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Lust Ed 101. M/L, Adult. Repost [Complete]

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 9:54 pm
by believer_evans
I've gotten requests for the repost of this fic. I had forgotten that the link I have on my author's thread was incomplete, so after some PMs from a few of you guys wanting the rest of it posted I've decided to do just that.

I had pretty much given up on posting any more fanfics because life had just gotten so chaotic that trying to slam out updates had become virtually impossible. I know that I pretty much abandoned Space Pirates, but trying to force new chapters every week (or in reality every couple of weeks) just killed the momentum of it and the story was utterly lost. I chose to prematurely end it rather than continue and just spit out horrible and pointless chapters. And I think I had practically run off all my readers with my lack of updates anyways.

So I'm posting the link to the first 19 chapters to this fic (really because it's a hell of a lot easier to post the link than to copy and paste the ENTIRE fic all over again. Sorry if that's an inconvenience for anyone :oops: ) and post the rest of the chapters here. I'm going to do it all at once so as not to make anyone wait for updates. This is an old fic anyways. Looking back through it makes me cringe, as well as the many and obvious typos. If I ever decide to return to fanfics I will definitely look into a beta.

So here's to those of you who have been asking me for this fic. I hope you enjoy it. And to those who will stumble upon this fic as new readers, I hope you don't take my lack of imagination and mistakes too badly.

So here's the link to the first 19 chaps: ... 35741.html

And here's the rest of the fic.

Part 20

Max sat alone in his apartment. Liz had told him she wanted to be alone, so he agreed to stay at his place. He could understand. She was under a lot of stress, most of it caused by him. And even though she told him it had nothing to do with him, he still felt bad.

He’d been laying in bed for two hours, but sleep wouldn’t come.
“…and it’s been a while since we heard from our love sick man that had a serious problem. He was in love with his professor. I hope things worked out for you mystery man.” The woman winked into the camera and smiled.

He turned off the television then, preferring to be in the dark silence. He hoped things worked out too.


Liz also couldn’t sleep. The tears refused to stop falling. She had told Max she needed to be alone, and now she regretted it. She wanted nothing else now but to be in his arms. Comforting her, telling her that no matter what happened it would all be ok. She needed that reassurance so much right then.

Her life had changed so much in so little time. And it was only going to keep changing from then on.
She needed Max.

Picking up the phone, she dialed his number.
“Hello?” His voice answered.
“I didn’t wake you did I?”
“Liz. Hey, no I couldn’t sleep.”
“Me either. Max, I really need to see you.” She pleaded.
“Yeah, sure. I’ll be right over.

Not half an hour later did Max show up at her door step.
“Hi.” He walked in and held her. He could feel her tremble. “Liz? What’s wrong?”

She led him in and sat on the couch.
“Max, last night when my mother called, she suggested I move back to Roswell.” She paused and looked into his eyes. “I told her I didn’t know, but she told me to think about it. And I did, I’ve been thinking all night and all this morning. So after thinking I called home.”

“And you told them no right? You…you told them you couldn’t leave Michigan.” Max asked quickly. His mind was already fearing what she had decided.
“Max, I told them….I told them I would. I’m moving back to New Mexico.” She felt more tears spill from her eyes as Max’s face took on an appearance of pure hurt. “I’m leaving in a week.”

“What?” Max looked up at her in shock. “No Liz, you, you can’t do that. You can’t leave. Not in a week, not now.”
“I am Max. I have to. I need to do this. I need to start over.”
“But why move? You can find another job here. Liz I understand what you’re going through, but you can’t possibly think about leaving Michigan. Leaving me. Us.” He made her look at him.

“Max, please don’t make this any harder than it is. I’ve already made up my mind. Preparations are under way. I am doing this. Max, the last thing I want to do is compromise what we have. I love you so much, but that’s why I’m doing this. You have to live your life Max. You’re going off to graduate school soon, and I need to start over again.”

“I’ll go with you. I…I won’t go to graduate school. I’ll get a job in Roswell, Heck I’ll even work at the Crashdown. Liz I’ll do anything.” Max said desperately. He could feel his own eyes welling up with tears. His hands shook as he held hers.

“You can’t do that Max. You know you can’t.” Liz said somberly. “I just wanted to tell you what I planned to do. I needed your support Max.”
“Liz you actually thought I would be supportive about you leaving me?”
“Max that’s not what I’m doing.” She cried.
“Yes it is Liz. You’re giving up on this and going back to what? A boring life in Roswell, New Mexico? Liz I love you.”

“Max I have to do this, please understand that.” Liz cried.
“Liz I can’t do that. You’re telling me that you’re giving up. You’re letting them win Liz. You’re letting them split us up. I can’t support that Liz. I love you too much. Anything that happens we can face it together, but we can’t if you just want to give up and leave.”

“Max I’m not giving up. I’m doing this for us.”
“You’re leaving me for us? Liz you’re not making any sense.” Max could feel the tears of frustration go down his face. He couldn’t believe Liz actually wanted to leave.
“Max the last thing I want to do is leave you…”
“But that’s what you’re doing. Look I can’t be here. I can’t stand here and let you destroy us like this. I’m leaving Liz. I’ll make it even easier on you and just leave. Good bye Liz.”


Max had to pull over three times before making it back to his apartment. He’d nearly sideswiped a car and passed two red lights. He had left Liz crying on her porch. He couldn’t take what she was saying. Though now he regretted leaving her like that.

He slammed his door shut and threw his jacket on the couch.
“Ouch, watch where you toss your stuff.” Maria sat up and tossed the jacket back.
“Maria, what are you doing here?”
“Michael was being an ass. I’m tired of kicking him out, so I came over instead. Hope you don’t mind.”

“Actually I do mind Maria. Can’t you just go home or stay with someone else.”
“Ok babe, talk to me. What’s the matter?” She stood up and tugged on the oversized shirt she was wearing.
“I really don’t want to talk about it. Just go.” He walked past her and into his bedroom.

As soon as he flopped down on the bed, Maria walked in and turned on the light.
“Ok talk to me. Is this about Liz?”
“Maria, please I just want to sleep and forget this night ever happened.” He groaned.
“Ooh that bad?” She sighed and sat on the bed.

“Please Maria. I promise I’ll tell you about it tomorrow. I just need to sleep right now.”
“Ok Max. Sorry.” Maria covered him with his blanket and placed a kiss on his head.


Liz couldn’t stop crying. Things had turned out worse than she had planned. She didn’t want lose Max, but she had made up her mind and wasn’t going to change it. She loved Max, she really did, more than he could imagine, but she had to do this for herself.
And if it meant having to leave her home, and her heart, then that’s what she had to do.

She called the airline and booked an earlier flight. She couldn’t stay another week. She’d leave in two days. That’s all she needed anyways.

She called her parents in the morning and filled them in on the new situation.
“I’m so sorry honey.” Her mother had sighed; she could hear the tears in her voice. “But we are glad you’re coming home.”
She spent the rest of the day packing her things. She had decided to leave some of her things to her friends. She didn’t want to take too much of her life in Michigan. It hurt too much.

By the end of the day she had mostly everything put in boxes and suitcases. She had made all the appropriate calls to the shipping company and told them about her change in plans. They told her it would be perfectly all right to pick up her thins the next day.

She wanted to call Max, wanted to spend her remaining time with him, in his arms but she couldn’t. She tried calling once only to get his machine, and she didn’t want to leave a message. So she slept alone. Miserable.


“You what?!” Maria screeched when Max finally explained his funk. He had spent the whole day avoiding her, going to the gym, and just running from her. But he couldn’t avoid her all day.
“She made up her mind Maria, she wanted to leave, to give up on us.”

She smacked him across the head, hard. “What was that for?”
“I did not raise a dumb ass. I have enough of that from your friend. How stupid are you? Oh god, you were my last hope for mankind. You were sensitive, kind, loving, and now you just blow it all in one night.” She sighed

“What are you talking about?”
“She loves you, you idiot! More than you think. It is killing her to have to leave, se doesn’t want to give up on the two of you, but leaving is something she has to do. She’s lost her career here. Haven’t you stopped to think that without teaching she’s lost something important to her?” She was up now, pacing the room. “She’s at home right now, probably very hurt. You dumb ass!” She went over and smacked him again.

“Ow, ok stop hitting me. OK, I get it, I messed up. How can I make up for my stupidity?” Max asked as he rubbed his head.
“Well if I were Liz, I’d need a whole lot of flowers, candy, some lingerie, and some major groveling.”
“Ok, I’ll do all of that. Do you think it’s too late to go over now?”
“Honey, it’s 3am, if you showed up at my place at that time of night expecting to forgive you, you’d have to throw in a diamond ring.”

So Max waited. He went to the flower store and picked out a beautiful bouquet of white roses. He bought the biggest box of chocolates he could fins along with a teddy bear.
“Had a tiff with your lady huh?” The shopkeeper teased.
He decided to skip on the lingerie.

He bought a greeting card and headed over to Liz’s house. He’d take this week he had with her and use it to get closer. He would not give up on her.

He walked up to her door, roses, bear, and candy in hand. He had to knock with his foot. He knocked and knocked and the door wouldn’t open.
“Liz? Liz, it’s Max. I’m sorry.” He said.
He was out there for five minutes.

“Liz?” He kept calling out.
“You’re looking for Liz?” An older woman came out of the next house and asked.
“Yes ma’am. Do you know if she’s in?”
“Oh dear, she’s gone. She left an hour ago. She told me she was leaving Michigan. I’m so sorry.” She shook her head and went back inside.

Gone? An hour ago? But she had told him she had a week before she was leaving. He slumped against the door. His cell phone began to ring.
“So, what happened?” Maria asked.
“She’s gone. She left an hour ago. She’s gone.” He didn’t let her reply. He hung up the phone.
She was really gone. And she’d left without saying a word.

