Game On (AU, M/L, Adult) [WIP] 29/4/11

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Game On (AU, M/L, Adult) [WIP] 29/4/11

Post by Hunter »

Banner by Me.

Title: Game On

Disclaimer: I own nothing Roswell and no infringment is intended.

Summary: A game between two equal opponents, but there can only be one winner....

Rating: Adult

Pairing: M/L

Author's note: Just a smut fic. I think the title summarizes the story (I am terrible at summaries lol). Set in Vegas.



I'm into banging scene of sweaty bodies, loud pumping music and alcohol laced smoke. That's where I am now. I sit at the bar and greet the barmaid who I've made friends with. "Nice." I raise my glass up and propose a toast. She knows I like my drink on time.

"Whatever." She scowls.

Did I mention that big lips and I go way back? She was actually the first person who served me here and we talked until I fucked her cousin fair and square. Now she tries to put up with me only for the sake of her mother who loves me to pieces.

The Delucas are a strange family indeed. "I take it that Sean's pissed you off again."

Sean. I had great sex with his sister Sienna. I don't remember names but Sienna was in your face kind of girl. Just like Maria, they were always there. Anyway Sean seemed to be cool with me fucking his sister, he was a pimp. Hooking guys upto girls even if it happened to be his own sister. Maria seemed to be the only one grounded in her family, she's the girl who would slap you if you suggested an orgy with her, her mom and her friends.

Yet she puts up with me. "Finish it quick and get outta here." She snaps.

I laugh and shake my head, taking slow sips delibaretly. Only to piss Maria off. She growls and storms away. I pretend not to notice but frown. Jesus, it was six months ago. I haven't seen Sienna since.

Well I don't think.....

Anyway I can't see any sluts on the bar poles. Shit, where they gone? I love this club. The sluts are very professional. They know how to satisfy a boner.

The lights change, I'm sitting up in my seat wondering what the f is going on. People's attention shifts, lights dim and a spotlight hits the back of a woman up on the stage. Music plays.

Oh god, what is going on?

And what's with the disco ball? Get that shit out of my face. We're no longer in the seventies.

She flips around and damn, she's wearing a masquerade mask. Is this some new thing? Wearing masks? Does it turn me on?

She starts singing, powerfully like she owns the club or something. The microphone is her bitch and we're all her slaves, just obeying her and dancing to her tune.

Well I'm not.

The whole freakin audience seem to be mesmorized by her. Damn. Where are the sluts gone?

She's not in a costume but a dress. A well fitting dress covering her tits and pussy. I can't see a single patch of skin...well I can but you know what I mean. I need to see those tits. Bare and naked.

Oh damn, why can't she be a singing slut? And not a singing woman?

I don't deny her voice is good, it's freakin amazing but I need her to get naked and rip that mask off. Are my thoughts always dirty? Yes when I'm in my night zone.

When she finishes, she get's appluaded and even the jerks praise her. "I wish my wife could sing like that, wife sounds like the green bitch from that Oz movie." One says to his friend.

"This woman is amazing. I wonder if they signed her up to a music company."

"I want her album now!".

I just want her body, I grin to myself. I bed I can get that woman faster to my bed before she starts singing again. Too late, she is already singing again. I shake my head and wonder where is the sluts gone.

Nights pass and she's still here. I haven't seen a single slut in sight. I'm horny and pissed.

She's still having the microphone as her bitch.

I've had enough.

I shake my head. This was supposed to be a lap dance club, not a freakin studio for an amatuer or any other singers.

Unless of course, if they were sluts. This is MY club. She didn't even attempt to strip, she walks off to refresh herself and comes back on the stage to sing again without stripping of course. The club is no longer packed with people like me. But couples kissing and dancing together. Married couples, honeymoon couples....friggin celebrating their anniversary here. Where did the bachelors and the sluts go?

Whoever this woman is, she better pick up her shit and leave.

I better make sure of that.

Or my name isn't Max Evans.

Last edited by Hunter on Fri Jun 19, 2009 10:10 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Game On (AU, M/L, Adult) 5/3/09 chpt 1

Post by Hunter »

Thanks for the fb everyone!

A/N: Song used is Do it Well by Jennifer Lopez

Chapter one

Liz's POV

I've never felt so liberated in my entire life. The crowd loves me. It makes me feel good that I've been able to change a situation, turning it from bad to good. Don't get me wrong, I love vegas. The bright lights and the smell of money gives you an adrelanine rush. Vegas is such a place where you can find your freedom like I've found mine.

I've always played by the rules. This time I was doing my own thing and since everyone seemed to have liked it, It was a start for me.

I'm proud of myself.

I'm rich, but for the first time in my life, I feel like I've really acheived something without my parents shoving it down my throat and controlling me as always.

The microphone is my weapon and I dominate the whole crowd, singing my heart out. I love my voice. It's one of the most things about myself I love or came to love.

In such a short time, the dancers and cocky bachelors have been replaced by happy married couples who love my music. Ahh sweet bliss. I just love the victory I pulled.

Fixing on the big shades with diamond studs, I hear Amy call for me telling me the crowd is waiting. I fix my hair and go out with my leather cut gloves.

I go by the stagename Elly. Named by my best friend Kyle Valenti who had given me the most support to get this far. Once the microphone is in my grip, I let all the insecurties go and sing.

Yes I notice him. Of course I do.

He watches me with narrowed eyes. He's sexy, I can't deny that. Damn, he's just standing at the bar, one arm resting at the coutner as he watches me like an eagle. Unsure of whether to pull me off the stage or pull my clothes off. I try to ignore the heat between my legs. Anger and lust, what a spicy and sinful combination.

I keep the flow in my voice and stay confident. The sexy guy at the bar isn't going to take me down, I'ma take him down. Yes. He can't win.

Battle of the sexes, come on sexy guy. Show me what ya got. I think. It's not enough to break my walls down.

He remains still, eyeing me up and his face shows his thoughts. Who is this woman? what does she want? Should I fuck her or not?

Picking a certain song, I'm singing it for the sexy guy.

Let me tell you how it's gonna go
You and me, gonna need a little privacy
I don't wanna do the dance, no do-si-do
I need a one woman man 7 days a week
Quit trying to play it cool boy make your move
I told you how it is, nothin' to lose
You been staring over here all night for free
And I ain't takin' no cash or credit, just a guarantee
There ain't nobody else but me boy

I know, ironic right? This guy's probably fucked more women then the amount of times he brushes his teeth. I just want to make sure this song get's to him. Kudos to Jennifer.

I ain't ever met a man like that
I ain't ever fell so far, so fast
You can turn me on, throw me off track
'Cause you do it, do it
You do it, do it
You're doin' it well

When I'm done, I can't wait to go home. Exhuasted as I was, I was looking forward to a night of a herbal bath. Just soaking up in a nice hot tub...

I'm about to get in the car which my driver holds the door open for me but I'm blocked by someone who puts their arm in the way. A firm obstacle. The driver holds an umbrella over my head and I turn to look at the idiot to made the bold move of blocking my entrance into my car.

It's him, yeah, the sexy guy at the bar.

I see him through my shades. "What?" . I keep it sharp and simple. Straight to the point, for now.

"I want you gone." He replies, speaking in the same tone as me. His eyes, those golden eyes hold dominance. Something I will enjoy wiping off him. "Don't come back to the club unless of course you're a customer or want to have a good fuck."

Instead of slapping him like the old me would have done, I smirk at him. "Why? Are you bothered that your slut club has changed to something more decent?".

"It's always going to stay as a slut club." He tells me with conviction. Yeah right. Not until I say so.

"Well it's not now." I tell him, shaking my head. "Looks like it's MY club now."

