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Shattered (SPN,XO,UC, MATURE) Part 10 5/6 [WIP]

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 8:33 pm
by dreamerfrvrp3

banner by singerchic4

Title: Shattered
Author: Dreamerfrvrp3
Category: Supernatural & Roswell
Summary: They were always there. Not a chance to breathe freely. So she ran. She escaped without a scratch but shattered.
Disclaimer: Don’t own either.
Rating: Mature/Adult
Couple: UC Liz/Dean
Timeline: Set after S3 before Liz and Max get married.
After S2 of Supernatural. JUNE 2007
Ages: Liz: 24
Dean: 28
AN: Had to repost because of the board restoration :( lost all my lovely feedback so leave me some more please!!

Part I

In a way, I need a change
From this burnout scene
Another time, another town
Another everything
But it's always back to you

Early June 2002

I, Liz Parker, am not as happy as I should be. Today is my wedding day I’m going to be Mrs. Liz Evans. The supposed love of my life but I would be lying if I said ‘I do’ today. A large part of me died the night we boarded the van with all of my family. To say that today is going to be one of the most memorable days is the truth. Because today is the day that I finally escape from the pod squad. It’s the day I’ve been planning for weeks.

Maria and Isabel are already awake and putting together the finishing touches for the big day. A part of me is relieved that I can finally get away from all this but I still feel guilty for all their hard work and dedication. I’m supposed to be showering and relaxing but I’m hiding in the bathroom writing a note. I keep it simple:

Can’t do this anymore. So sorry Max. Don’t worry about me. Take care of yourselves.


I place the note on the toilet seat and hurry out of the bathroom.

“Liz!” Isabel shrieked. She was completely frazzled. She was in her bridesmaid dress with her hair all over the place. “Why aren’t you showered yet? We have a half an hour’s drive before we get to the chapel! And the wedding starts in like two hours!”

“Isabel, its fine we will get to the church on time but I just realized that I can’t find my grandmother’s necklace that I’m supposed to be wearing. I’m pretty sure that I put it in the bag that has all the honeymoon stuff in it.” Lying has become even easier in the past few years.

“Oh, well are you sure you don’t want me to go get it for you?” she asks. I shake my head and remind her that she’s wouldn’t want to ruin her dress. She lets me off the hook as I scurry to pick up my purse. I bought the ’67 Camaro that I’m running away in a week earlier. All that waitressing money went into to this plan. I checked to make sure that all my bags were still in the back seat and pray that no one notices me driving away.

Minutes later my cell buzzes from my purse. 1 Missed Call. 2 Missed Calls. 3 Missed Calls. I turn it off and continue to drive. I wipe away the tears that are falling; they are a combination of relief and sadness.

Early June 2007

“The usual, Joey,” I told the bartender taking a seat at the bar. ‘The Hangar’ was one of my favorite bars. I usually spent several nights a week their either drinking or serving the drinks. After spending years on the run all by myself I finally settled in a small town in the mid-west. A place where I knew just about every patrons name…except for the gorgeous guy a couple seats down. From what I could see he was muscular and he had brilliant green eyes. Moments later Joey places a bottle of Jack Daniels on the counter along with a shot glass. Thank god the alien part of me isn’t affected by the alcohol. “You know me all too well.”

“So you say,” he shook his head. I nod my head to my right where the mysterious man is sitting and signal Joey to get him another beer. Out of the corner of my eye I saw him raise his eyebrow in question and Joey pointed to me.

“Dean Winchester.” He said while he took a seat right next to me. Dean was even more gorgeous up close.

“Liz Parker.”

“Well, Liz Parker, I never seen a woman down Jack like you before,” he commented smirking slightly.

“Well, Dean Winchester,” I mimicked downing another shot just for show. “Five years ago today I should have been married but obviously I’m not.”

“I’ll let you in on a little secret,” he leaned in closer and whispered into my ear. “In a year I’m gonna die and go to hell.”

“Fuck, that sucks,” I sigh. I offered him the bottle of Jack which he takes a swig out of. “We make quite the pair…So Dean Winchester I’ve never seen you around here, you passing through?”

“I guess you could say that. I do a lot of traveling for my uhh line of work. So tell me about Liz Parker.”

“I think it’s only appropriate that I share a secret with you since you shared one with me,” I almost pressed my lips to his ear. “I know the future.”

“Uh huh so Parker, tell me what’s going to happen in my future.”

