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A Quiet Passion (CC,M/L,Adult)chpt 26 6/2/09 *Complete*

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 9:17 pm
by jake17


Title: A Quiet Passion
Disclaimer: I own nothing Roswell...just my never ending obsession with Jason.
Author: jake17
Parings: M/L
Rating: Adult
Summary: It's been fifteen years since Max, Tess, and Isabel left for home. Fifteen years of struggle and sacrifice devoted to one come back - to find her - to love her. What will he do when he finds that she is married and has moved away from Roswell. Will he fight to reclaim the only girl he ever loved or will he relinguish his dream and forever watch from afar her life unfold in someone else's arms.

I would like to thank Behrsgirl77 (Tanya) for this beautiful banner!! You are the best Tanya!! I just love it!!

Chapter 1.

Familiar tears streamed down her face as she stood surrounded by the steam of the hot shower. She hoped silently that the sound of the pounding water would drown out her cries.

Liz rested her head on the cold tiles and sighed. Her image quickly disappeared in the mirror as the mist engulfed her. She closed her eyes wishing that it was real. That she could really make herself fade away from this life - this world. That she could just turn back time and take back the terrible mistakes she had made.

Everything she had hoped and dreamed for was but a distant memory. Forgoing college was her first mistake. After Max had left nothing seemed to matter - she let that dream drift away like so many. Like the autumn leaves floating away in the currant of a river they were gone to her.

Ten years of waiting for one sign from him...anything to let her know that he still cared...that he was out there hurting like her but nothing came. Liz let her last dream go five years ago when she decided to marry Sean trading love for companionship. This was the biggest mistake of all.

The years that he had patiently waited for her to recover from losing Max ... to finally give him a chance left him resentful and bitter. Years of trying to be the man he could never be - trying to live up to a memory of a love that could never be outdone. A bond that could never be broken - not by time - not by destiny - not by anything.

He was cruel and heartless. In his mind it was her choice not to let her heart love again. It was her choice to be forever tortured by something that would always be just out of her reach. He felt that she was responsible for her own misery and he blamed her for every tear she cried - every nightmare she suffered.

The arguing was constant - the fights always the same. He wanted to start a family... he felt in his mind this would be the cure for her past.. a new life ..a new beginning for them. Liz refused..she didn't love Sean and although he'd never admit it she knew he didn't love her.

There was only one person that loved her that way. That touched her soul. That knew the beauty in her heart and the desires that lived there...but he was gone.

Sean knew why she was the reason for all they're problems. Since the very beginning it had always been Max. Her unbreakable undying love for someone that tore her heart to pieces.

He couldn't wrap his head around the fact that with all of the love and attention he gave her it would never compare to those few years spent with a teenage boy that broke her heart and left her to suffer all alone. This enraged him to his very core. He wanted pay back for the wasted time and lack of love that he felt everyday of his life with her.

"Are you going to spend all day in there crying...because really Liz this is getting old and I need to get in there...some one has to go to work and pay the bills in this house!"

Sean stood screaming beating on the door - cold to her feelings.

Liz tried her best to calm get herself together. She knew that seeing her so upset made him very angry. She swallowed her tears as she turned the water off and wrapped the towel around her body. Her voice trembled trying to recover from her gentle sobs.

"I'll be right out...just give me a minute"


"Michael I'm fine ..I promise you ..I won't approach her I just...I have to ....I mean...

"I get it Max just be careful whatever you do don't let her see you...I promised Maria"

"I know Michael...look I have to's getting close to three..I'll call you when I get back to the hotel"

Max stood across the street from the old town library where Maria told him Liz would be. Every Wednesday she would volunteer reading to preschoolers. She would read anything except fairytales. She refused to. She felt like those stories filled the little girls heads with useless imagines. Ridiculous stories of princes on white horses and living happily ever after. In Liz's world there was no prince - there would be no one coming to save her from her tragedy.

His heart raced as he saw her black suv pull into the small parking lot. He started to shake finally believing that he was going to actually see her again. He had spent so many years dreaming of this moment. The first moment when he would gaze at her beautiful face and those deep sensitive eyes that captured his soul and left him a prisoner for so many years.

Liz sat in her car clutching her steering wheel. This mornings fight still replaying in her mind.

"I'm done with you you hear me LIz!"

"Why are you just sitting there ... don't you have anything to say ...or do you even care know he's never coming back for you ...why can't you ever get that through your head!"


Liz squeezed her eyes shut trying to quiet her mind. A tear ran down her cheek as she stepped out of her car. She looked up closing her coat against the cold wind. She took a deep breath as she wiped her cheek and slowly walked into the library.

Max strained to see over the passing cars. His heart was pounding wildly as he saw her car door open.

Then finally it happened ...after endless days and countless hours of waiting and hoping he was once again a witness to her spell. He was lost looking at the woman she had become ...lost in her astonishing beauty that had only seem to have enhanced over time....lost in her.

He breathlessly stood mesmerized as he spoke her name out loud.


Re: A Quiet Passion (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 2 2/3/08

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 7:39 pm
by jake17
IheartMax: Hi you!! Whew! was I happy to see your fb!! Thank you for making me feel better! So happy you like this!! You are the best! :D
starcrazed: I'll have all the answers to your questions very soon :wink: ...thank you so much for the great fb! I'm so happy you liked this! :D
Addicted2AmberEyes: Wow speechless...I so needed to read that you don't even know!!Thank you so much for the sweet fb I so appreciate it!!! :D
angelina: Hi sweetie, I promise I didn't forget about coming for you...I just couldn't get this story out of my head..thank you so much for all your support..I love that you like my stories so much..I'm so happy when I see your name! :D
kissme4ever123: wow thank you so much!! so happy to see you here! I hope you like the next part! :D
begonia9508: Hello eve! I'm back to torture you some more! :lol: I love that you are here!! Liz should've stayed alone but then how exciting would that be? I'll explain what happen with Max and Tess I promise! thanks so much for the fb! :D
futuremrsmcdreamy:thank you so much! I really hope you enjoy the next part! :D
behrluv32: I would never make it that easy don't worry! thanks for the fb! I hope you like the next part! :D
raemac: soooo happy to see you here!!! :D I think this is a little longer hope you enjoy! thank you so much for your fb!! :D
totallizfan: hmm I never said she was a quitter...just broken happens...all is not revealed yet!
She may surprise you! :wink: As far as Liz and Sean ...ten years is a long time... I didn't have her run to him as soon as it happened...anyway thank you for your fb it is always appreciated!! :D
confusedfool: thanks so much for the fb...hope you like the next part! :D
tinie38: Thank you Kris! :D I was beginning to worry! So hope you like the next part...I was thrilled to see you here! Im so happy you like this!! :D
Cocogurl: Hi! Love that you are here! was so excited!! Thank you so much for the sweet fb! :D
L-J-L 76: Love all the questions! I will answer a few here and the rest soon I promise! Love that you like this! hope I don't disappoint you! thanks so much for your great fb! :D
Natalie36: OMG thank god your here!! I think you know I always love your fb!! Im so happy you are hooked !! thank you so much!! :D

Chapter 2.

Max struggled to open the door to the hotel room. His hands shaking - tears welling in his eyes. Sighing in frustration he looked around ...with no one in sight he waved his hand in front of the sensor and stumbled in the dark room.

It was all too much…with one look it all came flooding back to him. His legs could no longer hold him as he sat on the edge of the bed and closed his eyes. It was as if no time had passed between them. It took all the strength he had to keep himself from calling out to her – from running across the street and taking her in his arms.

Her image was burned in his mind there was no escaping it. In that brief few seconds he saw the reason why he endured all those horrific years of torture and pain. When most men would’ve surrendered and gave up he held on. At times this meant suffering a fate worse than death. The memory of her love gave him hope – gave him a reason to survive.

He pictured the way she looked as she walked into the old building as he turned off his phone. He couldn’t handle any questions that he knew would be asked of him. A tear fell from his weary eye as he remembered her beautiful face.

All those times he thought of her it was always the same. She remained that seven teen year old innocent wide eyed girl. So full of life with her bright smile and eyes that seemed to dance whenever she would look at him. He wasn’t prepared for the woman that she had become.

He could still see her as she braced herself against the cold wind. He shook remembering how she raised her face only for a split second in his direction. He was completely taken by her.

She looked so different but somehow the same. Her long wavy black hair was blowing all around her face but he was able to catch a glimpse of her dark beautiful eyes. She was stunning. Her features were the same but somehow less innocent and more elegant. When she parted her lips to breath he was sure he would never recover. His desire for her was so powerful it shook him to his very core.

Max thought back to the promises he made Maria. How could he keep those promises now? How could he just leave without talking to her – without telling her the truth?

