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Every Picture Tells a Story (M/L, ADULT) 4-18-09 [COMPLETE]

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 10:30 pm
by destinyc
Title: Every Picture Tells a Story
Author: destinyc
Disclaimer: I don't own the rights to Roswell, no infringement is intended. Also, I don't own Men's Health. Any paraphrased material has been taken from recent issues of the magazine. No infringement is intended. I also don't own any of the songs or brands mentioned later.
Couples: M/L, CC
Rating: Adult
Summary: Max and Liz have been best friends since the first grade. They both took on local modeling jobs in order to save money to attend Harvard upon graduation. After turning eighteen, Liz is offered a modeling job that forces her to come to terms with her true feelings for Max.
A/N: This is my first fanfic, so I would appreciate any feedback. I'll be updating a couple of times a week, as I have quite a bit already written. The fic is dreamer insured! Thanks to my husband Tim for my lovely banner.


“Turn to the left—look at the camera—tilt your head a bit. That’s great, Liz. Raise the product a little higher. Nice big smile—ok, I think we’ve got it. That’s a wrap. Nice work, Liz.” Jerry, the photographer, began disassembling the camera and tripod while his assistant began shutting off the fans and stowing the lights.

Liz sipped her bottled water as she headed toward the dressing room to change. The shoot hadn’t been too difficult, a print ad for hair conditioner, and she would immediately deposit her paycheck in the bank because even with scholarships and her parents’ help, college at Harvard would still be extremely expensive.

“Hey, Liz. I was hoping I could catch you before you left,” Liz’s agent, Janelle, called as she quickly strode onto the set.

“Oh, hey, Janelle,” Liz smiled, “I didn’t realize you were coming. I was about to head to your office.”

“No need. I have your last two checks right here—the Bonne Bell and Neutrogena. Let’s head to your dressing room. A nice-paying gig has come up, and I think you’d be perfect.”

Liz and Janelle reached the curtained area where Liz’s street clothes were neatly folded on a chair. Liz took her clothes in hand and sat waiting for Janelle’s big announcement.

“Liz, you turned eighteen this spring, right?”

“Yeah, I’m eighteen.”

“Well, there is a shoot in Albuquerque next week for an article in Men’s Health.”

Men’s Health?” Liz questioned.

“Yeah, I think the article is something about “Fulfilling Her Fantasies,” but anyway, there is one catch--you’ll have to pose topless.”

“What! Oh, I don’t think I could possibly…There’s just no way I could…”

“Now, before you say no, the photo won’t be taken from the front-- it's not pornographic or anything. You’ll be shot from the back and a bit of the side, but no nipple would show in the final shot.”

Liz flushed crimson at the prospect of a strange photographer and crew seeing her without her blouse or bra. She was eighteen after all, and this would be a purely professional and tasteful shoot, but in fact, no man had ever seen her in that state of undress.

“Liz, I know you’re nervous about this, but this shoot will pay about twice what you make on your average photo shoot. It won’t be long before your too old to pose for the teen mags, and this could really open up a lot of doors for you. If you want, you could bring someone with you to the shoot, so you’ll feel more comfortable.”

“Janelle, could you give me a couple of days to think about it?” Liz responded and then bit her bottom lip in thought. “There is somebody I need to talk to before I make a final decision about this.”

“Sure, Liz, if you want to discuss this with your parents first, that’s fine. Just make sure you let me know something by Monday, so I can find someone else if I need to.”

“I’ll let you know,” Liz responded as Janelle started toward the exit.

“If I were you, I wouldn’t pass up this opportunity. Jobs like this can help pay for that massive tuition bill you’ll have next year. Well, call me soon. Be careful driving back to Roswell.”

As Liz started to get dressed, she thought about what Janelle had assumed, but Liz wasn’t thinking of consulting Jeff and Nancy Parker in this matter. Liz was quite certain that a topless photo shoot would send her dad over the proverbial edge, and her mother would quickly follow suit. No, if Liz did agree to take this job, she would probably refrain from mentioning the details to the Parkers. As her parents’ world consisted of serving up alien-themed, deep-fried fare, Liz was fairly certain that Men’s Health was not on the Parker-family subscription list. She would also make sure that any copies of the magazine that could be found on the grocery store shelves would be quickly bought up and buried deep in the desert. Liz briefly thought about what advice Maria might give her, but Maria already thought Liz far too prudish for her eighteen years, and Liz knew that Michael frequently saw Maria sans bra. No, Liz knew the one person she needed to consult in this matter, her best friend for the last twelve years—Max Evans.
Twelve years earlier

“Class, this is Max Evans. He’s new to our school this year. Let’s see, Max, where should I seat you?” Mrs. Newberry thought aloud.

Max’s eyes looked up from the floor and caught sight of the first empty seat in the classroom. The desks were arranged in twos, and it seemed that most of the occupants were seated in boy-girl pairs. Mrs. Newberry apparently thought that this arrangement cut down on boys who were intent on horsing around and girls who were prone to fits of giggling. Max’s nervous gaze settled on the girl with pretty brown eyes and long brown hair.

“Take the empty seat next to Liz. Max, I think you two will become fast friends.”

Liz grinned and gave a little wave to Max to invite him to his new desk. “I’m Liz,” she whispered.

“I’m Max,” he responded with much of his uncertainty melting with the warmth of Liz’s smile.

Max slipped his pencils and folder inside the desk in preparation for his first day of school, but Mrs. Newberry had a special surprise in store for the class.

“Class, we’re going to have a special recess today. We have permission from the principal to go to the city park the next block over.” A chorus of excited voices erupted from the classroom. “Now I want you to hold hands and stay together while we cross the street. Make sure you stay with your buddy, so we don’t get separated.”

The first-graders filed out of the room, and once in the hall, joined hands with their desk-mates. Liz reached for Max’s hand just as Mrs. Newberry had directed, but when Liz took Max’s hand, she felt a reassuring warmth and a tingling feeling she had never experienced before. Now while your average first grader would simply believe this to be the excitement of a field trip to the park, Liz sensed that there was something special and wonderful about Max.

Liz looked into her young classmate’s amber eyes and knew that he was also pleasantly startled by the contact of their small hands clasped together. Liz was eager to share with her new friend all the wonders of the city park. Max hung on every word from his bubbly, petite classmate, but if they weren’t so enthralled with the prospect of the tall corkscrew slide, the swings that could fly high into the sky, and the aluminum rocket ship where you could climb up and look out the portholes, they might have noticed the slight silver glow emanating from their clasped hands.

Re: Every Picture Tells a Story (M/L, CC, Adult) A/N 9/14/08

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 8:47 am
by destinyc
pijeechinadoll-Thanks! I hope this posting is soon enough. :)
Ashley-Chocolate?? Hmm...I may be able to work that in later on. Thanks.
Eve-Another vote in favor of chocolate! Yummy!
Natalie36-You'll see a bit more kid stuff in today's update. Thanks!
Carrie-I'm so excited you're reading this and am glad you are enjoying it. Please continue to let me know what you think.
Dreamer19-Thanks for the vote of confidence. I hope you continue to enjoy it.

Part 2

“Hey mom, I just wanted to let you know I’m on my way back,” Liz spoke into her cell phone as she climbed into her parent’s car. “I’m going to put my checks into the night deposit as soon as I get back to Roswell. I may see what Max is up to after that. I need to talk to him tonight, if I can get a chance.”

“Is something wrong, honey? Did you have any trouble on the shoot?” Nancy asked. Her daughter seemed to have an unusual nervousness in her voice that she couldn’t decipher.

“No, Mom, everything is fine. I just need to talk to Max about a school project,” Liz lied, unwilling to disclose her true concern to her mother. If Liz mentioned the notion of a topless photo shoot to her mother, she wouldn’t see past the city limits of Roswell, New Mexico, until she was twenty-five. “I’ll call you later if I’m going to be late. Love you, Mom,” Liz ended her call to her mother feeling slightly guilty about the omission, but knowing that there was only one person in the universe who could help her with this predicament.

Second grade, eleven years ago

“Take it to the goal! Come on, Liz! Let’s go!” shouted the soccer coach in encouragement as Liz made her way downfield. Despite her small size, Liz was an aggressive and determined second-grade soccer player. Max was running parallel to Liz, warding off any defensive players intent on preventing Liz from kicking the soccer ball to the goal. The score was tied at 2-2 and the Roswell Rockets were only one goal away from winning first place in their division for the season. The final seconds of the game were ticking away as Liz quickly dribbled the ball to the goal.

“Go, Liz! Take it to the goal!” shouted their coach.

All the force in Liz’s body went into the kick that sent the soccer ball soaring to the net. Unfortunately, just as soon as Liz kicked the winning goal, a defender from the Artesia Astros inadvertently tripped Liz, sending her rolling to the ground. The Rockets clambered around their coach reveling in their championship win, but Max immediately went to Liz as she clutched her knee to her chest.

“Here, Liz, let me see,” Max insisted.

“No, it’s all scraped up and bloody,” Liz sucked in her breath through gritted teeth.

“Let me see your knee, Liz. We’ve got to hurry,” Max implored.

Liz looked up into Max’s worried, amber eyes and nodding slightly, removed her hand from her damaged knee. Glancing around to make certain that all the prying eyes of their teammates, coaches and parents were focused elsewhere, Max placed his hand over Liz’s knee. As he focused all his energy and stared into teary brown eyes, the mangled skin and blood began to reform, and when Max took his hand away, the skin on Liz’s knee was smooth and pristine, but a faint silver glow remained. Their eyes went wide with fear as they frantically tried to think of a reasonable excuse for the silver glow that now graced Liz’s knee. From the sidelines, Max’s sister, Isabel, had witnessed her brother coming to the rescue of Liz Parker.

“Max, what are you doing?” Isabel hissed as she drew near to the huddled pair.

“But, Izzy—“

“No, ‘buts,’ Max, you know we can’t—“

“Iz, look,” Liz interjected as she palmed a handful of dirt from the field, rubbing it on her knee. “ No one will see it,” Liz stated as she looked up into the frantic brown eyes of Max’s sister. “I won’t tell, Izzy. I wouldn’t do anything to get you in trouble. You can trust me.” Liz shifted her gaze from the imposing Isabel back to Max, still huddled at her side. “I promise, Max. Whatever your secret is, I’ll keep it.”

Max nodded softly in response. Even though Max, Izzy, and their friend Michael knew they were different, they didn’t know exactly why. They seemed to instinctively understand the necessity of keeping their special powers a secret. They weren’t sure if they could trust the adults in their lives to accept them, but Max knew in his heart the importance of Liz Parker knowing who he was and what he could do.

The coach’s voice broke into Max’s concern, “Hurry guys! Let’s get a photo with the trophy. Come on.”

Max and Liz started to rise from the field to join their teammates, but Isabel held them there, her stern look finally softening to one of uncomfortable resignation.

Still holding Liz’s hand after helping her up, Max turned to his sister, his eyes begging for understanding. “Izzy, I just couldn’t let her be hurt,” Max pleaded. “She’s--She’s my best friend.”

“This is Max, leave a message.” Liz waited for the droning beep to finish, “Hey, Max, it’s me. I need to see you tonight. I was offered a new modeling job today I want to talk to you about. Hopefully I’ll see you later.”

Liz thought she’d try Izzy’s cell in case she and her brother were off somewhere together. “Hey, Isabel, it’s Liz. Is Max with you?”

“No, I think he and Michael went somewhere this morning, but I’m not sure where. He might be back home by now. Mom and Dad are driving me to the fashion show in Vegas.”

“Right, I forgot that is today. I really wish I could have gone with you. Vegas is going to be a blast—lots of shopping and celebrities. I wish I were tall enough for all the runway work you get to do, but, oh well, you take what you get, I suppose.”

“Oh please, Liz, you are driving back from a photo shoot as we speak, right?”

“Well, yeah,” Liz considered with a laugh. “I guess I do have you to thank for being well-paid to pose with a bottle of hair conditioner.”

Six years earlier

Diane Evans had planned a back-to-school shopping trip in Albuquerque for her son and daughter, and she asked her friend, Nancy, if Liz would like to come along. Nancy was so busy helping at the Crashdown, that she jumped at the chance for Liz to join the Evans on their shopping excursion. Nancy gave Diane $300 to spend on school clothes for Liz and waved goodbye to the foursome as they took off for a day at the mall.

Isabel sat in the front with a stack of Teen, Seventeen and Young Miss magazines, planning in detail what she needed to purchase on this shopping trip. Max and Liz had hooked up their Gameboys earlier in the trip, but the lull of the road and the drone of Isabel carrying on about what brand of sneakers were the coolest to buy this year caused Max and Liz to fall asleep.

