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Eight Letters (M/M, TEEN) Part 2 11/26/08 Complete

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 5:39 pm
by vegas312
Title: Eight Letters
Fandom: Roswell
Rating: TEEN (Because that's the way I roll lol)
Disclaimer: I do not own Roswell, so please don't sue me.
Coupling: M/M, CC
Summary: For the ever awesomeElla1022, who won me at the Support Stacie Author's Auction, and asked for angsty, funny Candy.

Post Destiny. What will it take for two scared people to admit their real feelings?

AN: This was definitely inspired by a line from the Gossip Girlepisode,Summer Kind of Wonderful. Copyright infringement not intended. This is a two parter and the next part will be posted tomorrow.

I don't want to be tough
And I don't want to be proud
I don't need to be fixed
And I certainly don't need to be found
I'm not lost
I need to be loved
I just need to be loved

~ Maybe (Kelly Clarkson)

Don’t wait.

Those had been the words he had whispered to her before he took off to face his destiny. It hadn’t been to wait for his return and a possible future, rather it had been a goodbye.

Two words. Eight letters. So many definitions and possibilities, yet those two words caused more pain than anything had ever before. He had left her standing in the driveway of her home clutching tightly to the small dog he had given her and the teddy bear she had carried everywhere with her. For two days, she had refused to move from the porch hoping that there was some other meaning to that hurried goodbye.

Maria Deluca had learned at the age of eight that words had many definitions and that not all of them were to be coated sweetly in hope. She had grown up in those days and put away her dolls and teddy bears, rather she had learned to carry the meaning “don’t wait” to heart. She would never give someone the chance to really do any damage to her again. She would never be that little blonde girl with red ribbons in her hair and in her shoes. No. It was a lesson learned and one that she vowed to never repeat.

Funny how fate, or destiny if you will had a way of proving even the most stubborn of creatures that when it came to matters of the heart, there was no armor to protect it. It was on an ordinary day when Maria had fallen for the most unordinary boy, who knocked down the Teflon coating surrounding her heart. For a moment, everything seemed like it would be fine and that she wouldn’t receive those eight letters.

I love you.

Three words. Eight letters. He had whispered those words that she had waited a whole year for. Those words that had so many possibilities and endings, yet for her those words were as fickle as any other word in the dictionary.

However, unlike the last time, she had no way to pick up the pieces from the cutting edge of hope that danced in her mind and heart. He had declared his affection all the while saying goodbye, and for one who never shown emotions except under the most duress of circumstances it had given her hope that it wasn’t completely goodbye.

‘Maria Deluca, you’re such a fool.’ With a sigh, she shook her head and tried to focus back on the paper before her. Matters of the heart wouldn’t help her with her assignment, especially as the essay was due tomorrow. Picking up her pen, she muttered to herself about the insanity of asking students to write essays about what they did over the summer. In her honest opinion, no one really told the truth, but mostly invented some tall tale to impress their fellow students.

‘Too bad I can’t really write about what happened over the spring and summer. Government conspiracies. Shape shifters. Holograms. Destiny. Sounds like something Mulder and Scully would investigate.’ Pink lips curled up into her first smile of the day as she imagined the raised eyebrow from her English teacher.

“You know when you smile like that, I tend to worry that you’re plotting something that I really don’t want to be a part of as I’m pretty sure it would involve jail time. That or I somehow find myself stripping to save our lives.”

A familiar voice interrupted her thoughts as she looked up to meet the amused blue eyes staring back at her. Giving her best friend a smile, she got up from her seat and reached over to give him a hug.

“Alex, I don’t know what you’re talking about. I mean I barely seen you the last month of summer and now you show up with these accusations of me plotting something. I mean really what kind of friend are you?” She pulled away and punched him on the shoulder before sitting back down.

“Ouch! I’m not so sure I should be glad to see that you kept your strength up this summer. What did you do go to the gym with Max or something? I think I’m going have to go to the emergency room or something.” Clutching his arm as if in pain, he grinned at her while she rolled her eyes at him.