“Well, let’s see you are going to get lucky tonight,” I took one last drink and winked at Dean before taking him by the hand.

Re: Shattered (SPN,XO,UC, MATURE) 8/25 Pt 3

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 8:34 pm
by dreamerfrvrp3
Part II

Stumble out, in the night
From the pouring rain
Made the block, sat and thought
There's more I need
It's always back to you

July 2007

It was already after mid-night and the bar was a mess probably because the two regular bartenders didn’t show up for their shifts. For some reason Wednesdays were always busy here. I placed a quarter in the jukebox and flipped through the music choices until I found the one I was looking for. I took out the broom and swept the floor singing.

“Well, I’m hot blooded, check it and see…I got a fever of a hundred and three”

I was so distracted that I didn’t notice the man that entered. He shrugged off his jacket and dropped his bag on the floor, water dripping off of his body and coat. “I think I have a new found appreciation of Foreigner.”

My eyes widened at the sound of his voice and I flushed with embarrassment. “Hmm, you look like this guy I used to know I think his name was Derek or maybe Dan. Really cute guy not to mention a good lay. Funny though I haven’t seen him in weeks.”

“I think his name was Dean,” he supplied while shoving his hands into his pockets. “Look, I’m sorry but there were some things I needed to take care of and I just wanted to see you again…But I get it if you want me to leave.”

“Sit.” I ordered as I pulled out two beers and set them on the bar. I took in his appearance, there are bags under his eyes and a five o’clock shadow growing. “Winchester, you look like shit.”

“Thanks,” he bits out sarcastically. He gulped down some of the beer before continuing. “It’s been a rough week, I guess you could say.”

My curiosity peaked, he was not much into details when we were first met. “What did you say you do again?”

“Trust me, Parker, you don’t want to know… at least not right now.” I accepted his answer due to the fact that he looks like crap. “Do you mind if I crash with you tonight? I left Sam with the Impala at the motel down the street and its still pouring out…”

“You walked down here?” He nodded. Last week the owner of the Hangar, Mike, unexpectedly decided to pack up his belongings and move to Ohio. Since I started working here we became good friends and he slowly started trusting me with the place. Naturally he decided to transfer ownership of the bar to me and gave me the apartment upstairs. I was still in between both of my apartments and had only moved a few things into the new apartment. “Uh yeah, how ‘bout we take your stuff upstairs so that you can get settled while I finish cleaning this place up.”


“You are looking at the new owner of this place,” I winked at him before climbing the stairs.

“So that means free booze right?” he chuckled. I roll my eyes at him and give him the grand tour of the nice sized apartment.

“Well since I’m sort of lacking a couch and I’m not mean enough to put you on the floor I guess we can sleep in my bed…together,” I muttered.

“Yeah that’s fine I mean last time you didn’t mind doing it in the back of your Camaro and in the kitchen not to mention the shower…,” he smirked slightly.

“Alright alright, I got it but no nookie tonight since you’ve had a rough week and all.” He looks wounded and I give him a crooked smile. “Anyways I’m going to go finish cleaning up oh and the towels are in the closet across from the bathroom if you want to shower.”

I worked extra fast to get the bar cleaned up to talk to Dean before he falls asleep. I drag myself up the stairs and into the bedroom to find Dean fast asleep or so I thought. I go through my nightly routine and take a quick shower. I walk into the bedroom with only a towel around me since I forgot my clothes on the bed.

“Not fair,” he groaned. I scramble to the ground picking up the towel and covering up my body in the process. “It’s not like I haven’t seen it before!”

“Is their ever a time when sex isn’t on your mind,” I muttered to myself pulling an oversized t-shirt on. I slide under the covers and into his awaiting arms placing my head on his chest.

“Did you mean it earlier?” He asked minutes later.


“When you said I was just a good lay?”

I laugh at his hurt ego. “Go to sleep, Winchester.”

Re: Shattered (SPN,XO,UC, MATURE) 8/25 Pt 3

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 8:35 pm
by dreamerfrvrp3
Part III

But I'm good without ya
Yeah, I'm good without you
Yeah, yeah, yeah

Next morning

“So when are you leaving?” I asked him. It was already late morning and we were still lying in bed.

Dean raised his eyebrow at me. “What makes you think I’m leaving?”

“C’mon Dean, give me some credit! You always leave, I don’t know why but you do. Believe it or not I know you.” I turned to face him.

