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Going Back (AU M/L CC ADULT) Chapter 28 03/31/12 [WIP]

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 11:13 am
by Behrgirl21
Title: Going Back
Author: Behrgirl21
Disclaimer: The characters of "Roswell" belong to Jason katims, melinda Metz, WB, and UPN. They are not mine and no infringement is intended.
Tommy, Stu, Lucus and Jackson are pure figments of my imagination, and any reselmblence to actual people is pure coincidence and not intended.
Pairings/Couples: Mainly M/L, some M/M, I/A, K/S CC but at some point there will be UC but will return back to CC
Rating: Adult due to the nature of some relationships, also for possible scenes of extreme violence. Just warning in advance in case any of that offends you.
Summary: Two life changing events cause Liz Parker to leave Roswell in the middle of the night, alone, leaving her boyfriend, family and friends behind. Never to look back. She now goes by the name of Iz or Izzy. She gets on with life anyway she can, makes new friends and starts seeing someone new. What will she do when someone from her past finds her years later and tells her she's needed back home. Will she go back to a life she was desperate to leave behind and forget?

Authors Note: This has been going around in my head for months and I started writing it down but never had the guts to post it. It's my first fic so be gentle with me on the feedback...
I hope it's not like any other fic on here, if it is then let me know because I don't intend it to be.
The characters are different in ways and Maria isn't involved until later incase you wonder where she is. My non-Roswell characters are my own.
OK so feedback welcome!!

Chapter 1
"I don't understand what you see in him that's all!"

Max yelled at Liz from across the room and Liz rolled her eyes,
"I don't expect you to Max, I'm the one going on a date with him not you!"

She replied but her usual calm manner was slipping and she could feel it. If he continued to push the subject then she was going to snap and she had never lost her temper with her friends.

Apart from that one time with Michael when she was 12 and he had chased away a boy in the park that had picked a flower for Liz. Michael had told him Liz was too good for him and proceeded to push the boy back until he had run away and Liz never saw him near her again. She had blown up at Michael, telling him she didn't want his protection and he needed to stay out of her life. She quickly got over it and she and Michael stayed good friends.

She glanced at her friends in the room; they were huddled together watching Max and Liz argue over Liz's date at the weekend. Michael, Max's older brother, stood next to Kyle with Isabel behind them. Kyle and Isabel were brother and sister, although Kyle was a year younger than Isabel, Liz and Max.
They all seemed to know that Max was pushing it with Liz.

"Guys, let's stop arguing." Michael said quickly before Max had the chance to reply but instead Max turned to Michael, "Shut up Mike, you were the one who said something needed to be said to her. No one else would tell her that she was making a mistake agreeing to a date with him."

"Yeah but screaming at her isn't going to work Max." Michael reasoned with a nervous glance at Liz, who was staring incredulously at them all.

"I don't think I heard that right. You all think I'm making a mistake going on this date? Why?" Liz asked shocked, they never went behind her back with anything; they had made a promise to be honest to each other when they were younger. Now Max had let slip that they all agreed with him. That felt like a low blow and her heart hurt from it. Michael saw her hurt and quickly spoke,

"We just think he's bad news Liz, we're just looking out for you."

"Bad news? You don't even know him!" She argued, feeling the anger come flooding back. How dare they tell her who she can and can't date.

She was especially hurt that Isabel wasn't standing up for her, she knew who Liz really wanted to date but Liz couldn't wait around for him to notice her like that.

"Exactly and neither do you! He's only been here a few weeks Liz!" Max's voice was rising again and Liz directed her own anger at Max.

"That's the whole point of dating Max! It's to get to know the other person!"

"Just get to know someone else, anyone else besides him! You can do so much better Liz!"

"Better? Like who Max? How would you feel if I wanted to date Kyle or Michael? Would that be ok because you know them?" She was yelling now and all she could see was red.

"You want to date Kyle and Michael?" Max asked confused and she gave a short scream. "No! It's an example Max! You can't control who I want to date Max..."

"No but I was hoping you'd have more sense than to date the likes of him!"

"Well I wouldn't have to settle for someone like him if the person I really wanted to date would just open his eyes and notice me!" She screamed this at him and Isabel gasped, making Liz notice what she had said.

Max frowned, what was she talking about, she likes someone else? Who was he and why doesn't he see what a great, beautiful person she is?

"What are you talking about?" he asked her and she sighed,

"Nothing, it doesn't matter, you guys may not like who I choose to date but I don't care right now. I have to go." She picked her bag up and stormed past them to the front door but Isabel's voice stopped her,

"Liz, I'm sorry I thought it would help know..." She glanced at Max, standing there with a frown on his face. Liz wanted to scream at her,

"Well it obviously didn't, I don't need your help Isabel, you're supposed to be my best friend, you all should have said something to me straight away instead of talking about me behind my back."

She felt tears come to her eyes and turned before they could see them, closing the door behind her. She drove home quickly, she couldn't believe they would do this to her. How did Isabel think that setting up a date with the new guy would make Max jealous?

It backfired because Max wasn't jealous; he just wanted to control her because he didn't get on with the new guy. Isabel could have stuck up for Liz though, sighing she parked behind the restaurant her parent's owned and went to the side of the building to the front entrance.

She waved at Jose, who ran the restaurant when her parent's weren't there. Her parent's were driving home from her grandmothers' house, they weren’t meant to be back until the week after but Liz had complained that she needed to go prom dress shopping at some point and begged them to come back so they could see what she had picked, besides she had told them, they stay away too long and she hated it. They reluctantly agreed to come back early, they would be home soon anyway, she thought as she sat at the counter and Jose made her a milkshake, while she waited for her parent's to get home.


"Max, you shouldn't have shouted at her like that." Isabel argued with him, he had handled it all wrong, he wasn't supposed to yell at Liz. Isabel realized quickly that things would get out of hand and she had never seen Liz that angry, Max yelling at her had obviously upset her enough.

"I didn't mean to, it just...I can't bear to think of her out with him. She deserves someone better." Max mumbled with his head in his hands. It had upset him to think that Liz liked someone else and that he had upset her tonight.

"Someone like you?" Michael asked and Max snorted, "She doesn't know I exist in the dating sense."

"Max! You are just the most idiotic guy I have ever known! Liz likes you ok, in every way!" Isabel felt like strangling him, was he blind? Didn't he see how Liz looked at him?

"What are you talking about Izzy?" Max said, clearly confused, Liz gave no indication that she liked him so what was Isabel talking about?

"I promised I wouldn't say anything but after tonight I don't want it to destroy the chances of you two getting together so I'll tell you. She loves you Max; she has for ages but doesn't think you like her in that way." Isabel told him what Liz had said to her all those months ago.

"Izzy I need to tell you something but you have to swear you won't say one word to anyone!" Liz pleaded and Isabel nodded.
"I'm in love, I think."
"With who?" Isabel was interested now.
"You'll laugh."
"I won't, promise."
"You can't tell him or anyone else."
"I promise, who is it?"
"Max." Liz whispered and Isabel frowned.
"Say that again because I thought you said Max."
"I did."
"You're in love with Max?" Isabel was staring seriously at Liz and it was making her feel uncomfortable.
"Oh my god." Isabel mumbled and Liz sighed.
"Oh my god!" Isabel said louder this time and Liz rolled her eyes. Then Isabel grabbed Liz into a tight hug,
"Oh my god! You're in love with M..." Liz clamped her hand over Isabel's mouth.
"Shh! my parents are in the same building you know!"
"What?" Liz took her hand away and Isabel smiled,
"Sorry but this is too exciting! When did you realize?" she pulled Liz to sit down next to her on Liz's bed, flipping her long blonde hair over her shoulder.
"I think I've always liked him more than a friend for years now but never thought anything of it. You know, I just thought it was a crush and it would go after a while but recently, I've just been wishing that I could go out with him and kiss promise you won't say anything?" Liz ran a hand through her shoulder length dark brown hair.
"Of course I won't. I can't believe this! Well I can, I always said you two were perfect for each other but you think so too! We have to get you together!"
"No, Max doesn't think of me like that Isabel."
"What? Of course he does!"
"No, he doesn't. We're just friends and I don't want to ruin that."
"Well...we could see if he gets jealous of other guys."
"What do you mean?" Liz frowned not liking the tone of Isabel's voice. What was she up to?
"We'll set you up on a date and see what Max thinks about it."
"No Izzy, I'm not going to start playing games. If Max thinks of me like that, then he'll ask me out and if not then I'll just try and get on with my life." Liz reasoned and Isabel rolled her blue eyes,
"Fine, I'll give you 6 months and if he hasn't asked you out then I'm setting you up on a date."
"Whatever." Liz dismissed her; Isabel would forget this in 6 months anyway.
6months later, Max hadn't given any indication to Liz that he wanted to date her and Ben had turned up as the new kid at school. A living version of the bad boy, he instantly took a liking to Liz and had promptly asked her out on his third week at school. Isabel had convinced Liz that she should go on a date and it was time to see how Max would respond. Reluctantly, Liz had agreed to a date.
End flashback.[/i]

"I had no idea she felt like that." Max said to Isabel and she shrugged,
"She does, but if you tell her that I told you what she said then I'll kill you."

"Thanks Izzy, should I go talk to her now?"

"No, I'd leave her for now. If you go there now asking her out then she'll know I told you something and she's already angry with me."

"I've never seen Liz that angry before." Kyle said quietly, he was the baby of the group but he got on really well with Liz, she was like a big sister to him, someone for him to tease along with his own big sister.

"Me either, she must have been real pissed." Michael admitted. He knew Max loved Liz but had no idea that she felt the same way. He looked at Liz like a sister as he knew Kyle did so he was protective of her. He hated the way she looked at them tonight when Max let slip that they had talked about her. He would apologize and make it up to her.

"I think we should just let her cool down until tomorrow, then go speak to her." Isabel told them and they agreed.


"Bad night Liz?" Jose asked as he fixed up two drinks for an order.

"Something like that." She mumbled whilst looking at the clock, her parents would be there any minute.

"Some guy was in earlier looking for you, Ben I think." José said as he came back from the table and sat next to her.

"Really, did he say anything?" She perked up, even though Max may not see her as a girlfriend, she wasn't going to wait forever for him.

"Just that he'd come back tomorrow to see you."


" have a hot date this weekend then?" He was smiling as he nudged her arm and she laughed, "Yeah ok, I do but don't let that slip to my parent's before I get to tell them."

She warned and he nodded, "Of course." He turned around as the door opened and Liz leaned past him to see who it was, expecting her parent's faces to be smiling back at her. Instead the sheriff came in, heading straight for them.

"Evening Sheriff." Jose said as he stood up and went to retrieve a meal for an order. Liz smiled at him as he nodded to Jose,

"Hey Sheriff, you looking for Kyle and Izzy?" Kyle and Isabel were the Sheriff's kids, their mother left when Isabel was 4 and Kyle was 3. The sheriff treated Liz like she was another daughter, as did Max and Michael's parents. All the families treated the other kids as extensions of their own family since the five kids were inseparable so Liz felt at ease with the sheriff.

"No I'm not Liz. I need to speak to you actually." He felt like he couldn't form the words properly and thought he sounded strange, he hated what was going to have to be said to this young girl next.

"Ok, what's up?" Liz smiled, gesturing to the seat next to her.

"Let's go out back Liz."

"Why? What's wrong?" She noticed how nervous he seemed and it caused the first flutter of anxiety in her stomach. What was it that couldn't be said here? She wondered as she stood up and looked up into his familiar, friendly face.

"Please, let's just go out back." He almost begged her and she frowned, the flutters getting worse.

"Just tell me, you're scaring me." She whispered and he sighed, hanging his head.

"Ok, we'll do this here...there's no easy way to say this..." He started and she held her breath as he finally looked up into her chocolate brown eyes.

"I'm on my way to the hospital. It's your parents Liz, they were in an accident."

Liz stared at him, all other sounds were wiped out, and all she heard were the words hospital, parents and accident.

She frowned, "My parents?"

"I'm on my way there now, I'll take you with me but we need to go now." He could see the shock written all over her face and evidently so did Jose, because he stopped next to Liz,

"What's wrong?"

"I'll need you to take care of the restaurant tonight, the Parker's are in the hospital and Liz needs to come with me." The Sheriff told him and Jose slumped, looking at Liz who was still staring into space.

"Liz? You go, I'll be fine here." He gently moved her forward and Liz snapped out of her haze.

"OK, yeah let's go." She followed the sheriff to his car.

To be continued...

OK so do you want more? Let me know please.

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 2:28 pm
by Behrgirl21
Authors Note Wow thanks for the response guys, it made me really happy to see you enjoying it!! :D
So just to let you know if there are any spelling errors or grammatical mistakes then it's completely my fault and they've slipped past me. i couldn't get a Beta for this fic to lend a hand with that stuff so...sorry in advance!!

Ok so feedback first, thanks to everyone who posted and for the lurkers out there.

keepsmiling7 I hope you aren't disappointed with my next post!
xmag Thanks
begonia9508Yep poor Liz, I'm afraid it gets worse for her but that's all I'm saying. :wink: Thanks for the compliment though.
dreamer19Sorry if it confused you, yep you've got it right with the siblings. I wouldn't say they're just overprotective of Liz, they're overprotective of each other, just right now they are overprotective of Liz. Thanks for the compliment and the warm welcome. Really sweet of you!!
raemacGlad you like.
Alien_FriendThanks, yeah I know, guys huh? It's just one of those things, you know, friends liking each other but denying that the other does etc etc frustrating I know.
Emz80mThanks, as for Liz's parents, all will be revealed!! :wink:
Addicted2AmberEyesGlad you thought so! Wait no more!!
confusedfoolthe waiting is over and thanks
L-J-L 76WOW you really want to know what's going on, don't you? haha Glad you're interested though. You ask some interesting questions and I can say that they will be answered, some sooner than others, but I can't say which, when, where and why. Sorry. :lol:
Blink1litThankyou and here you go.

I hope you guys aren't disappointed with this next bit and it's not as long as the first post I'm afraid but keep leaving me feedback, I love it!

Chapter 2

"We're looking for the Parkers; they came in a couple of hours ago." The Sheriff asked the nurse behind the desk, she told them where to go and that she'd page the doctor to let him know they were there but Liz didn't hear it. Her parents couldn't be in an accident, she had spoken to them earlier, and they were fine, this couldn't be happening.