"This isn't over." He finally lets go of the car, knowing I will not relent. He knows I won't stop singing. I will never surrender to him.

"I'll make a deal." He states, verbally stopping me from entering my car now.

I sigh. "What now?".

His nostrils flair, something tells me he's never done this before. He's never had to negoitate with people especially with a woman. He's used to getting what he wants, especially from women. But he's never met a woman like me, his expectations will have to change.

It's hard for him to even bring this up, he's struggling. It's shameful for him to have to deal with a woman. "A game of poker. If I win, you wrap up your stuff, stop singing at my club and leave for good but you have to sleep with me." He says. "If you win...well I'll back off." He muttered under his breath with a hint of sarcasm.

So he thinks I have no chance of winning does he?

"And what makes you think I will play?".

He smirks this time. "Why you scared of losing?".

"Absolutely not." I answer in a stern voice. I have to act like I'm pissed otherwise he won't buy it.

"Well?". He shrugs his shoulder.

"You're on." I get into my car. "I'll see you at Blue Lagoon Casino tommorow at ten pm. We'll settle it then." I take off my shades and open the window.

Yep, flip the card and show em what you got time. I'm the queen of hearts right now.

His mouth drops open in shock as he finally sees me, the shock registered on his face. Priceless. My driver gets in and starts the car. "Liz?".

"See you later Max Evans."

And my driver takes off.

Told you I was good didn't I?

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Re: Game On (AU, M/L, Adult) 5/29/09 Chpt 2 p.2

Post by Hunter »

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Destiny- Yes lol, Max is a swaggering asshole. For now. :wink: :lol: :mrgreen:

A/N: Song used is Poker Face by Lady Gaga

Chapter Two

Max's POV

Oh my god..

Does a guy even say Oh my god? Well Jesus, this was so unexpected. I don't know what to think.

Liz, her out of every woman had to be that woman who I was dealing with. I never expected that I'd see her much. She's not your average slut. She lacks huge tits, lacks sexual personality but she has a hot body. Nice little body I'd like to fuck. But she's not a slut.

I am shocked that she was the one who has been causing me sleepless nights. I never thought of her as much as I did now. Well she occasionally wondered around in my mind. We had history together, not sexual but emotional.

We were so close to getting married, that was until I said no and ended the unlikely alliance. Who would want to get strapped down to a frigid hamburger when you could have filet mignon whenever and wherever you wanted it?

I always thought Liz was angry with me for leaving her and would somehow exact revenge on me. Before she was just a nobody; just a daughter of my dad's friend. I played with her when we were young but now, it's all about sex. She wasn't sexually appealing before but right now I just want her.

With those curves, breasts and sexy demeanour, I see her in my bed. Oh yes I can.

She's so damn sexy that I'm speechless.

But I can't be speechless. It will crush my ego.

As a guy, I can't have that can I? But Liz...god, seeing her again....brings back memories?

Now I contemplate, calling her and just talking things over with her. Persuade her to be the little good girl she once was and back off the dangerous games like poker and shit like that. She belongs in the kitchen and in the house. Just't that what all potential housewives are supposed to do?

My mom does..or did more like. Well, Liz can't be roaming around the streets of Vegas like that. It's too dangerous for her. I call her. She doesn't pick up.

Not caring, I text her and hope the message goes across.

I won't let her see her own downfall. I will win at the poker game and poor thing will have to spend a night with me and lose her dream career.

Well at least she will score with me so that's a good thing. Right?

At least I can sleep now. I know who that singer is and I know that I will win tomorrow.

Nice peaceful sleep for me.

The next day does go fast, I just can't wait to see my wife again. My dearest almost close wife I straighten my tie and comb my hair before slapping on cologne. I made sure the sheets were changes and brought red roses and candles. I will give it to my wi- I mean Liz. Yes, she will have the one and only ride of her life which she'll never forget.

I doubt she rode other men. Nah, she's too innocent for that. I'm practically going to have a virgin tonight. Yaay good for me. I deserve a real diamond then the rhinestones I've been with.

I leave the room with a smirk on my face. Tonight someone will get a good banging.

I see her at the table, great she picks the table. I check my watch. I'm five minutes early but god knows how early she is.

"Hey Max." She turns from her circle of friends and faces me.

She's stunning. She doesn't look like the old Lizzie Parker I've know my whole life. There is a hint of deception in her dark brown eyes, something that wasn't there before. It startles me.

"Ready to lose?".

"I hope you are." Is my comeback. "Let the games begin." I stroll over to the table. My friends will be here soon. Miss organiser has her friends lined up like a good little wife. Am I being sarcastic? Yes I believe I am.

"Wait." She takes her side of the table and stops the game before it starts. "I haven't laid out my conditions yet."

"Okay." I let her speak. I wonder what her conditions are. She's never spoken of them before really.

"If I win, you back off right and I will keep singing and that club is mine." Liz states, her girls nod in approval. " will be my sex slave for a year."

I almost choke. Did I hear right? Did those naughty words come out of her innocent little mouth. "Sex slave?"

Her girls cheer in delight and praise her. "Yeah, you lose your freedom for a whole year to be my sex slave if you lose this game."

"Two out of three rounds." I tell her.

There was no way I would become someone’s sex slave and that too for a flipping year. Oh she rose the bar up higher. "Fine."

I stare into Liz's dark eyes and smirk. I could have had her before you know?

I wanna hold em' like they do in Texas, Please -
Fold em' let em' hit me raise it baby stay with me (I love it)
Luck and intuition play the cards with Spades to start
And after he's been hooked I'll play the one that's on his heart

The cards are revealed and the girls gasp.

Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh, ohh-oh-e-ohh-oh-oh
I'll get him hot, show him what I've got
Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh, ohh-oh-e-ohh-oh-oh,
I'll get him hot, show him what I've got

I smirk.

Can't read my,
Can't read my
No he can't read my poker face
(She's got to love nobody)
Can't read my
Can't read my
No he can't read my poker face
(She's got to love nobody)

I win the first round. Yes, my pride is high at this moment.

P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face
(Mum mum mum mah)
P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face
(Mum mum mum mah)

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Re: Game On (AU, M/L, Adult) 5/10/09 Chpt 3 p. 4

Post by Hunter »

Thanks for the fb everyone! :D


Monica- Me too! Can't get the damn song out of my head now lol :lol: :mrgreen:

Eve - Maybe, she thought of the revenge last minute. She didn't expect to meet Max at the club nor make a deal with him so it's a surprise for her that she will take advantage off. It's too good for her to pass up lol. :lol:


Carrie -I always know what you're waiting for you naughty lady! :twisted: :mrgreen: :D
Jessah (x2) Thanks for the bump Jessah!

Now on with the show.. :mrgreen:

Chapter Three

A/N: Lady Gaga lyrics to Poker face continues in this chpt. :)

Liz's POV

I wanna roll with him a hard pair we will be
A little gambling is fun when you're with me (I love it)
Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun
And baby when it's love if it's not rough it isn't fun, fun
Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh, ohh-oh-e-ohh-oh-oh
I'll get him hot, show him what I've got
Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh, ohh-oh-e-ohh-oh-oh,
I'll get him hot, show him what I've got

Mr Pride thinks he can win does he? Too bad his cheaters aren't here. Oh I've heard of Max's all right. How he brings his friends to occasions. *coughs*

Can't read my,
Can't read my
No he can't read my poker face
(She's got to love nobody)
Can't read my
Can't read my
No he can't read my poker face
(She's got to love nobody)

As soon as I flip the cards for round two, his smile quickly fades away. He looks distraught. Again, I manage to beat him. What can I say, my poker face earns me the brownie points.

