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Streets of New York (AU/CC/M&M/Adult) Complete 07/12/2009

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 6:34 am
by candysteffi
Title: Streets of New York

Author: candy-steffi

Disclaimer: The characters of "Roswell" belong to Jason Katims, Melinda Metz, WB, and UPN. They are not mine and no infringement is intended.

Rating: Adult, for bad language and sex

Category: AU without Aliens, mostly M&M, with a little bit M&L and CC at the beginning, Maria POV

Summary: Just read the little text at the banner, that´s all you have to know .

Author´s note: Streets of New York is the first story I ever wrote. I posted it at a German board 4 or 5 years ago. At the beginning of this year I decided to translate it into English and it took me a while – as you can see. 
I want to thank some people before I start:

Angel: because she is my wounderful beta reader 

April: because she made this great trailer for my fic

Xmag: because she gave me the idea to translate the fic (even if you don´t really know)


Before you start to read, you should watch the trailer April made for me. Thank you so much!!! ... _new_york/



The Hurricanes:

The Hurricanes are a gang in New York. They hang around the skate park almost every day and love to party at the ‘Election’ – a club – at night. That’s also the place where they often get into trouble with the Bandits.

Billy (20):

The head of the gang, everybody knows him as a bad-ass, inexorable and careless guy. Billy doesn´t care about anyone.

Maria (17):

Billy’s girlfriend, or more precisely, his girl-toy!? She lives with her mother in a small flat and attends the high school.

Sean (19):

Maria’s cousin and Billy’s best friend; he remains steadfastly at his side, no matter what´s going on.

Brody (20):

A smart guy and the quietest member of the gang.

Ryan (21):

Not much a talker, but he´s strong and prefers to “communicate” with his fists.

Ava (17):

Ava is withdrawn into herself. She doesn´t tell anyone anything about her life. She attends the high school with Maria.

The Bandits:

Max (20):

Together with Rath, he calls the shots in the gang and hates Billy and his followers. He found his true love a few years ago: Liz!

Rath (20):

His real name is Michael. He´s a tall and strong guy and everyone is in awe when he shows up. He´s also the kind of guy that’s in high demand where women are concerned, but he doesn´t pay much attention to it.

Lonnie (18):
She grew up with Max and Michael and is the only one of them who still attends high school. She won´t allow herself to get weak or emotional.

Kyle (18):

He still attends the high school, too. He´s very loyal to his gang and hates the Hurricanes passionately.

Liz (19):

She’s Max’s girlfriend and gave up everything for him.

Alex (19):

Alex is only a member of the Bandits to protect his best friend Liz. He’s always in the background when a fight with the Hurricanes comes up.



New York – for most people a city full of dreams, but for others it’s a nightmare.

You think about ‘The Big Apple’, Times Square, the Statue of Liberty, high skyscrapers, and a city teeming with life, when you hear those two simple words: New York, right? You’re fascinated by the many flashing advertisements and lights in the streets.

But you don’t notice what happens in the dark corners and what’s going on in the shadows of the high buildings.


It’s not easy to grow up in NY, especially not in the Bronx.

I still go to school - senior year at high school, but I don’t think I will wear a cap and gown at least. I’m not stupid or lazy, but I don’t have the time to learn – nobody has it.

I don’t know my father, I’ve never even seen him. Therefore, that means lots of lovers for my mom. George is the name of her newest bimbo. I hate him, just like I hate this city.

There are days that I don’t go home. I’d rather hang out outside the whole night, before I have to watch my mom getting drunk again.

Sometimes I sleep at the apartment that belongs to my boyfriend Billy. He’s not my real love, I don’t enjoy sleeping with him, oh hell, I don’t even like talking to him, and of course I never would say that I love him. But he’s someone I can hang out with to escape from my fucking home.

My cousin Sean introduced Billy and me at a club last year. Billy was really nice to me that night. Today I know it was only to get in my pants. But from that date forward I’m a member of his gang called ‘The Hurricanes’ and things started to get really weird.

I never wanted to be in a street gang, but these people: Billy, Sean, Brody, Ryan and Ava, they are the only friends I’ve ever had. And so I hang out with them, I’m forced to have the same interests that they have and I get into trouble with them, especially when we meet the ‘Bandits’.

My name is Maria DeLuca and my life really sucks...



Re: Streets of New York (AU/CC/M&M/Adult) Pt. 1 10/26/08 Pg.1

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 9:44 am
by candysteffi
Hi :)

Thank you C&N214, simplyshiny, spacegirl23 and April.
Oh, yea, you started posting! I'm so excitedto FINALLY be able to read this! Of course, I love the premise. *drools over gang stories* I wouldn't even know English isn't your first language. Seriously.
Awww, thanks :) That´s because of my wounderful betareader Angel. lol

Here is the new part. Next update will be on Sunday.


Part 1

What a crappy day...
October 29th, 2007 – Monday – 7:00 am

I take my alarm clock and throw it at the wall.

“Five more minutes,” I mumble into the pillow.

It’s Monday morning and I’m really pissed that I already have to stand up. I just went to bed three hours ago, because I was out with the others.

Unwillingly I lift my blanket.

“Shit! It’s damn cold!” I hiss when my bare feet touch the floor.

Within seconds I get into my pants and hoodie. After my mom hadn’t paid the bill they shut off the gas. It’s almost winter and I’m sure I’ll soon freeze to death while I’m sleeping.

As I trod through the kitchen to get in the bathroom I almost fall over an empty bottle of vodka. My mom stands in the door holding her head, her expression more of a grimace.

“W… what time is it?” she croaks.

“Time to get new junk!” I yell, holding the bottle right in her face. Without waiting for a response, I run into the bath and slam the door.

I haven’t showered for two days, because the water is to friggin’ cold. So I only wash my face and brush my teeth.


Half an hour later...

I’m already out of the flat. Fortunately, I didn’t see my mother a second time. She was either asleep again, or she had actually bought more alcohol – for this she always has money.

I quicken the pace because I’m too late as usual. The last meters I even have to run to get to my subway.

I’m totally out of breath when the subway starts to move. The cabin is crowded like every morning, so I clutch onto a staff and wish for time to pass by quickly. It smells like sweat, smoke and other disgusting stuff. I feel sick like every morning.


I arrive at school 15 minutes late, but the teacher doesn’t seem to mind – I’m not the only one and at least I’m here at all.

“Well, well! The little Hurricane-slut appeared,” Lonnie hisses and looks at me with a calculating gaze while I go to my place to sit down.

I really hate that girl. She’s one of the Bandits – and definitely one of the worst. So I overhear her little comment and stay quiet. I’m not angry at all, because I talk about her and the others in the same way. Maybe she has to be so thuggish because everybody expects it from her.

The lesson passes by and I think nobody actually paid attention to the teacher. Some of the students are scratching at their books, and some of the others are listening to music.


At lunch break I meet Ava.

“Hey!” I drop down next to her and put my tray with food at the table.

“Hi,” she responds without looking up.

We aren’t really close, but she’s the only friend I have at school. Ava never talks about anything private or really important to me, she’s always so withdrawn into herself. I gave up getting to know her better a long time ago.

“We’re going to the skater place after school, you in?” she asks casually.

“Sure. Anything is better than going home,” I answer coolly. I won’t touch my food anyway.

Lonnie and Kyle are making their way towards our table. I tense up a little bit – they won’t just pass by for sure.

“Look, who’s here...” Kyle builds himself up in front of me, his posture threatening. He terrorizes me whenever he gets the chance to.

He takes my food from the tray, throws it on the ground and tramples on it. Then he grabs my arm, clutching it tightly. It hurts but I won’t give him the satisfaction of showing him any emotion.

“Listen, DeLuca. I have a little message for Billy: Stay away from the Election (club in NY), or else we’ll hurt your little bitch.” He looks at me forcefully, then he takes his hand away from my arm and he disappears with a grinning Lonnie.

I relax gradually and take a long, deep breath. Will that shit end one day?


After school…

Billy stands at the entry waiting for me.

“Hey, Babe!” He snatches me to him and presses his lips onto my own.

I don’t care about the kiss, but at least I feel a little bit safer now. He’s a strong guy and knows how to defend himself.

Brody, Sean and Ryan are there, too. We wait together until Ava appears.


We got to the skater park an hour ago. It’s not too far from the school and we’re there alone most of the time.

The guys try to outmatch each other with some hazardous stunts while the ghetto blaster plays one hip hop song after another.

Billy is always the riskiest with his skateboard – it’s his nature; he always wants to be the king. Of course, Sean, Ryan and Brody pat his back, they sing from the treetops. I really can’t imagine why they suck up to him day after day.


We leave the place at dusk.

“Babe, you’re coming with me?” Billy murmurs in my ear.

