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Steamy Night at the Crash (M/L~AU~ADLT) AN-12/15/09[WIP]

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 5:31 am
by RebeccaBehrEvans
Amazing banner made by DreamerLaure. Thank you so much. I love it!!

Winner Round Four for Best Early Admission at RoswellChronicles
Author: Rebecca

Title: Steamy night at the Crash.

Category: Max and Liz. AU. No aliens.

Rating: ADULT

Disclaimer: As much as I wished Max Evans and Jason Behr could be mine, we all know that’s not true… so don’t sue, you wouldn’t like the little you’d gain :lol:

Summary: At twenty-one now, Liz Parker is ready to take on the world… and when you know that her whole world has always been Max Evans, is it honestly any wonder if things spin pretty fast out of control?

AN: Hey,

It’s been a long time since I’ve done this, but hopefully I still know how to do it more or less right :lol: I know I haven’t been around for a very long time, but I’ve been working on this fic for a while now and thought that maybe it was time to get it really out there… My original plan was to finish it first before posting, but I’ve been stuck in the same place for a while now, and so I thought that maybe getting feedbacks, comments, etc would help me get some inspiration back :? Not sure it’s the wisest thing to do with my posting track record :) but I only have one and a half part left to write, so maybe by the time we get there (in about four weeks since I plan to update every Sunday) I’ll finally be un-stuck and done with it :) Let’s pray for that :lol:

In the meantime, any comment is welcome of course… and if anyone feels like making a banner for this fic, feel free to contact me, I’ll be happy to have one since I don’t as of yet!

Anyway, enough talking… here goes (*cross fingers and hope I still have it in me to write something more or less worth reading :) * )

Prologue: Of the risks of what you wear, you should always be aware.
~ * ~
Elizabeth Parker was a woman on a mission and she was definitely dressed to look the part.

The tight leather suit she was wearing was clearly having the effect she had been going for and she couldn’t help but smile as she noticed how many heads she turned on her way, as she walked to the bar at the back of the club, displaying more confidence than she was truly feeling.

Entering the Crash Down and passing the two bulky bouncers at the front door had been a mere formality for her, much to the dismay of the many young people all too ready to party who had been waiting for hours outside, but you couldn’t be the sister of one of the main owners of the most prestigious nightclub the town had ever known and not take advantage of the situation from time to time if you could.

She knew well that Michael didn’t especially appreciate to see her coming to the club, but Liz also knew that for once he wouldn’t be able to lecture her on the fact that he thought that this kind of scene was no place for a woman like her. She couldn’t even remember how many times she had heard him say so in actual fact, but she probably had every time she had come and seen him alone while he was working.

He didn’t like to see his little sister in there with men half drunk if not completely, behaving like pigs around her, or ogling her shamelessly, or so Maria, Michael’s girlfriend who she had known for a few years now and had become a close friend to her as well with time, had told her when she had complained about Michael’s over-protectiveness one too many times.

Tonight would be different however, and nothing, least of all her dear brother, would come between her and what she had coveted now for years. She had planned everything to the last detail and had had no shame or remorse whatsoever enlisting Maria’s help, making sure she would keep Michael far away from here, just so she would actually have a night at the club without him hovering around and preventing her from getting what she wanted and desired most in the world. She had waited long enough for that and tonight, hopefully, would be the night all of her dreams came true.

Expelling a small trembling sigh despite how sure of herself she had seemed to be until that second, she took a seat at the far left end of the long bar counter and waited until one of the many bartenders that worked at the moment spotted her there.

Of course, she knew perfectly well which one she wished to notice her first, but he was serving customers at the opposite side she had deliberately chosen to sit at herself and she knew that she would have to be patient, at least for a while, until that happened.

She would need a moment to work up the nerve to do what she really wanted to do anyway, therefore that was probably not a bad thing right now.

Being spotted where she was was no problem either, the way all the guys seated by the counter turned to her with their tongues nearly rolling out of their mouths the second she planted herself at the bar, immediately alerted the bartender near her that something was going on and that a potential hottie had just walked in the place.

At first, Aidan didn’t even recognize his boss’s sister, not with the way she was dressed at least, but as she smiled at him as he approached her, he had to swallow back the pick-up line he had been all too ready to feed the beautiful creature that stood just in front of him.

“Liz?” he uttered quite incredulously, not quite believing that the woman sitting there could really be the same he had seen with Michael so many times before.

He had always thought her beautiful, but tonight she had really gone all out and didn’t look in any way like the sweet and innocent girl he was so used to.

“Hey, Aidan!” Liz answered back, pleased to see that her outfit was apparently having quite an effect on the handsome brown haired, blue-eyed bartender who normally wouldn’t have looked at her twice.

“Looking good tonight…” Aidan said appreciatively, unable to stop his eyes from traveling down the length of her leather clad body, stopping probably more than necessary on the obvious cleavage he had barely noticed before this day but could surely not miss now. “What are you doing here?”

“The same as everyone else here I guess…” Liz ignored his obvious approving look for now, in the end not so sure about how she felt about the quite disturbing way he was suddenly looking at her, and instead she tried to act as casually as she could. “Looking for some fun.”

“Fun, huh?” Aidan repeated with an eyebrow raised, briefly wondering if there was more behind her words than what it looked like, but then he quickly pushed the thoughts that were crossing his mind far, far away, when he remembered who she was. Michael would surely kill him if he only suspected that he had just spent the last few seconds trying to picture what his sister could look like naked and what kind of ‘fun’ they could have together. “Why don’t we start with something to drink? What would you like?” he amended quickly, trying to come back to a safer topic.

“A Cuba Libre, please.” Liz demanded, already predicting of course what his reaction would be at hearing her ask for the coca cola, lime juice and more importantly white rum mixed drink, and she couldn’t help rolling her eyes as Aidan not surprisingly frowned at her.

“Actually I was more thinking about offering you something non-alcoholic…” Aidan replied, sure that Michael wouldn’t appreciate either if he served alcohol to his sister.

“Ah, no, see… alcohol is exactly what I need and what I asked for…” Liz threw back with a huge smile, knowing that he wouldn’t be able to refuse to serve her once she would have divulged her next piece of information. “Don’t worry, I turned 21 just two days ago, you can serve me!”

“You did?” Aidan still said a little skeptically, as he prepared a martini for another customer, after the man had managed to pull his attention away from the gorgeous brunette the bartender was talking to.

Aidan wanted to believe her of course, but he was sure that there would be hell to pay if she was lying to him and he did give her an even just slightly alcoholic beverage. His bosses didn’t joke about that, and they would even less if Liz was involved.

Usually, it was actually easy to separate those who could drink from those who weren’t old enough to legally doing it yet, the first ones being stamped with a temporary ink tattoo of a spaceship on one of their hands when they presented their ID at the front doors, while the seconds were marked with a small alien head. Liz unfortunately didn’t wear any of those, since they all knew her and she had probably not stopped longer at the doors than the two seconds it had most likely taken her to greet the bouncers at the front.

“Oh, so little faith… I’m crushed, really…” Liz shook her head and pouted, even if she had seen it coming, and almost at the same time, she reached for her purse, handing him her ID only a few seconds later.

She raised an eyebrow at him then, as if to say ‘see, and now what are you going to say to that?’ and then put the document back in her tiny purse when he had indeed verified that her 21rst birthday had been a couple of days earlier and that she could now legally drink with the best of them.

“Are you sure about this?” the bartender insisted one more time nonetheless, as he would clearly prefer if he wasn’t the one having to contribute to his boss’s sister getting drunk in his bar. He could be wrong, but something told him that she would probably not stop at only one single glass.

“Absolutely!” Liz rejoined, before adding nonetheless, if only for his peace of mind, “Don’t worry about me, I’m a big girl… I know what I am doing!”

Aidan wasn’t so sure about that, truthfully, but who was he to tell her otherwise? Yet, as he served her her drink at last, he couldn’t help thinking that maybe he should warn his other boss that Michael’s sister was there tonight, dressed to kill and apparently all too ready to have some fun, like she had said.

The second she had it in front of her, Liz took a long swig of her drink and Aidan couldn’t help but cast a worried look to the other end of the bar where Max Evans was mixing drinks as well, like he was a mere bartender there himself and didn’t own more than half of the place.

From what other people had told him when he had started working here, Max had inherited the ‘Crash 47’ from one of his uncles when this one had decided to retire a few years ago. After some thinking, Max had realized that he would probably not be able to take care of the place on his own, not if he wanted to do with it what he had in mind, and so he had offered his best friend, Michael Parker, a partnership. Michael, who with some help from his parents, had bought him 49% of the affair as soon as he had been able to and was certainly working as hard as Max to make it thrive now.

Since then, the ‘Crash 47’ had been renamed the ‘Crash Down, After Hours’ after Michael’s parents’ own restaurant, one of the most famous dining places in little Roswell, and four years later no one could deny that it had become a very praised and successful nightclub instead of the simple bar it had once been, people often leaving the first place to go and finish their night at the second.

At twenty six years old now, Max was well known and respected for his accomplishment, and that all around Roswell, as was Michael, and even when they didn’t always agree on everything, they had remained best friends, the two guys even sharing the large duplex apartment they had entirely renovated before moving in and that was situated just above the club.

What Aidan also knew was that Max himself considered Elizabeth Parker like his own sister, being at times and much to everyone’s surprise, even more protective of her than even her real brother could be and he was sure that Max wouldn’t be more thrilled to see her sitting there than Michael would have been himself, had he been the one working tonight.

Aidan was actually hoping he would be able to have a word with his boss before he spotted Liz on his own and they engaged in one of those battles of wills they were all too famous for. As far as he remembered, every time Liz had set foot in the club, alone, Max and Michael had been on her case, reminding her that she shouldn’t go out and come to such a place without Maria, or any other of her friends to accompany her. And every time she would remind them in turn that she wasn’t really alone since they were there to play almost constant chaperones, even if it didn’t seem to have much effect on the two men.

Unfortunately, before Aidan could move to Max this time, he saw him giving his spot behind the bar to another bartender and moving away, probably to take care of some business in the front.

The place, like any other Friday night, was completely packed and Aidan knew well that on nights like this, Max was almost constantly solicited for one thing or another, but that didn’t mean that he wouldn’t have a chance to talk to him later, or that he couldn’t do something himself in the meantime. Until he could have that talk with Max, he would make sure that Liz was alright at his end of the bar and that she didn’t get herself into trouble.

Liz herself was hardly paying any attention to him now, she was too nervous trying to figure out how she could make this work without looking like a fool in the end. She had been so sure earlier that a few glasses of alcohol would be enough to help her calm some down, but now that she had almost emptied the first one, she wasn’t feeling so confident anymore.

Seeing Max Evans, even if only for a few minutes and from afar, had made her heart triple hammer in her chest like it always did whenever she saw him or she just knew he was close by, and she could feel how clammy her hands had become all of a sudden.

She knew she was being ridiculous, after all, what was the worst that could happen to her if she tried what she had in mind and it didn’t have the result she was hoping for? Max would probably think that she was joking anyway, or he could take her seriously but tell her that as much as he cared for her -and she knew he did, of that at least there had never been the slightest doubt in her mind- he couldn’t see her the way she wanted him to see her.

And what if that did happen and he rejected her, huh? She wouldn’t die because of it, right? She would certainly wish she had, pretty much on the spot, but she would survive the shame and humiliation, wouldn’t she?

So, no, there was no reason for her to be nervous, she thought as she finished her drink, no reason at all… but that didn’t stop her from ordering another one almost right away. She could tell that Aidan didn’t approve that much, but for now she chose to pay him no heed, ignoring the way he was looking at her as he did what she asked. After all, she knew he wouldn’t understand her, even if she tried to explain to him what was really going on.

No one here would, because no one knew just how much she had been hiding and for how long.

As he walked back from the stockroom with a case of bottles of whisky in his arms, Max Evans found himself smiling once more at how much he loved Friday nights. How much he actually loved this life.

A few years ago, he had had no idea of what he was going to do with his life, where he wanted it to go, the law studies he had started actually leaving him quite unsatisfied with his choice of a career, the only time he actually found himself more or less happy and content with what he was doing, being when he was mixing drinks at his uncle’s bar when the old man let him on the few weekends he was around.

Max had taken it as a sign then so, when his uncle had offered him the Crash 47’ when he had decided that he was too old to handle the bar any longer, as much as he still loved the job himself, and Max had started to dream again then. Dream of what could become of such a place and what he could do to make it even more thriving than it had already been when Adrian Evans had been the sole owner of one of the only escape places Roswell had held.

When he had been younger, Max had always lamented the fact that while there were lots and lots of young people his age who were just asking to have some fun, there had barely been any choice of place for them to go to and do so.

He and Michael had alternatively spent their weekends between staying scooped up at his uncle’s bar and playing pool almost all night, and driving to the nearest good club that was still a good forty miles away in Artesia.

There was no need to say then that it hadn’t taken Max more than a few minutes to figure out what he wanted to do with his inheritance and it hadn’t taken him long either to convince his uncle that it was not only the right, but the best thing to do as well.

Michael had been as excited about the prospect as he had been himself once things had been decided, and so it had only been natural for Max to choose him when he had thought of taking on a partner. He hadn’t even needed to think about it twice, or even considered, even for just a mere second, taking anyone else, and he had surely never regretted his decision since.

They had done good work together, Max thought once more as he took a look all around him and noticed that the club looked even more packed than it usually already did on Fridays. People were everywhere, enjoying a cool drink at one of the many tables and booths that ran all along the walls of the club, or having a blast on the dance floor, Kyle, their weekend DJ definitely setting the floor on fire tonight. But then, when did he not?

The bar was crowded as well, but that still didn’t stop Max from spotting the hot brunette sitting at its left extremity when he came back to it from the other side he had exited it about half an hour ago, when he had been informed that there was some trouble at the front doors.

Having made a quick stop by the stockroom before coming back, so they wouldn’t have to do it later on, Max nearly regretted it when he almost dropped the expensive case he still had in hands the second his eyes settled on probably the finest piece of ass he had ever seen.

He wasn’t usually one to have such crude thoughts, but damn if that weren’t the only thing his mind could come up with at that instant.

The girl was dressed in a tight leather suit that not only didn’t leave anything to the imagination, but molded her behind in a way that nearly made him swallow his tongue as he wondered if she was wearing anything at all under that thing, and Max found his eyes traveling up her curves, hoping to see more of the girl’s attributes.

She had her back to him yet, but the dark curtain of slightly curled hair that cascaded down the length of her back was enough for him to want to know even more about her. If her front was anything like what he had seen so far, he was sure he would find himself drooling all over her before he could even stop himself.

As embarrassing as that would clearly be, Max almost welcomed the possibility, hoping that maybe a night of innocent flirting with such a creature would be enough to make him forget, even if just for a short while, about another brunette who, too often lately, had taken hold of his thoughts and consumed them.

Passing her without saying a word, his back to her for now, Max deposited the many bottles of alcohol he carried behind the bar… and nearly had a heart attack when he eventually turned around and came face to face with the object of his obsession.

For months now, he had tried to get the beauty in front of him out of his mind, without much success unfortunately, and Max was comprehensibly even more frustrated now to see that the first girl he had really noticed since he had realized that his feelings and thoughts were slowly but surely getting out of control, was actually the same and only one he hadn’t been able to stop thinking about.

Talk about some fucking irony, huh?

Max had actually known Elizabeth Parker since she was a day old baby, which probably explained why he had fought so hard when he had started realizing that he had been starting to develop some insane infatuation for his best friend’s little sister, but seeing her now, he guessed that no honest red-blooded guy would be able to hold it against him.

She was truly a vision to behold, his eyes caressing the length of her body before he could convince himself he really shouldn’t let himself do so and take such risk.

Those perfect doe eyes he had lost himself in one too many times lately were heavily made up tonight, her hair was shining even more than it normally did, looking even softer, only curled instead of the normal straight do she usually preferred, her lips were painted a dark raspberry color he would have most likely found a little too vulgar on anyone else, but it only actually made Max want to kiss her even more than he had every time he had seen her these last months, and that leather outfit… god, that outfit should really have been labeled illegal before it even left the factory, Max thought as he followed the long zipper at her front. Zipper that disappeared from his view and under the counter and made his blood boil as he wondered just where the hell it stopped. All that combined and not so surprisingly so, Max found himself in a trance, unable to take his eyes off of her.

Liz sucked in a breath herself as Max kept looking at her, mouth hanging open, like he couldn’t quite believe what he was seeing, and if only to give herself some much needed composure before she said or did something really stupid, something that would completely ruin her chances before she had even tried anything tonight, she gulped half of her second Cuba Libre in barely one swig.

“Parker?” Max blurted after a while and before he could stop himself, briefly wondering if he hadn’t indeed been drooling. Now drooling over a girl he was sure he wouldn’t see after tonight was one thing, but getting caught doing so over this particular girl was something else entirely. He just couldn’t afford it. “Does you mother know you escaped dressed like that?” his next sentence was just as impulsive and he almost regretted it when he saw Liz’s expressive eyes cloud over almost instantly.

“Cute, Evans… real cute…” Liz retorted, trying to hide as best as she could how much it actually hurt to realize that once more, even dressed like this, he was still treating her like she was just some kid he knew, instead of the woman she had become long ago. But could she really have expected anything else, or did she think that he would just take one single look at her tonight and finally fall in love on the spot, huh? Of course not, she had known that she would have her work cut out for her and that she would have to work for it, she just needed to remind herself that things had not even really started yet, and that she just couldn’t give up at the first hurdle. “My mother hasn’t been helping me dress for a while now, in case you haven’t noticed!” she continued, maybe a little more curtly than she had intended to, clearly disappointed, even if she knew she should have known better.

Max noticed her reaction however, and it almost instantly made him feel bad, hurting her or making her feel uncomfortable being the very last thing he had meant to do.

It was not her fault after all he was so frustrated. And had actually been for a while now.

“Sorry… it’s just… uh… that thing…” he stuttered uncharacteristically, unable to form a coherent sentence while he looked at what she was wearing. That outfit was simply mind-boggling and could make any guy lose his freaking mind. “Ah, nevermind… anyway… what are you doing here?” he asked then, after having shaken his head long enough to clear his thoughts some.

As long as he managed to keep his eyes north of her cleavage, everything would be okay. Yeah, as long as he managed that, he would be alright, even if it was clearly easier said than done.

“What does it look like I’m doing here?” Liz replied with a shrug, as if to say it was quite evident and he shouldn’t even have needed to ask.

“Did you come alone?” Max inquired next when he realized that she was right. This was a club after all and he knew well what people came there for.

“Yep… alone and on my own… like the big girl I am.” Liz answered, the pointed look she gave him then seeming to say that she was in no way ready to hear another one of his lectures and that it would be in his best interest to not say a word on the matter.

“Oh-kay… message received…” Max threw back, holding his hands up in surrender, the last thing he wanted being to pick up a fight with her now.

With the way he felt at that second, chances were too great anyway that he would just throw her over the counter if she argued too much with him, and he would settle their disagreement and shut her up the only way that seemed right: by fucking her senseless just where they were. Angry sex had never looked so tempting or appealing, but that… that was really not something he should give too much thought right now. If any at all.

Besides, as long as she stayed at the bar anyway, at least he could keep an eye on her, but he could only do that if he made sure he didn’t make her run away from him and where she was sitting.

Liz didn’t even answer him this time, occupying herself with picking at the napkin Aidan had given her with her first drink, but she couldn’t help following Max with her eyes and frowning slightly when Aidan stopped him from going back to where he had been when she had first arrived.

As she observed them, she couldn’t help but notice how Aidan’s eyes kept coming back to settle on her while he talked to Max and she braced herself for what she knew his reaction would be, once Aidan would have told him just what exactly she was drinking instead of the simple and usual coke he had most likely thought she had been having.

And she had no doubt that was exactly what Aidan was telling him about, they were all so sure she needed protection or whatever, and needed to be monitored like a child whenever she came here. It was totally ridiculous as far as she was concerned, and what was more, it was seriously starting to get on her nerves.

When Aidan and Max were done talking, she saw the latter move a few more feet away to go and talk to another bartender, but Liz was really no more surprised than that to see him come back her way the second he was apparently done giving Andy, or whatever his name was, some directives.

Max smiled at her as he approached, but Liz knew from experience that she really shouldn’t let herself be fooled by the sweet gesture. She was proven right not a second later, when Max took her glass out of her hand when she was bringing it back to her lips again, and polished its content before she could utter a word of protest, his eyes boring into her as he drank.

“ ‘Una mentirita’, huh?” Max questioned as he licked his lips and put the empty glass back down in front of her.

“What?” Liz replied, a little distracted by the glimpse of his tongue she had just gotten. And not even a second did she even think about scolding him for having finished her drink.

“ ‘Una mentirita’… ‘a small lie’… that’s how some people call a Cuba Libre, because they think Cuba was never really free anyway…” Max explained as he prepared a drink for the client sitting only two bar stools from her, referring to the meaning of Cuba Libre. ‘Free Cuba’. “Didn’t know you liked them…”

“Oh, right…” Liz stuttered, a little confused with his behavior and the fact that he didn’t even look mad, like she had been so sure he would be.

Something was definitely not right with that picture.

“You sure didn’t waste any time…” he continued with the same tone, and though Liz caught the clear meaning behind the words, she didn’t know what to make of the too gentle way they were delivered.

“Max, god… don’t start…” Liz still growled before she could stop herself, seeing where this was going, even if she had believed just for a few seconds that she could be off the hook for once.

She wanted to tell him that she was doing nothing wrong, and nothing they hadn’t all done before, whether it were him, Michael or any of her older friends, but she didn’t even have time to say as much that Max was addressing her again.

“I’m just saying… that and that I don’t think Michael would approve…” Max replied, the way he said so leaving the ‘and I don’t either’ part unsaid, but still quite clear for Liz to hear.

“Michael’s my brother, Max… not my father…” Liz reminded him, pushing her glass almost defiantly towards him. “… and I’m not only paying for this, but old enough to drink now, too… so hit me again… that’s what you are paid for, right?” she pursued, daring him to refuse her what she was asking for, and although they both knew that Max wasn’t really paid to serve people here, but only did so still because that was how he had started and he simply still loved being behind the bar, Max didn’t even bother contradicting her.

Instead he looked at her without saying a word for a long moment. So long in fact that it had Liz all but squirming on her seat from the intensity of his gaze.

Liz was actually considering asking him what was wrong with him, when he suddenly seemed to snap out of it and with a shrug, reached for the rum bottle under the bar with one hand, and her empty glass with the other, handing it back to her once he was done adding the rest of the ingredients.

“It’s your ass, Parker!” he told her at last, clearly insinuating that Michael would certainly not be happy with this if he heard about it, but that she would be the one having to deal with him then.

She was right anyway. His job was to make sure that every customer was satisfied with the service they provided, and no matter what he felt for her, tonight she was a customer like just any other. He had already come to that conclusion earlier when Aidan had first informed him that Liz had been heading more and more quickly towards her third drink of the night and he had realized that he would have no valid reason to not serve her if she asked him to.

As she had said, she was old enough to have alcohol now and he had definitely not enough influence on her to stop her from doing so if that was what she wanted. Beside, it was probably better she did this here, under his watch, if she had set her mind on getting drunk for the first time in her life now that she could, than somewhere else where anything could happen to her.

Helping her not get there too fast, was also his job however, and that was why he had made sure Aidan knew not to pour more rum in her drinks than what was necessary for her to just feel the taste if he served her again, and why he had just done so himself, without her being any the wiser.

Max was in fact quite satisfied with what he had come up with to slow her some down, but he only realized that that would probably be the least of his worries for the night when he heard the comment coming from the man who took the seat just next to Liz, seat that had barely been vacated a few seconds.

“And what a nice ass it is!” the guy, a thirty something man, shamelessly said, oblivious to the daggers the bartender in front of him was throwing at him.

Liz herself was too stunned at the moment to even formulate an answer and let the guy know how inappropriate she thought his comment was, and she didn’t even have the opportunity to answer him a few seconds later either, when the stranger asked her if he could buy her another drink and Max was the one to do so for her.

“She hasn’t finished this one yet!” Max remarked almost in a growl, looking at the other man like he was only seconds away from actually hurting him.

“Dude, mind your own business, I wasn’t talking to you!” the other man threw back, barely giving Max a second glance, too busy he was undressing Liz with his eyes, which of course only infuriated Max even more.

“She is my business, dude!” Max groaned through clenched teeth, ready to beat that idiot to a pulp, if he didn’t scurry away and fast.

He knew those guys, and though he had barely done anything yet beside addressing Liz, Max knew his kind and what exactly they were looking for all too well, to not be ready to blow a fuse. That guy would be dead before he could lay a finger on Liz.

“What are you? Her father?” the other guy growled as well now, making Liz look from one man to the other, her mouth hanging open, as they watched each other like they were ready to kill each other if someone didn’t intervene and stopped them.

Max actually looked like he was ready to jump over the counter and smash the other man’s face and Liz, despite what her head was telling her, and how inappropriate she knew it was to have such thoughts in such a moment, couldn’t help being a little bit thrilled at his reaction, hoping that he was reacting in such a way because he was, even if just slightly, jealous.

“Her father would definitely not like what’s going on here… but I will be the one kicking your ass if you don’t get out of here… now…” Max threatened him, only lamenting that their little scene was attracting one too many people’s attention.

He absolutely hated to have to create such scene in fact, but there was no way he was letting this go.

“Max, it’s okay…” Liz barely breathed out, the last thing she actually wanted being for Max to get into a brawl because of her, as sweet as she actually thought it was that he was ready to defend and protect her for once.

“See, you heard the lady… it’s okay… so now go back to handling your bar, and let me handle the girl…” the stranger returned with a triumphant smile, but that smile quickly slipped off his face when Max grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and brought his face inches from his.

“You get out of my club now, or you will be missing a few body parts once I’m done with you!” Max promised in a hiss, not the least intimidated by the way the other guy was trying to look at him. “Now get lost, loser!”

Said loser was actually ready to answer him and give him a piece of his own mind, but he was prevented from doing so when a pat on his shoulder made him turn around and come face to face with two of the club bouncers someone had obviously called. Bouncers who didn’t think twice about escorting him on his way out, even despite his protest that he had done nothing wrong and that it was that stupid bartender who had started it all, messing with him and the hot little number he had tried to pick up and take back home.

He actually only regretted his words and his attitude when he was informed that that stupid bartender was actually the club’s owner, fact that had apparently not registered with him even when Max had told him so, and that he should have really known better than to try anything with that particular girl, considering who she was to their boss. All he had accomplished with that was making sure that they would never let him set foot in the club ever again after that.

The second the troublesome drinker was out of the way, Liz looked back at Max and wasn’t more surprised than that to see him still seething. She watched as he mixed a drink for himself, then barely stopped to breathe before finishing it, and she couldn’t help biting her lip in worry.

Apparently coming dressed like that had not been such a good idea after all, if that was the kind of weirdos she was going to attract all night. She wasn’t even sure it had had any effect on the one man it had been meant to attract in the first place, Max having not made any comment, or shown any particular reaction beside that fleeting moment he had seemed too stunned to speak when he had first seen her, and that first sentence he had thrown at her about what her mother would probably think of her dressed like that.

Fortunately, her mother had no idea she had bought such an outfit, or she would certainly have locked her up in her room before she could have had any chance to escape to Maria’s and change there. But that was really beside the point right now.

“Sorry, Max… I didn’t mean…” Liz started to apologize, but Max didn’t even give her the opportunity to finish her sentence and let him know that she had never meant to get him into any trouble.