When the electronic beeps and pings stopped sounding from the backseat, Diane glanced in the rearview mirror. She smiled to herself when she saw Max and Liz sound asleep, with Liz curled up with her head against Max’s chest and his arm draped around her, holding her snuggly against him. Diane laughed to herself how the two would firmly deny any romantic inclinations while awake, but she had frequently found them in just such a position while asleep. She remembered the first time that Isabel had invited Liz and Max had invited Michael to spend the night one Saturday. All four had brought their sleeping bags into the living room to watch the movies they all picked out at the video store. Throughout the evening the boys and girls teased each other unmercifully, pulled mild pranks, and consumed plenty of popcorn and cherry Coke, but around midnight Diane walked into the living room to turn off the television, and while Isabell commanded the couch and Michael was sprawled out in the recliner, Max and Liz were curled around each other on the living room floor. Diane briefly thought about sending the kids to their respective rooms, but, after all, they were in separate sleeping bags, and their faces looked so peaceful and secure; she couldn’t bear to part them. More often than not, sleepovers would find them snuggled up in much the same manner. Diane thought that if a romance ever began to blossom between the two, she would have to change the sleepover arrangements, but until then, she would leave well enough alone.
The Evans family and Liz had been shopping for a couple of hours when they decided to head to the food court for a bite to eat. While Max and Liz were in line for tacos and drinks, Isabel came rushing up with a pamphlet on the back-to-school fashion show being held that afternoon. The fashion show was sponsored by many of the children’s retailers in the mall and Albuquerque Kids Modeling Agency.

“Mom, we have to go. Please, it won’t take very long. Please, please, can we see the fashion show?”

Max and Liz just shrugged, knowing that if Izzy didn’t get her way, massive pouting would be the result. It was no big deal, and they could take a break from trying on countless pairs of jeans and tennis shoes. After lunch, Diane consulted the mall map and they made their way toward the site of the event that drew Izzy like a moth to a flame.

“Ma’am, could I possibly speak with you a minute?” a young woman inquired after Diane.

“Yes, can I help you?”

“I’m Jordan Williams from Albuquerque Kids Modeling Agency, and we are here today at the fashion show scouting for new local talent. I noticed that you have very beautiful children; I’d like to speak with you about the possibility of our agency representing them.”

“Well, this is my son Max and my daughter Isabel, and this is their friend Liz, but I just don’t think it would be possible. We’re from Roswell, and the kids have school and activities after that,” Diane responded.

“Of course, all of our young clients do. We make sure to arrange photo shoots for children on weekends and after school. It’s really a great way to build up a college fund for the future,” Jordan explained.

This idea gave Diane pause. The Evans would have two children in college when the time came, and she felt certain that the Parkers might be interested in adding to Liz’s college fund as well. Even at the tender age of twelve, Max and Liz already had plans to attend Harvard and share a two-bedroom apartment owned by Phillip’s brother, who leased several rental properties in the area. While this may seem a strange plan for your average twelve-year-olds, Max and Liz were anything but average. They had already calculated living expenses and tuition rates against the current rate of inflation, and needless to say, a college fund was looking like a pretty good idea.

“Well, I must say, it is a tempting thought. Let me talk to the kids and give Liz’s parents a call. Can we come back after the fashion show and give you our decision?” Diane asked.

“Sure, no problem. Here is my card. Take some time and think it over. We’d be glad to have you on board at Albuquerque Kids,” Jordan smiled as Diane and the kids took their seats.

“Please mom, please, I’ve just got to do this,” Isabel pleaded with Diane.

“We’ll see. Let’s watch the show and see if you still feel the same afterward.”

Max, Liz and Isabel watched the show with rapt attention. While Isabel was enchanted with the clothes, make up, poses and photos, Max and Liz watched thinking that the work didn’t seem particularly difficult and the paychecks could make a big dent in the tuition bills from Harvard in the upcoming years. Max raised his eyebrows at Liz, questioning what she thought about the possible work.

“It doesn’t look too hard. You put on new clothes and somebody takes your picture. I bet I’d make more money than working at the Crashdown for tips,” Liz rationalized.

“True, it’s got to beat working at the UFO Center for minimum wage,” Max thought of the most likely summer job for a young teen in Roswell. “Ok, Mom, I’ll give it a try,” Max agreed.

“Will you call my mom and explain it to her? If you ask, she’ll probably say yes,” Liz grinned.

Diane breathed in and exhaled, “Well, ok, as long as your grades don’t drop and you don’t get too overwhelmed, I guess we’ll give it a try.”

Izzy was bouncing in her seat and could barely contain her squeals of delight. Max and Liz simply responded with, “Cool,” and went back to placidly watching the fashion show.

After a call to the Crashdown to speak to Nancy concerning the prospective modeling arrangements, Diane spoke with Jordan again and gave her Phillip’s fax number so she could send the contracts for his review.

“Ok guys, we’ll bring you in for some head shots with one of our photographers, and we’ll get you scheduled for an upcoming shoot. This will really be a great opportunity for all three of you,” Jordan promised as the three kids and Diane left with their back-to-school shopping and made their way to the van.

Re: Every Picture Tells a Story (M/L, CC, Adult) A/N 9/17/08

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 7:41 am
by destinyc
Many thanks to keepsmiling7 and Carrie-I hope you enjoy the next part!

“Right, a great opportunity,” Liz thought to herself as she was jolted out of her recollection by Isabel’s voice over the cell phone.

“Liz, are you still there?”

“Sorry, Iz, um, I guess I lost signal there for a minute,” Liz lied, unwilling to admit that she was lost in the memory of that fateful day that had led her to the many well-paying jobs that had fed her nest egg, but had also led to her current deliberation over whether she should take this upcoming job which had nothing to do with hair conditioner and lip gloss and more to do with frolicking on a bed in her panties.

“Izzy, good luck with the Vegas show. I know you’ll do a great job. Ooh, you and your parents should eat at that great tapas place after the show. Bring home some leftovers if you have any,” Liz ended her phone call with Izzy still uncertain of Max’s whereabouts and more anxious than ever to talk to him.

“Girls, they wanna, they just wanna, they just wanna, girls just wanna have fun,” Cyndi Lauper sang the familiar ringtone as Liz flipped open her phone.

“Hey Ria, how’s the Crashdown this afternoon?”

“Eh, not bad. I made fifty bucks in tips. How was your photo shoot?”

Liz didn’t want to brag that her wages for the day were far better than Maria’s fifty, but she thought to herself, her expenses for next year would certainly require every penny she made.

“Everything went fine. I smiled and held up a bottle of conditioner for an hour with a huge fan blowing all my hair back. So, it wasn’t the next great discovery in microbiology, but maybe it’ll help me get there.”

“Geez, Liz, do you ever let yourself have a little fun? All work and no play, you know. When was the last time you were out on a date?”

Liz laughed, “Do you mean Kyle’s pathetic attempt at getting in my pants or you cousin the ex-con trying to rub up against me at the bowling alley?”

“Ugh, never mind. You’re hopeless. When are you getting back to town?”

“In about an hour. But I need to find Max, have you seen him?”

“No, but he was with Spaceboy here this morning. I’ll let you ask him.”

“Hey Parker, how’d it go?”

“Fine, no problems. Michael, do you know where Max is? I’ve been trying to get a hold of him since I left, but I keep getting his voicemail.”

“We went climbing this morning. He probably left his phone in the jeep, so he wouldn’t lose it. Try him at the house. If he doesn’t answer, he’s probably in the shower.”

Liz felt the panic start to rise again in her body—she did not need to be thinking of Max in the shower right now. ‘Just the thought of him wet and naked is making me crazy,’ Liz chastised herself, again lost in thought while in the middle of a conversation.

“Liz, you still there?” Michael questioned.

“Oh, sorry, going through a dead spot, I guess,” Liz lied for the second time today. I’ll try him again in a few minutes. Can I talk to Ria again for a sec?”

“Sure, here she is.”

“Hey, Maria, if you need to call me tonight, make sure you don’t call my house, ok? I may need you to cover for me for awhile. Is that cool?”

“Sure, no problem. But, where are you going? If I need to cover for the perfect Liz Parker, it must be of national significance.”

“Come on, Maria, I am not perfect. Please, I’m not going to get in any trouble, but I just need you to trust me on this.”

“No problem. You know I can keep a secret when I have to.”

Liz ended the call and smiled at the memory. Maria definitely could keep some pretty big secrets when required. Liz recalled the day when she herself could have died, but instead, it was the day their group was made complete.
Four years ago-the Earth Sciences class field trip to the Vasquez Rocks

“Ok class, we’ve taken our soil samples and measured the distances between the various strata, so if have your hiking boots, feel free to do a little climbing. We have about three hours before the busses need to be back at the school. Please be careful, stick with your study group so we don’t lose anybody. Max and Liz smiled at each other, remembering their first field trip to the park all those years ago.

Maria, Michael, Alex and Isabel joined Max and Liz as they began their ascent up the rocks.

“Ugh, I’m going to break so many nails doing this,” Izzy complained. “Why can’t we take a field trip to the mall instead?”

“Come on Iz, grab a hold with your right hand and put your foot here,” Alex suggested, eliciting a shy smile from Isabel Evans.

“Ok, ok, I got it,” Izzy assured.

Max headed up the rocks next, following his less experienced sister and ready to lend a hand to his best friend, Liz, in case she needed it.

“Come on Maria, it’s really not that high. You can make it. Michael will be right behind you,” Liz insisted.

“I don’t know if that makes me feel any better,” Maria complained.

The six friends continued their climb up the rock and were nearing the summit when one of Liz’s hand holds suddenly broke loose.

“No, no, no! Max help! I lost my hand hold!”

“Liz, look at me! Reach for my hand! Come on!

Liz struggled to gain purchase with her feet, floundering to steady herself against the rock.

“Hang on, Liz. Max, I’ll try and get to her,” Michael reacted.

“Hang on Liz,” screamed Maria.

“Lizzie, we’ll get to you. Just don’t let go!” Alex called from the top of the rock. Isabel held onto Alex as he stretched to try to reach Liz.

Max was quickly lowering himself back to reach Liz as she called, “Max, the other hand hold is slipping. It’s giving way. Max, there’s nothing to hang onto! Max!”

As Max’s amber eyes locked with Liz’s brown ones, there passed between them an understanding that spoke volumes. Liz knew in that instant that Max would betray every confidence, every promise, every vow he ever made to Michael and Isabel in order to keep his best friend safe.

“Max!!” Liz screamed as the hand hold finally gave way. In the same instant, from Max’s hand came a glowing, green force field that caught Liz in the midst of her fall and gently deposited her to the ground below.

Liz, though shaken by the experience, knew that Max would never let her get hurt. She knew how much this had cost Max, and she wouldn’t let him down now. She saw the look of terror on Maria’s face, could sense the confusion and the sudden realization as she put the pieces together.

“Maria, I’m fine. Don’t scream. Don’t freak out. Everything is okay. I promise.” Liz looked intently at her friend Maria, hoping to calm her down enough before she could draw a crowd with her reaction.

“Liz, you’re sure—you’re sure you’re okay?”

“Yes, Maria, just let Michael help you down, okay.”

Maria looked into Michael’s soft brown eyes. His face that might normally be graced with a sarcastic sneer held a look that seemed to plead with Maria for acceptance, for understanding.

Maria turned to Michael, nodded and softly responded, “Yeah, okay.”

From on top of the mountain, Isabel turned to Alex with a frightened look that most people never saw on the face of Roswell’s most famous ice princess.

Alex’s blue eyes twinkled and the corners of his mouth turned up with a knowing smile. “I always new there was something special about you, Isabel Evans. Come on, let’s head down and join the others.”

Isabel nodded with the gratitude of Alex’s understanding and her whole countenance lightened, as if a great weight had been lifted off her shoulders.

As the group clambered down the rocks, Max quickly reached for Liz and pulled her into a tight embrace. “Please don’t scare me like that again. I couldn’t stand it if anything happened to you.”

“Thank you, Max,” Liz whispered. “Thank you for taking care of me all these years,” Liz smiled.

“Not a scratch on you since you were six years old, Liz Parker,” Max gently teased.

The group hugs and thanks were interrupted by a voice from behind the rocks, “I hope your friend is all right,” a deep Native American voice called out. The group froze, not knowing whether they needed to run or fight. “Easy kids, no need to worry. I think I may be able to help. My name is River Dog...

Re: Every Picture Tells a Story (M/L, CC, Adult) pt 4- 9/21/08

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 7:12 am
by destinyc
tinie38-Thank you! I hope you continue to enjoy it! :D
pandas2001-I think when those connections are built during their childhoods, it allows Max, particularly, to have more confidence and be a bit more outgoing. I am moving into their present time, but at least that means we're heading to the juicy parts! :lol:
Eve-Well, it won't take much more pushing! :P

Pt 4

The Close Encounters theme brought Liz out of her memory of that significant day, and she smiled at the fact that at least one wish today had finally been granted.

“Hello, Max,” Liz responded with a smile.

“Liz, you’d better be paying attention to the road.”

“How did you know?” Liz wondered aloud at Max’s accurate perception of events, even though he was still miles away. “Oh, never mind—I’ve been trying to get a hold of you all day.”

“So I hear. What’s up, best friend?”

Suddenly Liz’s mood shifted, when she was reminded of the very important conversation she needed to have with Max.

“Well, I was offered a shoot today, but I’m not sure about it, yet. I needed to see you first before I gave Janelle a final answer.”

“Liz, what’s going on? I’ve never heard you sound unsure about a job before. What’s different about this one?”

“I can’t really talk about it over the phone. I need to talk to you about it in person. I really need to see you tonight.”

