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All stories end (M/M - Teen) Ch 1/1 - 7/23-2009

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 6:22 am
by somewhere87
Title: All Stories End
Summary: Hmm, nah i can't come up with anything good...
Couple: M&M, tough focus on Michael
Rating: TEEN
Warning: Charchter death *quickly jumpes down to avoid things getting thrown at me"
Disclamer: I don't own Michael or Maria or their entire amazing lovestory, all of it belong to Melinda, katims and so on
A/N: 1) This old cute man who walkes around town everyday picking up flowers gave me the idea
2) Sorry for any spelling errors.

The young couple smiled as they wrapped their arms even tighter around each other and looked over the sea, they were happy. It was summer; the sun warmed their bodies just as warm as their hearts warmed each other. The young man stared down at his beautiful blonde girlfriend no…his fiancée. His brown eyes met her green eyes as he lowered his lips to meet hers. It was just after dinner and they had decided to take a walk after enjoying a big dinner on the local restaurant in the small village where they spend their summer just by the sea. As they walked back towards the small house where they lived they saw an old man slowly walking in their direction, he stopped here and there and picked up a flower. They smiled politely as they neared him that was something they loved about the small community, there weren’t a lot of people, so wherever they walked people smiled, waved and said hi.

“Good evening” the young woman smiled as they stopped in front of the old man where he stood and inspected the ocean view.
“Hello” he smiled back and looked at them with more interest, almost as if he were seeing their inside
“Beautiful evening isn’t it?” he said as the couple leaned in against each other, they both nodded and smiled. His eyes drifted to their intertwined hands and his old eyes warmed up more and he met their eyes once again.
“Oh you must be the young couple that got engaged at the restaurant earlier” he smiled at their confused smiles “Word travels fast around here, especially if something happens at that place”
“I see” the young man smiled and nodded “yes, this woman made me the world’s happiest man about 3 hours ago”.
The older man smiled at the young girl’s blush and his eyes drifted to the bouquet in his hands and back to her.
“Well I may not know a lot of young love today but I do know they every newly engaged woman needs flowers in her hand” and he stretched out his hand to give her the flowers in his hand.
“Oh no, no I couldn’t...” the woman started
“Oh yes, yes you could. Now hopefully you will only be newly engaged once and on that day you should have flowers, now take them please”
His eyes almost pleaded with her and she couldn’t say no to the old man so she accepted them and leaned up to give a small kiss on the cheek.
“Now, I know you two don’t want to spend the first day of the rest of your life with a old man like myself, so I am going to continue my walk” he smiled and said good night and walked past them.

Almost an hour later the door opened to the red house and the old man walked inside and took of his jacket and put his walking stick away. He put on some coffee and quickly lighted a fire the in the fireplace, even tough it was summer he often felt cold and liked the smell of burned wood that spread in the room. He walked up to the over the fireplace and smiled at the photo placed on the mantle place. Gently he ran his thumb along the face staring back at him.

“Hi there, I’m sorry I didn’t bring you any new flowers today but I think you think it’s all right that I gave them anyway. I’ll bring you an extra big bouquet tomorrow, I promise…promise” He smiled sadly and felt the familiar ache in his heart.

He had lost her four years ago, and before that they had a amazing beautiful life together, creating a love story they often had told their children about, grandchildren and now even grand grandchildren, tough that time he had been forced to tell it by himself.

He had held the small baby in his arms telling her about the day his life had changed because of a blonde green eyed girl coming into his life. Later after he had finished his coffee and watch the fire almost drifted off he sat in his armchair, holding the picture close to his heart and he felt his eyelids getting heavy, he slowly closed them and a light appeared in front of him, but in that light he saw something move, someone move. He squinted his old eyes in hope that he would see better. Suddenly he heard a voice, a voice he knew all to well. He turned around, wanting desperately to find the source of the voice and then, just like that, she stood there. Her brilliant smile, her green eyes almost glittering like green emeralds.

“Hi spaceboy” she reached out her hand and without a thought he accepted it and followed her as they walked together into the light.

The end