A Gift to Liz-A Dream Unbroken(M/L,Adult,AU)39 8.19.09 [WIP]

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A Gift to Liz-A Dream Unbroken(M/L,Adult,AU)39 8.19.09 [WIP]

Post by flyawayraven »


Title: A Gift to Liz - A Dream Unbroken

Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the characters of ‘Roswell‘, they belong to Jason Katims, Melinda Metz, WB and so on… I wish I did though

Couples/Category: M/L, AU

Rating: Adult

Summary: This is a challenge from LoveIsForever, #104.
Right after High School ends Liz Parker gets the news from her Doctor that she only has a few years if she want to have kids. So Liz asks her best friends Max if he would be a donor so she could have a baby. Max knowing how much Liz wants to be a Mother they agrees but both keep it a secret when she has twins, a boy and a girl. Years later Max is married to Tess and they have a son named Zan he is sick with cancer and they can't find a bone marrow match for him. What happens when Max asks Liz for her help.

Authors Note: I would like to thank my beta, LoveIsForever, who has been a tremendous help with this. I don’t think I would have gotten past the first part without her help. Also, I really would love a banner for this story, PM me and let me know if your interested. Also, feedback is always welcome… I carve it good or bad, let me know what you think… otherwise, enjoy and have fun.


Part 1

Liz stared at her doctor in disbelief… “Could you repeat that?” she asked in a choked whisper. Doctor Alan Cooper had been Liz’s doctor since she was a small child. He smiled at her sadly “ I’m afraid that further tests show that your uterine tissue is thinning. Which is causing the severe cramping during your menstruation. In a few more years your uterine won’t be strong enough to carry a child. Research on this matter is still new however, we do have experimental drugs that could prolong what’s going to happen, however it may not work.”

Liz stared blindly at the wall of office she had seen numerous times throughout her 18 years. How could this have happened? She asked herself. When she had made the appointment she didn’t believe anything of this magnitude could happen.

She figured it was something minor. Her periods had always been finicky, and she thought that the pain was due to needing her birth control altered. No children? She couldn’t comprehend that, it was a dream of Liz’s. Part of her ten year plan… after college and marriage of course.

But it was part of her big dream to raise her own kids one day. Half and hour later, Liz bleakly left the doctors and made her way home.

Bypassing questions from her parents Liz made her way to her room, locking her door behind her. Throwing herself on her bed she allowed her tears to surface, eventually crying herself to sleep.

Hours later Liz woke with sandpapered eyes, blinking away the glare of the evening sun shining weakly in her bedroom window. Odd.. she thought I swear my window was closed. Turning her head slightly she spied her best friend in the world, Max Evens, sitting at her desk pouring over some papers.

Clearing her throat to get his attention, his ebony head flew up, his amber eyes smiling at her. “I thought you were never going to wake.” he said softly. Liz gave a weak smile. “What are you doing here Max?” She asked.

Max glanced at her bedroom door a frown gracing his mouth. “Your parents called me about an hour and a half ago, saying you came home from the doctor and locked yourself in your room…from the tear tracks on your cheeks I take it something is wrong.”

At Max’s reminder Liz’s thought returned to the news she had received from Dr. Cooper. New tears swam in her eyes. Max seeing this moved to the bed, laying down behind her he pulled her body into his.

“What’s the matter little bit?” He asked. “It can’t be that bad…” With a sob Liz rolled over facing him. “I can’t have children, Max.” With those words Liz threw herself into his arms and sobbed.

Last edited by flyawayraven on Wed Aug 19, 2009 10:08 pm, edited 55 times in total.
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Post by flyawayraven »

I want to thank everyone who left feedback before I post the next part...

LegalAlien- It will be a dreamer ending, how... well you'll just have to read and see...thanks
LoveIsForever- I got tingles when I saw you had left feed back. Thanks! I'm glad that everything is Ok for you now, that had to have been scary!
Evelynn-There are some twists and a whole lotta details that aren't in the summary, I don't think you'll be disappointed. At least I hope not. Keep reading and let me know!
Emz80m- ditto above :wink:
martine- Yes, I plan on having it be dreamer, although Max and Liz have a bundle of troubles they have to get through before hand.

Part 2

Later that night Liz lay out on her balcony writing in her journal.

‘Every girl dreams of two things growing up, her wedding and having children. How can I go on knowing that one of those dreams won’t come true. I feel like a major part of me has been ripped away from me, leaving me less of a women. Max told me there were other options, adoption and possibly when I get married having a surrogate carry for me. But both those options still leave me feeling like… like I’ve been cheated. After graduation a few weeks ago I thought I saw my whole future planned out in front of me. At the end of the summer I am off to Harvard… another dream, and yet it pales in comparison to the dream I have to give up.

