His heart skipped a beat hearing her voice, “Hey, Serena. Did you want to... uhh... hang out tonight?”

“Kyle? Is that you?” Isabel’s mouth dropped a little as she started to laugh, hearing the nervousness in his voice.

“ISABEL?! Damnit, is Serena there?” His nerves cooled off and embarrassment set in.
How do I not know the difference in their voices by now?

“No, she went to the Crashdown. She's picking up dinner for tonight. Sorry.”


“Do you want me to tell her you called?” She swallowed her laughter, thinking how embarrassed her friend must be.

“Yes. No, no, no. I’ll see her tomorrow or something.” Kyle rested his face in one of hands and sighed. He was making a fool of himself.

“Oh, ok. I wasn’t sure if I should say anything, but… Serena said your date the other night went well.”

Kyle froze, “Well?”

“Good. Actually, I believe she said great.” She waited for his response, but when she heard him breath again, she continued. “Kyle, she really likes you, so stop freaking out. I‘ll tell you what. Come over and have dinner. I‘ll make myself scarce.”

Roswell August 11, 2008- Maria
When I woke up this morning, I knew this day was going to be the happiest day of my life. I just knew Michael was going to propose today. I could feel it, and Liz had a vision of it happening. Today was going to be perfect. That’s why I’m putting on ten layers of foundation over that pimple that has begun on my face.We all need something to keep us going nowadays. The last seven years haven’t exactly been easy. I lost one of my best friends, and my other best friend had her heart ripped out by the love of her live. I guess Liz is ok now. I mean, she has Sean, my delinquent cousin, and Lulu, their beautiful daughter. I never
thought they would work out, and I was wrong. They're the perfect family.

Isabel seems to be the worst for needing hope that everything is going to work. I wasn’t the only one to lose Alex. She took it really bad. It was so difficult for her at first. I mean, she finally had begun to let him in, to love him, and then, poof, he’s gone. Her next glimpse of hope was Jesse, a big time lawyer from New York. Over a year she met him, dated him, loved him, and married him. Of course, she didn’t let him in on her biggest secret of all
until she was shot. After that, Jesse couldn’t look at her again, not the way he used to anyway. And that was it. He took a job in San Francisco and sent her divorce papers. She was a mess for weeks, and I guess she still is kinda, but since Serena joined our little group, Isabel’s been picking herself up.

Max is not one of well liked people in our group as of recently, but he’s become one of my best friends since Liz and him broke up. I know, I know. How could I have become such good friends with the guy who broke my best friends heart?! I don’t know, I can't explain. We have a lot in common, and after the party Enigma that we found New Years Eve 2004, we’ve been pretty close. He was a mess after the break up, and although I don’t like her that much (I mean, at all) Tess really helped him out that year. They had their first son, Zan, in 2003, and in just a couple months, they‘ll have their second son. I know he loves her, and he loves his sons, but sometimes I think it's too much for him. Having to see Liz so happy with another man when he wanted to be that for her.

Then, of course, there’s Kyle. God, how he drives me nuts sometimes! But I understand. Since Mom and his dad went on the cruise for their honeymoon, it's been just the two of us a lot. Now that I think about it, we act a whole lot like brother and sister. We just kinda fell into the habit of having each other over the years. He told me about how much he loved Tess once. I think that was when I realized just how alone Kyle must have felt. A couple years ago I
imagine it was a lot worse for him. Our parents were always together, Tess moved out with Max, and he had to give up his dreams of being a football pro because of his alien side kicking in. It must have been horrifying. I know it wasn’t the best solution for him to take his father's place as Sherriff, but I like to believe it doesn’t bother him as much as he thought it would. I’m glad to say Serena has definitely got her hold on him; I think he truly loves her.
They're inseparable most of the time, and when they aren’t together, all he talks about is Serena this or Serena that.

I wish I could say that’s it, that everyone’s pain is slowly washed away by the love of another. But that is far from the truth because everything we love with comes to an end.

Maria sat in front of her vanity mirror, applying her makeup until it was perfect. Her hair was next. It’d been almost three years since she decided she wanted to be a brunette instead of a blonde, and you had to admit, it looked good on her.

I’m a genie in a bottle baby you got to rub me the right way

She picked up her cell phone from bed, recognizing the ringtone she had assigned to Liz.

“Hey, chica. I’m getting ready for my ‘date’ with Michael tonight. I’m so excited!!”

“Maria, get down to the basement now.” Liz’s voice almost echoed thru the room.

“I can’t. I’m supposed to meet Michael in fifteen minutes. I know, I know, I’m going to be late, but he’ll know something’s up if I’m not.” She was almost bouncing off the walls as she pulled the zipper up to on her boots.

“Maria! Forget about that and get down to the basement now!" Maria felt her stomach turn. Something was wrong.

“What’s wrong, Liz?”

“The Skins. They're going to attack in a couple of minutes. I saw it. You don’t have time to get here, so stay there, and we‘ll come to you when it‘s all over.”

Liz hung up the phone, stumping Maria momentarily. Finally she got up from the bed and grabbed her purse as she headed down the stairs. She reached the basement door as the front one began to open. “Tess, what are you doing here?”

“We have to talk, Maria.”

“Umm, well, I‘d love to, but we don’t have time. Come on, we have to get to the basement now.” She took a step forward only to have Tess push her back onto the stairs, holding her there with her powers.

“I don’t think you understand me. I’m not really here to talk to you.”

Maria tried to get up, only to discover she couldn’t move anything. Then she realized it wasn’t that she couldn’t move, it was like her brain was sending out the message. “What are you doing to me?”

“I’m sorry I have to do this Maria. But I have no other choice.” The petite blonde girl could barely look up at her friend. She knew what she had to do, and it was hard enough. She didn’t need to see her face, too.

“What the hell does that mean exactly?” Maria’s mind searched all her alien trivia for an answer, and before she knew it, she was gasping for air.

“Don’t you get it, Maria? A war is coming between the Skins and Earth. The only way we can win is if destiny is completed. Our children are the only way to ensure the survival of this world and Antar.” Tess pushed her back against the door, staying as far away as she could while she stared at the defenseless human girl with no one there to help her. “In order to get Michael with Isabel, I need to take you out of the equation.”

Maria choked, continuing to try to move her body, trying to fight back. She didn’t, but her eyes looked toward the door, praying that Michael would come in and save the day. Tess wiped the tears off her cheek and shook her head. “He’s not coming. Everyone’s at the Crashdown. It’ll be hours before anyone finds
Tess stood up in front of the girl until she knew there was no life in her. Then she grabbed the body by the arms and dragged it up the stairs to the bedroom, picked her up, and placed her on the bed.

As Tess walked out of the bedroom, she could feel her stomach in her throat and ran to the bathroom where she began to throw up. She wrapped herself around the toilet until she was done, then curled up in the corner and allowed herself to cry openly at what she’d done. With her knees as close to her chest as she could get them, she rocked back and forth with her baby bump wrapped in her arms and tried to convince herself it was okay. “I had to do it. Destiny had to happen. I did it for Zan and Devon. Everything’s going to be alright.”


Half the gang was gathered at the Crashdown, sitting in separate booths silently. Sean and Liz were holding their daughter in one, and Kyle, Isabel and Michael sat quietly in another. They had never remembered the small alien themed restaurant being this quiet, but everyone had other things on their minds.

Michael couldn’t stop thinking about Maria. Liz had just made the call to her to hide in the basement until it was over. He didn’t know if he could wait that long to find her, to know if she was ok. They all knew it wasn’t necessary for them to stay inside, but since the only place they wanted to go was where they couldn’t, they stayed. They were in the safe zone. The zone covered most of downtown Roswell, but sadly, didn’t include the residential area. They had tried to warn people, but it didn’t work. Most just went about their own business, looking at them as if they were crazy. The only security they had was knowing the Granolith was going to protect them, both from the aerial attacks and from the Skins themselves.