He picked up the lamp that was on the nightstand and threw it across the room in frustration. He watched as it fell against the mirror shattering the glass. Catching his refection he rose and walked towards it.

He looked at his image staring back at him and realized he no longer resembled the boy she once knew. Years of torment and solitude had taken they’re toll on him. He was skinny and drawn. His body carried the many scars and wounds from the endless time he endured as kivars prisoner. His dark hair was long now reaching just above his shoulders and hanging slightly over his golden eyes. This was his attempt at hiding - hiding from a world he no longer knew – hiding from a place he no longer belonged.

The soft sensitive expressions that once graced his young face was now gone. He was now only a shell of his former self. Walking through life lonely afraid and completely lost.

The ruthless treatment he was subjected to day after day left him quiet and withdrawn. He wondered how she would even react to seeing him again after all this time.

He thought to himself that she had every right to be furious - to just walk away. Maybe she would be too angry to let him explain or maybe she wouldn’t even care. Maybe she had moved on and was happy. Either way it was a chance he was willing to take.

He turned to his side feeling sick to his stomach thinking of her with Sean. Thinking of all the things he got to do with her. He tortured himself imagining him sleeping with her every night and waking up to her sleepy smile every morning.

There was one thing that he just couldn’t get out of his mind. The fact that she had been crying worried him. It could have been nothing …something small but his gut was telling him something different. He couldn’t help recognizing that pain. .

No…he had made it this far - whether he decided to talk to her or not he definitely had to know if she was alright. He decided to follow her. He would stay in the shadows completely hidden …keeping his promise. For now at least.


It was dark when Liz pulled into her driveway. She had decided to catch an afternoon movie before heading home. She did this often thinking of any excuse to avoid their daily fights.

As soon as she touched the doorknob it was violently pulled opened. Sean stood fuming waiting for her to walk in.

She sighed as she lowered her head and walked by him knowing all too well what was in store for her.

“Where the hell have you been!”

“Sean I just went to a movie”

“You’ve been gone all day Liz … don’t fucking lie to me”

“It’s Wednesday remember …I have the library on Wednesday”

“And what a great waste of time that is Liz …tell me how is it that you can go read to a bunch of three year olds but you don’t want to have any children of your own!”

“Sean I –

“Stop don’t answer that … I already know…I guess having children with someone from your own planet just doesn’t appeal to you!”

“I can’t have this argument with you again …I’m going to bed”

Max watched in horror as Sean charged after her. He stood outside looking frantically through the window for her.

He went from window to window trying to find them again shocked at what he had heard.

Finally he saw her sitting on her bed crying. She had locked the door and Sean was screaming at her to let him in.

“Open the door Liz!”

“Sean just go lay on the couch and sleep it off …I’ll talk to you in the morning”

Just as Max was about to break the window and run in everything went quiet. Liz sat there listening until she was sure he was gone and then laid down curling up into a tiny ball.

Seething with anger he followed him back to the living room and watched as Sean fell to the couch and instantly began to snore.

His mind was racing …he heart sank as he once again found her.

Max fought with himself not knowing what to do. He could tell that Sean was out for the night but it wasn’t enough.

He wanted to scream - to tell her that he was there. He wanted to tell her that he loved her and never once stopped thinking about her but he just stood there in the dark. He was sick to see her in this position but he was frozen comfused at Sean's words. All he knew was that he had to stay there and make sure Sean stayed asleep - he needed to know she was safe.

Max had spent fifteen years locked in a tiny cell dreaming of her – to look at her lying on her bed was like staring at an angel …something too beautiful to be real.

Slowly she sat up and peeled her coat off her tired body. Standing up she gently removed her boots and placed them neatly in the corner of the room.

She pulled a nightgown out of her drawer and placed it on the bed.

Max moved away from the window and stood against the house shaking. He knew this was wrong – he knew he shouldn’t be watching her but he was too tired to think about right and wrong. All he wanted to do was hold her close and feel her safe in his arms.

Slowly he moved back to the window. His mouth went dry as he watched her pull the nightgown over her bare skin. His forehead fell to the glass as he placed his hand against the side of the house to steady himself.

Liz pulled a book out of her nightstand and brought the multicolored quilt up to her waist.
More tears came as she flipped to the middle and removed the worn tattered picture from the center.

His eyes widened as he looked close to see the young version of himself resting in her tiny hands.

“Max” she whispered as she cried silently

“Liz” came the whisper back to her. “Don’t cry…please don’t cry”

Re: A Quiet Passion (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 3 2/7/08

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 8:52 pm
by jake17
starcrazed: thank you so much for the sweet fb, so hope you like the next part! :D
keepsmiling: so happy you like this! thanks so much for the fb! :D
IheartMax: hey you..thank you so much means so much to me that you like this! :D
tinie38: yes Sean is an ass!! thanks so much for being here! I really appreciate your sweet fb! :D
angelina: I don't see max being able to hold back for too long..I love seeing you here ..thank you so much for your wonderful fb! :D
raemac: yes I agree he is innocent in this ...I think the more you read the more you'll understand why Liz did what she did..thank so much for being here!! I really appreciate the fb! :D

Chapter 3.

Max paced the worn brown carpet of the hotel unable to sleep.

Sleep was a luxury Max learned to live without back in prison…during the night was when they would come to torture him relentlessly. Although he was now back and free from harm the nights were still the hardest for him. He was only able to sleep a couple hours a night when his body would just decide to give out.

When he did sleep he was plagued with nightmares of the constant beatings and loneliness that he suffered. There were times although when he found himself in a peaceful place where his heart was at rest and his fears were calmed. When his mind raced with dreams – dreams of her – of his girl.

Never in those dreams did he ever imagine her life like this. He couldn’t imagine why no one told him about her nightmare with Sean. He thought maybe they would be afraid of what he would do or maybe they feared he’d just make it worse but how could it possibly be worse.

He decided to take a shower thinking it would help to clear his head. As he leaned back to let the water run down his dark hair he couldn’t help but let his mind drift back to her. He closed his eyes remembering the soft curves of her body that no longer resembled a teenage girl but a mature sensual woman.

Max rested his head against the cold tile and sighed. For what seemed an eternity he dreamed of holding her in his arms – kissing her – making love to her. Seeing Liz in her bedroom under the soft light of her tiny lamp made his desire for her burn almost painfully deep inside him.

Quickly his brain shifted to Sean. Anger took control of his senses as he pictured him screaming at her – chasing after her. It pained him to know that this is what her life turned out to be. He was ashamed to admit it but he always hoped that somehow she would be free but he never wanted this.

The words Sean spoke kept running through his head.

He never wanted her to end up so unhappy but the fact that he saw her holding his picture filled him with a hope that he hadn’t known for years. She still thought of him after all this time – her love for him was alive in her heart just as his was for her. He was torn with agony over her situation and joy at knowing she still cared - that after all this time she still loved him.

It was driving him mad not knowing what was going on in that house. He needed to know if she was in physical danger or worse. He couldn’t just stand by with the knowledge that he now had.

After getting dressed and settling in a small coffee shop in the lobby of the hotel Max dialed his cell phone ready to make his case.

“Michael it’s me I need to speak to Maria now”

“Did you see her Max?…why did you wait so long to call? …what’s going on?

“That’s what I’d like to know …please Michael is Maria there”

Michael could hear the urgency in his voice and didn’t want to push him.

“Sure Max hold on”

“Max?…please tell me you didn’t let her see you…please tell me you kept your promise”

“Maria why didn’t you tell me …why didn’t you tell me about Sean?’

“What are you talking about Max…I told you she was married to him …I don’t understand”

“You didn’t tell me he was abusive Maria …you didn’t tell me he was a drunk that yells at her …and you didn’t tell me how sad she was.”

“What?!? Max calm down what are you talking about …what do you mean abusive”

“When I saw her she was crying …I was worried so I followed her …just to make sure she was ok …and that’s when I saw it”

“Max what are you talking about …what did you see.”

“I saw him screaming at her demeaning her …he was drunk and when she tried to get away from him he followed her…Maria why didn’t you tell me what her life was like.”

“Max I swear she has never told me any of this …they moved away ten years ago and we only talk once in a while she’s always telling me she’s very busy with her work…she stopped coming home to Roswell after her parents died ..she said the memories were too difficult for her…I had no idea things were that bad…she never told me anything…Max do you think she’s in danger?”

“I don’t know but I intend to find out …Maria I know you were afraid of her seeing me again…I know you think I’ve caused enough pain in her life but I need to talk to her…I’m sorry Maria I’m not asking I just wanted you to know.”

There was a long silent pause before she spoke again.

“Max please if things are as bad as you are saying do whatever you have to ..just make sure she’s ok.”