“Whatever…” he cut her off, making Liz wonder who he was really mad at: that guy for being another one of those pigs who unfortunately were legions around Roswell and seemed to naturally congregate at the club on weekends, or her for just having been there and being the cause of this. “Just be careful who you talk to while you are here!” he added as what seemed to be an afterthought, and then he moved away, making his way back to where he had previously been, before Liz could even utter another word, or thank him for having come to her rescue, even if she hadn’t asked him to.

On his way, he just stopped to have a few words with Aidan once more, and Liz understood that he was probably asking him to keep a close eye on her. She wanted to scream at him for that, but after what had just happened, she guessed that she was lucky he wasn’t forcing her out and sending her back home, and therefore, for once she held her tongue, knowing that she was in no position to argue.

Max was probably disgusted with her now anyway, and that surely wouldn’t help her accomplish what she had set her mind on.

Seducing Max Evans tonight could definitely prove harder than what she had clearly already predicted.

The truth however, couldn’t be further from that. Max wasn’t disgusted with her, he was too busy being disgusted with himself. The way he had reacted just then had, to some extent, even scared himself if it hadn’t completely scared that other guy and Max had known that he couldn’t stay near Liz for now, not if he didn’t want to risk doing or saying something he would surely regret later on.

Max had never been what you could call a possessive man, and if he had had several more or less serious relationships in his life, he couldn’t remember having ever been so jealous as he had felt minutes ago when that guy had been all but drooling into Liz’s displayed cleavage.

The urge to punch his face and order him to stay away from what was his had been nearly overwhelming and it had only been the knowledge that he had no rights to Liz, that had stopped him from staking such claim.

She wasn’t his, she never was and she would never be. She couldn’t be, for so many reasons, he just had to get that through his thick head once and for all, and everything would go back to normal. Back to how things were before all those crazy thoughts of making her his forever had started to invade his mind.

And in the meantime, or at least until he calmed some down, he would just have to stay away from her. It was the only thing he could think of that would stop him from throwing her over his shoulder and taking her back up to his room, where he would lock her up and keep her prisoner, until she succumbed to him and he made sure she was as crazy about him as it unfortunately seemed more and more, he was of her.
~ * ~

Soooo? :?

Re: Steamy Night at the Crash~M/L~ADLT~Prologue~03/15/09

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 3:34 am
by RebeccaBehrEvans
Author: RebeccaBehrEvans

Title: Steamy night at the Crash.

Category: Max and Liz. AU. No aliens.

Rating: ADULT

Disclaimer: See first part.

AN: Hey, guys… I probably won’t have time to post tomorrow morning, so I’m just doing it sooner, Hope you don’t mind :D

Here is the next part, but first…

DreamerLaure, I think you meant at Roswellian Chronicles :lol: and I think you already know the answer to that question :wink: like Max could stay away from her much longer :roll: he would probably self-combust if he did :mrgreen:
Thanks for your feedback… and can’t wait to see the banner :wink: (oh, and of course I hope your midterms went well!)
destinyc wrote:Exciting start! Liz better hope Max relents soon--that leather's going to chafe 8) !

Hurry back,
My god, this made me laugh so hard! But so true… Liz would probably regret her choice of clothes if she kept that think on for too long :P so hopefully, she won’t :twisted: thanks for the feedback!

Eve, hey girl, comment vas-tu?
Yes, Max is VERY protective of Liz and although he tries to convince himself that it’s only in a brotherly way, I think we already all know how so far from the truth that is, right? :mrgreen:

As for Michael… fortunately he won’t show up (at least not for now! :twisted: ) or he would probably ruin her night and her plans with Max… and well, I’m not that mean :lol: They should at least have one 'steamy' night together before Michael comes and ruins their fun, right? Merci beaucoup a toi également! :wink:

Alien_Friend, Thanks… and thanks :wink: Hope you’ll enjoy the next chapters, too!

Michelle17, I was going to tell you I had posted when I saw you had already answered… glad to see you here :wink: Thanks so much for the feedback!
keepsmiling7 wrote:I loved the start of this story when it was in Sneak Peaks at the glad you are posting it here and will be finishing......Can't wait to see more of protective Max.....he may have his hands full.....
Full of what, that’s the real question :twisted: :lol: thanks so much for supporting me here, too :wink:

Jake17, :lol: well, here I am… glad you’re liking it so far! Hope what comes next won’t disappoint you… thanks for the feedback!

Azure, well, here it is… thanks for the feedback, too!

Mary Mary, thanks! Hopefully I still have a few surprises in store for you :wink:
RiceKrispy wrote:Oooh, I like this.

You know, I never understood the concept of not dating someone's younger sibling. It's always seemed really strange to me, unless you're a crackhead or something and you hang out with crackheads. Then I can understand someone not wanting their friends to date their little sister. But when you're Liz's age and you're Max's age, I say live and let die. Or whatever.
Honestly I never either :lol: If you’re best friend with the guy, it obviously means that you think he’s got something, that you appreciate him, and probably think he’s a great guy, so what’s so wrong about him dating your sister… I personally even think that you probably couldn’t trust anyone more with her, but guys are weird that way, I guess :lol: or maybe it’s just because as much as they want to make us believe they don’t, guys talk about as much as us about what they think, or do or don’t with the girls they are with, and yeah, hearing a guy talk about your sister, or seeing them being all lovey-dovey in front of your eyes is probably more than a guy can take :lol: In any case, here it served my purpose, and I honestly can’t wait to see Max butting heads with Michael and fighting for what he wants! :twisted: Thank you, too!

Janetfl, thank you, too… hope you'll still like the rest :wink:

Lairabehr4, hey, sweetie… how are you? Long time no see, huh? I really hope you like this story, too! Stay around, okay? And thanks for the feedback, of course! :wink:

Behrbabe, hey, thanks for the feedback, and thanks for the banner offer… I would have gladly accepted and been proud to have you make one, but DreamerLaure beat you to it :lol: and as much as I wished I could post as many as offered, I don’t think the board mods would liked it that much themselves :lol:

Kay!!!!! Hey, hun’!!!! How are you? Gee, it feels like years since I talked to you last! But I still thought of you :lol: I even went to Tunisia a few weeks back, and I was so mad when I realized that I hadn’t taken your address with me!! It’s really a beautiful country and you’ll like the postcard! (I say will, because I bought and wrote one nonetheless, I just need to get around to posting it from here :mrgreen: ) Thanks so much for the feedback and for always supporting me :wink:

Abbs07, Thanks for the feedback, too!

Emma, so very excited to be back :lol: … it really does feel weird to be posting again and be waiting for feedbacks again :lol: thanks for yours :wink:
Dziumka wrote:Great story :) I can't wait for Max to do something about his attraction :)
Come back soon!!
Oh, he will :twisted: and very soon!! Thanks, too!

Sunrise102, thanks, too!

Sherrie, hun, I missed you so much, too!! How are you? And how is life treating you? Mine is honestly just crazy since I changed jobs, but I honestly couldn’t be happier than I am now (even if sometimes the students are only seconds away from having their asses seriously kicked :lol: ) Well, I hope you keep liking this Max, too!! And stay around, okay? I just love your feedbacks!! Take care, hun’!! and thanks of course! :wink:

DaleStateShorty, yeah, she really should be more careful... but don't worry, Max will be there to protect her :wink: As for the 'action', there will definitely be some, :lol: just not sure how 'hot' it will be considered :lol: I've been out of practice, writing this kind of scenes, for a while now LMAO!Thank you for the feedback!

Okay, that’s it… lurkers, thanks for reading, too… here goes the next chaper!

To Tiph, you don't know how much you're missed! Roswell World won't really ever be the same for me without you!

Posted in two, due to length.

Chapter One: Sometimes one mere kiss, will still take you to bliss.
~ * ~
Liz Parker spent the next hour or so nursing drinks and keeping observing the man she had known her whole life, and the man she had been in love with for a good half of it.

Despite the fact that she could sense how uncomfortable it was making Aidan to have to keep serving her, he hadn’t said a word about it and hadn’t stopped her from getting exactly what she had wanted, and only for that, she guessed she could be grateful to him.

Many drinks later, Liz was feeling more than only the slight buzz she had been feeling in the beginning, but strangely, she felt she was suddenly invincible and ready to conquer the world. Or maybe the world would prove to be too big of a challenge just yet, but she felt definitely ready to take on the hot bartender she hadn’t been able to take her eyes off of and making him come down to her feet this time, the false, alcohol-induced confidence she had built up since he had left, making her believe she could do anything for once.

He hadn’t come back to see her since he had left her sitting there on her own, but Liz had been too content drinking her fill of him from just where she was to mind that much, for once not even bothering to hide how she really felt.

Her eyes had been quite shamelessly roaming over his body for the last few minutes, not even minding that with the way she kept looking at him, he was either going to catch on fire just before her eyes, or actually more simply, catch her in the act.

She couldn’t care for now, the sight of him working there, clad in those tight low-ridding jeans and that white shirt that molded every inch of his torso and made her pulse race every time he moved to serve customers, or simply reached for the bottles he needed, being enough to make her ignore anything else.

The only thing she minded in fact, was the growing dampness that was settling between her thighs the longer she stared at him, and how uncomfortable it was slowly making her to be in such a state and keep sitting just there, in that leather suit that was making her feel way hotter than she was sure was normal.

Maria had actually warned her about that side effect, but surely she hadn’t meant that she would be ready to strip of the little clothes she had on -and, yes, many were probably wondering, but that suit, was the only thing she was wearing tonight- and wish for the night air to cool off her skin before the night was even over.

Her body temperature only seemed to go still another few degrees up when all of a sudden Max turned to her and his smoldering gaze instantly locked with hers, like he had been completely aware of her presence there all along, and had known where exactly he would find her.

Aware was still a mild way to put it, however. Max couldn’t have ignored she was there even if he had been paid for it, every minute he had spent away from her, being a minute he had had to fight with himself to not go running back to her like a teenager in heat.

Knowing that she stood there, only mere feet away, had made him yearn to be with her, or as close to her as he could be, but Max had refused to give in, even long after he had calmed down enough to be coherent again and be sure he would be able to hold a normal conversation with her.

The last few minutes had proven to be the hardest however, and Max was ready to give himself a small respite, judging that he had probably been as strong as he humanly could for now, when someone asked him for another drink and momentarily stopped him for going back to where he really wanted to be, and that no matter how much his head could rebel against what his heart and body could ask for.

From her side of the bar, Liz took in the scene and she couldn’t help but feel her heart tighten in her chest when she recognized the slender brunette who was now talking and laughing with Max.

Now, women had been flirting almost non-stop with Max since she had gotten there and he had been his usual charming-self with almost all of them, so that wasn’t really anything new. It was, according to Maria, the ‘Cocktail’ effect, or the ‘Tom Cruise’ effect as she liked to call it as well when people didn’t always get her reference to the famous 88’ movie.

Many women had the hots for the bartenders and spent more time drooling over them than really enjoying the club scene, and if that bartender was as freaking hot as Max, Liz could definitely understand the attraction. Maybe better than anyone else even, but she had really thought that Max had gotten rid of that particular ‘weight’ months ago. Not that she would have ever asked him if it were true or not, at least not before tonight, but Maria had been sure he wasn’t seeing Serena Whatever-her-surname-could-be any longer and Liz, more than anything else in the world, had wanted to believe it.

Not surprisingly so, Liz was now caught between the sudden urge she felt to close her eyes so she wouldn’t have to see more than her heart could most likely take, and the one just as strong to throw up all the drinks she had gulped down since the beginning of the night.

Before she could stop herself, tears filled her eyes when she saw Max smile at something Serena said to him, and then watched her cup the side of his face and plant a kiss on his cheek, lingering there just way longer, at least in Liz’s opinion, than it would have been decent to.

She knew she was being ridiculous, after all, one simple kiss didn’t have to mean anything, but that didn’t stop her from feeling like her heart was breaking in two at the sight. Whatever was really between them, Serena had something with Max, Liz feared she would never be able to claim herself, no matter how much she could actually want to.

Seeing Max coming her way almost as soon as he seemed to be done, at least for now, with Serena, Liz did her best to school her features and appear as unaffected as she could.

She wasn’t sure she succeeded that much however, when Max stopped just in front of her and looked at her a few seconds longer than what should have really been necessary, one of his eyebrows raising as in question.

Liz ignored it though, looking back at him and daring him to say anything.

“How are you doing, Parker?” Max asked gently, stunning her into momentary silence when one of his thumbs reached out to her and brushed away the single tear that had still managed to escape her eyes despite her efforts.

He didn’t comment on it however, and Liz could only hope that he didn’t suspect the reason for her tears, but thought it was only due to the amount of alcohol she had already consumed. After all, many around her were all bleary-eyed and looked like they were about to cry, too, after one too many drinks.

“I guess not as fine as you…” she said all too casually to be honest and Max couldn’t help frowning at her words.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” he wondered aloud, taking from Aidan and finishing the drink the other bartender had been preparing.

“You have…” Liz pointed to his cheek and then rolled her eyes when it was obvious he still didn’t see where she was going with that. “Lipstick… you have lipstick on your cheek… and honestly, that color?… it doesn’t do anything for you.” she elaborated, crunching up her nose at the almost crimson red mark Serena had left on him.

Who wore such a horrible color anyway?

“Oh…” Max just uttered, rubbing at where she had pointed out to make the mark disappear.

“Yeah, oh…” Liz repeated, suddenly looking down into her drink, like it was the most interesting thing in the world, and avoiding Max’s gaze at all cost. She knew she wouldn’t be able to ask what she wanted if she had to look at him just now. “I… I-I thought you weren’t seeing Serena anymore?” Liz forced herself to blurt out before she had time to think about it twice and convince herself that she really didn’t want to know the answer to that question. Not if it were to hear him say that he indeed was still with that girl, or they had indeed broken up before but had now just decided to give it another go.

“I’m not…” Max replied almost immediately, only to have to insist some more when Liz turned doubtful eyes up to him. “Not like that, I mean… we’re friends…” he explained, wondering briefly if he had just imagined the small sigh of relief he was sure he had just heard escaping her lips.

She had no reason to feel relieved about the news, had she?

“Friends, huh?” Liz repeated nonetheless, looking him straight in the eyes now, knowing that she would see the truth in them and would have no more doubts if she just looked at him.

She knew he wouldn’t lie to her anyway, he never had before, and he would surely not on such a simple thing. Beside he had never hidden his relation with Serena before, so he had no reason to start now if they were actually still together.

“Yep…” Max just said, not wanting to go into more detail about his relationship with Serena.

There wasn’t much to say anyway, truthfully, they had not even really been together in reality -at least not like Liz probably thought they had- only having gone out a few times before realizing that though they had a lot in common, they were better off as friends. Since then they had still enjoyed a few moments together, going out to dinner once in a while to catch up with what was going on in their respective lives, but that had been the extent of it. Max knew she was seeing someone more or less seriously now anyway, but what was more, he wasn’t interested in her that way either, no matter how attractive he indeed still thought she was.

“Okay…” Liz just whispered then, and this time, Max knew he wasn’t imagining the small smile that graced her lips, even if she lowered her head again and obviously tried to hide it.

Feeling strangely pleased with that, Max didn’t even think about it before re-serving Liz when she asked him for another glass, preparing one for him as well once he was done with hers.

Watching her as he took a gulp of his own, he was surprised nonetheless to see Liz down more than half of hers almost at the same time.

“So… any particular reason you’re trying to drink us out of business tonight, or are you just trying to make up for what you consider lost time…” he asked her teasingly before he could stop himself, his question definitely catching Liz’s attention again. “Because I have to say… you just turned twenty-one... I can guarantee you that you still have a few good years to know exactly how it feels to be really hungover in the morning… no need for you to rush it…” he continued, watching her as she played with the straw he had added to her last drink, hoping that it would maybe help her drink slower and stop it from going directly to her head now.

Even if she had probably not noticed, he had been keeping an eye on her earlier and he knew just how much she had drunk already. The weird thing was that she had not been sick yet, or simply decided to throw in the towel and gotten back home.

“I’m… uh… on a mission!” Liz revealed all too casually, the alcohol clearly loosening her tongue and making her say so before she could even realize what she was doing and reconsider it.

“You are?” Max demanded curiously, thinking that maybe having her drink so much could prove somewhat useful and interesting in the end.

She seemed way more eager to share all her thoughts with him than she normally would and as wrong as he knew it was, part of him couldn’t help but want to take advantage of that.

“Hmm-uh…” Liz all but moaned out as she pulled her straw out of the colored liquid in front of her and licked it clean, apparently not aware of what effect such simple gesture could have on the man in front of her.

“And what mission would that be?” Max inquired after having swallowed as much of his drink as he could himself, the way he felt his groin tighten at the mere sight of her licking that straw being almost embarrassing, considering he was far from being a virgin and was definitely too old to still react in such a way.

God, was it suddenly hot in there, or what?

“I’m losing my virginity tonight!” Liz announced for everyone within earshot to hear, like that was the most natural, or normal thing to say in such a moment.

Only when she saw Max spit his drink on the bar in front of her and she noticed the dozen of interested eyes that had suddenly turned to her, did she question what she had just said.

What? Why were they all looking at her like that? Had they never seen a virgin before? She wasn’t the only remaining one in Roswell, was she?

No, of course not, there was still ‘Mary, the Prude’ as everyone called Reverend Anderson’s daughter. That one was certainly still a virgin. And there was that old miss down Main Street… what was her name again?... Annie Something… who was seventy years old and for the better of everyone’s knowledge had never known the touch of a man in her whole life, and probably never would. She would certainly die an old maid now. God, seriously, what was her name? Liz wondered, the rum having most likely really kicked in at last, because she just couldn’t remember, when she had known the woman her whole life.

She was ready to ask Max if he remembered, when she saw him wipe the mess he had made on the counter in front of her, while telling one of the guys near her to mind his own business and stop looking at her like that.

Apparently she had to have missed part of the conversation when she was mulling over Old Annie’s name because she didn’t understand everything of what they were arguing about.

“Parker, I don’t think you want to say something like that in front of so many horny males!” Max chuckled awkwardly as he addressed her again, hoping with all his might that she had only been joking, or only actually been trying to get a rise out of him, for whatever reason that could be.

“Why not? It’s true!” Liz just shrugged like it was no big deal -that was definitely what she had come to offer to Max after all, even if she probably should have said so only to him and not to half of the bar- and Max found himself glaring once more at all the guys around, threatening to kick them all out if he heard only one more of them offering Liz to help her with that.

Re: Steamy Night at the Crash~M/L~ADLT~Prologue~03/15/09

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 3:35 am
by RebeccaBehrEvans
God, this girl was going to get him killed tonight!

His threat however, seemed to be enough for now and have at least some effect on the guys since most of them shut up then, but that didn’t stop Max from trying to hide Liz from their lust-filled gazes and plant himself in front of her to shield her, glad to see that he could surprisingly easily do so, since she had perched herself on one of the last bar stools, just where the counter turned and ended.

Only the guy directly next to her could still clearly see and hear them now, but Max made sure he wouldn’t say another word, the way he glowered at him scaring him enough for him to know he better forget all about the girl sitting near him.

She hadn’t paid him much attention before anyway, no matter how hard he had tried to get her to notice him, apparently more interested she was in drinking herself into a stupor than having any real conversation with any of the guys around.

Too bad, he would surely not have minded being the one helping her with her little ‘problem’. But then which guy in his right mind here wouldn’t, huh? The girl was seriously hot, and if she was asking for it, she should certainly not worry about getting it. That bartender, as protective as he could act, sure looked like he would be ready to deliver himself.

“I-I…” Max started quite uncomfortably and barely loud enough for Liz to hear him. “I didn’t even know you were still… you know…” he trailed off, unable to say the words, and even less able to analyze how he really felt about that revelation for now, if it were indeed true of course. “I thought Sean Delfino had… taken care of that a long time ago.” He went on, remembering all too well when that rumor had started to fly all around Roswell High and how it had reached his own ears even if he had long not been attending that school anymore.

He had not let himself think too much about it at the time, but yes, he could admit that it had felt weird, thinking that a seventeen years old Liz could have lost her virginity to such an idiot. Sean Delfino was closer to his age than Liz’s and definitely not Max’s favorite person in the world, and believing that he had been Liz’s first had surely not helped Max have a better opinion of him or change his mind on him.

“Please, like I would give that loser the time of day!” Liz retorted with a snort, resting her chin in the palm of her hand and sighing softly afterwards, apparently more enthralled by the way Max was looking at her all of a sudden, than by the topic of conversation.

“So, you and Sean… you never…” Max insisted some more, wanting suddenly to know for sure, yet forcing thoughts of being actually Liz’s first and the one to introduce her to the pleasures two people could bring to each other if no one had before, as far away from his mind as he could.

“Nope! Or maybe only in his dreams!” Liz giggled a little drunkenly, like she would find it funny to know that Sean could have been dreaming of her, without actually having her.

Max however, didn’t seem to see the humor or find it that funny himself, after all for having dreamt of her one too many times himself in the past, he knew what an uncomfortable state you could wake up in, and he wasn’t sure he could even wish that to his worst enemy.

“Then why didn’t you ever say anything to deny it?” Max queried curiously still. After all, part of the reason they had all assumed it was true when they had first heard about it, had been because Liz had refused to talk about it.

“What good would that have done? No one would have believed me anyway!” Liz shrugged once more, remembering all too well how she had tried in the beginning, but had quickly understood that it would be no use and she would only be wasting her time.

Sean had always had the reputation of being able to bed any girl he set his eyes on, and she had probably been considered too shy and prude herself to be able to resist him better and longer than any other girl before her had. It didn’t matter anyway, as long as she had known the truth, and the only one she would have wanted to tell she had been saving herself for him and no one else, had not seemed to care then, so what would have been the point? Liz had even wanted to believe that if Max thought that she had some experience, he would see her differently, but he had never done a thing to approach her even after that then, so she had let it go for a while, or at least until now.

She didn’t mind telling him the truth now, after all, if she managed to end up where she wanted to end up tonight, he would have probably realized it on his own anyway.

“You do know that Michael kicked his ass because he was truly convinced it was true? He even sent the guy to the ER!” Max reminded her, even if truthfully, he had thought Sean deserved it as well at the time, if only for being the one proudly boasting over the fact that he had deflowered the Parker girl and being the one to start that rumor in the first place.

Max would have probably even been the one to kick his ass, if only for damaging Liz’s reputation, if Michael hadn’t beaten him to that.

“And I think that was punishment enough for lying, don’t you think?” Liz demanded with a small smile, knowing that as far as she was concerned, it had definitely been.

Sean had never come anywhere near her after that, and no one had ever dared say one misplaced word about her after they had seen what Michael had done to him.

Of course, Michael had been furious with her for a while as well, lecturing her every chance he got about how stupid he thought she had been to let someone like Sean get into her pants, but after many yelling battles where, instead of simply telling him the truth, Liz reminded him that she was old enough to make her own decision and her own mistakes, he had eventually calmed down and stopped bringing it up.

Max eventually nodded at that, thinking that she was probably right, and left her alone a few minutes while he attended to a few customers, but he was by her side again the second he was done, asking almost too casually, “ So, this whole ‘I’m losing… it, tonight’… uh…” he intoned, barely able to stop himself from chocking on the words. “Do you have anyone in mind, or are you just going to let one of those horny dogs get lucky tonight?” he finished, hoping she wouldn’t see through his supposedly calm and indifferent façade.

Inwardly he was all but ready to explode, swearing to himself that he would just drag her out of there the second she opened her mouth if she told him something like she didn’t care who did it as long as it was done.

Liz seemed ready for a lot of firsts apparently, now that she had turned twenty-one, and if he had no right whatsoever to rule her life, or stop her from doing what she wanted, he would be damned if he let her make such a monumental mistake as the one he was sure was coming, without saying a thing.

If he had to, he would even call Michael and tell him what his dear little sister was planning, so he could come and get her, and that even if it made her hate him afterwards.

And no, it had nothing to do with the fact that he was jealous, or that the mere thought of any guy with his hands on Liz was literally driving him insane, he was just trying to protect her. That was all.

“I do… have someone in mind, I mean… I’m just trying to work up the nerve to approach him about it…” Liz confessed, watching his reaction from under thick eyelashes, hoping he would get her meaning without her having actually to come out and say the words aloud.

Wouldn’t it be so much easier if it could happen like that and be that simple?

“Hence the drinking!” Max deduced, trying to fight off the jealousy that was creeping through his every bone once more.

He couldn’t help but wonder who could be the guy who could put such a look on Liz’s face, even if she probably didn’t realize herself the way it had almost lit up just for a second there, when she had talked about her mysterious man, or if he only knew just how lucky he was.


“Hence the drinking… aaand… I’m not quite there yet… so keep them coming…” Liz confirmed quite loudly as she pushed her drink to him but then, she couldn’t help but pout when Max just looked at it without doing a thing.

“Well, maybe you should actually slow down, or by the time he gets here, you won’t remember your name, much less be in any state to… you know…” Max advised, before stuttering awkwardly again before he could finish his sentence.

“Lose my virginity?” Liz did it for him, once more a little too loudly for Max’s liking, which caused him to wince perceptibly and Liz to giggle herself in reaction. “Why is it so hard for you to say the words?” she questioned him with a small smile, finding it actually really funny that a man like Max could be unable to say such a simple, almost insignificant word as ‘VIR-GI-NI-TY’.

“It’s not hard…” Max said, or at least it wasn’t hard like she could think it was. Hard was how he was clearly feeling now, or the longer he looked at her and thought about her… becoming a woman… preferably with his help. “It’s just weird, I guess… I mean, I’ve known you since you were a baby, and now…” he continued and only realized that wasn’t something he should have brought up now when Liz glared at him and straightened up in her seat the second the words were out.

“Well, I’m no baby anymore… I’m a woman now…” Liz reminded him quite proudly, chest out and all, but instead of being impressed as Max thought was her aim, he found himself smiling softly at how cute he thought she looked, sitting there, looking all indignant, even if she could barely stand on her stool.

Only for that, Max decided to give her a little something.

“Oh, yes, you’re a woman alright!” he whispered for her ears only, elbows on the counter now, as at the same time he made a show of letting his eyes slide appreciatively down her curves, his tongue coming out to lick his lips as he stopped his hungry gaze on her perfect breasts.

“I am!” Liz insisted with a decisive nod, trying her best to stop herself from moaning aloud when she saw exactly where he was looking, but she definitely couldn’t stop her blood from boiling in her veins at the sight of Max leaning so casually against the counter, his face only mere inches from hers now.

“Mmm-uh…” Max smiled that sexy smile of his, and Liz’s good resolutions nearly went right out of the window, that being almost enough to make her melt on the spot.

“Are you making fun of me?” she couldn’t help pouting and asking nonetheless, sure that Max was trying to play some trick on her, or whatever, otherwise she couldn’t explain what seemed to be happening between them all of a sudden.

“I wouldn’t dare!” Max chuckled, but the gleam in his eyes seemed to say otherwise and only made Liz pout harder.

“Well, you shouldn’t!... I still haven’t forgotten that you didn’t get me a birthday present this year… so you better not push your luck, a girl can only be so forgiving!” Liz reminded him and warned him, unable to quite completely hide how much that had actually stung, even despite her best efforts.

Usually, he always had something for her, how insignificant that could be, but this year she had only gotten a happy birthday wish and a kiss on the cheek, and as important as that had already been, it still had not been enough to erase the pain and disappointment she had felt when she had understood that that was apparently all she would be getting.

What she didn’t know was that that had actually been voluntary on Max’s part and that he and Michael would be giving her her real present tomorrow, during the surprise party her parents were throwing her for her 21rst birthday.

