A Prom Interrupted (ADULT, UC, DA XO) Completed 1/23

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A Prom Interrupted (ADULT, UC, DA XO) Completed 1/23

Post by LizNdAlec4eva »

Title: A Prom Interrupted
Author: LizNdAlec4eva a.k.a Hayley
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Too bad!
Synopsis: I decided to write a DA xo that wasn't X-tremer. Sorry
Category: Crossover Roswell/Dark Angel Liz/Biggs
Rating: ADULT
Feedback: If you aren't too busy.
Summary: Liz and Kyle are enjoying their Prom night, but when their big brother shows up telling them they have to return to the one place they are scared of, Manticore, what will happen when one of them gets captured? Will they get out alive or be turned into the soldier they were meant to be? (Sounds dramatic, doesn’t it!!)

http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd64 ... rGlowy.jpg


Liz Parker stood, shocked at what she’d just witnessed. She’d come out into the corridor to find Max, to explain that even though they couldn’t be together she still wanted to be friends. But instead she had found him kissing the same girl Liz was trying to push him towards. Tess wasn’t a bad person, not really, Liz just didn’t like people touching what she considered her, and that used to be Max.
Turning around she silently walked back into the hall where her prom was taking place. Scanning the room she found each of her friends, Maria and Michael were sitting at a table chatting about something that would probably end with them fighting, Alex and Isabel were on the dance floor off in their own world. Spotting Kyle standing alone by the punch she walked over to him.

Touching him on the shoulder, she walked around to stand in front of him.

What’s wrong bro?” She asked in a quiet voice that she knew he would hear, even over the loud music. That was one of the upsides of what they were. She and Kyle were created by a government project called Manticore in a lab, which played about with DNA mixing human and animal. They were designed to be warriors, killing machines without any independent thoughts or feelings. It worked, for the first few years till the guards started dragging away her brothers and sisters when they had seizures, only for them to be dissected alive. After that the whole unit started rebelling, plotting an escape. But when Max, one of her big sisters, had starting seizing they knew there and then that the escape was happening that night. They didn’t know what was on the other side of the perimeter, but their instincts told them that it had to be better than the hell hole they had been raised in.
After Eva went down, it had given them all even more determination to get out of there.
When they’d all separated, Liz had never been more scared. She’d never been alone before, but she wasn’t alone for long. When she’d seen guards surrounding Kyle, she’d leapt into action, taking them all down before they knew what had happened. After that, the two of them had stuck together and had ended up in New York and were found on the streets by Jim and Louise Valenti. The newlyweds had taken them in and had returned to Roswell with them, for Kyle to be adopted by them and Liz to be adopted by the Parkers who couldn’t conceive naturally and had always wanted a little girl.
Once they had been adopted, Liz and Kyle went into their own groups of friends but they always spent any free time they had together. They decided a few months after being adopted that they were going to tell their parents about whom and what they were, and were thrilled that their parents accepted them. Then a few years after that, Liz wanted to tell Maria and Alex, at which Kyle was a bit reluctant, he shouldn’t have been as the two of them, even Maria, had reacted calmly about it.

Liz and Kyle were two transgenics who were lucky enough not to suffer from the seizures. Kyle thought it was because they were the youngest – Liz was the youngest female X5, but the most dangerous of them all and Kyle was the youngest of the males, Liz being the older one of the two- but even though they didn’t get the shakes, Liz still went into heat. Something they discovered when her and Kyle had gone on their weekly camping trip, Liz had gone into heat and Kyle had reacted to the pheromones she was giving out which resulted in them sleeping together. That was just two weeks before Liz had gotten shot and was also the reason they had pretended to be together, because they had been in the middle of the woods and hadn’t been planning on sleeping together, they didn’t have any protection, since Liz was in heat it had increased the chance of her being pregnant to 90%, something they weren’t too happy about. They found out a month after the shooting that Liz wasn’t having their baby, but had stuck together for an extra week as their big brother Zack had shown up, saying that their position might have been compromised, meaning they might have to leave. The three of them had decided that it would look better for them to disappear when they were dating rather than have just split up.

Liz hadn’t wanted to hurt her brother by not telling him about the aliens, but she had wanted to make sure it was safe for him before letting him in. Unfortunately, he’d gotten shot and healed before she could tell him. The two of them had then spent the summer together in L.A, they’d gone shopping, clubbing, to the beach and had even taken part in a few summer flings.
After the summer they’d gone back to normal, with Kyle going up Liz’s ladders late at night and then leaving early in the morning. The Parkers, Jim, Maria and Alex all knew about their routine and were glad that the siblings were close again. Of course they had to keep their distance when Liz went into heat, even though the two weren’t blood related in any way, they still thought of each other as brother and sister. But when Future Max had been there and she’d staged her little scene with Kyle, after Max had seen them Liz had suddenly had her heat hit and since Kyle was there, the two of them had slept together again, this time using the protection Kyle had in his wallet.
Once Kyle had left, Future Max had come out of the bathroom with a look of such hurt that Liz had actually felt guilty before realizing that they couldn’t have helped it. But the big shocker had happened when , she’d leant forward to get her watch and her hair had slipped to the side revealing her barcode, Liz didn’t even make a move to cover it, thinking that if she was married to Max then he obviously knew about Manticore. But when she’d felt his fingers gently touch it and heard his ask her how she had it now, her eyes had almost filled with tears before she’d cut off her emotions a bit. When she’d turned around, he went on to explain that she’d told him that her and Kyle had gotten them just after graduation, or so she’d told him. Knowing there was no other way, she’d sat him down and told him everything about Manticore, being adopted, telling the other, her pregnancy scare, Zack finding them, how she’d planned on telling Kyle without him knowing, she’d explained her heat – that she’d gone through it 5 times, including that day and since she couldn’t fight that side of her 4 of them had been successful in having sex.

The look on Max’s face when Liz had finished her long story had made her heart clench. She hadn’t wanted to hurt him, but when you find out that your wife, the girl you lost your virginity to had been keeping so many secrets, you’re bound to feel hurt and betrayed.
He’d asked a few questions that she’d been more than happy to answer. But when he’d asked ‘do you love me?’ she’d hesitated and before she could answer he’d disappeared into thin air, but she’d whispered ‘Yes, but not like you want me to’ hoping that he could hear her.

After that Liz and Kyle grew even closer as did Max and Tess. Liz started seeing a better, nicer side to the blonde alien and even started silently rooting for the two to get together. Even though Max was still angry at her and was still denying any feelings for Tess, Liz had asked her ex to prom, since she knew her baby brother was taking Tess. But when she’d seen him stare at her with pure love and lust when they were dancing, she’d realized him coming as her dance was an extremely bad idea, which is why she’d given him that big long speech. Then he’d left her standing there feeling bad for ruining her night, so she’d gone after him only to find his swapping spit with the same person he’d just been denying having any feelings for. Liz was actually starting to feel bad for the girl, Max seemed to only go to her after he’d been put down by Liz, who was thinking that he was just using her.
And now, as she was standing here talking to her brother, Liz came to the conclusion that Max was an ass and that he was the most confusing person she’d ever met – and she was from Manticore.

“I told Tess I only have brotherly feelings for her.” Kyle stated before taking a gulp of the punch that was spiked with whiskey. He knew he would have to drink the whole bowl and then some if he wanted to get drunk but it was worth a try.

“You what now?” Liz asked incredulously, sure she would like it if Max and Tess got together, it got him off her back, but she really wanted Tess to be with her brother as they compliment each other and it would make Kyle happy.

“You heard me Lizzie, it’s for the best and I saw them kissing too.” He’d gone into the hall to try and build up the courage to tell Tess about his non-brotherly feeling for her, but has seen her and Max kissing.

“Ok, bro, you need to stop trying to get drunk and come dance with me.” Liz stated as she watched him drink his fifth cup of punch, which she knew was laced with alcohol. She thanked her heightened senses.