“Yeah, your right. It’s just when I’m around you, I don’t feel like such a lost cause you don’t pity me. I fucking know things and I see things that I didn’t ever want to see. But I do.” He rubbed his eyes and got dressed. “I should go.”

I stand in front of the door way, “I like you Dean. I accept the fact that you don’t want to tell me some things. Fuck, even I’m not completely honest with you.” I bite my lip allowing him to pass me. “Bye…” I whispered mainly to myself. I’m not going to follow him…I went after Max all those years ago and it didn’t get me anywhere but screwed.

Hours later, I’m doing inventory at the bar when he came back. “My life is complicated and messy. My job sucks…It’s not easy for me to let people into my life. I’m never in one place for too long. And I don’t think I deserve you.” He leaves and I just stared at his retreating figure, surprised. Maybe just this time I’ll follow.

“Wait!” He’s already opening the door to his Impala where his brother is in. He turned around at the sound of my voice and I jumped onto pressing my lips against his. “I’ll be seeing you, Winchester.” I slipped my number into my pocket. I left him there stunned when I hear him say to Sam “Dude that’s my girl.”

Re: Shattered (SPN,XO,UC, MATURE) 8/25 Pt 3

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 6:46 am
by dreamerfrvrp3
My lovely banner...big thanks to singerchic4!!


By the way a new part will probably be posted by the end of the weekend. Thanks for all the great feedback!

Re: Shattered (SPN,XO,UC, MATURE) 8/25 Pt 3

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 11:55 am
by dreamerfrvrp3
Sorry this part is way overdue...I like to stay ahead and finish a part or two before I post a new one. Thanks for the great feedback!!!
Not too much Dean is this part but next part he's in it with Sam :)

Part IV

How many times can I break till I shatter?
Over the line can't define what I'm after
I always turn the car around
Give me a break let me make my own pattern
All that it takes is some time but I'm shattered
I always turn the car around

Mid July 2007

“Yeah…owww…oh my shit!” I exclaimed into the phone jumping up and down muttering several curse words under my breath.

“Liz! What’s wrong?” Dean. He’s called me a total of six times since he left a week and a half ago.
“Ughh, nothing I just stubbed my toe on a box,” I groaned.

“Ohh…I take it the moving isn’t going well?”

“No shit Sherlock,” I grunted while rubbing my toe.

“Whoa, okay…no need for violence Parker.”

I grimaced. “Sorry Dean, it been a long week and I miss you…” I confessed.

“I know me too, I’m almost done here…so I’ll be back soon,” she could hear Sam in the background. “I gotta go Parker, Sammy’s being a bitch.”

“Bye! And be nice to your brother!” I said to a dial tone. Minutes after I had put down the phone the doorbell rang. I opened the door not prepared for the shock of my life.

“Oh my god!” I screeched before launching myself into his arms. “What are you doing here? How’d you find me? Is everyone alright?!”

“Good to see you too,” Kyle replied sarcastically. “Can I come in? This isn’t exactly the kind of conversation you want to have in the doorway.”

“Yeah, yeah of course come in,” I replied. “Wow Kyle, it’s been too long…are you all by yourself?”

“Yup, I’ve been looking for you for a while and you can’t imagine my surprise when your name pops up on a document for the ownership of a bar.” I guided him to my make-shift living room and asked him if he wanted anything to drink. “Back to your questions, everyone is fine. Michael and Maria finally got married about three years ago and are living in New York. Isabel is with Jesse in Boston. And Max…well no one really is sure where he is. He’s been travelling a lot and calls to check once a week or so.”

I let out a breath that I didn’t even realize I was holding. I asked the question that I was dying to know the answer to. “What happened after I left?”

“Well, you know Max, he went sort of crazy. He tried to find you for a couple of months but then we finally convinced him that if you didn’t want to be found we wouldn’t find you. I guess you could say that after you left the group fell apart, we all realized that we might be better off going our separate ways,” he explained.

“Y’know Kyle, I don’t regret any of it…I couldn’t live like that,” I stared at my feet playing with my cup of coffee.

“Hey, you don’t have to explain anything to me…no one blames you for anything.”

“What about the FBI?”

“Gone apparently. After we had all went our separate ways Iz got a call from Max saying that we were no longer in danger and that the “special group” no longer existed,” I breath a sigh of relief. That was one of my biggest fears that we would be forced to relive the white room nightmares again. “So tell me what’s been going on with you?”
“Umm, I’ve been here for almost a year and a half and I really like it. I own this place,” I told him waving my arms around. “And I’ve been sorta seeing this guy named Dean.”