“Who said I didn’t?” Max challenged with an eyebrow raised and a little smirk that had Liz’s heart skipping a few beats.

“Did you?” she whispered softly, head cocked to the side, her eyes boring into his.

“Maybe.” Max breathed back, suddenly itching to push away that strand of hair that had fallen before her eyes and see if it were really still as soft as he remembered it to be.

“You don’t even know what I want!” Liz told him then, sure that whatever he could have come up with, if he had indeed bought her something, it certainly couldn’t be what she really wished for, no matter the fact that she knew she would like it anyway, simply because it would be coming from him.

“Well, what do you want?” Max demanded to know, even if he already did. After all, she had only been asking for the same thing since she had turned eighteen. And she was surely in for a big surprise tomorrow.

“Right now?” Liz replied almost breathlessly, wondering if she could really do what her head was telling her she should do.

“Huh-uh…beside more alcohol, of course…” Max said, although he nearly bit his tongue when he realized that Liz had apparently momentarily forgotten all about drinking and he was only reminding her of that.

Fortunately, she didn’t seem to catch on his slip for now, too busy she apparently seemed to be, thinking about what she could ask him.

If only he knew that she had known all along what that would be and was only pretending to have to make up her mind.

“A kiss…” she whispered at last, knowing that there was no reason to prolong this.

She had nothing to lose anyway, and if he did reject her, she would just have to act like she was definitely too drunk to really know what she was doing or saying, or simply tell him that she was kidding.

“W-What?” Max stammered in answer, that being probably the last thing he could have thought she would come up with, no matter the fact that the thought of actually doing so and kissing her had really not been too far from his own mind.

“You heard me… I-I want a kiss…” Liz reiterated before she could chicken out, thinking that it was now or never. “You know, to… wish me luck for later…” she justified as an afterthought, thinking that maybe Max needed more to stop hesitating. Not that that was the most clever excuse she could have come up with, clearly.

“For later, huh?” Max repeated with another small smile. “And what would your lucky guy think if he saw me kissing you just before you went and offered yourself to him?” he taunted before he could stop himself, but at least he was proud of himself when he managed to say that whole sentence without cringing at the thought this time.

He couldn’t care less if he did see them. Let him see them, and maybe then he wouldn’t even think about coming anywhere near Liz, and Max wouldn’t have to threaten his very life if he just touched her.

“Nothing…” Liz affirmed and then rushed the rest out when she saw that Max was looking at her like he was telling her she should really try to find something better than that. “He’s not here yet anyway… and what he doesn’t know can’t hurt him, right?” Liz lied and added a little mischievously, and she almost smiled in triumph when she saw Max staring at her, his mouth opening and closing for a few seconds, the sure sign that he had no good retort to offer to that.

Yes, she could have almost smiled, if it hadn’t been for Max’s next sentence.

“You don’t really want me to kiss you, Parker!” his voice was hoarse as he spoke now and had Liz trembling from head to toes.

His words seemed to tell her that she had no idea, or wasn’t anywhere prepared for the kind of repercussion even just a simple innocent kiss could have, but his eyes… god, his eyes. The way he was looking at her suddenly, like she was the only thing he was seeing now was enough for her to forget about anything else as well, and not even his slightly negative words could stop her from going further now.

There was something in his gaze, and unless it was indeed the heavy dose of alcohol she had consumed tonight that was making her imagining it, it definitely didn’t match what had just passed his lips.

“Why not?” Liz said almost just as breathlessly, if not more, before she added more jokingly, “Everyone wants a shot at Max Evans, right? Or did you really think this place was packed every night because of my brother’s good manners?”

Her attempt at humor had the anticipated effect, Max’s throaty laugh filling the air the second he heard her, but when he was ready to leave her again after that, somehow now convinced that she had only been playing him, she stopped him from doing so, grabbing him by the shirt and bringing him even closer to her than he had already been seconds ago, the counter being actually the only thing stopping their bodies from ending plastered to each other.

“Don’t you want to kiss me, Max?” Liz breathed out, mere inches from his lips and way more seriously, Max’s eyes all too naturally drifting to her own. “Just… one… kiss…” she then whispered oh, so close to him, Max could feel her breath stirring against his face and he had to resist the urge he felt to tell her exactly just how many times he had actually imagined himself doing so in the last few years.

“You’re playing a dangerous game, Squirt!” he all but groaned out instead, finally smoothing that lock of hair behind her ear, his fingers trailing down the side of her face once he was done.

“Don’t call me…” Liz started, realizing how hard it suddenly was to even just form a simple sentence with him this close to her, touching her, but she couldn’t finish to tell him she didn’t want him to call her ‘Squirt’, even if he had done so a million times before anyway, because before she got the opportunity, Max’s lips slanted over hers and she forgot about anything else. What she was going to say, where she was, maybe even her own name.

Despite the many, many times Liz had imagined herself being kissed by Max, nothing could have prepared her for the whirlwind of emotions that washed over her when it finally happened for real.

One of his hands cupped her cheek as his lips caressed hers over and over again, and Liz was completely blown away by the tenderness with which he held her, like he was afraid he would scare her away and she would beg him to stop if he was too demanding. If he only knew. Nothing in this world could make her pull away from him, not even the need for air.

Her head was already spinning from the prolonged contact, but Liz actually really thought she would completely lose her mind when Max sucked on her bottom lip, causing a small moan to spill from her half-parted mouth.

Unable to stop herself, she involuntarily begged him for more, her tongue picking out and caressing Max’s when she felt it pass over her now moist lips, both of them groaning the second they touched.

Angling her head and feeling his control slipping away still a little more, Max plunged his tongue into Liz’s hot mouth, seeking hers and tangling with it, until Liz felt herself all but swoon over. She was actually fairly certain that the only reason she was still sitting there and hadn’t already slid to the floor was because Max had yet to release his gentle grip on her, and she was actually wondering just how long she would still be able to hold on in such position and have that be enough, when Max eventually pulled away from her.

“Happy Birthday, Squirt!” he murmured softly when they parted, before he grazed her lips once more in a small, tender kiss at her obvious whimper of protest.

“Wow!” barely recovering, Liz blurted out hoarsely, her fingers coming to touch her now slightly swollen lips before she could reason with herself, the small gesture making Max smile gently.

“Yeah…” he cleared his throat, doing his best to not show just how affected he had been himself by that simple kiss and barely managing to stop himself from trying to reiterate the experience right away. “I think I’ve heard that before…” he added a second later as he tried to compose himself.

“Always so smug.” Liz responded, still a little dazed, but despite her words, she knew he had every reason to be proud of himself.

Never in her life, or in all the other times she had been with a guy, had a mere kiss ever had so much effect on her, and Liz had a hard time trying to figure out if it was due to the fact that she had just kissed Max Evans, the man she had been in love with for as long as she could remember, or simply that he just really knew how to kiss a girl. All in all she guessed that it didn’t really matter, but god, if he hadn’t left her all but breathless.

“What can I say?” Max shrugged and smirked openly now, leaving Liz simply looking at him.

He was right, there was nothing to say after such an amazing kiss, and it would certainly still take a few more minutes before she was able to really hold any kind of conversation.

“So anyway… about that lucky guy… Anyone I might know?” Max asked a moment later, as he saw one of the counter customers leave his stool and he disposed of his glass before wiping clean the section of the counter he had been sitting at.

“Maybe…” Liz replied just as enigmatically as he had himself earlier about her present, understanding that apparently, they wouldn’t be talking about, or commenting on what had just transpired between them.

Maybe it was for the best, at least for now, she considered briefly, but that didn’t stop her from licking her lips in the hopes of still catching some of his taste on them, or swearing to herself that she would do all she could to feel his lips on hers again before the end of the night.

“Well, let me know when he gets here then… I have to see what’s so special about him!” Max demanded as he took her glass and filled it again, only with only coke and lime juice this time, before placing it back in front of her. “This one is on the house!” he added with a wink, although he would make sure no one took her money even for the others, and then he walked away from her without saying another word, knowing that for his own sanity, he should take a moment to himself, if only a few minutes, so he could calm himself some down and regain some semblance of composure.

Waiting so long to finally kiss Liz Parker had definitely been worthwhile, if not nearly enough, and if he were honest with himself, he just couldn’t wait to do it again.
~ * ~

Re: Steamy Night at the Crash~M/L~ADLT~Ch.1~p.3+ANs p.5~03/26

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 10:23 am
by RebeccaBehrEvans
Author: Rebecca

Title: Steamy night at the Crash.

Category: Max and Liz. AU. No aliens.

Rating: ADULT

Disclaimer: See first part.

AN: Hey, guys,

I’m back with the new part… but first things first…

Jessah, I definitely agree with you, Liz should just blurt it all out and be done with it… but even if she’s dressed quite provocatively for once, she’s not really that type of girl… beside, even when she thinks getting drunk will help matters, she’s probably too much in love with Max to just say anything directly :lol: the potential for rejection being just too great… at least for now :twisted: … but don’t worry too much about them… they’ll get to the good stuff very soon :mrgreen: Thanks for your feedback!!

DestinyC… she will, no worries there :wink: Thanks, too!

LiLoucfer… of course he does… I definitely couldn’t write a story where Max isn’t as crazy about Liz as she is for him :D no way! Thanks for your feedback… hope you’ll enjoy the next part, too!

Eve, yes, she will… he will definitely be her first… and last of course if I have my way :mrgreen: which we all know I will :lol: Sinon, on s’etait déjà parler en français mais c’etait il y a fort, fort longtemps :lol: donc cela ne m’étonne pas que tu ne t’en souvienne pas! Ce n’est pas grave, ne t’en fais pas ! :wink: Et pour le chocolat, je te prendrai au mot! Je te redirai quand je serai prete a m’en refaire une overdose :lol: Merci encore pour tes messages et tes reactions ! :wink:

Janet, glad I could make your day… hopefully today will be the same, let me know, ok ? :lol: thanks for your feedback, too!

Azure, hope you’ll like the next one, too, then :wink: Thank you, too!

Abbs007, well, I’ll only say that once they get to do the nasty, as you put it, it will definitely be worth the wait for both of them, and we all know how long they’ve actually been waiting for that, no matter how much they can deny it! :lol: thanks for the feedback!

Mirae01, thank you so much :oops: hope you’ll like the rest as well! :)

Kay_b, he will, but not immediately :twisted: thank you, too :wink:
sarammlover wrote:WOW.....HOT!!! So hot! And I guess I would never be so brazen as to shout about losing my virginity...IN A BAR. That girl has balls. And I loved the sexual tension between her and max. can't wait for more. Hugs, sara
LMAO, I wouldn’t either, trust me :lol: but she’s not used to drinking alcohol, so we’ll just say that she didn’t realize that what she intended to say only to Max would be heard by about everybody around :lol:

There will be more tension, too… I like the tension, more tension I say… let’s just hope they don’t both end up exploding from too much of it :lol: Thanks to you, too!

Evans3, you and me both, hun’ :lol: what I wouldn’t give to be kissed by Jason, or Max Evans, or even Chris Wolfe LMAO… that guy used tongue like no one else I’ve ever seen on screen :twisted: Thanks for the feedback!
DreamerLaure wrote:Yep, I definitely remember reading this over there! And lol though I do know, I like it even more when Max changes his mind and goes after Liz without holding back. Oh they went well, thanks! I think I overstudied for my last one lol *shrug* so it'll be worth the hand cramp I had after it :) and the banner is *finally* in your inbox ;)
Glad again they went okay! And the banner is absolutely beautiful, and like someone else said, so representative of what’s going to happen! Thanks again, it totally rocks!

Liz spilling the news and telling all about her mission was too funny! :lol: :twisted: There's only one guy who's perfect to help her there...Sean Delfino sounded like a class-A jerk in the past, but the way Liz handled it was perfect and I have to admire her for that.
Yep, there is only one man suited for that, Evans, Max Evans :lol: as for Sean, unfortunately, jerks like him are legions around the world :roll: and around Roswell in this story… Hello, remember Doug? You who’s read further into the story :lol:
His spontaneous birthday present for her...sigh, you about made me melt. I hope there's more of that very, very soon ;)
I wish I had one like that, it would have been worth anything else!! But he still has a surprise for her! :)
Hmm, I hope you're working on the last parts of this, because it might just crush me if this weren't finished!! :)
Definitely :wink: thanks again for the feedback and for the banner!!

Alien_Friend, who is gonna bring down who is the real question :lol: we all know some times they can both be so stubborn :lol: thank you, too!

Cocogurl, hope you’ll keep liking it then :D thanks, too!

Sherrie, thank you so so much… I honestly was kind of scared to post anything again, and seeing you here is like the best compliment and present ever!! :wink: Hopefully you’re right and no one will be too disappointed when Max and Liz get to the more ‘intimate’ stuff :? Glad to have you here in any case, and glad you like the banner, too!! Thank you for your feedback, too! :wink:

Hope I didn't forget anyone :oops: Lurkers, thanks, too!

One last thing before letting you read… just a little reminder of my previous AN… like I said, I’ll be participating in the 'Support Stacie April Author Auction' next week and I hope to see you there, too!! For more info, just scroll up to my last AN, or click on my sig… It’s important, so don’t hesitate and participate, too!!

Ok, here goes,

Posted in four, due to length.

Chapter Two: Alcohol and Virgins don’t mix, you should have known it.
~ * ~
“Hey, you!” Liz called out to the blonde bartender in front of her, rolling her eyes when he looked at her suspiciously and seemed to wonder if she was really addressing him. Again. “Yes, you!”

Jordan Morgan considered himself a very patient man. He had to be with the job he did, having experienced many times that you definitely couldn’t always choose who you served, or hope that every customer knew how to behave themselves, but even the most patient of men had his breaking point and Jordan was seriously thinking he was reaching the end of his rope.

A normal Liz, on a normal day, he could definitely handle, but what he was having to deal with now, was not something he thought he could take much longer.

The girl was positively drunk and had not stopped making all kind of demands ever since he had taken over Aidan, who, lucky bastard, had left a moment ago for his one hour break. Aidan had in fact specifically told him to be careful of how and what he served to her, and while Jordan had done his best to follow his recommendations to the letter, making sure he put half the dose of alcohol he would normally put in the drinks she had ordered, he hadn’t counted on her going behind his back and finding ways to still get more of what she obviously wanted.

One moment of inattention on his part and she had managed to have a guy offer her some of the tequila shots he had been having himself and that, added to all that she had already consumed in the course of the night, had certainly not helped the situation. Telling Max that he hadn’t seen it coming and that he had only had his back turned a few minutes would certainly not fly with him either, no matter the fact that the bar had suddenly looked like a zoo and that it had clearly not been his fault.

Since then, Liz seemed to have reached the state she had been looking for and she had noticeably slowed down her consummation, having not ordered another alcoholic drink for a while now and surprisingly preferring the fruity cocktails he had tried to convince her to have when he had started attending to her, cocktails that she had refused at first, but that didn’t mean that she had not found other ways to still have some fun.

Currently, she was the center of attention at the end of the bar, or maybe even more than she had already been before, showing the men around that, even drunk, she was still her brilliant self. Jordan had actually smiled himself at first when one guy had tried to hit on her and she had not so nicely made him understand that she was way too clever to fall for his lines, and since then she had only been proving them all around how right she was.

Jordan had always known the girl was a genius, Michael certainly not hiding Liz’s many scholar accomplishments, but even he was impressed to see with how much easiness she managed to answer all the different questions the guys near her tried to come up with to stump her, even if she was certainly doing so with a muddled brain.

No one had managed to achieve that yet, though, no matter how hard they tried, or what subject they chose to interrogate her on, and Jordan could only hope, as much as he feared what Liz would ask him now, that the fact that she was calling him once more meant that she was finally done with her little game. He really didn’t know how much more of her cries of victory and the guys’ groans of defeat he could take.

“Yes?” he barely resisted the urge he felt to sigh and tried to remember that he was doing this for his boss.

Max had specifically told him to make sure Liz stayed out of trouble before he had left himself to go and take care of a few things in his office and then went on a short break himself as well, and if only because of what he had seen earlier, he knew he better not mess the job he had been asked to do. There would already be enough hell to pay when Max would come back and see that Liz could barely stand on her own now.

Jordan didn’t know what he should make of that kiss he had witnessed earlier, but he would have had to be blind to not see the way Michael’s sister had been literally devouring her brother’s best friend with her eyes, and that for almost as long as he had still been there.

Max himself had been more discreet, but not enough so yet that Jordan had not caught him looking back at her one too many times to be really honest. Jordan couldn’t help thinking that there was definitely something there, and the fact that Liz was now asking him if he knew where Max could have gone only confirmed his suspicions.

Whatever was happening though, and whether that was serious or not, the guy had balls, Jordan would at least give him that, he admitted as he could already picture what Michael’s reaction would be, if he didn’t know what was going on yet. No, he really didn’t envy Max that much right now, no matter how beautiful he himself thought the girl he had apparently chosen could be.

“Max?” Jordan still repeated, raising an eyebrow at her as if he was wondering what she could want with Max now, even if he already had a pretty clear idea of what that could be.

“Yes, Max… your boss… you know, tall, hot, dark-haired guy… hmm… soulful amber eyes… and a body to die for and make any girl wet…” Liz elucidated for him almost dreamingly, briefly wondering herself what could be wrong with him, since in her state, she didn’t understand the meaning of his covered question and she obviously thought he was suffering from sudden amnesia and didn’t see who she was talking about.

Jordan, however, would have preferred to be deaf than having to hear such description of his boss, no matter how true he was sure that actually could be. He had seen enough women, and of all ages, coming to the club and nearly tripping all over themselves when they saw Max Evans, to have too hard a time believing this now.

“Too much information, Liz!” he couldn’t help remarking nonetheless, and then rolled his eyes when Liz pouted at him in answer, in a way that he was sure had most likely all the men in her life doing exactly what she wanted them to do once she did that. “He said something about taking a break.” He conceded at last when he realized that Liz would probably not appreciate if he decided to play some with her mind and her patience.

“Oh…” Liz sighed, clearly not very satisfied with that answer.

It seemed to her that Max had been gone for hours already and if she didn’t know better, she would have said that she was seriously in withdrawal already. She wanted to see him more than she could want her next breath and she would have certainly gone after him and in search of him already if she hadn’t been so sure that she would most likely collapse on her way and before she actually found him.

“When will he be back?” she found herself asking before she could think about it and voluntarily ignored Jordan when he rolled his eyes once more at her question.

“I’m not his keeper, Liz… he’s the boss… he will be back when he wants to…” Jordan reminded her, drying glasses and putting them in the shelves behind him.

“Did he say where he was going?” Liz still insisted, much to the bartender’s dismay, who wondered how many more of the twenty questions he would still have to go through before Liz realized that, no matter how many times she could grill him, or how much she didn’t like it, the only thing to do would be to wait.

“Like I said… I’m not his keeper…” Jordan reiterated, not wanting to sound rude, but surely not sharing Liz’s near obsession with Max’s whereabouts.

“You know what… that… that’s just so… you’re really not cool, Gordon…” Liz replied with another pout, as she shook her head at him in disapproval.

“Jordan!” the man repeated for what was probably the tenth time tonight, wondering if she was doing it on purpose, or really didn’t remember what his name really was. Not that it really mattered truthfully, but still.

“Whatever!” Liz dismissed, turning to the guy near her and asking him for his opinion. “Don’t you think he’s not cool?”

The man chuckled and nodded, although he couldn’t care less if what she was saying was indeed true or not.

He was more interested in seeing how much longer it would take him to finally convince her to accept his invitation to come and finish the night at home with him. The last time he had suggested it, she had said that the night was still young and that it was still too soon for her to leave and she still needed more time before she was ready.

When he had curiously asked ‘Ready for what?’ and she had answered, he had nearly swallowed his own tongue.

Hearing her whisper conspiratorially that she was going to lose her virginity tonight but that he couldn’t repeat it to anyone because the man she had in mind still didn’t know about it, had certainly been the last thing he had expected to hear, but there was no saying that he had done his very best since then to convince her that that guy had probably nothing on him and that she would certainly have a better time with him than with any other guy she could have thought of to help her with that, whoever that could be.

“You are sooooo much cooler than him!” Liz slurred slightly in approval, patting the man in the back at the same time, but nearly falling all over him as she did.

Hmm, he smelled an awfully lot like beer and cold tobacco, she realized now and she wasn’t sure she liked that that much.

“Why don’t we go back to my apartment now, and I’ll show you just how ‘cool’ I can indeed be?” the man suggested, eyeing Liz appreciatively once more, thinking that he really couldn’t wait to see her out of all that leather, no matter how surely hot it looked on her. “What do you say?”

His eyes went briefly to her face again and he couldn’t stop himself from smiling broadly when he saw it break into a dreamy grin, sure that she was finally going to accept to follow him and he would have the time of his life with her.

Liz patted his shoulder again, face inches from his now, and when she slowly opened her mouth at last, he was all too ready to drink her words.

She smiled once more, but what passed her full, luscious lips then, was certainly not what he had been hoping to hear.

“I say… I’m peeing my pants!” she blurted out, giggling and bringing an embarrassed hand to her mouth when she realized what she had just announced.

Before the man seating near her could recover then and say another word, not that he would have had much to say to that, she was slapping her hands a few times on the counter to get the bartender’s attention again and calling him closer.

“The restroom’s calling me… watch my stool, okay?” she asked him, and satisfied when he nodded, she stepped down said stool -although it suddenly seemed to be way higher than she remembered it to be when she had first sat there- turning one last time once she thought she had gained enough equilibrium to walk on her own. “Thank you, Gordon… you’re such a sweetie!”

Jordan!” he didn’t know why he still bothered, but Jordan couldn’t help correcting her once more.

That quickly became the last of his worries however, when he saw Liz’s ‘new friend’ being all too ready to follow just behind her, apparently not caring in the least of where exactly she had gone, and Jordan found himself stopping him before he could even step down from his own stool.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you!” Jordan warned him, not surprised to see the man’s reaction.

“Well, you ain’t me, man… and that piece of ass is definitely calling me!” he answered almost in a sneer, already picturing how they could start things in that restroom and then continue them at his place.

“Do you have any idea of who that girl is?” Jordan asked him then, thinking that if he didn’t yet, he would make sure he did in a second.

Who is she?” the man replied, not caring that much, but if she was someone important, it couldn’t be so bad to hear him out.

“You like this club, right? And you come here often… I’ve seen you before…” Jordan said, the man’s nod -even if it was clear by the way he frowned at the same time that he didn’t see where the bartender was going with that for now- confirming that his memory wasn’t failing him. “Do you know who Michael Parker is?” he added then when he was sure that he had the other guy’s attention.

“Of course I do…” Everyone did around Roswell. He owned half of this nightclub and from what he had not only heard but what he had seen as well, the man was no joke and he surely didn’t want to have to come too close to him if he had a choice in the matter.

Surely that hot brunette wasn’t in any way related to him, was she?

“That girl you’re trying to pick up?… she’s his sister! And he’s very protective of her!” Jordan revealed, clearly seeing understanding dawn on the man when he blanched slightly.

“You shitting me!” he said, already reconsidering his plans for the night. As much as he wanted the girl, he wasn’t anywhere ready to mess with the brother.

“Trust me, if you value your life… you don’t want to come anywhere too close to her…” Jordan continued, knowing that even if Michael wasn’t there tonight, someone else would surely make sure he had no opportunity to go through what Jordan was sure was in his mind.

Max might have left Liz out of his direct sight for now, but if that kiss he had seen earlier was any indication, as were the instructions he had given him before going to his office, it surely didn’t mean that he wasn’t still ‘watching’ her. The club had cameras at every angle, some of the monitors being in Max and Michael’s offices and Jordan would bet his salary that Max had a close eye on them and more particularly on what Liz was doing. He was actually kind of surprised he had not come back yet and gotten her out of there, but Jordan was sure he would be there in a second and would immediately intervene if he saw anyone trying to leave with Liz.

“Shit!” the other man grumbled, not quite believing his bad luck. Of all the girls in the club, he just had to go after the one who had the potential to get him killed, or at least seriously hurt.

“You might even reconsider just staying...” Jordan began then, moving closer and whispering to him only. “I think there might even be something going on between her and her brother’s best friend... and if he comes back to see this... you’re a dead man!” he finished in a shrug, as if to say that he had helped him as much as he could and that it was now up to him to see if he indeed valued his life or not.
Reaching the restroom and getting done with her business had actually been easier to do for Liz than she had first thought it would. What had proven to be harder had been to get back into her tight molding suit. She didn’t remember the simple task of dressing herself being this hard the first time she had let herself slid into her never used before outfit earlier in the evening. But then, she had been sober at the moment and that certainly made all the difference in the world.

The restroom was surprisingly empty when Liz exited her stall and after having washed her hands, she couldn’t help taking a long look at herself in the mirror. She had a hard time focusing, but for maybe the first time in her life, she actually liked what she saw.

She didn’t consider herself as being strikingly beautiful, but watching herself in that leather outfit once more she could admit that she would surely not kick herself out of bed, at least not tonight.

All night she had had to spurn men’s advances and while she had not been drunk enough to not understand what they all wanted and what they were really looking for, she couldn’t deny that it had done something to her ego to see that for once, she could turn men’s heads like she had so often before seen her friends do. After all, Maria or Isabel, Max’s sister, just had to walk in a room to catch almost all the men’s attention and for once in her life, shy and too innocent Liz Parker was glad to know how that felt.

That however, did nothing to stop her heart from beating a tad bit faster as she pondered her next step. She knew what she had to do, she had stalled long enough, what was hard though was to finally get out of there and go after what she had come here for tonight.

Apparently Max had gone MIA and she wasn’t sure that she would have the necessary patience to wait until he decided to make a reappearance and come back to her.

They weren’t so many places he could have gone to anyway. Either he was at the front of the club, in one of the game rooms, or simply in his office.

She hoped he was in the latter, considering that she couldn’t quite picture herself doing what she had in mind in a more public place, but if he weren’t there, she guessed it would be up to her to lure him into a more private room.

Liz actually felt herself trembling at the mere thought of what could be at her fingertips and she mentally coached herself, trying to convince herself that everything would go alright and that she had no reason to panic.

It wasn’t the first time she tried this after all, even if she clearly hoped it wouldn’t end up in the same disaster it had three years ago when she had first been ready to offer herself to Max Evans and tell him exactly how she felt about him.
Looking up to Max’s apartment Liz expelled a long nervous sigh, coaxing herself into taking the steps that would lead her inside.

She didn’t think that she had ever been so anxious in her whole life, but then she guessed she had good reason to. What she was about to do was probably the craziest thing she had ever done in her life, but she had thought about it long and hard and she knew that this was exactly what she wanted.

If everything went like she wanted it, she would soon lose her virginity to the man she had loved practically her whole life.

Liz couldn’t have been more than ten years old in fact when she had realized that the intensity of her feelings for her brother’s best friend couldn’t any longer be associated to mere friendship.

Max Evans had been a constant feature in her life, as had been his family, Nancy Parker and Diane Evans having met when they had both gone into early labor and had been forced to share a room under the circumstances, the two women bonding over the births of their respective first child and being the best of friends ever since then, the fact that Max and Michael had always gotten along so fine having less to do then with the fact that they shared the same birthday than the fact that their parents shared such a strong bond together.

When five years later, Elizabeth Ann Parker had been born, no one had been surprised to see the two boys taking to her so easily, or see how protective they grew of her with the years. Some even liked to comment on the fact that Max seemed to care even more for her and watched over her more than he could over his own sister who was born three years earlier.

