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Whispers In The Night (CC, M/L, Adult) 3/25/09 *Complete*

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 4:53 pm
by jake17
Thank you to Hunter my awesome friend and amazing writer for this beautiful banner!!

Title: Whispers In The Night
Author: jake17
Pairings: M/L
Disclaimer: I own nothing Roswell ...especially not Max...sadly
Rating: Adult
Summary: This takes place in the first season right after the episode "Missing". It has been torture for Max to hold his feelings for Liz inside even though he believes he must to protect her and everyone else affected by his secret. Feeling afraid and lost about who he is and his overwhelming feelings for her he begins to secretly visit her in the night.
Authors note: I used some lines from the Pilot and Missing. I believe I'm going to write this totally in Max POV...this is my first time writing this way so please let me know if you think maybe I shouldn't.

Chapter 1.

I hear her sweet soft voice in my head again as I toss and turn in the night once again unable to sleep.

Years from now if anyone ever …ever touches me the way that you did I’ll know what it’s supposed to feel like.

As my bare feet touch the carpet I hear my parents stir in the next room. This is dangerous completely irresponsible but totally out of my control.

My heart has taken over and is leading me to places I know I should not go. I should be thinking of Isabel and Michael … I should be thinking of her.

Before I make my way to my window I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I wrestle between what is right and what my heart is telling me I must do. I’ve spent my whole life in the dark hiding blending in doing my best to not be noticed. It’s what we agreed to do …what we have to do to survive but then I never counted on her.

She warms my heart and calms my lonely soul. I have risked everything without a moment of thought because life without her would not be worth living. As I look into the mirror I wonder if it were possible …if I were just a normal boy …would she even be able to have feelings for me …would her heart ever race as mine does when she is near. These questions I ask myself are useless because I am not normal …I don’t know what I am but I do know one thing I cannot stop myself from seeing her tonight.

For it is only at night that I can be myself with her not the nervous fumbling wreck she must see me as. Especially now that she knows my secret …I wonder if she is afraid or worse repulsed by me. I know in her sweet loving eyes she would never let it show ..she is far too kind for that but deep in her heart could she ever love something less than human …a freak.

Pain fills me as my fears of being alone without her forever overtake my body. I have to go to her now …I have to be near her to ease this chaos in my mind . I have to whisper to her how much I love her …even if she’ll never know my heart can’t rest until I do.

As I run towards the diner down the dark deserted streets only one thought runs over and over in my mind. To once again gaze at her beauty to breathe in her intoxicating scent to come as close as I can to her soft skin…I know it is wrong but my intention is pure …and my love is forever. As I come to her street I bend over to catch my breath. Thoughts consume my head as I fight them away. It’s wrong I know it’s wrong but to stay away is like asking my heart not to beat.

I look around making sure no one is in sight before I ascend her balcony. It’s three am my usual time …a time where I can stop hiding and come out from the shadows even if it’s for a few moments.

I quietly approach her window feeling my heart pound wildly in my chest. The excitement of seeing her once again is almost more than I can take.

Moving the sheers aside I finally am able to see her …I am free again …free of my fears …free from always having to hide …free from myself. She is lying on her side curled up holding her pillow like a little girl.

I look around her room as I carefully step through her window. Shelves line her walls full of Science books and awards she has won through the years. Pictures of her and Maria hang on her corkboard of special times they’ve shared.

Her desk is covered with books and papers proof of an obvious late night of studying. I see her uniform draped over her chair and can’t resist myself as I run my hands over the material ..the material that only a few hours ago clung to her soft body . I raise it to my face to take in her scent. It makes me dizzy and light headed …how I wish I could hold her in the night close to me and breathe her in while she sleeps.

My hands run over the many ribbons and science fair awards that she has won throughout the years. I remember each one of them …standing in the crowd hiding myself from her quietly proud of her and loving how happy she looked.

Everything about her pulls at my heart making me feel even closer to her – making me feel like I want to protect her even more.

Just then I hear her stir …there isn’t much time.. I have to hurry.

I shove my hands in my pockets and approach her feeling like an intruder …knowing that these nightly visits are an invasion of her privacy but still I can’t stay away ..I need to see her to be close to her if only for a few stolen moments.

I kneel down beside her bed and gently brush the stray hairs away from her face. Her skin is like silk softer than anything I’ve ever felt in my life. Her bare shoulder is showing and I pull the covers over her to keep her warm. Just the sight of her golden skin sets my body on fire. My need to touch her is so overwhelming …but it can’t be like this …never like this.

I feel a sharp pain in my chest realizing I’ve stayed too long …I can’t risk her waking …I can’t risk anyone finding me here.

I whisper as softly as I can my feelings of love and longing …of how lost I am when I am not close to her.

As her dark eyelashes flutter my heart sinks … I have to leave …only four more hours and I’ll see her in school again…it seems like a lifetime away.

I look down at her floor as I make my way to her window but before leaving I can’t help myself and turn back towards her and whisper. “I love you Liz”

Before I know it I’m back in my bed feeling the pain of being away from her already.

My eyes clench shut hearing my own words in my head …’It’s not safe Liz ..for you and me to’s not safe.”

I swallow hard hearing her words that enter my mind as I struggle to fall asleep.

“I don’t care”

Should I continue?

Re: Whispers In The Night (C.C, M/L, Adult) chpt 1 4/12/08

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 10:39 pm
by jake17
angelina: hello sweetie... I was so relieved and happy when I saw your name ...thank you so much for your wonderful fb! :D
Natalie36: I'm so happy you felt that way...means a lot to me...thank you so much for your sweet fb! :D
begonia9508: Hello Eve thank you so much ....Im so happy to see you here! :D
totallizfan: God I so agree this is the Max that I love so much too.. thank you so much for being here..I hope I don't disappoint! :D
IheartMax: That was so incredibly sweet what you wrote ...thank you so much ...I really hope you like the next part! :D
tinie38: wow have no idea how much that meant to me when you said you love my stories ...I just can't thank you enough Kris. :D
keepsmiling7: so happy you like this ...thank you for the great fb! :D
ken_r: thank you for the kind words ...I hope you llke the next part! :D
twilight: I know I am writing him a little obsessed but that's what I love about him ..that he just loves her so much and nothing else matters.. (I think IM a little obsessed myself :lol: ) thanks so much for the sweet fb! :D
forever dreamer:
forever dreamer wrote:You also have to continue this or I'm reporting you for meaness and deprivation of a great fic!!
OMG I just loved that Rachel are too sweet thank you so much!! :D
Aurorabee: Ok IM here writing so I guess your going to be reading it :lol: loved your fb! thank you!! :D
dreamer19: Soooo happy to see you here! I love your insanity! :lol: I hope you got my pm answering your questions ...IM not sure how long this is going to be ...but yes it will be steamy you know me ...I just can't help myself ..but it will be innocent sweet sensitive shy Max steam..(does that make any sense? :lol: ) My heart will always belong to that first season Max...thanks so much for your fb I just loved it! :D
MaxLizDreamer: Hmm you wanted Liz to wake up ...guess what so did I :D really hope you like this next part...thanks so much for your sweet fb! :D
roswell4life: what a sweet thing to say! thank you so much! so hope you like this next part! :D

Hello everyone! I just want to warn you I've never written this way before ...with one persons POV bear with me if I made some mistakes ...if its really bad please let me know.
Thank you so much for all your extremely sweet replies you have no idea how much they mean to me.
Carrie :D

Chapter 2.

God she’s so beautiful when she laughs and her eyes …her eyes light up so bright when she’s happy …and she's definitely happy today …she always wears her hair down when she’s happy …like it makes her feel free.

Max looked on as the rush of students passed him by as if he wasn’t even there ..he had become an expert at not being noticed something he had learned a long time ago.

Maria and Liz where giggling against her locker talking a million miles a minute waving their hands around as usual.

Max was off in the corner of the hallway hidden from her view waiting for the bell to ring so he could casually bump into her. This was something that when he got his nerve up managed to do at least once a day.

“Let’s not make it too obvious little brother”

“ Hey Iz”

“I thought you were supposed to be staying away from her ..I thought we all decided –

“Do you see me talking to her …I’m not anywhere near her…great there’s the bell do I have your permission to see her in biology or should I drop my class for the safety of us all “

“Maybe you can just drop the attitude instead Max”

He barely heard her as he strained to find Liz again in the sea of kids that were now flooding the hallway.

Why does it have to be this way …If they only knew what it felt to –

Lost in his thoughts Max bumped right into Liz as he was turning the corner to go into class spilling both their books all over the floor.

“Liz ..oh god ..I-I’m sorry …I was thinking ..I mean my mind was …here let me help you”

Liz was like a deer caught in head lights as she stared into his beautiful eyes …the fact that they were standing in the middle of the entrance to the classroom and had people stepping over them to get by was oblivious to them as they both knelt to get their books.

“Oh Max it was my fault really …

At that moment they reached for the same book and their hands touched sending what could only be described as electricity through their bodies. They were frozen unable to move still locked in each other gazes when they heard Maria and Alex start to laugh.

“How long do you think they’re going to stay down there Alex”

“I’m not sure they even realize where they are…could be days”

They both looked up to see most everyone staring at them.

“S-Sorry again Liz here are your books”

"Thanks Max"

She smiled softly and took her seat quickly followed by him.



“Max what are you doing here…is everything ok?”

“No everything’s not ok …it will never be ok”

My hands start to shake as she rises from her bed dressed in only a tank top and panties. I close my eyes hoping for restraint that I know will never come.

“Max please don’t try and fight this … please I’ve dreamed of kissing you of feeling your hands on –

Oh my god …I sit up in bed trying to calm my heart and my body still seeing her beautiful face that endlessly tortures me in my dreams.

I can’t go tonight it’s getting too risky how could I ever explain to her why I was there… what would she think of me invading her privacy …watching her as she slept …I could ruin everything.

Pacing my room thoughts run through my head …thoughts of Michael’s relentless pursuit of finding where we come from and Isabel fighting just as hard to push these thoughts away. And then there is me …I don’t know what I feel …but I don’t want to think about it anymore I don’t want to worry about what Michael’s going to do next or where this is all going to lead.

