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Pay Back is a bitch! (M/L MATURE AU) pt 14 06/22/08[WIP]

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 10:31 pm
by kaladala
Disclaimer:The characters of "Roswell" belong to Jason Katims, Melinda Metz, WB, and UPN. They are not mine and no infringement is intended."
Author: kaladala
Pairing couple: Max and Liz
Rating: Mature
Summery: Max Evan forced Liz Parker to sleep with him by threatening her family's secret when he discover that Liz's mother's secret. But what happen when She got pregnant????????

Part 1

I stand there in front of my mirror looking at myself. I have a long brown hair that is braided something that my grandmother used to do to my hair so I get used to it. I have the most horrible glasses on earth and also I have braises. Do you know how annoying that is? I guess not. Well you may wonder why I'm staring at myself in the mirror? You know it's just that there is this guy and he is the most gorgeous guys ever but the problem is, he is the football captain. He is the upper class of the high school society or popular as you call it. He has an amazing amber eyes, where you could get lost. But he is a pig, an asshole and he played with girls as if they are nothing and I was one of them. I remembered when he drugged to the eraser room, he didn't care to be gentle when he made love to me, he didn't care that I was a virgin. He just thrust into me like I was nothing and it hurts. He avoided me the all day and when the next day I confronted him he just said to me.
" Get lost slut, I'm threw with you and I don't give people below me a second chance. So if you don't want to be embarrassed then I suggest you to leave. Bitch!"
"But Max......"
"No but.......get away from me you fucking wore"

That's how he treated me after he was done. After he took away the last piece of purity in me and now I don't know if I'm pregnant or not. I missed my period, I'm going to the doctor right now. God! what am I going to do if I'm pregnant? How am I going to tell my parents that I 'm pregnant? God please help me, please God. What did I do to deserve a life like this?

I got to my Dr. office. I looked around and I see that there aren't that many people so it won't take long. I still have a shift to catch or Maria, my best friend, will flip out.
" Hello Miss Parker. How are you today?"
" Hello Dr. Shrubby, not so well"
" So how can I help you?"
" I missed my period for the second time in 2 month and I feel nauseas and dizzy all the time"
"Let me run a test on you to confirm my suspicion" I know what he is thinking and I'm thinking about it too. I know that I'm 2 month pregnant but I just couldn't accept it yet.
"OK" I told him

After he run the test he told me to go home and wait for his phone call. So I left, driving my car to my house. When I got to my house, I went downstairs immediately to get change 'cause i know that I'm going to be late for my shift. Once I got down the last step, Maria cornered me.
"You've been avoiding me?" I know that she is mad at me and I think today is the best time to tell her the truth before I explode. I can't keep this inside anymore.
" I know Maria and I'm so sorry"
" What's happened between you and that Max Evan Liz?" she asked me and I avoided her eyes but couldn't help the tears sliding down my face. She sees my tears and rushed over to me. "What's up chica? Did he hurt you?"
"No Maria, Can we talked about this later? I promise I will tell you everything and no more running away Ok?" I asked her with pleading eyes.
"Ok" She says reluctantly
"Thank you, now let's work before my Dad start sending search party for his two waitresses" She laugh and followed me

My shift went on and on till it was finally over. I sighed in relief but then remembered that I have to face Maria. And as if reading my mind, she stops in front of me. " Now I want to now everything" she told me and I gulped and nodded. We head upstairs and she lead me to my balcony where we know my parents won't hear us. She turn around and folded her arm over her chest and waited. I started telling her everything, how Max drugged me to the eraser room and how we made love and then how he treated me like some piece of shit. Then finally I told her that I was 2 months pregnant. She stares at me and I started to sob "I'm so sorry"
"I'm going to kick his ass and kill that bastard, he deserves to die for the way he treated you."
"NO! Leave him be. I don't want to talk about it anymore and don't go and tell him that I told you all those stuff Maria"
"No, I can't do that. I can't let you suffer like that"
" I know but I have to deal with this myself Maria. Just promise me that you won't do anything. Promise me Maria" I see her hesitation then I add " Promise me or you won't see me anymore Maria"
" OK I promise..........on one condition, when the result come you will tell him that you are pregnant with his kid" seems fair enough
"OK I promise"

After Maria left I went to change into my PJ's but before I reached my closet I heard the phone ring.
"Hello Miss Parker?" the voice at the end ask
"Yes this is she"
"This is Dr. Shrubby. I got the result and they are positive. Congratulation you are expecting a baby and please feel free to make an appointment OK!"
" Ok, thank you Dr. Shrubby"
"No problem Miss Parker. Take care" and with that he hung up the phone. I start sobbing, I knew before I went to the Dr. that I am pregnant I just wanted to confirm. What am I going to do? How am I going to tell him? God Please give me strength to do this. And I cry myself to sleep.

I woke up the next morning and I called Maria and told her about the result she told me to tell Max today. We formed a plan and since today is Saturday, it's the perfect plan because Max worked at the UFO center every Saturday morning and none of his fun club would be there. I took a shower and changed into a long skirt jean and an oversize T-Shirt. I picked up my back pack and walked out of the door ready to take care of this once and for all.

I got to the UFO Center and I found him lifting a box. God, he is gorgeous. He looked at me as if sensing that I'm there.
"What are you doing here slut" yep for all the name he could've called me he picked that one. I'm not bothered anymore because I'm so used to people calling me names.
"We need to talk" I said to him
"I don't have time for you so get lost Myrtle!" yep do you know who that is the ugly girl from the book Harry Potter. That's how they used to call me and it changes every year but that was my first nick name.
" I know you don't want to talk but do you remember what we did 2 months ago?" I asked him.
"I fucked you then I'm threw. Do you want more. I don't give second round so don't waist your time begging me for more"I just stare at him not able to answer him.
"Whatever, What do you want? Money?"
"I don't need your money Max, I'm pregnant"
"Yes, I'm pregnant with your child"
"Are you sure it's mine 'cause I don't want anything to do with it. You tricked me didn't you. You wanted to be with me and because I didn't want you, you tricked me instead?" I looked at him. God is this guy insane?
"I didn't asked you to fuck me, you were the one who drugged me to the eraser room, you were the one who threaten my family if I didn't sleep with you" I told him with tears sliding down my face.
"Well I don't want anything to do with that bastard so you can get abortion" I stare at him not believing the word that come out of his mouth. This guy willing to kill a person and a baby none the less. An innocent baby who didn't do anything wrong.
"What" he asked "Do you need money?" reaching behind his back pocket and taking a check out of his wallet, signed it and gave it to me "Here and don't come to me again. That would be enough for you to get abortion" He said without even feeling sad about it. I stare at the $5,000 check and riped it into pieces and through it at his face.
"I don't need your money" I told him and stormed out of the UFO Center.

