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Sweet Surrender (AU,M/L,Adult) 1/8/09 (Complete)

Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 9:59 am
by jake17

Title: Sweet Surrender
Disclaimer: I own nothing Roswell, just my unending obsession with Jason
Author: jake17
Pairings: M/L
Rating: Adult
Summary: Sometimes love can happen when you least expect it.
Authors note: This fic is dedicated to my funny sweet seashell, I don't know what I'd do without you! :wink:

Thank you Dreamer19 for my beautiful banner!! It's so perfect!! I love it !! You are such a sweetheart Kristin !! :D :D :D

Chapter 1.

“Liz you are literally saving my life!”

Maria sipped her coffee while the two life long friends sat at her kitchen table

“Maria please it’s two nights out of my week. It’s not like I have anything else to do. It’s nothing really”

Just then Michael turned the corner and took a beer out of the fridge as he stared out onto the over grown lawn.

“Believe me it’s something. Kristin would be destroyed if she didn’t get to play baseball this year. With Michael’s new job and my overtime there is no way we can make her games. How can I ever repay you?”

“Well for one thing you can stop forcing me to go out with every single guy you happen to run into. Seriously no more blind dates for me …understood?”

“Fine but I don’t know how you think your going to find anyone locked away in that stuffy office of yours. You need to get out and meet people Liz.”

“Yeah besides you’re far too young and pretty to be satisfying your sexual needs with something that requires batteries.”

“Michael!!! I told you that was a secret!”

“Oh please Maria she hasn’t had a date in three years. I don’t think anyone would be shocked to hear about her getting some assistance from a certain toy once in awhile -

“Oh my god please will you two just shut up!”

Liz covered her face with her hands as her head came to rest on the table. She wondered if her life could get anymore pathetic.

“I’m never trusting you with another secret again Maria!. I can’t believe you told him that!”

Maria followed Liz out to her car taking the time out to forcefully slap Michael upside the head as she walked by him.

“I’m sorry Liz! Really I am!”

Maria ran after her car as she pulled out of the driveway and onto the oak tree lined street.

“Bye Maria”

“Just remember her game is at six!”

Liz waved and nodded at Maria. She was quietly planning her revenge as she drove towards her tiny loft in the city.


Once settled under her soft burgundy comforter she opened her laptop and closed her eyes hoping that something would come to her. Nothing did. Taking a long sip of wine she wished for something to happen. Something that would make her feel alive and not like she was just sleep walking through her life.

Liz stared at the blinking curser. She sighed silently cursing her muse for abandoning her.

‘Ugh this is useless! How am I suppose to write romance novels when I have no idea what it’s like to even be in love.’

Liz’s problem was never dating. She could date every night if she wanted to. The problem was there was never any fire. She longed to feel the kind of passion that takes over your body and makes you crazy with desire and need.


The next morning Liz went through her usual routine. Stopping to say hello to the old woman Mrs. Latanzio who sat in her window sill most every morning and every night listening to her Johnny Mathis records and dreaming about her late husband Anthony.

She was a nice woman who would always try and give Liz some piece of advice about her love life.

“Remember Liz you have to have that chemistry that spark or you’re just wasting you time honey”

“You have a nice day Mrs. Latanzio. I’m going off to find that spark!”

“Oh child you joke now but when it happens it’s going to turn your world upsidedown!”

After she got her usual coffee and corn muffin she settled in at her desk ready work.

Liz had a job with a small company that released paperback novels. These were the kind of books that could be found in airports gift shops and grocery stores. This was definitely not her dream job but it paid the bills. She had always been in charge of writing mysteries. This subject matter came easy to her. She could basically write them in her sleep.

Then one day the woman responsible for writing the romance novels took an early maternity leave and suddenly Liz found herself struggling with phrases like…. “hard manhood and creamy mounds”

She glanced over several of books that had already been published hoping she would get some ideas. No such luck.

After a very frustrating afternoon she was happy to be on her way to pick up Kristin.

Maria and Michael’s daughter was very cool. She was eight years old and a definite tomboy. She insisted on playing little league instead of softball. She thought it was ridiculous that girls had to play with a larger softer ball just because they were girls.

As Liz pulled into the driveway Kristin came running out to greet her.

“Hi Auntie Liz!”

“Well look at you! You look so cool in your uniform! What team are you on anyway?”

“I’m on the Phillies this year and I know I’m going to be pitching! My arm is way stronger then all the boys in my gym class. No one can get a hit off me. Coach Evans has to pick me. He’d be a fool not to!”

“You are definitely your parents daughter Kristin”


As Liz pulled into the park she was surprised at how professional the field was. There were dugouts and bleachers …even lights for night games.

“Kris are you sure we’re at the right field?”

“Oh yeah … the town built the high school kids this really cool field in the back. As long as no one needs this one we get to use it.”

Liz laughed to herself as she was watched Kristin jump from her car and run to the field.

Her long ponytail was sticking out the hole in her baseball hat bouncing all over in sea of crew cuts.

She reached for her laptop and prayed for some inspiration as she settled into one of the seats closest to the Phillies dugout.

Staring back at the curser on her screen again. Just then she was startled when she caught a glimpse of the coach as he passed by her.

He had gathered all the kids around him to remind them of a few things before they went up to bat.

She was captivated by his voice. It was like no other she had ever heard. It had a deep husky tone to it.

Liz immediately pictured him saying some of the words that she had been reading for her research and became breathless.

“Ok kids remember our practices. Just watch those pitches. If it feels right ..swing hard.”

Liz peeked over her laptop and almost fell out of her seat.

Standing no more than ten feet from her was the most gorgeous man she had ever seen.

He was tall and lean with short dark black hair and soft golden eyes. He had a sleeveless shirt on that showed the well defined muscles of his strong arms. The strange thing was he seemed completely unaware of just how handsome he was. He seemed laid back and sweet as he yelled out words of encouragement to the kids on his team.

Liz continued to stare mesmerized by everything about him.

The coach was looking down at a clipboard reading his notes when he hesitated suddenly. He could feel someone looking at him.

Slowly he lifted his eyes up and caught her gaze. Quickly he looked back down feeling embarrassed that he was being watched.

She did the same.

He felt his heart start to race. Immediately he was struck by her beauty . Her long dark hair flowed around her in the spring breeze. Looking down he was lost as to what to do. Although he was embarrassed by her stare he had to have one more look.

Liz feeling the same slowly lifted her eyes over her computer and was rewarded by a warm smile.

She blushed as she smiled back at him.

“Coach Evans Danny is having problems with his batting helmet.”

He hesitated before reluctantly turning his attention away from her to help little Danny.

As he walked away his face was flushed with thoughts of kissing those soft pink lips and running his hands through her long dark hair.

This was not like him. No had ever had such an immediate affect on him in his life. He looked back one more time as he tripped over a bat that was left on the ground.

She had clearly shaken him up.

Somehow he had to get the courage up to speak to her before the end of the night.

Liz was just trying to get through the next moment without passing out.

‘Wow fire, chemistry, so this is what it feels like.'

Should I continue?

Re: Sweet Surrender (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 2 5/16/08

Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 6:13 pm
by jake17
Behrgirl21: So happy you liked this! Yes she does need her Max! :wink: Thanks for the sweet fb! :D
begonia9508: omg Eve I think you'd kick my ass if I didn't make him single! :lol: thanks so much for thinking Michael was funny! :D
smith82: thanks so much! I hope you like this next part! :D
Angelina: hello sweetie! thanks so much again for being so nice with your fb. and I promise i haven't forgotten coming for you...just hard for me to end it..I know stupid :roll: thanks anyway for your fb! :D
Behrsgirl77 wrote:I have to say, nice start. I like how Liz isn't used to writing "romance" novels and is struck dumb when she meets Max. I think she'll have it in her in no time...

Boy did that come out wrong
:lol: :lol: :lol: OH I think you are very right Tanya! OMG that was great! :lol: thanks so much for making me laugh!!
yayaliens: thank you so much!! lets just say I've been inspired to write a baseball story... :D oh and your avatar is making me weak.. :oops: :shock:
roswell4life: first talk is coming...thank you sooo much for being here!! :D
sarammlover: Hi Sara! :D yes I think baseball and love will be very hot ...just think of the possibilities :wink: ..(do you see what jason has done to me Sara?!) :roll: thanks so much for such sweet fb! :D
Aurorabee wrote:Should you continue? Is the sky blue? Am I an unapologetic dreamer? Do you love Jason Behr? The answer to all is Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!
:lol: I do! I do! Love him! :wink:
Omg! :lol: :lol: loved it !! loved it!! thanks so much I get the best fb!! :D
IheartMax wrote: Can't wait for some hot dirty baseball love
:lol: :lol: OH it's coming Seashell don't you worry!! :oops: :lol: thank you sweetie!!! :D :D
dreamer19: HI Kristin!! hmmm I think her struggles with writing romance is about to end ! YES YES I do Kristin! aren't you proud of me that I spelled Kristin right? :lol: thanks for the fb Kristin! :wink: :D
Natalie36: hello you! thanks for the big yes for coming back! hope you like this! :D
keepsmiling7: hope you like more of coach evans! thanks so much!! :D

Wow I think that was the funniest fb I have ever had!! :lol: Thank you so much everyone! Hope you enjoy the next inning... I know I'm such a dork! :roll:
thanks again Carrie :D

Chapter 2.

“There you go Danny. Just remember keep your eye on the ball”

Coach Evans backed up behind the fence. He kept his eyes on Danny’s batting skills but his mind was clearly stuck on the pretty brunette who was currently burning a hole through his perfectly toned body.


“Nice swing Danny! You’re doing great!”

Liz smiled at how sweet he was. As the umpire called strike three Liz watched as Coach Evans walked a very disappointed Danny back to the bench.

She couldn’t hear what they were saying but in no time at all Danny was giving his coach a high five and cheering for the next batter.

As the afternoon played out Liz found herself helplessly having fantasies about this beautiful seemingly sensitive incredibly sexy man.

