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SnowyOwl-17's Fanfiction AN 12-25-08

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 2:31 am
by SnowyOwl-17
Scientists and Transgenics


'Title: Scientists and Transgenics

Author: SnowyOwl-17

Category: Roswell/Dark Angel Crossover

Pairing: Alec/Liz (obviously)

Rating: I'm leaning toward a Mature rating...I don't think that it will be an Adult rating, but I'll be sure to change it if it does

Disclaimer: Alright so I don't own Dark Angel or Roswell...cause you know if I did they would both still be on TV. Anyway, both shows are owned by their respected creators and all the others who worked on them...I mearly have been inspired to take their characters and write about them. I also don't own the...main idea (?)...behind this story. It was a challenge that was thought up by Jezebel Jinx...I have mearly decided to take that challenge and hopefully produce something you enjoy!!!

Summary: This is a Challenge that was posted by Jezebel Jinx...
#34 Scientists and Transgenics Taken by SnowyOwl-17

Couple: Alec/Liz

Rating: Teen/Mature/or Adult

Summary: Alec is a transgenic, Liz is a new Manticore scientist. It is against the rules to have relations with a transgenic let alone fall in love with one but in this matter Liz doesn't follow the rules very well.



-Liz killing someone to save Alec

-Alec meeting Rachel/another transgenic could have been sent or Alec doesn't fall for can basically do whatever they want with this story line.

-Liz becomes pregnant by Alec.


LizNdAlec4eva wrote:#64
Rating:Adult ANGEL/LIZ

Seasons: Roswell:2

--Max and Tess aren't actually together, they are only pretending to go out to mak Liz and Kyle jealous.
--Angel and Darla didn't sleep together.
--Angel and Buffy weren't together, they were just friends but everybody thought they were more.
--Buffy and Joyce died at the same time in BTVS.
--Buffy and Liz are twins, Joyce got pregnant by Jeff, but once they were born Jeff and Joyce split up 1 year later, both of them re-married. Jeff to Nancy and Joyce to Hank (who then supposedly 'gave birth to' Dawn). Then the twins were split up Liz went with Jeff and Nancy to Roswell and Buffy went with Joyce to L.A
--Liz knows all about slaying, vamps and Angel. Buffy knows all about the aliens, Max and Tess. Only Giles, Angel, Alex (alive), Maria, Kyle and Isabel know about the twins.
--So, Buffy and Joyce die and everybody from L.A and Sunnydale go to Roswell for the funeral (many of them want to know why the funeral is in Roswell.
--When they arrive its only about lunch time and Angel decides to go and get Liz, so he puts on the ring of Omara (he didnt destroy it) goes into the school goes straight up to Liz and kisses her in front of everybody.
--So, everybody goes to the funeral. Then they all find out that Liz is the new slayer.
--Max, Micheal, Tess, the A.I team and the Scoobie gang all find out the truth about Liz & Buffy, that Liz and Angel have been dating for 6mnths, that they meet up in a house every weekend that Angel bought 4mnths ago, that they have slept together but Angel always wear the ring.
--Max gets mad, he and Angel fight (Angel wins of course).

Happy Angel/Liz ending...

Remote Depths

Image ... thspa4.jpg

From Jezebel Jinx

I was going to do this one but I won't have the time for it so I'm throwing it out there to see if anyone else wants to take a crack at it.


Couple: Dean/Liz

Rating: Adult (for subject matter that'll be explained below)

Summary: Post both season 3 finale's. Dean is in hell, Liz is on the road with the gang. Liz becomes connected to Dean, while on the road she's having visions when she's asleep and a couple times when she's awake, about Dean and his treatment in hell. It becomes so bad that a few times she'll wake up and have similar marks on her body that had been inflicted on Dean.

Soon her friends start to notice that Liz isn't her usual self. She's sleeping more and longer than before, she snaps at her friends, and they occasionally notice the marks left on her skin, even though she does her best to hide them. Eventually Maria gets Liz to confide in her about what is happening but Liz makes her promise not to tell the others until she knows more.

Over the next few months Liz and Dean become closer and closer through their bond and Liz manages to somehow share with Dean happier dreams instead of all the time nightmares giving him some hope of getting out of hell. Through their dream/nightmare sharing she learns about demons and Dean learns about aliens. Meanwhile she and Maria work on getting any information about what is happening to her and why she is connected to Dean.

It is around this time that Liz and Maria bump into Sam while having breakfast and talking about the latest batch of nightmares Liz has had. Sam has become darker, he's become ruthless when dealing with demons and will kill them at a moments notice and his only true mission is to get his brother out of hell. Liz recognizes Sam from some of Dean's nightmares and at some point during the breakfast with Maria goes to sit next to Sam and tells him point blank that she has had contact with his brother and she wants to help him get Dean out of hell.

