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TheLegendofDaringElk&HorseDreamer(M/LAdult) End 1/19

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 2:44 pm
by Shadowlynxbehr
Winner Round Twelve



Title: The Legend of Daring Elk and Horse Dreamer
Author: Shadowlynxbehr
Pairing: M/L and others
Rating: ADULT
Disclaimer: I do not own Roswell or anything to do with it. I also do not own anyone or anything from the FICTIONAL Udeyona nation. Nor do I claim to know exactly what went on in Native American tribes in the past except what I have read or watched on TV. This story is made purely from imagination and is in NO WAY a reflection of the Native American tribes that once existed or still exist today.

Summary: Max is a Native American warrior whose tribe has always valued strength of character in both genders. Liz is a white girl who was captured in a raid when she was a child. Now a young woman, she is a slave who is mistreated by her owners. Max has grown to know this woman who always has the strength to stand up for her rights and those of the other slaves.

Author's Note: Instead of using a real Native American tribe and running the risk of writing something that won't do that tribe justice, I've decided to create a fictional tribe as the show once did. However, let it be known that each tribe had their own social systems and way of life, some were even more sophisticated than most. Some tribes even raided other tribes or the dwellings of white settlers and took the people as captives whom they either kept as slaves or traded to others for goods. That being said, my knowledge for this story mostly comes from what I've read in Historical Fictional Novels, Romance Novels, and from my own personal reading of shamanism, animal worship, and tribes such as Cherokee, Sioux, Apache, Creek, Navajo, Aztecs, and most of the other commonly known tribes of the U.S. and Mexico. I do not claim in any way to know exactly what went on in tribal life since I was not alive at the time. ;)


Elizabeth Parker had just laid her head down to take a nap when she heard the shouts. Her little sister, Serena stirred next to her as the wagon jerked to a halt. Liz sat up and cocked her head in curiosity.

Serena rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and mumbled, “Lizzie? What’s going on?”

Liz shrugged. “I dunno Sere. Wait here while I go see.”

Her sister frowned. “But momma and poppa said not to get out of the wagon!”

Liz waved her little sister back as she crawled to the wagon flap. Only a year older than Serena at the age of twelve, Liz Parker was nearly the exact opposite of her younger sister. Her father had always joked that they were two sides of the same coin.

After all, Liz was the outspoken, curious one while Serena was the quiet, docile one. Dark haired Liz was always right there with her older brother Kyle getting into all kinds of scrapes and messes while light haired Serena tended to hang around her mother’s skirts. In fact, it was obvious that Liz took after their father and Serena took after their mother.

Despite the fact that Liz was a little rough around the edges, neither her father nor fourteen year old Kyle chastised Liz for not being a proper little girl. Even her mother didn’t seem to mind that Liz was more of a tomboy than anything else.

As Liz reached the wagon flap, Kyle scrambled into the back and pushed Liz back into the wagon. The girls saw the worried look on his face.

“Kyle? What’s going on?” asked Liz.

Kyle’s eyes went wide as he whispered to his sister. “Injuns!”

Liz’s eyes mirrored his own. “Really?” she whispered back.

Kyle nodded as he glanced at Serena. “Mom and pop say for us to stay here until they’re gone.”

Serena frowned at their whispering. “What’s going on?”

Liz shook her head. “Nothing Sere, let’s go back to sleep okay?”

She made her way back to her blankets to settle in again, hoping her little sister would follow. However, Serena looked from Liz to Kyle and back again before putting her hands on her hips.

“Nuh uh! Something’s going on and you are gonna tell me or I’m gonna scream!”

Kyle shook his head as he moved to his sister’s side. “No Sere, no. You can’t okay? Mom and pop said to get some sleep. We’re not to make any noise at all or we’re gonna be whipped. Please Serena, let’s try to go back to sleep.”

Luckily for him, an unconscious part of his little sister seemed to understand the urgency in his voice. With a hesitant nod, she lay back down in her blankets and closed her eyes. However, the moment Liz and Kyle tried to join her, they all heard the ruckus coming from outside of the wagon.

All three of them sat up instantly and looked around the wagon as the sounds increased. Suddenly a gunshot rang out making all three of them jump.

“Kyle? I want momma! Where’s momma?” squealed Serena.

Liz moved to her side and wrapped her arms around her. “It’s okay Ser. Everything’s going to be okay.”

As she rocked her little sister in her arms, Kyle crawled to the flaps and peeked out. His eyes went wide as he stared at the chaos around them. All of the wagons in the caravan they’d been traveling West with had all been arranged in a circle, while all the adults who knew how were positioned places between the wagons shooting at the Indians who circled the wagons.

Kyle could see his mother’s feet sticking out from underneath the wagon where she was shooting her rifle at the Indians. Nancy was almost as good at using a rifle as their father Jeffery was. Jeff crouched not too far from his wife, using a wheel as cover while he shot his own rifle at the raiders.

Still while the adults tried to keep the Indians from breeching the circle of wagons, it seemed as if they weren’t that strong. Kyle watched as the Indians, some of which were on horseback, notched arrow after arrow and let them fly at the adults. Some hit their targets as bodies began to fall to the ground, others lodged themselves in wood or canvas.

Then an arrow covered in flames flew through the air and lodged itself into a canvas covered wagon. Screams instantly started as those inside desperately scrambled out of the wagon that was rapidly being consumed by flames.

Jeff turned to look when the screaming started and immediately yelled at his wife. “Nancy! Get the children out of the wagon! Now!”

Nancy didn’t hesitate to scramble out from under the wagon to the flap where Kyle was still looking out of. As she grabbed him, she spoke to her children in a hurried voice.

“Kyle get under the wagon. Liz, Serena come quickly.”

Serena didn’t hesitate to launch herself into her mother’s arms while Liz followed at a more sedate pace. Still, Nancy quickly got all three of them huddled under the wagon before she and Jeff positioned themselves around them.

“Put your heads down and cover your faces,” ordered their father as he continued to follow the raiders with his rifle.

The three of them obeyed his order, ducking their heads down to the ground and covering their faces with their arms. All they could hear were the strange shouts and yells of the Indians and sound of guns and screams from the people they traveled with.

“Jeff, we can’t stay here,” came Nancy’s frightened voice.

“I know that, but where can we go? There’s no cover around as far as I can see.”

Just then more screams rent the air. Only this time the screams sounded younger. Nancy and Jeff turned to see what was going on.

“Oh my God! Jeff the children! They’re taking the children!”

“Nancy! Don’t frighten ours!”

Kyle lifted his head to see that the Indians had breeched several other areas and were now snatching up several of the unguarded children before riding off with them. He watched in horror as another Indian with an axe leaped on one of the already injured men and buried the axe in the back of his neck.

Just then, he heard his mother cry out and turned to see her on her knees with an arrow buried in her chest. Blood bubbled out of her open mouth as a look of surprise covered her face. She stared at Jeff as he looked at her in horror.

“Nancy!” he yelled before moving closer to her while trying to keep an eye on the Indians.

“Mom!” cried Kyle as he scrambled towards her.

Just before he reached her, she fell onto her side. Her wide, unseeing eyes stared at nothing at all.

“No! No mom! No!” screamed Kyle as he shook his mother’s dead body.

Jeff grabbed Kyle and pushed him towards the girls. “Go make sure they don’t look!”

As Kyle scrambled back to his sisters, Jeff bent over Nancy and gently closed her eyes. Lowering his head until his forehead touched hers, he whispered to her.

“May God keep you until we meet again my love.”

He pressed a tender kiss against her lips before turning away from her, determined to protect their children. As he moved closer to the edge of the wagon, he could hear the girls sniffling in fear while Kyle tried to calm them down.

Gritting his teeth, he refilled his rifle and took aim. Two Indians went down one after another. Ignoring the burning wagons and screams of the children who had been taken, Jeff continued to shoot any Indian who dared to come close to his wagon and family.

Unfortunately, they began coming at him from all sides since they were able to sneak through the destroyed wagons too. He was in the process of reloading his rifle when an arrow lodged itself into the back of his shoulder. Dropping his gun, he whirled around only to have another arrow lodge itself in his right side.

When the third arrow whizzed through the air, Kyle looked up in time to see it lodge itself in his father’s arm.

“Oh my God! Pop!” Kyle left the girls to scramble to his father. Grabbing his father’s rifle, he finished loading it and began shooting at the Indians who tried to come closer.

As Kyle shot at the Indians, Liz crawled to her father who was now laying on his back staring at the sky. Liz leaned over him trying to hold back her sobs.

“Daddy? Daddy please don’t die! Please!”

Jeff turned his head slightly to look up at his daughter. He smiled through his pain. “My Lizzie…”

Liz turned to Kyle. “He’s still alive! What do I do?”

Kyle shifted until he was next to his father. “Pop, tell Liz how to help you. I’ll keep the Indians away.”

Jeff slowly shook his head once. “It’s too late for me, Kyle. Promise me you’ll take care of your sisters, my son. It’s up to you to protect them now.”

“No daddy!” Liz whined as she shook her father.

Jeff lifted a hand to cup her cheek. “Help Kyle, Lizzie. Help him with Serena, she’s going to need the both of you.”

Liz sniffled as she covered his hand with hers. “Oh daddy…”

“My Lizzie, I love…” Liz watched as his eyes closed just before his hand slid limply from hers to plop against the ground.

Her eyes filled with tears as she stared through her blurry vision at her father. “Kyle,” she whispered through her tears. “Kyle, he’s gone.”

Kyle stopped shooting long enough to look down at his father. He could see that Liz wasn’t kidding. Jeff had lost too much blood, dying from the arrow wounds on his body. Realizing it was just him and his two sisters now, he lifted the rifle and began shooting wildly.

Tears ran down his face as he took his fear and frustration out on whatever got in the way of the rifle. Unfortunately the bullets ran out and he had to reload again. This time he didn’t have enough time before the Indians reached them.

Several of them reached in and began dragging the children out from under the wagon. Liz began kicking and struggling, trying to get away from her captors. Just as Kyle was about to launch himself at Liz’s captors, he heard Serena’s bloodcurdling scream.

Turning around, he saw her being carried away from them. She had been thrown over one of their shoulders and was reaching out her little arms towards Kyle. A look of terror gripped her face as tears ran down her cheeks.

“Kyle! Help me, Kyle! Big brother help!”

Kyle scrambled out from under the wagon, running to Serena since he was certain she needed him more than Liz did. Just as he got to his feet, a horse came charging towards him and the Indian bent over and scooped him up before draping him over the front of the saddle.

As Kyle tried to get up, he was hit on the back of his head. The last thing he saw was the complete and utter decimation of every single wagon in the caravan and the bloody, blackened bodies that littered the area around them.


Liz glanced at her sister who sat next to her trembling and staring at nothing at all. For the last two days Serena had been in that state of shock, only coming out of it long enough to scream when an Indian got too close to her. All the Indian had been trying to do was give her some food and water, but Serena wouldn’t stop screaming.

So the Indian would hand Liz the food and water, making gestures that he wanted Liz to feed it to Serena. Liz would take care of her sister before taking her own nourishment, then she was allowed to see to Kyle who was still unconscious.

Moving closer to her sister, Liz tried to talk to her. “Ser? Can you hear me Ser?”

Serena continued to tremble and look blankly at nothing.

Liz sighed. “Come on Serena, you have to talk to me. It’s Lizzie. I miss you!”

A moan from the other side of her, made her turn in time to see Kyle clutching the back of his head while trying to sit up.

She reached over and helped him to a sitting position. “Careful. You have a lump.”

Kyle groaned as he squinted and looked around the camp. “Where are we?”

Liz shrugged. “I don’t know. We’ve been traveling for two days.”

His eyes widened. “I’ve been out two days?”


“I wonder where they’re taking us?”

“Kyle? I can’t talk to Serena. Something’s wrong with her.”

He rubbed his head once more as he glanced over at Serena and frowned. “Ser? What’s wrong?”

When she still didn’t respond, Kyle tried to move closer to her, but his bonds prevented him from moving too much. With a helpless sigh, he sat back down and looked around the camp once more.

Most of the other children who’d been traveling with them were huddled in groups around the campsite just like the three of them were. Kyle also noticed that some the Indians were walking from group to group. But that wasn’t what really stood out. What Kyle really noticed was that there seemed to be many more Indians than there had been the day of the raid.

He frowned. “Something’s going on.”

Liz gave him a curious stare. “What do you mean?”

Before he could answer, a group of Indians approached them. Liz and Kyle stared up at them as two of the Indians began gesturing towards them while the others appeared to be looking at them closely. They began to murmur among themselves for a while before one of the men nodded.

The two Indians who had been gesturing approached Kyle and undid his bonds from the spike in the ground. Using the bonds to lead him, they jerked him towards the group. Kyle began to struggle, trying to get back to his sisters.

“Let go of me, you heathen! Let go!” he roared.

His yells caught Serena’s attention and when she realized her brother was being taken away from her, she began to cry hysterically. Liz immediately wrapped her arms around her sister trying to quiet her.

“Let go!” Kyle yelled as he continued to struggle. But he knew he was losing because he was getting farther and farther away from his sisters. Looking back at them, he caught Liz’s eyes. “Take care of Serena, Liz. Remember what our father said!”

Liz nodded as she held Serena tighter and watched her brother disappear into the crowd. She knew that was the last time they would ever see each other again.


She could hear voices coming closer. Opening her eyes she glanced up to see a group of Indians walking towards her and her sister. Quickly sitting up, she glared at them. Daring them to separate her and Serena. One of them came to stand in front of her, kneeling down he held out a hand to her.

“Come,” he said. “You come.”

Liz shook her head. “I’m not leaving my sister!”

The Indian looked at the still sleeping Serena lying next to Liz. He turned back to her and gave her a sad smile before speaking in broken English. “You come.”

She looked away from him to the others there. One of them leaned over to whisper into the ear of the one who was kneeling. His English was perfect, but heavily accented. “The Taganila were here first.”

The one kneeling frowned and spoke to him in their language. When he finished, the one who had spoken perfect English looked at Liz.

“What is your name?”

Liz stared at him.

“We will not harm you little one. Tell us your name.”


The Indian nodded. “You will come with us.”

“Where are you taking me?”

“To our home.”

“And my sister too?”

He shook his head. “No, she will stay with the Danasga. You belong with the Udeyona now.”

Liz shook her head as she tried to scramble away from them. “No! I will not leave my little sister! I promised my daddy! I won’t leave her!”

The Indian sighed. “I am sorry little one, but it is done.”

The Indian that had been kneeling stood up, then bent over to swoop Liz up into his arms. As the other one unfastened her bonds from the ground, Liz struggled to get away.

“No! You can’t take me! You can’t!”

Her demands woke up Serena who realized what was happening. As the Indians walked away with a struggling Liz, Serena began to scream and wail loudly.

Liz looked back at her little sister and raised her voice so she could hear. “Serena! Don’t cry! It’s going to be okay! You just have to be brave okay? Be brave, Serena!”


Liz would remember the look of hopelessness in her sister’s eyes and her desperate screams for years afterwards. She was still dreaming of those things four days later when she had finally arrived at the Udeyona tribe, her new home. There she was to become a slave for the Indian who had spoken to her in broken English, his wife, their two sons, and infant daughter.


Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 3:17 am
by Shadowlynxbehr
Part 1
* Six years later*

Liz Parker continued to scrub the clothing against the rocks at the edge of the stream. Her friend Tessa Harding knelt next to her doing the same with her own pile of clothing. There were several other slaves also washing clothing along with them while several braves kept an eye on them.

None of the slaves even glanced at their watchers as they continued to gossip among themselves. The Udeyona watchers didn’t protest over the slaves use of their native English language while they washed clothes and gossiped. The only time the braves got upset was when one of the slaves spoke to them in English when they clearly couldn’t speak it.

All slaves that had been there for a long enough time eventually got the hang of the language. Liz had been a slave with the Udeyona for six years and had gotten good at speaking in that language. Tessa had only been there for about four years, but she was getting a pretty good grasp of their language too.

Despite knowing how to speak the Udeyona language, the slaves tended to use English when talking amongst themselves. Especially when they were discussing something they didn’t want the Udeyona to hear. And at the moment, it was Tessa who didn’t want the Udeyona watchers to understand what they were talking about. Liz for her part kept trying to convince Tessa, who was only a year younger, to let her inform someone.

“Tess, I know this is getting serious. You have to let me intervene on your behalf. You know we have rights even as slaves.”

Tess continued to wash her clothes without looking up at Liz. “I know we do! But why are you so determined to help me out? Shouldn’t you be looking after yourself first?”

“I’m not the one trying to hide all the cuts and bruises!” mumbled Liz.

Tess gave her a quick glare before going back to washing. “So, my skin is more sensitive than yours. I can’t help that.”

Liz huffed as she shoved a stray piece of hair off her forehead. “It is not! I’m not being tossed around like a sack of potatoes Tessa! Badger Turns Quickly may constantly hurl insults at me and taunt me, but it’s only him. Not the rest of the family. His father and older brother treat me with the same respect all slaves are to be treated with. And you know that his mother loves the way I care for her daughter. After all, Turtle Dove is the youngest of the family.”

“Yet you allow him to abuse you.”

“He only uses words Tess. Trust me, he knows that I know what my rights are. He knows that the moment he goes too far, I’m going to his father and telling him what his youngest son has done to me. I won’t keep silent Tess. I won’t.”

“And just who am I supposed to go complain to, huh? You said it yourself. You can go to anyone else in the family to complain about Badger Turns Quickly. I can’t do that since it’s the whole family who’s involved!”

“That’s why you have to let me tell someone Tess. I can intervene for you.”

“Right, as if Crow Flies will try to protect a slave that isn’t one of his own.”

“He will! Once I explain to him what your family is doing to you and he sees the evidence himself, he’ll protect you. Crow Flies is a reasonable man, Tess. He’s never mistreated me in the six years I’ve been with him and he’s listened to me when it’s mattered.”

“Tess, Liz is right. I’ve met Crow Flies a time or two when my owner has visited with him. He is indeed a just man.”