I won't tell you that I love you
Kiss or hug you
Cause I'm bluffin' with my muffin
I'm not lying I'm just stunnin' with my love-glue-gunning

"It's just luck." He shrugged as his eyes raked over his own cards.

Just like a chick in the casino
Take your bank before I pay you out
I promise this, promise this
Check this hand cause I'm marvellous

I know he has a couple up his sleeve, I am very well aware of his notorious reputation of gambling and poker playing.

Can't read my,
Can't read my
No he can't read my poker face
(She's got to love nobody)

The third round is the most important one. I for one, do not cheat but by the way his eyes are undressing me tonight, I know he will do anything to win. Even coax the girls with me but I've already made sure they were hooked up for the night.

Can't read my
Can't read my
No he can't read my poker face
(She's got to love nobody)

Max Evans would lose tonight, I knew it. I don't mean to sound up my ass or anything but this is going to be his first loss and I intend to enjoy every bit of his humiliation like he has done to others including me.

P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face
(Mum mum mum mah)
P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face
(Mum mum mum mah)

They say payback is a bitch? Well it is.

Because I win the third round, Max drops his card like they're on fire. "Come here my sex slave." I have the smirk now.

And I have a game for Max Evans.

Twenty minutes later, we're kissing each other's faces to death as well as fondling each other. His hands on my ass and tits while I grab every bit of body part I can as we stumble inside his apartment.

I guess he probably doesn't bring women home so it's going to be a very special night. Of course, I am ecstatic I am receiving the privilege of being in his home.

By the musky erotic scent burning ardently over the flicking candles within minutes, he can't seem to keep his hands off me and we land on the bed together. Of course, he had to be on top of me and kisses whatever his lips can reach and his hands are cupping my breasts.

I grin and flip him over so I'm on top, my dress rides up to my hips and I pull out a pair of handcuffs.
I handcuff him to the bed and he protest. "Hey, I'm not done with you!"

What he means to say is, Let me dominate you tonight and whenever I want which is basically forever so untie me baby and I will be on top.

"Shhhh Max Evans." I press a finger to his lips while my other hand goes straight to his crotch to stroke it. "Just sit back and enjoy baby."

His hips jerk towards my hand and I give him a little squeeze before letting go.

He looks frustrated again but I am seriously enjoying every second of his sexual agony. "I need more." He growls, I'm so hard.."

"Wait baby, have a little patience." I shushed him again. Leaning closer to his face, I kiss his lips lightly. "I'll be back soon."

I go to his bathroom and take a pair of scissors before returning to his bedroom. I cut his shirt off with them. He looks mortified.

"That is expensive!"

"You're rich, you can get another one." I shrugged. "It's not like you gambled your money away tonight, just your way of having sex and of course your ego."

I unbuckle his belt and pull his slacks down before they join with the discarded pieces of shirt I cut off. My eyes rest over his very huge penis. I know it had to be huge because there's a damn dent which looks like the human sized Mount Everest underneath his boxers. I am wearing a huge smile.


Getting him aroused was so easy.

"What ever I shall do with this." I traced the tip of his cock with a thumb. "I don't think I have been in that area before."

"Lizzz." He hisses my name. "Just do it."

I raise an eyebrow as I try to work out Max's meaning. "Do what?"

"Suck it please."

I truly hate Max Evans. The jerk. I'm no cheap cock sucking whore that will obey his command or anyone else’s for that matter. I want to teach him a lesson. Heck, I want to teach all the jerks in the world a lesson. Maybe through him they will finally realise that they actually are pathetic when it comes to sex.

They're the dogs in heat, not the women.

"I didn't hear you." Was my naughty reply. "I said, what should I do with this." I fully stroke his cock through the boxers.

"Go down on me, suck the popsicle, give me a damn good blowjob, handle the shaft! Just please put it in your mouth!" He begged.

"Max Evans!" I mock a surprised gasp. "You must not use naughty language in the bedroom!"

"Are you kidding me? You're such a ball warmer, stop giving me blue balls and take care of my problem."
Now that is the Max Evans, I know.

"As you wish." I shrugged.

I pull his boxers down to watch his huge shaft spring out . I lean forward, close enough but not that close so he can thrust into my mouth. I blow hot breaths on it.

"Oh that is fucking hot." He hisses. "I just want to shove it in your mouth."

"Close your eyes honey."

He does and I reach for some ice in the nearby bucket with a champagne in it. I drop the ice onto his balls and he yells.

"That's fucking cold!"

"I'm your boss. You're my bitch so you do as I say." I innocently said batting my eyelids.

"Please." He begs. "Please get the ice off, I'll do anything you want, I swear."

After I make him grovel a bit, I get a cloth and wipe away the cold liquid which the ice has turned to but his cock still hasn't gone down. "Down boy!" I chuckled.

"It won't go down unless you help me." He softly said.

"I have some more ice?"

"Oh god please no."

I smirked and nodded.

This was really going to be fun.
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Re: Game On (AU, M/L, Adult) 6/13/09 Chpt 4 p.5

Post by Hunter »

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A/N: Song used is Again Again by Lady Gaga

Chpt 4

Max's POV

I find myself tasting the sweetest honey ever. I've never done this before but kudos to Liz getting my head between her legs with my tongue on her or rather in her.

When you're 'round
I lose myself inside your mouth

She's trying to stay calm through it all but I know I'm driving her crazy with my tongue action. I flick my eyes up at her and the steering wheel she's holding. She was trying to keep control of the wheel as I brushed my tongue against her clit.

You've got brown eyes
Like no one else
Baby make it to me

Her hips buck up and she moans ever so delicately that I can't help but smirk.

Again and again
Again, again, again, again
Never stop again and again

Even though I'm still her prisoner and strapped to the front seat but having to eat her out as she's driving.

Again, again, a-a-again, again
Never stop, oh

I've never done to this a woman in my life before.


She's so lucky in my book. And so am I. God, if I knew she was so tasty, I would have done this a long time ago. I should have, I thought silently to myself and drove my tongue in deeper between her folds.

"Baby let go." I whisper in between.

Liz gasps sharply and the car suddenly stops. Her chest is heaving up and down and I continue devouring her. She shudders against my mouth again and again. "Oh yes!!!" She has her release and shakes lightly with her body racking in ripples of pleasure.

I can feel how wet she has become even with my tongue.

Her hands tug at my hair and she finally calms down. I give her one last lick before removing myself from between her legs. "Did I disappoint?"

Her whole face is flushed pink and her eye liner is smudged underneath her eyes. I can't remember her looking this sultry ever and it makes me hard to think how much womanly she had become. Before she was just a plain Jane but now, this woman is at the centre of womanhood.; god, her pink curvy lips...her cute button nose and her wonderful eyes. The shade of brown in them were something I had never seen before.

Why didn't I see how beautiful she was before?

"That was exceptionally good." She panted and I was mesmerised at the beads of sweat rolling down her cleavage.

She pushes her dress down after I sit back up. "I can't believe you didn't wear any panties." I teased. "Were you planning for me to go down on you?" I licked my lips, her essence is still on my tongue.

"Maybe." She replied. "I just thought it was a good idea for a change that a man goes down on a woman during riding a car instead of a man getting the usual blowjob."

Now, that's what us men love the most; when a woman goes down on us when we're driving. We're so busy controlling the car that we don't even think about returning the favour to the woman who sucks us plus you can get away with it too without having to get bitch slapped or anything cuz you're too busy driving.

I smiled. "You taste very good Liz."

She blushed. "Thanks."

"Really, I mean, can I have some more?" I asked like a little kid begging for some candy.

"We'll see." She takes the keys out of the car and opens her door.