Once I got out of there, I felt two soft arm encircling my waist and I looked up and see it's Maria. I sobbed harder into her neck
" He want to kill the baby Maria. He is so cold, he does not have a heart at all"
"I know, you don't have to tell me I sort of bugged you to hear everything" she told me shyly
"WHAT???!!" I asked her incredibly " you don't trust me?"
" I do but I just wanted to make sure that he is not hurting you........You know he is right, you should consider abortion" I can't believe it. My best friend want me to kill my baby a part of me and....Max. May be this baby was created the wrong way but it's still human and I want it no matter what people tells me too
"NO! I can't believe you. You are supposed to be my best friend Maria but you want my child dead. I can't believe you. Forget I ever exist Maria you are just the same as them" I told her then I stormed out of there. My main destination is to tell my Mom but I'm not going to tell her that it's Max's.

I walked into my house and I see my Mom sitting in the living room watching news. I walked up to her and she looked up at me.
"What's wrong honey?"
"I'm so sorry Mom........I couldn't tell you" I start crying
"What are you talking about honey?" My Mom asked really worried now.
"I'm pregnant and before you start flip out I don't know the father. I don't even remember losing my virginity" and I see that she understand
"Oh Honey's going to be OK" she start to cry with me
" NO Mom it's not.......I'm going to have a baby that I don't know nothing about the father and all my future is ruined Mom.........all of them. I worked so hard and it's all gone" I cried harder into my Mom's arm.
"It's OK Honey! I promise everything is going to work out. Did you know that that happened to me too" and then she tells me all about waking up in strange place and feeling sore everywhere and missing her period and finding out that she wasn't pregnant.
"Don't worry, we will take care of it"
" What about Dad? He is going to start questioning me and begin an investigation" I told her still tears sliding down my face. She wipes them and took my glasses off.
" Don't worry about him, he knows that there is nothing you can do about it. We don't know if the person is even living in Roswell and it's already 2 months so it's too late to file a complaint"
"Thank you Mom for understanding" I told her through my tears.

I woke up in my parent's bed and I see my Dad crying beside me.
" I couldn't protect you, what type of Dad am I if I couldn't even protect the only child I have"
"It's not your fault that, it happens and we have to bear the consequences. So don't blame yourself you are the best father a girl could wish for" I told him
"You have such a big heart Lizzie, that baby is going to be so loved" he told me and I smiled then I realize that I don't know what to do for my future. As if reading my mind, my Dad said " Don't worry about Harvard baby, the chef Admission over there is my best friend and I told him of your case and he said you can start next year. But I want you to move to Florida, to your Aunt Jenna. Are you OK with that baby?" He asked me as he took my hand into his. I though about all the thing that I have to face here and moving there seems to be the best.
" Yes Dad I think it's a great idea. I want to go as soon as possible" I told him
" You are living tonight with your Mom honey. Everything is already packed so take a rest and I will drop you guys at the airport in 3 hours" he kissed the crowned of my head and left the room. The next day I found myself in Florida

So what do you guys think?

Pay Back is a bitch! (M/L MATURE AU) Pt 2- 9/26/07

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 5:13 pm
by kaladala
Part 2

6 Year later

I sat in my office. I've been working for this firm for a year now. Who would believe that me, Elizabeth Parker, finished law school and work at the best law firm in the nation. I'll give you a brief summery of my life for the past 6 years. Once I got to Florida, I lived with my Aunt Jenna for a few months but after Hope was born she kicked me out of her house. I don't blame her because it's not easy to deal with an adopted daughter and an alcoholic husband. Yeah, my daughter is 5 years old now, I named her Hope Alexandria Parker. I name her Hope because that's the only thing I had left in me during time that I was pregnant of her. After I left my Aunt's house I rented a one bedroom apartment for 2 years until I met my new best friend Serena, then she helped me a lot after that. My mother would come every week-end and take care of Hope while I'm working 3 jobs. It wasn't easy but in the end it pays off. Hope really looks like Max, she has his eyes, his cute ears but she has my hair and my nose.

Speaking of Max, I hate the jerk. I heard that he took over his parent's law firm in Las cruses. At least he found something to do other than ruining other people's life. I also heard that his sister Isabel got married a year ago to Alex Whitman. Who would've thought that the ice queen would have married the computer geek. The ringing of my phone interrupted me from my thought.
"Hello, Elizabeth Parker's speaking. Can I help you?"
"Hello Miss Elizabeth Parker, this is Evan's association's calling. We would like to confirm if anyone would come to represent the Parker and Johnson association at the Grand meeting" the voice called. Dam, I haven't given a thought about this. I know Johnson is not gonna come because that day is his and Serena's wedding anniversary and either I come or nobody represent us. And this Grand Meeting is really important since we are one of the best law firm in the nation. I know that I should accept this because that means that I would see him again but there is no other choice either I come or we are screwed.
"Oh yeah, um yes there would be someone representing us. As a matter of fact I would be representing us. Thank you for reminding me, if it's all then I really should go"
"Yes Miss Parker That's all. Thank you for your cooperation. We will see you soon then"
"Yes! You will see me soon. Bye"
"Bye Miss Parker. Have a nice afternoon" Then he hung up the phone. I have to go and pick Hope at the preschool before the teacher yells at me again.

I got to "Archenciel Preschool". I stops my car at the parking lot and walked at the school door. Thank God I wasn't late for the first time in week I was early to pick my daughter up. What am I going to do when I got to Las Cruses for this Grand Meeting? Should I bring her with me? She always comes with me when I go on a business trip, she will start asking me question if I don't brink her but I am not ready yet to tell her about her father and I know he will now her once he sees her because of their resemblance. Well I will just call Mom and Dad and ask them to come over for a week to take care of her. I see the teacher weaving at me and I see Hope running toward me. I picked her up once she reached me and kiss her forehead.
"Hi sweetie"
"Hi Mommy! You are not late today!"
"Yep Mommy come early today because she missed you too much to stay in the office too long" I told her softly. Her face lite up when I told her that
"Relly? Mommy misses me too?"
"Yes, I miss you all the time sweetie. I love you"
"I love you too mommy"
"OK! Let's go home, Aunt Rena and Mirado is probably waiting for us at home. I told her that we will come over and have dinner with them today."
"YaY! I got to see Mirado today. I'm going to show him that I'm older so I'm stronger. He always say that I'm a girl and he is not going to play with girls because we have cooties." she pouted as I put her at her seat and fastening her seatbelt.
"Really? Who told him that girl have cooties?" I asked her amused at her anger. I laugh as I listen to her going on and on about how Mirado has a new friend and how they always criticize girls.