“Ohhh give me the juicy details,” he replied pulling a face. “Oh god, I sounded just like Maria there…scary.” I laughed for the first time in days. I really missed my old friends.

“Eh, there isn’t much to tell I met him here one night were I was practically drinking Daniels out of the bottle and we…” I blushed a little. “Fooled around a bit. I don’t know I really like him a lot but he travels for his job so I don’t see him too much.”

“I guess Lizzie; you gotta take what you can get.”

“I want to tell him about our past,” I confessed in a small voice.

“I can’t speak for everyone else but we trust your judgment and if you trust him then why not…You deserve a shot at happiness.” My insides are jumping up and down at the opportunity to be honest with Dean.

“Shoot, I’m covering one of the bartender’s shifts and I’m already late,” I cursed. “Are you going to stay around for a while because the couch has got your name written on it?”

“Sure, I don’t have anywhere to be right now and I wouldn’t mind seeing you mix drinks and stuff,” his eyes twinkling.

Re: Shattered (SPN,XO,UC, MATURE) 9/5 Part 4

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 9:39 pm
by dreamerfrvrp3
Read: So I'm trying something new here, when you see the italicized X it switches to third POV . I think it's kinda hard to read this and not see what is going on with Dean and Sam too seeing as Liz doesn't know about their "jobs". I hope its not too confusing!

Special thanks to DMartinez!

Part V

I had no idea that the night
Would take so damn long
Took it out, on the street
While the rain still falls
Push me back to you

Late July 2007

I woke up with a start when I heard footsteps outside my bedroom followed by glass shattering. I instantly grabbed for the baseball bat that was a graduation gift from my father before he realized that I wouldn’t actually be attending college. Just her luck really the one night that Kyle isn’t here glued in front of the TV drinking all my beer is the night I get broken into. I tiptoed into the living room spotting a dark figure in the kitchen. I raised the bat to hit the person and screamed as I swung the bat as hard as I could. Before the bat could come in contact the person grabbed it and twisted it out of my hand.

“Fucking Christ!” he yelled. “It’s me, Dean!”

I struggled to catch my breathe after the rush of adrenaline, “Oh my god, what the hell are you doing in my kitchen at…4 in the morning?”

“I just got in and I figured I’d surprise you…but not like this. And I was trying to be quiet but I knocked over a bottle and well then you tried to kill me.” I flicked the lights on and take a seat at the island. “Are you okay?”

“Oh just excuse me while I try to not have a heart attack,” I replied taking deep breathes. For the first time I saw his face. “Shit, Dean what happened to your face?”

“I ran into a building,” he joked. I eyed him suspiciously for a minute before tidying up the glass that was all over the ground. “What happened to this place?”

“My friend Kyle is crashing here for a while, matter of fact, he won’t leave,” I groaned. His clothes were littered all over the living and empty bags of junk food where lying on the coffee table.

“How come I haven’t heard about this Kyle guy before?” I heard a hint of jealousy in his voice.

“How come you won’t tell why your face looks like it was hit by a truck?” I threw back. Note to self never get up at four in the morning and try to have a decent conversation. “Wait a minute…I could have sworn I locked my door when I got home, Winchester.”

He grinned sheepishly and shrugged his shoulders, “I may have picked the lock…”

“You…picked…my…lock?” I seethed. Remember your deep breathing. “Why don’t we just go to bed. I’m too tired to yell.”

I wake up later on that morning feeling awful for the way I had treated Dean. I kissed his lips gently when his eyes fluttered open.

My voice is low and husky from sleep, “Morning.”

He started to kiss me back when he pulled away abruptly, “Did you hear that?”

“Hear what?”

He shook his head, “Nothing…maybe I’m just hearing things.” I raised my eyebrow and sauntered out of bed. “Hey, where you going?”

“I’ve gotta run some errands before I work…you know we could always save water and take a shower together,” I suggested innocently from the bathroom, within seconds Dean was right next time me stripping down.


Dean slammed the motel door causing his brother to jump. “Dude there’s some freaky shit going on in this town.”

“You’re seeing her too?” Sam asked him while flipping through his dad’s journal.

“Yeah, the chick has long ass hair and a bad set of pipes,” Dean replied flippantly. “Liz probably thinks I’m nuts already I don’t need to add to her suspicion.”

“So you haven’t told her yet?”