She smiled looking back at Kristin as she enjoyed her ice cream with her friends. She was far but not too far that she couldn’t call her if she needed to.

With no one else around she looked down at the bat curiously. Liz was in no way an athlete but she wanted to know what it felt like to hold the long hard bat in her tiny hands.

Picking it up she awkwardly swung it a couple of times. Suddenly she felt strong but gentle hands on her waist.

“Coach Evans!”

“Didn’t mean to scare you. It’s just that your stance is all wrong.”

He moved his knee between her thighs ( higher than he really needed to) and spread her legs apart.

Just then she felt him close to her body wrapping his muscular arms around her.

He moved in closer virtually covering her body with his. Her heart pounded feeling herself becoming wet as he softly pushed his hard arousal against the small of her back.

Seductively he brought his lips down to her ear and whispered against her heated skin.

“Excuse me ….could you grab that ball for me?”


Liz was stunned as she snapped out of her daydream and found herself staring straight into the most strikingly warm eyes she had ever seen.

Again his velvet voice spoke to her. His tone softened a bit noticing how intensely she seemed to be looking at him.

“Sorry I didn’t mean to startle you …it’s just that the ball is umm…

He bashfully pointed between her feet and looked back up into her eyes smiling innocently.

“Oh oh ..I’m sorry I was just… I was thinking about work and I was daydreaming.”

Liz was mortified as she reached down and picked up the ball.

As she went to hand it to him it fell just short of his fingertips. They both went to catch it before it dropped and ended up both holding the ball …and each others hand.

Smiling and blushing they looked down at their hands. The heat that ran through both of them was undeniable. It seemed like they were both caught in this moment. Both of them felt reluctant to let go and stood there a bit longer then they should have.

“Max we don’t have all day here!”

They both snapped out of their daze and looked back at the umpire and all the kids and all the parents that were staring at them waiting impatiently.

Max looked back at her completely shocked at the audience that was staring at them. Somehow with her around it seemed as though no one else existed.


“No problem”

His whispered voice plus the touch of his hand made her whole body flush with desire… a desire she had never felt before.

As Max handed the ball back to the umpire the chubby older man huffed at him.

“Max we have about thirty balls … we really didn’t need you to hold up the game so you could flirt”

“Easy Carl she might hear you. I just wanted to talk to her. Don’t worry it took her about a minute before she even realized I was standing there. I think I’m way out of my league with her.”

Carl threw the ball out to the pitcher yelling out ‘Play Ball!’

Before turning his attention back to the play he yelled back to Max.

“You’re in the right league Max just out of practice!”

Max glanced back at him with widened eyes hoping that she wasn’t catching on.

During the game Liz cheered the Phillies on while her laptop sat closed and turned off beside her.

Kristin ran to her after the last out jumping into her arms and screaming happily.

“We won Auntie Liz!! We won!”

The word Auntie did not go unnoticed as Max started to line up the kids to talk over their next game.

“I know you did great sweetie! Wait till we tell your mom and dad!”

“I’ll be right back Auntie I gotta go the coach wants to talk to us!”

Liz smiled as she looked up at Max.

He had his arms spread out as a cute dark haired blue - eyed little boy came running to him.

“Tommy! Nice hit buddy!”

“Did you see me! I got to slide and everything! Look!.. my pants are all dirty!!!”

Max messed his hair playfully and nodded laughing out loud.

“I see that! Your mom is going to kill me!”

Liz silently swore knowing this was way too good to be true. Of course he was married and this was his little boy. Except for the blue eyes they looked exactly alike. She was devastated but used to the disappointment that was associated with her love life. She sighed thinking that at the very least she would have some material for her smut story.

“Great job everyone! Our next game is in two days and it’s with the Yankees. They are a real tough team so if you can practice at home before Thursday. I’ll see you all then!”

Max was disappointed to see Liz already walking towards the parking lot with her niece running to keep up with her.

He slowly picked up the bases and the balls lost in his own little world.

Carl sat on the bench and sighed drinking down his blue Gatorade.

“I can’t believe you actually drink that stuff”

“You ok Max?”

“Yeah …I don’t know I kind of thought I had a connection with that girl but she couldn’t wait to get out of here. I don’t think she’s interested.”

“Wow I think it’s been at least a year since I’ve even heard you talk about a woman. Oh and by the way you’re an idiot”

“What do you mean I’m an idiot?”

“Well maybe not an idiot but definitely blind. She was staring at you the entire time. She was practically eating you alive with those big brown eyes of hers”


“I’m just saying. Hey Max. Did you ever stop to think that maybe she thinks Tommy’s your son and you're married?”

“Oh my god…Carl you’re a genius!”

“I always thought so”

Re: Sweet Surrender (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 3 6/3/08

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 10:29 am
by jake17
Kay_b: thanks so much for liking this! I appreciate the feedback! :D
Smith82: Oh yes she has definitely found her inspiration! :wink: thanks for being here! :D
confusedfool: thank you hope you like this next part! :D
francesca: so happy you are loving this!! thanks so much for letting me know! :D
dreamer19: hmm funny how Kristin is going to in a way help this relationship along.. :wink: thanks for being here sweetie! :D
yayaliens: yes there is lots of tension! :oops: thanks for being here! :D
angelina: Tommy is Isabel's son ... there is no Tess in this story!! :D thanks so much for being here! :D
begonia9508: Hi Eve! OH she will definitely show up at the next game! :wink: thanks for your fb! :D
Addicted2AmberEyes: Yes lot's of chemistry between them ..the sparks are definitely flying!thanks so much for your fb! :D
Natalie36: oh he is definitely my inspiration.. but Im guessing you already knew that! :wink: thanks for the fb Natalie! :D
Aurorabee: Yes Carl will also help move things along! thanks so much for being here! :D
IheartMax: hmm Yummy is the perfect word to describe him seashell! :lol: love that your here! :D
Sarammlover: Hi Sara! So happy you like the daydreams ..and you are absolutely right! :wink: thanks so much for the great fb! :D
roswell3053: thanks so much!! hope you like the next part! :D
Michelle in Yonkers: No Tess here! Isabel's son.. thanks so much for your great fb! :D
Shattered Dreamer: thanks for wanting more!! hope you like it! :D

Please everyone check out the awesome banner Dreamer19 made for me!! You are so sweet Kristin!! I just love it! It's just perfect!! thank you so much!!! :wink: :D :D :D

Chapter 3.

“Earth to Liz.. are you still with us?”

Maria waved her hand in front of Liz’s face but got no response in return.

Liz was staring out into space dreaming of someone she knew she could never have…but all the same could not stop thinking about.

“What’s up with her?”

Michael yawned as he rubbed his eyes. He had slept most of the day preparing himself for the late shift at the factory.

“Auntie Liz has a crush on the coach daddy”


Liz hid her face in her hands knowing she’d never hear the end of it this time.


Michael sat down and tapped the table eagerly waiting for the details.

“Coach Evans? I saw him when I went to sign her up… he is freaking hot”

“He’s also very married Maria”

“No he’s not”

Kristin was tossing a baseball up in the air and catching it while she waited to leave for her game.

“Ok get in here!”

Maria anxiously waved her hand at her daughter motioning her to join them in the kitchen.

“What do you mean he’s not married? Kristin, his son Tommy is on the team”

Liz still had her head buried in her hands.

Kristin blew a big bubble with her gum and popped it with her finger.

“Tommy not his son …Tommy’s his nephew”

Maria turned Kristin towards her so she was looking directly at her.

“Are you positive honey … you know this for sure?”

“Yes mom I’m sure… his nephew is in my class… didn’t you see him staring at you through the whole game… it was sooo embarrassing!”

Liz was stunned as she quickly took a sip of wine that Maria automatically poured for her. ‘Oh my god …he’s single …but there was no way he was looking at me…why would he be looking at me?’

Michael’s grin widened as he padded Liz on the back.

“Really hmm sounds promising! Maybe you can retire your “special friend “ since the real thing might be in your future!”

Maria slapped him upside the head as she handed Kristin her duffle bag.

“Michael! Liz honey, don’t listen to him!”

Michael got up from his chair rubbing his head and wriggling his eyebrows at Liz.

“Good luck tonight… here’s hoping for a homerun!”

“Hey your supposed to say that to me dad! Auntie Liz isn’t even playing!”

“Oh yes she is honey! Michael walked out of the room laughing to himself. Good luck to you too sweet pea!”


As Liz drove up to the field she could feel her heart starting to race. She wished she wasn’t so shy. She wished she were more like Maria. Maria could walk up to anyone and start a conversation. How in the world was she ever going to get him to notice her.

Liz checked her hair and make up several times before exiting her car. Kristin had grown impatient and ran to meet up with her friends.

She walked up to the field scanning the area searching for him but came up empty
Just then she heard that gentle voice again.

“Excuse me …umm are you here with Kristin?”

Liz took a deep breath and turned to face a warm sweet smile that literally made her legs shake.

‘Ok Liz hold it together!’

“Umm yes … hi, I’m Liz”

Max tried to stay as calm as possible but all he could do was stare at her beautiful mouth. His eyes were locked on her as she nervously bit her bottom lip.

“It’s nice to meet you. I’m Max the coach but I’m guessing you probably already figured that out”

Max was blushing furiously. He hated that he was so painfully shy. He was always the type of person that could never hide his feelings especially in this type of situation.

“Yeah …I noticed… you’re really great with the kids”

She smiled wide and gazed up at him through her long dark eyelashes. The wind was blowing her dark hair grazing her long neck and brushing up against her pink lips. He was completely captivated by her.

Lost in the moment he reached up and tucked a lose strain behind her ear. She looked down immediately and licked her lips completely taken off guard by his unexpected touch. The feel of his hand grazing her cheek and neck brought her very quickly to an unexpected place. It was her turn to blush.

“Oh my god …I’m sorry I don’t know why I did that… it’s just the wind was blowing your hair… you know around and it seemed like it was bothering you –

Liz was unable to speak at this point the chemistry between them was quiet evident.