Max and Michael had always done everything together and since Liz looked up to her brother for almost everything, it was only natural she had spent so much time with Max as well, and only natural probably if she had ended up falling head over heels in love with him.

No one had known about her feelings for a long time though, until Michael had started dating Maria DeLuca a few months ago and she had seemed to figure it out the second she had seen Liz interacting with Max.

Liz had wanted to deny it at first of course, almost ashamed to have been so easily read by a girl who had barely known her, but when Maria had assured her that she had no reason to hide it but what was more, no reason either to fear she wouldn’t keep her secret, Liz had let herself confide in someone else for once what she had never before dared tell a soul.

Saying the words aloud had actually left her feeling somewhat relieved and with Maria’s help and ego-boosting, she had let herself be convinced that she could maybe make Max see her as something more than his best friend’s baby sister, or the little timid girl he had known all his life.

Maria had actually been sure anyway that Max felt more for her than anyone suspected, the way he looked at her at times and spoke to her being, at least according to Maria, far from being as innocent as he could want to make them think it was.

As an example, she had also reminded Liz of how he had reacted not a month ago when he had come and rescued her in Frazier Woods and Liz could admit that he had indeed looked frantic when she had called him after a horrendous date and he had immediately come to pick her up.

It hadn’t taken Maria much more after that to convince Liz that she should really give it a try and just be honest with Max, sure that Liz would be surprised by his reaction, although Maria probably didn’t even just suspect how far Liz was willing to take her advice.

In any case, all that was what had brought her here on this night, ready to give Max’s the most special gift she could give him. Herself.

Truthfully, if many believed she had more experience than she truly had, Sean Delfino having seen to that, Liz had never pictured herself making love to anyone but Max Evans and she truly hoped it would be everything she had always imagined it to be. She knew that if he didn’t simply reject her at the first suggestion of course, Max would be the most attentive, loving and sweet lover she could ever hope for. But then she guessed there was only one way to verify what she knew in her heart to be true.

Checking her appearance in her compact mirror one last time, Liz took in a huge gulp of air and eventually ascended the steps that hopefully would lead her to the most amazing moment of her life.

As she walked down the long corridor that led to Max’s apartment, Liz realized briefly that it would probably be one of the last times she would have the opportunity to do so and be really alone with Max, he and Michael being only a few weeks away from moving in the way bigger apartment they had restored above their club. Liz was sure that Max himself wouldn’t mind that much leaving his one bedroom apartment for the nearly five times bigger space, but she would surely miss the intimacy of this one.

Many evenings had been spent here alone with him, watching DVDs or simply talking and she knew that many things would change once he would have moved out. She loved her brother dearly, but for having been the one living with him until then, she knew just how intrusive he could be when he wanted. Max probably didn’t know what he had signed for, no matter how close they could truly indeed be.

A few seconds later, Liz found herself in front of the apartment 2B and wasn’t surprised to see how much her hand was trembling when she lifted it up to knock on Max’s door.

As she waited for him to come and open to her, she couldn’t help smoothing down her dress, hoping that he wouldn’t think it was too much. Maria had said that the little black dress she had chosen would be perfect, but then Maria had not known what exactly Liz had in mind for tonight. Michael’s girlfriend thought Liz just planned to reveal her feelings to Max, but Liz herself hoped that her night wouldn’t limit itself to that and that hopefully, Max wouldn’t give her the opportunity to keep that dress on longer than necessary.

Liz was already shuddering at the mere prospect when she heard voices coming from inside and she realized that unless what she was hearing was coming from the television, Max was definitely not alone. She had no time to wonder about who could be with him though, that the door opened and she found herself looking straight into the eyes of one apparently confused Max Evans.

Re: Steamy Night at the Crash~M/L~ADLT~Ch.1~p.3+ANs p.5~03/26

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 10:25 am
by RebeccaBehrEvans
“Liz?” the way he uttered her name confirmed her thoughts but Liz was just too busy undressing him with her eyes to really pay much attention right now. “What are you doing here?”

The question seemed to fly past her as well and Max couldn’t help calling her name once more and waving a hand in front of her.

Liz seemed to snap out of it at that, but that didn’t stop Max from swallowing audibly at the way she had been looking at him, like she was picturing what was hiding under his white tee-shirt and only seconds away from tearing it apart and finding out.

“Hey!” Liz said a little more cheerfully than what was probably normal, her obvious nervousness having Max frowning at her.

“Hey, yourself!” he replied a little awkwardly, and it took a moment for Liz to realize that he seemed a little too uncomfortable himself, and what was more, that he hadn’t even invited her to come in yet. “What are you doing here?” he repeated, wondering why she hadn’t called first before coming knocking down on his door.

She always did usually, and the fact that she hadn’t this time made him instantly fear something could be wrong with her.

She looked okay as far as he could tell, more than okay in fact, she looked absolutely and stunningly beautiful -but then when had he not thought so lately?- but that still didn’t reassure him completely.

“What? Can’t I come and visit a friend now?” Liz queried with a small teasing smile, but at the same time she couldn’t stop her heart from beating faster, almost instinctively sensing that something was not right here.

Max should have let her in by now, but he looked like he was actually guarding his door, as if to prevent her from having a look inside, and as she suddenly realized what it could mean and the possibility that he could already have a woman in there with him crossed her mind, Liz couldn’t fight the wave of nausea that assailed her.

“Yes, of course, you can… it’s just… you usually call… I…” Max stuttered, wanting to let her in, but not sure about how that would work out with Amanda already in there.

He knew that he was not doing anything wrong, but somehow the thought of Liz seeing her made him uncomfortable. Ever since that day in Frazier Woods a few weeks ago, things had been weird between them to say the least, between him not knowing how to react with her, and her seeming to avoid him every chance she had, or at least that was the impression she had been giving him, but for whatever reason that was, reason he would rather not analyze for now, Max still didn’t want her to get the wrong idea.

“You should have called, Liz…” he whispered before he could stop himself and immediately regretted it when he saw Liz’s face close the second he said the words. “I mean…”

“Why should I…” Liz started, but whatever she was going to say got lost when another voice interrupted them, making her gasp aloud before she could control herself.

“Max?” someone called from inside the apartment and Liz found herself taking a step back, looking suddenly like she had been physically slapped.

“I… just give me a minute…” Max said to whoever was inside, although his eyes never left the woman just in front of him, standing there like petrified. “Liz?” he breathed out, cringing when she took another step back from him when he moved forward and closed the door behind him.

“I-I’m sorry… I didn’t… I-I thought… I…” Liz stuttered after a moment, but Max would have had to be blind not to see something was seriously wrong with her now.

“No, it’s okay… I’m… I’m just with a friend…” Max was quick to say, even if he couldn’t understand why it seemed so important to him that she believed him.

“A f-friend, right…” Liz repeated in a broken murmur, cursing herself inwardly when she couldn’t even control her own voice. “I shouldn’t… I-I shouldn’t have come… I’m s-sorry…” how she even said that much she didn’t know, but she knew it wouldn’t take much longer before she broke down completely and she wanted to be as far away from Max as possible before that could happen, the last thing she wanted being for him to witness her humiliation.

God, she had been so stupid to listen to Maria. All those things she had been so sure about, they had all been figments of her imagination because clearly Max didn’t care in the least about her, at least not in the way she wanted him to.

He had a woman in there and she had probably interrupted them, the mere thought of that bringing tears to her eyes. Really, what would he want with her when he had a real woman in there, probably all too ready to satisfy him and actually knowing
how, contrary to her.

“No, wait… if you needed anything…” Max caught her wrist before she could completely leave, and instantly realized how much she was trembling. Oh, yes, whatever it was, there was definitely something wrong with her. “Liz?”

“No, I’m… I’m f-fine…” she tried to say but her voice cracked on the last word and had Max immediately pulling her around.

The instant he did though, he couldn’t help sucking in a breath, the vision of Liz in tears nearly breaking his heart.

“God, what’s going on?” he inquired immediately, trying to pull her to him, but she resisted him, much to his surprise.

“Nothing… I’m... I’m going home… I’m sorry…” Liz replied between gasps and tried to pull her hand out of his, Max tightening his grip on her when she did.

“No! You’re not going anywhere like this!” he argued right away, wondering how she could think, even if just for a second, that he would let her leave in such a state. “Come on, come with me inside and we’ll talk… whatever it is, I’m sure it will be alright!” he promised but frowned the next second at Liz’s snort.

“No, it won’t…” she whispered achingly and walked away from him, hurrying down the hall, but not fast enough for Max to not react and catch her.

“Liz, stop…”

“Don’t…” Liz hissed at him when he tried to touch her again, hurt filling Max’s eyes at seeing her react that way.

Nothing made sense to him, but he would be damned if he didn’t try to find out what was happening here.

Decidedly, he reached out for her once more, but wasn’t anywhere prepared for her reaction. Before he could close his arms around her, she pushed him away with a strength he didn’t know she possessed, shouting out at him to leave her alone.

Stunned, he watched as she let go of her purse and stumbled back, backing herself into a corner at the end of the hallway, and brought a hand to her stomach as if she were suddenly in pain.

Her other hand seemed to clutch at the wall and Max felt his own world spinning as he realized what would happen if he couldn’t calm her down.

“Liz… Liz, don’t do this, okay?” he pleaded with her, stepping as close to her as he could now and gently cupping her face. “Breathe, okay?... you have to breathe, sweetie…” he coaxed her, knowing that she would hyperventilate if she didn’t.

“I c-can’t… I… I-I… M-Max…” Liz continued gasping, already feeling her lungs burn from the lack of air.

She knew she had to breathe if she didn’t want to end up in the hospital like the last time this had happened to her, years back but for the same reason, Max, even if he didn’t know that, but she just couldn’t seem to be able to. It just hurt too much.
Everything hurt.

“Look at me, baby…” Max insisted, barely resisting the urge to cry himself when her tear-filled eyes met his, the pain he saw there being enough to make his stomach twist. “Breathe with me… just in and out... slowly… you have to calm down, okay?... you just have to!” he went on, brushing her tears away as they kept falling, as at the same time he tried to show her how to breathe properly.

Liz nodded, even if what he was doing barely seemed to be enough to help her, but she did as he said, trying to match her breathing with his, even as tears kept rolling uncontrollably down her cheeks.

“That’s it… just nice and slow…” Max encouraged softly as he rested his forehead against her own and wished for his heart rate to go back to a more normal rhythm.

The way it beat so fast at the moment made him wonder how it had not completely failed him already and stopped altogether.

Eyes locked with hers now, he kept looking at her, trying to transmit how much he needed her to be alright instead of just how much she was scaring him. He hadn’t witnessed her having such a crisis before, having only seen her later at the hospital and once she was already okay again the last time, but for having heard the story many times before, he knew just how impressive it could become.

His gentle touch and his close proximity seemed to do the trick however, and Max was almost relieved when he saw her able to breathe again more or less normally on her own.

His respite was short-lived nonetheless since not long after, he saw Liz let herself slide down against the wall behind her and suddenly break into huge sobs. He was by her side in a second, kneeling before her and pulling her into his lap, just there in the middle of the hallway, where anyone could walk by and see them, even despite Liz’s obvious protest.

He felt her fight against him a few too long seconds, but his own insistence eventually broke her apparent resolve to reject his help, Max probably never having felt more relieved than he did when she collapsed against him at last and brought her arms around his neck. The way she held him then, almost desperately was enough to nearly cut his air supply, but Max wouldn’t have asked her to let go for anything in the world.

“Shh… it’s okay, sweetness… whatever it is, it will be alright, you’ll see… I promise…” Max soothed her, hands caressing the length of her back in the hopes of bringing her as little comfort as he could. “I’m right here…. I’ve got you… you have no reason to cry…”

He had honestly no idea of what could be wrong with her, or why she was crying like her very heart was breaking, but he still spent the next ten minutes, probably the longest of his life, promising her that whatever it was he would take care of it for her if he could and whispering sweet nothings in her ear.

He didn’t care how long it took though, and only when he was sure that she was calmed enough to talk to him, did he let himself pull away from her.

“You okay, now?” he breathed out ever so softly after having made sure he had carefully brushed all her tears away, only going on when Liz nodded, even if the gesture was still quite hesitant. “Good… now talk to me… what’s going on?... you know you can talk to me about anything, right?” he assured her, wanting to help her in any way he could, if only to never have to see her in such a state ever again.

“I c-can’t…” Liz replied a little too quickly for Max’s liking and he knew he would need to insist some more before she would open up to him.

“Is it Doug again? Did he try anything with you again?” Max ventured a guess, promising himself that if she were to answer positively, he would just go and kick the guy’s ass for good this time instead of just merely threatening him and ordering him to stay away from Liz like he had the last time.

Then Max had been sure that the guy had understood he should better not mess with him or Liz again, but if that hadn’t been clear enough, he would just have to make it even
clearer for him.

Liz could have actually laughed at seeing Max being so clueless. She could care less about Doug Shellow, she never had in fact and had surely not done anything to see him again after that last date they had gone on together, but she found it funny that Max could bring it up again, like it could be important in any way.

She had always considered Max to be a clever man, but he was obviously unable to see what was just in front of his eyes, or to realize that everything, all this, every single tear she had ever shed over a man, had always been just because of him.

She wondered briefly how he would react then if she were to tell him everything that was in her mind. If she were to reveal that she was in love with him and had always been, or that she had come to him tonight to show him how much she did, only to have him break her heart instead, because voluntarily or not, that was exactly what he had done.

Instead though, she just shook her head, telling Max that it had nothing to do with ‘Doug’ but that she didn’t want to talk about it.

“You sure?” Max insisted, brushing a few strands of hair behind her ears, the tender gesture nearly bringing Liz to tears again.

How could he be so gentle with her and not realize what she felt for him, or what that did to her?

His eyes were roaming her face, as if he were watching to see if he could read the answers to all his questions on her features and Liz was almost tempted to stop hiding how much she could love him and just let him see the truth for once.

Before she could make up her mind however, the door to Max’s apartment opened and they were once more interrupted.

“Max? Everything’s alright?” Amanda asked tentatively, having heard the girl’s distressed sobs earlier, it would have been hard not to, but the last thing she wanted was to make her or Max feel uncomfortable.

She couldn’t help wondering though, who the girl could be, or if she was actually the one Max had been talking almost non stop about earlier.

She wasn’t even sure he had realized he was doing it when he had started, but once she had remarked that he was talking a lot about that ‘Liz friend’ to not feel more than just friendship for her, she had not been surprised to see him unable to deny it completely.

He was clearly confused about how he felt however, that much had been clear to her, too, and he was apparently trying to convince himself that he should try to forget all about those feelings instead of letting them evolve into something more.

If that was indeed Liz, she was also the sister of Max’s best friend, Michael, and a few years younger than them, and that was what was making him think that it just couldn’t be meant to be. That
he couldn’t let it mean more than it already, much to his dismay, did.

Still, if what she was seeing now was any indication, what Max said and what he did were two completely different things. He obviously couldn’t stay away from the girl even if he wished to.

She would have been green with envy and jealousy herself at seeing them plastered to each other, so close in fact that they were probably breathing in the same air, if she had been feeling
that way about him. Max didn’t even let go of whom she was more and more sure could only be Liz when he spotted her there, on the contrary. The girl apparently tried to make him do so but Max only seemed to hold her tighter and she settled down again in his arms, her own wrapping all too naturally around his neck once more.

What Amanda noticed as well, was the fact that not once did the girl in Max’s arms look in her direction, like the last thing she wanted was to actually see who was there and what she could look like herself.

Liz just couldn’t even venture a look to the other woman, sure that it would just kill her if she saw the face of whom she considered to be one more rival. It wouldn’t be the first time she saw Max with one of his conquests, even if she couldn’t say he was a womanizer and had probably had far less women than many could think he had. Just a few weeks back, he had been going out with Pamela Troy and although Liz had no idea why they had suddenly decided to part ways, their relation had lasted long enough for Liz to see them together more than she had wished for or been able to bear, but if that had already hurt on its own, seeing him with this girl was yet different.

This girl had just sent all her plans and dreams crashing down, and had shattered her more than anyone else had ever before, simply because it had never meant as much and she had surely never been on the verge of giving herself to Max, only to find him already with another woman. A woman who was probably all Max had ever looked for in a woman and more in his eyes than she could ever be herself.

“Yes… just give me a few more minutes…” Max answered, only looking back at Amanda a few brief seconds, before his attention was solely focused on Liz again, and Amanda decided to wait some more instead of saying what she had meant to.

She wanted to tell Max that she should better leave and let him take his friend inside, but Max didn’t give her the opportunity to do so and without saying another word, she went back inside, deciding to let Max handle the situation the way he judged it best to.

“I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to ruin your night…” Liz whispered out once they were alone again, swallowing around the lump in her throat, her heart tightening once more as she thought that even
her freaking voice sounded sexy.

She was probably all blonde and buxom and beautiful, and everything she was so not herself.

“You aren’t, don’t worry…” Max was quick to assure her. “Do you want to come in with me?… you could…” he ventured carefully, the last thing he wanted being to make her feel like he would pressure her and force her to talk even if she didn’t want to, but she cut him off before he could finish.

“No… no…” Liz shook her head almost furiously, surely not wanting to come anywhere close to Max’s new girlfriend. “I just… I’ll go home now… I’m sorry…”

“Liz, you don’t need to go…” Max insisted once more, already feeling her pulling away from him, physically, but more than that, emotionally as well. “Come in with me, I can prepare you some tea, or whatever you want.”

“No… it was stupid coming here in the first place…” Liz retorted right away, yet she strangely didn’t make any effort to get up and leave Max’s lap.

“It was not… don’t say that…” Max frowned instantly, feeling like the worst of friends for not being able to make her say why she had come here to begin with and what had made her lose it like she just had. “I just wished you would talk to me… I hate to see you like this…” he confessed in a hoarse whisper, thumbs caressing her cheekbones gently before he could stop himself.

Liz however didn’t know what to say to that, and with a sigh, Max resigned himself to let it go for now and maybe bring the topic up later, when she wouldn’t be so obviously sensitive about it.

“Okay… let me just take my things and I’ll take you home…” he breathed out at last, knowing that Liz could be as stubborn, if not more, as he could ever be himself.

“It’s okay… you don’t need to… I can…” Liz started to say that she could perfectly walk home from there, after all Max only lived a few blocks from her parents’ restaurant and the apartment they occupied just above it, but Max wouldn’t hear of it.

“I know you can, but humor me, okay? I’m not letting you walk home like this!” he interjected right away, wanting to at least do this for her if he couldn’t convince her to trust him with whatever was going on in her mind.

“Okay…” seeing that she would apparently not win that one, Liz resolved herself to let him do what he wanted for now, even if she was sure his ‘girlfriend’ would surely not appreciate to see him leave to bring her home.

It was already a miracle she had not thrown a tantrum when she had seen him with a girl sitting on his lap. Liz knew she would surely have herself, had she been in her shoes.

“Okay…” Max repeated, yet made no move to stand up either, their eyes locking in an intense stare, and Max only realized where one of his hands had come to rest when he heard Liz’s small gasp.

Looking down to where his hand was now on one of her thighs, that was also when Max realized that her dress had ridden up more than was decent considering their situation, when he had pulled her into his lap.

Swallowing hard, he tried to ignore just how soft her skin felt under his palm, and forced himself to grab her hips and help her stand up before he did something none of them was probably ready for.

“Just stay here… don’t go anywhere without me, okay?” he asked of her when he was up himself and was sure he could stand on his own two feet without making a fool out of himself.

Liz nodded and then tried to smile at him when Max smiled softly and touched a fingertip to her nose, just before he picked up her purse and handed it to her, but she couldn’t help expelling a long trembling sigh when he was far enough to not hear her.

She fought with all her might to not burst down into tears again and prayed for the strength to not break down before she was as far away from Max as she possibly could and he wouldn’t be able to witness her do so once more.

Not five minutes later, and after having briefly explained the situation to Amanda and told her that she could either wait for him to come back -although he didn’t know how long that would take him- or she could see herself out and just close the door behind her, Max was walking to Liz again, making her suck in a breath when he took one of her hands in his the second he joined her and rested his forehead against hers the next, sighing almost achingly then.

“Don’t you ever scare me like that again, okay?” he murmured, eyes closed, before opening them again and looking at her with an almost tortured expression,, his next action leaving Liz even more breathless and unable to say a word.

The way he kissed her forehead gently made her tremble from head to toes and she could only be grateful when he laced his fingers with hers before taking the direction of the stairs, sure that she wouldn’t have been able to take two steps if he hadn’t been holding her.

Reaching his car that had been parked only a few feet in front of his building, he stopped just in front of the passenger door and opened it for her. Before she could get in however, he stopped her from doing so and gave her a look that as meaningful as Liz was sure it was meant to be, she couldn’t analyze. What was really even more unsettling, was the kiss he planted on her knuckles before he released her hand at last.

Liz wasn’t surprised then to feel her knees buckle and nearly give out from under her, and she felt almost relieved when she felt the seat under her, forcing herself to not follow Max with her eyes when he made his way around the car and took his own seat behind the wheel, and she didn’t look at him either when he started the car and drove them to her home.

Their ride was spent in silence and Max nearly cursed aloud when he saw the Crash Down and his huge spaceship looming in front of him sooner than he had wished it to.

As he cut the ignition, still looking straight ahead, he wished he could find the words to make Liz feel a little better, but nothing seemed to come to his mind.

Nothing, until he felt Liz move near him and heard her open the door on her side.

“Thanks, Max…” she whispered so softly, Max wouldn’t even have heard her if it hadn’t been so quiet in the car.

She was all too ready to leave things at that and run to the safety of her room, when Max stopped her, the hand that closed around her wrist once more preventing her quick escape.

“Wait…” he cried out desperately, the thought of her leaving like that making his heart tighten in pain. Instead he pulled her as close to him as he could, without it making them both uncomfortable, and breathed into her ear, “You know you can come to me for anything… anything at all… any time you want, right?” he said, clearly regretting the way he had reacted and handled things when he had first seen her at his door.

Maybe if he had reacted differently and hadn’t given her the impression that she wasn’t welcome at that moment, they wouldn’t be where they were now.

Completely overwhelmed now, Liz couldn’t do much more than just nod, his forehead resting against her temple, both of them relishing in the small, almost insignificant contact a little longer than they probably should have, and Liz knew she should really hurry now if she didn’t want the floodgates to open again.

Her fingers grazed the side of his face then and after having kissed his cheek quickly and forced a strangled ‘
I know’ past her lips, she hurried inside, unaware that right along with hers, Max’s heart was shattering as well.
Back in the club bathroom, Liz shook her head, wishing the memories away. That was a long time ago, she had no reason to think about it now, and even if it had taken her three years almost to the day to finally work up the nerve to approach Max again, tonight the ending would be different.

She wasn’t the same young and naïve girl she had been back then and she knew now what kind of weapons she had at her disposal to achieve her plans and seduce Max Evans.

Clearly, she had done it all wrong the last time, crying in his arms like a little baby when things didn’t turn out like she wanted. Instead, she should have walked in there, even after having heard that girl, made her understand that Max was hers and no one else’s, or would soon be, and then have her way with him once she would have managed to get rid of the other girl and she would have found herself alone with Max at last.

It would have been all the easier since Liz had learned later on, once she had worked up the nerve to face Max again a few days after the incident at his apartment and she had apologized once more for interrupting him and his new ‘girlfriend’, that ‘Amanda’ was actually indeed only a friend he had helped when she had gone through a hard time, that revelation making Liz feel even more stupid than she had already felt, once she had found herself all alone in the confines of her room and had completely realized how much she had humiliated herself in front of Max.

Her humiliation would have actually truly been complete however, if she had actually revealed to Max what exactly she had wanted that night she had presented herself at his door, but fortunately, even if he had insisted to know what had been wrong with her that day in the beginning, he had given up after a while and left her alone, once he had understood that she wouldn’t cave and that she simply didn’t want to talk about it.

Things had gone back to normal between them after that, even if it had much more to do with Max’s efforts to act like nothing had happened than Liz’s, and Liz could only be grateful that her failed attempt that day had not had more consequences than a short moment of embarrassment on her side.

She was determined to not repeat her past mistakes now however, and promised herself she would be more aggressive this time, if that was what it took, but that she would succeed. She just had to show Max what he could have if he was only willing to take a look at what was just under his nose.

Checking herself one last time in the mirror, Liz giggled softly as she gave her boobs a quick short squeeze and looked with satisfaction at the cleavage the tight leather that covered them created.

Smoothing down her hair some then, she winked at her reflection through the mirror and eventually exited the bathroom, all too ready to confront Max at last.

As she reached the bar again first, she immediately noticed that her drinking buddy had apparently not waited around for her to come back. Not that she minded that much, but that didn’t stop her from asking ‘Gordon’ where ‘Billy’ had gone.

“Billy?” Jordan parroted, not remembering knowing anyone going by that name. But then maybe he did, only under another name, since Liz seemed to have a few problems with that tonight.

“My new friend Billy, where did he go?” she reiterated, pointing at the now empty stool near the one Gordon had apparently indeed saved for her.

“Had to go…” Jordan just said without elaborating more, but Liz seemed to forget whatever she was going to say to that when her gaze settled on something behind him on his left, and turning around to see what could have suddenly caught her complete attention, Jordan wasn’t more surprised than that to find Max Evans in her line of vision. No more than he was to hear Liz tell him to watch her purse for her because she had something important to do.

Without even giving him a chance to answer, she was then sashaying her way to where Max was talking with one of the many waitresses, only a few feet from the dance floor, although Jordan suspected it had more to do with her more than slightly inebriated state, than any will or intention on her part to look sexy.

Max would have actually preferred to be able to go directly back to the bar, but he was unfortunately stopped by Daphne on his way. Daphne was one of his best waitresses though, and if she stopped him because she was having a problem with a client, it could only mean that there was definitely something wrong.

Re: Steamy Night at the Crash~M/L~ADLT~Ch.1~p.3+ANs p.5~03/26

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 10:26 am
by RebeccaBehrEvans
Apparently one of her usual customers was making a scene because he had drunk more than was reasonable already and Daphne had kindly suggested that maybe he should stop now and go home. Not surprisingly, the man had not appreciated the suggestion -they never did or knew when to quit- or the fact that he had not yet received the last drink he had ordered and consequently had demanded to see Daphne’s boss.

Only if he thought that Max would agree with him and go against his waitress, or tell her off for having acted like he had always recommended all his employees to act, he was seriously mistaken. Max couldn’t care less if he lost some money because the guy couldn’t drink any longer, no more than he cared if he actually decided that he wouldn’t set foot in the club ever again and simply went and spent his money somewhere else because this club imposed some restrictions on his quota of drinking. As long as none of them could be held responsible for him quitting the place only to go and wrap his car around a tree or a streetlamp, that was all that really mattered.

Max knew that the man was less than happy when after only a few seconds of talking with him, he made him understand that he could go home now because no one here would be serving him anything alcoholic any longer. He was even less thrilled when Max requested he gave him his car keys and called a bouncer on him when the guy obstinately refused to comply, but Max didn’t mind the numerous insults he heard as they escorted him out, knowing he had done the right thing.

All in all, it couldn’t have taken Max more than ten minutes to take care of the matter, but those were probably one of the longest ten minutes of his life. Or maybe they only felt so because he had already spent more time away from Liz than he was apparently capable of tonight.

Staying away had probably been one of the hardest things Max had ever had to do, but that didn’t mean that he hadn’t kept an eye on her, or wasn’t aware of everything she had been doing ever since he had left and entered his office.

His eyes had been riveted on the monitors that transmitted what was happening at the counter almost all the time he had tried to work there, ‘tried’ being the operative word, because Max could easily admit that he hadn’t done much of what he had first intended to do.