Tess sighed as she sat back on her haunches and stared at the water. After a few moments she shook her head and looked up at Liz with watery eyes. “I can’t, Liz. I just can’t. Just let it go. Please?”

Liz slowly nodded as she gave in to the pleading look in her friend’s eyes. Against her better judgment, she let the topic slide just as Tess wanted her to do. This wasn’t the first time Liz had managed to catch sight of the cuts and bruises Tess tried to keep hidden from all eyes. And just like all those other times, she tried to convince Tess to let her talk to Crow Flies, the man who had taken Liz away from the Danasga tribe to become a slave for his family.

In the six years that Liz had been with Crow Flies and his family within the Udeyona tribe, she had come to realize that her life could have turned out much worse than it had. Granted, the youngest of the two boys in the family was constantly hassling Liz when no one else seemed to be within earshot but Liz didn’t let it get to her. Besides that, Badger Turns Quickly, who was eighteen years old just like Liz, knew that she was waiting for him to do something he would regret.

He knew she was waiting for the day he did something to cross that line which would have her running to his father. And it wouldn’t be just Crow Flies that would take the hide out of him. His older brother, Blue Raven would also take a piece of his hide as would their mother, Whispering Dragonfly. All of them had come to appreciate what Liz did for their family and knew she was worth her weight in trade.

So, just having Badger Turns Quickly on her back was nothing compared to what Tess had to put up with every single day. Unlike Liz who only had one person harassing her, Tess had her entire family harassing her. And it wasn’t just verbally either.

The man who owned Tess, had purchased her four years ago when his wife was still alive. It was his wife who had been the sole protector of Tess. She’d kept both her husband and their only son from harassing Tess. Unfortunately, she’d died in childbirth two years ago along with her unborn daughter.

A year later, he’d remarried to a woman who couldn’t stand the sight of Tess. She made sure to let Tess know how she felt about her just as verbally and physically as her husband and stepson had been doing all along. So Tess’ situation had gone from bad to worse within a year and there was nothing Liz could do about it.

“So, have you all heard about Antonia?” asked one of the other girls with them.

“No what about her?” asked Liz.

“She got word that her father was looking for her. Seems he managed to track her down and negotiated for her freedom.”

“So that’s why I haven’t seen her for a few days,” replied Tess.

“Yep. Her father came and got her.”

“Wow, she must have been really happy to know her family was still alive,” mused Liz.

“Well, she thought they were dead actually. I mean, their home was attacked while they’d all been asleep for the night and Antonia said she never saw any of her family while they were carrying her away. She did see the house in flames, so she’d assumed they’d all died in the fire since she never saw any of them.”

“Did they all survive?” asked another one of the girls.

“No. I heard her father telling her that it was just him and her younger brother that survived. Her mother died from all the smoke from the fire as did her older sister. Her older brother died while trying to keep the Indians from setting fire to their home.”

The others got quiet as their thoughts turned inwards to their own families and the memories of how they’d all been separated. After a few moments, Liz let out a sigh.

“Well, I doubt I’ll ever see my brother and sister again. I guess I should just be grateful that my life isn’t as bad as it could have been.”

“What about your parents, Liz?” asked one of the girls.

Liz shook her head. “They were killed in the raid that we were captured in.”

“Are you sure, I mean Antonia’s dad lived…”

Liz nodded. “Oh, I’m sure. I saw them die.”

Once more silence fell over them as their thoughts turned inward. Liz couldn’t really remember the details of her parents deaths anymore since the years had made her memories blur a bit. Truth was, their deaths had never really bothered her as much as she would have thought. She did have nightmares of their deaths for about a year or two afterwards, but they were nothing compared to the nightmares she’d have of her younger sister, Serena.

Even now she still woke up from nightmares of hearing her little sister screaming for her to stay with her. She could still see the terrified look in Serena’s eyes as she reached out for Liz while they kept pulling them farther and farther away from each other.

Every time she woke up, she would just lie there and wonder where Serena was now. Had she wound up with a good family like Liz had or was she free? Was she even still alive after all these years?

Liz turned to glance at Tess and smiled. Her sister would be Tess’ age now and she wondered if Serena looked just as lovely as Tess did.

“What are you smiling about?” asked Tess when she glanced up at Liz.

Liz’s smile widened. “I was just thinking of my sister and what she might look like now.”

Tess returned her smile. “That’s right. You said she’s my age.”

Liz nodded. “Uh huh. She’s about two months younger than you.”

“What do you think she looks like?”

Liz grinned. “I think she looks like our mother. Her hair is probably the same light shade of brown as my mother’s was. And when the sun hits it just right, you can see red highlights in it. Kyle’s hair was that way too.”

“So your older brother looks like your mother too?”

Liz nodded. “Yeah. I’m the only one who really looks the most like our father. I have his dark hair and high cheekbones.”

Tess made a face. “Well, I don’t know if a guy who takes after his mother is going to look all that manly.”

Liz laughed. “Well the last time I saw Kyle, he was fourteen and he certainly looked like he was on his way to being a man to me.”

“Ooooh! That would make him about twenty now, right?” asked one of the other girls.

Liz nodded. “Yes it would indeed.”

“What about your sister Tess? What do you think she looks like now?”

“Well, she’d be about nineteen now. So, I think she’d be much taller than me. But that’s because Isabel was always so tall like our dad and I’m short like my mother was.”

“So, you look like your mom then?” asked Liz.

Tess shook her head. “Oh no, I look like my dad with my mother’s height.” She laughed as she added, “That’s what’s funny. The last I remember of her, Isabel looked like my mother with my father’s height. And for some reason, it just made her look even prettier. I just know she’s got to be absolutely stunning now.”

“Hey, don’t sell yourself so short,” replied Liz. “Some of us would kill to have blonde hair in the shade yours is.”

“Yeah and I even know of a few Udeyona women who’re envious of your blue eyes,” added another girl.

Tess blushed. “Thanks, but I think I’d rather blend in with the rest of them like some of you do. With my coloring, I’m sticking out like a sore thumb.”

Liz rolled her eyes as they all went about gathering up the clothing they’d washed. Tess was forever telling Liz how lucky she was to have dark hair and skin that tanned well. She believed it was easy for Liz to blend in with the Udeyona tribe, while someone like her with blonde hair that was nearly white and skin so pale that it rarely tanned stood out as being so different. That was one of the reasons Tess believed her owners were so cruel towards her.


The slaves made their way back to camp with their watchers around them. To an untrained eye, it could look like several white women being herded by heathen Indians but that wasn’t really the truth.

Sure the slaves never went to the stream to wash without several braves to guard them, but it wasn’t to keep them from running off. It was really to keep them from being captured by any other raiders lurking out there or to keep any wild animals from injuring them.

And if any of the slaves decided to make a run for it, where would they go exactly? There was nothing but wilderness for miles and miles in either direction. So, unless any of the slaves were paying attention to their surroundings when they were first brought there, they were bound to get lost and die out in the wilderness.

Since most of the slaves had been taken there as children, they didn’t know where they were at all. From the moment they’d arrived at the tribe, that place had become their home. Unlike some other tribes, the Udeyona were not wanderers so their homes were built into the ground, making them stationary.

The surrounding wilderness and its land provided lots of game to hunt and fertile ground to grow any necessary crops. There were also several lakes and rivers in the area to provide all the necessary water for both sanitary and other uses.

It was only when it came time to trade for the things that they couldn’t get off the land that they had to travel a few days to get. Things such as certain weapons, horses, slaves, and other goods they felt they needed. So every so often, a small group of braves were sent off to gather what the tribe needed from far away.

Sometimes the group returned within a few days and other times they returned after a few weeks. However, as the slaves returned to camp with their washed clothes, they could hear murmurings of a group of braves who had just returned after having been gone for a few years.


As soon as the slaves were within the camp, the braves who’d been charged with their care immediately left them to join the growing crowd near the entrance of the camp. Some of the slaves tried to see through the crowd, curious as to who had been gone for so many years. While she was curious, Liz was more interested in getting her freshly washed clothes back to her owner’s home while it was relatively empty.

While Udeyona homes could be built to accommodate a family and any slaves they owned, it could still get rather crowded within the home. After all, the homes were used mostly as a place to sleep or rest rather than a place to live. Most all of the living and other activities took place out of doors for a tribe as active as the Udeyona.

Tess moved behind Liz and crossed over to the other side, trying to get her own view of the returning group. “I wonder who it is that’s been gone so long.”

Liz shrugged. “I don’t know, but we’ll find out soon enough. I’m going to the house to put these things away before it gets crowded. You should do the same.”

Tess rolled her eyes. “Yeah, it’d be great to avoid running into any of them but I’m not really in a hurry to put away their precious clothing now am I?”

Liz turned a stern look on her friend. “The last thing you should want to do Tess, is to aggravate them any more than they already are.”

Tess sighed. “You always have to say the right thing don’t you?”

“Come on, I’ll help you get it put away before I head over to my house. That way you’ll get out of there quicker and then you can go see what all the excitement is all about, okay?”

Tess smiled. “Yeah, that’s great.”

Liz followed Tess to her home and quickly helped her put away all of the clothes she’d washed. As soon as they were done, they left the house and Liz picked up the basket of clothes she’d left just outside of the door.

“You sure you don’t want me to help me with yours?” asked Tess.

“That’s okay, I’ve got it. You just go and see what’s going on so you can fill me in later.”

Tess waved to Liz as she began to make her way towards the still huge crowd near the entrance to the camp. “See you later Liz!”

Liz nodded as she turned to make her way to the place she’d called home for the last six years. By the time she’d made it to the door, she was closer to the entrance of the camp than she’d been when she’d been at Tess’ home. Standing in front of the door, she had a better view of the crowd at the front of the camp.

Most of the crowd had broken up into smaller groups, apparently following one or two of the returning braves as they made their way back to their homes. Liz glanced up and quickly scanned the groups she could see wondering if she would recognize any of the braves that had been gone for a few years.

A smile immediately covered her face the moment she recognized one of them. Black Weasel had been a friend of Blue Raven when Liz had first arrived there. She remembered Black Weasel well because he’d been the only one who had immediately recognized Badger Turns Quickly was up to no good. The moment he’d realized that, he’d put the younger boy in his place in such a way that no one other than Liz had been witness too.

In fact, Liz was certain that was part of the reason why Badger Turns Quickly was so mean to her. He resented the fact that Liz had been privy to that one embarrassment to his manhood. Still, Liz had always liked Black Weasel for his quiet stoicism and the way he seemed to see everything that was going on around him.

As she watched him greet others, she realized just how much he’d grown since the last time she’d seen him. He was taller than most of those around him and his hair was much shorter than she’d remembered. His skin was even darker than she’d remembered too and it really stood out when he smiled and showed off the whitest teeth she’d ever seen.

In fact, she was rather amazed that he had smiled at all for she remembered he hadn’t really smiled much before. Clearly, he was happy to be home again. As the crowd he was with came closer, she heard a deep voice call out behind from behind the crowd.

“Tsesi!” As Black Weasel turned towards the voice, Liz vaguely thought that it sounded like it was saying “jay-see” which was suspiciously close to the name Jesse to her.

She watched as Black Weasel stopped and called out, “Mas!” before gripping the arm of the brave who’d called out to him. Once more Liz thought it sounded like he was saying “ma-sss” which was suspiciously close to the name Max.

When Black Weasel stepped back from the other brave, Liz realized it was yet another one who had been gone for a few years. Like Black Weasel, he too had grown since the last time she’d seen him.

A few inches shorter than Black Weasel, he had dark brown hair that appeared to have blonde highlights from being out in the sun often. While he had dark skin, it was a golden brown which was yet another indication that he spent a lot of time in the sun.

And while there were plenty of things that were different about him, from the blonde highlights to the hints of tattoos running down one arm and the dimples that appeared when he smiled. There was one thing that remained the same since the last time Liz remembered seeing him.

The one thing that had always caught Liz’s attention since she’d never seen the like of it in any of the other full blooded Udeyona tribe members there with the exception of his mother. For besides Gentle Otter, her son was the only other person who had eyes like hers.

Every other Udeyona seemed to have darker shades of brown eyes except Gentle Otter and her son. And when he turned towards her as he walked past with Black Weasel and the rest of the crowd, Liz realized it was still true. Horse Dreamer still had the most dazzling amber eyes she’d ever seen.


Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 2:25 am
by Shadowlynxbehr
Ack! Stupid internet connection! Sorry folks! Okay, the parts in italics is them speaking in the fictional Udeyona language. And the word "galiha" is a word I made up. Translates as an insult like 'thick-headed' 'idiot' 'fathead'....take your pick :lol:

Part 2

Liz hoisted the basket higher on her hip as she made her way through the brush towards the camp. As the rest of the group made their way right, she turned left since that was the direction of her home.

Tess waved bye to her before going with the rest of the group and the braves who had been assigned to protect them. The braves knew Liz didn’t need their protection any longer since they were within the camp grounds now. And as they continued to walk, others would soon break off from the group to head towards their own homes.

Liz moved onto the well worn path that she often took when she went to join the others on wash days and headed in the direction of the camp. She could see the tops of several homes peeking over the brush and trees that surrounded the path, so she stepped up her pace a bit.

She wanted to hurry home and put the freshly washed clothing away before making dinner. After a long day of doing different chores and not really stopping to have a mid-day meal, she was starving. She couldn’t wait to get home and begin preparing dinner since she knew she’d have a chance to pop a few morsels in her mouth while she prepared and cooked dinner.

As she thought about dinner and if she had all the proper ingredients she needed, a shadow fell across her path. Blinking away her musings of making a meal, she frowned when she looked up and realized who it was.

Badger Turns Quickly stood blocking her way to the camp with his arms folded over his chest and a smug look on his face. When she tried to ignore him and step around him, he simply moved back into her way.

Gritting her teeth, she spoke to him in Udeyona. “Would you get out of my way.”

Badger Turns Quickly arched an eyebrow. “What was that? Did I hear a demand from a slave?”

Liz took a deep breath and prayed for patience. “Would you please get out of my way.”

He shook his finger and tsked. “Uh uh uh. You still didn’t say it right.”

She narrowed her eyes at him. “I said please.”

“Please what?”

“Get out of my way!”

He moved closer to her until he was literally on top of her. Looking down into her eyes, she spoke in a low, thick voice. “You forgot to say master.”

She resisted the urge to smack the smug look he still wore as she side-stepped him once more and began to storm back to the camp. Just when she thought he’d given up his game, she felt him grab her arm and swing her around.

Glaring up at him, she growled. “Let go of me!”

He pulled her closer to him with one hand as he shoved the basket out of her hands. “I think it’s time someone taught the little slave a lesson on manners.”

She tried to yank her arm out of his grasp as she hissed at him. “Manners? I’ve got plenty of them. It’s you who doesn’t know his place, galiha!”

His pupils widened for a moment even as his nostrils flared. As his face began to flush with anger, he grabbed her by both arms and growled at her. “That’s it! You have been the family’s favored pet for too long. It’s time you were knocked down to the ground where you belong.”

“What are you talking about?”

He laughed. “Oh, I’m talking about me being the one to put you on your back like a slave should be.”

Liz shrieked in outrage as she immediately understood his meaning. Before he had a chance to shove her to the ground, she kicked him in the shin and began cursing him in Udeyona as she struggled to get free of his grasp.

The first kick nearly made him let go of her, but he managed to remain standing and was able to reach out and grab her before she got too far away. Liz simply whirled around and clawed at him with her hands as her vocal tirade continued against him.

Desperately trying to get away from him and so angry at his audacity, she lost her footing and ended up stumbling back until she landed on her rump. He smirked at her in triumph as he quickly loomed over her. He spread his arms out around her, making sure she couldn’t get back up and get away from him again.

Still, Liz wasn’t one to go down that easily. She began to shove him back before he could get the chance to put his entire weight on her. Even as she cursed and beat at him with her fists, she wasn’t aware that they were no longer alone, until he was roughly jerked off of her. She lay there panting in anger as she watched him regain his balance before glaring at the intruder.

With a steady gaze and stern voice, Horse Dreamer spoke a warning. “If I were you I’d be careful how I treat a member of my family in front of others. You never know when one little mistake can come back to hound you to your grave.”

Badger Turns Quickly scowled at him. “What I do with a slave of mine is none of your business, Horse Dreamer.”

The only outward sign of emotion Horse Dreamer showed was the lifting of an eyebrow. “Really? Then by all means, let’s you and I go to your father right now so that we can tell him exactly what your intentions with your slave were.” He took a few steps in the direction of Badger Turns Quickly’s house and swept his hand out towards it. “Shall we?”

Badger Turns Quickly immediately went pale as he realized he didn’t stand a chance against someone like Horse Dreamer. He gave the warrior a once over, quickly assessing that he carried his usual weapons of a bow and quiver of arrows slung over his back, as well as two knives. One was strapped to his left bicep and the other to his waist.

Badger Turns Quickly knew without a doubt that there had to be even more knives hidden beneath his leggings, strapped securely to an ankle or thigh. For like Black Weasel, Horse Dreamer was a much celebrated brave warrior of the tribe at the moment. It would be foolish for someone as young and unseasoned as Badger Turns Quickly to get into a serious fight with a warrior like Horse Dreamer.

Acknowledging that he couldn’t win this round, Badger Turns Quickly scowled at Liz who was still on the ground before he turned and sulked away from the area. Liz frowned as she watched him disappear among the foliage before she began to get to her feet.

Muttering to herself in English, she tried to regain her feet even as she began to brush the debris from her clothing. “Stupid redskin men! No wonder people call them heathens! No manners whatsoever!”

A hand appeared in front of her as if offering to help her up just as she heard a male’s voice speaking to her in nearly perfect English. “Actually, our skin is more of a dark brown, but I guess it’s just our bad luck that the first Indian the white man ever saw happened to be a sunburned one.”

As she gaped at him, he took her hand and helped her to her feet with a smile. “Since the name stuck, we’ve just had to get used to it, huh?”

She nodded mutely, still amazed at how flawless his English seemed to be. He chuckled as he began to remove pieces of debris from her hair.