I nod, seeing a chance to shower finally.

An uneasy feeling overcomes me as we approach the basketball court – the territory belonging to the Bandits. A lot of arguments and fights had happened there in the past.

Secretly I hope that they won’t be there today, and my hands get sweatier with each step.

Of course we don’t have luck on our side. I already hear their voices and laughter from a distance. Suddenly they stop playing as they also recognize us. They line up in front of us.

Max takes a step forward.

“What do you want? Haven’t I told you like thousand times to not show up here anymore? You have no place here!” he snaps coldly and crosses his arms.

Billy also takes a step forward.

“It’s not your place, Bandits!” he counters and spits directly in front of Max’ feet to underline his disgust.

Kyle steps up beside Max.

“I think they need a little beating – again!” He’s already stripping out of his coat.

On no, not again. I grab Billy’s arm.

“Don’t mind him. Let’s go home; it doesn’t make sense anyway,” I whisper.

But he doesn’t even look at me, just shoves me away so that I stumble backwards. Somebody catches me before I come into contact with the hard wall.

“Gee. Watch your girl, or she might fall into the wrong hands.”

I don’t have to turn around to know who’s standing right behind me: Rath! I don’t know his real name – but he freaks me out. I move away from him, horrified.

The guy gives me the creeps. He’s creepy, his eyes are always cold, and he never shows any emotion. He’s tall, even taller and stronger than Billy.

With his arms crossed over his chest he walks over to stand next to Max.

“Don’t. Touch. Her. Ever. Again!” Billy shouts. But I know that he only says these words because he hates the Bandits; he wouldn’t mind if someone else hurt me. The realization makes me sad.

“You threw her in my arms, loser,” Rath declares soberly.

Then he glances at me and sizes me up. “Maybe she wouldn’t complain, if I touched her.”

Or maybe I would freak out.

Just when Billy clenches his fingers to hit Rath someone else shouted:

“Not you again!”

A policeman runs up to us. “I’m sick of you fuckers. It’s always the same thing with you. Go home now!”

I sigh with relief as Billy steps back and the Bandits turn to leave, going in the opposite direction. Thank God the policeman appeared and nobody wanted to spend another night in jail - Billy, Sean and Ryan are used to it – so are the Bandits, I guess.



Re: Streets of New York (AU/CC/M&M/Adult) Pt. 1 10/26/08 Pg.1

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 6:50 am
by candysteffi
Hey everyone!

April: you´re right, her life will get better :)

greydesiny: Thanks!

crazysnape: well, it´s won´t get better yet, but it will :)

Buddah-boy: Thank you! You should translate your own fics, too :) I have a wounderful beta-reader, who helps me with this.

A/N: Be warned: In this part, Kyle won´t make a very good impression, but I promise you, that his charakter will change during the fic (in a good way).


Part 2

At Billy’s apartment....

The door barely has time to shut behind us before Billy begins to unbutton my blouse.

“Babe, you know what I need right now?”

He kisses me and pushes me to the couch. Within seconds he pulls off my pants. There isn’t even a suggestion of tenderness; he doesn’t even take off his own clothes, only unzips his pants.

I feel a little pain when he enters me but I don’t say anything. I don’t think he would care anyway.

“Oh God! Yes!” he pants, and then it’s over.

Without even looking at me or holding me in his arms for a moment, he stands up, zips his pants and goes into the kitchen.

Everybody says sex is a wonderful thing... I wonder why?!


I collect my clothes from the ground and walk into the bathroom. I lock the door behind me, afraid that Billy will decide to visit me in the shower.

I feel so awkward and helpless while the water is dripping down over me. I want to wash these feelings away, but it doesn’t work that way. My tears mix in with the water... I hate myself and my life.


I get out of the bathroom and find Billy sitting on the couch, watching TV and eating a sandwich. I notice my own starvation but he didn’t bother to make me one, too.

“I’m going home now. My mother wasn’t in the best mood this morning, so I shouldn’t make her angry.”

It’s not the truth. I don’t care about my mother. I’m only afraid that he’ll want to have sex again later and I don’t want to spend the whole night with him.

I yearn for some sleep, because that’s the only time when I don’t have to think about my crappy life and all of my problems.

“Okay,” is all he says. He doesn’t ask me if I want him to walk me home, but I don’t mind.


The apartment door to my flat is locked.

“Shit,” I hiss.

I had forgotten my keys that morning but my mother is usually awake at this time anyway.

I hear sounds inside, something drops down on the floor. Then I notice George’s voice... well, there aren’t words actually, only something like: ‘Ah...’, ‘Oooh...’ and ‘Yeah, Baby!’. I grimace in disgust and wonder for the second time this day: What’s the big deal about sex these days?

I keep ringing the doorbell to no avail – but nobody opens the door.

“Damn! What's this all about? Open the fuckin’ door.“ I drum my fists against the door, screaming at my mother.

Nothing happens.

Somebody opens the door on the third floor: “Shut the fuck up!” Then the door is slammed shut.

I slump down against the wall almost crying. Almost.


I don’t know how long I sit there pitying myself, but I eventually pull myself together and step out into the darkness again.

Where should I go?

To Billy?

No, I won’t do that.

Maybe I can spend a night at Sean’s. He’s my cousin, he wouldn’t let me sleep outside, would he?

His flat is at the other end of the district, so I have to walk for a while. I shiver as the cold wind blows in my face. My eyes begin to water and I pull my thin jacket closer against my body.

“Not a very bright thing to do...,” somebody calls from behind me.

I turn around and see a dark figure leaning at a wall. I can’t see who it is, but as the person takes a step forward into the light of a nearby street lamp I shiver: It’s Kyle.

“… to walk alone outside at night!” he finishes his sentence.

Within seconds he’s by my side. I want to move, but there’s no time. Another Bandit is already behind me. Kyle clutches my arm tightly and drags me into a dark corner. He’s pressing my body against the wall, and even though it’s dark I can see the venomous smile on his lips.

“Maybe you should leave her alone...,” the other guy says doubtfully.

“Shut up, Alex, and keep watching!”

I try to get rid of Kyle, but he’s too strong. He grabs my breasts.

“You like that, little bitch?“

“Hands off, pervert!!!” I scream, hoping someone will hear me.

He presses his lips onto mine, and I can feel his bulge against my thigh. My whole body quivers and my view becomes blurred.

“Please, stop!“ I whisper, my voice wavering.

I almost choke with fear and disgust when his hand touches me between my legs.

I want to scream but his other hand keeps my mouth shut. I catch a glimpse of the other guy – Alex. He looks kind of sorry, but he doesn’t do anything. I close my eyes, wishing for it to be over soon.


Suddenly I notice another sound in addition to Kyle’s breaths. I blink; maybe someone heard my screaming? But my ray of hope vanishes, when I see who my supposed saviour really is: Rath!

He looks me straight in the eye, but I can’t see any emotion. In a flash he pulls Kyle away from me and seizes him by the collar.

“Are you out of your mind?” I can see the anger in Rath’s eyes.

Kyle was unnerved by Rath’s presence and he stuttered: “I j-just wanted some fun. You won’t tell Max, will you?”

Rath looks at him, unruffled.

“Drop dead! I’ll see you then,“ is all he has to say.

He turns to Alex, giving him a seismic gesticulation to leave as well. Than he focuses on me again and comes up to me.

Immediately, my panic is back. Did he just dismiss the others to ... No, it must not happen... please.

With a lump in my throat, I whisper: “What do you want?”

My back is pressed against the wall and I want to run away, but he stands in front of me, with one hand supported by the wall as he blocks my escape. He stares at me without any expression. Suddenly his hand is on my jacket. I jerk but still don’t have a chance to get away.

“You shouldn’t be outside all alone at this time of night. Maybe there won’t be anyone to protect you from someone like Kyle next time,” he says coolly.

Than he zips my jacket and leaves.


Fortunately, Sean is at home. He doesn’t have any room left for me at his studio apartment actually, but he makes an exception knowing my circumstances at home.

“So Aunt Amy had a drop too much again?“

I nod absent-mindedly. I’m still distracted, thinking about Kyle... his hands on my body... Rath...

I won´t tell anyone. It would only bring more trouble after all. Apart from this, Billy probably wouldn´t care. If it hadn’t been someone from the Bandits.

I have to sleep at the floor, because Sean only has a smal couch for himself... Body against body with my cousin... I really don’t have to do this!



Re: Streets of New York (AU/CC/M&M/Adult) Pt. 2 11/02/08 Pg.2

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 11:39 am
by candysteffi

April: I know, Maria´s life really sucks right now and it will go on for a while, but "someone" will make it better, lol.