She allowed the Sheriff to lead her to a waiting room. Not long after arriving a doctor rushed into the room.

"Miss Parker? I'm your one of your fathers' surgeons. Your parents are in theatre now."

" are they?" She finally got out and her voice sounded strained.

"Well, there was some extensive damage but it's too soon to tell. I'll be back when we know more." He rushed out again and Liz turned to the Sheriff.

"Liz, do you want me to call your friends?" He asked, right now he didn't think she should be here alone.

"No, we had a fight; I don't want to drag them all out here right now."

"Ok, it's your choice; do you want me to call your brother?"

She had forgotten about her older brother Tommy, he was at University right now, it would take him a three hour flight to get back.

"Oh god, I forgot about Tommy..." She pinched the bridge of her nose, how could she have forgotten to call her brother?

"It's alright, I'll do it." Sheriff Valenti assured her and she looked into his light, familiar eyes.

"Could you? I don't think I could handle it." She asked and he nodded,
"I'll be right back. Stay here."

He left to make the phone call. Liz sat down in one of the soft chairs, she couldn't feel anything, she couldn't even feel the worry she knew was there for her parents. What did that doctor mean when he said there was extensive damage? She was interrupted in her thoughts by the Sheriff coming back.

"He's getting the next flight he can get Liz. He said to tell you he loves you."

"Thank you, will you wait with me? Until he gets here?" She felt silly asking him, she was sure he had work to do but she couldn't face waiting here alone right now. Sure her friends would drop everything to be there for her but she didn't want their sympathetic glances, it would drive her mad.

"Of course I will Liz, I'm here for you right now ok?" He said as he sat next to her, running his large hands through his light brown hair.

"Thanks sheriff."

"It's Jim to you right now." He told her and gave her a small hug, which relaxed her slightly. All they had to do was wait.


"Miss Parker?" Liz jumped up; they had been waiting for two hours when the same surgeon came in.

"How are they?" She asked and he sighed,
"Your father's condition is stable but he isn't out of the woods by a long shot. We're keeping a close eye on him."

Liz felt huge tension whoosh out of her body in one breath, thank god he was ok she thought. She pulled her hands through her hair then pressed them together under her chin.

"And my mother?" She asked hopefully.

"Your mother?" The doctor frowned.

"How is she?" Liz asked desperately, she just wanted to know that they were going to be ok. She watched as realization dawned over his face.
"You haven't been told yet?" He asked uncertainly and Jim tensed, this didn't sound good.

"Told what?" Liz whispered, he seemed annoyed at something and she was too nervous to think about what that could mean.

"Oh, I was under the impression that your mothers' surgeon had already been to see you. It's not my place to inform you, I'll go see where the surgeon is."

He turned to go but Liz rushed forward, grabbed his arm and pleaded with him, "Please just tell me what you know...I need to know my mother is ok."

"I'm sorry I don't know the details but...your mother passed away during the surgery."

Liz recoiled away from him like he had burnt her, "She what?" She whispered and felt the first tear slide down her cheek. Behind her she heard Jim's sharp intake of breath. Did she just hear the doctor right? Her mother can't be dead.

"I'm sorry; I thought you had been told. My condolences." The doctor then turned and left.

Liz stood there for a few seconds, her mother was dead, and she wasn't coming back. A sob sounded in the room and Liz realized it had come from her mouth. She pressed her hand to her mouth to suppress the next sob threatening to spill and her shoulders shook from the effort as tears streamed down her face. She felt a pair of hands land on her shoulders and she felt her knees give way as she slumped towards the floor. Jim's arms locked tight around her waist as he kept her from hitting the floor, he led her to a chair and pulled her into a hug.

"I'm sorry Liz." He mumbled and she allowed herself to cry for her mother. When her dad got out of surgery she would go to see him and she wanted to be strong for him because he wouldn't know about his wife and she wanted him to get better before he knew. She would not loose both parents’ she promised herself.

When her tears stopped to a certain degree, she rubbed her hands over her face and took a deep breath.

"I'm going to make a phone call." She told Jim and he nodded,
"You want me to come with you?"

"No, I have to do this myself. I'll be back in a minute."

She went in search of the nearest phone. Finding one down the hall she dialed Izzy's mobile but it went straight to voice mail. She then dialed Max's house number, his mother Diane answered with a cheery hello.

"Diane its Liz."

"Liz dear, are you ok?" She could hear through Liz's voice that she was upset. Liz felt the tears fall freely again, Diane and Philip Evans were very close friends of Jeff and Nancy Parker. Diane and Philip were a second set of parents to Liz and she hated to be the one to tell them about her mother.

"No, I'm at the hospital; my parents…they…they were in an accident." She couldn't say it, she couldn't tell her over the phone that her best friend was dead.

"Oh my goodness, sweetie we'll come right over, just wait there." Diane was shocked but got straight to the point.

"Thank you."

"Do you want me to tell the others?" Diane asked and Liz sighed trying to catch her breath.

"No I will, could you put them on?" Liz listened as Diane made her way to a room and knocked on a door. She listened to the laughter and shouts coming down the phone as Diane opened the door and spoke to the others.

"Guys, Liz is on the phone."

"I bet she wants our forgiveness!" Kyle's teasing tones floated down the phone and Liz squeezed her eyes shut, feeling her control slipping. Just a few more minutes then you don’t have to pretend to be ok. She told herself silently.

"I think you need to listen to her." Diane told them seriously and Liz could hear the silence and Michael's voice, "Mum? What's wrong?"

"It's serious; you need to talk to Liz." Diane then tells Liz she'll put her on speaker phone and after the little beep that signals the speakerphone, Isabel spoke up.


Taking a deep breath and wiping at the tears on her face Liz spoke but it came out in a whisper, "I need you guys."

"What's wrong? Are you ok?" Max's worried voice filled her ears and Liz openly sobbed down the phone, her control broken. Isabel, Michael and Kyle looked at each other, full of concern as Max stared at the phone speechless. He had never heard Liz so upset in the entire time he had known her.

"Liz, where are you?" Michael piped up after several long seconds of Liz's sobbing. Pulling herself together, Liz took a deep breath,
"I'm at the hospital, there's been an parents..." She started to cry again and Max broke out of his haze. What had happened to Liz's parents? Were they ok?

"We're on our way Liz, hold tight, sweetheart." He said softly as he grabbed his shoes and pulled them on. The others quickly follow suit and after Liz hung up they made their way downstairs. Diane shouted for Philip and he met them in the hall.

"Liz called, Nancy and Jeff were in an accident, and she’s at the hospital."

That's all it took for Philip to run to get his car keys and throw Max's keys at him too. Max, Isabel, Michael and Kyle jumped into Max's jeep as the Evans' reversed their car down the drive.

The entire drive there was filled with a stony silence, all teens worried about the same thing, were Liz's parents alive?


Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 3:32 am
by Behrgirl21
Sorry it's taken so long for an update guys, I started a new job and it's been hectic! So here's the next part but it's not a long as the others. I know...I know...I'm evil for making you wait then giving you a small part but it is a good part I promise!! :D

raemacThanks, glad you love it!
begonia9508I'm glad you sympathise with Liz. Maybe I'll give her a break??Maybe not?? Follow her brother? You'll have to wait and see. :wink:
tinie38Thank you, it makes me happy when you all enjoy it.
dreamer19Thanks again. I know what you mean with finding good friends and I'm happyyou like the close connection they all have.
Alien_FriendAs I've said above I'm glad you sympathise with Liz, she is having a rough time right? As for Jeff, you'll have to wait and see. It is nice that her friends are there for her isn't it? Thanks!
cassieI can't give anything away so you'll have to keep reading if you want to know what happens. Thanks though!
Thanks for all your supportive feedback, it makes me smile!

Chapter 3

Liz sat next to Jim, looking at the floor, waiting for news of her father.

Jim kept glancing at Liz from time to time; a stray tear would fall onto the floor in front of her. She hadn't said anything else since she came back from making her phone call.
Jim knew not to push her into talking; Liz was one of those girls who wouldn't talk until she was ready. He felt for her, she had just been told her mother was dead and her father was just coming out of surgery, he hoped to God that her father was alright.

He ached to call Isabel and Kyle and get them down here, as well as the Evan kids, because he knew they could comfort her in a way he couldn't. But she hadn't wanted to call them, although he had a suspicion she had called one of them already, so he would just be here for her right now and wait for the news on her father.

Liz couldn't think straight, her mind was jumbled up with snippets of conversations, words and faces. Her mother's face was floating around the words dead and gone; her father was surrounded in question marks.

Would he survive?
Would the doctor come and tell her that he was gone as well?
What would she do if he died too?
Where would she go?
She didn't know of any relatives left on her mother’s side of the family, as far as she was aware there was an uncle, her dad’s brother but he hadn’t been seen in years and she didn’t know if he was even alive, it was just her parents and Liz and Tommy. Liz was pulled out of her thoughts by loud voices down the hall,

"We need to see her!"

Someone argued and then, as Liz looked up she saw Isabel, Kyle, Max, Michael, Diane and Philip Evans, walking past a nurse towards her.

Isabel spotted her first and started running towards her. Liz got up and ran to Isabel; they met closer to where Liz was sat and threw their arms around each other.

Once again, Liz broke down into uncontrollable sobs on Isabel's shoulder.

"Lizzie?" Isabel whispered, she was so scared for Liz, what had happened to her parents? Right now, she just comforted her best friend and waited for Liz to tell her what happened.

She heard the others stop around them; Isabel looked up into Max's amber eyes, with tears in her own. Max reached out and wrapped his arms around Liz from behind, holding onto Isabel too. He knew Liz needed to feel everyone was here for her, despite the fight they had had earlier.

As if on cue, Kyle wrapped his arms around Isabel from behind, his hands stroking Liz's shoulders and kissed her arms that were around Isabel's shoulder.

Then Michael's tall frame wrapped around them all from the side, as he bent forward and kissed Liz's head as she sobbed on Isabel's shoulder.

Diane and Philip and Jim watched their children support Liz unconditionally. This was a group of teens who would always be there for each other no matter what happened, and sometimes, it seemed no one needed to say exactly what was wrong or had happened because they seemed to sense that about each other.

Liz felt four bodies pressed around her and felt safe, she got her crying under control after several minutes, and then knew she would have to tell them what had happened.

She stirred and everyone pulled away, she turned to Diane and Philip, who reached out to hug her themselves. Diane's hands stroked her hair and Liz felt awful for what she was about to tell them. She stepped away from them all and Philip was the first to speak.

"How are they?"

"Dad's stable but we don’t know if he’s out of surgery; we are still waiting to see him." Liz told them quietly and the group seemed to visibly relax.

"And Nancy?" Diane asked hopefully looking at Liz, who started to cry again, she felt her heart hit the floor, what had happened to Nancy?

Liz couldn't bring the words out and Jim put a hand on her shoulder and spoke for her,

"She passed away. I'm sorry."

The whole group gasped and all eyes turned to Liz. Max was stunned, Mrs. Parker was dead? Liz doesn't have a mother anymore? He felt his heart plummet for Liz, she was distraught. He reached out to her and took her in his arms, running a hand through her hair.

"I'm so sorry Lizzie. I'm so sorry." He whispered to her.

Diane and Isabel instantly started crying and Philip hugged his wife.
Kyle put a comforting arm around his sister, he knew how close she was to Mrs. Parker, not having a mother of their own, Kyle and Isabel felt as though Mrs. Parker was a surrogate mother to them, Isabel especially. Now she was gone and he didn't know what to say to Liz.

Max felt a tear slip down his face as he held Liz, she didn't deserve this, and he wished he could bring her mother back. It killed him inside to know that he couldn't make this go away for Liz.

Michael put a hand on Max's shoulder and Max saw the unshed tears in his eyes. Everything was different now.

After several minutes in the hall, the group moved into the waiting room for news on Jeff Parker. Liz stopped talking and crying. She sat between Isabel and Max and stared at the floor, her mother was gone, what was she supposed to talk about? Max and Isabel kept talking to her, trying to get a response but she didn't seem to hear them.

Isabel was getting worried but when she looked to her dad for help, he simply shook his head. Liz wouldn't hear anyone until she was ready.

This was how the group stayed for an hour, Liz between Isabel and Max. The Sheriff and his son Kyle sat together opposite Isabel. Diane and Philip sat holding hands, a few seats down from Max and Michael paced back and forth in front of the window.

Then the doctor returned. Liz didn't move, she had no energy to stand up, he was going to tell her that her father was dead too, she just knew it.

"Miss Parker?" He walked towards Liz and sat on the edge of the coffee table in front of her.

"Miss Parker, your father is out of surgery, he's still in a critical condition. We've done all we can at this point in time."

Liz's head snapped up at his words, her dad wasn't dead? He's alive?

"Can...Can I see him?" She asked and he nodded,

"Yes but he isn't conscious and won't be for a while." the doctor warned but she stood up.

"I want to see him." She demanded softly and he stood up too.

"I'll take you now." He led her out of the room and she turned to Diane and Philip.

"Will you come with me?"

"Of course honey." Diane took Liz's small hand in her own and squeezed it as they followed the doctor.

The whole group followed but stayed outside the room when they come to it, it had a glass window on one wall that they could see Jeff Parker through.

Liz, Diane and Philip followed the doctor into the room and over to the bed.

Liz gasped with Diane, her dad looked a mess, and his face was covered with cuts and bruises. His head had stitches running from his hair line down to his eyebrow. Tubes were sticking out of him and his whole chest looked covered in bandages.

The doctor left them alone and Liz shook her head,

"He looks different."

Diane felt her heart pull for Liz, Jeff looked quite bad but she wasn't going to say that to Liz. Thank God this child hadn't lost both parents.

Max looked in from the window, he couldn't look at Jeff, it made him feel sick to think that Liz could still loose her father, so he watched Liz. She looked completely drained, her face was unusually pale and she looked tired. Her bright eyes are now empty of all emotion as she looked over her father's limp form on the bed.

He watched as Liz stepped up the bedside and, hesitantly, put her hand on her father's still hand. A second later she turned her head as his mother spoke to her, then his parent's left the room, leaving the door open behind them.

"Is she ok?" Isabel asked in a small voice, Kyle was holding his sisters' hand, knowing how close to crying she was.

"I don't know, she's being strong for Jeff, but I don't know how she's doing inside." Diane confessed to the teens, wiping at a stray tear on her cheek.

