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Paperclips (M/M, Teen, Ficlet)

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 1:41 pm
by art_junkie
Title: Paperclips
Rating: Teen
Summary: Michael notices the green-eyed secretary at work.. (Michael POV)
A/N: This was another one that popped into my head.. I know! I come up with the silliest things, *grins sheepishly* ...
(I might write another Maria comanion piece if I can get up to it! ... Oh and I love feedback ... XD)



Just another plural word in the dictionary. Just another word that doesn't mean crap to people. Like wires or cups. Unless they're C-cups.. and the wires are in the cups. But that's beside the point. Paperclips never meant anything to me.. Until suddenly they did.

I used to work freelance. Code of freelance: if your freelance business is doing well, then it's heaven. I'm-set-for-life friggin heaven. But if your business ain't doing as well as you know it can, then you're screwed plain and simple. I'm sure my tone of voice is pointing you off to which direction my life went towards. Yeah, I finally decided I had to give myself up a little and work for the man. After all, the man is always the one with the friggin' money.

I hated it. In fact, if it's possible, I hate it more now. I get great projects and make excellent money, but I still hate it. The first day there I was walking through the place, criticizing everything I could see in my head. 'they call this an architectural firm?? That fountain up front looks outdated. God what IS that shit on their logo? If I cock my head it could be an image of shagging bears. Oh great. Just great- they have these floors. The ridiculously shiny floors that squeak when you walk on them. Who the hell wants to walk around sounding like a mouse?! And is that a secretary? She's got slut written all over her..'

I remember that day all too well. I remember the slut and I remember her turning around, smiling at me, with a big "Good Morning. You look new!" and I remember the look she gave me when I rolled my eyes and walked towards my new office. Suffice to say my days at work have never been the same.

Yup. The damn woman caused total chaos though out my work-hours.

My files are never in order. My table is never set. Everyone gets coffee delivered to them at exactly nine a.m. and mine never gets here before ten-thirty. If it's possible I hated her more than the job. I mean it's not like she can forget to give me coffee, my office is right in front of her friggin secretary counter! She had had to be blind not to see the murderous looks I'd give her all day. But, obviously she knew. She knew and she fired back with a few nasty looks of her own.

It wasn't even the fact that she was slutty, I mean, I'm absolutely not the guy to be discriminating against slutty girls. Hell, I like slutty girls. Easy, willing and ready. What could be better? But, nuh-uh, this chick.. This chick is nuts. One day whilst closely scrutinizing her behaviour, looking for, well anything I could use against her - and no, I was not staring at her well-formed body in the process. She's the enemy. You don't sleep with the enemy guys! Although I mean if that'd help me then.. no. No - I noticed that she kept plucking paperclips off papers before passing them through the shredder. Crazy woman. All the hot ones are either insane, total bimbos or maternal.

But for some reason I couldn't let it go. I started noticing what she did everyday, and guess what? She took every one of them. She took all the damn paperclips and stuck them in her draw. And there's more - at the end of the day she'd take 'em out, put them in a purse and take them home. No, I didn't follow her, and yes, I'm assuming.

Soon I started noticing other things. Not purposely I tell you. These thoughts just kept popping up inside my head. Like the other day I was casually thinking how her laugh sounded cute. And how she always wore the same shoes two days in a row. And how she always seemed to stomp when she was around me. God. She was in my head. I was being thinking lame thoughts and it was killing me. A few weeks later it got worse. I started thinking about her. Like when I was at home. I mean seriously - wtf?

I couldn't talk to her though. I couldn't not glare. I couldn't break the cycle. That would be weak. I'm not weak. But I was wondering. I was wondering why she never giggled at me, or why my papers were always out of order. It drove me crazy when I started to think that my coffee coming five minutes earlier meant something. I wasn't going to get whipped over some chick in a skirt with a nag for harassing men. I had to do something.

That evening I almost strode up to her, demanded that she go out with me, and tell me why she took home all those paperclips - but I didn't get that far.

I strode up to her just as she was putting a small red paperclip in her purse. She looked up at me, probably trying to place the strange look on my face, "You going to ask for your coffee early? Because, I don't think I could work that out. You see, I'm always grumpy in the morning." She had smirked.

I did't need to know about the paperclips that much did I? Nah. Power-play was much more important.

"I have coffee before I get in." I remember grumbling at her and walking past. Of course I was lying. She probably knows I was lying. She's a secretary for gods sake. She's no bimbo. She's no slut either. But who the fuck cares? She doesn't mean anything to me. It's just a bit of lust. After all she's just a woman... She just a damn hot, infuriating, woman with big green eyes, soft blonde hair, long legs, amazing lips, a sparkly laugh, and a paperclip fetish. She also likes vanilla-lattes. She does perfect work, and her files are always flawless. She likes wearing purple and green, and one day she's going to go out with me, and I'm going to find out...

Urgh. Damn paperclips.