“You look like a…what’s the word? Ah, a wood nymph.”

She blinked in confusion. “What?”

He picked more debris from her hair and held it up for her to see. “You know, a woman of the forest. With all the leaves in your hair.”

She nodded, still confused. “How do you…how do you know what a wood nymph is?”

He winked at her. “I went to an English school for a few years while I was away. Amazing what you can learn from a book huh?”

She smiled at him. “So that’s where you learned English then.”

“For the most part, yes.” He stepped back to look her over. “You okay?”

She looked down at herself before brushing her skirt out once more. “Yeah, I’m fine now. Thanks for coming to my rescue.”

“No problem. He didn’t hurt you did he?”

She shook her head. “No, but I don’t doubt he probably would have if you hadn’t come along. Thanks again.”

He nodded as he went to pick up her basket of clothing before returning to her side. “Come on, I’ll walk you back to your house okay?”

“Okay.” She held out her arms for the basket which Horse Dreamer reluctantly handed to her.

“Are you sure you can…”

She gave him a grateful smile. “It’s okay Horse Dreamer, I can carry it. Besides, we both know it would look bad for a warrior like you to be seen carrying a slave’s burden.”

“True, but there are exceptions to the rules.”

“I know, but I’m not seriously hurt. Really, it’s okay.”

He nodded as he motioned for her to lead the way back to her house.

As the two of them walked down the path leading to Liz’s home, she spoke up again. “Is that why you were gone so long? To learn English?”

He nodded. “Yes. My father decided that I should learn to speak English in the hopes that I’d take over being a negotiator like he once was. He figured I could learn English better if I went to study with others for a few years rather than learn it in bits and pieces from a local trapper like he did.”

Liz nodded. “So your father speaks English too?”

“A little. He understands it more than he can speak it, which is why he was a good negotiator. The white men couldn’t fool him as much as they could the rest of us.”

“Wow, I never heard him speak it before. I never even knew anyone here could speak English as good as you do.”

He shrugged as he held a tree branch out of her way so that she could pass by. “No one really can speak it and father would only speak it to the white men he did business with. The only other two people who can speak it as well as I do are Black Weasel and Hawk Soars.”

She smiled up at him. “Right, they’re the ones who returned with you a few days ago.”

“Yes. We were all sent to school together to learn some of the white man’s ways. But I was the only one who already knew how to speak a little English before we left.”

“Because of your father?”

He shook his head. “No, because of the trappers who had originally taught my father how to speak the language.”

“Oh.” They fell into comfortable silence as they left the path and reached the edge of the camp.

As they neared her home, Liz looked up at him once more. “Horse Dreamer, that day you came back to camp. I heard you and Black Weasel talking to each other. I think you called him something like “jay-see”. Was that a word you two picked up at school?”

He grinned as he shook his head. “No. It’s a take on the name the white men called him. Jesse. I got so used to calling him by his white name, that I kept using it even when we joined up with the other braves who’d come to escort us back home. Since they couldn’t pronounce the name Jesse right, I started calling him “jay-see” as a joke.”

She arched a brow at him. “Oh, so you have an English name too?” At his nod, she chuckled. “And since you called Jesse “jay-see”, he returned the joke by saying “mas” instead of Max, which is what the white men called you.”

He gave her a pleased smile. “That’s right.”

She chuckled at the idea that the stoic Black Weasel could even be so light hearted as to goof around with a fellow warrior the way he did with Horse Dreamer. Still, it was nice to see him in a much friendlier way than she was used to.

Horse Dreamer came to a stop in front of the door to her home and turned to face her. “Well, Daring Elk now that you know my English name, would you mind if I could learn what name it is that your parents named you?”

She gave him a smile. “They named me Elizabeth Parker.”

“Elizabeth,” he repeated.

She nodded. “Yes, but they also called me Liz or Lizzie.”

He smiled. “Which one would you prefer I call you?”

She returned his smile. “Liz.”

He nodded. “Liz it is then. And you can call me Max.”

“Thanks again for what you did Max.”

He inclined his head at that. “Would you like for me to speak with Crow Flies about what his son did to you today?”

She shook her head. “No that’s okay.”

He frowned. “Liz, I don’t think you should let him get away with it. It’ll only give him a reason to try it again.”

She nodded. “I know that. Which is why I will tell Crow Flies what happened as soon as I see him. I don’t intend to let Badger Turns Quickly get away with what he tried to do.”

Max smiled at the innate strength he saw in her. “Okay then, I’ll let you do it. But I want you to know if you need me to back up what you tell him, I’ll be more than happy to do so. After all, I did witness part of it.”

Liz beamed at him. “Thanks Max. If Crow Flies needs more proof, I’ll take you up on your offer.”

He grinned at her. “Good luck Liz. And good night.”

“Good night Max,” replied Liz as she watched him walk away from her.

When he’d disappeared around the corner, she turned to her door and took a deep breath. Bracing herself for the confrontation she knew was coming, she balanced the basket of clothes on her hip and entered the home of Crow Flies and his family.


Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 4:17 am
by Shadowlynxbehr
Note: words in italics is them speaking in Udeyona

Part 3

Liz sat on her blankets with her legs tucked under her, listening to the raised voices just beyond the flap that divided the slave’s room from the children’s room. She could clearly tell the difference between the voices even though she couldn’t always understand exactly what they were saying.

All she knew was that Badger Turns Quickly was being berated by not only his father, but also his older brother. In fact, it sounded a lot like Crow Flies and Blue Raven were not even giving Badger Turns Quickly a chance to say anything anymore. Apparently his excuses were lame even to them.

As soon as Max had left, she’d gone inside and set the laundry down. Glad that Crow Flies was there, she immediately went to him and told him what had happened. His eyes had narrowed in thought before he’d asked if she was all right. She had told him that Horse Dreamer had come and stopped Badger Turns Quickly before he could do any serious harm.

Just as he was certain she was all right, Blue Raven had shown up and Crow Flies had sent him to fetch his younger brother. Liz had been in the slave’s room folding clothes when Blue Raven returned with Badger Turns Quickly and not long after that, Whispering Dragonfly had returned to hear what her youngest son had done.

Now she simply sat on her blankets with the folded clothes next to her, waiting for them to finish so she could put the clothes where they belonged.


“But father…”

Interrupted Crow Flies with his hand in the air. “Do not open your mouth to spew yet another excuse that even a five year old would use!”

Blue Raven glared at his brother. “What is wrong with you? Have you no sense at all? Our parents both taught us better than that!”

Badger Turns Quickly looked sullenly at the ground.

Crow Flies had heard enough. “How dare you disrespect not only her, but your family! I don’t care if she is a slave, she is worth more than what you think! If not for her, we wouldn’t have clothes to wear. They wouldn’t be cleaned or mended!”

Blue Raven and Whispering Dragonfly both nodded their heads in agreement.

“If not for slaves like her, we wouldn’t have the time to hunt for the food to sate our hunger. Nor would we have the time to make weapons and train with them so that we may be able to defend our homes!”

Blue Raven added, “She is not here for your amusement! None of them are! Regardless of the fact that she’s a slave, she is also a woman and in this tribe we treat all women with the same respect! Without them we would never be able to have the life we all live!”

Crow Flies growled. “You are lucky there was no serious harm done to her. As it is, you will be punished for mistreating her!” He glanced at his wife as he issued the punishment. “Until the new moon he is to replace Daring Elk whenever she is supposed to work in the tribal garden. He will work along side the other slaves in her place until the moon is new again. Is that understood?”

Both Blue Raven and Whispering Dragonfly nodded their assent. All eyes turned to Badger Turns Quickly to see if he understood.

“Well?” growled Crow Flies.

“I understand,” mumbled Badger Turns Quickly.

“Good. Now I want you to go in there and apologize to her for what you did and you had better mean it!”

As Badger Turns Quickly began to do as his father ordered, Crow Flies had one more warning.

“Remember this, boy. What you do reflects on all of us. If you lay another hand on her and harm her or any other woman for that matter, don’t think that I won’t hesitate to banish you from this home. One more mistake and you can consider yourself without a family!”

Badger Turns Quickly nodded again although he never looked up at them. Still sullenly looking at the ground, he made his way into the slave’s rooms with his father, brother, and mother behind him.

Liz looked up as they all entered the room and Crow Flies came to stand next to her.

“Daring Elk, Badger Turns Quickly has something he wants to say to you.”

Liz nodded as she looked at the youngest son.

He began to mumble. “I’m sor…”

Blue Raven cleared his throat and nudged his brother on the shoulder.

A ghost of a scowl came and went on Badger Turns Quickly’s face before he looked up at Liz.

“I’m sorry for mistreating you.”

Liz nodded. “Thank you.”

As Badger Turns Quickly returned to staring sullenly at the ground, Crow Flies spoke to Liz.

“Whispering Dragonfly will tell you what he is to do as punishment for what he did.” He motioned to his sons to follow him out of the home, but turned back to Liz one last time. “I am sorry for my son’s behavior, Daring Elk. It is my hope that he will learn from this and become a better man.”

Liz nodded. “Thank you. It is my hope too.”

As the men left, Whispering Dragonfly moved to her side and placed a light hand on her arm. “Are you really okay?”

Liz gave her a smile. “Yes, I am fine.”

Whispering Dragonfly patted her arm. “I am glad. Go ahead and put the clothes away. I will start preparing the evening meal. When you join me, I will tell you what Crow Flies said to our son.”

Liz nodded before gathering up the clothes to put them away. As she put clothes up in the children’s room and in the adult’s room, Whispering Dragonfly went to the front of the home to begin preparing the evening meal.

This was the only time Liz, as a slave would be allowed into the sleeping rooms of the family. All the homes of the Udeyona were rectangular in shape with the least important rooms at the front. Since the homes were stationary, they were designed with a type of defense in mind, although they were not made of entirely solid materials.

The entire tribal village was built in a circular pattern with all the buildings on the outskirts being places for meetings, trading, training, or extra storage rooms. As one walked towards the center of the village the buildings turned into homes and finally at the center was the home of the tribal leader and his family.

The first two rings of buildings on the outskirts were built so that the rectangular buildings were end to end. Those buildings tended to be made completely of stones from one of the nearby rivers, thick logs from the surrounding forest, and it was all held together with a special clay found at the bottom of one of the rivers. When this clay was packed around the stones and logs, it hardened into something almost as solid as the stones themselves, yet they formed a natural adhesive to keep the stones and logs in place.

After that, the rectangular homes were turned perpendicular to the first two rings so that the least important rooms of the homes faced the outskirts of the village and the most important rooms faced the center of the village. All homes followed a similar pattern of four basic rooms and only the walls and roof were made of dried mud and thick logs. Because the clay used in the buildings on the outskirts of the village was found in a river that was quite a trip from the tribe and it was the only place where it could be found, it wasn’t used on the homes that constantly changed within the tribal village.

As families grew and changed, so did the homes. The children grew up and moved out or the family left their home by an act of nature or otherwise. Empty homes were usually torn down and a new one was built in its place by whoever the tribal council allowed to move there.

Inside the homes, each of the four rooms were divided by thick curtains made from the hides of animals. In fact, most of the clothes and other necessities like blankets and towels were made of animal hides.

Like most other tribes, the Udeyona made use of almost every part of any animal they killed. Bones, horns, and other hardened material were used for weapons, utensils, and the like. Sinews, ligaments, and other elastic organs were used as thread, rope, or containers. While the meat was used as food and some other organs were delicacies to the tribe.

The meat and other food was cooked on the fire pit that sat right outside next to the entrance of each home. This worked well since the first room of all homes was the place were the family came together to eat, meet, or lounge with guests. It was the biggest room in the home.

Behind that room was the slave’s room. Even though the family could have up to one slave per family member, this room was still the smallest room in the home. Because of that, slaves tended only to be in the room to sleep and spent the rest of their time either outside doing their chores or sitting in the family room doing them.

The next room behind the slave’s was the children’s room. All children, regardless of their ages or gender slept in this room until they moved out to their own home. While this room was larger than the slave’s room, it could still get rather cramped if there were several children of various ages in there.

The last room at the back of the house was the room that belonged to the heads of the family. The patriarch and matriarch of the family had this room to themselves. Although it usually wasn’t much bigger than the children’s room, it was still usually large enough to be comfortable for at least two people.

It was the room of the heads of the family that faced closest to the center of the village while the family room faced closest to the outskirts. Their thinking was that if their village was attacked, their enemies had to get through the stone buildings on the outskirts, then the common rooms before actually getting to the people. This would hopefully give the families enough time to escape or to defend themselves.

So far, it seemed to work well. As the circular pattern and stone buildings on the outskirts tended to make most enemies think twice about raiding what looked like a huge village full of stone buildings.


Liz finished putting up the clothes and went to join Whispering Dragonfly in making the meal outside on the fire pit. As she sat down next to the older woman, she began to chop the vegetables and listened as she was told what had been said to Badger Turns Quickly.

Liz was amazed that Crow Flies was that upset with his son. She’d known he was a just man, but she hadn’t really thought he’d be that offended. She was glad that Badger Turns Quickly was being punished and told Whispering Dragonfly when she was next supposed to work in the tribal garden so that Badger Turns Quickly would be ready to go in her place.

She assured Whispering Dragonfly that she would let her know every time she was supposed to be working in the garden until the next new moon. In the end, she was almost feeling sorry for the boy when Whispering Dragonfly told her that Crow Flies had warned him what would happen should he do something like that again. Almost.


Liz and Whispering Dragonfly were almost done with the evening meal when the other slave, Squirrel Gathers, returned with the littlest member of the family. She had been the one in charge of watching Turtle Dove as she played with her friends in what was the common playing ground for the village children.

Squirrel Gathers helped Liz finish the meal as Whispering Dragonfly took her daughter inside to clean up before she ate. Once the men returned, the family gathered in the family room and waited as Squirrel Gathers and Liz served them dinner.

Only when the entire family had been served and were contentedly eating their meal were the slaves allowed to serve themselves. Unlike other tribes or cultures, Udeyona slaves were not given scraps or leftovers to eat.

However, they were required to wait until the entire family had at least one full serving before they could serve themselves. They were also required to eat their meal outside next to the fire pit, but it was mostly to keep whatever food that was left warm and safe from pests.


Later that night, after all of the evening meal was cleared away and all of the family had finally settled in for the night, Liz lay awake beneath her blankets. As the rest of the family, including Squirrel Gathers slept deeply, she lay on her back staring up at the darkened roof.

Now that she was alone, she thought of what had happened earlier that day. Not of what Badger Turns Quickly had done or what his family had done to him because of it. Instead, she thought of what had happened after Badger Turns Quickly had tried to assault her.

She thought of her conversation with Horse Dreamer. Or rather with the brave who insisted that she call him by the name the white men had given him, Max.


She could still hear his voice and the way he seemed to easily speak her language. She admired the way he seemed to easily speak it, with rarely any hesitation at all. Most of all, she was glad he had a sense of humor since he’d laughed off her unkind comment she’d made in English about Indians.

She tried to remember what he was like before he’d left to go to school to learn English. Unfortunately, the most she could remember was how much she’d always liked his eyes and his smile. The same things she’d liked in his mother, who had always seemed kind to her.

She remembered Black Weasel a lot more than she remembered Max. But that probably had to do with the fact that Black Weasel seemed to always be around keeping watch on the troublemakers of the village. Black Weasel’s stoic demeanor always seemed to keep the younger boys in line since most of them were afraid of him.

She did remember that Max had never been a part of the troublemakers, but he hadn’t really been around Black Weasel either. However, she remembered that Max had an older brother who was friends with Black Weasel.

It was Fighting Dog who was best friends with Black Weasel since they were the same age. As Liz thought about it, she was almost certain that Max was about two years younger than them. Maybe that was why he hadn’t hung out with them back then.

She realized why she had almost forgotten about Max being the younger brother of Fighting Dog. Just like Max and Black Weasel were so unalike, so were Max and Fighting Dog. As different as night and day.

Fighting Dog was a lot like Black Weasel. Rarely smiling and mostly serious. He seemed to be a lot like their father, if she was right. Max took after his mother, both in looks and in disposition.

However, Fighting Dog took after his father in mostly looks. Liz couldn’t really remember Bright Moose ever being as stoic and serious looking as Fighting Dog always seemed to be, but she knew they were both brown haired and brown eyed with almost the same height and build.

Still even as she remembered Max’s family, she tried to remember what he had done and who he had hung out with when he was younger. She was still drawing a blank. With a sigh, she gave up trying to remember him back then and focused on what she knew of him now.

Now he was a fully grown man. She knew Fighting Dog was twenty-two since she’d talked to Gentle Otter a time or two, so that made Max about twenty years old. And if her calculations were right, that meant he left to go to English school when he’d been about fourteen.

Again she frowned trying to remember him at that age. Again she failed since all she could see was the image of those amber eyes and the dazzling smile he always seemed to sport. She loved how when he smiled, it made his eyes sparkle even more.

At least that’s what they did now when she saw him. When he’d helped her up from the ground and joked about her Indian comment, she’d seen the laughter in his eyes. She’d gone from being alarmed that he’d understood her to feeling all warm and fuzzy inside.

It amazed her that someone like him could be so friendly and nice. After all, with the haircut he sported and all those tattoos on his body, she had no doubt he could cut an imposing, scary figure if he wasn’t smiling. She wondered if anyone had ever found him intimidating.

Then again, Badger Turns Quickly must have found him so since he’d walked away instead of staying and fighting. But Liz couldn’t in all honesty find Max intimidating at all. Maybe it was because she associated him with his kind mother and that just ruined the intimidating factor for her.

Or maybe it was something else entirely.

Whatever it was, Liz knew she’d never view him as mean or unkind. She knew he would never be as quiet and imposing as Black Weasel was to her. As long as those eyes of his held that special sparkle or as long as he flashed those dimples, she’d always think of him as a nice guy.

A smile spread over her face as she pictured him in her mind. He was a little more than a head taller than her with broad shoulders and a lean, muscular build. He carried himself with confidence, but not with arrogance. And the way he moved, it was as if he were a part of the world around him. As much a part of nature as the animals he hunted.