Suddenly he felt a slap on his back that jolted him out of his rambling explanation.

“Don’t mean to interrupt but I think you should tell her about the team photo already … the kids are waiting Casanova.”

Max winced hearing the name Casanova… Carl would pay for that.”

“Thanks Carl”

“No problem big guy”
Carl winked back at him loving how this girl was making him completely fall apart.

Max did his best to recover his dignity as continued to talk to her.

“After the game today they’re sending a photographer over to take a team photo. I was going to take the kids for ice cream after…if the parents would be up for it of course.”

“Oh sure that’s sounds great! I’m sure the kids would love that”

“Great so you’ll come?”

“Yeah sure”



They stood staring at each other smiling both unwilling to be the first to look away.

“Terrific … do you think that we could possibly start the game now Max? “

“Sure Carl”

Liz game him one last look and made her way over to the bleachers.

Max was fixated on her as she walked away.

Carl crossed his arms in front of himself and sighed.

“Well we could just stare at her all day but I think the kids might get a little bored.”

“Thanks for the support Carl were a real big help back there.”

“Hey wasn’t it my idea for the ice cream after the game? Who got you too talking?”

Max hesitantly groaned out “You did Carl … you did!”

“That’s right … and don’t you forget it!”


As the game played on Liz sat cheering on the Phillies as she continually watched every move Coach Evans made.

She hadn’t noticed his arms the last time. He had very well defined muscles that flexed in the most erotic way whenever he moved. Just the sight of them made her imagine what it would feel like having those strong arms wrapped around her.

Suddenly Liz found herself drifting off into her own little world.

“Are you sure no one will mind if we eat our ice cream outside?”

“No all the parents are in there …no one will miss us…do you want to go for a walk"

Liz looked back at Kristin who was safely chatting with her friend and his parents inside and thought it wouldn’t hurt just to be gone for a few minutes.

“Sure a walk sounds nice”

Soon they found themselves in a very secluded area. They were well hidden from the coverage of a willow tree that stood just at the edge of the woods near the ice cream parlor.

Liz leaned up against the tree and looked up at the clouds that dotted the blue sky.

“Umm Liz?”

There was that voice again.. whispering to her in an unimaginable seductive way.


He moved in closer to her staring down at her chest as it rose and fell due to her rapid breathing.

Max threw his cone into the woods and gazed back at her.

“It seems that you’ve dripped some of your ice cream on your umm… well right here”

Taking matters into his own hands Max moved his mouth down to just below her collarbone and started to slowly lick the chocolate from her skin.

Liz gasped feeling his warm tongue stoke over her skin. Without thinking she dropped her cone on the ground and reached up to grasp at the arms she had been dreaming about.

Soon his mouth was on her neck and his hands were tracing her soft skin on her stomach that was exposed as her shirt started to rise from her waist.

“Liz” he breathed out

She was quietly whimpering as his hands traveled down to her butt.

“Max someone might see”

“I don’t care”

With that he pressed his hard arousal against her. She let out a loud moan feeling the start of an intense orgasm starting to wash over her as he moved slowly against her.


Again he breathed out her name. At that moment she needed to touch him to feel his skin against hers. Slowly she lifted up his tee shirt revealing the hardest cut tight stomach she had ever seen. As she slowly caressed his rippled abs she heard him once again hiss her name.



“Liz…are you ok?”

Suddenly she was snapped out of another daydream.

Max was smiling at her looking a little bewildered.

“The games over … they’re finished with the picture… do you think you might want to still go for that ice cream.”

“Oh umm yeah definitely…Kristin would love it”

Liz tried hard to pull herself together as she grabbed her jacket and water bottle.

Together they walked back to their cars. Liz was trying to think of anything besides him to calm herself down.

“Liz can I ask you something?”

“Yeah sure?”

“You seemed to be deep in thought back there…is everything ok?”

“Oh yeah….umm I write for a publishing company … I was just going over some interesting ideas for a new chapter. I guess I got a little caught up in my imagination”

Max smiled as he opened her car door for her.

“Wow that’s so interesting … I would love to read your work sometime … if that’s ok I mean.”

“Oh s-sure … not yet though … it’s kind of a work in progress”

Re: Sweet Surrender (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 3 6/3/08

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 2:06 pm
by jake17
smith82: yes I think her book will be best seller! thanks so much for being here! :D
Keepsmiling7: Isabel is Tommy's mom.. thanks so much for your sweet fb! :D
angelina: Hi sweetie thank you for thinking that was beautiful.. love you here! :D
sarammlover: Hi Sara! So happy you are liking this.. thanks so much! :D
Veronica: Yes she daydreams a lot ..reminds me of someone! :wink: thanks for being here! :D
IheartMax: so happy I could make you melt seashell! thanks so much for you fb! :D
Michelle in Yonkers: yes she has lots of sexual fantasies, you never know they might come in handy one day! :wink: thanks for your fb! :D
dreamer19: thank you for liking everyone so much.. So happy your here! :D
begonia9508: Hi Eve.. :lol: Liz doesn't really have any toys .. Michael's just being a guy.. busting her ass... thanks for being here sweetie. :D
roswell3053: Hey! I loved your fb! I think you are absolutely right! :wink: thanks sweetie! :D
kay_b: Im so happy you like this!! your fb was so nice.. I really appreciate it! :D
twilight: Hi! Im so happy you found this too! Don't worry things are about to speed up.. well a little :wink: ..thanks so much for your sweet fb! :D
Addicted2AmberEyes: So happy you like the chemistry between them ..thanks so much for being here.! :D
Ythaler: Hi Yatie! So happy to see you here.. and Im happy you like Michael's humor..thanks so much!! :D

Chapter 4.

Tommy elbowed Kristin pointing out Max and Liz as they stood outside the ice cream shop shyly talking to each other.

“What’s that all about?”

“What’s what all about?”

“Them ..they look like they like each other or something”

“That’s because my Aunt is hot for your Uncle…and I’m pretty sure he feels the same”

“Awww gross!”

“Tell me about it…I can’t even get her attention after the games. She’s always got a dreamy look in her eyes after she leaves him. Adults are so stupid!”

“Yeah tell me about it.”


“So what made you want to coach little league?”

Max tried to hold eye contact as she spoke to him but every time she licked her ice cream cone his heart would start pounding.

“Well my sister’s husband Kyle was supposed to coach this team… for Tommy …his son. He’s the boy talking to your niece. Anyway he broke his ankle and had to pull out at the last minute. Tommy was crushed. We’re close so I thought if I took over he wouldn’t feel so bad.”

“Wow that was so nice of you! What do you do during the day… I-I mean for a job?”

“I’m an electrician. I have may own business. I do a lot of private homes and small jobs. It’s nothing huge but I do ok.”

“You’re an electrician! Oh my god I can’t believe that! I’ve been having this problem with the recess lighting in my kitchen. I’ve been looking for someone to help but I had no idea who to ask. Would you mind looking at it for me?”

“Oh sure ..of course. No one’s been able to help? I mean has your boyfriend checked it out?”

Liz looked down at the ground and slowly lifted her long eyes lashes up towards him as she quietly whispered.

“Oh well that would be hard …since there is no boyfriend.”

“How is that even possible?”

Max face turned bright red as he threw his cone in the trash completely embarrassed at letting his thoughts escape from his mouth.

“What do you mean?”

Max shifted his feet nervously and scratched behind his ear.

“Well I-I mean you’re so umm …beautiful”

When the word beautiful hit his lips he lifted his warm eyes up to her surprised expression.

“You think I’m beautiful?”

Her quiet whisper forced him to take a step closer to her.


Time seemed to stop for a moment as they gazed into each other’s eyes.

All the sudden Kristin and Tommy were coughing hard and clearing their throats in a very obvious manner right behind them.

“Umm excuse us …we don’t mean to bust up this little love connection you have going on here but we’re ready to go.”


“Oh please Auntie Liz…it’s so obvious! Can we go now I’m tired”

Max and Liz were smiling totally embarrassed at the result of being exposed by two eight year olds.

“Get in the car”


Liz turned with her face in a bright blush and forced herself to ask him her next question.

“So about my lights?”

“Oh yeah I mean I could look at them now if your not busy. I just have to drop off Tommy and I’m free.”

“Oh! Umm yeah that would be great. Well I have to drop off Kristin and then I’ll be home.”


Liz was struggling to get into her car. She was completely blown away that he was actually going to be coming to her house. Plus she was searching her mind trying to figure out how to break her recess lights.

She smiled brightly up at him as she started the car. She was only hoping that she could keep her cool long enough to get out of the parking lot.

Just then he appeared in her window.



“I’m sorry but I need your address”

“Oh yeah sure…of course… good going ..don’t tell him where you live that will help….It’s 345 Oak drive apt. 4”

“Ok I’ll see you in about half hour”


Liz drove down the road mumbling to herself incoherently.

“Oh my god what did I just do?! He’s coming over and there even isn’t anything wrong with my freaking lights! Oh my god what am I going to do?”

A little voice came from the back.

“I thought this was a good thing! Auntie Liz does this mean that your going to be giving your toys away like daddy said …because I’d like to see what you have”

“I don’t have any toys Kristin!!”

“Geez sooorry... fine keep your toys.”

Liz hit her head on the steering wheel as Kristin jumped out the car and ran to her house.


Max sat in his jeep outside her apartment trying to get the courage up to go in.

Just then his phone started to vibrate all over the seat.

“Hello Carl”

“Stop freaking out and go inside Max”

“What?! How did you know?! Car-

“Max! Calm down and listen to me. This is the first girl you’ve been interested in years…she's obviously interested too …recess lighting my ass… she wants you boy!”


“Carl nothing get out of that raggedy old jeep and go get some…if I can’t somebody freaking should …man if I was young again I’d be tapping every -

Max sighed and closed the phone.

“Freaking Carl.”