After I told Max the news he stayed with me as I told my parents. Mom was devastated at the news. I know, me being her only child, she had looked forward to spoiling her grandchildren one day. Dad took it a little better, worrying more about me coming to harm. Always Daddy’s little girl. He worries about how this is going to affect me. I made a fair pass at telling him I would be fine. That if I took the medication there was a small chance it could be held off a little longer.’

A week later Liz was finishing her shift in the small diner her parents owned when another of her best friends Maria came bounding in. “Lizzie” Maria squealed. “Hurry up and get changed…times a-wastin…” Liz nodded motioning for her to follow her up the stairs to the apartment above that she had lived in all her life with her parents. Shutting the door to her room she sat on her bed as Maria began digging through her closet.

Sadly she stared at the ceiling. Maria held up a black skirt and red halter top in the mirror muttering to herself when she spied the reflection of her sad friend. Turning she threw the outfit on the end of the bed before gently settling herself next to her. She had shed tears with her friend a few days before when Liz had told her the news, and it saddened her to see Liz this way. “Liz” she whispered, Liz glanced at her.

“It’s not the end of the world. There are other options you know.” Liz nodded her head, indicating that she knew it to be so, but her heart just wasn’t accepting the truth. When she voiced her thought to her friend Maria gave her a thoughtful expression. “You know, you could always have a baby now.” Liz gave a startled laugh. “What are you talking about Maria, I can’t have a baby now. I’m haven’t gone to college yet, gotten a good job, gotten married….” Maria shook her head.

“If you do it in the order of your list, then yes you won’t have children, but Liz. You have a few years left before this… thing… will make it impossible for you to carry a baby. You are perfectly fine right now, carrying a baby now won’t be a problem.” Liz looked at her as if she were crazy.

“And who is going to father this baby Maria, I’m not even dating anybody.” Maria gave her a small smile. “Well you would be if you just admitted to the world you love Max Evans.” Liz’s cheeks flamed. “I do not love him Maria, he’s my best friend.” Maria gave her a ‘yeah right’ look before tossing Liz the outfit she chose and went to go find the right shoes.

“You two have to get over your denial.” She continued as she rummaged through the bottom of Liz’s closet. “It’s obvious Max feels the same way.” She muttered to herself in Spanish about pig headed people and their noble ways. Finally Liz told her enough and changed, Maria helped her with her hair and make up before heading out to go to the party of the summer.

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Post by flyawayraven »

Thanks for all the feedback from....

begonia9508- I agree, I'm a single mom of two kids and have been for years, plus I work full time and go to school. It's possible, but it's not always easy.

Thanks again...


Part 3

Contrary to what Maria thought, Liz couldn’t get the idea she had suggested out of her head. A week later Liz thought she was going to go crazy. There were so many things standing in the way. The major being she didn’t have a donor to begin the baby. How was she going to have a baby without strapping someone else into her wild idea. Maria had suggested making an appointment with the sperm bank in Albuquerque and although the idea had merit, Liz couldn’t imagine having a baby from a man she didn’t know, the thought kind of made her sick. Which brought her to her next crazy plan. She had thought long and hard about it and decided that she didn’t mind putting off college for her chance at this dream. Harvard may be out, but to Liz that was fine.

Two days later, Liz paced anxiously outside Max’s window. It was late and she knew he was probably sleeping, but Liz couldn’t let it go without at least trying. Finally she knocked timidly on the window before pushing it open. Climbing in as silently as possible she spied Max staring at her out of sleep heavy eyes. Sluggishly he sat up glancing at the clock.

“What are you doing here at 2am Liz?” He asked. Liz flushed a pretty pink when she noticed that Max was only in his boxers. His tanned physique shone with a light sweat from the New Mexico heat. Liz cleared her throat delicately. “I came to ask you a favor.” She swallowed thickly when he raised an eyebrow.

“I really hope you’ll just sit there and listen until I’m finished. Please Max, will you just listen?” When Max nodded hesitantly, Liz took a deep breath. “I want you to help me get pregnant.” At Max’s shocked look she held up her hand. “You promised you would listen.” When Max nodded weakly, Liz sighed.

“I want to have a baby, and I’ve always thought I would eventually, later after college and marriage. But later isn’t an option for me. If I want to know the wonders of being pregnant and carrying my own child then I need to do it now before it’s to late. Maria suggested a sperm bank but I can’t stomach that, and you’re my best friend Max, I trust you with my life. Please,” she begged “help me realize my dream.”