Closing her eyes, she held that image of him in her mind. As she began to fall asleep, the image smiled at her. She saw the dimples and the amber eyes that sparkled with laughter as he looked at her. It was that image she took with her into her dreams.


Re: TheLegendofDaringElk&HorseDreamer(M/LAdult)Pt3(P6)12/24

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 10:25 pm
by Shadowlynxbehr
***remember italics is Udeyona conversations***

Part 4

Liz reached up to stretch out one of the hides she was tanning along the rope which was tied from a pole between the house she lived in and the one next to it. Just like the members of the other house had, Liz’s family also had a rope tied to the pole and extended it to one of the logs which protruded from the roof.

It was common for anyone to walk between the homes and see a pole sticking up from the ground somewhere at midpoint between any of the homes. In fact, if Liz wanted to, she could go to the other side of the house and tie another rope to one of the roof’s logs to the pole that was there. That way, she’d have even more space to hang hides if she needed.

However, for the time being she only needed the one rope since she was only tanning two bear hides and one deer hide. As she finished hanging the last hide up, she heard feminine laughter coming from behind her.

Glancing over her shoulder, she did a double take. There among the group of giggling women who walked by was none other than Max. She clearly spotted him because he was nearly a head taller than most of them. Then again, he was probably the tallest at the moment because most to the women around him seemed to be leaning in towards him.

Liz arched an eyebrow at the sight as she caught the look on Max’s face. He appeared to be torn between trying to smile politely to the women and trying not to grimace over the fact that they seemed to be clinging to him.

Resisting the urge to laugh at his discomfort, she leaned over and picked up the tool she was going to use to straighten out the hides. As she stood up again, she looked in the direction of the group just in time to meet Max’s gaze.

This time a full smile spread over his face as he waved to her before politely extracting himself from them. Liz returned the wave with a smile of her own as she watched him walk towards her, completely ignoring the group of women who seemed shocked that he’d walked away from them.

Liz saw what he didn’t see. Four of the women stood with pouts on their faces that clearly said they already missed being able to fawn over him. The fifth woman however crossed her arms over her chest and glared not at Max’s retreating back, but at who had clearly distracted Max from paying attention to her.

Despite the fact that the tall, tanned well-built woman with the blackest, shiniest straight hair Liz had ever seen glared right at her, Liz ignored it and chose to look at Max who approached her wearing the smile that displayed his dimples to perfection. And when he was close enough, she could finally see the sparkle in his eyes.

“Hi Liz,” he greeted in English.

“Hi Max, how are you?”

He nodded. “I’m well. How are you today?”

She chuckled as she glanced over his shoulder. “Glad I’m not you at the moment.”

He gave her a mock grimace before the smile returned. “Yes, well mother insists everyone is still excited over my return.”

She laughed as she heard the note of disbelief in his voice. “I see.”

He chuckled with her before the smile dimmed a little. The words came out of his mouth, she clearly saw the hint of worry in his eyes.

“How are you really?” he asked.

“Fine,” she replied a bit confused over his concern.

He nodded. “Did you talk to Crow Flies?”

“Oh,” she chuckled as she realized what he was getting at. “Yes, I did. Right after you left I went inside to find him home. I explained everything that happened and he asked if I was all right. I told him you came just in time before it could get bad.”

Max gave her a serious look. “So, he knows what happened then. That’s good.”

Liz nodded. “Yes as soon as he was certain that I was okay, he sent Blue Raven to get Badger Turns Quickly.” She paused a moment before looking at him. “I thought Crow Flies would just have a word with him, but it was so much more.”

“How so?” asked Max.

“Well, Blue Raven and Whispering Dragonfly were in the room too and all three of them seemed to be berating him for his behavior. When it was all done, they came out and made Badger Turns Quickly apologize to me.”

“Yes, it is what he should have done.”

Liz shrugged. “Maybe, but he was also given a punishment. Until the next new moon he has to go in my place whenever I am supposed to work in the tribal garden.”

Max arched an eyebrow. “Is that so?”

“Yes. He is to go tomorrow in my place.”

Max smiled at her, but Liz saw the look of admiration in his eyes. “Well, it seems Crow Flies takes disrespect very seriously. I am glad he listened to you Liz. Hopefully through this Badger Turns Quickly will learn his lesson.”

“I agree,” she replied with a nod.

Max’s eyes sparkled again as he took in what she was doing before he grinned at her. “Well, look at it this way. Tomorrow, you’ll have a day off.”

Liz laughed at that. “Hm, that’s true.” She glanced over his shoulder again and chuckled. “Oh, don’t look now but you’re about to be surrounded again.”

She saw the grimace return to his face again, but he quickly hid it as the women called his name and moved around him.

“Horse Dreamer, we’re going to miss the contest.” murmured one of the women whom Liz knew as Hummingbird Flutters.

“Yes, Horse Dreamer” agreed Rainbow Butterfly as she moved to the other side of Max, opposite Hummingbird Flutters. Like her friend, she too draped herself over Max’s arm and batted her eyelashes up at him. “We shouldn’t be late.”

A third woman came to stand besides them and gave Liz a friendly smile. “Hello, Daring Elk, how are you today?”

Liz returned her smile. Of them all, Little Sparrow was the friendliest and nicest to Liz whenever they saw each other. “I am well. And you?”

“Oh, I am excited. My older brother is participating in the race today!”

“Really? Well then I hope he wins.”

Little Sparrow chuckled. “Thanks. I will tell him you said so.”

Liz nodded as Rainbow Butterfly tugged on Max’s arm and pouted more. “Come on Horse Dreamer or we won’t even get to see Little Sparrow’s brother race!”

Max opened his mouth to respond, but yet another one of the women cut him off. “Horse Dreamer, you know it is disrespectful to keep the others waiting. What will they say when you tell them you would much rather trade pleasantries with a slave instead of cheering on one of your closest friends?”

Max turned around to look at her. Wearing a serious expression, he spoke in a straightforward manner. “They will understand once I explain to them why it was that I stopped to talk to Daring Elk. After all, I am the one who witnessed one of our tribe members harassing her. You know how I feel about those matters, Brown Porcupine.”

Clearly put in her place, Brown Porcupine lifted her chin for a moment before briefly nodding. “Yes, I know Horse Dreamer. Your family has always been known as one of the most just and honorable families of our tribe.”

Max nodded and turned back towards Liz. She smiled at him. “It’s okay. Thank you for checking up on me, but I must get back to these hides before they are ruined.”

Max returned her smile. “I am glad you are okay, Daring Elk. Good luck with the hides. I will see you around, okay?”

“Okay. Enjoy the races.”

He waved to her as he allowed Hummingbird Flutters and Rainbow Butterfly to drag him off. Little Sparrow waved goodbye to Liz as well before following the others until the only two remaining were Brown Porcupine and Spotted Mouse.

Brown Porcupine stepped closer to Liz and narrowed her eyes in warning. “If I were you, I’d be careful whom I talk to white face. You never know just what kind of trouble you’ll get yourself into. Clearly you haven’t learned that from what Horse Dreamer said.”

As Spotted Mouse snickered at her friend’s comment and name calling, Liz stood straighter. Looking up into the taller woman’s eyes, she answered her.

“Forgive me Brown Porcupine, but my owners have taught me to speak when spoken to. Since Horse Dreamer approached me and asked me a question, I was doing as I was taught by answering him. It is not my fault when other members of this tribe think they own everyone they come into contact with.”

As Liz’s gaze flicked to Max’s departing figure to indicate what she meant with her last comment, Brown Porcupine glared at her. “How dare you…”

“Brown Porcupine? Are you coming?” asked Max from where he’d stopped and looked over his shoulder at them.

Liz could tell from the look she was giving her that Brown Porcupine wanted to finish saying what Max had interrupted. Instead, she schooled herself before turning to give him one of her perfect smiles.

“Yes, Horse Dreamer. I am coming,” she replied in a sweet voice as she made her way to where Max and the others waited.

Spotted Mouse huffed at Liz before turning to follow Brown Porcupine to the others. Liz stood there watching them as they walked away from her, but just as she was about to go back to her work, Max looked at her over his shoulder.

She saw the smile he flashed at her as he gave her a quick wink before turning back around to walk with the women. She couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped as she realized Max had heard the entire conversation and had just given her his approval with the smile and wink.

Shaking her head at his antics, she returned to her work with a smile.


Max inwardly smiled as he thought of how impressive it was to see Liz stand up to someone who tried to bully her. He knew Brown Porcupine didn’t think he’d heard what she’d said to Liz, but he had. Before he’d had the chance to go back and defend Liz, she’d spoken up to defend herself and put Brown Porcupine in her place.

He couldn’t help but feel pride at the way Liz had handled it. Her words had been both true and straightforward. And she had answered in a steady voice while looking her opponent straight in the eye. If he didn’t know better, he would swear she had the soul of a warrior.

Just like a warrior, she met the attack straight on with all the seriousness it warranted. Her words told him that her mind was as sharp and quick as some of the most calculating warriors in the tribe. In fact, he couldn’t remember Liz ever pretending to be weak so she could depend on someone else like some of the women he knew.

He remembered back to the time he’d first seen her, years ago. Then, she’d only been twelve years old and still she’d left a lasting impression on him. At fourteen years of age, Max had watched as she’d been brought into their tribe for the first time along with the other slaves that had been purchased by Crow Flies and Bright Moose.

Crow Flies was always the one the tribe sent off to barter for slaves when they were needed. Usually another of the elders went along with him, but that time since he was traveling through some territories occupied by the whites, Bright Moose had gone along in case an English translator was needed.

Max had been about to welcome his father home, when he noticed her among the others. Unlike the other young children, she wasn’t crying or whimpering in fear. Instead, she held her head up and peered around the area as if trying to soak it all in. Despite the dried tear tracks on her cheeks, her eyes were bright and clear as she curiously looked at her new surroundings.

When any of the other tribe members tried to approach any of the children, she’d put herself in their way as if trying to protect them. The children would wail and try to hide behind her as she defiantly looked at the tribe members as if daring them to touch any of them.

It wasn’t until his father had approached her and spoke to her in English that she’d finally turned around to calm the others down. Max had watched as Liz seemed to get the other children to listen to Bright Moose, but still had that protective stance about her as they all conversed.

Later he would find out that his father had realized early on that the others seemed to listen to Liz, which was why he talked to her first. He’d promised Liz that none of the tribe members were going to harm any of them and if they’d give him a chance, he would explain their place in their new home. A tough negotiator himself, Bright Moose had also admired the way Liz had the strength and ability to stand up for herself at such a young age.

It was that same strength and ability which led Crow Flies to take Liz as a slave in his own home, knowing she would be able to handle the rest of his family well. Over the next couple of years she would continue to impress them all.

The other slaves continued to look to her for guidance until they had all become more comfortable with their new homes. Bright Moose had explained to them all what would happen and he’d been the translator for each slave and their new owners.

Even as the others struggled to settle into their new lives, Liz had already begun to master the native Udeyona language. It was almost as if it was a challenge she was determined to master. He remembered the times she’d spend following his father everywhere asking him to pronounce things for her so that she could learn to pronounce them too.

And if his father was busy, she’d spend her time with his mother. In fact, Max used to think Crow Flies and his family split Liz’s time with Bright Moose and Gentle Otter. For a while there, he’d wondered if Liz was doing double duty between both families until he’d realized that his mother never told Liz what to do. Instead, Liz seemed willing to volunteer her time in exchange for learning the language.

By the time he’d left for his English schooling at age sixteen, fourteen year old Liz was a force to be reckoned with. So, he wasn’t the least bit surprised to return home to find she’d remained strong and independent. Even now, she had more strength and intelligence in her little finger than most of the warriors of the tribe did.

However, there was something new he hadn’t seen coming. When he’d left, she’d been a girl and he was on the verge of becoming a man. Now at the age of twenty, he was a fully grown man and Liz…Liz was blossoming into a woman.

The day he’d returned, he’d gotten the shock of his life when he’d turned to see her standing outside of Crow Flies home watching the crowd. It had taken him a few moments to realize the brown haired, brown eyed woman standing there was the same little determined spitfire he remembered who followed his father everywhere. Needless to say, she had once more impressed him beyond belief and just kept on doing so every time he saw her.

“Horse Dreamer,” Rainbow Butterfly cooed as she tugged at his arm. “Look at how many of the tribe has turned out to see the race!”

Pulled out of his musings, Max looked in the direction Rainbow Butterfly was pointing. Sure enough a crowd had gathered around the area that had been marked off for the races.

“Wow, have you ever seen so many people Horse Dreamer?” asked Hummingbird Flutters.

Max nodded. “At the white man’s settlement.”

The women giggled as they turned bright faces up to him. “Really?” breathed Spotted Mouse. “Tell us about it, Horse Dreamer.”

Max gave her a polite smile. “Maybe some other time, when we don’t have a race to watch, okay?”

She pouted prettily, just like the others did. “Aw, okay Horse Dreamer.”

Max resisted the urge to groan. He couldn’t understand why they had to keep repeating his name every time they talked to him. It was beginning to get annoying. Then again, he had to admit, he liked the way his English name rolled easily out of Liz’s mouth. Of course, Liz didn’t say it every single time she spoke to him.

Before he could go back to musing about Liz, Hummingbird Flutters interrupted again. “Oh, before I forget! Horse Dreamer, my father wanted me to ask if you would join us for our evening meal the day after tomorrow.”

Grateful that he’d talked to his father earlier, he feigned sadness. “I’m sorry, but my father asked me to go hunting in his place for the next four days since he will be tied up in some meetings.”

Brown Porcupine moved closer to Max’s side and looked down at Rainbow Butterfly. That look was enough to make the younger and much more timid woman let go of Max’s arm before moving away. As soon as she was gone, Brown Porcupine slid her hand into the crook of Max’s arm and leaned in close enough so that her breath caressed his neck.

“Then that will mean you will be tired and hungry on the fifth day. I will be glad to have a hot meal waiting for you as well as something to relax your sore muscles, Horse Dreamer.”

Max almost scowled at what he knew Brown Porcupine was offering. If her father knew what she was freely offering to him without knowing what his intentions were with her, she’d be punished for shaming her family and locked away so no one would see her.

Instead of saying exactly what he was thinking, he kept a neutral look on his face as he replied to her. “Thank you for the offer of the meal, but my family and I have already made all the preparations for my return from what we hope will be a successful hunt.”

He could tell his answer wasn’t what she’d wanted to hear as her eyes blazed at him before she gave a short nod and turned to look at the crowd. Spotting something in the crowd, a sly smile spread over her lips before she turned to look at Max.

“Well, look at that Horse Dreamer. You didn’t tell me your parents were coming to the races too! I just have to go over and say hello to them and tell them what a wonderful son they have since you will go hunting in your father’s place.”

As she let go of his arm, she waved to his parents before turning back to smile prettily at him. “They will also have to know what a doting son you are since you will return from the hunt just to spend more time with them.”

Max gritted his teeth as he watched Brown Porcupine flounce off towards his parents. If he wasn’t careful, the conniving woman would weasel her way into his parent’s good graces and they’d have him hand-fasted to her before he could blink.


“Don’t look now, but here comes Brown Porcupine. And from the look on Horse Dreamer’s face, she’s up to no good again,” whispered Bright Moose to his wife.

Quickly glancing up to see Brown Porcupine waving at them, Gentle Otter plastered a smile on her face as she returned the woman’s wave. Answering her husband with a few whispered words of her own. “No doubt she’s going to try to convince us to hand-fast our son to her.”

Bright Moose gasped beneath his breath. “You don’t say?”

She gave him a quelling look before turning back to watch the others approaching. “Oh stop that! You knew that as the truth.”

“Yes, but the Great Spirit will freeze our land permanently before I ever agree to that.”

As Gentle Otter watched the remaining women fawning over her youngest son, she sighed. “Still, it makes me wonder if either one of our sons will ever find a maiden they want to settle down with.”

Bright Moose nodded as he glanced to where their eldest son was chatting with a group of people. Several of whom happened to be maidens trying to capture his attention for more than a few moments. “Yes, I often wonder about that too.”

Gentle Otter patted his arm as they both turned back to politely greet Brown Porcupine, the other women, and their son.


Re: TheLegendofDaringElk&HorseDreamer(M/LAdult)A/N(P9)1/17

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 4:00 pm
by Shadowlynxbehr
remember italics means they are speaking Udeyona.

Part 5
*A few months later*

Liz made her way down the trail towards the river to wash the clothes she carried in her basket. One of the braves assigned to watch over them, Soaring Owl, walked behind her along with two of the other slaves who were going to wash clothes that day. She knew the other braves and their charges were probably already at the river. If not, they’d be along shortly since it was wiser to wash clothes in the early part of the day, rather than later so that they could take advantage of the daylight.

As she rounded the corner of the brush that obscured the river from her view, she got a pleasant surprise. It appeared that Max had been assigned guard duty that day since he was one of the braves stationed around the area. Liz watched as he continued to scan the area until his eyes met hers. A smile played at the edges of his lips and in his eyes, prompting her to return a smile of her own.

As the other slaves and Liz joined the ones already at the river, Soaring Owl took his place in the surroundings after hailing the other braves with a word and hand signal. Liz greeted the others at the river and set her stuff down before kneeling at the edge.

She quickly noticed that Tess wasn’t there and she briefly wondered if the girl was coming today or someone else in her stead. Picking up the first item, she dunked it into the river to get it wet before pulling it out and placing it on a large stone next to her. She pulled the bag of soap chips out of her satchel and sprinkled some on the cloth before taking a handful of water which she poured on top of the soap.

As she began to use the horsehair brush to spread and wash the cloth, she glanced out of the corner of her eye to see Max standing on guard. He was far enough away from her that they couldn’t have carried on a conversation if they’d wanted to, yet close enough for her to see the way his eyes continued to survey the surroundings.

While some of the other slaves chatted around her, Liz’s thoughts turned to the budding friendship between her and Max. Over the last few months, she and Max had seemed to run into each other often and when they did, they always took the time for a small chat. Even though they really spoke about nothing at all, she still felt as if she was getting closer to him.