Liz was running around in circles frantically straightening up.

Hearing his soft knock she froze wishing the floor would open up and swallow her.



“Come in I’ll show you where the kitchen is”

“I like your apartment”

“Oh thanks”

“Well here they are” ‘My perfectly fine working recess lights’

Max touched the switch and they popped on.

Liz did her best to look surprised.

“W-What oh my god! They haven’t worked in so long!”

Max dimmed them just to make sure everything was working right.

Everything was.

“Hmm maybe there's a loose wire. This happens sometimes. Your lights will intermittently work depending on the state of the wire. Let me just check”

At that point Liz was standing so close to him he couldn’t think straight. The scent of her hair made him dizzy ..his head cloudy. So much so that he forgot to shut the power off before pulling the wires from the ceiling. A large spark lit up around his fingers and he gasped waving his hand painfully in the air.

“Oh my god the power!! Oh my god Max are you ok? This is all my fault! I’m so sorry!”

Max was deeply mortified .. what kind of electrician forgets to shut the power off.. secretly he blamed Carl for all of this.

“Liz it’s my fault not yours…I’m fine really”

“Here sit on the couch. I’ll be right back”

Liz ran to her medicine cabinet stunned that she had almost killed the only man she has wanted in years.

Sitting next to him she held his hand in hers.

Instantly the pain disappeared. All he could feel was the warmth of her hand and the way her arm felt against his bare skin. He had never wanted anyone more in his life.

“Here let me just put some of this cream on your hand .. it’s for burns. Max I'm so sorry I feel just terrible.”

Max smiled and looked over at her “Liz I’m the idiot who forgot to turn off the power.”

“Yes but this would’ve happened if I didn’t –

Liz stopped herself realizing that she was about to confess her plan.

“If you didn’t what Liz?”

“Oh this is really embarrassing”

Liz covered her face with her hands and whispered quietly.

“There’s nothing wrong with my lights Max”

Max smiled again this time gently pulling her hands down from her face.

“I know Liz”

“You knew”

“W-Well Car- I mean I wasn’t sure but when I looked at them and the wiring looked secure I just figured…

“Oh I want to just die”

Max gently cupped her face turning her to face him.

His bold move shocked them both.

“I’m glad you did what you did… I wanted to see you”

“You did?”

Max was staring at her soft pink lips at this point.


He ran his thumb across her bottom lip as he inched his way towards her.

Just then the power went out in the entire apartment leaving them completely in the dark.



“Don't stop”

Re: Sweet Surrender (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 5 7/2/08

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 6:41 am
by jake17
angelina:thank you sweetie! I really appreciate the bumps! :D
kyliemou:Hi kylie! I have no idea how I keep all my stories straight! :roll: thanks so much for leaving fb here! :D happy you like Kristin! Her personalitly was inspired by a very special person! thanks so much for being here! :D
begonia9508 Eve, seriously you could never be lame! You are the best! I always look forward to your fb! thanks so much sweetie! :D
twilight:So happy you thought this was funny.. I'm always fearful that it won't come off right! you incredibly sweet fb means so much to me thank you so much! :D
Natalie36: happy you like Carl .. he'll be making quite a few appearances in the next few updates thanks so much Natalie! :D
kay_b: thank you so much Kay! I just love your story! can't wait for more! :D
keepsmiling7: thank you so much! love seeing you here! :D
veronica:So happy this made you laugh! hope you like the next part! :D
IheartMax :wink: Hey you!love you here. but you know that :wink: thankyou sweetie! :D
yayaliens: :oops: sorry for leaving it right there.. :roll: don't worry it's coming...literally! :oops: :lol: see too much tattooist!! :roll:
Emz80m: thank you so much! :D
urpersonaloddball: happy that you think the kids are cute! thanks for the fb! :D
roswell4life: :oops: :oops: sorry to leave before the nookie! but you know I always come through!
Dziumka:so happy you loved it! means so much to me! :D
addicted2AmberEyes: yes the sparks are flying !! thanks sweetie :D
futuremrsmcdreamy: Wow :oops:that is incredibly nice saying that you like my stories.. I really needed that today.. thank you! :D
Michelle in Yonkers:OMG! that is such a great idea is a great story to tell their grandchilden..thanks Michelle! :D
sarammlover: Hi! I know what you want sweetie. :wink: . you will get a sample here but the next one is going to be on fire .. :twisted: I promise.. thanks so much Sara!
Queen Fee: HI So happy you found this! thanks so much for the fb! :D
Tears_of _Mercury (thanks Rachael! :) ) after your stories Im kind of embarrassed for you to see mine.. but I really appreciate your sweet words! :D
Shattered Dreamer: thanks so much for always asking me to come back...your encouragement alway works! :wink:
behrgirl121: IM so happy you found this and like it so much! it means so much to me that you look the time to let me know! :D
Clash868:you are so sweet to read my stories! :oops: thank you! :) Means so much to me that you searched them out! thanks so much for your kind fb! :D I'm going on vac. so if you update don't think I forgot about your story.. because that would be impossible! :wink: :D

.. Im actually leaving for vacation in a couple hours and really had no time to do this but I just couldn't help myself.. So I wrote it very fast ..hope it's ok! :oops: :)

thank you so much for all the amazing feed back everyone! I was so surprised..
OH and I promise the steamy part will be continued ... Jason would never just let me end it there.. :wink: :lol: ... ok I think I've been watching the Tattooist a little too much.. :)

I hope everyone enjoys this... thank you again!

Have a wonderful Holiday! :D Carrie

Chapter 5.

Liz could feel his hand start to tremble as he cupped her cheek.

His husky low whisper filled the air making her weak.

“Liz I-I’ve wanted to kiss you since the first time I laid eyes on you”

She could feel her heart race as he moved closer.

“You’re shaking”

His forehead came down to rest on hers. His hands were on either side of her face holding her to him.

Max inched his way towards her parted lips. He whispered to her in a low raspy sensual tone.

"I know.. I can't help it. You're so beautiful"

The light from the moon was streaming in her window illuminating her face. He was falling fast.

His eyes danced over her features as she shyly looked down biting her lip feeling embarrassed at his intense gaze.

Her hands moved to his forearms sliding up over his toned biceps.

His body shuddered as she lightly glided the tips of her fingers across his chest.

The thin material of his tee shirt left little to the imagination. She trembled feeling the hard lines of his muscles and how they would move under her gentle inspection.

The palms of her hands smoothed over the cotton material leading down his hard chest to his stomach that flexed under her heated caresses. Her fantasies of him played over and over in her mind.

It was all too much. Her lips were trembling as his thumb stroked the line of her jaw.

He finally captured her lips sending them both to a place that they had been dreaming of for so long.

Reaching his hand through her hair he tilted her head back and parted her lips.

Suddenly he breathed into her deepening their kiss causing them both to gasp .

He traced the soft curve of her lip with his tongue drawing a soft moan from her.
Soon his kisses became more heated and desperate.

Max was breathless as he slid his mouth across the line of her jaw to her neck.

Liz threw her head back and whimpered as he devoured he neck letting out deep satisfied groans as he made his way down to her collarbone.

“Oh god Liz”


Her hands found their way to his thick black hair pulling him closer.

Max was quickly loosing control as he feasted on her trembling skin and listened to her soft moans that were filling the air.

He was slowly unconsciously pushing her further against couch. The need to cover her soft perfumed silky body with his hard muscular one was overwhelming.

He wanted to feel her beneath him... against him … consuming him.

Max gained courage knowing he was pleasing her with every whimper … every moan …every tug of his hair.

He was desperate to feel her skin … to feel her skin against his.

His hand soon found the edge of her shirt.

Max was now lying over her kissing her wildly and caressing the soft curve body just below her breasts.

Suddenly the lights came back on. The apartment that was just bathed in moonlight was filled with the two bright lamps in her living room.

Max and Liz snapped open their eyes and pulled away from each other.

They sat at opposite ends of the couch trying to recover lost as to what to do next….both feeling shy and embarrassed.

It was easy to be brave and loose yourself in the dark but somehow the shock of the lights coming on made them both fell awkward and nervous.

He was praying that he had not pushed her too far. He wanted her to know that he respected her. He put his hand on his forehead thinking that this wasn’t even a date. How could he have pushed her so far. He worried so much what she must be thinking of him at that point.

Liz pulled at her clothes and tried to smooth her hair out. She was totally freaked thinking that she must look like such a slut. First she lies to get him over to her apartment then she practically mauls him. She never intended for any of this to go further than a kiss. Although deep inside she wanted so much more.

Needing to break the tension Liz stood and smiled at him.

“Umm Max can I get you something to drink?”

“Y-Yeah that sounds great. I’ll take anything”

“Okay… be right back”

While Liz searched for the two beers she knew where somewhere in her fridge Max couldn’t help but notice something on her desk.

Casually walking over to the red binder with the big black lettering on the front he picked up the rough copy of her book.

By Elizabeth Parker

Curiouosity got the better of him as he started to skim through the pages.

To his surprise it didn’t take long before he realized who the inspiration was for this very passionate steamy novel.

The rain came down hard against the roof of the dug out. We were soaked to the skin but not even the cool spring rain could quench the fire that ignited between us.

I pulled at his dark hair as he lifted me up with his strong muscular arms and wrapped my legs around his waist.

I rocked against his hard arousal desperately trying to get him closer … to satisfy the growing ache between my shaky legs.

I threw my head back as he pushed my trembling body up against wall. Suddenly I felt my shirt being ripped from my body. I screamed with pleasure as I felt him take my breast in his hot mouth.

My head was spinning knowing that soon he would take me. Soon I would feel him inside me. “Touch me” I pleaded without shame.

As the rain beat down on my heated skin I whimpered and moaned pushing his head closer to me begging him never to stop…..

Max stood with his mouth wide open in complete shock. His heart was pounding against his chest.

Just then Liz appeared in the living room with two light beers in her hand.

“Sorry that took so long I thou-

Suddenly she saw Max standing there with the book in his hands breathing hard.