“Of course Liz, anything. I’ll do whatever you need me to do.”

Liz exhaled the deep breath she realized she was holding, “I was hoping you’d say that,” Liz responded with relief in her voice. “I’ll be there within the hour. You’re alone at the house, right?”

“Well, yeah, everyone else headed to Vegas,” Max responded a little nervously. “I’ll be here, Liz.”

“That’s good. That’s really good,” Liz’s voice cracked a little with emotion. “I’ll be there right away.”

“Ok, be careful, Liz,” Max responded sweetly, “And quit daydreaming, I want you here in one piece.”

“Ok, I will,” Liz smiled a she closed her phone.

Max closed his cell phone with concern clouding his face.

“What sort of photo shoot is this that would have her so distracted? My God, if it is something pornographic, I will seriously hurt somebody. What could she be thinking? Whatever it is, I’m just going to tell her she shouldn’t go through with it. She’ll listen to me. She always listens to me. Well, at least most of the time she listens. Crap, who am I kidding? She’s the most stubborn person I know. Oh no, man, what if they asked her to pose with some other guy. I could beg, plead, hide her car keys—I don’t know what I can say to change her mind,” Max debated with himself.

What he could he do to prevent anyone else seeing Liz, his Liz, as he now saw her in his fantasies? Max knew though he had no real hold over her—they weren’t a couple. They had been best friends for so long, that when Max started to have romantic feelings for Liz, he was far too frightened of losing her friendship if she didn’t feel the same way about him. She had been with him for so long, from his very first day of school, and he couldn’t even imagine a day going by without seeing Liz, her warm smile and her laughing eyes.

He knew those feelings had been building for a while. When had they begun? He couldn’t say for sure. There was that eighth-grade graduation dance where they slow-danced together, and he probably held her just a little tighter than necessary, pressing their bodies together just a little bit more than a best friend would. Or what about the annual family Thanksgiving football game in the fall of ninth grade? Liz was running the football up the middle when Max went to tackle her just a little too hard, and wrapped his arms around her, so that, in fact, she would wind up on top of him on the cool November ground. At the pool last summer, with Liz sitting on top of his shoulders, trying to wrestle Maria and Michael, was it then that things changed? He did remember with distinct clarity the moment when he knew for certain what he felt for Liz.
Six months ago-on location for Calvin Klein fragrances

“Ok, Max, put your arm a little higher on the wall, tilt your head down a bit, look this way.”

Max responded to the photographer’s instructions, but the look on the photographer’s face seemed to suggest that Max was not quite giving him the look he was going for. Max swallowed hard, trying to push away the embarrassment rising within him. Though he had been on plenty of photo shoots and had done some regional runway work, this was his first big national ad, and he had to look sexy and seductive, two qualities with which he had very little experience.

The photographer, Stephen, sensed Max’s difficulty with achieving the required pose, so he tried to give him some encouragement in that respect.

“Ok, Max, think of the most desirable, most beautiful girl you know. Think about how much you want her, how much she wants you. I need to see that look in your eyes.”

Max inhaled deeply, trying to steady the rush of color to his face. His mind raced, the girl he wanted, the girl he most desired, the girl he wanted in his arms, in his bed. Only one face appeared before him. He saw the long, dark hair that fell across her face as she sat next to him in biology where he sometimes sat just a little too close, so their knees would touch and he could smell her perfume. He saw the brilliant smile she gave her favorite customers as she wore her aqua-colored uniform that revealed her sexy, tanned legs. He saw her beautiful brown eyes that for years had seen him, seen the real him, with all the warmth and acceptance in her soul. She was the first human that he ever trusted with his deepest secret. She was the girl whose face he would watch in the early morning light after he secretly zipped their sleeping bags together so that he could hold her body close to his in the night.

Max’s gaze shifted, his eyes darkened, and in his mind’s eye he could see Liz in front of him. He projected every desire, every need toward this image of Liz, hoping to will the fantasy into his reality. The photographer’s shutter snapping and the bright lights seemed to fade into the background as this new-found realization swept over Max, and the photographer found his perfect shot.
Four weeks later

Liz came bounding into Max’s room, her eyes quickly scanning the room. “Ooh, there it is, your advanced copy of GQ with your Escape ad. What page is it on, Max?”

“Liz, really, come on, it’s just a picture. You’ve seen a million of my pictures. You really don’t need to see this one, do you?” Max kept reaching around Liz trying to snatch the magazine from her hands. But Liz was too fast for Max, and clutched the magazine to her chest wondering what could possibly be so intriguing about the ad that Max didn’t want her to see.

Liz turned to the corner of Max’s room to prevent him from taking the magazine from her hands, and she quickly thumbed through the GQ, searching for her prize. “Where is it?” Liz questioned. “Why won’t you just tell me what page it’s on, Max? Don’t be so shy.” Liz continued to skip through the articles about tailored suits and exercises to sculpt your pecs when the black and white ad made her stop and suddenly fall quiet. He knew she had found the ad, and he fearfully waited to hear her response.

It was a few seconds before Liz remembered she had to breathe. When she did breathe again, her face immediately flushed and a rush of heat spread throughout her body unlike anything she had ever experienced before. The image before her was her best friend Max, but at the same time, it wasn’t Max. She had seen him with his shirt off before, at the pool, on the basketball court, but this was something altogether different. She had seen him every day of his life since first grade, but she had never noticed how sexy he looked with his jeans slung low on his hips, dipping low at the curve of his backside. But more than anything, it was the look in his eyes that amazed her. Had he looked at her like that before? Curled up together on the couch watching movies, had she caught him looking at her like that once? Driving back from a shoot in Santa Fe a couple of months ago, it was dark, but she could have sworn his eyes were dark and smoldering, and it looked like maybe, just maybe, he wanted her .

When she found her voice again and realized he was waiting for a response from her, she spoke softly, “Max, it’s beautiful. Oh my God. It’s amazing.” Liz’s eyes were wide and her mouth opened a little so that she could find enough air. She turned to face him and pulled his insecure gaze up from the floor. “It’s just breathtaking, Max,” Liz let the magazine fall from her fingers onto the bed as she wrapped her arms around Max, quelling all the insecurity and uncertainty that he felt when she first reached for the magazine. He held her closely and smelled the sweet scent of her hair and felt the warmth of her body, happy to be this close to the girl who for so long had been his best friend and had now become his every desire.

Re: Every Picture Tells a Story (M/L, CC, Adult) pt 5- 9/24/08

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 6:54 am
by destinyc
Eve-Patience in all things!! Soon,very soon :lol:
Natalie-Thanks! I'm trying to convey the fact that they risked a great deal by revealing their feelings. I hope you enjoy what is to come. :)
Carolina_moon-Thanks! I hope you enjoy what is coming up. :P
roswell4life-Thanks so much. Hope you enjoy the update! :P

Part 5
“Hi, Mom,” I’m going to be home late tonight, so don’t worry. We’ve got a huge project to complete for our final, so I’ll see you in the morning. Yeah, I think Maria will be there, too. Ok, love you, Mom." Liz closed her cell and tossed it onto the passenger seat.

While Liz didn’t exactly tell the truth about her plans for the evening-- she had already told so many white lies today; one more didn’t seem to plague her conscience. She drove into Roswell, pulled in at her bank to place her checks in the night deposit, sprayed a bit of perfume on her neck, swiped at her lips with strawberry gloss and headed straight to Max’s house.
Max paced through the house, nervously awaiting Liz’s arrival. He didn’t how strongly he should protest against this potential modeling job. At what point would she understand his true feelings; at what point might she reject him if her feelings weren’t the same? Max willed himself to calm down; he didn’t even know the particulars of the job, yet. Maybe he’s making more out of this than he needed to. Shit, who was he kidding—he didn’t want anyone else in the world to see Liz as he saw her, as he wanted her. It was selfish, he knew, but he never claimed to be thinking rationally. His worried thoughts were broken by the sound of the doorbell.

Max opened the door and pulled Liz into a close embrace.

“Oh, I’m glad you’re home. I was getting worried about you,” Max held her just a little longer than he normally would have, trying to breathe in just a little more of Liz.

“The drive was fine. There was nothing to worry about. You are so overprotective, you know.”

“Sorry, character flaw, I guess,” Max smiled.

Max didn’t really think it at all odd when Liz started heading back to his bedroom, but he took her heavy duffle off her shoulder and placed it on the other side of his bed.

“So what’s up, Liz, you sounded pretty urgent on the phone.”

“Well, Janelle offered me an assignment with Men’s Health.”

“Oh, wow, from the sound of your voice I thought it was going to be something that came in a plain brown wrapper.”

“No,” Liz laughed, “Nothing like that. But the title of the article is 'Fulfilling Her Fantasies'."

“Ok,” Max grew nervous again, “What exactly will that entail?”

“Well, basically, I’ll be in a pair of lacy panties.”

“What! Oh my God, Liz! You can’t really be considering this.” Max’s mind was reeling. While he would be more than happy to see Liz in a pair of lacy panties, he wasn’t so sure about the rest of America doing so.

“Now, hang on, before you completely lose your mind, the shot itself will be from the back and side. The picture won’t be pornographic or anything. It’s just the shoot itself that’s bothering me.”

“Liz, if it makes you uncomfortable, then don’t do it. Just tell Janelle to find you something else instead.”

“Max, I’m not here looking for advice or permission. I’m here for another reason entirely.”

Max looked at Liz with utter confusion written on his face. “Then—what is it, Liz?”

“Max, it’s not that I’m upset about the job itself. It’s, it’s…,” Liz stammered, unable to put into words what she needed from Max.

“Liz, it’s ok, just say it. Whatever you need, I’m here for you.”

“Max, it’s just, nobody, no guy, has ever seen me like that before, and I don’t want the first man to see me without my bra to be some random photographer.”

Max began to slowly realize Liz’s true purpose behind her visit today. His pulse began to quicken and his breathing became heavy.

“Max, I’ve thought about it, and I want you to be the first to see me like that, to really see me. There’s no one else I trust, that I know as well as you. I can’t do this without you.”

Max moved closer to Liz and simply nodded, “I understand.”

Liz reached up and started unfastening the buttons on her blouse. She kicked off her shoes and reached for the button on her jeans. As she unzipped her jeans and started sliding them down, Max could barely catch his breath, his eyes transfixed by her every movement. By the time she was in her bra and panties, Max’s arousal was more than evident. Liz looked at Max, her brown eyes revealing all her nervousness and insecurity as she reached behind her to unfasten her bra. She stood before Max in merely her panties, searching his face for his reaction.

Max’s eyes were wide in amazement, his breath fast and shallow, and he couldn’t seem to find words adequate enough for this moment.

Liz, breathed in shakily, “Well?” she asked, apprehension and uncertainty glazing her eyes with unshed tears.

Max immediately went to Liz, wrapped his arms around her naked flesh and held her as closely as he could. With one hand fisting in her hair and the other stroking her naked back, Max kissed Liz softly on the lips and whispered, “Liz, honey, you’re beautiful.”

As much as Max wanted her, as hard as he had become, as much as he would die to make love to her right now, his friend needed him more. Liz’s vulnerability was so fresh, their anxiety about moving beyond best-friend status so high, Max knew that he wanted to hold Liz, hold her tightly against him all night.

Max stripped down to boxers and pulled back the comforter on his bed. Liz made no mistake about his intentions. Liz took Max’s hand as he led her to the bed. Max slid his right arm behind his pillow, pulling Liz closely to his chest and wrapping his left arm around her tiny waist. Though they had slept in this position many times before, they had never before held each other so intimately; they have never before had on so few clothes.

Liz turned her head to look at Max, “You know, Janelle said I could bring someone to the photo shoot with me.”

“You still want to go through with it? Are you sure?”

“Yeah, Max, I’m sure. As long as you’re with me, I can do it.”

“Ok—I’ll go with you, Liz.”

“Thanks, Max,” Liz said softly as she reached up and kissed him tenderly, her eyes smiling into his.

“So what exactly are we going to tell everyone?” Max gently inquired.

Liz rolled over to face Max, her breasts nestled against his chest, “Oh, wow, I really hadn’t thought about that yet. Well, of course, we’ll hear a never-ending chorus of ‘I told you so’s and ‘It’s about time’. You know, maybe we should play it close to the vest with our parents, at least until we leave for Harvard.”

“True, they’re pretty tolerant of the whole best friend/roommate thing, but when they realize how hot I think you are,” Max teased, “They might decide to keep you home and send you to community college.”

“Oh, hell no. We are so going to Harvard,” Liz laughed.

“Yeah, we are,” assured Max tenderly.

Liz laid her head against Max’s chest and smiled. “I’m really happy about this, Max.”

“Me, too, Liz.” Max sweetly kissed the top of her head. “You know, I have a little confession to make.”

“Oh yeah, what’s that?”

“You remember when I did that Calvin Klein ad?”

“Yeah, of course.”

“Well, do you remember bugging me for weeks, asking me what I was thinking about when they shot that photo?”

“Yeah,” giggled Liz.

“I was thinking about you,” Max admitted.

Liz gave Max a wide, satisfied smile. “Well, I’ve got a bit of a confession myself,” Liz declared.

“Oh yeah, what’s that?”