I heard a sond yesterday and it sooo fits to the story right now. If you want to listen:

Simple Plan: Welcome To My life with


Part 3

The drab monotony of everyday life October 30th, 2007 – Tuesday - 9.00 am

“Shit!” I hiss realizing the time. I slept in and it’s already 9 o’clock.

Sean is still asleep, as I go to the bathroom to shower.

“No school today!” I decide while the hot water is running down my face. Slowly I remember the happenings from the night before. I don´t want to meet Kyle after last night. It was too mortifying, and I feel so stupid.

I stay at Sean’s the whole afternoon. About 3:00 pm we walk to the skate park and meet Ava, Brody and Billy. No kiss in greeting today. Well, I don’t mind.

Soon after, Ryan arrives too. He waves with a huge bag of weed, easily visible even with the distance between us.

“Wooohooo!” the guys yell.

“Where’d you get the pot from, dude?” Billy asks.

They greet each other with their usual ritual: a handshake here, backslapping there... the typical airy manner.

“I used my connections!” Ryan answers with a grin.

Billy laughs. “Well then, let’s get stoned before we go to the Election to party.”

Did he just say Election? Tonight?

I remember Kyle’s words: Listen, DeLuca, I have a little message for Billy: Stay away from the Election (club in NY), or else we’ll hurt your little bitch.

Okay, he only said it to creep me out, but still... I’m kinda nervous. You don’t have to be a genius to know that it will cause lots of trouble if the Bandits are at Election, too.

“Listen guys! Wouldn’t we rather go somewhere else?” I mention but regret it at the same time. Nobody will give a shit about my opinion. Sometimes I think I speak a different language, which nobody understands.

The others look at me, puzzled.

Shit, think of something else, DeLuca.

“Maybe the Bandits will be there, too...” I start.

“Even better! Then we’ll smash their faces in.” Billy interjects, excited at the prospect.

They all break out in dirty laughter – except from me.


At Ryan’s apartment...

We went to Ryan’s an hour ago. He’s got a huge apartment. I don’t know exactly how he earns the money to afford it, but I have a guess: He deals drugs.

Whatever... at least we didn’t have to pass the basketball court and the coming confrontation with the Bandits was delayed.

They all sit in a circle now smoking weed. I don’t see any reason why I should join them. I’ve done it before, but it only makes me dozy and calm, so what?

Billy sits down next to me and begins to stroke my leg up and down. He always becomes officious when he smokes pot.

He pulls my legs in his lap as his hands wander under my top. He starts kissing my wildly. I feel his rough stubble on my chin, and then he bites my bottom lip rudely. Does he think this makes me hot?

“We’re gonna borrow your bedroom for a minute,” Billy says in Ryan’s direction, winking at him as he pulls me up from the couch roughly.

I want to scream as the door shuts behind us, but I can’t...

He shoves me on the bed and crawls over me. He reaches down to unzip my pants.

“Please, not now!” I whisper timidly.

But he doesn’t notice my voice or the tears running down my cheek.

After two minutes it’s over. Billy falls down on the bed next to me. His eyes are closed, and he’s breathing heavily. I stand up and put on my clothes in no time. All I can think about is: Get out!

I open the door to the living room. The others grin at me, their expressions leering. I just head for the bathroom straight-faced to wash my face and fix my hair.


It’s about 11:00 pm as we enter Election.
Billy knows the bouncer, so we don’t have to pay the cover at least. Sean and Ryan disappear the moment we’re in. I suppose they’re going to buy drugs for the whole night.

Ava meets a friend; I’ve never seen him before. And in the end Billy and Brody vanish to the bar to get some drinks.

So here I am... at Election... all alone.

I look around. Looks like there’s no sign of the Bandits... yet. Without thinking about it I climb up on one of the platforms and start to dance. Since I was a young girl I’ve dreamed about being on stage – to sing and to dance. I know it’s only a fantasy, but those dreams keep me from going crazy these days.

Billy and I met here for the first time, when Sean introduced us. I can still remember that day clearly. Billy looked at me, his gaze assessing… he flirted with me the whole night - and I flirted right back. Well, he’s a good looking guy, I was alone and I didn’t know him at the time. I wish I had.

I dance and dance without stopping, losing myself for at least an hour. I’ve even forgotten my worries for a while. So much the worse because I’m shocked when I see the Bandits assembled together at the entrance.

I try to carry it off without showing any emotion. Maybe they have no desire to argue and beat us up?

I keep on dancing, but the lightness is gone now. I don’t look up, but I still know: He’s watching me. RATH is watching me.

I can feel his eyes on me, trailing over my body.

It gives me the willies and so I jump from the platform and push my way through to the bar, searching for the last of the money in my pockets to at least buy a water. Then I sit down on a stool, keeping an eye on the others.

Billy stands on the dance floor with a buxom blond – maybe twenty meters away from me. He’s flirting with her, one of his hands on her hip. And then – in a single blow – they’re kissing.

I don’t feel jealous – only humiliated, because everyone knows that I’m his girlfriend and he doesn’t give a shit about me and my feelings.

Tears are flooding my eyes. Why? Why’s he kissing another girl in front of me? Why am I nothing to him?

I turn away from them, but instead I meet Rath’s gaze. He’s looking at me knowingly. I can practically hear his thoughts: Look at your loser-boyfriend. He’s cheating on you.

Then Rath breaks through the crowded dance floor – in Billy’s direction.

Suddenly the blinders fall from my eyes: The buxom blond ... she’s Kyle’s little sister Megan.


I stare at them in disbelief.

Damn it!

Does Billy even know who he’s kissing out there? I know Megan from school, but Billy has no friggin’ idea. I can very well imagine that Kyle instigated his sister’s participation on purpose, to tease Billy. Just so the Bandits have a reason to pick a new fight.

I watch Max and Kyle rushing in Billy’s direction. They show no concern as they push other patrons away to get to him. Megan steps aside with a big, ugly grin on her face, the same grin I often see on her brother’s face.

Kyle lunges out and hits Billy, who’s baffled by the unexpected fist in his face. Billy stumbles backwards as blood trickles down from the corner of his mouth.

“You bastard!” Kyle screams over the music. “Take your filthy hands off my sister!”

At that moment, Ryan and Sean appear, only Brody is missing. Maybe he dragged some woman off earlier.

Kyle collars Sean right off the bat and they begin to beat the living hell out of each other.

Max on the other hand grabs Ryan and throws him to the ground.

Billy finally gathers his wits. He wants to go for Max, but suddenly Rath appears out of nowhere. I don’t know how he always does that.

He grabs Billy with brute force and presses him to the wall. After all, Brody arrives – he gives Rath a clip in such a way that his bottom lip starts to bleed.

Rath wipes the blood away with his hand, his expression unchanging.

Luckily, some bouncer stops the fight and Billy brings all of the members of the Hurricanes together. He knows that the five-oh will appear soon. It’s not the first time that something like this has happened.

“Maria! Come on, let’s take off!” Sean screams. His right eye is already swollen badly. He grips my arm and pulls me away. Puzzled I look back again...

… and meet Rath’s dark gaze once more tonight.


We had luck on our side; the police didn’t get a hold of us.

I’m sitting on my bed at home now, covering my body with a blanket, but I’m still so cold. I’ll sleep in jeans and a hoodie tonight, on the off chance that I can sleep.

All I can see through the window is a big, ugly mural and a small, dark alley. But when I lean forward, so that my cheek almost touches the pane, I can see a small piece of the sky.

Why does Billy hurt me all the time? Why do I let him hurt me? Why did Rath observe me the whole night?

Could my life get any worse?

It could….



Re: Streets of New York (AU/CC/M&M/Adult) Pt. 3 11/09/08 Pg.2

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 11:11 am
by candysteffi

Sunday again :)

And I just have to make a comment . . . two minutes? Two minutes?! Billy doesn't exactly have a whole lot of stamina there, does he? Loser.
LOL, right.

You don´t have to worry too much about the last comment. :) Promised.

crazy: I hate Billy, too, so I think it´s pretty normal that you don´t like him. :)
You´ll figure out what Rath is thinking after a while, I guess.

Here is the new part. Thanks for the FB :)

Part 4

Abducted October 31st, 2007 – Wednesday - 8.05 am


Within seconds I´m out of my bed; it’s already after 8:00 am – I slept in ... again. I storm into the bathroom to refresh myself at least. Then I run out of the flat.

I arrive at the subway station two minutes late.

“Fuck!” I rail. Now I have to wait another ten minutes.

I look around, checking to see if there is a free bench anywhere to relax from the run. But instead of that I come face to face with Kyle and Alex. My heart stops beating for several seconds.

“What took you so long, snatch? We waited here for ages!” Kyle looks at me annoyed, chewing his gum like a camel.

“What do you want? Are you such a wuss, that you have to always badger the women of the Hurricanes? I´m not the one who beat you black and blue yesterday”, I snap.