“Gee, Liz have I told you about my job I hunt demons and then we exercise the hell out of them,” Dean said sarcastically. “Not to mention I’m going to hell soon.”

“A banshee.” Sam muttered eyes glued to the journal. “Commonly known as a death omen…their shrieks are warning that death is near…”

“So she’s like the Devil’s bitch…Does it say how to get rid of them?”

“Nope. I don’t even know if you can but I’ll ring Bobby and check out the local library. I’ll meet you over at the bar later on?”


leave me some feedback :)

Re: Shattered (SPN,XO,UC, MATURE) 9/13 Part 5

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 3:13 pm
by dreamerfrvrp3
Author's Note:


I just wanted to stop by and let you guys know that I should be updating by Wednesday. I really want to finish Part 8 and 9 before I post again. Thanks for the lovely feed back keep it coming :)

Re: Shattered (SPN,XO,UC, MATURE) AN 9/28

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 6:55 pm
by dreamerfrvrp3
As promised :) I've decided to turn Part 8 into an interlude just The next part won't be for a while, possibly. I've been having a lot of family issues and problems myself so I'm not really having too much time to write but your feed back always makes me feel better. So leave lots!

Part VI

But I'm good without ya
Yeah, I'm good without you
Yeah, yeah, yeah

I was stacking glasses when Dean walked in with Sam. Dean didn’t really talk about his family too much but I knew that Sam was his life. From what he had told me Sam was a smart guy who was always getting on Dean’s nerves.

“Hey Parker, two beers,” Dean yelled from the end of the bar.

I turned and glared at him while walking towards them. I slapped him with my dirty rag. “Excuse me?”

Before Dean could respond Sam interrupts, “What Dean meant to say is two beers, please.”

I placed the beers before them and held my hand out. “I don’t believe we’ve been formally introduced…Liz Parker…friend.”

Dean raised his eyebrow at me and snorted at my word choice. Sam shook my hand, “Sam Winchester.”

“I’ve got to go finish a few things in the back, and Dean use this I don’t want you picking my locks anymore…it’s kinda strange,” I told him tossing him a spare key.

“Dude! You picked her lock?” I heard Sam ask Dean holding back laughter. “That is so wrong.”

Dean and Sam moved to a dark booth in the corner of the bar to go over their current case. Sam flipped open his laptop and started to research more about the Banshee.

“So, I like her, she’s good for you,” Sam replied with a small grin. He was happy that his brother finally found someone.

“Yeah, she pretty great isn’t she? And she doesn’t put up with my crap,” Dean said with a small grin of his own. “Hell, she almost took off my head with a baseball bat when I “broke” into her apartment last night.”

Sam chuckled at again, “Good for her…I still can’t believe you picked her lock.”

“So have you heard back from Bobby yet?”

“Nah, he said he’d get back to me when he found something out, but I don’t know how we are going to get out of this one,” Sam groaned while rubbing his eyes.

“I know man, but we’ll get out of we always do.” Dean drank his beer and continued to flip through the pages of his father’s journal. Liz came back an hour later with food and more beer. They threw aside their papers as she approached.

She growled while pushing Dean aside, “Move over Dean your taking up the entire booth…so what have you guys been doing?”

“Nothing exciting,” Sam responded all too quickly. “Just some research…”

“Yeah, seriously, thank god you brought us some more beer I thought I was going to die here of boredom,” Dean replied while swallowing his hamburger. Liz gave him her trademark eyebrow raise and stole one of his fries.

“All righty then…you guys have more secrets than the government,” she muttered mostly to herself. Her eyes wandered to a guy with sandy blonde who was trying to sneak past them. “Kyle…doing the walk of shame, I see?”

He jumped in fright when he realized that he’d been seen. “Lizzie, you have some kind of sick sense I didn’t think you’d actually notice me.”

“Sure, Kyle so when do you plan on cleaning my living it seems like it was invaded by some huge couch potato,” she asked sweetly. Before Kyle could defend himself Dean cleared his throat and Liz instantly introduced them. “Dean, Sam, this is my friend Kyle…we grew up together.”

“We also dated in high school,” Kyle added but immediately regretted saying anything when she elbowed him in the stomach.

“It didn’t last long I’m pretty sure Kyle loved football and his mustang more than me,” Liz rolled her eyes. Soon enough Kyle had taken a seat and began talking to Dean about his mustang. She kissed Dean on the lips and left. “I’ll see you guys later…Kyle we’ll talk later and Dean please use the key.”
Liz’s shift was over by dinner and she was determined to make Dean a nice meal. She was waiting for Dean to get out of the shower when she heard him talking.