“I still have that issue of GQ under my mattress,” Liz teased while pulling Max into a deep kiss.

“You naughty girl!” Max feigned shock, hungrily kissing Liz from earlobe to shoulder.

Max and Liz spent the rest of the evening kissing and touching, and as darkness fell, the room was illuminated with the silver glow gracing all the places where Max’s lips and hands met Liz’s warm skin. Max traced Liz’s shoulder with his finger, marveling at the iridescence he left in his wake.

“You know, Liz, I’ve loved you for a really long time.”

“I know, Max. I love you, too,” Liz grinned, placing sweet kisses on Max’s chest.

“Yeah, I know,” Max smiled as he gave Liz a long, slow kiss goodnight.

As Liz nestled her back against Max’s chest and he wrapped his arms around her, they drifted into sleep, and when they dreamed that night, they dreamed of the stars.

Re: Every Picture Tells a Story (M/L, CC, Adult) pt 6- 9/28/08

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 7:10 am
by destinyc
Lena- Thanks so much! I hope you enjoy the next part! :D
Jess- Duly noted. I am definitely anti-skanky blonde. :lol: After the initial angst of revealing their feelings, I am really going for a sexy, romantic comedy. The rest of the conflict rests in keeping the relationship on the down low for a while.
Carrie- I predict things will heat up shortly. Never fear! :D

Eve- Ok, ok –First things first, please refer to Carrie’s reply above. Secondly, the real bombshell here is Liz baring her soul, not just her breasts. They really have loved each other for several years, and although they haven’t had sexual experiences with each other, they do share a great deal of intimacy. Keeping in mind that they are both very inexperienced, I didn’t think it realistic for them to immediately have sex that night, but experience the next step in their already natural intimacy. They really are much less sexually inexperienced than their friends because they have been so close for so long, that changing the relationship was a very frightening prospect, but yet they really didn’t have a desire to be close to anyone else in that way. While they have been uber-responsible about everything else in their lives, they haven’t yet explored their sexuality, that last step into adulthood. BTW-Because Liz only recently turned 18, she really didn’t have any experience with being publically naked. That’s why when we first see her model, it’s a very tame shoot for hair conditioner. :wink:

Keepsmiling7-The photo shoot will be lots of fun! You can count on it. :P
Natalie-Thanks so much! :D
AlysLuv-Thanks! I hope you enjoy what is to come. :D
XAF RU208- Thank you so much. I hope you enjoy the rest of the story. :D
Hunter-Thanks! I hope you’ll continue to enjoy the rest of the story. :D


Sunday afternoon

“Well, hi, Max, where are you two heading this afternoon? I figured you kids would be worn out from working on that school project all night,” Nancy Parker inquired as Max came into the Crashdown after the lunch crowd had thinned.

Max looked around nervously, remembering how he and Liz really spent the night. “Um, we’re heading out to the lake, Mrs. Parker. “A little sun, a little swimming,” Max responded with a bit of anxiety in his voice.

“Oh, are Isabel and Alex going, too? I thought Maria and Michael were working this afternoon.”

“Um, I’m not sure,” Max stammered.

Liz bounded down the stairs in a tank, cutoffs and flip flops. “Hi, Max,” Liz smiled secretly.

“Hey, Liz,” Max’s eyes twinkled as he took in Liz’s gorgeous body and beautiful face. As he realized his arousal was becoming apparent, Max quickly met Liz at the bottom of the stairs. “Here, let me get that for you,” Max reached for Liz’s beach bag and held it in front of him.

Liz had to stifle her laugh at Max’s discomfort. “Come on, Max, we’d better get out of here,” Liz grinned. “Bye, Mom!” Liz called as she and Max headed out the door of the Crashdown and hopped into the jeep.

Nancy Parker stared out the window as the two pulled out of the parking space and set off for the lake. “What is up with those two?” she asked herself, never suspecting the truth of the matter.

“I called Janelle this morning and told her we’d be there next weekend.”

“Well, aren’t you the brave one?” Max teased playfully. “You’re sure you’re ready?”

“Hmmm, I thought I could use a little more practice,” Liz responded with a sly smile as she peeled off her tank to reveal a tiny black bikini top.

“Oh my God,” Max groaned as he tried to concentrate on driving the jeep and arriving safely at the lake. Liz’s assets were quite distracting.

Liz laughed at Max’s reaction, her hair whipping in the wind and her skin soaking up the warm June sunshine. Liz had definitely overcome much of her shyness.
Max and Liz searched until they discovered the most secluded spot on the lake. As Max deposited their cooler and beach bag on the sand, Liz smoothed out their towels. She unbuttoned her cutoffs, revealing her black bikini bottoms and then dug through the beach bag and retrieved the sunscreen.

“You wanna give me a hand with this?” Liz teased.

“I think I could be of service,” Max replied.

Liz lay on her stomach while Max poured sunscreen into his hands. Max slathered the lotion on her legs, starting with her calves, slowly, sensuously working his way to the tops of her thighs. After pouring more of the lotion into his hand, he dipped his fingers under the hem of her bikini bottoms, eliciting a small pleased gasp from Liz.

“You can’t be too careful, you know.”

“Mmm, that is true, Max,” Liz grinned with her eyes closed.

Max’s hands went to Liz’s lower back, sneaking under the waistband of her bottoms, inciting another sexy giggle. Max’s hands traveled up her back to the fastening on Liz’s swimsuit. “Hmm, what should I do about these bothersome strings? They really could produce one nasty tan line, you know,” Max teased seductively.

“Well, maybe we should just untie them, in that case,” Liz purred.

“Gladly,” Max untied the garment and continued to spread the lotion over her smooth, tan back and shoulders.

“You can’t forget about the front, you know,” Liz tempted.

“Well, then, let’s roll you over.” Max gently flipped Liz over on the towel and pulled her into a deeply passionate kiss. “Now before I continue with the sunscreen, I think a little more kissing is in order, Max gazed down the length of Liz’s body, deciding on where he should begin his ministrations. He lay down next to her on his side, his leg between her thighs.

“I think I should start about here,” Max smiled and started placing sweet kisses behind her ear, traveling down the length of her neck, creating sweet torture as the heat began to pool between Liz’s thighs.

“We can’t forget about this bit right here,” Max insisted as he placed kisses along her collarbone.

Liz’s breathing became more rapid as Max neared her breasts.

“Now this area deserves my very special attention,” Max indicated as his mouth neared Liz’s creamy mounds, his breath on Liz’s nipple sending tingles throughout her body. “They’ve gone so long without it, I really should make up for lost time, don’t you think?” Max suggested mischeviously.

“I agree,” Liz smiled.

Max’s playfulness helped to mask some of the anxiety he was feeling due to his inexperience. But as his lips neared her breast, his deep connection to Liz ignited the passion and longing he had kept hidden all this time. His lips grazed the top of her breast, provoking a sweet smile from Liz’s lips. Max continued his exploration, kissing around the side, torturing Liz as her back arched in desire for more. Max took his time, stroking his finger in a spiral pattern, stopping before he reached her taut nipple. Liz’s eyes, dark with desire, opened in anticipation, gazing into Max’s honey-colored ones.

“Max, please,” she groaned.

As if Max needed any further encouragement, Max bent his head and suckled Liz’s rosy nipple into his mouth.
“Oh my God, Max,” Liz gasped, having never experienced this sensation before. “Oh, yes,” she hissed as she closed her eyes and reached her arms around him to hold his head at her breast.” Max swirled his tongue around the rigid nipple, savoring each taste and texture like a starving man.

He brought his hand to cover the breast already wet with his kisses and turned his attention to her other breast. Liz’s desire for Max had multiplied time and again as Max kissed and suckled, his tongue and lips exploring every inch of her breasts. Max circled her taut flesh and pulled up, ending with a sweet kiss on the end of Liz’s nipple. Max’s lavations had worked Liz into such a frenzy that she ground her core into his thigh, seeking relief for the aching need between her legs.

“Max! Please!” Liz pleaded, yearning for Max to touch her in those intimate places where she had never felt a man’s hand before, knowing that the only person she had ever wanted to touch her was Max.

Max looked into Liz’s eyes for reassurance, and he saw a depth of desire and need that he could not deny. As Max continued to kiss and suckle her breasts, his hand slipped down, palming the smooth skin of her stomach. His fingers dipped into her waistband once again, but now, his fingers found her nest of soft curls, sliding further to reach her wet heat. Liz moaned as Max’s fingers explored this undiscovered territory. He pulled her dampness toward her swollen nub, circling her clit with a steady pressure. Max continued his attentions at her breast and her core as he built waves of desire within Liz. Max could feel Liz nearing her first orgasm as he slid two fingers deep into her slick passage. Their eyes locked on each other and went wide with the new sensation. Liz’s walls fluttered and clamped down on Max’s fingers as she screamed his name. Stars flew past and planets broke apart—every desire they ever had for one another came to their mind’s eye, concealing nothing. Max could see himself as Liz saw him and was overwhelmed at the love, desire and devotion in her soul. Liz felt Max’s longing, his adoration, his protectiveness, even his pride at being able to give her pleasure she had never experienced before.

Liz was still reeling from these new sensations, but her desire to bring Max that same pleasure gave her boldness. She reversed their positions, her long hair trailing behind the kisses she placed on Max’s neck and chest. Her tongue circled Max’s nipple as her fingers traced the lines of his firm abs. Liz looked into Max’s nervous eyes and smiled.

She shifted her gaze back down and traced a trail from Max’s belly button to the waistband of his swim trunks. Liz slid her fingers underneath and they found Max’s rigid shaft, provoking an intense gasp from his lips,
“Oh, Liz!”

Max’s breath came in short pants as Liz stroked the length of his cock. She ran her fingers along the swollen head, gathering the glistening fluid with her fingers and circling his arousal. She stroked the length of his firm manhood, exploring every ridge, every texture, wondering what it will feel like inside her. She reached underneath his trunks with her other hand, gently cupping his balls. This new sensation elicited an even deeper moan from Max’s throat. Liz continued to stroke Max, building an intensity within him that caused every muscle in his body to flex and tighten. She kissed and suckled along his neck and chest, hungry to bring him the pleasure he had just given her. Through their connection Liz knew that Max was near the edge of his desire. Liz found the tender flesh just below his ear and sucked gently while stroking him.

“Liz!” Max came with the force of hunger and desire held in check for so many years. Liz could see herself as Max had seen her throughout these years, the beauty he saw in her, the yearning to be a part of her, the longings that threatened to overwhelm him. Tears came to her eyes as she understood his fear that this might never come to pass, and she kissed him long and hard to convince him that the moment was real.

“I love you, Max Evans,” Liz whispered, placing soft kisses on his earlobe.

“I love you, Liz Parker,” Max whispered back.

After spending a few moments catching their breath, Liz kissed Max on the chest and looked up, “How about a swim as we’re all hot and ‘ahem’ sticky?”

“Don’t forget, you need more sunscreen,” Max waggled his eyebrows.

Liz applied more sunscreen as she peeked around to make sure they were still alone, “Come on Max.” Liz grabbed Max by the hand and ran topless to the water.

“Liz Parker, you are getting wilder by the day!” Max exclaimed as her wet breasts glistened in the sunshine.

“It could be a very interesting week,” Liz teased suggestively, leaning in for a deep, passionate kiss. Max picked Liz up effortlessly, holding her pressed against him, her legs wrapped around his waist.

“I hope so,” Max answered, pulling Liz into long kisses that would last well into the night.

Re: Every Picture Tells a Story (M/L, CC, Adult) pt 6- 9/28/08

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 9:40 am
by destinyc
Hunter- Your wish is my command! :D
Keepsmiling7- :lol: Practice does make perfect…
Eve-I sincerely think you will like what is to come :lol:
Natalie-Thanks so much! :D
Carrie-We’ve just scratched the surface. There is more on the way! :D
Thanks as well to my lurkers and to K. for her help and enthusiasm! :wink:


Monday night of finals week-Liz’s balcony

“Ok,Ok—come on, Max, we have to study,” Liz playfully chastised as Max stole another kiss, sliding his hands around Liz’s bottom.

“Aww, Liz, we know this stuff. Come here and kiss me.” Max kissed Liz hungrily and pulled her around to sit on his lap, facing him.

“Hmm…How about a kiss for every correct answer?”

“Mmm…Ok. What’s next?”

“AP Literature—Hamlet to be exact.”

“Bring it on.”

“Name four characters who serve as foils to Hamlet,” Liz queried.

“Horatio, Fortinbras, Claudius and Laertes,” Max confidently responded.

“Mmm, that’s one,” Liz leaned forward giving Max a sweet, sexy kiss. “Ok—the concern over the transfer of power in Hamlet can be compared to what real-life event?”

“The end of Queen Elizabeth the first’s reign in England and the fact she had no heirs to ascend the throne.

“Nice—you are two for two,” Liz quipped as she leaned in for another kiss.

“What symbol represents the fragility of life and Hamlet’s obsession with death?”

Max clears his throat, straightens his shoulders and cups his right hand in front of him, “Alas, poor Yorick, I knew him, Horatio, a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy,” Max dramatized the contemplation on Yorick’s skull with a self-confident swagger and a twinkle in his eye.

