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Princess Of Antar{CC, Mature} Complete 4/6

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 10:36 am
by L-J-L 76

Princess Of Antar
Author: L-J-L 76
M/L, M/M, I/A, K/T
Rating: Mature
Disclaimer:I don't own roswell or the charaters. I only own the queen and people on Antar, ghost and 3 people that will be in the story later on.
Author's Note:
Hey everyone this is my first try at posting an alien story. So please don't be mean. Please let me know what you think. I also wanted everyone to know later on there will be music in the story. I want to say thank you so much to roswellian117! you rock roswellian 117!I hope everyone likes this! Ken you are the Best for making me the banner. Ken you rock too!
Everything in the show happened except for Max and Tess didn't sleep together. There is no baby. And Alex is a live and well. Tess is with Kyle. Max and Liz are married and with their friends on the run. But what happens when a couple of strangers come and take Liz away? And she goes willingly with them.

Chapter 1:
The story starts when Max, Liz and friends are at a motel. It was Liz and Max's honeymoon. After Max and Liz slept together Max left to go on the others. While Liz slept Max was gone. The phone rings and Liz reaches for it and put the phone to her ear.

"Hello" Liz said.

"Liz this is Larek. I need your help. Can you please come and meet me?" Larek asked.

"Who is this? Wait did you just say Larek?" Liz asked.

"Yes this is larek. Can you please meet with me? I need your help," Larek said.

"Where do you want to meet? Wait shouldn't you be talking to Max?" Liz asked.

"No. I need your help only. I'll meet you outside your motel room. just please be outside in 20 minutes," Larek said.

"Ok. Larek what is going on?" Liz asked.

"I'll tell you when I see you," Larek said.

"Ok. See you in a few minutes," Liz said.

Liz sat up and started to get dressed. Liz put on a pair of jeans and a blue t-shirt. Liz put on her white tennis shoes. Liz walked up to the desk in the room and wrote Max a letter.

Liz wrote:
Dear Max
I'm sorry to leave you but I need to do something. I don't know where I'm going or where I will be. But don't worry everything will be fine and safe. I want you to remember I love you and I will always love you. I will miss you so very much. Please tellour friends I'll miss them and love them? Please please stay together and be safe. Please please tell our friends I love them and I will miss them? I'll call you when it is safe and before
I come back to you my love. I love you all. Please stay together and be safe.
Liz Evans

After Liz wrote the letter she walked up to the bed and set thr letter on the bed where Max and friends could see it. Liz turned and walked towards the door. Liz opened the door and walked out. She looked left and right and idn't see anyone. Liz started to walk. She kept walking and walking til she was a few feet away. When she was afew feet away that is when she saw a man and a woman appeared and stood infront of Liz. All three of them looked at eachother.

"Who are you? And what do you want from me?" Liz asked.

"It's me Larek and this is my wife Serena. Liz we need your help. Are you ready to go?" Lark asked.

"Did you just say Serena? What do you need my help with? Where are we going?"Liz asked.

"Yes my name is Serena why? Serena asked.

"I was told we would be friends one day," Liz said.

"Liz we're going to Antar. We need your help. Will you please come with us and help us?" Larek asked.

Liz looked at Larek then turned and looked at the motel. Then she turned and looked at Larek.

"Yes, I'm ready. What are you going to tell Max and the others?" Liz asked.

"Don't worry about it. I'll tell them something. We need to leave now," Larek said.

"Why? What is going on?" Liz asked.

"Don't worry about it. Hold hands and close your eyes," Larek said.

Right at that moment Liz turned and saw Max, Maria, Michael and Isabel talking. Liz watched as Max and the others turned and looked at them.

Max, Maria, Michael and Isabel turned and saw two people standing next to Liz. Max was about to walk up to them when they vanihed. Max walked up to where they were standing and saw nothing. Max walked up to Maria, Michael and Isabel. They all looked at each other.

"What happened?" Michael asked.

"They're gone. Whoever they are they took Liz with them," Max said.

"Let's go to the room and see what we can find out," Isabel said.

"Yeah, maybe there is a clue there. Lets go check," Maria said.

Max, Maria, Michael and Isabel all walked to the room and walked in. When they walked in they saw that the room was cleaned. Max walked up to the bed and that is when he saw a letter. Max picked up the letter and began to read it. After Max read the note he sat down.

"What?" Maria asked.

"Read this," Max said.

Max handed Maria the letter. Maria looked at Max then she started to read the letter. After she read the letter she handed it to Michael and Isabel. After they read the letter they all looked at each other.

"What? where did she go?" Maria asked.

"Who knows," Michael said.

"What do we do now Max?" Isabel asked.

"I want to find out who those people were with Liz and where they took Liz?" Max said.

"How do we find out?"Maria sked.

"I'll dream walk Liz and see what I can find out," Isabel said.

"Ok. Then we got a plan. Isabel you stay here. Michael and Maria go and get everyone. We need to find out what is going on?" Max said.

"We'll be back in 10 minutes," Michael said.

Michael and Maria walked out of the door and started to knock on the doors of their friends rooms. When everyone opened the door they all saw Michael and Maria.

"What is going on?" Kyle asked

"We need to all meet in Max's room. Something went wrong?" Maria said.

"What happened?" Tess asked.

"Max needs all of us to meet him in his room," Maria said.

Kyle turned and looked at Michael. Michael was standing there saying nothing.

"Do you know what is going on?" Kyle asked.

"You'll find out when you get to Max's room," Michael said.

Alex stood beside Maria. Maria turned and looked at Alex.

"Is everything ok?" Alex asked.

"You'll find out when you get to Max's room," Maria said.

Everyone walked out of their rooms and shut the door. They walked to Max's room and walked in. When they walked in they saw Isabel sitting on the end of the bed with Max. Everyone looked t Isabel and Max.

"What is going on?" Tess asked

"Where is Liz?" Alex asked.

"Liz is gone. We don't know where and who she left with. Isabel is going to try and dreamwalk Liz to find out where she is," Max said.

"What do you mean where she is? You don't know where she is," Kyle asked.

"We don't know where Liz is. We saw her leave with two people. That is all we know," Max said.
Authors Note:
Hey Everyone
I wanted to let you know I will be hopefully updating this story every saturday and thursday. I hope everyone will keep reading to find out what will happen next for Liz, Max and friends.

L-J-L 76

Re: Princess Of Antar{CC, Mature}Chapter 1 8/8

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 9:56 am
by L-J-L 76
Author's Note:
Hey everyone
Thank you so much for reading and for leaving feedback. I hope everyone will keep reading to find out what will happen next for Liz, Max and friends. I hope everyone will like chapter 2. I wanted to let everyone know I might not be on my computer for a couple of days. The reason why is because it is suppose to storm from tomorrow til saturday. I hope everyone can understand. I will hopefully be posting Chapter 4 on Monday August 24. And I will also hopefully be posting Chapter 14 to Romancing The Heart on Friday August 28.I hope everyone will check out both chapters.

Thank you so much for reading and for leaving feedback. I hope you will keep reading to find out what will happen next. Yes Larek and Serena are married. But there is a suprise connection between Liz and Serena. you'll find out what is it later in the story. And plus it is the reason why Larek and Serena want Liz to help them not Max. You will find out later what kind of help Liz will be able to do too. I hope that helps a little.
Chapter 2:
"Do you know who the twp people were with Liz?" Tess asked.

"No we don't. Isabel are you ready to try this?" Max asked.

"Yeah, lets try this," Isabel said.

Isbel laid down against the pillows and looked at Max. Max and friends looked at Isabel.

"I need a picture of Liz," Isabel said.

Max opened his wallet and pulled out a picture of him and Liz at prom. Max handed Isabel the picture. Isabel took the picture and laid back. Alex walked up to Isabel and sat next to her. Alex and Isabel both looked at each other and smiled. Isabel closed her eyes and started to think of Liz.