“Well, at least we don’t have to work tomorrow.” Kyle looked around at his friends, then looked back the table he’d stared at for the last ten minutes. “Got it. Not a funny situation. I should keep my comments to myself.” He moved from the booth to the floor, crossed his legs, and placed his hands on his knees humming loudly.

“What the hell are you doing?” Sean stared at the Sheriff and shook his head with disbelief. Was he really witnessing this?

“As the fletcher whittles and makes straight his arrows, so the master directs his straying thoughts.” Everyone stared at Kyle. After his years of Buddism, they still couldn’t understand his random quotes. “I’m meditating. If I don’t, I’m going to go INSANE, ok?”

Michael stood up and then sat down beside his friend. “How do you do this meditating thing? Cause I am going insane thinking of Maria.”


Max sat in his basement, his mind going around and around thinking of Tess. Where could she be? After Michael called, and before he brought Zan into the basement, he called her and told her to find somewhere safe where she could hide for a couple hours because it was happening. The day they had feared would come was here. He knew he should only be thinking about his wife, the mother of his children, but he found his mind wandering to Liz. Was she in the safe zone, where the Granolith would protect her? Did she get a chance to warn the rest of Roswell? Would she survive?

“You ok?” Serena sat across from him. She’d been at Izzy’s and gotten the same call. It was easier to have someone in a time like this than to be alone, so she walked down the street and helped him get Zan downstairs.

“Yeah. Sorry, I’m not much for company. Just thinking.. about Tess.” He looked down at his son and ran his fingers through the sleeping boy's hair. “God, they grow up so fast, you know?”

Serena laughed a little, “Yeah, I know. I can’t wait until I have a couple of my own.” Her mind drifted off to Kyle. They had only been together a couple of months, but it seemed like years. Something inside of her told her they’d be together forever, soul mates. And, yet, there was a nagging feeling that forever was never going to be as long as they thought it would.

Max looked up at her. He knew she wasn’t his sister, but he always felt he could be open with her no matter what. It was like she and Izzy were one somehow. “You really like Kyle, don’t you?”

She blushed, and a smile sprouted across her face, “I uhhh.. I think I love him. I haven’t told him yet cause… I just couldn’t find the right moment. But I think after this, I’m just going to run up to him and scream it.” The smile suddenly fell from her face and her eyes glassed over as she saw what was to happen in mere moments…

“What the hell does that mean exactly?” Maria was pushed against the stairs at her house and gasped suddenly for air.

“Don’t you get it Maria? A war is coming between the Skins and Earth. The only way we can win is if destiny is completed. Our children are the only way to ensure the survival of this world and Antar.” Tess had Maria pushed up against the front door, watching her die. “In order to get Michael with Isabel, I need to take you out of the equation.”

Like that, it was over. The future that was happening was one she couldn’t stop, not this time. “Oh, my God!”

Max moved from his sleeping son to Serena. “What is it, Serena? What’d you see?” All he could think was the shield didn’t work and that Liz and the others hiding in the safe zone would die.

Serena shook her head in shock and caught her breath, “Maria.. she’s dead. I mean, she will be in a couple seconds.”

Max stared at her, unable to believe what he was hearing. “What? She’s dead? By the Skins?” He could feel himself getting angry and tried his best to stay calm.

She began to cry and shook her head, “No. By Tess.”

Max moved back from her and could feel himself consumed with anger. “No, that’s impossible. Tess would never kill anyone.”

“Max, I’m not lying! Tess KILLED Maria!” Serena stood up, standing beside Max but still careful to keep her distance.


“Max, it's not my fault. It's Tess’. She’s the only who killed Maria. Stop yelling at me.” Serena tried to take a step back from him, trying to get her arms away but failing as he tightened his grip on her and pulled her closer.

Max looked at his son, still asleep on the floor, and looked back at Serena. He whispered, careful not to wake Zan, “You're lying. Just admit it, you lied. Tess didn’t kill Maria. Maria is still alive and safe.”

They felt the first hit strike the small town as the ground began to shake, and they could hear glass breaking upstairs. It caught their attention for only a few moments before Max jerked Serena once more. “Admit it!”

She shook her head, crying softly now. “I wish I could Max. Maria is dead because of Tess.”

He pulled her inches from his face and tried with all his might not to scream, “You're wrong. Tess would never kill Maria.”

“For destiny, Max. For the survival of Earth and Antar. She would kill for those things.”

The ground beneath them shook again, almost causing Max to let go of Serena, but he got his bearings quickly and tightened his hold on her. “I can’t let you spread these lies, Serena. I can’t for the sake of my sons.”

Serena choked back her tears and nodded her head, “I know.”

Max let her fall to the ground, and he knelt down beside her, twisting her neck in an awkward angle until it cracked. He fell to the ground as once again the ground shook under him. Looking at Zan still very much asleep, he turned his attention to the first person he’d ever murdered. He felt a tear fall down his cheek, but he quickly brushed it off. “I had to do it, I had to… for Zan and Devon. I had to do it… for my family.”


Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 3:11 pm
by M&M<3
Hey guys, this is a shorter chapter and the next ones a little longer so I thought I'll post hope you enjoy it!

Chapter Four- I’ll Never Get Used To This

August 2008- Just Making It Through the Day - the Crashdown - Liz

We were stuck in the café for nearly four hours before we realized the attack had finished. We think our enemy discovered they couldn’t get through the shield into the safe zone, so they went through the rest of Roswell, killing everyone they found. Luckily, Max, Tess, and Zan were able to escape them. But Maria and Serena weren’t as lucky. We found Serena in the street, not too far from the home she shared with Isabel. Her neck had been snapped. It almost killed me to see Kyle and Isabel in so much pain over her death. It was like Alex all over again. Michael made it back to his home with Maria first, only to find her on the bed they shared. We’re not sure how she died. Seeing her… with no movement on the bed… dressed to the nines… ready to see Michael… it was Alex’s death all over again. Up until today, I just haven’t been able to do anything with myself. I wish we never found out about these aliens. All the bad things that have happened wouldn’t be true. I wish the pod squad had gone back to Antar so Khivar wouldn’t have come to Earth in search of them. But, somehow deep inside, I know that this would have happened either way.

I hurt so much that I could never explain it to anyone, not Sean, not even Max. The only person I think could ever understand my pain is Michael. But he’s cut himself off right now. Seeing Maria… dead… was too much for him. I know he loved her so much. It's not the kind of love you get over in a couple of months or a couple of years for that matter. I love Maria so much, and I don’t think I’ll ever get through this. I feel as if a part of me has died. I will try to be the best wife and mother I can, but for the rest of my life, I will blame myself for what has happened here. When future Max came to me that day so long ago, I never thought that this could happen, that my two best friends in the entire world would die at the hands of aliens. I will never use the Granolith’s power to return to the past and change it once again, because I know all it does is take people we love. But I will leaving a warning, in case someone decides that is the only thing left to do. I have to; it is, after all, my responsibility, I am the only one who knows of the pain it caused the first time.

Stand By Me- 30 miles outside the Safe Zone- Michael

Michael stood beside the bed in his old bedroom. It had been a couple days since his world had come crashing down around him, and he hadn’t had the energy to move his things into the safe zone. Instead, he’d spent his days in the spot he was in now, in front of the bed where the love of his life had died. He didn’t know how to deal with the pain he felt inside him. He’d never felt this way before, never let anyone in far enough to feel this way. He loved her so much, but right now all he wanted was to forget her, forget the pain that was eating him from the inside out.