I have risked Michael and Isabel’s life by saving Liz and now more than ever I am responsible for them. The weight of knowing that if anything should happen to them would be my fault is overwhelming but the truth is I would do it again in a second.

I can’t think anymore ..all I want to do is lose myself in her …I want to feel her in my arms the warmth of her body against my chest. I want to feel her soft hair and smell her sweet skin.

Once again I am running down the street …running from my fears and my constant worries running to the only place I feel safe …running to her.

I try to catch my breath as I rest my head on the cool iron of her ladder. This is wrong …but I just want to be near her... to hear her breathe... to watch her peacefully sleep. A peace I’ve waited my whole life to experience.

As I carefully sit on the floor by her bed I feel instantly soothed.

I start my ritual of whispers to her …whispers of my deepest thoughts …whispers of love …love that I know that I will only in my life feel for her.

“I watched you today …like I always do …you looked so beautiful …so happy”

“I can’t help wondering when we touched …w-when we touched hands if you felt what I felt… I wonder if you ever dream of me like I dream of you….of kissing you … touching you”

“I keep thinking of what you said to me ….when you said if anyone ever touches you the way that I did…what did you mean ….how did you feel when I touched you…I wish I had the courage to ask you …I wish so much things could be different and being with you wouldn’t put you in danger…I wish so much that I could tell you how much I love you”

“This was a mistake being here so close to you but not being able to hold you and tell you how I feel….sometimes it’s a haven being here and sometimes it’s just painful.”

“Tonight... it just hurts too much.”

“Tonight I am feeling the horrible sting of reality …the reality that you will never be mine”

I stand feeling that I’ve once again stayed too long.

It’s so hard to leave …why is it so hard to leave her.

“If I could just kiss you just once …maybe that would be enough …enough of a memory to hold on to"

The thought actually comes across my mind to gently kiss her while she sleeps …if I do it soft enough maybe she wouldn't wake …maybe she would think it was a dream.

This is insane I have to go …I’m not even thinking straight now …guilt washes over me as I stand there …this is wrong …I am wrong …everything about me is wrong.

“What was I thinking how could you ever love me …I’m sorry for coming here …I promise I won’t come again”

I feel a sharp pain in my heart knowing I have to stay away from her. As I walk towards her window I close my eyes trying to will the pain away that she will never be mine …and that’s when I heard her soft voice.


I open my eyes to see her reflection in the window …she’s sitting up in bed holding the sheet up to her chest.

What did she hear long has she been awake …god I can’t breathe …what have I done. I’m frozen lost as to what to say or do… I just stand there now looking down at the ground afraid to turn and look at her. That’s when I hear her sweet voice again.


Re: Whispers In The Night (C.C, M/L, Adult) chpt 3 4/20/08

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 5:23 am
by jake17
dreamer19: hey, yes it's a trip in my brain but Max is very sweet to me and nothing bad ever happen :wink: I think I answered all your questions ...let me know if I missed any.thanks so much for the sweet fb!
angelina: hello sweetie, love seeing your name ..hope so much you like this part..thanks so much as always for your wonderful fb! :D
totallizfan: she's definitely not creeped out. :wink: ..hope you like this ..thanks so much for your great fb! :D
MaxLizDreamer: :oops: wow thank you for your very sweet words..they really mean so much to much that I took your "hint" :wink: hope I did a good job.. :D
IheartMax: :lol: oh you make me laugh ..i gave you your "visual" hope you like it :wink: thanks so much for being so nice to me :D
ken_r: everything you said was very true..I think we've all been there..I totally agree with you about them being they're own worst enemies..and I think Max had it the worst! thanks so much for your thoughtful fb! :D
forever dreamer: Hey Rachel, he is such a tortured soul and I love it too! :D And I did leave you right there didn't I :twisted: sorry I just love doing that! :D and Im going to tell Isabel you said to back off ..can you tell it's four in the morning Rach? :roll: thanks so much sweetie for being here!! :D
tinie38: I want my own Max too ...Liz reaction coming up ..I promise not to leave you hanging this time! thank you so much Kris! :D
Aurorabee: OMG I did fall :lol: but IM back up now kind of ...very sleepy but Im here...and yes it was my intentions to leave it there :twisted: he he he
Aurorabee wrote:Isabel and Michael can stick a sock in it, BTW. Max & Liz belong together. *blows raspberry*
ok can I just tell you how much I loved that!! :lol: :lol: thank you so much !!!
twilight: hmmm I will think about sending Iz and Michael away..definitely...and this is me we're talking about :wink: there will be lots and lots of secret rendezvous :D
Coccogurl: omg what can I say to you..I just love you! thank you so much for your very kind always make my day when I read your replies! :D
Flamehair; Hello sweet Sybille.. :oops: wow again thank you for your incredible made me so happy! :D

Hello Everyone ...just a little warning this was written very fast in the middle of the night...very sleepy..hope it's ok :oops:

Chapter 3.

I hear her soft whisper and it almost brings me to my knees.

Please Liz say my name again.


She’s closer now …god what is she going to say …that she never wants to see me again …that I’ve broken our trust …I can’t face that…not tonight.

“Please Max look at me”

I slowly turn towards her still unable to look her in her eyes …god what she must think of me now…I see her journal on her desk…and it makes me more nervous…what will she write after tonight.

“Your shaking”

Yes Liz I’m shaking …you’re standing right in front of me …the most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen …I can hear you breathe…I can see your soft hair as it brushes up against the flawless skin on your shoulder…yes Liz I am shaking.

“Yeah I-I guess I am”

“Sit down …you must be cold”

I look down and realize that I ran out of the house in only a tee shirt and very thin pajama bottoms.

I can’t think I have no clue what to do now …I follow her instructions and sit tentatively on her bed.

“Max your freezing”

Your beautiful.

I can feel her small hand wrap around mine…she’s sitting next to me now…she’s wearing a white tank top and pink pajama bottoms …I can’t help but notice how her golden skin looks against the stark white of her shirt until something distracts me away….she’s slowly running her finger over my thumb… It’s too much …god does she have any idea what she is doing to me.

“Did you mean it?”


“When you said that you weren’t going to come again…did you mean it”

“You knew”

“First couple of times I thought it was a dream…I’ve had dreams about you before”

“You have…about me”

“Sure …have you ever dreamed about me?”

I can feel my face burning as my voice answers her suddenly becoming very low and horse.

“Yes…many times”

It’s becoming very clear to me that she has been listening to me this whole time ..she knows everything …she knows my fears …she knows how I feel …about her.

“Liz why didn’t you ever say anything …why did you let me think you were asleep all this time”

“If I did would you have told me how you felt”


“It felt... warm”


“When you touched me …it felt warm like I was close to a fire …but safe from the flames”


“And I felt like I was floating …weightless …free…like nothing could ever harm me…protected”

“I’m sorry I –

“And it left me wanting more”

So shocked by her words my eyes find hers and I realize just how close she is …inches away.



“What is your heart telling you to do right now”

“Kiss you”

“Please ...Max”

Her breathless plea makes my eyes fall to her mouth …she parts her lips …I can hear her shaky breath …she’s nervous too.

“If I kiss you …


“Everything will change …I don’t even know…what I am –

All my reasons for stopping …fade away as she leans into me.

She’s so close I can feel her breath on my mouth.

Everything feels fuzzy …at this moment I can fight it no longer and slowly touch her lips to mine.

My eyes feel heavy as they close …I capture her lips and part them over and over sinking into her going deeper.

One hand is buried in her raven hair and the other is cupping her cheek leaning her back so I can finally taste her.

A soft moan escapes from her as our tongues touch for the first time…I want more …we’re both breathless now as our kiss becomes more heated more desperate.


Our eyes snap open as we part and look up at her closed door.

“It’s not locked” she mouths to me as I quickly nod and rush towards her window

“Yeah dad?”

“Are you ok in there ..your mother thought she heard a noise”

I look back one last time locking eyes with her silently letting her know that It wouldn't be last time I would come to her.

Re: Whispers In The Night (CC, M/L, Adult) chpt 4 4/29/08

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 11:14 am
by jake17
forever dreamer: Im so happy I made you swoon!! thank you so much for you sweet fb rachel...hope you like the next part...more nights are to come! :D
Natalie36: happy you thought that was sweet Natalie! thanks so much for being here! :D
angelina: hello sweetie ...Michael and Isabel aren't going to back off yet...and jeff isn't around tonight so we'll see what happens ...thanks so much for your sweet fb!! :D
begonia9508: Hi Eve! Yes I guess they weren't making that much noise..we'll just say it was a cat that they heard. :wink: I had to stop them somehow.. :lol: thanks so much for being here! :D
dreamer19: hello! you are very funny! :lol: Yes you definitely want to be Liz when you read this story..not me! :wink: thanks so much for your fb! :D
totallizfan: I love them too! thanks for reading this...I appreciate your fb!
Aurorabee: :lol: you crack me up! happy I was able to make you feel that way! hope you enjoy the next part..thank you for being here! :D
roswell4life: wow what a complement thank you so much!! I really appreciate your kind words..thank you! :D
Cocogurl: Im glad I left you wanting more :wink: so here's a little more for you. hope you like it ..thanks so much for you great fb! :D
smith82: Im so happy you like that I wrote it in Max's p.o.v. It's not easy for me so excuse my mistakes.. thank you for your sweet fb! :D
Flamehair: thank you for thinking that was sweet! I hope you like the next part! thanks for being here! :D
MaxLizDreamer; I loved your hint! and don't worry your not alone..Im not going to get over all the unfair crazy things they did to Max and liz either ... :roll: It's just not going to happen! :wink: thank you so much for your great fb! :D
tinie38: Thank you Kris! I really appreciate you being here! :D
twilight: don't worry they will have plenty of time alone :wink: Its a long time before all hell breaks loose! :lol: Loved your fb!! thanks so much! :D
ken_r: Yes I thought of that after...Im sure they we not noisy.. like I said to Eve maybe it was a cat that woke her parents... :wink: thanks for being here! :D
ShatteredDreamer: wow so freaking nice!! Thank you so much for what you said means so much to me! :D
IheartMax; You should be ashamed very very ashamed! :wink: :lol: It doesn't matter because you gave me the best complement ever ...
IheartMax wrote:It was such a dynamite chapter
How could I be upset with you after that!! :lol: It's my fault for being such a D.L F.B. W. :lol: you are the best !! you funny girl!! :wink: :D

Chapter 4.