“Lady would you quit following me…its kinda weird…by the way maybe you should consider getting singing lesson…you suck.” She moved slowly into the bedroom where Dean was in there talking to an empty room.

“Umm…Dean?” She questioned.

Dean jumped at the sound of her voice, “Jesus, Liz, you scared the shit out of me!”

“Sorry, but were you talking to someone?” She moved further into her room, looking around.

“No, no just talking to myself,” he scratched his eyebrow, one of his nervous traits. “Is dinner ready yet?”

She took note of his change of subject but didn’t say anything about it. There was something off with Dean Winchester. “Pretty much, the steaks are finished and the potatoes should be done boiling. C’mon I’ll get us a beer.”

They moved to the kitchen, Liz placed the beers on the counter when Dean’s cell rang. “Its Sammy, do you mind if I get this?” She shook her head and continued to finish preparing the dinner. Liz had only heard bits of the conversation something about research and someone named Bobby.

“Sam all right?” She called from the dining room while setting the table. “Can you bring in the steaks?”

“Yeah he’s fine…so did you talk to Kyle?” He brought in the steaks and our beers and sat down across from me.

“Yes, thank god. He’s staying at a motel for the next couple days and then he should be heading home.”

Dean nodded and took another bite of his food, “This is weird isn’t it?”


He chuckled, “Us. Sitting down eating a meal…together.”

She looked at him thoughtfully for a minute and then joined in on the laughter. “Okay, yeah, it’s weird almost like we are domesticated…” They both shuddered at the thought. “Great…just like a 50’s housewife.”

They spent the rest of dinner making comfortable small talk…As if they both normal. With promises of an interesting night, Dean willingly started on the dishes. Liz was almost in hysterics at the sight of Dean with a soapy sponge in his hand.

He cocked his eyebrow at Liz, “What? You think this is funny?”

Liz snorted, no longer able to control herself. “Dean Win-Winchester doing the dishes…I need to go f-find my camera…You look so wifey” She was clutching her stomach, tears streaming down her face.

He turned back to the sink pulling out the sprayer that was attached to the sink, and aimed it directly at Liz. Her eyes widened in terror when she saw it. He smirked at her reaction, “Not so funny now is it?”

“Dean!” she shrieked. Her protests were wasted as drenched her with water. He dropped the hose when she ran away soaking wet. He pinned her to the bed she started to crack up when he tickled her. “Ok! I take it back!”

He growled, “Say it!”

“Dean Winchester…is not at all…like a wife,” she gasped. He kept tickling her. “Fine! He’s very manly!”

He began to kiss her neck when she swatted his arm and struggled out of his gasp. “Where are you going?”

She winked at him, “I’ve got to go finish the dishes.”

“But you promised me an interesting night!” He yelled from the bedroom.

She laughed again, “And that wasn’t interesting?”

Re: Shattered (SPN,XO,UC, MATURE) Part 6 10/1

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 8:38 pm
by dreamerfrvrp3
Thanks guys!

Sorry for the long delay!

Part VII

How many times can I break till I shatter?
Over the line can't define what I'm after
I always turn the car around
Give me a break let me make my own pattern
All that it takes is some time but I'm shattered
I always turn the car around

Early September

My fingers trembled as I dialed the all too familiar numbers. It had been a long time since I’ve heard their voices and I missed it.

“Hello?” The voice was soft and kind, just the sound of her voice reassured me.


A small gasp escaped my mother’s mouth at the sound of her daughter’s voice. “Lizzie, is that you?”

“Yeah, it’s me…how are you and dad doing?”

“We’re doing okay, sweetie, how about you? We’ve missed you so much…”

I choked back a few tears, “I’m alright, I miss you guys too…Is Dad there?”

Her mother cleared her throat holding back tears of her own, “No, he’s in Santa Fe for the restaurant. I wish he was here. So what’s been going on? When can we see you?”

“Well, I’m not sure when I can come home I’m hoping I’ll be home for Christmas…I’ve been doing alright for myself I actually own a bar.”

She lets out a low chuckle, “Well that’s unexpected…but whatever makes you happy. What about any boys in your life?”

“I was wondering when you would bring that up. I’m kind of seeing this guy, to say the least he’s interesting and I really like him,” I sighed. Dean Winchester…he’s gone again on one of his several “jobs.” Matter of fact, she hadn’t heard from him in over a week. She’ll give him a try later today.