Over the last couple days, he made the decision that no one would ever get this close to him again. He couldn’t love someone as much as he loved her and have them taken away from him again. It was too hard. He wasn’t this, a man who couldn’t let go of what he used to have, and he couldn’t be him any longer. Michael could feel the tears rolling down his cheek. He reached up to wipe them away, realizing it was more than a few, and started to hold them back.

“Michael?” He turned around as Isabel came up behind him. She looked around at what was left of his home and looked up at him. “So I was thinking. You know, if you're up to it, I set up my place in the apartment at the UFO Center. Why don’t you move in with me? This place is beyond salvation.”

“This is where it happened.” Michael looked at her, her face so calm and strong, and he longed to be that person again. “This is where she was killed. And.. and I wasn’t here to save her.” He could feel his face harden into that boy he used to be.

He could see her urge to hold him, and he was thankful for it. “This isn’t your fault Michael. It was an accident.”

All Michael could feel was out rage at that moment. “An accident? No, this is my fault. If we would’ve left when we were going to, the Skins wouldn’t have attacked Earth! And Maria wouldn’t be dead!” His voice rose until it echoed through the house, ashes falling from the ceiling and walls.

Isabel could feel her heart beating faster than she ever thought it could. “No, Michael. If we would have left then, we’d be dead. The Skins would have come anyway. At least we're here, where we have a fighting chance!”

He looked down at the floor, embarrassed he could no longer keep the tears from falling off his face. Finally, Isabel took a step forward, wrapping Michael in her arms tightly. “Oh God, Isabel, she’s gone. She’s really gone, and she’s never coming back!”

“It's okay, Michael. It's all going to be okay. Remember when Alex died and.. and it almost killed me? I survived, and I‘ll help you survive. We‘re going to be okay, I promise.” Isabel could feel the tears starting to well up in her eyes and swallowed them down. She needed to be strong for him right now; it was the only thing she could do for him.

Can You See The Promise Land- Roswell Graveyard- Kyle

Serena Odar

Beloved friend

June 15,1982 - August 11, 2008

“Welcome to the promise land.”

Kyle laid beside Serena’s grave. He never knew he could hurt like this, miss someone as much did in this moment. He wasn’t sure what to say or if it even mattered if he said anything at all. He took a deep breath, swallowing the tears he could feel trying to escape. People leave right? That’s life. They walk out on you, move on… they die. It happens. This isn’t the first time, and it won’t be the last. You just have to deal, right?

He’d been there for hours, waiting, although he wasn’t sure exactly what he was waiting for. The more he thought about it, the more he was convinced that he had to say something, something that mattered.

There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth, not going all the way and not starting. I’m glad that even if we didn’t go all the way, I mean, you know, like… not… sex; at least we started.”

Kyle stood up and started walking away before turning around and making his way back to his spot beside her. He had something to say to her, something he’d been waiting to say for months but could never find the right moment. And now it was too late. He would never know if she felt the same, but he had to get it off his chest.

“Serena, I know we didn’t know each other that long, but I feel like through the time we had together, I really got to know you.” He laughed as he thought about their time together. “Remember that time you decided to make dinner for me? The only problem was you couldn’t cook, and we both got food poisoning?” He stopped laughing, and a serious look came on his face. “Now that I think back to it, it wasn’t as funny at the time. But it was the best food poisoning I’ve ever had, 'cause I got to spend it with you.” He took a deep breath as he dropped his face into his hands, then ran them through his hair and looked again at her grave stone. “I’ve been waiting for months to say this… to tell you something… waiting for the perfect moment. And I lost my chance, so I’m going to tell you now. I love you, Serena. I fell in love with you on our first date, and I knew in that moment I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you.” He put his fingers to his mouth and kissed them, then put them on her grave. “I love you, and I always will.”

Starting Over Again- The safe zone- New home to the Evans Family - Max & Tess

Tess and Max sat quietly on the bed, their backs to one another. “Max, you haven’t talked to me in days.”

He stared at the picture of them that was taken on their wedding day. “I know. I have to ask you something, and I want the truth, no matter what it is.” He could feel her squirm a little but couldn’t bring himself to turn around and look at her. He thought about how he wanted to ask his question, then decided there was only one way to ask it. “Did you kill Maria?”

“Yes.” Tess knew her marriage and her life were on the line now. Standing at Maria’s funeral, the only thing she could feel was hatred for herself, for all the murder she had committed in the name of destiny and hiding behind it.

Max took a deep breath, not expecting her honesty at that moment, and, in getting it, he knew he could never punish her the way the others would have wanted. The more he thought about Maria’s death, the more he had questions about Alex’s. “Did you kill Alex?”

She didn’t expect this question, but as soon as it was asked, she knew she should have. “Yes, I did.” She felt this weight lifted off her shoulders as she said the words, and then, in place of her guilt, she felt fear.

“Liz was right along. Alex was killed by an alien. He was killed because of us, because of you.” He felt a new level of low at the way he’d treated Liz over the last couple years because of her accusation. The lies he thought she was telling him were really the truth. His kind had killed Alex. He let his head fall into his hands as he thought of their next step. “Okay, here’s what we’re going to do. We’re going to pretend like this never happened. No one will know you killed Alex or Maria, and no one will know I killed Serena. We’ll let everyone continue to think it was the Skins or whatever. We’ll take this to our graves, got it?”

Tess tensed up on the other side of the bed and took a deep breath, thankful for her husband's forgiveness. “Ok.”

August 15, 2008 - Town Center - Gathering an Army

“Excuse me, if everyone could just quiet down.” Max stood on the steps to the old city hall in front of all the survivors of the Roswell attack.

“What the hell happened?’

“Is this the t…thing that attacked New York?”

He swallowed the lump in his throat and nodded, “Yes, we believe it was. But, for some reason, they couldn’t penetrate most of the city. As you know, most of the residential areas of Roswell have been destroyed in the attack. I think our best course of action is to relocate ourselves within the safe zone. Then, bury our dead.” He took a deep breath, he thought of his next words, the next step to defeating this enemy before them. “Then we make a plan.”

“A plan for what?” An unfamiliar face looked up at him.

“A plan for when they return.”


Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 11:56 pm
by M&M<3
Chapter Five- One Night and Nine Months Later

March 6, 2011 - The Crashdown

“God, I feel like I could eat a cow right now! I’m so hungry!” Liz stared at the burger in her hands as she chomped down on it, taking almost half the burger in one bite.

Isabel sat across from her and laughed. “Careful now, what if your baby decides he’s a vegetarian? Then what are you going to do?”

Liz looked up and thought a moment as a crazy smile came over her,face. “Then I’ll force feed him meat until he decides beef is the way to go!” The girls laughed, and Liz made a quick cover back to her burger. “Speaking of meat, why aren’t you eating anything? You're making me feel like a fat pregnant lady.”

“I haven’t been feeling well lately. It's like the flu or something. I don’t know, but I’m sick to my stomach sometimes five, six times a day.”

“Hmmm.” Liz smiled again at her friend.


“Could you be pregnant? I mean, you and Michael have been living together now for almost three years. Everyone would understand, you know, if you guys had decided to get together.”

Isabel shook her head at even the thought of getting involved with Michael. “No, no, no. We’re just... friends.”

“I’m just saying, Iz. If it happened, maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing, you know?” Liz looked back at the quarter of the burger that she still had and licked her lips. “You know, since Michael decided to put all his energy into killing every Skin that sets foot close to the Shield, our burgers have really gone downhill.” She looked up at a horrified Isabel. “Izzy, what is it?”

Isabel was breathing heavily, not quite sure how to explain what she had to say. “A couple weeks ago, Michael and I, we… well, I mean it was an accident. It wasn't supposed to happen but… it did, and… now that I think about it, I’m… three weeks late.”