"Let me in Liz. Please Liz let me in," Isabel sid as she touched to picture.

In Dream plan:
Isabel looked around and saw that it was dark. Then all of a sudden there was a clearing. In the clearing Isabel saw Liz and two people dressed as prince and princesses. She watched as Liz turned and looked at her. Liz smiled and walked up to Isabel. When Liz and Isabel stood face to face. Liz looked like she was worried.

"Liz where are you?" Isabel asked.

"Sorry I can't tell you. Don't worry everything is fine. I'm safe," Liz said.

"Then why can't you tell me here you are," Isabel said.

"Isabel it is not safe," Liz said.

"Liz what is going on?" Isabel said.

"Sorry I can't tell you. I promise not to tell," Liz said.

'Who did you promise?" Isabel asked.

"I promised a couple of friends of ours," Liz said.

"Who are the friends?" Isabel asked.

"Larek and his wife Serena. They are being protective and are keeping me safe. So please don't worry," Liz said.

"Why can't you tell me?" Isabel said.

Liz was about to say something when a guy walked up to Liz and touched her on the shoulder. Liz turned and looked at the guy then turned and looked at Isabel.

"Liz it is time to go," Larek said.

"Who are you? And where are you taking Liz?" Isabel said.

"Isabel this is Larek. We need to go I'll see you soon. Tell Max and the others I love them and be safe. Bye Isabel," Liz said.

Liz and Larek pushed Isabel out of the dream plane and then they vanished.Isabel sat up as she woke up. She looked around and saw Max and the others looking at her.

"What did you find out?" Max asked.

"Liz is with Larek and his wife Serena. Liz won't tell me where she is," Isabel said.

"What did it look like where Liz was?" Tess asked.

"It was weird. Liz, Larek and Serena were dressed like prince and princesses. Liz was not scared or worried at her self at all," Isabel said.

"Did Liz say anything to you?" Max asked.

"She told me to tell you and everyone that ahe loves you and to be safe," Isabel said.

"Did she say anything eles?" Michael asked.

"No. Liz just said it was time to go. Max sorry she didn't say anything eles," Isabel said.

"That is ok. I just wish I knew where she is," Max said.

"Don't worry we will figure it out sooner or later," Kyle said.

"What do we do now? Do we stay here or do we leave?"Maria asked.

"Lets put it to a vote. We stay on the road and travel for a while or we go back to Roswell?" Alex said.

"Travel for a while," Max said.

"Travel for a while," Isabel said.

"Travel for a while," Michael said.

"I say Roswell," Maria said.

"Roswell," Kyle said.

"Travel for a while,"Tess said.

"Roswell," Alex said.

"It looks like we re going to travel for a while. But which way do we go?" Michael asked.

"Lets see all of the states we can. Start with California. And see where we go next,"Isabel said.

"OK," Max said.

"Max are you sure you really ok? I know you miss Liz. But do you really want to travel?" Tess asked.

"Yes. I need to make sure we're safe before we go home for good," Max said.

"How long are we going to be gone for?" Maria asked

"Well just have to wait and see. Lets get everything packed up and lets go," Max said

Everyone walked out the room and went to their rooms. Isabel and friends packed their things and they meet infront of Max's room. When they all meet they all walked to the van and got in.After everyone was in the van Michael started the van and drove off. As they were driving everyone was quiet.

As the days went by they went to different places and different states. Max kept worrying about Liz. He didn't know what was going on.

Meanwhile on Antar:
Larek was training Liz to fight like a man does. Liz was getting really good at the fighting. After Liz was finished fighting she have to learn how to be nd act like a princess. Larek and Serena had Liz meet Khavor and they knew how it would be.Liz would act nice and friendly to Khavor when they were around each other. But when they were alone Liz would try to get away from Khavir. Liz knew she had to play nice. Liz looked around and notice it had been 6 months since she had last seen her husband Max and friends.

One Night:
In dream plane:
Liz, Larek and Serena were all in the woods. They saw a clearing. They walked up to the clearing and looked around. Larek and Serena looked at Liz.

"Are you sure you want to know?" Serena asked.

"Yes let's do this," Liz said.

Liz closed her yes and thought of Max and friends. Then all of a sudden they were there with Liz, Larek and Serena. Liz opened her yeys and looked at Max and friends. Max and friends looked at the three people infront of them.

"Where are we? And who are you?" Michael asked.

Larek and Serena turned and looked at Liz. Liz looked at Max and friends.

"Hello Max," Liz said.

"Who are you?" Max asked.

Max turned and looked at Larek and Serena.

"Where is my wife?"Max asked.

"You need to calm down. Or we can't help you or tell you anything," Liz said.

Max turned and looked at the lady. The lady looked at Max.

"Who are you? And what do you know about us?" Max asked.

"I know a lot of things about you. All of you," Liz said.

"Tell us what you know," Michael said.

"Fine. I know somethings from Liz. Maria you confronted Liz. Saying it was not ketchup on her order form. She told you and ran out of the house screaming. Liz and Maria came up with a way to save Max, Isabel and Michael," Liz said.

Serena walked up to Liz and tapped her on the shoulder. Liz turned and looked at Serena.

"You have a lot of explaining to do," Serena said.

"Why?" Liz asked.

"You never told me how all of you became a group," Serena said

"You never asked," Liz said.

Re: Princess Of Antar{CC, Mature}Authors Note pg2 8/19

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 6:53 pm
by L-J-L 76
Chapter 3:
"Well I want to know when we get back," Serena said.

"Fine. But let me tell you it's not fun,"Liz said.

Liz turned and looked at Max and friends. Liz and Max looked at eachother. Liz walked up to Max. Liz leaned in and kissed Max like they did on their honey moon.After the kiss Liz pulled back and walked up to Larek, Serena. A few seconds later Max fell to the floor as he got the visions. Isabel, Michael and Tess ran up to Max and touched him. When they touched Max they saw every vision Max saw. After the visions were finished Max stood up and walked up to Liz. Max and Liz both looked at each other. Max grabbed Liz and pulled her tours him and hugged her. Liz cried as Max held Liz.

"What is going on?" Max asked.

"Max you can't know yet. We're planning something big. And it involves Khavoir," Liz said.

"Wait Khavoir is a live?" Isabel asked.

Liz turned and looked at Isabel, Michael and Tess. Isabel, Michael and Tess looked at Liz.

"Yes he is still alive. He is planing something. And we are trying to figure out what he has planned," Liz said.

"What have you been doing?" Michael asked.

Liz turned and looked at Larek and Serena. Serena and Lark looked at Liz then turned away.

"Ok what is going on?" Michael asked.

"Do you really want to know?" Liz asked.

"Of course we want to know what is going on," Max said.

"You have to promise you won't get mad. And you need to stay calm when you hear what we have been up to,"Liz said.

"Why do I have a bad feeling about this?" Kyle asked.

"I agree with Kyle?"Maria said.

"Will you please just tell us?" Isabel asked

"Princess Liz has been fighting like a soilder. And she has been acting like a princess also she has been teaching the kids earth schooling," Larek said.

"What do you mean fighting like a soilder?" Michael asked.

"What do you mean acting like a princess?" Max asked.

"Liz knows how to fight and use her powers in a fight to win. And as for the princess part well Khavoir has come to see Liz almost every day," Serena said.

"What?" Max asked.

"What powers?" Tess asked.

"Khavoir comes and talks to me. I think he is trying to figure out who I am. But he can never find out. So I'm safe. And as for my powers I can mindwrap, dreamwalk, astroproject, see things that will happen in the future, heal, blast, change things, sheild and raise my hand and call forth a weapon," Liz said.