“Oooh, that earns you two kisses—one for the correct answer and one for excellent acting,” Liz laid her notes down and wrapped her arms around Max, pressing their bodies together. Max’s jeans were becoming increasingly tight as his arousal became evident. He could feel the heat building at Liz’s core and desperately wished he could strip her of her jeans and impale her on his thick cock. Max’s hands slipped under Liz’s tank and thumbed the hard peaks of her nipples.

“Oh, Max,” Liz purred.

“Liz…” Max pulled her harder and closer to him, grinding their bodies together through their jeans.

“Max, Liz, are you kids up here?” Jeff Parker called as he poked his head through Liz’s bedroom door.

Startled, Liz frantically turned around, falling off Max’s lap and the lawn chair.

Trying to hide her guilty expression, Liz peeked her head through her balcony window. “We’re out here studying,” Liz trying to cover for their more pleasant diversions.

“Hi, Mr. Parker,” Max stuck his head in the window just above Liz’s, his concealed hand rubbing Liz’s backside, bruised from falling off his lap. His expression was wide-eyed and innocent, hiding his lustful thoughts directed at Jeff Parker’s daughter.

“Do you kids want a burger? I’m shutting down the grill in half an hour.”

“Sure, Dad. That’d be great,” Liz smiled swallowing hard to contain her nervous laughter. Max was still rubbing her bottom, her bruise completely healed, but Max’s attentions continued, regardless.

“Ok guys, come down in about ten minutes for your burgers. You need to take a break, anyway. I mean you guys are already accepted to Harvard.”

“Thanks, Dad. We’ll be down in a little bit.”

Jeff headed back downstairs to start the burgers.

“Remind me again why we are sneaking around?” Max inquired.

“Because we don’t want our parents to know we’re shacking up until we’re on the other side of the country,” Liz responded with a sultry smirk and raised eyebrows.

“Oh yeah,” Max jokingly replied, pulling Liz into a playful kiss.

“Ok—here’s your last question before we take a break. And remember, this one is for all the marbles,” Liz teased playfully.

“Hmm, ok,” Max growled, pulling Liz down harder against his crotch.

“Who is going to spend all next weekend frolicking topless for you, Max?”

“That would be my—beautiful—sexy—amazing—girlfriend—best friend—and soul mate, Liz Parker,” Max punctuated each pause with a sensual kiss.

“Well, that is a very thorough answer, Max Evans. I think you get bonus credit for that.” Liz and Max continued rewarding each other with kisses until their burgers had gone cold.
“What are you reading?” queried Maria as she wiped down her last table of the night. Still in her aqua mini dress and alien apron, Liz was perched on one of the stools at the counter, thumbing through a thick magazine.

Men’s Health,” responded Liz, absentmindedly.

“And why are you reading that?”

“There are a lot of interesting articles,” Liz responded. “Like apparently, December is the best time to go car shopping,” Liz continued to flip through the pages, “Cap’n Crunch cereal is the worst cereal for you,” and 75% of men say their penis hangs naturally to the left.”

“What! Since when has perfect Liz Parker been concerned with penis statistics?” Although shocked at the articles her friend was perusing; nevertheless, Maria was intrigued. “What else does it say about a guy’s penis?”

“Apparently 22% of men think their member is ‘large’.”

“A little proud of their package, are they?” Maria retorted with a smirk.

“It also says that 22% of men would want a smaller penis,” Liz reported, her eyebrows raised incredulously.

“Ok—that has to be bullshit. I have never heard of a single man who wanted a smaller penis much less over a fifth of the population.

“I think that is probably a safe assumption,” Liz concurred.

“I mean the only penis I’ve seen up close and personal is Michael’s, but I think his is probably the perfect size,” Maria replied matter-a-factly.

“Ugh! I so didn’t need to know that,” Liz groaned.

“You know, Liz, we are going to graduate at the end of this week, and you have yet to see a real penis. I mean except for the diagrams you find in Men’s Health,” Maria flipped the magazine page toward her friend.

“I’ll have you know, when I do see a penis for the first time, it will be because I am in love with the owner of said penis,” Liz laughed, “And not because we are approaching another completely unrelated milestone. Ok?”

“Ok, ok. I won’t say any more about it. But, what penis-owner do you think you might be interested in?” fished Maria.

“Go home, Maria,” Liz responded glibly, “I’ll lock up.”

“Hey, can I borrow that magazine? I want to do a little private research of my own,” Maria waggled her eyebrows.

Liz broke into fits of laughter. “Sure, Maria, but, um, just keep the magazine. I really don’t need it back,” Liz chuckled as Maria grabbed her purse and the copy of Men’s Health.

Max came to the door of the Crashdown just as Maria was leaving. “Hey, Maria, you heading out?”

“Yeah, I’m going to Spaceboy’s for some—ahem—research. See ya,” Maria continued to giggle as she made her way to her Jetta.

Max entered the Crashdown, locking the door and pulling down the blinds behind him.

“Hi, beautiful,” Max greeted Liz with a sweet kiss.

“Hi, yourself,” Liz kissed Max again, pulling him close.

“So, how do you think the Lit test went?” Max asked.

“I feel very good about it. We knew our Hamlet quite thoroughly,” Liz smiled coyly.

“So, do you want to study for Calc tomorrow afternoon?” Max inquired.

“Well, it’ll have to wait until I get through at the salon,” Liz scrunched her nose in distaste.

“What’s with the face? What are you having done at the salon?”

“Let’s put it this way—I’m going to spend next weekend running around in a very skimpy pair of panties,” Liz raised her eyebrows in response.

“Oh,” Max’s expression was confused for a moment, and then the full meaning of her words dawned on him, “OH! Oh my!”

“Yes, so I get to spend my afternoon with a burly woman named Helga, hot wax and strips of muslin.”

Max grimaced, “That does not sound like a fun time. Hey, you know, I could take care of that for you, completely avoiding Helga altogether. Besides, I’d kind of like to see the before and after, you know,” Max suggested seductively.

“Well, my parents are gone to Santa Fe to pick up my grandma for graduation,” Liz smiled and bit her bottom lip with a twinkle in her eye.

“I’ll race you upstairs!” Max responded, anticipating everything he was about to see and do.

Max and Liz ran through the kitchen and up the stairs, reaching Liz’s bedroom in record time. Liz’s legs were wrapped around Max’s waist as he held her up effortlessly, not at all impeding their progress. They kissed each other hungrily as they made their way into her bedroom, stopping in front of her full-length mirror.

“Are you sure about this, Liz?” Max looked into Liz’s eyes, searching for reassurance.

“Yeah, Max, I’m sure,” Liz smiled sweetly.

Max gently lowered Liz so she was standing in front of him, facing the mirror. Max stood behind Liz, meeting her gaze in the mirror. From behind, Max untied her silver apron, letting it fall to the floor. He reached around Liz and unsnapped the top of her uniform. Liz smiled back at him, giving him the confidence to continue. He reached for one snap and then the next. Once her aqua mini-dress was completely unfastened, he slowly, sensuously slid it off her body. He traced his fingers along the lacy outlines of her bra, finding the front clasp and glancing up and Liz’s smiling reflection. Max’s fingers unhooked Liz’s bra then grazed her taut nipples as he removed it. Max brought both of his hands up to cup Liz’s breasts while placing soft kisses on her neck. Liz’s eyes closed as Max’s hands gently kneaded her breasts. As she reopened her eyes, she caught Max’s gaze in the mirror. She smiled coyly and glanced down at her panties. Max raised his eyebrows as Liz’s smile went wide. Max bent down slightly, sliding his hands long the outside of Liz’s thighs, pulling her panties down to her ankles. After Liz stepped out of her panties, Max picked them up and placed them carefully on her dresser. He stood behind Liz again, gazing at her gorgeous body.

“My God, Liz, you are beautiful.” Liz’s brown eyes met Max’s amber ones in the mirror.

Overcome by desire, Max ran his hand through Liz’s soft curls, bringing the dampness pooling between her thighs up to her hard nub. Liz gasped at the sensation as Max drew her body back closer to his. One hand remained on her breast, while the other continued to explore her feminine folds, his fingers sliding into her core, then pulling back to draw tight circles around her clit.

“Oh, Max,” Liz moaned.

“Come for me, Liz. I want to watch you come.”

Liz writhed due to Max's attentions on her core and her clit. He was building the heat at her swollen nub and slipping his finger into her slick passage. Liz’s breath began to shorten and Max could feel her legs give out from under her. He pulled her back to rest her weight on him. He felt her legs begin to shake as he slid two fingers deeply into her core. Their eyes locked in the mirror and went wide as Liz neared her orgasm.

“Max!” Liz cried as she came apart in his arms falling back completely against him. Max soothed her with gentle kisses along the back of her neck and shoulder.

“I love watching you come, Elizabeth Parker, You are absolutely beautiful.”

“Mmm…I love the way you make me come, Max,” Liz purred.

Max brought Liz to her feet again in front of the mirror. “If I remember correctly, we did come up here for a purpose,” Max teased.

“True, avoiding Helga’s hot wax tomorrow,” Liz quipped, her eyebrow raised.

“Ok, here goes.” Max waved his hand in front of her curls, making them disappear. He cocked his head to the side, and waved again, her dark curls reappearing in their natural state. “I don’t know which I like better,” Max teased, making the dark triangle disappear and reappear several times.

“Max! You know I have to be bare for this weekend.”

“Oh ok, I was just having a little fun,” Max laughed. He made one final pass of his hand, revealing Liz in all her bare beauty. “Oh Liz, I just can’t resist!” Max declared as he scooped up Liz and brought her to the bed. “You are just so tempting,” Max explained as he placed kisses down Liz’s flat stomach. He looked up at Liz as she smiled seductively. Max kissed an iridescent trail down Liz’s skin finally reaching her smooth mound. Max could hear Liz’s breath catching in anticipation; he could feel her body arch to meet his mouth; he saw her brown eyes meet his, reflecting a heat he had never quite seen before. Max smiled as he parted her feminine folds with his tongue causing Liz to gasp deeply and fist her hands in his hair.

“Oh, Max!” Liz groaned passionately, writhing underneath him.

Though Max was completely inexperienced at such matters, Liz’s physical response was so clear and their emotional connection so strong, Max was quickly learning how to please Liz. He lapped at her core, tasting her sweet juices. He thrust his tongue into her tight, wet heat, imagining what it would feel like when he could slip his own hard cock inside her. Only a few days ago Liz was his best friend and secret object of his affection, but now Max’s angel lay beneath him, arching her back, grinding her core to meet his attentive tongue. He licked her bare flesh, exploring each taste and texture, learning every inch of Liz’s femininity. Last week, this experience would have been a mere fantasy, but Max’s dream had become a reality, his mouth exploring Liz’s beautiful bare body. Liz moaned as Max ran his tongue to her swollen nub, licking and sucking, whipping Liz into a frenzy. Max slipped a finger inside Liz’s core, increasing her response.

“Max, oh yes, Max!” Liz moaned as she ground her body closer to his mouth.

Max could feel her need increasing as he slipped another finger inside her slick heat. He drew tight circles on Liz’s clit with a steady pressure while thrusting his fingers into her tunnel. Liz’s breath shortened as she arched harder against Max’s mouth. Max sucked on her clit, driving his fingers into her core.

“Oh, Max!” Liz’s walls began to flutter and clamped down against Max’s fingers. She ground her heat against Max’s mouth as he lapped up her sweet juices. Though Max had pleasured her with his hands Sunday afternoon, his mouth brought her to new heights of ecstasy. Images of distant stars and planets mingled with Max’s visions of her, filled with his need and desire. She saw herself through Max’s eyes—at fourteen in her nightie at one of the Evans’ sleepovers; junior year, as he held her close at prom; last summer, in her bikini at the pool. She smiled to herself at how many years ago that desire arose within Max. As Liz’s breathing slowed, Max’s lips traveled back up her body, stopping at her nipples to grace them with tender kisses, finally reaching her lips, kissing her gently and looking into her eyes for her response.

Liz could taste herself on Max’s lips and smiled at the sensation. She opened her lips against his, letting their tongues dance and tangle before breaking away to catch her breath.

“That was wonderful, Max. You were amazing.” Max blushed at her compliment.

Noticing the differences in states of undress, Liz teased seductively, “Now, Max, I think you have on way too many clothes.” Liz started to play with the buttons on Max’s collar. “ I mean it’s only fair—you got to see me naked.”

Max’s breathing quickened as Liz reversed their positions, kneeling above him in all her naked glory. She began unfastening his shirt, lowering her body so that she could kiss the next bit of his exposed chest after each button. He raised up a bit from the bed, so she could slide the shirt from him, revealing his taut firm chest and rippling abs. “You know, I’ve always liked seeing you with your shirt off,” Liz grinned coyly, running her finger down the middle of his chest to the waistband of his jeans.

“Oh, yeah?” Max questioned tentatively, looking for reassurance.

“Yeah,” Liz smiled, remembering her own lustful thoughts of years past. She bent down to take one of Max’s nipples in her mouth, her breasts brushing lightly against his chest.