He sneers. “Your boyfriend badgered my sister – so we´re gonna badger his girlfriend.” He points a finger at me.

“You´re comin’ with us now,” he demands.

Alex and Kyle grasp my arms and drag me along with them.

“Let me go! Somebody help me!” I scream my head off, the people only stare at us.

Nobody is going to help me.


They brought me to an apartment - I think it´s Kyle´s – and then left again.

I sit restrained to a chair and try to untie myself, but it doesn´t work – my wrists are already sore.

Hours pass by and nothing happens, it has to be late afternoon already. I’m tired and cold – my muscles ache because I can´t move on this damn chair.

Suddenly I hear a sound coming from outside. A key is turned in the lock and then the door springs open. Immediately, I panic.

It´s Kyle and he´s alone...

“Honey, I´m home,” he singsongs and looks at me lustfully.

God, I wanna throw up!

“Fuck you!” I hiss back.

He releases me from the chair and drags me along with him until he pushes me onto the couch.

He bends over me: “This time we´re alone – nobody can help you, DeLuca.”

At one go he rips my top open, next he fumbles with the buttons of my pants. I try to shove him away with all my might, but he´s too strong and my hands are still bound behind my back.

I panic, I want to prevent it.

Kyle lays down on top of me, so that I barely can move and breathe. His hot breath touches my neck.

“Leave me alone, asshole!” I scream, tears running down my cheeks.

My pulse quickens, I take a deep breath one more time and then... with the last of my strength... I ram my knee into his soft tissue.

He squeals and falls down to the floor curled in pain.

I try to get up from the couch quickly, but as I stand upright Kyle grabs my ankle and pushes me off my feet.

My head slams against a table

...and then I black out.


I come round quickly.

“What the hell's going on?“ someone yells.

I open my eyes slowly. The whole gang stands in the room.

Rath lifts me up from the floor. My head is spinning and I have to hold onto him, otherwise I would fall down again. I feel blood rushing down my face.

“Didn´t I tell you once before to satisfy your sex drive on someone else?” Rath snaps at Kyle.

“Once before?” Max asks puzzled.

Rath nods.”Yeah, he tried once already, huh?” A grin flashes over his face. “But apparently, she knows how to protect herself.” He points his finger at Kyle, who is still kneeling on the floor.

“Damn, Kyle! Do you want us to end up in jail for rape? You were supposed to just bring her here!” Max sounds really pissed.

“Take care of her!” he tells his girlfried and moves her in my direction.

She takes my hand and drags me along to the kitchen. She is in high spirits, mumbling things to herself.

“It wasn´t planned like this”, she says and shakes her head energetically.

“I’m Liz.” Her voice sounds soft. “Sit down in that chair, I´ll get you some water.”

She walks around the kitchen and then gives me a glass of tap water. We exchange glances, then she looks away guilty.

Girl, I know it´s not your fault.

“Maybe you could do up the buttons of my jeans and arrange my top a little bit?” I ask her, ashamed.

“Yeah, of course!”

The moment she finishes, Max enters the kitchen.

“Max!” she cries out and throws herself into his arms.

He gives her a small kiss on her forehead, then they go back to the livingroom and I sit in the kitchen in silence.

Don’t cry! Don’t let them see your weakness.


Suddenly the door opens again and Rath enters the kitchen. He positions himself in front of me and crouches down on his haunches.

“Let´s have a look at the cut on your face.”

He studies the wound, which is over my right eye, for a moment.

“It doesn´t have to be stitched”, he decides.

As if you would know.

“Is there any more to it?” I ask annoyed. “You want to rape and kill me? Well, just go for it!” I let out my frustration – and reveal my fear.

“Relax, blondie!” Rath stymies me.

“We´ll just hold you here for a few days to drive Billy crazy and then you´ll go home alive.”

He starts to leave the kitchen.

“Don´t leave me alone with Kyle!” I whisper to myself desperatly, but – to my surprise - he hears it.

Rath stares at me thoughtfully, but before he can say anything, Lonnie enters the room and studies me.

“Well, Kyle did a great job as usual!” she says ironically.

Max and Liz come to the kitchen again.

“So, what´s next?” Lonnie asks.

“We stay calm today. They have to realize that she´s gone first – could take a while, they´re idiots. But anyway... don´t go out alone tonight, that’d be too risky,” Max instructs everyone.

Kyle comes into the room, hobbling.

“You´ll hear from me, bitch”, he warns me.

Rath blocks him with his arm and slightly shoves him back to the livingroom. “Relax, dude!”

Then he turns to Max: “I´ll take the Hurricane chick to my place. He’s liable to kill her the moment we leave.” He makes a gesture with his head in Kyle’s direction.

Max and Liz nod in agreement, and Lonnie looks at him seeming a little pissed.

Then all eyes are focused on me.

Here I am... alone again.



Re: Streets of New York (AU/CC/M&M/Adult) Pt. 4 11/16/08 Pg.2

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 9:58 am
by candysteffi

April: Yes, Maria is with the enemy now;) But maybe it won´t turn out that bad :)


Part 5

We sit in a car: Rath in the drivers’ seat, Lonnie next to him and I´m in the backseat. My hands are still bound behind my back.

Rath glances at me in the rearview mirror every now and then. As Lonnie realizes it, she uses the integrated mirror in the lens hood to stare at me with her black-framed eyes.

I don´t want to know what she’s thinkin’ about.

I try to slide down a little bit, unnoticed. I feel really awful, I can hardly keep my eyes open. How can I think about sleeping at a moment like this?

Ten minutes later...

We arrive at a parking lot in front of a high and old building.

I try to imagine Rath´s flat and I´m sure, it´ll be worse than my own home. Cold, small, and filthy. Probably with lots of posters of naked women on the walls and when you open the door, you’ll be able to hear the mice, creeping back into the cracks. I get goose bumps from the thoughts alone.

I run out of steam as we go up the stairs - Rath has to pull me after him. He lives on the top floor; I lean on the wall gasping while he tries to find his keys.

“What is taking so long?” Lonnie asks, annoyed. She rolls her eyes.

“Whatever!” Rath answers, uncaring.


I can’t believe me eyes as the door to Rath´s apartment opens. We enter and already stand in a huge living-sleeping-room combination. There is a bright, fluffy carpet on the floor.

There is also a black leather sofa, the matching armchair and a flat-screen TV in the living room part. The huge bed is seperated by a shelf from the rest of the room. At the other side there is the kitchen, shielded by a counter and some bar stools.

Rath kicks the door shut and leads me to one of the stools.

“Sit down,” he orders and then goes into the next room, which I guess would be the bath.

Lonnie turns on some music, but she keeps her eyes glued to me. She really scares me...

Rath comes back to the living room, plops down on the couch and takes a magazine from the table in front of him. Lonnie slips onto his lap and attacks his neck with her lips without warning. He ditches the magazine and his hands go directly to her ass.

Urgh! Like animals! Hey, I´m still here! I don´t want to see this!

“Do you really have to do THIS now?” I ask tetchy.

“Shut up!” Lonnie spits.

“I won’t! I don’t want to see this!” I snap back.

She rises to her feet and looks at me angrily.

“This bitch is ruining the mood”, she says to Rath. “I’m outta here. Have fun”, she adds sarcastically and gives me a threatening look.

Within seconds she´s gone and I sigh with relief.

Rath watches me from the sofa.

“Don´t stare at me!” I snap, because I´m so pissed right now.

He raises his eyebrows. “Your name’s Maria, right?”

I nod.

“Well, Maria, I think you´re not in any position to be giving orders here,” he declares coolly.

I ignore his comment and continue: “What´s your real name? Nobody would call their son Rath!”

“As far as you’re concerned, my name is Rath!” he says.

I roll my eyes. “Fine...! So how long do I have to sit here? My wrists hurt; can’t you untie me at least?”

“Can´t you just shut up? I don´t want to make small talk.” He mutters.

“Too bad! You kidnapped me.... so deal with it!”

Suddenly he stands up and walks over to me.

Well, when I think twice... maybe you can just sit down again, okay?

This guy really freaks me out. I look at the ground when he stands right in front of me. One of his hands is shoved into his pants pocket as he searches for something there.

I cringe when I see what he pulls out... a knife.

“Relax, blondie!” he says with an outrageous grin and cuts the bonds on my wrists.

Then he goes to the front door, locks it and sticks the key in his pants pocket.

No worries! I won´t willingly try to get them from there!


I don’t know how long I sit on that damn chair. I´m bored, hungry and very pissed.

“Can I ask you something?” I look at Rath, who sits at the sofa watching TV.

“No!” he answers coldly.

“What´s the point of all this?” I snap.

“I thought I said no?!” Rath furrows his brow.

“Just one question, okay? What do you guys expect to get from this kidnapping thing?”