Before Kyle could protest she grabbed his hand and pulled him to the dance floor just as Sheryl Crow’s ‘If it makes you happy’ came on.
Kyle pulled his sister to him, resting one hand on the bottom of her back and the other over her barcode. He held her tightly, leaning his chin on her shoulder as Liz put her hands around his neck, taking a hold of his hair and she started singing the words into his ear.

I've been long, a long way from here
Put on a poncho, played for mosquitoes,
And drank till I was thirsty again
We went searching through thrift store jungles
Found Geronimo's rifle, Marilyn's shampoo
And Benny Goodman's corset and pen

Well, o.k. I made this up
I promised you I'd never give up

If it makes you happy
It can't be that bad
If it makes you happy
Then why the hell are you so sad

You get down, real low down
You listen to Coltrane, derail your own train
Well who hasn't been there before?
I come round, around the hard way
bring you comics in bed, scrape the mold off the bread
and serve you French toast again

well, o.k. I still get stoned
I'm not the kind of girl you'd take home


We've been far, far away from here
Put on a poncho, played for mosquitoes
And everywhere in between
Well, o.k. we get along
So what if right now everything's wrong?


Sighing, Kyle thanked the blue lady that Liz stopped the help him the night of the escape. He would have been captured if it wasn’t for her. When they’d slept together for the first time, for both of them it was their first time, he thought that it would become awkward between them and was thankful that it didn’t. The second time they banged the gong, it brought them even closer.

Liz felt a tap on her shoulder and heard a deep, male voice ask if he was interrupting. She pulled away from Kyle, just enough so she could see him, only to come face to face with Zack. She wanted to jump into his arms and then punch him for not being in contact for 6 months – he checked on them in L.A., but she knew that would draw unwanted attention. Instead she just smiled and negatively shook her head.

“Good, say goodbye and then meet me at Kyle’s a.s.a.p.” He ordered.

Before they could say anything he stalked off. The siblings looked at each other, Liz took his hand and they started walking over to their table which Alex and Isabel were now sitting at too.

“Hey guys, we’re going to call it a night.” She told them.

“Ok, night Chica, night Buddha boy.” Maria smiled, she’d seen Zack on the dance floor, and she’d seen him in pictures from L.A. and knew something was going down. She wanted to know what. The others at the table said goodnight too and then Liz and Kyle headed for the exit.

As they walked down the corridor, Liz felt like her feet were on fire. The only heel she could walk or run in was boots. Suddenly, she felt her feet leave the floor as Kyle started carrying her bridal style.

“What the hell are you doing?” She asked, she could have walked to the car. Maybe.

“I know you hate anything with a heel, except boots.” He smirked and then chuckled as he heard his big sister mumble something about ‘damn mind reader’ and ‘slap that stupid smirk off his face.’ He knew she hated getting help, but tuff.

Kyle carried Liz all the way to the car before easily sliding her in as he’d left the convertible top down. After getting in the car and starting the engine, he starting the journey to his house.
Neither of them noticed Max and Tess sitting in the same seats as before, having just talked about their kiss. Max told her that he was in love with Liz and that wasn’t going to change and Tess admitted to having feeling for Kyle. After that they’d just sat a really talked for the first time in ages. When Kyle and Liz had come out of the hall, Max was about to ask them if they were leaving when Kyle had picked Liz up, causing her to say something to him, Kyle then replyed and laughed before Liz relaxed into Kyle’s embrace. Max and Tess then sat there for twenty minutes, neither noticing Alex nor Maria sneaking off; the two were in shock of what they’d seen. Tees then stood up and asked if Max wanted to head back to hers to drown their sorrows in a film. He accepted and the two started heading the Valenti’s, each silently praying they wouldn’t walk in on anything between Kyle and Liz.

Within the twenty minutes Max and Tess had sat there and the five minute drive home, Liz and Kyle had been informed of everything; Tinga being taken, Zack and Max going in to rescue her, Tinga being dead, Max being taken by Lydecker and now how they were needed to help him, their brother Krit, sister Syl and a friend of Max’s, Logan Cale, get Max back.
Zack had already started heading back to Seattle, now Liz and Kyle were preparing to leave. Liz was in Kyle’s room changing into the spare clothes she kept there and had lifted the emergency bag with clothes, money, guns and a spare key that she also kept there.

“Liz, do you know where my-” She heard her brother stop abruptly, thinking something was wrong she rushed out of the room, only to stop at the sight of Max and Tess standing in the living room and Kyle standing in the joining kitchen in nothing but his boxers. She felt everybody’s eyes on her and then she realized that; 1) she didn’t have a top on so her purple ‘ooh la la’ demi bra was on show and 2) that the trousers she had on were leather and tight, not something she would wear in Roswell. Everyone stood in silence as tension filled the room.

“Awkward.” Liz stated, out the corner of her eye she could see Kyle smirking. “Well, this has been fun but I need to get dressed, coming Kyle?” Turning she heard two gasps and she cursed silently. She’d pulled her hair into a bun when getting changed so her barcode was in full view, plus with no top on and low riding trousers the tattoo of twelve stars, scattered across the bottom of her back, each of them with an initial in it for a brother or sister in the escape was visible. She’d gotten it in L.A. and Kyle had gotten a crucifix over his heart, also visible. They hadn’t told any of the Pod Squad about because they really didn’t feel the need.
Pretending she didn’t hear them, she kept on walking and was thankful when Kyle stepped behind her and followed.

After pulling on a black Chinese-style top, she took down her hair, put on some more make-up and put on her knee high boots with a 4” heel. She took her automatic 9mm and placed in the back of her trousers and put the dagger she always carried into the special pouch inside the arm of her black leather bomber jacket that she was wearing. Kyle got dressed and then threw their three bags out the window, because they didn’t want to draw suspicion from the pair in the living room.

Fifteen minutes later they had walked to the Crashdown to get their motorcycles, which the kept in the Parkers garage. When Liz lifted the large door, she and Kyle were shocked to find her parents, Jim, Maria and Alex all standing on the other side.

“What are you guys doing?” She asked stunned.

“Maria saw Zack and figured something was up.” Alex smiled.

“We were going to call when we stopped for gas.” Kyle explained.

After getting their bikes out, Kyle and Liz said their goodbyes. Maria and Alex stood back as Liz hugged her parents; pulling away she walked over to them.

“Come back to us soon. Love you.” Alex hugged her and gave her kiss on the head.

“I will, love you too.” She replied. He then walked over to Kyle.

“Please don’t cry ‘Ria.” Liz pleaded as she wiped away her best friend’s tears.

Maria apologized and then pulled the X5 into a tight hug.

“Maria, this isn’t goodbye. I’m going to be back, especially now you have these.” Liz took off her old dog tags from Manticore and placed the chain around Maria’s neck. “I want them back so don’t loose them. I love you girl.”

“I’ll never take them off. I love you Chica.” The girls embraced one last time before Liz walked over to her bike, put on her red tinted sunglasses and mounted her bike. As she revved the engine she saw Kyle following her actions, and with one last glance her family, she kicked off and the siblings started their journey towards Seattle – to rescue Max.


A/N: So do you like it? Should I continue? I know it’s really long, but if I continue I don’t think the next part will be all that long.

A/N2: Here are pictures;

Liz’s bike…. http://www.motorsports-network.com/kawa ... 14red2.jpg

Kyle’s bike…. http://www.worldofstock.com/slides/TRO1925.jpg
Last edited by LizNdAlec4eva on Fri Jan 23, 2009 4:30 pm, edited 25 times in total.

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Re: A Prom Interrupted (ADULT, UC, DA XO) PRO-22/2

Post by LizNdAlec4eva »

Hey guys, here’s the new part, glad you like it so far!! Like I said, this part is a lot shorter, sorry. :(

Part 1

Liz and Kyle arrived in Seattle later on the next day; they had only made a few stops for gas, food and the toilet. Zack had text them a few hours ago to tell them where to go and that there was a surprise.
As they drove through the streets they quickly found the abandoned warehouse that Zack had told them to go to. Liz roared in on her bike and came to a stop just a few inches from a guy who had dark blonde hair, was wearing glasses and looked like someone she recognised, she knew it wasn’t Krit though as it wasn’t that type of recognition. As soon as she was off her bike someone that smelt like vanilla and leather engulfed her in a hug. Max, she’d always smelt like vanilla for some reason. Now she was confused, they were supposed to be rescuing her tonight.