"Oh wow. So you can mindwrap, dreamwalk. Do you need help with the mindwrap and dreamwalking?" Tess asked.

"Tess when you mindwrap do you have to have a picture of a person or can you just do it?" Liz asked.

"Both,"Tess said.

"I got them both down. And I'm still astroprojecting to different places," Liz said.

"Oh before I forget Liz can you wear that one dress for dinner party tomorrow night?" Larek asked.

"What dress?" Maria asked.

"You mean the one that shows. Oh no. No way in hell will I wear that dress," Liz said.

"Oh boy here we go again," Serena said.

"What do you mean?" Max asked.

"Just wait and see. This is going to be bad," Serena said.

"Why are you saying that?" Kyle asked.

"Lets just say Liz looks good in a bad way when she wears the dress," Serena said.

"Larek I will not wear a dress that makes me look like a hook. There is no way in hell. So deal with it," Liz said.

"You need to wear the dress so you can get info from Khavoir and we can kill him," Larek said.

"Your crazy you know that. If you think it will mke khavoir go crazy," Liz said.

"You will if we can get the plans and stop Khavoir. We will be safe and you can go home," Larek said.

"Fine. I'll wear the damn dress. But if he puts one hand on me you are going to be sorry," Liz said.

"What dress?" Isabel asked

"I'll show you the dress. But I'm not happy about it," Liz said.

Liz walked behind a door and changed into the dress. She fixed her hair and put on make up. When Liz looked in the mirror she was shocked.

"Here I come," Liz said.

Liz walked out in a white off the shoulder dress that lifted and showed off the top of her breast.The dress fell to the floor. Liz's hairwas curly and strands were hanging around her face. Liz looked at everyone. Max, Michael, Alex and Kyle all had their mouths hanging open and their yeys poped out. Isabel, Tess and Maria were all shocked. No one knew what to say. Liz knew that everyone was shocked.

"This is what Larek wants me to wear when Khavoir comes by. Now you know why I hate to wear this dress. Will someone say something?" Liz asked.

"Where is your wedding ring?" Max asked.

"Right here," Liz said as she lifted her hand and showed Max the ring. The ring was still where Max put it on
her finger.

"What do you wear when you have your fight lessons?" Alex asked.

Liz ran her hand over her clothes and changed into a outfit she wears when she is training. When Liz was finished she was wearing streatch pants and a sports bra. Liz's her hair is in a ponytail.

"This is what I wear when I'm training," Liz said.

"Who do you train with?" Kyle asked.

"I train with Larek and Serena. We listen to music and it helps a lot," Liz said.

"That is good. Liz is going to be a fighter," Alex said.

"Has Khavoir done anything weird since you been here?" Tess asked.

"The only thing Khavoir has done is watch me and talk to a kid. The kid gives me the creeps more the khavoir does," Liz said.

"What does the kid look like," Max asked.

"Short lite brown hair, blue eyes and he looks aand smirks at me when we look at eachother," Liz said.

""Oh my god. Tess didn't he die in New York?" Maria asked.

"Who are you talking about?" Liz asked.

"Nicholas. Known as Nicky to some," Isabel said.

"What do I do about him?" Liz asked.

""Do you know how to kill the skins yet?" Max asked.

"No" Larek said.

"I think I remember," Liz said.

"How do we kill the skin?" Serena asked

"Easy. They have this thing on their backs and if we hit it right they turn into dust," Liz said.

"How do you know about that?" Larek asked.

"We found out when we went to Whitackers home town," Max said.

"Oh, wow," Larek said.

"Liz were you there?" Serena asked.
Author's Note
Hey Everyone
I just wanted to say thank you so very much for reading and for leaving feedback. I hope everyone will keep reading and leaving feedback til the end of this story. On Tuesday August 25 I will be posting Romancing The Heart Chapter 14. And On Thursday August 27 I will be posting Chapter 4 to Princess Of Antar. So please keep and eye out for new chapter on Tuesday August 25 and On Thursday August 27. I hope everyone has a safe relaxing stress free weekend and next week!
L-J-L 76

Re: Princess Of Antar{CC, Mature}Authors Note pg2 8/24

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 5:04 am
by L-J-L 76
Chapter 4:
"Liz were you there?" Serena asked.

"Yes I was there. Plus we had courtney with us. She was a skin. Coutney was in my apartment and at the Crash Down where me and Maria worked," Liz said.

"Oh, what should we do about nick?" Larek asked.

"I say if he becomes a problm then we kill. If he finds out what we are up to he will tell Khavoir," Liz said.

"I say we keep him as a prisnor. Get every info we can from him then we kill him," Serena said.

"Lets go with both plans," Larek said.

"Wait what about his mindwraping he can do? We have to be able to stop that," Liz said.

"We tie him up. That should work," Larek said.

"And if it doesn't what do we do then?" Serena asked.

"We'll handle it," Larek said.

Liz turned and looked at Max. Max walked up to Liz. Max and Liz both looked at each other.

"Max what have you been doing since I left?" Liz asked.

"Traveling. And we have been trying to mke sure the specail unit is not following us. What about you?" Max asked.

"I have been learning fight like a soilder, Being a teacher to the kids here and acting like a princess. There is something you should know," Liz said.

"What is it?" Max asked.

"It's about your mother," Liz said.

Isabel, Alex and everyone turned and looked at Liz.

"What about our mother?" Isabel asked.

"Liz I think you houldn't say another word," Larek said.

"They have a right to know," Liz said.

"They will find out when it is time. But not right now and not like this," Larek said.

"When would you tell them. And don't say because it's not time," Liz said.

"I'll tell them when it it is time. Right now is not the time or place to tell them," Larek said.

"You know you are a real asshole," Liz said.

"You are a real bitch," Larek said.

"I hate you," Liz said.

"I hate you more," Larek said.

"No I hate you more," Liz said.

Serena walked up to Liz and Larek. She stood between them trying to calm them down. Max and friends watched as Liz and Larke were geting mad at eachother. They watched as Liz touched Larek and froze him. Liz walked away. Serena was socked that Liz could froze Larek. And she was worried about Liz and Larek. Serena didn't know what to do.

"What just happened?" Maria asked.

"Liz must have a new power. Liz and Larek get into a lot of arguements. And when nothing goes right or Liz gets mad she usally hit Larek. But she has never done this before. Liz!"Serena yelled.

Liz turned and looked up and saw a black spot and that is when she felt what was goign on. Liz pulled her hand back then turned and looked at Serena. Serena saw the look on Liz's face and relize something is not right. Serena walked up to Liz.

"Liz what is it?" Serena asked.

"Something is coming to change things. And when it gets here things will never be the same," Liz said.

"What is changing? And what is coming?" Serena asked.

"Things and people. The war we are having. I don't know but I it is dark," Liz said.

"Will we win the war?" Max asked.

"Yes. But it won't be till I think a little before the change,"Liz said.

"Liz what are you doing and seeing," Isabel asked.

"Isabel there will be two wars coming. they are both wars of all wars. Winner takes all wars," Liz said.

Liz looked at Serena. Serena nodded her head. Liz reached into her pocket and pulled out a stone. Liz walked up to Max. Liz reached out her hand and pulled Max's hand towards her. When Max's hand was out infront of her. She put the stone in Max's hand. Max looked down and looked at the stone. then he looked up and looked at Liz.

"What is this?" Max asked.
"When the time is right you will know what the stone is and what it means. But till then keep it close. And don't let anyone see or know about the stone. Promise?" Liz asked.

"I promise you with all my heart," Max said.

"Thank you," Liz said.

"Liz it is time to go," Serena said.

"We will see you soon. Be safe and see you soon. Max I love you," Liz said.

"I love you too. And I miss you. See you soon," Max said.

Max and friends took a step back and looked at Liz and Serena. Liz and Serena watched and Max and friends vanished.