“Thanks Maria …look I have to go …I’ll call as soon as I know anything.”

Liz cringed as Sean came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her shoulders. It was the next morning and like always he was acting as if nothing had ever happened.

“Where are you off to today?”

“No where special …I have to get some groceries and pick up your uniforms at the cleaners.”

Liz answered coolly numb to his fluctuating moods,

“Well I’ll be won’t be home till dark…have a good day.”

Liz gave a small smile as she watched him go. She lowered her head feeling sick to her stomach hating the fact that she had to put on this act. Throughout the years she learned exactly how to act to avoid him from going into a rage but it was getting harder and harder every day.

She wondered how much longer she could go on this way. She felt horribly guilty for marrying him for the reasons she did but she couldn’t help feeling that he was responsible too. She never hid the fact that she wasn’t in love with him and back then it was enough for him that she cared for him and was willing to try. She had no idea he would spend the rest of his life making her pay for something she could never give him.

Max spent the day following her. He was lost on how to approach her. He had no idea what he was going to say after all this time. Every time he would try his insecurities would get the best of him and he would pull back.

He once again found himself outside her house in the cold.

“If you think I’m eating this you’re out of your god damn mind Liz!”

Liz moved out of the way as his plate went flying towards her.

“Sean please not tonight”

“Not tonight …not any night Liz isn’t that more to the point”
Liz turned away knowing exactly what he was talking about. It had been almost six months since they had slept together and Sean felt the need to remind her of this fact almost everyday.

As he moved close to her Max had seen and heard enough.

Just as he was about wave his hand in front of the doorknob Sean grabbed his keys and left knocking over everything in his wake.

Liz stood at the sink crying wondering how she was going to get through another night of Sean coming home in the middle of the night drunk.

Max turned to walk away thinking it would be best to follow Sean worried that Liz was in danger. Unfortunately he failed to see the patio set that was hidden in the darkness.

Hearing the loud crash Liz ran to the door fearing that Sean had come back.

She stood at the opened door staring at the figure hidden by the night.


Max took a deep breath and slowly emerged from the shadows.

“No…Liz it’s not Sean”

Re: A Quiet Passion (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 4 2/16/08

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 6:41 pm
by jake17
starcrazed: sorry ,, thanks so much for liking this!! :D Love when I see your fb here makes me so happy!and Im happy you understand Liz wanting to keep Maria in the dark about Sean! :wink: :D
keepsmiling7: i will explain everything I promise!! thanks so much for reading! :D
Addicted2AmberEyes: wow you are just so sweet to me all the time ..please I hope you know how much I appreciate it! you are so sweet! thank you so much! :D
tinie38: sorry too,,,thank you! always love seeing your name kris!! :D really hope you like the next part!
begonia9508: so many questions I know but as the story goes on you'll understand more,,, thanks so much for being here eve!! :D
Natalie36: hmmm faint? funny you should say that ! thanks so much sweetie! :D love seeing you here!
Cocogurl : you should be used to this now !! :lol: thanks for hanging in there sweetie! love you here! :D
kissme4ever123; happy you liked this update..thanks so much for the great fb! :D
Ansleyrocks: wow thanks so much have no idea how much it helps to read such great fb! :D
IheartMax; hello sweetie hope you like this next part...thanks to you Im having the courage to continue this!! you are the best!! :D and thanks for picking up the part that Sean knew from the beginning that Liz never was in love with him..that she was always honest about that! :wink: :D
angelina; love that you like this seeing you here always honey!! thank you!! :D
Pinky Banana: I love that you see my writing as passionate ..what a great complement thank you so much!! :D so sweet!!! I really hope you like the next part..
cassie: so happy you are enjoying this! thanks so much for the sweet fb!! :D
Dream4Ever: thank you so much really so appreciate all the fb I get i hope everyone understands that ! :D
Timelord31: yes I think her reaction will be intense!! thanks so much for your fb!! :D
Flamehair: oh I felt funny telling you had a new story ,,I didn't want you to feel pressure to read it but Im thrilled that you like it...means sooo much to me! thank you!! :D

I just want to apologize for the very short update ...I had no choice's killing me to leave it where I did...I promise to be back very soon ...hopefully tomorrow! :D :D
Thank you everyone for your support!! I really appreciate the feed back!! I really love knowing what everyone thinks no matter what! I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine's Day!! :D

Chapter 4.

“No …Liz it’s not Sean”

Max hung his head low looking at the ground terrified at what her reaction would be and at the same time filled with an unimaginable anticipation of actually speaking to her again.

Trembling with intense apprehension he stepped into the dim light from the small lamp that barely lit up the back doorway.

With a shaky breath and racing heart he gradually raised his head still keeping his eyes firmly locked on the ground.

Snow started to fall from the sky. Big fluffy white flakes stuck to his dark hair and clothes.

Liz stepped closer to the figure that stood just outside the doorway …her heart would not let herself accept the sound of the voice that she heard so many times in her endless dreams and waking moments.

Her entire body shook with an indescribable intensity …her breath came out in shaky shallow strangled tones.

“W-Who are you” she was on the verge of crying traumatized by knowing what she heard just couldn’t be a possibility…quickly convincing herself that this was just one of the thousands of times she thought she heard him or saw him in a crowd or a quiet whisper that seemed to be just outside her reach….this happened so frequently over the years one would think the disappointment would be somewhat less but it never was. Time after time it was like a stabbing sword through her heart that left her devastated for days and endlessly crying herself to sleep.

With his eyes closed and his lips quivering he gradually lifted his face to her. Finally reaching deep down into whatever was left of his beaten down torn heart. He slowly opened his tired heavy lidded eyes and faced the moment that he had been holding onto for fifteen years.

Timidly with a soft barely audible whisper and inconceivable courage he finally spoke.

“It’s me Liz…it’s Max”

Her tearful astonished eyes widened as the room began to spin and fade to black.


Max ran into the house just in time to catch her in his strong arms.

"Liz ...can you hear me are you ok?"

She was motionless lying limp in his hands. He tried to calm himself down realizing that she had fainted.

His body was overwhelmed at the sensation of actually holding her in his arms. It was like holding on to a dream – an illusion he had created in his mind for the thousands of lonely heart wrenching nights that he spent all alone in his tiny cell.

Tears fell one by one onto to her chest as he held her close to his body. This was no illusion no made up fantasy. This was real and she was warm and alive. Her hair – her skin her lips her body it was almost more than he could handle. He knew he shouldn’t… he knew he had no right but he couldn’t restrain himself. He swallowed hard and sobbed into her graceful neck as he held her as tight as he possibly could…feeling every part of her warm body pressed up against his.

There kneeling on her kitchen floor holding her close was the greatest moment of his life…it was more than he ever thought he'd have …more than he ever thought he deserved.

He held onto this moment taking in her breathtaking sent trying to memorize every second as though it was his last not knowing what would happen when she woke.

“My god …I’ve waited so long …so long …thank you god …thank you”

His tears were flowing uncontrollably now streaming down her neck drenching her soft hair.

Suddenly her eyes flew open and she pushed him away causing her to fall onto the ground.

“N-No…it can’t be …it can’t be you”

She pushed herself away from him using the palms of her hands scooting across the floor until she reached the wall that prevented her from going any further.

Her head was still shaking back and forth as she put her hand over her mouth in complete and utter astonishment.

“Oh my god what’s happening to me …I’m going crazy”

She covered her eyes with her hands and continued to weep.

Max cautiously approached her moving closer on his hands and knees moved beyond words by the mere closeness of her.

“You're not crazy …I’m really here Liz …I’m so sorry I didn’t want to do it this way…god I don’t know what I’m doing …I-I just had to see you“

Tears once again fell from his face as he searched for the words to try to calm her to ease her pain.

Liz pulled her knees protectively up to her chest and shook fiercely.

Slowly he raised his hand up to her face and gently eased her hands away from her swollen red eyes.

“Max?’ her voice cracked as her throat closed up from the powerful rush of emotions that were consuming her.

“I-It’s you …oh my god Max …it’s really.... you”

Re: A Quiet Passion (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 5 2/17/08

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 5:42 am
by jake17
ShatterDreamer: wow Im so happy with your reaction! thank you so much!! really hope you like this part!I told you Id come back soon! :D
Timelord31: Don't worry Sean's not ruining anything! :wink: thanks so much for the great fb! :D
Cocogurl: hmm that is a concern ...thanks so much for the very sweet fb!!! :D
dreamerfriend: so happy you like this story...thanks for the very nice fb ..I really appreciate it!! :D

Chapter 5.

Liz and Max sat on the floor of the her kitchen inches apart from each other staring deeply into each others eyes… both completely at a loss for words.