We got at Serena's place and I ring the doorbell. 2 minutes later the door's upon, and Serena lets me in.
"Hey girl! How's work"
"Hey, work is the same. What about you? Any hot new Dr. or Residency?" I asked her because she is a physician assistant at Boston Hospital which drive Jake crazy because of the residencies and young Dr. that check her out.
"Yeah, they are but there is nothing I can do about it." I winks at her because she never eyed any other man than Jake Johnson her husband and my partner.
"too bad for you. Where is Jake by the way? He left office earlier today"
"He is upstairs, teaching Mirado how to be real man because apparently Hope've been beating him up in whenever he says that girls have cooties that he complain to his father" she says as she rolls her eyes. I laughed.
"Hey sweetie, why are you so quite today?"
"hi aunt Rena. Mommy said that she is living for a week on a business trip and she is not bringing me with her"
"What business trip?" She asked me surprised.
"Remember I told you about the Grand Meeting that the Evan association is having and because it's your weeding anniversary I won't let Jake go over there. So I'm going"
"yeah I get that part but why won't you bring her with you. It's not like you to go on a business trip and leave her behind."
"I know but tell you what. I will put her upstairs in Mirado's room and I will explain to you why I won't bring her with me"

I went upstairs and put Hope in Mirado's room. I see Mirado and Jake playing game. I smile at them, I always wish that Hope has a father that will love her like Jake loves Mirado. But at least she has my father which as close as I can give her.
"Hi Aunt Liz"
"Hi there big guy, hi Jake"
"Hi uncle Jake. What are you guys doing?"
"We are playing game. Wanna play with us kiddo?
"Mom, can I play" she turn her head and ask me.
"Of coarse sweetheart go play. I will be downstairs helping aunt Rena with Food" I told her then turn to leave. I went downstairs and I know i have some explanation to do.

when I get downstairs, i see Serena preparing food. As I went to help her, she ask
"so ready to tell me what's up?" She says looking at me as if reading me.
"You know Rena, the reason why I won't bring her with me is because I meeting Max Evan as in her father. I don't want him to see her. After all he did to me, he has no right in knowing her. I don't even think that he knows that she exist since he forced me to get abortion."
"Oh" she tells me "I guess you are right" After a moment she ask me "Are you ready to face him again? Does he know that you are the co-owner of the Parker and Johnson association?"
"I don't know" I told her sincerely " But it doesn't matter, I am not the same Liz "Myrtle" Parker from high school anymore" i told her

We all sat at the table ready to eat.
"So Liz? I know that I am the one supposed to go for this trip but I don't want to spend my wedding anniversary away from my wife. So I really thank you for understanding."
"pff" I waved it off "Don't worry about it. Considered it my gift"
"Thanks, um......when are you leaving?"
" I have to leave tomorrow night, My flight is at 7:30 PM. But before I leave I have to make sure that my parents are here to take care of Hope"
"You are leaving Hope behind?" he ask surprised. He doesn't know that Hope is Max Evan's daughter so I can't tell him that now. I looked at Serena with pleading eyes.
"She is staying because her she needs to go to school" i gave her a smile that means thanks.
"OK!" After dinner we left I have to pack and everything.

Thanks for the feedback it's really help:)

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 9:07 pm
by kaladala
Part 3
Max P.O.V

I'm sitting here in my office waiting for my father's phone call. this my second year being the President of the Evan Association after my father steps down. I have a Pretty good life, I did everything I wanted too when I was in high school, I had everything I wanted. All the girls through themselves at my feet and those who doesn't I pretty much threaten them.Find out about their sore spot and hit it hard so that they couldn't say no to what I want from them. I had all the girls in my high school from the prettiest to the ugliest with the exception of my sister Isabel. I know I was a jerk when I was in high school but who cares, when you are young, you do what you think is good to make you feel better. Nothing change when I went to college. I was accepted to George Washington University, there I met Tess, she is my sister's best friend. We used to date and I guess you can say that she was the first serious relationship I had but it didn't last. She was looking for someone to marry her well i was looking for someone to just be there for me when I needed them and she wasn't what I needed and I wasn't hers. So we broke it off. After that I return to my old habits, we still talk to each other sometimes but now she is happy being engaged with Kyle Valenti. My parents have been bothering me about settling down with one girl because they think that people will judge my work with my habits and I think that they are right but I just didn't find the right girl yet. I know you must be asking right now why I want to wait? It's just simple, I may be a real Jerk but I want to marry for love and also for the right reason. The phone ringing bring me out of my thought.
"Hello, Max Evan speaking"
"Hello son. I was just calling like i told you I would. The reason for my call is simple, I might have step down but I 'm still part of that business and I want to be there because all my old pals are going to be there ok Max?"
"Ok Dad, thanks for informing me. Is that's all you called me for?"
"No, I also want you to be presentable, don't bring those girls that you usually bring when there is a reception like this. Just be yourself and everything will be fine, may be you would even meet someone that is good enough for you. I heard that Elizabeth Parker is coming, remember? She used to go to Roswell high school but left before the end of her senior her. She is one of the best lawyer in this nation and she is still single may be you can talk to her." My dad finish. Is my dad crazy? Does he think I will go and talk to Liz "Myrtle" Parker? She may be successful but she is still ugly. I have seen her yet but I bet nothing change. I just hope that she doesn't stalk me 'cause when we were in high school I heard from people that she is a stalker.
"Oh! Yeah I'll think about it Dad. It's not easy to make a conversation with someone like her. She may be a great lawyer but she is still Liz Parker and I know her"
"Ok Son, just think about what i said ok"
"Ok" I agreed. Hell will freeze before I even think of laying my precious little eyes on her again. The time I fucked her a long time ago was just to make sure i didn't miss any other girl but she turned out pregnant with my baby and I told her to get abortion. I don't want to be tied down with someone like her. No style, no beauty nothing at all.

