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Coffee Shop (M/L, Teen) Chapt. 11, 2-21-09 (Complete)

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 9:37 pm
by Queenie_Zan7
here's the banner! let me know what you think of it, I did it myself.


Title: Coffee Shop
Rating: Teen
Disclaimer: I don't own Roswell and the song belongs to Landon Pigg. I do own my imagination...
Pairings: M/L, C.C.
Summary: Liz is co-owner of a coffee shop, and her simple boring life is upturned by a new and mysterious customer. :wink: It switches P.O.V. and it's inspired by the loveliest little song by Landon Pigg that I suggest you all check out. It really fits the story and sounds very 'Dreamer' to me.


I think that possibly, maybe I'm falling for you.
Yes there's a chance that I've fallen quite hard over you.
I've seen the paths that your eyes wander down,
I want to come too.

I think that possibly, maybe I'm falling for you

No one understands me, quite like you do,
Through all of the shadowy corners of me.

I never knew just what it was about this old coffee shop
I love so much.
All of the while, I never knew.
I never knew just what it was about this old coffee shop
I love so much.
All of the while, I never knew.

I think that possibly, maybe I'm falling for you.
Yes there's a chance that I've fallen quite hard over you.

I've seen the waters that make your eyes shine,
Now I'm shining too.

Because, oh because,
I've fallen quite hard over you.

If I didn't know you, I'd rather not know.
If I couldn't have you, I'd rather be alone.

I never knew just what it was about this old coffee shop
I love so much.
All of the while, I never knew.
I never knew just what it was about this old coffee shop
I love so much.
All of the while, I never knew.

All of the while, all of the while,
It was you.


-song performed by Landon Pigg

Chapter 1


Every Tuesday evening and Saturday afternoon, it’s the same exact exchange.

“Uhm, can I get a hazelnut coffee with cream and sugar. Light on the cream, and heavy on the sugar, please.” He always accompanies his request with a slight, but charming smile.

Of course, I’m exaggerating a little bit. Sometimes I give him a bit of a ribbing and say the last line myself. Sometimes we get busy and I just give him the usual.

On what I suppose are special occasions, he likes to get a small dessert. A couple of cookies, a slice of pie, and then he settles down to whatever reading or paperwork he has with him. He never just sits and he’s always got his eyes on his papers or his nose in a book.

In the beginning I tried to start a conversation with him, asking about his book or something inane. After a few weeks of one word answers, I gave up and went back to ‘business as usual’. I should’ve known the moment he walked in the shop he was out of my league though…

“Max”, as he told me later in the second week he came to Joe’s Joes, had black hair and deep hazel eyes. He was wearing jeans with a black turtleneck and a tan blazer, which fit him oh so well if I might’ve said so myself. He’d topped it off with a deep red scarf but he’d taken that off when he’d come in. He had the most curious air of grace about him, like he was confident but he didn’t seem like a cocky arrogant bastard…I’m sure you know the type. Yet, gorgeous as a male supermodel, he was polite and friendly if not somewhat cold.

Two months after his original appearance, I know barely enough about him to put on two hands. Max ‘Blank’, book editor and hazelnut coffee drinker. He seems to have an affinity to Grisham and a bit of a sweet tooth. He lives “kinda” close to the shop, and wandered in after seeing the place. Oh, and he “likes the quiet here.”

Which, of course made me want to deck the group of college students that come in once a month for a study session giggling and shouting, on the chance that if they get to loud he might stop coming. As it was, Maria took control of the situation for me, reminding them every week that some people like to “mellow out” at coffee shops.

In a very Maria-like manner, she also told them that if they couldn’t keep their voices down, they could go over to “frickin Starbucks and pay a billion dollars for coffee and sing at the top of your lungs, ‘cause for the money you gotta pay there you oughta be able to drink your coffee naked.”

I discovered then one more thing about my Max, he had a since of humor, because as I rolled my eyes with a smile, I saw him coughing out a chuckle out of the corner of my eye.

The last thing I’ve learned so far, is that…I’m possibly head-over-heels for my coffee-shop enigma. Or, at least that’s what Maria says…but I guess as my roommate, business partner, and best friend she would know.

Edit: I'd love feedback...lots and lots if you'd like :D

Re: Coffee Shop (M/L, Teen) Chapt. 1/banner, 12-31-07

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 9:16 pm
by Queenie_Zan7
A/N:- I have to say a big thanks for all the positive feedback! This is my second fic and it helps to know what u guys think and that you're interested. I tend to write short chapters, so I gave you guys chapters 2 and 3. Let me know what you all think :D

Thank you feedbackers:
Alex Balex
Stars at Night10
Michelle in Yonkers

Chapter 2


I need serious help. It’s a shame they don’t have a special shrink service for reincarnated alien kings, like a 1-800 number I can call to vent when I need to and get advice.

I’m close to Isabel and Michael. After all, they’re pretty much all I have. In this instance though, I truly can’t talk about it. I can only imagine what would happen if I confessed to either of them that I’ve fallen in love with a coffee shop waitress.

Not only would I have to endure another of Michael’s “can’t get too close” lectures, I’d have to explain the details of our relationship…or rather my very one-sided, barely-there relationship with Liz. As if Isabel needs another reason to fix me up on a meaningless shallow date to cleanse my pathetic existence, “Hah.”

If, and it doesn’t seem likely, they decide to let it go, I have no doubt that Michael wouldn’t be able to resist the urge to check the situation out for himself. I’m familiar enough with my brother to know exactly what that means…tailing me, or Isabel, until he’s satisfied we’re not mucking up our incognito existence pact.
He wouldn’t really find anything, as Liz doesn’t even know my last name, yet I’m positive he wouldn’t condone any activity that brought me 45 minutes away from home for no apparent reason.

Yes, I, Max Evans: King of Smooth, drive 45 minutes out of my way twice a week to sit and stare at a waitress who probably thinks I’m the most arrogant asshole she’s ever met. While I’ve bordered on the thin edge of my secrecy compact, I’ve stayed carefully within the bounds. My sweet little waitress doesn’t have a clue that I’m an alien who lives in an apartment the next city over with my brother and sister. I’m sure she’d go running for the hills if she knew how much I stared at her anyway, despite my efforts to appear occupied every time I come to her shop.

While she knows next to nothing about me, I know that her name is Elizabeth Parker, or ‘Liz’. I know she co-owns a coffee shop with her best friend, that she lives above said coffee shop with said best friend, and that she drives a red Honda civic. Her favorite color is red, she loves vanilla, and has to be some sort of reincarnated goddess…the last two are more like observations, but what else can you expect from an infatuated loner like me?

“Infatuation…?” I can’t help but balk at myself as I review my latest work. Infatuation doesn’t seem quite fitting. I don’t know what I’d call this, but I don’t really see it lasting much longer. Eventually I’ll get busted one of my siblings, or I’ll be forced to leave before people at the shop get to curious.

But until said time, I’ll show up every Tuesday and Saturday for the undoubted highlight of my weeks. I’ll order my hazelnut coffee, and cast furtive glances at my angelic waitress, memorizing the exact shade of her chocolate brown eyes and wondering whether or not her long tresses are as silky as they appear.