“Wimp.” Maria told him amused with his theatrics before motioning him to sit on the stool next to her. “Yeah that’s what you get for ditching me the last month of the summer. First Liz runs off, then you disappear, and I’m left with a heartbroken Czech.”

Alex dropped his head as he thought of the last month of summer and the events that led up to it. He had spent most of the summer trying to get Isabel to talk to him, much less acknowledge his presence. It had been like they had taken two steps back and ended up back where they were, before he had been let into the I know an alien club. Swallowing at the thought, he looked back up at Maria, who he found was staring intently down at the counter, and he knew that he hadn’t been the only one left in pieces and unsure about the future.

‘I used to love him.’

Those words came back to him as he stared at Maria all the while thinking of a younger version of her, who had uttered those words to him as she stared intently at the sky in hopes that no one would notice the tears that were falling down.

It was a memory that neither brought up again, but when that day rolled around every year he and Liz would planned something fun to keep Maria’s mind off what had happened. Both of them had been worried that the past would colored her future with its dirty brushes. When she had met Michael, all he could do was watch from the sidelines and be there if she needed him.

His girls were tough, but when it came to emotions and matters of the heart none of them truthfully were confident in it. They knew what they wanted, but being vulnerable and letting someone see all of their insecurities and who they really were just wasn’t the easiest choice to make. Alex had vowed that day to protect both of his girls and make sure that they would find the right guys who could love them no matter what.

‘I guess I can’t keep her safe from everything.’ He sighed and started to open his mouth but was interrupted by the sudden turning of Maria’s head. Green eyes met blue eyes as each convey silently what no words could really say.

“Do you regret it?” She asked before looking back down as she toyed with the charm that was wrapped around her pen.

“Regret what?” He asked slightly confused although he had a suspicion as to what she wanted to know.

“Do you regret falling in love?” Maria looked back up holding his eyes steadily.

“I, I guess I would say no although at times it feels like I’ve been chasing a dream more than anything.” Alex’s lips curled up in a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. “But that’s love right? Its never perfect nor simple, but its worth it. Love is just…”

“Complicated.” They both finished together and exchanged grins of complete understanding.

Alex cleared his throat before pointing to the sheets of paper that strewed across the counter. “So enough with the mushy stuff. Are you done with your essay yet?”

“Ha! Done? Are you serious? Have we just met? Because I would think eight years of friendship would teach you a little something about me. Isn’t that just like a man to forget the important things?” She smirked at him and ignored his snort before pushing the stack of paper towards him. “Here, read it and let me know what you think.”

“Okay you’re really starting to scare me when you’re actually volunteering to let me read something. The Maria Deluca I know would have been glaring at the essay while threatening to set it on fire if it didn’t cooperate with her. The fact that you’re actually suggesting that I read this is just scary.” Alex grabbed the pen from her hand while pondering the stack of papers sitting on the counter. Using the pen, he gingerly touched it cautiously before picking the stack up and begin reading. “Catchy title,” He grinned before reading out loud.

‘How did I spend my summer?

By Maria Deluca

Well it wasn’t spent shopping at Macy’s that’s for sure. I mean I’m pretty sure that I either spent the majority of it at the Crashdown consoling my best friend’s boyfriend. Um, no wait maybe that’s ex-boyfriend. The hell, I mean the heck if I know. Can you write hell in an essay for school? Oh well. Either way I remember there were two of us nursing a broken heart over Cherry Cokes and pies. Dear God. It will be too soon if I ever see another Men in Blackberry pie again. Anyway there had to be more to my summer than work, cheering up my other best friend and the ex of my other best friend. Right?

Confused yet? Now you know what I go through on a daily basis. My other best friend was nursing a broken heart as well, which meant I found myself babysitting two broken hearted teenage boys. Do you know how scary it is to be able to know all the lyrics to all the Counting Crows’ songs? I mean all their songs! I won’t even go into the many variations of love and sucks that I heard in original songs from my best friend. I love the boy, but he’s so getting a thesaurus for Christmas if nothing else.