Finally Liz tilted her head to the side and raised her trembling hand up to his face. She needed to feel him to know for a fact that this was real …that he was real.

He held his breath waiting for what seemed like an eternity for her velvet fingers to lightly touch his face. His breath hitched in his throat as she gave him a small shaky smile. Her large watery eyes that threatened to drop more tears followed her thumb as it traced the line of his jaw.

She ran her fingers through his long hair that almost reached the top of his shoulders. She curiously looked over the changes in his face that had somewhat told the story of his extremely difficult years.

She brushed tenderly over the dark circles that hung below his glassy red swollen amber eyes and the lines that showed the years of terrible stress and neglect he endured.

His face was thin worn and he looked completely exhausted and emotionally drained. So different than the boy she remembered. The boy that looked as though he could move mountains with his powerful convictions and unwavering belief that he was responsible for the safety and decisions of everyone.

The man that sat before her looked defeated and lost and utterly alone.

A million questions ran through her mind as she moved her hand down his slumped over shoulder grazing his arm gently as she reached for his hand and wrapped her fingers around his.

In response he wrapped his hand tightly around her hand and brought it up to his lips and placed a soft kiss on the palm of her hand and held it against his cheek.

“This can’t be real …this just can’t be happening.”

“Max how is this possible …h-how are you able to be here …how long have you –

Liz quickly took her hand away from his face and backed her way up the wall.

She sat down at the kitchen table and stared off in a daze as the memories flooded back to her.

She had no idea what happened to him …all she had was her imagination that had torture her throughout the years.

The image of him raising his son with Tess while she was here living her miserable existence in a loveless marriage.

Slowly he stood and walked up behind her resting his hand on the back of her chair as the other one gently grazed his fingers against her raven hair.

He needed to keep touching her…to keep some sort of connection with her. He had gone so long without her warmth …one touch of her skin left him craving for more …it was intensely painful for him to lose that bond even for a moment.

“Is she here with you”

Liz couldn’t even bare to speak her name.

“Is who …oh god no Liz”

It suddenly dawned on him that she knew nothing…that this must be so confusing and painful for her.

“Liz we need to talk …there is so much I need to tell you …so much you need to know”

“I need to know if she is here …if y-your family is here.”

Max sat down next to here at the table. They both stared down at the place mat.

“Liz I have so much to tell you but this is not the place …I’m staying at the Oak Tree hotel in town …please come back with me …please just give me a few hours that’s all I ask of you …just a few hours of you time …I’ve waited fifteen years for this moment …please Liz you need to know the truth.”

“Is she he-

“Tess is dead Liz …she’s was killed fifteen years ago when we arrived on Antar”

“They was no baby Liz …it was all a trick another twisted mindwarp”

Liz looked up at him stunned.

“All this time …all these years ….I thought you were out there somewhere with her… with your son”

Max reached for her hand again.
Liz could barely hear the following words as he whispered softly

“Besides Liz it’s not safe for you here -

“Have you been spying on me ..watching me –

“Oh god please don’t be mad -

“Mad?” Liz laughed sarcastically. “You show up here in the dark out of no where …after all this time…you tell me that you’ve been watching me and now you want me to go to a hotel with you?”

She stood up and started to frantically pace across the kitchen floor.

Just then she heard the familiar sound of the key in the front door.

She glanced over at the door and back at Max hesitating for a half a second knowing what was to come…in a moment she had to decide ..was is going to be another night spent enduring Sean’s abuse or was she going to take a chance …hear Max out …to be close to the one person …the only person she could ever love.

She took one last glance at the door as she heard him start to yell

“I know your in ttherr Llizz …I can’t get the key to work… open the god damn door!”

Liz reached out her hand to Max.

“We have to hurry …we can leave through the back door …but we have to go now…


Max looked up at her desperate sad eyes.

“Please Max take me away from here …if only for one night”

As they drove through the dark empty streets of the small country town in silence he reached out to hold her hand. It was mean to be an innocent gesture that was intended to soothe her calm her down.

As their hands touched their eyes automatically gazed at each other.

Chills passed between them as they felt the sensation of a love that had been stilled… left dormant in two lonely desperate hearts for far too long.

They stood outside the hotel door both afraid to go in frozen in the doorway.
They stared at each other under the star filled sky both overwhelmed by an inescapable feeling of a quiet profound passion that had been awakened deep inside them that could no longer be ignored.

Re: A Quiet Passion (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 6 2/25/08

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 9:36 am
by jake17
angelina: thank you so much sweetie happy your here!! :D
begonia9508: She has yet to figure Alex into all this..but it will come..thank you so much eve! :D
Natalie36: Oh it will come! I promise..thanks so much natalie! :D
keepsmiling7: Sean will not be happy ...thank you soo much happy you are liking this! :D
IheartMax:I wanted to run into his arms too!! You are just the sweetest person ever thank you so much! :wink: :D
Flamehair: Thank you so much for being here..I always love seeing your name! :D
XYZ: Wow what an amazing fb! thank you so much for your kind words especially about this story being believable ,...means so much to me! :D
Timelord31: thank you so much for being here! :D
tine38: hello kris ..i love that you are here as always!! thanks for the sweet fb! :D
futuremrsmcdreamy: wow im so happy that you are loving this means so much to me ...thank you! :D
Cocogurl: thank you so much for the fb! love love that you are here! :D
dreamerfriend: oh I can make it that east although I would love to!! thank you so much!! :D
foreverdreamer: Yes it was so much fun rewriting the history, happy you liked what I did !thank you so much! :D
Addicted2AmberEyes: Wow your Replies always blow me away,,always make me soo happy i can't thank you enough...I hope you know how much your kind words mean to me..thank you so much! :D
L-J-L76: thanks so much hope you like the next part! :D
true bohemian: again so much fun killing tess...thank you so much for liking this so appreciate the fb!! :D
Aurorabee: thank you so much for wanting more hope you like the next part! :D
kissme4ever123: Thank you! I appreciate your fb! :D
Ms_BuffyAnneSummers: Some things will be revealed but not everything ...i promise it will all come thank you so much for your sweet fb!! :D

Chapter 6.

Finally Max waved his hand in front of the lock too shaken by the closeness of her to think of looking for the key.

Liz smiled to herself remembering what it was like to be with him again. She closed her eyes as she sat at the tiny table by the window and recalled how she felt everytime she heard his voice or felt his touch. It was magic – like a dream…a dream she could never let go of. To him she wasn’t the boring plain small town waitress who went unnoticed by everyone.

To him she was beautiful …extraordinary… special. She loved how she could feel him watching her all the time. He made her feel warm and loved… until he didn’t….until it was over and he was gone. Liz opened her eyes again as the cold reality of what came after that washed over her.

“You’re shaking ..are you cold”

Max immediately went to the heater under the window and turned it to high.

“It’s ok Max …please sit with me”

Max nodded nervously he couldn’t believe that after all this time she was here with him. That the waiting was over and the angel that held him close in his in dreams all this time was just a few feet away.

For some reason he was unable to look her in the eyes…maybe it was the guilt he felt for not being strong enough to see through Tess’s manipulation…maybe it was the fear that after all these years of missing her …of longing to be with her something could happen to make it all go away.

Liz looked down at his hands she wanted so much to touch him to feel that warmth again. Her eyes welled up with tears as she looked out into the barren parking lot. The trees had no leaves and the ground was covered in white. It was winter and everything was dead and cold which was exactly how she felt inside.

She tried hard to shake the harsh reality of what was waiting at home for her…she knew Sean would be beyond furious this time.

“S-So Max …what did you need to tell me”

Her voice was quiet almost a whisper like it hurt to speak.

Max sighed and ran his hand through his hair as he too gazed out the window.

“I don’t know where to start” he got up and started to pace the small room searching his mind for the just the right words “I’ve practiced this so many times in my head…but now-

“Just start at the beginning Max…I want to know everything…I need to know”

Max nodded as he sat away from her in the dark on the edge of the bed looking at the ground.

“It all happened so fast Liz…when we landed it was all a blur ..Kivar’s soldiers took us right away separating us …I can still hear Isabel screaming as they pulled her away from me.”


Liz’s voice was suddenly filled with shock and concern she never even considered Kivar…that he could have been in any danger…she just always pictured him and Tess together.

“It was planned from the beginning Nasedo was to raise Tess …develop her powers and when the time came take us back to Antar back to Kivar…Tess was promised her life back …a life where she was treated like royalty …all she had to do was deliver the three of us.”

“The three of you?”

“Michael remember …thank god he was spared …thank god he stayed.”

“So when you said the baby was -

“The baby was a lie Liz…the whole thing …a ploy to get me to follow her plan”

Liz turned towards him straining to see his face in the darkness. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. All this time she thought it was his choice not to contact her not to come back.

