Spiritual Awakening (UC,K/A,Adult) 1/1 *complete* 7/11/09

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Obsessed Roswellian
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Spiritual Awakening (UC,K/A,Adult) 1/1 *complete* 7/11/09

Post by jake17 »

thank you dreamer19 for this amazing banner!

Title: Spiritual Awakening
Author: jake17
Rating: Adult
Pairing: K/A
Disclaimer: I do not own anything Roswell
Summary: After spending an unexpected passionate night together Kyle takes off after Ava refusing to let her disappear from his life.
Author’s note: This story is a one-part sequel to Spiritual Healing
http://www.roswellfanatics.net/viewtopi ... 91a98c4db9
It must be read to understand this story.
I wrote this in honor of my wonderful friend darkmoon.
Sweetie you are truly one of a kind. Special in everyway and I am so lucky to have you in my life.
Thank you for everything.
Everyone please keep in mind I hardly ever write the characters of Kyle and Ava, so please be kind. D. I hope so much you like this. I Love you! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Standing in the middle of the intersection holding the note that suddenly meant everything to him Kyle’s head spun with confusion.

Looking around all he could see were flannel clad fisherman preparing for the day’s catch.

Nowhere was the petite blonde that ignited his heart in ways he didn’t think was possible.

Aimlessly he wandered down the busy main street his eyes catching everyone who walked by him.

Panic began to take over at the thought of never seeing her again.

Needing to catch his breath and focus Kyle stepped into an alleyway. Closing his eyes he rested his head against the cool brick behind him and attempted to slow his racing heart.

Picturing her jeweled bright eyes in his mind he started to feel a strange warm sensation flaming his skin.

It started at his fingertips and slowly made it’s way embracing every muscle and tissue in his tight athletic body.

“You need to stop doing this.”

Snapping out of his Zen like daze he was once again gazing down at her porcelain skin that had been brought to a rosy glow from the autumn cool breeze.

Turning on her heel she threw her large duffle bag over her shoulder and made her way back down the alley to the parking lot hidden by the many souvenir shops.

Kyle caught up with her just as she was closing the trunk of the old black impala she had recently borrowed.

“Wait …what? I don’t understand why are you leaving? And what does this note mean…one last night? Are you in danger?”

Keeping her back to him she hung her head in obvious distress and whispered quietly.

“You ask too many questions.”

Ava waved her hand over the door handle as she quickly glanced up at the reflection of his bewildered face in the window.

“Please just let it go Kyle…just stop.”

Catching the door just in time before it closed he knelt down holding the crumpled note in his hand.

“Ok I’ve just about had it with the whole keep the humans in the dark so we can remain mysterious and elusive crap.”


“And why do you keep telling me to stop? You’re the one who found me in the bar last night and in the ally just now. So it would seem it’s you that is perusing this.”

Ava let out a big sigh and wearily rested her head in her hands letting her blonde bob cascade over her fingers.

“I thought you knew… obviously you don’t.”

Narrowing his eyes he searched his mind to try and figure out her riddled sentence.

Shaking his head in frustration he gently touched her shoulder and rubbed her arm urging her to let him in.

“Move over.”

Ava hesitated for a minute then complied shifting her gaze out the passenger window and away from him.

“What am I supposed to know?”

Biting the last of her nails Ava thought for a moment then turned towards him. There was no easy way of saying it and she was too tired to be empathetic.

“Max healed you, which means you now have powers. Welcome to the world of the mysterious elusive aliens.”

Touching the spot on his chest that was once a hole of splintered bone and bloody torn tissue Kyle looked back at her with a solemn expression.

“You mean-

“I mean you now possess certain abilities, it seems that yours is connected to who you are or more likely who you’ve become.”

“Ok for everyone who is not you …say that again.”

Ava took her hand and placed it over his heart and stared deep into his eyes.

“You feel and see and live by your heart now Kyle. This religion or whatever you’ve found has focused your powers on healing people.”

“Like Max?”

“No not like Max …while Max can heal broken bones and tissue you heal in a spiritual way. People are drawn to you …people who are in …need of –

Ava closed her eyes and let the side of her head rest against the clouded glass. She winced as she divulged the real reason why she was at the bar last night.

“I needed you last night…I could feel you from miles away."