Max let out a breath he hadn’t realized he was holding. “Liz” he said softly and slowly. “I realize that this has been a big shock to you but I think your rushing into this, your not thinking clearly Liz. We’re to leave for Harvard at the end of the next month. Are you really willing to give up Harvard for this?” When she nodded Max shook his head.

“I’ve thought this through Max, and I’ve decided that Harvard is just a name that I will get on a certificate when I graduate. I can get just as good an education here in New Mexico after I’ve had the baby, yeah, I may have to start a year later but this means more to me then anything.” Max chuckled wearily. “Your sure about this?” Liz nodded again, tears swimming in her eyes.

“Yes” she whispered hoarsely.

“I’m more sure about this then anything in my life, and I’ll free you from any responsibility Max. Just because I want this doesn’t mean you have to end your dreams here also, your still free to go to Harvard and become the awesome lawyer I know you can be. I don’t want to hold you back and I won’t. I’ll raise the baby by myself, send you updates. I won’t tell anyone you’re the father. I’ll tell my parents I went to the sperm bank whatever, but you won’t have to worry about it.”

Max’s heart nearly broke. It was common knowledge among their friends that he was madly in love with Liz. He couldn’t remember a time when he wasn’t in love with her and she didn’t want him around to help raise her baby. He let out a sad sigh “I need time to think about this Little bit. I’ll let you know when I’ve made a decision.” Liz nodded, kissed him on the cheek before slipping back out into the night.

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Post by flyawayraven »

Thank you to those who left feedback, sorry I wasn't able to update yesterday... it was a busy, busy day! :D

LoveIsForever~ always good to hear from you!

Part 4
It took Max two days to come to his decision. In that time he had avoided Liz for the simple fact that what she asked him made him slightly uncomfortable. He had never denied Liz anything in the time that he knew her. He wanted desperately to give Liz her dream, but it contradicted everything he had been raised to believe.

He didn’t know if he wanted Liz to take full responsibility for the baby. This child would be his flesh and blood and he was raised differently then to do something this drastic and then not follow through.

On the other hand it just wasn’t his dream to become a lawyer, it was his parents dream for him to settle down and raise a family in Roswell while taking over the family firm. They were counting on him to do this, but Liz was also counting on him to come through for her.

He knew once his best friend got an idea in her head she had a tendency to run with it. He knew she was serious and wouldn’t accept her plans to be thwarted. It wasn’t like her to not plan every detail out and think it through over and over until she had the best plan of action.

What worried him the most was if he didn’t agree to do this for her, to help her see this dream through she would do something that wasn’t as smart or safe.

He imagined Liz going to Kyle Valenti, a good friend and ex-boyfriend of hers, or Shawn DeLuca, Maria’s cousin who had been sniffing after her for months. Imagining her child sired by one of those misfits made him vaguely ill.

Max didn’t even understand why he was balking. He knew if he just admitted it out loud that he fully intended to help her with this. It was the details that had him shaky.

Neither Liz nor Max were virgins, but if he went through with this he was afraid he would fall more in love with her then he already was and wouldn’t be able to leave her or the baby when the time came to part ways.

Max sighed as he made his way toward the Crashdown Café. Reaching the ladder that led to Liz’s balcony Max climbed nimbly, peeking his head over the wall. He could see Liz though her window working on her computer.

She turned her head toward the window and gave him a shy smile as she made her way to open it for him and wave him in. Sitting nervously on the bed she looked at him expectantly.

Max stared at her for a second, his heat wrenching. She was so beautiful to him. Her porcelain skin tan from hours out in the sun. Her long nearly black hair hung down her back in a silky wave. It was Liz dark eyes that always made his heart skip a beat. They were the window to her soul, wide and almond shaped, so dark and bottomless.

Max smiled at her. “Your going to have a beautiful baby.”


Love the feedback readers! The more the better, let's me know if my story needs to be tweaked just a bit!!! :D
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Post by flyawayraven »

Thank you all for the feedback!

begonia9508~I know, it's kind of an odd situation though, dates aren't really in the mix.

martine~If you think about it, Max and Liz have been great friends for a long time. Love wasn't really in the mix and both were afraid to say anything, in case they lost the other... silly I know...He'll tell her eventually, she just has her own plans...

LoveIsForever~ Hi!!! :D 8) :wink:

Illyria~ Thank you!

Alien_Friend~ *sigh* he should, shouldn't he...

Emz80m~ does that help slightly? Let me know!

Authors note ~ Hey, anyone have an idea's for a banner? I'd do it myself accept I can't... and I don't know how... :roll:

Part 5
Max watched the emotions flicker across Liz’s face. Tears shimmered in them for a second before she launched herself at him. He caught her easily, wrapping his arms around her slim waist. Breathing deeply he felt his heart skip a beat. What ever happened between them, nothing would ever be the same.