March 28, 2011- Former UFO Center- Could You Love Me Anyways

Isabel sat on the couch nervously. She could hear Michael making his way up the stairs, and she held her breath as he opened the door.

“Hey, Iz,” he said, as he walked into the living room, dropping his weapons and other gear on the floor before returning to the kitchen. She let her breath out and allowed herself to take another one as he walked back into the room and stared at her with a worried look on his face. “What’s going on, Isabel?”

“Ummm, you know how the night before you left… we… uhh… we slept?”

Michael looked at the ground, a little embarrassed and nodded his head. “Yeah, I remember. But I thought we said it was a mistake, and it didn’t mean anything.”

“Yeah, well I… I’m pregnant.”

Michael dropped the glass of water he was holding, and his jaw almost hit the ground along with it. “What? What exactly do you mean by you're pregnant?”

She gave him a dirty look as she started picking up the pieces of the broken glass and putting them in the garbage. She leaned against the counter to give her strength. “I’m having a baby. Your baby.”

September 5, 2011

“GET OUT!!!” Isabel picked up the last plate she had and threw it across the room.

“Jesus, Izzy, you trying to kill me?” Michael was lucky enough to move out of the way of the plate as it smashed into pieces upon impact with the wall behind his head.

“YOU'RE LUCKY I’M PREGNANT AND CANT MOVE THAT FAST, OR I SWEAR TO GOD, YOU’D BE DEAD ALREADY!” She was breathing heavily and searching through the cupboards for something new to throw at him.

“Knock, knock. Am I going to get hit with anything if I open the door all the way?”

Michael made a sprint for the door. “Oh, Kyle, thank God you’re here. Isabel’s trying to kill me again!” He pushed Kyle out in front of him as Isabel came around the corner with a very unhappy look on her face.

“Hey, Isabel .” Kyle voice was shaky as he threw his hands up in surrender.

Isabel put the frying pan she holding in the air and was shaking it around in the men’s faces. “You're right, only this time I AM GOING TO KILL YOU! WHAT PART OF NO ANCHOVIES DID YOU NOT GET?!” She took a deep breath and took a step back. “Hi, Kyle.” She turned around, going back to the living room where she took a seat on the couch.

“So, Michael, you ready to go?”

Isabel’s ears perked up. “You're leaving?” she asked sweetly.

Michael was going through the closet, then decided to get up and return to his spot behind Kyle before he answered, “Yes. I have that meeting with Max, remember?” He ducked, waiting to hear the frying pan hit the wall or Kyle. When he didn’t hear anything he looked over Kyle’s shoulder to see that Isabel had started crying.

“But, I don’t want to be left alone.”

Michael sighed. She always ended up this way, crying and needy, after she freaked out, and all he wanted to do was take off. He walked over so he was standing in front of her and rubbed her back as he spoke. “I’m only going to be gone a couple of hours. It's okay.”

Isabel looked up at him, and he knew the rage wasn't over as she wound up with the frying pan and hit him squarely in the chest, bringing him down to his knees begging for air. “COUPLE OF HOURS? I’M PREGNANT, MICHAEL. I’M SURE MY BROTHER WOULD UNDERSTAND YOU NEED TO BE HERE WITH ME RIGHT NOW IF YOU WOULD BOTHER TO ASK HIM!” She brought the pan over her head, ready to hit him once more, but was intercepted by Kyle.

“Isabel, as much as I would enjoy that, I think he’s suffered enough. How about we go into the bedroom, and you can take a nap, for the baby, of course.” Kyle took her by the arm and led her into the bedroom.

A couple minutes later, as Michael caught his breathe on the loveseat, Kyle came out of the bedroom. “She’s sound asleep. How are you doing?” Kyle laughed as Michael was bent over, still breathing heavily.

“Fuck, she can be crazy sometimes. She needs to have that baby soon!”

“Two more months man. You can do it.” He patted Michael on the back as they walked toward the door.

“Two more months, right. You sure you don’t want to move in for a while?”

November 15, 2011 - Welcome to the World, Maria Serena Guerin

Michael sat next to Isabel’s bed, holding their little girl in his arms. She was perfect in every sense of the word. He had said he’d never cry again after Maria died, but when this beautiful little girl was placed in his arms, he cried so hard he thought he’d drop her. He knew in that second he would protect her with his life and do anything to keep her safe. He held her gently to his chest, as Isabel began to wake up and touched his shoulder. “Hey, how are you feeling? We were a little worried about you.”

She sat up, pulling the covers up to chest, as stared at the baby in his arms. “I’m fine. Is that her?”
“Yup.” He stood up and carefully placed the baby in Isabel’s arms.

“Oh my God, Michael, she’s…”

“Perfect. I know.” He smiled as widely as his face would allow him to. “So, we haven’t named her yet, Did you have anything in mind?”

Isabel looked down at their child and smiled. “How about Maria Serena Guerin?” Michael winced at the mention of her name. “But, we’ll call her Serena.”

He relaxed and realized it was the best name for her, the only good thing that would come of this war. “Okay.”

“Welcome to the world, Serena.”

Kyle appeared at the door with flowers in one hand and a small teddy bear in the other. “Hey guys. Is this her?”

Michael and Isabel nodded with the smiles of two proud parents. Kyle made his way over to the bed and looked down at the new baby girl. “Guys, she is absolutely beautiful.” Michael took the flowers from him and placed them in a vase on the night stand.

“I know, she’s amazing. Do you want to hold her?”

“I would love to.” Kyle took Michael's seat beside the bed as Isabel handed Serena over to him.
“Wow, she’s so small. Have you decided on a name yet?”

“Maria Serena Guerin. We'll call her Serena.”

Kyle was smiling like an idiot, “I think that is the most perfect name.” The couple exchanged looks and then glanced over at him. “Do you want to ask him, or should I, honey?” Kyle looked at the two with wonder.

“No, you go ahead.”

Isabel squared her body to him and took a deep breath. “We were wondering if you would be Serena’s godfather?”

“Of course!”

January 7 2012- In This Moment- Guerin Residence

Michael looked down at the baby girl in his arms. Just seeing her brought him all the pain and joy in the world. Her smile, her hair, and her eyes all looked like Isabel‘s. She looked like Isabel so much it hurt him, knowing what he did. He loved Isabel, of course, but.. Maria. He loved her enough to let her in, and she now was gone. He’d never make a mistake like that again. He’d protect his baby girl and Isabel from anything, lay down his life if that is what was needed, but he couldn’t let them get too close. People die. It was as simple as that. And he wasn’t going to be responsible for any pain that his daughter would feel, or his Isabel for that matter. Michael was pulled from his thoughts as the baby in his arms began crying. Slowly, he rocked her back and forth, “Shhh, it's ok, Serena. You're okay, Daddy’s here. Come on baby, it’s ok, it's ok …”

Isabel came out from the bedroom, causing Michael to wince. The baby woke her up again. She took a deep breath and took Serena out of Michael's arms. “You said you’d keep her quiet.”

He could feel the argument they’d had so many times coming on, and in the spirit, he decided to attack first this time. “Yeah, and I was. She just started crying. You don’t have to freak out. Just give her back to me, and go back to sleep.” He put his arms out in front of him for Serena.

Isabel only pulled the crying baby closer and stared daggers into his chest. “I’m up now, Michael, I’ll take care of her. Besides, don’t you have that meeting with Max and the council committee to prepare for?”

He sighed and walked over to his girls, leaning down to kiss the crying baby on the forehead. “I love you, Serena. Don’t you ever forget that. I‘ll be back in a couple of hours.”

“Maria.” Michael frozen in his spot and stared at Isabel. “Well, that’s her name. Maybe we should use it instead of her middle name all the time.”

“You know why we don’t use that name.” His jaw was clenched as he tried not to say anything he’d regret later.