They turned back to the window when they heard a sob from inside the room; Liz was bent over, her head on her father's hand. Her words floated out from the open door,

"Please daddy, don't leave me, get better please." She sobbed brokenly and tried to control her crying, she needed to be strong for her dad, he might be able to hear her still and she didn't want it to affect his recovery.

Pulling in huge deep breaths she squeezed his hand but froze when a machine by his bed started sounding a continuous noise. Pulling her head up she saw his heart monitor show a flat white line. She was sure it was supposed to be going up and down.

In the hall, Philip holds Diane as the heart monitor shows Jeff's heart flat lining,

"Oh Jesus, he going." He whispered.

To be continued...

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 4:48 pm
by Behrgirl21
Hi I'm back with a new part, I don't have time to respond to feedback like I have done before but thanks for it and I'm glad you're all enjoying it! Thankyou for the friendly bump and hope you like the new part.

Chapter 4

"Oh Jesus, he going." He whispered as the teens frowned at him, they turned as a group of doctors and nurses run towards the room with machines. They stormed into the room and the doctor pushed Liz out the way. Philip and Diane entered the room and grabbed Liz, holding her back as the doctors and nurses start resuscitation on Jeff.

Liz started shouting when she felt Diane and Philip grab her arms and shoulders.

"What's going on, what's happening?"

"Liz, sweetie, come on." Diane tried to coax Liz into the hall but Liz was struggling against them hard,

"No, I need to be with him, he can't die. Please don't let him die!" She screamed at the doctors, still struggling.

"Michael, help." Philip called to Michael, who came into the room and grabbed Liz too, pulling her out of the room.

"Liz we have to give them room to help him." He tried reasoning with her as he pulled her to the doorway. For a petite girl she was quite strong, he thought to himself.

"Michael, please, let me go." Liz begged him and he shook his head. They heard the sounds of the doctors trying to start Jeff's heart again and Liz started talking to no one in particular as Michael dragged her into the hall with the others.

"I can't loose him, don't let him die please."

Isabel pushed her way to Liz and wrapped her arms around her, while Michael still kept a hold on Liz's waist.

Liz simply stared through the window at the doctors rushing around her dad. Every time they tried to shock his heart, Liz's body flinched, she could feel it, the shock and it made her numb.

Her friends looked back and forth between Liz and Jeff, then some 15 minutes later the whole medical staff stepped back and the doctors' words floated through the door.

"Time of death..." This was cut off by Liz screaming as she broke free from Isabel and Michael and run into the room,

"NO! No no no no no!"

Michael let her go; all he could think about was that Liz had just lost both parents. He looked at Isabel in front of him, crying loudly with her hands over her face; Kyle reached forward and pulled Isabel back towards him and his dad, both with tears on their faces. They both wrapped arms around Isabel, Michael then turned towards his parents, they were watching Liz, stroking Jeff's arm, with tears running down their faces too.

Lastly, he turned to Max, who was standing in the open doorway, tears falling down his cheek. Michael placed his hand on his shoulder. Max looked back at Michael, he saw the tears on Michael's face and felt his heart breaking.

Everyone was deeply upset by this turn of events. Liz had just lost her mother and now had lost her father, Max wished he had powers to bring them back; he would do anything to stop her pain.

They turned back to Liz when she started talking to the doctors,

"Get out. Leave me alone." She said as she ripped off the wires stuck on her father's body. The doctors hesitated and Liz turned to shout at them, her brown eyes flashing in anger,


The doctor nodded at her and ushered everyone out of the room.

"I'll stay with Liz." Max told his parents as he made his way to the door. Philip grabbed his arm as he walked past,

"Give her a few minutes son."


"Max, she needs these few minutes to herself." Diane spoke up, wiping her tears away. Max couldn't believe it; they were stopping him from being there for Liz.

"Mum, she shouldn't be left alone in there."

"She needs to say goodbye Max, please, just wait." Diane snapped and Max froze, his mum never snapped at him.

He looked in at Liz by the bed, her tiny frame shaking as she pulled the covers up to her dads' neck.

She could hear them talking about her, Max's voice reached her ears and she sighed, she wanted him to comfort her but at the same time she didn't want anyone near her.

"Daddy please, mums gone and I can't loose you too. What am I supposed to do now? Who is going to take care of me?"

She couldn't cry any more, she had no tears left. She kissed his forehead softly and whispered,

"I love you dad." Then she stepped back until her back hit the wall and sunk down into a crouch, rubbing her hands over her face.

This was it, they were gone and she was alone, with only a brother, miles away.

She stayed that way for a while and then she saw Max, Michael, Isabel and Kyle come into the room. Max knelt down in front of her,

"Liz we need to get you home."

He said softly, looking into her face, she stared straight through him. His Liz wasn't in there; it was someone else who wasn't feeling at that moment.

"I don't have a home, home is where your parents are, where someone loves you." She spoke monotonously and Isabel shut her eyes to Liz's pain, she couldn't bare seeing Liz like this.

Michael swallowed the lump in his throat, Liz being this quiet and calm scared him more than when she was screaming and fighting against them.

Kyle watched Liz, she wasn't really there with them, and he could see that she had pushed herself away into a corner of her mind where her parents were. He hated that vacant expression on Liz's face, he wished with all his heart he could make her pain vanish, throw it away like he did with the basket ball in a game, keep passing it to team mate until someone slammed it through the hoop and make it stay away from Liz.

"Then you can come home with us, we love you, you don't have to be alone in this." Max said to Liz as he rubbed his hands down her arms, she turned her soulful brown eyes to his then and gave a small smile,

"I know." She stood up and walked slowly out of the door leaving her fathers' lifeless body in the room behind her.


Liz decided to travel with Philip and Diane, Isabel and Kyle travel with their dad and Michael and Max went in the jeep. Cars always made Liz sleepy and sure enough as soon as they drove away from the hospital, Liz was asleep on the back seat.


"Isabel, you need to be strong for Liz when you get to the Evans'. She's going to need you." Jim said to his daughter, sitting in the back seat, sniffling. She nodded and Kyle turned to smile at her,

"Everything's going to be ok Izzy." He tried to reassure her but she frowned at him,

"How can you say that Kyle? Liz's parents just died! Everything isn't going to be ok, not for Liz at least."

"I'm sorry; I just wanted to make you feel better."

"I don't want to feel better! My best friend is now an orphan, nothing is going to make any of this better." Isabel snapped and Kyle turned to look at his dad.

"Isabel, Kyle is just trying to help. This is a big loss for everyone, especially Liz, arguing isn't going to help her."

Isabel simply stared out of the window, her dad was right, whatever she was feeling was nothing compared to what Liz must be feeling.
She silently wished she could get to the Evans' quicker.


Max and Michael drove in silence for a while, then Michael spoke,
"How you doing bro?" He watched Max holding the steering wheel as he drove them home, behind their parent's car.

"Not great to be honest. I don't know what I'm supposed to say to her."

He confessed to his older brother, Max knew Michael was protective of them all, the typical big brother to all of them. He always knew what to say or do to help out in anyway they needed, if anyone would know how to deal with Liz, he would.

"There's nothing you or I or anyone else can say to her that will make a difference right now. All we can really do is be there for her, let her deal with this in whatever way she wants or needs to, because she is going to have to deal with this eventually and when she does, she will need us all there."

"Right. Ok, be there for her, I can do that." Max nodded, then slammed his hand on the steering wheel,

"I hate that this happened to Liz, she doesn't deserve this!"

"I know what you mean, but this has happened to Liz."

"I just wish...that maybe I…I could have...I don't know, stopped this from happening or take it all back so she doesn't have to go through this."

"This was just one of those things Max. Don't beat yourself up over this; it was no one's fault it was an accident."

"I know but...I don't know Mike, I just can't stand to see her hurting like this and being helpless to stop it."

"I know how you feel about this Max and I know how you feel about her, just give her space and time to come to terms with this but still be there for her at the same time."

They pulled up in their drive next to their parents' car. Their parents' motioned them over to the back of the car. They went over just as Jim, Isabel and Kyle pulled into the drive and climbed out.

"She's asleep; can one of you carry her?" Diane asked Michael and Max. Max stepped forward,

"I will." He bent down into the car and pulled Liz towards him, wrapping an arm around her back and the other slipping under her legs. He pulled her out, holding her tightly but she didn't stir, just snuggled closed to him, her head resting in the crook of his neck.

Isabel ran over,

"What's wrong with her?"

"She's just asleep Izzy." Michael said and they all followed Diane and Philip into the house. Max started for the stairs,

"I'll put her in the guest room."

"Max, I think someone should stay with her tonight." Diane told him and he nodded,

"I'll put her in my room then." He said goodnight and went upstairs to his room.


"I think we should go, since Liz is asleep." Jim said to his children when Max was gone. Kyle nodded and Jim steered Isabel towards the door.

"Jim, did Liz call Tommy?" Philip asked and Jim turned back to them,

"I did, he was catching the next flight and he left me a message saying it was first thing tomorrow morning...well this morning. Someone should be there to pick him up from the airport."

"I'll go get him. I'll call the airline to find out what time he'll get in." Philip said and Jim nodded then left.


Inside his bedroom, Max gently put Liz down on his bed, pulling her shoes off and pulling the cover over her small body. He went into his bathroom, got undressed and brushed his teeth. Turning the lights off as he went, he climbed into bed next to Liz, keeping some distance between them. He watched her for what seemed like hours until falling asleep wondering if his Liz would wake up the same.


Enjoy. Feedback welcome!

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 11:09 am
by Behrgirl21
Ok here's the next part, sorry for making you wait so long. Thanks for all the feeback, it's great!
Oh if someone has the time, I'd appreciate a banner for my fic to put on the front page...I don't know how to do them so if someone can I'd love it!!

Alien_Friend It was sad for me to write Jeff off like that and I'm sure Liz will get comfort from her friends. Thanks for the compliment though. :)
tinie38 You don't have to wait long, it's in this part that he comes back.
Natalie36 Glad you like how much the group supports each other.
behrstars I know.
keepsmiling7 Yes she definately will.
begonia9508 I've not had to deal with a loss like that so I hope I'm doing it justice but from your feedback I get the feeling I'm doing ok. Thanks Eve, I look forward to your feedback. As for Liz leaving with her'll have to wait and see, I'm not giving anything away. :wink:
Emz80m It is
raemac I really felt that line and knew it would have an impact, glad you felt it too.
LizNdAlec4eva *passing you a tissue and giving you a hug* A lot of this is how I'd feel if something like this ever happened to me, as I said above to Eve, I haven't dealt with this personally so I'm sort of just going by what I'd feel.
Blink1lit two 'wows' hope that's a good thing.

So thanks you guys! Oh Hello to Zoy and Drea who are coming over to read this...thanks for the feedback Zoy, I appreciate it sweetie!! *hugs*

Chapter 5

Liz woke up with sunlight in her eyes, where was she? She turned her head when she heard a soft snore, she came face to face with Max, gasping she shifted away from him.

What was she doing in bed with Max?

She tried to remember if she had gone out the night before, it wasn't the first time she'd crashed at Max and Michael's, but never in bed with one of them.

Just as she was thinking, last night came flooding back to her and her throat closed up with the emotion; she climbed out of bed thinking that it was just a bad dream.

Maybe she had gone out last night and drunk too much, that's why she dreamt about her parents being in a car accident and dying.

She shivered from the thought of it, as she pulled her shoes on that were at the bottom of the bed. If she was at Max's then her parents would be worried that she hadn't come home last night. As she finished pulling her last shoe on, she saw Max sit up.

"Hey, how are you feeling today?" He asked her warily, wiping sleep from his eyes and she smiled,

"Weird actually. I had this nightmare. Why didn't you put me in the spare room? Was I that wasted last night?"

She started heading towards the door and Max called out to her,

"Liz wait, I need to talk to you."

"I have to go Max, my parents will kill me for not coming home." She called back as she went into the hall.

"Shit!" Max cursed to himself as he jumped out of bed and pulled some clothes on. He ran out into the hall and shouted for Liz, who was half way down the stairs.

"Liz you need to stay here, I need to talk to you."

"I'll call you later Max! Oh hi Diane!" She shouted at Max, and then bumped straight into Diane at the bottom of the stairs.

"Liz honey, where are you going?"

"Home, mum and dad will be freaking out because I'm not home."

"Sweetheart, don't you remember last night?"

"Not really, I just remember this bad dream I had, it seemed pretty real though."

"It wasn't a dream Liz." Max said as he joined them.

"No, it was, I would know if it was real and I definitely dreamt it." Liz shook her head, why was Max being like this?

They all turned as the front door opened and Philip walked in with Tommy. One look at Tommy's face had Liz shaking her head,

"Tommy what..." She started but he wiped his hand across his teary eyes, and moved towards her.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't there with you."

Liz stepped out of his reach and shook her head,

"No, you're lying. All of you." She turned and ran out of the front door, her feet pounding on the path as she ran away from the Evans'.
She ran as fast as she could, her shoulder length brown hair whipping around her face, running until she reached her destination.

Knocking insistently, Liz waited until the door opened, revealing Kyle, as she pushed past him into his home.

"Liz?" Kyle sounded worried but Liz ignored him.

She found Isabel sitting on the sofa crying with her dad holding her; they both looked up when she stopped by the end of the sofa.

"It wasn't real, was it? It was a dream..." She began to say as Jim got up and walked to her, he started to shake his head and Liz's voice grew louder,

"No it can't be real. Please, tell me it never happened."

"Liz, I'm sorry..."

"No!" She shouted then turned and ran out of the house; if they were all going to play a cruel joke then she'd just have to prove them wrong. She pounded down the path to her home, she'd get home and see her parents then everyone would have to stop telling her what she dreamed was real.

She rushed through the front of the restaurant and as she opened the back door, she came face to face with Jose.

"Liz, you ok?" He asked, pulling her into a hug.

"What do you mean?" She asked stiffly hoping she'd get the answers from him.

"Well, with everything you went through last night. The Sheriff called me this morning to tell me, I'm so sorry you had to watch that Liz."

She stepped away from him and made her way up the stairs to her house, so it was true, that dream she thought she had was really real life.

Everyone had been telling her the truth; she just didn't want to believe it.

She stepped into her living room and looked around, everything was the same, and she moved on into her parent's bedroom, still everything was the same. She laid down on the bed, breathing in their scent. They were gone, she felt like the world should have stopped or something to mourn their loss. It upset her to think that everyone went on with their lives as usually when hers was destroyed.