For the next hour and a half Liz flew around her room throwing out ideas, possibilities and they talked about the next step. Max felt himself tune out of Liz rambles on for a moment of two. That is until he heard Liz say something about a turkey baster.

Liz caught the look on Max’s face. “What?” She asked.

“You were mentioning something about a turkey baster?” Liz nodded her head quickly. “Yeah, I read this story on the internet about this women who’s husband had a hard time performing when they were trying to have a baby, it worried him or something. Anyway, so she had him…” Liz trailed off flushing a bright red. “You know.” Waving her hands around she looked everywhere but at him.

Max smiled at her flustered appearance. “No Liz I don’t know what you mean.” He laughed when a pillow flew at his head.

“You know…whack off, jerk off.” she mumbled softly. “What Liz I couldn’t hear you.” Max said in a strangled voice. “Fine” she said louder, “ you know masturbate into a cup or something, you get the point.” Max nearly fell off the bed he laughed so hard.

Liz cleared her throat. “I know my embarrassment clearly amuses you but can we get on with it?” Max nodded his head.

“Anyway, when her husband was finished she took a Turkey Baster and inserted herself with his seamen. Nine months later they have a little girl.” She nodded her head as if was common knowledge.

Max grimaced at her. “I’m sorry but that’s just sick. Where do you get these ideas’ anyways?”

Liz glanced at her computer and smiled like she had won a prize. “Oh there’s this site, it’s called ‘Alternate ways to get pregnant’ or something like that. It has all there ideas for couples who have a hard time getting pregnant. Things they can do or supplements to take. Speaking of that, there’s this supplement that’s supposed to increase sperm count. You don’t think you need that do you?”

She trailed off as something else caught her attention. When she finally noticed his silence she glanced over her shoulder to find him glaring at her. “What?” she asked innocently.

“I don’t need some supplement thank you very much. I’m sure my sperm count is just fine. What, are you channeling Maria or something? For all we know this supplement of yours would decrease my sperm count. No thank you, it’s not coming near me or my sperm.”

“You don’t need to glare at me Max, it was just a suggestion.” Liz muttered.

Max sighed “What’s wrong with doing it the regular way?”

Liz stilled, thinking she was hearing things. “You mean like have sex?” she squeaked.

Max nodded his head, “that is how babies are made Liz, I don’t see any reason why we can’t just do this naturally.”

Liz picked at her nails, embarrassed. “I just didn’t think you would want to have sex with me.” she mumbled.

“What! Why not?” Max asked with a surprised look.

Liz glared at him angrily. Max looked at her helplessly “Come on Liz, who wouldn’t want to have sex with you, your hot and you know it.”

Liz looked away embarrassed. “I’m no Pam, or Vikki, Max, I know this and I’m fine with it. You don’t need pretty words to make me feel better.”

Max looked at her confused for a second, then understanding dawned on his face. “Liz” he whispered sadly.

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Post by flyawayraven »

Thanks for all the feedback!

begonia9508~ simple, a turkey baster is kinda like one of those kiddie tylenol dispensers. You use it when your roasting a whole chicken or turkey, you suck up the juices and them pour it over the bird to keep the meat moist. I gues....

Thank you all, I'm glad your enjoying the story!

Part 6

Max got up from his place on the bed, taking her hand he led her to the full length mirror in the corner. Standing her in front of him, he pushed her hair off her shoulder so he could stoop down and place his chin there.

Wrapping his arms around her he whispered softly in her ear. “Do you know what I see when I look at you?” Liz shook her head breathlessly.

“I see a beautiful women with a wonderful smile that lights up the room, laughing eyes that show the whole world what your feeling. You are a wonderful person Liz. Your real and intelligent. Funny and kind, you don’t need bleach blond hair, or D cups to make men love you.”

Liz moaned softly when he slid his hands up and cupped her breasts through her thin tank top. “All you need is a handful, which you have. You have the most beautiful skin I’ve ever seen, soft and sun kissed. You have hair that every man dreams of being able to run their fingers through, you leave the smell of vanilla and strawberries in your wake.”

Dropping a kiss on the side of her neck, be breathed her in for a moment before stepping back from her. Liz stared in wonder at the new person she saw in the mirror. Could that beautiful women Max just described really be her? Was she really everything he said. She had always seen herself as a plain Jane even mousy.

Slowly she turned around and stared at Max with new eyes, Max thought she was beautiful.

Going to stand in front of him, she reached up and lightly ran her fingers across his face. “Thank you” she whispered before standing on tip toe and placing a light kiss on his mouth before pulling back.