Liz turned and looked at Serena and Larek. Liz, Larek and Serena vanished.

When they got back to the castle Liz, Larek and Serena ran to their rooms to get ready for the party. As they day turned into night Liz, Larek and Serena walked into the ballroom. They talked and danced. Liz danced with a few men. Then on the last song Liz danced with Khavoir. As they danced they both looked at each other. Larek and Serena watched as Khavoir and Liz danced. Larek and Serena watched as Khavoir and Liz danced. Serena turned and saw Nick watching Liz. Serena grabbed Larek's arm and used her eyes to have Larek see who was watching Liz. When Larek saw that it was Nick. Larek and Serena both looked at each other and knew Nick was going to cause problem and be a problem. After the party was over Everyone went home and went to sleep.

Menawhile on Earth:
Max and friends decided to travel for 6 more months then go home toRoswell. Where their families were waiting for them. Max kept looking at the stone and thinking about Liz. Max missed Liz so much. He knew some how he would see Liz again. But he didn't know when that would be.

As the days, weeks turned into months. Max and friends saw 30 states and decided it was time to go back to Roswell. When they got to Roswell it was after midnight. Michael drove the van to his place. When they got there they walked in and found a place to sleep. Michael and Maria slept in Michael's room while Max, Isabel, Alex, Tess and Kyle slept in the living room.

The Next Morning
Max called His parents and told them to call all the parents and get them to meet at Evan's house. The Evans agreed and strted all the parents. After talking to Max. Everyone started to get cleaned up and get ready to see the paents. A few minutes later Max and friends drove to the Evan's house. When they got to Evan's house they saw all the cars there. Max and friends got out of the van and walked into the house. When they walked into the house they saw all the parents. All the parents turned and looked at Max and friends. Max noticed that the Parkers had a book in their hands. Maria and Michael looked at Max and then noticed what Max was looking at all.

"What is that?" Maria asked.

"This is Liz's journal," Nancy Parker said.

"Have you read it? I mean have all of you read it?" Max asked.

"Yes we read it,"Mr. and Mrs. Parker said.

"Yes we just read it," Mr and Mrs. Evans said.

"Yes we read it," Mr. and Mrs. Whitmen said.

"Yes I have read it," Miss Deluca said.
Author's Note:
Hey Everyone
I just wanted to say thank you so much for reading Princess Of Antar and Romancing The Heart. I hope everyone will keep reading and leaving feedback til the end of the stories. I hope everyone will like the chapters to come. I wanted to let everyone know I will be posting Romancing The Heart Chapter 15 on Friday September 4. And I will be posting Princess Of Antar Chapter 5 on Saturday September 5. I hope everyone will like the chapters to come. And I hope everyone will keep an eye out for the chapters to come.
L-J-L 76

Re: Princess Of Antar{CC, Mature}Author's Note pg3 8/31

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 4:08 am
by L-J-L 76
Chapter 5:
"I already know," Jim Valenti said.

"Where is Liz?" Nancy Parker asked.

"She had to leave and help some friends. She'll be back soon," Max said.

"So your an alien that healed my daughter and married her right," Nancy Parker sid.

"Yes Ma'am," Max said.

"So where have you guys been?' Jeff Parker asked.

"Traveling," Isabel said.

"Have you heard from Liz at all?" Diane asked.

"Yes we dreamed walked her. Ans she has dreamed walked us to . She lets us know what is going on," Isabel said.

"When was the last time she dreamed walked you?" Nancy asked.

"6 months ago. We are hopping that we will see her soon," Maria said.

"Hopefully you will see her soon.When you do tell her we all miss her," Jim said.

"You know e will," Isabel said.

Everyone sat down and started to talk about what was going on. They all laughted and talked til 3am.
Max and friends fell asleep on the living room floor. The parents all left exept for the Evans they went to bed.

Dream Plane:
Max and friends all appeared in a wooded area. They saw a clearing. They walked up to the clearing and saw Liz and Nicholas talking.

"What do you want?" Liz asked.

"I'm here to tell you that you won't save them. When they get here they will die," Nicholas said.

"If you touch them you will be sorry for doing that," Liz said.

"Wait til Khavior finds out then you will be sorry," Nicholas said.

"I don't think so," Liz said as she raised her hand and a bow and arrow appeared.

Liz pointed the arrow at Nicholas.

"You won't be saying a word to him or anyone," Liz said.

Nicholas started to run. Liz shot the arrow and watched as it hit Nicholas in the back and watched as he turned to dust. Liz turned and looked at Larek and Serena. Larek and Serena looked at Liz.

"Princess what do we do now?" Larek asked.

"Larek we keep with your plan. But what do we do about Max and the others coming?" Liz asked.

"We can say that they are our cousins. And they are visiting for a while," Serena said.

"Do you think Khavior will fall for it?" Liz asked.

"Yes," Larek said.

"Yes," Serena said.

"How long til we see them?" Liz asked.

"A month ," Larek said.

"Can we be ready by then?" Liz asked.

"You know we can," Serena said.

Liz looked up and saw Max and the others looking at them. Max walked up to Liz.They both looked at each other. Max grabbed Liz and pulled her to him. Max and Liz both leaned in and kissed. After the kiss Max and Liz pulled back and looked at each other.

"Sorry for doing this," Michael said as he pulled Max and Liz apart. Michael and Liz turned and looked at each other.

"What the hell is going on? Why did you kill Nicholas? And what will happen in a month?" Michael asked.

"Gee Michael you need to calm down. We'll tell you what is going on," Liz said.

"I told Liz something will happen in a month. Somehow Micholas found out and threaten to tell Khavior. We wanted Liz to threaten him but instead she kills him," Larek said.

"Liz why did you kill Nicholas for?" Michael asked.

"Because If Nichola told told anyone what we hve plan then we are all dead," Liz said.

"Liz there is sonething we need to tell you," Maria said.

"What?" Liz asked.

"All of our parents read your journal. And they know the truth," Alex said

"How did they take it?" Liz asked.

"They were calmed. We talked through everything. And it was all good," Isabel said.

"They know you and Max are married. They were mad that they were not there to see it. So when you come home your going to have to a wedding with friends and family there," Tess said.

"Oh boy," Liz said.

"We thought that they would yell at Max. But they were calmed and talked," Kyle said.

"Oh wow," Liz said.

Liz turned and looked at Max. Max looked at Liz.

"Do you want to get re married?" Max asked.

"Yes," Liz said.

"Good it should be great," Max said.

"Liz what has been going on?" Isabel asked.

"I have a ball that is a must. Khavior has been looking and flirting with me.And it looks like were clos. What is going on at home?" Liz asked.

"I have been sleeping in your place and mine. Your parents have talked to me trying to figure out where you are," Max said.

"Me, Isabel and Tess have been hanging out. We talk, shop and we even hang out with the guys," Maria said.

"Besides working at the crash down. I hang out with Alex, Max and Kyle. We play basket ball,watch Brave Heart and other movies. And we also hang out with the girls," Michael said.

"Wow," Liz said.

Liz you need to figure out what training you want to do next week," Serena said.

"I want to do everything," Liz said.

"Ok. But this time don't try to kick my butt so hard," Larek said.

"Don't count on it," Liz said.

"Wait Liz do you kick Lareks butt?" Tess asked.

"Yes I do," Liz said.

"all I can say is good for you," Tess said.

"Thanks," Liz said.

"Liz will you teach us?" Isabel asked.

"Oh god no," Michael said.

Liz turned and looked at Michael.

"What? Are you afraid they will kick your butt?" Liz asked.

"No," Michael said.

"Then they should know how. Michael they will keep you on your toes," Liz said.

"Yeah you might need that,"Kyle said.

"Shut up Kyle," Michael said.