Re: Lust Ed 101. M/L, Adult. Repost

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 9:56 pm
by believer_evans
Part 21

Five years later…

“Class dismissed.” Liz announced. She smiled as the class cheered and hurried out of the room. Four years working in West Roswell High was very satisfying. That and the love of her life, Mona. The bustling little four-year-old waiting for her at her grandma and grandpa’s house.
“Have a good weekend Liz.” Mrs. Johnson said.
“Thanks Alice.”

Liz rushed to her car under the warm Roswell rain. She knew now how much she had missed her hometown when she was in Michigan. She had almost forgotten the small town warmth and love of Roswell, New Mexico.

“Mommy, Mommy!” Mona ran straight to Liz as she stepped into her parent’s old home.
“Hi sweetheart. How was your day?” Liz scooped her up.
“Fun. Grandpa let me work downstairs.”
“He did huh? What did you do?”

“She was our gracious hostess.” Jeff came in and kissed his daughter’s cheek. “So how was work Lizzie?”
“Exhausting.” She laughed and lowered her daughter. “I had five different students come up to me and ask for extensions in their paper due Monday. Where’s mom?”
“Oh you know, she’s in there cooking. Now come on Mona dear, let’s go get your things.” Jeff took his granddaughter’s little hand and went back to Liz’s old bedroom.

Liz walked back to the kitchen where her mother stood in front of the stove. Liz smiled seeing her mother’s hair tied up in a bun, hearing her soft humming.
“Hey momma.” Liz said as she drew closer.
“Oh hi honey.” She stepped forward to hug and kiss her daughter. “How was work?”
“Exhausting.” She laughed. “I hope Mona wasn’t any trouble today.”

“That sweet little dear? Never.” Nancy smiled. “Liz, there’s something you should know. She asked me today.”

Liz sat down knowing the meaning to her mother’s words. Her daughter had finally asked about her father.
“What did you tell her?”
“What could I have told her Liz? It isn’t my place. I simply told her go help your father. We all knew this day was going to come. You have to tell her.”

Liz nodded. She knew. But what could she possibly tell her daughter? How could she explain to her four-year-old daughter that she didn’t know where her father was?
“What exactly did she say?” Liz asked.
“She was sitting up on the counter when a family came in. She kept looking over at their table and finally turned to me and asked why her family didn’t look like that. Where was her daddy? It broke my heart.” Nancy wiped her eyes.

“I’ll tell her soon momma. I promise. She turns five in two weeks. I can’t ruin her birthday like that. But I’ll tell her soon.”


“Good night mommy.” Little Mona yawned and hugged her teddy bear closer. She’d named it Max, much to the disapproval of her mother. But she liked that name. It brought her comfort, though she didn’t understand why. She’d caught her mommy crying sometimes, and she sometimes heard her mommy say Max’s name. Why would her mommy cry over her teddy bear? So she would hide Max whenever mommy came in the room, so she wouldn’t cry.

She had asked her nana today why she didn’t have a daddy, and nana told her to help grandpa. She knew her family was different. Her family didn’t have a daddy. It was mommy, nana, and grandpa. Oh and Max. When she had told everyone his name was Max, they got a funny look. She never knew why.

So she kissed mommy when mommy kissed her good night and had Max tucked under her so mommy couldn’t see him.


Max wiped the sweat from his brow. Work was hard today. He was called into his office.
“I’m kinda busy, can’t this wait?” He asked.
“He said it’s important.”

Max sighed and dropped his things. He marched up to his office and picked up the phone.
“Still working with the common man Max?” The voice on the phone said.
“Mike, I’m kinda busy can I call you back later?”
“No, this is important. I got a big job for you. University of Las Cruces needs an architect down there. They’re thinking about adding another wing to their science building. Thought you might be interested.”

Max plopped down on his seat.
“Las Cruces? As in New Mexico?”
“Yes, also as in right next to Roswell, New Mexico. Just thought you’d like the heads up. I know they’d love you, you’re the best out there.”
“Thanks, well I’ll see ya later tonight then.”
“Ah, Max, I’m flattered, but I’m taken.” Michael laughed,
“Whatever man, you had your chance last summer.” Max laughed and could picture the expression on Michael’s face.
“I thought I told you never to mention that night again Maxwell. I was really wasted.”

“Yeah, yeah. Keep telling yourself that. You know you were hot for my bod.”
“Whatever got to go pick up the ole ball and chain in an hour.” Michael sighed.
“She won’t be that for another three months.” Max reminded him.
“Whatever, it already feels like we’ve been married for twenty years.”

Max finished the conversation and hung up. He’d been waiting for an opportunity to go down to New Mexico, but the demand for work in Michigan was always too grand to leave.

He had gone into grad school prepared to become an anthropologist, but one summer he volunteered to help build a house for Habitat for Humanity and fell in love. He loved working on the houses. So he became an architect.

He’d been one for a little over a year now. He had started out being in construction, actively working with his hands alongside the other workers. Then he began to work on the architecture of buildings. Though, you could still find him out there among his men, working with them.
It was hard to find him sitting up in his office in a suit. And if he ever wore a suit he usually left it dirty after rolling up the sleeves and helping out.

Plenty of women ogled over him. He had plenty of them following him around. The hunky architect that always had his hands dirty, smelling of saw dust and pure man.
But his heart and body still belonged to one woman. Elizabeth Parker. Even after she left without a word he still pinned after her.

When he got home that day he had totally broke down. Maria felt horrible for him. She stayed there the whole night, much to Michael’s arguments. It took him a long time to get over it and leave his apartment. He still wasn’t over it though. He still kept a picture of her in his wallet.

“Go home boss. We got in from here. You go home and have yourself a nice weekend.” One of his workers came in to his office.
“Alright Kevin. Thanks. You have a good weekend too.”


He stripped off his dirty shirt and tossed it into the hamper. He pushed off his jeans along with his boxers and socks and walked into his bathroom. He looked into the mirror and sighed. He’d have to shave for dinner with Michael and Maria. He turned on the shower until a steam covered the ceiling and stepped in.

The years after Liz left were spent going from school and straight to the gym. He got to work out his frustration, and it did him a lot of good. His physique had certainly improved. He was more muscular, yet not bulky or unsightly. He remained lean enough to be considered lean.

He glided the soap across his broad chest, reveling in the clean scent. He rubbed the soap between his hands until he built up a nice lather and continued to clean the rest of his body. Even the part of his body that he had been neglecting the past five years. He just couldn’t bring himself to put it to its use without her. He had tried, at least once. But he had been too drunk to do anything. He thanked the heavens for that.

As soon as he finished showering he shaved, and got dressed. Tonight was a special night. Michael and Maria’s anniversary, and the countdown to exactly three months before their marriage. Max smiled at that. His two best friends were finally going to wed. He was glad Kyle was also going to be there, for moral support. Kyle too had remained single throughout the years. He dated a lot but never found the right girl, so he said.

One person he didn’t expect to be there was Alex. After leaving for grad school Max had not heard anything about him, but almost two years later the two were reunited. At first sight, Max wanted nothing more but to pummel the smaller man, but fought against it. They ended up working together, and soon became good friends.

Alex, the man who got stuck with Tess after Max. Alex had told Max what happened after that. He and Tess saw each other for a month then broke it off. He’d told Max how Tess had grown in that time. She was not the same person who sought out to destroy Max and Liz. But even after the change, things just didn’t work out. They left on good terms. Last time he saw her, she was working for a law firm as a private detective. Max laughed at that.

He looked at himself in the mirror. Armani black suit. He could afford the good stuff now as a very successful architect. One of the most respected in Michigan, and several other states, despite his age of 27. One of the youngest architects there.

He heard his cell phone ringing and got it.
“Ya ready?” Kyle asked.
“Yeah. You here already?”
“Out front.” They hung up and Max was out the door.


“Max, I’m so glad you could tear yourself away from your fabulous career and meet us meager folk.” Maria smiled and kissed his cheek. “My, my, aren’t we a delectable dish tonight.” She looked at him approvingly.

“Well it’s an important night. I couldn’t show up in my work clothes now could I?” He smiled back.
“I’m sure not a female in here would complain if you had my dear.” She winked. “Hot, sweaty, dirty men are very much…admired.”
“Now Maria, not with Michael present. Anyways, you had your chance last summer.” He winked and laughed.
“Yes I know. Don’t remind me of my loss.” She laughed and led them to the table.

Max zoned out halfway through the dinner. His thoughts drifted back to where they always did. Liz.
“He’s doing it again.” Alex announced. “Should I shake him?”
“Not necessary.” Michael said as he cleared his throat. “Wake up Maxwell.” He said and kicked Max under the table.
“Ow! What was that for?” Max said as he rubbed his hurt shin.
“You went off to Liz land again. Come on bro, it’s a night to celebrate not miserate.”

“Alright. I’m sorry.” He sighed. “A toast.” He took his glass and stood up. “To the happy couple. I remember them when they would take turns sleeping at my place.” He paused and everyone laughed. “Those nights where I would find Michael looting my fridge, or Maria asleep, naked, on my couch. I hope you have a long, happy marriage, and I hope never to see you in my place anymore. Cheers.” He raised his glass. The clinks of glasses rang, along with laughter.
“I wish you a happy life.”

“That’s it. I’m going to have to give you some sugar.” Maria stood up and kissed Max. Everyone laughed as his ear turned red.
“Me too.” Kyle said as he leaned over and planted a big kiss on Max.
“You’re sick.” Max yelled and everyone laughed again.