Max put a finger under her chin raised her face so that she had to look right at him. As she did she held his gaze, watching as his eyes darkened with desire. She had many misgivings and uncertainties, the biggest one was if she was going to get out of this with her heart in tact.

Lowering her gaze, she stared at his chest. “Liz” he whispered.

“Just kiss me Max.” She whispered, blushing slightly. Max sighed, then brought his lips to hers, softly at first, until Liz wrapped her arms around his neck causing Max to deepen the kiss. A few moments later, Max released her lips when air became an issue. They stood close together, his arms around her waist, her on her tip toes, her arms holding her upright around his neck.

“Are you sure about this?” he asked. He didn’t see any reason to prolong what was going to happen. There was no better time then the present, with Liz’s ruby lips swollen from their kiss, her dark eyes black with desire.

Scooping her up, he carried her to the bed, laying her down gently, following her he settled his weight on top of her. “Are you sure about this?” he asked one last time.

Liz nodded her head, bringing his head down, she slid her arms along his sides, grabbing the edge of his shirt she pulled it over his head.

It wasn’t long before Max felt every inch of his skin against Liz’s. It felt more amazing then anything he could have dreamed, his harness against her softness. As he slid into her, he moaned.

She was silky smooth, wet and oh so hot. As he trust into her he caught her cries with his mouth as she arched into him, meeting him thrust for thrust. He had dreamed of this, but even his dreams could not have met with the exquisite feeling of Liz clamped around his hardness.

He vaguely felt her fingers digging into his shoulder as she started to climax, feeling her clench around him, impossibly tight, her juices bathing him as she arched up as her body shattered. Losing all control he thrust into her hard and fast, hoisting her leg up to reach deeper.

He felt like he was touching the very core of her as he let lose, bathing her walls with his very life force. Collapsing onto her, he buried his face into her neck, his breathing ragged as he tried to catch his breath. “Wow” he heard her whisper between her own harsh breathing.

He shifted positions, pulling her into his body as he rolled off of her. They laid there silently, their bodies cooling. He slid his fingers through her hair, wrapping strands around his finger.

“Do you think we started a baby?” she whispered. Max glanced at her. Giving her a feral smile “We’ll just have to keep at it until we have confirmation that your pregnant.” He told her, his voice deep and husky.

Liz blushed as she stared at him. “Will you hold me for awhile Max?” She asked. He didn’t answer, just pulled her head down to lay on his chest, his arms holding her snuggly.

Hope you enjoyed!!! :D
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Post by flyawayraven »

It's been busy busy busy!!! I know it seems I've been slacking, but I promise, the second I have a second on my computer (which is little with a annoying little brother and a pushy boyfriend) So I would like to thank those who left feedback and even noticed that I put up part 6 considering I'm a dink and forgot to update the title.


Thank you again!

Part 7

From that day forward, things changed between Max and Liz. On one hand, Liz bathed in the glory of having Max’s full attention. They made love whenever, wherever they could. One the other hand, her heart aced with the realization that in a few short weeks, all of this would end and Max would be leaving her behind. Liz knew that when he left, she wouldn’t be the same. She had thought before the change of their relationship that she loved him, now though, she felt a whole new depth to her love for him.

They had talked occasionally, and Liz knew that Max wanted to stay, be a family with her and the baby. To Liz, it was their baby and she would always consider it their baby even if the rest of the world lay ignorant to that fact.

Max always referred to the baby as her baby when they talked about it. She knew he was trying hard not to get to emotionally involved. He may think he wanted to stay, but Liz knew that if she did what her heart and mind were screaming for her to do, break down and ask him, no beg him, to stay; one say he would resent her for that. She couldn’t take that chance. She couldn’t ruin his life for her dream.

Three days before Max was to leave for Harvard Liz knocked on his bedroom door, a secretive smile on her face. As he turned to her, she ran to him and pulled him into a big hug, nearly choking him with her grip.

Pulling back she gave him a big smile before holding out a box with a ribbon wrapped around it. Giving her a puzzled look he sat on the edge of his bed, surrounded by boxes as he pulled off the delicate silk ribbon. Lifting the lid, he gasped.

“Does this mean what I think it means?” Lifting the home pregnancy kit from the box. Liz nodded, “I wanted you to be with me when I took it.”

Max gulped. So this was the end, if it was positive then their relationship as it was would go back to the platonic friendship that had worked for them throughout the years. Now though, platonic wasn’t going to work for him. Now that he knew what it was like to he held in her arms, the feel and scent surrounding him. He couldn’t do it.

“Ok, when do you want to do this?” he asked softly.

Liz’s smile was radiant, “I thought we could do this now.”