She felt all the blood drain from her face.

“Oh my god! Max how much did you –

Max quickly went over to her and took the beer form her hands.

His eyes were dark with desire as he stared down into her wide innocent eyes.

His voice was thick with want and need as he moved closer to her.

“Liz …just tell me one thing. Is this…about ….me.”

She licked her lips starting to panic not knowing how he would react to such provocative writing. Her face turned bright red knowing that the book was filled with her most darkest desires and fantasies … fantasies about him.

He was so close now she could feel his hot breath across her lips.

“Tell me Liz”


Before she knew it Liz was in his strong arms up against the wall. Her legs were wrapped around his waist. She was whimpering feeling him pressed against her hot core while his mouth searched out the places where her dreams up till that point had only taken her.

Carl would be bowling alone tonight.

Re: Sweet Surrender (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 6 7/23/08

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 6:51 pm
by jake17
Keepsmiling7: Hi! thanks so much for the sweet fb and the bump! I hope you enjoy this! :wink:
Lena: thank you so much Lena for being here! I appreciate the nice fb! :D
angelina: hello sweetie!! hope you are good! thanks so much for everything! :D
begonia9508: Hi Eve! So happy you found that hot .. I hope I'm able to pull it off again! :wink: thanks so much! :D
roswell3053: Hi! thanks so much for being here! and at all my stories :wink: I really appreciate it! This is what you've been waiting for :wink:
sarammlover: Sara! omg! You are so sweet! You just made my day with your incredibly nice complement! thank you so much!! :D
yayaliens: wow amazing! :oops: thank you so much!! :D
smith82: So happy you loved that part! I hope you like this next one! thanks so much! :D
tinie38: HI Kris! so happy you found this!! thanks so much for being here! :D
IheartMax wrote:I needed that after the constant watching of the Tattooist myself Loved how he had her up against the wall I could just picture that sexy body ok I think I've said enough
:lol: :lol: You can never say enough seashell! you are just the best! Always making me laugh!!thank you doesnt even cover it! :D
Ken_r: ken your here too omg thank you!! IM so happy you like this! :D
Kay_b: thanks for thinking that was hot Kay! Im happy you liked Carl! love hearing from you! :D
twilight: Wow you are just so sweet! Thank you for all that you said! And I had a great vacation thanks so much for asking!! :D
Michelle in Yonkers: Michelle I went to Portland Maine that anywhere near where you grew up? Love it there! thanks so much for the hysterical bump you made me laugh! :D
Aurorabee: :lol: OMG I Just love getting fbs from you! you are so funny! thank you so much!! :D
Clash868: Hey thanks so much for being here! I appreciate the bump! :D
Shattered Dreamer: Thank you once again S.D. you always get me to come back! :wink: :D

Wow thank you everyone for all your incredibly sweet words!! I'm sorry this took so long! :oops: I really appreciate everyone being here! I hope it was worth the wait! :wink:
thanks again!
Carrie :D

Chapter 6.

Liz raised her hand against the wall and searched out the light switch successfully leaving them in the darkness once again.

Max slowly rained kisses along her neck while he held onto her thighs keeping her firmly against him.

Suddenly he found her mouth once again and slowly deeply mimicked what he really needed from her at that moment.

Liz melted under the soft but demanding way he touched her tongue and slid inside her mouth.

She started to trembled worried that she would do something wrong or disappoint him in some way. She thought that maybe the little experience that she had with sex would definitely show through.

“Wait! …wait Max”

His eyes popped open like he had been snapped out of an incredible dream.

Bracing herself on his strong shoulders she slowly lowered herself to the ground.

The heat between them was undeniable …fierce with passion.

Max was breathless as he ran his fingers through her hair and tilted her face up to meet his sultry eyes that were begging for more.

“What? What’s wrong? Did I do something–

“No! You didn’t … oh my god what am I doing?”

Liz moved away from the wall not trusting herself to stand so close to him.

Smoothing out her hair she took a long sip from her beer and sat on the couch looking down at the floor.

Confused Max slowly made his way to her and sat on the ottoman across from her.

“Liz what is it? Please talk to me”

Liz managed a quick glance up at him and smiled nervously before shyly putting her face in her hands.

“I’m sorry Max. I just … I don’t know what I’m doing here. I-I haven’t had much luck with men in the past especially …umm with this kind of … I mean in the umm …in the bedroom.”

She winced thinking that just couldn’t have sounded more pathetic.

“Oh god I really just said that didn’t I?”

Max smiled and reached for her hand.

Confused she placed her hand in his and let him lift to her feet.

He pulled her close as he lifted her chin up to meet his burning gaze.

"Liz something tells me your luck is about to change"

Liz gasped as he lifted her in the air and wrapped her legs around his waist.

She moaned as he moved his hand under her butt and pressed her hard into him letting her feel just how badly he needed her.

He moved his lips to her ear and whispered as he walked quickly down her hallway.


Liz pointed as she grasped the back of his hair needing to feel more of his mouth on her.

They stumbled threw the door kissing wildly desperately clawing at each other’s clothes.

They looked deeply into each other’s eyes as they landed on her bed. She was just where she dreamed of being...trapped beneath his muscular body.

Slowly he raised his upper body so he was poised above her and pulled his tee shirt over his head.

Liz bit her bottom lip as her eyes raked over every inch of his sculptured chest. She was mesmerized as each individual muscle flexed as he breathed in and out.

She looked up at him still worried that she wouldn’t measure up to what she imagined he was used to.

“Max…about what I wrote”


“I never actually … I’m mean I’m not a virgin but those were just words …just fantasies about you. I just don’t want you to be disappointed.”

“Liz what makes you think that I’m all that experienced with …

Max shyly smiled down at her blushing from head to toe.

He licked his lips and slowly lowered himself down over her gently moving her hair away from her face.

Liz sighed as he began to kiss her neck licking her as he whispered against her flushed skin.

“I think you’re amazing and beautiful and I need to be with you”

Liz stared up at the ceiling as he continued down her chest unbuttoning her shirt as he tasted her skin along the way.

His eyes flew up to look at her as he pulled her shirt from her body.

He skimmed his fingertips over her tracing the swell of her breasts that poured out from her bra.

Max was now shaking as he held his hand over the front clasp. He glanced back at her looking for her permission to carry on. In a breathy tone he released her bra and removed it grazing her skin along the way.

“Let me love you Liz”

Liz moaned as he lowered himself over her and parted his lips.

She gasped when she watched his tongue captured her harden peak.

Arching her back she closed her eyes and pulled at his hair.


Gently he kissed and caressed her worshiping every part of her until the ache that was growing between her legs became almost painful.

“Oh god”

She grasped at her comforter when she felt him unbutton her jeans.

As his fingers worked to remove the offending material he moved back up to her panting mouth and kissed her hard.

Liz rose to her elbows to help in his task.

He moved off the bed to pull off the rest of her clothes and was suddenly struck by her beauty.


Liz was blushing furiously as she stared up at him.

Her raven hair cascaded over her small breasts as she braced herself up on her elbows.


“You’re the most beautiful woman I have ever seen”


Quickly almost urgently he removed the rest of his clothes and laid down beside her.

As if trying to memorize every expression… every little move she made he looked intently at her as he brushed his thumb over her lips.

His hand then moved down her jaw over her breast and lower till he reached her hip.

Very gently he parted her legs and touched her wet core making her cry out.

He rested his forehead against her shoulder. To hear her whispered moans almost made him loose control.

As he ran his fingers through her folds he once again lavished his hot mouth over her breasts pulling kissing nibbling against her unrelenting whimpers and breathy pleas for him to never stop.

It was too much for him to take. Suddenly as he circled her most sensitive spot she cried out and shook with pleasure against his hand.

He could take no more...

Max captured her mouth as he moved between her legs and with one powerful thrust found himself living his personal fantasy of Liz Parker.

The pace was fast and intense as he pounded inside her groaning helplessly against her neck.

Liz felt herself approaching the edge again and grasped her headboard searching for something to anchor her down.

Max raised himself up so he could look down onto her body that was slick and wet from the sweat that covered his golden skin.

Feeling he was close he once again took the tip of her breast in his mouth and lightly grazed over her nub again and again till she was crying out in ecstasy.

With one more thrust he let out a loud groan and collapsed against her rapidly beating heart.

Turning onto his back he pulled her against him and held her tight as he pressed his lips against her forehead.

Out of breath and trembling he spoke to her as she panted against his glistening chest.

“Liz...that was... I've never felt anything like that”

“Me either”

“I don’t want to scare you but …

Suddenly in the background they could hear the faint sound of her phone ringing. Liz could care less who was on the other end as she melted in his embrace.

Just then fear ran through her as the answering machine clicked on and a familiar voice began to echo throughout the house.

“Liz! Are you there? I know all about luscious Coach Evans coming over to fix your perfectly working lights! I’m so proud of you!!! I didn’t think you had it in you!”

Liz moved to race to the phone terrified of what was going to be said next.

Unfortunately a string from her comforter was snagged onto her bracelet. Max unsuccessfully tried to help her as she cried out.


“Why are you calling her? He’s probably banging her right now … god know she needs a good screw it’s been long enough!”

“Oh my god!”


“Why would Coach be banging something in Auntie’s apartment? I thought he was a electrician? And why does she need a screw?”

Liz buried her face in Max’s chest as the humiliation continued on.

“Well .. answer her Michael!

“Oh Kristin honey poor Auntie has needed some work done for sometime now. I’m sure couch Evans is fixing whatever is broke as we sp…BEEP.

“Oh I want to die!”

Finally Liz managed to free herself from her comforter. She tucked her hair behind her ears and awkwardly smiled at him.

“I’m so sorry about that…I … Oh god there is no explanation for Michael. That was Kristin's father... and he’s a pig… a pig who loves torture me and I ...

Max smiled at her as he leaned down to kiss her cheek.

“It’s ok really Liz please don’t worry about it.”