“Max, what-” She stopped as she saw the one person she hated. Donald Lydecker. Before anyone could catch her she had blurred over to him and hit him. Hard. Blood seeped out of the wound above his eye and she almost smiled, tit-for-tat, he was the one who gave her the scar above her right eye, now he had one to match.

“X5-353, you always were the one to lash out with your fist’s, much like your C.O. Zack.” He stated smugly as he wiped some of the blood off.

“Does someone want to tell me what the hell is going on?” Liz asked as she tried her hardest to ignore what ‘daddy’ had just said.

“Well baby sister, Max managed to get away and Deck over there agreed to help us take down Manticore once and for all.” Krit said as he and Syl walked over to her and Kyle and gave them a hug.

“Tell us more” Kyle smirked.

Fifteen minutes later, Liz and Kyle had been told the whole story and as they looked at each other, they already knew what they were going to do.

“Count me in.” They said in unison. Liz felt Krit swing his arm around her neck as he directed her towards a map of Manticore.

Liz watched as her brothers and sisters went over the plan again. She knew they didn’t have to, but they wanted to make sure that they were prepared for their first mission in years. She’d gone outside to call her parents and Jim, they were worried about the new mission but understood why they were doing it. She said that she would see them all soon, but something deep inside her was telling her that she wouldn’t.

“You ok?” Logan asked, she hadn’t actually talked to him yet but had over-heard Max talking to him earlier.

“Yeah, it’s just weird us all being together again. I’m Liz by the way.” She introduced herself.

“I’m Logan Cale. I’m also Eyes Only.” Logan returned.

“So that’s where I recognise you from, I shoulda noticed the eyes but I didn’t, guess I’m just to focused on taking our ‘home sweet home’ down!” She said sarcastically.

They made small talk for a few minutes before Liz went over to Kyle and took him over to one side.

“What’s up?” He asked.

“Ok, I need to get this out, when we go in we both know that there’s a very big chance that we might not get out. And if it’s me that doesn’t get out, I want you to go back to Roswell ok? I want you to have a normal life, the life that we’ve built for the last 10 years.” Liz could tell that he was going to protest so before he could speak she continued. “ And if it’s you that gets captured I will do the same thing ok? Kyle don’t say anything to Zack or Max, but I have a really bad feeling about the mission, and I know we were taught to trust our instincts but this is probably the only chance we’ll ever get to take down Manticore without another one of us dying.”

“Alright.” Kyle would do what his sister told him if it was what she wanted. After giving her a hug, he pulled her towards the table that their brothers, sisters, Logan and Lydecker all stood around. They all stood in silence, when suddenly Liz grabbed the gun in the back of her trousers and shot towards the crow perched on the windowsill. She hit her target and they all watched as the bird fell backwards and out of sight. Turning around she felt everyone eye’s on her, she just shrugged in response. That instinct telling her that something was going to go wrong was starting to bug her. She rolled her neck and shoulders, trying to shake some of the tension away. It didn't work.


My Numb3rs xo fic. Coming Soon!
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Re: A Prom Interrupted (ADULT, UC, DA XO) PRT1-2/23

Post by LizNdAlec4eva »

A/N: Hey guys, you’re in luck, here’s another new part. I’m using my sisters’ laptop which is a lot handier, so I’m getting more parts done quicker. Hope you like it, well you probably will it you like the DA episode And Jesus Brought A Casserole because I’ve borrowed a lot of quotes from that. Sshh!!

Jensen Lover 37 – Glad you like it so far!
Touch of the wind – I’ve missed that part out, but it will be revealed later on what they thought.
garcia88 – Glad you like it so far! Read to see if anyone dies. ;)
SnowyOwl-17 – Glad you like it, read on to see what happens.
Maiqu – That will be revealed in this chapter.
Ansleyrocks – Glad you like it so far!
KiaraAlexisKlay – There definitely will be an Alec/Liz part, just for you. I would love to read your version of Liz and Kyle as X5’s. Glad you like it, and my Biggs is going to be very similar to Kyle, yet so different in ways.
pandas2001 – Glad you like it so far!
Womanofmystery – Read and find out! The Pod Squad are going to find out, I’m trying to figure out how and when though.
tinie38 – Glad you like it, read to find out.
jamy21 – Yeah, we do talk a lot. Glad you like it and I hope you like the new part.

P.S. I’m rather cruel at the end, it’s a cliffe. Sorry, you’ll just have to read the next part to find out what happens!! ;)

Part 2

Liz groaned as Lydecker started to walk over to her. She’d just gotten changed into her grey combat trousers and t-shirt matched with combat boots. She’d pulled her hair up into two French plaits, so it wasn’t in her face. She was now sitting at the table by herself as Zack and the other boys went off to get changed, Syl was checking the weapons and Max had disappeared with Logan somewhere.

“What?” Yeah, he was helping them, but that didn’t mean she had to be nice to him. He was the one who shot Eva dead.

“You always were the one who stuck out from the rest Liz, even from a young age you were more protective and dangerous than the others. I remember one time, you were about 4 and Zack was 10 and he was being taken away for punishment and you took out 5 armed guards be yourself. I think that was the day I knew you were going to be the most dangerous one of all X5’s.” Liz finally looked up, she remembered that day too. She glanced at Lydecker and was revolted at the pride shining in his eyes. Her body filled with anger.

Grabbing him around the neck: “Don’t you ever look at me like that again. Ever. Max is the one against guns remember, but then again I think it would be more fun killing you with my own two hands rather than just pulling a trigger. Mind you if I did use a gun, it would be like you KILLING EVA.” She started quietly but was practically shouting by the time she’d finished speaking. Lydecker just nodded and Liz reluctantly let go of his neck, letting him breathe again.

“You have no idea how much I reg-” He started, but Liz had already started shutting herself down, going into ‘Soldier Mode’ and had walked away leaving him staring after her.

Shortly, the X5’s and Lydecker were standing outside the Animal Control Van that the Africans’ were using as cover to track Max, they were only a few miles from Manticore and now the only though travelling through Liz’s head were about her mission, when she had shut down she’d also pushed her bad feelings and her instinct telling her not to do it. Logan was still inside because he was trying to break into Manticores security system, using the African’s technology. Zack, once again had the map of The Base out in front of them going over their plan one last time. Jeez, you’d think they were rookies the way he was drilling it into them!

“Syl and Krit will proceed via service corridor 4 alpha to the main and auxiliary generators and set charges. Max and I will take the basement to the east air shaft and proceed to the DNA lab. Liz and Kyle will travel through the air vents and get into Madam X’s Office, checking for any useful or valuable information regarding any of the X series and set charges. At 0430 we set charges. By 0440 the firing sequence will commence.”

“We’ll detonate the charges from here.” Lydecker stated.

“I’m in, now that I’ve gained access to the main surveillance system, I’ll be able to through in a loop. So we’ll be able to see and hear you out here but their cameras won’t. This way, we’ll be able to alert you of any trouble.” Logan said as he turned in the chair he was sitting in, before he faced the computers again his gaze seemed to linger on Max almost as if he wanted to say something to her.

Zack continued, almost as if he didn’t hear Logan speak. “At 0448, we rendezvous here. Any questions?”

Liz asked the one question that had been on her mind all night. “What if we have a run in with Brin?” All eyes flew to her and she resisted the urge to squirm under their intense gazes.

“She’ll kill you without a second thought. She isn’t the same sister you knew, she’d dead and the soldier in her is back.” Lydecker answered, looking each of them in the eye as to make sure they got his point. At this, Liz felt like she was 5 years old again and they were getting taught a new ‘lesson’.