He shrugs. “It was Max’s idea. He wants to provoke Billy... so logically, his girlfriend would be the best tool.”

I laugh out loud, the sound sardonic. “Yeah... maybe you think so. But believe me, you won´t get much success with that. He doesn’t care if I’m with him or not.”

Rath grins. “Billy’s an arrogant guy; this’ll injure his pride. Even if he doesn’t normally give a shit about you.”

His words hurt me, because it´s the truth.

“That’s ridiculous!” I deny.

He looks at me as if he wants to say: Come on! It‘s blindingly obvious!

But instead he says: “Well, if you say so… even better!”

Great! Now I’m angry more than ever!

“What’re all these adolescent antics really about? I can’t stand to hear that shit anymore! ‘That´s our territory – Fuck off, or else we’ll beat the living daylights out of you!’ I wonder, how all of you can have so much rage without any reason?!”

I see the ironic grin on his face as Rath shakes his head slightly.

“What?” I almost scream.

“None of those losers have ever told you, right?”

It’s all Greek to me.

“What the hell do you mean?” I ask furiously.

“There was a fight at the basektball court almost two and a half years ago. Max, his little brother Danny, Kyle and I were playing, when your friend Billy and two of the other freaks arrived. They started to provoke us and accused Max of stealing some money – of course it wasn´t true. Billy was only looking for a reason to punish somebody. He went for Max, but Danny got between them when Billy pulled a knife out of his pocket. Billy shoved him at the street – and Danny was hit by a car.”

Rath grimaces at the bitter memory.

“He died in Max’s arms moments later,” he adds quietly.

I look at him in disbelief, my body quivering.

“So it’s Billy’s fault, that Max’s brother died,” I whisper uncertainly.

“Yeah. And he got out of it with two years on probation. That´s absurd! That day changed everything. Max hates Billy… and I hate him because Max hates him.”

He pauses a moment and then Rath leans forward and looks squarely into my eyes – I have the feeling he can see my darkest secrets.

“Oh,... I destroyed your perfect little world now, right?”

“Shut up!” I scream. “You know absolutely nothing about me or my life, so don’t you dare judge it!”

I’m sick. Could it be true? I don´t want to believe it.

Am I the girlfriend of a …. killer?


It’s almost 7:00 pm and I´m still sitting on that chair.

“Do I have to sleep while sitting on this chair tonight?” I ask Rath, pissed.

He shrugs. “Depends on your behavior!”

I stare at him open-mouthed. “My behavior? What´s that supposed to mean?”

“Well, if you’re gonna be bitchy like now, you can sleep on that chair, otherwise maybe you’ll get the couch.”

“I´m only bitchy because my ass hurts and I´m pissed and bored and annoyed... oh yeah and I´m cold because some jerk ripped my shirt. Should I go on?” I look at him rebelliously.

He sighs and runs his hand over his face.

“Fine!” He stands up and walks to a wardrobe.

“Here!” He tosses a shirt in my lap. “You can have a shower; towels are in the bathroom. I’m gonna go get a pizza.”

I nod, but hate that he bullies me... but a shower and pizza... there´s nothing I should complain about, nothing at all.

So I plop down on the chair and practically run to the bathroom.

I can´t wait to feel the warm water running down my skin, so I rip off my clothes in a matter seconds. A little moan escapes my mouth, as the first drops run down my face.

“Awesome!” I mumble to myself.


I get back into my clothes after at least 15 minutes in the shower. Rath´s shirt is much too big, but it’s better than my ripped top.

He´s still gone, when I go back to the living room. Maybe I should try to escape? But how?

The front door... locked – what else?! It´s a strong door, no chance for me to it get through it with violence.

No fire escape.

Way too high to jump out of the window.

Well, I´m trapped I I can´t do anything about that.

I go to the leather couch and sit down. That´s much better than the damn chair over there.
A magazine on the table catches my attention. It´s a TV paper, but I´m only interested in the delivery address.

“Michael Guerin”, I read out loud, my voice quiet.

So his real name is Michael – sounds much better than Rath to me.

The moment I put the magazine back, he walks in.

“Make yourself at home”, he hisses, as he notices me on his couch.

“Okay, MICHAEL”, I cheer in my sweetest voice and act as if I don’t hear the sarcasm.

He looks at me puzzled, but then he spots the magazine. Without saying anything else, he puts the pizza on the table and drops down into the armchair.

We sit there in silence for a while, eating the pizza. I can´t remember the last time I have eaten something like this. It tastes so good, and I’m almost sated.

“You don´t seem that disappointed about your situation here.” Michael notices.

“Well, I can´t escape anyway, so...” I try to hide my insecurity, because he´s right. I can´t shower at home, I don’t have anything to eat, it´s damn cold in my room... and I don´t like hanging around with Billy at all.

“You can´t fool me, girl. I know how Billy usually treats you,” he says directly.

I lean back and gaze into my lap.

“Is it that evident?” I whisper. I don´t want him to know so much about my life; I am ashamed of it.

“Well, I’ve known Billy for a very long time. Why’d you become a member of his gang anyway? You’re not a member from the beginning – as far as I know.”

“Sean – my cousin – initiated me. I had no other friends and so I joined them.”

“Not the smartest decision of your life, huh?” Michael looks at me quizzically.

“Maybe not”, I confess quietly and try to look at him. “At least, as long as I´m in his gang, he won´t beat up on me and my lip won’t look like yours.” I gesture to his swollen bottom lip.

“I wouldn’t count on that!” he tells me, his tone one of warning.

Then he gets to his feet and disappears in the bathroom, leaving me flustered on the couch.



Re: Streets of New York (AU/CC/M&M/Adult) Pt. 5 11/23/08 Pg.2

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 11:06 am
by candysteffi
Hi eveyone!

April: Yes, Maria can kind of enjoy the kidnapping, cause she get things she doesn´t get at home :)

Candyland: I know, Maria´s life is kind of really sad right now, but at least Michael will treat her better than Billy.

crazysnape: Thanks :) Yes, it is sad, but someday it will be better, promised.

Thanks everyone, here´s the next part:


Part 6

Within seconds the door to the bathroom opens again.

“Come in here!” Michael orders.

I look at him in horror. “WHAT?”

“I said: Come – in – here!”

“I understood what you said! But why? I can´t escape anyway.”

“But you could lock me in here, if you’re smart.”

“I won´t!”

“Well, I don´t trust you. So get you ass in here or do I have to catch you?!”

I roll my eyes. “Fine, I’m coming.”

I enter the bathroom and he locks the door behind me.

“You´re showering with me!” he says to the key in his hand and then he looks at me. “Sit down on the edge of the tub.”

“Don´t tell me what I should do!”

He gives me a warning glare – and I sit down as I was told.

“I won´t look away,” I declare. Maybe he won´t strip down to nothing in front of me and I can go back to the living room.

He shrugs. “You don´t have to.”

Then he takes off his shirt. I hold my breath when I see his sixpack and the well-conditioned upper arms. God, I have to admit it: He’s sexy. How would it feel like to lay my hand on his chest?

I shift slightly and look away. I can´t do this! I can´t allow myself to be attracted to Michael Guerin – the enemy.

“I thought you wouldn’t look away,” he says smugly.

“It´s too disgusting!” I answer way too quickly.

“I don´t buy that, DeLuca.”

I look at hm again and try to hide a gasp, as I realize, that he stands in front of me wearing only his boxers.

“I’ve seen better!”


He smiles at me knowingly. “Maybe next time we could shower together?”

“What?” I squeak.

He laughs but doesn´t repeat himself.


Fortunately, I survived in the bathroom and I´m sitting on the couch now.

Michael sits in the armchair and rolls a cigarette. I watch his every move carefully. His hands are beautiful and I can´t ignore the temptation to imagine the feeling of his touch on my skin.

Would it be soft and tender?

No male had touched me gently – ever! I can’t even believe that I’m allowing myself to think about him touching me. It´s so wrong and it´s so ... not me!

I shiver and try to block out those thoughts about him.

“Are you cold?” He had noticed the gooseflesh creeping up on my bare arms.

“Just a little bit,” I lie.

Actually I was just having some sexual thougts about you.

“You want a pullover?” He asks while looking at me and leaning back.

I nod.

Instead of going to his locker and catch one, he pulls the one he is wearing over his head and hands it to me. I put it on and have to resist the urge to inhale his scent.

“Can I ask you someting?” I try to look at him.

“Depends on your question!” he responds.

“Why are you so nice to me? ... Well, not nice by any means, but you haven´t hurt me physically and you didn’t make me sit on that chair the whole day... You´re not like... some of the others in your gang.”