Max nodded, “Ok” he handed her the box and waved her in the direction of his bathroom which he shared with his sister, Isabel. “Make sure you lock the door. I don’t know when Izzy will be home.” Liz nodded before bounding into the bathroom, leaving the door to Max’s room ajar, locking the door leading to Isabel’s room.

A minuet later she emerged ringing her hands nervously. Max looked at her inquisitively, “we have to wait two minuets.” Max nodded.

Max watched Liz pace the room like a caged animal. Getting up from his bed he stood in her path, grabbing her shoulders when she absentmindedly ran straight into his chest. “Calm down Liz, please.” Liz nodded anxiously.

“How much longer.” she asked, Max glanced at the clock on his night stand. “Go ahead and look.” Liz raced to the bathroom door, pausing on the threshold. Glancing at Max she shook her head, “I can’t look, can you, please, I just can’t do it.” Max chuckled before nodding.

Stepping around her into the bathroom, he glanced at her before picking up the box, reading the directions. Glancing at the small plastic stick sitting on the sink, he noted two pink lines. Positive. Taking a deep breath he turned toward Liz’s anxious brown eyes.

Nodding at her he barely had time to set down the box before he caught her as she flew into his arms. “I’m having a baby!” she squealed. Max held her tight before letting her go.

Heading back into his room he lifted a box onto his bed. Opening it he started unloading the contents. He was going to stay and help Liz out. Every partial of his body demanded that he stay. He loved her with his whole heart. Like Liz said, it was just a name on a certificate. He could follow his dream from here.

Suddenly he stopped when he felt Liz behind him. “What are you doing?” she asked. Max glanced at her over his shoulder. “Unpacking, I‘m not going to Harvard.”

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Post by flyawayraven »

I just want to thank everyone for the feedback! I love it!

vampyrax ~ Thank you! :D
begonia9508 ~ Thanks :!:
roswell3053 ~ Thanks again! :P
Alien_Friend ~ Thank's for the feedback! :wink:
Natalie36 ~ Thank you, hope you enjoyed! :)
cassie ~ Thank you! :D
Emz80m ~ Thanks for reading! 8)
LoveIsForever ~ Thank you for the time you take reading everything and then leaving feedback! :D :wink: :!:

Thanks again everyone!!!

Part 8

Liz’s heart pounded with excitement as Max let go of her. Leaning against the wall she watched as he walked over to a box and lifted it onto his bed and began taking objects out. Taking a deep breath, she approached him. “What are you doing?” she asked. Max glanced at her over his shoulder. “Unpacking, I’m not going to Harvard.”

At his words her heart skipped a beat. She had a feeling this was going to happen. Max was a noble guy, always doing what he thought was right. “What are you talking about?” she asked breathlessly.

“I’m going to stay here and help you with the baby. Like you said Liz, I can get just as good an education right here, I don’t need to go half way around the world to do so.” He said as he continued to unpack.

Liz wanted to cry, she couldn’t allow him to do this. The past couple of months had been a dream for her, she loved him with all her heart, would never love another the same soul filling way. But she couldn’t allow him to throw away his life for her dream. Because one day he would end up resenting her for it, and she couldn’t allow that to happen. He meant everything to her, it was time to do what needed to be done. Taking a deep breath to sill her nerves, she knew what she had to do, and it was breaking her heart.

“Who said anything about me wanting you here to help me?” He looked at her with surprise. “What are you talking about Liz.” He turned to face her. Liz felt tears swim in her eyes and she pushed them away. If she cried he would know she was lying. He couldn’t know he was lying.

“That wasn’t the plan Max. Your not going to have anything to do with this baby, I don’t want you to be here for me or for the baby.” Max looked at her hurt.

“Liz, I know what we originally agreed on, but I can’t in good conscience leave you here to deal with this alone. I wasn’t raised like that. I know you have felt what I felt the past couple of weeks, you can’t fake that kind of passion and love. God Liz, I’m in love with you.” Liz looked at him in shock. “You don’t love me.” she whispered.

Max took her hands and pulled her to him. “I do Liz, I’ve loved you for so long I don’t know when I even began loving you. I want to be a family with you, to love you, to be a father to this child.” He told her passionately. “I want us to be together.”

Liz thought she was going to be sick. Why did this have to happen now, when he was set to leave and she was set to stay. He had to leave, he had to become everything he was meant to be. There was so much more to Max Evans than Roswell, New Mexico and she wasn’t going to allow him to ruin that for himself, because of her.

Liz opened her mouth but nothing came out. Tears swam in her eyes. It was different with her, she loved the small town she grew up in, not Max, he wanted to explore all that was out there. Harvard was his dream, he had longed to go there almost as long as she had. It had sentimental value to him, it was where his father went to law school and also his grandfather. He would never be happy with going to a smaller school, like New Mexico.