“Oh god!”

“What? Are you ok?”

“I’m fine but …I can’t imagine what you must think of me.. I mean this wasn’t even a date … and I … oh god”

“I think you’re the most amazing woman I’ve ever met”

“You do?”

“Listen why don’t we go out tomorrow night … dinner or a movie …whatever I don’t care as long as I get to see you.”

“That sounds great Max”

Max pulled her in closer and kept her there while they drifted off to sleep.

Outside his phone vibrated all over the seat in his jeep.

Inside Al’s bowling alley Carl stood puffing on his cigar and smiling devilishly.

“That lucky son of a bitch!”

Re: Sweet Surrender (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 7 9/8/08

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 2:00 pm
by jake17
Ken_r: ok ken I do see what you are saying but I can only speak for myself if Max said that to me, I wouldn't mind one bit! :) thanks so much for your fb! :D
Natalie36: thank you!! :D
Emz80: thank you!! :D
twilight: Im so happy you thought Michael was funny! thank you so much! :D
sarammlover: HI Sara I knew you would see where I was coming from you are exactly right! thank you so much for being here! :D
tinie38: hi Kris! So happy your here~ loved that you thought their message was funny! thanks so much! :D
IheartMax: :lol: You are so funny, when I write now I know which parts your going to like.. we think too much alike seashell! ooh that boy!! :roll: :D thank you sweetie!
Behrgirl21 : loved that you like Michael here! thanks so much for your sweet fb!! :D
Kyliemou: love that you like all my Max's ..yes I do own him in my mind :wink: thanks so much for your sweet words they mean so much! :D
keepsmiling7: wow thank you so much for all the bumps! sorry this took so long! :oops: :D
destinyc: HI destiny! so happy you found this!! love that your here! thank you so much! :D
Hunter: hey you! thanks so much! You're incredibly nice!! so happy you like this! :D
clash868: where are you?? :( I am dying for more of your story!! Please come back!! So happy this makes you laugh! thank you! :D
ShatteredDreamer: Sorry for the long wait! so happy your here! :D thank you!
sheeperz: :oops: Wow for you to give me a complement like that just made my day!! You are truly gifted! thank you so much for everything you said! :D
Roswell3035: thank you so much for all your sweet fb! so happy you like this! :D
yayaliens: loved you fb! I really appreciate it! hope you like this next part! :D
angelina: you are always so sweet to me! I love reading your fbs! thank you so much! :D
kay_b: I'm so happy you thought this was funny! I just love your story!! thanks so much! :D
Veronica: ronnie! thank you so much! So happy you like this! :D
carolina_ moon: HI! So happy you found this! I love that everyone likes that hes a electrician! thanks so much for your sweet fb!
Michelle in Yonkers: thanks so much for your fb! :D
begonia9508: EVE! So happy you liked that part! thank you! :D

Chapter 7.

The next morning Liz slowly woke as the sun filtered in threw her blinds. She reached her hand over to find him but his was gone.

A note was on the bedside table with a single red rose.

I’m picking you up at eight tonight
Dress warm
Sorry I had to leave you
I’ll explain tonight
Oh and Liz,
last night was the best night of my life.


Liz brought the rose up to her face to smell it wondering how he was able to manage something like that so early. She then remembered her neighbors rose bush outside and smiled.

Throughout the day thoughts of him filled her mind. She still couldn’t believe that it all happened the way it did. He was so gentle so kind. She couldn’t help feeling that she was falling in love with him. Thinking she was getting way ahead of herself she pushed those thoughts away.

After work she made her way over to Maria’s not only to waste sometime before she was able to see him but to give Michael a piece of her mind.

“Auntie Liz!”

Kristin came running to hug her first seeing her from the bay window of their house. Michael grinned as he stood in front of the door with his arms crossed in front of him.

“Hey baby girl how’s my favorite niece?”

“I’m your only niece Auntie”

“Well how about my favorite person?”

“Hmm I don’t think that’s true after last night”

“You! You just better get out of my way!”

“What? What did I do?”

Michael laughed as he was quickly pulled aside by a very excited Maria.

“I heard your message last night!”

“So? What’s the harm …unless…

Michael fell over the back of the couch laughing hysterically.

“What’s so funny?”

“I don’t think that Liz was the only one that heard that message honey”

“Oh my god! Oh my god! That means that you and Max. Did you?!

“Did they what?”

“Yeah tell Kristin what you were up to last night”

Liz gave Michael the death look and smiled down at her niece.

“Coach Max came over to fix my lights.”

“But mommy said there wasn’t anything wrong with your lights”

“Well I’m sure there’s nothing wrong now baby”

“Can you go somewhere…like a truck pull or something!”

Maria gave Michael a stern look and rolled her eyes over at Kristin.

“Honey why don’t you take Kristin out for some ice cream?”

“And miss all the juicy details no way!”


“Okay I’m going but I want to hear everything tonight! I have my theories about our little Lizzy.”

Michael came up behind her as he hugged Maria goodbye and whispered in her ear.

“Still waters run deep don’t they Parker”

“Go! Before I kill you!!”

Michael threw Kristin on his back and raced out to the car laughing the whole way.

“Seriously Maria I know you love him but sometimes…

“Oh forget about him. Sit down you’ve got a lot of explaining to do”

Liz smiled brightly and just stared at Maria not knowing exactly what to say.

“No! No freaking way. You had sex last night didn’t you Liz Parker!”


“Oh my god Michael was right!”

“Please don’t say that you’ll give me a headache.”

“Well so how was it?”

Liz rolled her eyes and let her head fall in her hands. Even though they were so close she was still embarrassed to be talking about her sex life.

Mumbling into her hand she told Maria most of the night. Leaving out all the more personal details.

Maria just sat back totally stunned.


“Yeah I know…but”

“But there’s a but? I don’t see any buts here. Leave it to you to find a but!”

“Well I just … ok last night was great but I don’t think I should’ve slept with him so soon. I mean it was only our first date”

“Actually it wasn’t technically a date Liz”

“Thank you!”


“It’s fine. I mean I don’t regret what happened but I think we should just take it slow now. I mean that way. I just have never felt this way and I don’t want to mess this up. Do you understand?”

“Yes I can see your point but I don’t think it’s necessary. Not that you’re going to listen to me anyway”


“Carl what are you doing?”

Max was busy packing some things in his jeep for his special night with Liz while Carl was poking through his bags.

“What? I’m just a little curious. You never did tell me what happened last night. I think you owe me something for standing me up at the bowling alley. We lost because of you. I hope it was worth it”

Max smiled as he put a blanket in the back seat.

“It was worth it”

“Ooh I thought so! Tell me was she loud?”


“What? I like a girl who’s not afraid to make a little noise! Is she a moaner or better yet a screamer!”

“You’re insane you know that right?”

“Come on give a guy a break. You owe me!”

“Good bye Carl”

Carl waved as Max drove away smiling. It had been years since he had seen him so happy.

“Good for you Max”


“The movie was great Max but this is really nice. I can't believe you made all this food and the candles...this is so much better than going to a crowded resturaunt.”

Liz took another sip from her wine glass as she leaned up against his broad chest.

“I love the idea of a picnic but Max do you mind me asking why you chose the baseball field?”

Max brushed stray hair away from her face and took her glass from her carefully placing it on the ground.

“Actually you picked this place Liz”

Liz looked confused as he lifted her to her feet and began to lead her to the dug out.



“What are you talking about?”

His expression changed quickly as he bent down to lightly kiss her lips.

Liz was quite aware that all the play had left his face.

“Remember in your book”

Liz turned a bright shade of red recalling the fantasy about them making love in the dug out. She didn’t realize that he had read that far.


He whispered softly to her as he held her close.

“I can make that real for you Liz”

Liz's mind started to race. She hadn’t gotten to the conversation about putting the brakes on the physical part of their relationship yet. His lips weren’t really helping her remember why she wanted to in the first place.

She could barely see two feet in front of her it had gotten so dark but she could definitely feel him.

Her eyes drifted shut as he continued to talk softly in her ear. She didn’t know if it was the wine or him but suddenly she was feeling very dizzy.

“I can’t believe I found you. I was dying all day missing you. Missing your smile, your kisses, your sweet scent.”

“Max wait"

“Liz I know you're not used to giving in to your desires but I know this is what you want. I could feel it when I was reading your words. Just let go and trust me. I want to make all your fanatasies come true Liz”

With that he lifted his sweatshirt from his body and stared down into her wide eyes.

“What if someone catches us.”

He turned her around so she was facing the field and the parking lot. Pulling her hair aside he started to kiss her neck while reaching around her waist from behind.

“Look no one can see us. It’s so dark out. Let me take you Liz”

Liz let her head fall back onto his strong shoulder as he gently let his hands drift under her sweater to caress her breast.

A soft moan escaped from her pink lips making him groan knowing that she was close to surrendering.

Still sucking and nibbling on her tender skin he reached his other hand between her thighs.

Liz felt the world spinning as he pressed her hard against him.

Breathless and trembling Liz saw the words she wrote coming into focus in her mind.

It was too late for doubts. Her body had given in to the sweet temptation that flooded her senses.

“Max please … don’t stop.”