I unbuckle my belt and get out of the car to follow Liz, handcuff free. I wasn't going anywhere. I had hoped to bury myself in that beautiful body of Liz's and the only way I could do that was to be her sex slave. I had to have her. I had to convince her that I was her obedient sex slave so then I could get what I want.

My eyes go straight to her shapely ass as she sways her hips from side to side.

She has a house, not an apartment like I was expecting. It is a big beautiful house of course and even more beautiful inside. I notice some masculine furniture in the house. I had to identify it cuz I am a male.

There chairs are black leather, coffee table is dark Oakwood and instead of nice Buddha statues that I had expected with little water pots with rose petals, was a vase of magnolia, a medium sized white statue of a swan, a pot of yucca and some miscellaneous pop art print badges hanging from a ribbon tied to hooks on the wall.

"What the hell is that?" I pointed at one of them with a picture of a weird looking creature.

"Oh it's supposed to be metaligorilla." Liz rolled her eyes. "Micheal loves his weird badges."

Suddenly my eyes narrow at the image and it makes perfect sense. "A gorilla."

"I don't know why he keeps them." Liz scoffed. "They make our house look ugly and stupid."

"Oh wait..." I realise she's living with some Micheal. "Are you living with a guy?"

"Well yes."

"Is he your man?" I asked in a low tone.

Usually I had no problem getting off with taken women, I've done some married women before but the thought of being Liz's sex slave under the roof of her and her man's house is fucking petrifying. I don't know why I'm feeling like this as I've done it before, I don't feel comfortable knowing there is another guy in the house.

"He's my best friend."

A sigh of relief, but then that could mean something else. "Liz, you're not opting for an orgy or anything because I'm straight."

I heard one unfortunate friend of mine had been tricked into bi sexual orgies by his sick and twisted girlfriend. He had spent the last six months trying to get his dick cleaned. I didn't want to go down that road. Hell no.

"Micheal is straight." Liz replied and giggles. "What? you thought I was going to make you-"

I cover my ears, not wanting to hear the rest. "Blah-blah-blah!"

"You're a silly nut bag." Liz gives me a light punch. "How cruel do you think I am?"

"I don't know, you make me suffer an ice burn in my own bed and didn't go down on me but made me go down on you." I said. "And you were driving."

"You said you loved how I tasted." She folded her arms defensively.

"Liz, that's called lying you know." I lied this time, I fucking loved how she tasted but did she have to know that? "I felt like I had the most disgusting bitter juices in my mouth, like rotten milk. You need to get yourself cleaned."

As soon as those words leave my mouth, I wish I had just kept my mouth shut.

I was so used to insulting people even though it wasn't true. It was a complete foot in mouth error on my part and Liz, oh god I screwed up.

"You're still the same jerk like you were yesterday." Her voice is strangled and hurt.

I know what she meant by this, the wedding day and how much I screwed her life up that day by never looking back. In a blink of an eye she is gone and I see the back of her head, yes that beautiful long silky dark brown hair of hers swaying down the way towards her bedroom door.

I follow her.

I hoped I hadn't ruined my chances of sleeping with her.

Lord give me mercy, I needed it.

I opened the door and Liz has her back to me. "Liz?"

"Get gone Max, I just don't need to see you right now." Liz still keeps her back towards me.

"I'm not going anywhere." I stated firmly and turned her around to face me. "I'm sorry Liz, I didn't really mean that. I just said it because I wanted to hurt you."

"You always hurt me." Liz replied and that was like a slap to the face.

I always hurt her? Since when?

"I know I was supposed to take my vows that day but honestly, we were young and I didn't think we were old enough to get married."

Liz laughs, it's bitter and cold. "But you were old enough to court me, tell me that you loved me and then say you were ready to be my husband."

"What do you want Liz?"

"I want to hurt you back."

Good job you're doing so far, I thought.

"Is it working?"

I have to be honest with her.


She pushes me back and chuckled. "What can hurt you? You're possibly inhuman. You're incapable of feeling human emotion. You're a fucking machine."

Now those words do hurt me. No one's ever said that to me before and I did fear hearing those words directed at me. "I'm not a machine."

"You don't care about anyone but yourself Max. If you did, you would have stayed that day and you would have kept your word."

"Liz I told you-"

"Enough Max." Liz raised her hand. "What is important now that you're my bitch. You made the deal first, but I won fair and square so you need to keep your end of the bargain. Don't fuck up like last time otherwise it will just prove that you're a scared little boy who keeps running but you also are emotionless as well as confused."

"Is that what you really think of me?" My voice barely a whisper.

I thought of myself as a walking sex god on legs. Yes I know I am a pig but I am admired by so many women and praised my guys for how much they wanted to be me that it didn't even occur that I would be seen as something negative; especially by Liz, someone who was my friend before.


"I'm going to prove you wrong Liz." I put both my hands forward. "Handcuff me and I'll show you the sex slave I can be."
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Re: Game On (AU, M/L, Adult) 6/19/09 Chpt 5 p.6

Post by Hunter »

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A/N: Song used is Love Game by Lady Gaga

Chapter Five

Liz's POV

I have had sex before.

In the shower, on the bed, on the couch, hell I even had it in the backseat of a Chevy impala. Who'd think I was such a sex fiend? Well not Max.

He's telling me that I look like a pure angel whose done the righteous things. I find his shocked face amusing when I actually let him know I haven't been the girl who didn't have her cherry popped.

The thing is, while I was with Max. We never had sex or touched intimately. I wasn't ready then but he was already banging whatever was pretty and had a uterus.

But right now, I am feeling like I need a good dose of sex. Max is sexy, he's oozing hot and he's getting me all hot and bothered even if he was the subordinate partner right now. I had often thought about making love with him.

Really, I have.

"Oh yes, right there Max." I purr.

Max licks the top of my breast where the coulis dripped. He makes a face as the sourness hits him but he licks his lips when the sweetness of the strawberries reach his senses.

He tries to enjoy it, being the one banged up but his hesitant movements tell me that he's never actually pleased a woman with his tongue before.

"That was tasty." He admits as he swipes my breast clean.

"Glad you enjoyed it."

Our moment is intervened by the phone which I answer straight away. By looking at Max's face, he's curious to know who the guy is because I sound nervous and shaky.

"So you're coming home tomorrow morning then Micheal?"

Max starts to nibble my ear.

"Why? What happened?"

His tongue teases my neck.

"Oh that's a shame, I mean I was thinking of cooking dinner tonight."

Max's mouth latches onto my neck and he is sucking so frantically that I find myself distracted. Totally distracted.

"No it's okay Micheal, I'm just with Max here right now."

Max sensually rubs himself against me. I can feel his hardness. It's getting to me.

"Yes, Max is that guy Micheal. You know the one I was telling you about the other day."

His tongue takes a trail down towards the slope of my breasts and pushes the lace out of the way so he can take a nipple into his mouth.

"He's doing good, being a good boy." I said in a strangled voice now that Max is sucking my breast in such a way that my body is rippling with pleasure.

"Yeah, he's being awesome right now." I shake as Max's tongue is doing things to me that I hadn't even dreamt off.

I stroke Max's hair as his tongue lashes across my other breast where he repeats the same. "I..urgh...Oh..."

My cries of pleasure slip out from my mouth and I lie to Micheal. "I stubbed my toe, just bear with me one sec." I put my hand over the mouthpiece and allow myself to scream as my orgasm washes down on me.

Who knew you could get a breast orgasm within a minute?

Micheal tells me he has to go so it's a quick goodbye. I can't say I'm upset. I'm actually relieved to put the phone back. Max looks up and grins at me. "Was I naughty?

"Very naughty."

"Good. Now I can get punished." He wiggled his eyebrows.