“Maybe you could pull yourself away from the her and see that you have a family that needs you here!’ Isabel walked to the crib in the other room and put Serena, who was still screaming wildly, in it.

Michael could feel his heart crumpling into pieces all over again at the mention of her. “I’m here, aren’t I? I have always been here when Serena needed me, and I always will be. She is my everything, and I will make sure she is never in harm's way.” He and Isabel were almost nose to nose now, trying not to lose it.

“Yeah,for her, Michael. And me? What am I nothing to you? For God's sake, I might as well be your wife and the mother of your child, and…” she choked back the tears the best she could, knowing if she let him see her cry, it wouldn’t help. "And, you don’t care about me at all. It’s like you’ll never love again.” She couldn’t stop the tears anymore as they fell from her cheeks on to the floor. She brought her hands up to her face, so she wouldn’t have see his.

Michael watched Isabel cry, and all he could think about was going over to her and holding her. Telling her everything was going to be okay, but if he did that, he would have to let her in, and he couldn’t go through that pain again. No, it was better this way, even with all the fighting, it was just better for the three of them. “I have to go. We’ll talk about this later.” He grabbed the army jacket off the table and walked towards the door.

“That’s right, Michael, leave. Do what you do best.” Isabel didn’t bother to look at him. She walked to the bathroom and waited for him to leave.

He opened the door as Kyle backed up from it. “I.. uhh.. I just got here.”

“Whatever. Let's get to this stupid meeting already. We’re going to be late.” He closed the door behind him.

Isabel emerged from the bathroom once she heard the door close. As she wiped the tears from her eyes, she went over to Serena and picked her up, pulling her close to her chest and rocking her slowly. “Serena, it's ok. Mommy and Daddy are done fighting, I promise.” The baby in her arms was still screaming with amazing lung capacity. “God, Serena. Please, Mommy is very tired.”

“Knock, knock.” The front door opened as Liz walked inside with a baby strapped to her chest.

“Oh, God, Liz. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.” Isabel put the baby girl in the crib and took a seat on the couch.

Liz put Adam in the crib next to Serena and waited a second for her to stop crying before taking a seat on the couch. “She been up all night?”

Isabel nodded, almost in tears. “I believe she was. But she didn’t start crying until ten minutes ago. Michael was with her, but he had to go to that stupid meeting with Max.”

“Did you guys have another fight?” Isabel nodded again and burst into tears. Liz pushed herself closer to her friend and put her arm around her. “It's ok, Iz. Why don’t you go back to bed and get some rest?” Isabel walked to the bedroom, not saying a word, knowing if she did she would start crying again.

Liz walked over to the babies laying quietly in the crib together, both now sound asleep. “You two are going to be the best of friends. I can see it.”

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 12:01 am
by M&M<3
Chapter Five- One Night and Nine Months Later

March 6, 2011 - The Crashdown

“God, I feel like I could eat a cow right now! I’m so hungry!” Liz stared at the burger in her hands as she chomped down on it, taking almost half the burger in one bite.

Isabel sat across from her and laughed. “Careful now, what if your baby decides he’s a vegetarian? Then what are you going to do?”

Liz looked up and thought a moment as a crazy smile came over her,face. “Then I’ll force feed him meat until he decides beef is the way to go!” The girls laughed, and Liz made a quick cover back to her burger. “Speaking of meat, why aren’t you eating anything? You're making me feel like a fat pregnant lady.”

“I haven’t been feeling well lately. It's like the flu or something. I don’t know, but I’m sick to my stomach sometimes five, six times a day.”

“Hmmm.” Liz smiled again at her friend.


“Could you be pregnant? I mean, you and Michael have been living together now for almost three years. Everyone would understand, you know, if you guys had decided to get together.”

Isabel shook her head at even the thought of getting involved with Michael. “No, no, no. We’re just... friends.”

“I’m just saying, Iz. If it happened, maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing, you know?” Liz looked back at the quarter of the burger that she still had and licked her lips. “You know, since Michael decided to put all his energy into killing every Skin that sets foot close to the Shield, our burgers have really gone downhill.” She looked up at a horrified Isabel. “Izzy, what is it?”

Isabel was breathing heavily, not quite sure how to explain what she had to say. “A couple weeks ago, Michael and I, we… well, I mean it was an accident. It wasn't supposed to happen but… it did, and… now that I think about it, I’m… three weeks late.”

March 28, 2011- Former UFO Center- Could You Love Me Anyways

Isabel sat on the couch nervously. She could hear Michael making his way up the stairs, and she held her breath as he opened the door.

“Hey, Iz,” he said, as he walked into the living room, dropping his weapons and other gear on the floor before returning to the kitchen. She let her breath out and allowed herself to take another one as he walked back into the room and stared at her with a worried look on his face. “What’s going on, Isabel?”

“Ummm, you know how the night before you left… we… uhh… we slept?”

Michael looked at the ground, a little embarrassed and nodded his head. “Yeah, I remember. But I thought we said it was a mistake, and it didn’t mean anything.”

“Yeah, well I… I’m pregnant.”

Michael dropped the glass of water he was holding, and his jaw almost hit the ground along with it. “What? What exactly do you mean by you're pregnant?”

She gave him a dirty look as she started picking up the pieces of the broken glass and putting them in the garbage. She leaned against the counter to give her strength. “I’m having a baby. Your baby.”

September 5, 2011

“GET OUT!!!” Isabel picked up the last plate she had and threw it across the room.

“Jesus, Izzy, you trying to kill me?” Michael was lucky enough to move out of the way of the plate as it smashed into pieces upon impact with the wall behind his head.

“YOU'RE LUCKY I’M PREGNANT AND CANT MOVE THAT FAST, OR I SWEAR TO GOD, YOU’D BE DEAD ALREADY!” She was breathing heavily and searching through the cupboards for something new to throw at him.

“Knock, knock. Am I going to get hit with anything if I open the door all the way?”

Michael made a sprint for the door. “Oh, Kyle, thank God you’re here. Isabel’s trying to kill me again!” He pushed Kyle out in front of him as Isabel came around the corner with a very unhappy look on her face.

“Hey, Isabel .” Kyle voice was shaky as he threw his hands up in surrender.

Isabel put the frying pan she holding in the air and was shaking it around in the men’s faces. “You're right, only this time I AM GOING TO KILL YOU! WHAT PART OF NO ANCHOVIES DID YOU NOT GET?!” She took a deep breath and took a step back. “Hi, Kyle.” She turned around, going back to the living room where she took a seat on the couch.

“So, Michael, you ready to go?”

Isabel’s ears perked up. “You're leaving?” she asked sweetly.

Michael was going through the closet, then decided to get up and return to his spot behind Kyle before he answered, “Yes. I have that meeting with Max, remember?” He ducked, waiting to hear the frying pan hit the wall or Kyle. When he didn’t hear anything he looked over Kyle’s shoulder to see that Isabel had started crying.

“But, I don’t want to be left alone.”

Michael sighed. She always ended up this way, crying and needy, after she freaked out, and all he wanted to do was take off. He walked over so he was standing in front of her and rubbed her back as he spoke. “I’m only going to be gone a couple of hours. It's okay.”

Isabel looked up at him, and he knew the rage wasn't over as she wound up with the frying pan and hit him squarely in the chest, bringing him down to his knees begging for air. “COUPLE OF HOURS? I’M PREGNANT, MICHAEL. I’M SURE MY BROTHER WOULD UNDERSTAND YOU NEED TO BE HERE WITH ME RIGHT NOW IF YOU WOULD BOTHER TO ASK HIM!” She brought the pan over her head, ready to hit him once more, but was intercepted by Kyle.