Re: Lust Ed 101. M/L, Adult. Repost

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 9:57 pm
by believer_evans
Part 22

Liz carried her sleeping daughter, bundled in her favorite blanket and clinging to her teddy bear, into her parents’ home still above the Crashdown. Mona would be starting kindergarten soon. Her daughter was very smart, and that wasn’t just the regular thoughts of a mother. She knew her daughter was smart. It was no surprise; she had smart parents, for the most part at least.

Mona was perfectly capable of starting first grade if she wanted to. She knew how to write and read already. She had already mastered the basic math learned by the older children, and if she wanted she could learn even higher math. Liz was very proud.

Though, sometimes she was overwhelmed. She was a 33-year-old woman raising a four-year-old daughter, on her own. She was glad she had her parents there to help her. Her eyes misted over.
“I’m sorry momma.” She heard Mona saying sleepily.
“Why are you sorry sweetheart?” Liz asked.
“Max made you cry again.” Mona pouted and tried to hide her bear under her blanket.
“What makes you say that baby? Max didn’t make me cry.”

They made it up the stairs and Liz knocked.
“I hear you crying sometimes and you say Max. I’m sorry he makes you cry. I try to hide him so you don’t be sad. I’m sorry.” She said and tears welled in her eyes.
“No baby, don’t cry. It’s not your fault or Max’s. It’s mommy sweetheart. It’s something that happened a long time ago.” Liz wiped her daughter’s tears.

“Why are you sad then mommy? Are you sad cause we don’t have a daddy? Don’t be sad mommy, I don’t get sad.” Her daughter said.
“Good morning girls.” Nancy greeted them. “What’s wrong dear?” She asked when she saw the tears in both her daughter and granddaughter’s eyes.
“Nothing mom. On second thought, I’m staying home today. I need some time with my special gal. What do you say baby?”

Mona cheered and kissed her. “I’ll just call in and say I won’t be able to make it. And you and I are going to have a girl’s day.” Liz smiled and kissed her daughter. She handed Mona over to her mother, giving her an ‘I’ll explain later’ look and went to the phone.

“I thought mommy was sad because of Max but she’s not.” Mona told Nancy.
“What? How do you know about Max?” Nancy asked, slightly surprised.
“Max, my bear.” She said and pulled out her teddy. “I thought he made mommy sad, but she said he doesn’t. So now we’re going to have a girl’s day. You wanna come too nana?”
“Yes. Come on mom. It isn’t often you get to get out and have some fun. So we’ll eat some breakfast, then we’re going shopping.” Liz said with a smile.

“I don’t see why not.” Nancy smiled at her two special girls. “I’ll just tell your old dad that we’ll be out. But now, let’s have some breakfast.”


Max winked his sleep-heavy eyes against the light. He wasn’t home, he was at Alex’s, along with Kyle. They were both too drunk to drive home, so Alex insisted they stay there.
“Hey lover.” Kyle mumbled as he came out of the bathroom.
“Shut up. My head is killing me.” Max sighed as he stood from the couch.

“Hey guys.” Alex greeted. “You two feeling ok or do I have to bust out the hang over remedies?”
“Oh god no, that shit tastes horrible.” Kyle grimaced.
“That’s the point. It’s supposed the taste like shit so you won’t get drunk and have to take it again.” Alex laughs. “Well if you don’t want that, how about some breakfast?”
“Sure.” Kyle and Max answer together.
“Great.” Alex smiles and pulls on his coat. “You’re buying.”


The guys met up in a café for breakfast. Kyle and Max, still feeling the effects of the night of drinking, and Alex and Michael sitting across from them.
“You guys look like shit.” Michael said and took another drink of his coffee.
“Feel like shit.” Kyle mumbled.

Max smiled and took another big drink of his coffee. He was starting to feel better. He loved his time with the guys. It made him forget about Liz. Almost at least.

“So have you thought about that project in New Mexico?” Michael asked him.
“Well? You gonna take it or not?”

Max took another drink and sighed.
“Yeah. I’m taking it.”


Liz and Nancy swung little Mona between them. She kicked and laughed in the air. They had gotten ice cream and were now headed to the park.

“I love girl’s day!” Mona cheered as she ran to the swings. Liz smiled at her beautiful daughter.
“So is today the day?” Nancy asked her.
“I don’t know mom. Do you know what she said to me today? Right before you opened the door she had asked me if I was sad because we didn’t have a father in the family. She said she wasn’t sad because she was happy with just me. Oh, mom I have to tell her soon, but I don’t know how.”

“It’ll come.” Nancy sighed. “Maybe…I know you said no before but….” She was going to go on but Liz stopped her.
“I can’t mom. It’s been too long to tell her father. Anyways, I don’t know where he is.” Liz looked over to where her daughter kicked her feet on the swing.
“Come on momma, you gotta push me. I wanna go real high.” Mona called happily.
“I’ll be right there sweetheart.”

“If you like, dear, I can be there with you when you tell her.” Nancy suggested.
“Thanks mom, but this is something I have to do on my own. I want to thank you for all your help mom. I wouldn’t have been able to do anything without you.”
“You would have been alright on your own dear. I’m just glad you chose to come home. I love you being here, and I love Mona.” She smiled and hugged Liz. “Now lets go push that little angel. She’s getting restless.”


Max booked the flight tickets and made all the necessary preparations needed for the trip. He had all the plans for the new wing ready and presentable in his brief case. He was going to show these people that they needed him. And hopefully, show someone else they needed him too.

In all the years he had tried to contact her, but never could. They wouldn’t give him the number to the Crashdown for some reason, and the Parkers were unlisted. He had lost all track of Liz. There was no Elizabeth Parker on the Las Cruces faculty.

So now he would go there himself. Roswell wasn’t a long ride from Las Cruces. He could even stay in Roswell. It wasn’t such a big town. If she were there, he’d find her.

He had to find her.

“Hey babe. You ready?” Maria peeked into his bedroom. He had moved also in that time. To a better, specious apartment in the downtown district, closer to his work.
“Yeah, all ready.” He smiled.
“You go and get her tiger.” She grinned and fixed his tie. “Good luck. Not that you need it.” She winked and reached back to pinch his butt.
“Thanks.” He laughed.


“Flight 546 to Las Cruces New Mexico now boarding at gate 12.” The voice boomed in the airport.
Max gathered his briefcase and small carry-on and went to the terminal. He showed his ticket with a grateful smile and headed down the tunnel.

He was seated in First class, aisle 3, window seat. He wanted to see New Mexico, wanted to try and guess where Liz was hiding. Thankfully the passenger next to him never made it, so he had the space all to himself. The female flight attendant kept asking him if he was alright, if he’d like a pillow, blanket, warm towel, nuts? He refused everything graciously. The only thing he wanted was down in Roswell, hopefully.


The taxi left him at the Roswell Hilton. He booked the top suite. The room was amazing, complete with queen-sized bed. The mini fridge was completely stocked. They helped him with his bag, and he tipped the bellhop.

He could do that now. It felt good. He was a very successful man. He was proud of his career. The only thing he needed to be complete was her. Yes, everything inevitably came back to her. It was all for her anyways: his new place, his career, his overall success. He’d done it all for her.

It was almost 2 in the afternoon now. He had to be at the University at 5. He had plenty of time. He was hungry.

He removed his blazer and rolled up his sleeves. He called the front desk and asked for the best restaurants in town. He thanked them and hung up. He knew where he would go.

Re: Lust Ed 101. M/L, Adult. Repost

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 9:58 pm
by believer_evans
Part 23

“Damn, I forgot how hot it gets here.” Max grumbled. He sighed when he finally spotted the giant UFO sticking out over the café. “Finally.” He said and hurried his steps.


“Ok baby, you stay right here with grandpa while me and nana go up and fix things ok?” Liz told her daughter.
“Ok mommy.” She smiled and ran up to the counter. “Can I have ice cream?”
“Yes baby. I’ll be right back ok. Be good.”

Mona waved and turned to her grandpa.
“One ice cream please.” She asked and smiled brightly.
“Anything for such a pretty little girl.” Jeff said and gave her an ice cream cone.
“Thank you.” She smiled and hopped off the stool.


Max smiled as the bells signaled his entrance. Everything looked the same as when he left. The mural of the aliens still scattered the walls. The waitresses still donned that short dresses and antennae.

“Hi welcome to the Crashdown.” He looked down at the little girl. She was licking her ice cream cone.
“Hi.” He smiled. She looked so adorable. She was probably 4 or 5-years-old, pretty brown hair, and large hazel eyes. She reminded him of someone. “Are you the hostess?” He asked, still smiling.

“Yep. My name is Mona.” She smiled.
“Hello Mona, my name is Max.” He said and bowed.
“My teddy bear is named Max.” She brightened up. “I’ll go get him.” She said and ran to the back.

Max found himself a seat in a booth and sighed. He saw the little girl, Mona, come running back holding a small stuffed bear. “This is Max.” She said and handed it to him.
“Nice bear. Why’d you name it Max?”
“I don’t know. I like the name.” She smiled and climbed up on the seat facing Max. “You’re nice.”
“Thank you. You’re nice too. How old are you?”

“I’m four. I turn five soon. August 5th. Then I get to go to school.”
“Well that’s nice. You like school?” He asked. He liked her.
“Yep. My mommy is a teacher. She teaches me a lot. I know how to write my name, I know the alphabet, and all my numbers.” She said proudly.

“Now Mona, you leave the nice man alone.” Jeff walked over to the table. “Now what can I get you today son?”

Max looked up at him. It was Jeff Parker. Liz’s dad. He’d have to know where Liz was.
“I’m just talking to him grandpa. His name is Max too.” She smiled and held up her bear.

Grandpa? This was Jeff’s granddaughter? They only had one child, so this little girl was…..