"No not that kind of punishment." I answer as he moved out of the way so I could get up from the bed.

"Not that kind of punishment?" His tone is dejected. I feel bad for him because he was having a bad case of blue balls.

Yet, Max Evans did not deserve to get laid yet. He had a long way to go before he would able to have sex and I had to let him know that. After all, he was aware that he had a year being my sex slave.

"Max, if you and know have sex then the fun will be gone." I cooed. "Baby, you know foreplay is a bitch for guys like you besides weren't you were the one who lost?"

"I need to enjoy you." His voice was husky and laced with lust.

"Baby you will but in time, let the foreplay do it's magic first." I pressed a kiss to his forehead.

"So I can't have sex for how long exactly?"

"Depends." I take all my clothes off so I am standing naked in front of a very lustful Max. "Oh will you look at the time, I have plans to go out."I said.

I think about leaving Max lying on my bed with handcuffs, I know it was cruel but what could I do? If I released him, he would only find a whore and ease his pent up sexual frustration.

But if I took him with me and made sure he was locked up then... I grin. "You're coming with me."

I can't believe I'm actually doing this, I'm bringing in Max into a very naughty club. It's so naughty that some people are bare naked and actually at it. I want to torture Max. I want him to yearn to have sex while knowing people are freely fucking each other but he can't.

I've never set foot in this place but my friend Kyle Valenti is a pimp and his deals are done here mostly. He doesn't hook women up to guys but he hooks desperate guys up to rich women who are rumoured to be crazy sex addicts.

Thanks to Kyle, he lends a couple of security guys to watch Max . "Liz this is crazy." Max hissed. "You bring me into a sex club but expect me to go around with a hard on not getting it into a pussy!"

"Max, please. You wanted to get punished, so you are." I rolled my eyes.

"I ate you out, I gave you a titty orgasm. What else do you want?"

"You to really want sex but not have it." I winked.

"Oh, you are so evil Liz."

Let's have some fun,
This beat is sick
I wanna take a ride on your disco stick

I push myself against Max and tease him with my panty covered core. He thrusts himself against me. My lips lightly brush against his lips.

I wanna kiss you
But if I do then I might miss you babe
It's complicated and stupid

Max's eyes roam over my bare shoulders and my sporting cleavage. I suddenly feel a rush of moistness between my legs.

Got my ass squeezed by sexy Cupid
Guess he wants to play,
Wants to play
A love game
A love game

I find myself enchanted by his eyes as he touches me everywhere as we dirty dance and grind our lower bodies together.

Hold me and love me
Just want to touch you for a minute
Baby three seconds is enough for my heart to quit

Let's have some fun,
This beat is sick
I wanna take a ride on your disco stick
Don't think too much just bust that stick
I wanna take a ride on your disco stick

Slipping his fingers though my panties, Max brushes his thumb against my clit. I gasp and buck my hips up.

Let's play a love game,
Play a love game
Do you want love or you want fame?
Are you in the game?

His fingers enter me then pump me slowly until I'm riding his digits with gritted teeth. A part of me tells me to let him just have me but another part strictly forbids it.

I'm on a mission,
And it involves some heavy touchin' yeah.
You've indicated your interest,
I'm educated in sex, yes.
And now I want it bad,
Want it bad.
A love game,
A love game.

"Come Liz." Max whispers in a sultry voice. "Come for me."

My breathing get's heavier and I feel a surge of pleasure rush through me. No one is watching yet they're all here and I feel so inhibited. Max doesn't seem to care and I feel like putty in his hands.

"Oh god yes!" My juices coat his fingers as I contract around them with my orgasm.

Max takes his fingers out of me and licks them. "You taste so good baby."

I watch in desire as he tastes me from his fingers.

He looks at me with a smile. "You're so wet, so tight, god....if I thrust my cock into you again and again, you will enjoy it. You know you will."

Now I see what this is about. "Max Evans, you're right. I want to have sex right now."

"I thought so sexy, I thought so." He grinned.
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Re: Game On (AU, M/L, Adult) 6/29/09 Chpt 6 p.7

Post by Hunter »

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Chpt 6

Max's POV

Why did I have to lose that poker game?

Why? Why? Why? Why?

Now I'm being tortured by watching a semi naked Liz moaning and my erection has still not subsided.

I am fucked.

"Maaax, oh god yess...that feels so good."

Her head is thrown back as she rides the shaft which I groan on seeing slide in and out of her moist labia lips. I can see her wetness coat the vibrating rod. I can't believe she's doing this, her legs are spread apart and she's showing me everything without shame.

The shaft is being pumped in her more faster now, her legs shake and her hips tremble. I can only watch as I am chained to her bedpost wishing it was my cock sliding in and out of her right now.

In a sexual faze, I groan as I come with her while just watching. I actually feel myself cum and although I would usually be embarrassed, I was relieved. That would sustain me for now but when the time comes again, I have to be inside her.

Liz seemingly looks at the mess I've created and she knew she had to release me so I could clean up the sticky mess. "Whoa, you have one pent up frustration."

After I manage to clean myself up and the bed too, She gets dressed in a silk nightgown and I think about escaping. It's been a hectic night and both of us need to sleep. The clock reads two am. I realised that if I escaped now, she would not have the power to take me again since I could get her done for kidnap.

Yes, I know how absurd that sounds but I could no longer let her tease me like this.

It was either now or never.

Seeing the key was just in her drawer, I could sneak into that and then unlock the door to make my grand escape. I would then find a random hooker and release my sexual tension. It was a perfect and simple plan. I really don't know why I wasted time with Liz Parker.

Stepping into her bedroom again, she is lying down on the bed and her eyes are closed; She looks so unguarded and pretty.

I bend down and quietly open the drawer.

She doesn't take a peek.

I am safe.

Reaching in, I look at what I'm touching and I gasp lightly as I pull out a picture of us together. We were young, about fourteen and we were really good friends back then until I discovered about the world of sex.
Liz is cute in these pictures, her hair was shorted and she had really light pink lips. She still does but they are mostly hidden behind a mask of a darker pink lipstick. I looked so goofy in those pictures, no wonder I didn't get laid back then. My braces and my boyish features were such a turn off.

I used to have a box of stuff like this, I left it back in my childhood home. I wondered what Liz was still doing keeping these things with her. I thought she moved on like the rest of us.

Then it hits me, Liz is in love with me.

She always had been.

"Mmmmm Max are you coming to bed?" Liz yawned and rolled onto her side to face me.

I dropped the photos back into the drawer and closed it as I tried to be discreet as possible. It
urned around and crawled onto the bed. Liz switched the lamp off and we snuggled up close to each other.


Should I ask her the big question?


Probably not.

"Night Liz."

"Night Max."

The hours passed and all I could think off was the bad things I did to Liz. I lied to her, I played with her heart because at the time I didn't beleive in love nor did I care.

Now I have this guilt, I really hurt her.

I should never have breezed into her life. Really I shouldn't have.


A/N: Liz and Max are 12 yrs old

I was new in town. My father had moved law firms and my mother loved Roswell. If you asked me, I hated it. My mom also made friends and the one friend she was obsessed with was the wife of a boring cafe owner. The crash down, I believed it was called.

I was sitting alone in a booth bored to tears of the grown ups talking. My alien blast milkshake hadn't helped either and this searing heat was pissing me off.

I hated Roswell.

The door opened and a group of boys who looked my age marched in. They looked like bad boys. Then a small girl, she was really tiny if you asked me, she walked out into the open and smiled at one of the boys. "Hey Carl!"

This boy Carl, looked at her as if she was filth. "Parker!" He sneered. "Go get me some ice-cream."

The girl called Parker blushed. I thought she was stupid but I wanted to beat up Carl and his friends.