Max ran his fingers lightly over his lips… his mind was locked into that perfect moment when he finally tasted her sweet mouth.

I can’t believe that really happened …how am I going to stay away from her now. How can I be close to her and not kiss her again.

His thoughts where lost remembering her soft moans as he closed his eyes and smiled…something that he didn’t normally do especially standing by himself in the hallway.

“Feeling ok Max?”

“What…oh hey Michael what’s up”

Nothing come on we need to talk.

Michael roughly grabbed Max by the arm and swiftly made his way down the busy hallway.

“What the hell is your problem?”

“I told you..we need to talk”

I can’t take this anymore why does the fate of my life always have to be decided by other people.

Just as Michael was pulling me into a vacant room I heard her sweet voice behind me and my heart just melted.

“Hey Max”

Liz didn’t see Michael who was half in the empty classroom or she probably would’ve been more discrete and quietly walked by him. I could care less it was worth the crap I’d be taking from him to get the chance to be with her again.

I smile letting her know that I’m so happy to see her and hope my eyes can convey how special last night was to me. I open my mouth to say hi but am immediately interrupted by Michael.

“Hi Liz”

Surprised to hear Michael her face fell in disappointment. I feel my chest tighten with anger…she has done nothing but help us and still she is treated this way. I wonder why she even chooses to go through this.

“Hey Michael”

“Bye Liz”

Michael looked clearly irritated as he glared at her with an angry stare.

I am mortified. I want to push Michael up against the wall and shake some sense into him but that would bring attention. Something I can't do. I look over at her and try to reassure her that everything’s ok.

I was fuming but when I speak to her I manage to keep my voice calm and friendly.

“I’ll talk to you in bio…ok Liz?”

“Sure Max”

She gave me a knowing smile of the secret of the kiss we shared last night.

Making sure Liz was out of sight I drag Michael into the empty room.

“What is your problem Michael!”

“My problem …you’re supposed to be staying away from her. Obviously you’re not. I can just tell by the way you look at each other. Also Isabel tells me that you spy on her in the hall. Why would you do that if you know you can’t be together Max …what is going through your head”

“First of all it’s none of your business who I look at … and staying away from her doesn’t mean being rude to her when I do see her. She’s in some of my classes don’t you think it would look more suspicious if I was cruel to her. Think about Michael!”

“I don’t really think you give a shit how it looks Max. I’m starting to wonder if you realize the trouble we could be in if -

“Are you kidding me Michael. I’m the one that doesn’t understand the danger we’re in? Was it me who broke into Valenti’s office? Was it me who used my powers on Kyle’s friends? I’m out of here …you can argue with yourself Michael. I’ve had it …I’m glad you’ve become so responsible maybe now I won’t have to worry about cleaning up all your messes anymore."

I rush down the hall furious …furious that I can’t just walk up to her and put my arm around her and kiss her. Furious that I have to keep this charade up. I’m so tired of pretending. When it comes to her I want everyone to know how I feel ...I want everyone to know that she's my girl.

I lean up against the wall in the boy’s bathroom trying to get my emotions under control. Something I've perfected in my short time on this earth. The problem was there was no control when it came to her.

I can't stop my constant thoughts of her. I can't control my heart from practically jumping out of my chest when she is around and now that I've kissed her I can't control my urge for more. To explore more of her soft skin – to taste her vanilla scented neck to feel her soft curves up against my body.

Thoughts of her consume me - ravage my brain. I can't think of anything else - nothing else but the next time I am able to see her again …touch her again …taste her again.

It has to be tonight I can't wait any longer.

As I sit in biology next to her it’s obvious how nervous I am. I can’t help but anticipate the moments that I know are coming. I’ve wanted this for so long and now that we took that first step and admitted our feelings I have to have more.

The heat that was coming off of us was indescribable - the tension intense.

We sat the whole time stealing glances at each other as our legs brushed innocently up against one another. She makes me breathe hard just being close to her…and I can’t help wondering if she knows.

It was almost unbearable.

As calmly as I can I slip a note to her when I’m was sure no one is looking.

2 am, tonight
Do you think you could sneak out for a walk?

She covers it with her hand as I impatiently wait for an answer. Slowly she smiles as she lifts her fingers up to reveal the words.

My breath catches in my throat as she lifts her long dark eyelashes to the side at me and slowly nods.

Tonight… I will see her tonight.


I stare at the clock anxiously. The whole night I waited for this moment. The moment that I can make my journey to the only person that takes all the pain away ….the only person that makes me feel free…makes me feel alive.

This time I’m prepared. I have a blanket for us and I even managed to remember to get dressed. I stare into the mirror and run my fingers through my hair. I look over my clothes hoping I look ok. I’m dressed in a black tee shirt and tan cargo pants. Looking over at the clock I know that it’s early but I can’t wait any longer.

As I stand on her balcony I try hard to keep my hands from shaking. I swallowed hard seeing her for the first time as she appears in the window. God she is beautiful.



I lift my hand to help her as she moves through her window to join me. I can’t believe this is happening. I close my hand around hers and squeeze it gently just to assure myself that this is all real.

We are both nervous and shy as we stand on her balcony alone together unsure of what exactly to do now.

As I help her down the ladder my body tenses as I touched her tiny waist. Her shirt has risen up and my hands have innocently slipped around her body. My heart races as I touch her bare skin. Her skin feels warm and soft. As I wrap my arms around her stomach to help her down the last run I can feel my body come alive and hope to god she doesn’t notice. Slowly I removed my hands and look down at the ground. I don’t want her to think that this is why I’m here.

We laugh as we run down the road holding hands on the desolate streets of Roswell. It feels like we were running from all our problems. Running from Michael and Isabel… from Sheriff Valenti and everyone’s suspicions.

“Where are you taking me Max”

“You’ll see”

Eventually we come to a wooden spot off to the edge of the park in town.

Standing on the corner of the woods is a huge willow tree that has long swooping branches that hang down low almost touching the ground. It’s a perfect cover for us to be alone and go unnoticed.

“I thought it would be nice to lay underneath the stars…I mean j-just to talk…I don’t want you to think I brought you out here to –

“Max it’s beautiful out here…I’d love to look at the stars with you.”

I breathe out trying hard to relax…which is near impossible being so close to her.

I lay out the blanket underneath the tree and kick off my shoes before lying flat on my back.

As she does the same I can’t help but close my eyes as I breathe in her sent and feel her arm brush up against mine. This is heaven … just to be close to her is heaven.


“Yeah …beautiful”

She was looking up at the stars… I was looking at her.

We stay this way for several minutes staring up at the bright stars. We listen to each other breathe as the warm wind blows the leaves of the willow tree all around us.


I quietly whisper as I turn to my side and hover over her face completely lost in her eyes and her soft pink lips.


“I couldn’t wait to see you tonight…it was all I could think of all day…I swear I didn’t sleep at all tonight …and as I listen to myself I’m thinking I must sound like such an idiot telling you all this.

I go to lie back feeling like I had said too much.


She grabs my arm preventing me from moving keeping me close just above her.

“You don’t sound like an idiot Max…I felt the same way”


My breath starts to pick up as my eyes fall to her lips.

Slowly I bring my hand up to her cheek and hold her face stroking her skin tenderly.

“Liz …I want to kiss you”

The way she was looking at me made my whole body tingle. Her face immediately became hot under my touch.

I am now breathless as watch how she responds to me. Her soft lips part as if giving me an invitation to taste her.


I breathed out almost desperate for her as I feel her chest rise and fall under my body.

“Kiss me Max”

I lick my lips and slowly descend on her mouth. At the first touch we both let out a small gasp.

I swept my tongue across her lips dipping into her mouth as she wraps her arms around my neck.

She laces her fingers through my hair pulling me in closer …she needs more…we both do.

I slide my hand from her cheek down to trace her jaw.

I want so much to be gentle... for her to know how much this means to me. I need to feel more of her skin. It’s more than I can take as I caress her neck down to her collarbone.

I feel like I’m on fire as my upper body covers hers hoping all along that I’m not moving too fast for her.

Needing to breathe I finally release her only to let out a whisper of a moan before moving my mouth down to her neck.

I watch her as she puts her head back and looks up at the stars. I glance up at them too but the light is just a blur. I am lost under the intense spell she is putting me under. I feel drunk and dazed and find myself unconsciously moving against her – bringing her closer.

I can’t fight the need to feel more of her as my hand moves down the side of her body. I slowly caress her so careful as to where I touch her. I try so hard to control my urge to explore more of her porcelain skin. I want to move slow. I want her to feel like she is control.

As my hand comes to rest on her hip I find her mouth again this time kissing her deeper …breathlessly searching for more of her.

Our bodies are on fire now as we slowly move up against each other. We have no idea what we are doing. We only know we can’t stop.

Suddenly she moves her leg to the side causing me to move between her legs. At that moment I know she can feel me against her. Our eyes snap open in surprise.

I didn’t mean for this to happen but I am powerless to hide my need for her.

She moves just a little sending intense pleasure through me.

“Oh god”

I hide my face in her neck as I bite back the urge to move hard against her.

Slowly she wraps her arms around my back and closes her eyes. I swallow hard as I feel her start to move again.

I’m breathless in her ear and helpless in her arms lost in the sensations and intense pleasure of feeling her grinding against me.

My lips are tasting the sensitive spot on her neck as I begin to feel the world start to spin out of control.

Unable to control myself I bring my hand up from her hip and caress the soft skin on her stomach just below her breast.


Just then I hear the screeching of tires and look up towards the street.

