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It Could Be Sweet (K/I, Adult) Part 2, 17/10/09 (complete)

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 12:46 pm
by girl afraid

Title: It Could Be Sweet
Author: Sarah
Pairing: K/I, implied M/M and M/L
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters, just borrowing them kthnx.
Rating: Adult
Summary: It's been over a year since Graduation and Isabel is having steamy dreams about someone she never expected to have feelings for.

This is for Jenny (jbangelo), who won me at the Support Stacie auctions. Please see Support Stacie for fundraising details and events for a truly worthy cause. I usually only write candy, so please be gentle with me! It will be a two part ficlet.


The dream was always the same. My bed would shift and he would move over me in the night. He stroked my cheek with reverence, which marked the beginning of an onslaught. Hands and lips mapping my body, marking me as his and his only. I would lean up meet his lips with mine eagerly but never truly recognise whose mouth I was exploring. It was always an intense blur of colours and sounds with the most incredible feeling building up as he moved within me, harder and faster, until we fell into blissful, sweet oblivion. The last thing I would remember before waking was asking him why he was only a dream. I've never gotten my answer.

I woke up and looked at the alarm clock next to bed, while rubbing my eyes. 3 am. For the last couple of weeks or so, I had fallen into this routine of having a wild erotic dream and waking up at 3 in the morning. My dream lover was relentless in his haunt. Perhaps my subconscious was trying to tell me that I just missed the husband I left behind, but the truth was that my time with Jesse back in Roswell had become something of a blur. I have had precisely one year, two months and three days to think this over. From the moment I learned of Alex's passing, to graduation day when I told a devastated Jesse that I couldn't let him give up the successful life he had built for himself. Time and hindsight have shown the farytale whirlwind romance for what it really was – a rebound, plain and simple.

Sighing deeply, I sat up and surveyed the dingy motel room that the six of us have been holed up in for the past two days. Max and Liz lay pressed up tightly against one another on a ratty sofa while a bare chested Michael held Maria on top of his body on the double bed across from my single. Maria was also sans-clothing from her hips up. Ugh, the nerve of them getting it on while we all have to share the same room! I couldn't be more thrilled that their relationship is back on track and flourishing but some decorum clearly wouldn't go astray. Shaking my head in disgust, my eyes moved to Kyle sleeping in an armchair near the window. His head was turned to the side, his light brown hair rumped, mouth hanging slightly open. A small sliver of moonlight illuminated his handsome face, giving him an almost angelic appearance. Hah, well appearances in this case were certainly deceiving. Mischievous, crude, hilarious and sweet in his own eccentric way, yes but no angel. And I honestly wouldn't want him any other way.

Before I could pursue this line of thought any further, he shifted suddenly with a deep groan and his electric blue eyes fly open.

“Isabel?” he rasped quietly. “ You awake?”

Brown eyes met blue, our gaze holding for longer than seemed necessary.

“Yeah, I can't sleep tonight,” I whispered back.

“Me neither. I'm going to go out for a bit and clear my head. Come?”

I nodded slightly and sat up to pull my coat on over yesterday's clothes. When I'm forced to sleep in close quarters with the others, I don't feel comfortable stripping down to my sheer nightgown so I tend to sleep in whatever I wore the day before. Damn intimacy issues.

Kyle waited by the door and glanced briefly at Michael and Maria on the bed and chuckled sofly to himself. “Thought I heard some funny business going on earlier.”

“Yeah, I know. Could they possibly be any more gross?”

“Oh I don't know, it seems kind of inspiring to me,” he replied with a wink.

“Inspiring if you're only thinking with your little head, maybe. Are we going or what?”

Kyle held the door open for me and followed me out onto the icy pavement.

“It's not little, you know.”

Huh? I looked at him blankly. “What are you talking about?”

“The 'little' head. Or Kyle junior as I prefer to refer to him.” he grinned.

I gave him the patented withering Isabel Evans glare. “You really are sick, you know that?”