Max was always happy to see her and always asked how she was doing and if her family was treating her well. She in turn would ask how he was doing and how his own family was. Sometimes they told a quick story about something one of their family members did which was funny more often than not. Still it was mostly exchanging pleasantries since they both had other things to do, but Liz was grateful for the fact that Max was taking time out to talk to her as a friend.

She looked up as a few more slaves walked to the river with another brave in tow. She immediately saw Amanda among them, which meant she was there instead of Tess since they were slaves of the same family. Amanda had only been with them for two months now, but it seemed it was only Tess who still got the abuse from the family.

As Amanda and the others joined them, Liz asked Amanda how she was adapting. “Are you learning how to live here Mandy?”

The girl nodded. “Yes, Tess is a big help of course since I’m still having trouble understanding the language.”

“Oh, well I’m glad she can help. You know you can always come to me if you need something explained.”

“Thanks Liz.”

Liz nodded in reply.

“How’s Tess doing?” asked one of the other girls.

Amanda glanced at the brave nearest them before she lowered her voice a little. “She says she’s fine, but I know better.”

Liz glanced up with a frown. “What do you mean?”

Amanda sighed. “She thinks she’s hiding the bruises from me, but I’ve seen them. I know she’s been taking the blame for stuff I did wrong, but she won’t admit it.”

“How do you know that?” asked one of the other girls.

“I asked her about it. If they were punishing her for anything I did, but she says no. That she just fell or something.”

Liz ground her teeth in frustration. She knew Amanda was right. More than likely Tess was taking the blame for whatever Amanda hadn’t done to the liking of their owners. Either that or their owners just automatically went and blamed Tess regardless of whose fault it was.

One of the other girls scoffed. “I don’t know why she’s covering up for them.”

Liz turned to look at the girl and knew that whatever was coming out of her mouth next, wasn’t going to be good. “There’s no way I would cover for a…”

“I wouldn’t either, Laura.” She glanced to where Max was standing to see if he had heard before going on. “We all know what our rights are here, but if Tess doesn’t want to report any abuse then we can’t intervene no matter how much we want to.”

Laura frowned. “That’s not what I was going to say.”

Liz shrugged. She knew Laura was going to start name calling like she always did. Laura was one of the slaves who loved to call their owners all kinds of names and tell them bad stuff all while looking directly at them with a straight face. Since said owners didn’t know English, they had no idea their slave was telling them off or describing all sorts of bad things they wanted to do to them.

However, she was the only slave present who knew there was a brave nearby who spoke and understood English very well. Because of that, she had no intention of letting Max hear the rude words that would be said if she could help it.

“I think we all know you well enough to know what you were going to say, Laura. But for my sake could you just not start with the name calling and bad language? The last time you did that when I was nearby, I must have washed myself several times that evening because I felt so dirty.”

Laura wagged her eyebrows as a wicked smile stole over her lips. “Speaking of dirty, anyone else besides me having thoughts about that brave who returned not to long ago?”

Most of the slaves looked up at her with curious gazes.

“Which one?” asked one of them. “There were a few who returned.”

“True, but there’s only one of them guarding us right now.”

One by one, the slaves all quickly glanced towards Max while Liz did her best not to give a retort to Laura. As she continued to wash her laundry, the others continued talking.

“Oh, he is cute, isn’t he?”

Laura chuckled. “Oh no, I think ‘cute’ is too soft a word for the likes of him.”

Liz pursed her lips.

“Hm, you may be right,” replied one of the others.

Laura laughed this time, making some of the braves, including Max look towards them.

“Oh I’m willing to bet I am right. Especially since he’s bound to live up to his name.”

Liz stiffened at that.

“Laura!” she hissed. “Keep your voice down!”

She rolled her eyes at Liz. “What for? It’s not like any of them understand English!”

If she only knew, thought Liz.

Laura grinned. “I’ll bet he really is a stallion in…”

Liz huffed. “Really Laura! Must you make me want to take another bath!”

Another girl chuckled. “Ooooh, I agree and he’s probably just as dreamy as his name.”

Liz grimaced as she stole a glance towards Max, hoping he hadn’t heard that. Luckily he appeared not to since he was still scanning the surroundings with the same stoic expression he’d worn since she’d first seen him there.

She gave all of them a warning glare. “Now is not the time to be talking about things like that! You know they’ll become suspicious if we stop washing and start talking too much. The last thing we need to do is get them all riled up!”

The others reluctantly nodded before going back to their work, but Laura gave her a frown. “What’s with you Liz? Normally you’re not this uptight.”

Liz shrugged. “I guess I’m still upset over Tess’ problems.”

Laura gave her a sympathetic smile before she too went back to work.

Their conversations became more subdued for a while as they all finished their washing and began to concentrate on laying out all the items for drying. As they moved around checking their work, a couple of braves who stood nearby began teasing them.

One brave gave the girl nearest him a once over before motioning to the other brave who stood a few feet away.

Too bad the only wet cloth is on the ground, huh?

The other brave chuckled. Yeah, and it doesn’t look so good there does it?

The girl immediately straightened up before turning to give them a frown.

One of them shrugged as he answered her. What? Nothing wrong with a little dreaming.

Right, and that’s just where it’s going to stay.

He tsked as he looked to the other brave. I thought women liked it when we talked about them?

Liz rolled her eyes. Not when you talk about us like we are nothing but a piece of meat.

He turned his gaze on her and gave her the once over too. Hm, but I can think of worse things to sink my teeth into. He grinned at his friend before turning back to her. Or should I say better things.

She gasped in indignation when his eyes wandered to her chest and she saw the look in his eyes. Keep that up and you won’t have any teeth left to sink into anything!

Then she went off into a long string of curses that had the other girls all staring at her with wide eyes. Even Laura looked surprised.

“Wow Liz! Where’d you learn all that?”

Liz smirked at her. “Guess it pays to listen to Badger Turns Quickly and his friends when they don’t think I am.”

Laura snickered. “You are so bad!”

Her words seemed to have had the desired effect on the two braves since they went back to focusing on watching their surroundings without another word to any of them.

Max hid the grin that threatened to come out, but if anyone had looked closely they would have been able to see the twinkle in his eyes as he looked at Liz with pride. As usual, he was impressed with the way Liz could stand up for herself and the others without needing anyone else’s help.

Her bravery continued to amaze him every time he saw her in action and he wondered just what her family had been like for her to be so strong. She was unlike any other woman he knew. Even those of his own tribe didn’t seem to possess the same spark that Liz did.

With one last look in her direction, he went back to being alert of his surroundings.


A couple of hours later the slaves began to gather up their belongings to head back to the tribe. Some had already departed with a brave or two in tow. As Liz and the others got ready to go, the braves who’d teased them earlier had apparently gotten over their shock.

The more aggressive one made his way over to the girl he’d been teasing earlier. As she bent over to finish placing the last of the clothes into her basket, he walked up besides her. Walking so close as to bump her in the side, he feigned helping her when she lost her balance and went tumbling into the river.

Granted, the river was only ankle deep where they had been washing, but she still managed to get rather wet. As she got to her feet, gasping as the air chilled her now wet body, the braves chuckled wickedly.

See? Told you the wet cloth would look good.

She glared indignantly at them.

Why you rude… she sputtered as she tried to find the right words to throw at him.

Liz and a few others moved to help her out of the water before Liz turned her own glare at them.

Do you have to act like a child! I pity the woman who gets stuck with you!

He gave her a hurt look. What? There’s nothing wrong with me. I was just teasing.

Yeah, any woman would be glad to have him, replied his friend.

Well then, you truly must not know very many women, do you?

They frowned at her. What is your problem? We were just having a little fun.

By knocking her in the river? She could catch a cold now!

One of them wagged his eyebrows. I’ll be more than happy to warm her up then.

As he made a move towards her, Liz blocked his way with her arms spread out to her sides. You will not touch her!

He looked at Liz for a moment before looking up at the other girls. The one whom he’d pushed into the water was shivering slightly even as the others surrounded her and tried to warm her by rubbing her arms with their hands.

He gave the wet girl a sultry look. Come here honey, I’ll get you warm.

She gaped at him as Liz once more went to cursing him.

He glared down at Liz. If you don’t get out of my way, I won’t hesitate to let you take her place.

Before he could make good on his word, Max was there. Placing his body between the brave and Liz, he gave the man a stern look.

That’s enough, Red Coyote. We should get these slaves home before they get into any trouble with their families.

The brave looked at Max for a moment before glancing at the girls. Max spoke up again.

Is she really worth the trouble you’ll receive if she’s not returned to her family in good health?

His gaze returned to Max’s. Gone was the stern look. Now there was a dire warning in his darkened eyes. Without another word, the brave gave a short nod and backed away motioning for the other brave to help pack up to leave.

Max made his way to the other girls, picking up a leather jerkin from a basket, he wrapped it around the wet girl’s shoulders and gave her a kind look.

Are you okay?

She nodded. Yes, thank you. I’ll be fine once I get out of these wet clothes.

Well then you should be getting home. He picked up her basket, but before he could make another move, another brave came up to him.

It’s all right Horse Dreamer, I’ll escort her and the others home.

Max nodded since he knew the brave lived close to where the girl did.

As the others began breaking away, Liz moved to Max’s side. Thank you for what you did for us Horse Dreamer.

Max nodded. It was nothing. Besides, I didn’t want her to get sick.

Liz smiled at him. Of course. I’m glad you had enough sense in you to think of that. It shows you are very considerate of others, more so than some people do.

She said that last part as Red Coyote and his friend walked by looking sheepish. Raising her voice even more, just so they could hear, she added one last jab.

Your thoughtfulness and concern is such that any woman would be more than happy to have you.

Max looked up to see the way the two braves now seemed a little hunched over as if her words had really deflated their egos. Waiting until they were out of ear shot, he leaned in to whisper to her.

“Was that for their benefit or mine?”

Liz’s eyes sparkled as she grinned at him. “Oh, I’d say it was a little bit of both.”

Max chuckled as she bent down to pick up her basket. When she straightened up, he turned to the other brave who’d escorted her there. It’s okay, I’ll escort her to her family.

The brave nodded as he walked off with the others in tow.

Liz glanced at him with a puzzled look. “What about the others you escorted here?”

“They already left with one of the other braves.”

Liz looked around and suddenly realized that everyone else had left without her realizing it. Giving him a sheepish look, she nodded.

“Okay then, I guess we should head back.”

Max nodded as he swept his hand out, allowing her to take the lead.

As the two of them walked back along one of the trails, they made small talk as usual. However, this was the first time Liz had time to talk to Max without any interference, so she decided to take advantage of it.

When there was a lull in the conversation, she spoke up. “So, how is your little group of admirers doing?”

Max gave her a puzzled frown. “My what?”

“You know, that little group I saw you with the other day.”

As Max got a look on his face that said he was trying to remember what she was talking about, Liz clarified for him.

“Well, not the other day, but a few months ago. You were asking me if I’d talked to Crow Flies.”

He grimaced. “Oh them.”

Liz nodded. “Yes, them. I’m surprised I haven’t seen you with them lately. I’m sure they’ve been missing your company.”

Liz had to squelch the laughter that threatened to emerge when she saw the pained look that crossed Max’s face. He looked like he was remembering something he would just as soon like to forget completely.

“What’s the matter, Max? Don’t tell me they’ve abandoned you!”

He scowled. “I wish fate would be so kind.”

She arched an eyebrow. “You don’t want their company.”

“Not to sound rude, but no. I’d rather they left me alone.”

Liz gave him an incredulous look. “Are they really that bad?”

“You have no idea. Sometimes they start to prattle on about things that I’m sure no man wants to hear about. And for some strange reason they seem to think I’m the one who does want to hear it.”

Liz chuckled. “So they bore you with their talk?”

“Not exactly. For lack of a better word, they irritate me.”

She gaped at him. “Really? How so?”

He shrugged. “You heard them. Preening and hanging all over me, like I’m some kind of trophy.”

Liz could hear the wistful note in his voice. She reached out to place a soft hand on his arm. “If they bother you so much Max, why don’t you just tell them to leave you alone.”

He shook his head. “It’s not that easy, Liz. I don’t really have any other choice than to be polite to them. If not, I could ruin things.”

“What do you mean?”

He started walking again as he spoke. “I can’t be rude to them or word will get out that I’m not to be trusted. It wouldn’t do for any of the fathers with single daughters to think that I am not worth looking at. Plus, my parents will take my hide if they found out I was disrespectful towards any woman. Especially one who looks at me as a potential mate.”

Liz scowled. “So that’s what they were up to then. No wonder she looked at me like that.”

Max gave her a questioning look. “Like what?”

“Like I was encroaching on her territory.”

Max shook his head. “Well, I have to say about your earlier statement to Red Coyote, it’s not just women who are made to feel like nothing more than a piece of meat.”

Liz looked up at Max and gave his arm a gentle squeeze. “You’re right. There are a few bad apples in both genders, just as there are bad apples in others despite the color of their skin.”

Max gave her a smile. “Why Liz Parker, you are definitely a smart one. I completely agree with you.”

She returned his smile as they continued to walk the rest of the way back to the tribe.


Re: TheLegendofDaringElk&HorseDreamer(M/LAdult)Pt5(P9)2/24

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 6:03 pm
by Shadowlynxbehr
Part 6

Liz made her way along the path, enjoying the small amount of time she had to herself. She had some time to kill before she had to get back to her chores, so she’d decided to go for a walk among the homes. She enjoyed days like those the best.

When there was nothing important to get to right away, she loved walking through the village and taking in the sights and sounds. Always one to enjoy a relaxing walk outside, she was glad the day had turned out nice. Sunny, but with some clouds to provide brief reprieves, there was also a slight breeze meandering through the area.

Liz smiled as she spied a group of children playing their version of a chasing game. Her smile widened as their laughter reached her ears. Truly, on days like this one it seemed as if there wasn’t such a thing as pain and loss.

As she neared the children, Turtle Dove stopped playing long enough to wave at her before she returned to her game. Liz waved back as she approached Squirrel Gathers, who was looking after her young charge. Squirrel Gathers grinned at Liz before looking back at the children.

“Enjoying the day I see.”

Liz chuckled. “Just for a bit. I have some time before I have to start the rest of my chores.”

Squirrel Gathers nodded. “Oh, I don’t blame you. It is a nice day, isn’t it? I’m glad I get to spend most of it watching Turtle Dove which means I get to spend it outside too.”

“Mm hm. Lucky you!”

The two of them shared a laugh before Liz went on her way. She took another path between the houses heading towards the open area where celebrations and other events often took place. She liked this area because it was a big open field which could be covered in lots of colorful wildflowers if the time was right.

Hoping that the recent rains had proved beneficial, Liz went to the field hoping to pick some flowers and maybe make a crown or two. As the houses grew fewer, she could hear shouts and other sounds coming from the field. Frowning to herself, she tried to remember if there had been anything planned for the use of the field that day.

It wasn’t until she turned the corner of the last house that hid the field from her view that she saw what all the commotion was. About thirty feet away was a group of braves in a circle, cheering and shouting at whoever was in the center clearing. As she began to give the group a wide berth, she managed to see what they’d been excited about.

In the center of the group were two braves who’d clearly just been sparring with each other. As the winner raised his arms above his head, the loser picked himself up and grinned despite the fact that he’d been bested. The two braves shook hands before moving out of the circle so that two more braves could spar together.

Liz knew that this wasn’t a planned event, but rather it was just the warriors getting together to spar and practice so as not to become too lax in their fighting skills. Although this group was small, there were times when the groups were even smaller. Varying in size and preparation, the sparring groups would sometimes put on mock fights just to see if they could outwit each other.

Clearly, this was just a spur of the moment kind of group. Choosing to keep on walking around them to head for the open field, Liz stopped when she caught a glimpse of one of the warriors. She craned her head, trying to look through the crowd until she saw him.

In the middle of the group, sparring with another brave was none other than Horse Dreamer. Her eyes went wide as she watched him nod and touch blade handles with the other brave before backing up to prepare to fight.

Quickly looking around for a place to partly shield her from their view, she spied a group of hedges near a house. She darted to the hedges and ducked behind them before she looked to see if anyone had noticed her. Since it appeared that she hadn’t been seen, she turned her attention back to the fight.

It took a few moments before she could see Max through the gaps between the crowd and when she did, she nearly gaped. Not only was he sparring heavily with his opponent, but both braves had removed most of their clothing and accessories so that they were clad only in their leather pants.

She watched as the two of them circled around the small area. As his back came into her view, she noticed just how muscular he really was. His shoulder blades and muscles were a symphony of movement as they flexed and bunched while he stealthily moved around as if he were gliding.

When his opponent suddenly faked a lunge, Max seemed to see it coming. As the knife reached for him, Max leaped out of the way. Moving behind his opponent, Max swept his foot out to knock the brave off of his feet. The brave merely stumbled before whirling around and engaging Max in hand to hand combat.

As the two of them continued to go at each other, Liz became fascinated with not only the way the two of them seemed to move as if they were performing an intricate dance, but also with the way Max looked in general. She watched as sweat began to form all over his body giving it a slight sheen in the dappled sunlight. Even the edges of his hair were damp from his exertion.

Unable to tear herself away from the tantalizing view, she briefly wondered how it was that she’d never noticed just how toned and ripped Max really was. He must have really worked out while he’d been away all those years. Now, she could see the tight muscles of his arms and chest as well as the myriad of tribal tattoos he had on his shoulder and back.

She was amazed with the way the tattoos seemed to become animated with each movement of his muscles as if they were trying to jump off of his skin and come to life. Still, every time she found something else that she hadn’t noticed before, her attention would immediately go back to his muscular body.

He had a set of the most pronounced washboard abs she’d ever seen and she could just imagine washing her clothes on that rather than in the stream like she usually did. Then there were the hip lines peeking out from the tops of his leather pants since they rode low on his hips.

And from the looks of him, it didn’t look like he had any tan lines like some of the other men did from wearing their jerkins in the sun too long. Nope, he was all tanned flesh and rippling muscles with the occasional tattoo on his shoulder and back.