It was Sheriff Valenti and he has spotted us.

Quickly we stand up and put our shoes on.

I pull her in close hiding her face from the Sheriff as I strain to see if he is getting out of his car.

“Come on …I don’t think he can see who it is... it’s too dark …we have to run”

We take off into the woods holding hands stunned by what had just taken place.

As I help her back into her room I gently kiss her and move my mouth to her ear.

“Tomorrow night?”

Her eyes light up as she silently nods and bites on her lower lip.

I am gone…my heart is hers now.

I suppose it always was.

Re: Whispers In The Night (CC, M/L, Adult) chpt 4 4/29/08

Posted: Sat May 10, 2008 12:20 am
by jake17
forever dreamer: I know I always interrupt them..but I have a me! :wink: thanks your fb!! :D
angelina: hi sweetheart, thank you so much for your fb.. im so happy you see max as being sweet,, thank you so much for always being here!! you are the best! :D
ken_r: Hi Ken! loved your fb! you are so right! thanks so much for being here! :D
IheartMax: yeah yeah I know what you want! :oops: :lol: :wink: don't worry C.B. hasn't let you down yet! :lol: tired carrie!!! thank you sweetie!! :D
tinie38: HI Kris, I promise I am interrupting them for a reason! trust me! :wink: thanks so much for your fb!! :D
Natalie36: I love that you thought that was sweet and innocent! thats what I was going for! thanks so much! :D
Smith82: Yes Michael needs to lay off I agree. thanks so much for being here! :D
roswell4life: Wow!! you are so so nice to me! I can't tell you how much what you said means to me! I really needed to hear that...thank you so much!! :D
maxlizdreamer: I totally agree with you! thank you so much for your fb! :D
totallizfan: Im sooo happy that you love this! thank you so much for letting me know! :D
flamehair; Hello sweetie! thank you so much! I hope Leo teething problem is better!! thinking of you! :D
Cocogurl: love what you said thank you..and yes i wish I was Liz too damn it! not fair! :lol: :D
Begonia9508: Hi Eve! so happy you like this seeing you here as always! :D
twilight: I promise they will "have their time" ...I have a plan :wink: and I think you had asked me when I would be posting this last time..sorry I forgot to include that in my last post.. I have several stories going at once and I write when I get inspiration for one of there is no set time..sorry about that.. my muse has multiple personality disorder. :lol: :wink: thanks so much for you fb I really appreciate you taking the time to leave it! :D
Shattered Dreamer: Ok so I saw your request and I started writing ...thanks for the push! I needed that! :wink: thank you for wanting more.. hope you like it! :D

Hello everyone ,,, just wanted to warn you I wrote this in the middle of the night again :roll: so please excuse all the mistakes.
Thanks so much for all your fb and thank you to all the lurkers out there!
Have a wonderful weekend everyone :D

Chapter 5.

“So what is this all about Max?”

Suddenly I snap out of my daze as Isabel comes up behind me and whispers anxiously in my ear.

“I have no idea”

“Have you talked to Michael? Chances are he has something to do with this.”

My mind races as I watch the Sheriff pace in the school office.

“What if he knows somehow that you and Michael were there that night. Max you have to find out why he’s here”

I keep thinking of last night. I can’t tell Isabel and I can’t just stand here any longer. I need to go somewhere and think.

“Are you listening to me Max?”

“Iz you’re overreacting. I’m sure this has something to do with Kyle.”

“Max you need to go find Michael. You have to ask him if he has done something else that we’re not aware of.”

“Look there’s the bell, just go to class and I’ll find Michael. I have a free period now I’ll get a bathroom pass and go talk to him. As soon as I know anything I’ll let you know. Iz just remember to –

“Act normal…I know the routine. Just find him Max.”

I watch as Isabel disappears around the corner and look up to find that the Sheriff is also gone.

I have to figure out what to do now. As I follow my plan I’m off to search for an empty room.

Finding nothing I slip into the library. I make my way down into the Science section. I go as far as I can into a corner that is hidden by a cart with a stack of large anatomy books. I sink down onto the floor and put my hands on my forehead.

What if he saw us last night and he’s here to talk to her. I feel as if I’m carrying the fate of everyone future on my shoulders. Now I’m lying to Isabel and Michael. What am I doing?

I have to find out what he knows. I rub my temples feeling a headache coming on. I close my eyes feeling ashamed and selfish. I’m lying to my family and once again putting the girl I love in more danger. Suddenly her sweet whispered voice fills me ears and awakens my senses.

“Something on your mind?”

Like a dream she is here. I open my eyes to find her leaning over the cart smiling at me.

Her bright friendly eyes are shining at me as she maneuvers her way around the cart to sit beside me.

I’m lost as to what to say struck by her beauty and her warm presence that somehow puts me at ease.

“L-Liz what are you doing here?”

She giggles and points to the sign above her that reads Science and Chemistry Section.

“You’re kidding right?”

I shake my head and roll my eyes at the obvious feeling like an idiot.

“Question is why are you here.”

“Oh I just came to look up something”

“Max your sitting on the floor hidden by a huge cart and all these books rubbing your head. What’s wrong?”

I'm getting those butterflies in my stomach having her so close to me again. It's bad enough I have her sneaking around at night but this is just too risky. I can't afford to put her in any more danger than she's already in. I have to get her out of here. I stand holding my hand out to help her up.

“Really it’s nothing Liz”

I don’t want her to worry. She’s been through enough. She doesn't need to know about the Sheriff being here.

My heart starts to race as she moves closer to me. She reaches out to me and touches my face moving it to look down at her. Her hand moves to my waist as she turns to face me. My head becomes cloudy as I stare at her soft lips. I just want to escape into her innocent sweet eyes. I want to go to that place she takes me. That place where it is just the two of us. Where there is nothing to fear. Just the feeling of having her warm body wrapped in my arms.

“Please you can tell me anything. I want you to know that –

I silence her words and turn them into soft breathy moans as I part her lips and delve further into her beautiful mouth.

Slowly I slide my tongue against hers as I grasp the back of her head bringing her closer deepening our kiss. My need for her becomes urgent as I desperately try and escape from the danger that constantly surrounds us. To run from everyone that looks to me to find the answers to the problems that plague us everyday. Soon the only thing that matters to me is the sweet taste of her and the touch of her hand that is innocently making it’s way down my thigh.

All reason flies out the window when I feel her rise up on her toes and press her body flush up against mine. I should stop this now. I need be strong. This is way too dangerous… anyone could walk by. If only she didn’t whimper against my mouth … if only I didn’t feel her breasts against my chest. Ican't help myself as I stroke her back pulling her in closer - harder against the part of me that burns for her.

Suddenly she starts to rock against me. Through her skirt I can feel her hot core as she experimentally moves harder across the painful bulge that is straining against my jeans.

Just then she grabs onto the shelves on either side of my head pushing the dusty books through to the other side and opens her eyes wide.

She rests her forehead against mine and stills her movements. Her breath is coming out in shaky puffs of air. Her face turns bright red as she diverts her eyes away from me embarrassed by the feelings that are starting to build within her. I too can feel my neck and ears become hot. I am as nervous as she is but I have to see her. I need to know she needs me as bad as I need her.

Still gripping the shelves I whisper into her ear.

“Liz please …look at me”

“Max …I can’t …I don’t know –

Softly and tenderly I kiss her neck and stroke her hair. I want her to know how much I care about her. I want her to understand that this goes way beyond physical need.

“Please don't hide from me Liz"


“Liz do you have any idea how beautiful you are”

Slowly she raises her face with half opened eyes and trembling lips.

The connection is made. I feel what she is feeling. I breathlessly stare back at her so I don’t loose our bond.

Our foreheads rest against each other as I move my hands down from her back to cup her bottom.

Slowly I push her up against me. We both gasp feeling the first shudders course through our shaky bodies. Giving us just a glimpse of what is to come.

She hides her face in my neck and I start to worry that this is too much for her. I start to move my hands away when I hear her whisper in my ear.

“Max don’t stop”

I’m barely hanging on until I hear her shaky plea.

Faster and faster I move her against me melting from her searing heat that is continually stroking me. I faintly hear the sound of more books falling from the shelf. She grasps harder onto the shelf for more support from the intense pleasure that is building inside her for the first time.

My voice is low and raspy as I whisper begging to taste her again.

“kiss me …kiss me Liz”

Her mouth finds mine as we passionately lavish each other. I can’t get enough of her as I pull on her bottom lip. Our embrace is rough and desperate as we climb closer to the edge. I don’t want to hurt her but I can’t help but pull her down harder and faster onto me.

I break away from her mouth needing to see her face as I begin to loose control.

“Oh my god Liz”

“Max? Max Evans? Are you in here?”

Suddenly we are frozen. It’s the librarian and she standing at her desk. The desk that is located at the front of the library.

Liz rests her head on my shoulder as frustration rushes through our bodies.

I sit her back down so she is well hidden and whisper in her ear.

“I have to answer her in case she comes looking for me”

Liz nods and I motion for her to stay behind the cart.

I try to fix myself the best I can and walk out to the front of the room.

My heart stops as I see who is standing in the doorway.

“I’ve been looking everywhere for you Max. I’m going to need you to come with me. I have a few questions I’d like to ask you.”

“Sure Sheriff”

“I was told we can use the principals office. So if you’ll just walk this way we can get started”

As I follow the sheriff down the hall I know I should be scared. I know I should be worried and thinking of story to tell him to counterattack whatever it is he knows.

But my brain is gone - lost in the fiery passion that has taken over my heart and body.

My only thought is when I will see her again. My only need is to be with her …kiss her…touch her. As I sit down in the hard chair my body still burns from her.

The Sheriff circles my chair taking off his hat to wipe the sweat from his brow. He is doing his best to intimidate me as he glares down at me trying to read my body language.

He doesn’t realize that I’m still under her trance…lost in her passionate soul.

As he starts to speak I only hear my own words running through my head.

Liz….my beautiful Liz.