“Mr. Parker, is Liz here?” Max asked anxiously.
“Yes. Do you know my daughter?”
“That’s my mommy.” Mona said.
“Who’s your daddy?” Max asked, starting to get suspicious.

Before Jeff could question on how he knows Liz, Mona answers.
“I don’t have a daddy.” She said sadly. “But it’s ok. Me and mommy don’t need one.”

Everything was falling into place for Max. The girl’s long brown hair, hear hazel eyes, her slightly protruding ears.

“Ok, Mona, we can go now.” Liz said and looked over at her father and daughter by a table. She could see someone sitting there, but couldn’t see whom.
“Look mommy, his name is Max too.” Mona smiled and ran to her.

“Liz?” She froze at the sound of his voice. No, it couldn’t be. She watched as if in slow motion he stood up. There he was. The man she left five years ago.
“Max.” She felt her throat tighten.

“Is she…” He left the question hanging in the air as he looked down at Mona. All Liz could do was nod. She felt the tears building up in her eyes. It wasn’t supposed to happen like that. “We have to talk.” He said and tightened his jaw. She nodded again.

“Baby, go upstairs with nana ok? I’ll be right back. I’m going to talk to Max.” She leaned over and told Mona.
“Why are you sad mommy?” Mona asked.
“Just go with nana baby. I’ll be right back.”

She waited until Mona was out of sight before looking back up at Max. She walked to him but her father stopped her.
“Do you know this man Liz?” He asked, eyeing Max.
“Yes dad. This is Max Evans, from Michigan.” She saw the light go off in his head and nod.
“Let’s go.” She told Max.


They walked silently for a while until they reached the park. Liz sat down on a bench and buried her face in her hands.
“Why didn’t you tell me anything?” He asked softly.
“I didn’t know what to say. You were so angry.”

“I went back, you know? I showed up with a box of candy, roses and all. I stood out there for ten minutes knocking until your neighbor came out and told me you had already left. I stayed there for another half hour before making myself leave. I tried calling you. I couldn’t find you. And now…now I have a daughter I didn’t know about. How could you do that?”

Liz could hear the pain in his words. She didn’t have to look up to see the same tears in his eyes.
“I didn’t know I was pregnant when I left. I didn’t know till I was here for a month. I tried to call you, but I couldn’t reach you. Then too much time passed, and it got harder. I’m sorry Max. I’m sorry for everything.”

She sobbed quietly into her hands. She felt like a horrible person. A horrible mother. She not only denied Max the right to be a father, but her daughter’s right to have a father. “I’m so sorry.” She kept repeating.

She was surprised when she felt his arms come around her, comforting her.
“I’m sorry. I was an ass. I just didn’t understand. I’m sorry.” He held her tighter. “It was all my fault. Everything.”

“No Max. It wasn’t your fault. I was the one who chose to leave without telling you. It was my fault.” She explained.
“No Liz. I pushed you away then. I’m talking about everything that happened before. All that happened was my fault.”
“No. I never regretted any of it, you shouldn’t either. I’m glad we had our time. I’m glad for us. I’m glad our union brought me, us, Mona. She’s a great daughter.”

“I saw that.” He smiled and pulled away. “She’s a bright little girl. Like her mother.” He smiled.
“She’s an inspired and beautiful being, like her father.” She smiled back.
“She has a great heart.”
“She’s creative.”
“I still love you.” Max sighed and took her hand.
“I still love you.”

They sat there until the sun began to set. Holding hands and looking into one another’s eyes.
“I think we should get back now. I’m sure there’s a lot to talk about.” Max said breaking the spell they were under.
“You’re right.” She sighed and stood up. “We have a lot to talk about to.” She reminded him.
“I know. We’ll talk later.”


Nancy and Jeff both stood up as Liz and Max returned.
“Where’s Mona?” Liz asked.
“She upstairs, sleeping. Hello Max.” Nancy greeted him.
“Hello Mrs. Parker. Mr. Parker.” Max shook both their hands.

They all walked up to the apartment above.
“She’s incredible.” Max said.
“Yes she is.”

The silence was deafening.

“We should discuss how you will break the news to Mona.” Nancy said.
“It’s big news. You’ll have to explain it to her gently so she can understand.” Jeff added.

“Her birthday’s in less than two weeks. How long will you be in town?” Liz asked Max.
“I’m here for as long as I can now. I came to look into a job at Las Cruces.”
“Really? As what?”
“An architect. I have my own company back in Michigan.” He announced.

“Wow. That’s great Max.” Liz smiled.
“Thanks. I came here for that, and in hopes of finding you.” He confessed. “Though, I didn’t expect that in finding you I’d also find a….”
“Mommy?” They all turned as Mona walked into the living room. “Hi Max.” She smiled and hopped on Liz’s lap.
“Hey kiddo.” Max smiled and longed to hold her.

Jeff and Nancy could already see the love in Max’s eyes and he looked at Mona, and at Liz. They looked at each other and nodded approvingly.
No matter how they told Mona, they knew it would work out just fine.

Re: Lust Ed 101. M/L, Adult. Repost

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 9:59 pm
by believer_evans
Part 24

Max tossed and turned in his queen sized hotel bed. He had left the Parkers an hour ago. He had made an appointment to see Liz the next day and talk. Appointment. Meeting.
“Shit!” He cursed when he remembered he’d forgotten all about his meeting at ULC. He’d call in the morning and make up an excuse, and hope they didn’t change their minds about him.

He sat up in bed and switched on the television. Nothing. He picked up his phone and called up Kyle. It rang six times before he picked up.
“Yeah?” Kyle answered, slightly out of breath.
“Kyle? Uh, is it a bad time?”
“Kinda man, is it important?” Kyle asked nervously.
“No, I guess not. I’ll let ya get back to your company.” Max laughed. “Lucky lady huh?”
“Uh, I gotta go.” And the connection was cut off abruptly.

“That was…. weird.” Max sighed and decided to call Michael and Maria.
“What’s up babe?” Maria asked cheerily. “What happened that you’re calling at…1am?”
“Well I missed my appointment today with ULC.”
“What? How could you miss that?”
“I ran into Liz.”
“Oh.” There was an understanding pause. “How’d it go?”
“Pretty good. I met her father, her mother, and oh yeah, her daughter.”

Max waited, one, two, three…
“A daughter?!” She exclaimed. “She’s married?”
“Then…oh.” She gasped.

“How’d you take it?”
“As well as anyone who didn’t know they had a four year old daughter.”
“Four year old? But she’s been gone for almost five years.”
“She turns five in two weeks.”
“Oh.” Another pause. “So, what now?”

“I don’t know.”


Liz felt her bed shift a little. She knew what, or rather who it was. She peeked through her slightly opened eyes as her little girl climbed on the bed and crawled toward her. She smiled slightly and waited for the little body to cuddle close to her.

These were the moments she loved. The small moments where she could feel the total, absolute love that came from her daughter. Watching her draw something, hearing her sing one of her little songs, feeling the little lips kiss her.
She smiled when she felt Mona place one of those kisses on her cheek and settle in next to her.
“I love you momma.” Mona whispered into the dark room and closed her eyes.

Liz waited till she knew Mona was asleep to wrap her arms around her. She kissed the back of her daughter’s head and whispered an ‘I love you’ back.

The warm cocoon of the room settled down over them as they slept. The mother and daughter, breathing together, dreaming of a dark haired man whom loved them both, not knowing they were dreaming of the same man. They both smiled as that man kissed them and held them in his safe arms. They smiled as the warm eyes smiled into theirs.

Mona clutched Max the bear a little tighter then. Smiling. She knew that man; she’d seen him today. And her mommy knew him. She felt loved by him already. Not like nana and grandpa loved her, more like how mommy loved her. Like a daddy. In her dream he hugged her, and kissed her, and pushed her on the swings.

Liz clung to Mona a little tighter then. Smiling. Her Max, back with her. She was back in his arms, kissing him, holding him, touching him. They had made her beautiful Mona. Her baby. Their baby. He had loved her like no one else. He made her feel like a real woman, he’d made her a real woman by giving her the precious gift of the little girl beside her.

They both loved him so much already, without really know what he’d been up to. It didn’t matter to them. As long as he loved them, they didn’t care.


Max had called the ULC offices and set up another appointment that morning. He lied saying that his flight was delayed and that they’d lost his luggage. They understood.
He got dressed in another of his expensive suits and ate a quick breakfast.

An hour later he was in the Las Cruces campus, asking staff where he could find the main office of a Mr. John Wright. He led him and he thanked them.

“Mr. Evans, it’s an honor to have you consider the project we have. And I’m certainly honored that you took time out of your schedule to even meet with us in person, but I feel like I should let you know that we are a school of limited funds. We cannot possibly afford a man of your caliber.”

Max panicked. They were going to make him leave so soon? Not now when he had just found Liz and his daughter. He couldn’t let that happen.
“I know what you are thinking sir, but I have a deal for you. I’m willing to lower my usual charge for such projects. I’m willing to do it for as much as you can afford.”
“Why Mr. Evans, we are so very pleased. We know of your work, and having you work for us will bring us much esteem. But why would you possibly do this for us?”

Max smiled and sat up straighter.
“Please, call me Max. I’m doing this because I grew up a few miles from here in Roswell. This place brings back fond memories.”
“Well thank you so very much Mr…uh Max.” The man smiled. “We will have the money and the contact ready for you as soon as we can. Is there anything we can do for you?”

Max sighed and thought.
“Yes. Do take your time with everything. I already have a few designs you can look at. Just take you pick. All I ask is to just take your time, I have a lot of catching up to do.”
The man smiled and nodded.
“We will. I hope you enjoy your return to New Mexico.”