Now where was I? Oh right. Love stinks and eating too many pies will indeed have you find yourself at the gym. So what else happened? Did I mention thinking of reasons why I should take Michael Guerin’s sorry ass back when he comes back begging? He’s so coming back. I mean just because he spent the whole summer ignoring me and avoiding me (please like I didn’t see him wearing that ratty hat and shades at the grocery store…Prima Donna much?) doesn’t mean he’s not coming back. Oh no. I mean that’s his MO if you will, his I’m a bad boy and a loner.

Loner. Heartbreaker. Liar. No good son of a …..”

Alex‘s voice trailed off as he stared at his best friend, who was beaming at him. There were no words to describe what he had just read.

“So what do you think? That’s an A paper right? You know I have no idea why the teachers always wants us to write about what we did over the summer. Who cares what we did for the summer?”

Maria paused her rant about essays to find her best friend staring at her with his mouth open. “Alex? You’re not having a seizure on me are you? Because I told you that I’m not allowed to give CPR after the last incident, which we shouldn’t even really be talking about. Besides you didn’t even get to the part where I wrote what each of his initials stand for.”

Not getting any response just a blank look and the opening and closing of Alex’s mouth, she reached over and closed his mouth gently. “I’m not kidding about that CPR thing you know.” Still not getting any kind of response, Maria waved her hands in front of his face. Crossing her arms, she thought about shaking him but figured that might make it worst. “Great. I so foresee a lecture from Liz in the future.”

“What did you do to the nerd? Did you break him?” An amused voice broke into Maria’s mutterings, causing the blonde to swirl around on her stool and face the counter again. In front of her was another blonde, although privately Maria thought that the blonde was from a bottle, wearing a Crashdown uniform and smirking at her. “You know I’m starting to think you just scare all the men away from you.”

“What’s the matter Courtney? Still angry that you can’t even keep a man‘s attention longer than five seconds?” Maria glared at the older girl, who had somehow taken on the role of nemesis over the long summer.

“Five seconds? It sure didn’t take five seconds to get the attention of one Michael Guerin that’s for sure, but you wouldn’t know that as he’s been ignoring you all summer. Your lost is my gain.” Courtney leaned against the counter and started reciting her own ideas as to what each initial of Michael stood for. “M stands for manly because anyone who looks like that with their shirt off definitely deserves the title of manly.”

“You’ve really taken the word delusional to a whole new level if you expect me to believe that Michael has paid any attention to you,” Maria scoffed in disbelief.

“Oh, Mikey G and I spent a lot of this summer together although words really weren’t exchanged despite the many late night phone calls.” Courtney pulled out a small piece of paper from her apron and waved it in the air with a coy smile before sitting it on the counter in front of Maria.

Scribbled as in haste was the numbers that Maria herself knew by heart. There was so much that she wanted to say, but for once in her life words failed to come. Swallowing, she pushed the paper away from her and looked away. She couldn’t deny the handwriting or the number that only a few people had. Not sure what to say or do, well besides tear the worn paper into tiny pieces, she looked up to find her best friend staring at her in concern.

Her lips struggled to find the smile that had only been in residence moments ago, she started to say something in hopes to show that it didn’t bothered her, but her hopes were shattered by the jingling of the Crashdown’s door signaling a new arrival. There in the door stood the very boy under discussion, who was looking everywhere but at her.

I love you.

Three words. Eight letters. Nothing but disappointments from something so small was all she could think.

Re: Eight Letters (M/M, TEEN) Part 1 11/25/08

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 7:55 pm
by vegas312
Title: Eight Letters
Author: vegas312
Rating: TEEN
Disclaimer: I do not own Roswell, although really I wouldn't mind owning all of Season 1.
Coupling: M/M, CC
Summary: For Ella1022, who won me at the Support Stacie Author Auction, and asked for angsty, funny Candy.

Post Destiny. What will it take for two scared people to admit their real feelings?

AN: Many thanks to jbangelo, spacegirl23, cardinalgirl, and nibbles2 for the awesome feedback. It was most appreciated, thank you so much. Also for one of the slogans below, it was clearly inspired by the U.S. Postal Service motto. Copyright infringement is not intended so um yeah don't sue me. Pretty please. ;)

Also for anyone reading, I just wanted to get the word out that there is another Support Stacie Author Auction going on for the holidays. There's tons of brilliant Roswell authors up for bidding starting this Saturday, November 29th, so if you're interested just check out the links in the siggie below. Now onto the story. ;)

But I can't spell it out for you,
No its never gonna be that simple
No I can't spell it out for you.