Chapter 3


‘All good things must come to an end.’ I realize the utter truth of that statement moments after the bell on the door of Joe’s Joes gives its customary welcome rattle. As I sip my hazelnut coffee, my sister strides over graceful as ever, her brown eyes sparkling with an emotion I can’t quite identify. However, my years of experience with Isabel have taught me that this is not gonna be good.

“Max! Hello, handsome.”

For all intents and purposes, she looks to be my girlfriend, and a gorgeous one at that. I can’t help glancing towards the counter and noting with a hint of joy that Liz looks a little upset. Not that it really matters, because it’s not like I plan on going over to the counter to quell her concerns. Especially not concerns that I probably imagined in the first place.

Focusing back on the moment, I brace myself for “the wrath of Izzie”, as Michael and I affectionately dubbed it in our youth. She sits opposite of me on a brown futon before shrugging out of her coat in an elegant way only my sister can achieve.

“Isabel. What a…surprise.” I answer honestly. “What are you doing here?”

I figure I can’t go wrong playing ignorant. I don’t know how much she knows yet.

She arches an eyebrow at me before responding, “I was on a case in Carville County and I was on my way back to the parking lot, when imagine my surprise! I see my brother through the window of a coffee shop 45 minutes away from his house, and even farther away from his editing office.” The last part is tinged with suspicion. “Crazy, huh?”

I take a deep breath, knowing I can spin this one off pretty easily. I’m about to ‘explain’ when Liz comes by with an order pad and a mug. “Liz.”

“Hey, Max. I figured you’d still want your usual, if not I’ll just get you another cup.” She sets my coffee down on the table in front of me before turning to my sister.

“And what can I get for your girlfriend here?” The word girlfriend is said a little uneasily and her smile is somewhat stiff.

Isabel picks up a menu, eyes swirling with questions. “Gee, I don’t know, honey. Wh—”

I shouldn’t, I know, but I can’t help interrupting…digging a hole. “She’s not my friend. She’s my sister.” I must be suffering from Michael-it is, a.k.a. chronic foot-in-mouth disease.

“I think she still needs a bit of time to decide. Thank you.” Liz nods understandingly, gracing me with a genuine smile before heading off to another customer.

As soon as she’s out of earshot, it begins…

Re: Coffee Shop (M/L, Teen) Chapt. 2/3, 1-6-08

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 12:22 pm
by Queenie_Zan7
A/N:- Thanks for the feedback and I'm really glad you're liking it. Let's hope I can keep it up!

Thank you:
raemac- thanks for reading :)
Timelord31-thanks! I'm guessing from you're a doctor who fan...excited about the upcoming season? I've heard exciting new things.
Alex Balex- He made a secrecy compact, and I think we know how things would happen once Max and Liz really got talking. I think he knows too :wink:
Michelle in Yonkers-interesting theory. I've always thought everyone was too hard on max from the get-go. They forgot he was 'human' too :lol: :roll: go figure...I can understand staking out diggers though, I have a baby brother who's too 'good' for his own good sometimes :roll:
begonia9508- Even normal relationships can get complicated, so I see an alien one as something full of complications (evil grin) jk :)
Natalie36-thank you :D
keepsmiling7- thanks for reading :)
Raychelxluscious- not abandoning this! Sometimes it takes me a while to get the creativity flowing in between hmwk assignments...

Chapter 4


“Have you lost it?” She hisses with an unknown venom…well, actually, with a pretty familiar venom. It doesn’t take much to get my sister riled. Say something she doesn’t like, eat her food, refuse a ridiculous demand…

“Umm, no?” I sigh knowing this isn’t gonna cut it. “No, I haven’t. I come here for coffee every once in a while when I need to keep away from distractions. It helps me work.” I give myself an inward thumbs up. Round two: Max Evans.

“Yes, I see that. How’s your ‘usual’? Should I have Liz bring you something else?”

I must have spoken to soon. Round two: Isabel Evans.

“I mean, really Max. You’re the one that’s supposed to be setting the example here. Michael’s never gonna let this one go!”

“No! Please, I’ll do—” I cut myself off. ‘Shut up, you desperate man!’ It comes too late though, as Isabel finishes my sentence for me.

“…anything?” Suddenly her eyes alight. She unsuccessfully attempts to cover a smirk before her eyes become sympathetic. “I understand what you’re going through, Max. You’ve met a nice girl, who sells nice coffee, and you want to have a little of this ‘niceness’ for yourself. You figure it can’t hurt to loiter around like a stalker, so you visit Joe’s Joes from time to time.”

I honestly can’t see where she’s going with this. “Do you have a point?”

She levels me with a ‘shh’ look. “I have a…friend.”

God does exist. It takes every ounce of my hybrid willpower to keep a straight face.

“His name is Alex, and he works on our firm computers. We’ve gone out a couple times, as friends, of course. And yesterday, he asked me if I’d like to go away for next weekend. I see no reason why Michael needs to find out about your rendezvous, as long as you understand that I’ll need to go away this weekend on business for the firm. I don’t think there’ll be any phones where I’m going either.”

My sister has a boyfriend, a boyfriend she plans on having sex and meaningful conversation with this weekend. I am extremely frightened by the joy shooting through my body at the moment. This is nuts, absolutely nuts, but as I shoot a look over at Liz, it really doesn’t matter.

She has just heard something outrageous from Maria, judging by the twinkle in her eyes and the small frown of reproach on her face. She catches my gaze and smiles ruefully at her friend’s behavior. I’ve just made my decision.

“You call me, the moment anything seems weird. If he says or does anything suspicious, you get away and call me. Do you hear me? And I wanna meet this guy. He can pick you up at home once Michael leaves for school.”

My sister grins full out. “I will, I promise. He’s a good guy, Max. He doesn’t know anything. I’ve been very careful. I know I shouldn’t have been seeing him, but I know you know how I feel. We’re not teenagers anymore, Max.” She slips her hand over mine as she whispers, “I don’t wanna be alone for the rest of my life.”

Squeezing her hand, I make my statement clear. Warm, yet firm. “Don’t go too far, Isabel. We can’t lie to Michael forever, he’s our brother. And what you’re doing and what I’m doing are to very different things. I felt guilty for visiting a coffee shop.” It’s almost funny now.

“I’m sorry, Max.” She stands up now, stretching out her arms. I meet her halfway across the table and she pecks my cheek with teary eyes. “I have to go now. Tell Liz I said it was nice to meet her.” Crossing to the door, she winks as the bell on the door gives its customary jingle.

I stare into my coffee, wondering if it’d really be so bad if I had Liz add a little vodka to my next cup. ‘Happy Saturday.’