But he tripped the brown haired girl up in purpose which resulted in him and his goofy ass friends laughing. I got up and pushed Carl on the ground. "I saw that you loser!" I snapped.

Helping the girl up, I paused and asked her if she was okay. She had tears coming down her cheeks and nodded quickly. Carl laughed and accused me of being her boyfriend-blah blah blah.

"Didn't your mother teach you to respect girls?" I asked. My mother taught me to respect girls and I hated boys who didn't.

Carl made a sour face. "Listen, this is my town and I will hit whoever I want. Including miss ugly Parker over there."

The girl winced and hid behind me. I could tell she was very timid.

"If she's ugly, that makes you the ugliest beast that ever walked the earth." I smirked. "I think she's pretty."

"OOOOH Liz Parker finally got a boyfriend!"

"Yeah that's right so beat it!" I pushed then all onto a table. I laughed when I heard the sound of glass bottles breaking underneath them.

The grown ups run to see what is going on and those nasty boys get thrown out. I turned to the girl who gives me a shy smile.


"I'm Max Evans by the way."


For the first time, I smile and fall asleep with Liz Parker on my mind.
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Re: Game On (AU, M/L, Adult) 7/30/09 Chpt 7 p.8

Post by Hunter »

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Chapter Seven

Liz's POV

*Six Months Later*

"Oh faster please..." He moaned and placed his hand on mine to guide the pace.

The build up of white foam started to bubble towards the surface as the shaft surged back and forth. "Almost there?"

"Almost." He gurgled, pressing harder on my hand.

Our hands moved together in a swift pace as more foam collected on the tip of the flesh. "Come on Max, just finish already." I sighed. "I'm hungry and I need to eat."

"I need to eat too." Max grunted.

With the final push, both of us moaned and Max spewed the white foam into the basin. I let go of the toothbrush and let him clean up.

"God, who knew men took ages to brush their teeth." I said while washing my hand.

"We love our pearly whites." Max flashed his teeth at me.

"Yeah, I've noticed." I threw the towel at him. "Now dry up, we're gunna be late for our date."

"It's breakfast." He said, having the courtesy to correct me.

"Well whatever it is, we're going together so people will think we're a couple so it's a date."

Max wiped the water off his face and threw the towel back at me. Frowning, I threw it back at him. "Put it in the wash, jerk."

He threw it back at me again, I was in the process of throwing it back to him but a sudden chill travelled down my stomach as he charged at me and lifted me up before pinning me against the wall with his hardness pressed up between my legs.

"When are we ever gunna have sex?"

"Urgh..." I moaned, trying to ignore the throbbing hardness which was touching me. "Max."

His grip was firm.

"When will I get to hammer you Liz?"

"Never." I lied, meeting his dark eyes.

Max's brows furrowed for a second before his lips curled into a smile. "We both know you have wet dreams of me. I sleep next to you at night."

"How do you know I dream of you?"

"Because it's my name you moan while you finger yourself in your sleep."

"Urgh,.." I punched him lightly with my tight fists. "I do not finger myself in my sleep."

"Sure you don't." He grinned.

Boy, I could wipe that smirk of his face right now.

His face was half serious.

I almost buy it.

In fact I do buy it.

"I do that in my sleep?" A horrified gasp leaves my lips as the blush creeps into my cheeks. "Oh good lord." I lower my gaze.

I did have a tendency to grind against the sheets in my sleep, like any other horny woman, I did have sexual urges which are released in my sleep. To have Max witness me sleep masturbating was such an embarrassment.

Max chuckled. "You know what you do Liz?" He whispered, leaning dangerously close to my face.


"Your fingers crawl down your thighs like a spider gliding then touch your clit through the panties...rubbing in a circular motion which get's you even more aroused then you already were..."

My breath is heavy.

Max Evans has me in a trance. I can't help but moan softly as he seduced me.

"Then what?"

"You push your panties aside....slip your fingers in once your clit is push them fingers right into your tight sheath...between them moist folds and feel how slick you are. Before you know it you're pumping your fingers in and out of imagine that it's my fingers while you finger yourself. Your body trembles and...."

"And then?"

"Then you take my cock and impale yourself on it, crying out Maaax Maaax..while riding me in a wild rodeo style!" He laughs, turning his sultry whispers back into his normal tone.

"Agh Max!" I push him back a little that my feet are able to touch the ground again. "You watch too much porn!"

"Admit it, you loved my story."

His macho side had to show. Sometimes I wish he could swallow up his pride although it was one of the things which made him so damn sexy. His stupid prideful ego.

"I don't find a sick joke funny." I snapped.

Then I look at his erection. "Looks like someone's high on Viagra." I give him a couple of strokes.

Max stopped his laughter and the dark eyes return, I shudder as he pushed me back against the wall. "I want you Liz and I will have you."

I don't say anything this time because I know deep down, I want the same thing as Max.

A/N: Song lyrics used is Because of You By Neyo

"Liz darling!" Gloria aka my slutty aunt with her dark red afro and her hideous leopard spandex wobbles across towards me and Max.

Her arms are outstretched and barely hugs me as she kisses the air five inches away from my face. "Darling, how sweet of you to be here."

"Aunt Floria-I mean Flo-I mean Gloria." I stutter, I always managed to get her name wrong.

As a little girl, I could never pronounce her name. I still couldn't pronounce it now.

Oh well, who gives a fuck?

Her boobs are popping out as usual, it's hard to imagine she is my mother's cousin. Her mother is my mom's mother's sister. It's confusing. I get all their names mixed up since I have like ten aunts in total, all of them are from my mother's side.

She rakes her sharp red colored nails on Max's chest. "Whose this tiger?"

"He was going to be my husband, remember?"

"You mean that blind bastard who left you at the altar?" Gloria sneered.

"Blind Bastard?" Max sounds amused.

"Sorry, I meant the piece of shit." Gloria purred at Max. "You rejected my niece yet you didn't screw my daughter."

"Aunt Gu-Floria!" I sound horrified.

"Well he was single, my daughter always get's your sloppy seconds Liz, what's wrong with Maxi million?"

"Listen Floria." Max smirked. "First, I'd prefer if you called me Max and second, I do not go after my exes cousins, sisters or any other female related to her. It's wrong on so many levels." Max replied with a polite tone.

"Why? She can spread her legs so wide, you'd get lost in her."

Max's face looked like he was going to be sick.

"Listen we came here to eat, not be sick." I slipped my hand in Max's. "Can you excuse us?"

Max thanked me as we walked away but my aunt had to have the final say. I really hate that woman. "Oh my daughter! She's the short blonde one who looks like a mink, she's called Tess! Hope you enjoy her Max!"

"Is she always like this?" Max asked.

"Always. She's a shameless slut." I replied and sat him down at an empty table.

"I feel for you." Max responded with empathy.

"Since we're here alone, I was wondering if you're up for know special treatment?" Max wiggled his eyebrows.

I felt the ache grow between my thighs. "Oh Max...if you want to, I mean...What the hell!" I yelped, something had touched my feet underneath the table.

"What is it?"

A couple just climb up from under the table and I am shocked to see who the guy is. "Micheal? Micheal Guerin?"

He looked at me like a deer caught in the headlights.

The female he'd been with glared at Max. "Fancy seeing you here you playboy." She sneered.

"What the hell were you doing down there..." I ask but then realise it's best not to know. "Actually don't tell me."

"Wow." Max huffed at the woman. "I didn't know you were the type to get down and dirty."

"At least it's with my boyfriend." She snapped and fixed her hair.

"Well at least I'm with my wife." Max gave her a proud smile.


"Guys this is my girlfriend Maria, we met two months ago." Micheal flashed me a look of guilt.