That's about as far as I got with the plot.

Must Have

-It must be dark, Dean is in hell, I want there to be torture and disturbing images.
-Max and Liz did not marry after Graduation. Instead they broke up but remain friends.
-Sam and Liz don't like each other at first. I want their interactions with each other to be difficult, to be uncomfortable, to be angry.
-After the rest of the Roswell gang is brought in on what's happening to Liz, Isabel agrees to dream walk Liz and see if there's anything that she can find about Liz and Dean's connection that could help them.
-The Roswell gang (except Maria) aren't brought into the loop until after Liz meets Sam.
-Maria tends to play mediator with Sam and Liz. At times she takes Liz's side, other times it's Sam's.

Any questions just PM me.

Fics that I have started writing but haven't posted yet...

Uncontrolable Heat
Jezebel Jinx wrote:#11

Uncontrollable Heat

Couple: Liz/Alec

Rating: Adult

Summary: Liz is an X-5, she can’t control her heat so in order to not jump any of her friends she leaves Roswell, she tells them that she’s going on vacation, and goes to Seattle to find her family.

Must Have

-Liz parents know about her X-5 status. (I always hated that the parents knew nothing)

-Liz runs into Alec when the heat hits again.

-Liz isn’t always in heat but a lot of the time she is.

-Alec tells Liz he knows where one of her sisters is.


-Zack is in Seattle working with Max, Logan, and Alec.

-The virus has been cured.

-Joshua takes an instant liking to Liz.

-Liz breaks in to steal something and Alec is there to steal it too.

Everything else is up for grabs.
Untitled as of yet
Jezebel Jinx wrote:#17

Smut DA X-tremer

Couple: Liz/Alec

Rating: Adult

-Liz is taken by the FBI or Manticore and gets shot up with drugs that make her have an uncontrollable need for sex.

-The FBI or Manticore knows about her changed alien status and want her to become pregnant so they can study the baby and use the child to further their research or make them a special agent or a better solider (depends on who captured Liz).

-Alec is going to be her breeding partner, and depending on whom captured her, either Alec is going to be already at the compound or he’s to be sent for.

-Liz gets pregnant and the drug wears off. Now she’s nervous around Alec but is still attracted to him (he’s attracted to her too).

-Later Alec helps Liz and him escape, since he doesn’t want Liz and his child to become experiments. They go to Roswell and chaos ensues.

-Lots of SMUT!!!


-Liz’s parents know about the aliens, but the aliens don’t know they know, but Liz knows they know because she told them. (I hope that made sense)

-One or more of the Podsters or even Maria or Kyle find out that Liz is pregnant.

-Max and Alec get into a fight (Alec wins of course).

-A group meeting with Liz and Alec about her pregnancy, Alec telling them that it’s none of their business.

-Liz and Alec either getting caught in a lot of compromising positions throughout the fic or having Max find them having sex sometime in the diner (the place is closed and Liz’s parent’s are gone for some reason.)
Lucas Keith Parker-Scott
behrstars wrote:#50

Roswell/One Tree Hill

No Aliens

You get to decide how everyone grew up but Max and Liz had to be together at one point. Maybe a messy breakup.

In Tree Hill you decide how that plays out. I would like to see Karen and Keith together and married and Nathan and Lucas really close. Dan can be evil or not.

Liz leaves Roswell because Max and Tess are pregnant. She goes to Tree Hill and stays with her aunt. She becomes friends with everyone and her and Lucas end up having a relationship. She stays there for senior year. She ends up pregnant but doesn't tell Lucas.(Because she dosen't want to ruin his future.) She breaks up with him and leaves. He thinks shes going to college but she goes home.

Years later(6 or 7) Keith ends up in Roswell, meeting a friend ends up at a kids basketball game and sees Lucas's kid. Kid has Lucas's old jersey.

He ends up bringing Lucas and Nathan(moral support because their really close) to Roswell. Gives them some kind of excuse. Lucas sees Liz and his kid.

Liz never gets with anyone else because shes still hung up on Lucus.

They end happily ever after.

Must haves....

-couples for Roswell(Mi/M,A/I,M/T)
-couples for OTH(P/J,N/H)
-Kyle and Brooke hook up.
-Lucas's son does not have a heart condition.

PM me for anymore details.
Like Father Like Daughter
Jezebel Jinx wrote:#15

Roswell/Die Hard Movies X-over

Couple: Liz/Michael

Rating: Teen-Mature

Summary: Liz is John Maclane's (sp?) daughter. She and others are being held hostage.

Must Have

-The other people that are being held hostage are Michael, Max, Maria, Tess, Alex, Kyle, Jim, Isabel, Phillip and Diane.

-Someone gets shot (doesn't have to be killed)

-Jim had a twin brother (William Sadler was in Die Hard 2 as the bad guy.)