Swallowing hard, she looked into his beautiful amber eyes and said in a steady voice that surprised her “That’s sweet Max, it really is. There’s only one problem with that.”

Max looked at her waiting for her to continue. Sighing she continued as she looked away, she didn’t want to see how badly she was going to hurt him with her words. “I don’t love you…like that.”

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Post by flyawayraven »

Thanks for the feedback!

vampyrax ~ they will get longer I promise!


Part 9

The next morning Liz opened her eyes staring out her window grimly. ‘Maybe it was all a dream’, she thought. There was no way to mask the numbness she felt where her heart lay though. It seemed to her that the price of Max’s friendship and love was to high, and she felt guilty when she felt joy at the prospect of carrying a baby. ‘Max’s baby’, her mind whispered.

She knew that she could have been happy and content with Max staying behind, giving up Harvard for her. She could create this happy little world. She also knew that as much as Max protested it, that would never be enough for him and eventually he would leave her for bigger and better things. She heard a commotion somewhere in the apartment and knew Maria was there.

Throwing her legs over the side of her bed, she headed to the bathroom just as Maria came breezing into her room. “Lizzie” she sang in a cheerful voice, making Liz wince. "I’m in here.” She called back.

Stepping out of the bathroom she found Maria standing in the middle of her bedroom, her hands on her hips. Giving her a stern look she said “You look like shit. What’s the matter Chica?” Liz shrugged her shoulders sadly.

“I got into an argument with Max last night.” Maria looked at her, “about what?” Liz gave her a sad smile. “I don’t want to talk about it.” Maria nodded although Liz knew it wasn’t the end of her relentless questioning. Maria was like that, she wouldn’t let up until she had every single detail. Liz was grateful that she was letting it drop for now however.

“Why aren’t you packed girl. I split my "vacation” early to come spend these last days with you and you haven’t even started packing yet, Michael‘s pissed, it was supposed to be “us“ time.” Liz stilled, her parents had been nagging her for days on the same subject. Pulling a pair of jean short and a tank top out of her drawer she slipped into the bathroom to change. When she was finished she walked back out putting her hair into a high pony tail, finding Maria in the same position she shrugged her shoulders. “I’m not going.”

Maria gapped at her. “What do you mean your not going!” She shrieked. “Lizzie this is Harvard, you’ve been doing everything you can to get into Harvard since 3rd grade. You're two days from leaving and your telling me your not going! Does Max know about this?”

Tears sprang to Liz eyes as she nodded slowly. “Is that what you fought about?” Maria asked pulling her to sit on Liz’s brightly colored bed spread. Liz rubbed her eyes with the back of her hands. “Amongst other things.” she muttered.

Maria pulled her into a hug. “What happened while I was away chicka.” Liz chuckled wearily. Now to start lying to her family and friends. “I took your advice and went to that sperm bank.” Maria gasped “W What! You can’t be serious, I wasn’t serious about that Liz!”

Liz glanced at her. Getting up she went to her desk and started reorganizing her already organized belongings. “I decided that it was something I had to do if I wanted to carry my own baby, so I did it. When Max found out he… he” Liz breath hitched. “Oh Maria!” Liz wailed. “He told me he loved me and he wanted to stay and help with the baby and be a father to it, but I couldn’t let him do that! I mean he has so much potential that he shouldn’t be held back by my dreams and I just… I couldn’t let him do it and I told him I didn’t love him the same way he loved me and, and then I walked out and blast! What have I done!” Liz started sobbing, sliding down the wall, resting her forehead against her knees.

Maria came to her, sitting next to her she wrapped her arms around her best friend. “So you are most deficiently pregnant?” Maria asked. At Liz’s nod she sighed. “Ok… we can work with that, you realize your dad is going to be pissed.”

Liz gave a weary chuckle and nodded. “I took the test over at Max’s.” Maria nodded in understanding. “Liz as much as I love you, you have this insane problem with doing what you think is best for everyone. By turning Max away, I know you think your doing what’s best for him, but I think that you need to step back and let Max make that decision for himself. He loves you, has for a very, very long time. If he doesn’t think he’s ruining his life, then why not allow both of you to be happy… together. It doesn’t mean that your holding him back. He can go to law school here or Harvard, doesn’t matter as long as he becomes a lawyer. You know he’s always wanted to raise his family here in Roswell anyway, so he’s only going to be gone a few years.”