She felt the tear fall onto her fathers' pillow, then they wouldn't stop, she stayed that way for what seemed like hours until she feel asleep.


"So you haven't seen her since she ran out?" Max spoke to Kyle on the phone.

"No, she didn't want to believe it was true."

Michael watched as Max listened to Kyle on the other end.

"I know she could be anywhere Kyle, that's why I'm calling you guys first! Michael and I are going out to look for her, I don't want her to be alone for too long."

Michael sighed, Liz could be anywhere and if she didn't want to be found, then Liz had a talent for that. He remembered the time when she was thirteen and had boldly turned up on their doorstep to inform them that she was running away to be an actress, they had laughed at her and said she’d never get anywhere by herself, that she'd be picked up by the Sheriff long before she got anywhere. Later that night the town gathered together to help look for a missing Liz who hadn't been seen since, Max, michael, Kyle and Isabel had looked in all her favourite places but with no luck. Liz had eventually been found in Max and Michael's back garden when she had fallen out of the tree at the back and broke her wrist.

"OK, call me if you find her." Max said as he hung up. He rubbed his hands over his face,

"Let's go." He told Michael as he headed out the door. When Liz had run out, he had tried to go after her but she ran to fast and he lost sight of her.

He and Michael split up, Max to check the park, Michael to check the restaurant.

Michael pulled up in front of the restaurant and went inside, he ran his hand through his spiky brown hair as he approached Jose,

"Jose, you seen Liz today?"

"Yeah, she came in about 45 minutes ago why?"

"She ran off and we haven't seen her since, is she still here?"

"I think so, she went upstairs." Jose answered as Michael walked towards the door leading out back.

He took the stairs two at a time up to Liz's home and called her name as he entered the living room. He walked through the living room towards the hall leading to her bedroom, it seemed strange going to her room this way, everyone always climbed the fire escape to Liz's balcony to get to her room. As he walked past an open door on his right, he glanced in and saw a figure on the double bed. He paused, stepped into the room and recognized Liz's petite frame curled into a tight ball in the middle of her parents' bed.

He couldn't bear to wake her up so he let her sleep, flipped his phone open and dialled Max's number. He quietly told Max where they were and hung up, Max was bringing Tommy along to see Liz.

Michael scooped Liz up into his arms and took her into her own room, laying her gently on the bed. Once she was settled he stepped back against the wall, leaned there and waited for Max to get there.


Ten minutes later, Michael heard the front door opening and closing, he leaned out of the door and called to Max. Max, Tommy, Kyle and Isabel walked towards him and entered Liz's room, stopping at the sight of her asleep.

"How much sleep did she get last night?" Tommy asked the group, Max answered,

"A few hours."

"I think we should let her sleep a bit longer, then wake her up." Tommy told them as he pulled a blanket up over his little sisters' body and left the room.

They settled in the living room and Tommy sighed,

"She's taking this hard isn't she?" He asked and Isabel nodded,

"How are you doing?"

"I'm fine; I'm more worried about Liz right now."

"We're all worried about her too."

"I know and thank you for being there for her when all this happened."

They nodded, and then sat in silence until Kyle switched to TV on,

"Sorry, silence makes me nervous." He shrugged and sat back to watch it.

Two hours passed until Tommy stood up,
"I'm going to wake Liz now."
Kyle turned the TV off and they waited as Tommy strode to Liz's room.

Liz could hear her name being called, a voice she couldn't quite place, although she knew she knew it from somewhere. Then she heard the words "Little sister" and knew it was Tommy, Tommy was calling her.

She pulled herself out of the sleepy haze that was threatening to pull her back; she opened her eyes slowly and stared into Tommy's green eyes. He looked tired, with black smudges under his eyes. Her big brother was here and her parents' were not. That thought slammed it back home in her mind, her parents' were dead.

"Tommy?" She whispered and he gave a small smile,


"They're really gone, aren't they?"

"Yeah..." his voice cracked and Liz's face crumbled as tears poured out of her eyes. Tommy couldn't deal with seeing her like this, tears slipped out of his eyes as he wrapped an arm around her.

"Oh god, they're gone...oh god...Tommy..." Liz sobbed loudly into her pillow, she could feel his arm around her shoulder and she realized that they were really alone in the world.

Liz then felt the bed dip behind her and felt a delicate hand smooth her hair back from her face, Liz knew it was Isabel even before she leaned over, kissed Liz's forehead and whispered,

"I'm here for you Lizzie." Isabel's hand then stilled on Liz's arm and then someone settled behind Isabel, grabbing hold of Liz's hand and squeezing. Kyle was reaching over his sister as he held Liz's hand in silent support.

As she laid there crying with Tommy, she felt two hands stroking her legs, one occasionally squeezing her knee, she assumed the hands belonged to Max and Michael. She was thankful that they were there for her; they knew how to show their support.

The others had waited in the living room while Tommy went to wake Liz up. After a few minutes they all heard the loud sobs that escaped from the hallway. Isabel stood up and walked towards the bedroom, the boys called out to stop her but she didn't stop.

As she walked into the bedroom, she tied her long blonde hair up into a ponytail and walked around to Liz's side of the bed. As she lay down behind her best friend, she felt her own tears escape, Liz was hurting in a way that Isabel didn't understand but she would make sure Liz knew how much she’d be there for her and that she was not alone. She leaned over Liz, smiled at Tommy as she brushed Liz’s chocolate hair back from her face and kissed her best friends’ forehead.

Kyle followed his sister to the bedroom, Tommy and Liz needed this time together and his sister was just walking right in on it. He stopped; Liz was sobbing her heart out with Tommy next to her. He couldn’t see Tommy’s face but Isabel was whispering something to Liz. Kyle knew what Isabel was up to, so he went around behind Isabel and settled down on the bed, reaching across to Liz. He grabbed her hand and squeezed.

Max and Michael shared a look when they entered Liz’s room. They both knew how the other felt at seeing Liz like this, so broken up, understandably. Isabel and Kyle settled by Liz and they crossed over to the bed, sitting on it and placing a hand on her legs. They stayed like that for half an hour, Liz’s sobs gradually reducing, until her steady breathing was all they could hear.

“Is she asleep?” Kyle asked and Tommy spoke,

“Yeah.” He started to get up and Max and Michael moved to let him. Kyle slowly let go of Liz’s hand then got up too. Isabel was reluctant to follow but eventually did and followed the others out of the room.

“It breaks my heart seeing her like this.” Isabel said quietly and Kyle wrapped an arm around his sister,

“Me too.” He agreed.

“I think she has a right to be like that. She just watched our dad die.”

Tommy responded angrily, he hated that they were talking about how it was making them feel when he and his sister just lost their parents.

Being four years older than Liz, he had been home when she had first met them but being that much older he had had his own friends to hang around with.

Although he didn’t have any reason to dislike Liz’s friends, he didn’t think they were a good influence on her, numerous times his parents had told him about Liz getting into trouble with them. Nothing serious just the usual mishaps, the first time Liz got drunk was 2 years ago when Liz was 16. Liz had been driven home by the Sheriff when he had found Liz, Max, Isabel and Kyle in the park with a bag full of beers.

According to his dad, Liz was completely plastered to the point of trying to get into “bed” on one of the tables downstairs in the restaurant. While customers were eating on it!

He never knew where Michael was that night, but he did know that Michael had ripped into his four friends the next day about being stupid, that earned Tommy’s respect for the slightly older teen at the time.

“I didn’t mean it like that.” Isabel whispered and Tommy snorted,

“All I’ve heard you say is how it’s making you feel. Well what about us? How do you think we feel?”

“I know…” Isabel started but Tommy interrupted her, Isabel was exactly how he had imagined her to be when he first met her.

She was a cold hearted, blonde airhead, with no ambition except to look good. In all the years Liz had been friends with Isabel, Tommy’s impression of her never changed, despite Liz telling him that Isabel was the very opposite of his impression when they were alone, she only acted like that to outsiders. Well he didn’t want to deal with this airhead today.

“You don’t know Isabel, that’s the fucking point; none of you know what it’s like. You don’t understand what Liz is going through or feeling, you have no idea how to help her…”

“Tommy, ease up, Isabel wasn’t trying to say that she understood what you are going through.” Michael jumped in to defend Isabel.

Tommy never hung out with them when they were younger, he always seemed to think he was above them, and he and Liz always argued about something she wouldn’t tell them about. Michael was not going to let him take all his frustration and anger out on them.

Tommy glared at Michael then turned and walked into the kitchen.

Truthfully, he was scared, how was he supposed to help Liz when he didn’t know how to deal with this himself? He and Liz were never particularly close, not like she was with Max, Michael and Kyle, he often heard how the three boys had defended or helped Liz out, things that a brother should do. Things he never did. He didn’t know who Liz was on the inside as well as her friends did and that pissed him off, they knew what to do for her when he didn’t. What kind of a brother was he?

“You OK?” Michael asked from the doorway, he watched Tommy rub his hands over his face and shrug,

“I don’t know. This seems so…” he searched for a word and Michael helped him,


“Yeah, I keep expecting them to come through the door. To yell at liz for getting into trouble with you guys again.”

“We can’t begin to understand what you’re going through, but we are all here for Liz and for you if you want us to be. We can learn to understand, it’ll make it easier on you to get it off your chest. When Liz is ready, she’ll talk, she’ll probably scream and she’ll definitely cry but we’ll listen and help her because that’s what we do. Arguing with us isn’t going to make us go away, it’s going to cause friction around Liz and I don’t want that, I don’t think you do either. I know we’ve never gotten along, but for Liz’s sake, what do you say we try?”

“You guys have always looked after her, with me gone I mean, haven’t you?” Tommy watched a small smile pass over Michael’s face as he ran his large hand through his spiky hair.

“We’ve done that since we met her. We all love her in our own little ways, she’s like my sister, I would never hurt her or let anyone else hurt her, that’s just the way it’s been since we met.”

“I’ve never thanked you for that, I mean; it’s something I should have been doing. Maybe if I had, we’d have been close like you are with her, and I’d have a clue as to how to help her.”

Tommy looked down at his hands, there, he’d said it…they were closer than he was to Liz.

“We don’t expect thanks for it, it isn’t a job it’s natural for us. You and Liz have never been close, no shame in that, loads of brothers and sisters aren’t close. Some are worse off than you two but you can rectify it if you want.”

Michael felt sorry for Tommy, feeling the way he did about his sibling relationship. Michael couldn’t imagine not being close to his sibling, granted that Max was a guy so they got on better but even if Max had been a girl, Michael would have tried just as hard to build the relationship he and Max had. Being able to tell each other anything, go to each other for anything or help each other no matter what was a sibling relationship Max and Michael had extended willingly to Isabel, Kyle and Liz but Tommy had never been interested in that. Now he was paying for it.

“Listen, I’m just going to let her deal with it how she wants, if she comes to me then she does, if not, I’m glad you guys will be there.”

Tommy offered his hand to Michael, who shook it.

“Ok, listen, do you want us to go or stick around until Liz gets up?”

“If you have something to do then you don’t have to stay.”

“That’s not what I’m saying, everything else is on hold, and we’d honestly prefer to stay…” Michael left the sentence open and Tommy nodded,

“I’m not kicking you out, you’re welcome to stay.” With that Tommy went back into the living room, through to the hallway towards Liz’s room.

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 6:38 am
by Behrgirl21
Hi guys!! here's the next part, thankyou again for all your feedback!!

begonia9508 Eve I look forward to your feedback! Yeah i know, some brother's and sister's just aren't close and I didn't want Liz to have a close relationship with everyone because real life isn't like that and I want it to seem as realistic as possible.
keepsmiling7 She is lucky isn't she. You'll find out more soon. Thanksyou!
Alien_Friend I'm glad everyone sympathises with Liz but even more glad that you sympathise with Tommy, it's not easy being forced into a parental role for a sibling when you aren't close to them. Thankyou!
tinie38 Good thing she has her friends huh? You'll have to keep reading to find out about Liz and Tommy and what happens with them. :D
raemac poor Liz indeed and it is interesting with Tommy. Keep reading and you'll get answers.
Natalie36 I know.
flyawayraven Jess here's a tissue. You don't have to wait any longer.
Emz80m Thankyou. It won't all be this sad but it's going to be a long road for Liz. Yeah it's a shame he barely knows her but as I said, not all siblings are close but at least he's admitting it and noticing that Liz will need her friends, right?

Chapter 6

Liz awoke to semi-dark room, looked out her window and saw the sun setting. She pulled herself out of bed and stretched; she had slept restlessly but was surprised to find no one in her room. She at least expected one of her friends to be there, watching her.

She went into her bathroom and looked into the mirror, the girl looking back still looked tired despite all the hours of sleep she’d had. Her usually shiny, bouncy, chocolate colored hair was hanging limply around her head, down to just above her shoulders.
Her skin looked pale and pasty, she tied her hair up into a ponytail. This girl, who stared back at her, was the girl who had lost her parents, Liz wasn’t, and she had not lost her parents. That's what she was telling herself as she splashed water on her face.

Walking out into the hallway, Liz followed the talking coming from the living room and smelt the food before she entered the room. Standing in the doorway she watched her friends and brother talking as they sat on the chairs and floor, eating what looked like spaghetti and meatballs. It smelt good but Liz wasn’t hungry.

She stood watching for a few more seconds before Isabel lifted her head and smiled at her,

“Lizzie, you’re awake, did we wake you up?”

Liz shook her head as the rest of the group turned around or looked up at her. They all had the same look in their eyes, like they were waiting for her to break down again.

She suddenly needed to get away from those looks.

She took a deep breath and walked towards the front door, stopping to pull some shoes on.

“What are you doing?” Max asked. What was she doing? She shouldn’t go out, let alone go out by her herself.

“I’m going out.” She replied, she knew her voice soundly emotionless and hated that she was acting this way towards Max of all people.

This was Max Evans, the love of her life, regardless of whether he felt the same way or not, she shouldn’t be treating him this way but she didn’t want to sit with them whilst they stared at her with that look.

“Liz, baby, I don’t think it’s such a good idea for you to go out right now.”

She ignored his worried tones and clenched her jaw.

“Come and eat something, you’ll feel better when you’ve eaten.” Tommy spoke and Liz closed her eyes against the rising anger, why were they telling her what to do, she wasn’t a child, she was 18 years old for goodness sakes!

“I’m not hungry.”

She straightened up and opened her eyes, turned around and found her friends sharing a look. You know, the look that said ‘here she goes, acting out, just humor her’.