He went back to the hotel and changed in some comfortable jeans and a gray t-shirt. He didn’t shave. He liked the way the slight stubble looked on him. Older, rugged. He laughed to himself. He ran his fingers through his hair, messing it a bit and headed out. Destination: Crashdown.

It was hotter than the day before. He could feel his back wet with perspiration. He felt his hair weighed down on his forehead. Now he was running toward the Crashdown for two reasons, Liz and Mona, and a big glass of anything cold.

The bells announced his arrival and he thanked the god of air conditioning.
“Hot out.” He looked up and smiled at Jeff Parker.
“Sure is.”

His eyes lit up when he saw his little hostess skip up to him.
“Welcome to the Crashdown Max.” She smiled. She led him to the booth he sat in the day before. “Would you like anything to drink?” She asked, pulling out a small note pad with a flower sticker on it.
“How about you tell me what you got.” He smiled.

She nodded then climbed onto his lap. He was surprised at first then relaxed. He held her on his lap while she read off the menu.
“There’s Coke, Cherry Coke, Sprite, Mountain Dew, and Lemonade. And the special drinks are blood of alien smoothie and any kind of shake.”
“Hmm.” He mock thought while tapping his chin and bouncing her on his leg. She giggled and made him grin. “How about you bring me a great big glass of your best lemonade.”
“Ok. Be right back.” She slid off his lap and skipped over to her grandfather.

Max couldn’t have wanted a better daughter in his dreams. She was just perfect. He let his mind wander to days where he could have helped bathe her, dress her, watch her walk, hear her first words. He felt a wave of resentment sweep over him at the loss of those moments, but he pushed them away as Mona walk back to him with his lemonade.
“Here you go.” She put the glass on the table and pushed it toward him.

“Thank you. Would you care to join me?” He asked as he got two straws. She looked back at Jeff then nodded. She climbed back on his lap and smiled up at him. “So where’s your mom?”
“She’s at work. I stay here with nana and grandpa until she gets back.”
“Where does she work?”
“At West Roswell High School. She’s the best teacher they have.” She beamed.
“I know. I knew your mom when she was my teacher in college. Did your mom ever tell you about that?”
“She told me she was a teacher at college in Michigan. But she doesn’t tell me a lot about that. She gets sad. I thought Max would get her sad because she would cry and say Max, but she said it wasn’t Max that made her sad, but she wouldn’t tell me why she was sad.” She rambled as only children could.

“Max?” He questioned.
“Yeah my teddy bear. She would cry and say Max, so I thought he made her sad.” She replied.
“Oh.” He said. He knew why she cried. It wasn’t about Max the bear, it was because of Max the dumb ass. He was why she cried. Now he felt gut-wrenching guilt swell over him. “Thank you very much for the lemonade. I have to go now.”
“But you didn’t drink any.” She pouted.
He lowered her from his lap.
“I know. You drink it for me. I have to do something really important. I’ll be back to see you later.” He said and unconsciously bent over and kissed her cheek.


“Ms. Parker, I just don’t understand the equation.” One of the students asked in class.
“Well Susan, why don’t you just come on up and show me where you’re having problems.” Liz said with a smile.

The girl groaned but went up to the chalkboard. Liz handed her the chalk and stepped aside. The girl bit her lip and looked over the equation. “Come on Susan, just read through it carefully. You’ll find the answer.” Liz coaxed.
The girl nodded and checked the equation.

“Oh! I see. You have to convert this into grams.” She said with a smile.
“That’s right. See I told you it wasn’t hard. You can sit back down.” Liz said and took back the chalk. “See class, Chemistry is not hard at all. You just have to pay attention to the small things. So take out your books and turn to page 154. I want to see if you can do those 15 equations.”

A knock on the door stole her attention. A young man came in and told her there was someone looking for her in the main office. “Did they say what they wanted or who they were?” She asked.
“No Ms. Parker. It’s a man, he just said you knew him and that h had to talk to you. It sounds important.” He said.

Liz sighed.
“Ok class, keep working on those equations. I’ll be right back.” She walked out of the class and followed the boy. “What did he look like?” She asked him.
“Well, typical tall, dark, and handsome type I guess.” The boy blushed. “He looks young though.”

The boy held the door to the office open for her and she walked in. “He’s right over there.” The boy pointed over to a man. His back was to them but Liz knew who it was. His back was wet from sweat and it made his gray shirt look darker. He had one hand in his pocket and the other was on the wall in front of him. He was looking at a bulletin board with a collage of pictures.

“Can you believe they still have this?” He asked without turning around. Liz walked up and saw the picture he was pointing at. It was a photo of him in a wrestling uniform.
“How old were you?” She asked.
“Hmm, I think I was 17.” He smiled and turned to her. “Hi.”
“Hi.” She smiled back.
“I’m not disrupting your class am I?”
“No, not at all.” She laughed. “I’m having them do some book work. What brings you by?”

“You.” He replied seriously. “I just had to see you. I had a little chat with Mona, and she gave up some information.”
“Oh, what did she say?”
“She told me how she thought her teddy bear made you cry. I know you were crying because of me Liz. I’m so sorry for everything.” Liz stopped him and took his hand.
“We’ve been over this. No more blaming. We both made mistakes, but we have to move past that. We have bigger things to worry about now.” She said, referring to Mona.

“I just need to sit down with you and have a long talk. So much has happened.” He said and she agreed.
“Look, I’m out of here by four o’clock. How about I meet you in your hotel, we can talk there.” She supplied.

“Ok, is it alright if I pick you up?” He asked.
“I have my car here. I’ll just meet you there.” She looked up at the clock on the wall. “I should get back to my class. There’s probably chaos running a muck in there.” She smiled.
“I’ll leave you to your students then.” He smiled back. “I’ll see you after school.” He grinned.
“Alright Mr. Evans.”

Re: Lust Ed 101. M/L, Adult. Repost

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 10:00 pm
by believer_evans
Part 25

Her last class was over with. All she had to do now was call her mother and ask if she could watch Mona a little longer. She already knew the answer.
“Of course Liz.”

So she just got her papers in order and set out to her car. It was only three thirty. The hotel where Max was staying was close, so she decided to go home and change.

She pulled up to her small home with the small yard up front. Mona’s mini water park was still assembled on the lawn. She walked past it and unlocked her door.

Her home was neat and tidy. Only a few scattered toys littered the living room. Liz picked them up and put them in Mona’s room. Her daughter’s room had a small pink bed, with many pillows and stuffed animals. Little red sneakers were peeking out from under the bed, along with white rabbit.

She closed the door and went to her room. She was wearing black slacks and a white blouse, which was sticking to her from the heat.

She pulled out a pair of comfortable jeans and a black tank top. Pulling her hair up into a high ponytail, she looked herself in the mirror and smiled. She looked good for a middle-aged woman.


Max lay on the bed with his hands behind his head. It was almost 4 now, and Max was dying from the wait. He got up and opened the window to let some air in. He was nervous. Nervous over his conversation, and nervous over having her in a bedroom, alone.

He looked at his watch again. It was four already, and nothing from Liz. He switched on the TV, but he couldn’t watch it. He paced the room. He passed the mirror and looked at himself. He was sweating. Sweating over Liz and sweating over the heat. So he shut the window and turned on the AC.

He pulled out another shirt and changed. Another plain t-shirt, in blue. He went into the bathroom and splashed cold water on his face.

He heard the soft knock on the door and quickly wiped his face with a towel. He finger brushed his hair and took a deep breath before opening the door.
“I’m glad you could make it.” He said.
“Me too. I’m a bit late, I wanted to change before coming.” Liz replied.

He let her walk in and watched her hips sway as she walked over to the table.

“Mona’s with your parents?” He asked as he walked over to her.
“Yeah. I don’t like the idea of leaving her in daycare or some nanny I don’t know. My parents offered to take care of her while I was working. And she loves them so it works out great.”

She sat at the chair near the window while he sat on the bed. Quietness spread in the room, only the sound of the TV was there, so Max turned it off.
“So tell me Max, what have you been up to? What made you get into architecture?” She finally asked.

“Well, I was planning into going into Anthropology, but one Summer I volunteered for Habitat for Humanity. I fell in love with the building and working with my hands. So I went into being an architect. I moved into an apartment downtown to be closing to my company. I own three, one in Michigan, one in New York, and one in Florida. I’m hoping to build one here.” He smiled over at her shyly. “Michael and Maria are getting married in three month.”

“They are? Oh, how great for them.” She smiled back, getting a brief glance of Max in a tux and she in a wedding dress. “How’s Kyle?”
“He’s the same. He’s working to become a cop.”
“A cop? Wow, is there a woman in her life?”
“No concrete one. Just a few here and there.”

There was another pause.
“Oh, this is something you won’t believe. Alex has worked his way into our circle of friends.”
“Alex? The one who took the pictures of us? How did he become a friend of yours?” She asked confused.
“We ended up working together. Believe me the first thing I wanted to do was beat his ass, but as time went by we became good friends. He was with Tess for a while but they broke up on good terms. She works for a private investigation company.” He smiled at Liz’s reaction.

“So, have there been any women in your life? Perhaps a woman waiting for you to return?” She asked. She didn’t want to ask, but she had to know, for her own benefit.
“No. There’s no one waiting for me, expect for Maria.” He laughed. “I tried to date, but nothing worked out.”
“Oh.” She said, berating herself for feeling better.

“How about you?” He asked fearfully.
“There’s been no one. I couldn’t bring myself to be with anyone else.”

There was another long silence. Liz stood up and looked out the window. “I wanted the only man that Mona had contact with to be her father. You, Max.” She sighed.

Max got up. He couldn’t take just sitting there and watch her. He spun her around and captured her lips in a searing kiss.