“What happened to Isabel?”

“Almost immediately Kivar had Tess killed …I guess in his mind she was no longer needed instantly her mindwarp or whatever grip she had on me disappeared…everything came crashing down on me…everything she did …everything… I did.”

Max grew completely silent for a few minutes as he relived that terrifying moment ..the moment that he realized what he had thrown away and the position he put his sister in…he winced as he felt the horrible guilt that plagued him constantly twist in his chest.


“It’s ok I just need a second”

Max went to the sink to splash some cold water on his face ..he stood bent over the sink shaking as he continued to tell her the fate that was handed to him.

“He would have liked all three of us but it was really only me and Isabel that he needed…it’s turns out that in our past … Isabel and Kivar were…close.”

“What do you mean close Max?”

Max dried his face and returned to sit on the bed.

“It doesn’t really matter the point is that he wanted her with him at his side and he wanted me…his only threat to be …contained”

“Contained …I don’t understand Max…why …

“You mean why not just kill me?”

“I thought of that too but you see death is so final …where’s the fun in that…it’s much more interesting to watch the demise of someone spirit watch them struggle everyday to find a reason to go on…to watch their will be crushed”

Liz rose from her chair and sat next to him on the bed she could feel him trembling as she placed her hand on his back.

“Isabel lived the next fifteen years with him …she was educated and was allowed a certain amount of freedom …she was stuck there with him but he didn’t hurt her she was safe…thank god she was safe.”

“What happened to you?”

Liz moved her hand around his waist and rested her head on his shoulder. She could feel every muscle in him tense …her intention was to sooth him. He tried hard to hold back his intense need to fall into her arms - to lose himself forever in her warm body. He shuddered as her soft hair brushed up against his arm. Suddenly he got up and stood against the wall staring at the ground.

“Max …I’m sorry I was just…

“I know Liz …it’s just that I w-want …it’s been so …

“I understand Max and I’m sorry please go on …please tell me …what happened to you.”

“I was put in a dark filthy cell…alone …and that’s where I stayed for fifteen years…locked up left to be tortured by Kivar’s henchmen whenever he needed to be entertained”

Max’s voice fell to a whisper as the tears fell from his weary eyes.

”I was just seventeen …I was so scared …everything I knew was lost…my freedom…my home…my family…you”

“You never lost me”

Max brushed away his tears and raised his eyes to look at her.


“You never lost me …there wasn’t a day …a moment that went by that I didn’t think about you…dream about you.”


“I couldn’t let you go …no matter how hard I tried …

"Max you never lost me”

Re: A Quiet Passion (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 6 2/25/08

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 1:49 am
by jake17
IheartMax: hello you! hope this brightens up your tuesday morning :wink: thank you for being your wonderful self and for your extememly sweet fb! :D
begonia9508: Hello eve thanks for the always great fb...yes they did escape and I promise to get to that..hope you enjoy this tiny update :D
AllAboutEyes509: So happy you are loving my story..makes me very happy! really hope you like the next part..thank you so much for the very sweet fb! :D
true bohemian: wow thank you so much for your very kind words...means so much to me! :D
forever dreamer: hello Rach! I was able to sneak this small part in really hope you like it...thanks so much for your wonderful fb!! :D
angelina: hi sweetie ...yes thank god for everyone Tess is dead! :D More will be revealed about Liz and sean as I get into the story...thanks sooo much for your always sweet fb!! :D
Saavik60: Hello ..I promise to get to Isabel ..just not yet ..I can say that she is home and safe..thanks for the fb and your interest! :D
Ms_BuffyAnneSummers: I know I'm explaining all of this painfully slow but I will get to they escape...thanks so much for your great happy you want more! :D
tinie38: I know very short and I have another very short one but I came back really fast ...does that help? :wink: love that you are here kris! thank you so much! :D
Natalie36: OMG soon you are going to want to do more than slap sean!! Thanks so much Natalie love as always seeing you here! :D
Jessibelle47: Thank you so much for your fb! Really hope you like what Liz has to say next :wink: :D

Hello everyone! I just want to say that I know this update is very very short but I really didn't intend to write tonight ..I couldn't get this scene out of my head ...Max just wouldn't let me sleep :wink: I decided short is better than nothing ...I have the next one almost finished so hopefully I'll be back soon..
Thank you everyone for taking the time to read this...hope you enjoy! :D

Chapter 7.

Liz stood from the bed staring at him as a million thoughts raced through her head. She thought of him alone in his cell night after night. She realized that in a way she had been kept in a prison too. A prison where the bars were not made of iron but of anger and resentment. A prison where she was not held captive by guards but by fear and intimidation.

Where her torture consisted of the constant reminder that she was separated from the only man she ever loved. Where she lived every night with the painful truth that her body would go without the devotion and pleasure that only he could give her.

She was desperate to feel again…to feel something besides regret and hopelessness. She was desperate to feel him again.

Slowly she walked towards him never taking her eyes off his trembling body. She hadn’t notice it much before but now she really could see the obvious pain he was in.

With every step she took she heard him becoming more and more breathless.

“Max look at me”

“Liz… I-I you –

Max struggled to find the words …the words to explain for her to be careful. That his heart was so fragile… his need for her so intense… that she had to be sure of what she was doing.

He wanted to tell her that she had the power to destroy him if she chose to. He could live through a lifetime of torture and pain from Kivar’s guards but he knew he would never survive being hurt or rejected by her.

“Shh…it’s ok Max…you don’t have to say anything”

Liz was standing so close to him now he could feel her body brush up against him and it was killing him.

Tentatively she ran her hands up his arms until they came to rest around his neck. She could feel his vulnerability …it was almost as if he were made of glass and if she wasn’t careful he could shatter beneath her hands. Slowly she raised herself up on her toes as she laced her fingers through his black hair.

He could feel her soft breath against his lips as she parted hers to speak. He thought for sure his heart would burst from his chest.

She whispered her question to him knowing what his answer would be …knowing that he needed this as much as she did.

“It is ok…if …I kiss you Max?”

Max stood quietly with his eyes closed and his head to the ground terrified to take the chance… to take what should have been his all along.

Liz looked down feeling his arms as they slowly made their way around her slender waist. She sighed at the sensation of his gentle hands as they moved up the arch of her back.

The only sound that could be heard was the shallow breathless puffs of air that was coming from his trembling mouth.

Suddenly he looked up into her eyes as he searched for the courage to continue. The hunger and need that was waiting for him in her dark gaze was all that it took. With the passion of thousands of countless lonely nights he descended onto to her and seized her waiting mouth.

They both gasped as she quickly parted her soft lips. Together they let out a long drawn out moan as he caressed her tongue with an almost urgent desperation. In an instant they felt the world drift away and just for a moment they were young again standing on her balcony under the stars.

Again and again he captured her lips and stroked her tongue as he pressed her up against his battered shaky body.

After several minutes they finally broke apart resting their foreheads against each other both breathless and weak.

“Oh my god Liz…my god I’ve missed you so much”


Re: A Quiet Passion (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 8 2/28/08

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 8:01 pm
by jake17
tinie38: thank you for liking my tiny update kris is something a little seeing you here! :D
begonia9508: Eve would I make it that simple?? You know me by know I have to torture everyone ...I just have too!! thank you so much great fb!! :D
L-J-L 76: thank you for all your questions but I'm afraid not much will be answered in this update..still I hope you like it!!...thanks so much for being here! :D
Cocogurl: Yes it is wonderful that the evil witch is dead!! :twisted: but Max is still not going to be happy not yet... :cry: ...please don't hate me after this cocogurl :wink: remember dreamer here! thanks so much for your awesome fb!! :D
angelina: hmmm sweetie you are soo smart! I think you are definitely on to something here!! :wink: thanks so much for your fb!! love you here!! :D
Aurorabee: don't worry Isabel is fine..and I will get to her I promise...I can't say anything about their relationship yet though :roll: thanks so much for your very sweet it so much!! :D
IheartMax: wow what happened I can't stop writing !! :roll: I think I may make you cry again but for different reasons :shock: please don't be upset!! :wink: love as always seeing you here!! :D thank you!!
Flamehair: Hmm kivar ...can't talk about him yet but I you here hug Leo for me! :D thanks so much for you sweet fb! :D
AllAboutEyes509: Marry a king I just loved that !!! :D Thank you so much for your very very kind words I so appreciate them!! :D
forever dreamer: oh I think It will be a while before anything gets straightened out Rach! :wink: thank you so much for your sweet fb!! thanks for being here! :D
Jessibelle47: OH you made me laugh!!
Jessibelle47 wrote:MAX! Max what?!?!? I need to know!
sorry to leave you in such suspense! hopefully this makes up for it! loved your reply thank you for needing to know more! :D
Ms_BuffyAnneSummers: thank you so much ..hope you like the next part!! :D
Addicted2AmberEyes: Simply perfect thank you ..please stick around...I need to read your fbs! :wink: thank you so much!! :D
Natalie36:Awww I love when you leave me replies like that thank you so much Natalie!! :D
Dreamer 4 Ever: OMG what an incredible thing to say ..thank you so much! :D
true bohemian: thank you so much..hope you like the new addition!! :wink: :D
dreamerfiend: you love the way I write you just made my day! thank you so much never hurts to say it only makes me come back faster! :wink: thank you so much ..really!! :D
roswell4life: your right it is sooo easy that's why it can't happen ..well not yet and by the way I'd do it in a heartbeat too like hell to Max..ooh yeah as fast as my little legs could take me.. :wink: thanks so much for your great fb!! :D

Chapter 8.

