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All In A Day(TEEN,1/1,,K/T,2-15-09)

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 1:43 am
by killjoy
Title-All In A Day
Disclaimer-Own nothing of Roswell so I make not a dime from this.
A/N-Me and Janetfl worked on this all day Saturday....but due to something that came up I wasn't able to get it out on the holiday...FEB14...but I'm putting it out here now.So WE hope you like it.

FEB 14

Tess pulled out her keys as she approached the front door of the house and sighed. Today was supposed to have been a special day for them both.The day where couples showed each other how much love they had for one another.But sadly for them they just couldn’t afford to do anything on this day.

She had been married to Kyle for just over a year now and he had finally decided to quit his job and set up his own body shop. They had found a place,not far out of town,that was just perfect for them to work on cars. When they went to visit the owner to find out how much he was selling it for they were very surprised at the price.

It was owned by a fairly wealthy family and they just wanted rid of the place so they bought it for far less than what it was worth. The only problem with that was it had taken a large chunk of their savings to not only buy the place but to set it up and get it running. Kyle had to buy the property as well as all of the tools he needed and that turned out to be slightly more expensive than they anticipated.

They still had some savings left but Tess didn’t want to dip into them any further just in case something happens with the business. So right now they were living paycheck to paycheck and it barely covered the household expenses let alone buying anything for themselves,even if it was Valentine's Day.

As Tess stepped through the door, the house was in total darkness and was very quiet. She started to think back to the conversation she had with Kyle this morning at the body shop.

"You know I could still take some money out of our savings account and take you to that new expensive Italian place that opened up on Main Street?"

"No" Tess shook her head "We need to keep that money in the bank. We're trying to save up to fix this leaky roof and that's more important than some stupid holiday."

"But...." Kyle starts to protest.

"Look I know you love me and you know I love that's all we need right now, not to waste our money just because it's Valentine's Day."

Tess continued to look around the house trying to see if she could find Kyle and then her mind went to what happened at work today. She felt sad as she remembered the conversation between her friends.

"Alex just had two dozen roses sent to me!" Isabel gushed.

"It's hard enough for me to believe that Space Boy even remembered the holiday but to surprise me with tickets to go see Nellie Furtado!" smiled Maria

"Max got me this diamond necklace and is taking me too Chez Pierre " said Liz.

“No I know I did the right thing by telling Kyle not to get me anything but it still sucks” whispered Tess to herself.

"Kyle are you home?!" shouted Tess

"I’m out back Tess!" the disembodied voice said.

Tess made her way out to the back garden but what she saw literally took her breath away. The garden was lit up with lots of small candles and a few of those fairy light thingies that are normally on Christmas trees. It looked positively gorgeous.

“Kyle?” said Tess as tears of happiness started to pool in her eyes.

As she walked out into the garden she noticed a small table and chairs had been set up in the middle of the garden. The table was covered with a white table cloth, two lit candles, their finest china, a bottle of wine and finally her favourite dinner. Prime rib eyed steak with steamed vegetables and baby new potatoes.

She gasped as she realised that Kyle must have finished work early to set this all up for her because the garden was bare this morning.

“Happy Valentines day Tess” Kyle said gently so as not to frighten her as he stepped out of the darkness.

Tess put her hand up to her mouth to try and stifle her sobs. When Kyle whipped out a bunch of wild flowers and offered them to her she threw her arms around him and kissed him senseless.

“Oh Kyle thank you so much. All I had to listen to today was what every single one of my friends were doing tonight. You must have gone through so much trouble” she said as she took the wild flowers from him and gently sniffed their aroma.

“Well I personally picked those wild flowers for you this afternoon and I came home early to cook your favourite meal. Come on let me put those flowers in the vase over there and then we can sit down before the dinner gets cold. I’ve bought us a beautiful bottle of red wine which the clerk told me was ideal to go with your favourite dinner!” Kyle smiled and gave Tess a passionate kiss on the lips and then led her towards the small dinner table.

He held out the chair for Tess and then pushed it towards the table as she sat down. He then put the wild flowers in the vase, went and switched on some gentle music and then sat down opposite Tess, poured her some wine and then filled his own glass.

“To the most wonderful wife on this planet … or any other for that matter” smiled Kyle.

“Thank you so much for making this such a special day Kyle. I love you” said Tess.

“I love you too Tess” said Kyle raising his glass and tapping it against Tess’s.

They sat and ate their wonderful meal whilst talking over how they first met and fell in love. Once the meal was finished Kyle stood up and held out his hand for Tess to take.

“Come on lets have a dance” said Kyle.

Tess smiled, stood up and they both started to slowly sway to the music. Tess placed her head on Kyle’s shoulder and wrapped her arms around his waist. Kyle kissed the top of her head gently and whispered sweet nothings into her ear.

They danced like that for over an hour just happy to be dancing quietly under the beautiful starry sky.

“Come on it’s getting late lets clear up and go to bed” said Kyle as he heard Tess yawn.

As he went to pick up the plates to start clearing up Tess gently grabbed his hand.

“No leave that until the morning” whispered Tess through hooded eyes.

“You still haven’t had desert” said Tess seductively.

Kyle looked at his beautiful wife, scooped her up into his strong arms and carried her upstairs to their bedroom. This was probably one of the best Valentines day either of them ever had.