I left my office over one hour ago. Right now I'm heading to my best friend Michael. Me and Michael have been best friend since the third grade, he always got my back like I got his. He may not like the way I am with women but he always support me. Unfortunately for him, he knocked his girl friend so he didn't have choice but married her. I told him to tell her to get an abortion but he wouldn't have any of it. He actually wanted the baby, so they got married two months after that. His wife, Maria used to be Liz's best friend. She never talk about her, heck, she never even acknowledge me. For her I don't exist. You may ask if I ever had sex with her then the answer is yes, but that was a long time ago. She never liked me, she always make those nasty comments about me. And she talked about me, she make it sounds like I am not even in the room. I am only tolerating her because she is Michael's wife but if she wasn't I would have arrange something for her so that I don't have to listen or even see her again. I got to their house, i ring the door bell. Michael opens the door and step aside while holding the door for me to enter.
"Hey there Micky" I said to him. He hates it when I call him Micky, he said it sounds like a little boy.
"Hey" he said and walking to the living room. I see Maria and went to say Hi only to be replied with a death glare. I really don't get this women, i swear to God that i didn't do anything to her she just hates me.
Dinner went perfectly and we just talk about life and work and some new chick i have been fucking for the last couple of days.
"you really should stop this habit Max. You are just ruining your life and ruining other people's life int he process." He told me and I just shrugged it off. I know he is right i just don't want to give up my freedom yet. I know that 'cause once you are tied down, you can't have others.
"I know that Michael, I'm just having fun before I'm ready to tied down so just give it a rest" I told him straight in the face. He also have been bother ing about settling down and stuff. I just want to have a peaceful life for once. I just the subject before it get out of hands
"Tomorrow is the Grand Meeting. My dad told told me that Liz Parker...." my sentence was cut by Maria's cough.
"Are you ok Honey?"Michael asked her concern
"Yeah I'm fine" She said smiling at him before turning to me. "What about Liz Parker?" She asked me keeping her face emotionless so I couldn't read it.
"Well my father told me that she is coming to this Grand Meeting because she is the co-owner of Parker and Johnson Association"
"Oh! " that the only sound that came out of her mouth before she picked up her dishes left to put it to the sink.
"so What's up with the Liz Parker thing?" Michael asked me curious.
"Well.........She used to go to our school remember?But then she just left before graduation."
"Oh Ok!"
" I better go, tell Maria thanks for dinner. I know that I am not her favorite person for some unknown reason but thank her for having here for dinner anyway."
"No problem man, I will walk to the door"
"Bye Michael"
Bye Max"
I left their house and headed back to my apartment to get some rest. Tomorrow is another long long day with all those important people that I have to meet.

Liz's P.o.v

I got to Las Cruses at about 10 at night. I have to get to my hotel fast and get some sleep because i am really tired. I miss my daughter already. She is with her grand parents of coarse. I know I shouldn't left her alone at the house but I just couldn't let myself to bring her here and see the monster that is her father yet. I stand outside the airport waiting for Sean Johnson. He is Jake's brother, he has been all over me since the first time he saw me but I'm not ready for a relationship yet. I don't think I will ever be ready for that yet. I see a white SUV BMW parking right in front of me. When the door open I saw Sean Johnson getting out of his car smiling at me.
"Hey Liz! How have you been?" he said as he walk over to me and hugs me. I'm still getting used to people hugging me.
"Hi Sean, I'm fine thanks, You?" i said kissing his cheek just a way of saying thank you to him
"I'm fine, great actually" we stand there in an awkward silence before he finally says "So are you ready to go to your hotel?"
"Yes" I said looking anywhere but him. I know he is going to ask why I don't want to stay with him at his apartment. The answer is just that I don't trust man yet. He may be Jake's brother but he is still a man and they are not my favorite right now.
"I still don't understand why you don't want to stay with me at my apartment. My guest room is big enough for you." he said while picking up my suitcase
"I know that. it's not that i don't want to stay with you it's just that I'm still scared of man or staying with them in the same house alone"I said praying that he is not going to ask me any more question.
"Ok!" he said to me " Just tell me when you are ready I will wait for you Liz as long as i can but I don't think I can wait forever" he said and I nodded with that he drove us to my hotel.

We got to my hotel. He gets my suitcase and walk with me to the front desk. I check in and then a man took all my luggage and walk to stand in front of the elevator waiting for me. I turn to face Sean.
"Thank you for all the trouble I've been causing you Sean. I really appreciate that."
"No problem Liz, you know I'll do anything for you" he said reaching some of my hair that are falling and put them behind my ears.
"Thanks though. What time are you picking me up tomorrow? You are coming too right?" I ask him
"I'll pick you up at 9 Is that Ok?" He asked and I nodded "And Yeah I'm coming too, I'll represent Jake just this one time"
"Ok! So........See you tomorrow then Sean. Have a good night" I kissed his cheek again
"yeah see you tomorrow. Sleep well Liz"
"Bye" I said as I made my way to the elevator thinking about tomorrow. It 's going to be a long day.

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 7:21 pm
by kaladala
Part 4

Liz P.O.V

True to his word, Sean picked me up at 9 am sharp. He looked good in his black tux.
"Morning Liz. Sleep well?"
"Morning Sean yeah you can say that I slept well. Enough to go through the day anyway." I told him while i smiled.
"Did you eat anything this morning 'cuz i didn't and I really need to eat something to eat before starting the day you know." He said to me happily
"Yeah sure, I can go on without a cup of coffee anyway. So where do?" I asked him eagerly
"Oh! there is this coffee shoppe called "Le bon The" that I want you to see"
"Is it far 'cause we don't have much time" I told him looking at my watch
"Don't worry it's on our way to the Evan Association"
"Ok! I trust you buddy" I told him sincerely.
We got our coffee and some bagels and we start going back on the road to the Evan Association

Max P.O.V

I parked my car at the same spot that I usually park it. I see a black SUV just parked right next to mine and I saw Sean Johnson or something like that. I never could remember his last name. Anyway, once he got out of his car I saw him head to the passenger side and open. OH MY GOD. I saw the most beautiful girl in the world. She has long brown silky hair and her lips is just perfect. Her smile............JESUS..........She got out of the car I see her wearing a professional suit but it still look sexy on her. I got out of my car, and was about to call them and present myself when I see her turn around. I'm face to face with the angel but to my outer surprise she greats with a cold stare. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO................I said silently in my head. Don't give me that cold stare............Please God, don't let her know how I used to be because I won't do that to her. She is too precious to be just toast around like she is nothing. I saw her walking away from me as if I wasn't even there.
I start to run after her but I she disappears I hope to see her in the meeting.