As Max and his opponent separated for a brief respite, Liz found herself craning her neck for a better view of him. When he’d stepped back, he’d become hidden from her view and she quickly tried to find him again amid the crowd. Growling in frustration when she couldn’t see him, she almost fell forward into the hedges but she quickly recovered.

She was just glad she hadn’t been too loud as to call attention to herself. Just then, Max and his opponent resumed their fight and she got caught up in watching him all over again. With each movement he made, she drooled more and more. So taken with the sight before her that she wasn’t paying any attention to the time passing by.

By the time the fight was over and the two braves shook hands before moving out of the center of the circle, Liz’s body was heating up and she was feeling things she’d never felt before. Confused with her reaction to Max, she took deep breaths and tried to calm herself down.

What was wrong with her? Why did she feel so hot and sweaty when she hadn’t been the one exerting herself? And why was her heart pounding so hard as if it were trying to force its way out of her chest?

Shaking her head to clear it of wayward thoughts, she straightened up and glanced back towards the group of braves. Max was being congratulated by several others as he wiped himself down with a cloth.

Once more Liz found her gaze captured by the mouthwatering sight of that cloth moving over those sleek muscles. Just when she was getting past the point of no return, a voice broke into her daydreams.

“Liz! Beautiful day isn’t it?” called Tess as she spotted Liz near the edge of the field.

Startled, Liz glanced back at Tess before looking in the direction of the group. Her face flamed as she realized Max was looking straight at her. A smile covered his face as he waved to her, clearly glad to see her.

Still blushing at almost being caught ogling him, Liz returned a timid wave of her own before turning away and heading to where Tess was waiting. By the time she’d reached Tess, her heartbeat had calmed down, but she her cheeks still felt a bit warm. She just hoped it wasn’t obvious to Tess.

As she joined Tess, the younger girl fell into step besides her and they walked back towards the center of the village.

“So, you have some time to yourself?” asked Tess.

Liz nodded. “Yeah and you know how I like to take a walk on days like this.”

Tess scrunched up her nose. “Yeah, I know. You said you always like being outdoors.”

“Yep,” replied Liz as she and Tess stopped and sat down on a log that had been made into a bench in between the houses. It was places like that which gave the people places to rest in some shade and talk with out being in the middle of a crowd.

“What are you up to?” Liz asked Tess.

She shrugged. “Nothing. I was just trying to avoid being told to do something else, that’s all.”

Liz frowned at her. “Are you hiding from your family again?”

Tess pouted. “It’s not that! I just wanted a break, that’s all. I finished my last chore a few minutes early, so I thought I’d find you.”

“What for?”

She shrugged. “To chat, I guess.”

Liz nodded as she leaned back against the log. “Okay.”

Neither one of them spoke for a while as Liz tilted her head back and gazed up at the sky. She sighed in contentment as she watched the clouds floating in the sky. Tess glanced at her when she’d sighed and shook her head.

“You really do like it out here don’t you?”

Liz nodded as she lifted her gaze to Tess. “It’s beautiful.” When Tess gave her a disgusted look, she continued. “What? You don’t think so?”

“Not really. It’s too hot and there’s no place to sit in and be cool. Not like there was back home.”

Liz arched an eyebrow. “Back home?”

Tess nodded. “Yes, back in England.”

Liz’s eyes went wide. “You remember that?”

“Of course I do, I was five when my family and I came to this country.”

“Oh, I was born here.”

Tess’ eyes went wide. “Oh, but you must have had a great home where you were born.”

Liz nodded. “Well, yeah. It was this log cabin. I shared a room with my younger sister and Kyle stayed in the family room while my parents had their own room too.”

“A log cabin! Ugh, I really don’t like those homes either. They smell bad when it rains and all through the winter!”

Liz shrugged. “It’s not so bad.”

“My house in England was huge! I had my own room and my sister had her own too. We were on the other side of the house from my parents. Our house was high on this cliff, so the breeze from the ocean would always keep the house cool no matter what.

The floors were made with this shiny stone that always remained cold and the walls were made of something called plaster. And when it got cold in the fall and winter, we had plenty of fur and woolen blankets to keep ourselves warm. The coverings they have here are nothing compared to what we had at our house in England.”

Liz saw the look of disgust on Tess’ face as she said the last part. Tilting her head slightly, she asked Tess a question. “Why did your family leave England?”

Tess rolled her eyes. “Daddy thought he could make more money if he expanded his business over here. And when he made it on the coast, he decided to move us more in land. That was when our group was raided.”

“Oh, well you must have had another great home on the coast.”

She shook her head. “No, it was a log cabin.”

Even Liz could hear the distaste in Tess’ voice as she spoke.

“It was dark and drafty. And it smelled like wet, decaying grass. Daddy didn’t want to have a real house built because he planned on moving out West for his business. He said when we made it to the other coast and he’d expanded his business across this country, we’d finally have a real house.”

As Tess gave a sad sigh, Liz patted her arm. “I’m sorry you didn’t make it to the other coast.”

Tess nodded. “Me too. But I’m not giving up on that yet! Someday I’m going to live in another house as fine as the one I was born in! With those shiny stone floors and strong plaster walls! And I’m going to have lots of warm, fuzzy blankets and a huge fireplace for the winter! It’ll be beautiful! And I’ll invite you and all my friends over for tea!”

Liz smiled sadly as Tess jumped up and spread her arms wide, lost in her dreams. She knew Tess wasn’t made for the kind of living one did in a place like they were in. Tess had been raised in a place where she probably never had to worry about leaking roofs and drafty rooms. More than likely Tess had always had someone else there to do everything for her.

Now, in this place she was doing everything for someone else. No wonder she seemed moody and sullen often. It was a long way to fall for someone who had come from a family like the one Tess had come from.

Liz’s life had been nothing like that. She’d been born and raised in log cabins all her life and hadn’t once complained about it. Always following her father and older brother around, Liz wasn’t afraid of getting dirty or working hard. Even her mother had worked as hard as her father.

Serena was the one who turned out to be similar to Tess. While Liz was outside in the garden with her mother or fishing with her father and brother, Serena remained inside complaining over the chores she had to do there. Unless it was sewing or making their meals, Serena hated doing the indoor chores just as much as she hated being outside.

Just as she couldn’t imagine Tess ever becoming comfortable living in a place like the village or in a log cabin, Liz couldn’t imagine herself living the way Tess and her family had back in England. She couldn’t imagine not being able to go outside and feeling the grass beneath her feet as she ran through the field or the dirt between her fingers as she worked in the garden.

She’d never felt her life there in the village was that bad since it wasn’t much different than it had been before. The only thing that she would change was the amount of freedom she could have to do the things she wanted to do. That and the fact that she’d do all the chores for herself and not as a slave to someone else.

Still, she knew she was fortunate to have a life that she enjoyed more than Tess enjoyed her own. Glancing to where Tess stood with her back to her, Liz wondered what her older sister, Isabel, had been like. Was Isabel anything like Tess or had she been a doer like her?

It would be something if Isabel had been like her since Tess was a lot like Serena. Liz realized that if both younger sisters were alike and the older sisters were alike too, then maybe Isabel had treated Tess a lot like Liz had treated Serena. And had there ever been times when Isabel wanted to strangle her little sister when she became too whiny.

Liz smiled as she remembered the times when Serena would go running to their parents to tattle on Liz when she thought Liz was doing something wrong. It was those times when she paid her little sister back with a prank or two. Still, despite their disagreements and differences, Liz protected her little sister with everything she had. And she was certain Isabel had done the same for Tess.

In fact, she was sure that if Isabel were with them right now, she would care for Tess the same way Liz cared for her. She would even be furious with the way Tess’ owners were treating her.

With that thought, she gave Tess the once over. “How’s Amanda doing Tess?”

Tess shrugged as she turned back and joined Liz at the log. “Okay I guess.”

“You don’t know? I thought she lived with you.”

“She does. I just don’t see her often since we’re both busy.”

Liz raised an eyebrow. “You don’t like her do you?”

It wasn’t an accusation, but Tess huffed just the same. “It’s not my fault, you know! She just won’t shut up about how lovely this place is and that the people are not as scary as the stories made them out to be.”

Liz tsked. “They’re not.”

“Fine, they’re not. But does she have to go on and on about how great they are? As if they are as civilized as we are!”

Liz sighed. She was in no mood to argue with Tess on a day like this. Besides, it would just be futile anyway. Tess wasn’t ever going to change the way she viewed the Udeyona and other tribes. To her, they would always be heathens and savages. Uncivilized beings that would always be far beneath those from the civilized world she’d been born into.

“I’m sure it’s all because it’s so new to her. Be patient and it’ll soon wear off. You’ll see.”

“You think?” asked Tess.

Liz nodded. “Sure, a lot of people come here with wide eyes at the newness of the place. Even I did for a time.”

That wasn’t entirely true, but she hoped Tess would at least give Amanda a chance to fit in.

Tess appeared to think about it for a few moments before nodding. “Okay, I’ll give it some time and see.”

Liz smiled. “Good for you. And I’ll try talking to her also, maybe I can help her to see things like we do.”

Tess grinned. “Oh would you! Thanks Liz!”

“No problem.” She glanced up at the sky before motioning to Tess. “Come on, I should be getting back to finishing up the rest of my chores for the day.”

Tess grimaced. “Ugh, don’t remind me.”

Liz chuckled. “Oh now see, you were actually enjoying the day too!”

Tess gave her a sheepish look. “I guess I was, but then again you always seem to make things seem better.”

Liz wrapped an arm around Tess’ shoulders and gave her a gentle hug. “I’m glad I could do that for you, little sis.”

Tess laughed. “Thanks, big sis.”

Liz gave her a wink as the two of them walked through the village arm in arm.


Re: TheLegendofDaringElk&HorseDreamer(M/LAdult)Pt6(P11)3/2

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 4:29 pm
by Shadowlynxbehr
Part 7

Nearly three days later Liz still couldn’t get the images of a sweaty, muscular Max out of her mind. So much so that she’d caught herself daydreaming at least three times already. Needless to say, those images that she’d stored in her mind were beginning to drive her to distraction.

Even now, as she walked through the village on her way to pick some vegetables from the garden, she couldn’t stop thinking about him. With a sigh, she shifted her basket to the other shoulder and shook her head to clear it. As she pushed strands of hair behind her ear, her eyes caught sight of Max.

She smiled as she saw him standing and talking to Tess until she saw the way they were standing kind of close to one another. Her smile faded when Tess looked up at him with a look similar to that of a frightened deer.

Liz knew that look. It was the look Tess always wore when she was trying to convince someone to be on her side or when she was trying to lure someone in by pretending to be helpless.

And judging from the looks of him, Max was falling for it completely. Liz watched as he leaned closer to Tess and placed a hand on her arm. He ran his hand up and down her arm as if he were trying to soothe her or comfort her.

Tess lowered her head and looked up at him through her eyelashes as he spoke to her in what Liz was sure was a hushed voice. When he paused, Tess looked up to give him her usual pout and Liz resisted the urge to be sick. As she watched Max continue to talk to Tess, Liz could feel her face starting to heat up.

What was wrong with her? They were just talking, that was all. After all, Liz knew how much of a great guy Max was to almost everyone in the village. She knew lots of people liked to ask him for advice the way they would his father. Both men were often sought out by their peers whenever someone needed a neutral ear.

At least that was what she kept trying to tell herself until she saw Tess give him another pout before she turned and made a show of walking off. Liz gaped as Max went after her, gently caught her arm, and turned her around to face him.

When Tess wouldn’t look at him after he’d placed his hands on her arms and spoke to her, he cupped her cheeks and lifted her head until their eyes met. Liz saw red the moment she noticed how his thumb seemed to be stroking Tess’ cheek. The nerve of him!

The final straw was the dreamy look that spread over Tess’ face as she slowly nodded right before Max pulled her into a hug. Liz could see the thrilled smile Tess wore as Max hugged her. Oh, the nerve of her!

Unable to take anymore, Liz turned away and began stalking off angrily. Her thoughts in turmoil, she wasn’t aware of the fact that Max had let go of Tess and caught sight of her retreating back. Still, he couldn’t leave Tess just then as Liz made her way away from them.

Furious with herself and at Max for reasons she refused to acknowledge, she hastily decided picking vegetables could wait. Instead, she was heading for the bathing river to take a cold bath, hoping it would help her get rid of the feelings she was hesitant to admit to having.

Yes, a cold bath was exactly what she needed to calm herself down with.


Max stopped to look around the area once more. He’d left Tess several minutes ago once he’d made sure she was okay. Now he was using his tracking skills to see if he could locate Liz since he’d lost sight of her earlier.

He’d wanted to talk to her, but manners dictated that he deal with Tess first before he went to find Liz. So, he’d made sure Tess understood that he wasn’t going to talk to anyone about what they’d talked about. She’d made him promise not to utter a word. He didn’t like it, but it’s what she wanted so he’d respect her wishes. Still, he’d tried his best to change her mind before he knew it was a moot point.

Once he’d reached that point, he’d told her to take care of herself and let her know that she could come talk to him whenever she needed to. After that, they’d quickly said goodbye and he went off in the direction he’d last seen Liz go.

That had been several minutes ago and now he was hoping the freshly pressed grass were her footprints and not someone else’s. He’d be embarrassed if he was following the wrong trail. He knew he’d never live it down if it was discovered that he had failed in tracking someone.

Straightening up, he set off in the direction of the trees wondering why Liz would go in there. That thought was quickly followed by one of worry. Although he knew Liz was capable of taking care of herself, a maiden alone in the woods was not always a good thing. As he made his way along the path between the trees, he silently prayed that she was okay, yet alone when he finally found her.

It wasn’t long before he heard the soft murmur of a river nearby and just as he approached it, he realized just which river it was. Looking around for some sign, he spotted a pile of clothes near a huge rock that hung slightly over the river. Without leaving the shadow of the surrounding trees, Max quickly looked at the river and saw the back of a woman’s head.

He knew it was Liz from the way the sunlight sparkled in her dark tresses, making several strands of it lighter. Most of her hair had been piled on top of her head which was held there by a clip made of bone. She was mostly submerged beneath the water all the way up to just beneath her shoulders.

Unable to resist, Max stayed right where he was without making a sound to startle her. He knew it was wrong to be spying on a maiden when she was bathing, but this was Liz whom he was beginning to believe was a beguiling spirit in disguise.

This wasn’t the first time he’d watched her from afar. Of course, all the other times she’d been fully clothed, but she’d been captivating just the same. Still, he’d always managed to watch her without her or anyone else knowing it.

Just like all the other times, he admired the way she moved so effortlessly. Even in the river, as the water swirled around her shoulders, she seemed to move with a grace and dignity that was rare in other maidens her age. Even Tess seemed a bit awkward compared to Liz.

Moving slightly to his right, he silently positioned himself at an angle so that he could see her profile more clearly. Once he was sure he wouldn’t be seen, he continued to watch her as she moved her arms beneath the water as if she were swimming in place.

She tilted her head to the left and lifted a hand to her neck making Max’s mouth go dry as he watched the sparkling water trail down the side of her neck. Some of the water trickled down her back until it met with the river once more. Max licked his lips as he envisioned what the rest of the water that had taken the frontal route had looked like as it made its way down to the river.

Liz closed her eyes and tilted her head back for a few moments and Max let his eyes trail over the exposed lines of her neck, throat, and face as he waited and watched her. When she lifted her head up and opened her eyes, Max held his breath as he watched her move towards the rock where her clothes were.

He knew he should go now, he really shouldn’t have been there at all. But he’d wanted to talk to Liz and he wasn’t sure he’d be able to catch her again before they both got caught up in their duties. So when she appeared to be getting out of the water, he averted his eyes and waited for a few moments hoping she’d be out and clothed by the time he looked up again.

With his heart in his throat, Max slowly looked up towards the rock prepared to shut his eyes if he had to. Luckily for him, Liz was out of the water and already partially hidden by the rock. Then again, his mouth went dry a second time as he caught sight of bare legs peeking out from beneath the edge of the rock.

Before he knew what he was doing, his eyes traveled from her ankles, to her calves and up to just before mid-thigh before they disappeared behind the rock. Suddenly his leather pants became too constricting and he wished he could just run and dive under that water before it got any worse.

In the next moment, Liz bent down to retrieve her dress and Max caught a glimpse of her curves. It caught him off guard so much that he ended up emitting a soft moan at the sight of all that luscious skin.

He was loud enough that Liz straightened up and quickly pulled her dress on before she looked towards the trees.

“Who’s there?” she asked in Udeyona.

Max knew he couldn’t just remain silent since Liz was too astute for that. So, taking a deep breath to calm himself, he slowly walked out into the clearing. At first Liz appeared startled until she realized it was him. Smiling as she placed a hand over her chest, she breathed in relief.

“Oh, it’s you Max,” she spoke in English. Then she gave him a puzzled look. “What are you doing here?”

He continued to walk out into the clearing with his gaze locked to hers. “I wanted to talk to you.”

Liz tilted her head slightly at the husky tone of Max’s voice. “Talk to me?”

He took another step towards her. “Yes. I saw you earlier, but I couldn’t get away.”

“Oh,” she replied as she took a step of her own towards him. “What did you want to talk to me about?”

“I wanted to…” he stalled as he moved even closer to her. His eyes took in the water droplets that still clung to her neck and skin that wasn’t covered by her dress.

Liz couldn’t help but feel breathless at the way Max was looking at her. They had moved closer together, so close she could almost feel his breath on her skin.

“Max?” she whispered. Max blinked as if he’d been somewhere else. And as his eyes rose to meet hers, she continued. “What is it?”

Max stared into her eyes for a few heartbeats before he lifted a hand to her cheek. His fingers trailed over her skin, brushing the few drops of water that were still there.

Liz didn’t move a muscle as she felt his feather light touch against her skin. Mesmerized by the way his eyes followed the path of his fingers, she could hardly breathe for fear of breaking the spell.

His fingers moved down her neck and swept over her shoulder. Suddenly his gaze returned to hers and Liz could feel his fingers wrap around the back of her neck.