Re: Sweet Surrender (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 8 10/30/08

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 1:43 am
by jake17
sarammlover:looks like their going to have sex on every date :lol: so happy you like this sara! thank you so much! :D
roswell3053: Wish he'd make all my fantasies come true too! thanks so much! :D
flyawayraven: So happy you think Michael is funny! thank you! :D
roswell4life:yes she is a lucky girl!! thanks so much for your fb! :D
kay_b: ohh Kay you are reading my mind!! :wink: thanks so much for your fb! :D
keepsmiling7 x4 :D you are such a sweet heart thank you so much for your very kind words!
behrbabe: So happy to see you here! I love that you like this one! thank you so much bb! :D
Natalie36:I agree "hell NO" anyone would stop him! :lol: love your fb as always! thank you! :D
Michelle in Yonkers:thanks so much Michelle! loved your fb! :D
angelina: hello sweetie! thank you so much for liking this so much, I just love reading your fb!! :D
Hunter: wow thank you for your incredibly sweet words hunter!! love you here! :D
pijeechinadoll: Ping! You read this in one sitting! omg thank you!! Im so happy you like this! :D
begonia9508:Eve your right she should enjoy it while she's young! :D
veronica:"Wow" :lol: thank you so much! hope you like this next part! :D
destinyc: more fantasies ...oh yes we need that! thank you destiny!! :D
IheartMax:It really wouldn't matter where or when huh seashell, we would take him in a heartbeat!! love you here! :D
kyliemou: omg kylie I would sleep with him in 5 min. too! :twisted: sorry to leave it there, thanks so much for reading this! :D
Clash868: :lol: Here is you sweet surrender fix! sorry it took so long! thanks so much! :D
shattered Dreamer x2: thank you so much for bumping this and wanting more! :D
behrluv32: he is so good at seducing isn't he..oh my!! thank you so much for being here! :D
ken_r: wow that was so perceptive of you ken! I guess I like trees! :wink: thanks so much for your fb! :D

Chapter 8.

"Max…please don’t stop”

His answer came in the form of his gentle but strong hands as the slipped underneath her panties and glided his fingers against her moist folds.

The scene before her became fuzzy as she felt his hand brush across her nipple urging her on.

She hadn’t noticed that her jeans were past her hips or her sweater was up to her neck.

Virtually naked out in the open air gave her a sensation that she had never experienced before.

He captured her moans with his hungry mouth as she leaned her head back against his shoulder.

She shamelessly rocked her hips back against his hard cock as she felt her orgasm quickly approaching.

The cool breeze of the night air swept across her bare skin making her feel free and even more aroused.

Max was finding it hard to hold on himself seeing her this way, reckless and writhing against him. He needed to be inside her, needed to feel her warm walls surrounding him.

Turning her against the wall of the dug out he released his jeans and lowered them quickly down past his knees.

Her fingers dug into the wood as she waited for him to fill her, satisfy her as only he could.

He wrapped his arms around her once again finding her sensitive clit stroking her slowly as he rubbed his hard cock through her folds.

“My Liz, my sweet Liz that’s it, come for me.”

Just as his husky voice swept across her neck she exploded shaking crying out his name.

Before she was able to come down he quickly came inside with one hard thrust as she found herself approaching another earth shattering moment of bliss.

“Oh Max!”

With one hand securely around her waist and the other tenderly caressing her breast he continued to pump slowly inside her.

She could hear him grunt and moan each time he slipped inside her and it made her shiver all over. She had never in her wildest dreams thought any man would feel such passion such uninhibited need to have her.

He made her feel desirable and sexy. He made her want to do things she never in her life dreamed of doing.

Suddenly his grip on her became tighter as he pounded into her almost lifting her off the ground until he flew over the edge collapsing against her trembling body.

Breathlessly he turned her around and embraced her tenderly.

“Are you ok? I’m sorry I didn’t mean to get so rough….

Pressing her finger to his lips she whispered against his ear softly.

“It was perfect, you were perfect. I have never felt anything like that in my life.”

For hours they lay on the blanket and looked up at the stars holding each other.

“I’ve never been so out of control before Liz. The way you make me feel. It’s as if I can’t have you fast enough. You really have no idea how desirable you are do you?”

Laughing she places the wine bottle far away from him.

“I think you’ve had enough.”

Brushing her hair away from her eyes he looked down at her as he hovered over her body.

“I mean every word I say to you Liz, but it seems as if words aren’t going to be enough for you. It looks like I’m going to have to prove how much I want you.”

Her expression changes as she looks away from him wondering if this is what it’s been all about.

“Liz what is it? What’s wrong?”

“Nothing, I’m just really tired would you mind taking me home now?”

Getting up she starts to pack everything up leaving Max in a stunned and very confused state.

She knew should explain her fears, her insecurities to him, but considering what they just did she didn’t feel she could.

The ride home was silent. She was desperately hoping she was wrong about this being a purely physical relationship but was too afraid to ask.

As they pulled into her driveway he took her in his arms and tilted her chin up to look at him.

“Liz are you ok? Is it something I said?”

“No, you were fine. Thank you for everything. Like I said I’m just tired.”

As she opened the door to leave he quickly did the same.

“No it’s ok I’ll be fine Max really. It’s late you should go home.”

“At least let me walk you to your door.”

Holding up her keys she smiled and shook her head.

“I’m fine. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

Entering her apartment she collapsed on her couch and let her head fall into her hands.

Deciding this has gone far enough. she went to her phone and dialed his number knowing he hadn’t made it home yet.

“Max, it’s me. I’m wondering if you could come over tomorrow night for dinner. I think we need to talk. If there’s a problem then call me back if not I’ll see you around eight. Bye Max.”

As she lay awake in bed she wondered if she was making a huge mistake. What’s so bad about an amazing physical fling? People have them all the time.

Closing her eyes she knew deep in her heart that she wasn't one of those people. She also knew that by telling him her feelings she stood a very good chance of loosing him.


As Max climbed into bed his phone rang again and again. Not wanting to talk to anyone he turned to his side and covered his ears with his pillow.

“Max it’s me Carl, you alright? Give me a ring tomorrow I’m desperate to hear about the big date.”

Max closed his eyes thinking that this is it. Tomorrow she will tell him it’s over and he will lose the only girl he has loved in years.

Through the entire night he went over everything he said and did searching for what went wrong,

As exhaustion takes over he finally fell asleep knowing that this was too good to be true, that he was just fooling himself that someone like her could ever fall for someone like him.

Re: Sweet Surrender (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 9 11/16/08

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 1:29 am
by jake17

Thank you all so much for you incredibly sweet fb!! It means so much that you've taken the time to leave me your amazing replies! I really hope you like this update!
Carrie :D

Chapter 9

The next morning was difficult to say the least for Max.

He shuffled into the kitchen and reached for the coffee maker as he absentmindedly put more than the measured amount in the filter.

Looking down at his work order for the day he crinkled the paper and tossed it across the room without care.

“He jumps, he shoots, he... fucks everything up and loses the best thing that’s happened to him in years!”

Leaning up against the wall he takes a sip of his coffee and makes a horrid face at the bitter strong sludge but continues to drink it anyway.

Running his hands through his hair he contemplates canceling his dinner plans with Liz. He knew what she was going to say. He could feel in his gut that for some reason he had blown it again.

He also knew that he wouldn’t be getting a straight answer out of her even if he did show up.

He rubbed his eyes wondering if he could handle another pathetic one liner like;

I’m just not ready for a serious relationship’ or the old stand by ‘It’s not you it’s me.’

Pulling out his kitchen chair he plopped down and rested his head in his hands.

He felt as though he had been punched in the gut. He remembered the night before, how they made love on the baseball field. How she came apart in his arms.

He shook his head feeling like a fool thinking that it was all real, that he had actually made her tremble with pleasure from him.

Max laughed openly at how he actually convinced himself that she was falling in love with him. That the look in her eyes when he moved inside her was them connecting, building something that would last forever.

His doorbell startled him out of his daydream as he let his forehead hit the table.

Groaning with dread Max mumbled across the room.

“Go away Carl!”

“Not a chance Max. Let me in, we need to talk.”

Releasing a long drawn out sigh Max shuffled his feet to the front door as he continued to groan.

“Carl this is not a good time. I’m sick, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Yeah well I’m afraid that’s not going to do Max. I know you’re not sick. You never returned my messages last night and you always return my messages. Now either you let me in or I start my musical rendition of Barbra Streisand and Barry Mannilow’s duet, You don’t bring me Flowers.”

Max closed his eyes and banged his head against the door several times before opening it.

“Damn I thought I was actually going to be able to sing, look your neighbors are already congregating outside. I could’ve been a performer you know. The next Frank Sanatra they used to call me.”

Max returned to his spot at the kitchen table too exhausted for Carl’s antics.

He sat beside him and furrowed his bushy grey eyebrows as he took out his cigar and fumbled for a match.

“Carl, it’s nine o’clock in the morning are you seriously going to light that thing?”

“Hey I don’t judge you, you don’t judge me.”

Max lifted in head looking at him incredulously and shouted at Carl.

“You always judge me! It’s like your second job! You’ve made an art form out of it. It’s like your favorite pastime!”

Carl calmly leaned back against the chair and rubbed his large stomach as he rolled his unlit cigar between his fingers.

“So are you going to tell me what happened with the girl?”

Suddenly Max grew very quiet as he buried his face in hands and whispered through his fingers.

“What’s happening is that she’s going to break it off tonight Carl.

“I see, how exactly do you know this Max.”

“Trust me I know. It doesn’t matter, I’m not going.”


“I said I’m not going, do we not have our hearing aide in today Carl?

He reeled back from Max’s statement. He was very embarrassed by the fact that he needed one and Max knew this.

“Carl I’m sorry, I’m an asshole I didn’t mean it. This thing with Liz is really killing me. I don’t even know what I’m saying.”

Carl leaned close to Max and in a very uncharacteristic way rested his hand on his arm forcing Max to look at him.

“Max please, I’ve been around longer than the dinosaurs and I know things. You can’t run away from this. I know it hurts and I know what you’ve been through. Go tonight, talk to her, tell her how you feel.”

Max was stunned at the serious tone of his old friend.

“Life is too short to waste being afraid of getting hurt and too long to go through it all alone.”

Max felt a sharp pain for Carl knowing that he lost his sweet Helen fifteen years ago to cancer. He opened his mouth in an attempt to say something comforting but couldn't find the words.

“You love her Max. I can see it in you eyes. Don’t let her go without a fight, because really Max loving someone and having someone love you is the only thing that really matters in this sorry world.”

With that Carl straightened out his Phillies cap and headed for the door.

Max just stood there speechless as he watched him go.