“No, she’s not, she’s alive and that means we still have a chance to get her back.” Liz thanked the Blue Lady at Max’s stubbornness.

Lydecker went into his pocket and brought out a tub, handing it to Zack he told them that it was their clearance to the labs. Zack stood up straight and ordered out the words that Liz had been waiting for all night.

“You know what to do, MOVE OUT.”

Liz saw Max linger behind and speak to Logan, now usually she would’ve listened in but she felt they deserved a little privacy. After a couple of minutes of jogging through the woods, they all stood at the top of a hill, looking down at the one place they would normally rather die than return to. Liz’s mind went blank as a flashback came to her.

Liz and the rest of her unit all dressed in combats, standing in a perfect line, they all had rifles and a guard was pacing in front of them. He was yelling about how they acted that day in training.

Turning to her brother and sisters, she did a small salute and stated.

“This is for Tinga.” They all nodded and then started down the hill. Syl and Krit went over first and then headed in the direction they were meant to go. Max and Zack then repeated those actions. Liz and Kyle were last, jumping over the 8ft fence she landed in a crouch before looking over at Kyle. They both stood and headed for the side of the building, where there was a cover to get into the vents.
After getting the cover of they were soon crawling through the air vents, pausing for a second Liz looked through a cover they had reached. It was a training room, thin padded mats spread out on the floor, taking Liz into another flashback.

Liz and Eva practising the hand-to-hand moves they had learnt that day, against each other. Noticing she had her big sister at a weak point she went down low and swept Eva’s feet right out from under her. Jumping up and back into fighting position, she saw Lydecker standing in the doorway, sipping from a cup as he stared at her.

“Hey, Lizzie you ok?” Kyle asked, breaking her from her thoughts. They started moving again and within minutes they were jumping from the vents down into Madam X’s Office.
They immediately started going through her things, until Kyle found a few discs. Liz also found a disc as well as a few files, after handing them to Kyle she went over to the computer to see if that had anything useful on it.
They were startled when an alarm started blaring, they could hear Logan telling them they had company on the way and to hurry back. Forgetting the charges, they through their bags up into the vents. Kyle got safely up and into the vent and just as she was about to join him, she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her chest. She saw Kyle eyes travel down to her chest and get wide, looking down she saw the blood start to soak her t-shirt.
Looking back at Kyle she mouthed the words ‘go’ and ‘remember your promise’. She saw him start to protest, and she could hear her brothers and sisters over the com link telling them that they had arrived safely back at the van. When she looked back at the vent she saw that Kyle had gone.
Knowing they were safe and when she heard Kyle say that his E.T.A was only a couple of minutes away that was all she needed to hear and she fell to the ground, letting the pain and the blackness take over. The last thing she heard was Maxie’s voice in her ear shouting her name.

My Numb3rs xo fic. Coming Soon!
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Re: A Prom Interrupted (ADULT, UC, DA XO) PRT2..2/27

Post by LizNdAlec4eva »

Hey guys, glad you like the new part. Thanks for all the feedback. Here’s another part for you.

pandas2001 – Here’s more for you!
tinie38 – Here’s the new part!
garcia88 – Here’s the new part, glad you like it.
SnowyOwl17 – Here is the new part.
Ansleyrocks – Glad you like it so much. Here’s the new part.
Jensen Lover 37 – Glad you like it so far!!
jamy21 – Glad you like it so far!
vampyrolover86 – Here’s the new part, hope you like it.
aussietrueblue – Glad you like it.
Mel 1307 – Don’t hate me! :D Here’s the new chapter.
Touch of the wind – Alec and Liz are going to have a steamy moment in the next chapter, but after that they are going to have a best friend’s relationship.
KiaraAlexisKlay – Glad you like the new update. I was just thinking about pairing Zack up with Maxie as they match better and there will be a part concerning Kyle’s feelings in the new chapter. Hope you like it.
Egyptian_Kiss – Glad you like it so far!
LizMichael 4 Ever – Please don’t hate me!! :) Hope you like the new part.

Part 3

Kyle pulled up just across the street from The Crashdown, it had been two days since they had attempted to take down Manticore, they had failed and one of their own had been re-captured. He didn’t want to believe that his big sister, the only X5 that he had had constant contact with since the escape was dead. When he had seen the blood of her top, covering more and more of the cotton material he knew that she wouldn’t make it out. Kyle had ran back to the van without running into any trouble and after telling the others that Lizzie was K.I.A, he had been alerted that the DNA lab had been successfully taken down.
Not wanting to stick around, Logan had driven them back to the warehouse. They had all stood for 5 minutes in silence as a tribute to Liz. After that he’d gone to get gas, food and had showered quickly at Logan’s before getting back on the road. He had wanted to get back to Roswell as soon as he could so that he could tell everyone there that his sister was dead.

Kyle watched as Maria walked over to the counter where his dad, Nancy and Jeff were standing. They exchanged a few words before she walked back over to the booth that contained Isabel, Alex, Michael, Max and Tess. He pretended not to notice how his eyes stayed on Tess longer than they did for everyone else. Taking off his sunglasses, he got off his bike as he slide them into the inside pocket of his jacket. Sighing, he started walking to the doors of the café.
He walked in, listening to the familiar sound of the bell above the door that alerted them to someone entering. He felt everyone’s eyes on his as he stood silently. Looking towards the parents, he saw the question in their eyes and he knew if he looked at Maria and Alex he would see it in theirs as well. Where’s Liz? Shaking his head, he hoped he didn’t have to explain everything right that moment. Nancy was the first to click, her eyes filled with tears as she tried to hold in the sobs threatening to escape. The guys all caught on next; Jim hung his head as Jeff embraced his wife and Alex done the same to Maria, who was starting to sob violently, shaking her head in denial. She didn’t want to believe that her best friend was dead, she couldn’t believe. Alex rocked her back and forth in his arms as tears fell from his eyes, not bothering to wipe them away as he grieved the loss one his best friend.

The four aliens sit confused as Maria broke down in Alex’s embrace. The two had been kid of on edge for the last few days, since Liz and Kyle had vanished. The aliens had asked them where they were and were told that the two had gone to visit some of Liz’s family. Max and Michael could tell that Maria was lying but the girls seemed to buy it. But now sitting here listening to the sobs coming from Nancy and Maria they started to think that something else was going on and as they all looked at each other, they silently agreed to find out what was going on.


Liz’s eye’s fluttered open slowly as they adjusted to the sudden light. Looking around her room, she thought that Manticore really needed to get some hints that there were other colours out there, not just white. As she scanned the room, she looked in disgust as she finally spotted a woman, with short blonde hair and cold blue eyes, watching her with a smirk on her face.

“Who the hell are you?” She demanded, trying to get up. She was stopped by the restraints round her wrists and ankles, and by the pain that went through her chest when she moved.

“I’m Madame Renfro and be careful you’ll pull a stitch. You had a heart transplant, you were given a fellow X5’s heart that died on a mission. But don’t worry now, your home.” Renfro said as she pretended to care. All she wanted was the X5 to heal and then be reintroduced to her Manticore.

Liz lay there, in shock. Renfro turned and walked out, here heels clicking on the floors as she disappeared up the corridor.

Liz knew that her thoughts should be more productive, but all she could think about was the irony of the situation.

A/N: Sorry it's so short! Next part will be longer promise.

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Re: A Prom Interrupted (ADULT, UC, DA XO) PRT3...3/5

Post by LizNdAlec4eva »

Hey guys, sorry I’ve not updated as often as a few weeks ago. I’ve been ill, so has my sister and I’ve been loaded down with school work. Thanks for all the feedback, it really makes me keep on writing.

Jensen Lover 37
Touch of the Wind

Hope you like the new part!