“I’ve finished eating anyway; I’ll take a walk with you.” Max replied, pulling on his shoes next to her. She pinched the bridge of her nose,

“I’m quite capable of taking a walk alone, I just need some air.”

“I know you are, I need air too.” Max said and Liz thought steam would pour out of her ears.

“I don’t want you to come with me Max…”

She was interrupted by Isabel.

“I’ll go with you instead, and then when we get back you can have something to eat, I’m sure Michael will cook something up for you.”

Liz felt the control slip away as she shouted at them,

“I don’t want you to come with me, I don’t want Max to come with me, I don’t want to eat now, I don’t want to eat later and I do not want Michael to cook later! I just want to be alone. I just want to take a fucking walk by myself!!”

Her chest was heaving by the time she finished shouting and everyone was looking everywhere but at her.

She didn’t wait for a reply; she turned and walked out of the door, running down the stairs, through the restaurant and out into the warm air.

She walked in no particular direction, with no destination in mind, but soon found herself in the park.

She perched on a swing and watched as the last few children finished playing their games before they had to go home before dark. She swung a little as the last group left, and then watched the dark begin to creep over the sky.

She sat there, thinking about nothing, her mind was a blank as she watched the sky turn from a red/orange glow to indigo then black as the stars began to shine.

She stared up at the stars for what seemed like hours when someone cleared their throat behind her.

She turned around and saw Ben standing there, hands in his leather jacket, black jeans and black sneakers. His very short blonde hair a contrast to the rest of his appearance but the look on his face was one she saw in her friends.

The sympathy look. He knew.

She glanced back up at his eyes and then turned back around and continued to watch the stars. He moved closer, around to her left towards the vacant swing beside her.

“You mind?” He asked as he sat down, swinging a little as she ignored him.

“So…I came by this morning. Some guy told me you were with your brother.”

Liz looked up at him, hadn’t Jose told her that Ben had been around the day before and that he’d be back the following morning?

Then she remembered their upcoming date, how could she forget?

“Oh Ben, our date, I…” He cut her off holding his hand up,

“It’s fine Liz, I mean, you have a good reason, I don’t expect you to go on a date straight after your parents…” He drifted off and Liz felt a lump in her throat that she tried to swallow away.

“ alright?” He asked roughly and she nodded once.

“I’m fine.” She didn’t know him well enough to tell him how she was really feeling but she was glad he was trying.

“So…when do you wanna go on that date?” He asked suddenly changing the subject.

“Excuse me?” Liz asked surprised, she looked at him and he grinned at her.

“I said, when do you wanna go on that date, if we’re not doing it this weekend?”

“I…um…I’m not…”

She stuttered for her answer, was he just kidding with her? How could he think she’d want to go out on a date any time in the near future?

“Come on Liz, I thought you were looking forward to this?”

He all but whined and she shook her head, he was serious.

“I…I was…but now…”

“But now what? You can’t date?” His voice took on a lower tone, almost a growl.

“I can…it’s…I’m just not in the mood right now.”

She tried to be tactful, so not to let him down.

“You’re not in the mood? You agreed to this date Liz, it might do you good to get out and let your hair down.”

“I know I did Ben but I don’t want to for the next few weeks, maybe after that…”

“A few weeks? Are you kidding me? I’m supposed to just what…wait?”

He sounded pissed now and Liz sighed, she didn’t need this.

“If you wanted to date me that much then yeah, you would wait.”

“You know what? I was told you would be easy to get some from but I’m not waiting weeks for it.”

He stood up abruptly, pulled a cigarette out of his pocket and lit it before taking a long drag. Liz screwed her nose, she hated seeing people smoke, it was so unhealthy.

“Who told you I was easy? What are you not going to wait for?”

She asked angrily, he was pissing her off now. He laughed at her, Liz couldn’t believe it, and he actually laughed, like she had said something funny!

“You really are a virgin, I can’t believe it!” He launched into a full on laugh then and Liz stood up.

“You know what? You’re an asshole, I can’t believe I actually considered going out with you! Max was right.”

She started to walk away but Ben called after her.

“Max? You mean Max Evans who hasn’t got the balls to go after you himself? That boy needs to get laid; he’s almost as uptight as you are.”

“You bastard.” She growled out then turned and walked away.

She didn’t go straight home, she couldn’t face the others so she walked around aimlessly for a while and when she felt her anger go away she went home. The last thing she wanted to do was take it out on her friends, she already felt guilty for shouting at them earlier, she would apologize when she got home, she decided.

As she made her way home she wondered what Tommy would do, she didn’t want him to go back to University but knew he would have to. He still had two years left but Liz didn’t want to be left here alone. She wouldn’t be able to move out with him, it would be too late to transfer schools; she’d be off to collage herself soon anyway.

She found herself outside the restaurant, it was only a little simple restaurant that he dad insisted would serve good simple food, he had hated all the fancy meals restaurants tended to do.

Liz smiled at the thought of her dad but felt the twinge in her heart, maybe if she just imagined that they were staying away for a long time then it wouldn’t hurt as much as thinking that they’ll never come back.


Max was pacing, Liz had been gone for a few hours, she was outside somewhere in a fragile state and he was inside just waiting for her. He was contemplating going to look for her when the door opened and Liz walked in, avoiding any eye contact with anyone.

“How was your walk?”

He asked her and the others turned to watch her. She looked at the floor and nodded her head, slipping her shoes off.

“It was fine.”

She said quietly then walked towards the hallway. Tommy stood up on Max’s left,

“Liz do you want to talk or anything?”

She stopped but didn’t turn around,

“I’m just going to go to bed. See you in the morning.”

Then she walked to her room and closed the door. Max let out the breath he didn’t know he was holding.

“I don’t think there’s any point in staying if she’s going to bed. She won’t speak to any of us.”

Michael said quietly and Isabel reluctantly nodded her head in agreement even though she desperately wanted to stay with Liz, her best friend needed her. They busied themselves cleaning up after themselves then said goodbye to Tommy, promising to come back the next day.


Liz was lying on her bed, staring out the window; she could hear her friends moving around then silence until Tommy’s bedroom door shut.

Shifting onto her back she tried to sleep but having slept nearly the whole day she wasn’t the least bit tired. After laying wide awake for as long as she could manage, Liz sat up and glanced at the clock, two hours had gone by, it was 11pm.

She got up and quietly went into the kitchen, her stomach rumbling the whole way; she knew she had to eat something. She made a sandwich and ate it as she leaned against the kitchen counter. Finished, she had the sudden image of Max in her mind as she made her way back to her bedroom.

She saw his hypnotic amber eyes and bright smile telling her that he wanted to be there for her. She knew he would be no matter what but she had wanted him to be there for her as more than a friend for the last few months.

Ben suddenly popped into her head, reminding her that Max had been right about him and she had dismissed him.

Suddenly, she had a thought, something she had to do now.

Jumping up she pulled a pair of old faded jeans on, an old red sweater and trainers, throwing them over her short shorts and tank top she wore to bed. She grabbed her keys and mobile, scribbled a note for Tommy, leaving it on the kitchen counter and left.

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 3:37 pm
by Behrgirl21
Ok back with a new part and I'm so sorry for making you all wait for it, I know I said it would only be a couple of days but I've had a rough couple of weeks and haven't been able to get on and post this new part. PLease forgive me!!!
So Feedback.
keepsmiling7 Max's house? It will be revealed now. :)
roswell3053 Hi thanks for reading I hope you like where I go with this.
begonia9508 Eve thanks again for pointing out my little mistake...what would I do without you huh? :wink: Yeah destructive behaviour, not a good thing really...I didn't make anything more with the whole Ben situation, I figured Liz deserved a break.
Alien_Friend I'm glad you understand where Liz is coming from, sometimes you don't mean to hurt the people who are trying to help you but sometimes they feel like they're crowding you, I hope it came across ok. I'm afraid you'll have to wait to see if she continues to push them away or not.
raemac Thankyou! Yes you'll have to wait for more parts to get your answers. Sorry!!
tinie38 Thankyou and yes Ben is an ass.
NotYourChick yeah I know.

Chapter 7

She ran the entire way, taking the shortcut through the alley behind the restaurant, not stopping or slowing down until she hit his street. He only lived five minutes away from her so the run was fairly short but Liz loved the feel of the wind on her face, the freedom she felt. Slowing to a stop outside his house she pulled her phone out and dialed Max’s number. He picked up after the tenth ring.

Came his husky voice and Liz mentally slapped herself, of course he’d be asleep, he hadn’t slept the day away like her. She sighed,

“I’m sorry I woke you.”

She whispered and she heard some rustling, picturing Max sitting up in bed.


His uncertain voice sounded in her ears and she looked up at his window. When she didn’t answer he spoke again, worry lacing his voice as she heard more rustling.

He was sitting on the edge of his bed in just his boxers, panicking that something was wrong with her. Why was she calling him now, after he’d left a couple of hours ago?

“Are you ok? What’s wrong?”

“I couldn’t sleep.”

She ignored his question, was she ok? Who was he kidding?

“I’m not surprised, you slept most of the day.”

He still sounded uncertain as to why she was calling him.

“I know.”

“It’s just gone midnight; you want to talk until you fall asleep? I could bore you to sleep.” He tried to joke and Liz smiled.

“Not unless you want your parent’s to find me asleep on your driveway in the morning.”

She joked back; it felt good to joke with Max, like before her parents…nope not going to think about it. She told herself she wouldn’t think like this so she concentrated on Max’s confused voice as he spoke.

“What do you mean on my driveway?”

“Look out your window.”

She said simply then Max’s face appeared at his window, looking down until he saw her standing in front of his window. What the hell was she doing outside his house after midnight and alone? He hated that he sounded so sexist to himself, Liz could probably take care of herself, Michael had taught her how to defend herself a little but still, he worried that she’d get hurt.
He opened his window and called down softly,

“What the hell are you doing out here at this time of night?”

“I needed to talk to you.”

She said into the phone.

“You could have called from your place.”

He pointed out and she shrugged,

“I wanted to see you.”

She tried and he nodded,

“You want to come up?”

“Can you come down?”

She watched as he sighed then nodded, speaking into the phone.

“Give me two minutes.”

Then he disappeared after closing his window.

True to his word, two minutes later Max opened his front door, dressed in blue jeans, an old black t-shirt and carrying a jacket. He met her at the beginning of his driveway and she smiled.

“Sorry I woke you.”

“Don’t worry about it.”

They started walking and Liz remembered what she wanted to tell him.

“Let’s go sit in the park.”

They made the short walk to the park and sat down on a bench.
Max waited for Liz to talk, looking at her she seemed to have something to say so he waited. Finally after several long minutes she sighed,

“You were right about Ben.”

Max’s head twisted to look at her, he frowned, what did that mean? He thought but said it.

“What do you mean?”

“Ben found me earlier and let’s just says you were right, I didn’t know him at all.”

“What? Did he…he tried something with you?”

Max asked incredulously, he knew Ben was low but to take advantage of Liz when she had lost both parents was the lowest. Liz shook her head and he frowned.

“No he didn’t but he was only after one thing.”
She admitted quietly.

“Tell me what he said.”

Max all but ordered her and she did, she told him everything Ben had said, except the last comment about Max not going after her, she was confused as to why he said that.

“I’ll take care of it; you don’t need to worry about him.”

“I don’t need you to take care of it Max, just leave it.”


She knew Max wouldn’t leave it alone, that he’d say something to Ben, that’s just what Max was like, always the hero.

“Are you ok?”

He asked after several minutes of silence. He hated seeing her like this, not like the Liz he knew and loved. She gave a small shrug and he put a hand on her knee.

“You don’t have to be brave around me. I’m here if you wanna cry or shout or anything.”

She looked down at his large hand covering her knee and felt a lump in her throat. Max wanted to help her, she knew that but she wasn’t ready to talk to anyone.

“I’m trying to deal with it myself right now but I promise, I’ll come to you when I’m ready to talk.”

She told him quietly and he gave her knee a squeeze.

“Max, can I stay with you tonight?”

Max turned to look at her, she stared straight ahead and his heart jolted for her, she looked so damn cute sitting there trying to look indifferent when he knew she really didn’t want him to say no.

“Of course, you want go back now?”


She whispered and nodded at him. He stood up and reached his hand out to her, she put her delicate hand in his warm one and let him pull her up.
To Liz, having Max hold her hand to help her up wasn’t uncommon, except this time, neither seemed to want to let go of the other. This made her look at Max discretely as they walked towards his house, was he holding her hand just because he felt sorry for her or because he thought of her as more than a friend like Isabel suggested? She would have to talk to her mum about that later…but she’s dead…a little voice whispered in the back of her head but Liz quickly muted that voice.

Max stole small glances of Liz as they walked home, she hadn’t released his hand and he hadn’t wanted her too, did this mean Isabel was telling the truth, she really did feel the same way as he did? He truthfully loved the feel of her hand in his, it felt like the perfect size for him to hold, but at the same time a voice in his head was telling him that maybe she was holding his hand for stability. She clearly didn’t want to be alone since she had asked to stay so maybe he was reading into this all wrong.

They arrived at his house and he quietly let her in and led her upstairs to the guest room, once inside Liz looked up at him.

“Can I stay with you?”

What she wanted to say was ‘I don’t want to be alone.’, but the words didn’t come out like that.

Max took a second to think about what she was saying and of course, he noticed the underlying words behind what she had said.


He led her back towards his room where he pulled the covers back for her in silence. They didn’t need to say anything, it wasn’t an uncomfortable silence as Max pulled his clothes off until he was dressed in his boxers and white wife beater, and Liz pulled her clothes off down to her short shorts and tank top.

They climbed into bed and Max settled on his back while Liz lay on her side facing Max. Watching his profile, his muscled torso rising with every breath he took, she realized how lucky she was to have Max in her life, she made a promise to herself, she would make sure Max knew how she felt no matter what. That was the last thought she remembered before sleep claimed her.


The first thing to wake Liz up the next morning was the sound of a door banging open and an extremely angry voice shouting,

“You bastard, I’ll kill you!”

Tommy’s voice shook the two occupants of the bed wide awake, they scrambled up from the bed, untangling limbs as Tommy lunged across the bed for Liz, at the same time shouting at Max,

“I can’t believe you’d take advantage of her!”

He shouted as he pulled Liz across the bed. Oh god he thinks we slept together! Could this get any worse? She thought as she tried to wriggle out of Tommy's grasp.