“Hey, not so little guy...she wants me, I know she does. You, me and Izzy living the dream.” Kyle looked down and pretended to pat his groin.

“Not even in your wildest, most unrealistic dreams.” I snapped.

He visibly tensed at that. “You'd be surprised.”

“Undoubtedly and not in a good way,” I said dismissively, but inwardly felt intrigued at the response. “Look, you said you needed to clear your head, did you want to talk about that?”

Kyle stopped walking and gave me another one of those inappropriately long gazes. He turned away strode off to sit on a bench in front of the motel's disused swimming pool. I followed and sat next to him, keeping close strictly for warmth. I looked past him toward the pool, its partially empty shell was littered with leaves and mud. Dirty, empty and desolate. Kind of like me, minus the dirty part. I've never done dirty very well.

Kyle coughed and I turned my attention away from our surroundings to focus back on him.

“I don't feel like talking about it.”

“Then why did you insist on pulling me out of our perfectly warm room to sit out here and freeze our butts off?”

“Because you love me,” he smirked. “And want to do me so bad, that you can't sleep.”

For a moment I was dumbfounded. While the innuendo was par for the course when conducting a conversation with Kyle, it seemed for just a second that it was almost as if he knew what I had been dreaming about before I woke up. That line of thought stirred something inside of me. But my dream lover couldn't have been Kyle... Oh great, as if my dreams weren't disturbing enough on their own.

Snapping back into reality, I tossed my head in the most nonchalant manner possible and decided not to bite. Clearly Kyle had issues and I was not about to let him cover it up with crude attempts at flirtation. All crude jokes aside, he had become my closest friend and confidant on the run and I couldn't stand the thought of him hurting in any way.

“Seriously, Kyle. Something is up with you and you obviously need to get it off your chest. You've heard me blather on about Alex and Jesse enough times, now it should be your turn to vent,” I replied.

He shrugged and looked away.

“Please....Kyle... I have to know that you're ok. If something is wrong, if something were to happen to you, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself-”

“Nothing's wrong, Isabel,” Kyle cut in quickly. “Really, it's not life or death stuff.”

I sighed in exasperation. “Just tell me.”

“I said I didn't feel like talking because I wasn't sure if any good could come from you knowing.”

“Look, if you're worried that I'm going to go and tell Max or Michael, I promise that I won't. On their lives I swear, even,” I promised. “Don't make me beg.”

I started to stand up to begin pacing in front of the bench, when Kyle's hand shot out to grab my arm, causing a small electric shock that startled both of us. My eyes met his and I was almost swept away by the intensity of his gaze.

“You want to know? Fine,” he began. “I've been having these dreams, on and off. They're like fragments of the past – Alex's death, unknowingly helping to move his body, the last moments of Tess...” his voice trailed off a bit before continuing. “And then there are the other dreams. They're explosive, not like any other dream I've had before.”

I nodded intently and waited for him to go on.

“They're incredibly hot, completely sexual. I'm standing in a bedroom and there's someone sleeping on the bed. I move towards her and the bed shifts while I climb on top. Her skin is so soft, and I can't reaching out to feel it under my hand, stroking her face. Our lips meet and gets amazing. It's intense and real, not like a usual wet dream.”

Mildly disturbed by the similarities between my dream and his, I decided to end the conversation then and there. “Well as riveting as that play by play description was, I really should be getting back now and-”

I didn't get a chance to finish as Kyle jumped off the bench and moved in front of me to block my exit.

“I didn't finish. The girl that I was with, don't you want to know who she is?”

“What you do in your dreams is your own business, nothing to do with me.”

“Bullshit,” he stepped closer, into my space. “You know her better than anyone.”

“Kyle, I'm warning you to back off.” I shot back.

I had to get away from here, so many things I couldn't or didn't want to think about now.

“I can't!” he moved closer still. “It's you, Isabel. Always you. I'm not a dream.”