-John taught Liz how to handle and shoot firearms and how to fight hand to hand.

-Liz is a daddy's girl, she choose to stay with her father as opposed to living with her mother and other siblings.

-Explain why Liz is in Roswell, (maybe John needed a break from the big cities and decided on Roswell)

-Michael and Liz making out (either before or after their taken hostage) + John breaking it up.

-John not trusting Jim because he looks like the bad guy he fought before in Die Hard 2 (can't remember his name in the movie).

-The adults try to take charge and don't listen to Liz's orders/suggestions and end up getting beat up by whoever's holding them hostage.


-Can have aliens or not.

-Who is holding Liz and the group hostage.

-John getting back together with his wife. (I just love when she punches that reporter at the end of Die Hard)

-John sparing with Liz and one or more of the guys thinking he's really hurting her.

Everything else is up to you.
Untitled...if you have any suggestions...
LizNdAlec4eva wrote:#65

Rating:Adult Liz/Alec

Seasons: Roswell~3
Dark Angel~2

--Takes place at Departure Alex is alive, but Tess is still evil.
--Liz and Alex are X5's who were in the escape.
--Basicly all the same happens as in Departure, except Alex is there.
--After Max lets Tess go, Liz exlains that she and Alex are leaving and that they are not to try and find them.
--Eventually they get on the road after all their fights with Max and the others about leaving. When they arrive in Seattle their brother Zack (didn't go crazy), sister Maxie, fellow X5's Alec and Cece and their friends Original Cindy and Logan.
--With the help of the girls, Liz changes her look (think Darklight) and attitude.
--Alex and Liz get jobs at Jam Pony, they become friends with Sketchy and Herbal, thy meet Joshua and Mole, they get motorcycles.Alex gets a blue one and Liz gets a yellow one.
--Over the weeks Liz and Alec get close and when they sleep together, they take each other as mates.
--After 4 months of being in Seattle, the pod squad and co. show up, going against Liz and Alex's wish to be left alone.
--Max E. turns into an ass saying all of the ' we're soulmates and you belong to me' crap ending up with Liz punching him.
--The Seattle group and the pod squad all say their peace and all of the secrets come out.
--All of them fight against White.
--At the end its Liz that says the speech to the other transgenics instead of Max.
--Happy X-tremer ending.
Ideas that are popping into my head and coming soon!!!

Don't You Dare Say Destiny

Image ... lizni4.jpg

Summary: Set in the changed future where Wyatt is not evil or power hungry. Max and Liz never got back together after the whole Tess problems, however, when she was in college at Stanford University she meets Chris Halliwell. Everything is going beautifully until the anniversary of his past selves death roles around and all the memories of the other future comes at him head on. Now he remembers Bianca and what they shared...what does this mean for Liz and Chris?


This is a new idea that I've been having lately, with the new release of the Twilight Movie. I have a pretty good description of this story on my livejournal page. If you want check it out and let me know your opinion!! Once I have a set summary for the story I'll post it officially here!! :D

New Challenges that I have taken on!!!

Re: SnowyOwl-17's Fanfiction AN 6-26-08

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 9:21 am
by SnowyOwl-17
I was wondering if you all want me to just focus on Scientists and Transgenics or to maybe start posting some chapters for my other stories.
The only thing that i am concerned with about posting more than one story at a time is the time that will be present between chapters posted. I already feel super bad that I take so long to update SaT.

So let me know what you think and I'll take things from there!!! :D :D :D


Re: SnowyOwl-17's Fanfiction

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 1:23 am
by lizandzackfan
BTW badass banner lol.


Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 4:46 pm
by SnowyOwl-17
"Twins" Prologue has been posted.

Fanart Page

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 4:48 pm
by SnowyOwl-17
Some of my Fanart can be found at A direct link to my Fanart page is ... rs-t56.htm!!! Go check it out!!!

Remote Depths

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 6:00 pm
by SnowyOwl-17
Posted the Prologue to "Remote Depths".

Re: SnowyOwl-17's Fanfiction

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 11:13 pm
by SnowyOwl-17
Chapter One of Remote Depths has been posted!!!

Re: SnowyOwl-17's Fanfiction

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 12:06 am
by SnowyOwl-17
Chapter one of Twins has been posted.

Re: SnowyOwl-17's Fanfiction

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 8:05 pm
by SnowyOwl-17
Chapter two of Remote Depths has been up for a while now :oops: sorry forgot to mention that.

And I just posted Chapter three of Remote Depths yesterday!

Hope you enjoy!!

Nominated in Round Twelve

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 5:19 pm
by SnowyOwl-17

OMG! I was nominated most improved writer!

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has read my stories and/or left feedback. You are all so amazing!

I can't believe that I was nominated wow! :shock: :D

Thank you again! :D