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The neverending preparation (M&M Child) Part 1/1 Jul 12 2009

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 12:30 pm
by somewhere87
Title: The neverending preparation
Disclaimer: I don't own the rights to Roswell
Couple: Maria/Michael
Rating: Child.
Summary: A couple of years after Graduaiton, Michael as a over(overoverx2000) protective father
1. I got this idea while watching a commercial on the tv.
2. Sorry for any spelling errors, I’m a blonde, I’m a swede & I am tired.

”Hold on sweetie, just me strap this thing on!”
“Daddy, I wanna go!
“I know I know, just two seconds”
Michael Guerin made sure the helmet was on, so his little girl wouldn’t hurt her head if she fell.

The little blonde, brown-eyed girl looked up at his father with a tired expression, he wasn’t listing to her!

She narrowed her eyes as she remebed what her mommy always did whenever she and daddy fought, she took a deep breath and rolled her eyes in a exaggerated way, it looked a lot eaisier when her mom did it!

“Dad I wanna go already!” she exclaimed as they stood infront of their house
“I know I know, I just want to make sure it’s all safe”
Her dad mumbled as if he wasn’t really listing to her, she hated when he did that. S
he slumped down clumpsy on the lawn and rested her head on her hands. Her head felt heavier than usual. Suddenly she had an idea, it was almost as lightbulb turned on over head…or helmet. She stood up again and walked over to her dad.

“Dad come on! I want to go already, I have been waiting for an hour” she whined, deciding to give him one more chance. She thought she had succseded when he finally looked at her.
His eyes suddenly widened, almost as if a lightbulb had to been turned on over his head as well.

“Oh god, how could I forget! Just wait here Amy, and don’t touch it!”
Amy watched as her dad almost ran into the garage only to come out two minutes later, his arms filled with pillows and other stuff. It was her turn to have widened eyes as he crouched down in front of her and pulled out a rope. Five minutes later her dad stood up again and looked down at her with a approving smile. Amy didn’t return the smile, instead she looked sour before a small smirk apperad on her little mouth.

She screamed as loud as she could and loved how slightly scared her dad looked, two seconds later Maria Guerin appeared on the porch taking in the sight of her husband and five year daughter. She could barley see her daughter tough, on her blonde head there were a big helmet, almost covering her eyes. On her upperbody there were to pillows strapped togheter with what seemed a old rope. On her skinny legs it looked like Michael had strapped on the elbow pads he used whenever he played hockey.

“Michael, what are you doing?” She asked with a sigh (and a small smile playing on her lips) as she crouched down infront their daughter and started undoing the ropes. She didn’t let me answer as she quickly removed the elbow pads and patted Amy on her back and gave her a kiss on her forehead.

“Of you go sweetie, have fun with Alexandra and Jessie” She stood up and smiled as Amy quickly ran to her bike and rolled it down the driveway, before turning to her husband.

“Michael, she could barley take a step with all that stuff on her”
“I just wanted her to be safe”
Michael whisperd looking down on his shoes, he met her eyes as she let her hands rest on his waist.

“Oh I know spaceboy, but she know how to cycle”
“Yeah, but this is the first time she’s doing it on her own”
“Michael she’ll be fine, and you know what? She is a kid, hell she’s our kid she will fall sometimes and get hurt, but when she does she will always have her daddy to pick her up”
“I know, I know”
“And hey look at it this way, soon you will have a new child to teach how to cycle”
Michael suddenly smiled and rubbed her slighty swollen belly, before letting his arm rest around her shoulders as they watched their daughter ride her bicycle across the street.

The End!