Her words were lost when Michael, Philip and Diane barreled through the door. Yep, just got worse! She inwardly groaned at the sight of their shocked faces.

“What’s going on Max?”

Philip demanded as he took in the scene. Liz and Max in bed together as Tommy tried to physically dragged Liz out of it. Max looked at his dad then at Tommy,

“I didn’t take advantage of her…”

He started but Tommy interrupted,

“I suppose you’re going to try and tell me she was willing? She’s in a vulnerable state and you seduce…”


Liz shouted at him as she pushed him away from the bed with all her might. He turned his angry gaze on her and she knelt on the bed,

“Stop it right now, Max didn’t take advantage of me, nothing happened.”

“Liz, what are you doing in Max’s bed then?”

Diane asked and Liz looked towards Max, who explained,

“Liz couldn’t sleep so she came over to talk and she got sleepy so I let her stay but nothing happened, we just slept.”

He left out the fact that they had gone for a walk first. Diane nodded her understanding and Michael was smirking from behind them. Maybe Max and Liz were getting a little push in the right direction finally, he thought.

Liz looked back at Tommy,

“I left you a note telling you where I was.”

She explained and he laughed,

“The note that said ‘I’ve gone to talk to Max about something. Be back soon.’?”

“Ok so I didn’t get back when I intended too but you knew where I was and you had no right accusing Max of doing that!”

She threw a pillow at him to prove her point.

She was getting aggressive and everyone noticed.

“Well what am I supposed to think? I just found you in bed with him!”

“You should have asked me and don’t you think that if Max and I had had sex we would have been naked?”

Tommy visibly flinched when Liz said that and she shook her head at him.

“You know what, I get that you’ve never liked my friends that much but I didn’t know you could be this much of an asshole.”

“I think we’ll wait downstairs for you.”

Diane said and ushered Philip and Michael out of the room. When they had gone Tommy coughed,

“I didn’t mean…”

“You never mean anything; I thought you’d be able to trust me, to trust that even if I had been seeing Max I wouldn’t just jump straight into bed with him. I’m not like that and neither is Max.”

She turned away to pick up her clothes from the floor.

“I’m sorry Liz.”

Tommy said quietly as he watched her walk towards the adjoining bathroom. She paused at the door and looked back at him.

“It’s not me you should be apologizing to.”

She walked the rest of the way into the bathroom and shut the door.

Tommy took a deep breath and turned to Max who was still standing by his bed, staring where Liz had been.

“Listen Max…”

He started but Max waved him away,

“Forget it, if I had a sister I’d assume the same.”

He watched Tommy nod then leave.


“I’m sorry I just barged in like that.”

Tommy said stiffly when he entered the kitchen to talk to Diane and Philip. Michael was sat at the kitchen table eating from a bowl and watching Tommy.

“We understand your concern over Liz’s whereabouts.”

Diane replied offering him a drink which he took.

“I could have handled that better. She hates me right now.”

“She doesn’t hate you. Yes you could have handled it differently but after what’s just happened to you two it’s understandable that you’re protective of her right now.”

Diane tried to assure him and he sighed, taking a seat opposite Michael. Tommy knew he had to get through to Liz one way or another, running to Max last night proved that she didn’t want to talk to him about anything and surprisingly it hurt him to realize that.

A few minutes later Max came into the kitchen, sat down next to Michael and Liz came in a few minutes after him. She sat down next to Tommy, ignoring him.

“I was thinking and I know you probably haven’t had time to think about this, but the funerals need to be sorted out. Have you had any thoughts?”

Diane asked politely as she watched Liz’s body tense. Tommy shook his head,

“I haven’t thought about it, there’s so much to do.”

He then looked at Liz,

“We’ll have to plan it soon Liz.”

Liz stood up quickly, “I’ve just remembered I need to go see Isabel.” She pulled away from the table and Tommy grabbed her hand.

“Liz, did you hear me? We have to start planning.”

“Yes I heard you. I don’t want anything to do with it.”

She stumbled over her words, it was feeling really hot in the room and she was starting to panic, how could he plan a funeral when her parent’s were coming back?

“Liz it’s our parents…”

He started and she snatched her hand away, her voice hitching as she spoke,

“I know Tommy. Like you said, there is lots to do, Diane will help won’t you?”

She turned soulful, pleading eyes on Diane who quickly nodded her support.

“See, Diane will take care of it.”

She waved her hand towards Diane then started to walk out.

“Liz, you want a ride to Isabel’s?”

Michael called and she shook her head,
“I’ll walk.” Then she raced out of the house.


Re: Going Back (AU M/L CC ADULT) Ch 7 12/28/07

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 8:25 am
by Behrgirl21
Hi everyone! Happy New Year to you all!!
OK so I decided that I wouldn't make you wait long for the next part, that's how nice I am! :D
But I do have an alterior motive for it, I would LOVE a banner for the first post for my fic and I have no idea how to do one so I was hoping one of my lovely readers would offer to do me one instead! :wink: Hopefully, flattery will get me one. :lol:
And if I had one it would make me happy and I'd post some more!! (so if flattery won't get me one then maybe a bribe will, :wink: :lol: )
OK well I don't have time to do feedback but I bet you won't mind because it mean you have a new part!!
Thanks again!!

Chapter 8

It was over a week before the funeral was to be held, during that week Michael watched Liz become another person.
She refused to have anything to do with the funeral preparations; she left the room whenever the subject was raised.
She went back to school despite the protests of her brother and Michael’s parents.
She started going out with other friends she had just made, friends who Michael knew were getting Liz into all sorts of trouble. More trouble than he and his friends got into. He heard about it when Liz was taken home by the Sheriff for drinking in a bar when she was underage, she frequently turned up at his house looking for Max at all hours of the night and early morning, she skipped classes and when she attended them, she caused more trouble in them than out of them.
Everyone was being considerably lenient with her considering her circumstances but Michael had had enough and he told her so one night.

That ended in a huge fight between Michael and Liz, she had screamed at him that it was her life and she could do what she wanted, Michael responded to that by saying she was trying to live a life to forget about her parents deaths and that she was being selfish. That had earned him a slap across the face from a fuming Liz, it had left everyone stunned and she had instantly apologized the next day. This was the person who attended her parents’ funeral.

“Liz? We’re ready to go.”

Michael said, walking into her room. She was standing by her window, staring into the sky.

“I’m not going.”

She responded coldly, never looking away from the sky. Michael sighed,

“Liz, you have to go…”

He began but Liz cut him off, whirling around to face him she shouted,

“I said I’m not going! What part of that don’t you understand?”

They stood there staring at each other, Michael was at a loss for words, what was he supposed to do, carry her over his shoulder kicking and screaming?
Max entered the room after he heard the shouts.

“Michael, I’ll handle it.”

He told his brother, who looked like he was about to drag Liz by her hair. Michael turned and left the room without another word and Max walked to Liz.


“Don’t baby me Max, I’m not going.”

She folded her arms across her chest and Max nodded,

“I know you don’t want to go, if it was my parents then I wouldn’t want to either, but Tommy’s out there barely holding it together. He needs his sister by his side, you’re all he has left and he’ll have to go through this day all alone if you don’t go.”

Max could see the emotion fill her eyes, she always had expressive eyes and he knew he’d hit a weakness in her. She couldn’t abandon her brother; she was always there for the people she loved.

“Fine I’ll go.”

She replied and took his outstretched hand as he led her from the room.

The funeral passed by in hazy memories for Liz, all she kept thinking the whole way through the service was that her parents would be back soon, that wasn’t really them being lowered into the ground. When they were back, everything would be back to normal and they’d be a family again. She held Tommy’s hand most of the way through the service, occasionally he let go and Max would take her other hand. Isabel and Michael stood behind them with Kyle. Isabel was crying loudly and Michael and Kyle were comforting her. Liz didn’t cry one tear, all her concentration was put into ignoring the voice in her head telling her that her parents really were dead and she was alone.

It wasn’t until Max gently shook her did she notice that the service was over and people were getting ready to leave to return to the restaurant for the wake. A man, who looked to be in his forties, strolled towards them. His hair was dark but peppered with grey, he was tall and had quite a portly figure, and most noticeable was the familiar face he had but Liz couldn’t figure out why. He stopped just in front of her and Tommy, who were standing with Diane and Philip, Max, Michael, Isabel, Kyle and Jim.

“Elizabeth? Thomas?”

He said uncertainly as he looked from one to the other. Tommy nodded.

“You probably don’t remember me, I’m your uncle.”

He said in a bored voice. Philip stepped forward and offered his hand,

“Philip Evans, executor of the Parker’s wills, you got my message then.”

Liz looked up at this man with a new light, this was her uncle? She vaguely remembered her dad telling her that his brother had left just after Tommy was born and they had barely stayed in touch. As far as she was aware, he hadn’t talked to his brother in years, she hadn’t even known he was still alive.

“Yeah, I had to cut my vacation short but I can pick it up again in a few days.” Brian Parker informed them and Liz frowned, he didn’t want to stay and get to know his niece and nephew?

“Well, as my message said, there are a few matters to talk about regarding the wills but we’ll discuss those tomorrow perhaps.”

Philip said and Brian shrugged as he pulled a cigarette into his mouth, lighted it and took a long drag. His cold grey eyes landed on Liz and she felt uncomfortable, he may be her only blood relative left, other than Tommy, but she didn’t know him at all.

“Elizabeth isn’t it?”

She nodded and held her hand out to be polite.

“I never did get round to seeing you when you were younger.”

“Sir, maybe we could talk to you at the wake about our parents?”

Tommy asked and Brian sputtered a laugh.

“Don’t call me sir, kid, it’s Brian and I don’t want any of that “uncle” business.”

Tommy nodded then took Liz’s hand and led her away telling him that they’ll see him at the wake. He nodded and when Liz turned to look over her shoulder he was just watching them.

“We should invite him to dinner tonight, get to know him.”

Tommy said in the car to his sister.

“I’m going out tonight.”

She told him and Tommy glanced at Max who shrugged indicating that they weren’t going out with her.

“You can’t go out tonight Liz, we need to make Brian feel welcome, and he’s our only relative if he hasn’t had kids or anything.”

“He’s weird, I don’t like him, and I’m going out.”

“He’s not weird, you just don’t know him yet and I bet he thinks we’re weird because he doesn’t know us either.”



They stood like good kids as people introduced themselves, if they didn’t already know them, and offered their sympathies and any help they thought the children would need. Liz lost count of the number of people who offered them an invite to dinner one night. Obviously people assumed they would stave with out their parents, Liz thought humorously. Liz smiled genuinely for the first time when Jim Valenti came towards them with a few of his deputies that she knew well. Despite having a few run ins with them in the last few weeks, she liked the Sheriff’s deputies, they were quite funny and she was on first name basis’ with some of them, especially the ones who had known her since she was a little girl.

The one advantage or disadvantage, depending on how you looked at it, to living in a small town your whole life, was that everyone knew everyone. They offered condolences and told Liz to keep out of trouble then left them alone, left Liz alone to keep her mind from reminding her why they were here this day. The thought that repeatedly ran through her mind was they’ll be back soon, they are coming back.

The wake was long since over, Liz was in her room changing into jeans and a blue shirt. She was meant to meet her newest friends in the park in 5 minutes and she was running late. She walked towards the front door and found Tommy talking to Brian in the living room. Brian was just taking his jacket off as Liz came to a stop.

“What’s he doing here?”

She asked Tommy.

“He’s here to talk to us. Where are you going?”

“Out, I told you earlier, I had plans.”

“Well cancel them, this is more important.”

“I don’t have anything to say to him…”

Brian interrupted her,

“I am here ya know.”

“I know, I don’t have anything to talk to you about. I don’t know you.”

She told him, barely looking at him, this served to piss him off.

“Look here little girl, I traveled all this way to take care of you two today, the least ya could do is play nice.”

She stared at him coldly, “I don’t feel like playing at all.”

With that said, she left without a backward glance.


That night she had a huge fight with her newest friends, apparently she wasn’t as much fun as when they first started hanging out. Liz told them where to shove it. She aimlessly walked around town; reluctant to go home, then she bumped into someone she really didn’t want to see.

“What are ya doing out so late?”

Brian wheezed at her, puffing on his cigarette.

“Not that it’s any of your business but I’m heading home.” She lied.

“I’d been told ya were the problem child but I didn’t quite believe it at first.”

He blew a puff of smoke straight at her and she fought the urge to fan it away, knowing that he was doing it on purpose.

“Excuse me?”

She hadn’t thought she’d heard right.

“No wonders my brother had an accident. Probably rushing home to get you out of trouble.”

“What? That’s not true!”

She exclaimed, was he blaming her for her parents’ deaths? They aren’t dead she corrected herself silently.

“Right, whatever ya say kid.” He stepped past her and walked away.

Liz turned to walk home, no longer wanting to stay out alone. The whole way home she heard the voice inside her head saying, they were coming home because you whined about them being away for so long, if you hadn’t have moaned they wouldn’t have died. She shook her head as her other voice spoke in the back of her mind, they aren’t dead!


“What’s he doing here?”

She asked when she stepped into Philip Evans’ office and saw Brian sitting there. Philip explained that the will included him along with her and Tommy so he had to be present.

So on went the reading of the will, according to Philip, their parent’s had left a large sum of money for Tommy to finish his education, for Liz to go to college and had left the restaurant to Liz.

“Wait, did you just say they left me the restaurant?”

She had only filtered a few words through but that threw her. Philip nodded,

“Yes, the restaurant is in your name but you cannot take full responsibility for any part of it until you turn 25…”

“So what happens to it until then?” She demanded and Tommy nudged her arm,

“Stop interrupting and you might find out.”

“As I was saying, when you turn 25 it’s yours but until then, since Tommy is at University, you will be placed under the care of Brian Parker, brother to Jeff parker. Brian Parker will take on your responsibilities of the restaurant until you come of age…”

“You what? He’s got to take care of me? Are you kidding?”

She screamed at him and Philip sighed,

“Liz, please just let me finish. Anyway, if he chooses not to take care of you, he cannot take over the restaurant on your behalf and the restaurant is to be sold and the money put into a savings account for your education. If he chooses to accept the responsibility then he will be in charge of the restaurant and be paid the appropriate salary of a restaurant manager until you turn 25.”

“Oh my god, are you sure that’s what they want?”

She asked incredulously, why would her parents’ do that to her? She didn’t know her uncle and now he was supposed to take care of her while Tommy goes back to University.