Re: Coffee Shop (M/L, Teen) Chapt. 4, 1-16-08

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 4:14 pm
by Queenie_Zan7
A/N:- Thanks for reading and an extra thanks for the feedback. There's so much of it! :D After I post this I plan on working some more on the next part, so hopefully that one will be long and wonderful for you...and maybe there'll be some M/L action too! :wink:

Thank you feedbackers:
keepsmiling7- Glad you're liking this. sorry about the mis-heading :oops:
Michelle in Yonkers- thanks for your feedback. Your awards were well deserved :wink:
nibbles2- Good insight into Michael, but you won't be seeing too much of him for a little while still. I need to carefully plan his entrance...
Alien_Friend- Thank you. :)
raemac- Thanks. It always seemed to me that she had her own agenda in the show though, but that's not to say she doesn't love her brothers.
Aurorabee- Go Izzy, indeed. Thank you for reading. I'll try my best to spoil you.
Raychelxluscious- So I'm not the only one with an addiction? :lol: There'll be more M/L soon, and M/M will be interesting.
futuremsmcdreamy- Thank you. :)
starcrazed- Sorry about the chapter mix-up :oops: It's here now though!
begonia9508- Yeah, very true. thanks for reading. :)
Natalie36- Thanks!
nitpick23- Who knows what'll happen with Alex...? :wink: About Max's metabolism: he knows enough to know alcohol has a serious effect on him. He was just joking about the alcohol. And he's held back on Liz for a few reasons...
tequathisy- Thank you. Glad you liked it. :)
Addicted2AmberEyes- Thanks! :D
Timelord31- Thank you. :)
jake17- Thank you very much. :D
Tamashii- thanks! I kinda felt we got jilted with Isabel as far as relationships go in the show. I think Alex compliments her so well and keeps her grounded.
IheartMax- Thank you. :)

Chapter 5


It’s Tuesday and I’m nervous. I haven’t felt this uncomfortable since they threw me that surprise party at work back in March. How they found out my birthday, I’ll never know but if I thought that was a disaster…

It’s silly really. I’ve finally been given the chance to ‘go for it’, and I’m standing in front of my closet wondering what to wear. I’m half tempted, shameful as it would be, to call Isabel in for help. The hog snores from Michael’s room manage to knock some reason into me.

Finally, with a deep breath, I grab a dark green shirt hung with black chinos, and get dressed. Minutes later I’m in the kitchen debating over what to eat, as if choosing a muffin over a breakfast danish will cause some drastic change in fate that ruins my encounter with Liz later. If the entire day goes like this, I won’t even make it to the shop this evening.

I’m at it again, staring at the red and blue pens as if I’m on “Who Wants to be a Millionaire?”. I pick up the blue pen with a sigh, imagining my best impression of Regis Philban: “Is that your final answer, Max?”

I’m sorely tempted to fake sick and get out of here. It’s obvious I’m not going to be productive today, and I haven’t taken a sick day in…well, ever.

The idea just keeps getting more appealing. No sooner did I pick my pen, then Tess Harding comes into my office. Peeling off her sunglasses, she shoots me a pout that can only be described as the most obvious and unattractive thing I’ve seen. Her baby blue tube top and short denim skirt do almost nothing for me, except have me wondering who wears such things in early November. She must have just gotten back from her trip to Cancun.

My ex-betrothed works as a travel writer and I just happened to be lucky enough to pick up her case. It’s not completely terrible, as she’s gone most of the time for her writing. I only have to see her a few times a month...though that’s a few times too many when all she does is hit on me when she’s home.

We met Tess our senior year of high school when she moved to Roswell. We found out shortly after she arrived that she was one of us, and knew a lot more than we did about our origins. As it turned out, Michael, Isabel, and I were ‘born’ early and by the time our care-giver got to the cave where we were, only Tess still remained. He raised her in Texas, and didn’t know we were alive until we stumbled upon each other due to his work transfer.

That was when Michael, Isabel, and I found out that we were alien royalty, sent down to Earth to avoid being killed in our planet’s civil war. They planned to have us return when it was over, but civil war is hardly a predictable thing. By the time the war was over, the star of our home planet’s solar system was nearly burned out, making life there impossible. The members of our nation became refugees of neighboring planets, and our claim to throne was invalid.

For a group of teens fresh out of high school, we were actually quite relieved to hear such things. Well, Isabel and I were relieved. Michael was content, knowing he had a purpose and family, however far away they happened to be. Tess, was upset, more at the knowledge that she and I were not ever going to get married than the knowledge that her family was on an unreachable planet that she wasn’t ever going to rule.

The fact that I was not, am not now, nor will ever be interested has not hampered her in her attempts. I’m just glad she’s stopped trying to sneak up on me naked when I’m alone anymore. I’m just as much of a guy as any other human, but if I’m not interested, I’m not interested.

“Tess, I was just getting ready to leave. It’s great to see you, and you can leave whatever you have in my inbox. I’ll see you around.” I don’t even glance behind me as I book it out of my office and away from her. I vaguely register a shout from behind me, but I’m already to the elevator, jamming the door close button with a passion.

As it shuts I check my watch, 11:10. Great. I’m about 7 hours early for coffee. On the positive side, the shop probably won’t be as crowded and I have a better chance of getting Liz hear me out as I try to get a date.

I look again at my watch, 11:11. Wish me luck…

(BTW-- Don't freak out about Tess here. She and Max aren't, and won't ever be together. I don't plan on this being something epic as far as length, but it's not going to be very short either...and what's a story without a few complications. :wink: All will turn out well...)

Re: Coffee Shop (M/L, Teen) A/N, 4-2-08

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 10:06 am
by Queenie_Zan7
A/N:- Since I last posted, I've had a week off of school due to snow days, which is why I feel terrible about taking so long to post. My only excuse is that I wanted to remain true to the feel of this story, and it's hard to write something light and romantic when you're sick, stressed, and pissed off.(insert hysterical laughter :lol: ) I do want to thank everyone for all their congratulations and compliments. They mean a lot to me when I'm writing.

Raychelxluscious-Yes, I think Max is cute too. thanks for the feedback.
Alien_Friend- I'm not a Tess fan either, but for some reason I really enjoy writing her...thanks for the well wishes :D
tequathisy- thanks. :)
Timelord31- thank you. :D
Tamashii- I'll admit I have a secret soft spot for nervous cute guys :)
Aurorabee- thanks! glad to have made you laugh
Natalie36- thanks for the feedback and yah, it's very cool :D
IheartMax- Max was a little nervous when Tess showed up too :lol: thanks.
begonia9508- I agree with you :D thanks!
raemac- thanks. :) I don't think any girl can say no to Max...
Michelle in Yonkers- Yes, how true!
nibbles2- thank you very much. :oops: :)
jake17- Thanks a bunch. Love that you're loving it!
cassie- thank you. sorry for the wait! :oops:
ShatteredDreamer- Thanks for reading :)
Daydreamer23- Thank you!
uw51- thank you. glad you can be patient :)
SmileeUk- Thanks, and thanks :D


I’m three feet away from the employee doors, ducked behind the ‘Max couch’ on my hands and knees, with the taste of victory in my mouth. I pick myself up off the ground, thankful for the brief distraction and am ready to bolt the last few steps to safety when the doors open in front of me—giving me quite a spook.

Giving a yelp, I find myself toppling over the couch onto the floor…only this floor smells like Hugo Boss and feels a lot more comfortable than the average. I lift my head to encounter two hazel pools swirling in amusement.

Making the situation worse in a way only I can, I proceed to check his body for injuries—by running my hands all over him. By this point he must think I’m psychotic, but he waves off my apologies in a surprisingly warm tone.

“Oh, I’m fine. Are you alright?” He asks as we rise together to our feet. I roll my eyes at the clichéd feeling I get as he glides his large hands down my arms. Stepping away quickly to hide my goosebumps, I notice my mother standing with Maria towards the counter.