If that kiss had not already been enough to completely shatter his concentration, seeing all those guys around Liz had certainly done the trick. Max had actually lost count of how many times he had clenched his fists in anger and had needed to take deep breaths to calm himself and not rush back there to hurt them all whenever he saw one of them getting just a little too close to Liz. None of them knew just how close they had come to finishing their night in a hospital bed.

Max had even been tempted to make sure that happened when he had actually gotten a call from Michael, because if Max could barely stand the sight of all those vultures around Liz, Michael would even less, of that much he was sure.

It would have been so easy, too, considering Michael’s already agitated state when he had contacted him. Apparently, after having tried to call Liz many times at home, just to make sure everything was alright since her parents were away for the night and he knew her to be alone, Michael had gotten the unpleasant surprise to not find her there.

Then after more unsuccessful tries, both there and on her cell, Maria had had no choice but to admit that she knew Liz had intended to spend the night at the Crash, divulging her friend’s plans being more reasonable and less risky in her eyes, than letting Michael call the police like had been his intention when he couldn’t reach her and having half of the Roswell police forces looking for her.

Not surprisingly, the second he had known where his sister was, Michael had called his best friend to know how and what she was doing and Max had simply not known how to lie to him.

To say that Michael had been less than thrilled to hear that Liz had indeed been there and that she had apparently been celebrating her birthday in her very own way would be the understatement of the century, and it had taken all Max’s patience and diplomacy to convince Michael that he didn’t need to come and get his sister.

Not that that thought hadn’t crossed Max’s own mind many times during the course of the night, or that he hadn’t wanted to see Liz leave himself, if only to not have to witness any longer that ridiculous dance all those peacocks seemed to be doing around her, but Max had not wanted to embarrass Liz in any way, or have her end the night in tears or completely angry, because if there was one thing Max had little doubt about, it was that things were sure to end that way if Michael barged in there and dragged Liz out.

As much as Michael could love his sister and be ready to do anything to protect her and make sure that no one hurt her, he wasn’t always so subtle when it came to dealing with her himself. Michael was all too prompt to act first and think later and Max had lost count of the many times that had led to a verbal fight between Michael and Liz, and for once, as much as he usually didn’t like to come between them or put his nose in their business, Max was willing to spare Liz such a scene if he could. He had seen it happen too many times, girls getting drunk and bursting into tears at the slightest contrariety and he could bet that would be exactly what would happen with Liz if he let her big brother come anywhere close to her before she had sobered up.

For that to happen however, Max had had no choice but to let Michael rant and rave and give him all the reasons he thought Max would be responsible for whatever would happen to Liz, if only because he hadn’t been clever enough to stop her from starting drinking to begin with, and no matter how many times Max had tried to make him understand that he had thought it would be better if she stayed there where he could keep an eye on her, rather than having her wandering around Roswell to find whatever fun she could elsewhere, it still hadn’t seemed to be enough to calm Michael down.

Max had apparently had a hard time explaining his reasoning to Michael, who surely would have preferred him to stop Liz from drinking altogether instead of encouraging her, and in the end Max had had to promise Michael that he wouldn’t let Liz leave on her own and he would make sure she got home alright to have him finally get off his back. That and to call him back the second anything funny happened.

Max knew exactly what he meant by that. In Michael’s words, that was the same as saying if any guy tried anything with his baby sister and Max had sure been glad Michael couldn’t see him at that moment, much less read his mind.

Despite how much he hadn’t wanted to give it too much thought for fear he would just go stark crazy if he did, Max couldn’t help thinking back to that brief but so intense kiss he had exchanged with Liz and wondering how exactly Michael would react if he only knew what his best friend had been doing with his sister, or how many not so innocent thoughts had been crossing his mind almost non-stop since then.

His bet would be that Michael wouldn’t find it funny, and even less to his liking, and best friend or not, Max was sure he would lose a few teeth if he couldn’t reign on those thoughts, or if he actually decided to pursue whatever path that kiss could lead them to.

Max wanted nothing more than actually pursue it. Oh, man if he wanted to, but the true question was, were Liz or he anywhere ready to follow that road? He knew he could handle it, or at least he hoped he could handle it, but would Liz herself be able to? And would she want as much of whatever could come out of it as he could? Because if there was one thing Max knew, it was that if he took that next step he wanted so much to take, he would probably want more than any twenty-one years old girl could think about.

Although Max had to wonder if the girl who stood suddenly in front of him when he turned around and let Daphne go back to her drinks, could really be only twenty-one. Max would have surely not believed it himself if he hadn’t known her his whole life.

As much as he could admire her beauty and just how sexy he sure found her to be, Max couldn’t help reacting way more abruptly than he had meant to when he found himself face to face with Liz.

“Where the hell did you get that outfit?” he blurted out before he could stop himself, as he saw Liz on her feet for the very first time tonight, and for the first time, he took in the complete front of her suit.

Seeing her there then answered the question he had asked himself when he had seen her sitting at the bar, but it was worse than anything he could have even imagined. Max had to swallow hard when his eyes traveled down the long zipper that ran down the middle of her suit and ended in a small inversed red triangle almost right between her legs, like a ‘YOU ARE HERE’ sign… or you could be if you are lucky enough and I deem you worthy of such a honor, he thought and barely suppressed a groan.

God, that outfit was sure a killer, and it was little wonder to Max now if almost every guy in the club had seemed to have their eyes on Liz most of the night. With what he was seeing now, the only thing Max could think was that a man would have to be dead or completely blind to not want this girl. And he wasn’t either of that, even if with the way he had just reacted Liz could think that he didn’t like what he was seeing.

Boy, would she have been wrong, and had she been more sober, Liz would have probably been miffed or taken offense at his tone, but as it was, his question didn’t even register in her mind.

Instead she stepped as close to him as she could, speaking barely an inch from his ear in order to be heard above the music that was drifting from the loudspeakers that were almost too close for their comfort.

“Where have you been?” Liz asked with a cute pout that had Max concentrating just a little too long for his sanity on her full lips once she pulled away.

That and the fact that she was close enough to him for him to smell her light perfume was enough for Max to forget where he was and what he was supposed to be doing.

“I-I was on a break...” he stuttered like a teenager in front of his first crush, unable to think of anything more eloquent to say.

“You’ve been gone so long…” Liz continued, causing Max to gulp when he felt her hands rest on his chest and noticed the fact that she almost seemed to be rubbing her body against his.

“L-Liz?” he croaked out, feeling stupid for reacting so strongly but unable to help himself.

“Dance with me…” Liz breathed out then, her hands trailing down Max’s chest until she could reach his own hands and pull on them to lead him to the dance floor only a few feet from where they were standing.

“I-I can’t… I need… I have… to go back…” Max protested weakly and so before he could even stop her, he found himself surrounded by sweating bodies gyrating all around him, while Liz herself plastered hers to his front.

For a twenty-six years old man who had had his first taste of a woman long ago, Max’s reaction was sure embarrassing.

But then Liz Parker was no ordinary woman in his eyes, Max had understood that long ago and had realized as well that he had never desired anyone the way he desired her.

“You work too much…” Liz whispered into his ear then, bringing Max momentarily back to Earth, but if her words were most likely true, Max had no answer to give to that.

At that instant, he wished more than anything that he could be anywhere but there, that he could indeed be working, because being this close to Liz was actually torture of the worst kind for him.

As Liz pressed her body even closer to his, Max had to wonder if she was even aware of what she was doing, the way she moved against his body making it harder and harder for Max to tell himself he shouldn’t try anything.

She was making it damned near impossible for him to not forget all the reasons why they couldn’t be together, all those things he had told himself countless numbers of times since he had realized that his feelings for the girl in his arms had been changing.

“Liz…” he found himself growling hoarsely when her dancing became even more sensual if possible and the fingers running through his hair at the nape of his neck threatened to make him lose his mind.

For all answer he received a soft moan this time, Liz being too busy relishing in the feel of being in Max’s arms at last after having wished for that for so long, to be able to form any type of real word.

If this was torture for Max it was actually pure bliss for Liz and she wished the night would never end, or if it did, that she would still be with Max and in his arms come the morning.

Rolling her hips into his, she inhaled deeply, a mere whiff of him having the power to make her head spin faster than any amount of alcohol could have achieved. She was almost glad so, when Max’s grip on her hips tightened even more, his hands bringing her so close to him, it was almost impossible to discern where one started and the other ended now.

His words and the warning they held however, didn’t match his actions, but they still made Liz gasp aloud.

“Parker, if you don’t stop, I will be the one taking your precious virginity and I will fuck you so good, you won’t ever want anyone else!” having endured all he could of her teasing, Max groaned out the words before he could stop himself.

He was only saying the truth, though. If he had to feel her rub herself against his groin just one second longer, he was sure he would forget all about where they were and what was permitted in public and he would just take her there, right where they were.

“Is that a threat… or a promise?” Liz found herself moaning once more once she recovered, but nowhere was she prepared for Max’s reaction to her new taunting.

Before she could even realize what was about to happen, Max’s fingers threaded through her hair and the way he pulled at it to make her meet his gaze -gaze that seemed to say ‘you asked for it, now you’re gonna get it!’- was the only warning she received. The next second his lips were crashing on hers, his tongue demanding immediate entrance to her mouth and Liz couldn’t do much more but allow him in.

The way he kissed her then had nothing to do with the almost too gentle way he had kissed her earlier, but even as Liz understood that she had probably pushed him too far this time, she couldn’t bring herself to regret it. This was exactly what she had wanted and been begging for all night.

It only took her a few seconds to get her bearings back, once the first moment of shock had passed and then Liz was giving as good as she was receiving.

Standing on her tiptoes, she wrapped her arms completely around Max’s neck, moaning softly into his mouth when she felt her breasts press into his chest.

At that instant, she forgot about anything else. If asked later, she wouldn’t have been able to say where she was, if there was still anyone in the room with them, if the music was even still playing.

The only thing she could still hear was the pounding in her ears, the only thing she felt was the way Max seemed to want to cradle her as close to his body as he could, one hand still in her hair while the other caressed the small of her back, while he devoured her mouth and drove her insane, and she would have gladly spent the rest of her night just there, kissing Max, if the need for air hadn’t eventually made them part.

“Max…” Liz moaned out when he pulled away from her, only to go and nibble on her neck.

“You really shouldn’t play these games…” he warned throatily, breathing hard, but unable to let go of her just yet, no matter how loud his mind was screaming at him to not let things go any further.

“Why not?” Liz demanded just as breathlessly, head spinning worse than it already had for part of the night.

“Do you know how close I am to…” Max bit on her bottom lip, pulling at it with a groan, but before he could complete his sentence, a short tap on his shoulder made him come back to Earth and pull away from Liz, who for now was just too dazed to even react.

“What?” he barked out before he could stop himself, not sure whether he should thank the guy for stopping what he was sure was about to happen, or kill him for interrupting them and preventing him from taking Liz just there, in the middle of her brother’s club dance floor.

“I’m sorry to bother you… but we’re having a problem at one of the pool tables.” Christopher, one of the men who were in charge of the games rooms informed Max, seeing that his boss wasn’t apparently -and understandably so- very pleased with the interruption, but knowing that there would be more hell to pay if something really wrong happened and he hadn’t been informed beforehand.

Max sighed in frustration then, but knew that he had no choice but to follow him, after all, Christopher was only doing what he had always asked his employees to do.

Max’s uncle had taught him to always be aware of what was happening in his place and Max had made it a point to do just that, overseeing everything, even if he usually let the bouncers handle the more ‘physical’ matters. Still, Max didn’t want to be caught off guard if anything happened between one of his employees and a client, or if they had to call the police and explain what exactly had happened. It would surely not reflect well on him, or look good for the club owner to not know what was going on practically under his nose.

Max was really reluctant to have to leave Liz just where she was, but part of him couldn’t help thinking that maybe it was for the best, and it was with a small apologetic smile that he left to see what the problem could be now.

God, sometimes it really sucked to be the boss.

“How close to what?” seeing Max leaving her planted just there eventually snapped Liz out of her trance and she couldn’t help crying out, her attempt to follow Max failing miserably as she tried to fight off the dancing bodies standing on her way all around her. “Max! Max… how close you were to what?”

Max didn’t hear her over all the noise though, and he didn’t stop either, making Liz stomp her foot in frustration as she couldn’t believe that he could just leave her like that, like nothing had even happened.

Hadn’t he felt what she had? Hadn’t his skin felt like it was burning everywhere they had touched? Hadn’t that kiss left him trembling from head to toes, like it had her?

Apparently not, Liz thought grimly, or leaving and dismissing her wouldn’t have been so easy for him.

Angry at him, Liz stomped to the bar, ready to drown her sudden misery in more alcohol -at least that hadn’t disappointed her so far- when she was stopped on her way by a handsome guy who apparently wanted to be the one offering her her next drink.

Seeing there her chance to get what she wanted without having to justify herself or being convinced she should call it quits, she was quick to accept, not thinking for a second that she didn’t know the guy and should probably not say yes, and even less that she had certainly drunk more than was already reasonable.

When Max came back a little more than twenty minutes later, he couldn’t find Liz anywhere and immediately went into panic mode, fearing that she had left after the way he had planted her there.

While he had been overseeing that the bouncers took care of the two drunks who had started a brawl because they had lost some money at the pool tables, he hadn’t been able to think about anything but Liz, that kiss and what could have happened between them, had they not been interrupted, and he couldn’t help cursing the two idiots who refused obstinately to leave and prevented him from going back to her, despite having been told that their night there was over.

Max knew he needed to talk to Liz, but more than that, that he should control himself, at least until he would have made sure that Liz’s mind was clear enough to know exactly what she was doing, who she was doing it with, and where this was going.

Considering what she had revealed to him earlier and what he knew her to want to do, the last thing Max wanted was to take advantage of her and her inebriated state, even if it was clear that he would rather cut himself an arm than letting anyone but him take Liz’s virginity, or even just touch her tonight.

Stepping behind the bar, he immediately interrogated the bartenders, knowing that every one of them knew Liz, but he was only half relieved when one of them informed him that Liz hadn’t left and that he had seen her dancing only minutes ago.

It didn’t take Max long to find her after that, indeed dancing, but she wasn’t alone. Some guy was dancing behind her, hands on her hips, body plastered against her back, but it was the fact that surprisingly Liz was looking right back at him from where she was standing near the railing that separated the dance floor from the rest of the club, that had Max clenching his teeth and fists.

Apparently Liz knew exactly what she was doing and Max wanted nothing more than go where she was and drag her out of there, but he refused to show her how much what she was doing was indeed affecting him.

The way she kept looking at him almost defiantly seemed to be saying that all this was only his fault and that she wouldn’t be doing this if he hadn’t left her so unceremoniously in the first place, but Max swore to himself that he wouldn’t give in, no matter what.

The next few minutes were a battle of will then, between Liz, who kept her gaze on Max but continued to dance as sensually as she could in her state with that Cameron guy who hadn’t left her side since he had started offering her drinks, and Max who fought with all his might to not snap and just go and break the guy’s face, whenever he saw him run his hands over Liz’s body.

Max briefly wondered if he was actually the guy Liz had said she wanted to lose her virginity to, but at this point, he really didn’t care. As far as he was concerned, chosen one or not, he had no right to touch her like that and he would make sure the guy understood that if he had to.

Neither Liz nor Max seemed to want to be the first one to crack, until the rapid songs changed to slower ones and Liz decided she had had enough dancing for now.

She was all too ready to leave her dance partner behind and forget all about him and go and join Max again, deciding that she had done all she could to make him jealous but without much success unfortunately, but apparently that wasn’t exactly to the other guy’s liking.

Before Liz could move completely away, he was grabbing her arm and bringing her back to him almost forcefully, making Liz gasp aloud as she found herself bumping against his front.

“Hey, where do you think you’re going?... we’re just starting to have fun…” Cameron drawled out just a little too close to Liz’s ear for her comfort and she only realized how much trouble she had apparently put herself in when his grip tightened on her arm the more she struggled to make him release her.

“Let me go!” she demanded harshly, trying to pry his fingers off her arm with her other hand, but to no avail. He was stronger than she could be herself, even if he was just as intoxicated, if not more.

“Ah…I knew it… the second I saw you… I just knew you would be one of those little cockteasers…” the guy nearly spat out the words now, Liz not recognizing the gentle man who had first offered her a drink, and she couldn’t stop the shivers of fear that coursed up her spine at that instant. “And you know what?… I just hate cockteasers!”

From behind the bar, Max took in the scene and instantly saw red at seeing that guy he had disliked on sight the second he had seen him with Liz, touch her the way he was now.

Before anyone could react or understand what was happening, they saw who some still thought was only a bartender there literally jump over the bar, breaking a few glasses and toppling over a couple of bar stools on his way and run toward the dance floor, the only thing he threw over his shoulder to explain what he was doing being a quick ‘call security!’ to whoever would hear it.

Aidan had been back for a while now and he was the one to send someone to fetch the bouncers, he and Jordan immediately going after Max when they saw where he was heading and realized themselves what was happening.

Liz was still arguing with Cameron, who kept preventing her from leaving and calling her every name in the book he could think of, when Max joined them and she could only cry out in surprise when suddenly he had no choice but to let her go, the 160 pounds of hard flesh that barreled into him out of nowhere making him stumble backward with a groan.

“What the…” he growled out as he picked up his sorry ass off the floor, still a little disoriented, and looked at the man who was now standing just in front of him, fists tightly clenched at his sides and looking like he was ready to murder him.

“Touch her again and I kill you!” Max promised menacingly, his tone leaving no doubt about how serious he could be about the threat, even if the clear message didn’t seem to register in the other man’s mind.

“Who the fuck are you?” he spat back, still feeling the impact of his fall and rubbing at his sore back. Yet when he should have kept his mouth shut after that and walked away, he couldn’t help adding in a sneer. “Man, I feel sorry for you if you’re actually this little whore’s boyfriend!”

Liz watched Max’s nostrils flare as he heard the other guy insulting her once more and she barely had time to breath out Max’s name in warning, hoping to stop him from doing whatever she was sure he had in mind after that.

She was too late however, and she could only watch in horror as the next second Max’s fist landed on Cameron’s face, making him stumble backward again almost on impact.

He recovered faster than the first time though, and Liz found herself shouting at them to stop when he retaliated almost instantly, charging forward and hitting Max right in the stomach and taking him with him.

Liz heard Max groan as he hit the railing just behind him with a force that was sure to leave his back badly bruised afterwards, and she brought her hands to her mouth to stop herself from crying aloud once more.

“Do something!” she pleaded to no one in particular, and was only slightly relieved when she saw Aidan and that other bartender she couldn’t seem to get the name right tonight, trying to separate Max and Cameron.

People had stopped dancing by now and were watching the scene, while trying to not get caught in the middle, or risking getting hurt, as the two men kept throwing and dodging punches and they almost groaned in disappointment when a few bouncers arrived at last and managed to finally separate the two men.

Aidan was already telling everyone around that the show was over and that they could go back to their dancing, or whatever the hell they wanted to do now, and Max was all but ordering the bouncers to get the guy out of his sight and never let him set foot in his club ever again, while Liz just stood there, still completely petrified.

Unable to move just yet, she watched as one of the bouncers looked at her and then joked with Max about the fact that he was apparently keeping them really busy tonight, but one would have had to be blind to not see that Max didn’t find it in the least funny.

He grumbled something under his breath as he shook his now bruised hand and then left the dance floor without a second glance at Liz.

The way he moved past her like he suddenly couldn’t even stand the sight of her now was enough to snap Liz out of her torpor and she ran after him desperately, unable to bear the thought of Max being angry at her, even if she knew she only had herself to blame for that.

“Max?” she breathed out tentatively as she caught up with him just beyond the railing, but she wasn’t anywhere prepared for Max’s reaction, or the way he looked at her when he abruptly turned to face her.

“Just what the hell did you think you were doing, huh?” he all but yelled at her, Liz standing frozen on her spot, even if she was only mildly surprised by the force of his outburst. “Keep that up and very soon you won’t have anything to lose willingly!” he predicted in a hiss and Liz could only gulp as she realized how right he was.

She had played a dangerous game and who knew what could have happened to her if Max hadn’t intervened, or if a guy like Cameron had managed to drag her outside before anyone could stop him.

Max had every right to be angry, of course, she perfectly understood that, she had been stupid and careless, but that didn’t mean that she could bear the thought of him leaving her like that.

“I’m sorry… I’m… I’m so sorry…” she whispered achingly as she grabbed his arm and stopped him from moving any further. She knew it would probably not be enough to say that she was sorry for the way she had handled her disappointment and frustration at seeing Max ignoring her so easily, but she didn’t know what else to say. “Don’t be mad… please, Max… d-don’t… don’t be mad at me…” she pleaded, tears welling up in her eyes at the thought of Max not forgiving her, and one real look at her was eventually enough to make Max realize just how shaken up Liz had really been.

“Shit, Parker…” he sighed as he saw her lips tremble and her large glistening doe eyes plead with him even more than her words already had. “You really know how to mess with a guy’s head, huh?” he added in a soft murmur when he understood that he wouldn’t be able to stay mad at her, or stand the sight of her in tears more than a few seconds, no matter how truly angry he had been just minutes ago. “Come here…”

Liz barely resisted the urge she felt to break down into sobs when she found herself in Max’s arms and he held her just as tightly as she could hold him herself.

She didn’t think she had ever felt as relieved as she was feeling at that instant in fact and she swore inwardly that she would never again give Max any reason to be upset with her.

“I’m sorry…” she reiterated once more, the way she whispered the words into Max’s ear making it even harder for him to offer her only comfort at that instant.

Re: Steamy Night at the Crash~M/L~ADLT~Ch.1~p.3+ANs p.5~03/26

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 10:28 am
by RebeccaBehrEvans
“Shh… it’s okay…” he assured her as he caressed the nape of her neck and placed a chaste kiss against the crown of her head. “Just promise me to be more careful from now on!” he went on as they pulled apart and their eyes met.

“I promise.” Liz answered without even thinking about it twice, ready to promise him anything he wanted, as long as he never looked at her like he had only a moment ago.

“And no more dancing for you tonight…” he added as a joke, but could admit, at least to himself, that he would actually be relieved if she agreed and didn’t give him another chance to get into a fight.

“No more dancing…” Liz nodded and gave Max a small smile that only made him want to kiss her even more than he had the second she had started to tear up.

“Okay…” Max said as he released her at last, even if it was obvious that he was quite reluctant to have to do so. “I need to go back to the bar…” he continued before looking back at her and adding almost hopefully. “You’re coming back with me?”

The way he uttered the words made it clear that he didn’t want to force her to do anything she didn’t want to, but that he wasn’t really willing to let her leave his sight again for all that.

“Yes.” Liz replied right away and smiled at him again when Max laced his fingers with hers and tugged her toward the bar.

When Liz moved to perch herself on her usual stool again though, Max stopped her from doing so and Liz couldn’t help looking at him curiously when he took it and moved it completely behind the counter.

“You’ll be safer here…” he explained when Liz kept watching him, and she understood that they probably had had enough emotions for one night and that he was certainly right.

The further she stayed from anyone else there, the less trouble they would be both in.

“Okay…” she agreed and sat down like a good girl, surely not minding being this close to Max, moreover with everything that had happened.

Even if things hadn’t turned out as she had hoped they would and her little stunt had backfired on her, she still couldn’t forget about what had happened before that.

As she watched Max work around and attend to customers with his usual gentleness and cheerfulness, Liz had to wonder how he did it and if nothing affected him at all, or more than just a few minutes.

He didn’t seem to be thinking about his fight with her last dance partner, and even less about what had led to it.

Liz herself could barely think about anything but the way Max had kissed her earlier and held her and all but made her lose her mind with a mere touch, and the only thing she wanted was to be able to go back to where they were before they were interrupted, even if she had clearly done a poor job showing Max that.

More than anything in fact, she wished they could pick things up where they had left them, but somehow she doubted Max would be willing to do anything with her behind his bar, even merely kissing her again. There were just too many people around for that, and paradoxically just not enough to hide them from the rest of the world, like they had been earlier on the dance floor.

Max looked just too busy supervising everything anyway, for her to try anything now, or at least it seemed so, even if Liz was pleased to see him look her way every other minute nonetheless.

Every time he did, he smiled at her or winked at her, and every time Liz couldn’t stop her heart from skipping a few beats. If she weren’t so in love with him already, she would still find him to be the most handsome man she had ever seen, no doubt about that.

He looked even more gorgeous when he was working, if that were even possible, but that didn’t stop her from stopping him the next time he passed by her, shooting one of her legs up and in his way, and definitely grabbing his immediate attention.

“Hey!” Max whispered, stepping close to her almost immediately and only realizing his position when he was already between her legs and the one that had stopped him closed around his knee. He tried not to think about it, but in such a position, the only thing that could cross his mind was kissing her again. Kissing her and so much more. “You okay here?” he asked instead of doing what he really wanted to do with his lips… and hers.

“I’m bored.” Liz confessed with a little pout that had Max just about melting just where he was.

“I’m sure you are… I’m sorry… the place is packed…” Max apologized, certainly wishing he could spend more time with her just as much as she did, but that was kind of hard with the crowd, just a few feet from them, all wanting to have their drinks as quickly as possible. “You look kind of tired, too…” he added as he took a long look at her and tenderly pushed a few strands of hair behind her ear.

“A little…” Liz admitted, holding her breath as Max’s fingers lingered at her temple.

“Okay… just give me half an hour… an hour top, and I’ll take you home, okay?” Max offered, promising himself that he would find time for that, as hard as that could prove to be, but would surely not let her leave on her own. Not when it was clear she had yet to sober up.

“I don’t want to go home!” Liz all but grumbled, as she absentmindedly played with the buttons on Max’s shirt, clearly not liking his suggestion. “I had plans for tonight…” she added, which for a moment had Max groaning inwardly.

“Yeah, I think I remember something about that…” he acknowledged, although he would have surely preferred she hadn’t remembered herself.

The only thing that was stopping him from going into full jealous mode again was the fact that it was quite obvious to him that Liz was in no state to have wild sex with anyone at this point. Beside, since she was sitting behind the bar now, there was no chance anyone could approach her, not without him seeing them and then Max would make sure to stop them, so her plans for the night looked clearly compromised, if not completely ruined. Not that Max would cry over the fact that Liz would apparently not be losing her virginity tonight to the ‘mysterious guy’ she had chosen of course, but he wasn’t about to tell her that.

Instead, he asked her if she wanted anything else to drink while she waited for him, and came back with a coke when Liz just shrugged, knowing that that was what she usually drank when she was there and was not trying to get plastered.

Liz thanked him when he gave it to her, even despite her sudden sour mood and Max was convinced that he could leave her on her own for a little while, or at least until things slowed down a little at the club and he could afford to leave and take her home.

He should have known better though and realized that at that moment and in her state, Liz wasn’t exactly to be trusted.

Feeling really frustrated as she saw her chances of finishing the night with Max vanish, Liz didn’t think about it twice before reaching for the first bottle of alcohol she could find at her fingertips, not even caring if Max or any of the other bartenders caught her in the act.

She didn’t care either that the amount of whisky she poured into her drink exceeded the amount of coca cola that was left in her glass after a few quick gulps, or that the liquid burned her throat as she downed the new mix faster than she probably should have.

Max had apparently not gotten her message, or if he had, he wasn’t in the least interested, otherwise he wouldn’t have been suggesting he took her home, right?