Shaking my head in disbelief, I tried to leave but my legs were unwilling to move.

He wasn't a dream.

And then he moved right in to silence any further protest from me with a searing kiss.


Re: It Could Be Sweet (K/I, Adult) AN 24/8/09

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 7:33 am
by girl afraid
Ok, I suck. Jenny, I am so sorry that this took so long. But here is the second and final part of the ficlet. I hope that you won't hate it too much, lol. Thank you!

Part 2

My mouth moved against his almost instantly, with a familiarity that shouldn't have been there. It frightened me to the core that Kyle could make me feel this way. I wanted to breathe him in, feel him all around me, all over me.

I was kissing Kyle Valenti.

I, Isabel Evans, former high school popularity queen, entangled with the former basketball jock.

And I loved every second of it. No care in the world, no FBI chasing after us, no Jesse..

Oh no.

No, this can't be happening.

I forced myself to pull away and breathed heavily. “We can't, Kyle. I don't want to do this with you. Not like this.”

“And why not?” Kyle demanded, trying and failing to conceal the confusion and hurt in his eyes. “There is something between us, Is, I know you feel it too.”

“ Doesn't matter. It'll ruin our friendship and Jesse-”

“Jesse's in Boston, moving on with his life. It' been over a year since we left, he might have even found love with someone else by now. A hot, smooth-talking, cashed up lawyer, that's gotta be attractive to a lot of women.” he replied, his voice betraying only a slight hint of jealousy.

“He's not like that. Whatever you or anyone else thinks of Jesse, he's loyal and he loves me.” I shook my head and moved over to the rusted pool fence and started at the hot mess that had once been a perfectly nice swimming pool.

Kyle snorted after me. “How long do you expect him to wait? Is the guy some kind of fucking saint? C'mon Isabel, you know better than that.”

I spun around to look back at him. “We took our wedding vows, Kyle. It wasn't a bunch of meaningless dribble to fill in time during our marriage ceremony!” I snapped. “He isn't like an animal with no self-control like some many other men I've known.”

“Ok fine, the guy worships the ground you walk on. But what about you?”

“You know how I feel, you know I love him. He's my husband.”

Kyle smiled bitterly. “Right. He is your husband. He's also your rebound.”

“Think whatever you want, Kyle. I don't really care.” I sighed. “ You know what, I don't have the time or inclination to listen to any of this. All I wanted to do was talk with you-”

“No, you need to hear me out Isabel,” Kyle shot back, cutting out off the rest of my sentence. “You don't love Jesse, not in the way that you loved Alex. How the hell could it not be a rebound? You don't just up and marry someone you've only known for a few months without it either being a rebound or just plain complete stupidity! You know this, Is, I can see it in your eyes. Think about the way you responded to my kiss.”

“I can't! I can't feel that way about you, I won't let myself.” Not bothering to continue the rebound denials, I was really searching now, trying to find any kind of excuse to put off the inevitable – I was hopelessly attracted to Kyle Valenti. I looked up at him staring at me in the moonlight. He was beautiful. How had I managed to not see it for so long?

He moved in close and cupped my face in his soft palms. “We've been building up to something for a while now, please don't fight it. I can't replace Alex but I love you, Isabel.” he whispered. “I don't expect you to completely reciprocate my feelings but please don't deny that you feel something.”

“I...I..” I was lost for words.

“Alex would have wanted you to be happy. I can do that. I swear to God, Is, I'll do whatever it fucking takes. If I fail, you can kick me to the kerb and do whatever you want, but give me a chance. Give us a chance.”

I looked into his beautiful blue eyes searchingly and found what I was looking for. Hope, trust, and love. He loved me, he really well and truly loved me. Yes...I think I could trust this man with my heart.

I closed the small remaining distance between us and murmured “Yes.” before capturing his lips with mine.

Any feelings of guilt or uncertainty were drowned out by lust, passion and something else that I couldn't quite name. Whatever this is between Kyle and I, it might not mean as much as it does right now in the end but at this precise moment in time, nothing could ever feel so right.