Her breath caught as she realized he was leaning closer and just before his lips met hers, she closed her eyes in anticipation. She could hear her heartbeat thudding in her chest even as his lips grazed over hers just barely.

Max paused after brushing his lips over hers, waiting for her to push him away. When she didn’t, he leaned in and pressed his lips against hers more fully. Amazed when she still didn’t pull back, he lifted both hands to cup her cheeks and deepened the kiss even more.

Liz knew she should pull back, but she’d been dreaming of this for weeks even though she would have never admitted it. Now she knew Max had been having the same thoughts as her and she wasn’t about to stop it when it felt so good.

As his fingers lost themselves in her hair, Liz leaned against him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. His tongue slid against hers, making her tremble with need. She parted her lips to touch the tip of his tongue with hers and Max took that as an invitation to slide his tongue into her mouth.

Max didn’t think he’d ever tasted anything as sweet as Liz’s mouth and he could feel his body responding to the way her tongue slid against his teasing one. He loved the way she felt in his arms, soft and warm. And she smelled like fresh wildflowers.

Liz let her hands move over Max’s shoulders and down his chest where she suddenly discovered that he felt even better than he’d looked that day she’d watched him spar. Melting at the way he seemed to tenderly hold her and the way his muscles moved beneath her hands, she could only wish there wasn’t a leather jerkin between her hands and his skin.

Max was fast becoming drunk on the taste of her mouth and on the way her small hands felt rubbing against his chest. Enjoying the way she was making him feel, he couldn’t help but want more. More of her taste and more of her touch.

His lips trailed hot kisses from the corner of her mouth, then along her jaw. Liz tilted her head back, allowing him access to her silken skin and Max greedily continued to taste his fill.

Liz’s breath was becoming short and fast as Max’s lips continued to wreak havoc on her skin. As his lips made their way down her jaw, she could feel herself becoming weak in the knees. Needing something to hold on to, she wrapped her arms around his shoulders again.

Max kissed her neck and trailed his tongue along her pulse as his hands moved down her back. Liz gripped him closer and Max moved one hand between them, intending to tilt her head back even more. As he moved his hand, it brushed against the side of her breast, making her moan softly.

That moan was enough to break through Max’s haze, making him realize just what they’d been doing. He jerked his head up and looked down at Liz, taking in her full red lips and shuttered eyes. She looked thoroughly ravished and it was all his fault.

Liz felt the sudden absence of warmth and opened her eyes to give Max a puzzled look. He was staring at her as if he suddenly realized she was right there in front of him. Wondering what was wrong, she lifted a hand to his cheek.


Max let her go and backed away looking stunned. He couldn’t believe he’d allowed himself to be that aggressive with Liz. He couldn’t believe he’d allowed himself to take advantage of her like that. She deserved to be treated a whole lot better than he’d just treated her.

Ashamed at the way he’d mauled her, he uttered a quick “Forgive me” before turning and disappearing into the surrounding trees.

Liz stood there in shock as she watched Max disappear wondering what had just happened. Realizing too late that he was leaving, she ran after him calling his name. She only ran a few feet before she knew it was useless to keep running after him. Max was a much better runner and he knew the land better than she did.

With a sigh, she went back to the river to gather up the rest of her belongings before making her way back to the village alone.


Re: TheLegendofDaringElk&HorseDreamer(M/LAdult)Pt7(P13)3/16

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 6:11 pm
by Shadowlynxbehr
Part 8

Max made his way hesitantly towards the house which Liz lived in. He could only hope that today she would accept his apology for what he’d done to her at the river the day before. Now that he’d had time to get himself together and to think of a good way to apologize to Liz, he had finally mustered up the courage to go talk to her.

He silently hoped that he hadn’t blown things with her since he really liked her, but he honestly wouldn’t blame her if she never wanted him to go near her again. After all, he’d nearly ruined her reputation and that would have made him no better than someone like Badger Turns Quickly.

Rounding the corner of the nearby house, Max spotted Liz sitting between the houses next to a log that had been fashioned into a bench. She was on her knees and hunched over a large round pot which Max saw was full of berries as he got closer.

Liz was in the process of grinding berries to make a sort of jam, as was the way of the Udeyona. The tips of her fingers were stained with the juices of the berries as she continued to grind the small round tool over the fruit in the bowl.

She lifted a hand to brush a wayward strand out of her face and smiled when she saw Max approaching her.

“Hi Max,” she greeted a little shyly, when he came to a stop in front of her.

“Hello Liz,” he replied a bit awkwardly. “Um, I was wondering if I could have a word with you?”

Max didn’t miss the slight blush to her cheeks as she nodded. “Sure, just let me finish this bowl first.”

Max nodded and sat on the bench to wait while Liz finished grinding the rest of the berries. He watched until the berries turned into the gelatinous goo that was the beginning of the jam. When Liz was satisfied that she’d done enough, she quickly worked at tilting the bowl over another smaller container made of bone and spooning the jam into it.

She continued to fill other containers just like the first until the bowl was completely empty of jam. Once she was done with that, she picked up small pieces of hide and covered each of the small containers. Finally she fastened them down with pieces of thread made from the sinew of a buffalo.

Setting the containers next to the bench, she wiped her hands on a piece of cloth and got up to sit next to Max. Without looking at him, she held her hands still covered with the cloth in her lap.

“Um, what did you want to talk to me about, Max?”

Max swallowed as he realized it was time to say what he needed to. “Liz, I’m…I want to apologize for yesterday.”

Liz looked up with a puzzled expression. “Oh? What do you mean?”

Max looked down at his hands. “For running off on you like that, I mean. I know I shouldn’t have done what I did and…”

Liz shook her head. “No Max. It’s okay really. I’m not upset about it.”

He looked up at her. “Really?”


“But I took too much from you. I didn’t want to shame you.”

Liz gave him another shy smile as she looked down at her hands. “You didn’t do anything I didn’t want you to do, Max.”

At that, Max couldn’t help but stare at her profile. He was amazed that Liz wasn’t the least bit upset at him for taking advantage of her. In fact, she seemed to be a little pleased with his reaction to her. And that thought only made Max smile at the hope that Liz was having the same feelings as he was.

When Max remained silent, Liz looked up to catch him staring at her. Feeling her cheeks heat a little from the look on his face, she cleared her throat.

“Um, I want you to know that I don’t regret what we did, Max.”

Max blinked, as if coming out of a daze. Her words had registered in his mind. With a smile of his own, he spoke in a husky voice. “I don’t regret it either, Liz.”

When she graced him with a full smile, Max felt his throat constrict. “You are so beautiful,” he breathed before even realizing he’d said it.

Liz’s reaction was the same as Max’s in that instant. They looked at each other with wide eyes before looking away shyly. Liz couldn’t help but beam at Max’s surprise confession and in the next moment she realized what she’d seen the day before had been nothing at all. Turning back to Max, needing to make sure she was thinking correctly, she asked him a question.

“Max? I saw you yesterday, before you saw me at the river. You were with Tess. I saw you with her and I thought…. Well, the way you were acting with her, it looked like you had feelings for her too.”

Max turned back to look at her in shock. “Tess? Do you mean Blue Deer?”

Liz nodded, “Yes, her birth name is Tess.”

“Oh, I didn’t know that.” He tested her name again before he continued. “To answer your question, it wasn’t what you think. I think of… Tess… as a younger sister. I’ve known she’s been mistreated by her owners for a while now, so I tried to convince her to let me tell someone.”

“Let me guess, she said no.”

Max nodded. “She told me that she didn’t want anyone to know. That she would take care of herself. I tried to tell her that she should report them, but she made me promise not to speak to anyone. She said you and some of the other slaves have already tried to do the same thing I was trying to do.”

Liz sighed. “Yes, we’ve tried talking her into letting us go speak for her since she won’t do it herself. But it’s like you said, she wants all of us to mind our own business.”

“That is what she said, in her own way of course.”

Liz grinned. “Of course.”

They shared a laugh for a few moments before Max turned serious again. Liz could tell he had something else he wanted to tell her. She waited patiently for Max to find the words he needed, giving him an encouraging smile when he looked up at her again.

Since they were being honest, Max felt like he had to tell Liz what he’d done before she had seen him at the river. He just hoped it wouldn’t change her mind about her feelings for him.

“There’s something else you should know.”

Liz nodded. “Go ahead.”

“Before you saw me at the river, I was…” he paused, suddenly a little afraid of what she would do. She was a strong woman after all.

Liz put a comforting hand on his arm to encourage him. “Max? It’s okay, just say it.”

Max glanced down at her hand before mustering up the courage to tell her. Looking away, he spoke softly. “I was watching you. When I was talking to… Tess… I looked up and saw you walking away. When I was finished talking to her, I went to find you. I followed your trail and found you at the river.”

When he paused, Liz looked puzzled. “What’s wrong with that.”

Max sighed. “You were still in the water.”

She was still puzzled as she said, “Okay.”

Then suddenly it dawned on her just what he’d meant when he’d said he was watching her. She knew she should be offended, but the truth was, she was just a little bit glad that it had been Max watching her. A smile spread over her face as she realized that Max was confessing the truth and was probably worried that she was going to be angry at him.

Giving his arm a gentle squeeze, she whispered to him. “Did you see anything while I was in the river?”

Max shook his head, but still didn’t look at her. “The water covered you up to your shoulders and when you turned to get out, I looked away. I waited until I was certain you were covered before I looked up again. You were behind the rock.”

Liz’s smile grew wider. So he had watched her, but he’d still given her some dignity. He was truly a great man to her. “It’s okay Max, I’m not angry.”

He turned to look at her with a shocked look. “I just want you to know that I don’t do that. I’m not a… a…”

Liz could tell he was searching for the right word. “Pervert?”

He nodded. “Yes. I’m not.”

She grinned. “I believe you.”

He gave her an incredulous look. “You do?”

“Um hm. I understand, you went looking for me and when you found me I was busy. So, you decided to wait until I was done before approaching me. The fact that you looked away and gave me some privacy was very decent of you Max. Thank you.”

He nodded. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. At least now I know what made you do what you did.”

He smiled. “Actually, I have been wanting to do that for a while now.”

Liz chuckled. “Well, I’m glad you did it. I think I’ve been wanting you to do it too.”

They shared another laugh before Max spoke up again. “Well, now that I have told the truth, this is the reason why I was looking for you. There is something I want to show you. Will you be busy after the evening meal? I would like to take you to see it then.”

Liz smiled. “I’ll be free then.”

“Good, then I’ll see you then.”

Liz nodded as Max got up from the bench. He gave her a smile and wave before he walked off, leaving her to finish her duties for the rest of the day.


Liz glanced at her surroundings as Max continued to lead the horse she was riding through the forest. He had arrived at her home not long after she and Squirrel Gathers had finished cleaning up the remains of the evening meal. Liz had been helping Turtle Dove to get ready for bed when Max had arrived and asked to speak with Crow Flies.

A few moments later, Crow Flies had returned to tell her that Horse Dreamer had asked for permission to take Daring Elk for an evening walk. Crow Flies said he would allow it if Daring Elk agreed to switch a chore with Squirrel Gathers the following day since she would have to finish Daring Elk’s chores that evening.

Once the three of them had agreed as to what chores were going to be switched and Daring Elk had gotten ready, Crow Flies escorted her outside where Horse Dreamer was waiting for her. Horse Dreamer thanked Crow Flies for allowing her to walk with him before he led her through the village.

At the edge of the field where they kept the horses, Max had retrieved his horse and made it ready for Liz to ride it. When she asked about him, he said he knew the land well enough to walk. That meant they had a ways to go which would make him worry about her walking around the sometimes uneven land in the dark.

Now she was glad he had told her to ride because Liz had felt how uneven the ground was even on top of the horse. It was quite a while before the scent of smoke reached Liz’s nose, and a bit longer before she saw a light shining in the forest.

And as they neared the light, she realized that this is what Max had wanted to show her. There, in the middle of nowhere was a log cabin. It sat looking cozy amid the surrounding trees even with the smoke rising from a chimney.

Max led the horse right up to the door before he helped her down with a smile. “This is the home of a friend.”

Liz’s eyes went wide. “Really? You know someone who lives in a log cabin?”

Max nodded. “His father knew my father, as I know him.” He tethered the horse to a pole near the door before holding out his hand to her. “Come, let us go meet him.”

Liz took his hand and walked with him to the door. Max knocked on it and waited for a few moments before the door was opened.

A tall, thin man appeared behind it. Sporting a slightly scruffy beard and shaggy hair, the stranger’s blue eyes sparkled with mirth the moment he recognized Max.

He grinned at Max. “Well now! You finally made it here! I was beginning to think you’d been lyin’ to me, Max!”

Max returned his grin as they shook hands. “Sorry for that. I had to make some arrangements before I could come.”

He turned to Liz while motioning to his friend. “Liz, this is my friend, Alexander Whitman. Alex, this is Liz.”

Alex turned his smile and sparkling eyes to Liz as he held out a hand to her in greeting. “So, this is Liz. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, my dear. Max has told me so much about you.”

Liz’s eyebrows rose in surprise as she reached out to shake his hand. “Really? Well, I’m sorry to say that I cannot say the same.”

Alex chuckled as Max looked a bit sheepish. “That’s okay. I can quite understand why Max hasn’t said anythin’ to you about me. Well, come on in you two, I just put a fresh pot ‘o coffee on the fire.”

He stood back to let the two of them in before closing the door and escorting them into a room which had lots of furniture made of wood and covered with furs and pelts. The fireplace was at the end of the room and Alex headed to that while Max and Liz made themselves comfortable on a couple of fur covered chairs.

Liz looked around the cabin in awe. From the outside it appeared small, but inside there was so much room. Near the door was a wooden table and four chairs made of leather hides. The rest of the room consisted of a couple of wooden cabinets and shelves, the furniture, and the fireplace. There was another door on the left wall which Liz assumed was the place where Alex slept.

Alex poured some coffee into three mugs and handed one to Max and Liz. “Who wants cream an’ sugar?”

Liz smiled. “I’ll take both, please.”

Alex nodded as he retrieved a tray from one of the cabinets and returned to her side. Liz took what she needed before thanking him and he moved to Max’s side so he could take what he needed.

Liz waited until Alex had prepared his own coffee and had sat down in a chair before speaking. “This is a lovely place, Alexander. It’s very big inside.”

Alex finished taking a sip of his coffee before giving her a smile. “Thanks, Liz. And please, call me Alex.” He looked around the cabin as he sighed. “I love this place too. Me pap and me built it together.”

“Really? You built it?”

Max laughed as Alex chuckled. “Well, I was only ten when me pap first built it, but I did help him quite a lot. He did most of the hard work though.”

Liz nodded. “Well, that’s impressive just the same.”

He grinned at her. “Thanks, I’ll be sure and tell me pap you like it.”

Liz smiled. “Will I get to meet him too?”

Alex shrugged. “I can’t really tell you that. Me pap lives back East now and I don’ know if he will be this way again.”

“Oh, why did he build this and go back East?”

“He was offered a great opportunity that he couldn’t pass up. But it’s okay, ‘cause now this place belongs to me an’ he’s got a great place back East too. He built the house he now lives in too.”

“Wow, he is really talented then!”

Alex chuckled. “In more ways than one. Not only can he build homes, but he is great at learning languages. That’s why he is back East now. They wanted him to help them communicate with the natives.”

“So that’s how you know Max?”

Max nodded. “Alex’s father was the one who helped my father learn English. Then when he moved back East, he made it possible for some of us to go learn English and live among the white man for a few years.”

Liz smiled at Alex. “And now you live here and continue to help Max learn English?”

Alex laughed. “Not exactly. I’m not as talented as my pap, but I do love the land so this is where I chose to live. Me pap understands. If it wasn’t for the fact that he does a lot of good where he is, he’d still be out here too.”

As the evening wore on, Max and Alex told Liz more about Alex’s life. His father whom the natives had affectionately named Charlie, was now working as a negotiator back East. There he went by his given name Charles as he dealt with the often clueless whites who had no idea how to deal with the natives of the land.

Once a trapper and trader when he’d lived in the cabin, he was now often a crusader for native rights since he was fluent in several languages. While Alex couldn’t speak anything other than English and Udeyona, he had followed in his father’s footsteps by being a trapper and trader too.

It was through trading that he often dealt with the Udeyona tribe and he was the one responsible for getting many supplies for the tribe which only the white men made. It was through the Whitmans that supplies like medicine and wools were made possible.

Later, Charles had made it possible for some of the younger men of the tribe to travel East where they could learn English while living among the whites. Max’s father had asked Charles if that would be possible since he wanted to make sure there would be someone in the tribe who could become a negotiator after him. Fortunately for Bright Moose, Charles had been able to do that.

Through the years of living in the cabin, the Whitmans had continued to be good friends with the Udeyona and Charles had struck up a close friendship with Bright Moose. Even Alex had become good friends with Max, who was only a year younger than him.

They had traveled East together, but Alex had returned nearly two years later because he missed his way of life at the cabin. Needless to say, Alex was glad when he’d heard that his friend had returned safe and sound recently.

Ever since Max had returned, he’d been visiting Alex when he’d had the chance and the two of them had been catching up on each others lives. It was during those times that Max had begun to tell Alex about Liz and Alex had been interested in meeting the woman Max claimed was just as strong in spirit as any warrior.

By the time Max and Liz returned to the village, Alex was inclined to agree with Max. He too thought Liz was indeed a very smart and strong woman who could stand her ground. And Alex wasn’t the only one who’d come away from the meeting with a good impression.

Liz also liked the warm and friendly Alex Whitman. She could definitely see why Alex was a good friend to Max. Just like Max, Alex had a big heart that went along well with his friendly nature. And now Liz was glad that Max had introduced her to Alex who had told her she was welcome to visit him again anytime she wanted to.


Re: TheLegendofDaringElk&HorseDreamer(M/LAdult)A/N 6/4

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 8:45 pm
by Shadowlynxbehr
Part 9

Tess frowned as she watched the group of slaves that were being escorted into the village by members of the Alastigi tribe. The tribe was one of the neighboring tribes which occasionally traded goods with the Udeyona. From what she could see, today the Alastigi were going to trade slaves for goods.