"And you tell me this now?" I asked Micheal.

"I'm sorry, you're so busy with Max-" Instead of being able to finish his line, Max decided to intervene.

"I was wondering whose lacy underwear I found hidden under the sofa."

"You found her stuff in our house?"

"Well, you do fuck like bunnies don't you?" Max winked at Maria and Micheal.


"And you finished all my Viagra tablets." Max looked at Micheal square in the face.

Maria introduced herself to us, I have to claim that I like how confident she is. Never once did she blush in our shameful conversation. She was quite an interesting person.

Max seemed to mind me and Maria laughing together. "This doofus.." Maria gestured towards Max. "Fucked every bitch that ever walked into my club including my stupid bitch cousin."

"Thanks, I needed to hear that." I sniggered, looking directly at Max.

Max shrugged. "A guy's gotta do what a guy's gotta do."

"Yeah I'm with you man."

Micheal laughed with a mouthful of strawberry tart stuffed in his cakehole. Guys.

Always laughing over stupid things.

"You better be a one woman man otherwise I'm gunna cut your balls off." Maria glared at Micheal who stopped his laughter.

"Pussy whipped!" Max laughed at Micheal.

Micheal shot a glare at Max. "Least I'm not the one in cuffs. I've had sex in the last six months. You couldn't even get a hand job let alone full on sex in the past six months."

"If you don't be careful, you'll be the next one in handcuffs Micheal." Maria warned him.

"Now whose pussy whipped?" Micheal snorted.

"Right that's it, you and me in the girl's room. I'm going to punish you." Maria grabbed Micheal by the ear.

"Ahhh Maria!" Micheal hissed.

Maria dragged Micheal away which left me alone at the table with Max. "Ahh peace at last." Max smiled, and took a bite out of his butter croissant. "Those two are like spontaneous combustion."

"I have to agree."

Want to, but I can’t help it
I love the way it feels,
It’s got me stuck between my fantasy and what is real
I need it when I want it, I want it when I don’t
Tell myself I’ll stop everyday, knowin’ that I won't

Wiping my face with the napkin, I nod my head sideward’s and sing the lyrics. "I love this song so much."

"Wanna dance?" Max wiped his mouth and fingers.

"Are you sure? Cuz no one else is dancing."

Is Max Evans crazy? This was no place for dancing. I didn't like attracting attention to myself at all.

"Come on." Max pulled my hand and had already gotten me off the seat. "It'll be our own dance."

"Hmm I dunno..."

"Trust me Liz, this will be one of the most best moments of your life."

And I am putty in Max's hands because I let him do what he wants this time.

Max twirled me around and kissed my lips briefly before twirling me again.

I am possessed completely when I see others staring at us like what the hell were we doing?

But I didn't care.

If this was going to be one of the best moments of my life, then I'd take Max's word for it.

I got a problem and I don’t know what to do about it
Even if I did, I don’t know if I would quit but I doubt it
I’m taken by the thought of it, and I know this much is true
Baby, you have become my addiction, I’m so strung out on you
I can barely move but I like it

And it’s all because of you
And it’s all because of you
And it’s all because of you
And it’s all because…
Never get enough,
She’s the sweetest drug

Think of it every second
I can't get nothing done,
Only concern is the next time, I’m gonna get me some
Know I should stay away from, cause it's no good for me
I try and try but my obsession wont let me leave
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Re: Game On (AU, M/L, Adult) 8/14/09 Chpt 8 p.9

Post by Hunter »

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destiny- Oh it was one of those guy things, some of them are so competitive. Esp Max. It just slipped out of his mouth.

A/N: Reference to a part in Cosmopolitan is used

Chapter 8

Max's POV

I like Liz Parker.

I really do.

Before, I didn't really pay attention. I sort of lost touch with reality and became a jerk.

I didn't notice the small things about Liz.

But I'm starting to now.

Like how the scent of strawberries really compliments her, actually any nice fruity smell does but I'm used to the strawberry scent on Liz. It suits her.

And I like the glossy hair of hers, unlike the girls I've been with...Liz's hair is extensions free and I love putting my fingers through them.

Okay that's all the physical stuff. Of course Liz is a pretty looking girl.

She's smart, funny and I really like her humor.

Anyway, onto the more important stuff.

I've been digging into Liz's things. I've not only looked in her lingerie draw but I looked under her bed and in the closet. I found photos of us two together. I really made an impact on Liz. She doesn't have a shrine of me but she kept all our things.

I just feel like a jerk for using her.

I never really understood love. It didn't bother me. I just lived for the moment.

These past six months with Liz had made me think about my life. Where do I see myself in 50 years? Although it does sound tempting, I do not want to be an old man with young girls old enough to be my great granddaughters. I'm not that person.

Sex is great and I love it.

But I haven't had the pleasure in six freakin' months. I think I might have forgotten how it felt like to be inside a woman. Liz isn't lending a hand.

I'm focusing on more important things here. I need to know how Liz thinks, I need to know how she feels and most importantly I need to know if I can make up for hurting her.

Liz is in the bath right now. I'm so tempted to join her but that would just end up me getting handcuffed again so like a good little boy, I lay back on the bed and pretend I'm reading a magazine.

It's a woman's magazine.

I hope they have a picture of boobs in there. Page fourteen has a figure of a naked man and a naked lady in a sex position. I frowned and narrowed my eyes at the picture.

"The amazing butterfly?"

The woman is on some table with her legs on the guy's shoulders as his cock is probably inside her. He's standing between them legs of hers. Lucky bastard.

I imagine it's me pounding into Liz like that. The position is already making me hard. If anyone mentions doggy style, a guy gets hard. If anyone says cowgirl, a guy get's hard. Now this position, this awfully painful and arousing position is making me reaaally hard, off the hook kind of hard. I mean it. I can just picture Liz beneath me on the table with her boobs jumping up and down as I take her over and over again like this picture.

Oh god.

The desire written across her face as she rides those waves of pleasure with me...oh fucking god.

"The pelvic tilt gives his penis full access to your vagina and builds in more fluttery friction for both of you. When done very slowly, it's completely dreamlike. The result? An orgasm that feels like you're flying...." I repeated from the magazine and then snorted. "Flying? yeah right."

The exaggeration they put in women's magazines could pass for stand up comedy. It really could.

"You know it can actually feel that way Max."

I snap my eyes up at the doorway of the bathroom and see Liz standing there in nothing but a silk robe which clung to her wet curves. I lick my lips as I rest my eyes on her hardened nipples.

"Looks like someone's already has."

Liz follows my gaze down to her breasts and blushes. Did I mention, I love it when she blushes?
It's just something I've grown fond of.

Liz doesn't say anything but I do. "Tell me Liz, are you wearing anything underneath that thin robe of yours?" I tease and wiggle my eyebrows at her.

Liz's eyelashes lifts up to reveal those big brown eyes. "Hmmm maybe." She shrugs, already toying with the edge of her belt.

She loves doing this to me.

Teasing me and getting me burned in heat.

"Lizzz." My growl reminds me how much needy I am.

I can't endure this, I'll die.

"What's the matter Max? Is it too hot in here?" Liz tugs at her belt, allowing the robe to completely open. My mouth is dry and my tongue is hanging out.

That has to be the most sexiest thing I've ever seen.

Liz is wearing those lacy things, it's deep red and black. Damn, it's hot. I just needed that right now.

She pushes off the robe and slides her hands down her curves, she also rubs her thighs together. "Hmmmm Max, I feel soo goood."

"Uh-uh..." I nod like an idiot with his pants down his ankles; watching Liz strut towards me, I just keep still and breathe very hard.

