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For His M A J E S T Y

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 1:42 am
by Magical
A beautiful, large, and rich country, Grandia was the place to be. It was a unique place- a blend of the old and new century. It was a peaceful country, up until the King tragically dies to circumstances unknown to all his subjects.
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"Has God forsaken our country?"
The people of Grandia can't help but ask themselves. With the reigning king dead, chaos is present everywhere. There are matters that have to be settled, and without the king, we can never be sure what will happen next.

"How did he die?"

The palace is keeping quiet about the king's death. No one wants to testify at the thought of being accused of treason. So far, it appears that his death is intentional and not at all a natural one. The question is, who did it? Was it someone from the king's court? There are three prestigious royal houses known to try and attempt to steal the crown. The treacherous Howards, maybe? Or the seductive Frailes? How about the ambitious Staffords? Who knows, it could be one of the Rosiers as well.

"Who will be the next king?"
The king fathers three children and according to his will, Viktor, the eldest of them all, will succeed him. Upon this announcement, the deceased king's brother, creates an uproar. His reason was that Viktor is too young and have limited knowledge on how to run a whole country. But, the dead king's will, has to be followed. Therefore, to much joy or dismay of the people, Viktor Rosier, only twenty-two and still in college, is proclaimed as the new king.

The drama doesn't end there.

The first duty of the king is to produce an heir and his majesty's advisors strongly suggest for him to be wed. The royal houses and court members see this is as a chance to be part of the Rosiers and so, the claws appear as they set about plotting how to get the young king's attention and favor on their chosen female pawn.

With three royal houses and a few ladies of the court fighting for the spot light in the king's eyes, forbidden romances in between royal houses houses, a novice king reigning a majestic country, a traitorous uncle to the king, a few students threatening to rebel, and a large amount of affairs that have to be settled, all hell's bound to break loose.

Brace yourself before entangling into a world of deception and lies, social standing and betrayal, heartache and truths, ambition and hidden agendas, or maybe a even little love and happiness.

Everyone wants the king's attention.
Everyone wants to be in the king's favor.
Everyone will do anything