“Isabel, as much as I would enjoy that, I think he’s suffered enough. How about we go into the bedroom, and you can take a nap, for the baby, of course.” Kyle took her by the arm and led her into the bedroom.

A couple minutes later, as Michael caught his breathe on the loveseat, Kyle came out of the bedroom. “She’s sound asleep. How are you doing?” Kyle laughed as Michael was bent over, still breathing heavily.

“Fuck, she can be crazy sometimes. She needs to have that baby soon!”

“Two more months man. You can do it.” He patted Michael on the back as they walked toward the door.

“Two more months, right. You sure you don’t want to move in for a while?”

November 15, 2011 - Welcome to the World, Maria Serena Guerin

Michael sat next to Isabel’s bed, holding their little girl in his arms. She was perfect in every sense of the word. He had said he’d never cry again after Maria died, but when this beautiful little girl was placed in his arms, he cried so hard he thought he’d drop her. He knew in that second he would protect her with his life and do anything to keep her safe. He held her gently to his chest, as Isabel began to wake up and touched his shoulder. “Hey, how are you feeling? We were a little worried about you.”

She sat up, pulling the covers up to chest, as stared at the baby in his arms. “I’m fine. Is that her?”
“Yup.” He stood up and carefully placed the baby in Isabel’s arms.

“Oh my God, Michael, she’s…”

“Perfect. I know.” He smiled as widely as his face would allow him to. “So, we haven’t named her yet, Did you have anything in mind?”

Isabel looked down at their child and smiled. “How about Maria Serena Guerin?” Michael winced at the mention of her name. “But, we’ll call her Serena.”

He relaxed and realized it was the best name for her, the only good thing that would come of this war. “Okay.”

“Welcome to the world, Serena.”

Kyle appeared at the door with flowers in one hand and a small teddy bear in the other. “Hey guys. Is this her?”

Michael and Isabel nodded with the smiles of two proud parents. Kyle made his way over to the bed and looked down at the new baby girl. “Guys, she is absolutely beautiful.” Michael took the flowers from him and placed them in a vase on the night stand.

“I know, she’s amazing. Do you want to hold her?”

“I would love to.” Kyle took Michael's seat beside the bed as Isabel handed Serena over to him.
“Wow, she’s so small. Have you decided on a name yet?”

“Maria Serena Guerin. We'll call her Serena.”

Kyle was smiling like an idiot, “I think that is the most perfect name.” The couple exchanged looks and then glanced over at him. “Do you want to ask him, or should I, honey?” Kyle looked at the two with wonder.

“No, you go ahead.”

Isabel squared her body to him and took a deep breath. “We were wondering if you would be Serena’s godfather?”

“Of course!”

January 7 2012- In This Moment- Guerin Residence

Michael looked down at the baby girl in his arms. Just seeing her brought him all the pain and joy in the world. Her smile, her hair, and her eyes all looked like Isabel‘s. She looked like Isabel so much it hurt him, knowing what he did. He loved Isabel, of course, but.. Maria. He loved her enough to let her in, and she now was gone. He’d never make a mistake like that again. He’d protect his baby girl and Isabel from anything, lay down his life if that is what was needed, but he couldn’t let them get too close. People die. It was as simple as that. And he wasn’t going to be responsible for any pain that his daughter would feel, or his Isabel for that matter. Michael was pulled from his thoughts as the baby in his arms began crying. Slowly, he rocked her back and forth, “Shhh, it's ok, Serena. You're okay, Daddy’s here. Come on baby, it’s ok, it's ok …”

Isabel came out from the bedroom, causing Michael to wince. The baby woke her up again. She took a deep breath and took Serena out of Michael's arms. “You said you’d keep her quiet.”

He could feel the argument they’d had so many times coming on, and in the spirit, he decided to attack first this time. “Yeah, and I was. She just started crying. You don’t have to freak out. Just give her back to me, and go back to sleep.” He put his arms out in front of him for Serena.

Isabel only pulled the crying baby closer and stared daggers into his chest. “I’m up now, Michael, I’ll take care of her. Besides, don’t you have that meeting with Max and the council committee to prepare for?”

He sighed and walked over to his girls, leaning down to kiss the crying baby on the forehead. “I love you, Serena. Don’t you ever forget that. I‘ll be back in a couple of hours.”

“Maria.” Michael frozen in his spot and stared at Isabel. “Well, that’s her name. Maybe we should use it instead of her middle name all the time.”

“You know why we don’t use that name.” His jaw was clenched as he tried not to say anything he’d regret later.

“Maybe you could pull yourself away from the her and see that you have a family that needs you here!’ Isabel walked to the crib in the other room and put Serena, who was still screaming wildly, in it.

Michael could feel his heart crumpling into pieces all over again at the mention of her. “I’m here, aren’t I? I have always been here when Serena needed me, and I always will be. She is my everything, and I will make sure she is never in harm's way.” He and Isabel were almost nose to nose now, trying not to lose it.

“Yeah,for her, Michael. And me? What am I nothing to you? For God's sake, I might as well be your wife and the mother of your child, and…” she choked back the tears the best she could, knowing if she let him see her cry, it wouldn’t help. "And, you don’t care about me at all. It’s like you’ll never love again.” She couldn’t stop the tears anymore as they fell from her cheeks on to the floor. She brought her hands up to her face, so she wouldn’t have see his.

Michael watched Isabel cry, and all he could think about was going over to her and holding her. Telling her everything was going to be okay, but if he did that, he would have to let her in, and he couldn’t go through that pain again. No, it was better this way, even with all the fighting, it was just better for the three of them. “I have to go. We’ll talk about this later.” He grabbed the army jacket off the table and walked towards the door.

“That’s right, Michael, leave. Do what you do best.” Isabel didn’t bother to look at him. She walked to the bathroom and waited for him to leave.

He opened the door as Kyle backed up from it. “I.. uhh.. I just got here.”

“Whatever. Let's get to this stupid meeting already. We’re going to be late.” He closed the door behind him.

Isabel emerged from the bathroom once she heard the door close. As she wiped the tears from her eyes, she went over to Serena and picked her up, pulling her close to her chest and rocking her slowly. “Serena, it's ok. Mommy and Daddy are done fighting, I promise.” The baby in her arms was still screaming with amazing lung capacity. “God, Serena. Please, Mommy is very tired.”

“Knock, knock.” The front door opened as Liz walked inside with a baby strapped to her chest.

“Oh, God, Liz. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.” Isabel put the baby girl in the crib and took a seat on the couch.

Liz put Adam in the crib next to Serena and waited a second for her to stop crying before taking a seat on the couch. “She been up all night?”

Isabel nodded, almost in tears. “I believe she was. But she didn’t start crying until ten minutes ago. Michael was with her, but he had to go to that stupid meeting with Max.”

“Did you guys have another fight?” Isabel nodded again and burst into tears. Liz pushed herself closer to her friend and put her arm around her. “It's ok, Iz. Why don’t you go back to bed and get some rest?” Isabel walked to the bedroom, not saying a word, knowing if she did she would start crying again.

Liz walked over to the babies laying quietly in the crib together, both now sound asleep. “You two are going to be the best of friends. I can see it.”


Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 9:31 pm
by M&M<3
Chapter Six Part 1 - Together Against the World

March 15 2013 - Evans' Residence - Crash into Me

Serena stared out into the blue. The sand pit she played in with her cousin Devon wasn’t keeping her attention as easily as the adults were, arguing whether to begin their meeting or wait. Her small body grew tense when she heard her father with the frustration in his voice.

“We’re not starting till Liz and Sean get here. They’re part of this, too, Max.” Michael spoke the words as the DeLuca family walked through the gates. Liz held the baby in one hand, and Sean was pulling along Lulu as she tried to grab at the flowers along side the house.