Liz gasped, she totally forgot about that. Max taking over for his father when he graduated. “I’m so stupid… stupid, stupid, stupid!” Jumping up she grabbed her purse and ran for the door. “Liz!” Maria yelled “Your shoes!” Nodding Liz grabbed a pair of sandals, hopping on one foot she slipped one on, then repeating the process with the other, nearly falling flat of her face. Maria was already waiting by her car by the time Liz reached the street.

Grinning gratefully she slid into the passenger seat and buckled her seat belt. Minutes later they arrived at the Evans house. Bolting to the door, Liz rang the bell and fidgeted until someone began opening the door, thinking it was Max, Liz burst out. “I’m sorry!”

She stopped short when she saw it was Isabel at the door and not Max. “Liz” Isabel said coolly. To coolly for Liz’s liking. “Ummm, where’s Max?” She asked tightly. Isabel’s stance dropped sadly. The next words out of her mouth shattered Liz’s heart. “I’m sorry Liz, he left for Harvard early this morning.”

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Post by flyawayraven »

hey everyone! I'm sorry I haven't updated sooner, my daughter just turned one yesterday, so the past few days have been kinda hectic with her party and everything. Thanks for all the feedback!!


Everyone had good points, thanks for the feedback! It's great!

Part 10

Liz stumbled back, her face going white as a sheet. Isabel reached out to her and pulled her into the house quickly. Leading her to the living room, she pushed Liz into a chair. “Are you Ok?” She asked quickly, surprised when Liz jumped up.

“I’m going to be sick.” she stuttered before hastily making her way to the first floor bathroom. Isabel followed her and held her hair back as she was sick. Taking the cloth Isabel handed her, she cried. What had she done? She didn’t mean for this to happen.

Glancing at Isabel, she saw the knowing look on her face. “I saw the test Liz.” Isabel stated bluntly. “Are you pregnant?” Liz nodded weakly, fresh tears rolling down her cheeks.

Isabel took her hand and helped her up before leading her to the kitchen. It was obvious no one was home besides the two of them. “What is going on Liz, Max wouldn’t tell me anything, he just informed my parents this morning that he wanted to head out to Boston right then and there wasn’t much they could do to stop him. Mom and Dad should be back in an hour or so from taking him to the air port.”

Liz stared bleakly at the granite counter top of the island she was currently sitting at. It was so shiny she could see her refection it seemed, and she didn’t like what she saw. “I’m a horrible person Iz.” She whispered.

Isabel shook her head. “No your not Liz, your one of the nicest people I know.” Liz gave her a weak smile. “You won’t think I’m so nice once you learn what I did.” Isabel waved her hand. “Continue, what is it that was so bad, because I can’t see it.”

Liz took a deep breath. “ About two and a half months ago, I found out from the doctor that I only had a few years before I would never be able to have children. I was devastated. I went to Max asking him to help me get pregnant. I told him I wasn’t going to ask anything from him, I was never going to tell anyone it was his baby. I found out yesterday I was pregnant… Max was going to stay and I couldn’t allow that Iz, he would have come to hate me. So when he told me that he was in love with me, and wanted to be with me, stay for me and the baby, I told him I was sorry but I didn’t love him.”

Isabel gave her a sad look. “Max has been in love with you for so long…” She stopped. Taking a deep breath she grabbed Liz’s hand. “I’m glad you did what you did.” Liz looked at her shocked. When Iz cracked a small smile, Liz raised an eyebrow. “How in the world can you be glad that I ripped out your brothers heart and stomped on it?”

Isabel laughed. “It’s not the end of the world, I appreciate what you did. Max loves you Liz, he’ll forgive you in a week or so. But your right, he would have suffocated here, he needs to be out there in the real world. He wouldn’t have been happy here for long, he’s not ready.”

Liz nodded. “I know this.”

Isabel nodded. “You love him.” It wasn’t a question but a softly spoken statement. Liz began sobbing as she nodded her head. “With my whole heart Isabel, I feel like I’m the one who’s heart just got stomped on.”

Isabel chuckled, “That’s just the hormones.”

Liz laughed loudly. Glancing at Isabel she whispered, “I hope you keep this between you and me Is, I’m telling everyone I went to a sperm bank.” Isabel scrunched her noise in distaste as Liz nodded knowingly, “I know, it kind of makes me sick thinking about it. This whole elaborate lie, but I just…” She spread her hands helplessly. “I want Max to go out there and become everything I know he’s going to become. I couldn’t let this stop him.”
Isabel gave her a gentle smile. “If it’s meant to be, it’s meant to be. It’s like a boomerang, if you send it out into the world and it comes back, you know it’s meant to be. He’ll come for you Liz, I know that much, he will always come for you.”


I know it's short, but there will be more soon, I promise.