I made a turn to the bathroom and to my office, I just got a glimpse of everything that's going on and I see that there are a lot of people already. I get back from the bathroom I see my father talking to some people and I made my way to them.
"Hi father" I say to him
"Hi son, do you remember Sean Johnson, he is Jake Johnson's brother" He said to me while smiling." This is my son Max Evan and the president of this firm"
"Good Morning to you Mr. Johnson" I looked at him closely then I see that this is the guy that came with the angel earlier.
"Good Morning Mr. Evan, it's finally nice to meet you. Your father is so proud of you." He tells me. Don't I know that? My father left us and we are just stare at each other. I don't know this guy but I hate him already for two reason. 1) because he came with my angel and 2) because he put his hand around my angel. I wanted to ask him if there is something between my angel and him but I don't want to sound rude or anything.
"I better great the others.........I told him"
"Yeah sure you can I have to find someone anyway" he told me and then left. I made my way to the other business people and talk to them for a while. When I turn around I see my father talk to my angel. I made my way to them.

I hear her laugh. God, her laugh is like a music to my soul. I want to know this mysterious woman. I want to be the one that make her laugh. I want to be the one that make her smile. That smile that lighten up the entire room. When I reach them, I see her giving me that cold stare again. God what did I do.......Please don't give me that hatred look........

Finally, my Dad notice that she isn't talking any longer. Looked at me
"Max........I would like you to meet Elizabeth Parker................." OH MY GOD................

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 12:02 am
by kaladala
Part 5
Liz P.O.V

I can't believe that I'm face to face with him again. The object of my obsession is standing right in front of me. How could you love someone so much and hate them at the same time. Because honestly that's how I feel. When he doesn't look at me, I let my guard down, but when he does I have my guard up. I don't want him to think that I was the same girl I was in high school. That's a long time ago. Now I have a daughter to take care of.

"Nice to meet you again Mr. Evan" I told him coldly. He doesn't say anything just stare at me in disbelieve. I will make him pay but how?

" two know each other?" Mr. Evan ask. Know each other? That's an understatement. We actually have a DAUGHTER TOGETHER. But he doesn't know that. "This will make things easier for both of you then"I snapped my head to look at him. What the hell is he talking about. And obviously Max knows 'cause his next question was ...

"Dad, we talked about this. Please don't do this to me." he said almost pleading to his father with his eyes. Now I'm curious...

"Oh no son. Not the talk we had yesterday, even though I can say that she will make a beautiful daughter in law" and know I'm shocked. Does he think that I'll just walk into his son's open arm willingly. I won't and that's final. "but this is even better. Last night I had a talk with Mr. Johnson" He said looking at me "I believe he is your partner" and I nod. I see a flash of anger and jalousie in Max face but it was gone as soon as it appear. "I though about combining our firm and he think that it's a great idea so I though that while you are here, you have to start make yourself home 'cause by the end of this month you will be the co-president of this firm." He said happily. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME. I'm going to kill Jake when I get home. He doesn't even ask my opinion on this, he doesn't even talk to me if it's ok or not.

"Oh! I don't know Mr. Evan" I start but he cut me off

"Please just Phillip. Since we will work together now."

"Ok! But I have to talk to Mr. Johnson first because he didn't even mention this to me so I'm a little bit surprised that he will do things like that. But I will take this into consideration." I told him honestly. I really like Mr. Evan he is not like Max, that's the best way I can describe him.

"So Miss. Parker, I guess the reason why Mr. Johnson send you in every single business trip is because you are actually single right?" He ask me.Max just stare at me loss for word.

"Yeah, you can say that, but that doesn't mean that I'm not busy" I told him sincerely

"Yeah, I know that everybody is busy in life Miss. Parker but you have to make some time for fun too" He smirk at Max and I know where he is going in this conversation.

"I know that, and please just call me Liz since we will be business partner soon" I told him. I know I said earlier that I will take it into consideration but I know I can't argue Jake in this. When he set his mind in things, then that's it. But that doesn't mean that I won't try.

" What's up with you son, you haven't said much since you came over?" Phillip ask Max

"Oh! It's just that I was surprised to see Miss............. Liz" he arched his eyebrow up

"What surprise you son? The fact that she is beautiful" for the first time in a long time I blush but I was safe by my cellphone ringing

"Oh excuse me... I'll be back. I have to take this it's important" I said as I see the caller ID that it's Hope. I smile as I answer the phone.

Max P.O.V

Oh My God, that people is Liz Parker. Yep, the Liz Parker from school. But the thing is, her name is the same but she doesn't looks like the Liz Parker I know from high school. She is so different now. I admit that I'm attracted to her, OK, you can say that I'm more than attracted to her but how am I gonna tell her that. She keeps sending me all this death glare or sometimes just this blank stare or even a cold stare which sent shiver through my body. I keep staring at her while she talk to my father but as soon as she catches me staring at her, her expression change from fun and loving to cold and hate. I don't blame her for hating me.

She excused herself when her cellphone rung. I just stood there staring at her retreating form. My father catch my eyes and smirked

"Go follow her" Not wanting to be told twice I followed her and heard her conversation.

"Oh Hi, honey. How are You?" Honey? Does she have a boyfriend? May be, why wouldn't she, she is beautiful and smart and....STOP right there Evan. " I know Honey, did you ask Grandpa to do it for you?" Huh? Grampa? This doesn't make any sense? "Tell Grandma that Mommy said that you have to take a dance lesson every Tuesday and tell her I said that she can take my car ok?" Mommy? "Bye Honey, Mommy loves you too"

Oh! the realization down to me, she has a kid. she turn to look at me shocked. "So, you are mother hun?" I asked her but somehow I feel like I should know about it. Like I should say something to her or something.

"How much did you hear?" she asked almost terrified of what I'm going to do
"Enough to guess that you have a kid?" I told her sincerely "So who is the lucky guy?" Her expression change dramatically

"How dare you Max Evan?" She asked me and I'm confused. What is she talking about?

"How dare I what?" I asked perplexed

"Have you forgotten that you impregnated a girl by forcing her to sleep with then tosh her aside like she is nothing? Then you forced her to get abortion?" She asked me and it all came back to me. Oh My God...........what have I done?