“Elizabeth!” Her eyes gleam in a way I’ve seen too many times in my life. It’s the meddling mother look and in just a few moments she’s in front of Max and I smiling hard enough to crack her jaw, I’m sure of it. She’s absolutely swooning over Max, and I have the strongest urge to throw a mug of the nearest coffee on her.

John, the kindest, and most klutzy waiter on staff at Joe’s Joes mumbles an awkward apology before stepping around my mother, who’s too preoccupied to notice.

“Elizabeth, didn’t you see me by the door? I came to talk to you about Kevin.”

Kevin is my mother’s latest husband candidate. After years of failed matchmaking, she still doesn’t seem to understand that rich, self-centered bachelors aren’t my type. The problem I’m sure is most pressing now though, is that her charity ball is tomorrow night and, as of a month ago I was rendered dateless.

To be honest, I haven’t thought about it at all since Tuesday four weeks ago when Max entered Joe’s Joes. I don’t even know how my mother found out I broke things off with Kevin. I’d ask her, but I’m more concerned with what’s going on now. More specifically, I want my mother to stop eyeing Max like a piece of Godiva chocolate.

“Mom, there’s nothing to talk about. Just let it go, okay?” Wrong thing to say…

“Elizabeth, your father and I have had this charity ball planned for months and I just found out today from Julia that my daughter is planning on going dateless!” You’d think ‘dateless’ is a curse word the way it falls from her lips, but then she turns back on the Nancy Parker ‘charm’.

She looks pointedly at Max on my left. “Unless you already have a date for tomorrow…?”

I am in awe of her ‘subtlety’ as my face takes on the hue of a ripe tomato. If there is a patron saint of embarrassed and exasperated daughters, may he rain down fire on my mother’s head.

“Actually, Mother, I was—”

“Conforming details with me. I have the memory of a goldfish when it comes to these things. I’m terribly absent-minded. Thank goodness Liz is so patient with me.”

It’s impossible to stop the butterflies that accompany his answer. Looking quite pleased with herself, my mother beams before excusing herself to order some coffee.


‘The memory of a goldfish…?’ I’m just hoping she actually wants me to go with her. That would make it a date…with Liz.

“I—”, she begins as her mother walks away. Her eyes are filled with some expression that gives me courage, and I interrupt her.

“As long as you’ll have me, I’d be honored to accompany you, Liz. I can’t imagine what kind of ass that Kevin guy must be if he ruined things with such an amazing woman.” Giving her what I can only hope is a charming smile, I add, “Honestly I’ve been coming here for more than the coffee anyway…”

It takes her a minute, but she catches my meaning and breaks into the most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen. “So you don’t like my coffee?”

For a moment I panic, my more serious side taking over, but her smile tells me she’s just teasing. “Hate it. Maybe on your lunch break I’ll treat you to some real food.” I say, enjoying this playful feeling and my newfound boldness.

“I’m free anytime. Now, Mr. ‘Real Food’?”


As I drop Laura off, congratulating her on her success at the art showcase, I see Max out of the corner of my eye.

My hand is hovering over the horn to get his attention for a quick hello, but something gives me pause. Next to him stands a brunette, her hand enclosed in his. She says a word to some girl in an apron, and Max leads her to his car sporting a Cheshire grin.

Making a swift decision, I park and make my way into Joe’s Joes. I’m determined to find out what the hell Max thinks he’s doing and that blonde waitress would probably know something about it.

I have to be careful not to look to suspicious, so I figure if I flirt with her a bit it’ll get me farther. Checking her out, I gotta admit she doesn’t look half bad. Pouty lips, decent cup size, and a short pixie ‘do.

“Hey, Pixie. Can I get a rundown on the menu? My friend recommended this place and I figured I’d give it a try.”

She mumbles something under her breath that sounds vaguely like, “give you your damn pixie…can’t I find a sexy mystery man?”, but comes over smiling with a menu.

“Welcome to Joe’s Joes. I can assure you your friend hasn’t steered you wrong. May I ask who recommended us?”

Scratching my eyebrow, I just go for it. “Yeah, his name is Max. He just left with the brunette. You know him?”

Her eyes light up and I know she’s gonna blow my ear off with some girl crap. At least she knows something…

“You’re friends with Max? He’s such a sweetheart! My friend has the biggest thing for him and he just asked her out. It’s kind of romantic, too. He shows up weeks ago, she falls for him, he falls for her, and now they’re going to a ball together.” She gives me a weird look. “Actually, it’s a little too perfect for me. So, anyway…do you work with Max at the editing place or whatever you call it? I don’t even know your name.”

I’m about to ask this chick what the heck is with the questions, but for some reason my mouth doesn’t cooperate with my brain and I find myself opening up.

“Mike. Actually, I’m an art teacher. Max is my roommate, but I never caught your name.”

If I didn’t know any better, I’d think aliens had taken over my body.

Re: Coffee Shop (M/L, Teen) A/N, 5-9-08

Posted: Sun May 11, 2008 7:56 pm
by Queenie_Zan7
A/N:-Sorry it's short, sorry it took forever :oops: , but it's here! And hopefully I'll do better (...and more) next time. :) I'm also sorry I'm not leaving individual notes to feedbackers but I'd like to get some hmwk done and get some sleep tonight too. You know how that is :roll: . Or maybe you don't...anyway, sorry and THANK YOU to everyone who wants to read this still. :D

Chapter 7


Considering the fact that my brother might as well be the advocate for a one man political party with a platform of alien secrecy/paranoia, I’m understandably upset when Liz and I return an hour after lunch to find him perched on a barstool flirting with Maria.

I’m not sure whether I should sneak out the way I came or ask him what he’s doing here, but I have no choice once Maria catches us standing near the door.

“Hey!” As if her shout didn’t alert the entire restaurant, she waves her hand enthusiastically in case we couldn’t find her.

I approach with the caution one might wield when facing a dragon, and I’m sure Liz feels the sweat glands on my hand go into overdrive. They’d surprisingly inactive during our ‘lunch date’, but then it had been so amazingly easy to talk to her.

Coming back to the situation at hand, I pull out Liz’s seat while carefully avoiding Michael’s eyes. Of course, as soon as I did look up, I wish I had dared to sooner because I’m not the only one who looks as though he’s been caught in the cookie jar. And in Michael’s case I mean that quite literally, as there in front of him sit the remnants of a cookie sundae with not one, but two spoons inside the bowl.

“Michael. I didn’t know you came here. Aren’t those sundaes just the best?” I can tell he’s just itching to say something but my words had just the desired effect: he clams up.

“Michael was in the area for an art exhibition and figured he’d check the place out. I told him all about you and Liz, and we chatted a bit ourselves over sundaes. I’d better get back to work though, it’s been…” She glances at the wall clock and her eyes widen. “Too long! It was nice meeting you, Michael. I’ll see you later tonight.”

This is the second time today I’ve felt a happy dance coming on…well, if I’m honest one of several times, but I’ve rarely felt so happy before today. My brother stuck his foot in his mouth without saying anything, and knowing Michael would make the irony in my statement obvious. My Liz and I are going on a date tomorrow. My sister is backing my new relationship…well really my only relationship, though it…nevermind. The point that’s really relevant is that at this moment in time, I feel like a normal human being. That in itself is enough to be happy about, and not only do I feel human, I feel like a lucky human.