Apparently, he has to think about it a few moments. “Well, first, I wouldn’t hurt any female physically. Well, unless she has a weapon and tries to kill me. Second,” he leans forward and stares into my eyes, “tell me if I’m wrong, but I think you hate Billy as much as I hate him.”

Michael faces me quizzically. “I´m right, ain´t I?”

I can´t say anything, because I´m too shocked. How does he know me so well? I haven´t talked to him about my life or anything personal – but he seems to be aware of everything.

“I... I have to go to the bathroom.” I croak and leave without hesistation.


I came out of the bathroom a few minutes ago.

“It´s late. I´m going to bed now”, Michael decides. “I’ve gotta tie you up somewhere.”

I look at him in horror and see the handcuffs at the floor. “What? I’m not a dog!” I say outraged.

“You´re a Hurricane, and I don´t trust you.”

“I won´t try to escape or to kill you – I promise.” I mention glibly.

“As I said: I don´t trust you, now give me your wrist,” he orders.

“NO!” I scream back.

He sighs and stands up, reaching for the handcuffs. “Don´t be bitchy again.”

“Well, then don’t be an asshole.”

“Give me your damn wrist.”

“Fuck you.” I yell and hide my arms behind my back.

“Fine.” He tosses the cuffs on the table and I can feel the triumph for a second, until he grabs me and tosses me over his shoulder in a fireman’s carry.

“What are you doing?” I shout. “Let me go!” I beat my fists against his back.

“Make up your mind: Either you let me tie you up or you’ll stay in the bathroom the whole night and you can sleep on the cold floor.”

I give up. “All right, fine. Tie me up, jerk!”

He flings me back on the couch rudely. I hear the ‘click’ of the cuffs on my wrist, then another ‘click’ – he tied me at the heating pipe. Michael walks to his bed and gets me a pillow and a blanket. “Sleep well”, he tells me in a harsh voice.

Screw you, son of a bitch!

Second day of abduction November 1st, 2007 – Thursday - 7:30 am

I wake up when I hear noise coming from the kitchen. I try to stretch out a little bit and the memory of my cuffed wrist and my whole situation comes back abruptly.

“Morning!” Michael says, his tone snippy as he unties me and hands me a cup of coffee. “I’m leaving for work soon. So go to the bathroom, it´s your last chance to pee until late afternoon.”

“What? Are you serious? Won’t work!” I snap.

“It has to!” He remains cool.


Michael is gone. “I’ll be back at 5:00 pm. Don’t bother screaming – nobody will hear you. Max and Liz live one floor under me, downstairs there’s an old man who can barely hear anything and the rest of the house is empty,” he tells me and gives me a bottle of water, a candy bar, some magazines and the remote for the TV.

It’s only around lunchtime and I’m already bored to death. I can’t move very much with my newly-cuffed wrists, so my ass hurts and my body is getting stiff. I’ve tried to sleep some more, but it didn´t work.

Suddenly I hear sound coming from behind the front door. A key is turned in the lock.

What if it´s Kyle?

I try to stay calm, but my heart is racing.

The door opens slowly.

I sigh... it´s only Liz.


“Hey, Maria,” she greets me with a shy voice.

“Hey,” I respond, still a little unsure.

“How are you?” She takes a seat in the armchair.

I shrug. “How would you feel if you were being held captive?”

She looks at the floor guiltily.

I pull myself together. “Okay, listen! I know it´s not your fault, Liz. I don’t blame you for this. I´m just pissed about the situation, but it´s got nothing to do with you.”

She lifts her head slightly and smiles. “Michael asked me to look after you and see if you needed anything.”

“So basically, he asked you to be my nanny, so that I don’t get into trouble.”

She shakes her head. “No, and you can’t escape anyway. He just didn´t want you to be alone here the whole day.” Liz looks at me seriously. “He’s on your side. I know, sometimes he´s kind of rough, but you don´t have to be afraid of him. Max doesn´t know that I´m here with you, he wouldn´t be pleased. Well, never mind! I brought you something to eat. It’s homemade pasta. Are you hungry?”

I nod. “Oh, yeah, I’m starving.”

She laughs. “Okay, I’ll warm it up in the microwave.”

After a minute she comes back with a big plate of pasta.

“Yum! That´s tasty, Liz.”

“I´m glad you like it. Max loves it.” Her eyes start to glow as she says his name.

“You are really in love with him, huh?” I try to hide my jealousy.

She grins dreamily and starts to gush, “Yes, I’ve never felt so much love for someone else. He makes me feel special. Suddenly, my life makes sense. I gave up my family and my freinds for him, because they were against us. But I don´t regret my decision. I would do anything for him, and I know he would do everything for me.”

Then she stops, maybe shocked by her own honesty.

I try to smile encouragingly. “You should consider yourself lucky, Liz!” My voice almost breaks.

“What about you? Do you feel the same when you’re with Billy?”

I stare at her in disbelief. My eyes water as I shake my head carefully.

Quickly, she tries to change the subject. “I have to go now. I´m working at a restaurant called the ‘Crashdown’. My shift starts in 30 minutes.”

She takes the empty plate from the table and carries it to the sink.

“Liz...” I call after her as she reaches the door.

She turns around to look at me.

“Thank you... you know... for the company and the food.”

She smiles at me. “You´re welcome. See you.”



Re: Streets of New York (AU/CC/M&M/Adult) Pt. 6 11/30/08 Pg.2

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 8:12 am
by candysteffi

And I really enjoyed that last part with Maria and Liz. Liz is so in love with Max. No matter how bad it gets, it seems like they still have each other; whereas, Maria and Billy . . . not so much.
Hm... maybe Maria will find someone new :) There is already the "sexual chemistry", like you called it ;)

Candyland: Lol, Maria will be cuffed in this part... agan, but maybe in e better way?! :)


Part 7

It’s 5:07 pm, when the door swungs open and Michael walks in wearing a pair of coveralls and his face is covered in patches of grime.

“Hi!” He greets me in passing and disappears into the bath.

I can hear him in the shower. A few minutes later he comes back to the living room wearing only his boxers. I have to choke back a gasp and look away. “You could have warned me at least.” I try to sound disgusted.

“What for? Seems to me that you like what you see!”

Damn it. I’m too obvious.

“You wish!”

He gets dressed and comes over to me. Finally, he unties me and I´m free!!! Well, not really free, but at least I can walk around.

First, I have to pee. I run to the bathroom.

Second, I do some exercises in the living room.

“What’re you doing?”

“I’m trying to loosen my muscles, jackass.”

“Get back on the couch,” he orders.

“I was on that couch all day,” I shout.

“The others are gonna be here in a few minutes,” he explains.

I´m terrified. “When you said the others, did that include...” My voice trails off into nothing.

“Kyle? Sure!”

“Oh!” I whisper.

He seems to notice my panic. “He won´t touch you.”

I face him doubtfully.

“I promise,” Michael affirms in a softer voice.


One hour later...

I’m tied up again!

Michael believes it would be better to act as if I’m tied up even when he’s home, while the other Bandits are at his place. They sit around the bar in the kitchen and talk about their plans for this evening.

“I don´t think the Hurricanes have even noticed that one of their own is missing,” Max says.

“Idiots!” Lonnie mutters.

“Losers!” Michael agrees.

“Well, I wouldn´t give a shit about that bitch, either,” Kyle hisses and moves in my direction.

“Don´t even think about it, Kyle!” Michael tells him and holds on to his shoulder.

“What are you? Her bodyguard?” Kyle snaps back, pissed.

“I’m just saving you from prison,” Michael hisses.

“Stop it!” Max intervenes. “Let’s go to the basketball court and cool down!”


It’s almost 8 o´clock in the evening when Michael comes back alone. I´m pissed, no, I´m very pissed, because I’ve sat here for the last three hours... alone... tied...bored...

“Hey,” He greets me quietly.

“Whatever,” I mutter.

“Are you hungry?”

“Fuck you!”

He looks at me and has the nerve to look puzzled. “Bitchy again?”

“Shut up! You left me alone again. I was alone the entire day and I can´t even move. I´m bored shitless.”

He sits down on the table in front of me. “DeLuca, listen carefully! You’re kidnapped, okay? You have nothing to complain about! Actually you could be a little more grateful, because I brought you to my place instead of leaving you at Kyle’s like it was planned. You could’ve watched TV the whole day and slept on the couch. I let you walk around when I´m home and you can shower if you want. Have you ever heard of a hostage having the freedoms I’ve offered you? I don´t think Billy would be so generous with someone from our gang, what do you think?”

“No,” I answer grudgingly.

“Good girl!” he says with a grin.

I roll my eyes but stay quiet. He pulls the key out of his pants pocket and opens the handcuffs. The moment he sits up again, I spot a blue bruise on his left cheek. I take his chin in my hand and turn his head slightly until I have a better view of the swelling.