“That’s great, I’m glad you can share your life with someone.” I heard yelling over the phone. “Lizzie, I need to go help the new waitress…You’ll call me back later?”

“Of course. I love you.”

“Love you, too. Bye sweetie.”

I exhaled, relieved that she didn't bring him up.


Liz dialed his number several times only to get the same message:

The number you have reached is no longer in service. Please hang up, check your number and dial again.

She rubbed her forehead, her headache getting increasingly worse. She was officially worried. Her last phone call with Dean was a week and a half ago. He said he was somewhere in the east maybe Illinois? Also that he wasn’t going to be back for a while. She tried his number one more time. Nothing.

She was alone. Kyle had left last week to go find his own life. She sank into her bed pulling the covers up to her chest. What seemed to be hours later her eyes finally shut and sleep took over.

She squeezed his hand tighter, her legs started to feel numb. Dean looked behind him, he cursed loudly. His eyes were bloodshot and there were scratches all over his body. He told her not to look behind them…but she couldn’t help herself and when she did she screamed.

A huge black dog with glowing eyes.

The forest grew darker and she could no longer see where she was going. She tripped over a fallen branch and shrieked when something slashed her arm. She picked herself off the ground and looked around…where had Dean gone?

She squinted in the dark then she saw his body. She tried to scream but nothing came out. His eyes were lifeless and his body was damp with blood. She clutched his heavy body and whimpered at the sight.

She screamed his name.

She continued to scream until she realized that she was back in her bedroom. Her clothes clung to her sweaty body and she peeled away the covers. The nightmare had felt so real and her headache became increasingly worse. She needed to talk to Dean, to make sure he was okay. She couldn’t get the image of Dean’s haunting green eyes out of her head.

Then she remembered…she flung out of bed and turned the lamp on. She tossed her clothes around until she found her what she was looking for. Before, Dean had left he gave her Sam’s number in case of an emergency, she stuck it in her back pocket and forgot it there. She tried the number and it rang several times until his voicemail started and the beep was sounded.

Hi…Sam. It’s Liz. Umm I haven’t heard from Dean in a week or two and his cell is disconnected. I’m worried and I just really need to hear from him….Please Please, have him call me…’Bye.

Re: Shattered (SPN,XO,UC, MATURE) Part 7 11/7

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 9:30 pm
by dreamerfrvrp3
Yo peeps!

AN: Ok so my life is getting even more difficult, and I haven't really been inspired to write but luckily i have two more parts ready after this which I probably won't post for a few weeks.
This part may answer some of your questions...may give you more questions. Right now we are I think we are around early season 3. I'm almost positive that this will be about 20 parts long. And it will most likely end with Dean going to hell.

Thank you so much for all the feed back. It really brightens my day and makes me feel so much better that you guys like this.


Give it up, give it up Baby
Give it up, give it up now, now


Sam rubbed the sleep out of his eyes as his cell beeped signaling a voicemail. He looked over to find his brother’s bed empty for the first time in a long time. Where was Dean? He surely hadn’t gone back to his old ways…he had Liz now. Anyways he hadn’t picked up any girls at the bar they hung out earlier and they came home together didn’t they? Sam entered his password in his cell and listened to the message.

Hi…Sam. It’s Liz. Umm I haven’t heard from Dean in a week or two and his cell is disconnected. I’m worried and I just really need to hear from him….Please Please, have him call me…’Bye.

He cursed…where the hell was he? They had just finished a hunt and Dean’s cell hadn’t made it through the fight with a demon. Sam didn’t know what to do…wait for Dean or talk to Liz? He knew he should call Liz, she sounded freaked out in the message. Sam liked her, and she accepted the fact that Dean isn’t always around. His brother deserved to have someone to love. He raised his head to the ceiling and raised his arms, what should he do? Within seconds the motel door rattled open and in walked Dean.

“Dude, where the hell have you been?”

“Settle down, Sammy…I was just out walking around,” Dean slurred.

Sam spied the bottle in his hand, “You went out with a bottle of Jack?”

“I needed…some company,” he took a swig out of the bottle. Sam continued to pace back and forth with his cell still in his hand. “Why are you freaking out, man?”

“Gee, I dunno Dean, maybe because you left in the middle of the night with a bottle of liquor and I get a message from your girlfriend who sounded pretty hysterical because she couldn’t get a hold of you,” Sam argued.