Maybe she should just blurt it all out, look him in the eye and just tell him exactly what she had come here for, who she had come here for, but as she let her eyes follow him while he kept working, Liz didn’t seem to find it in her to tell Max the truth. The potential for rejection seemed just too real and strong suddenly, and contrary to what she had wanted to believe at first, no amount of alcohol seemed to be able, or enough, to change that. She was just too damned chicken to take such risk.

In that case, Liz didn’t see what it would change if she drank a little more or a little less, and so it was little wonder if it didn’t take her more than twenty minutes to gulp down a third of the bottle of whisky she had managed to hide from almost everyone’s eyes.

And after those twenty minutes, if she had definitely not worked up the nerve to talk to Max, she couldn’t stop herself from following him after he had stopped by her side one more time, even if it was just long enough to touch a finger to the tip of her nose and smile at her.

Unaware of the fact that Liz was now just behind him, Max squatted down behind the bar to search for more bottles, and Liz couldn’t stop herself from blurting out the first thing that crossed her mind at the sight.

“Has anyone ever told you, you have the sexiest ass in the world?” though her words were rather slurred, there was no way Max could have not heard her with the way she uttered them, way louder than she probably should have.

“What?” he turned around with another smile, clearly surprised to find Liz there behind him when he had left her still sitting a few feet from where he was now.

“You have… the sexiest ass I’ve ever seen…” Liz repeated, thinking that Max hadn’t gotten what she had said just seconds ago.

“No… I… I heard you… I… thanks, I guess…” Max awkwardly replied, not really knowing how to answer to something like that, even if he was clearly flattered she could think so. He was just more concerned about her sudden appearance, her glazed eyes and the funny way she was looking at him at that instant when he had left her more or less okay, making him frown almost instantly. “You okay?”

“Why wouldn’t I be?” Liz retorted with an enamored smile as she pressed herself against Max and turned loving eyes up to him.

“Liz?” Max’s frown deepened as Liz nearly fell into him and he had to steady her.

“Hmm… I don’t think I should have had that last shot of whisky…” Liz admitted between giggles, apparently having discovered how traitorous that beverage could be.

Apparently whisky let you think that you could handle more without feeling a thing, and then after a few more glasses, it just really kicked your ass without you expecting it, making you all but forget even your own name.

“Whisky?... but you didn’t drink whi-…” Max trailed off as he walked Liz back to the stool she had occupied only minutes before and he spotted the half empty bottle just behind it on a shelf, realization dawning on him almost instantly then. “God, Liz…”

“Whisky’s no good for me!... nooooo good…” Liz whispered with a small shrug as she heard Max’s obviously disapproving tone.

“No kidding!” Max snorted as he tried to help her perch herself back on her stool, only to have her miss it and nearly fall flat on her ass. She would surely have if Max hadn’t gotten so quick reflexes. “God, you’re really drunk!”

“And you’re really hot… guess we all have our cross to bear, huh?” was all Liz could find to answer before she found herself giggling like a schoolgirl once more.

“Oh, and look at that… you’re a funny drunk, too, huh?” Max shook his head, although he barely could stop the smile that threatened to creep upon his lips at the moment, even despite the situation.

“Right now, I’m a ho-… a hon-… hmm… a horny drunk…” Liz managed to whisper after a few tries, her index finger stabbing into Max’s hard chest as if for emphasis.

“Yeah, too bad Lucky Guy didn’t show up, huh?” Max remarked as he seemed to tire of seeing Liz unsuccessfully try to sit on her stool, and eventually picked her up and sat her down himself, his hands remaining on her hips until he was sure she was steady enough and she wouldn’t fall over.

“Oh, he showed up alright… been there all night in fact… I just couldn’t… I didn’t…” Liz revealed before trailing off with a frustrated sigh. “I am… I’m such a coward…”

“Well, it’s his loss…” Max replied, not really knowing what to say to that.

He doubted that Liz would appreciate it if he admitted just how happy he was himself that she had not been able to go through her plans. She wouldn’t like it either, if he questioned her and asked her to show him who the bastard was, so he could have just a few words with him and make sure the guy knew there would be hell to pay if he just looked at Liz a second longer than what he himself judged to be decent.

“You think so?... Maybe he wouldn’t see it that way… maybe….” Liz lamented with a pout that had Max’s heart tightening in his chest. Apparently, whoever that guy could be, Liz seemed to be just a little too serious about him for Max’s liking. “Oh, he doesn’t care anyway… I’m just a baby for him…”

“Well, then he’s really stupid…” Max said softly as he forced her to look up at him, not liking how defeated she suddenly looked.

If he hadn’t already hated the guy before, he surely did now.

“I don’t know about that…” Liz shrugged before adding a little enigmatically. At least it was for Max at that point. “Are you stupid, Max?”

“What?” her sudden question caught him off guard and his quizzical expression would have been comical if Liz hadn’t lamented, even in her state, the fact that Max could still remain so clueless when it came to her feelings for him.

“Never mind… you’re right… you are right… it’s your loss… his… I mean… it’s his loss… stupid, stupid Max… m-man… men are aaall sooo stupid…” Liz rambled on drunkenly, Max having a hard time following what she was saying, and then, before he could try and decipher her words, she was stepping down her stool, Max having to catch her once more before she could stumble and go and kiss the floor.

“What are you doing?” he couldn’t help asking when he saw her reach for the bottle of whisky no one had apparently seen there and bothered to put back in its place, Max barely managing to stop her from pouring herself another drink. “Oh, no… I don’t think so… you’ve gotten enough for a first night…”

“Nope… uh-huh… I don’t think so…” Liz negated and repeated his words, as she made a grab for the bottle, only to have Max put it out of her reach and turn her around so she couldn’t get it.

“Yes, I know so… definitely more than you should already have, trust me!” Max retorted and moved her in the direction of the backroom, knowing that there was really only one thing to do now. “No more alcohol for you tonight… and I’m taking you upstairs until you sober up!” he added, although he knew it would certainly take her hours to accomplish that, considering her state.

“No, no… the night’s still young…” Liz contradicted, trying to have him release her off his firm grip, but to no avail.

“The night’s definitely over for you, sweetie… upstairs you go, and that’s non-negotiable!” Max threw back and pushed her once more in the right direction. It wasn’t as if she could be any match to him or to his strength anyway.

“Okay, okay… upstairs we go… upstairs… upstairs…” Liz resigned herself to her fate and started to walk with Max instead of having him simply dragging her, before she remembered that she was missing something. “Wait, wait… my purse… I can’t leave without my purse…”

“Right, purse…” Max repeated, spotting the small black purse she was referring to almost immediately, once he saw where she was looking. “I’ll get it for you, just stay right here!” he commanded and forced her to lean against the wall near the backroom door, while he went and got it.

Purse in hand seconds later, he joined her again and was ready to help her upstairs when she stopped walking once more, even despite the arm wrapped tightly around her waist.

“No, no, wait… I didn’t pay them… I didn’t…” Liz cried out as the thought crossed her mind, her words having Max all but rolling his eyes as he heard her.

“Don’t worry about that… I know the owners, I’m sure it won’t be a problem…” Max joked as he nudged her forward, chuckling softly when Liz turned round eyes up to him.

“You do? Me, too!” she said just a little too cheerfully, like she had just discovered something incredible. “One of them is my brother… and the other… the other…”

“The other? Yes?” Max urged her to continue when she trailed off, smiling down at her as he waited for her answer.

“I can’t tell you… you will tell him… and then he’ll know…” Liz whispered so seriously and conspiratorially that it had Max laughing aloud this time.

“You’re right… chances are he will…” he just said with a short laugh, helping her up the stairs that led to his and Michael’s apartment.

The task was made all the more difficult since Liz seemed barely able to put one foot before the other at this stage, and Max had to support most of her weight, even if she didn’t seem to be aware of that fact herself.

Reaching the door, Max had all the trouble in the world opening it with one arm still holding Liz and her purse in the other hand, in the end deciding that he wouldn’t accomplish anything that way.

“God, Michael’s really going to kill me for letting you drink at all…” he grumbled under his breath, before having Liz lean against the wall behind her and handing her her purse so he could use his now free hands to unlock and open the door. “Take this.”

“Oh, I have a purse like this one, too!” Liz exclaimed as she took her own purse, but seemed to have forgotten all about the fact that it was actually hers. “Why are you giving me your purse?... you can’t give me your purse… it’s yours… you don’t…” Liz babbled out, Max swearing inwardly that this was really the last time he would let her drink anything remotely alcoholic.

“Okay, just hold on a second.” He mumbled as he pushed the door open and tried to make it stay that way so he could guide Liz inside the apartment.

“Mmmm…” Liz moaned out when she felt herself sway slightly, the fact that she didn’t completely being only due to Max holding her up again.

“Hey, there… easy… just stay here…” Max murmured as he steadied her, but nearly groaned the next second when his sudden move brought him only inches from her and he saw her lick her lips as she stared at him.

Thoughts of their earlier kisses flashed through his mind again and it took all Max had to not just kiss her again, just where she was. Drunk or not, it didn’t seem to matter to him, and it was only the fact that he was almost sure that Liz wouldn’t remember any of it later that stopped him from doing so.

If he kissed her again, Max wanted her to remember it and feel it in her bones, just like he was sure he would himself. He didn’t want her to have no recollection of it once she would have gone to sleep and sobered up.

Seconds seemed to turn into eternity however, before Max was able to pull away from the doe eyes that were boring right through him and it was only when Liz wrapped an arm around his neck and seemed to pull him to her, just a little too close for his own comfort, that Max seemed to snap out of the spell she had cast on him.

“Okay… just come here…” he whispered at last, scooping her into his arms, if only to spare himself the trouble of seeing her trip on her own feet once more.

“Oh…” Liz giggled despite herself, as they crossed the apartment door, Max nearly dropping her when he heard what she came up with next. “We’re not married yet, Max… you don’t need to carry me over the threshold.”

“Right…” he chuckled nonetheless, moving into the living room with her still in his arms.

“One day though… one day, I’m so going to marry you…” she continued in the same cheerful, drunken tone, unaware of what the words were doing to Max.

“Of course you will…” he just said, doing his best to not picture the situation, or a white-clad Liz in his arms as he prepared himself to make her his wife in every sense of the word.

God, just the thought was enough to make his heart hammer faster in his chest and the blood to boil in his veins.

“Wow… the honeymoon suite!” Liz exclaimed suddenly as she took a look around, pulling Max out of his thoughts. “Hmm… funny, it looks a little like my brother’s apartment.” That seemed to leave her a little confused and Max couldn’t help shaking his head in response.

“It is your brother’s apartment.” He answered patiently and carried her to the couch where he put her down gently.

“Oh, but he’s not here, right?” Liz asked a little apprehensively, looking around like she was expecting Michael to come out of some hidden place all of a sudden and scold her for her behavior.

Now that wouldn’t be fun at all.

“No, he’s not…” Max told her in the same gentle tone as he tried to make her sit still just long enough for him to figure out his next move.

“Cause I can’t have my way with you if my brother’s around…” Liz continued pensively as if Max hadn’t even talked, probably not aware of what she had just said, or the fact that Max was suddenly looking at her like he was seeing her for the first time. “That would be too weird… I don’t think I want him to see me naked… talk about awkward…”

“Michael’s at Maria’s, remember?... he’s staying there tonight...” Max reminded her, choosing to ignore her rambling, since he didn’t really know what he should make of it, or how serious she could actually be at that point, and instead he concentrated on figuring out how to take the strappy shoes she was wearing off.

Okay, it couldn’t be that complicated, right? And better that than letting himself think about a naked Liz, having her way with him.

“Oh, I know what they’re doing, too…” Liz pursued and frowned slightly as she seemed to remember something quite disturbing. “I think I saw them once… I stumbled right in on them at the Crash Down… or was it here?... I think… I…”

“Liz, sweetie… maybe you shouldn’t think so much right now… you’re gonna hurt yourself…” Max chuckled at that, although he hoped she wouldn’t tell him any more about Michael’s and Maria’s sexual adventures. It was bad enough that he had had to hear them one too many times to not leave him already scarred for life, he surely didn’t want Liz to give him any details, or know what she had seen herself.

“Right… you’re right… you always are…” Liz agreed with a small smile, watching as Max delicately pulled her shoes off her feet, but then another cute frown seemed to mar her forehead and Max braced himself for the worst. “Except when you’re wrong of course… coz then you can’t be right… if you’re wrong, right?... I mean not right-right… then you’re wrong… oh, this is just so confusing…”

“Baby, seriously… just stop talking for a little while…” Max suggested as he straightened up and pressed a finger to her lips, sure that she would just give herself a monstrous headache if she tried to figure out whatever seemed to be going through her mind at that instant, and Liz forgot everything about what that had been when she then felt Max’s thumb tenderly caressing her cheekbone as he finished whispering the words.

The air around them seemed to heat up all of a sudden and both felt the change, even if Max probably did more clearly than Liz could herself. Or at least he seemed to understand where it was coming from better than Liz could. He knew exactly what was happening there, or what definitely could if he didn’t reign on his own body reactions and those damned hormones, that only seemed to be screaming one thing to him at that instant. Make Liz his at last.

Unfortunately, Liz herself, voluntarily or not, didn’t seem to be very willing to help him with the task.

“Mmmm… is it hot in here, or is it just me?” she breathed out suddenly, and Max had to swallow hard himself as at the same time she reached for the zipper on her suit and lowered it just a few inches more than what was decent, or reasonable for his sanity.

Before he could do the right thing and look away, he caught sight of two perfect round breasts and more skin than he could certainly handle at that instant, and he would surely have thought the little vixen in front of him was trying to innocently seduce him, if it hadn’t been obvious to him that she was just too out of it to even just think about it, or really realize what she was doing, or what that clearly did to him.

“No, it’s not… and this… this stays here for now…” Max replied and pulled the zipper up again, before he seriously lost it and let her get out of her outfit and prance around half-naked, if that was what she wanted. “Now, just stay here… I’m gonna bring you some coffee and something for the hangover, you’re going to need it…” he told her then and moved to his feet before he could do something he would regret… like making her lie down on that couch, and joining her, and clearly taking advantage of the situation, no matter the fact that he really didn’t want to do that to her.

Liz only nodded at that, too out of it to do anything else at this point anyway, but that didn’t stop her from dreamingly following Max with her eyes as he moved to go to the kitchen, or sighing when he eventually disappeared from her sight.

Even as her coffee was done and he had found the aspirin he had been looking for, Max still took a few minutes to calm himself down, taking in huge gulps of air, while he tried to convince himself that, just because he was alone with Liz, he had no reason to panic.

After all, it wasn’t as if anything was going to happen. He would just give her that coffee, let her sober up and take her back home once he would have made sure she could stay on her own, and everything would be alright. No, there was no reason for him to panic, because nothing was going to change tonight.

With that thought in mind, the coffee in one hand and the aspirin in the other, he went back to the living room, a fond smile stretching over his lips the second he stepped in and he took in the scene in front of him.

Apparently Liz had not been able to wait for him and she was now stretched on the couch, hands joined and folded under her head, fast asleep, but looking just as beautiful as she had awake, as far as Max was concerned.

Depositing what he was carrying on the coffee table, he squatted down before her and drank her in a few minutes in silence, marveling at her perfect features. Seeing her like this, looking so innocent yet so gorgeous, Max didn’t have a hard time understanding how or why he had let himself fall in love with her, without the slightest chance of stopping it from happening. Yes, he could definitely understand it, even if he still wished he could fight it.

Refusing to dwell on that for now, he pushed a few strands of hair behind her ear, brushed a soft innocent kiss over her temple and wished her sweet dreams, and then he straightened up again at last, knowing that there were still a few things he needed to take care of downstairs at the club before he could relax himself, or think about going to bed.

Considering how much she had drunk, Max knew Liz wouldn’t wake up any time soon now and that he would most likely be back before she could, but that didn’t stop him from leaving her a short note near the aspirin, just in case he was wrong and she woke up, only to find the apartment empty.

Reaching for the plaid that had been thrown over the back of the couch, he then covered her with it, although he doubted she would be cold, and then exited the apartment without making a noise so to not disturb her sleep, safe in the knowledge that at least now, here, in the confines of his apartment, nothing could happen to her.
~ * ~

I am the only one hearing the mwahahahaha here? Like she’s any safer in there alone with him, right? :twisted:

Re: Steamy Night at the Crash~M/L~ADLT~ANs+Ch.2 p.5~03/28

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 2:55 am
by RebeccaBehrEvans
Author: Rebecca

Title: Steamy night at the Crash.

Category: Max and Liz. AU. No aliens.

Rating: ADULT

Disclaimer: See first part.

AN: Hey, guys,

Sorry for the delay but I have had a few crazy weeks again and I haven't been able to write much or finish the part like I wanted to :( the chapter is so long that I thought I could give you something nonetheless but just didn't find time to type what I wanted to include in this piece until this morning :roll: I know it's probably not exactly what you're all waiting for (it's coming don't worry :) ) but I hope you'll like Max and Liz's interaction nonetheless.

I don't have time to thank you all individually this time, but know that I've read all your feedbacks, saved them all, and appreciated every piece. Thank you so much everyone for you kind words! They really mean a lot!

Okay... here is the next part... just know that some parts can be hard to read, so if you're too sensitive, be warned... and maybe skip the chapter :?

Well, here goes!

Posted in four, due to length.

Chapter Three: You can’t resist a woman’s charms,
no matter how well you think you’re armed.

~ * ~
Max had been more than right in his previous assertion. It was indeed hours before he was ascending the stairs to his apartment once again. He was positively exhausted, even after years of leading the life he did, working nights and recuperating during the day.

Some of his fatigue seemed to leave him however, as he crossed the threshold to his apartment and not long after, his eyes settled on Liz’s sleeping form, still on the couch.

She didn’t seem to have moved much while he had been downstairs, but enough nonetheless that she had gotten rid of the plaid he had covered her with before leaving her, the move leaving him with a clear view of her whole body again.

As much as Max wished he could just forget she was there and go directly to his own bedroom to catch up on some much needed sleep himself, his feet seemed to refuse to take him there, leading him instead to where she lied.

Unable to stop himself, he squatted down to her level once more, his eyes feasting on her peaceful form, his fingers itching with an intense need to touch her. He resisted the urge for as long as he could, but he was only human after all and soon his fingers were skimming the contours of the beautiful face he had seen smiling up at him so often in his dreams lately.

He knew it would become a problem and that soon he wouldn’t be able to satisfy himself with the little he could have with her, even if that was a strong friendship like people rarely could pretend to have, but Max didn’t think he could do much to stop the feelings coursing through his being, feelings he felt he had definitely been fighting for too long.

Three years, at least three years with finally admitting that he was in love with the girl in front of him, even if that admittance had come progressively, was definitely a long time and a heavy secret to hide, and Max felt he was seriously reaching the end of his rope.

No, soon, he wouldn’t be able to act like those feelings weren’t driving him insane, like seeing her almost every day and not being with her wasn’t pushing him to the edges of lunacy, and the truth would be revealed.

Max thought it was a long way coming anyway. He should have spoken a long time ago, as soon as he had started realizing that what he was feeling for his best friend’s sister was definitely more than friendship on his part, but he had been too much of a coward to do so at that time and had never seemed to find quite the right moment after that.

Besides, he had naïvely thought that it would go away if he simply ignored it, and that he would eventually feel normal around Liz again, but that had never happened. It had only gotten worse in fact since that first time he had come to that realization.

Eyes still on the object of his desire, Max couldn’t help reminiscing that night everything had almost changed, wondering if things would be different now if they had just gotten a few more minutes alone then.

Yes, just a few more minutes.
~ * ~

Soft moans filled the air, the two occupants in the room ignoring for now the shrilling sound that otherwise interrupted the silence that had surrounded them until then.

Gentle hands caressed his naked torso and Max thought it felt good despite how wrong his mind was actually telling him this was.

He didn’t understand why, but every time things got a little more heated between them, alarms always seemed to go off in his head, almost screaming at him that he couldn’t let things go too far.

It was ridiculous, he knew that. They had been together for a little more than two months now and yet, he couldn’t bring himself to let go completely. It was even more ridiculous since he was a twenty-three years old red-blooded man, with sexual needs like any other guy his age and she was beautiful and more than willing herself, and yet he had been the one to insist they took things slow for a while and see how it worked.

She had said she agreed, but her eagerness to get him out of his clothes tonight seemed to prove that he had made her wait long enough.

Currently she was sitting on his lap, her hands roaming his chest while her mouth devoured his and her body danced teasingly on top of his and for the first time Max didn’t feel the urge to push her away, at least not immediately, almost enjoying the sensations she provoked in him.

He had had ‘the dream’ again last night and had barely been able to think of anything else since then, until he and Pam had started their heavy make-out session on his living room couch moments ago, and Max could only welcome the distraction.

For those few moments he had been able to ignore the thoughts running rampant through his head all day, but the sound of the phone that finally penetrated his brain brought him back to the harsh reality.

“Pam…” he breathed out, as he managed to pull her mouth away from his, just long enough to speak the single word before she was attacking him again.

Blindly, he tried to reach for his cell on the table near the couch, but Pam brought his hand back to where it had been resting on her hip, before he could accomplish the task.

“Ignore it…” she all but ordered, refusing to let anything interrupt them this time.

She had been waiting for this moment for too long now and she wouldn’t let anything get in her way tonight. There was only so much sexual frustration a woman could take and as much as she liked their make-out session, it was time, at least in her opinion, that they got to the more interesting and pleasurable stuff.

She liked Max, she liked him a lot in fact, but she probably liked his body even more and she had been as patient as she humanly could with him and his desire to ‘take things slow’ as he had asked of her when they had started seeing each other.

“No, wait…” Max insisted after the phone had stopped then started ringing insistently once more, confirming to him that whoever was calling him was apparently not giving up until they had talked to him.

Maybe it was for the best anyway, Max thought as he, as gently as he could, forced Pam to move and leave his lap and placed her next to him on the couch, before leaning sideways and grabbing his phone. Considering his state of mind, he would probably regret having given in and slept with Pam almost as soon as they would have finished, knowing that he would most likely than not, be doing it for all the wrong reasons.

The name that flashed across the screen of his cell made his heart skip a few beats, yet Max tried to answer the call with the coolest tone he could muster.

“Hello?” he said into the phone, ignoring Pam’s pout as he picked it up despite her asking him to ignore the call.

Strange muffled sounds greeted his ear and Max instantly frowned, wondering why it sounded like soft crying.

“Liz?” he asked, his heart beating a tad bit faster when she still didn’t answer to her name being called. “Liz?... Elizabeth? Is that you?”

It seemed like an eternity to Max until he heard her voice, but even then the dread feeling in the pit of his stomach didn’t lessen. On the contrary.

“M-Max…” just the simple word was enough to send Max upward and have him completely straightening up, making him forget that he wasn’t alone in his apartment at that instant and completely missing the angry scowl that Pam sent his way as soon as she understood who was calling him at this hour and interrupting them.

“Liz? Are you okay? You sound… what… what’s going on?” he asked in a trembling whisper, knowing that something was very wrong with Liz, the sound of what he recognized now as quite sobbing being a dead giveaway.

“N-No… I… I-I’m sorry… I-I didn’t know who else to call… M-Michael… he…” her voice trembled as she spoke and she hadn’t even finished her sentence that another soft cry tore from her lips and pierced Max’s heart.

“No, no, it’s okay… just talk to me… what’s going on?” Max countered tenderly, not caring about how late it could be or whatever reason had made her call him instead of anyone else.

Last he had heard she was supposed to be on her third date with that Doug Shellow, a guy that was a couple of years older than her and definitely not a guy he thought was good for her. Only he had tried to tell her that after he had heard of their first date, but she had blown a gasket as soon as the words had left his mouth and told him that it was time he and Michael stopped treating her like she didn’t know what she was doing or wasn’t old enough to make her own decisions, and she had then not so nicely added that it was also time they both started to mind their own damned business.

Max hoped now that he had been wrong about the guy, but even before Liz talked again, something told him that he wasn’t going to like what she said and was actually about to be proven right about him.

“Doug… he… he just… he got so mad… and I…” Liz sobbed out and Max couldn’t help clenching his fist at his side. That bastard.

“Doug?... What…” he started but had to stop and take a deep breath before he could continue. “What did he do? Are you… are you hurt?” the words were spoken through gritted teeth and it took all Max had to stay still calm for now.

Whatever he had done, Max would make sure he would regret it for the rest of his life.

“No… I just… I-I didn’t want to… I…” Liz stuttered before she started crying softly once more, but she didn’t need to finish that sentence for Max to understand what had occured.

He didn’t need her to tell him
exactly what had happened for visions to invade his brain and make him feel nauseous. She had said ‘no’ when he had asked if she was hurt, and Max clung to that, hoping that it really meant that whatever Doug had tried, he hadn’t succeeded, but whether it was the case or not, the guy was dead!

“Liz?... Liz, where are you?... Is Doug still around?” Max asked as calmly as he could, but his hand was frantically reaching for the shirt he had discarded with Pam’s help a while ago and he was putting it on before Liz could even answer.

“No… I mean… I don’t know… I ran… and now I just… Max… M-Max, I don’t know…” Liz replied almost hysterically and Max swore softly as he reached for his shoes and pulled them on as quickly as he could with one hand still holding the phone to his ear.

“Okay… okay… shh, it’s okay…” Max soothed gently, his eyes closing as he heard Liz weep into his ear and he felt his heart break a little more with each tear she cried. “Baby, calm down… it’s going to be okay…” the words were spoken just as softly and Max waited until Liz’s breathing seemed to go more or less back to normal, before he addressed her again.

“Where were you with Doug before… before he got mad…” his own voice wasn’t too steady either, trembling as well from the rage he could feel boiling his insides and couldn’t quite control.

“Frasier… Frasier Woods…” Liz revealed and Max wasn’t really that surprised.

Couples who wanted to be alone and find a little intimacy either went to Frasier Woods or to Buckley Point. After all there weren’t too many places you could find around Roswell to go and make-out without having anyone bothering you.

“Okay… Frasier Woods… okay…” Max repeated quite awkwardly, already wondering how he was going to find her if she was lost in the middle of those woods.

“I’m so cold, M-Max…” Liz’s voice brought Max back to the moment and he could only imagine how cold she could indeed be. The temperature tended to drop very quickly in the woods once the sun came down and Max imagined that Liz had probably not dressed to spend too much time outside. He had to get to her and fast if he didn’t want her to freeze outside.

“I know… I know, sweetie… but I’ll be there soon… I’m coming and getting you… I just need you to help me find you, okay?” the words spilled from his mouth almost urgently and if he didn’t notice the way he talked or the endearment that all too naturally passed his lips as he tenderly addressed Liz once more, Pam definitely did and she couldn’t help feeling her blood boil in her veins at hearing him. Max was completely oblivious but every word he spoke, the way he spoke them, only confirmed what she had been thinking and suspecting from the very beginning of their relationship.

“Is there anything you recognize around you?” he continued as she watched him search for his wallet and car keys, apparently completely ignoring the fact that she was still there, half dressed and looking at him with fire in her eyes.

“No… no, Max…. it’s just… trees… and it’s dark… and I’m scared, Max…” Liz admitted in a broken murmur and at that instant Max could swear his heart stopped beating altogether.

“You don’t have to be scared, Liz… I’ll be there soon…” he promised, hand clenching the phone so tightly, it was a true wonder he hadn’t yet managed to snap it in two. “Do you… Liz, do you remember when we were younger… that tree house we used to go and hide into when we used to go camping, so Michael wouldn’t find us?” he questioned hopefully, remembering himself those trips they used to take to Frasier Woods almost every year, with Jeff Parker and his own father.