Part 4

Over the next few weeks in Roswell Maria, Alex, Kyle and the parents all mourned the loss of Liz, they told the school she had transferred but she didn’t need her files to be sent, they were suspicious but didn’t say anything about it. The Pod Squad were another thing, they didn’t buy it as they had all been there when Kyle had crypticly told them something was wrong and they had witnessed the breakdowns. They wanted to know what had happened and had even broken into Liz’s room in an attept to find something that would tell them the truth, but had found nothing and since none of them knew where she kept her diary since it had been taken, by Michael, they couldn’t read that. But they did overhear a conversation taking place between Mr. Parker and Kyle.

Isabel had just finished going through Liz’s bedside cabinet when she heard the two voices belonging to Mr. Parker and Kyle. She waved her arms frantically, getting the attention of the others and mouthed the word ‘listen’ to them as she pointed to the door. Max, Tess and Michael joined her, all silent as they eavesdropped on the conversation.

“So how’s Nancy?” Kyle voice could be heard, they were all shocked at him calling her by her first name, and they had only heard him call her Mrs. Parker.

“She’s not doing too well. It’s hit her harder than me and I guess that’s because I always knew there was a chance that Liz could end up being captured or killed and I think in some way Nancy forgot that her little girl wasn’t exactly normal. I still can’t believe she’s gone though Kyle, I keep on expecting her to walk through the door, complaining about school and how she didn’t see why she had to go since she already knew everything she was being taught.” Mr. Parker’s voice was heard next. Max and the others were confused, Liz wasn’t normal? What could she have been caught by?

Before they could get lost in their thoughts Kyle’s voice filtered through the wood. “I know what you mean, I keep thinking that it happened to someone else, that she’s alive out there somewhere. But Jeff, I saw her die, I saw the blood and I heard the guards pronounce her dead.”

Max felt his heart stop, Liz, his Liz was dead? And Kyle was there, he knew all about this, he saw her die?! He felt Isabel and Tess’s gaze’s burning into him sympathetically as he felt Michaels hand on his arm, halting the steps towards the door he hadn’t even realized he’d taken.

Once they’d figured that they weren’t going to hear anymore, they had left, Max grieved for the next two weeks and he knew that Maria and Kyle thought he was crazy since he wasn’t supposed to know about Liz’s death but he didn’t care. His other half, his soul mate, the one person he lived for was dead and there was nothing he could do about it.

Maria and Alex grew closer because of their best friend’s death. They started getting back that closeness that they hadn’t had since before they had gotten involved with the aliens and two weeks after they found out Liz was dead they had gone out to the desert with Kyle and had set go of a balloon with Liz’s name on it. It was their way of saying goodbye to the girl that had been such a large part of their lives for many years.

At Manticore

Over the next few weeks, Liz was pushed to her limits; she had quickly recovered from her transplant and was shoved into training. As she was still recuperating she wasn’t allowed to spar with other X5’s but she done everything else with them, much to the others hatred. They glared at her non-stop and always made sure she was pushed to her limits, they classed her as a traitor and scum.
So far she’d been put in a glass cage for a week without food or water, had been in solitary confinement twice and had had two visits to the room that held the laser machine that forces people to forget their memories. Fortunately she’d managed to hold on to hers.

A week into her training she’d been assigned a ‘coach’ who was a fellow X5, in fact he was Ben’s twin who she’d named Alec, for the fact that he’s a smart aleck. At first they didn’t get on, he thought of her as a traitor and she considered him a brainwashed assassin who had a very large ego, but over the weeks that they trained together they got to know one another, now they were good friends. Alec had told her all about the girl he loved, Rachel, who was dead because of him and she had told him about the life she had built outside of Roswell.

Walking through the horribly white halls, Liz followed the large guard in front of her to the training room where she was scheduled to meet Alec in just a few minutes.

When she entered, she saw her cocky friend sitting on a bench on the other side of the room, she suddenly felt really hot, and noticed for the first time she noticed how gorgeous he was. She vaguely heard the guard lock the door behind her, but she didn’t hear him walk away so she figured he was just standing outside.

Alec stood up and started walking over to her with a weird look in his eyes, but before she could ask him what was wrong, his lips slammed down onto hers, cutting off her question. Liz gasped, and he took that chance to deepen the kiss, she brought her arms up, intending to push him away then kick his ass, but instead found herself wrapping them around his neck, pulling him closer. Alec placed his hands on her hips, bringing her flush against him, and he then began to grind the erection that he had developed against her heat. He moved his hands so they lay on her ass and lifted her effortlessly up his body. Liz wrapped her legs around his waist, groaning as her centre came into closer contact with his hard member. She felt Alec moving and suddenly she felt herself being roughly pushed up against the cold wall, she broke their kiss with a gasp trying to collect the needed air into her lungs and Alec started trailing kisses along her neck and then began to suck and nip at her ear lobe, making her moan.
Dragging her hands down his back, she tugged at his grey t-shirt, pulling it out of his pants. Running her hands up and down his back she revelled at the feel of his skin. Too lost in the lust and heat, the duo never heard the guard outside call for backup, they never heard the door open and never heard the guards enter. But they did feel it when they were suddenly hit with several taser guns. Liz was dropped to the ground and because of the shocks going through her body she couldn’t stand on her feet and as she lay on the ground with darkness seeping into the edges of her sight, she cursed her heat. Looking over at Alec who lay beside her in the same state, they glazed into each other’s eyes and knew that their friendship, thankfully, wouldn’t be ruined because of their horrible DNA kinks. She gave him a small smile and saw him return it before she fell unconscious.

A few hours later Liz woke in her small barrack. Sitting up in her bed she stretched her tight muscles, getting all the kinks out before swinging her legs over the edge of the bed and making her way over to the sink in the corner of the room. Splashing cold water on her face, she felt her heat return, thankfully it wasn’t as bad, and she started pacing and wondered if Alec was ok. She’d hate it if he got punished for her heat.
After a few minutes of being lost in her thoughts, Liz was startled when her door slid open and in walked the most gorgeous guy she’d ever seen. He was tall, about 6’4 or 6’5, had black hair and dark eyes that she could get lost in. Liz knew that even if she wasn’t in heat she would be attracted to him. But still she was confused at why he was there.

“Who the hell are you?” She asked as she took in his standard grey t-shirt, combat trousers and black combat boots. A look she recognised from herself and every other transgenic in Manticore.

“I’m X5-726, your breeding partner.” He announced as he stepped further into her barrack, allowing the guard outside to close and lock the door. The guard was under strict orders from Madame Renfro to make sure that the two X5’s were not disturbed, the girl was in heat and he was a genetic match for her.

“I’m sorry, you’re my what now?” Even though she was in heat and all she wanted to do was jump the guy who stood in front of her, she was NOT going to have sex with him because Renfro wanted her to.

“Breeding partner.” He pronounced it slowly, mocking her. “Since you and you fellow traitors blew up the DNA labs, they want us to create the next generation. So get undressed.” He started pulling his t-shirt out of his pants and pulled it over his head, throwing it on the bed. When he’d found out that he was partnered with the escapee, X5-353, he’d also turned around and said no to Renfro. But he knew his place, now after seeing the gorgeous X5 he was actually pleased he had been paired with her.

Shaking her head, Liz stopped staring at his chest and broke out of her fantasy of licking and sucking at his abs till he came. Feeling her temperature rise, she started walking over to the door.
“Oh hell no.” She complained.

But, before she could reach the other side of the room, she was grabbed and swung round. She collided with a hard chest, looking up she saw the her ‘breeding partner’s eyes had trained themselves to her lips and suddenly as her breathing quickened, she felt her heat hit at full force.

For the second time that day, lips came down hard on hers. This time though, she immediately kissed him back. One of her hands dug into his hair whilst the other rested on his back. His hands were everywhere, on her waist, in her hair and on her ass. His hands pulled at her t-shirt and she stretched her arms up allowing him to pull it off her, revealing her standard sports bra, keeping her arms up he then pulled off that too. His hands went straight to her breasts and she moaned at the feel of his large, warm hands cupping them. He kissed and nipped his way down her neck, over her collarbone to reach her breast. He took a nipple into his mouth sucking on it like a hungry baby as his hand pulled at the other one. He loved the way she felt against him, loved the way she tasted and smelt. Liz dug her hands into his head, holding him against her, moaning her approval she was suddenly hit with a thought.