“Sorry we’re late. Adam needed to be fed.” Liz dropped him off at the sandbox as Sean lead Lulu to the swing set Zan was on. They sat down at the table with what was left of the I Know An Alien Club. “So, should we get this started? We all know why we’re here.”

Serena passed the plastic shovel she’d been given to Adam, and they began to dig further in to the box, determined to make it to the bottom. Her hand grazed his arm, and she was wisked away into darkness.

She stood in the crib outside the bedroom and listened to a familiar argument her parents had.

“Sean, we’re going to be late.” Liz sat on the bed, staring out at her with a hopeless look.

“Yeah, right. Late to yet another meeting. It’s going to be exactly the same as the last meeting. The Skins are getting closer. Any ideas on how to stop them? And, again, no one will have any ideas. Then, Max is going to get mad and ask us what exactly we’re doing here if we can’t figure out a way to keep them away from us! God, why do we keep going to these stupid meetings if it’s the same conclusion every time?”

Liz rolled her eyes, “At least we’re trying something.”

“WHAT? SO YOU AND MAX CAN REHASH THE SAME OLD ARGUMENTS?!” Sean stepped in front of Liz, and Serena began crying, scared of what was to come.

“Look what you did?!” Liz got up from the bed and made her way to the crib. “You made Adam cry. It's ok baby, it's ok.” She picked Serena up and pulled her close to her chest. “It’s ok, Adam, we’re going to see Serena and Auntie Isabel and Uncle Michael.” She glared at Sean. “Get Lu ready, we’re already late…”

Serena’s screams brought the group out of their meeting as Michael went to soothe her. He bounced her up and down to no end and her crying continued. His thoughts lingered from his daughter to his last battle, watching his army getting slaughtered, his knife in his hand as he swept it across a Skin and watched it fall to the ground.

“Michael, can’t you keep her quiet?!” Isabel appeared at his side and snatched Serena from his arms. “Come on honey, it's ok, it's ok.” She swung the little girl slowly in her arms, praying she would stop. Isabel thought back to the night before, about the fight she and Michael had. It was awful; they both said things they didn’t mean. Well, she knew she didn’t mean them. Things had gotten so out of control. How could she try and fix them now? She was pulled from her thoughts as Kyle put his hand on her shoulders.

“Can I try?” Isabel nodded, handing over the best thing in her life as she herself felt like a good cry. Serena, still screaming, was placed in Kyle’s arms as he pulled her close to him and began to sing in her ear.

Michael scowled at Isabel, “Can’t you keep her quiet?” He threw her words back in her face and smiled at her reaction.

“Michael…” She could feel her blood boiling as a lawn chair went flying across the lawn. She couldn’t control herself and was so full of anger.

“Shut up, you two.” Max took a deep breath. He never thought that the relationship between his best friend and his sister would turn out this way, but everything changes. If the last few years had taught them anything, it was that nothing stayed the same. “I’m sick of hearing the two of you arguing, and I bet you that’s why neither if you can calm Serena down.” Michael and Isabel looked away from each other and placed the argument on the backburner for later.

“You’ve got your ball You’ve got your chain Tied to me tight tie me up again Who’s got their claws In you my friend Into your heart I’ll beat again Sweet like candy to my soul Sweet you rock And sweet you roll Lost for you I’m so lost for you, You come crash into me And I come into you
I come into you In a boys dream In a boys dream Touch your lips just so I know In your eyes, love, it glows so I’m bare boned and crazy for you When you come crash Into me, baby And I come into you In a boys dream In a boys dream If I’ve gone overboard Then I’m begging you
To forgive me In my haste When I’m holding you so girl Close to me Oh and you come crash
Into me, baby And I come into you Hike up your skirt a little more And show the world to me
Hike up your skirt a little more And show your world to me In a boys dream.. in a boys dream
Oh I watch you there Through the window And I stare at you, You wear nothing but you Wear it so well Tied up and twisted The way Id like to be For you, for me, come crash Into me…”

He held her until her screams turned to tired eyes, and she fell asleep in his arms.

July 20 2015 - Former UFO Center - Ollie Ollie Oxen Free

“Ten, nine, eight…”

Serena pushed herself up tightly against the old information booth. She’d finally done it, found a hiding spot not even Devon could find. She pulled her knees to her chest and waited for him to finish counting and walk right past her.

“… five, four, three, two, one.” Devon turned out of the counter he was pushed against and opened his eyes. “Ready or not, here I come.” He looked around for a second, forcing his eyes on every wall around him. He waited until everything became clear as day, and he could see through every wall. “Gotcha.” He whispered under his breath as he made his way to the small booth to the left of him. He hit the side of it as hard as he could and watched as Serena jumped up screaming, then tagged her. “GOTCHA!” He laughed as she looked up at him with tears in her eyes.

“That’s not fair! We said no powers!” Automatically, her hands formed fists and fell to her sides as she stomped her foot.

“I didn’t use my powers!”

“YOU'RE LYING!” Serena pouted as tears began to fall down her face.

Devon crossed his arms and looked down at her with a smug look on his face. “Yeah, so what are you going to do about it?”

She thought for a moment. “If you can use powers, so can I.” She reached up and put her hand on his arm.

Serena stood in the corner, her hands behind her back and her forehand pressed against the wall. Behind her, she could hear her father yelling, and with every word, she felt herself jump.

“Zan, you were supposed to be watching him!” She peeked over her shoulder and saw that Zan stood in front of their parents, his hand hanging. “DEVON, CORNER!” She turned her head back suddenly, smacking it on the wall.

“I was... I just..”

“You were? Oh, that’s what it was? Because I’m pretty sure going to your friend's place and leaving your brother at home isn’t watching him! This is serious, Zan! Do you know what your brother was doing while you were gone?” Her father paused and then continued. “He was walking through Old Roswell. He was out of the safe zone, Zan! He could have been seriously hurt or kidnapped or killed! We’re lucky Uncle Michael was doing a patrol in the area and found him. What were you thinking?!”

Devon jerked away from his little cousin, “You can’t do that! You know you're not allowed to use your powers!”

She stood in front of him, breathing heavily. “You went outside the safe zone?”

“How did you.. ? You only touched me for a second.”

Zan, Lulu, and Adam came out from their hiding spots looking disappointed. “What’s going on? Devon, you know your supposed to come look for us. That’s the point of hide and go seek.” Zan stood in front of his little brother.

“It's her fault! She did that… that thing.. She stole my memory!” Devon pointed his finger across the little circle they had formed.

Serena shook her head violently, “No, no, no. I borrowed it! You still have it!”

“Serena, your mom said you weren’t allowed to use your power.” Lulu stood beside Zan and looked up to him, waiting for his response to know if he agreed with what she had said or not.

“He started it! We said no powers. It's not fair!” As she began to protest once again, tears began to fall from her face. Adam pushed himself in between Lulu and Serena, grabbing Serena’s hand in his own.

Zan looked at his little brother with a frown, “Did you use your powers?”

Devon looked at the ground, “Well, maybe.”

Zan laughed and smacked his brother across the head. “Guess you're it again. And, don’t start to whine about it, you know the rules. It’s like cheating. So get to the corner and start counting.”

September 16 2015- DeLuca Residence- Third Times a Charm

“Liz, you here?” Michael stepped through the door above the Crashdown, to the family's small apartment. “Sean? Anyone?”

“Michael, back here.” Serena trailed quietly behind him as they walked toward the end bedroom, where Sean had called them from.

“Can I hold her?” Lulu stared anxiously up at Kyle who sat beside Liz’s bed, holding the new baby. Serena let go of her father's hand and joined Adam at the foot of the bed.