It’s true Liz ..I’ve missed everything so much …your smile …the sweet taste of your skin…how you feel in my arms.”

His voice dropped lower as he moved his lips tenderly over her neck whispering his feelings to her that had haunted him for so long. The seductive sultry tone in his voice made her feel an ache deep within her …an ache the made her forget about her attachments and responsibilities. Her mind had become clouded with visions of Max softly kissing every part of her body that had been neglected for so long. It had felt like forever since someone had truly touched her with such need - such powerful desire.
It had felt like…like fifteen years…a lifetime.

“Oh my god Liz…I could just lose myself in you”

Max was breathless now as he moved his lips gently over the small rise of her collarbone to where her sweater began.

“God Liz is this real …are you real …I’ve been alone for so long …how can this be possible.”

Max was dizzy at this point unconsciously pressing her up against his hardened body moving slowly as he ran his hands through her long raven hair.

“Liz tell me your real …tell me this is really happening …I need to hear your voice.”

“Shh …Max I’m here and this is very real…tell me Max… can you feel this”

With shaky hands Liz slowly lifted his shirt and placed her fingers against his burning skin.

“Oh god” Max rasped as he leaned up against the wall to steady himself.

“Is this ok…Max”

“Please …don’t stop Liz …oh god this just can’t be happening.”

Max moaned out as Liz continued her gentle caresses over his rippled stomach muscles and up over his bare chest while he cupped her bottom and moved his hard arousal over her soft core.

“Max…oh god”

They both started to feel something build deep inside them as they moved faster and faster up against each other.


Suddenly Max was bombarded with imagines of Liz and Sean. One after the other they flooded his tired mind. Their wedding day…Liz spinning around in her white gown in front of a very happy Sean… Sean pouring champagne the day they bought their first house…then the flashes changed… becoming darker. Liz crouching in the closet hiding from a very drunk Sean as he searched the house for her…Liz crying into her hands as Sean throws his dinner across the room.

“Stop Liz wait …stop”

This was all too much for Max as he fell collapsing against the wall and slipping onto the floor.

“Max are you ok…what happened...oh my god….what happened”

He was breathing hard trying to catch him breath as a range of emotions passed through his heart…pain…devastation…anger …rage.

Max held his head while Liz sat by him on the floor rubbing his back trying to calm him.

“What is it please tell me”

“F-Flashes Liz…remember those”


Liz lowered her head knowing exactly what he had seen.

“I’m sorry Max …I-I don’t know what to say”

“Why Liz?”

“What…Max you where gone for ten years…I heard nothing from you what was I –

“No …Liz I mean why do you stay”


“It’s complicated Max”

“It’s not Liz …I saw you …I felt your fear …you sadness”



Just then they heard loud banging coming from the door.


Max quickly stood pushing Liz protectively behind him.

She lowered her head in defeat and whispered against Max’s ear.

“Wait Max …I have to go back with him”

“What!… no Liz no you don’t”


“Max you’ve been through enough I know him…he won’t stop until he has broken the door down and then what…your too weak to fight him without using your powers and we both know that is not an option…it’s not safe.”

“Liz I don’t care there is no way I’m letting you go back with…with..

“My husband…he’s my husband Max”

Liz had tears streaming down her face as she turned him towards her and held him tight…I will see you again but for right now for your sake I have to go back Max …don’t worry I know how to handle him”

“Please Max if I go now I can meet you in a couple of days…go to the Foxfire motel on route 8 …I’ll meet you there on Thursday as soon as I can get free”

“No…no I can’t …what if he hurts you…he’s going to wonder why you’re here”

“I’ll be fine please go in the bathroom …Max please don’t make this any harder for me”


“Please Max..go!”

“If you don’t make it there on Thursday….I swear Liz I will come get you”

“I’ll be there ..please Max”

Max held her face and gently kissed her lips as their tears spilled from their cheeks.

He reluctantly closed the door behind him as he heard Liz doing her best to calm an out of control Sean. He was dying inside with worry for her and felt the sting of guilt knowing that she was right… he couldn’t bear beginning discovered and held against his will again.

Max could hear Sean’s tires as he sped off down the street…pain swelled his gut as he pictured her sinking in the seat while Sean screamed at her.

“Oh god Liz …I’m sorry …I’m so sorry”

Re: A Quiet Passion (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 9 3/14/08

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 8:16 pm
by jake17
tinie38: Yes Sean did ruin everything but don't worry ,, you know my writing my now :wink: thanks for sticking with this story seeing you here!! :D
AllAboutEyes509: Lol! loved your feed back ...if only it was that easy!! Thanks so much for your awesome relpy..hope you like the next part! :D
begonia9508: your right there is no excuse for anyone to be abusive but hopefully I have some insight into Sean's anger in this chpt. that you are always here ..thanks so much Eve..I appreciate all your fb!! :D
Cocogurl: Whew!! :D so happy you don't hate me after that last seems im always leaving you at these very intense parts seeing your fb ..I always look for it thank you so much!! hope you like the next part!! :D
angelina: hello sweetie! I agree with everything you said and Im so happy to see your replies as always!! thank you so much for being here! :D hope you like the next part!
Natalie36: Oh Natalie I swear you leave the best it as always! thank you!!!!! :D :D
L-J-L76: Thanks so much for your fb!! i hope some of your questions are answered here... and thanks so much for wanting me to come back seeing you here!! :D
forever dreamer: I really respect your opinion and I really hope you don't feel like an outsider because I don't think you are alone at all in your feelings... and I certainly don't think that cheating the right thing to do... I hope that this update clears a few things up and sheds some light on Sean's behavior.. I loved your sharing your thoughts with me ..please don't hold anything back I really want to know how you feel about my story!!! thanks again really!! :D
Kissme 4ever123: Im so happy that you are loving this story ...makes me so happy when I get fb like that..i hope you enjoy the next part ..thank you for letting me know how you feel! :D
Flamehair: wow the fact that my writing left you breathless and having goosebumps just made my day !! thank you so much! and give Leo a big kiss for me!! :D
IheartMax: Hello my favorite person!! Yes he certainly is acting like a beast :wink: isn't he! If I were Liz I would definitely be grabbing some well deserved happiness...I think I sense something happening very soon to make you happy IheartMax! :wink: thanks so much for everything and for you just being you which is always amazing! :D
dreamerfiend: I think you have every reason to be optimistic! :wink: It just might take a while ..thanks so much for your wonderful fb!! :D
ms_BuffyAnneSummers:thank you so much for your fb!! it is so appreciated! :D
Jessibelle47: some sort of explaination is coming up next...I hope it clears some things up for you..thanks so much for your great fb!! :D
Aurorabee: you are very right ...they all had made bad choices but and I love what you said ..hopefully I cleared some things up here ...but don't be afraid to let me know what you think..thank you so much for your awesome fb! :D
true bohemian: Lol :lol: I think Max would love to do that actually but I don't see it happening your fb thanks so much for being here! :D
futuremrsmcdreamy: thank you so much I hope you enjoy the next chpt..! I appreciate the fb! :D
Timelord31: really happy you like the past couple of chpts.. so happy you are here!! thank you! :D

Hello everyone...I think this next chpt might be a little controversal especially the end..
All Im asking is that everyone keeps an open mind...just try to imagine what you would do if you were in their shoes and lived through the kind of pain that they have endured.
I'm not saying anything is right or wrong here Im just trying to tell a love story.
Please don't be afraid to let me know what you think good or bad. :wink:
Hope everyone is doing well ...sorry I was gone for so long..hope you enjoy :D

Chapter 9.

A broken Liz stared out the window watching the blur of the street lights go by. She wondered if she closed her eyes tight enough and wished hard enough she could make herself disappear.

Sean sped down the winding roads that led to their house in a strange silence. She looked over at him once and could see his jaw tighten and his white knuckles clutch the steering wheel. Every once in a while he would punch the dash making Liz jump and her muscles painfully tense up.