“Wait,” She panted “do you have a name?”

“Biggs.” He stated as he switched breast, repeating his actions.

Not wanting to halt him again, she just went with it, making a mental note to ask him about it later. Her eyes rolled back into her head as she moaned out his name.

Soon Liz lay on her bed with Biggs on top of her. She still had on her bottoms, but he didn’t. She’d stripped them off him before he got on the bed. Now all he had on was a pair of black boxers. Liz placed her hands on his shoulders, groaning as he ground his erection into her. Biggs was in heaven, sure he’d been with an X5 female before, but it had never been like this, with Liz. Liz, she’d told him her name as he had pushed her onto the bed. His hands trailed along her sides and after undoing them he pulled them down and off.
As soon as he had thrown her trousers on the floor, he found himself on his back with Liz straddling him. She leant down and kissed down his neck, his body and soon reached the top of his boxers. Slowly she peeled them off revealing his hard erection that stood out from his body proudly. She stood up, loving the way Biggs seemed to groan as she left him, and slipped off her underwear and then sat back down on him, loving the way his erection rubbed up against her wet slit almost as if asking for permission. Liz sat up a bit and took a hold of his member, and slid herself onto him with one hard thrust that caused her to gasp in sheer pleasure and him growl at the feel of her; tight, wet and hot, surrounding him. Biggs sat up suddenly, making them both moan as he slid impossibly deeper into her. He buried his face in his neck, then bit into the delicate flesh he found; claiming her, marking her as his mate. Liz thrust down harder, enjoying the pain from the bite mixing with the pleasure.
They kept up the hard, fast rhythm and soon they were coming apart in each others arms. Only to start the whole routine over again and again.

For the next 36 hours the pair went undisturbed in their own little world where only they existed. Only then did they fall into a deep sleep.

So did you love it, hate it? Please let me know.

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Re: A Prom Interrupted (ADULT, UC, DA XO) PRT4....03/21

Post by LizNdAlec4eva »

Hey guys, glad you all liked the last part. Thanks for all the great feedback. Hope that you all like the new part!

Touch of the Wind
Jensen Lover 37

Part 5

Liz watched with tired eyes as two X5’s continued to try and out-smart each other in hand-to-hand. It had been two months since Biggs had come into her barrack, mocking her, ending up with the two of them sleeping together thanks to her heat. Since then they had become extremely and she had fallen for him. Hard.
When they had woken up the next morning they had actually talked about their lives and had taken the time to get to know each other. Every night after that when he had come to her they had talked for a while before giving into the passion and lust that filled them every time they were alone.
She had talked to Alec a few weeks ago, they were totally cool. In fact he had been paired up himself, with an X5 called Cece. She was a nice enough girl, blonde, tall with bright green eyes. She had told Liz last night at dinner that she thought she was pregnant, but had yet to get it confirmed. She was happy for Alec and Cece, and had proceeded to tell the blonde so. But the news of the pregnancy had kept her up all night. Liz and Biggs were mated; they had been sleeping together every night for two months. Pregnancy had only entered her mind a few times but had always been wiped away by interruptions. But now, it was the only thought that was going through her head. It had kept her up all night, she knew Biggs knew something was wrong with her, and was thankful that he was giving her time to get her head together before questioning her. She had made an appointment to go to the infirmary after lunch, which was after the sparring class that she was in right now.

Suddenly Liz felt really dizzy, and as the world began to spin, darkness began to seep into her vision. She failed the fight against it and her legs gave out beneath her as she slipped unconscious. She failed to notice everyone stop around her to stare, she failed to notice the strong arms of Biggs catch her and she failed to notice the worried expressions on Cece, Alec and Biggs’s faces as her mate got orders to take her to the infirmary. But before the guard could finish, he had already started heading inside, too worried to take in anything apart from the girl he loves unconscious in his arms.

When Liz woke up a few hours later, it was just herself and who she assumed was the Doctor in the room. Groaning, she sat up on the uncomfortable infirmary bed that she lay on, at that she gained the attention of the Doc. He was about 40, had salt and pepper hair with light brown eyes that were covered with a pair of glasses.

“353, you’re awake.” He commented as he walked over to her. “I took some blood whilst you were out and I have the results right here.” He paused, allowing Liz to fully get her mind together before continuing. “It seems you’ve been successful in the breeding programme. You’re pregnant.”

Liz sat there, stunned. Sure, for the last two months there had always been the possibility of pregnancy, but now it had been confirmed it seemed too real. She didn’t have time to get lost in her thoughts as the Doc, whose name badge said that he was called Dr. Hamilton, continued talking.

“So, if you come back tomorrow then we’ll do an ultrasound to make sure everything is healthy and then I’ll write up a report for Madam Renfro.” With that said he shouted for the guard to escort her to her barrack.

When she stepped though the door she was shocked to see Biggs sitting on her bed with a worried expression on his face. When he saw her he immediately stood up and asked her if she was ok. Liz sighed and walked over to him, pushed him back down on to her bed and straddled his thighs, settling herself on his lap before starting to talk.

“I’m fine, but” Biggs’s hands came up to rest on the small of her back and started stroking the skin that was shown, where her top had ridden up. “I’m pregnant.”

Before she could stop him, Biggs had stood up forcing her to wrap her arms and legs around him to prevent her from falling to the ground, she also felt his hands move down to cup her butt to give her extra support.
Biggs looked into Liz’s eyes and felt shocked, concerned and worried. Over the last two months he had developed something for this gorgeous brunette that he had never felt before. Love. And although they were stuck in this hell-hole and were only together because of Renfro, he was truly happy about the baby. His gaze slid down Liz’s body and stopped at her belly that was still flat, he couldn’t wait until it was rounded because of their child. A smile slipped onto his face as he though about what their baby would look like.

Liz had never felt as relieved as when she saw the heart-melting smile grow on her mates face. She tightened her arms around his neck and she laid her head on his shoulder. But before she let sleep claim her she told him the thought that had been in her mind since she had found out she was pregnant.

“I don’t want to have my baby in here.”


Please let me know what you think, like or hate it. Please tell me!

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Re: A Prom Interrupted (ADULT, UC, DA XO) PRT5....09/4

Post by LizNdAlec4eva »

Hey guys, here’s another new part! I’m trying to get out as many as I can as I’m going to be busy in school in a couple of weeks and probably won’t have much time to write. Anyway, hope you guys like the new part please let me know!!!!

Jensen Lover 37
LizMichael 4 Ever

Part 6

Liz lay on her tiny bed in her barrack, silently thinking about what had happened that day. She had done some training that morning, and then had gone to see Dr. Hamilton. He had run some tests and done the ultrasound which had let them know that she was just about two months pregnant and that everything was nice and healthy so far. She knew that Renfro knew by now as when she had left the infirmary; she had seen him start on the report that would no doubt be on her desk by the end of the night.

Last night after telling Biggs that she didn’t want to have her baby in this hellhole, he hadn’t left her side all night. When she had woke up that morning, he had told her that she was right and that anything that was on the other side of the fence had to be better than anything in here, that was when he had reminded her that he hadn’t ever lived on the outside for anything other than assassinations, something that had made her heart clench.
Liz decided to focus her mind on other things, like how the hell were they going to escape. Sure her and her unit had done it when they were little, but now security was a lot tighter and there were X7’s in the perimeter, that wouldn’t hesitate a second before killing them.

Biggs entered Liz’s small barrack and smiled at the sight in front of him; Liz lay on her bed still lost in her thoughts with one foot on the floor whilst her other leg was bent at the knee, foot up on the bed and her left hand was under her head, but it was where her right hand that really got to him. It was sitting gently on her stomach, her thumb rubbing softly over where their baby was growing right that moment.
He had just spoken to Alec and they had caught up with everything that had happened over the last few days. Turns out Cece wasn’t pregnant, it had just been a scare. Biggs had told him that he and Liz were expecting and that they wanted out of Manticore as soon as possible. Over the next hour the two had discussed that Alec would use his scams and contacts to get a riot going one night, then they would get out, travel the 3 clicks to the nearest town and stay there for the night before making their way into Seattle where the guys knew Liz’s sister Max lives. Then they would decide what to do, Biggs knew deep down that Liz and himself would be heading to Roswell, as not only was Kyle there but Liz’s ‘parents’ and friends who she had to see.