If you just realize what I just realized
Then we'd be perfect for each other
And we'll never find another

~Realize (Colbie Caillat)

It wasn’t like the movies, was all she could think as she took in the sight of one Michael Guerin. It wasn’t like that moment in the movie when lost lovers met again and ran into each others arms.

No, it definitely wasn’t the movies. Their eyes met and held before he looked away, while strolling towards a booth in the back of the restaurant. Unwillingly her eyes followed his progress and watched as he buried his head in a menu.

Indifference. It was something she wasn’t used to from him. Fighting? Yes. Arguing about nonsense? Yes. Indifference? No. The silent treatment had never been something that had worked for them, but it looked like he was trying to make a clean break from her.

Blinking her eyes, she turned away and found the damning small scrap of paper staring up at her. Part of her wanted to go over there and ripped the menu from his hands and demand that for once he acknowledged that she was there. That she was more than the girl he had made out with on numerous occasions. She wanted more, she needed more. She didn’t want pretty words, she wanted him.

And the other part of her wanted to get out of there and forget all about him. She didn’t want to be her mother forever waiting for him to come back to her. No. Eight letters had changed her life once before, and she would be damn that they would do so again.

‘I can’t do this again. I just can’t.’

Maria’s thoughts were interrupted rudely by a hand waving in her face. Maria pushed the hand away only to find Courtney smirking at her.

“What’s wrong Deluca? It looks like Mickey boy is more interested in the menu than he is you.” Courtney leaned against the counter and rested her chin in her hand while striking a thoughtful expression. “You know, you would think that he would know everything that’s on the Menu since he works here.” A false look of astonishment crossed her face, “Oh! Maybe he’s hiding from you instead of actually reading it.”

“Is that so?” Maria gave her a look of innocent before taking the small scrap of paper and sticking it in the Coke before her. “I do hope you had that memorized.” Ignoring the death glare and the numerous curses, Maria smirked while watching Courtney dig through the soda and try to dry it before the ink smeared. “Hmm I guess that means you don’t have it memorize then. Whoops! Sorry about that, but let me the bigger person and give you the number. It’s 352-Find your own damn boyfriend.”

“That’s okay. I can always get another copy from the source.” Courtney grabbed her notepad before sauntering over to the back booth where Michael still had his head buried in the menu.

“Like he doesn’t know the menu like the conspiracy theory of the day. Who is he fooling? And what kind of walk is she doing? It looks like she has something up her…”


“What?” She snapped as she swirled the stool around only to let out a small shriek of joy. Hopping off the stool, she threw her arms around the petite brunette standing in front of her.

“Liz! I’m so glad you’re back.” She said before the two girls threw themselves into another hug and squealing again much to the amusement of the customers.

This time it was Liz who pulled back, and raised an eyebrow while looking at her other best friend. “Um, Maria, what did you do to Alex? Did you drag him to the Karaoke night at the Pizza Palace?” She asked while watching with interest as Alex took out a marker and drew large lines on some papers all the while glaring at it. “You know that Mr. Whitman’s number one rule is that we don’t bring Alex back damage in any shape or form.”

“What? No. I didn’t do anything to Alex. Why am I always the one to get blame when something happens? I mean all I did was let him read my essay and he kind of froze. Is that my fault? No.” Maria waved her hands in the general direction of her other best friend.

“Right. Essay huh? Was Alex perchance mentioned in this essay?”

Maria squirmed and grew a bit flustered underneath Liz’s watchful eyes. “It’s not my fault, all I did was mentioned him and his cheesy love songs. It’s not like I mentioned that he was stalking Isabel around town or anything.”

“Cheesy love songs? Stalking?” Alex finally looked away from the essay and spoke up drawing the attention of his best friends. “This is from the girl who set up a t-shirt stand in front of our school selling buttons and t-shirts with the logo ‘My boyfriend is an idiot from outer space, what’s your excuse,’ and oh let’s not forget the other one, ‘Whether through rain, sleet, snow, or sunshine, Michael Guerin makes my head hurt. Please send all complaints to him.”