Re: Going Back (AU M/L CC ADULT) Ch 8 1/6/07

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 6:00 am
by Behrgirl21
HI guys heres the next part and you'll find out what Brian is like to a certain extent....that's all I'm saying. :D
So thanks for the great feedback as always, I'm hoping you guys still like it, unfortunately it does get worse before it gets better for LIz...although you will like one aspect of this part...just a little clue :wink: Also I'm a little hazy on the American school system, like how old students are in certain year etc so forgive me if it doesn't make sense some times but since I have no beta I'm winging it completely. :lol:
Anyway Enjoy!!

raemac Yeah looks like huh?
keepsmiling7 Who do you think would be the one to straighten her out?
Alien_Friend Yeah she does need someone other than a friend or brother to help her.Iagree. If you were on to something do you think I'd tell you? :wink:
roswell3053 Thanksyou and yep it's just one thing after another isn't it.
begonia9508 Yes I know it's sad a shocking that Liz is going o be left in Brian's care but it does happen, people get left with relatives they don't like/know/or even knew they existed, it's just sometimes the way it goes. Thanks though.
Emz80m Hmm you'll have to wait a see what he's like. What's your initial thought? Thankyou though!!

Chapter 9

Two weeks had passed since the wills were read, Brian had grudgingly agreed to run the restaurant and Tommy had convinced him, on behalf of Liz, to let Jose help him out in the management department.

Tommy announced that he wasn’t going to go back to university that he didn’t want to abandon Liz when she needed him. Liz, despite silently screaming at him not to go back, told him she was fine with him going back and that their parents’ wanted him to finish school. Tommy accepted her answer and decided to go back after all.
Liz secretly wanted him to put up more of an argument and refuse to leave her but she knew he had only offered to stay because he felt obliged to and she didn’t want him to hate her for throwing away his education that he worked hard for. So Tommy left to go back two weeks after the funeral, leaving Liz alone with Brian.

While Liz didn’t hang around the friends she used to go out with anymore, they hadn’t spoke since their fight, she now spent most of her time convincing Max, Michael, Isabel and Kyle to go out more. She knew they were just humoring her but she hated staying home when Brian was there since they argued every night.

Whilst Liz had accepted, kind of, that her parents weren’t coming back at all, that they had abandoned her; she refused to acknowledge that they were dead. So she threw herself into her school work and her friends, spending time with them to stop the thoughts running around her mind.

It was one night, when she was trying to forget these thoughts, when she and Max were playing around at his house that something happened that would change things for them.

“Liz that’s really annoying, you know that?”

Max grumbled as Liz continued to poke him in the ribs. They were sitting on his bedroom floor studying when Liz had decided to have some fun.

“Come on Max, stop studying, let’s have some fun.”

She whined and he grinned,

“Alright, how about I get you back for all those pokes?”

He teased then pounced on her, tickling her ribs as she fell back with a squeal.

“Max! Stop!”

She squealed out but he only tickled more and she wiggled trying to get away. Max loved watching her laugh, her eyes sparkled and her smile lit up the room. She hadn’t given him any indication that she knew he was in love with her but he had been dropping hints almost everyday as Isabel had suggested. He knew she liked him too but hadn’t made any move and he hadn’t wanted to push her.

Soon he became aware that he was straddling her legs as he tickled her and that her shirt had risen up to show her creamy stomach. He paused when she looked at him, catching him looking at her stomach, she suddenly felt hot. Even hotter when he leaned down, his face inches from hers, and she saw the heated emotion in his amber eyes.


He began and she felt her heart stop, he had hinted almost every day that he more than liked her and she had been reluctant to start anything but the look he was giving her now was undeniable and irresistible.

She cut him off as she lifted her head and brushed her lips against his soft ones, just slightly then pulled back searching his eyes. He stared at her, stunned, had Liz just kissed him? Maybe it was an accident? He lowered his head and kissed her with more pressure, she pressed back and he relaxed, Liz wanted to kiss him!

Liz’s heart started beating furiously, Max Evans, the love of her life, was finally kissing her!

They stayed that way for a few moments before Liz’s petite hands trailed up his back and around to his neck, pulling him closer as they began to deepen the kiss. She felt his tongue against her lips and opened her mouth willingly, pushing her own tongue towards his.

Max couldn’t believe it, as he settled his body on top of hers; she tasted so sweet he didn’t know how he’d survived 18 years without kissing her. Liz was thinking the same thing.

Later that night, Liz walked home having left Max at his house. They had kissed for the best part of an hour until his mum had knocked on the door telling them it was late. She couldn’t wait to get home to call Isabel and tell her about her evening with Max. As she ran up the stairs to her home above the restaurant Liz smiled as she recalled Max’s sweet kisses.

Opening the door and walking into the living room, her smile was wiped off her face when Brian scowled at her, a beer in one hand and a cigarette in the other, from his chair.

“Where the fuck have you been?” He growled and she frowned.

“I went to Max’s to study.”

“Go make something for dinner.”

“It’s 10.30, I’ve already eaten.”

“I meant for me! You’re supposed to get the dinner on when I’m finished down stairs!” He shouted at her and she rolled her eyes,

“I told you this morning that I wouldn’t be here for dinner. My final exams are in two days.”

“I don’t care! You’ll do what I say!”

He screamed and she knew he was drunk from the way his words were slurring slightly. She sighed and rubbed a hand over her face.

“Look, I’ll just go get you something from down stairs.”

“Forget it, I don’t want anything now! You’ve pissed me off too much! Get to bed!”

“You can’t tell me what to do!”

She answered coolly, pissed off that he was treating her like a child.

He stood up suddenly and dropped his can on the floor. Before Liz could even look up again from the can, he was in front of her and had grabbed her arm in a vice like grip.

“Listen to me you little bitch, I gave up my life to look after your bratty little ass now you’ll show me respect or I’ll make you sorry you were ever born.”

He snarled in her face. While Liz felt the fear snake its way around her body, her mouth couldn’t resist itself.

“Don’t threaten me! Do me a favor and go back to that pathetic little life you had, I don’t want you here.”

His hand appeared out of no where and cracked against her cheek, snapping her head back. She raised a hand to her cheek and looked at him, not saying a word. Had he really just hit her? He dropped her arm and pushed her towards the hall,

“Get to bed now.”

He snarled and she hurried to her room, shutting the door behind her. She sagged against the door stunned, then pushed away and grabbed her phone. As she sat on her bed dialing her brothers’ number by heart her door opened. Brian stood there looking at the phone in her hand; he strode forward and grabbed the phone from her hand, then leaned down towards her.

“You tell anyone and they won’t believe you, I’ll make sure of it. Who is going to believe someone who pretends her parent’s aren’t dead?”

His words rung true in her head, who would believe her anyway? She’d been in more trouble recently than her entire life, it would just sound like another lie she’d tell to get her own way.
He must have seen her doubt because he grinned and handed her the phone back,

“Just in case you don’t understand where we stand, you tell anyone and you’ll get worse than a bruised cheek.”

He spun around and left Liz shaking on the bed. What had she done that had been so bad that caused her life to be turned inside out? That was the thought running around her head as she fell into a restless sleep.


The next day Liz managed to avoid her friends until second period when they cornered her coming out of her class.

“Lizzie! Wait!”
Isabel shouted and Liz tried to ignore her by turning the first corner but ran straight into a solid body. Looking up she saw it belonged to Michael.

“Running somewhere?”

He asked with a grin then it faded when he caught sight of the bruise on her cheek. She saw the twinkle in his eye fade as concern flickered to life in their green depths. Grabbing her chin he turned her face to inspect it clearly, this was how Isabel, Max and Kyle found them when they rounded the corner.

“Michael what are you doing?”

Isabel asked suspiciously and Michael looked into Liz’s brown eyes as he answered her.

“I think I know why she’s been avoiding us all morning.”

“I haven’t been avoiding you.”

She denied quickly and Isabel’s confused voice floated from behind her,

“You haven’t? We waited outside your first lesson but you ran off.”

Michael spoke next, still looking at Liz,

“This isn’t why you’ve been avoiding us? Who did this?”

He demanded and Kyle frowned behind Liz,

“Who did what?”

Michael spun Liz around without warning and the three friends got a good look at Liz’s bruise. Isabel gasped and Max frowned, stepping forward,

“Who hit you?”

“No one, I fell last night in the shower.” She protested, hating herself for lying.

“Are you sure?” Michael asked suspiciously and she turned around frowning,

“Yes, why?”

“I heard you got into a fight with those new friends you had. Someone said they saw you get hit in the face last night in the park.”

“Yeah right, I was with Max last night then I went home.”

She snorted, who she was kidding, hiding from her friends, she should have know someone would have started a rumor by now.

“Really?” Michael asked and Liz rolled her eyes, motioning to Max,

“Yes, ask Max, I was with him till late, and then I went home. I never went near the park.”

“Yeah she was with me last night.” Max confirmed and she sighed,

“I have to get to class.”

She started to leave but Michael grabbed her arm, turning her back to look at him.

“If someone hurts you, you let me know, I’ll sort it for you. You don’t have to hide them.”

His words caused a lump to appear in her throat, he didn’t believe her story but he wasn’t pushing her for the truth. It upset her to have to continue lying to him but her uncle was right, no one would believe her.

“I’m not hiding anything. I fell in the shower, it was an accident.”

Michael studied her eyes for a second then nodded, kissed the top of her head and walked away. Isabel and Kyle left soon after saying they’d see her at lunch. Max stayed behind with Liz, they had a class together next and she wasn’t looking forward to having to lie to him.

“Liz, about last night, are you avoiding me because of what happened because if you are then…”

“No, I’m not Max, I just…what happened last night…where does it…what are we…I mean, where does it leave us?”

She fumbled for the right words and he smiled at her, his deep amber eyes twinkling at her.

“You didn’t regret it?”

“No, of course not!”

She said quickly and he smiled even brighter.

“Good, well then I was kind of hoping it would leave you as my girlfriend, if you want to?”

he said hopefully. Oh my god, did I just say that out loud?

Liz couldn’t help but smile, Max Evans had finally asked her out!

“Yeah I’d like that.”

She smiled back and he leaned forward to kiss her lips quickly,

“Good, now let’s get to class. That looks sore do you want to go see the nurse, check you didn’t fracture anything?” He said concerned as they walked back towards their next class.

“It’s fine, just a bruise, I’ll be fine.”

She gritted her teeth after the lie left her mouth. This was not how she wanted to start off dating Max. She would just make sure her uncle didn’t do this again.

Classes were uneventful except for the rumours flying around about how Liz got her bruise. She was amazed at how creative some people could get. Just as the bell signalling lunch rang, Liz made her way with Isabel from their class towards the quad to meet the others, when a commotion in the hall caught their attention. They paused trying to see what was going on and heard angry voices arguing in the middle of a sea of students bodies.

"Must be the jocks fighting over Pam again."

Isabel muttered to an agreeing Liz as they made their way past the fight. As they neared, however, they both heard the unmistakable voice of Max and he sounded pissed.

"I won't tell you again, you stay away from her."

"Is that Max?"

Isabel asked as she scanned the crowd for him. Liz tried to stand on her toes to find him but couldn't see him so began pushing her way through the crowd with Isabel. Getting to the front she came face to face with one very pissed off Max Evans and an equally furious Ben standing off in front of one another.

"You don't tell me what to do, if I want her I'll have her."

Ben growled out and Max stepped forward.

"You will not have her in any way, you got that? She's off limits."

Max equally growled out and Ben responded by shoving Max in the chest. Max then pushed him back and soon the two boys were having a full blown fight in the hallway.

"Max stop it!"

Liz shouted over the shouts of the other students and Max rammed Ben towards one side of the people, they quickly moved out the way to reveal lockers. They crashed into them with a loud bang and Liz flinched. She knew Max couldn't leave this thing with Ben alone, it was her fault Max had gotten into this fight. She ran forward and tried to separate the two, pulling at who ever she could get a hold of, but nothing could stop them from throwing their fists into each other.


She shouted again, then saw someone's elbow flying towards her face, but she was pulled away by someone before it connected as Michael forced his way between Max and Ben. She was shoved towards Isabel by Kyle as he then moved in to help Michael by pushing Max away from Ben.

"Maxwell what the hell's wrong with you?"

Michael demanded as he held Max back.

"He tried it on with Liz, that's what's wrong with me!"

He all but shouted and Liz cringed, this could get embarrassing quickly.

"He what?"

Michael asked as Ben shouted,

"If I had known how hard she was going to be I wouldn't have bothered!"

"You! Shut it."

Michael snarled and Ben backed down as he turned back to Max.

"He tried it on with my girlfriend and I'm supposed to just let it go?"

Max deamanded and some people turned to look at Liz who felt her face heat up.

Before anyone else could say anything the principle showed up with a few teachers in tow.

"You six, my office now!"

He screamed at Max, Michael, Ben, Liz, Isabel and Kyle, who were all stood in the middle of a large circle of students.

Liz knew she'd be in for it at home when her uncle found out what had happened.

Re: Going Back (AU M/L CC ADULT) Ch 9 1/17/07

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 7:33 am
by Behrgirl21
Hi guys, I'm sooooo sorry for the long delay...things have been hectic. Thanks for being so patient with me and for the guys are great!! For waiting so very long I have decided to post a longer part!! :D

Let me just apologise in advance for the Max and Liz scene (you'll know it when you read it), I am totally not happy with but even after a friend helped me out, I couldn't make it something I was happy with. a risk of disappointing you all, I've posted it anyway or you'll be waiting forever for this next part.

OK so feedback!
Natalie36 Yeah I agree she should tll someone but people often don't and it's that fear that stops them.
TrudyGill23 hmm she should shouldn't she. Here's more and you'll get some idea of what's going to happen.
begonia9508 You'll find out in a bit.
roswell3053 They may do, you'll have to wait and see.
raemac hahaha I see you want get your wish today!! Thankyou.
Alien_Friend Yeah Liz does want to tell them but Brian is manipulating her and especially since she'd already vulnerable from her parents passing away... thankyou, hopefully I'll get to update more frequently from now on.
Emz80m Exactly my thinking, it is sad isn't it.
ken_r I'm sorry for your loss, as I said in feedback ages ago, I have not had to deal with these sorts of situations so I have no experience to draw from so I hope it doesn't disappoint. Thankyou so much.
keepsmiling7 Thankyou very much, and you'll have to wait and see what Max does.
Blink1lit It is frustrating huh, but don't forget, Liz is in a difficult place right now, she's been abandoned by her brother to a certain extent and that has to have a detrimental effect on how she views her relationships with others.