Picturing myself in a tux at the bar with a sparkling cider, Liz in some clingy silk red dress, and staring up at me with a look of awe and appreciation, I grin as I imagine my evening with Liz. ‘Just call me Max, lucky Max.


Max’s expressions go from apprehensive, to joyous, to dreamy as I admire his form leaning next to me. I feel a little confused, and I break the silence. “Umm, Max? Care to sit down with the rest of us. Or, share with the class here?”

He puts his hand on a stool, only to take it off. “Actually, I think I oughtta head out to make arrangements on my tux and the rest of what we talked about.”

I can’t help the pouty frown that follows his refusal, but his next action makes up for it tenfold. Bending towards my face, he frames my face before pecking me ever so softly on the corner of my mouth. It’s almost like he thought I’d reject him, as though he was being forward.

If the jelly feeling in my legs is any indication of how tomorrow night will be, this gorgeous man is going to kill me. And…if I’m lucky my dress will kill him in a very good way. The vintage red plunge neck cost me a fortune but it’ll be a lot more worth it than I thought it was gonna be when Maria convinced me to splurge with her. She herself bought a frosty blue dress that made her look like a nymph. A good looking nymph though, and I can picture her swirling around causing early winter mischief like the queen that she is in real life.

I’m starting to get so giddy about tomorrow that as Max leaves I feel like a kid on Christmas and I’m sorely tempted to go to bed early, only I know sleep would elude me. On a whim, I decide to keep the shop open longer even though Maria has a date with Max’s friend planned tonight. He’s taking her to some art exhibition—something I know is right up Maria’s alley—and I’m excited for her. Maybe we’ll both have sexy, romantic dates tomorrow…who knows what could happen?

Re: Coffee Shop (M/L, Teen) Chapt. 7, 5-11-08

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 7:23 am
by Queenie_Zan7
A/N: Hi everybody. Sorry I'm late, but I started a new fic and lived through exams. This part might be a little short, but it's really there to provide a little insight and segeway into date night, which may or may not be the 2nd to last chapter. Either way, I don't see more than 4 more parts. Enjoy, and thanks for feedback! :D

tequathisy- it's not so much of a no dating rule, more of a no attachments rule and a person like Max can't seperate the two the way Michael and Isabel seem to have been able to

Natalie36- yes, I'm sure Max appreciates that they're all on the same page as well.

keepsmiling7- Thank you. Sorry to keep you waiting... :oops:

roswell3053- Yes, it's good that he got caught, but knowing Michael he'd probably still get high and mighty

begonia9508- Thank you for the feedback.

Timelord31- Thank you.

Tamashii- Parts always seem so much longer when you write them on paper, then you go to post and feel like a heel. :( I'm trying to get them longer though. :)

Egyptian_Kiss- Thank you.

Michelle in Yonkers- I thought about how to connect Alex, and I'm honestly not sure yet. :oops: I do think it'd be a little too convenient if they all 3 know we'll see how it ends up.

kay_b- I'm glad you like this. I hope you'll keep reading *and leave more feedback* :) Thank you.

ken_r- Thank you. :)

Chapter 8


As I glance at the sleeping shape next to me, I replay the events that got me here, in Maria’s bed…

When I saw Max’s car pulling up to the curb of Joe’s Joes, I knew I had to get out of there. I tried to excuse myself from the conversation, but Maria just wasn’t having it.

Naturally, I had no choice but to invite her to the underground talent showcase because I needed some clear conversation closer to get out of the damn restaurant. Of course, that plan was blown when Maria waved Max and Liz right over to us, and I still had to take Maria to the Underground.

I swear she didn’t shut up more than five minutes of the whole car ride. The whole drive there she kept flapping her ruby lips and man, if I couldn’t think of a few good ways to shut her up once we got there.

Don’t get me wrong though—she isn’t some bimbo—she just had a little too much to say and I wouldn’t have minded stealing a little kiss just to shock the hell out of her.

Later on at the Underground, she had a little too much to drink…and the next thing you know, I’m carting her up the stairs to her apartment while she slurs compliments at me.

“I loved it, Michael.”

“Your art was some of the best stuff there.”

“You’re just, like, so gorgeous that I could kiss you.”

“I’d love to go again sometime.”

If she wasn’t so damn cute I wouldn’t have stayed—I’m not into drunk chicks…but that wasn’t how it went. She kept looking at me, and I kept trying to tuck her into bed, and she somehow convinced me to stay with her. Not to sleep, but sleep, and for some strange reason I just couldn’t say no.

When I get home, Max is lying on the couch with his jacket draped over him like a blanket, giving it periodic little sniffs and smiling like the village idiot. I kind of blew the whole lecture thing earlier, but it’s still worth a try and I make my way over to the couch.

“Michael, unless you’re trying to tell me that you’re moving to Canada, don’t come any closer.”

I sigh before lying, “I wasn’t gonna say anything.” But Max really isn’t stupid.

“Michael, I’ve known you forever. You have that ‘Maxwell, what the hell are you doing look?’. Really, at this point I can just sense trouble with you and I’m not about to listen to a lecture. Especially if it’s about what I think it’s about.”

He sits up on the couch and folds his jacket up on the arm. “Which is really hypocritical, by the way, coming from someone who spent the entire night out with a woman who knows more about you than any ‘human stranger’ ever has. Am I right?”

He’s very right, and it’s unavoidable. “You’re right, Max. We both slipped up.” I take a seat next to him on the couch. “We’ll just end it now, and it’s not gonna matter ‘cause they don’t lie around here anyway.”

He must not have expected such an easy defeat, ‘cause suddenly he’s looking at me like I’m hiding something.

“Is that really the case?” I must look confused, because he gets more specific—though after, I wish he didn’t.

“You like this girl, Michael. When was the last time you spent the day with someone?”

I jump into the quickest way out. “It wasn’t the day. My students had their showing today.”

He shots me a withering look. “I’m not going to argue, Michael.”

I relax, but it’s short-lived.

“But that doesn’t mean I’m going to let you have this one. If you want to end things with Maria, that’s fine, but for the record I think it would be a mistake. If you feel for her even half of what I feel for Liz, you should go for it. We’re 26 years old, and you and Isabel are my family, but I want more.”

Max and Isabel are so dramatic. But when he heads into his room and I’m left alone, I can’t escape his words. Did I want more with Maria?

Re: Coffee Shop (M/L, Teen) Chapt. 8, 6-6-08

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 4:05 pm
by Queenie_Zan7
A/N: Hello everyone. :D I know it's been a while...but I'm here and I hope you like it. It's not terribly long, but I'm going to be very busy in the coming weeks. I've been on college tours and various camps with more to go! :roll: Gotta love the parents. I have pictures of myself at all their picked colleges and I got to spend HOURS in the car alone with my parents...I am not an only child and I am sure now that I really wasn't meant to be. God bless my sister for coming first! :lol: Anyway, to save time I'm not leaving feedback but a BIG thank you to all my wonderful new readers and all my fabulous old ones. There's been a lot of interesting asides to read and I do admit, Michael's always been an (understandably) selfish person as well as Isabel. However justified, it doesn't make them right, but they did love their brother in the show. I really do believe that they just didn't get it, ya kno? Some people walk through life so clueless it's like they live in a shoebox.