Max growled in anticipation of what he hoped Liz had in store for him. Liz kissed a trail down Max’s side causing him to writhe as her long dark hair left tickles in her wake. She kissed along his taut abdominal muscles, dipping her tongue into his bellybutton, forcing him to smile. His amusement turned to intensity as her kisses traveled to the waistband of his jeans, and she looked into his amber eyes, smiling. Max returned the smile with all his desire, anticipation, love and insecurity written on his face.

Liz smiled sweetly, planting a tender kiss right above the button on his jeans. Max gulped a breath as she worked the button free and unzipped his jeans. As Liz slid her fingers under the waistband of his jeans and boxers, Max raised up off the bed so she could slip them off, releasing Max’s hard arousal from its confinement. Liz tugged at his jeans and boxers and puddled them on the floor, stripping Max of his socks and shoes in the same movement.

She kneeled at the foot of the bed, bending down, placing a length of kisses from his ankle, up his calf, teasing the back of his knee with her tongue. Liz’s mouth inched up his thigh, her hair grazing against his manhood, sending shivers up his spine. She reached his groin with her mouth, kissing and nipping at his balls, eliciting a gasp from his throat. At the base of Max’s tremendous erection, Liz's tongue began a long, slow slide from the underside to the tip, swirling her tongue along the ridge of the head. Licking up the tip, she found the glistening drops that were evidence of Max’s strong desire. Looking up, Liz licked at them, smiling at her first taste of Max’s essence. Max gazed at Liz in anticipation as she opened her full lips and took the full length of him into her mouth. He gasped at new sensation, feeling her warm mouth surrounding him, his rigid flesh enveloped completely. Though she was completely inexperienced, Liz felt Max arch up in his need, felt his hands fist in her long brown hair, could hear his breath grow heavy and a soft moan escape from his throat, but more than that, she could experience his desire through their connection, could feel the love and yearning that guided her ministrations.

“Oh, Liz, oh God, that feels so good,” Max confessed as Liz continued licking and sucking along his impressive length. Liz was delighted at her ability to bring Max this kind of pleasure, was fascinated at the mysteries of his body and how it reacted to her. She took him into her mouth completely, feeling the ridges with her tongue, licking along the underside of the head and sucking up to the very tip. Liz cupped his balls with her hand, feeling them tighten against him, readying in anticipation. Liz continued her attentions on Max’s thick cock, bringing him to the edge of his desire.

“Liz, I’m—I’m--” Max choked out, but Liz wanted to experience everything with Max including the full force of his orgasm. Max could see himself through Liz’s eyes, experiencing all the desire and passion she had held in check for so long, how she longed to feel his skin against hers, for him to be the one to touch her, taste her, make love to her. His seed spilled into Liz’s mouth and she swallowed his essence, feeling his love and amazement flowing through their connection. Though unaccustomed to experiencing such a thing, Liz took in all that Max gave her, pleased that she could bring him this pleasure.

As Max came down from the heights of his orgasm, Liz crawled back up the length of his body, placing a trail of kisses along the way. “Come here, baby,” Max murmured as he pulled Liz into his arms, her naked body lying alongside his, her head resting on his chest. “That—that was –indescribable. You are amazing.

“You’re pretty amazing yourself, you know,” Liz countered sweetly as she nuzzled into Max’s chest.

Max gathered the bed sheets in his hands and pulled them up, as he and Liz settled back into the softness of her bed.

You know what I want more than anything, Liz?”

“What, Max?”

“To spend every night, for the rest of my life, laying in bed together, just like this.”

“That sounds perfect, Max.”

Max tucked a wayward strand of hair behind her ear and kissed her lips softly, “I love you, Liz.”

“I love you too, Max,” Liz sighed sleepily, as exhaustion began to overtake them, falling asleep together as they had so many times before, but this time, their completely naked bodies lay tangled together till morning.

Sunlight softly started to stream through Liz Parker’s window. Max held Liz spooned against him, a huge sleepy smile spreading across his face. His erection, though, had been awake for far longer, straining along her warm, wet folds. Liz, too, was grinning from ear to ear, feeling his arousal playing along her nether lips, sliding back and forth, oh so ready to break through that last vestige of their virginity. They both knew she was on the pill to regulate her cycle, neither had ever been with anyone else, how natural it would be to just…

Liz arched her back, aligning her wet core with his throbbing erection. All it would take is one thrust and then—
Muffled sounds of the Crashdown coming to life met their ears, jolting them back to reality. Max and Liz could her footsteps coming up the stairs.

“Claudia, we’ll bring up the rest of your things in a bit. I’ll move the car around back after the breakfast rush, and I’ll have Jeff bring up your other suitcases,” Nancy Parker said to her mother-in-law.

“Oh, that’s fine. I don’t need them right away. I do want to say good morning to my granddaughter, the graduate,” Claudia responded, as Max and Liz could hear footsteps approaching closer.

“Oh, shit!” Both Max and Liz whispered vehemently. Max locked the door soundlessly, while scrambling out of bed and frantically searching for his clothes. Liz ran to her bathroom door and grabbed her bathrobe from the hook.

Max’s pulled up his jeans and shirt. He didn’t waste time with the buttons and hopped around trying to get his shoes on. Once somewhat dressed, he stopped for a moment to give Liz a proper goodbye.

“I’ll see you in a few minutes,” he smiled. “I love you.”

“I love you, too,” Liz returned the smile, love shining in her eyes. “Be careful.”

“I will. I’ll pick you up for school.” Max crouched down through the window frame and descended her balcony ladder. Max stopped and looked up at Liz’s beautiful face, “You know,” he called in a shouted whisper, “Our daughter’s room is so not going to have its own balcony!” Max smiled as Liz laughed in response.

“Lizzie,” Grandma Claudia knocked at Liz’s door, “Are you awake?” The knocking continued.

“I gotta go. I love you!” Liz blew Max a kiss, then turned and went back through the window.

“Coming, Grandma!”

Re: Every Picture Tells a Story (M/L, CC, Adult) pt 7- 10/1/08

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 11:55 pm
by destinyc
Candice-Seriously, I couldn’t make that stuff up if I tried. I hope you enjoy this part of the story! :lol:
Cocopucks-Well, here you go! :P
Carrie-Well, there is definitely more to come. But hey, I always go back and read the good parts, too. :D
Hunter-Thank you so much! I hope you enjoy this chapter. :P
Keepsmiling7-I do predict more heat to come. :wink:
L-J-L 76- Well, the premise here is that they are trying to keep their relationship under wraps until they are away at college so their parents don’t try to interfere with their plans to rent an apartment together. Part of the humor here is the difficulty in keeping their intense relationship a secret over the course of the summer. Never fear, this is a low-angst fic—just enjoy the ride. :D
Eve-They have planned for years to rent an apartment when they attend Harvard, so the reason they are hiding their relationship status is to prevent the parents from getting upset over the living arrangements. And, you’re right, at this point, they really can’t stand being apart. :D
Natalie-You and me both! :lol:
Thanks to my husband Tim for help with the calc stuff :D
Max parked across the street and snuck in through his window to find a stern Isabel waiting for him in his room.

“Hey Iz,” Max said tentatively. “What are you doing in my room?”

“Well, I got a little worried when you didn’t come home last night. I wanted to make sure you weren’t captured by any mad scientists or crazed G-men,” Izzy responded sardonically. “So I went for a little walk,” she said with a smirk.

“Look, I told you a long time ago, not to go poking around in my head at night. I can’t help what I dream. We’re not all like you, Iz,” Max tried to cover through his embarrassment.

“Well, I soon figured out that you were fine and dandy, and I covered for you with Mom and Dad, telling them you were pulling an all-nighter studying for finals. So, would you like to explain what I saw last night?” Isabel queried with an air of already knowing the truth.

“Sorry, Iz, I must have been really beat. We fell asleep studying. I don’t remember what I dreamed last night.” Max turned to deposit his backpack on his chair, and then looked back at his sister. “If you know so much, then tell me, what did you see?” Max decided that he would play Izzy’s game, knowing that embarrassment would soon get the best of her.

“I’ll leave it at this,” Izzy challenged, “Someone’s not being entirely honest, and I’ll give you one, mmm, maybe two guesses as to the guilty party,” Izzy smirked as she made her way out Max’s door. "You’d better hurry,” she teased, “School starts in an hour.”

Max knew Isabel suspected the truth, hell, she probably had known for years, but she couldn’t prove it. She didn’t know if what she witnessed in his dream was subconscious fantasy or a replay of last night’s events. Regardless, Max hoped his sister would keep her suspicions to herself, at least until he and Liz left for Harvard.
“Ok—Find the derivative of the natural logarithm of x,” Max quizzed Liz as he sat on a stool at the Crashdown. Liz was working the counter and cash register, so she and Max could study.

Liz worked the review problem on her notebook, flipping it around for Max to check her answer.

“One over x,” Liz responded with certainty.

“Next one—Find the derivative of e to the x,” Max asked.

“e to the x, come on, Max, give me a hard one,” Liz responded, blushing at her faux pas.

Max was still chuckling at Liz’s double entendre. “Alright, last one, find the integral of e to the x power.”

Liz, thinking that Max was going to try to stump her this time, was prepared with pencil in hand, poised at her notebook. When she heard the question, she smiled wickedly.

“I suppose your question would look something like this, Liz wrote the integral on her notebook, flipping it around to respond to Max’s dirty joke.

Se x

“Very funny, Max, come on be serious, this is our last final,” Liz admonished and flipped over her notebook hiding the naughty-looking calculus formula.

“Liz, we’ve been at it since 5 a.m. We know this backward and forward. Forgive me?” Max gave Liz those sad puppy-dog eyes that were irresistible.

Liz laughed at Max’s pitiful expression, “Yeah, we’re ready. You want a refill on your coffee?”

“Sure, babe” Max responded, reaching for the sugar and Tabasco.

Liz poured coffee into Max’s cup, and then looked up, smirking, “e to the x plus c,” Liz answered matter-a-factly. Max chuckled in response.

Grandma Claudia came through the kitchen door of the Crashdown, heading behind the counter to get herself a cup of coffee. She went to sit down beside Max.

“So how is my favorite surrogate grandson this morning?” Claudia greeted Max, pulling him into a hug. “Ooh, I just love getting hugs from this one. You just always feel so good afterward.” Max blushed at the complement and the acknowledgement of his hidden alien influence over the longevity of Liz’s beloved grandmother. Liz grinned, keenly aware of Max’s secret thoughts.

“Well, I know, he always makes me feel better,” Liz deadpanned with a wicked smile.

“Well, I will be a pre-med major at Harvard,” Max mockingly bragged, trying to recover from his embarrassment. “Anyway, I’m just fine, Grandma. Liz and I were finishing up for our calc test today--our last real final before graduation,” Max responded gratefully.

“Well, have you worked on your valedictory speeches?” Claudia asked.

“Speech, Grandma. We’re giving our address to the class together,” Liz smiled at Max, her eyes shining.

“Somehow, I don’t think anyone will be surprised,” Claudia chuckled.

“I’ve gotta go and pick up my last précis for English lit-- I forgot it at home. I’ll be back in half an hour to pick you up,” Max smiled at Liz as he picked up his Calc book. “Bye, Grandma, I’ll see you later, Max reached over to give Claudia a peck on the cheek. He turned to Liz for the same, but whispered in her ear, “I love you.”

“I love you, too,” Liz whispered back, kissing his cheek. She waved as he set out for the jeep.

“So, Grandma, do you have any advice for the soon-to-be graduate?” Liz tried to recover from a potential onslaught of questions regarding her best-friend status with Max.

“Only the same advice I’ve always given you,” Claudia responded knowingly.

Liz smiled, tilted her head, and closed her eyes. She opened them again, taking a big breath. “To follow my heart,” she recited, knowing that Grandma Claudia was onto her.

“That’s right. And I have a strong suspicion that’s what you’ve done,” Grandma Claudia smiled, her eyebrow raised. “Now, I may be old, but I’m not blind,” Liz looked down, a little guilt and hopefulness clouding her face. “But I also have a pretty good idea of why you are keeping this on the ‘down low’ as you young people would say, so—what I know, I’ll keep to myself,” Claudia smiled conspiratorially. Liz grinned back at her grandma in appreciation.

“So how long do you two think you can keep this quiet?” Claudia asked, uncertain of Max and Liz’s talent for concealing the obvious.

“Hopefully, till we’re the hell out of Dodge,” Liz whispered theatrically to her grandmother, giving her a quick wink, grabbing her notebook and heading upstairs to change for school.
“I can’t believe that Coach Williams actually gave us a gym final,” Liz groaned to Maria. “I guess I’ll be in good shape for this weekend,” Liz thought to herself.

“But an hour and a half of calisthenics does make you stink,” Maria replied pointedly as they made their way to the showers.

Liz moved to one of the far showers with her gym bag, hoping to avoid prying eyes. She stripped off her gym clothes, wanting to shower quickly and make it to her public speaking class where she and Max were working on their speech.

She turned to reach for the soap when Maria turned on the shower right next to her own.

“So, I hope Coach Williams gives us an ‘A’ for this final cause I could really use—Whoa chica!" Maria exclaimed, “For her talent, Miss Brazil will twirl the flaming batons.”