Re: Whispers In The Night (CC, M/L, Adult) chpt 6 5/29/08

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 12:54 am
by jake17
MaxLizDreamer: I know I frustrated everyone... Im sorry :oops: hang in there! :wink: Thank you so much for your very sweet words! :D
angelina: hello sweetie! thank you so much for your feed back and the bump! Im so happy you're here! :D
forever dreamer: Hi Rachael! finally I'm back ..thanks so much for being here! sorry about the interruptions! :wink: :D
Natalie36: :lol: :lol: omg you make my laugh every time!! LOVE Your replies!!! sorry I fustrated you!! :D
begonia9508: oh Eve I think you know exactly who I was thinking about when I wrote that library scene :wink: :D ... love that you are here !! thank you so much!! :D
Ken_r: wow I wish there was a section in our little town library that was so private! :wink: thanks for your fb!! :D
Smith82: I love that you see them as being very passionate .. thats exactly what Ive been trying to get across! thank you so much for your kind words!! :D
tinie38: sorry kris! :oops: soon I promise ... it's me do I ever let you down?? :wink: there is a method to my madness I promise!! :D thanks so much for being here!! :D
Cocogurl: :lol: :lol: I loved how you damned everyone for interrupting them!! So funny!! thanks so much for being here!! Don't worry it's coming! :D
IheartMax: I love that I got you flustered ...lets see if I can do it again.. :wink: Thanks so much seashell!! :D
twilight: loved your fb!!! :D I know I promise they will get there me ... I have my reasons for all of this! :wink: thanks so much for being here! :D
Flamehair: thank you sweetie! So happy your here!! :D
Arorabee: It's hot everywhere Max is Arorabee! :oops: :wink: thanks for your fb!! hopefully the kitchen will be just as hot! :D
High1Maintenance: Thank you so much!! I loved it before they tore is all to pieces too!! Damn Tess!! :twisted: so happy your here!! :D

Hello everyone! Sorry this took so long! I've had serious writers block... I'm just hoping this is ok :oops: thanks so much for reading my story!
Carrie :D

Chapter 6.

“So Sheriff what is all this about?”

“Oh I think you know”


“I wonder what Mr. Parker would think of his daughter out so late at night alone with you”

“What are you talking about?”

I hear him chuckle behind me. He’s trying to get me to admit to something but I know there is no way he saw Liz last night. Maybe me but definitely not Liz. Deny just deny everything he has no proof he’s trying to get you to talk.

“Let’s stop playing games Max. Last night I saw two people run into the woods from Veterans Park. I saw you leave your house just minutes before that. Why did you run? What are you hiding Max?”

“Are you following me Sheriff?”

“Should I be?”

“Listen Sheriff I did leave my house last night. I couldn’t sleep I went for a walk. That’s all. I wasn’t even near the park.”

He’s leaning down to look into my eyes now. His steel cold blue eyes are trying to see through me. Trying to see all my secrets. Too bad he doesn’t realize that I’ve had ten years of practice.

“Sheriff I went for a walk that’s all… you’ve got the wrong person”

“I’m watching you Max ….and soon you are going to make a mistake …miss a step …and I’ll be right there…. waiting “

“I-I have class now Sheriff so if your done –

“I’m not even close Max but you can go”


I go to leave. I’m almost gone and I hear that suspicious tone again.



“Get some sleep tonight”

“Yeah don’t worry I will”


It’s winding down at the crashdown. It’s almost closing and I can’t keep my eyes off her.

A piece of her chocolate hair keeps falling from her ponytail. It brushes up against her soft pink lips. I can barely control myself as I sit mesmerized by her innocent curiosity of us ..the way we are together.

She keeps looking at me I know she wants what I want …needs what I so desperately ache for. Time painful ticks by second by second … it’s almost too much to take. Five minutes till closing. Five minutes till I can take her in my arms and smell her sweet skin and taste her mouth.

I watch as she leans over to wipe the last booth down. The material of her uniform is rising past her thigh and I have to look away.

My eyes move to the street and that’s when I see him. He’s motioning for me to come outside. He looks mad he knows why I’m here but this is none of his business. I’ve sacrificed enough. I refuse to sacrifice her too.

He starts pacing as I push open the door.

“Kind of late to be eating dinner … don’t you think?”

“Michael go home”

“Go home …go home?! I know the sheriff was asking questions about you in school today Max. Tell me what was that all about?”

“Everything’s fine Michael go home”

“He was asking more questions about her wasn’t he? This is not what we need now Max why do you insist on making the biggest mistake you ever made worse! Leave her alone Maxwell she dangerous to us why can’t you see –

I look behind me when I see Michael’s eyes travel past me and look down.


“I-I it’s nothing … umm I’ll see you in school tomorrow Max. I have to close up now.”

“Liz wait!”

In a second she is gone. The shades are being pulled down and I can hear the sound of the lock turning.

I turn back around to Michael. My heart in pounding as I move towards him at a rate too fast for him to react to.

“What the hell Max!”

My fingers twist his shirt as I throw him against the hard brick.

“She could never be a mistake do you understand me! Saving her life could never be a mistake Michael!”

“No? Look what you’re doing Max. Yell a little louder so all of Roswell can hear what you did! You’re totally out of control because of her and you’re going to bring us all down with you.. and you don’t even care!”

“Maybe I don’t care!”

That was a lie. Of course I cared but he went too far…he always goes too far.

He pulls away from me giving me a look of betrayal and confusion. I’ve chosen someone over him. I can read his mind I know what he’s thinking. It has always been just the three of us …until now. I know I’ve hurt him and that’s the last thing I’ve wanted to do but all I can think of is Liz now.

I run to the door and softly knock.

“Liz? Liz please open the door. I need to talk to you.”



I don’t hear anything but somehow I sense that she is near just on the other side of the door… hurting. Without thought I look around to make sure no one is around and place my hand over the lock. Slowly I open it to see her standing there tears running down her cheeks.

“Liz –

“Michael’s right”


“He’s right … I am dangerous to you and him and Isabel. Max please just go home”

I watch as she turns and runs through the back door into the kitchen. I run after her refusing to let this go.

I find her in the corner with her head down crying quietly.

Slowly I walk towards her. She looks back but there is no where to run where to hide from me …..from what is happening between us. The heels of her sneakers hit the wall as she backs up as far as she can.

I start to whisper as I move towards her.

“Liz look at me”

She shakes her head slowly back and forth refusing to look me in the eyes.

Again I whisper as I lace my hand through her soft hair forcing her face up to mine.

Her big brown sad eyes pierce my heart as she slowly raises her long dark wet eyelashes up at me.

Her painful expression is short lived as I breathlessly take her lips kissing her with all of the emotion that had been trapped down deep inside me.

She starts to shake as I caress her tongue softly capturing it over and over again.

I can hear a quiet gasp as I move my hand down from her hair to her skin just above the first snap to her uniform.

Everything starts to get fuzzy as I leave her mouth. I search for some sort of control over my feelings but my need to touch her is too intense… too overwhelming.

Before I know it her uniform is open to her waist and my hand is grazing …barely skimming the soft skin over her ribs. Right where I saved her.

I hesitate moving my hand just below her breast. I want to be sure this is what she wants.

“Max please” she breathes out

The world starts to spin out of control after that. I reach behind her with my other hand and pull the knot from her apron freeing it from her trembling body.

With one tug the rest of the snaps give and I all at once I find myself staring down at her.

God she is beautiful.

I gaze down into her eyes as I lift her up on the counter.

My eyes close as my mouth finds her neck. I suck and lick her sweet skin as I listen to her moans fill the air. I pull at the back of her uniform as I move my mouth down towards her breast.

As I get closer and closer I can feel her legs wrap around my waist tighter pulling me in.

I slowly kiss the skin just above the white cotton fabric as I pull the strap down from her shoulder.

I shiver in anticipation of seeing her …touching her … tasting her for the first time.

“Max wait!”

Suddenly she reaches down and pulls her uniform together and puts her finger to her lips.

As the fog starts to lift from my head I can her the footsteps coming down the stairs.

Her eyes widen as she jumps off the counter and pulls me against the wall behind the door.

Just as she closes the last snap of her uniform I can hear her fathers voice from the hall.


“Hi dad”

“Lizzy what are you doing down here?”

“Just finishing up I’ll be up in a second”

“Ok but hurry you have school tomorrow”

“Yeah I know dad I’ll be right there”

As her father takes the last step into their apartment I pull her back towards me.

This is such torture always being pulled away from her. I hold her against me. I know she can feel me pressing against her bottom and I don't care. At that moment I want her to know how much I want her much I need her. My lips find her neck as she arches back against me making me groan against her skin.

I can't hold back any hands reach up and gently cup her breasts.

For a second she is lost in my touch …lost in the sensations coursing through her body.

She reaches back and wraps her hands around my neck and softly moans as my fingers stoke over her.

A loud slam of a door just above us snaps her out of our moment together and she releases my neck and turns around to shyly look up at me.

Without saying a word she takes my hand and leads me to the back door.

“I – you have to go.”

“Liz I need you. If I find a way… a way that we can be alone... will you..


“Coming dad!”

Quickly she pushes me out the door but not before mouthing the word I desperately need to hear.


:oops: sorry :oops: please don't hate me...I promise it will be worth the wait :wink:

Re: Whispers In The Night (CC, M/L, Adult) chpt 7 6/18/08

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 12:00 am
by jake17
MaxLizDreamer: Sorry that I was driving you crazy :oops: hopefully this makes up for it! :wink: love that your here.. thanks so much for the bump! :D
Natalie36:No more interruptions .. I promise :wink: thanks so much! :D
angelina: thank you so much for you great fb and for your bump.. sorry this took so long! :D
Smith82: Yes they will finally be alone! thanks so much for being here! :D
tinie38: I"M back ...Im sorry Kris.. hope you like this! :D
forever dreamer; :lol: :lol: loved loved loved your fb! omg you are so funny Rachael! thanks so much for being here! :D
IheartMax: :lol: I think her father should let her get her freak on too! :wink: :lol: love you here sweetie! thank you so much! :D
roswell4life: I hope this is the intensity you were looking for :wink: thanks so much for being here! :D
twilight: No more torture I promise :wink: really hope you enjoy this! thanks so much for your amazing fb! :D
Cocogurl: Hope this pleases you sweetie! thanks so much for always being here! :D
begonia9508: Yes I agree Michael is annoying .. and continues to be! :wink: thanks Eve! :D
Aurorabee wrote:Holy hotness batman!
:lol: love it sweetie ...thanks so much!! :D
Flamehair: Yes I do love the torture.. :wink: you know me too well sweetie ...hope you enjoy this! thanks so much! :D
Alien614: Thank you! So happy you found this! :D

Chapter 7.