Biggs looked down at his gorgeous mate, the mother of his unborn child. He had never felt this way about anyone before, the way she made his whole day brighter just from a smile, the way her kisses made his heart beat that bit faster and the way their bodies fit together like jigsaw pieces – he knew he was in love. Kneeling down, he moved so he was only a few millimetres away from her ear and whispered his thoughts.

“I love you.”

Liz’s head turned slowly towards him as her eye’s fluttered open, a smile lit up her face.

“I love you too.” She replied, her words reflected in her beautiful brown eyes.

A few minutes later Biggs found himself lying on the bed with Liz curled up into him. Taking a deep breath he proceeded to tell her all about his chat with Alec.
After he had finished, Liz was silent for a moment before sitting up a bit to leant her arm on his chest to support her.

“So Cece and Alec are coming with us?” She asked happily, the two had become like siblings to her.

“Yes, and don’t you two worry about this whole thing ok? Us guys are going to deal with it, you just be ready to run.” Biggs told her, worry was the last thing she needed right now, it wasn’t good for her or the baby.

“Even though that sounds sexist, it was sweet in a way.” She smiled at his concern.

Snuggling down into the warm body beside her, Liz smiled to herself as she felt Biggs’s hand come down to cover her own placed over her stomach both of them creating a shield of protection for the life grown within her.


I know its short, but the next part will be longer as we check up on Roswell and see how the escape is coming along.

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Re: A Prom Interrupted (ADULT, UC, DA XO) A/N...5/8

Post by LizNdAlec4eva »

Hey guys, sorry it’s taken so long to get this part up. I finally found my USB stick but this part wasn’t complete. Hope you like this new part and I’ll try to update again sooner, rather than later.


Biggs hurried down the usually quiet halls, which were now filled with other transgenics, rushing around bewildered and alert. Making his way to Liz’s barracks he felt his heart begin to beat that bit faster. Tonight was the night of their escape.
His mate was now almost 4 months pregnant and apart from the softly rounded bump on her stomach you could hardly tell, well that and the fact that her breast’s had gone up a few sizes much to his pleasure. He growled out loud, though, when he thought about the other transgenic males who had dared to stare at them, but they did get the point that they weren’t allowed to when Biggs had beaten one of them quite badly, he had noticed that ever since Liz had found out she was pregnant, that he was even more protective than he was beforehand.

He sped up a bit as he began to smell smoke, and knew that Alec had completed the second to last part of their escape plan. TAKING DOWN MANTICORE. Finally arriving, he slide the metal door open and was happy to see that Liz had gotten dressed and was practically climbing the walls with excitement. He had told her to stay here so that he didn’t lose her. His eyes travelled over her body, automatically stopping on the small bump on her stomach, he still couldn’t believe that he and Liz were going to be parents in a few months. He was scared, terrified actually, but in a good way that made him feel hope for the future.

Liz stopped the manic pacing she had been doing for the last half an hour and looked at Biggs, he was looking at her baby bump. Again, she thought as she walked over to him and took his hand. He looked down at her and pulled her in the direction of the door and towards their exit.

After travelling through lots of small, deserted, and silent corridors and crawling though an air vent, which was something Liz found more difficult than she had 5 months back when her and Kyle had broken into the same building she was now breaking out of. Oh the irony, she thought with a small smirk planted on her face.

The two ran for about three miles after successfully making it out of the vent and over the fence. Smiling, Liz recognised the faces of Alec and Cece waiting for them at a large tree. After embracing the transgenics, she stood back and watched as Alec slid easily into his leader mode and motioned with his hands what he wanted to do. Nodding she went over to Biggs’ side and waved to her fellow X5’s as Liz and her mate set off North East and the other set off North West. Alec’s plan was that they would split up, and travel 2 clicks before heading back inwards where the four would meet up again before heading into the town nearby.

“You okay?” Biggs asked as the couple made their way through the woods, keeping their eyes and ears open for any dangers nearby. Not far off they could hear the chaos still going on in Manticore and could smell the fire as it spread and took over the large building.

“Yeah, I’m just……..I’m scared Biggs.” Liz admitted as she felt her adrenalin rush ware off.

“Of what?” He asked concerned, he thought she would’ve been excited to be out in the world again, able to be reunited with her family.

“This.” She gestured around them before tucking a strand of hair, that was now almost brushing against the small of her back, behind her ear and licking her lips as she figured out how to explain fully to her mate what she was feeling. “I’ve been away for almost 6 months Biggs, everyone probably thinks I’m dead. God! Kyle saw me get shot, he knows that I was injured. What’s everyone going to say when I turn up, not only alive and well but with my friends and mate and PREGNANT! I’m scared that they won’t accept me again, that they won’t believe it’s me or that I’m reindocrinated and there to take Kyle back.”

Biggs stopped walking, shocked at how the woman he loved felt. “Liz, they love you whether you’re pregnant or not. Kyle will know as soon as he see’s you that you’re still you. If not, well then me and Alec might have to just rough him up a bit.”
He took her in his arms and stroked up and down her back feeling her baby bump press into his stomach softly as he comforted her. Biggs let a small smile slip onto his face when he heard her laugh quietly into his shoulder, happy that he had lifted her spirit’s a bit. Pulling back, he took her hand and entwined their fingers together as they started walking again both of their thoughts filled with hopes of the future yet their concentration still fully on the dangerous surroundings around them.


A/N: Sorry it's so short, I honestly thought that this part was longer. Planning the next part to be quite long, so that should make up for it! Please let me know what you think of this new chapter. :)

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Re: A Prom Interrupted (ADULT, UC, DA XO) Prt7....5/21

Post by LizNdAlec4eva »

b]Hey guys, I had hoped to update sooner than this but my muse has been stuck on two other fics - a OTH xo and a Smallville/DA xo, one of which I plan on posting soon, I just have no idea which. Plus, lately I’ve been craving a lot of CSI: NY for some strange reason (Danny Messer is so hot!). Well, hope you like my new part. Feedback ,as always, is welcome and appreciated.[/b]

Part 8

Three hours later, Liz was getting out of the shower in the motel room that her and Biggs were sharing. Alec and Biggs had both pulled out over 500 bucks, from scams, when they had finally reached the town. Thankfully it was well developed and had a clothes and food shop so they could get thinks that they needed. The foursome had received a lot of weird looks from the town’s people, obviously wondering about their clothing and the dirt on them.

Wrapping a towel around her body, she tucked it in under her arm to stop it falling off of her. Opening the door, she walked out into the bedroom where a topless Biggs had sprawled himself out on the double bed watching TV. As she entered, he gazed left the screen to watch her as she went about drying herself and getting ready for bed.
Now dressed in a pair of shorts and a tank top, that cut off at her belly button, showing off her growing bump, Liz walked over to her mate and climbed into the bed with him, cuddling up against him and felt his arms wrap tightly around her as he placed a kiss on the top of her head.

“You look good in normal clothes.” Biggs said into the silent room after a few minutes, drawing Liz’s attention to the fact that all he had ever seen her dressed in was the standard issue clothing that Manticore provided.

“Thanks, I guess.” She chuckled in response, groaning when her bed partner moved from their embrace and after giving her a quick kiss, making her smile Biggs told her that he was heading for a shower before they catch a few hours sleep.

Liz and Alec had decided that it wasn’t a smart idea to stick so close to Manticore for so long, and had created a plan to eat, wash and catch some sleep in the small town before finding some way to get to Seattle.