“Maria, please tell me you didn’t. Then again you probably did.” Liz snorted as she watched Alex and Maria argue over the essay and Alex’s scrawling across it. “Am I going have to separate the two of you? Again?”

“No.” They said together while looking like children who had been scolded countless times. “We promise.”

“And?” Liz did her best to not laugh at the confusion that her two friends were trying to hide. “And what else?”

“Um, I promise to not publish Alex’s stalker tendencies although he is kind of stealth when he wants to be, but that’s a whole other story. Also his songs weren’t cheesy, though I won’t concede the point that he does need to sing something else besides love sucks or stinks. It’s the same thing!” Maria stuck her tongue out at Alex.

“I promise to be way more mature than Maria.” Alex stuck his tongue out at her. “Also I promise that I learned any stalker tendencies from Maria, who’s way more stealth than I am. Ouch!” He rubbed his arm where a small fist had come out to hit him. “And did I mention the abusive part of her personality? Now where was I? Right. I promise to refrain from setting her essay on fire, wet it, or sharpie it to death with my favorite blue sharpie.”

“Why do I have the feeling that I’m going have to separate the two of you again?” Liz shook her head before sitting on the stool next to Maria. “I mean its just an essay, so its no big deal.”

“You say that now, but you haven’t read the part where you’re mentioned. I think there’s a couple of paragraphs dedicated to you and you know who.” Alex smirked and watched with interest as Liz quickly reached over and snatched the papers off the counter along with the sharpie. “Told you.”

“Maria, I can’t believe you wrote this in there. What were you thinking?” Liz continued to blush as continued to cross things out.

“Now, Liz, you know I love you and all, but that’s my homework that you and Alex have written all over. You’re going have to suck it up because this essay is getting turned in.” Maria reached over and snatched the essay back. “How in the world am I going to explain all these marks?”

“How about you not explain at all? How about write a new one that doesn’t involve your friends’ love life?” Liz said before making an attempt to grab the papers back. For a few moments, the three friends continued to wrestle the papers back and forth all the while laughing and telling jokes.

The laughter was broken up by the ringing of the bell signaling another customer was coming in. All three automatically looked towards the door only to see the rest of their Czechoslovakians (also know as Max and Isabel Evans) come in. Maria smiled as she noticed her two friends were varying between several shades of blush as they found themselves in a staring contest of sorts. Making an excuse about wanting to use the bathroom, she got up and tucked her essay into her backpack and made her way towards the back of the restaurant.

Maria paused a few inches away from the back booth where Michael was smiling at Courtney in a way that made her heart clinch. He was smiling her smile. Not sure what to do, but knowing that she didn’t want to get into it right now she started to move only to catch her breath as at that moment he looked up and their eyes caught. Not too long ago she would have been able to know what he was thinking, but somewhere along the way they had lost something. ‘Apparently he’s found it with someone else.’ She thought harshly and hurried out of the dining room towards the employees’ lounge in hopes that she could have a few minutes to pull herself back together. Maria heard the door slam behind her and lowered her head only for the door to open. She gathered herself tightly as she knew deep down who was behind her.

“What do you want? I rather be alone right now. I’m sure the bleach airhead is out there missing you.” She silently cursed the catch in her throat. Silence greeted her as they both stood there waiting and hoping for the other to say something.

“I miss you.” He paused and took a deep breath before speaking again as if it was a long held secret that he was getting ready to spill. “Everyday.”

There was a part of her that wanted to crowed in victory that he had come around finally, but there was another part that wondered why he always chose these moments when things were at their worst to let her know what he felt. Her lips curled up in a sad smile because finally she was being offered what she had longed for all summer, and right now she knew that her battered heart had taken one too many beatings from him.

She loved him no doubt about that, but could she risk everything she was for him again? Only for him to leave her dangling in the wind with nothing more than promises of love. And what about his taking up with someone else so soon after telling her that he couldn’t be involve with anyone? Was it just her that he saved his pretty words for?