As I walk home I am inundated by her …all of her. Her scent …her silky skin… her throaty moans.

The vision of her standing there all breathless and ready …ready for me to take her… to taste her is too much for me.

My body is on fire and the only one who can satisfy that fire is miles away now.

I start to run…faster and faster into the night trying to exhaust my needs… my desires.

Suddenly I see headlights coming over the hill. There is no doubt who this is as the red and blue colors cascade across the street.

Damn! Why always me… why can’t anything be normal. I can’t deal with this tonight. Not tonight.

I take off down a path behind a house nearby. I know I can out run him…he doesn’t know the short cuts home.

Why is he following me? What does he want? What does everyone want from me!

I see my window I’m almost there. Suddenly a hand reaches out and pulls me in the bushes.


I look over to see Michael holding me by my shirt as he pushes me into the dense shrub.


“Shut up Maxwell”

I glance over at his hand that is still clutching my sleeve and back up at his face. My signal is clear and he releases me with a dirty look.

Michael peers back out and whispers.

“I think he’s gone.”


“The fucking Sheriff that’s who!”

“Didn’t you see him chasing you?”

“Yes but a better question how did you know he was chasing me?”

Michael looks away and pulls himself up into my window

Halting for a second he looks down at me.

“Do you mind?”

“What… you staying? You know you don’t have to ask”

“Well now a days a really don’t know what to expect from you Maxwell”

“Were you following me?”

“Someone has to watch out for you”

“Michael I can take care of myself…really”

After I pull myself up into my room I throw my sleeping bag on the floor for him.

“Whatever… I’m exhausted …we’ll talk in the morning”

I watch as he huffs and turns away from me. In what seems like only minutes I hear him start to snore.

I throw my blankets off my bed in frustration. It’s too hot tonight… too hot to rest.

There will be no sleep for me. Only the never ending ache that lives deep inside me… an ache that only she can heal.

I close my eyes tight but that doesn’t even seem to help. She’s everywhere. I can still see her in my mind …smell her on my skin.

Off in the distance I can hear the sound of thunder - a storm is coming. I stare at my clock as a flash of lightening zigzags across the sky. It’s only midnight. I feel like I’m never going to make it through this night

I told her I would find us a place. What was I even talking about… I don’t know where to take her.

Finally the rain begins. It’s crashing down coming in sheets against my window.

I’m so restless I can’t stay still. Frustration fills my veins and boils my blood. I wonder if she is thinking of me…if she aches for me.

I climb from my bed and go to my window. I can see the steam rise from the road as the cool rain quenches the hot surface.

I flinch at the deafening thunder as it shakes the house. I see the lights from the neighborhood start to flicker and then go out. No power. I wonder if the storm is keeping her awake. I need to stop. I have to try to sleep. I lay back in bed and close my eyes. Slowly she starts to take over my thoughts again.

I see her in my mind her innocent eyes staring at me with such need. Her graceful neck and how she trembles when I kiss her there.

Her soft thighs and how they feel under my touch. She sound of her quiet moans as she pulls at my shirt gently pleading for more.

The thunder is relentlessly pounding away as the lightening streaks across the sky. There is an energy - an electricity that’s in the air. I can feel everything … I want to feel her.

One more crash of thunder and something snaps inside me. Without even realizing it I’m off and running down the street. The cool rain is a relief to the burning fever that she has left me with.

Before I know it I’m at the bottom of her ladder. Breathless and soaked to the bone I grab onto the rails one by one.

As I jump onto her balcony I’m surprised to see candles lit in her room. I let it all go as I walk towards her window. All my responsibilities all my worries and concerns.

It’s pitch black outside until the lightening once against flashes across the horizon illuminating my image.


She’s sitting up in her bed. Her small breasts are spilling out of her tank top. My eyes fall to her tiny matching white panties.

My breathing is labored from my run and my desire for her.

She rises to her knees. She knows why I came. Words aren’t necessary anymore.

Water drips from my hair and clothes as my image appears and disappears against the flashing light of the thunderbolts.

My chest rises and falls as my heart pounds mercilessly. There can be no interrupts tonight…my heart couldn’t take it.

My stare makes my intentions clear. I need to have her … all of her … the waiting is over.

I slowly lift her window as she looks up at me. Her eyes are wide with anticipation and need.

She knows I’ll be gentle… she has no fear.

Once I’m in the room I run my hand through my hair in an attempt to halt the constant drip of water that is slowly falling from my head.

With my eyes locked on her I lift my drenched shirt over my head and let it fall to the floor.

She responds immediately letting her eyes drop over the wet skin of my chest and stomach.

I slowly raise my hand up towards the wall. Closing my eyes I put a barrier between her room and the rest of the house. She sees what I’m doing … and she understands why.

My heart is beating so fast now I can hardly think. I want this to be perfect. I want to please her.

Suddenly my insecurities take over and I’m unable to move.

My breathing is audible now as I watch her move from her bed.

She slowly walks over to me tilting her head and breaths out.

Her eyes gaze over my muscles and suddenly I feel very exposed. The heat from her stare is blatant.

I watch as she raises her hand and lightly places it on my shoulder.

With a feathers touch she runs her hand across my collarbone and down the center of my chest.

She lets out a small gasp as she reaches my stomach. She flattens out her palm and starts to stroke the ridges of my muscles.

The evidence of what she is doing to me is obvious and she is not afraid to look.

A shiver runs down my spine as she hooks her fingers inside the buttonhole of my jeans.

Slowly she raises her long dark eyelashes up to meet my eyes.

I feel like I could die under her heated gaze.

She continues to stare at me as she lets one button loose at a time until I am free.

Liz walks closer to me and puts both her hands on my chest. She looks up at me unsure and nervous to do more. It is now my turn again.

I gently grasp her by the arms and capture her mouth. Swallowing her moans I pull her flush up against me as I seize her tongue. Our breathless kisses start to become urgent as we melt into each other.

My hands find the edge of her shirt. Slowly I begin to pull it up until we have to part so I can lift if from her body.

Looking away shyly she raises her arms. Her shirt drops next to mine in a heap on the floor.

As my eyes fall to her beautiful body that now glistens with moisture from me… it strikes me just how much I love this girl.

How I would give everything I have … my life …my soul to keep her safe and happy.

I want her to know all this. I want her to feel special and loved.

Pulling her close I move my mouth down to her ear and whisper.

“I want to make love to you”

She reaches her hands up into my hair pulling her even closer as she nods her head.

Gently I begin placing light kisses on her neck before returning to her ear again.

“I’ll take care of you. I want to make you feel good Liz. Will you let me make you feel good”

A soft whimper answers my question and I place my hands underneath her panties and push them over her bottom letting my hand caress her soft skin as I go .

I kneel down and pull her panties from her legs. Still on my knees I start to caress her silky skin. From her calves to her shaky thighs I stroke her - love her and begin to kiss her.

I can feel her as she tries to stay steady but this is too much for her.

Standing up I quickly pull her in for another kiss and slowly back her up to the bed.

Liz stares at me as she releases my mouth and moves towards her pillows.

I stand at the end of bed and release my jeans and my boxers from my body.

Without thought only an intense irresistible desire to taste her my head falls between her thighs.

I linger on the inside of her long legs for only a few seconds before I break. It’s not enough …not nearly enough.

My mouth finds her sensitive wet core. I quickly fall in love with her desperate cries and moans as she pulls at my hair. I can already sense what she likes… my eyes follow her as she bows off the bed and cries out my name.

She is sweeter than honey I think to myself as I swirl my tongue through her only to tease her sensitive spot. Finally I start to concentrate as I continually lick and suck on her watching as she falls apart screaming my name.

Not giving her a second to recover or even comprehend what has happened I move up her body and take her hard peak into my mouth.

Her head falls back against the pillow as she pants and moans.

“Please Max now …come inside please:”

I reluctantly release her letting my tongue stroke her a few more times before finding her mouth again.

Just then the thunder crashes over the house and the curtains fly into the air. The rain is slanted and coming through her window. The lightening flashes through the night sky as the wind blows the fire from her candles.

I moved against her so afraid of hurting or disappointing her.

She senses this I think and holds my face in her hands.

“I love you Max …I love –

Hearing her words I cannot wait any longer as I start to push inside her.

“Oh god!”

She cries out in what sounds like pleasure and not pain.

I bury my face in her neck as I try to hold it together but it is almost impossible.

Lifting her leg I slowly carefully begin move again.

“A-Are you ok?”

“Don’t stop Max …please don’t stop”

I can feel her hands run down my back. I lose all sense of reality when I feel her lift her hips up to meet my thrusts.


Within seconds I am falling crashing as the thunder and lightening explode all around us.

I am bombarded with feelings and emotions as I hold her close still deep inside her.

I don’t want this night to end .. I just want to hold her forever.

I pull away from her neck and cradle her face in my hands.

I gently kiss her lips as I whisper to her over and over again...

"I love you...

"I love you...

"I love you.