OMG! What am I doing? I´m touching him!

My heartbeat increases with the realization. “What happened?”

Michael gently removes my hand from his face. His fingers touch my skin a moment longer than necessary.

“We met your gang at the park and Max antagonized Billy. He asked him some questions about you and hinted about your abduction.”

“So, now they know that you kidnaped me?”

He shrugs. “Not for sure. But if he’s not totally brainless he knows how the story goes.”

“... and he hit you, not Max?”

Michael scratches his eyebrow. “Well, I said something he didn´t like.”

“What was it?”

“Never mind. So again, are you hungry?”

“Sure!” As if by command, my stomach starts to growl and he goes into the kitchen, leaving me puzzled. What did he say to Billy?

“I brought some Chinese food.”


“Do you want the roasted noodles with chicken or duck?”

“That’s a tough call! Well, umm...!”

He sighs. “DeLuca, you’re insane! Let´s change halfway through, okay?”

“Yes!” I squeak with delight, clapping.


An hour later...

We sit on the couch watching TV, but the movie isn´t very interesting. I catch myself watching Michael instead of the tube. I don´t want to, but I can´t help myself.

His cheek is getting bluer and bluer. It has to hurt like hell although it seems like he doesn’t care.

“Do you have some ice cubes?”

“Yeah, why?”

I don´t answer him, but stand up and walk into the kitchen. I take some ice cubes out of the freezer and wrap them in a kitchen towel. Then I return to the couch, sit down next to Michael and softly press the cold fabric against his cheek.

He closes his eyes and furrows his brow.

“What’re you doin’?” he asks quietly.

“Cooling your cheek – it’s swollen.”

“It’s not that bad.”

“Believe me, it is!”

“If you say so. I’ll take it from here.” He slowly takes the towel from me. “Take care after you´re free, okay?” he implores after a moment of silence. “Maria, look at me. I´m serious, you have to get away from him.”

“You can’t get out of a gang easily. What am I supposed to say to him? Oh sorry, but I don´t want to hang around with you anymore. It doesn’t work like that and you know it!”

He groans. “You have to at least try, okay?”

I nod. “I will.”

“Well,” he scratches his eyebrow again, “I think I´m gonna sleep now.”

“So you’re gonna handcuff me again, right?”

“You wouldn´t sleep very well – tied on the couch I mean, huh?” He looks at me pensively.

“Maybe not.”

“You wanna sleep in the bed with me? It’s big enough.”

My gaze slides to his bed. “But you can´t ‘cuff me there.”

He shrugs, “I’ll ‘cuff us together.”


“You prefer this?” He motions to the sofa.

“NO,” I answer way too quickly.

He grins knowingly. "I thought so."


Some minutes later...

We are lying in his bed now – cuffed together, but I feel comfortable. The mattress is smooth and cushy. It’s so much better than the couch... or my bed at home.

“Do you have enough room?” Michael asks.

“More than enough. Thank you.” I can´t help myself; the whole situation is really kind of weird.

Think about it! I’m lying in bed... with HIM – my supposed-to-be enemy, but I´m not scared or pissed or uncomfortable. What the hell is going on?

“How can you afford this flat? And all the other things here?” I ask Michael.

“DeLuca!” he mutters. “I want to sleep now.”

“But I’m not tired. I didn´t do anything today.”

He breathes out. “I’m working, okay? I earn money so I can pay the rent.”

“But this apartment has to be expensive.”



“What? No. Stop talking now.”

“What’s your job?”

He gives me a warning glare.

“It´s the last question, okay?”

“I’m working at an auto shop as a mechanic.”

“So you can steal cars?”

“I don’t steal cars.”

“But you could.”

“Shut up now or I’ll kick you out of my bed!”



Re: Streets of New York (AU/CC/M&M/Adult) Pt. 6 11/30/08 Pg.2

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 8:12 am
by candysteffi

And I really enjoyed that last part with Maria and Liz. Liz is so in love with Max. No matter how bad it gets, it seems like they still have each other; whereas, Maria and Billy . . . not so much.
Hm... maybe Maria will find someone new :) There is already the "sexual chemistry", like you called it ;)

Candyland: Lol, Maria will be cuffed in this part... agan, but maybe in e better way?! :)


Part 7

It’s 5:07 pm, when the door swungs open and Michael walks in wearing a pair of coveralls and his face is covered in patches of grime.

“Hi!” He greets me in passing and disappears into the bath.

I can hear him in the shower. A few minutes later he comes back to the living room wearing only his boxers. I have to choke back a gasp and look away. “You could have warned me at least.” I try to sound disgusted.

“What for? Seems to me that you like what you see!”

Damn it. I’m too obvious.

“You wish!”

He gets dressed and comes over to me. Finally, he unties me and I´m free!!! Well, not really free, but at least I can walk around.

First, I have to pee. I run to the bathroom.

Second, I do some exercises in the living room.

“What’re you doing?”

“I’m trying to loosen my muscles, jackass.”

“Get back on the couch,” he orders.

“I was on that couch all day,” I shout.

“The others are gonna be here in a few minutes,” he explains.

I´m terrified. “When you said the others, did that include...” My voice trails off into nothing.

“Kyle? Sure!”

“Oh!” I whisper.

He seems to notice my panic. “He won´t touch you.”

I face him doubtfully.

“I promise,” Michael affirms in a softer voice.


One hour later...

I’m tied up again!

Michael believes it would be better to act as if I’m tied up even when he’s home, while the other Bandits are at his place. They sit around the bar in the kitchen and talk about their plans for this evening.

“I don´t think the Hurricanes have even noticed that one of their own is missing,” Max says.

“Idiots!” Lonnie mutters.

“Losers!” Michael agrees.

“Well, I wouldn´t give a shit about that bitch, either,” Kyle hisses and moves in my direction.

“Don´t even think about it, Kyle!” Michael tells him and holds on to his shoulder.

“What are you? Her bodyguard?” Kyle snaps back, pissed.

“I’m just saving you from prison,” Michael hisses.

“Stop it!” Max intervenes. “Let’s go to the basketball court and cool down!”


It’s almost 8 o´clock in the evening when Michael comes back alone. I´m pissed, no, I´m very pissed, because I’ve sat here for the last three hours... alone... tied...bored...

“Hey,” He greets me quietly.

“Whatever,” I mutter.

“Are you hungry?”

“Fuck you!”

He looks at me and has the nerve to look puzzled. “Bitchy again?”

“Shut up! You left me alone again. I was alone the entire day and I can´t even move. I´m bored shitless.”

He sits down on the table in front of me. “DeLuca, listen carefully! You’re kidnapped, okay? You have nothing to complain about! Actually you could be a little more grateful, because I brought you to my place instead of leaving you at Kyle’s like it was planned. You could’ve watched TV the whole day and slept on the couch. I let you walk around when I´m home and you can shower if you want. Have you ever heard of a hostage having the freedoms I’ve offered you? I don´t think Billy would be so generous with someone from our gang, what do you think?”

“No,” I answer grudgingly.

“Good girl!” he says with a grin.

I roll my eyes but stay quiet. He pulls the key out of his pants pocket and opens the handcuffs. The moment he sits up again, I spot a blue bruise on his left cheek. I take his chin in my hand and turn his head slightly until I have a better view of the swelling.

OMG! What am I doing? I´m touching him!

My heartbeat increases with the realization. “What happened?”

Michael gently removes my hand from his face. His fingers touch my skin a moment longer than necessary.

“We met your gang at the park and Max antagonized Billy. He asked him some questions about you and hinted about your abduction.”

“So, now they know that you kidnaped me?”

He shrugs. “Not for sure. But if he’s not totally brainless he knows how the story goes.”

“... and he hit you, not Max?”

Michael scratches his eyebrow. “Well, I said something he didn´t like.”

“What was it?”

“Never mind. So again, are you hungry?”

“Sure!” As if by command, my stomach starts to growl and he goes into the kitchen, leaving me puzzled. What did he say to Billy?

“I brought some Chinese food.”


“Do you want the roasted noodles with chicken or duck?”

“That’s a tough call! Well, umm...!”

He sighs. “DeLuca, you’re insane! Let´s change halfway through, okay?”

“Yes!” I squeak with delight, clapping.


An hour later...

We sit on the couch watching TV, but the movie isn´t very interesting. I catch myself watching Michael instead of the tube. I don´t want to, but I can´t help myself.

His cheek is getting bluer and bluer. It has to hurt like hell although it seems like he doesn’t care.

“Do you have some ice cubes?”

“Yeah, why?”

I don´t answer him, but stand up and walk into the kitchen. I take some ice cubes out of the freezer and wrap them in a kitchen towel. Then I return to the couch, sit down next to Michael and softly press the cold fabric against his cheek.

He closes his eyes and furrows his brow.