Liz turned and looked at Serena and Larek. She noticed they had weird looks on their faces. Liz walked up to them and tapped them on the shoulder. Larek and Serena turned and looked at Liz.

"What is going on?" Liz asked.

"It is almost time," Serena said.

"Oh god. Do I have to?" Liz asked.

"Yes you do. You need to be ready for anything," Larek said.

"Fine. But if I don't then you will be sorry," Liz said.

Re: Princess Of Antar{CC, Mature}Chapter 5 pg3 9/2

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 10:10 am
by L-J-L 76
Chapter 6:
Fine," Larek said.

"We need to leave the ball is in 2 hours. I needto get Liz dressed, fix her hair and make up," Serena said.

"Max I'll see you soon. Please remember I love you. All of you please be sfe and stay on your guard," Liz said.

Then all of a sudden Max and friends woke up and looked at each other. then they all laid down and tried to get some sleep.

Meanwhile on Antar:
Liz was getting ready to become a princess. After Liz, Larek and Serena walked into the ball room and walked up to the queen. The Queen place her hand on Liz's head and a bright antar crown appaered and made it know that Liz was the princess. And Made Larek and Serena her personal guard and lady in waiting. After that everyone started to dance and have fun. Khavior and Liz danced all the dances. Liz nd Khavior were never apart. Liz tried to be nice and have fun. After the ball was over everyone went home.

One stormy night:
Everyone was sleep when a person came in and took the queen. No one knew the queen was gone til the morning. Larek decided to make Liz in charge while the queen was gone. Liz was standing on the boukney when Larek walked up to Liz. Liz turned andsaw Larek standing infront of her.

"It's time are you ready?" Larek asked.

"Yes. Lets send for them. We can't let them know it is me though," Liz said.

"Easy. Liz will be called princess. Do you think that will work?" Serena asked.

"Yes," Liz and Larek said at the same time.

"It's time. Here are some wigs to change your look," Larek said.

"Gee thanks," Liz said.

Liz put her hand over their clothes and changed the clothes. Liz nodded her head. Larek snapped his fingers and all of a sudden Max and friends were in the room looking around.

"Where are we? And who are you?" Max asked.

"You are on Antar. And I'm the princess. This is Larek and Serena," Liz said.

"What are we doing here?" Michael asked.

"It is time to fight for antar. Now that you are here we're going to say that you are my cousins from a near by planet," Larek said.

"Why?" Isabel asked.

"Why? what?" Serena asked.

"Why are we playing as your cousins? When we know who we really are," Tess said.

"Because we are trying to hide you. And have you in plain sight," Liz said.

"Ok. this is getting weirder and weirder," Maria said.

"Wait are you telling us we re Lareks cousins. But who we are also in plain sight,?" Alex asked.

"Yes. Now you get it. Serena we need to find the ladies some clothes. While Larek looks for some clothes for the guys," Liz said.

"But I I .......,"Larek said.

"Larek and the guys watched the princess, Serena and the girls leave.

In The Princess's room:

"So how is Max and everyone been?" Serena asked.

"He misses his wife Liz. We are all worried about her. We don't know if she is a live or what," Isabel said.

"Isabel don't worry Liz is fine and safe," Serena said.

"How do you know?" Maria asked.

"She had to go seea friend on another planet. We are trying to get her to meet the planets next to us. So far everything has been good," Serena said.

"That is good. But I wish she would be here fro Max," Isabel said.

"Don't worry se will always be here. Princess you need to get ready for your training," Serena said.

"Fine. But if Larek hits me on the bed with the sward he is going have a majorly piss off princess," Liz said.

"I'll be there after I take the girls to the guys. Oh and princessyou can fight dirty like he does," Serena said.

"Thanks," Liz said.

Liz walked out of the room and walked into the trianing room. When Liz walked in the training room there stood Khavior. Khavior walked up to Liz.

Larek, Serena and friends walked into the control room of the training room. They turned on the lights and that is when they saw Liz and Khavior in the room. Serena hit a button where they could hear what was going on.

In the training room:
"What are you doing here?" Liz asked.

"I just wanted to see you," Khavior said.

"Well you see me. You can leave now," Liz said.

"No I can't. You know I think you a specail,"Khavior said.

"Gee my husband would get mad if you keep this up," Liz said

"Who cares what your husband thinks. Your going to be mine," Khavior said.

"Sorry but I belong to my husband. I will never be yours," Liz said.

"Yes you will. No man will take what I want," Khavior said.

"Sorry my heart, body and soul belongs to my husband. And only my husband," Liz said.

"I will have to find him and kill him," Khavior said.

"If you kill him. I shall die with him. Because he is my life. And I think his brother will kill you," Liz said.

"Oh really?" Khavior asked.

"Yes realy,"Liz said.

Liz looked at Khavior then looked at the mirror then looked at khavior again.

"Where is your husband?" Khavior asked.

"He is here visiting his cousinson a planet," Liz said.

"I hope I'll get to meet him soon," Khavior said.

"Maybe you will and ythen again maybe you won't," Liz said.

"I hope I will. See you around princess," Khavior said.

"Maybe," Liz said.

Liz watched as Khavior left the room. After Khavior was gone Liz turned and raised her hand and blasted a hole in the wall. Liz was that mad. She knew she had to calm down or everything will be crazy. Liz closed her eyes and tried to calm down. After Liz was calmed down she started to cry. Serena ran out of the room and walked up to Liz. Liz turned and saw Serena.

"Don't worry everything is going to be ok," Serena said.

"Serena how do you know. This is a war and you never know," Liz said.

"We have to at least try to fight for antar and earth," Serena said.

"I know. But what if Khavior finds out about Max and the others being here?" Liz asked.

"He won't. I got a plan. And I'm going to need your help,"Serena said.

"What do you have planned Serena?" Liz asked.

Serena had a smile on her face.

"Serena why are you smiling like I do when I have a plan?" Liz asked

"Trust me. You'll love the plan," Serena asked.

"Oh boy. I got a really bad feeling about this," Liz said.

"Do you want to hear the plan?"Serena asked.

L-J-L 76

Re: Princess Of Antar{CC, Mature}Chapter 6 pg3 9/8

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 2:05 am
by L-J-L 76
Chapter 7:
"Yes tell me," Liz said.

Serena walked up to Liz and whispered what the plan was. After Liz heard the plan she turned and looked at the mirror and then looked at Serena.

"Serena your crazy as I am. But I think your plan will work. Now all you got to do is convince Larek," Liz said.

"Oh that will be easy. When I'm finishe with Larek he won't know what hit him," Serena said.

"Oh, I say he won't be doing a lot of things when your finished with him. when?' Liz asked.

"Tonight. So you need to keep Max and friends busy," Serena said.

"How? You know what happens when me and Max are around each other," Liz said.

"You can't tell them the truth till the end," Serena said.

"I know. Do you still remember the plan?" Liz asked.

"Yes. do you?" Serena asked.

"Yes. I'll take Max and friends where they are going to stay. Since we are all staying together here," Liz said.

"That is good idea. Hopefully we can keep them hidden and safe," Serena said.

"Girls what are you up to?" Larek asked.

"Wouldn't you like to know," Liz said.

"Ok. that is it," Larek said.

Larke walked into the training room and grabbed a stick. Liz grabbed a stick.They started to stick fight. Max and frinds watched as Liz kept twisting and turning away from Larek. Liz hit Larek four times with the stick. Then they both droppd the sticks and went and grabbed swords with their powers. After fighting for six hours Liz and Larek smiled at each other and thenwalked up to the mirror and tapped. Max and friends walked into the training room. Everyone looked at each other.

"Wow that was a good fight," Michael said..

"Thanks. Larek I'm going to change and then I'll take them to where they will be staying," Liz said.