"I bet you wanna know me." She craws on the bed on all fours. "I bet you want to love pump me."

Okay, she's done it, she said the LP word and now there's no going back. Yes, men seem to have no interest in words but actually dirty talk turns us on. Even with words that woman may have made up. If dirty talk is a part of the foreplay then we're going to get laid.

"I want you to taste the fuck muscle." I grab her close to me and press my lips against hers.

Liz moans and I flip us so Liz was underneath me.

I don't remember how her bra was removed but I do remember sucking her nipples. I'm doing it
now. "Maax..." Liz grabs a fistful of my hair, urging me to keep sucking.

"Oh..hmmmmm..." Liz is clearly enjoying this.

Time for the next move.

I slide my hand past her breast, stomach and thigh before dipping my fingers into her panties. They find her heat. I've taken my feed of her before. I shudder with anticipation too as my fingers push into her with ease.

"Urghhh." Liz's eyes roll back in pleasure as I begin pushing my two fingers in and out of her; my thumb adds to the pressure on her clit and I know she likes it rough.

Liz bucks as she finds her release and then I rip off her panties.

I . See. Her. For the first time.

Liz has never been completely naked and so vulnerable in my arms before.

I'm smiling with glee.


A home run.

But before I know it, Liz is tugging at my clothes so I just toss them off so I'm equally as naked at she is. The sight of her wet hair fanning my pillow while she lay beneath me all naked almost made me cum.

But the thought of being inside her kept me sane. I need to know what it feels like.

"Liz..." I grab hold of my shaft. "Are you ready?"

Liz nods quickly and looks at the magazine which is sitting beside us on the bed. "Let's do it that way Max."

I smiled and complied. I am grateful that this bed is fairly high so I can enter Liz easily. Liz lifts her legs up and hooks them onto my hard shoulders.

I then remember something important. "Shit, condoms."

Liz reaches under the pillow and tosses a small foil package at me. "Here, I keep this as a precaution." She told me.

I raise my eyebrow at her in surprise.

Lizzie Parker did come prepared.

I tear the package, slip on the rubber and guide myself to her.

Liz closes her eyes, waiting for me to finally come inside her.

I close my eyes and imagine a fantasy of Liz and I.

I really hope I can satisfy her. I think I care if she enjoys me.

I pray that she does.
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Re: Game On (AU, M/L, Adult) 8/29/09 Chpt 9 p.10

Post by Hunter »

Thanks for the fb everyone!


Chapter Nine

Liz's POV


This feels so good, like heaven. I'm in an erotic bliss and I never want it to fade away. I feel so good and hot. Max is making me fall apart. Who knew he was a real people pleaser?

Oh, Oh god, I think I feel it.

"Yes!Maaax!!" I thrust my own hips up to meet us, trying to satiate my pleasure in a frenzy.

God, this does feel so damn good.

"Urghh." Max moans and I know he just came which turns me on even more.

Max buries his face in my neck and thrusts a couple of times more just to make sure that I'm fully sated.

When I moan in pleasure and tighten around him, he knows and slows down before falling still.

I cautiously rub his sides and nuzzle his forehead. "That was amazing."

And the great part is...that he's still in me. I can feel him.

Max removes his face from my neck before taking himself out of me. I suddenly feel cold and empty. "Sorry, I just got so caught up in the moment." Max lay next to me. "I never meant to take over."

I nod. "It's okay. I really needed the clitoral stimulation and this is the best way I can get it apparently." I confess.

Personally I was not a fan of self pleasure. I really needed Max to give me the pleasure I craved for. And it worked perfectly.

"So that means I'm still your sex slave." He wiggles his eyebrows before rising up to remove the used condom to throw it in the trash.

"Yeah of course."

Max heads for the bathroom and I lay naked in my bed, thinking if I had done the right thing. I certainly got my pleasure but would it teach Max some empathy. I turn to my side and curled up in a foetal position.

When Max was done in the bathroom, I wrap a sheet over my body and head for the bathroom to freshen up.

Once I return, Max is still naked but is still wide awake. "Hey." He smiles at me.

I smoothen the wrinkles out of my nightgown and return the sheet to the bed. "Hey to you to." I force a smile and join him on the bed.

We both lie there in silence.

I'm twiddling with my thumbs and he is whistling.

"So Liz...clit stimuli....something tells me that you have a little trouble in that depart." Max says, not meeting my eyes.

"Unlike men, I cannot stimulate myself to have intensifying pleasure. It's hard for me to have a small orgasm. I just can't seem to pleasure myself." I blush.

"But what about those sex toys?" The tone in Max's voice changes. It's a little raised and I can tell he's curious.

"Threw them away. I....let's just forget the toys, they're not important."

"My cock is better that's why." Max grins

"Urgh, I'll believe that if you teach me to know how to pleasure myself." I roll my eyes. "You may be big." I turned my eyes to him to meet his. "But I've seen bigger." I challenge, knowing that this would piss off any guy. Or most of them anyway.

Plus a little white lie won't kill anyone would it?

Max turns on his side and raised an eyebrow to match his amused smile. "Oh really?"

"Really." I nod seriously.

"Right." Max nods.

He suddenly gets’s up, goes to the drawer and pulls out another condom. I begin to laugh. "You're not serious are you?"

He doesn't say a word and slips on the condom. He lays back and pulls me on top of him. "I'll show you big and pleasure." He mumbles

"Max-What!" I protest but I cut myself off with a deep moan as his cock penetrates me.

God, this guy get's hard so fast.

I do wonder how many cases of blue balls I actually gave him.

Max grips my hips and raises me up and down his shaft. "So tight..." Max grunted when he helped himself back into me. "And slick."

I close my eyes and feel myself get more wet by the sound of his sultry voice. I love the sound of his voice.
"Are you close?" He whispers

I shut my eyes and focus.

It's really hard for me to orgasm.


I just move up and down, trying to find my release. "Liz...I'm not gunna cum if you don't." Max warns and then releases my hips. "We could do this all day. You need to find your pleasure by yourself."

"But I thought you were gunna help me" I panick, almost stopping my movements.

"I am. It's my penis you're riding."

"Urgh!" I lift myself up and slam back down on him.

All I feel is his hardness. I know I'm wet but I just can't get the pleasure I want.

"Max.." I beg after a couple of minutes.

I can't do this by myself.

It's SOS for me.

"Please help me." I beg again, wishing he would just flip us over and do me already.

"No." Max shakes his head. "You're going to come again."

I lean forward and to my surprise, I like this new angle. Grabbing Max's shoulders, I rub my clit at the same time I take him back inside again. It feels really good.

"God Liz, the things you do to me." Max croaks, shutting his eyes in bliss.

I move in a circular motion and do just about every move that stimulated me. After a few seconds, I was forced to find new ways and then switched back to the old ways.

By now beads of sweat rolled down my temple. "Maxx." I call through gritted teeth.

"Come on Liz, Faster!" Max orders.

He can talk. He's doing absolutely nothing.


He's just sitting with his hands underneath his head and relaxes while I do all the hard work. "Urghh."

"Put your back into it Liz."

My eyes could actually shoot fire at this moment, I'm at breaking point and just one more push takes me to the edge. "Urghhh!" I throw my head back, my eyes fall back as I ride out the pleasure.

Max hisses my name.

For a few second I just have my eyes closed, feeling the pleasure ripple throughout me. I savor this moment, my hard work was not fruitless.

Opening my eyes, I look at Max whose eyes flash with desire.

Clearly he enjoyed that.

Max's tight lips curls into a naughty smile. "Now let me really be your sex slave Liz." He winks.

I swallow.

Somehow I get the feeling that there will be lots of pleasure to suffer from.

And it's not gunna be easy.