After she told me that she left. She left because I had nothing to say. I need to talk to someone, I need someone to help me. I remember now that I was the bastard. I feel guilt, shame.................I just want the world to end. How can I do that to her? I need to talk to Tess

I called Tess and she said to meet her at her apartment at 6 tonight. I went back inside the building and looked for Liz but she is no where to be found. God, I need to talk to her. I need to apologize bu I know that I don't deserve her forgiveness or may be it's already too late for that

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 11:06 pm
by kaladala
Liz P.O.V

I took a cab back to my hotel. I didn't want to disturb Sean and I don't want him to see me like this. I don't want anybody to know what's going on in my life.I don't know what to do, God I can't believe that he just thinks that I would sleep with anybody then got pregnant. Doesn't he remember that he is the one who got me pregnant and that I told him clearly that I'm not getting abortion. Here I am pacing in my hotel room, God this is such mess. He shouldn't know yet that I have daughter. Now I have to tell her, I don't want her to have the heart ache that her father didn't want her. What am I going to tell her? God, she doesn't deserved this. The worst thing is I'm moving here in the end of this month. I know what I said that I'll considered it but I know that Jake won't let me out of this. This is our chance of growing the firm. I need to go somewhere where I can think clearly and I need to eat lunch it's almost 3 o'clock.

I got to the little coffee shop that me and Sean went this morning. I found an empty booth and took a sit. Then a girl came over and gave her my order. I keep thinking about what am I going to do with my daughter. If there is a God somewhere please help me. May be I should just tell her that Max is her father and save the rest for myself. I don't want her to go through some depression because her father rejected her. I need to talk to Max once he realize that she is her daughter. I was brought back from my thought by someone who is calling my name.

I look up and I see staring at me my former best friend. Maria Deluca.
"Hi Maria" I told her while smiling. I know that we haven't talked for a really long time and that the reason was because she ask me to consider abortion. I know I overreacted but that wasn't the best time to tell me that I should get abortion. Not after Max just told me that he doesn't want to have anything to do with the baby. But anyway, I already forgave her a long time ago. I just wished that she would have asked my parents about my whereabout.

"Hi Liz" She said uncertainly. And I don't blame her. I bet she is scared out of her mind but she tries to come herself down. "I hear that you are in town and I wanted to see. I was planing on finding where you stayed." she told me sincerely

"Oh?" I said
"yeah........ So where are you staying?" She ask
"I'm staying in a The view. Anyway who told you that i was in town. It wasn't on the T.V or anything." I told her as I watched her closely. She shifted under my gaze "Well?" I added

"um, Well do you remember Max Evan?" I nodded. Figures, she would be staying in contact with him. Suddenly I felt really uncomfortable. Then she added "We don't really talk because of what he did to you but since he Michael's best friend I can't just ignore him" She tell me. And know I'm confused what is this have to do with Michael

"Michael?"I asked her "As in Michael Gueren?" She nodded. "Well I don't see what this has to do with him." I told her " It's not like you are together right?" I asked her curiously. I know that when we were in high school she had crash on him.

"Well, kind of. Michael Gueren is my husband Liz. After you left I went to UNM. He did too, so we had a lot of classes together. We started dating then i got pregnant and he insisted on marrying me. So now I have a 4 years old son. his name is Joshua Haja Gueren" She told me and I can tell that she is happy. I'm happy for her but then I see a hint of sadness in her eyes. I know what's she is thinking and I want to make thing right for us again. I still love her like my sister.

"Maria, I know that we had a disagreement before I left but don't worry about it. I forgave you a long time ago. I just want us to pick up where we left." I told her sincerely because I know she will never bring up that subject. " And I just want you to find in your heart to forgive me" I told her honestly

"Oh Liz, there is nothing to forgive. I 'm the one who should be begging for your forgiveness. I still feel like you are my sister. I missed you so much and I'm so sorry for that day that I told you to get abortion. Did you know that Max also told Michael to tell me to get abortion. But he was a nice enough guy and he actually begged me to keep the baby. So how have you been Liz?" She asked me

"I've been fine. Busy, work you know and take care of hope of course" I told her softly
"Hope?" She asked me
"Yeah, Hope Alexandria Parker, she is mine and Max's daughter. Remember" I told her painfully recalling that time when Max told me that I should get abortion

"Oh! So how was she. I bet she looks like you a lot." She told me excitedly. I know she is trying to take my mind away from that horrible day. I see she never change. She is still the same Maria just a little bit older now.

" She is fine, she is six now. And no she doesn't looks like me. She is just like Max, the eyes the ears,But she has my smile and my hair." I told her. Then I took my phone and showed her a picture of her.

"Oh My God, she does look like Max. Did you see him today, did you tell him about her?" yep that's Maria. I told her everything and I feel like I have my sister back. We talked pretty much all afternoon until her phone ring and she has to leave. I gave her my cell phone and Home Phone number. And she left. I headed back to my hotel. I have to call Hope. I promised her to call every night before bed.

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 2:47 pm
by kaladala
Max P.O.V

I got to Tess's apartment. I need her to tell me what to do. She is like my best friend. I know I have Michael but he will never understand and it's easier to talk about it to Tess who can give me a woman intuition. I ring the door bell and she open the door and let me. We headed to her living room

"So where is Kyle?" I asked her
"Oh, he is still with your Dad. He said that he has to take care of something work because you basically just run off." She told me frowning. I know that I owe that guy big time. He always save my pretty ass when it comes to work.

"I know and I'm sorry but I wasn't thinking straight and I would just mess up everything if I try to work while my head is somewhere else."

"So what' s up with you? you obviously have some major crisis" She told me

"Well it's complicated" I told her, i don't know where to begin but I know that I have to get it off my chest before I explode. "Remember what I told you about how I was when I was in high school? Well, i got this girl pregnant and I told her horrible stuff and I called her names and I treated her like crap. I basically told her to get abortion and that i didn't want to have anything to do with the baby. And now I met her for the first time in 6 years and she is beautiful and I'm attracted to her. I think I may even in love with her and to add more to that I'm sure she has my daughter" I told her sadly. "I wish I didn't do that to her, I wish I took responsibility for my action. Now I don't know what to do. I don't know if she ever forgives me" I told her then I looked at her eyes and i see her crying, and really angry at me.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DID THAT TO HER. POOR GIRL AND TO ADD TO THAT YOU THREATEN HER TO HAVE SEX WITH YOU. GOD MAX IS THERE SOMETHING IN YOUR HEAD? DO YOU HAVE A BRAIN AT ALL?" She says to me and I was really surprise because for the first time in my life I see Tess Harding mad, and mad at me none the less.