"Sounds good to me," Larek said.

Liz walked out of the training room. She walked to her room and grabbed a change of clothes then walked into the bathroom and took a shower. After the shower she got dressed and walked out of the room and walked into the training room where she saw Max and friends were still waiting. Max and friends turned and saw the princess wwas wearing a black long skirt with a white long sleeve top and a black low cut strap tank top over the top. Liz, Max and friends all looked at each other.

"Are you ready to see where you will be staying," Liz said.

"Um sure," Max said.

"Then come on lets go check it out then," Liz said.

Liz lead the way as Max and the others followed Liz to the room. Liz turned and looked at Max and friends. Max andfriends looked at Liz.

"Here is where everyone will be staying. Come on I'll show you hat it looks like inside," Liz said.

Liz opened the door. Max and friends walked into a room. When they walked in they saw it was the sme as home. Max turned and looked at the princess. The princess who was Liz looked at Max.

"How did you know?" Max asked.

"I have my ways. I can't say or tell you more," Liz said.

"What is the war about?" Max asked.

"The war is about freeing the people who are under Khaviors men," Liz said.

"So who do you fight for?" Michael asked.

"We fight for the people. We all need to stand up against the evil people in the world," Liz said.

"Do you know if anyone in the town will help the fight?" Max asked.

"Yes. We all fight together and as one," Liz said.

"Does your husband know you re fighting with people in town?" Max asked.

"Yes. He agrees it is the right thing to do," Liz said.

"Do you care about dieing?" Tess asked.

"No. this si a fight to stop all fights," Liz said.

"So basically your fighting for your people and fro freedom," Alex said.

"Yes. That is what we are fighting for. That is what the people need," Liz said.

"What is Khavoir for?" Kyle asked.

"Let people suffer for that is what he wants. And that is not right," Liz said.

"You and Serena said id Khavior finds out about us what does that mean? And what will happen to us if he does?" Maria asked.

"If Khavior finds out that Max, Isabel, Michael and Tess and friends are here they will kill you. They will let the town see you die infront of them," Liz said.

"Wait did you mean all of us die?" Alex asked.

"Yes even me, Serena and Larek die. That is why we must hide you," Liz said.

"Question where is my wife?" Max asked.

"Wife?" Liz asked.

Max pointed to the ring on his finger.

"Yes her name is Liz. Where is she?" Max asked.

"Your wife Liz is fighting for our cause. She is near by. She never leaves or stay long," Liz said.

"Why is that?" Michael asked

"Because she is fighting and helping out cause," Liz said.

"Where does the dorrs lead?" Isabel asked.

"The door first door leads to my room. The second door leads to the kitchen and the third door leads to three bathrooms,"Liz said.

"Where does that door behind you lead to?" Tess asked.

"That door leads to Larek and Serena's room. Oh by the way you can't leave this room," Liz said.

"What is this room we re in?" Maria asked

"This room is where we plan our attacks and try to free people from Kivar," Liz said.

"Wow. Who knew you were ready for this war," Alex said.

"We are always ready to fight. And help our people. You must be tired see you in the morning," Liz said.

Liz left the room and wentto her bed room. She changed clothes and walked out on the balcony. She looked out at the town. Larke walked up to Liz and stood beside her. Liz turned and looked at Larek then looked at the town.

"So how did it go?" Larek asked.

"I told them we are at war and wht we are fighting for,"Liz said.

"How did that go?" Larek asked.

"It was ok. I told them they needed to stay hidden. No one must know they are here. And Max asked where I was. I told him that I was fighting for the war," Liz said.

"Ok. You did a good job," Larek said.

"How long do we have to keep this lie up?" Liz asked.

"Just for a while. Liz yu know we are fighting for a good cause," Larek said.

"I know. I just wish we could let them know who I am," Liz said.

"Don't worry. We will tell them soon," Larek said.

"I hope so. I need to get some sleep. See you in the morning," Liz said.

"Good night," Larek said.

"Goodnight," Liz said.

Liz walked up to the bed and laid down. A few minutes later she was fast a sleep.

In The Morning:
Serena walked in the room where Max and freinds stayed. Max and friends turned and looked up and saw Serena in the room.

"Where is the princess?" Max asked.

"She is having her ridding leason. And giving my husband Larek a hard time," Serena said.

"What do you mean?" Isabel asked.

"Lets just say Larek hates how every leason goes," Serena said.

"Huh?" Tess asked.

"Come nd I'll show you what I mean. But just don't say a word," Serena said.

L-J-L 76

Re: Princess Of Antar{CC, Mature}Author's Note Pg5 9/21

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 1:49 am
by L-J-L 76
Chapter 8:
Serena, Max and friends walked into Liz's room and out on the boucny looking down.When they look down they watched as the princess lifted her dress and sat on a gorse like the do on earth. Larek walked up to Liz and grabbed the straps.

"Is that how you want to sit on the horse?" Larek asked.

"Yes. I like to sit this way," Liz said.

"What is your husband going to say?" Larek said.

"We won't tell him. When they go home they will find out anyway," Liz said.

"They are going to be upset," Larek said.

"I know," Liz said.

"Ready?" Larek said.

"Yes. See ya," Liz said.

Larek watched as Liz rode off on her horse.

"Wait up," Larek said.

Larek rode off chasing Liz. They rode circles around each other.
Max, Serena and friends watched as Liz and Larek were riding around. They watched as Liz came back towrds the castle. Liz rode as fast as she could. she stopped when she got to the taris. She jumped off her horse and jumped on the taris and climbed up.Serena pulled Liz up onto the boucny. Liz and Serena turned and looked down at Larek on his horse.

"That was very sneaky girls," Larek said.

"I have my moments," Liz said.

"You need to get ready for the ball tonight," Larke said.

"What about our guest here?And why do I have to go?" Liz asked.

"The guest are going to be going to the ball too. And as for the reson why you have to go is because you are a princess," Larek said.

"Fine. But if I get mad or bored I'm leaving," Liz said.

"Whatever now go get dressed," Larke said.

"Fine," Liz said.

Liz walked into the bathroom and took a shower fixed her hair and did her make up. Liz waved her hand over her clothes and put them on. Liz was dressed and ready. Liz walked out of the bathroom and saw everyone was ready for the ball. Even Larek and Serena were ready for the ball.

"Wow everyone looks really nice," Liz said.

"Remember you have to be nice to Kivar. We need to find out what his plans are," Serena said.

"I know don't worry everything will be fine. Hopefully everything will go fine tonight," Liz said.

"You know it will go fine," Larek said.

"Yeah. Lets go and get this over with," Liz said.

Everyone walked out of the room and walked down the long hallway to the ballroom. When they walked into the ball room they saw everyone that everyone was already there. Liz and Serena walked up to the punch bowl. They both grabbed a glass and poured themselves a drink. Liz and Serena turned and looked at Larek, Max and friends across the room talking to people. Max turned and saw the princess looking at him. The Princess and Max looked at each other and smiled. Serena noticed Max and princess looking at each other. Serena turned and saw Kivar entering the ball room. Serena turned and looked at Liz. Liz turned and looked at Serena.

"What is it Serena?" Liz asked.

"Kivar just walked in," Serena said.

"What where is he?" Liz asked.

"Kivar just walked in. And he is looking around. Oh great he is coming this way," Serena said.

"What do we do?" Liz asked.

"Just try and act nice," Serena said.

"Hopefully that will be easy," Liz said.

Liz and Serena turned and saw Kivar standing in front of them.

"Hello, my dear," Kivar said.

"Hello Kivar. What are you doing here?" Liz asked.

"I always come to a party or a ball. You should know that my dear," Kivar said.

"Oh I must have forgot," Liz said.

"Who are those people with Larek?" Kivar asked.