Pushing her hair out of her face, she looked up to find dark eyes staring at her with no hint of what he was thinking. He had always been a wild card to her because he kept his feelings so closely guarded with blunt words and a grunt, but she had thought she knew him. If nothing else, he only threw up that wall of his when he was feeling the most intense emotions and was preparing for rejection. Her guy didn’t give into quoting sonnets, writing pretty words, or uttering words of love like they were five dollar charms.

With him a girl always knew where she stood even if she didn’t agree with him. Still he missed her? Everyday? She didn’t know what to do with that. Could she believe him?

Maria dropped her head and looked away while hugging herself tightly all the while blinking back the tears that were gathering in her eyes. “Please don’t. Don’t say things that you don’t mean. Please don’t make this worst by lying to me. The one thing that you’ve never done is lie to me, so please don’t start now.” Her voice grew husky from the holding back the sobs. “Just don’t.”

Michael moved away from the wall and stopped behind her. He raised his hand only to let it fall before he touched her. There weren’t many times when he was utterly speechless, but he was finding that words failed him just then. Maybe not so much as failed him, as that he knew what he wanted to say, what he should say, but for so long he hadn’t been used to sharing his feelings with anyone.

With her, she drew him out and made him want to be that guy she needed. ‘What do I know about the art of romance and feelings? I just don’t know how to do this.’ Sighing with frustration, he ran his hands through his hair and narrowed his eyes as he realized that her body was shaking.

Putting aside his doubts, he reached for her and ignored her protests that she didn’t want to be bothered. Michael turned her around until she was facing him. Bangs covered her eyes as she tried to get out of his grip unsuccessfully. He lifted his hand up and brushed her bangs away only to find liquid green eyes staring back up at him, while tears fell down unheeded.

“Just let me go.” She whispered with a hitch in her throat. “I can’t do this anymore.”

Michael shushed her as he took her face in his hands and wiped away the tears. “I can’t let go. I don’t want to let go. I love you.”

Fresh tears appeared in Maria’s eyes as she pushed him away from her. “You say that, but do you really know what it means? You don’t tell someone you love them, then hook up with the town’s available blonde bimbo. It just doesn’t work like that. I mean if that’s your idea of love, then its not going to work.” She shook her head and moved away from his grasping hands. “The Michael Guerin logic doesn’t work on me anymore. I’m not going to wait around hoping that you’ll come around just because you say you love me. If you love me, then be with me. Stop pushing me away and let me in, or just let me go.”

“You think this is easy for me?” Bitterness and desperation laced his words. “I’ve never known love, nor wanted it, and then somehow you were standing right there and everywhere I went you were right there. Right there waiting for me to realized that I had learned something from you.”

“Well I’m sorry if I’m so annoying to you.” She snapped and angrily scrubbed at her face with the back of her hand.

“You’ve always annoyed me, but that’s never stopped me from falling for you.” He grinned at her and winked when she glared at him. “What I mean is that I’ve never said those three words before, not to Isabel, not to Max, not to anyone, but you make me believe in something more than a fantasy of a home that I might never see again. When I say that I love you, I mean that I love you, and whether you like it or not you’re stuck with me.” He might have been smirking at her, but his eyes showed the vulnerability that he was feeling.

If there was one thing that Maria knew about Michael, it was that he never ever let anyone see him vulnerable unless they were part of the close knit of people that he considered family. Even then it was a rarity to see anything besides the gruff exterior and the bad ass attitude he deliberately put out there. For him to show his feelings much less declare them was something extraordinary.

Hope. It filled her as she took a step to bring her closer to him. Maria reached over and grasped his hands. Suddenly nervous, she leaned into him until her head was resting against his heart and closed her eyes when his arms reached tentatively around her. Sliding her arms around his waist, she held him tight and sighed with contentment. She didn’t know how long they stood there, it could have been seconds, or minutes, or hours, but finally she let loose those eight letters she had held onto for so long.

‘I love you.’

Eight letters. Three words. So many meanings and so many possibilities, and she was looking forward to finding out each and every one of them.

The End.