"I'm sorry I yield but that story is so familiar." She told me and she looked ashamed. "The same thing happened to me when I was in high school. I really loved the guy, his name was Tommy Richard. He was the most popular guy in school and every girl loved him but I was the one with him. You know how parents are, they never cared about me. Since my parents always wanted a son to take over my dad's business one day, they didn't want me around. They sent me to live with my gramdparents in Florida when I was 5. They just send me money and let the maid in my grandparent's house take care of me. Riella was like a mother to me but she died when I turn 17. Since then I was always alone, trying to fit and what a better way to do that then go out with the most popular guy in school. Tommy got me pregnant and when I told him I was pregnant he told me that I was trying to ruin his life that I was just a his slut and he doesn't need someone like me in his life. But unfortunately, my grandparents found out, my grandfather is just like my father. He always wants a boy, since he found out that I'm a girl, he treats me like nothing. When he found out that I was pregnant, he bits me up and I lost the kids. I was so desperate. I didn't know what to do I even tried to kill myself. Then I met Isabel in college and I told her about everything and we become best friend and then I met you and I saw that we are too different. Then I met Kyle, I think he is the best thing that ever happen to me."

she told me all her story. God, if that's what she went through I don't even want to think about what Liz went through. I'm asshole, a jerk....... but she continue

"I don't know what you asking from me Max but what I can tell you is that you screwed up pretty badly. She may never forgive you and just think about how that little girl is going to feel when she find out that her own father rejected her. Rejection can kill a person Max and I only hope that she find it in her heart to forgive you."

"What am I going to do Tess, she is moving here in a month and she will work with us. Dad says that he want to combine our two firm so that we can benefit from it. But how am I going to get any work done when she basically work in the same floor as me?"

"I don't know Max, but if you love her, try to be nice to her. Try to be romantic and she already have your daughter. It may be hard to get her to trust you but you have to try for her, for your daughter"

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 12:02 pm
by kaladala

How do I tell my 5 years old daughter that we are moving and that I'll be working with the father that didn't want her? I know that the day will come soon when she will start questioning me about her father. How am i going to tell her all that and then again I might never have a choice because she looks just like him and people will know right away. What if he doesn't accept her, reject her the second time around. I don't think that I can handle seeing my little angel hurting.

I pack my staff, knowing that once I got back to Boston I will have to talk to Hope and make her understand the reason why we are leaving. I want her to know that her father will be working close with me. I will eventually have to tell Max about her because people will start asking question and I don't want it to come as a shock to him.

I got to the airport and get to my gate number. I know what's waiting for me once I get back to Boston. I have to at least try to make Jake understand that I can't move here but I know that it won't matter but at least I can try.

My plan landed, it's exactly 12 o'clock, I know I have all afternoon to try to explain to my daughter that we are moving and that she will see her father for the first time. I know that Hope has a big heart and she will forgive him but I don't want to tell her that her father didn't want her.

I got home safely, thank God. I see my little girl running down the stair from her room to my side.

"Mommy! You are home, I missed you mommy and Grandpa said that if you don't come home today then he gonna bring me with him to where you are because I am a whining baby. Do you think that I whine a lot. I just do that because I missed you" I see her amber eyes filled with tear and my heart went out for her. No matter how many time I try to tell myself that I should show a strong and strict front in front of her it's never happen once she does that puppy dog eyes of hers.

" hey Honey, I missed you too. I promised that I will never let you alone anymore, I will bring you with me every time. That was the last and only time that I leave you being ok?"

"OK mommy." she cling onto me as if scared that if she let me go then she will lose me.

"We are grandpa and grandma?"

"They are sleeping again" She said as she rolled her eyes. I swear, my parents sleep most of time. They love sleeping better than going to movies or diner. Weird

"Ok! Hope, we need to talk, i have to tell you something ok?"

"Ok mommy. Is it something bad because you look so sad?"

"No sweeties, it's not something bad" I don't know where should I begin...........

"Sweetie, do you know that you have a Dad?" I ask her cautiously
"Yeah, but I don't like him because he never been there when I cry"

"You don't want to have a dad?" I asked her shocked. Gees.........My daughter's too smart for her own good

"I don't know, it's just that he never been there when I need him mommy and I don't want him. At school, there is this girl, she is my friend and she said she doesn't like her Daddy because he is mean and makes her cry and he hurt her mommy all the time"

"Honey, your Daddy is not going to be mean to you?" I didn't say that he is not going to hurt me because he has and it still hurt really bad

"I still don't want him, he hurt you mommy, i hear you cry at night. You think that i was sleeping but I wasn't and you told me that you are sorry that my daddy didn't want me and that he hurt you really bad. And that you will never let anybody hurt me."

Oh good God, I didn't know that she will remember those things. True I used to tell her when she is sleeping that Max didn't want her but never to let that bring her down because I love her and my parents love her.

"I'm sorry sweeties that you have to hear that"

"It's ok mommy, you love me and that's all matter iight?"

"Yes honey, I love you?"

"There is something else I want to talk to you, you see Mommy got another Job and we have to move. You are going to a new school and meet new friends" I'm waiting for her reaction, I know that she loves it here but also she wants to go to Roswell and go to the school I went too.

" Mommy........ok, we will move but can we come and visit Aunt Serena and Uncle Jake and Mirado sometimes?"

"Of course sweetie, we will"


I lost track of the part thingy sorry

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 10:35 pm
by kaladala
Max P.O.V
It's been a month since Liz start working her with me. Of course I see her everyday and it hurt seeing her interacting with other men in my firm but not talking to me at all. She just completely ignores me. She look at me with hate and disgusts in her eyes, now she is talking to Jess Remerez, he is one of my friend and he work in the firm. He is flirting with her and she obviously flirt back to him, I can't believe that I'm saying this right now but I would give anything to be Jess right now. Just to have the opportunity to talk to her, to make her laugh and smile that gorgeous smile she seems to light up the entire building.

"Good morning Jess, Liz" I said as I make my way past them, I don't want her to think that she has me under her spell even though I know she doesn't try it. Because I can see it in her eyes that she hates me.

"Good Morning Mr Evan" said Jess and I stop and look at her expecting her to say good morning to me

"Morning Mr. Evan" she said glaring at me with her cold eyes. I feel myself shiver. God I hate that she keep sending those death glare, can she at least pretend that she doesn't hate me in front of people?