Chapter 10

The next few weeks went by in a flurry excitement over Prom. The group was especially excited for Michael, being confident that he would pass his exams, he would be Graduating this time around, despite being kept back to repeat a year previously.
During these few weeks, Max and Liz became inseparable, spending as much time together as they could. In between school and working as a slave for her uncle, they dealt with what time they had left, making plans for college, incidentally they had applied to the same colleges as Isabel and Michael. They were all hoping to go to the same one and Kyle was planning to join them the following year since he still had a year left.
Liz also endured more offerings from her uncle, since that first slap she received, it had opened a floodgate of pent up anger from her uncle. He frequently beat her, always in places no one could see like her stomach and legs, causing Liz to wear jeans more and more and covering her body up a lot more. Luckily Max never seemed to notice and if he caught sight of a bruise then she was able to convince him that she had just fallen over. She never allowed anyone else to come close to seeing them.
Prom came around and Liz was excited, Max had asked her to go with him, although she had guessed she’d be going with him. Isabel has looked stunning in her deep blue, halter style gown; she had gone with an unusually smart looking Michael, who had been pressured by Liz to take Isabel so they could all go together. Even Kyle had gone with a friend of Isabel’s who had asked him. They danced the night away and at the end of the night, when Liz was sure her uncle was busy drinking down stairs, she locked her bedroom door and waited. A few minutes later Max tapped on her window, he was on her balcony still in his tux waiting for her to open her window and let him in. She did, quickly, and as soon as he was in she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him hard.

Max was in heaven, this night had been better than he could have dreamt, Liz looked stunning in her deep red dress, it was floor length and strapless, and hugging her body and making him want her. As he kissed her his hands wandered up and down her sides, they had explored each other before but never went as far as sleeping together, they hadn’t talked about it yet but Liz seemed to want to take things further and he definitely did.

Liz felt Max’s hands trail over her sides and she ran her hands down his chest to undo his jacket, tugging it apart and pushing it off him. He froze and looked at her,

“What…” He began and she silenced him with a kiss, reaching down to undo his shirt buttons one at a time. Once undone she pushed his shirt off to reveal a body so toned, she expected to see it on a male model. She ran her fingers over his chest and then took his hand and put it where her zipper began on the side of her dress, indicating that he should undo it.

Staring into her chocolate brown eyes Max felt nervous, he didn’t want to push her but he did want her. Sensing his hesitation she smiled,

“It’s ok, I want this Max, and I want to do this with you.”

“Are you sure?” His voice coming out husky and sending shivers through her body.

Nodding she kissed him again as he began to undo her zipper, pulling her dress down once it was undone. He stepped back to look at her standing before him in a strapless red lacy bra and matching underwear. He noticed a dark bruise on her side and reached out to trace it with his fingers, a frown appearing on his face. She took his hand, tensing when she saw what he was looking at,

“I’m so clumsy. It’s alright.”

She assured him and he tried not to let it ruin the moment, he knew Liz wasn’t clumsy but it might have just been an accident.

She reached to his trousers and undid them; planting soft kisses down his torso, as she pushed his trousers down, leaving him in his boxers. Straightening back up she pulled him towards her bed and lay down, pulling him on top of her.

He felt slightly self-conscious of his arousal pressing against her but that was soon wiped away when Liz reached between them.

“Is this ok?”

She asked in a breathy voice when Max hissed. She had done this with Max before but never in a situation where it was heading where it was tonight. She knew Max wasn’t a virgin, he’d told her and she didn’t mind but she was a virgin so didn’t know quite what to do with herself.

Max couldn’t think straight all he could really concentrate on was Liz’s delicate hand making him feel like he’d never felt before. He wasn’t a virgin but it hadn’t been like this before. Lost in his thoughts he suddenly became aware of Liz’s sweet voice speaking to him. He opened his eyes and looked down on her beautiful face, she was watching him and he mentally kicked himself for momentarily forgetting that this was her first time. Way to make a great first impression on her Max he thought.

He ran a hand over her shoulder and nudged her up so he could snake his hand around her back to undo her bra. Once undone he pulled it off her, checking that she was comfortable. Seeing the loving look in her eyes he kissed his way down her neck, sucking slightly at the base and eliciting a breathy moan from Liz. Smiling to himself at making her moan he continued to kiss his way down her chest causing Liz to arch her back and gasp. He ran his hands down to her lacy underwear and tugged them down gently, sitting up to pull them off until Liz was completely naked. He drank the view in and smiled at her when she blushed.

“You’re so beautiful.”

He told her as he lowered himself onto her, nudging her legs open so he could settle between them. He kissed her tenderly and when she responded heatedly, he lowered one hand between them. At his touch, Liz had jumped; it felt so amazingly good to her and her eyes closed as a small moan fell from her reddened lips.

Liz moved her hands down to his boxers and slowly started to push them down his slender hips. He lifted his body up enough for her to wiggle them down until she lifted her feet and pushed them down his legs until they fell to the floor. Both completely naked a signal seemed to go off in their minds and they were suddenly kissing passionately, tongues probing one another’s’ mouths.

“Oh god…Max…”

Liz ripped her mouth from his to gasp as she felt the pleasure building up quicker inside her. Max stopped suddenly and smiled down at her,

“Are you sure about this?”

He asked again and she nodded, slightly annoyed that he had stopped working his magical fingers on her. He quickly got off the bed and rifled through his trousers for a minute, then returned with a small square of foil. He prepared himself, standing in front of her and then crawled on top of her once more, settling between her creamy legs. He couldn’t believe it, he was about to make love to Liz, his Liz, the one who he loved unconditionally. He positioned himself at her entrance and began to push slowly.
As Max began to enter her Liz could only watch the look of concentration on his beautiful face. His breath quickened and she knew he was trying not to hurt her, all she could think about was that she loved him and she loved that she was sharing her first experience with him.
“I love you Max.” She whispered and he froze, he stared down into her dark brown eyes. Did she just say she loved him? Answer her back you idiot! He screamed silently at himself.

“I love you Liz, you know that right?”

He asked quietly and she nodded. He kissed her lips softly then whispered,

“This will hurt.”

“I know.”

“I don’t want to hurt you.”

He spoke into her neck and she smiled.

“You could never hurt me Max.”

She said softly, running a hand up his muscular back as she lifted her hips towards him. Just as she lifted them as much as she could under him, he thrust forward quickly and she winced at the sharp pain she felt. Max pulled his face up to look at her,

“I’m sorry.”

He said and she saw the look of guilt in his eyes.

“Don’t be, it only gets better from here right?”

She joked and Max gave her a huge grin,

“Yes it does.” He answered and started rocking his hips into her.


They pulled apart a while later, gasping for breath, Max smiled at Liz and brushed a strand of hair off her forehead.

“That was amazing.”

She gasped and he felt a swell of pride at having made her feel that way.

“It was.”

He agreed as he rolled onto his back. He grabbed her hand in his and squeezed,

“Are you ok?”


She replied, her eyes closed and her breathing returning to normal.

Suddenly she rolled onto her side and leaned her head in her hand.

“Thank you, this night was the best night of my life Max.”

She admitted and avoided looking at him, she didn’t want to come across as the sappy girlfriend but she was speaking the truth. Max mimicked her pose and told her to look at him, when she did he smiled,

“I should be thanking you; it was the best night of my life.”

“I meant what I said you know. I do love you.”

“I know you do same goes for me.”

He leaned forward and kissed her nose.

“Can you stay?” She asked quietly and he sighed,

“Won’t your uncle hit the roof if he found me here?”

“I’ve locked the door, he can’t get in unless he kicks it down and I can guarantee that he’ll be too drunk to think of anything but his bed.”

“Alright, if you want me to I will.”

He lifted up to pull the covers off the bed and over them, pulling Liz down into his arms and holding her tightly.

“I can’t imagine being without you Liz, I want to stay like this forever.”

He whispered, feeling his eyes getting heavy. Liz mumbled an answer as she drifted into sleep, smiling against his chest, thinking life was suddenly looking better.


“Hey Lizzie!”

Isabel called as she entered the restaurant, spotting her best friend wiping a table down by the window. There were only a couple of customers in the restaurant for lunch so Isabel took a seat on the far wall and waited for Liz to get to her.
Liz smiled at Isabel as she sat across from her,

“Hey Izzy.”

“Last night was a blast right?”

Izzy gushed with her bright smile plastered all over her face, she knew Liz had had a great time at the Prom and thought that it was just what her best friend needed to get back to her old self. Liz nodded and she saw the blush creep over Liz’s face.

Liz was suddenly thinking about her night with Max after the Prom but Izzy didn’t know about that yet.

“I’m sensing that your fun lasted longer than mine.”

She teased, thinking that Liz and Max had just gotten hot and heavy on the way home but realization dawned quickly over Isabel’s face when Liz blushed even harder and a grin spread over her face. She leaned in closer to the brown hair girl across from her,

“Liz, what are you not telling me? Did something happen with you and Max?”

Liz could only nod and Isabel grinned brightly,

“Did things get a bit steamy?”

“Yeah things got steamy.”

Liz agreed and as Isabel giggled and rolled her eyes, she quickly added,

“Then they burst into flames.”

Isabel froze,

“What do you mean? Did you go all the way with Max?”

Interest sparkled in her bright blue eyes.
Liz nodded a grin still across her face and Isabel squealed, reaching over the pull Liz into a brief hug.

“Oh my god Liz, this is huge! Where did this happen? How was it?”

Isabel fired at her and the dreamy look that passed over Liz’s pretty face told Isabel all she needed to know.

“It was amazing Izzy, it was…it was…”

“That good huh?”

Before Isabel and Liz could talk further, Brian walked out into the restaurant and spotted Liz.

“You’re supposed to be working.”

He growled at her and Liz sighed to Isabel before getting up. Isabel quickly stood up and waved her goodbye before heading out of the restaurant.

As Liz walked past her uncle he grabbed her arm tightly, using his body to shield the action from anyone and snarled in her ear,

“I don’t pay you to sit around talking to your friends.”

Then he let her go and she breathed a sigh of relief. At least he didn’t leave a bruise this time she thought as she checked her arm, you’d still have deserved it, you know how he gets when your friends come in , the little voice argued inside her head. Pushing it to the back of her mind she carried on working.

“So little Lizzie, how does it feel?”

Kyle asked as he joined the girls in Isabel’s bedroom. It had been two days since Max and Liz had slept together, as far as they were aware only Isabel and Michael knew about it.

“How does what feel?”

She asked absentmindedly, while braiding Isabel’s long blonde hair.

“Don’t play coy with me Parker, you know what I mean.”

He winked and Liz looked accusingly at Isabel in the mirror.

“You told him?”

“I didn’t mean to, he kind of just guessed.”

“Greats, that’s just great.”

She mumbled and Kyle nudged her shoulder.


“So what?”

“How was it?”


Isabel screeched and he shrugged,

“I’m only asking. Just making sure it was good for her”

“Thanks for your concern but I’m not talking to you about my…”

She trailed off with a blush heating up her cheeks and Kyle grinned,

“Go on say it! You don’t want to talk to me about your sex life!”

Liz rolled her eyes as Isabel tried to hide a smile.

“I wasn’t going to say that…”

She began but Kyle started laughing,

“You have a sex life now little Lizzie, you can’t escape it.”

Liz groaned and tried to ignore him for the rest of the day, his persistent questions were driving her up the wall but it felt good to be able to laugh and joke about with them without the worries she carried around with her. She couldn’t help wondering why the rest of her life couldn’t be that simple.

Later that night the group was gathered in Izzy and Kyle’s living room eating popcorn and having just watched a movie. Kyle and Izzy were laid out on their stomachs on the floor, Michael sat in the chair, his left foot resting on his right knee and Liz sat curled up against Max on the sofa. Isabel switched the television off and sat up slowly as she stretched her arms above her head. Turning to look at Max and Liz on the sofa she smiled nervously,

“I was thinking, what if we don’t get the chance to go to the same college?”

“That’s not an option Izzy, we all go somewhere together, we agreed on that last year.”

Max answered softly and Isabel frowned,

“Are we all one hundred percent happy with that though? I just don’t want anyone to miss out on some great opportunities elsewhere.”

Granted, it was Isabel’s idea initially that they should all go to the same place but she hadn’t really thought anyone else would go for the idea, then Liz had turned it into this whole great big plan. She had reacted to the idea like she had been an idiot not to have thought about it herself and proceeded to research somewhere where they could all get what they wanted. Max wanted to be a fitness instructor, Isabel wanted to be a social worker since forever, Michael was interested in law and following in his parent’s footsteps, Kyle wanted to play sports and Liz wanted to be a teacher.

“Izzy, stop worrying so much, we’re happy with our decision.”

Liz soothed her best friend as she cuddled closer to Max, breathing in the sweet, spicy scent of him.

“I know but…”

“No buts, I don’t want to hear them, I have to go.”

Liz interrupted her and sat up.

“I’ll drive you.”

Max offered as he stood up and he turned his amber eyes to his brother, still sitting down.

“Are you coming?”

“To watch you and Lizzie make out for half an hour, if I’m lucky, before she goes in? I think I can manage to resist that invitation.”

Michael retorted dryly and Kyle’s laugh drifted up from the floor.

“Aw is Mikey upset because he’s not getting any?”
Liz teased him with a cheeky grin on her face.

“You remember what happened the last time you called me Mikey right?”

“Ok I was just kidding; don’t get your pants in a twist.”

“You want me to pick you up on the way back from Liz’s?”

Max asked as Liz gathered her things together and met Isabel at the door for a hug.

“No, I’ll walk.”

Michael dismissed them with a wave and as they left he muttered,

“I want to get home sometime tonight.”

“What are these?” Brian growled out as soon as she stepped into the apartment. She took one look at the papers in his hand and mentally kicked herself; she had left the college prospectuses on her desk that morning.

“They’re the colleges’ I’ve applied to.”

She answered shortly and he tore them in two before she could say anything further. Staring at the torn pieces fluttering to the floor she felt the ball of fear roll in her stomach, what’s he going to do about it? He can’t stop you from going, it’s your future and the sooner he’s out of it the better. The voice in her head told her as she flicked her gaze up to his strangely calm face.

“You aren’t going to college.”