“Geez, Maria, will you keep it down. I really don’t want the whole school to know,” Liz hissed, trying to avoid attracting too much attention.

“I take it you visited Helga and her hot wax this week,” Maria smirked.

“No this was—a do-it-yourself kit,” Liz lied, unwilling to reveal the truth about how she became bare down there.

“Right,” Maria replied suspiciously. “So what brought all this on—or off as the case may be?” Maria chuckled. “Is someone special going to see it?” Maria fished for information.

“I have a photo shoot this weekend,” Liz explained. “Some underwear stuff—probably for Sears’ or Penny’s or some other equally exciting catalog,” Liz responded satirically.

“Well, don’t let Michael see it, or he’ll make me go submit to Helga’s tortures myself.”

“I wasn’t planning on it,” Liz laughed as they finished their showers and dressed for their last high school class.
Liz’s words are in red, Max’s are in blue.

William Shakespeare said, “A friend is one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still, gently allows you to grow.”

“Good evening families, faculty, administrators and graduates. I am Liz Parker.”

"And I am Max Evans, and we would like to welcome you to tonight’s graduating ceremonies for West Roswell High School."

“We would like to begin by thanking our parents and families who have loved and supported us throughout the years,” Max smiled at Phillip and Diane, his expression radiating gratitude. Liz smiled broadly at her parents and then at Grandma Claudia, who gave her a wink. Liz stifled a laugh and held tighter to Max’s hand, concealed behind the podium.

“We would also like to thank all the teachers we’ve had over the last twelve years, particularly Mrs. Newberry who seated us next to each other in the first grade.”

“Thanks, Mrs. Newberry,” they sang out in unison, waving at the middle-aged teacher in the fifth row. She grinned broadly and waved back at her two former students who were gracing the stage.

“We would like to thank the administrators and staff who supported their efforts.”

“But, particularly tonight we would like to address our friends. Our friends chose us, cared for us, loved us. Sometimes it was as simple as holding a hand and walking across the street.”

“And, sometimes we risked so much more,” Liz looked at Max, love and a few unshed tears shining in her eyes.

“We do know that throughout any trial we have endured…”

“We have always been stronger together.”

“So whether you build your lives here in Roswell…”

“Or on the other side of the galaxy…” Liz grinned and winked at their inside joke.

“Remember the friends you made here at West Roswell, whether they remain here for when you return…” Max looked at Michael and Maria, then at Isabel and Alex, smiling sadly.

“Or whether you take them with you,” Liz smiled at Max who beamed back at her.

“We will close our valedictory speech with the words of the Greek philosopher, Aristotle. When he was asked ‘What is a friend?” Max looked lovingly at Liz, “His reply was 'A single soul dwelling in two bodies.'”

Liz’s eyes shone with all her love for Max and she squeezed his hand again.

“So to our graduating class, always remember to take your friends with you…”

“Whether in your heart…”

“Or in your hand,” Max brought up Liz’s hand and kissed it.

The auditorium broke into loud applause as Max and Liz made their way from the podium hand in hand. Diane and Phillip looked at each other then at Jeff and Nancy who returned their quizzical glances but could offer no answers. Grandma Claudia continued clapping, looking straight ahead, a secret smile on her face.

Re: Every Picture Tells a Story (M/L, CC, Adult) pt 9- 10/8/08

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 6:13 am
by destinyc
Part 9

“Congratulations, son!” Phillip and Diane pulled Max into a hug, his graduation gown fluttering at the sleeves.

“Yes, and I must say, that was quite a speech, you two,” Nancy commented as she and Jeff released Liz from their embrace.

“Thanks,” Max and Liz blushed, knowing that their speech was a very personal one and probably revealed more than they should have.

Grandma Claudia hugged and kissed her granddaughter, “I love you, Lizzie. I want you two to go to Harvard and do wonderful things,” she smiled broadly at Max and Liz.

“Thank you, Grandma,” Max reached in to hug Claudia, “You know that I know, don’t you?” Claudia whispered to Max.

“Of course I know,” Max whispered back, smiling and winking at Claudia.

Diane clasped Liz around the shoulders, then gave her the bouquet of white roses Max had chosen for her earlier.

“Thank you, they’re beautiful,” Liz smiled at Diane, then at Max.

Alex, Isabel, Michael and Maria returned to the front of the auditorium where the Parkers and Evans were gathered. The Whitmans and Amy DeLuca soon joined them.

“Come here, Isabel, Alex,” the Evans pulled them into a close embrace.

“We are so proud of you guys,” the Parkers clasped Michael and Maria around the shoulders.


All the parents snapped pictures of the graduates and their families, the six friends as a large group, Isabel and Alex, Michael and Maria, and Max and Liz. The graduates’ faces began to ache with all the requisite grinning.

“I’m going to send these out on-line tonight and pick them up an hour later,” Diane exclaimed, planning to visit the 24-hour photo lab at the drugstore later that night.

“Oh, that’s a good idea. Let’s get double prints, then we can swap them in the morning over breakfast,” Nancy suggested.

Alex piped up, “I think there is supposed to be a get-together at the Troy’s tonight, if you guys are interested.” Raised eyebrows and nods went around the group of graduates. It’s not that any of them were particularly interested in attending a party at Pam Troy’s, but they did need a valid excuse for ditching their parents and celebrating their graduation properly.

“Um, actually, we’ll catch up with you guys a little later. Liz and I have a few loose ends we need to tie up here,” Max explained, a little nervousness in his voice. “Hey Mom, Dad, can you guys take these for us?” Max started shedding his cap and gown, the rest of his friends following suit. Max removed his tie from around his collar, unbuttoning two buttons, revealing a bit of his tan chest, much to Liz’s delight. As Liz took off her graduation gown, she revealed a sexy, black halter style dress with a short, swinging skirt. Max’s eyes lit up at the sight of her.

“And can you take this?” Max handed his mom his diploma, the rest of the gang doing likewise with their mothers, Michael handing his off to Amy.

Liz held her flowers again after shedding her graduation gown and breathed in their sweet fragrance. She gave Max a secret smile.

Max took Liz by the hand, walking up the aisle of the auditorium. “We’ll see you guys later,” he called. Liz waved at the group, uncertain of Max’s immediate plans but trusting him, nonetheless.

“You two need to be home by midnight if you’re driving to Albuquerque in the morning,” Nancy called after them.

“We will!” Liz turned to call back, “Bye!” Liz sang out as she went through the auditorium door.

Liz followed Max hand in hand as they raced through the now deserted halls.

“Where are we going, Max?” Liz asked.

“You’ll see,” Max responded, excitedly.

They turned the corner and came to a door familiar to most of the students of West Roswell except Max and Liz.

“The Eraser Room?” Liz questioned as Max opened the door.

Max and Liz went into the small, dark room, laughing quietly, not wanting to attract undue attention.

“Well, we graduated and we never got to make use of this place,” Max explained, slightly embarrassed. He secured the door lock with his alien influence.

“Now, Max, we’ve been in here before,” Liz retorted.

“Only to talk, never for this,” Max smiled and pulled Liz into a deep kiss.

“At least we’ll have fond memories of the dusty, old eraser room,” Liz teased, smiling and kissing Max again.

“Hang on,” Max instructed, giving Liz another kiss. “Give me just a minute.”

Max looked around the small room, discovering some cast-off items that could be of use. There were maroon drop cloths hanging from hooks on the wall. With a glowing hand, Max touched them, changing them from industrial objects into deep silks, creating a surround of rich curtains.

Liz smiled and bit her bottom lip, watching Max transform the small room.

“Oh, this’ll work,” Max discovered a box of emergency candles and old mayonnaise jars in a metal closet. He transformed most of the jars into hurricane-style candle holders and the plain white candles into tall, ivory, scented pillars. With a snap of his fingers, they all came to life, dancing with flame.

Liz gasped, her eyes alight, reflecting the fire in the room. “It’s beautiful, Max. I feel like Cinderella,” Liz remarked wistfully.

“I’m not quite through, yet,” Max lightly teased.

He took the other plain glass jar and crafted a beautiful crystal vase. He held his hand out for the bouquet of flowers, unwrapped them, and arranged them skillfully in the vase.

Liz smiled at his thoughtfulness, her eyes shining.

With a touch the metal closet became a sleek armoire and the eraser machine was converted into small, brass, oscillating fan.

Max slipped his iPod out of his pocket and plugged it into the auxiliary port on the janitor’s portable radio. While not requiring any alien prowess, the music selection was important, regardless. Max queued up the playlist he planned.

“One more thing,” Max bit his lip and smiled at Liz. He picked up three chair cushions from a corner of the room, placed them in the middle of the floor, and with a touch transformed them into large, white, silky cushions, reminiscent of clouds stacked loosely atop one another. He took another drop cloth, changing it into a silky white sheet.

Their favorite John Mayer song started playing over the speakers.

Liz’s eyes traveled around the room in wonder, surveying the beauty Max had created for her. Tears welled in her eyes as she drew Max to her, wrapping her arms around him.

We got the afternoon,
You got this room for two

“You are the most amazing man I have ever met,” Liz professed, the full meaning of her words bringing tears to Max’s eyes and a smile to his lips. She did not see him as an alien; she did not see him as a boy—she saw him as a man, and she loved him. Max brought her mouth to his and kissed her passionately, knowing she was the only woman he would ever kiss like this.

One thing I've left to do,
Discover me,
Discovering you.

“Make love to me, Max.”

Max looked into Liz’s eyes, holding the back of her head, and nodded softly.
He untied the knot at the neckline of her halter, and with a single tug, the silky dress fluttered to the floor.

One mile to every inch of,
Your skin like porcelain,

Max bent down and unfastened the delicate strap of Liz’s sandals and slid them off her tiny feet. He gathered her shoes and sandals and laid them to the side as he rose again. Max embraced Liz, clad only in her delicate black lace bra and panties and gave her another lingering kiss.

One pair of candy lips and,
Your bubblegum tongue.

Liz looked up at Max and smiled, silently willing him to go on.

Max brought his hands between Liz’s breasts and slowly unfastened the clasp. The strapless bra came off in his hand, and he placed it with her other clothes. His large hands caressed the fullness of her breasts, grazing her hardened peaks with the tops of his fingers, leaving an iridescent trail in his wake.

Cause if you want love,
We'll make it,

Wrapping his arms around Liz, Max leaned down to capture Liz’s rosy nipple in his mouth, eliciting a soft moan from her throat. Max gently kissed the peak and looked back up at Liz.

He knelt down and brought his hands to her bottom as he kissed her stomach. He gave Liz one more kiss below her bellybutton, then slowly pulled down her panties, revealing her beautiful bare mound.

Swim in a deep sea,
Of blankets,

Max groaned and pushed Liz’s body to his mouth, sliding his tongue to part her folds, making Liz gasp in response.

Take all your big plans,
And break 'em,

“Oh, Max,” Liz moaned as Max, on his knees, lapped at her juices and then ran his tongue along her swollen nub. Max’s tongue thrust into her, nearly causing Liz to come apart already, but Liz pulled him up from the floor, kissing him, tasting her juices on his lips. “Not, just yet,” she smiled and breathed heavily.

This is bound to be a while.

Liz fingered the buttons on Max’s white shirt, leaving sweet kisses behind as she unfastened each one. She ran her index finger down the length of Max’s chest, leaving a silver trail.

Your body is a wonderland,

“You must have rubbed off on me over the years,” Liz deduced as they laughed softly in amazement.

Your body is a wonder (I'll use my hands),

Liz reached up and pulled Max into a long kiss, her tongue tangling with his. She could feel his erection pressed firmly against her, could feel her own heat building between her thighs.

Your body is a wonderland.

Unfastening Max’s belt buckle, she reached for the button of his pants and slowly unzipped them. She pulled the shirt off his shoulders and placed it with her clothes.

Max slid out of his shoes, pushing them out of Liz’s way. She looked up at Max, placing a few more kisses on his nipples and chest, then knelt down as she hooked her thumbs in the waistband of his slacks and boxers, freeing his erection from its confines. She gathered the garments, sliding off his socks in the same motion and pulled them away.

Liz reached up and grasped Max’s thick cock on one hand, pulling his body closer to her with the other. Max groaned as Liz’s tongue darted out, licking along the length and ridges.

Max’s hands fisted through her hair as she took his full length into her mouth, licking and sucking languidly.

He knew he could only let her continue for a moment more, or else it would be too late.

Something 'bout the way the hair falls in your face,
I love the shape you take when crawling towards the pillowcase,

“Come here, baby,” Max kissed Liz deeply as he brought her to her feet. They stood facing each other, Max’s firm cock pressed against Liz.

“I love you, Liz,” Max whispered.

“I love you, too, Max,” Liz responded.

You tell me where to go and,
Though I might leave to find it,
I'll never let your head hit the bed,
Without my hand behind it.

Max reached down, lifting Liz into his arms, carrying her to the cushions he had transformed moments ago. Sinking into the soft cushions, Max lay Liz down as she spread her legs to accommodate him. He lay down on top of her, his weight resting on his elbows. Max bent down to kiss her passionately, his thick shaft poised at her entrance.

You want love,
We'll make it,
Swim in a deep sea,
Of blankets,

“Max,” Liz breathed heavily, ready for him.