As she continued to stare at the group, Liz walked up to her. “Tess, shouldn’t you be attending to your chores?”

Tess tsked. “Look at that Liz, as if the savages don’t have enough of us to do their dirty work for them.”

Liz looked over to where Tess was staring to see what she was talking about. She watched as several of the leaders of the Udeyona greeted the Alastigi braves. With a sigh, she looked back at Tess.

“It’s not our concern for the moment Tess, you know there’s not much we can do in our situation.” Liz knew that wasn’t exactly true. There were things that could be done, but the slaves had to earn that right first.

Then there were those in Tess’ predicament, those who couldn’t or wouldn’t do anything to help themselves. They wouldn’t even listen to anyone who tried to help them or believe that their lives could get better if they would just work for it.

Liz knew there was a way for her to earn the right to leave Crow Flies and his family, but she wasn’t in that position yet. Then again, she also wasn’t that upset about being their slave since they didn’t mistreat her or put her down in any way. Only Badger Turns Quickly had done that, but he’d been put in his place.

Plus, despite what Tess said some tribe members actually had slaves to help with the burden of caring for their families and the like. In truth, Liz often felt like a maid more than a slave since her family treated her with respect and often worked alongside her.

Though she knew what Tess was feeling and knew she’d probably carry hate of the tribes in her heart if she’d been treated like Tess, Liz couldn’t do that. She had realized long ago that no matter what the color of their skin was, there could be good and bad in anyone.

Tess scoffed as she finally turned to look at Liz. “Our situation? Oh please, I think situation isn’t the right word to use.”

With that, she walked off still wearing a frown on her face. Liz continued to watch as the Alastigi traded with the Udeyona for a few more moments.


Bright Moose looked at the two slaves he had just purchased from the Alastigi before he motioned to his wife. When Gentle Otter walked over to him he spoke to her in Udeyona.

“I think it might be a good idea to ask our youngest son for his help in translating for you and the two new additions to our family. I have a feeling his patience and calm manners will help when dealing with one of them.”

As she looked the two girls over, she could tell which one he was talking about. “Yes, I think I have to agree with you. Let me go get him now.”

Bright Moose nodded to her before she walked away to find their son, then his attention was on the two girls whom the Alastigi brave was escorting towards him. The light brown haired one seemed rather quiet and didn’t say much to the brave as she walked alongside him. However, the brave had a firm hand on the blonde girl’s arm, trying to make her walk along with them.

She seemed to be resisting him as she tried to yank her arm out of his grip every so often while yelling at him in between. Bright Moose frowned as he watched their interaction, something told him she wasn’t acting that way just for spite.

That was why he had decided to ask his son for help since he was better at the English language. Hopefully that would help the girl ease into her new life better than she had with the other tribe. At least he hoped it would work since he and his wife really needed help with their everyday lives.

Both of his sons were grown now and while Horse Dreamer still lived with them only because he hadn’t had the time to find his own home yet, Fighting Dog was already living on his own. Then there was the fact that they no longer had the two slaves that had last worked for them.

One had been lost to freedom and another to marriage, so his wife was really in need of help now. Especially since neither one of them were getting any younger and their sons would soon have lives of their own.


“Hello, Liz.”

Liz turned to see Max striding up to her with a smile on his face. “Hello Max,” she replied as he moved to stand besides her.

They both watched the group that was still milling around not too far from them. Several Alastigi braves were already loading up the supplies they’d gotten from the trade of the slaves.

“I am sorry I have not seen you these last few days, I have been helping my father with a few things,” Max said, as he turned to look at Liz’s profile.

“It’s okay, Max. I’ve been rather busy too,” she gave him a smile that said she completely understood.

Before Max had a chance to say anything else, his mother called his name. “There you are! I have been looking for you!”

Max nodded to his mother and indicated Liz with his hand. “Mother, you remember Daring Elk.”

Gentle Otter turned to look at Liz with a genuine smile. “Oh yes! Daring Elk, you look well! And so grown up! How have you been, honey?”

Liz returned her smile. “I’m am doing well, Gentle Otter. How about you?”

“Fine, just fine. I hope you don’t mind, but my husband and I need our son’s help for a while.”

As Liz shook her head Max asked his mother, “What is it that you need me for?”

“Your father just purchased two slaves for us and he believes your calm demeanor may be the best thing to talk to one of them.”

Max arched an eyebrow. “Is there something wrong with her?”

“Well, from what we saw, we think she may have had authority issues with her last owner. So, we’re hoping that when you speak to her in English she won’t feel so threatened.”

Max nodded before looking over to Liz for a moment. Suddenly getting an idea, he looked back at his mother. “Father brought two slaves right?”

“That’s right.”

“What if we take Liz along to help too. I’m sure Crow Flies won’t mind letting Liz help us out for an hour or two.”

Gentle Otter smiled as she looked at Liz. “Why that’s a great idea, Horse Dreamer. Would you mind helping us out for a while, Daring Elk?”

“I wouldn’t mind at all. I’d love to help,” replied Liz.

“Great! Horse Dreamer, why don’t you take Daring Elk with you and meet your father at our house while I go ask Crow Flies about her.”

Max nodded as he motioned for Liz to follow him. “Okay, we’ll go to the house then.”

As the two of them walked towards Max’s family home, Liz spoke up. “What’s the matter, Max? Don’t think you can handle a willful female?”

She grinned to herself when she saw the blush spread over Max’s face. “It is not that, I just thought if she met you, she would see that it is not such a bad thing being here.”

“Oh,” Liz replied as they continued walking on.

A few moments later, she heard Max mumble. “And I get to spend a little more time with you too.”

Her smile was blinding when she turned it on Max. “I’m glad I get to spend a little more time with you too.”

Max returned her smile as he reached out to give her hand a squeeze. They held hands for a few more moments before letting go, just before they reached his home. They could see Bright Moose outside of his home talking with the two girls and an Alastigi brave.

Even from the distance they could clearly see how one girl seemed to be arguing with the Alastigi brave. The brave held her arm in a firm grip even as she continued to snap at him. He appeared to be trying to ignore her while he conversed with Bright Moose.

As they neared, Max could hear Bright Moose trying to negotiate with the Alastigi Brave in the Alastigi language. He was trying to convince the brave to let the girl go, believing she wouldn’t run like the brave insisted she would.

Bright Moose stopped in mid-sentence when he noticed Max and Liz approaching and switched to Udeyona. “Ah! Horse Dreamer, I’m glad you are here. Would you do me a favor and talk to the two new slaves while I talk to this brave?”

“Of course father. I have brought Daring Elk along to help in welcoming them to their new home while mother is making sure Crow Flies knows where she is.”

Bright Moose winked at Liz. “That is a great idea. My thanks Daring Elk.”

“It is an honor Bright Moose,” replied Liz with a smile. “It’s the least I can do after everything you and your wife have done for me through the years.”

With a nod, Bright Moose turned to the Alastigi Brave and told him that his son would be taking the girls into their new home. The brave glanced at Max before looking at the girl who was still trying to jerk her arm out of his hold.

Max walked up to the girl and smiled at her when she turned her attention to him. “Hello, I am Horse Dreamer. Son of Bright Moose and Gentle Otter. If you will come with me, I will show you to your new home.”

The moment he had started talking to her, she had stopped struggling and stared at him with wide eyes. “You…you speak English!”

He nodded. “Yes, and while my father does not speak it so well, he understands most of it. But my mother does not know it like he does, so it will be up to me to help you and my parents understand each other for now, yes?”

She nodded. “O-okay.”

His smile widened. “Okay. May I ask what your name is?”


“It is nice to meet you Maria. This is Daring Elk, who will also be helping to translate.”

Liz moved up to her and held out her hand. “Hi Maria, you can also call me Liz. That’s the name I was born with.”

Maria shook her hand and leaned in closer so that only Liz could hear her next question. “Are you their slave?”

Liz shook her head. “Crow Flies and his family are the ones I belong to, but I help out others from time to time since I can speak both English and Udeyona fluently.”

“Udeyona?” asked Maria.

Liz nodded. “It’s the language of this tribe.”

“And you speak it?”

“Yes I speak it very well.”

Maria’s eyes widened once more. “Wow, um, what did you say?”

“She said, yes, I speak it very well,” replied Max.

“Oh, right.”

“If you will follow me, I will show you our home,” said Max as he indicated the house they stood in front of.

As Liz talked to the other girl, who said her name was Iris, Max led them all into the house while Bright Moose remained outside talking to the brave.


Maria listened as Liz explained some of the chores they generally did for their owners as well as the proper etiquette that everyone in the tribe tended to follow. She was amazed that someone like Liz seemed to fit in so well and that the tribe wasn’t as uncivilized as the last one she’d been in.

Here they seemed to be polite as the one named Max had proved. And even though she hadn’t talked to him directly, she knew Bright Moose was just as civilized as his son was. As she continued to talk to Liz and Max, she began to realize that maybe it wouldn’t be so bad living with the Udeyona tribe after all.

As Liz helped both her and Iris to get settled into their new room, Maria leaned in to ask her another question. “So, Liz how is it that they know English?”

Liz shrugged. “Bright Moose doesn’t know it was well as Max does.”


Liz looked up as she realized her mistake. “Um, oh! I mean Horse Dreamer.”

When Maria gave her a puzzled look, Liz sighed. “Okay, the short version is this. Bright Moose was once a great warrior and keen negotiator. He learned the little English he knows from a trapper who lives not to far from here. Thinking it would be wise for someone else to know English to be able to negotiate with the whites, he asked the tribe to send some braves to be schooled by them. Since he is a well respected elder of the tribe, they agreed. His son, Horse Dreamer was one of the braves chosen to go. And that’s why he knows it better than Bright Moose.”

“So, how’d he get the name, Max?”

“It’s the name that those at the school gave him while he was there. The other braves that went also have English names. But here, they use their Udeyona names. I’m the only one who calls him Max and he’s the only Udeyona that calls me Liz.”

Maria gave her a knowing look. “I see.”

Liz didn’t reply to that as she finished helping them fix up their room.

After a few minutes Maria asked, “So Liz, how old were you when you came to live with this tribe?”


“And now you’re…”


Maria’s eyes widened. “Really? I’m eighteen too.”

Liz gave her a smile. “How long have you been with the tribes?”

“I was with that other tribe for about two years. They caught me when I was trying to run away from my home.”

Liz frowned. “You were trying to run away.”

Maria shrugged. “What can I say. My mother worked in a saloon and I was tired of keeping the drunks she kept welcoming into our house from slobbering all over me.”

Liz grimaced. “Oh.”

“Yeah well at first I was almost sorry that I’d ran away, but I figure anything’s better than that was.”


Max walked into the room and nodded to them. “I see Liz has helped you both to get settled.”

Both Iris and Maria nodded.

“That is good. I am sure she will be more than happy to help translate for you two whenever she is free to do so. And since I live here, I will help you two also. Hopefully in time you will be able to learn our language a little bit.”

Maria glanced at Liz for a moment before looking at Max. “You live here too?”

Max nodded. “I have been away for many years and have not had the chance to find my own place yet.”

“Right, you were at school.”

Max grinned at Liz. “I see she has told you of my education.”

Liz chuckled. “And of Bright Moose’s too.”

Max nodded. “That is fine. Feel free to ask me anything you want Maria, I will answer if I can.”

She nodded.

“That is the same for you, Iris.”

Iris stopped what she was doing to give Max a nod. “Thank you.”

He turned to look at Liz. “Have you explained everything to them?”

She nodded. “I think so, but I also told them that Gentle Otter and Bright Moose will work with them until they are both comfortable with things.”

“That is true. As will I.”

Gentle Otter walked into the room with a smile. “Ah, I see that Daring Elk has been helping them to get settled.”

Liz nodded. “I have told them what I can.”

“I thank you Daring Elk, for your time.” As Liz nodded, she turned to look at the two new girls. “Now if they will come with me, I will show them how to cook meals. My eldest son is coming to join us for our evening meal, so I would like to get started on that.”

Liz turned to Maria to translate. “She wants you to go with her so that she can show you how to cook the meals. Their eldest son, Fighting Dog is coming to eat with them tonight.”

Maria nodded. “He lives here too?”

“No, Fighting Dog has his own home,” replied Max.

“Oh, I see. And are there any more members of the family?”

Max shook his head. “My parents only have my older brother and I. That is why they need you two to help them. Once I move out, they will need others young enough to care for them.”

Maria nodded. “Well, then I am more than ready to help them out.” She turned to smile at Gentle Otter. “I will help out any way I can.”

Liz translated Maria’s words to Gentle Otter, who returned Maria’s smile. “Thank you.”

“She said thank you,” replied Liz.

As Gentle Otter motioned for the two girls to follow her out of the house, Max turned to Liz and spoke in Udeyona. “Well, I think my parents can handle it from here. I will escort you home in a few moments, okay?”


Liz followed Max into the front room where a bewildered Fighting Dog was looking at the two new girls while Gentle Otter was explaining to him that they were the new slaves his father had purchased.

“Father didn’t say he was getting them right away. I thought he was going to get some that had been with our tribe for a while. Not new ones.”

“Oh, Fighting Dog who could he have gotten from the tribe? All the good ones are already with a family. But these two will be good with us. And your brother will help us to communicate with them. We have also been lucky to have Daring Elk help the girls get settled.”

Maria had been sizing the new guy up, but turned to Liz when she entered. “This must be the older brother.”

At Liz’s nod, Maria turned to look at him once more. Gentle Otter turned to the girls and spoke in stilted English. “Mah-e-ah an I-is, mai sun, Fie-tin-doog.”

Iris nodded to Fighting Dog, but didn’t say anything. Maria held out her hand to him which made him look at her curiously.

“She is greeting you the way the whites do,” said Liz.

As Fighting Dog stuck his hand in the air the way Maria had hers, both Max and Liz chuckled.

“You clasp her hand and shake it,” instructed Max.

Fighting Dog glanced at Max before turning to look at Maria again. He hesitantly clasped her hand and when he did, she shook it.

“Nice to meet you, I’m Maria.”

Max translated as they let go of each others hand.

“I am Fighting Dog,” he replied as he pointed to himself.

Maria frowned. “Well, since I can’t say that, I’m going to call you Michael.”

Both Liz and Max laughed as Max translated that.

He shook his head and frowned at Maria. “No, I Fie-tin-doog!”

Maria rolled her eyes. “I know, but you look like a Michael, so that’s what I’m gonna call you.”

Once more Max translated and just as Fighting Dog and Maria were about to get into a tug of war over names, Gentle Otter interrupted and ushered the girls outside to begin the meal. Since Liz accompanied them outside, Max was the only one to see the smile that spread over his brother’s face as he watched Maria disappear outside.

“I think she gave the other tribe a hard time too,” Max said to his brother.

Fighting Dog turned to him with a twinkle in his eye. “And I can imagine what a little spitfire she’s going to be here.”


Liz was still translating for Gentle Otter and the two girls when Bright Moose returned from seeing the Alastigi braves off.

“Ah, I see my beautiful wife has already managed to win over the new girls.” He leaned over and placed a kiss on her neck when he thought no one was looking.

Gentle Otter swatted his arm. “Oh now, behave! They are very nice girls if I say so myself. I think they will be wonderful to have with us.”

“I am glad.” He turned to the two girls and smiled. “Welcome to my home. I am Bright Moose.”

They nodded.

“I am Iris.”

“I’m Maria.”

He repeated each name in turn, speaking them much clearer than his wife had. Then with a nod, he leaned in to kiss his wife on the cheek. As she swatted him again and playfully chastised him for showing affection in public, he chuckled before giving the girls a wink and disappearing inside.

Liz couldn’t help but grin at the way Max’s parents were with each other. She could remember her own parents being that affectionate towards each other, even in front of others. It had been something that she had loved to see. Now being able to see that kind of affection alive in the tribe, it gave her hope that someday she would be a part of something like that too.

She was still smiling about that when Max walked out of the house and told his mother that he was going to escort Liz home. Gentle Otter thanked Liz for her help before shooing them away and going back to helping the two girls with the meal.

As the two of them walked through the tribe towards Liz’s home, Max glanced at her a few times. Although she seemed to be lost in her thoughts, he knew they had to be pleasant ones since she was smiling.

“Can I ask what you are thinking of?”

Liz blinked and looked up at him. “Sorry, what was that?”

He chuckled. “I wanted to know what you were thinking of. You have this really nice smile.”

Liz blushed. “Oh, thanks. Um, I was just thinking of my parents.”

“Oh, I am sorry. I didn’t mean to…”

She shook her head. “It’s okay. I was just remembering how they were with each other. I mean, you could look at them and just know how much they really loved each other. It was in everything they did.”

Max nodded. “I will bet they really loved you too.”

Liz smiled. “Yeah, they loved all of us.”

“All of you?”

“My older brother, my younger sister, and me.”

Max nodded again, but remained silent not wanting to spoil Liz’s mood.

When he didn’t speak, she added. “I can tell your parents love you and Fighting Dog too.”

Max gave her a puzzled look. “You can?”

She nodded. “Uh huh. And you can look at them and see just how much they love each other too. Just like my parents used to.”

Max smiled as he realized what had got her thinking of her parents. “You do know that there is no word or definition for love in our tribe right.”

“I know, but that doesn’t mean you don’t feel it. You can see that your parents feel it. For each other and for their sons. There may not be a word for it, but it’s there.”

“Yes it is there,” came his soft reply.

As they neared her home, Max stopped her before they got too close. Turning her to face him, he cupped her cheek in his hand.

“Thank you for helping us out today, Liz.”

She smiled. “You’re welcome.”

“If I can arrange it, would you like to go visit Alex again in a few days?”

“Oh yes, I’d love to!”

“Good, I will let you know when we can go, okay?”


“Good night, Liz.” He said softly, as he leaned over and brushed his lips over her cheek, lingering at the corner of her mouth for a few moments.

When he finally pulled away she watched him turn to leave before whispering, “Good night, Max.”