Liz almost fell over from the force of it. Max was grabbing her by arms, keeping her upright. She finally regained control over her limbs and grabbed hold of Max’s waist.

They finally pulled away for air. Their eyes locked in a heated stare.
“I’ve missed you so much Liz. You have no fucking idea.” Max said in between breaths.
“Oh god I’ve missed you Max. I have. I think of you everyday.”
They locked again in another fierce kiss.


Nancy smiled over at her granddaughter. She was coloring.
“Look nana.” She called and held out her picture.
“What’s that baby?” Nance wiped the water from her hands and walked over.

She looked at the drawing Mona had made. “Who are they?”
“It’s mommy and Max.” She smiled. “I want him to be my daddy, nana. Can I ask him to be my daddy?”
“Oh sweetheart.” Nancy held back her tears. She hoped they’d tell Mona soon. She couldn’t stand keeping it in. “It’s a beautiful picture Mona. Just, don’t go asking men to be your daddy. You’re real daddy will show up soon enough, and he’ll love you and your mommy very much.” She said.
“Really nana?” She asked then frowned. “But I want Max to be my daddy.”

Mona got up and put her picture up on the fridge along with her other drawings. “I’m going to go help grandpa.” She announced before heading down the stairs.

“Oh I hope Liz and Max will figure things out and tell her.” Nancy said to herself.


Liz shivered under his touch. It seemed like forever since a man ever touched her. Five years seemed like an eternity from not having Max gazing down at her.

They had managed to make it to the bed and their clothes had come off. He was now hovering over her, his roughened hands skimming over her body. He was trying to recapture every curve, every line of her body. Liz was embarrassed at first of letting him see her naked. After all she was older now and had had a child. But now, she didn’t care.

Max looked different than she remembered. He was bigger, more muscle. He had a darker tan, and his chest was even more defined along with his abs. She loved being encased between his strong, large arms, and having the feel of her legs touch his powerful thighs.

Max took his time with her. He had missed her and her sensual body. She still contained her graceful figure. Neither the years nor the baby had softened her. She was still relatively thin, though now she possessed more curves. Her breasts were rounder and fuller. Her hips were shapely.

“Liz…” He whispered into the room.
“Max.” She replied. He lowered his lips to hers as he entered her.
“Oh Liz.” He sighed in relief.

They moved together, slow and steady, never breaking eye contact unless they kissed.
“Liz…” He sped up.
“Oh yes.”
“Oh Max….” She moaned as she climaxed.

“Ah!! Will you marry me?” He groaned as he emptied himself in her.
“What?” She panted.


Michael and Maria were snuggled close on the sofa watching TV. He held her left hand in his, idly playing with the engagement ring on it. She smiled at him and snuggled closer.
“I love you, ya big lug.” She teased.
“I love you too babe.” He kissed her forehead and sighed.

He turned off the television and turned to his fiancé. “How do you think our Max is doing?”
“Hmm, knowing him he’s probably having a long, serious, boring talk with Liz. He’s being all rational and logical, drawing out a plan. You know how he is. He’s a logical guy. He wouldn’t let his emotions get the best of him.” She sighed and closed her eyes.

“Yeah. You’re probably right.” He yawned and closed his eyes.
“I am.” She mumbled before going to sleep.

Re: Lust Ed 101. M/L, Adult. Repost

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 10:01 pm
by believer_evans
Part 26

“Max, what did you just say?” She asked again, sitting up.
“I uh, I asked if…if you’d marry me.” He said measuring the weight of his words.

He sat up facing her. “Would you? I mean, marry me?” He asked again.

Liz’s jaw dropped, there she was, after five years of separation, and after just having the best sex she’d had all her life, and now the man she loved most of all was proposing to her.

“Max, I think we should talk about this. I mean, we haven’t seen each other for five years. We have a daughter together, who still doesn’t know that you’re her father. We need to talk about this before we jump into anything big.”

“No Liz, this is perfect. We can get married, and we can tell Mona that way. We’ll be a family. It’s perfect.” He said excitedly.
“Max, we can’t just jump into this.” Liz explained. “We have to think this through.”
“What’s there to think about? Liz, I love you. Let’s get married.” He said and grabbed her hands. “I don’t have a ring to give you right now, but we can go and get one right now if you want. I can buy you the best ring out there.”

Liz just stared at him dumbstruck. She didn’t know what to say. He just wasn’t listening to reason. It was so unlike him.

“Come on. Get dressed, we’ll go find a jeweler right now.” He got out of bed and pulled on his clothes hurriedly.
“Max, stop. Just listen to me for a second here.” She got up and stopped him. “Max look at me.” She turned him to look at her. “Let’s talk about this.”

He looked into her eyes and took a shuddered breath.
“Don’t you want to marry me?” He asked.
“It’s not that Max, I would marry you right now if I could. It’s just, well we have a lot to think about.” She said.

“I, I guess you’re right.” He sighed and turned away. “Well I guess we should actually talk now.” He said with a nervous laugh. He gave her back her clothes and waited till she was dress until he turned around.

“So, we should discuss Mona.” She said to clear the silence. “She’s already asking questions about her father.”

“Oh, what has she asked?”
“Well, she knows that her family is different from that of others. I think she’s starting to wonder why she doesn’t have one.” She sighed.
“Well, when do you think is a good time to tell her?”


Mona rushed down when she heard her mom’s voice. Her smile grew even more when she saw Max standing beside her.
“Mommy! Max!” She shouted and ran into Liz’s awaiting arms.

“Hi baby.” Liz picked her up and kissed her cheek.
“Hey kiddo.” Max smiled and waved.
“Max!” She laughed and stretched out her arms to him.

Liz smiled over at him and handed him Mona. “Hi Max.” She smiled and kissed his cheek.
“Hi Mona.” He replied and kissed her cheek.
“Call me baby like mommy.” She said confidently.
“Yeah, my mommy calls me baby. I want you to call me that too.”

He looked over at Liz then back at Mona. What was she saying? She wanted him to call her baby. Something her mother called her. Did she know something?

He looked back at Liz and mouthed ‘I think we should tell her now’.
Liz looked at her parents then looked back and nodded.
“You want to go on a walk with me and Max baby?” She asked her daughter.
“Yay!” Mona cheered.


The three of them walked over to the park and found a bench in the shade.
“Baby we have to tell you something really important ok.” Liz told her daughter.
“Ok, mommy.” Mona smiled.

Liz took a deep breath and held Max’s hand.
“Baby, I know you’ve been asking a lot of questions about your daddy, so I think it’s time you knew who he really was.”

“I don’t want to know who he is anymore mommy. I don’t want to know my real daddy.” Mona stood up and walked over to Max. “Nana said my real daddy will come one day, and that I shouldn’t ask Max to be my daddy, but I do. I want Max to be my daddy.”

Max picked her up and put her on his lap, giving her a kiss on the cheek.
“That’s what we have to tell you kiddo. I am your real daddy.” Max said as tears misted his eyes.

Mona looked at Liz and saw her nod.
“He’s your daddy baby. Max is your real daddy.”
“You’re my real daddy?” She asked Max.
“Yes. And I’ll be your daddy from now on if you let me.”

Mona looked down at her feet and stayed quiet. Max got scared thinking she would reject him now that she knew the truth.

The little girl finally looked up and smiled at Max.
“Yes, I want you to be my daddy.” She squealed and hugged him.

Max held his daughter tight then reached out and pulled Liz to them. Liz joined in the embrace and cried. They were going to be a family now.


They strolled around the park together, Mona in between them holding their hands. Max couldn’t stop the grin on his face. He was so happy. He could only think of one thing that would make him even happier.

Max stopped walking and turned to Liz and Mona. Liz looked at him questioningly and then she gasped as he got down on one knee.
“What’s wrong daddy? You tired?” Mona asked.

Max smiled at his daughter and kissed her cheek.
“Yeah kiddo, I’m tired.” He said and looked up at Liz. He took her free hand and sighed. “I’m tired of being alone. But I’m not alone anymore am I? I have a beautiful daughter, and hopefully now I’ll have a beautiful wife. What do you say Liz? Will you marry me, now?” He said with a whimsical smile.

Liz felt her heart tighten and she smiled. She gripped Max’s hand harder and pulled him up.
Max stood up and gazed into her eyes.
“Yes.” She said. “I’ll marry you, now.” She laughed and threw herself at him.

Max caught her and spun her around.
“Hey what about me?” Mona pouted. “Aren’t you gonna ask me to marry you too?”

Max stopped and put Liz down. He got back down on one knee and took Mona’s little hand.
“Ok Mona, will you marry me too?” He asked with a smile.
“Yes daddy!” She cheered and jumped into his arms.


When they arrived back at the Crashdown Mona told her grandparents everything. It was then that Max announced that they would be getting married.
“Oh, I’m so happy for you.” Nancy cried and hugged both Max and Liz.
“Congratulations kids.” Jeff smiled.

Max called Michael and Maria and let them in on the news, telling them that they would be getting married in Roswell in a month
“Do me a favor and tell Kyle and Alex yeah? I want all of you guys here.” Max told Maria.
“No problem babe. I’ll go tell them right now. I’m so happy for you. We’ll be there in a few days.”


“I don’t know why we couldn’t just call them.” Michael complained as they made it to Alex’s apartment.
“Cause they went to a club last night. They wouldn’t have heard the phone. This way we can tell them in person.” Maria explained and knocked on the door.
“See they’re passed out and don’t even hear you.” Michael said.

“That’s why I come prepared.” Maria pulled out a key and opened the door.
“I’m not even going to ask.” Michael sighed as they walked into the apartment.
“I’ll make them some coffee you go wake them up.”