Suddenly Carl stuck his head inside the door with a look of great importance in his eyes.

“Oh and Max?”

“Yeah Carl?”

“Take a shower you look like something a cat just threw up.”

Max smiled as he pulled Carl in for a hug and whispered in his ear.

“Thanks Carl.”

He pushed him away as he made his way to his beat up old truck and yelled back at him.

“Hey I’m just looking out for myself, if you get a girl maybe I can start getting some home cooked meals instead of the sorry excuse for the slop you try and pass off to me.”

Max closed the door and headed for the shower. Carl was right he didn’t want to spend the rest of his life wondering why or what could have been. He loved Liz Parker and he was going to do everything in his power to convince her that they were meant to be together. He was going to fight for love, he was going to fight for her.


As the sun disappeared across the horizon Liz turned on her bedroom lamp so she could see the many outfits that she had rejected in preparation for this night. Instantly the bulb blew out leaving her in the pitch dark.

Looking up to the sky she smiled sarcastically.

“Very funny god. Are you trying to tell me something? Maybe that I need a gorgeous electrician in my life?”

Liz groaned as she searched her linen closet for a new bulb and glanced at her watch.

He would be arriving any minute and she wasn’t even dressed and the closest she came to having dinner ready was the bock of frozen meat she took out of the freezer ten minutes ago.

Reaching far into her closet she smiled as he grabbed for the last new bulb that she owned.

Her smile was short lived as her answering machine clicked on.

As she ran around her apartment pulling up her skirt and applying her mascara with the assistance of her shiny toaster she listened to Maria’s twentieth message.

“I know we talked this morning and I know you still don’t believe me, but Liz please don’t throw this away because of you what you think he feels about you.”

“Yeah seriously Liz this is you we're talking about, how great could the sex possibly be? The man has to be in love you, it’s the only ….OUCH!”

“Michael say one more word and your hand will be providing the only sex you’ll be receiving for a very very long time!”

“Liz at least give him a chance BEEP.

Liz reached over to the wall and pulled out the phone jack.

“I know you love me Maria but I have learn to stand on my own two feet.”

Just then she heard a knock at her door.

Rushing to her mirror to fix her hair and apply her lipstick she stopped and stared at her reflection. This was going to hurt. All day she tried to convince herself that it was lust not love that made her heart ache for him but as she stood there knowing he was on the other side of the door it was obvious just how wrong she had been.

She loved him with all her heart, more than she could have ever imagine loving anyone. Her eyes filled with sadness knowing that he couldn’t possibly feel the same way.

“I’ll be right there.”

Standing with her hand on the doorknob she took a deep breath and whispered to herself.

“Ok Parker it’s just like ripping off a band aide. Quick and …incredibly painful.”

Re: Sweet Surrender (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 10 1/6/09

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 2:40 am
by jake17
Keepsmiling x3 (thanks for all the bumps sweetie!!)

Hello everyone! Sorry this took so long to update, please excuse any mistakes... I am having another sleepless night, its 3 in the morning.. Ugh!! :roll: Can you feel my pain Lena? :wink: anyway I hope so much that you enjoy this...remember Liz is breaking up with Max because she thinks that he wants a purely physical relationship and Max thinks she's breaking up with him because he's not good enough for her...
Misunderstandings are a bitch sometimes... thank you so so much for all your sweet as hell fb!!! It means the world to me!!
Carrie :)

Chapter 10

Liz’s hand trembled as she turned the doorknob. ‘Remember your speech, just stick to your point don’t fall into his trap Parker.’

She kept repeating this phrase in her mind over and over again hoping it would be enough to resist him.

As the door opened they stood there staring into each others eyes lost as to what to say.

How cruel he thought to himself, to dump a guy and have the nerve to torture him by looking so ravishing, so incredibly beautiful.

Max’s eyes fell from her big sensitive sweet eyes to her parted pink lips to the golden skin that glistened over the top of her breasts.

All rational thought left his mind as he felt his body harden at just the notion of having her again.

The flowers that he held in his hand fell to the ground as he mindlessly walked her backwards into her apartment.

If this was going to be end he needed to hold her one more time, smell her skin, taste her lips. Sure it would be more painful in after but the heart wants what it wants no matter how destructive it is to the soul.

Liz quickly ran over all the points to her very wise mature decision as he dropped the white roses on the ground and laced his fingers through her long wavy raven hair.

“I want you.”

The skin on her neck muffled his low husky voice as he pulled her hair aside and latched onto her licking sucking kissing every inch until he reached the valley between her breasts.

Liz reached behind her and held onto the dinning room table as she tried desperately to reason with herself. Everything he was doing was proving her point. That all they had was a physical relationship but as he pulled down the top of her dress and released her bra she found herself in a fog of desire, unable to think.

As she helplessly panted she looked down through her long eyelashes and held her breath as he softly caressed her, flicking her peak back and forth agonizingly slowly until it was hard and achy and begging for his warm mouth.

In a painfully slow pace he brushed his soft tongue against her nub before sucking it into his mouth. The intense pleasure seemed to snap her out of her daze realizing where this night was going.

“Wait, wait.”

Max ignored her breathless request instead answering her by smoothing his hands under her dress along the inside of her thighs.

Pressing her hard against he table he found himself being restricted by one of the chairs and threw it across the room.

He loved her like he had never loved another and he was determined to prove it to her. He was going to give her pleasure like she had never known. She was going to remember him.

Reaching around her he cupped her butt and lifted her onto the table.

“Max... please... we can’t do this.”

Sliding her bottom to the edge of the table he ripped her panties from her and stared up into her pleading eyes.

“We’re already doing it Liz.”

Slowly he stood staring intensely at her, before she could say another word his lips came crashing down on her, seizing her tongue, kissing her deeply and as passionately as he could.

Breaking apart for a heart pounding moment he pulled his shirt over his head causing her eyes to melt over his magnificent chest down to the ripped muscles of his stomach and his defined hip indents that drove her to distraction.

“I … this is not …I-I need to talk to you.”

Giving her a heated look he reached behind her and unzipped her dress lifting it over her head and onto the floor.

She immediately wrapped her arms around herself feeling exposed and vulnerable.

“No. I want to see you.”

He couldn’t bare the thought of her rejection, her carefully chosen words which in the end would lead to him never being able to touch her again.

He knew he wasn’t good enough for her but if all he had was this moment he was going make his feelings known. He was not going to go without her knowing that there would never be another like her in his heart.

Leaning close to her he placed soft kisses on her lips her cheeks and all along her jaw.

“I will never feel like this again…I love you…. my heart belongs to you…forever Liz.”

His whispered words were sincere but to her it was just a lure …a line to get what he wanted from her. She couldn’t be serious with someone like him, he would never be able to settle down with one woman, she was inexperienced but she wasn’t a fool.

Again the foggy haze that he pulled her into dissipated as she forced her reluctant words once more from her lips.

“T-This is …not …what… I want”

Nodding he sunk to his knees and parted her shaky thighs.

Pulling her further to the edge he took her legs and wrapped them around his strong shoulders forcing her to slam her hands down onto the table as she threw her head back surrendering to what she knew was coming.

As he made his way barely grazing her with his tongue towards her aching core she dug her nails into the hard wood trying ineffectually to hold her balance.

He held his mouth over her driving her insane. Feeling his hot breath puff against her was enough to bring her right to the edge.

“Max please.”

She urgently tried to lift her hips up to his mouth but was anchored down with his strong hands.

If she wanted him he needed to hear it… even if it was for the last time.

“But you said this isn’t what you want Liz.”

“Please... I was wrong… I need…

“What ... tell me what you need Liz.”

“Please Max... make love to me.”

Her defeated desperate whisper drifted through the air as he drove his tongue inside her dripping folds sliding it again and again against the sensitive spot inside her.

She gripped the table harder as she tried to stifle her screams refusing to let him know just how good he was making her feel.

This became impossible as he flicked over her clit quickly stopping only to suck it gently into his mouth only to start all over again.

Surprising even herself she pulled at his arms as she breathlessly asked for what she really wanted.

“Fuck me Max.”

Dropping his pants and his boxers her plunged inside her letting out a long deep groan of satisfaction.

Harder and faster he pounded into her as his lips danced along her neck.

As good as it felt and as much as he needed this his heart began to break knowing where this was all going.

Hearing her beg him to never stop just made it all too real. This was all he could give her and he knew it.

They both shuddered and moaned at their release collasping against each other. Max was the first to pull away. Hiding his face he turned his back to her and put his clothes on.

Liz watched as he pulled away again proving her point. She was suddenly angry that she wasn’t able to restrain herself, that she gave in again. That she just caused herself more pain instead of ending it like she had planned.

Quickly she put her dress back on and went to sit on the couch with her head in her hands.

“That was a mistake.”

As she smoothed her messy hair back she felt something wet on her neck. Looking up at him she could see him wiping the face with the back of his hand.

“Max what’s wrong.”

Walking towards the door he kept his face hidden from her as he reached for his keys.

“Nothing, what did you want to tell me Liz.”

His voice cracked as he stared down at the ground waiting for his dismissal.

“This isn’t going to work Max. I-I shouldn't have let things get out of hand like that.”


Angrily Liz walked over to him waiting anxiously for him to turn around and face her.

“Right? Is it that easy for you? Don’t you feel anything for me?”

“Does it matter?”

“Look I shouldn’t be mad at you I’m just not like …

“Like what Liz?”

“Like the girls you’re used to, I need more, I need more than just sex.”

Taking her off guard Max turned quickly around and backed her up into the corner.

“What the hell does that mean?”

“It means I need more … more than what you can give me.”

Liz stepped back against the wall shocked by just how upset he was.

“I’m sorry that my love isn’t good enough for you Liz, that sharing the rest of your life with me is something that is just inconceivable to you. I wish I knew that this whole time. I would’ve protected myself instead of spending every second falling hopelessly in love with you!”

As the door slammed Liz stood completely stunned as his words echoed repeatedly in her head.

“You love me?”