I start walking to my office. A week ago, she hired Sean Johnson. I hate the men, the reason why I hate him is simple, he has Liz full attention. I just want to exist in her little word. People love her, she is surrended by every single lawyer in my firm. Why wouldn't she? She is beautiful, smart and everything a man would wish for. Too dam bad I messed up my chance with my stupidity.

I hear my phone ringing.
"yes Stacey?"
"Morning Mr. Evan, your father is here, he said it's important. Should I send him in?"
"yeah send him in" I reply, minutes later, my father enter my room cheerfully

"Hey Dad!" I said to him as I shake his hand
"Morning son" he says back " I need a meeting with you and Ms.Parker"
"ummmmmm...OK" i told him, not sure if this was a good idea. He reach for my phone and ask Stacey to send Liz in. After a moment of waiting, she walk in, in my office. She look, sexy as hell.

"Morning Phillip, it's a nice surprise seeing you here in the building" she told my father while smiling at him

"Good Morning Liz, it's nice to see you. I see, you are feeling confortable with your job"

"Yeah, I have to admit that I like it here, nice change of weather."she told my father and I'm just ignored as if I'm not there. All of a sudden the door opened and Nancy Parker came him with a very upset little girl in her arm crying. She has a long beautiful brown hair just like Liz. She lifter her head and look around and her eyes landed on me. My heart stop beating, I'm staring right back at myself. I'm shocked but our staring contest was interrupted by Stacey running in

"I didn't mean to just let her in but she run in and I couldn't do anything" I'm too shocked to reply and I look at my father, and see a matching shocked face on him as he stare at the little girl.

"It's ok thanks Stacey, Mom go and wait in my office I will be there" Liz told her mother but the little girl cry harder so Nancy let her down. As soon as her little feet hit the floor she ran as fast as she could to Liz.

"Mommy, mommy.......can we go back to Boston I don't like it here" I heard the door closed and Nancy Parker was gone.


A little more

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 7:53 pm
by kaladala
Liz P.O.V

I'm holding my daughter in my arms, I can tell that she is very upset. I'm not sure what's wrong but she is really upset

"Hope sweetie, what's wrong? Tell mommy what's wrong" I told her slowly while smoothing her hair slowly down her back and giving her confort but she is still crying.

"When (sob) when (sob) when I was in school ( sob), my teacher told me that I look like Mr. Max Evan and she ask me why my last name is not Evan Mommy. I don't want Mr. Max Evan to be my daddy because he is a playboy and my teacher said that he has a lot of girlfriends. I don't want a daddy mommy. I only want you" Play boy? Where the hell did my daughter learn that? I look up and found 2 Mr. Evan chocked faces.

"Why don't you want him to be you father baby?" I ask her cautiously. I don't want to upset her more.

"Because he is the one that makes you cry mommy. Because he didn't want me mommy, he made you cry and he hurt you in here" She says and puts her little hand over my heart. I couldn't stop the tears from falling. I don't know what to say to her right now. She knows more than she should sometimes. I think that she is different, she understand me more than my mother does.

I see max walking slowly toward us, his eyes fix on Hope's face. Ever so slowly, she lift up her eyes ans stare right at Max, she doesn't say anything, she just study him, like he is something very interesting. Max knee down in front of us and try to touch her face, she flinch and shove his hand away. Max looks up at me as if asking me to let him hold her, hurt written all over his face but there is nothing I could do. All I can do is ask her.

"Hope, why don't you let Max hold you or touch you?" I ask her
"Because he is my daddy, and I don't like him. I don't want him to touch me " I am shocked right now

"Why? Don't you want a Daddy?" came Max's voice, just above whisper. Hope turn to look at him and stare right at his eyes.

"No. I don't want you to be my daddy" She told him without removing her eyes from his

"Why?" came Max's pleading voice.

"Because you didn't want me, and you don't love me" I'm speechless yet again. i don't know what to say, I see the tears running down her cheeks and my heart broke into million peaces.

"Why do you say that I don't love you baby?" He ask her ever so quetely

"Because if you love someone Mr. Max" I see Max flinch by the way Hope address him " You would look for them nor matter where they are. You wouldn't want them dead because they are too important for you" I am amazed at my daughter. I don't know if she is just smart for her age or she is just different from other kids but no kids her age would say those things

"But I want to be your daddy now" Max said so quitely

"Why? Why do you want to be my daddy if you didn't want me? Why do you want to be my daddy now but not when I was in mommy's tammy?"

"I, I.........." Max is lost for word. I would too if the place were reverse

"You know Mr. Max, if you want to be my daddy then where were you all those years ago? Where were you when mommy has to work all day then go to school at night? Where were you when mommy got beating up because I stole bread from that girl because I was hungry? Where were you when mommy was too tired to play with me because she work two jobs? Where were you when mommy has to work at night and leave me alone in the house because I was sick and she has to work more to buy me medicine? Where were you when mommy went to the hospital because Aunt Serena said that she doesn't eat enough but work hard because I eat all the food instead? A daddy is supposed to help a mommy and make her happy and smile and laugh all the time but you make her cry and sad. A daddy is supposed to be there playing with you when mommy go to school or work. but you Mr. Max, you weren't there. So you are not my daddy and even if you are I don't want you because I don't like you." I'm sad, shocked, happy that my daughter told Max all those things because I would never have the courage to do it. She is the smartest person I have ever known and the strongest all the same. She can be cruel and sweet and loving at the same time.

Max look up at me as if trying to confirm all the things that Hope just said but I wouldn't meet his eyes. I don't want him to see the hurt that is still in my eyes right now.

"Liz........?" he start but I know what's he gonna say and I don't want to hear it right now so I can't him in

"Don't Max, it's done" That's all I have to day. But then I heard Phillip fro the first time

"Liz is it true that she is my granddaughter?" Phillip ask me silently

"yes" I told him then I closed my eyes. I felt like a huge way have been lifter from my shoulder

"Please tell me everything" Phillip tell me

"Ok" I told him but hope fall asleep in my arm. She must be tired. I look down at Max who is still kneeing down in front fo me.

" I will just lay her down on the coach then we can talk" I told them. They nodded but Max was still frozen in his place

"Max, you should take a seat. i think that the story Liz gonna tell us is gonna take a while so why don't you get comfortable." Phillip told his only son. Meanwhile I stood up and carry my daughter to the coach and lay her down. I kissed her forehead and mover some the hair that has fallen down on her face behind her ears.