Here's your part :)
Chapter 9

5 hours and counting, strike number one

“Damn it, Maria! What the hell?!”

I can’t find my shower caddy. It might not seem like a big deal, but when you put your shampoo, shower gel, shaving cream, deodorant, washy foam-thingie, and conditioner in your shower caddy losing it becomes a problem. I’m five minutes into this winded explanation when Maria drags me into the bathroom and hands me my shower caddy from behind the door.

“Nervous?” With a smirk and en eye-roll, my ex-best friend leaves me to my preparation ritual. I know she’s right—I am nervous, but I think I have a right. I’ll calm down when Max is speechless in confrontation with my utter perfection tonight. And I will be perfect tonight, if it’s the last thing I do.

Shower caddy be damned.

4 hours and counting, strike number 2

“Isabel! I asked you to do one thing today!” Did my voice actually crack?

‘I just wanna say thanks for backing me on this thing next weekend. Is there anything I can help with for tonight?’ That’s what you said. And I said, ‘Sure. I had my tux tailored. You could pick it up while I take care of some things for work.’ You said ok, and now I don’t have a tux. Now I’ll have to call Liz and tell her I’m an undependable loser who can’t even handle his own clothes, and she’ll find some human guy at the charity ball whose sister actually does what he asks her to, and—”

“Dude, you sound like a fucking chick.” Michael’s arm comes up to shield his head against the now-smoking and spark spitting answering machine next to him on an end table. “It’s in the kitchen, Your Highness. No need to get violent with me. I’m being helpful,” he shoots his trademark smirk before seeking refuge in his room. It’s as though our conversation yesterday didn’t happen, but Michael’s been mum over the ‘issue’ of my date.

I’ll admit I’m curious to know what’s up with him, but I’m smart enough to avoid that conversation until tomorrow at least. When Michael’s around, one learns quick not to look a gift horse in the mouth. 11 times out of 10, you don’t wanna know…

3 hours and counting, strike number 3

“NO!” Apparently, my right foot is slightly bigger than my left. I had never noticed it up until now, but it’s a problem for me as I sit in the bathroom with Maria, curlers on top of curlers in my hair, being beaten to death with a makeup brush while trying to break in my heels. The gorgeous stilettos that are the exact color of my dress are useless.

“I’ve got an idea, Lizzie.” I love how calm Maria’s been about this all day long. I guess not having Max Evans for a date takes the pressure off things…but I wouldn’t know. I sigh for a moment in appreciation, before turning towards Maria.

She smacks me for moving and goes on to tell me her idea. “Ice it.”

I’m sure I look confused. “The foot, genius. If you ice it, it’ll shrink right?”


I don’t know how I was talked into it, but a half hour passes and I have managed to contract frost bite and the shoe attempt was completely fruitless…or shoeless.

30 minutes and counting, you’re out

The doorbell rings and Maria ushers me out of the living room where I’ve been pacing around in one shoe for the past 10 minutes. I hear the door and meaningless chit-chat as Maria plays hostess.

“Liz!” She appears at my door with a sympathetic smile. “The jig is up hun, you’ll just have to wear the black ones.”

“Ok, Maria. Let’s just try one more time, please.” I plop myself onto the edge of my bed and Maria starts shoving.

“Maria, could I use your bathr—Oh!” Max stands in the doorframe, his eyes trained on the split in my dress. He does, in fact, appear to be speechless.

“I, uh…y—I, uh…”

“Wait one second.” Maria gives the shoe one last shove before turning to show Max the restroom, and I could absolutely kill her for it. I stand up, feeling like big foot’s daughter. Max doesn’t look stunned by my beauty anymore.

Just as I’m caught by the desire to go crawl in a hole and die, wearing a killer red dress and one red shoe because of my big feet of the exact same color…Max comes and kneels by Maria.

“Is your foot ok? The shoe won’t fit?” I don’t see how he expects me to answer with his large, warm hands all over my calf and ankle. I think I need to sit.

“I, yeah.” Smokin’ hot, Liz.

He picks up the shoe in his right hand and with his left he guides my foot right into the shoe.

It fits. And I barely acknowledge this as his hand glides back up my leg and he presses a light kiss to the inside of my knee.

“Your feet are so small,” Max says as he comes to his feet, bringing me with him. That really settles it. I’m going to chain this man to my bed. “We’re gonna be late though, so we oughta get going.”

Maybe I’ll do it after the charity ball, if I can wait that long. I think it’s gonna be an early night. ‘If we can get away from my mother…’

So with escape plans already in mind, my prince charming and I head off to the ball to confront the wicked witch and hopefully tonight will end happily ever after.

Re: Coffee Shop (M/L, Teen) A/N, 8-27-08

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 7:43 pm
by Queenie_Zan7
A/N:- I'm back!! I have no excuses for disappearing for 4 months, unless you want to count my boyfriend...? :lol: :oops: Very sorry, but enough on that. There’s a line here that’s taken from the epi Blind Date. If you want to get the exact feel for the quote, it’s when Max and Kyle are talking on Liz’s balcony after getting drunk together. It’s one of my favorite sides of Max, and I hope you all enjoy this (unforgivably late, but hopefully worth it) next part. Thanks very much for all the feedback and bumps. We’re almost to the end! :D :cry:

Chapter 10


We’ve barely even gotten through the door and my mom makes a beeline for us, clawing at Max and I like some scavenging animal.

“Max, Liz. You both look wonderful. I’ve some friends that are just dying to see you. They haven’t seen Elizabeth since Elizabeth since she was in school, Max, and naturally they’ll want to meet your date, Liz.”

She drags us over to the first set of ‘friends’—the girls in the book club. I don’t think they even read the books either. It’s rather ridiculous how Oprah’s newest recommendation is propped on the table merely for show as the women gossip away. Or, as my mother had said, “Elizabeth, ladies don’t gossip. How absurd, so juvenile. We’ve a right to know what’s going on in the world around us in order to protect our families from…situations.”

She had then went on with specific ‘situation’ examples, which ranged from talking about money from a new deal in front of Gail whose husband narrowly escaped a dirty business scandal, to parading around in an outfit worn two days ago by Heather. Of course, my young naïve brain couldn’t fathom the importance of such things.



We’ve been here about thirty minutes, and I’m half tempted to just grab the bottle on the next tray of champagne flutes I see.

Mom cornered us the moment we stepped through the double doors and dragged us off to mingle with ‘a few close friends’ of hers that seemed to number at least 35 at this point.

I think it would be less painful to impale myself on one of the centerpiece sculptures—they’re nice and pointy at the top—than to fake interest during another forced small talk session. God only knows how Max feels at this point, but I’m betting it is something along the lines of regret at having ever met me. The worst part is, just when the ‘receiving line’ seems to be dying down (finally), I get a most unwelcome surprise.

“Eliza!” Not more than four feet away Kevin stands with his hands wrapped around some bleached-blonde barbie woman. Well actually, one hand is fondling her fake chest, the other appears to be where the sun doesn’t shine, and she looks more like a hooker than a woman. Maybe she’s call girl barbie…?

The funny part is—he thinks I’ve come alone.