Kyle pulled me back on to the bench and into his arms, our mouths never breaking contact in our movement. His strong hands were everywhere; stroking my face and back, my hair, under my shirt. His lips were soft and warm, insistent but not rough. I opened my mouth to his tongue and he deepened the kiss, taking my breath away in a fit of desperate passion. With a low moan and yearning for closer contact, I ripped his bedshirt open without breaking the mouth to mouth contact.

“Is...abel...” he murmured against my lips . “We should probably...take this somewhere else.”

I pulled away and gestured at the motel while he shrugged out of his shirt. “There are a few empty hotel rooms, take your pick.”

“Well, then I'd say that it's time to make our dreams a reality.” Kyle responded with the slightest of smirks.

Arm in arm, we slowly made our way over the empty motel room that was the furthest away from the others. I waved my hand over the lock and stepped into the room with Kyle close behind. He closed the door while I made my way over to the bed. Moving back against the bedhead, I watched him come forward with interest.

I lay back and Kyle moved over me, stroking my cheek just as he did in my dream. I reached up and pulled him back into my arms, taking his mouth back into mine. His tongue stroked mine with increased ferocity until I was completely consumed by passion. Trailing his hands down my sides to the hem of my shirt, he slowly pulled it up over my head, leaving me clad only in a bra and jeans. He dipped his head down and began to pepper my neck with kisses. I groaned and lifted my head slightly to give him easier access, while running my hands up and down his bare back.

He reached around to unclasp my bra but couldn't get it undone properly.


I couldn't help but laugh. What was it that made guys so damn intimidated by a simple bra clasp?

With a blush creeping up on his face adorably confused face, I decided to help him out and unclasped it myself, freeing my aching breasts from their constraints. He silenced me from any further amusement by again crushing my lips with his, invading my mouth with his soft satiny tongue while his hands found my breasts.

Leaving a trail of kisses down from my mouth to my neck, Kyle replaced his hands with his warm wet mouth, suckling each nipple slowly, teasing me with soft flicks of the tongue. My moans soon gave way to pleading chants.

“Kyle...oh, Kyle...please... more...oh!”

He complied by moving lower and undoing the zipper on my jeans. I lifted my hips to help remove the cumbersome item of clothing before doing the same for him.

The sight of Kyle in only his boxers made my mouth water. I reached out to cup his impressive erection in my hand and he hissed in pleasure. He responded by lightly brushing his fingers under my soaking wet panties in a circular motion that drove me wild. We laid down together and were soon entangled once more, grinding our tongues and arousals, twisting our bodies to get as close to one another as possible.

Underwear was soon discarded, at which point Kyle moved to his jeans to retrieve a condom. I took the condom and rolled it carefully onto his erection and moved back, ready to take the first big step in moving on.

Kyle moved into to place and slowly entered me, filling me in a way that Jesse had never managed. I wrapped my legs around his waist tightly and we soon fell into a an intoxicating rhythm. I arched my back, meeting every thrust with matching intensity, building slowly into a passionate fire.

We moved together, again and again. He pistoned into me rapidly, brushing up against my folds as he drove inside. Colors begin forming, swirling around and I wasn't sure where I ended and Kyle began. Mouths, hands, hair, legs melded together as one. Our bodies started slamming harder and faster, hurtling towards completion.

The pressure became immense and I screamed out as I came, my completion bringing Kyle over the edge of the sweetest oblivion. He continued thrusting slowly until his warm seed filled me and then he collapsed on my chest, overwhelmed and spent.

I couldn't move, a million thoughts ran through my mind and only one stuck with me.

I have never felt this way before. Not even with Alex.

Is this how Max and Michael feel when they're with Liz and Maria?

Maybe this time, I could be happy too.

We laid in silence for a time before I looked him in the eyes and asked one simple question.

“Are you a dream?”