He had seen her run to someone’s car…seen the dark haired man protectively place his hand on her back. He knew she wasn’t alone…he knew why people went to motels. He also knew that this was coming …her distance… her coldness in bed …the way she would turn away when he tried to kiss her. It had been several months since they had even had sex and before that it would always be something that he would initiate.

Thoughts of her with someone else tore at his insides. Wasn’t it him that was always was there for her. When she was devastated from Alex’s death it was him that stood by her …when Max took off with his pregnant girlfriend he was there to pick up the pieces…and when that final blow came the day her parents died in a horrible car accident and everything she knew was gone he was the one that gave her all the love and support.

He always thought is would be enough that someday she would recognize all he had done and her heart would see in him a love that was more than just a friendship.

He thought if he took her out of Roswell far away from all the painful memories that were haunting her she would be able to start fresh…that somehow it would be easier.
He painfully remembered their talk when she finally said yes after his several attempts at proposing.

“I can’t lie to you Sean …I don’t feel the way …the way a wife should feel about her husband…I do love you but not the way you deserve me to and I can’t promise you that my feelings will change…please be sure that this is what you want”

He recalled how he begged her to marry him …saying he would be patient …saying he thought it was because of all the loss she suffered that she felt that way…he remembered convincing himself that over time those memories would fade and be replaced by new happy memories and she would fall in love with him.

Only that is far from what happened. He watched as she grew more quiet and distant from him every day. He watched helplessly as her suffering only got worse. He could see the regret and guilt in her eyes every time she looked at him. His stomach twisted every time they would make love and she would lie motionless underneath him with her eyes shut as if she was trying to put herself anywhere else but with him.

That’s when the late nights at the bar started. He dreaded coming home to her sad eyes as she would sit and stare out the window. He always suspected it was always Max …that it was him she couldn’t let go of. The day he found the box hidden in her closet was the day he knew for sure.

He knew it was wrong going through her stuff but at that point her privacy was the last thing on his mind. He needed answers … he needed to know why she wouldn’t even discuss children with him why everyday she seemed more lost than the last.

She had hid it underneath a pile of her old Science books from when she attempted to attend a small community college when they first arrived in Connecticut. It was filled with pictures and memories of Max. Old movie stubs , poems that he had written her , dried white rose petals. Several little notes that where obviously special to her.

As he held these reminiscences of their love in his hands rage and pain consumed him. After everything after all this time …she was still giving all her love and devotion to Max. A boy who broke her heart and got another girl pregnant and abandoned her.

This is who her heart belonged to …after twelve years she still didn’t let him go and at that moment Sean knew she would never let him go. Fury flowed through his veins as he tore at the pictures and the faded yellowed papers. Her love belonged to him …he deserved her not some boy who had discarded her all those years ago. He decided right then and there that if it was pain that she wanted if it she was happy to wallow in misery than that was what he was going to give her.

A mixture of hurt and rage pounded through his body. His insecurities of his father telling him how he would never amount to anything and that he was the reason why his mother left when he was just a boy echoed over and over in his head. The constant beatings he endured at the hands of his alcoholic father coursed through his mind.

Between what he had found and the failure that he felt he had become he was out of control. A rage that had been building up for a long time was coming to the surface and Liz was about to walk right into it.

He took one look at her and all the pain and rejection he had felt his whole life had burst to the surface. When she looked down at the box and all of her precious memories held in his Sean’s hands she knew that even her private thoughts were now something she couldn’t even have for herself.


She ran over to what was left of her memories of Max and tried to pry it out of his hands.

“Please …please this is all I have left of him!”

With one strong push Liz went flying across the room and up against the wall. She watched in horror as he destroyed the words the imagines of what was left of her heart.
After throwing what was left in the fireplace and burning it Sean had left for the bar ..which is where he spent most of his time after that night.

Liz thought of leaving …she even went as far as to pack a suitcase but where would she even go. She felt so lost and alone. Going back to Roswell seemed like a worse fate than staying with Sean. Her parents were gone her friends all happily married and living their own lives. She didn’t even know who she was anymore. Conversations with Maria became almost impossible she couldn’t pretend to be that person she was anymore. It was all too painful to remember all the promise that her future held for her and the people that she loved dearly that she would never see again.

She had no idea what to do or where to go with her life and was afraid of what Sean would do if she ever did try to leave. So she stayed and night after night held onto the only picture she had left of Max …the only picture Sean had not found.

She hid it in a book by her bed and would stare into the eyes that would hold her heart forever.

Liz could see their house approaching up the street and her heart felt like it would explode from fear.

“Get in the house!” Sean screamed . “GO!”

Liz quickly opened the door and sat at the kitchen table staring at the chair that Max had been sitting in just a short time ago.

Sean staggered in the room and fumbled through the refrigerator for a beer.

After taking one long slug he turned the chair around and slammed the bottle on the table.

“Now Liz you need to listen to me very carefully …you have one chance …one chance…to tell me who you were with”

Liz stared down at the flowered placemat while her mind searched for an explanation…but all she could think about was his arms around her ..his lips on her skin ..his voice whispering against her neck.

“I-I was upset Sean I just needed to get away for awhile …I needed to be alone”


Liz lowered her head further down so her hair was now covering her tear stained face.


“Sean your drunk we can’t talk about this now …we can talk about it in the morning .. it’s not what you think …get some sleep and I promise we’ll talk in the morning.”


Liz could see that this was quickly getting out of control …she didn’t know that Sean had seen her with Max and she had no idea what to say to him.

Suddenly Sean stood up and threw the chair across the room and smashed the bottle against the wall near her head.

Liz quickly ran into her bedroom and locked the door.


“L-Look Sean please he was just a friend I needed someone to talk to …you know …you know I can’t be with anyone …you know I can’t do that Sean…just please go sleep it off on the couch and I promise we’ll talk in the morning”

It was low and she knew it … but she also knew he would understand what she meant and he would believe her.

Suddenly he heard his voice whisper against the door.

“Yeah I know …you can’t sleep with anyone but the almighty Max…your precious Max”

She heard a thump at on the door and knew he was getting close to passing out. Slowly she opened the door and helped his sluggish body to the couch.

As she pulled the quilt over his limp body she heard him slur his last sentence before falling asleep.

“You’re never going to love me are you Liz”

As she climbed into her bed and clutched her worn picture of Max it wasn’t shame or guilt she felt. The abuse and emotional pain that Sean had put her through left little room for those emotions anymore.

She knew all that he had done for her and she knew the horrible childhood that he endured but she also knew that she had told him from the beginning how she felt. He knew she wasn’t in love with him and it was his choice to take the chance that those feelings would change. It was also his choice to make her pay for something she could never give him.

The only thing she felt was the need to feel Max’s arms holding her body…his breath against her skin…his heart beating close to hers. The hours moved by like seconds as she stared at her clock just waiting for the moment she could see him again.

Max stood shaking outside her window. He had to know that she was safe. He knew that what he was about to do was stupid and dangerous but at that point it just didn’t matter.

Liz’s eyes flew up to her window to see his finger pressed to his lips for her to be quiet. As he entered her room his mouth went dry as he watched her sit up in bed. The sheet had fallen to her waist and the light from the moon was illuminating the soft skin of her bare breasts.

He knelt down beside her bed as she quickly wrapped her arms around him. His shaky hands caressed her back lovingly as he whispered against her ear.

“I was so worried …god Liz did he hurt you are you ok?”

She pulled away and held his face with her tiny hand as tears fell from her eyes.

“He didn’t hurt me but …you can’t be here …god Max if he finds you here…

“Just one more moment please ….just one more –

Suddenly their lips touched and they were lost …flying …floating through a time and space that was made just for them ..just for two hearts that were always meant to be together.

His gentle hands moved over her shoulders and down her arms leaving chills of rapture in their wake.

The softness of his tongue slowly tenderly moving inside her mouth made her feel like she was the most precious gift in the world to him.

Then the whisper came. “Liz can I touch you…I need to feel you”

Her eyes slowly opened as she took his trembling hand and placed it over her heart and down to her waiting breast.

Their foreheads touched as they both let out a soft moan. Liz began to whimper quietly as he slowly moved his thumb over her hard peak. Her breath was quickly increasing as she arched into his hand and buried her face into his neck.

“So beautiful …you’re so beautiful Liz”

Suddenly they heard a sound from the living room.

“Oh god Max you have to go …he’ll kill you if he finds you here”

Reluctantly and with great pain Max pulled his hands away from her and looked deep into her eyes.

“Please tell me I will see you tomorrow night…please Liz ..I have to know”

“I will be there…I promise”

As she closed the window he pressed his hand against the glass and mouthed the word “wait” before she closed the shade.