“It’s just too bad we parted ways just before this event, huh Elizabeth? It must be terrible coming unescorted to one of the most prominent parties of the season. Especially with your parents hosting and all…”

Now, I’m not the type that gets off on flaunting my triumphs in others’ faces. My parents didn’t raise me that way, and I’d like to think I’m above all that ridiculous, posh nonsense…but I’d be lying if I said having Max with me doesn’t boost my confidence up a level and that having him there makes me feel proud.

“I mean, surely they could’ve found some poor bastard to take you.” Kevin turns to his date and starts laughing that fake laugh—the one where a person tries to make it seem as though they’re laughing with you instead of just being a total asshole.

Max just chuckles lightly and slides effortlessly into the conversation. “Well, I’m no bastard and I don’t think anyone dating a woman as gorgeous as Liz could call himself poor, ya know?”

Max casts a look of barely-concealed disdain upon Kevin and his whore-date before laughing again more heartily. “Well, I guess you wouldn’t know, would you?”

If the look on Kevin’s face is comical now, it only becomes more so as Max gently raises my hand to his lips and presses a firm, soft kiss there.

“Can’t win ‘em all, can we, Ken? It was nice meeting you.”

It’s a shame I can’t remember how to laugh with my hand tingling like this. I think I even feel a few phantom tremors running through my leg.



I think Liz is finally worn out from the mingling, and I’m leading her to the nearest table for a breather when I hear Nancy calling for us a few feet to my left.

I’m contemplating the best course of evasive action when a flurry of blue silk grabs my sleeve, tugging me—and Liz—behind a stairwell.

“Maria?” She smiles somewhat apologetically at me before peeking around the corner like Mata Hari’s crazed cousin.

“Okay…Max, the forgetful devil that he is, needed to use the restroom but neglected to ask for directions—that was about ten minutes ago, and Liz went to make sure his handsome, rich, successful little self didn’t spend the entire night stumbling around when Nance had so many important people to introduce still.” This is all in one breath. And she’s not even winded.


Liz is apparently used to this kinda thing from Maria, because she only smiles in thanks and dashes gracefully up the elegantly polished staircase, leaving me to follow dazedly after.

“Liz!” It’s a sharp whisper as I glance around me to see if our disappearance has been noticed.

Great, now I’m acting like some ridiculous spy movie reject. Rolling my eyes over this, I catch up with Liz as she makes her way through the hall and up some back staircase. At the top of the stairs she makes a left and flings herself through the open door at the end of the hall. It’s not hard to guess where she’s led me as I glance around at various items that just channel Liz.

There’s floor to ceiling bookshelves on the wall to my right, as well as a trophy case and a small cozy-looking couch. There’s an afghan draped over the couch which matches the coverlet on the bed up against the left wall.

A nightstand next to her bed holds a lamp, a couple of books, and an alarm clock. The vanity sits on the other side of the ivory and blue bed, and the dresser faces me against the back wall with a few framed pictures as well.

When my eyes make their way back to my lovely companion, she’s biting her lip with an expression that seems to be approval. God knows why she’d be embarrassed over a room…My mind wanders back to my old room at ‘home’ for a moment, bare except for my dark blue bed, wood desk, ancient brown recliner, and teen angst music posters—much more embarrassing than the chill little knowledge nest Liz has here.

“I love your room, it’s so you. I could tell immediately, too. Do you spend a lot of time here still?”

My words relax Liz and she smiles gently, “Sometimes, yeah. My mom likes the company when my dad spends extended time away. I haven’t changed it much, but I definitely got rid of the dolls and boy band posters. I probably look like a total bookworm though.”

I can’t help but chuckle in response. When she looks up in confusion, I realize I’m laughing a little too hard, so I clarify.

“Liz, I’m an editor. All I do is read.”

She lets out a musical laugh. “Not all you do, I know. In your spare time you rescue modern day princesses and drink copious amounts of coffee.”

Teasingly, I confirm her statement. “Yes, but I’m afraid I’ve yet to receive a proper kiss.”

Her eyes widen, but she seems to be enjoying our little game. “Oh, no. That’s dreadful. You ought to lock her in her room until you’re satisfied. But then, she’s a terrible princess and you might be stuck here all night.”

‘Liz, Liz, Liz. Don’t tempt me.’ I bet she’s never dated a guy who could melt door locks. We certainly could be here all night.

Arching my brow in a way I hope is seductive, I inch closer to her full, inviting lips. “Well, the dragon’s been slayed, we’ve eluded the witch, and the slipper’s on tight, so I’ve really got all the time in the world.”

And all the other worlds for that matter…but they don’t matter as Liz and my lips come together in a tentative kiss. I feel dazed and alert all at once, and I can still feel the pressure of her rose petal lips as I pull back.

Re: Coffee Shop (M/L, Teen) Chapt. 10, 12-18-08

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 11:01 am
by Queenie_Zan7
A/N: Finished! It took over a year, but this is the final chapter of Coffee Shop. I don't think I'll be doing a sequel--in fact I'm almost sure I won't, but you're welcome to take a look at my other fics once I get them back up out of D&B. Thank you all for holding on this long, and I hope it's worth the wait. Thank you very much for all of the feedback and feel free to let me know what you think of the ending. :)

Chapter 11


This man’s lips should be illegal. It’s almost sinful really, and it only becomes more so as I lead him to my tiny little couch. There’s barely enough room for Maria and I on that thing, so I push Max down gently before setting myself on his lap.

“Is this ok?” My voice is a whisper, and Max merely nods before reaching out for my chin.

Tilting it ever so slightly, he draws me in for another magical kiss and I’m left dazed when we pull back for air. His hands reach to caress my waist and I take that as a go-ahead, melding my lips back to his and snaking my hands behind his head. His hands still for a moment before increasing pressure, pushing me further into his arms.


I can’t help it. My right hand seems to have a mind of its own, drifting until it finds the silky softness of her leg and making its way up near her thigh. Liz gasps in response and attacks my lips with increased ardor. I can feel my control slipping as my hands continue to explore her of their own action, seeming completely independent of my mental command.


“Damn!” The one thing I hate about shrimp is that I never fail to drop marinara sauce on my new white tux shirt. I stare for a moment at the offending stain, mourning the loss of another dress shirt due to shrimp cocktail before calling to Nance. She rolls her eyes and waves me off, reminding me of my little Lizzie. I take the kitchen stairs, make my way into our room and hear Liz’s door slam behind me. ‘Probably avoiding her mother…’

I shake my head and shrug out of my suit coat and shirt, reaching for my “back-up shirt” on the bed. Nancy means well, but Liz is grown up and doing well. I’ve learned to trust my daughter and her judgment, as she developed my head for business—and made it her own.

Lost in my thoughts, I fumble with the buttons until I give up and make my way across the hallway to ask Lizzie for help.


We pull apart in shock as the shout reaches our ears, followed by a heavy thud. I recognize the voice and bolt out of the room. “Daddy!?”

He’s lying unconscious at the foot of the stairs and as I move closer I see red spots in his thinning hair. “Oh my God!”

I look up in panic to see that Max has followed me out of the bedroom, and I turn to him for help.

“Go call 911. I’ll stay with him. I started college pre-med, just let me have a look at the damage.”