Isabel had never wanted to join and go, but Liz, Michael and himself had had so much fun going camping with their fathers. On one of those camping trips, he and Liz had stumbled upon an old tree house not too far from their campsite and had had the time of their life hiding in there while watching Michael run around and going half nuts while he looked everywhere for them. From where they were perched they could see his every more, hear his cries for them to come out of their hiding place, but they had always made sure Michael was searching elsewhere before they came down and showed themselves again.

For years, they had kept that secret between the two of them, and Max wasn’t even sure that Michael knew now of the existence of that tree house, even when it had been years already now since they had taken their last camping trip.

“Yes.” Liz replied, briefly reminiscing those times as well.

“Do you see it?” Max asked her next, thinking that it would be easier for him to find her if he knew more or less around where to narrow down his search.

“No, Max…” Liz answered after having taken a quick look around. All she could see were trees and more trees. That was all she had seen since she had run away from Doug’s car and into the woods.

She remembered where they used to go camping, just like she remembered the location of the tree house Max was talking about, but she had no idea where exactly she was or how long she had been running when she had finally stopped to call for help. She couldn’t see much with only the moonlight to guide her and feared she had only been running around for a while now, too afraid she had been to go backwards and discover that Doug had only been waiting for her to get out of the woods so he could pounce on her again, but just as afraid to stop, until she had realized that she was lost and had no choice but to call for someone to come and help her.

“Okay… do you think you could find it?” Max asked the question Liz knew he would but Liz had no idea about the answer.

“I-I don’t know…” she stuttered uncertainly, yet she was moving again before she could stop herself, knowing that she couldn’t stay there without moving for much longer or she would probably freeze to her death.

“Can you try for me, sweetie?” Max insisted and the gentle tone of his voice brought new fresh tears to Liz’s eyes. “Can you try to go there and wait for me?... I’m leaving, I’ll be there soon…” Max pursued just as tenderly and Liz knew that she would do all she could to meet him there, however long it would take her to achieve that.

“Okay… I’ll try… but Max, hurry, please…” she begged of him and Max had his jacket in his hand before he even realized he had moved to grab it.

“I will… I will see you soon, okay?” he promised fervently, already counting how long it would take him to get to her. “Liz, don’t worry, okay?... I’m coming for you…” he breathed into the mouthpiece of the cell, fear gripping his gut when he received no answer. “Liz?...

Silence met the call of her name and Max realized they had been cut off when only seconds later the busy tone resonated in his ear. He tried to call her back but to no avail, the lack of result only making his anxiety grow.

“Dammit!” he cursed loudly and was ready to run through the door when Pam calling his name stopped him dead in his tracks.

He had completely forgotten about her in his haste to get to Liz, but even the sight of her blouse open and her breasts almost spilling from the cups of her bra wasn’t enough to make him want to stay and renounce to go in search of Liz.

He didn’t know why she hadn’t bothered getting dressed as he had been. He had no doubt that she had to have heard every single word of his conversation with Liz, or at least his side of it and she had to have understood that whatever plans they could have had for the night had changed the second he had picked up his phone.

And yet she stood there, obviously upset but still half-dressed.

“I’m sorry… I… I just… I have to go…” he stammered despite himself, not really knowing what else he could say to her at that moment.

Not that there was much to say anyway. The only thing he wanted was to get out of there as fast as he could so he could go to Liz. If Pam couldn’t understand that, it was too bad, but he wasn’t changing his mind.

“You have got to be kidding me!” Pam hissed through gritted teeth and Max realized that she was even more pissed than he had originally thought.

“What?” was all he could say as he watched her chest heave and her nostrils flare.

what?... you know, you just… you are seriously just unbelievable!” she all but shrieked, looking at Max like she was ready to murder him, or at the very least launch herself at him and do some serious bodily harm, and Max wondered why he had never noticed before what a bad temper she could have.

“Pam, look… now is not the time… Liz…” Max started as patiently as he could, thinking that whatever tantrum she wanted to throw would have to wait until he got back and had made sure Liz was alright.

Even if, to some extent, he could understand that she wasn’t particularly pleased to see him leave like that when things had gotten a little carried away between them, he really didn’t have time to deal with that now, or her for that matter.

“When the hell is it
not going to be about your damned Liz?” Pam threw venomously, Max gaping incredulously at her for all but two seconds before he felt his own ire rising.

“Pam!” he warned, the tone of his voice leaving no doubt about how thin the ice she was treading on was.

The last thing Max needed at that moment was for Pam to remind him of how much she didn’t understand his friendship with Liz, or how much she actually didn’t appreciate it, or Liz for that matter.

“Don’t ‘Pam’ me… I’m so fed with you and with that girl! She is
not your girlfriend! I am!” she reminded him, as if he could have forgotten about that fact.

“I know that!” Max said quite frustrated himself.

He knew well that Liz was not his girlfriend, nor would she ever be, why Pam insisted on reminding him of that, or in seeing more in his relationship with Liz than there really was, was beyond him.

“Then stop acting like she’s the most important person in the world to you!” Pam shrieked once more and much to his dismay, Max didn’t know what he was supposed to answer to that. Liz was indeed one of the most important persons in his life, saying he didn’t care about her, more than he probably cared about anyone else would be lying. “God, you’re not even going to deny it!” Pam accused incredulously, having at least hoped that he would say something to the contrary, or just tell her that she was exaggerating.

“Pam, you know I’ve known her my whole life… she’s Michael’s sister… she…” Max vainly tried to explain, but Pam cut him off before he could go any further.

She was so tired of hearing that same lame excuse every time they had a conversation about his precious Liz Parker. How could he really claim that he and that girl were just friends? How could he think
she could really believe that, when she had seen them together time and time again and had seen what everyone else who wasn’t blind had seen as well, what she had clearly been warned against before she had started pursuing Max.

Liz Parker held a piece of Max Evans that no one else could reach, but none of them was apparently ready to admit that.

“This has
nothing to do with Michael and we both know it!” Pam threw back, wondering if he really thought her to be that stupid!

Michael could stop talking to him altogether tomorrow, refuse to see him for the rest of his life, and Max would still not be able to let go of Liz Parker or stay away from her. Even if Liz herself was the one to ask that of him, thing that Pam knew she would never do, she doubted that Max would be able to comply and respect her wishes. He would probably rather die first than having to do so.

“Look, we’ll talk later if you want but right now, Liz needs me and I…” Max proposed patiently, considering that he had already wasted enough time as it was, and he only realized that he had probably not said the right thing when Pam attacked him again.

“When does she not, Max? When the
fuck does she not?! Every time she just as much as breaks a freaking nail, she calls you, and you?... you just go running to her without caring about anything or anyone else in the world!” Pam cried out and Max could only shake his head as he saw her losing control almost completely.

“That’s not true, Pam, and you know it!” he denied, thinking that she was definitely exaggerating here.

Max almost
wished it could be true, but there had been too many times in the past when Liz had been even in just mild trouble and he had only learned of it when things had been over for Pam to be right.

“Do I?” Pam challenged before she proceeded to give Max an example of what she was apparently trying to prove. “Last month, she ‘so conveniently’ forgot her keys and was locked outside and who did she call?
You… and where did she sleep? right here, of course!... she couldn’t just call her brother?... No, that would have been too simple…” she reminded him, and Max was almost tempted to tell her that Liz had indeed called Michael first but that he hadn’t answered and therefore she had called him next, thinking that she had no choice if she didn’t want to spend the night outside or wait for who knew how long for Michael to come home.

Max had not minded in the least having her here anyway, even after Pam had come to see him in the morning, wanting to surprise him with breakfast and she had been less than thrilled to find Liz sleeping in one of his shirts, no matter the fact that he had actually slept on the couch after having left her with his bed, and that nothing had happened between them.

Nothing had
ever happened. Not that Pam seemed to understand that.

“Pam…” Max just sighed, lacking arguments or even just the
will to actually argue with her.

“Before that… she burst a tire…” Pam continued like Max had not even talked and tried to stop her. “And her good friend Max just had to go and help and who cares if we had a date that night and
I had to wait for more than an hour for you!... the day we were supposed to go to Las Cruces? She needed you to take her to the hospital for God only knows what this time… my birthday party? You spent most of it on the phone with her because she had had a fight with Michael or whatever it was she managed to come up with that time to grab your attention once more!”

When you put it like that, Max could understand that Pam had issues regarding his relationship with Liz, but he refused to apologize for being there for Liz when she reached out to him and simply asked him to be there.

“Pam, she’s my friend!” Max tried again with a patience he surely didn’t feel anymore, and even if he was sure that it would fall on deaf ears once more.

If he hadn’t already said those words a thousand times since starting his relationship with Pam, he hadn’t said them at all.

He had thought that with time, if they had to become more serious, she would just get used to the particular and intense friendship he and Liz shared, but Max was starting to realize that it had only be hopeful wishing on his part.

Pam was apparently no more able to accept Liz and their relationship than he was of not running to her if she said she needed him.

“She is
not your friend! Stop saying that!” Pam all but shouted then, shaking her head at him like he had just said the most ridiculous thing in the world.

“God, Pam, what do you want from me? I don’t have time for this!” Max yelled back, throwing his hands up in defeat, knowing that whatever he could say, whatever justification he could find, it would still not be enough for Pam.

“I want you to stop lying!” she cried out at last, and the silence that followed was deafening.

“I’m not lying Pam, I don’t know what you’re talking about… I just don’t get you!” Max argued back, getting really frustrated now.

God, he
really didn’t know what she expected of him.

“Yes, you are… you’re lying to me… you’ve been lying to me since the very beginning, but worse than that… you’re lying to yourself!” Pam accused and Max could only gape at her, wondering what she would come up with now.

what exactly am I lying to myself about?” he couldn’t help asking nonetheless, even if he wasn’t sure he really wanted to know.

“You’re in love with her!” Pam threw at him all of a sudden and she would have taken pleasure in Max’s astounded expression if she hadn’t been so sure of what she was advancing and what it would mean for her. For them. “You’re so in love with her, you can’t see anything else!”

“I… you…” Max stuttered for a few seconds, not sure if he should laugh or just call her crazy, but then anger filled his veins and he couldn’t help reacting defensively. “You know what? I
really don’t have time for this crap! I’m out of here!” he announced as he reached for the door and opened it, all too ready to forget they had even had this conversation and go to Liz instead.

“And there you go running again!” Pam charged disbelievingly, wondering why she had thought, even just for two seconds, that he wouldn’t choose the easy way out for once.

“What the hell do you want me to do, Pam?” Max growled out, as out of rage, he slammed the door shut again and turned angrily to her. “Liz is God knows where in the middle of Frasier Woods, she’s scared and cold, do you want me to leave her there alone just so you feel better?” he demanded in a snarl, Pam clearly seeing that he wasn’t expecting any answer from her.

He just meant to show her how ridiculous he thought she was being, but he was the one not seeing what was happening here.

“If it weren’t that, it would be something else, wouldn‘t it, Max?” she retorted, obviously not feeling much sympathy for Liz’s situation right now.

“Then why the hell are we still discussing this?” Max volleyed back and reached for the door once more, having wasted enough time talking to her and humoring her as far as he was concerned.

Re: Steamy Night at the Crash~M/L~ADLT~ANs+Ch.2 p.5~03/28

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 2:57 am
by RebeccaBehrEvans
“Because I’m not taking it anymore, Max, that’s why!” Pam announced and just for a few seconds it had Max turning to her again. “I won’t… and if you cross that door, Max… if you leave… I won’t be quietly waiting for you here this time!” she threatened him and Max would have had to be blind to not see how serious she was.


“Call Michael, Max… or her parents and let them go get her this time, Max, please…” Pam begged him, despite the fact that she hated showing any weakness in front of him, or letting him see how much it actually hurt her to have to go to such lengths. Yet despite all her bravado, she didn’t want to lose Max and she knew all too well that it would be the case if he left now and went to Liz Parker instead of staying with her.

Max thought he should feel torn, after all he cared for Pam. She was a nice girl with whom he had fun and for whom he could have maybe felt more than just tenderness with time, but then there was Liz and Max couldn’t see himself not going to her now, or calling anyone to go and get her.

He knew her parents would certainly run to her if he called them, just as Michael would, if Liz hadn’t already tried to call them first, but no matter how much he could try to deny it, Max wanted to be the one to rescue her.

He could see Pam looking at him hopefully, probably thinking that he would prove her wrong if he didn’t go, that it would actually be the
only thing to do if he wanted to show her that he was not in love with Liz like she had claimed and accused him of being, but Max wasn’t thinking about that at that instant.

Whatever he could feel for Liz or not, he knew that if he did as she asked, he wouldn’t be able to stay still and just wait for news of her, even if he sent someone he trusted to look for her, someone who would be just as eager to find her as he could be himself.

No, there wasn’t really any choice to make here. Truthfully, there
never had been.

“I’m sorry, Pam!” Max whispered sincerely, knowing that this would probably be the last time he would see her, yet he was unable to regret his decision, and it was without a second glance and without heeding her calls for him to come back that he left her there and ran to his car, only one thought left in mind. LIZ.


By the time Max reached Frasier Woods, a good twenty minutes more had passed and Max wasn’t more surprised than that to see how much his hands were shaking when he finally managed to park his car near the clearing that preceded the entrance of the woods.

He had tried to call Liz a few times while driving, but she had only picked up once, even if Max had not understood a word she had said before they had been cut off once more and he had realized that wherever she was now, she obviously didn’t have enough good reception to make or receive a call.

A few cars were parked there, the fogged windows giving Max a good idea of what was going on inside and he tried to block out the thoughts of Liz in the same position with that Doug scum, refusing to dwell on that for now.

Passing and ignoring the other cars, a flashlight in hands, he moved to the entrance of the woods and was surprised to see a couple coming his way only minutes after having entered.

Hopefully, he asked if they hadn’t seen a girl alone in there and probably looking scared, going as far as giving them a physical description of Liz, or as much as he could, considering he had no idea of what she had been wearing tonight, but neither the girl nor the guy who was with her remembered seeing anyone alone in the woods. They had probably been too busy doing way more than just making-out for them to notice anything anyway, Max considered after having taken a look at their disheveled clothes.

They had come across two other couples they said, while they were ‘frolicking’ in the woods, but no girl alone. They didn’t even seem to understand why anyone would want to take a walk alone in there at this hour, but Max was too much in a hurry to explain to them that Liz hadn’t really ventured there by her own choice.

As soon as he left them, Max went running into the woods, trying to not get lost himself and trying to remember exactly where the tree house was. Last time he had been here had been years ago and besides, they had always arrived during daytime, which made Max fear he wouldn’t find it as easily as he used to.

It had taken him a while, at least longer than he had wished for, but when Max finally spotted the small clearing his and Liz’s fathers used to set camp on, he finally released the breath he had not even been aware he had been holding.

He knew he wasn’t far now and it only took him a few more minutes to find the tree house, his anxiety not ebbing however as he called Liz’s name as he was reaching it but received no answer in return.

He tried again and briefly wondered if maybe Liz had tried to climb the tree to hide into the house while waiting for him, if she had found it again of course, but then he remembered that she had probably not even thought of it. Though she had no problem climbing down on her own, she used to need him to help her climb up and she would have surely not venture there alone now when he was sure she could barely see in front of her.

Frantically, Max called her name again and again as he ran around, flashing his light to see if he could see her anywhere and he stopped dead in his tracks when he suddenly heard what sounded like a small whimper of pain.

“Liz!” he yelled before he could stop himself, heart hammering in his chest when the short silence that followed was broken by another soft sound, something that sounded awfully like his own name.

Concentrating on the noise, Max turned to his left and felt his heart skip a beat when he eventually spotted Liz a few feet away, leaning for support against a tree.

“Oh, Liz!” he breathed out achingly and was running to her before she could take two steps in his direction.

He had barely reached her that she stumbled forward and directly into his arms, Max immediately understanding that something was wrong with her when he saw she could barely stand on her own two feet.

“You came…” Liz sobbed out into his ear as Max lowered her and himself to the ground before he could think about it twice, the way she clung to him being enough to almost cut his air supply.

Max didn’t mind however, he was just too glad he had found her at last to complain.

“Of course I came… I said I would, didn’t I?” he replied with a smile, gently brushing Liz’s tears away when she pulled back and looked at him with big moist eyes.

“Yes…” she breathed out, trying to smile at him as well, despite how much everything seemed to be hurting at that moment. “And I remembered… I f-found the tree house…” she added in a soft childlike voice that had Max chuckling quietly.

“You did… although you weren’t waiting exactly where I told you!” he reprimanded teasingly, pushing a few strands of hair behind her ear and briefly contemplating how beautiful she was even with tear-streaks running down her otherwise flawless skin.

“I couldn’t…” Liz admitted and winced in pain the next second, almost immediately reminding Max of what he had noticed when he had first seen her.

“What happened? You said you weren’t hurt!” he questioned softly, not wanting her to think he thought she had deliberately lied to him and he winced himself when he let his eyes roam down her body, even just for a few seconds and noticed that she had really been dressed to go out on a date.

She wore a light pink top with matching skirt and cardigan and looked positively gorgeous but the wince was caused by the fact that even with the way she had closed almost all the buttons on her cardigan to hide what laid beneath, he could still see that the top under it had been torn and he could only imagine what and
who could have caused that.

“I wasn’t… but I was running and tripped on some root and fell…” Liz revealed and her eyes filled with tears once more as she continued. “… and I hurt my ankle… I mean… like
really hurt…” she finished lamely and Max could see that she was trying hard to look strong and not break down completely.

“Okay… Let me see…” he whispered and gently moved her slightly away so he could reach her left ankle and see for himself how badly she had hurt herself.

As tenderly as he could, he took her foot in his hand, only to immediately let go when Liz cried out the second he touched her.

“I’m sorry… I’m so sorry…” Max apologized right away, hating that he had caused her any pain, but almost sure now that it was more serious than what he had first assumed.

“It hurts!” Liz whimpered and pouted in the cutest way, even if Max knew now was really not the time to be noticing that.

“I know it does… but let me take a look at it nonetheless…” Max proposed and tried again to take her foot in his hand.

His touch was as tender as he could muster and yet he could see how much it indeed hurt just by the way Liz bit her bottom lip and closed her eyes as tightly as she could.

“Okay, I’m just going to take off your shoe…” Max told her and carefully proceeded to pull off the strappy shoe she wore with as much care as he could.

Even with the little light his flashlight near them provided, Max could see how swollen her ankle indeed was and if he couldn’t say for sure if it was broken, there was no doubt it was at least sprained.

Liz cried once more when he poked around just a few seconds and Max couldn’t help grimacing as well.

“Sorry…” he said sheepishly again, but then couldn’t help continuing even more seriously. “Looks like you’re in for a trip to the hospital…” he knew how much Liz hated hospitals, but apparently she wouldn’t have much choice in the matter tonight.

Just over a month ago, a friend of hers had been in a car accident and had been severely injured, yet as much as he knew Liz had wanted to go see her and be there for her, she had been unable to just cross the hospital doors on her own. It wasn’t until she had told him about it and he had offered to go with her if she wanted him to that she had seemed to perk up a little and be ready to face her fears.

Max knew she hadn’t entered a hospital since her grandma Claudia had died there a few years ago and he hadn’t minded in the least the tight grip she had had on his hand all the time they had been inside, visiting her friend. And not even having Pam nearly piercing his eardrums when she had blown a gasket when he had announced to her that he wouldn’t be going to Las Cruces with her, when they had been planning that trip for a week then, had been enough to make him feel bad or make him change his mind. He had been there for Liz then and he was glad he could be there for her again now.

“Just great…” Liz groaned out and Max immediately noticed her eyes brimming with tears once more.

“Hey… it’s okay… I’ll go with you and I’ll stay with you for as long as we’ll need to… even if we have to wait for hours.” He promised her right away, knowing that Roswell Memorial wasn’t exactly known for its ER efficiency, but then he almost immediately frowned when he cupped Liz’s cheek and noticed how cold she was to the touch.

On a closer inspection he also realized that her lips had turned almost blue and he cursed himself for not having noticed her state before and actually forcing her to sit down on the cold ground with him.

“God, you’re freezing…” he exclaimed and instantly took off his jacket to give it to her.

“No… it’s okay…” Liz was quick to answer but she wasn’t convincing Max any more than she was convincing herself.

“No, it’s not!” Max countered, forcing the leather jacket around her shoulders despite her protest. “I’m sorry… I should have…”

“Max, it’s okay…” Liz cut him off, feeling bad about taking his jacket when she could see he wasn’t dressed any warmer than she was and was only wearing a shirt himself. “What about you?”

“My fault… I should have brought another jacket… I just didn’t’ think…” he admitted and in his eyes Liz could see what he wasn’t really saying aloud, that he had been too worried about her to think about such details when she had called and he had left. “We should get out of here now before we both freeze to death!” he then suggested, seeing no reason for them to stay there any longer.

“Please, yes!” Liz concurred, definitely thinking she had spent enough time in those woods tonight to last her a lifetime.

At least when they had come when they were younger they had waited for the summer for that and had been well equipped to spend the night in the woods. Clearly that had not been on her mind when she had prepared and dressed for her date.

She certainly had no way to predict she would end there in the first place nor had she foreseen what a jerk Doug Shellow could really truly be either. Had she, she would have certainly not gone out even on just one date with him.

“Can you walk?” Max demanded after having picked up her shoe, clearly remembering having seen how much it had apparently cost her to just stand up, so he doubted she could walk on her own, at least not without limping or hopping on one foot.

“Barely…” Liz confessed and confirmed Max’s thoughts as she made the effort to stand up more or less on her own at least, but soon found Max’s arms around her to support her once more.

“I… Liz…” Max stammered uneasily, not wanting to ask his next question but knowing he would probably not be able to think about anything else if he didn’t. “Are you… are you hurt anywhere else?” he demanded hoarsely, remembering all too well that her top was torn and that Doug Shellow had apparently put his filthy hands on her and had least ‘tried’ to hurt her.

“N-No…” she shook her head and then had to swallow past the lump in her throat, the small gesture all but breaking Max’s heart. She might have not been hurt ‘physically’ but Max could clearly see that she had been hurt nonetheless, you just couldn’t necessarily see it on the outside.

“Liz…” he wanted to ask her to tell him exactly what had happened, tell him what that bastard had dared do to her, but the pleading in Liz’s eyes stopped him from doing so in the end.

had happened, he would have to wait before he heard all about it.

“Max, can we just go now?” Liz demanded as she still clung to him, since he had yet to let her go since the moment she had all but stumbled completely into his arms and Max didn’t have the heart to deny her request, even less when she added a heartfelt ‘
please’ to it just for good measure.

“Okay…” he complied after a second of hesitation, but the pointed look he gave Liz told her that he was only accepting to let it go
for now. “Come here…” he then added gently and had Liz scooped into his arms before she could even realize what he had intended to do.

“Max…” she gasped his name as her own arms went all too naturally to wrap around his neck and the next second her breath lodged in her throat as their eyes met and they both realized just as close they were to each other.

His name was met with silence as the urge to kiss her slammed into Max and for just a few seconds Pam’s words came back to haunt him.

I want you to stop lying!

You’re in love with her.

You’re so in love with her you can’t see anything else.

It had seemed completely ridiculous to him when she had said the words earlier, but now, standing so close to Liz, his lips just mere inches from her own and the need almost uncontrollable he felt to find out how she tasted, Max had to wonder if there couldn’t be some truth to her statement.

After all, why would he be dreaming of Liz otherwise?
Intimate dreams, where her body had no secret to him, nor had her taste or the feel of her skin.

No, Max suddenly shook his head to clear his thoughts, refusing to consider that. Thinking like that was just too dangerous. There had to be another explanation, one more rational, to the sudden bouts of lust he was feeling, directed at his best friend’s sister.

Liz was a beautiful girl after all, there was no way he could deny that and she was sexy, without even just trying or ever being vulgar and he had definitely gone too long without sex, that would probably explain it better than what Pam had insinuated.

On top of that, Liz was also the only constant female figure in his life beside Isabel of course, the only girl with whom he had regular contact, she was a big part of his life, so it was no wonder things could get confused at times. He felt deeply for her, there was no doubt about that either, but it wasn’t
love. It couldn’t be and he certainly wasn’t in love with her. Being in love with her would only complicate his life and what was more, mess with a friendship and a relationship that meant just too much for him to want to risk ruining it.

“Okay… the faster we get out of here, the better, right?” he said, once he was again able to talk without making a fool out of himself and he didn’t give Liz time to think of an answer that he was already walking away with her tightly held in his arms.

“Definitely!” Liz just whispered, just as affected by what had almost happened as Max could be himself.

Maybe she was completely mistaken, maybe it was only her own wishful thinking that had made her imagine things, but for a second there, she could have sworn that Max was going to kiss her.

He didn’t say anything else after that and Liz was too busy replaying that moment in her head over and over again to say anything herself.

Maybe she should have kissed him herself the second he had scooped her up into his arms. But maybe that was the last thing he wanted and she had only imagined it all, and then she would have just totally humiliated herself when he would have asked her what the hell she thought she was doing.

She really had no desire to see that happening and so she thought it safer to forget about it altogether, preferring to burrow into Max’s chest and ignore her crazy urges.

What she was feeling then however, being in Max’s arms, was quite overwhelming, yet Liz didn’t think that she had ever felt safer or more protected than she felt at that instant. Max seemed to have a real gift for making her feel that way, because she had always felt like that when he was around. And confused at times, and dizzy just being near him and like she could barely think coherently, but yeah… mainly safe and protected.

Even if she had no doubt he was completely oblivious to her real feelings for him, Max understood her in a way that no one else, not even her own brother, could ever pretend to, and even if he sometimes ‘acted’ too much like a real brother to her for her liking, she knew she could always count on him. He had proven that in the past and he was proving it again tonight.

That was why she had called him before anyone else tonight. Michael would have come just as quickly, she was sure of that, but he would have been full of questions and accusations and she hadn’t really felt like dealing with that on top of everything else. If Max asked questions, which sooner or later she knew he would, she also knew that he wouldn’t judge her or think any less of her, or even just think she was stupid for having hooked up with Doug in the first place.

“Almost there…” Max talked all of a sudden, pulling Liz out of her thoughts and making her realize that more time had passed than what she could have thought while she was musing over her relationship with Max and relishing on the feel of his arms around her and his hard shoulder against her cheek.

Much to her dismay, there were still people parked outside when they emerged from the woods and she could only imagine how they looked like, a man and a girl in his arms, wrapped in a jacket that was certainly twice too big for her, with only one shoe on and the other in his hand.

They made quite a pair and she was sure that by tomorrow morning, more people than she cared to think about now, would have heard of her little expedition in the woods. Maybe they wouldn’t know about Doug and the part he had played in the situation, but she was sure that they would all have heard of Max Evans carrying her out of the woods.

Not surprisingly a few couples couldn’t help getting out of their cars to have a closer look at what was going on, but Max pulled her even closer to him if that were even possible when he felt her tense in his arms.

“Don’t mind them, okay?’ he whispered to her and Liz could only nod into his neck.

Like there wasn’t even anything weird or abnormal to him walking out of the woods with her in his arms, Max marched to his own car and did as he had asked of her, ignoring completely the curious stares they were receiving and only letting go of Liz when he had reached his vehicle and could have her lean against it.

Once he had unlocked the car, he as delicately as he could, placed her on the passenger seat and went as far as buckling her seatbelt for her.

“Thank you!” Liz murmured once he was done, barely resisting the urge she felt to pull him into her arms this time and hugging him tightly to show him her gratitude for everything he had done for her so far.

“You’re welcome!” Max replied with a small smile and gave her her shoe back so he could get behind the wheel.