“I don’t even think Kyle’s here, he isn’t on the couch…Oh fuck!” Michael yelled as he opened the door to Alex’s room.

Maria ran over and gasped. Alex and Kyle were in bed together, completely naked.
“Oh my god!”

Alex jumped out of bed at Maria’s scream. Seeing Maria and Michael there caused him to panic.
“Shit! What are you guys doing here?” He asked as he frantically pulled on his boxers.
“I…I…” Maria couldn’t for the life of her remember why they came there.
“Keep it down Alex. My head is…oh shit!” Kyle spotted Michael and Maria and fell off the bed.

“Um…crap.” Michael shook his head and walked out of the bedroom.
“Was this a one time thing, or have you guys been at this a while?” Maria asked.

Kyle put his boxers on and sat back on the bed. Alex looked over at his and let out a deep breath.
“We’ve been seeing each other for a couple of weeks now.” He responded.
“Wow, so it’s serious. How did it start?” She asked and sat on the bed.

Kyle looked at her disbelievingly. Wasn’t she disgusted? But no, she looked genuinely interested.
“Well, four months ago, after another night at the club, me, Alex, and Max came back here because we were too drunk to drive home. Max passed out on the couch, I had too, but sometime in the middle of the night I woke up and came in here.” Kyle explained.

“I was still awake. I hadn’t drunk anything and couldn’t sleep. Kyle came in saying he had to use the bathroom but he didn’t really have to.” Alex blushed. “Next thing I know Kyle’s on me, and I liked it.”

“So, uh, why did you guys come today?” Alex asked.

“Oh, oh yes, Max is getting married in a month.” She said excitedly.
“What?” Alex and Kyle asked together.
“Yeah, he called me this morning to tell me that he wanted all of us to make it down to Roswell.” She smiled.

“Wow, first a kid, now a wife.” Alex laughed.
“Yeah, we’ll be there.” Kyle smiled.
“Great. Michael stop being such a wuss and get back in here.”
“I’m ok out here thanks. I’ve seen enough of those two to haunt me even after I’m dead.”


“Are you sure they’re ok with it? I mean Maria and Michael are getting married in three months, we’re taking a month away from them.” Liz asked as she looked through the wedding magazine. They had already booked the small church.

“Maria said it was fine. Anyways, she’s had everything ready for the past five months. She has her dress ready, Michael’s tux ready, the church, reception, all the nooks and crannies.” Max laughed. “Oh, I have to call my folks and Isabel.” He remembered.

“Oh, were are they?” She asked.
“My folks move to California after my dad was offered a partnership there. Isabel moved to New York with her husband Jesse Ramirez. They have three kids. Leslie age 7, Jordan is almost two, and Joanne is nine. I better call them now.”

Max dialed his parents first wanting to break through that first. They didn’t know he’d found Liz or about their child, hearing that they’d be getting married in a month.
“A month?” His mother exclaimed. “Oh dear, Max couldn’t you have given us sooner notice?” His mother asked.
“I just made the decision yesterday mom. I couldn’t give you sooner notice. Please say you can make it.”
“Of course baby. We’ll be there.” His mother said.

“And now comes the hard one.” He sighed as he called his sister. He braced himself for her reaction.
“What!” He pulled the phone away from his ear and looked over at Liz. “One month? Max you cannot possibly plan a wedding in only one month. It took me eight months to get all my things down.”
“Iz, we already booked the church, I got my tux and Liz is looking for her dress.”
“What about the reception, the catering, the music? Are you going on a honeymoon?”
“Liz we have a four year old girl, I don’t think we can have much a honeymoon.” Max sighed.

“Nonsense. We can take care of little Mona for you two.” Isabel was starting to take over and Max didn’t like it.
“Isabel, I want to spend as much time with Mona as possible. Just please say you’ll make it with the family. That’s all I want.”
“Ok Max. We’ll be there.”


“I want to wear a pink dress.” Mona smiled.
“Ok baby, we’ll get you a pink dress. You’ll be the prettiest flower girl in the world.”
“What’s a flower girl?”
“The flower girl is the beautiful girl who carries a basket of rose pedals and covers the carpet with them.” Max explained.

“But I’m not supposed to get the carpet dirty.” Mona pouted.
“It’ll be ok just this time. Come on, let’s go buy that pink dress.” Max picked her up.


“Is this place for real?” Kyle asked as they walked into the Crashdown. He looked around at all the alien themes and laughed.
“This is so cool.” Alex beamed. “Look at all this stuff.”

“Oh no, his inner nerd is coming out.” Michael laughed.
“Hey, you leave him alone.” Kyle said and stood next to Alex.
“Thanks.” Alex told him.

“You must be Max’s friends.” Nancy came out to greet them. “I’m Liz’s mother, Nancy Parker.”
“Hello Mrs. Parker.” Maria smiled.
“Oh please call me Nancy.”
“Ok, Nancy. I’m Maria, this is my fiancé Michael, and our friends Alex and Kyle.” Maria introduced them.

“Glad to meet you. Max and Liz should be here any minute. Well that must be them now.”

“Guys you’re here.” Max smiled as he walked into the café carrying a tired Mona. “Baby, these are my friends. Guys this is my little Mona.”
“Hello.” Mona waved.
“Oh, isn’t she just precious.” Maria grinned. “Hey there. My name is Maria.”

“I’ll just take her up to bed. I’ll be right down.” He said and walked to the back of the café.
“Hi everyone.” Liz said with a nervous smile.
“Uh, hi Ms. Parker.” Kyle greeted.
“Uh, yeah. Hi.” Alex said anxiously.

“Hi Liz. I’m so happy for you.” Maria said and hugged her. “I always knew you two were perfect together. You have a beautiful daughter.”
“Thank you. Oh and congratulations to you too. I hear you’re also getting married.” Liz smiled over at Michael.
“Yeah, two months, two weeks, and four days.” Michael said plainly.

Maria rolled her eyes at him.
“So do you have everything set?” She asked Liz.
“Just about. I just need a maid of honor.” She smiled at Maria. “Will you be my maid of honor?”
“Oh my god. Are you serious?”
“Of course. I don’t really have friends, and I’d love it if you would do me the honor.”
“Oh Liz, of course I’ll be your maid of honor.” Maria got teary eyed.

“What did I miss?” Max asked as he reappeared in the café.
“I just asked Maria to be my maid of honor and she accepted.” Liz told him.
“Well that’s great. So that just leaves my best man.” Max smiled. “Michael, how about it?”
“Me?” Michael looked surprised.

“Of course you, bro.” Max patted him on the back.
“Yeah. Ok, I’ll be your best man.” Michael beamed.

“So are you two going to bring dates? The wedding is in three weeks, and Jeff needs to know how many people are going to make it.” Max asked Kyle and Alex.
“Uh, yeah. We’ll be bringing dates.” Kyle said nervously.
“Both of you?”
“Yeah.” Alex agreed.
“So that’s two more guests.” Max calculated.

“Not exactly.” Alex said.
“What do you mean? If the two of you are going to bring dates, that two more people.”
“Not if our dates are each other.” Kyle said.
“What do you mean?” Max asked, confused.

“It means that Alex is my date.” Kyle said as he put arm around Alex’s shoulder.
“You mean…” Max looked at them.
“Just thank god they’re telling you. I had to find out another way.” Michael said.
“Oh, man. Uh, I guess…congratulations?” Max said as he wracked his brain.

“I’m happy for you two.” Liz said with a smile.

Re: Lust Ed 101. M/L, Adult. Repost

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 10:02 pm
by believer_evans
Part 27

“Something old, which is this broche.” Isabel showed Liz.
“Something new, those matching white lace bra and panties.” Maria winked.
“Something borrowed, those diamond earrings.” Isabel said as she placed them on Liz’s ear lobes.
“And something blue, my garter.” Her mother smiled as Liz slipped it on.

“Thank you very much.” Liz said trying not to cry.
“Oh no, none of that. It took me a long time to get that make up right.” Maria said.
“I just want to thank you all for all you’ve done.” Liz said.

“You look beautiful mommy.” Mona said. She looked adorable in her pink puffy dress. Her dark hair piled up and falling in rich curls.
“You look beautiful too baby.”

“Hey, you have five minutes.” Alex said as he peeked in the room.
“We’ll be right out.” Isabel said. “Now come on Liz. It’s time for your big moment.”
“I’m ready.”


“Just relax man. Your ears have elevated from a code pink to a code red.” Michael told Max.
“I’m just a little nervous.” Max said. “Here she comes.” He smiled as the music began to play.

Little Mona was the first to come down the aisle scattering her rose pedals. Next was Isabel’s daughter Joanne pushing Jordan along in a stroller, carrying the little pillow with the rings.

Next came Maria accompanied by Kyle. Then came Isabel and Jesse, and Alex and Nancy.
Max felt a lump form in his throat when the wedding march began and Liz appeared under the arched doorway with her father.

Liz saw Max’s smiling face as soon as she stepped under the arch. She held her father’s arm tighter and felt the tears form in her eyes.
“You look beautiful sweetheart.” Jeff whispered as he walked her down the aisle.
“Thank you daddy.”

“Who gives this woman away?” The priest asked as they stood before the altar.
“I do.” Jeff answered. He took Max’s hand and placed it on Liz’s. “You take care of my little girl.” Jeff told him.
“I will sir.” Max smiled and looked at Liz. He mouthed an ‘I love you’ and turned to the priest.

“We are gathered here today on this joyous occasion to witness the union of Maxwell Evans and Elizabeth Parker in holy matrimony. Now, if there is anyone here who has an objection to this union may they speak now or forever hold their peace.”