He looked at her as she held the sheet up to her chest and watched as her beautiful raven locks flowed all around her golden shoulders.

He was powerless against her beauty and his love for her …his words came from his lips as if he had no control over what he was saying.

“Liz….tomorrow night I’m going to make love to you”

Liz stood quietly as her body trembled with desire and need. She watched his beautiful amber eyes as he backed away and disappeared into the snowy dark night.

Re: A Quiet Passion (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 10 3/27/08

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 9:46 am
by jake17
Keepsmiling7: thank you for your comments about how I wrote Sean..thanks so much for your fb! :D
tinie38: Hi kris yes something is going to happen ...thanks so much for being here! :D
Timelord: Yes you are right...nothing is going to happen yet as far as Liz leaving Sean ..thanks so much for your fb!! :D
begonia9508: Eve no one is taking your advice :wink: sorry to say and I still haven't really explained Liz's side yet so don't throw her in the fire just might change your mind a little later,,thanks so much Eve love hearing from you! :D
forever dreamer: thank you for your fb again...I think everyone has a little more understanding of Sean now...and I can't answer your question yet about if he ever actually hit sorry :oops: soon Rachael I promise..happy you are here! :D
Cocogurl: I love that I have you bouncing up and down in anticipation for the love scene ...I hope it's ok...I hope its worth the wait ..I really tried they are not easy to write :roll: thanks so much for your always awesome fb..I love it! :D
angelina: hello sweetie are right there is no excuse for abuse..I hope you enjoy their night of love :wink: thank you so much for being her..I so appreciate your sweet fb! :D
kissme4ever123: IM so sorry to hear about your sister.. :( .love can be hell...i hope she is ok...thanks so much for being her and your wonderful fb! :D
Ti88: thank you im happy you like this story and I loved your appreciate it .. :D
Auroabee: Loved loved what you wrote!!...As I go on we are going to understand LIz better..there is much we don't know yet...thank you so much! :D
Natalie36: :lol: again right to the point love it Natalie...hope you like the nookie! :wink: thanks so much for being here! :D
Flamehair: thank you so much for being here! you are so sweet!! I really hope you enjoy the next part! :D
IheartMax: HI you! :wink: well here it is ..hope its ok ...trying to be as tastefull as I can but omg Max makes me crazy!! :wink: thank you so much for being here your friend C.B. :D
dreamer fiend: Im so happy you like that quote!! thanks so much for your sweet fb! :D
Laramis; so happy you think this is awesome!! so appreciate your sweet words.!:D
L-J-L 76:Thank you so much for your great fb and the bump ..i hope you enjoy this next part! :D
paper: wow thank you happy you like this ..hope I don't disappoint! :D
totallizfan: Im here ..IM back sorry for the wait ..thanks so much and for wanting more! :D
futuremrsmcdreamy: thank you so much for the bump!! hope you like this next part! :D

Chapter 10.

As Liz approached the hotel her hands – her whole body was shaking. Tears stung her eyes as she fought hard to keep from crying. She wondered to herself if she should tell Max what happen that day. She wondered if it would just make him go after Sean and lead to more problems for everyone. She decided that she had been strong for all these years she could be strong for one more night.

Liz needed his touch - his love to warm her to make her feel safe.

As she close the door to her car it started to snow. She looked up at the tall building as tiny white flakes fell onto her dark eyelashes and raven hair.


And then there was that voice …that unmistakable gentle deep husky voice.

She turned around to face him and felt an instant sense of relief wash over her. His eyes lit up when he saw her – to him she was an angel – something too beautiful for this world or any other.


He watched the cold air escape from her lips..instantly he became weak.

“It was getting late …I was worried …is everything – are you ok”

“It’s ..I’m ok”

Max walked up to her and took her hand trying to read her face.

“Are you sure… you look shaken up ..did he-

“I’m fine Max ..j-just cold could we go to the room?”

Liz didn’t want to talk about Sean ..she didn’t want to think about him or the consequences of her actions tonight. She left her wedding ring at home along with all that came with being Mrs. Sean Deluca.

He gently helped her with her coat as she entered the room. They were almost unable to look at each other with nervousness as his last words repeated over and over in both their minds.

“Liz Tomorrow night I’m going to make love to you”

They were both afraid to move or speak both worried that something would happen to ruin this night for them – a night that they should have shared so long ago.

He could feel how anxious she was and thought maybe he was pushing her into something she was not ready for.

“Liz…I know what I said last night and –

He was quickly silenced by her as she moved against his mouth gently parting his lips in an attempt quiet his fears.

Their kiss deepened and Max moaned softly pushing her up against the wall.

Finally they pulled apart breathless and panting – their foreheads were touching as they stared into each others eyes.

“Liz I haven’t …I don't”

Max closed his eyes in frustration knowing that she was experienced …he worried that he wouldn’t be able to please her.

“Shh... Max can’t you feel me …my heart …my body what you do to me…you don’t need to worry Max…just touch me and you’ll see”

Her seductive voice was all it took to trust that what she was saying was true. Still he hesitated.

She pulled off her boots and put them neatly against the door. She then removed her jeans and the rest of her clothes till she was standing in front of him it only her panties.

Her arms where crossed in front of her chest as she slowly looked up into his eyes.

His mouth went dry as he gazed at the woman she had become.

Max pulled her into his chest and held her. He looked down at her and brushed her hair from her eyes.

“You are so beautiful …so different …but the way you look at me …so much the same.”

He gasped when he felt her warm hand underneath his shirt. He tentatively pulled it over his head worried what she would think of him.

Even in the darkness she could see the many scars and old wounds that covered his chest and arms. His wrists had permanent marks from where he was shackled for so long. It was apparent which injuries were old from when he was a boy and which were newer maybe from his escape. Seeing all of this made it very real to Liz and suddenly she knew how fragile he was she wondered how he was able to be standing in front of her right now. She couldn’t image the will you must possess to live through such a horrible nightmare. Liz wanted to make it all disappear all the years of torture and loneness… she couldn’t image such despair.

“I know their ugly” he whispered looking away.

She turned his face toward her and whispered back.

“Nothing about you is ugly Max …it’s not possible to take away your light what makes you beautiful…nothing - no one could ever do that.”

“Does it hurt?”


“Can I touch you?”

He looked at her with such need but still she knew she'd have to make the first move.

With that it began she pressed her lips on his bare chest gently as she moved her hands down quickly undoing his jeans and pulling them down his hard thighs to the floor.

Her hands moved over his arousal as she continued to kiss and slid her tongue over his upper body.

“Oh god” he struggled to stay in control but she was killing him with every brush of her tongue and every stroke of her hands.

Max grabbed her by the shoulders and eased her to the bed.

She slowly backed her way up and laid before him as if she was begging for his touch.

With shaky hands he pulled her panties away and onto the floor.

His mouth fell open and he was left speechless too far gone to be able to form anything coherent he moved between her legs and looked up at her.

“Please Max” she whispered as she gazed up at him.

He gently started to touch her moving his hands over her legs up to her knees and finally her inner thighs.

Her eyes closed when she finally felt his mouth on her.
She cried out as he kissed her softly before moving his tongue over her stroking her again and again. Liz moaned loudly as she ran her hands through his hair.

His hands moved up her body to caress her breasts as he continued to move his tongue through her -inside her.

Her breathing was erratic as she arched off the bed with pleasure.

“Oh god Max ..oh my god”

Max was lost drunk off of her beauty and her essence that warmed his hungry mouth. He rapidly stroked her sensitive nub as she whimpered his name over and over again. Max covered her with his lips gently sucking and kissing her - wanting her pleas to never end.

His finger rolled over her hard peaks bringing her right to the very edge of ecstasy.

As he delved deeper and ran his tongue against her she was gone…trembling crying out his name.

Very slowly he started to move up her body kissing and caressing all the way…her head turned to the side as his ran his tongue over her hard peak pulling it into his mouth.

He released her not knowing how much longer he could hold on. Her moved up to her flushed face and kissed her with all of the passion and desire that had been building up inside him for so many years.

“Now Max please”

She could feel his arousal over her heat and it made her almost fall again. He pulled away the hair that had fallen over her eyes and gazed at her with such intensity that she knew this wouldn’t be long …she also knew that the night belonged to them.

She raised her hips and he gently eased into her.

His mouth fell against her neck as he breathed out her name.


They slowly rocked against each other both shaking as he raised his head to face her.

Their eyes locked as he mouthed the words she desperately needed to hear.

“I love you”

With no control left he began to thrust harder and faster inside her once again making her cry out his name.


“Oh god Liz!”

A final gasp of breath and he was gone …lost in the only place he wanted to be …the only place where he felt he belonged anymore…

Lost in her.