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Completion [UC, M/L/Mi, Adult] COMPLETE 28-Nov-08

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 3:24 pm
by Tasyfa
Title: Completion
Author: Tas
Disclaimer: The characters of Roswell are the property of Twentieth Century Fox Television and Regency Productions. All original characters and concepts are the property of the author. No profit has been made from the distribution of this work of fiction.
Pairing: Max/Liz/Michael; includes slash.
Rating: Adult - oh, so very adult!
Summary: Once upon a time, three people came together in love. Today, they celebrate that fact.
Author's Notes: Written for Alien_Friend for the SupportStacie auction and shared with her permission. Set several years after Full Circle. A little fluffy, smutty glimpse at their life together.

"Oh, Michael."

This moan wasn't any louder than the last one, but Max found the intoxicating little sounds increasingly difficult to ignore. He rolled his eyes. "Can't you two at least make it to the bedroom? I'm trying to grade here."

He heard a muffled laugh from Michael, and another moan from Liz. Max finally looked over at his partners to discover that that laughter was muffled because Michael's head was buried between Liz's legs, her body arching under his mouth, and Max couldn't hold back a sound of his own. Liz's head turned, beseeching eyes finding his, and she held out a hand.

Max could turn down a lot of things, but that importunate hand wasn't on the list. The essays would have to wait.

He shed clothing as he walked to the couch, sinking to his knees beside it to take Liz's hand, bending to catch her next sound – closer to a scream this time as his kiss complemented Michael's tongue and she climaxed.

"Welcome to the party, Maxwell," Michael grinned, face lifting from his completed task, and Max shifted farther down to meet his mouth, licking off all of Liz's moisture, moaning at their mingled taste.

"Thought you might want to celebrate your anniversary alone," Max said, smiling at Michael's contradictory snort.

"Yeah, whatever." Michael might have been the one to marry their girl, but he sure as hell didn't exclude Max from that just because archaic Earth laws did. "Shut up and kiss me."

He tangled his fingers in Max's cropped hair as they kissed, holding him in place as he felt Liz's legs move, then her breath ghosting over his neck as she ducked her head almost between them, probably licking one of those gorgeous shoulders. Michael wasn't opening his eyes to find out yet, though.

Watching her boys together always made Liz crazy, and her higher-pitched sound followed Max's breathlessness as she bit lightly at where his collarbone joined his shoulder. God, she loved the hollows there. Licking over the faint impression of teeth, her hands slipped down two male torsos, reaching for a double handful of cock and moaning again at how ready they both were.

"I want... I want..." What did she want? For all the times one or both men swept her away, Liz got to play dictator on special occasions. She stroked both of them, loving the heat and smoothness of the rigid flesh against her palms and the way each of them pumped into her fists – not quite in sync but like an echo, ever-changing, Michael following Max following Michael.

The next long groan came from Michael and it made up Liz's mind. "Max, I want to watch you fuck Michael."

That got Max's attention. He pulled his mouth away, desire kicking into high gear as he gazed at Liz, those slender fingers making him ache. "Okay. But you prep him, sweetness." He smiled at her jerky nod and reached into the tiny drawer in the end table, pulling out a tube of lubricant and passing to her, looking back to Michael's flushed face and the naked want there that had Max kissing him again, harder this time, his tongue forcing into Michael's mouth over and over until he felt his lover shudder where he knelt on the couch and Max had to see.

The fingers so recently wrapped around Max's erection pressed steadily into Michael's body and Max nearly held his breath with the sight and the anticipation of what it would feel like, her hand so small that she could easily fuck him with her fist – and had, Michael and Max both. But right now their beautiful human wife wanted a show and they would give her one.

Michael shifted when Liz finished her task, lust rouging his vision as he went to hands and knees on the floor beside the couch, the sleek wood warm and solid beneath him. He felt Max move in close behind him and spread his thighs in readiness. The next thing he knew was the gentle, insistent pressure of Max's cock, pushing against his slicked entrance until the muscle loosened in welcome, his lover sliding deep inside him with no preamble. Michael keened, sweat prickling his skin as Max began to thrust.

Liz purred, watching them together. Closer, and yet closer; she couldn't get close enough, a good enough view, her body on fire with the sight and the sense memory of Max fucking. In a burst of inspiration she wriggled under Michael, head slipping between his widespread knees. Here, oh, yes. Here she could see everything: the thick shaft of Max's cock as it slid back and forth, a few inches visible now, and then burying again into Michael's ass; the twitch and pulse of Michael's pucker as Max fucked him; the slap and bounce of two sets of heavy balls; the precome leaking from Michael's reddened, needy erection, droplets splashing on her breasts as he rocked.

Max panted, folded over Michael's back, completely aware of where Liz was and what she was doing. The knowledge made him gasp with need and push harder. He clamped both hands on Michael's hips, careless of any bruising, and angled him so that every time Max slammed into him, Michael gave up a sharp cry at the assault on his prostate.

Michael was going to lose it any second now. What little self-control he had left departed in an instant when Liz's hand slipped between her legs, rubbing desperately at her clit. The vision and the scent of her, still strong in his nostrils, toppled him into a hoarse shout of release and he spurted over her chest and belly, seeing her arch and hearing her wild moan at the hot splash.

One puzzle piece missing and Liz hung on long enough to see Max thrust frantically, the speed blurring his motion to her eyes, and then she saw his balls pull up tight and his body stiffen, and his strangled groan meant she could let go too, the sweet relief of orgasm pulsing through her.

The desire to simply collapse where he was nearly overcame Max, but with both of his beloveds under him, he didn't dare. Instead he pulled out and sat back on his heels, breathing heavily. He grinned as Michael tipped over to lie on his back beside Liz. "Happy Anniversary, guys. I love you, both of you."

"Same here," Michael nodded with a smirk. "Thanks for playing Indy for a while, Professor Jones."

Liz laughed as Max rolled his eyes, and she reached to hold Michael's hand as she smiled up at the third in their circle. "We love you too, Max. Happy Anniversary to all of us."