“Of course you can.” Kyle got up from the chair as Lulu jumped onto it and held out her arms. Carefully, he placed the little girl in her arms and knelt beside the chair. Michael walked over and looked down at the baby girl in Lulu’s arms.

He smiled, pulling the blanket down off her face. “She’s beautiful, guys, absolutely beautiful. Have you guys decided on a name?”

“Amy.” Sean spoke with a calm and steady voice ,but Kyle could see the emotional roller coaster that he had been put through the last couple days. Almost losing Liz... that must have been the hardest thing in the world for him. “After… well, you know. She did a lot for me, even when none of my other family would talk to me. Amy was a fighter. And it just seemed like the perfect name for our little girl.”

“Where’s Isabel?”

It almost broke Michael’s heart, hearing Liz sound so weak. “She.. er… she had to go meet… Max. Meeting or something.” He looked toward the foot of the bed at Serena and Adam playing with old Lego blocks. He was a bad liar. He knew it, and they knew it.

“Oh, I get it.“ Sean put his hand on Liz’s forehead, pushed her hair back, and looked into her eyes. She gave him the sign he’d waited for.

“Hey guys, Liz is still exhausted. How about we move to the next room.”

February 6 2016- Michael & Isabel - Why Does it Always Have to Come Down to You Leaving

“I’m done, Michael.” Isabel sat across from him. Her hands were folded neatly and meticulously in front of her; her shoulders were forced back and her face was pulled straight with as little emotion as she could possibly show. She thought she put the Ice Queen routine behind her in high school, but ,still, she wasn’t sure how she’d have gotten through the last couple years without it. “I can’t do it anymore.”

Michael sat there his mouth half hanging open. “Wh...what are you saying?” He knew what she was saying. God, he would have had to be an idiot to not know. Both of them had been angry for so long and taking each other down every notch they could.

“You know exactly what I mean. We’re miserable. You know it, I know it, for God's sake, Michael, even Serena knows it.” She took a deep breath. The only mutual territory they had was Serena. Ever since that day at Max’s place...they had gotten out of control and in front of Serena; it could never happen, not like that again.

“But what about Serena?”

She looked at his eyes, the one place she had avoided. Once again, he was that boy who wouldn’t take her hand in the desert, looking lost and scared, not sure of what his next move was. It killed her to do this, to let him go. But, she had anticipated every reaction he might have and looking at him, in his eyes, wasn’t part of the plan. She needed to, no she had to, get back to the plan. “I think it's best that Serena stays with me, because you're gone… a lot, and I can be around more for her.”

Michael nodded, opening his mouth to say something, but the words felt caught in his throat. He didn’t know what to say. She was right, he was gone a lot. She stayed home more than he did, and Serena needed a stable environment, at least more stability then he could provide. “That makes sense. So, I guess all that’s left is to pack my bags.”

Isabel got up and walked to the spare room, returning with a duffle bag. “I already packed. I prepared the room downstairs.” He took the bag from her and walked out the door. There was nothing left to say. It was over, it had been over for a long time. She knew this, but still, she could feel her heart break as the door closed behind him.


Re: To Live is My Fortune(CC/UC, Mature) Ch6 20/01/08

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 3:31 am
by M&M<3
Chapter Six Part Two - As it All Comes Crashing Down

June 9 2017 - New Roswell- How Could it End Like This?

“Kids! Please! For today if only try and stay clean!” Liz signed and looked around at the mess they had made of the café. Only a few hours left and everything would go back to normal. The fighters would return and the town would rejoice… and mourn. “Zan can you please watch the kids for a minute?” She left the room as quickly as possible; an act she’s committed frequently as of late. It was hard, being the one left behind. She was feeling sorry for herself again, how could she let her mind wonder to self pity when she knew the bad news the group would be coming home with. She rubbed her eyes pushing back her tears, not now she couldn’t let herself give in to the thought this could be true, not until the others came home; not till she heard the words come out of their mouths. It wasn’t true till someone else said it out loud.

“Aunt Liz…”

She began to pulling herself together, the kids, she had to think of the kids right now. “What’s wrong?” She looked down at the floor, a vase her mother had kept all throughout her own childhood lay in pieces on the floor. “What happened?”

Lulu stood the farthest away as if to try and ward off Liz’s wrath. “I’m sorry mommy I didn’t mean too.. We were playing tag and… I was running away from Serena and I slipped…” She looked to the ground disappointed in herself. “And it fell.”

Liz signed. “Well we better clean this up.” She didn’t have it in her, not today; things break they always have they always will.

Michael walked thru the streets of Roswell, the army what was left of it after yet another battle walked all around him. They carried the bodies of the wounded and dead in wheel barrows to the graveyard on the other side of town. All he could think was seeing Serena again, it had been so long since he’d held his little girl in his arms. He walked thru the old Crashdown doors and stopped looking around for the little blonde haired child.

Liz saw him before the kids, “Michael.. I…” She knew, the tone of her voice, the hesitation.. It was the Elizabeth Parker he knew in only the worst of moments. Her father name caught her attention, sending Serena running to the doors.

“DADDY!” She jumped into his arms and he held her as tight to his body as he could without hurting her. In that instant of touching him, she knew something was wrong. She tried to push further into it but knew it was no use when he used his own powers blocking her. She pulled back from him and put her hands on his face, “daddy what’s wrong?” She stared into is eyes and felt his heart break at the sight of her so worried. “Daddy where’s mommy?”

Michael just stared at his little girl, already at the at the age of six so grown up, riddled with the problems of adults. He didn’t want her to have this life; full of so much war and much more death. How could he tell her that she would never see her mother again? He pulled her into his arms once again and held on as long as he could. He heard the bell on the door ring slightly behind him.

Kyle walked in a sober expression on his face. “Liz.” He nodded his head, it’d been a hard enough day the idle chit chat wasn’t what he needed right now.

“Uncle Kyle!” Serena ran from Michael’s arms to Kyle’s holding him thankful he was home.

“I gotta go. Kyle can we talk for a moment?” Michael stepped out the doors as Kyle put Serena on the ground and assured her he’d be right back.

When he was sure they couldn’t be heard Michael looked at the ground and took a deep breath. “Look Valenti, I need a favour and it’s a pretty big one.”

“Anything Guerin.”

“I need you to tell Serena about Isabel. I know its something I should do but I can’t.. I just can’t.”

Kyle stared at his friend for so many years and nodded, putting his hand on his shoulder. “Don’t worry Michael, I’ll tell her.” This had torn Michael apart, taking so many things from him. First Maria now Isabel. He knew when Michael got like this it was best for him to be alone, the only one who was ever bring him out of his funks where Isabel.

“Thanks. I’m ehh going to go help with the graves.”

“Uncle Kyle, when’s mommy coming home?” Serena stopped walking and looked up at him. She could feel his love for her and the hurt he felt having to be the one to tell her Isabel was lost to her forever.

“I’m sorry sweetie, mommy’s not coming home.” His first reaction was wrap his arms around her and never let her go again.

“Is she not coming home because of the boy?” She’d seen him so many times, almost every time she touched her mom.

Kyle ran his fingers thru her curls pushing them out of her face, “because of what boy?”

Serena thought for a moment, back to the memories she had borrowed searching for a name. “Alex. The boy from mommy’s mind. The boy mommy loved very much.” Even at six she knew love was something a mommy and daddy felt, an emotion she had felt from Liz that had stuck with her. She didn’t understand how her mother could have loved Alex so much if he hadn’t been her daddy.

“You saw him when you connected with your mommy Serena?”

She nodded her head, she could feel his guilt and regret over Alex and tensed up. In the same second she felt him pushing the memories of the past and present aside and thoughts of herself were in his mind.

She reached out putting her hands on each cheek, “always and forever?”

He smiled and take her into his arms, “I will never leave you kid, your stuck with me always and forever…”