A small surge of relief fills me as I dash back up the stairs for a phone. I grab the cordless set from my parents’ open door and make the call before slipping back out to see my father.

Max is bent over his head, speaking to himself in low tones, and my father’s eyes drift open. I should be next to him but I can’t move. Some force holds me at the top of the staircase, watching unnoticed as Max kneels over my dad. His hands shift on my father’s head, Max inhales deeply, and his hands…glow. There is a faint white light emanating from them that lasts just moments before my father is trying to sit up, looking disoriented and confused.

‘You’re not the only one…’ I rush down to him, whatever force that held me now lifted. I must have been hallucinating. “Dad, are you ok?” I’m checking him over for some kind of sign, as he stares over my head at Max. He appears to be coming back to himself, and finally turns to look at me.

“Yes, I’m…”

Max stands abruptly and begins to make his way downstairs.

“Max, where are you—?”

He calls back to me from the top of the stairwell. “I’m sorry. I have to go, I...” He looks absolutely torn. “I’m glad I met you, Liz, Mr. Parker.”

Then he’s gone and I’m staring into space when my father turns me gently to face him. Once he has my attention, he speaks. “Did you see him save me, Lizzie?”



I wonder vaguely why no one has run after me as I grab my car keys from the valet, calling me a monster or demanding to know what’s going on, but I’m all too grateful to escape. I jump in and pull out of the driveway, debating my next move. Do I go home? Do I hop the next plane to Mexico and just get out of dodge? These are all very pressing questions, yet I can’t keep my mind on them. I start thinking about Liz. Will I ever see her again? Will she want to see me? Should I drive back now, tell her the truth, and beg her to love me?

The third is a definite no, and by the end of my aimless drive I decide to just wait things out and see how this plays out. I mean, Liz and her father are the only witnesses and Mr. Parker suffered a head injury. Liz doesn’t seem like the type of woman who would run screaming to the government with nothing to back up her case. The worst that’ll happen is me never seeing her again…but that is the worst.

I’ll never feel her lips on mine again, never hold her hand, or run my hand up her smooth legs. She won’t smile at me again, or serve me coffee. My thoughts become more fantastical as I make my way up my block. I won’t ever come home to find her asleep on the couch with a book, or roll over and spend hours watching her sleep. I refuse to be sorry for what I’ve done, because Mr. Parker would not have walked away from the accident without sustaining major injuries, but I can certainly mourn the loss of what’ll never come to pass as I pull into a space and climb the stairs into my building.

Checking my watch, I open the door. I’ve been out long enough to keep Michael and Isabel from undue suspicion. ‘Michael.’ I wince as I think about his budding relationship with Liz’s friend. The lights are off when I enter, and I find the darkness soothing so I bypass the switch. Isabel is probably still out with friends and a glance at Michael’s door shows him to be awake, judging by the faint light strip under his door. Peeling off my uncomfortable clothes as I go, I make my way to my room to find the light on. I shrug it off and open the door.


My head snaps up when he enters, clothing in disarray. I must have fallen asleep waiting, and he’s obviously shocked to see me here.

“Hi.” I am a goddess of words. I’ve been waiting here for hours going over this in my head, and my first words are hi…

“Michael let me in. I told him my dad hurt himself and we agreed to meet up once I took care of everything.” I watch him closely for some reaction, but his face remains the neutral mask he adopted after his initial shock. “He says thank you, by the way. My dad, I mean.”

“For…?” He’s playing dumb, and I decide to just jump right in.

“For saving his life with your alien healing powers. I should thank you too, for the shoe thing. I thought I was just tingly because you’re ridiculously amazing. Not that you aren’t still ridiculously amazing, I mean, if anything you’re more so. I’m actually at a loss figuring out why you’d want to date someone as plain as me when you could have Tess.

“Tess? Why would I choose her over you?” He’s completely skipped over the important part of what I’ve just said, but I’ll play along.

“Because she’s your ex-wife and she’s pretty and she’s an alien just like you. I’m just a coffee shop owner with a neurotic mother.” I shrug my shoulders depreciatingly. “I mean, it’s no wonder you ran off tonight. I…I don’t know.” I shake my head and trail off, sure he wants me to leave. Grabbing my purse, I rise and head toward the door, only to be trapped in his arms.

“You’re not just anything Liz Parker. I ran because, if anything you’re the one who’s too amazing to be with me. I’m not normal, Liz. You…well, you saw that tonight. I’m a freak.” His eyes bore into mine, willing me to understand.

“I saw you save my father’s life tonight, Max. And if we’re both too amazing for each other…I’d say that’s perfect. We’re perfect for each other. That is, if you’re willing to date a human?” I punctuated my question with a hopeful smile. It is rather sudden and quite unbelievable to say the least, but I’m not averse to happily ever after with this man. “Max?”

“You’re willing to date an alien…? To touch me, to kiss me, knowing what I am?” His eyes search mine for the answer he desperately wants.

“When you healed my father he saw you, your life and your feelings. He saw your thoughts and your fears, and he gave us his blessing. I’m willing to date you, Max. Alien, human, or whatever, and quite frankly, the sooner you kiss me the better. I think I’ve been falling in love with you since the moment you walked into my coffee shop.”

I’m rewarded with a dazzling smile before his lips close on mine, and I’m utterly swept away.



“Michael, stop playing around and help me with these cups!” I’ve got two trays full of hot coffee in my hands and this idiot keeps trying to feel me up.

He just grins before reaching over and takes both trays, carrying them effortlessly into the front and leaving me following behind. “Thank you.”

I push through the double doors and slide onto the chair next to Liz’s side of the couch. She smiles in acknowledgment before returning to her conversation with Isabel. Michael lifts me off the chair, steals my spot and lifts me onto his lap. I roll my eyes at him and reach for my chai tea.

“So Isabel, your boyfriend is coming?” She had been telling us about her client and their weekend away. “What’s his name again?”

Just then the doors chime, and in walks Alex. “Oh hey, Alex. We haven’t seen you in weeks. Have you met a girl or something?” I’m laughing at my own joke until he strides over to Isabel and kisses her cheek.

“As a matter of fact, I have. Small world, huh girls?”

But it isn’t. The world, heck, the universe, is large and open. We spend the next few hours chatting happily away, and it’s hard to believe how wide my world has gotten. I marvel at the way the light catches Liz’s engagement ring. Her mother almost died in the middle of the shop when she found out. Max, Isabel, and Michael’s parents are coming up in a few days. They’re anxious to meet Max’s fiancée and have volunteered to help us move Max and my things to the different apartments.

I’d be lying if I said I’m not slightly uncomfortable with how fast things are moving, but I’d also be lying if I said I’m not deliriously happy. Liz’s mother had the nerve to ask her whether or not she’d be giving up on the “coffee shop nonsense” with a husband to support her, but in a rare instance Max was the one to set his foot down, telling Nancy they’d never sell and with Isabel’s help we’re looking into expanding next door. Max and Liz would have plenty of room upstairs for “expansion” of their own in the future, and it’ll be nice to have more room in the coffee shop. Maybe John’ll stop tripping so much. ‘Or maybe not’, I turn back to the current conversation and bury my head into Michael’s neck, catching Alex’s wink and smiling back at him.

All of the while
All of the while it was you

The End.