"They are his cousins. They are visiting from a nother planet,"Liz said.

"That must be nice," Kivar.

"Yes it is nice of them to visit us," Serena said.

Music started to play. Kivar put his hand out. Liz put her hand in his. Kivar took Liz to the dance floor. When they got to the dance floor and stood face to face.Kivar put one hand on Liz's waist and he put the other hand in the air. Liz put her hand on Kivar's shoulder and put her other hand in kivars.They both started to slow dance close together. Kivar spined and and step dance. Larek and Max turned and watched as Liz and Kivar danced. They noticed how Kivar and Liz looked at each other and not smiled. After the dance was over Liz walked away. She walked out of the ball room and onto the boukney. Liz looked out at the stars and the moon. Liz looked down and looked at her ring. Liz smiled as she looked at the ring. Liz looked up at the stars and saw V in the sky. Liz smiled as she remembered the last time she saw them. Then Liz looked down at her ring again.

"I hope Max and friends can handle the war," Liz said.

Serena walked out of the ball room and walked up to Liz. Liz and Serena stood side by side.

"You know we will win this and everything will be fine," Serena said.

"I just hope you are right. If Max finds out what is going on and who I am. He is going to be pissed," Liz said.

"Don't worry when war is over Max and the others will go back to earth. And we get to go to LA for a couple weeks to have fun in the sun," Serena said.

"Yeah That is true. I wonder after everything is over will it be sfe," Liz said.

"Safe for what?" Serena asked.

"Safe to go home. Safe for people of Antar? Safe for everyone? That is what I meant by safe," Liz said.

"You will be able to go home soon. You know after this war people will be safe again to live their lives. Of course everyone will be sfe. So see you don't have to worry,"Serena said.

"I guess your right," Liz said.

"See I knew you will see it my way," Serena said.

"I always see it your way," Liz said.

"I know.What were you smiling about when I came out here?" Serena asked.

"I was just remembering about a time me and Max were looking for a V in the sky. After that me and Max became really close. We started holding hands and kissing,"Liz said.

"That sounds like a great time," Serena said.

"It was a great time," Liz said.

What Liz and Serena didn't know was Max was listening to what was being said between the girls. He just stood there listening to them.

"Liz were you and Max friends before you both started dating?" Serena asked.

"Yes Me and Max were friends before we dted,"Liz said.

"Wow. Me and Larek were friends before we started dating too. So How long did you both date for before getting married?" Serena asked.

"We dated for a year in 10th grade. We were apart for a while in 11th grade. And then in 12th grade we started to date again and got engaged then married,"Liz said.

"Later I'm going to find out the details about that," Serena said.

"Ok," Liz said.

"I noticed you and Max looking at each other," Serena said.

"Yeah, so. What do you want me to say?" Liz asked.

"What I want to know is there something going on?" Serena asked.

"No. Of course not. I don't know what is going on with me and Max," Liz said.

"Oh I think I do know what is going on," Serena said.

"Fine. What is going on?" Liz asked.

"I think you and Max are falling for each other all over again," Serena said.

"I think you are crazy. Me and Max falling for each other all over again no way," Liz said.

"Liz you and Max have been staring at each other all evening. So I know something is going on," Serena said.

"Nothing is going on. We have to stick to the plan you and Larek came up with ok," Liz said.

"Yeah, right , whatever you say Liz," Serena said

"Serena? This is your and Lareks plan," Liz said.

"Yeah I know," serena said.

Liz and Serena both looked at each other and smiled and laughted. Then they looked out at the town and the stairs.

L-J-L 76

Re: Princess Of Antar{CC, Mature}Author's Note pg5 9/26

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 2:57 pm
by L-J-L 76
Chapter 9:
Right at that moment Kivar and Larek walked out of the balroom and walked up to Liz an Serena. Liz and Serena turned and looked at Larek and Kivar.

"What are you tow lovely ladies talking about?" Kivar asked

"Nothing. Ww were having a girl talk," Liz said.

"That is nice," ivar said.

"Yes it is. So are we ready to go back into the ballroom?" Larek asked.

"Yes," Liz and Serena said.

"Princess can I talk to you alone for a minute?" Kivar asked.

"Um, sure. I'll see you both in a few minutes," Liz said.

Liz and Kivar watched as Larek and Serena walked into the ballroom. Kivar and Liz both looked at each other.

"What do you need to say to me?" Liz asked.

"I really wanted to know a couple of things," Kivar said.

"Prey tell what is it that you want to know?" Liz asked.

"Why were you and Lareks cousin staring at each other ?" Kivar said.

"I wanted to make sure he was having fun and not being bored. hat is your second question?" Liz asked.

"Have you seen Nicholas anywhere?" Kivar asked.

"No I haven't. When was the last time you seen or heard from him?" Liz asked.

"I haven't heard from him in a month. I'm starting to wonder if someone killed him," var saud.

"Oh, That sounds bad. I hope you will be able to find him soon," Liz said.

"That is what I am hoping for. Princess may have this dance?" Kivar asked.

"Um sure," Liz said.

Liz and Kivar waled towards the door. They opened the door and walked int the ball room. After they walked into the ballroom Max came out of his hidding place and looked at the door. Max walked into the ballroom ad walked up to Michael and friends. Michael and friends were standing on the side watching everyone dance and laugh. Max walked up to Michael and stood next to him. Michael turned and looked at Max.

"I think the princess, Larek and Srena are hidding something," Max said.

"Why would you think that" Michael asked.

"I heard them say if we find out what is going on we would be really mad. And plus they both said if I find out who the princess is then I would be pissed off. So now I am thinking they are hidding something from us. But what could it be,"Max said.

"Who knows. But we need to figure it out or confront them about what you heard,"Michael said.

"I know. But right now lets see what they are up to first," Max said.

"Ok. I agree with you, Michael said.

ichael and Max watched as Liz and Kivar danced close tgether. fter the dance Liz walked up to the punch bowl and grabbed a glass and poured her some punch. Liz was drinking her punch Max walked up to her. Liz turned and saw Max standing infront of her. Max and Liz both lookd at each other.

"What?" Liz asked.

"Why do you look scared when you dance with Kivar?" Max asked.

"I don't kow what you are talking about," Liz said.

"f course yu know what I am talking about. hat I want to know is what is going on here? And what war are you, Larek and Seren fighting for?" Max asked.

"Nothing is going on. can't tell you. You and your frinds will find out soon what we are fighting for," Liz said.

"What do you mean you can't tell me?" Max asked.

"I can't tell you. Sorry you and your friends will find out soon enough though," Liz said.

Max grabbed Liz by the arm. Liz looked at her arm then she looked at Max.

"What do you mean we will find out soon?" Max asked.

"I can't tell you. Now please let go of my arem?" Liz asked.

Max let go of Liz's arm. Liz took a step back ad looked at ax. Max looked at Liz.

"Whatever you hidding we are going to find out what it is," Max said.

"I know you will. But you need to know one thing before you start looking," Liz said.

"And what could that be?" Max asked.

"Come with me and I will tell you. om on," Liz said.

Liz started to walk away from Max wen Max grabbed Liz's arm. Liz looked at Max. Max let go of her arm and followed her out the door and back to the room where Max and friends are staying. When they walked into the room Liz shut the door. Max and Liz both looked at each other.

"You better tell me what you meant by you know that we will find out," Max said.

"It is not that had to know what I am talking about . You just need to think wat I am saying to you," Liz said.

"What are you trying to say?" Max asked.

"Max think about what you remember about your past and what you know and learn now," Liz said.

"Stop talking ridles and just tell me," Max said.

"What do you remember about your past?" Liz asked.

"I know that I'm Zan. Isabel is Lonnie. ichael is Ava and Michael is Rath. We lived before. And we died in a war. My mom sent us to earth to live. We didn't know i we could go home. And we have enemies that are skins and Kivar. Why are you asking?" Max asked.