Take all your big plans,
And break 'em,
This is bound to be a while.

Max smiled at Liz in understanding, his breathing heavy. Though he was nervous, there was nothing in the world he wanted to do more than make love to Liz at this moment. He aligned his body and in one smooth thrust, he entered her.

Your body is a wonderland,

Liz smiled up at Max, running her fingers along his hairline. He thrust shallowly a few times so that Liz could adjust to his size and length. Liz took a deep breath and pressed firmly at the small of Max’s back.

Your body is a wonder (I'll use my hands),

Max withdrew slightly then firmly drove through her barrier, finding his home deep inside her. Max could feel Liz’s twinge of pain as he broke her barrier, and as he brought his hand in between them, his palm glowed.

Your body is a wonderland.

“You just couldn’t stand it, could you?” Liz teased softly.

Damn baby,
You frustrate me,

“No,” Max admitted, smiling. “I could never take seeing you in pain, especially because of me.”

I know you're mine, all mine, all mine
But you look so good it hurts sometimes.

Liz shook her head slightly and kissed Max, “I love you.”

“I love you,” Max responded then withdrew and thrust into her again. Max and Liz responded to each other’s unspoken needs and desires, tethered to one another through their intimate connection.

Max took Liz in his arms, lifting her back from the cushions, suckling a nipple in his mouth, soft groans issuing from Liz’s throat.

“Oh God, Max,” she breathed heavily. Liz ran her fingernails down his spine, raking them along his firm backside. Her hands found the underside of Max’s ass, pulling him deeper into her as she raised up her hips.

Your body is a wonderland,

“Liz—oh!” Max gasped at the delicious pressure.

Liz grew bold in their lovemaking, rolling them over until she was on top of Max, riding him in sinuous waves, arching over him so that her clit met the base of his cock with each thrust and the head of his cock hit the bundle of nerves buried deep inside her. Liz purred in appreciation.

Your body is a wonder (I'll use my hands),

Max held Liz’s hips, each thrust of his cock met with her long, slow slide. She bent over him again, her hair falling in a cascade around him, Max reaching up to capture a nipple in his mouth.

Max sat up, bringing Liz’s legs around his waist, continuing to bury his cock deep inside her as they sat face-to-face. They wrapped their arms around one another, bringing the other as close as possible. Max dropped his hand between them and rubbed Liz’s clit with small firm strokes.

Liz’s breath began to quicken, her head on Max’s shoulder, her hair matted with sweat. As Max’s attentions increased in intensity, Liz’s walls began to flutter against Max’s cock buried deep inside her.

“Look at me, Liz,” Max pleaded. Liz brought her eyes to meet Max’s as her walls clamped down against his rigid flesh.

Your body is a wonderland,

“Max!” Liz cried as she came apart in his arms. Max flooded her passage, going over the edge with Liz. Immediately, they were inundated with images, flying through space and time. All the love, desire and intensity they felt for each other was heightened and magnified. They flew past planets and stars, hurtling through the expanse of space, burning through atmosphere, finally crashing to Earth as they were jolted back to the present.

Your body is a wonderland...

Max and Liz held each other, panting, their foreheads touching.

Max gasped “That was—

“Amazing,” Liz finished, catching her breath.

Max maneuvered them so they could rest on the fluffy cushions, pulling the silk sheet to cover their sweat-soaked bodies as the small fan stirred a gentle breeze. Liz’s head lay on Max’s chest.

Max ran his fingers through Liz’s hair, “I do wish we could sleep together tonight,” Max remarked wistfully.

“Mmm. I know,” Liz replied. “At least we get to spend a whole weekend at a spa in Albuquerque,” Liz had a naughty gleam in her eye.

“That sounds perfect,” Max kissed her forehead.

“I just wish we had a bit more time in here tonight. At midnight it all turns back into a pumpkin,” Liz joked.

“Bippity, boppity, boo, baby,” Max growled lustily and rose above her, pulling Liz into a deep, passionate kiss. “One more dance before you flee the ball?” Max suggested seductively.

“Anything for you, my handsome prince!” Liz exclaimed, pulling Max on top of her once again.

Re: Every Picture Tells a Story (M/L, CC, Adult) pt 10- 10/12/08

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 9:00 am
by destinyc
“Come on, Liz, the day’s a wastin’,” Max called out as he climbed the stairs to the Parker’s apartment above the Crashdown.

“I’m ready, Max. I just need a—

“Here, let me get that,” Max grabbed Liz’s suitcases for the trip downstairs and into the jeep. “Geez, Liz, we’re only going to be gone for the weekend, you know.”

“Yeah, but I don’t know how much of this I might need-- hair, make-up—

“I know you won’t need much in the way of clothing,” Max teased, his eyebrows waggling.

“Very funny, Max,” Liz retorted.

Max and Liz lugged her suitcases through the kitchen and into the dining room of the café.

“Well, we’re off. We’ll give you guys a call when we get to Albuquerque,” Max looked at both sides of the booth where their parents were looking through the graduation photos from the previous night.

Diane flipped a photo around to face Max and Liz, “Look at these gorgeous graduates,” she said with a wink. “I’m going to have an 8x10 made of this one.”

“I’m surprised we can still see the paint on our living room walls, Mom.”

“I have very photogenic children,” Diane smiled and stated unapologetically.

“Well, I have to agree with Diane,” Nancy picked up another picture from the stack. “These pictures are just fantastic. Where did our little six-year-olds go?” Nancy queried with a dramatic sigh.

“They turned eighteen, Mom,” Liz chuckled and shook her head.

Grandma Claudia came through the kitchen doors, went behind the counter and poured herself a cup of coffee. “Good morning, all. Did you two have a good time last night? You guys ran off so fast, we barely had time to say congratulations,” Claudia commented, the corners of her mouth curling up like she was trying to fight off a smile.

“Yeah, last night was wonderful,” Liz smiled and shook her head at her grandmother who was secretly teasing her. “I’m sorry we can’t stay to visit longer, Grandma,” Liz sighed as she hugged her grandmother.

“Oh, nonsense. Jeffrey has to drive me back to Santa Fe today. I have to give a lecture to a group of researchers late this afternoon. You two enjoy yourselves. Hmm. A nice, new spa, all to yourselves.”

“I do have to work, Grandma.”

“Mmm Hmm. Don’t work too hard,” Grandma teased.

Liz blushed, and Max shifted the luggage in his hand.

“We gotta’ hit the road, Liz.”

“Yeah, I’m ready,” Liz kissed her mom and dad on the cheek.

“Take care of my little girl, now,” Jeff Parker said with a mock-seriousness.

“Always do, Mr. Parker,” Max smiled and tried to hide the color rising to his face.

“Drive carefully, Son,” Phillip gently warned.

“Of course, Dad,” Max hugged his dad and kissed his mother.

Max and Liz made their way out of the front doors of the Crashdown, piling her suitcases into the back of Max’s jeep.
The Whit’s “Love Kills” sounds from Liz’s phone.

“Hey Alex, how was Pam’s party last night?” Liz queried, knowing that their friends had been expecting them to make an appearance last night. Liz felt slightly guilty about skipping out on their friends, but last night was so magical, missing the drunken revelry at the Troy household was not a huge loss. Liz looked over at Max in the driver’s seat of the jeep and winked.

“Oh, the usual, Kyle barfed in the rosebushes, Pam lost her dress and ran around all night in her bra and panties. Pretty typical.”

“Too bad we missed it,” Liz teased as she looked over at Max, shaking her head, a humorous grimace on her face.

“We really didn’t stay very long. Izzy and I left about eleven.”

“You went home that early?”

“Well, we didn’t exactly go home.”

“Oh yeah, where did you go, exactly?” Liz questioned.

“I don’t want to say too much—Max is sitting right there, isn’t he?”

“Of course he is. So what’s the big deal?”

“Well no guy wants to hear that his sister had sex,” Alex confessed, his face flushing even though he was talking on the phone.

Liz was laughing uncontrollably, forced to shout due to the noise from the wind and the road. “I take it you two went to Buckley Point? You know, Max knows that you two have had sex. It’s not a huge secret or anything.”

Max looked over at Liz, his eyebrows raised, humorously challenging her gauge of his reaction to the news.

Liz scrunched her nose at him, blowing Max a flirtatious kiss.

“You know, we really hadn’t intended to, but about eleven, this tremendous urge just came over us. We had to get out of there right away; I can’t even begin to explain it.”

“Yeah, Alex, I really don’t need to hear about your urges, you know,” Liz laughed. “I better go and soothe Max’s brotherly instinct before he turns the jeep around to come kick your ass,” Liz winked at Max. Max shook his head with a smile.
Liz’s cell phone stared beeping. Liz glanced down, noting the caller on the screen.

“I gotta’ go, Alex. Maria’s beeping through. We’ll call you later when we get a chance. Ok—bye.” Liz pushed the phone button to switch callers.

“Hey Ria, how’s it goin”?”

“That’s all you have to say to me after ditching us last night? It was all I could do to keep Michael from kicking Kyle’s ass when the drunken idiot tells me we ought to hook up before we officially become brother and sister. Do you believe that shit? As soon as my mom marries his dad, I am going to be related to the idiot,” Maria reported last night’s events with an exaggerated sigh. “But we didn’t stay very long anyway. About eleven, Michael and I had an uncontrollable urge to have a ‘private party’ at his apartment, if you know what I mean.”

“I think I know what you mean, Ria,” Liz chuckled. “Around eleven, you say—hmmm—that’s very interesting,” Liz considered, her eyebrows raised.

“Yeah, that’s about the time we left,” Maria responded, slightly confused as to her friend’s line of questioning. Maria was ready to turn the tables on Liz, though. “So where were you two at eleven?” Maria questioned, pointedly.

“Oh, like I said, we had some things to take care of. Photos to take, graded papers to pick up, transcripts to send—you know, lots of stuff,” Liz started to get nervous, the more she had to lie to Maria. The fewer people who knew about the change in her relationship with Max, the better.

“You two are the biggest geeks I know. Well, I’ll let you get back to whatever geeky things you two are doing.”

“Maria, we are driving to a photo shoot—not a completely geeky thing to do, you know,” Liz retorted.

“Hmmm. You are going to spend all weekend in a hotel room with a hot guy and not do anything naughty? Like I said—geeky.”

“Very funny, Maria. So you think Max is hot, huh?” Liz teased, tickling him on his ribs, making him squirm.

“Quit it,” Max mouthed, pointing to the road ahead, indicating that they could both meet a tragic end if Liz didn’t stop torturing him like that.

“Later,” Liz mouthed, blowing him a sexy kiss.

Max smiled, refocusing on the road as Liz finished her conversation.

“A girl would have to be blind not to notice. Speaking of which, why haven’t you ever seemed to notice, Liz?” Maria fished for information.

“Very funny, Ria. Hold down the fort at the Crashdown. You’d better watch out for those ‘urges,’ you know. Call you later,” Liz tried to evade Maria’s relentless questioning of her relationship with Max. “Bye.”

“See ya, Chica. Good Luck.”

“Thanks,” Liz flipped her phone shut and breathed a sigh of relief that she had evaded another round of questioning.

“Well, it seems that all our friends had certain undeniable ‘urges’ about eleven o’clock last night,” Liz reported, her eyebrow raised.

“Eleven o’clock?” Max questioned. “What would—OH! Oh… Do you really think we could’ve had that kind of effect on our friends?”

“Come to think of it, our parents were in really good moods this morning,” Liz contemplated.

“Oh, Geez, Liz. Please don’t go there. I really don’t want to think that our lovemaking had such far-reaching effects,” Max groaned.

“Stranger things have happened,” Liz smirked and chuckled at her alien-hybrid boyfriend.

“Oh, you are so gonna’ get it!” Max teased as he started tickling Liz, causing her to yelp and wiggle.

“Promise?” Liz laughed seductively, playing on the double meaning of the phrase.

“Oh, yeah, it’s a promise!” Max chuckled as they neared Albuquerque.

Meanwhile, back in Roswell

“Girls just wanna have fun…”

“Hey Ria, what’s up?”

“Not much, just taking a break from my shift at the Crashdown. Did you and Izzy get home at a decent hour last night?” Maria queried suggestively.

“We got home—eventually.”

“Yeah, I got home ‘eventually,’ too,” Maria confessed. Hey, did you ever see Max and Liz after the graduation ceremony? It just seems completely wrong to spend graduation night with your English teachers retrieving graded papers, you know.”

“Well, we are talking about Max and Liz; the normal rules never really did seem to apply. But, to answer your question, no we didn’t see them last night. His jeep was already in the driveway when I took Izzy home, but that was about two a.m. You know, Liz never did give me a straight answer about where they went,” Alex admitted.

“Mmm. I think she was trying to give me the run-around, too.” Maria suddenly had a wicked thought. “See if Isabel can find out anything,” Maria exclaimed.

“Now, Maria, you know you hate it when Izzy dreamwalks you,” Alex chastised.

“I know, but this is important. Use your manly influence over her,” Maria instructed.

“I’ll see what I can do,” Alex chuckled. “I’ll see you later at the Crash for an orange soda and some Saturn rings.”

“Ok-later, Alex…”