When he was sitting, Liz couldn’t help but take a look around them and commenting, “He’s not here anymore…” she said before she could stop herself, as if she had really expected to see Doug’s car still there.

No matter how much she didn’t want to
ever see Doug’s face for the rest of her life, part of her was even more hurt to see that he had just left without apparently caring in the least about what could have happened to her in there. She could have been unable to join anyone, or find her way back, she could have had to spend the whole night alone in those woods, freezing to her own death and he would have just… left her there.

Max seemed to be having the same thoughts because she saw a muscle twitch in his jaw before he talked again.

“Apparently that guy’s got God on his side tonight!” the way he delivered the words didn’t leave any doubt about what would have happened to Doug had he actually not left. Max would have probably run him over with his car or just attempted to kill him with his own bare hands.

Whatever Liz could have answered to that was covered by the sound of the engine coming to life when Max cranked the ignition and started to drive away, both of them probably thinking the same thing, that it would certainly be a long time before any of them came to Frasier Woods willingly again.


Roswell ER looked like a zoo when they arrived and Max wasn’t more surprised than that to realize they had already been waiting for at least an hour when he checked out his watch for the umpteenth time since arriving.

A nurse had come and at least looked at Liz’s ankle a few minutes after they had arrived, but she had yet to be called in to see a doctor and be treated. The good news was that apparently the nurse thought it looked worse than it really was and that she had certainly not broken her ankle. Not that Max or Liz knew much about ankles injuries until tonight, but apparently the swelling was normal even if it looked impressive, and Liz would have certainly not stopped crying yet if she had broken it, she had said. It would have hurt
that much.

It was something at least, but Max was seriously starting to think they would both die there nonetheless, before anyone came to attend to Liz.

The other good thing was that, although the place was packed, at least they were sitting, and next to each other. Max just couldn’t believe how many people took a trip to the ER on a Saturday night in this town, but apparently Roswell had a good share of clumsy people, who either burned themselves, fell, or whatever else he had already seen tonight.

“You okay?” he asked Liz for the umpteenth time as well, watching as she opened her eyes at the sound of his voice and smiled softly at him.

“I’m falling half-asleep… why is this taking so long?” she lamented with a slight pout that had Max’s heart skipping a few beats.

“Half the town is here tonight apparently…” he shrugged as he looked around them. “You can sleep if you want, I’ll wake you up when it’s your turn.” He then proposed, thinking that the medication they had already given Liz for the pain while she waited was probably making her drowsy and that at least one of them should get a rest if they could.

“I wish… but these chairs are just too hard and with my foot…” Liz cringed, thinking that she would probably have kinks everywhere before she could find a comfortable position to sleep in. What’s more the nurse had given her a small stool and told her to keep her leg elevated, so it was quite hard to fall asleep that way.

“No kidding…” Max concurred, thinking that if something was definitely starting to fall asleep it was his ass, so he could only imagine what Liz was feeling.

Looking at Liz now, his next move came all too spontaneously.

“Come here…” he encouraged, pointing at his lap and smiling lightly at her when he saw Liz’s eyes go round at the suggestion.

“What?” she asked incredulously, not sure he was really suggesting what she thought –god,
hoped- he was suggesting.

“Just come closer, put your legs over my thighs and rest your head against my chest…” he just explained, like it was the most natural thing in the world. “Come on…” he added when Liz just kept looking at him while biting her lip thoughtfully.

It took her still a few seconds before she stopped hesitating and then she thought ‘
what the hell’. She had nothing to lose by doing so, on the contrary.

Scooting closer to him, she let him pull first her right leg than her injured one over his lap and then couldn’t stop the small sigh that passed her lips when Max guided her head to his chest and wrapped his arms around her.

“Comfortable?” she heard him ask from above her and Liz couldn’t contain the smile that graced her lips then.

“Much better, yeah…” she admitted almost dreamingly, thinking that nothing could feel better than this truthfully.

She loved the way he held her, the way she could feel his heart beating under her ear, the way he felt under her touch, the way he smelt. All of it was enough to make her melt in his arms.

“Good.” Max whispered himself, agreeing, at least inwardly, that this felt really good.

For long minutes they stayed just like that, both of them savoring the feel of the other so close, until the shrill of Max’s phone ringing interrupted them.

A nurse who wasn’t far glared at Max as he reached out as Liz took the phone from his jacket and gave it to him and if it didn’t stop him from wanting to answer the call, Max still felt it necessary to apologize, knowing that he should have certainly turned it off as soon as they had arrived.

Michael’ flashed across the screen and Max was ready to answer him when Liz stopped him.

“Don’t answer him!” she all but ordered in a panicky tone when she read her brother’s name herself.

“What? Why?” Max asked as the ringing stopped, only to start again only seconds later.

“He’s gonna want to know where you are… I don’t want him to know!” she told him seriously and Max wondered briefly what he was supposed to do. It was the pleading look she gave him then that eventually did him in and made him realize that he wouldn’t be able to deny her that.

“Okay.” He conceded, although he was sure that Michael would probably keep trying if it were important.

He was proven right not long after when ten minutes later both looked at his phone vibrating now since Max had changed it to that mode, for the fifteenth time at least.

Re: Steamy Night at the Crash~M/L~ADLT~ANs+Ch.2 p.5~03/28

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 2:58 am
by RebeccaBehrEvans
Whatever Michael wanted, he obviously wasn’t giving up and giving the hour, it was certainly important.

“I-I… I’m sorry, Liz… I have to take it!” he said at last, even if Liz could clearly see he regretted having to do so.

With a small nod, she gave him the go ahead and Max had no sooner picked up the phone and said hello that Michael’s voice boomed from the other end.

“Where the hell are you?” he all but screamed, Max having to pull the phone away so he wouldn’t risk ending half-deaf.

“Hello to you, too, Michael!” Max retorted quite sarcastically, thinking that his friend really had no manners whatsoever at times.

Sometimes it was hard to believe that he was Liz’s brother and that he had been raised by the same parents.

“Save your hello!... I’ve been trying to reach you for I don’t know how long… I even went by your apartment!” Michael barked into the phone and Max would have had to be indeed deaf already to not recognize that Michael was about to have a fit or a nervous breakdown.

“What’s going on?” Max questioned as he sought out Liz’s eyes, Liz who he could clearly see could hear everything and looked just as confused by Michael’s outburst.

“Look, I need your help… I don’t know where the hell Liz is… she was supposed to be home hours ago and she’s not… I… I have tried to call her a million times and it always goes directly to voicemail… I swear to god, if that bastard touched her, I’m killing him…” Michael intoned without barely taking a breath and Max realized he should have known that only worry for his little sister could put Michael in such a state.

“Michael, calm down…” Max tried to let him know Liz was with him, despite the fact that she was almost frantically shaking her head at him and repeating a litany of ‘
don’t tell him, please…’, but Michael cut him off before he could say much more.

“Don’t tell me to fucking calm down…” he yelled out before his tone took on a worried note again. “God, where the hell is she?”

His parents had left for a week with his promise that he would take care of Liz and they weren’t gone for two days that he had already…
lost her. He knew he shouldn’t have let her go out with that Doug guy. Why the hell had he not trusted his instincts?

He was just about to launch into another tirade about how much he actually despised the guy when Max’s next words stopped him dead.

“Michael… she’s with me, she’s okay…” Max ventured again, signaling to Liz that it would be okay when she mouthed a ‘no’ to him. He knew she didn’t want him to tell Michael what had really happened, but Max didn’t have the heart to let Michael worry any more than it was obvious he already had.

“What? She’s with you? What the hell is she doing with you and what happened to Doug?” Michael rushed out, not quite believing what he was hearing.

All this time she had been with Max and they hadn’t even thought of calling him. What did they think, that he would just stay home and find normal that Liz wasn’t home yet nearly two hours after her curfew?

“If you would just calm down and listened to me, I would explain…” Max responded, although he could definitely understand Michael’s impatience.

For having a younger sister himself, he knew from firsthand experience how much you could worry for them, even if you didn’t always want to admit it, or them to know for that matter.

“Oh, I’m listening, trust me!” Michael threw back, thinking that this better be good or they would both hear about it.

“Look, apparently Liz and Doug had a minor fight…” Max started and smiled at Liz to show her that he knew what he was doing. “She called me to pick her up… I did and I’ll be bringing her home soon! She’s okay and she’s safe, so you don’t need to worry…”

“Soon? Why are you not bringing her home
now?” Michael questioned, his tone quite suspicious. “I’m asking you again… where the hell are you?”

“Hmm… see, there’s just this little thing… but you have to promise me you won’t yell and you won’t start panicking…” Max tentatively said, only to have Michael do exactly what he had asked him not to.

“I’m not promising anything…
where are you? And Evans, you better not have touched my sister or I’m killing you!” Michael all but shouted into the phone and Liz was sure half the hospital had heard that last part.

She was tempted to roll her eyes and yell back at Michael that she could well do what she wanted and with
whom she damn wanted, but the way Max looked at her at that instant had her blushing instead.

“I-I wouldn’t do… that…” Max stammered and he wondered how he could convince Michael of the truthfulness of his words when he couldn’t even convince himself.

In his dreams lately, Max had touched Liz many, many times and in many different ways and it would surely be no hardship for him to verify if the reality measured up with the dreams.

“That would be wise, now tell me where you are!” Michael ordered, really starting to lose patience.

He knew they weren’t at Max’s apartment since he hadn’t been there nor had his car, so where the hell they were was really the question of the night.

“This is where you’re not supposed to yell…” Max ventured, before grimacing and blurting out the next part. “The hospital but…”


“But before you start having a panic attack, I was saying… she’s okay… she just twisted her ankle while walking home…” he lied and the small sigh of relief that escaped Liz’s lips when she heard him was enough for him to know he had done the right thing.

He wasn’t usually one to like lying, least of all to his best friend, but for her, at that instant, he would do anything.

“And none of you thought of calling me? What the hell were you two thinking… or were you even thinking
at all?” Michael admonished, probably forgetting that Max was as old as him, older even, if only by a few hours, and that he had no reason to talk to him like he was a mere child who couldn’t take care of himself.

“Look, it slipped our minds, okay?... we’ve been waiting here for a while now and we just didn’t think about much except having Liz examined…” Max justified as best as he could, knowing that Michael was partly right and that they should have certainly called him as soon as they had arrived at the hospital.

“It slipped…” Michael started angrily, before stopping and taking a deep breath. God, those two were going to drive him insane. “Let me talk to Liz…” he demanded, instead of what he had originally intended to say.

“I… she…” Max stuttered when he saw Liz shake her head the second she heard Michael. The last thing she wanted right now was to talk to her brother and being grilled about what had happened and the last thing Max wanted himself was to make her uncomfortable or have the two siblings have a fight over the phone. “Look, she’s not exactly near me right now and well, she’s kind of tired anyway and… upset because of all the waiting… and in pain, too… so maybe it would be best if you just talked to her later…” Max lied for Liz once more and was even more glad he had when Liz rested her head against his chest as she exhaled another relieved breath. The hand she laid against his stomach didn’t feel bad either.

“Whatever…” Michael grumbled, not wanting to force her to talk to him on the phone if she were indeed in pain and upset and she didn’t want to speak to him just yet. “I’ll be there soon anyway…” he informed Max then, which had Liz raising her head immediately again.

“Michael, that’s not necessary… I’m taking care of her…” Max said probably more affectionately than should have been normal, his hand tightening around Liz’s hip without even realizing it, though Liz herself couldn’t ignore it.

“Not necessary?” Michael questioned and Max could hear the ‘
are you kidding me?’ that followed but that Michael didn’t say, almost as clear as if he had. “You two are at the hospital, I’m coming to the hospital!” he added with a finality that didn’t leave Max and Liz with much choice.

“Okay, where are you?” Max asked at last when Liz nodded her head, obviously resigned to see Michael probably sooner that she would have wished.

“Buckley Point… I’ll be there in twenty minutes…” Michael revealed and announced and the two men promptly hung up after Max had told Michael that they would see him then.

“I’m sorry… I had to tell him…” Max apologized to Liz as soon as he hung up, not wanting her to get mad at him for having told Michael had least where they were.

Michael was right anyway, she was only seventeen yet and had a curfew and they should have really thought of that detail. He wondered why her parents had not tried to call him as well, after all it wouldn’t have been the first time they did, although usually it was more to know about Michael’s whereabouts than Liz’s, but then Max still ignored that they were actually out of town.

“No, it’s okay… I should have thought of calling him sooner…” Liz immediately answered, knowing that it was not his fault. She should have known Michael would worry and should have called him way sooner, but her battery had died on her when she was in the woods and she had not thought about asking Max for his own phone after that. As for Max, he had already done more than he should have. “Thank you though, for not telling him the truth.”

“Well, I don’t know what the whole truth is…” Max remarked and by the tone of his voice, Liz knew exactly what he was asking her. He had been patient so far, but that was his way of inviting her to talk.

“Max…” she moaned out into his chest, Max having to tip her chin up to have her look at him.

“Look, I don’t want to force you, but I need to know…” he told her sincerely, all too aware that not knowing was actually worse than hearing her say the words, or just imagining what had happened to her.

“It was my fault…” Liz started, her voice already trembling as she recalled what had happened and Max could only frown down at her.

“What? What are you talking about?” he asked incredulously, wondering how she could say, much less
think something like that.

Even without having heard of all the details yet, he couldn’t imagine how any of this could be her fault.

“I was so stupid for going out with him in the first place… for trusting him…” she said self-depreciatively, cursing herself for her obvious lapse of judgment.

Doug had seemed a good enough guy at first, but Liz knew she had gone out with him for all the wrong reasons. He had asked her out one evening she was particularly depressed over Max lasting relationship with Pamela –although some would surely say that one month wasn’t exactly the sign of a long relationship or a more permanent bond- and had been quite vulnerable, and when Doug had told her that it was obvious she needed something to take her mind off of things, she had had to admit that he was probably right.

She hadn’t seen then how going out on a date with him could hurt, and she had actually had a good time with him that first time, which had led to another two dates. It wasn’t until tonight, however, that Doug had shown his real face.

“Hey, you’re not stupid, okay?... it’s not your fault you didn’t realize the guy was a bastard and a complete jerk…” Max defended her almost vehemently and Liz was happy to see that if he looked upset again suddenly, it was obviously not with her.

“But you did… you tried to warn me…” she reminded him, remembering as well how she had reacted and treated him when he had tried to talk to her about Doug and what he thought of him.

“I… yeah… I just didn’t think he was a guy for you…” Max just shrugged, having surely preferred to be wrong about the guy than to see her suffer because of that prick.

“Obviously…” Liz grimaced, definitely agreeing with him now. Not that she had ever thought their relationship was that serious, but still.

“What happened then?” Max asked softly once more, his thumb gently tracing the line of her jaw, his eyes begging her to trust him with the truth.

“I…” Liz started all too hesitantly, her voice weak, although she couldn’t say for sure if it were because of how what she was about to reveal still affected her, or because of what the contact of Max’s fingers with her skin was doing to her. “It was our third date and everything was going just fine at first… we went to grab a bite and then to a movie… we… we were having a good time but then when I thought D-Doug would take me home… he said that we still had some time before my curfew… moreover since I had told him my parents had left to San Francisco for a restaurant convention…
thing… and that only Michael would actually be waiting for me…” she explained and Max thought that the guy must really not know much about Michael to not realize that it was actually worse than if it had been her parents waiting for her.

“He drove us out of town before I could realize where we were going…” she continued before taking a deep breath. “At first everything was… normal… we were just talking… but then…”

“Then?” Max prompted when she trailed off.

“Then he started to act differently…” she pursued hesitantly, feeling kind of weird sharing this with Max of all people, even if there were probably no other person she knew she could trust more. “He kissed me… I mean
really kiss me… until then… we hadn’t really kissed… except for a quick peck on the lips when he took me home after our first two dates.” She clarified, Max nodding to show her she had his full attention, although inwardly he could barely control the weird feeling that was taking hold of him.

He didn’t understand what was happening to him at that instant but the more she talked, the more he felt… sick inside.

The feeling only intensified when she continued.

“I shouldn’t have let him… it just felt… I-I don’t know…” she frowned, thinking that she shouldn’t have let him go past the first kiss, not when it hadn’t even felt right.

“It’s okay… it was your third date… I mean…” Max trailed off awkwardly when he noticed how his words made Liz visibly wince.

“That’s what he said, too…” she breathed out, the way her eyes welled with tears as she spoke making Max’s heart tighten painfully in his chest.

“What?” he whispered back, tucking a few strands of hair behind Liz’s ear before encouraging her to meet his gaze once more when she would have lowered her head again, in what seemed to be shame.

“Just that… at first… at first it was just kissing… and then…” she started, only to have to stop and swallow around the sudden lump that had formed in her throat. “He tried… he was just being too forward… caressing my… c-caressing my thigh and trying to go further…”

“Liz, I’m sorry… I shouldn’t have asked… you don’t have to…” Max regretted at that instant having even asked, realizing only now that he probably wouldn’t bear hearing all the details, but Liz shook her head at him before he could finish and tell her that she didn’t have to continue.

“No… I… it’s okay… I need… I…” she stammered, but Max understood that now that she had started, she needed to tell him everything and he couldn’t do anything but let her go on then. “I-I asked him what he thought he was doing and told him that he was definitely moving too fast for me… I added that I wanted him to take me home right away… and he just… he just outright… laughed…”

Max’s teeth hurt from clenching them so hard and he cursed Doug Shellow all the way to hell when he saw the tears Liz had so valiantly held until now finally roll down her cheeks.

“Shh, its okay…” he murmured tenderly as he wiped those tears away.

“He laughed like I had just said the funniest thing in the world…” she started again after she had gulped again. “He then added that now was not the moment to get all p-prude on him… that it was our third date and that he had been patient enough until now... but that… that it was time I p-put out now…” by the time she finished that sentence, Liz was openly crying and not even Max’s gentle touch was enough to calm her down.

“I’m sorry… I-I’m so sorry… I shouldn’t have said that…” he apologized, feeling like an idiot for having made that comment earlier, but Liz wouldn’t hear of it.

“No… you… you didn’t know…” she gasped as she valiantly tried to brush her tears away.

“Shh… shh… come here…” Max commanded in a strangled whisper, and as carefully as he could so he wouldn’t hurt her more than she already was, pulled her completely into his lap, their arms coming all too naturally to wrap around each other.

Max could see a few people around them paying attention to what was happening but he didn’t care enough about what they could think for him to want to release Liz.

She needed him and he wanted to comfort her as much as he could and that was all that seemed to matter at that instant. The other patients could well think what they wanted about him and the crying girl in his arms.

For a while, she clung to him as she wept into his neck, and as Max held her just as tightly while running a hand down her back in comfort from time to time, he couldn’t help thinking about how perfect and right it actually felt to be holding her and wondering why it had never felt like this when he had been with other women.

Refusing to listen to the small voice that murmured to him the answer to his question, he preferred to attribute the feeling to the fact that he had known Liz his whole life and had always felt close to her, rather than admitting that it could be anything else.

After a few minutes, she pulled away, still looking hurt and miserable, but her crying had turned to small hiccups only, something that Max was grateful for.

“He… he didn’t just stop there…” she admitted in a broken whisper and Max had to close his eyes just for a second so he wouldn’t have to witness her pain.

“I know… but you don’t have to tell me more…” he told her, forehead resting against her own as he still held her in his arms.

“Apparently he had heard about… ‘me and Sean Delfino’ ” she pursued like Max hadn’t even talked and for a second he wondered why her voice had taken such a weird tone when she had said ‘me and Sean’. “D-Doug… he said… he said it was his turn now… and tried… he t–tried…” she was unable to continue as sobs overtook her once more as she just remembered his mouth forcefully kissing her neck while he tried to slide his filthy hand under her skirt once more, his fingers gripping her thigh so hard when she started fighting him, it hurt.

“Shh… stop… don’t say no more…” Max all but begged as he closed his eyes when they started to sting as well, feeling bile raise in his throat just at the thought of what she had gone through.

Now he was sure he could hear no more.

“I-I fought and screamed and hit him with my purse so he would let me go… he… grabbed my t-top and then my hair instead and p-pulled me back to him and called me every name in the book… but I-I elbowed him in the ribs as hard as I could… and I just got out of the car and ran… I-I ran as fast as I could…” she still pursued much to Max’s dismay. “I-I ran… and then I-I called you…”

“I’m so glad you did…” Max breathed out, cupping Liz’s face as he whispered the next words. “And I’m so proud of you…”

“I-I just… I c-couldn’t… I didn’t… I didn’t want him to… I didn’t…” she stammered as she shook her head to rid herself of the images of what could have happened to her if she hadn’t fought hard enough, or if she hadn’t managed to escape.

“He’s going to pay for that… he’s going to regret having ever touched you…” Max swore vehemently, his grip tightening almost painfully around Liz without him even realizing it, but nowhere was he prepared for Liz’s just as strong reaction.

“No, no… Max… I don’t want you to… you can’t…” she said almost frantically and Max couldn’t help looking at her like he thought she had lost her mind.

“You can’t be serious… Liz… that guy tried… he tried to…” he couldn’t say the words aloud, but none of them had any doubt about what had been Doug’s intentions. “That bastard
needs to pay for that and trust me he will!”

“No, Max… no, please… if you go after him… if you hurt him… people are gonna wonder why… and then they will know….
everyone will know… I don’t… I don’t want anyone to know, Max… please…” she hissed urgently, one of her hands fisting his shirt almost desperately and Max just didn’t know what he was supposed to do then.

“Liz…” he groaned out, wondering if she even realized what she was asking of him.

He wanted to wrap his hands around that bastard’s neck and squeeze until he would see the life leave him. For Liz to ask him to do nothing, to let the guy walk, like he had not even done anything… he didn’t think he had that kind of strength in him, or that that was something he could accept, not even for her.

“Please, Max… you can’t… you just can’t… Please… you have to promise me…” Liz pleaded achingly, and each tear she cried as she spoke tore Max’s heart to pieces a little more. “Promise me, Max!”

At that instant, Max would have preferred to hear her ask him to cut himself an arm than what she was asking of him. And yet, not being able to stand the sight of her tears any longer, he found himself whispering ‘
I promise’, no matter how much he loathed to have to say those words.

“And you have to promise me you won’t say a word to Michael either…” she couldn’t help but add, thinking that if Max had promised her to not make Doug pay, nothing stopped him from talking to Michael and letting him take care of it, and she knew well what would happen then. She had seen what he had done to Sean when he had thought, courtesy to the gentleman Sean was, that she had slept with him
willingly, she didn’t need to be clairvoyant to know what he would do to Doug then. “He will kill Doug!”

“And that’s what he deserves!... to die a long, painful death!” Max spat out before he could stop himself, all too ready and willing to see that happen.

“Max, promise me!” Liz demanded still and Max gritted his teeth, unable to look at her suddenly.

God!” he groaned out, but Liz cupped his cheek and forced him to look at her again.

“Promise me!” she whispered throatily one last time, perfectly seeing how hard this was being on Max, but she couldn’t let him do what she knew he wanted to.

The last thing she wanted was for everyone in town to know what had happened and talk about her, or be able to judge her and say she must have asked for it. Or worse, to actually start looking at her with pity and like she was just a victim now.

No, she really didn’t want anyone to be able to know.

“I promise.” Max murmured at last and relieved, Liz was kissing his cheek and wrapping her arms around his neck before she could stop herself.

“Thank you!” she breathed out into his neck as she hugged him as tightly as she could, knowing then that he understood and wasn’t mad at her for asking so much of him when she felt Max held her back after a few seconds of hesitation.

“Only for you!” he whispered so softly, Liz wasn’t even sure she had really heard him say the words.

For probably longer than they should have, although it still didn’t seem to be enough for either of them, they clung to each other, until Liz finally was the one to pull away first.

“I’m sorry…” she felt the need to say and self-consciously wiped at her cheeks, thinking that she probably didn’t present a very appealing appearance at that moment, what with all she had cried tonight. “I must look horrible…” she added, all too aware that she most certainly had mascara smudges all over her face.

That was what happened when you didn’t wear waterproof mascara when you went on the date from hell.

“No, you don’t… you look…” Max smiled kindly as with his thumbs he gently brushed away those small streaks she had been thinking about, and yet he couldn’t finish his sentence. Beautiful, gorgeous, simply stunning, those were the words that came to his mind at that instant and he realized then that even the worst conditions couldn’t make her look any less perfect than she really was. “You… don’t… no…” he finished lamely, unable to let his heart say what it really wanted.

“Thanks…” she smiled back almost shyly and having momentarily forgotten all about her pain, she didn’t think before trying to cross her legs at her angle.

Pain shot through her with a vengeance and she jerked up with a small whimper, Max catching her and bringing her back to him before she could bolt out off his lap and fall.

He was going to ask her if she was alright, but the words got stuck in his throat when he realized just how close to each other they found themselves once more.

Liz gasped aloud herself, brown eyes locking with amber ones and they both forgot how to breathe at that instant. Without any conscious thought, Max’s fingers caught the tear that the stab of pain she had just felt had caused to roll down Liz’s cheek, and they were leaning toward each other before any of them could think of the consequences of what was about to happen.

Unexpected desire seemed to coil in Max’s gut and he was unable to resist the sudden urge he felt to kiss Liz.

Their lips were only mere, insignificant millimeters apart however, when they were jerked back to reality.

“Elizabeth Ann Parker, please?” a nurse called out and Liz had probably never hated her name more than she did at that instant.

The interruption had the effect of a bucket of ice on Max and he immediately pulled away from Liz with an embarrassed cough.

Seeing that the moment was apparently lost, Liz turned around to the nurse and addressed her. “I am Elizabeth Parker.” She said as she tried to sit back down on her own chair, probably not even really aware anymore that she had been on Max’s lap all this time. It had all seemed just so natural.

“If you would just follow me, Miss, the doctor will see you now…” she informed Liz with a gentle smile, having observed the couple earlier and remembering that not so long ago, the girl had been crying.

She had supposed it was because she was in pain, but then the conversation her and her boyfriend had been engaged into, had seemed pretty serious, so she couldn’t be sure. Too bad she hadn’t be able to really hear what they had been saying.

Liz started standing up after she had reached for her purse and discarded shoe, but she was stopped before she could take a single step on one foot.

“Wait… let me…” Max said, scooping Liz in his strong arms once more and not caring in the least about the way the nurse who was waiting for Liz and about any other person present, looked at him.

“Max, you don’t have to carry me again… I can walk…” Liz protested weakly, feeling a little embarrassed by the display herself, but Max raising an eyebrow at her had her amending her statement. “Okay… on one foot only… but I can…”

“Sure you do…” Max just answered with a gentle but unconvinced smile, not letting her down and following the nurse instead.

“Thank you…” arms around his neck, Liz breathed into his ear and much to Max’s confusion, shivers ran all down his spine at the words.

How two simple words could have such an effect on him was beyond him and Max had no choice but to conclude that it was in fact Liz’s proximity, the feel of her breath against his skin, that did weird things to him and his body.

Unable to answer for now, he just smiled at her and was almost relieved when the nurse indicated the examination table Max could lie Liz on.

None of them seemed to know what to say, although neither Liz nor him could think about anything but how close they had been only minutes ago, and Max didn’t think he had ever been as glad to see a doctor as he was when one crossed the examination room threshold and broke the sudden uncomfortable silence that had settled between him and Liz.

“Hello… Elizabeth…” the doctor greeted after having read the name on the file the nurse had just given him. “I’m Dr Sanchez… and I’m going to see what’s wrong with you, okay?”