"So you know that much. The reason hy I am asking is because this war that is coming will lead to a greater war. And when the great war happens us and the people in the town are going to fight this war and win," Liz said.

"When is this great war?" Max asked.

"This war will happen soon. And about winning the war we will have something no one will have," Liz said.

Max and Liz both looked at each other.

" What is the one thing you will have to win the war?" Max asked.

"How would you fel if your wife was going to war and was the key to stop the war?" Liz asked.

"Why do you ask questions? And to answer your question I would hate and try to stop her from going to war. And if she was or is the key then I want to be with her if she is the key," Max said.

"I ask questions because am trying to figure you and your friends out," Liz said.

"What are you trying to figure out about us?" Michael asked.

Liz and Max turned and saw Michael, Maria, Alex, Isabel, Kyle and Tess walk in the room. hey all looked at each other.

"I asked what are you trying to figure out about us?" chael asked.

"Do you think you scare me Michael? I know all your secrets. And let me tell you if you piss me off you will be sorry space boy,"Liz said.

"Wait just a minute. What did you call me?" Michael asked.

"I called you space boy," Liz said as she smiled.

"How did you know?" Maria asked.

iz just smiled as she looked at Maria and Michael.

"Princess what are you trying to figure out?" Michael asked.

"I'm trying to figure out if you will be ready to fight both wars for the people," Liz said.

"Is that all you are trying to figure out?" Tess asked

"Yes. And let me guess you are trying to figure me out now," Liz said.

"How did you know that?" Tess asked.

" can just sence it out about people," Liz said.

L-J-L 76

Re: Princess Of Antar{CC, Mature}Author's Note pg6 10/5

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 5:41 am
by L-J-L 76
Chapter 10:
Right at that momet Serena and ark walked into the room. Liz, Max and friends turned and looked at Serena and Larek.Serena and Larek looked at Liz, Max and friends.

"There you are. You know I thought something happene to you," Serena said.

"Serena I'm fine. Me and Max were just talking,"Liz said.

"What were you talking about?" Larek asked.

"Wouldn't you like to know? Do I have training tomorrow?" Liz asked.

"All you have to do tomorrow is meet with me and Serena. And then training, having lunch with Kivar, Horse ridding and dinner with Kivar,"Larek said.

"Wait lunch and dinner with Kivar? What are you both up to? You better tell me the truth or the deal is off," Liz said.

"You can't do that," Larek said.

Liz cross her arms and looked at Larek.

"I will and I can. So you better tell me now," Liz said.

"Fine. You want to know. Larek thinks that it would b a great idea if you get close to Kivar to get the info on what he is planning," Seren said.

"What? Oh no I will not do that to my husband. You better come up with a better idea, Liz said angrly.

"There is no other way. ince you killed Nicholas. And put him somewhere. By the way whre did you send him anyway?" Larek asked.

"Wouldn't you like to know where he is, Liz said.

Princess please tell me. mean us where you sent Nichlas?" Serena asked

"Fine. I sent him to earth. He is completely human with no powers what so ever, Liz said.

'What do you mean?" arek asked.

"No aliens can find him. He is as human as the Evans, Parkers, Whitmans, Amy and Jim. He has no memory of anything," Liz said.

"How did you know about our parents?" Alex asked.

"I have my ways. Don't worry about it," Liz said.

"Why are you wanting te princess to get close to kivar?"Isabel asked.

"We're trying to see if we can find out and info about what Kivar is up to," Serena said.

"Oh boy this should be fun," Liz said.

"Princess you need to be ready. You never what you could find out,"arek said.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. Sometimes I wish Kivar would just die," Liz said.

"Why are you talking bad about him?" Serena asked.

"Why? Kivar has been trying t feel me up ad his hands are always trying to go up my dress. Plu he tries to give me hickeys," Liz said.

"Oh wow," Kyle said.

"Shut up Kyle, Tess said.

"I didn't know that. Wait why besides that don't you want to be alone with him?" Larek asked

"Larek! Kivar could rape me if we are alone. And If he touches me that way he will lose his fingers," Liz said.

"Larek I think she is serious about Kivar losing his fingers," Serena said.

"At least someone agrees Larek," Liz said.

Liz look at Larek and saw he was up to something eles. Liz watched as Larek put his hand to his head. That is when Liz knew that it was not Larek in the room with them. It was someone eles that was not Larek. Liz started to walkaway. Larek turned and looked at Liz.

"Where do you think you re going princess?" Larek asked.

"I um need to talk to Michael for a sec in private Please?" Liz asked.

"Um sure," Michael said.

"Come on. Um Max can you get everyone to stay hee please?" Liz asked.

"Um sure," Max said.

Liz and Michael walked in Liz's room. Liz shut the door and turned and looked at Michael. Michael looked at Liz.

"Um what do you need to talk about?" Michael asked.

"Do you trust me?" Liz asked.

"I guess why?" Michael asked.

"Grabe my hand and you will find out the truth," Liz said.

"Um ok," Michael sid.

Liz and Michael put hand in hand and closed their eyes.When they cloesed their eyes they saw eachother form 6 yearsold til now. Michael and Liz opened their eyes and took a step back looking at each other.

"Liz? Is that really you?" Michael asked.

"Yeah, it me michael," Liz said.

Michael walked up to Liz and grabbed her. He gave her a big hug. After the hug Michael and Liz both looked at eachother.

"What is going on? And why did you need to talk to me?" Michael asked.

"I can't tell you everything just yet. And for the reson why I needed to talk to you because I think Larek is not Larek," Liz said.

"What do you mean?" Michael asked.

"I know how Larek acts and it is not Larek," Liz said.

"What do you want to do?" Michael asked.

"Keep your eyes open and when it's time we get him and find out what is going on," Liz said.

"Ok. We bette get out there before they wonder," Michael said.

"Yeah your right," Liz said.

Michael and Liz walked out of the room and saw Larek standing by the window. Serena, Max and friends stayed across the room from where Larek was standing.

"Serena what is going on?" Liz asked.

"Larek is I mean was saying that you and Michael are close to being strangers. And that is when everyone tried to clam down," Serena said.

"Serena you need to stay with me for a couple of nights," Liz said.

"Why what is going on?" Serena asked.

"Nothing I just need to talk to you is all," Liz said.

"Um ok sure," Serena said.

Larek turned and looked at Liz. Liz looked at Larek.

"I'll talk to you later sweetie. Princess can I talk to you for a sec?,"Larek sasked.

"Um sure," Liz said.

Larek walked up to Liz and pulled her out the door. When they stood out in the hallwayiz and Larek both looked at each other.

"What is it Larek?" Liz asked.

Larek grabbed Liz and pulled her tours him. Larek and Liz both looked at each other.

"I know you know who I am. If you say one word to the others I will kill Larek and everyone in the room. You and your people will die," Larek said.

"What do you want from me?" Liz asked.

"You tell them I'm Larek. And we are going to keep with your plans," Larek said.

"Fine. If you hurt Larek, Max, Serena and friends I will you kill you," Liz said.

"Is that a threat?" Larek asked.

"Yes it is. No let go of me and leave us alone," Liz said.

Larek let go of Liz's arm and walked away. Liz walked back in the room. Michael and Serena noticed that Liz had a scare look on her face. Michael and Serena walked up to Liz. Liz looked at Michael and Serena.

"hat is going on?" Michael asked.

"Michael you need to be on gaurd and keep everyone safe," Liz said.

"Why what is happening?" Michael asked.

"Just please be on your guard around the palace and Larek. And keep Max and Everyone close and safe," Liz said.

"Liz what is it?" Serena asked.

"Serena I don't know how to tell you this,"Liz said.

L-J-L 76