“Wait!” Everyone turned to see little Mona run up to the altar. “Wait, daddy has to marry both of us.” She said as she took hold of Max’s other hand. The crowd laughed and was touched by the little girl’s action.
“Ok baby.” Max smiled down at his daughter.
“Shall we go on?” The priest asked. Max nodded.

The ceremony continued without further interruption. Nancy found herself crying despite her attempts not to.
“She’s so beautiful.” She sniffed and held Jeff’s hand.

Diane Evans and Philip Evans looked on as their son got married.
“They look so perfect together don’t they?” Diane said to her husband.
“They do. And they have a beautiful daughter.” Philip said.

“Just think, that’ll be us soon.” Maria mouthed over to Michael.
“I know.” He mouthed back and winked.

Kyle looked over at Alex and saw tears in his eyes.
“What’s wrong?” Kyle whispered to Alex.
“It’s just…always the bridesmaid, never the bride.” He smiled and wiped his eyes. Kyle squeezed his hand.
“Some day.” He winked and kissed him.

Isabel wiped her eyes with Jesse’s handkerchief. He hugged his wife and kissed her cheek.
“That’s my little brother up there.” She sighed.
“Not so little anymore huh?” Jesse smiled.

“Do you Maxwell Evans take Elizabeth Parker as your lawfully wedded wife to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?” The priest asked.
“I do.” He smiled and slipped the ring on Liz’ finger.
“Now, do you Elizabeth Parker take Maxwell Evans as your lawfully wedded husband to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?”
“I do.” She said and placed the ring on Max’s finger.

“With the power vested in me by the holy church and the state of New Mexico, I now pronounce you husband and wife.” The priest announced.
“Psst.” He looked down and saw Mona frowning.
“Husband, wife, and daughter.” He added and Mona smiled happily. “You may now kiss the bride…and your daughter.”

Max laughed, pushed Liz’s veil back and kissed her. “I love you.” Max said. “And I love you too.” Max smiled and leaned down to kiss Mona.
“I love you too daddy.” Mona smiled.


Liz smiled as she looked out at the dance floor to where Mona and Isabel’s girls danced together.
“Look, they get along great.” She said to Max.
“I know.”

“Ok you two, it’s time for the dollar dance.” Nancy smiled and pulled them over to the dance floor.

Max and Liz stood at the center of the floor and waited for people to get in line. The first couple up was Liz’s parents. “You certainly look handsome.” Nancy smiled at Max as she pinned the fifty on him.
“Thank you. You look very lovely yourself.” Max said and spun her.
“Have I told you enough how beautiful you are?” Jeff asked his daughter.

Next up were Max’s parents. They each pinned a hundred dollar bill on Max and Liz.
“Congratulations. I couldn’t have picked a better daughter-in-law.” Philip told Liz.

Isabel and Jesse went up, followed by Maria and Michael. Then came Kyle and Alex.

Alex went to Liz and Kyle went to Max.
“Well buddy how does it feel to be a married man?” Kyle asked him as he pinned the twenty on him.
“It feels great. Do I really have to dance with you?” Max laughed.
“You know the rules. I pinned ya, you gotta dance with me. Don’t worry I’ll be gentle.” Kyle winked and laughed.

“Uh, are there any bad feelings here?” Alex asked nervously as he pinned Liz.
“No, I’ve gotten over that. I’m glad you came to our wedding. And I’m glad you and Kyle are happy together.”

The rest of the guests came up and pinned money on the newly married couple.
“This is the happiest day of my life.” Liz said as she dance with Max.
“Mine too.”

“Is there still time for one more dance with the bride?” Liz turned around to see who it was.
“Oh my god, Jim?”
“You didn’t think I was going to miss your special day did you?” He said.
“But I thought you couldn’t make it.” Liz cried.
“Lizzie, Lizzie, Lizzie, I’m your adopted father, how could I possibly miss your wedding?” He smiled. “So, can I have this dance?”
“Of course.” Liz took his hand. “Thank you for coming Jim.”
“I wouldn’t have missed it for the world.”


“I’m exhausted.” Liz sighed, as they walked into her home, now their home.
“Not too exhausted I hope.” Max said as he kissed her neck.

Liz smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck.
“I’m never too exhausted for that.” She said seductively.
“I feel awful saying this but I’m glad my folks offered to take care of Mona.” Max said as he kissed her.

“I know what you mean.” She continued kissing him as they undressed each other. They walked backwards into the bedroom and Liz gasped. “Oh Max. It’s so beautiful.”
“I know. Who did this?” Max asked as they walked into the room. It was lighter with scented candles and roses were scattered all over the room.
“Look there’s a note.” Liz pointed out.

She walked over to the bed and read the note out loud.

“Dear Liz and Max,

Congratulations on your wedding. We know you didn’t
really want a honeymoon because you didn’t want to
leave Mona behind, so this is our wedding gift from all of
us. We have planned a two-week get away for the three
of you in Orlando Florida at the Disney World resort.
Have fun. You leave tomorrow.

Your friends: Maria, Michael, Alex, Kyle, and the Ramirez family.

“Oh Max, this is great. We can have a great family vacation. Our first family vacation.” Liz said enthusiastically.
“This is amazing.” He picked her up in his arms and spun her around.

“Now, let’s celebrate.” He grinned and landed them both on the rose pedal covered bed.

The End.

Re: Lust Ed 101. M/L, Adult. Repost

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 10:03 pm
by believer_evans

Liz smiled as she watched her husband worked in his office. They’d bought a new home and Max started working from there. He had made all the necessary adjustments on his business and made Roswell, New Mexico is new main office.

She loved watching him work. He looked so important and serious.
“No, Michael. Yes I know it’s your job, no. Look you handle it then.” Max said and hung up.
“Tough day at work?” Liz asked as she came in with his lunch.
“Thank you honey.” He smiled as he took his sandwich.

“Is everything alright?”
“Yeah, just some of the final paper work. Is it almost time to get Mona?”

Liz smiled. Their daughter was now in kindergarten.
“In another half hour.” She reminded him.
“Oh.” He grinned and brought her down to sit on his lap. “You know, there is a lot that could be accomplished in a half hour.”

He kissed her lips then brought his hand up to her stomach. “As I recall, it only took twenty minutes to make this.” He smiled.
“I know.” She beamed. She was one month pregnant. She held her hand over his on her stomach.

“But let’s just go for a walk right now before we go get her.” She smiled.


They waited outside of the small school for their daughter.
“I can’t believe Maria is pregnant too.” Liz commented.
“Yeah, Michael can hardly believe it to.”

Only a week after Maria and Michael’s wedding, Maria found out that she was pregnant.
“Just think, we could end up giving birth at the same time.”

“Mommy, daddy.” Mona yelled as she ran toward them, two long braids flying behind her.
“Hi baby. How was school?” Liz asked as she held her daughter’s hand.
“It was good mommy. The teacher asked me to write my name on the board and she said it was really good.”
“That’s great kiddo.” Max smiled and took her other hand in his.

“Oops, almost forgot.” Mona said as she released both their hands. “Hi baby.” She greeted as she kissed her mother’s stomach.
Liz smiled at the affection.


“I’ve got you under my skin. I’ve got you deep in the heart of me. So deep in my heart that you’re really a part of me. I’ve got you under my skin.” Max sang as he and Liz danced in their bedroom.
“Oh Max.” Liz sighed as she put her head down on Max’s shoulder.

“We’re really a family now.” Max whispered.
“Yes. Yes we are.”


“Hey there, daddy.” Maria smiled over at her husband as he came out of the rest room.
“Hi back, mommy.” He grinned. “And how’s junior doing?”
“Junior? What makes you think it’s a boy?” She asked as he climbed into bed.

“Just a hunch.” He winked. He leaned over to kiss her then went over and kissed her exposed belly.
“Any names yet?”
“Michael I’m only about a month pregnant. Don’t you think it’s a bit early for name?”
“Nope. How about Lars? Or….” Michael was going to continue but Maria stopped him.
“Oh no, we’re not naming our baby after anyone in Metallica.

Michael laughed.
“Ok. No Metallica names then. I only wanted to make my son cool.” He pouted.


“Kyle what is that hideous thing out in the living room?” Alex questioned his lover.
“What hideous thing?” Kyle asked as he walked into the living room they now shared.
“This…thing.” Alex pointed at the old chair.
“That’s Ralph.” He smiled and plopped into the large, brown recliner.

“Kyle, I let you get away with the score board, I even looked away when you brought in your box-o-porn, but I draw the line at this.”
“Awe come on Alex. If you knew how comfortable it was you wouldn’t talk bad about it. Here, sit down.” Kyle said and pulled Alex down into the chair.

Alex fell back into him and screamed when it fell back.
“Oh yeah, very comfortable.” He groaned as he struggled to get off the floor.
“Hey, not so fast now.” Kyle pulled Alex back down on him.

Alex laughed as Kyle attacked his sensitive ribs.
“Ok, ok I give.” Alex shouted through laughter.
“Give what huh?” Kyle grinned and took the smaller man’s lips in a searing kiss.
“Anything you want.” Alex grinned and gave into kissing him.


Max rubbed Liz’s arm in her sleep. She looked so happy ad peaceful. He heard their door creak open and quickly closed his eyes. He slightly moved away from Liz leaving a small gap between her and him.

He felt the bed give way a little as the little person climbed on. He opened his eyes slightly to just make her out. She climbed over to the little space he made for her and laid down.

He smiled and wrapped his arm around her as she cuddled into him.
“Good night daddy.” She whispered.
“Good night baby.” He whispered back and kissed her on the nose.

Liz smiled at the little show. She woke up when she felt Max move away from her. She felt Mona settle between them and heard her exchange with Max.
“Life is perfect.” She thought to herself as she closed her eyes to sleep.
“Good night mommy.” Mona whispered.
“Good night baby.”