Re: Whispers In The Night (CC, M/L, Adult) chpt 7 6/18/08

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 6:51 pm
by jake17
MaxLizDreamer: wow what a sweet complement!! thank you so much!! :D
dreamer19: Hi K. so happy I didn't leave you disappointed or fustrated this time. :wink: love you here! :D
Flamehair: so happy you liked that part. Truth is Max running to me in a thunder storm is a big fantasy of mine.. I know that's very hard to believe :lol: thanks so much for the sweet fb! :D
angelina: hello sweetie! thank you for you great fb as always and all the bumps! You always help me to come back! :D :wink:
twilight: I'm making Valenti more present in my version of season one.. it's part of the storyline.. hope you enjoy this part! thanks so much for being here! :D
IheartMax: :lol:
IheartMax wrote: Never will I get the image of wet shirtless stormy Max out of my head!
I just love your fbs seashell! :D So happy I could put that image in your head! :wink: love you here!! thank you!! :D
Clash868: Omg! You are so sweet! I've seen all of your replies to my stories and Im so happy you're here! :D thank you so much for your interest! You complements mean so much to me... I really appreciate everything you said! :D
Ken_r: ok ken a part of me is just a little embarrassed that you read that update! :oops: I have no idea why! but I really appreciate what you said about how it was written! thank you so much!! :D
begonia9508: Love that you thought it was hot Eve!! :D I was hearing the thunder too!! :lol: Always great to read your fb!! thanks so much! :D
Cocogurl: Hi you! Sooo happy you approved Cocogurl! Always a pleasure to read your comments thank you so much! :D
Smith82: so happy you loved it! I really hope you like the next part! thanks so much for the sweet fb! :D
forever dreamer: Hi Rachael! :lol: you just crack me up every time! thank you so much for your sweet words! So happy I was able to affect you so much! :wink:
Keepsmiling7: Yes it will be impossible for them to stay away from each other now.. you are right! thanks so much for being here! :D

Chapter 8.

As the light peaked over the horizon I knew I would have to leave soon.

I brush away the strains of hair that have fallen across her face. Holding her through the night I can’t image being away from her ever again.

I’ve watched as she quietly slept. I didn’t want to waste one minute with her not even if it is just to hold her close.

Accepting the fact that I need to go I kiss the top of her head gently and move to the side of the bed.

“Good Morning”

I close my eyes at the sound of her sweet voice whispered in the still darkened room.

I turn back around to see that she is on her side raised up on her elbow.

The sheet is to her waist she is once again bare to my wanting eyes.

I mirror her position and cup her cheek in my hand.

“How did you sleep?”

“Fine … you?”

“I didn’t … I wanted to watch you”

”You watched me all night”

Our lips our dangerously close and I can’t help but touch her again. Moving her gently onto her back I cover her small frame with my body.

A mixture of innocence and lust pass over her face as she smiles at me.

“You were going to leave …weren’t you?”

My lips are so close to hers that I brush them as I speak each word.

“I should…go. Liz tell me to go”



"Please stay"

My mouth opens to attempt at reasoning with her but the warmth of her body against mine is too much.

“Just touch me one more time. I need to feel your hands on me one more time Max…please”

Her lips are parted and shaky puffs of air hit my mouth as I nod slowly.

Moving to my side I pull the sheet from her.

“You are so beautiful”

I start to kiss her pulling her head to the side as my hand travels along her flawless skin.

She gasps in my mouth as I very lightly run my fingers over her breasts.


She surprises me turning to face me. The way she is staring at me pulls me from even thinking of leaving.

My body trembles as I watch her look me over. Biting her lip her eyes fall to my chest. Slowly she presses her mouth to my skin.

Her hand follows a path down my arm to my hand. Our fingers interlock as she makes her way down to my stomach. Her chocolate hair teases me as it flares over my body.

“God Liz”

Suddenly I feel her hovering over me her breath softly grazing my arousal.

I close my eyes tight holding on to any sense of control as I feel her start to kiss me.

Letting go of her hand I run both through my hair quietly moaning as she takes me in her warm mouth.

Her hands have come to rest on my stomach. My muscles are tense and shaking as she torturously caresses my skin.

I can feel the moment coming my eyes are open wide staring at her ceiling.

“Liz! Are you awake?”

Liz releases me and looks up at me. Her eyes are wide with fear.

A knock follows her mothers question but I am already scrambling for my clothes.

“Just a minute mom”

“Lizzy do you need the shower?”

We look at each other confused only to realize my barrier is still in effect.

With a wave of my hand I lift it and Liz answers her mom.

Within seconds I am on her ladder looking into her eyes as I start to reluctantly leave her.


Hearing my plea she returns bending over the balcony to look at me.

“I love you Liz”

“I love you”

“This isn’t the end”

She smiles at me brightly and tucks her hair behind her ears.

“I know … it’s just the beginning”

Filled with her beaming smile and her overwhelming love I run back up the ladder and pull her close to me.

“I can’t believe you’re mine”

I whisper into her ear as I take her lips and kiss her deeply as butterflies run crazy in my stomach.

Slowly she pulls away and puts her mouth to my ear.

“I am you know…yours… I always will be.”

With that she disappears back through her window and out of my arms.

As my feet hit the ground I turn to make the long walk home replaying every touch every kiss in my head.


Suddenly I stop dead in my tracks recognizing that sarcastic tone.

“What’s up Kyle”

“Little early for a walk … don’t ya think?”

“Sorry Kyle can’t talk now”

Hundreds of thoughts fly through my mind.

Kyle knowing …what does this mean. Will he tell Liz’s parents or his dad. Will he try and take revenge at school.

My worry is replaced with the questions I am about to have to answer as I run through my backyard only to be faced with Isabel and Michael glaring at me with their arms crossed.

“You slept with her didn’t you”

“Max! How could you! Do you know what this means!”

“I’m really tired … can the inquisition wait till later”

“No it really can’t! Did anyone see you Max?”

Kyle pops into my mind as I turn towards Isabel and tell the first of many lies to her.

”No …no one saw me. I’m sure of it”

Re: Whispers In The Night (CC, M/L, Adult) chpt 9 8/7/08

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 4:48 pm
by jake17
Keepsmiling7: NO! Isabel and Michael are not happy! :twisted: thanks so much for being here sweetie!! :D
IheartMax: I swear you should be the writer with the amazing fb you leave me seashell!! :D I love that my Max can do that to you!! thanks so much!!! :D
clash868: Hey! I hope so much that you are ok! Yes Kyle knows! thanks so much for being here!! :D
Ken_r: yes ken! You are right! About everything!! Thanks so much for being here!! :D
cocogurl: I love that you think this is "freaking cool" :wink: thank you so much for your sweet fb! :D
begonia9508: Eve!! IM so jealous! We have no reruns here anymore :( and I loves watching them to hear the original music!! :( thanks so much for being here!!
carolina_moon: HI! Im so happy you found this! thanks so much for letting me know! :D
Flamehair: HI! thanks so much for being here and the bump.. im hanging in there!! You very sweet words always help!! :D
Smith82: thank you so much for your fb! IM so happy to see you here! :D
angelina: Hello!! Wow you are really just the sweetest thing! Im going to pm you I promise! thank you so much for all your support and wonderful words.. they mean so much to me! :D
forever dreamer: Hi Rachael I know it's been a while .. hope your still interested in this.. thank you so much for your fb! I always look forward to it! :D
martine: :D :D HI!!! Im so happy to see you here!! I've missed you! Thank you so much for the sweet fb! I hope you are well! :D
Natalie36: wow! thank you that was very sweet Natalie! :D
twilight: I will explain :wink: thank you so much for being here ! :D
maxandlizforever: :lol: thank you sweetie!! I was thinking the same thing.. that they would assume that's what happened.. thank you so much! :D
Allie Xie: HI!! So happy to see you here!! thanks so much for your fb!! :D

Ok I think I need to answer a lot of questions! :lol:
I am changing what happens in the first season obviously :wink:
Kyle is not going to be nice but he is not evil just a teenage boy who is struggling with feeling abandoned and ignored by his father and dumped by his first love.. (not sure if she was but Im making it that way :wink: )
OK the Sheriff is still searching for answers to what happened that day she was shot. Remember the episode "Convention" did not happen yet. so he does not have that compassion for Max that developed over that time..
He is still hung up on his fathers obsession and ultimate desmise.
Michael and Isabel fear Max getting closer with Liz because it only brings more attention and suspicions to the Sheriff Kyle...
They are still afraid and nervous of being discovered.
I'm going in a different direction here I really hope it's ok.. :oops:
You're probably going to have more questions for me after this update :roll:
anyway sorry for the long wait...I really hope you all like it! :roll:
Thank you so much for reading this and letting me know how you feel!

Please please!!! Everyone go and look at the AWESOME banner Hunter made for me!! It's just perfect Hunter thank you so much!!!!!! :D :D

Chapter 9.

After successfully escaping from Isabel and Michael’s interrogation I jump in the shower to cool myself off.

I rest my head against the cool tile as the water pulses against my burning skin. I am on fire…still feeling her mouth on me. Still feeling her innocent exploration of her soft tongue running over me.

I squeeze my eyes shut feeling myself come to life once again. Somewhere in my mind I thought if I were to finally be with her … make love to her…it would calm me. It would put my mind at rest.

I was wrong …very wrong. Now that I know what it is like to feel her body …feel her react to me as I move inside her it only made it worse. My need to touch her … to taste her is stronger than ever.

My love for her is overwhelming. My only desire …my only need is to hold her in my arms…to smell her sweet skin…to take her once again.

I am helpless against this massive wave of emotion I am feeling. Lowering my hand I strive for a release that I so desperately need. My mind is drowning in her image. Her soft lips are parting as she moans in response to my driving thrusts. I can feel her walls start to quiver and clamp down on me as she calls out my name.

‘Max…Max oh god!’

A loud groan escapes from me as I tear part of the shower curtain straight down from the pole. Liz Parker what have you done to me.


I’m in a daze exhausted as I walk the hallway to my first class.

From behind I feel a tug on my jacket and before I know it I am pulled into the eraser room.

“I knew you always wanted to get me in here”

“Do I look like I’m laughing Max?”

“No actually you look like you want to kick my ass”

My attempt at humor fall flat as Kyle pushes me up against the wall and wraps his hand around my neck.

“Look Evans I may not be with Liz anymore but that doesn’t mean I’m going to stop looking out for her.”