“What’re you doin’?” he asks quietly.

“Cooling your cheek – it’s swollen.”

“It’s not that bad.”

“Believe me, it is!”

“If you say so. I’ll take it from here.” He slowly takes the towel from me. “Take care after you´re free, okay?” he implores after a moment of silence. “Maria, look at me. I´m serious, you have to get away from him.”

“You can’t get out of a gang easily. What am I supposed to say to him? Oh sorry, but I don´t want to hang around with you anymore. It doesn’t work like that and you know it!”

He groans. “You have to at least try, okay?”

I nod. “I will.”

“Well,” he scratches his eyebrow again, “I think I´m gonna sleep now.”

“So you’re gonna handcuff me again, right?”

“You wouldn´t sleep very well – tied on the couch I mean, huh?” He looks at me pensively.

“Maybe not.”

“You wanna sleep in the bed with me? It’s big enough.”

My gaze slides to his bed. “But you can´t ‘cuff me there.”

He shrugs, “I’ll ‘cuff us together.”


“You prefer this?” He motions to the sofa.

“NO,” I answer way too quickly.

He grins knowingly. "I thought so."


Some minutes later...

We are lying in his bed now – cuffed together, but I feel comfortable. The mattress is smooth and cushy. It’s so much better than the couch... or my bed at home.

“Do you have enough room?” Michael asks.

“More than enough. Thank you.” I can´t help myself; the whole situation is really kind of weird.

Think about it! I’m lying in bed... with HIM – my supposed-to-be enemy, but I´m not scared or pissed or uncomfortable. What the hell is going on?

“How can you afford this flat? And all the other things here?” I ask Michael.

“DeLuca!” he mutters. “I want to sleep now.”

“But I’m not tired. I didn´t do anything today.”

He breathes out. “I’m working, okay? I earn money so I can pay the rent.”

“But this apartment has to be expensive.”



“What? No. Stop talking now.”

“What’s your job?”

He gives me a warning glare.

“It´s the last question, okay?”

“I’m working at an auto shop as a mechanic.”

“So you can steal cars?”

“I don’t steal cars.”

“But you could.”

“Shut up now or I’ll kick you out of my bed!”



Part 8

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 10:11 am
by candysteffi
Hey :mrgreen:

I, too, am wondering what Michael said to Billy to earn that bruise. Will we find out?
Nope, you can use all your imagination here :)
Um, lying in a bed cuffed to Michael? I could handle that.
OHHHH yeah :lol:

Candyland: I had the feeling that you´ll like this handcuffing more 8)

art_junkie: Hey new reader :wink: ´m glad you like it, thanks. :)

Thank you guys, here´s the next part:


Part 8

Day of liberation November 2nd, 2007 – Friday - 11:00 am

I awake from a sound coming from the kitchen.

“Morning, Maria!” greets a female voice.

I have to blink two or three times before my eyes adjust to the brightness. Liz is standing behind the counter.

“I thought you weren’t gonna wake up today.”

“Why?” I murmur drowsily.

“It‘s almost noon!“

“What? … Oh… sorry.“

She stops me with a wave of her hand. “Never mind. I’m glad you slept well. I’ve made some pasta bake for us – I know, pasta again, but I love it. You can shower and then we’ll eat something, what do you say?”

I look at my wrist. “I’m not cuffed,” I notice.
“Michael thought it wasn’t necessary anymore. And since you slept until now... I think he was right.” Liz smiles at me.

“Yeah,” I smile back – an honest smile – I haven’t done that in a long time.


After a long, warm shower and tons of pasta (again)...

We sit on the couch and watch TV, but I have the feeling Liz wants to tell me something.

“Max plans to release you today,” she blurts out.

“Oh!” I don’t know what else to say. Shouldn’t I feel happy and at ease or something? Well, I don’t.

“Don’t worry. They won’t hurt you.”

Maybe not one of the Bandits, I think.

“I’m surprised that Billy isn’t already searching the whole city for you. Before this you’ve always hung around each other all day. You disappeared three days ago, hasn’t he noticed this?”

“Most of the time he picks me up after school. But when I’m not there he doesn’t really care. He doesn’t care about me or my feelings or anything.”

“That sounds really bad, Maria.” Liz looks at me, her expression one of pity.

“It’s okay! I don’t really care about him either.”

“But why don’t you break up with him?”

“Because Billy won’t allow it, Liz; he won’t let me go regardless.”

“You have to try it, Maria.”

“You sound like Michael!”

“Well, that should make you wonder, shouldn’t it?”


Michael came home around 2 o’clock pm. He showered, ate something, and now he’s watching TV.

“So…” I start, “you want to release me today?”

He looks at me in surprise. “Don´t worry. You won’t get hurt. And after that you’re free and don’t have to hang around in this apartment the whole day anymore.”

I stay silent.

“You are glad about it, aren’t you?” He studies my face intently.

“Of course I am,” I tell him unconvincingly.

Suddenly his cell phone starts to ring.

“Yeah,” he answers the phone.

“You sure?”


“Okay, we’re coming.”

He hangs up and faces me, his features serious. “Okay, Maria. Showtime!”

I nod, stand up, and follow him to the door. I have a bad feeling, but who wouldn’t? He lays one hand on the doorknob and stares down at me.

“Remember what I told you, Maria. You have a chance to get out of this.”

“Stop it, Michael,” I snap. “Don’t give me advice when you don’t even know the half of my life.”

“But...” he breaks off and takes a deep breath. “Just try to stay away from him. Don’t meet him every day at least.”

“I will! I promise. And you… watch your cheek.”

He smiles softly. “I will.”


Lonnie is already waiting at Michael’s car when we get there. She looks at me with spite, and if looks could kill... she really hates me. I sit down in the backseat and she slams the door.

Michael’s face turned into stone the moment we walked out of his apartment. Now he seems cold and scary to me, just like in the past when I didn’t know him. What will happen next?

I don’t know. I just hope that it won’t get too bad.


We stop at the skate park and I can see Billy, Brody and Sean through the tinted windows. They’re skating and haven´t noticed us yet. Max, Kyle and Alex are in the other car in front of us.

Max gets out of the car and makes a signal for the others to follow.

“Stay here until I get her,” Michael instructs Lonnie.

“Why do I have to wait in the car with that bitch?” she snaps.

Michael doesn’t respond and slams the door. As the sound echoes off of the concrete, Billy finally notices our presence, but I don’t think that he can see me in the car.

Within seconds Billy, Brody and Sean stand up in a row crossing their arms. Michael and Max confidently make it towards them, closely followed by Kyle and Alex.

“Fuck off, Bandits!” Billy hisses.

The front window of the car is open, so I can hear most of their words.

“Maybe we have something that you want!” Max tosses out offhandedly.

Billy looks amused. ”What could YOU have to offer me?”

“A lot, I’d say!”

“What is it? I don’t need anything! And sure as hell not from you.”

“Maybe you’re missing something?” Max adds.

“Well, I have my dick, that’s all I need,” Billy replies and grabs his cock.

“We’ll give you a heads-up. Well, it’s blonde...” Max starts.

“...and hot...” Michael adds.

He thinks I’m hot?

“... and a damn bitch!” Kyle rails.

Billy doesn’t react, but I have the feeling that he suspects the right thing.

“Show him!” Max says to Michael with an arrogant grin. Michael nods and comes back to the car again.

He jerks the door open, grasps me roughly and pulls me out of the car. Before anyone can see me, he leans forward and whispers, “It’s better if you don’t listen now, okay?”

I don’t have time to answer. He holds my arms together behind my back, but not too firmly. Billy’s face turns into a grimace as soon as he sees me.

“Hands off, bastard!” he screams at Michael.

“Didn’t you even notice that your little bitch was gone?”

It hurts to hear those words about myself from Michael.

“What’ve you done to her?” Sean screams.

“Oooh! How sweet,” Lonnie taunts, “suddenly they’re worried about her.”

“Somebody had to show her what a REAL man feels like, right Rath?” Max says suggestively and gestures at Michael.

This pushes Billy over the edge. “If you ever laid a hand on her, I swear, I’ll kill you!” He goes for Michael, his stride quickly eating up the distance between them.

“Get lost,” Michael breathes and shoves me away.

Sean rushes to my side and pulls me away from the others. “Are you okay, Maria? Damn it, I had this weird feeling that they had you. I should’ve gotten involved in the matter.”

“Don´t worry. I´m fine. Really.“

Suddenly Billy is by our side. “We’re leavin’! Ryan isn’t here and they’re all here.“

“You’re gonna let them go without doin’ anything?” Brody asks angrily.

“For now. They´ll see.“ Billy grasps my arm and drags me along with him.

I carefully look back, once. My eyes lock with Michael’s, who is staring at me in concern.