The more she spoke to him the more she could feel him reaching out to her…his pull was overwhelming, it radiated from him like the hot rays of the sun. It warmed her heart and calmed her edgy nerves.

She was aware that he was oblivious to the affect he was having on her but it didn’t change her mind. This was unsafe …being around her was too risky.

Sitting back and averting her eyes to the orange cat outside the brick wall she whispered.

“But you need to stop now. I can’t have you with me …it’s too …dangerous.”

“I can handle danger Ava.”

“Not this kind.”

Rolling his eyes he waved his hands around in frustration, his voice rose as his words fell quickly from his mouth.

“Have you just joined us here Ava? Bullets flying, FBI kidnapping, Skins attacking …if I wasn’t in constant peril this wouldn’t be my life.”

“You don’t want what I’m bringing Kyle.”

Gently sliding his hand under her chin he turned her to face him and leaned in slowly.

“I want you.”

Her violet eyes locked into his as she drifted helplessly slowly against his lips like a boat clinging to the shore.

Their kiss was tender and full of need. Droplets of her tears wavered on the ends of her long eyelashes as she broke their embrace and stared down at the seat between them.

“I can’t protect you.”

Stroking her blonde hair away from her face he softly whispered as he placed small kissed across her wet cheek.

“Protect me from who?”

“They're after me now. It’s only a matter of time. I keep erasing my trail but I can feel them coming…they keep coming Kyle.”

Pulling her close he rested his chin on her head.

“Who? Who is coming Ava?”

“Rath and Lonnie… I know things…things that could forever change their future.”

“What are you talking about?”

Suddenly Ava lifted her head and squeezed her eyes shut.

“Fuck, it’s too late, they’re here!”

Turning towards him she begged him to listen.

“Kyle they want me dead, I have to run. I’m sorry but this is where we have to say goodbye. Go back to your life in Roswell, forget about me.”

Kyle slid behind the wheel and began looking for the keys.

Ava slammed her hand down on the dashboard in front of him grabbing his attention.

“What are you doing?”

He looked over at her with a resolved expression.

“I guess you have to do the honors, I can't find them.”

Ava looked fearfully out each window as she leaned over and opened the driver’s door.

“This isn’t a joke Kyle, they killed Zan, they know I know, they’re going to do the same thing to you if you don’t get out of here!”

Closing the door he turned to her and captured her tiny face in his hands.

“If you think I’m going to let you do this alone you're crazy. I have no life back in Roswell Ava. I have nothing to go back to. Being with you …loving you is the first time I’ve ever felt alive …really alive. I’m coming with you.”


Cutting her off he slammed his mouth down on hers forcing a soft moan from her throat.

Shivering under her puffy lips he deepened their kiss as his hands laced threw her blond tendrils pulling her head back.

Panting breathlessly he tilted his head as his eyes drifted past her graceful neck to the skin above her breasts that were shimmering with light.


Ava licked her lips as she pushed him back against the seat and straddled his lap. Quickly she worked the buckle of his belt as her eyes scanned the back alley around them.

She brushed her lips against his ear before pulling her skirt up past her thighs and plunging down upon him in a long raspy groan.


Grabbing her ass he helped her find a hurried rhythm as she passionately rode him.

There was no time for gentle caresses or heartfelt sentiment.

Their need was powerful… urgent …time was against them.

Ava closed her eyes and arched her back as Kyle pulled at her shirt kissing whatever skin he could find.

Within minutes she collapsed upon him quivering as she whispered his name.

A sweet grin appeared on his face as he helped her to the seat next to him and fixed his pants.

“What is it?”

Kyle pulled the keys out from under the seat cushion and stuck them into the ignition.

“Alien remember? Mysterious and elusive.”

She rested her hand on his as he shifted the car in drive.

“Kyle are you sure?”

“Whatever happens …I’m staying with you Ava.”

Grasping onto the back of the seat she glared through the rear window.


Closing her eyes she did her best to mindwarp Lonnie and Rath as they turned the corner.


Dust billowed behind them as they took off down Main Street and onto the interstate into an unknown future.

Looking quietly at each other Kyle took her hand.

“It’s going to be ok.”

And for once in her tragic life she believed him, because no matter what happened she wouldn’t be facing it alone.

And for now that was enough.

~the end~

"Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love."

Hamlet, by William Shakespeare