I can feel Kyle’s fingers tighten against my skin cutting off my air but the only thing I can think about is her. Just the mention of her name has got me dizzy again. What is wrong with me.

“We’re friends Kyle”

“Yeah well my dad thinks your dangerous. I’ve seen him up late looking at files.”


He releases my neck and I take some much needed breaths as he rubs his forehead in confusion.

I can’t tell if it’s the time that his father is spending investigating me or if it’s that I’m with Liz that’s upsetting him more.

“About that day… the day of the shooting”

“You know Kyle there is something I just don’t understand”

Just then the door opens and Michael is standing there ready to fight.


“Good I’m glad you’re here because this concerns you too.”

“What is he talking about Max?”

I sigh and close my eyes as I air quote the following words.

“The files”

“What files”

“Here you two discuss it I have to get to class.”

Leaving a clearly stunned Michael I rush down the hall

I can’t believe I just said that. Why am I acting this way. What is wrong with me?

The next three hours go by in slow motion. Minutes seem like seconds as I stare at the clock waiting to see her again.

I clutch the note that was left in my locker.

Meet me in room 211
fourth period.

My pulse is racing as I turn the doorknob knowing that soon I will see her again.

Closing the door behind me I am left in the dark. My hand searches the wall for the light switch when I hear a soft voice from across the room.



“I need you to leave it dark …so you can see”

My eyes strain to adjust to the blackness of the room as I try and find her.

“See what Liz .. are you ok?”

Suddenly my entire body is flushed. My blood is on fire as it pulses through my veins.
I gasp as I see the evidence of what we did last night shinning before me.


My eyes widen as she pulls her dress from her body leaving herself in only her panties.

Bright luminescent streaks cover her skin. It is the most beautiful sight I have ever seen.


A raspy whisper escapes from her mouth as she steps towards me.

“Do you feel it too?”


“The burning … the almost urgent need to …to

Taking her into my arms I lift her onto the nearest desk and pull my shirt from my body.


I take her lips in a deep passionate desperate kiss as I pull her wet core towards my body wrapping her legs around my waist.

My hands glide over the glowing streaks until they fade under my power.

Our kiss is broken only by our need for air as I rest my forehead against hers.

Breathlessly we stare into each other’s eyes searching for the answers to the many questions swirling around in our clouded minds.

My lips fall open letting out a shaky breath as her fingers slide down my stomach and hook into my pants.

“Max…please…I-I need you”

I nod knowing exactly what she is feeling.

Releasing her legs from around my waist I go to the door and lock it.

Suddenly I feel her hands around the bare skin of my stomach.

My head falls against the wall as she reaches lower.

I can wait no longer as I spin her around and pull my clothes from my body.

Her back is to the wall as she watches me with an intense indescribable urgency.


I charge towards her and turn her so she is facing the wall.

I move her hair aside and begin to place kisses along the back of her neck as I pull her panties from her body.

My fingers glide through her folds. She cries out as her hands slide down the wall.

Panting and trembling she calls out to me.

“Max now!”

I try to be gentle but my body refuses to cooperate as I slam into her.

My head falls forward as I wrap my arms around her waist.

“Liz …I-I’m sorry are you –

“Don't stop…please!”

I groan as I feel her try to move me further inside her.

I start a furious pace and quickly feel myself starting to fly over the edge taking her once again with me.

As I hold her tenderly in my arms she looks up at me for answers.

“Max …what’s happening to us?”

“I don’t know”

I hold her tightly worried that I have brought us into something unknown…something uncontrollable… something dangerous.

“I can feel her nervously smile against my chest”

“Is there anything you do know Max?”

“I know that I love you Liz”

”I know that I love you”

*please read the Author's Note on the next page... :)

Re: Whispers In The Night (CC, M/L, Adult) chpt 10 9/23/08

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 9:10 pm
by jake17
forever dreamer

thank you to all those above who helped me out when I needed your advice...You have no idea how much I appreciated your support!
:D Carrie

Chapter 10.

“What are you bruiting about now Maxwell?”

“Leave me alone Michael you wouldn’t understand.”

Hoping he would just continue walking by my room to Isabel’s he unfortunately plops down on my bed and decides to press the issue.

“For you to be this upset I’m guessing it has to do with Liz”

“Michael why do you care? You’ve made your feelings quite clear on the subject so why don’t you just leave”

“Well it’s obvious that you don’t care what we think. Why don’t you just tell me what’s going on?”

“Michael it’s really none of your business.”


“I have to go I’ll talk to you later Michael”

I grab my jacket and take off knowing that Michael is the last person that would understand.

As the cool breeze hits my face it does little to calm me or this fire that refuses to leave me alone.

I can’t think of anything else except Liz - her skin - her lips the way she trembles under my touch. This drive to be with her is relentless. I can’t help thinking that we have stepped into something that is beyond our control. Something not human… something alien.

It’s almost closing time as I lean against the cool brick of the diner. Everything inside me is pushing me to rush through the back door and take her.

The rational side of me is fighting for control. There has be an explanation for this. I have to talk to her and find out if she is having the same dreams.

Waving my hand over the door I make my way past the stairs to her apartment where I can hear her parents laughing. Praying she is alone I push open the door to see her pulling the shades down.

I smile to myself loving how cute she is. How she has to go up on her toes to reach the top ones on the high windows.

Her little antennae headband in on crooked and her apron is hanging half off with reminisces of the night’s food all over it.

I can see from behind her that some strands of her hair have falling from her usual very neat ponytail. She keeps blowing it away from her eyes as she jumps up on her toes to try and catch the string on the highest shade. It must’ve been a rough night.

I sigh to myself wondering if she really has any idea how much I love her. She looks so adorable in this flustered state until she turns around and I see the stress that is making her seem like she is in almost physical pain.

She looks worried... almost scared.

“So are you going to just stand there and watch me struggle or are you going to help?”

“How long did you know I was here?”

She turns back around so she is staring out into the blackness of the night.

“I felt you before you even came into the diner. Or should I say my body could sense you.”

Ignoring her obvious effort to talk about what is happening I state the obvious trying to enjoy her mere presence before we get into it.

“All done for the night?”

My attempt at small talk is futile as my body begins to now burn as if it were on fire from just being in the same room with her.

From ten feet away I can hear her breathing. I can hear the rustle of her uniform as she moves the damp cloth around the small appliances in her attempt to keep busy. The worst is her scent. It floods my senses leaving me feeling as if I am drunk and dizzy.

Without even realizing it I am sitting in the farthest booth possible with my eyes closed breathing as deeply as I can trying to get as much as of her inside me as I possibly can.

It’s making me crazy and what’s worse I can feel how much she is trying to pretend it’s not happening too.

We sit in silence for what seems like an eternity until I finally open my eyes needing desperately to hear her voice again.



“Liz are you ok?”

I see her trying to stay away from me. She’s trying to fight it …she’s much stronger than I am. I know that we aren’t going to win this battle but if one of us is going to give in to this I want it to be her.

She wipes the same spot on the counter several times lost in her thoughts.



“I asked you if you were ok?”

She chuckles as she throws the cloth on the counter and walks quickly over to me.

“Am I ok?”

I stand completely taken off guard at her anger.


She walks towards me backing me up against the booth and grabs the lapels of her uniform and rips it open.

I watch her chest rise and fall quickly making my heart slam against my ribs. Surrounding her breasts are brilliant radiant streaks of color. My eyes are drawn closer as I try to make out the shapes that look oddly familiar.

Her frustration is palpable as she grabs my hand and presses them against her. They are perfect outlines of my fingers. Marks left from our last time together.

I quickly release her as my urge to caress her and taste her is pulsing hard through my veins.

“Liz I know it’s upsetting but It’s nothing compared to what happened the last time.

“It burns Max”


Her voice becomes quiet as she places my hands over her again and closes her eyes as if she’s looking for some sort of relief.

"Im sorry I seemed angry with you Max. The truth is I'm scared. I didn't mean -

"Shh Liz we'll figure this out together. I love you. I won't let anything happen to you"

She takes a step towards me and runs her hands through the back of my hair effectively closing the space between us.

Her breathless whisper glides against the skin of my neck making it almost impossible to give in to the mindless powerful urge that is screaming inside me.

“I can barely function Max. All I can think about is you. Please take the pain away…please

Slowly I slide my hand down further across her watching closely as she shivers under my touch.

I dip my head as she pulls me towards her trembling breast.

“What’s happening?”

She moans as my breath breezes against her blazing skin.

If I had any control to begin with hearing her respond to my touch has just destroyed it.

I take the lapels from her uniform and peel them back from her shoulders as my tongue outlines the searing hot marks leading down to her hard peaks, which I greedily take in my mouth.


Her loud moans continue as I lift up onto one of the tables.

My eyes lock into hers as I release my belt and push my jeans and boxers to the floor.

My mouth falls open as I watch her lie back against the table as if she is surrendering to me. Waiting for me to take her she arches up and raises her arms above her head.

Moving between her legs I tilt my head to the side drinking in her beauty. Drawing out the moment.

With the back of my hand I stoke her cheek completely entranced by her. The way her long dark eyelashes flutter against her flushed cheeks is amost angelic.

"Make love to me Max"

I glide my hand down further flattening out my palm as I skim between her breasts down over her quivering stomach. Watching her reaction closely I lightly brush over her nub and through her moist folds.

Her eyes slam shut as her head falls back. She violently trembles beneath me.


Reaching above her head I grasp her hands holding her there as my mouth attaches to the pulse beating rapidly against her neck.

We both cry out as I thrust hard inside her. I intertwine our fingers squeezing them harder as her legs wrap tightly around my waist pulling me in deeper.

Leaving her neck I search out her soft lips to capture her whimpers when suddenly a flash rips me from her into a different world.

Everything clicks at that moment.

I know why this is happening.

Holding her wrapped up in my arms she cuddles close to my chest.

"Max your shivering ...are you ok?"

I nod as I hold back the tears that refuse to stop filling my eyes.

My heart feels as if it's being torn from my body.

How can I do this.

I have no choice ...

To save her ...

I have to let her go.

*Please see my note on pg. 17