Dean immediately sobered up at the thought of Liz, “Fuck…Liz. Jesus Sammy, what the hell am I doing?”

“What do you mean?” Then it dawned on Sam, he was talking about Liz.

“I don’t have much time left, I can’t keep stringing her along, you know? I’ve got about eight good months until I’m gone…I don’t even deserve her…Fuck…I’m such an ass,” he groaned.

Sam’s eyes widened, something must be up if Dean is confiding in him. “Dean, you aren’t going to hell, we’ll figure something out. You do-.”

The cell by Sam’s bed buzzed again. They both stared at it before Sam jumped to get it. “Liz.”

My shoulders shook violently as laid in my cold bed, my cold empty bed. I moved onto my side and clutched onto my knees in a fetal position. My eyes were red and puffy from the crying, the makeup that once covered my face was staining the pillow along with blood.


I ran into the bathroom and shielded my eyes from the bright light. The sleeve of my top was soaked in a deep crimson blood. I placed the sit of the toilet down before lowering myself onto it afraid that if I stood any longer my legs would give out. My hand shook while I pulled back the sleeve…a slit covered most of my arm. I covered my mouth before hopping off the seat and I emptied the contents if my stomach.

“What the hell,” I muttered. How could this happen? And where is the first aid kit? Great, she had left it downstairs behind the bar after a brawl a few months ago. I unlocked the door and ran down the stairs to the bar. Out of the corner of my eye I saw something moving.

I reached for the shotgun and slowly moved to the ground. I peeked around the counter and saw the man. His clothes were old and dusty…I gasped when he turned my way; the center of his forehead was a gaping hole. “Oh my god.”

He followed the sound and came towards me with an axe in hand. “Where do you think your going?”

I flew up the stairs and locked my doors running towards my cell phone. I pressed the redial button and this time it was answered. “Help.”

Sam stiffened at her greeting and immediately went into hunter mode, “What’s wrong?” Dean was by his side in a minute trying to grab the cell from his hand.

“There’s some-someone in the bar…I don’t know what to do…god there’s something wrong w-with his head,” she sobbed. “I’m scared.”

“It’s Dean, tell me what happened,” Dean snatched the phone from Sam. He yelled over his shoulder to tell Sam to pack up their things.

She exhaled, “God, Dean? I’m so happy to hear your voice, I was so worried. I had a nightmare that you were e-eaten by a wolf or a dog…I woke up and my arm was bleed-bleeding. This is going to sound so crazy but he-he the guy in the b-bar he had a hole in his head…like from a gunshot…Please, Dean, please come back, I’m so scared.”

Dean followed Sam out of the motel room and threw the keys at him. “Uhh, did he look dead?”

“I don’t know! Should he have looked dead? There was a hole in his head…I’m pretty sure he shouldn’t be up walking around let alone breathing,” she snapped. “Sorry. I just I don’t know what to do.”

“Ok, just do what I tell you. First make sure the door is locked, and then I want you to find anything made of iron and hold on to it. You’re going to need salt. Put a line of salt at every doorway and window sill…makes sure there are no breaks in the lines. You need to be fast, once all that is done I want you to take the salt and lock yourself in the bathroom. Take whatever you might need including the stuff made of iron…place a salt circle around you and don’t open that door until I get there,” Dean ordered. He could hear her moving around in the background.

“Umm, I salted all the windows and doors, and I found an iron pan…at least I hope its iron. Did I mention this is kind of weird, we really need to talk when you get here. Umm, I don’t think I get reception in the bathroom but Dean please hurry.”

“Just be careful.” He slammed the motel door shut and got into the driver’s seat. He zoomed out of the parking lot only now noticing Sam’s face. “What?”

Sam recoiled at his tone, “Maybe I should drive.”

“I’m fine, Sam.”

“If your fine Dean then why are gripping the steering wheel so hard that your knuckles are turning white?” Dean relaxed his grip and rolled his shoulders.

“It’s my fault,” Dean muttered. He avoided Sam’s gaze and pushed down on the peddle.

“No its not, plus we don’t even know what it is and if it’s some kind of spirit then she’s lucky she knows us. Imagine what would happen if she didn’t. I’m sure she wouldn’t be in the same condition as she is now,” Sam argued.



Dean rubbed his eyes and drew in a huge breath, “Liz. She well she had this strange dream that freaked her out. She said there were these huge black dogs chasing us and they ripped me to shreds.”

“So? Oh you don’t think…hell hounds?” Dean nodded.