Getting under the thick covers, Liz snuggled down into bed, hoping to stay awake to say goodnight to Biggs. But before long she was lulled to sleep by the sounds of the shower and the TV with one hand resting protectively over her bump, dreaming dreams of her unborn child with Biggs’ eyes and smile but her mothers hair, brain and personality.


Hey guys, I know it’s short but the next part is when the gang arrive in Seattle. How will Max react to seeing her baby sister, not only alive but mated and pregnant? There also might be a bit about the Roswell gang, catching up with them.

My Numb3rs xo fic. Coming Soon!
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Re: A Prom Interrupted (ADULT, UC, DA XO) Prt9...7/17

Post by LizNdAlec4eva »

Hey guys, sorry, it took me so long to update - RL has been kicking my butt! Glad you like the last part, thanks for all the wonderful feedback once again!

Part 9

The next day Liz, Biggs, Alec and Cece all wandered through the streets of Seattle trying to find Jam Pony. Dressed in a pair of black combat trousers, a red tank-top, a denim jacket and her combat boots Liz finally saw the place she had been looking for, for almost 4 hours. Pulling on Biggs’ hand she started for the building, walking in she looked around trying to spot her big sister Maxie. Frowning, she didn’t see the woman’s curly hair or bright smile anywhere and decided to ask if anyone had seen her. Letting go of her boyfriend’s hand. She walked over a woman, who looked about 22 and was African-American with hair that was in tight curls.

“Hey, do you know where I can find Max?” The pregnant transgenic asked the woman.

“Yes, she’s out on a run. Who are you?” The woman asked suspiciously, she was obviously close with her big sis.

“I’m her sister, Liz and you are?” Liz replied with a raised eyebrow.

“Original Cindy, Max told me about you. I thought you died.” Original Cindy stated with a small smile as she realised this was the baby sister Max had told her all about.

“I did, but then I was taken for a transplant.” Looking over at Biggs, she saw him watching her from where he stood, a protective and possessive look on his gorgeous face. Since they had gotten into the outside world, his primal instincts had kicked in which meant that he didn’t like being away from Liz or their baby. Smiling at him, he started walking over to them and wrapped his arms around her waist from behind, laying his hands over her bump. Turning back to Original Cindy, she asked the woman if she knew when Maxie would be back.

“I have no idea Hot Mama,” She answered after finally noticing her expanded belly for the first time. “but I’m supposed to meet her and some friends for lunch in 10 minutes, you’re more than welcome to join us.”

Liz shook her head in answer and waved at Alec and Cece to come over from where they’d been talking to some other workers. Telling them the plan, they agreed with Liz and Original Cindy to go to lunch.
After that, the five of them all headed out following Original Cindy to a bar called ‘Crash’ where they were all meeting up.

Walking into the bar, Liz immediately spotted her big sister sitting at a table with two other men, her back facing away allowing Liz to see that the once shoulder length curls had grown out and was now longer and straight.
Stepping up behind Max, Liz placed her hands over her big sister’s eyes and whispered in her ear.

“Guess who Maxie.”

She could feel Max’s eye’s widen under her hands and before she knew it, her big sister had stood up and taken her in the tightest hug she’d had in a while.

“How are…………How did……………You’re…………” Max stammered, unable to form proper sentences through the shock of seeing the baby sister she thought was dead.

Biggs placed a hand of the small of her back, guiding her to the spare seat round the table. Getting comfortable, she noticed the two other men staring at her.

“I’m Liz, Max’s sister.” She leant forward, introducing herself to them.

“I’m Sketchy and you’re not Liz, you’re gorgeous.” A guy with almost shoulder length hair and green eyes introduced himself.

“And she’s taken and pregnant.” Biggs stood behind her, placing his hands on her shoulders as a sign of possessiveness.

“Ignore Sketchy, I’m Herbal Thought.” An African-american man said, taking a bit out of a sandwich.

Smiling at them, Liz turned to Max who was staring at her with a funny look on her face. Asking her what’s up, her big sister snapped out of it then replied.

“I never thought I’d see you again, I guess I’m just taking in all the differences.”

“Well, Maxie I’m back. Now you’ve seen me I just have to deal with the chaos I know is going to happen when we go to Roswell.” Liz sighed as she got a picture in her head of Maria and her parents crying, Max being an ass and Michael being……well Michael.

Over the next few hours, Liz and Max caught up once Original Cindy, Herbal and Sketchy went back to work.

“So you love Biggs?” Her big sister asked, when she noticed that the pregnant transgenics gaze had settle, again, on her mate.

“I really do. I always pictured myself married with a job and not in my teens when I got pregnant, but when I found out me and Biggs were going to have a baby all I felt was happiness and shock. I think I fell in love with him the moment he walked into my barrack and said we were breeding partners. Wow, that sounds romantic doesn’t it!” Liz finished sarcastically as she watched Biggs at the pool table with Alec and Cece. “So how are you and Logan?”

“We’re growing apart and I think it’s because ever since our attempt at taking down Manticore he’s been trying to get me do to all these missions for him, different to the ones he used to ask me to do and it’s all the time not just every once in a while. I’m just so sick of it. So, tell me about Alec.” Ever since the dark blond transgenic had introduced himself, she had been unable to think clearly with him standing near her, it had been unlike anything she had ever felt.

Liz smirked, knowing just how she felt. It was what had happened with her and Biggs and look where they were. Max would be a good thing for Alec, and sure she thought him and Cece were good together but there was something about the cocky transgenic being with her big sister that clicked. “He’s shut off at first, it’s hard to get to know him but once you get past the barriers then you meet this great guy. Sure he comes across cocky and arrogant, well he is that! But he’s also sweet, caring, funny, protective and a really good kisser!” At her sister’s confused look, she just explained the whole thing in one word. “Heat.”

“Oh right.” Max couldn’t help the jealousy than ran through her body at that, but pushed it aside when she noticed that Biggs and Liz were staring at each other with nothing but love in their eyes.

“So what’s with him and Cece?” She asked innocently, something which made her baby sister burst into a fit of giggles.

After telling Max the whole story with Cece and Alec, Liz turned to her big sister and asked if she had somewhere they could stay or should they get Motel rooms again.

“Boo, you know you can stay at mine. Original Cindy is staying at her lickety-chick’s tonight so Cece and Alec can have her room and you your boy can have mine. I’ll stay on the couch since I don’t sleep that much anyway.”

“Thanks.” Liz sighed.

“You okay?” Max asked.

“Yeah, I just really don’t want to deal with Roswell but I have to go see my parents, Kyle, Maria and Alex. I am so dreading when Evans see’s me like this.” Liz gestured to her baby bump, a little less visible now she was sitting down but still noticeable.

“Well, just relax in Seattle then worry about Roswell when you get a little bit closer to home.” The elder transgenic stated, watching as her baby sister relaxed in her seat, obviously agreeing with her. The two settled down and started a conversation about less stressful things.

In Roswell

Maria looked around the lively diner, taking in the busy atmosphere around her, she watched her friends sit at a booth eating their dinner, she watched as a frustrated mother scolded her mischievous kid and smiled, as an elderly couple sat at a table near the front away in their own world.
It had been almost 6 months since Liz and Kyle had headed for Seattle and ever since Kyle had returned alone things had changed drastically. The Parkers cut themselves off from the rest of the world for a month, Kyle cut off his emotions from everyone else, trying his hardest not to break down over the loss of his big sister. Alex and herself had become a lot closer, both mourning the loss of their best friend. The biggest change was that the Czechs and the humans had split apart, ever since the aliens had demanded to know where Liz was and had received no answer from the others, they had completely ignored the humans. Max and Tess, Isabel and Michael had all seemed to grow closer and it hurt her everyday as she watched her alien-ex develop a closer relationship with his wife from his past life, but she wouldn’t betray Liz like that.

Licking her gloss covered lips, Maria collected her order, shaking off the gut feeling that something big was going to happen and getting back to work.

Told you this part would be longer didn’t I? Hope you guys liked it, let me know please.

My Numb3rs xo fic. Coming Soon!