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Speed Dating, Vegas Style (CC/UC,TEEN) COMPLETE

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 7:35 pm
by jbangelo
Title: Speed Dating, Vegas Style
Authors: jbangelo & vegas312
Disclaimer: We own nothing, though we might be hiding Alex and Kyle in our closets. Shh, don’t tell.
Pairing: CC/UC – a little bit of everybody
Rating: TEEN
Summary: Set during Viva Las Vegas. After bailing Max and Michael out of jail, Alex and Kyle have a way that they can pay them back.
Author’s Note: Just a little something fun for two September birthday babies, truelovepooh and Anniepoo98.

Part One

“Roy! Love! Your bail’s been posted!”

The door of the jail cell made a clinking sound as it slid open, giving Max Evans and Michael Guerin their first glimpse of freedom in the last six hours. Wondering which of their band of vagabonds had finally come to bail them out (and each secretly hoping for a certain female), they were surprised to be greeted by the smirking faces of Alex Whitman and Kyle Valenti.

“What are you two doing here?” Michael grumbled, his tone one of obvious disappointment.

“Well, hello to you, too. We could always keep our money and let you stay here with your new friend, Bubba,” Kyle replied sarcastically, throwing a sideways glance at the tattooed thug in the next cell. Turning to Alex, he added, “No wonder Maria wouldn’t come bail him out.”

Michael was instantly alert. “You talked to Maria?” he asked. “Not that I care that she didn’t come down here herself,” he added quickly, studying his fingernails.

Alex stifled a chuckle and threw his arm across Michael’s shoulders. “Yeah, you might wanna steer clear of Maria for the time being,” he advised. “She’s two things: pissed off and even more pissed off.”

Max cleared his throat and said, “Well, thanks, you know, for bailing us out. We definitely owe you one.”

“Really?” Kyle said with an evil grin, before looking to Alex with a nod. “You know, there is something you could do for us, actually.”

Michael glared at Kyle in suspicion. “What are you up to, Valenti?”

In answer, Kyle pulled from the back pocket of his jeans, a folded piece of purple paper. Opening it up, he handed it over to Max and Michael so they could read what it said. Quickly glancing at it, the two did a double take before looking back at Kyle with twin expressions of ‘are you kidding?’

“SPEED DATING, VEGAS STYLE!” the flyer read in big, bold letters.

“You’re not serious,” Michael said, thrusting the flyer back at Kyle.

“Oh, but I am.”

“There’s no way in hell I’m signing up for some bizarre new age mating ritual.”

“Oh, but you are,” Kyle said.

“Forget it,” Michael said between clenched teeth, taking a step towards Kyle.

“Oh, bailiff!” Kyle called out in a singsong voice.

“Fine, we’ll do it,” Max interjected, ignoring the death glare that Michael gave him.

Michael stomped his foot childishly, then said to Kyle, “You better sleep with one eye open tonight. You, too, Whitman,” he added, pointing at Alex.

“Hey, do you actually think this was my idea?” Alex asked. “Besides, if anyone is sleeping with their eyes open tonight, I think it’ll probably be you. Hell hath no fury like a DeLuca scorned.”

“Amen, brother, amen,” Kyle agreed. “All right, let’s go do this thing! I do believe I saw some lovely ladies headed that way.”

With that, Kyle led the way to the exit, the other three guys trailing behind reluctantly. One thing was for sure: they were in for an interesting evening.


“Okay, let me get this straight. Michael called you from jail and you hung up on him?” Liz Parker looked at her best friend in amusement.

“You’re damn skippy,” Maria DeLuca said firmly, crossing her arms across her chest. “And I’d do it again.”

“Maria, come on, you can’t just leave him down there. Besides, Max is stuck there, too. And you’re not mad at Max, right?”

Maria sighed in resignation. “Don’t worry, I sent Alex and Kyle to get them,” she said begrudgingly.

“See, Maria, sometimes you do know how to do the right thing.”

“No, the right thing would have been to leave his sorry ass there for the night.” Maria was silent for a moment, before suddenly exclaiming, “I can’t believe him! Sometimes I don’t think he cares about me at all!”

Some nearby guests flinched at Maria’s sudden outburst, then warily moved away from the fiery blonde. Liz cast them an apologetic glance, then placed her hand soothingly on Maria’s shoulder. “You know that’s not true,” Liz said, trying to calm Maria down.

Before Maria could reply, a young man walked by, handing them a purple flyer as he passed. Looking down at the bold lettering across the top, Maria’s eyes lit up before she turned to Liz and smiled widely.

“Oh no. No, no, no.” Liz shook her head, reading Maria’s thoughts.

“Liz, come on, it’ll be fun! Just think, no more Czechoslovakian drama!”

Liz continued shaking her head in protest. “No way, Maria.”

Maria kept waving the flyer at her. “If you do this, I’ll owe you one. Please. Pretty please! How can you turn this face down?” With that, Maria gave Liz her best puppy dog eyes.

Liz fought a smile, then said, “You already owe me for covering your Saturday shift last week.”

“Okay, so I’ll owe you two big ones. Please?”

Liz sighed. “Fine, fine, fine. But I don’t want to hear the name Michael Guerin leave your lips anymore today.”

“No problem!” Maria agreed. “Let’s go!”


“Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.”

Tess Harding looked up from the TV when she heard the front door of the suite open, revealing an excited Maria, with a less enthusiastic Liz trailing behind. “Liz, you should wear that cute red dress that you packed,” Maria was saying. “It goes so well with your skin tone.”

“Maria, I seriously doubt that anyone will be dressed up for a five-second date with a stranger,” Liz said.

Her curiosity piqued, Tess couldn’t help but ask, “What are you guys up to?”

Startled, the two girls turned to find Tess reclining on the couch. They glanced at each other before Maria answered with some hesitation. “Just this thing downstairs that we’re headed off to.”

“Oh,” Tess replied flatly, picking up the remote and staring at it.

Liz and Maria shared a glance, each silently asking the other the same question. Maria subtly shook her head no, but Liz suddenly blurted, “Tess, would you like to join us?”

“Really?” Tess asked.

Maria shot Liz a glare, who wouldn’t meet her eyes. In resignation, Maria muttered, “Sure.”

Half an hour later, the three girls arrived at the small restaurant by the hotel lobby, only to be greeted with a very familiar face.

“Isabel!” Maria exclaimed. “Weren’t you already on a date?”

Isabel Evans looked up from the flyer she had been staring at and took in the faces of her friends. She stared at them with wide eyes, obviously surprised to be running into them. “What are you guys doing here?”

“The question is, what is the Elle Macpherson of West Roswell High doing at a speed dating service?” Maria teased.

Isabel casually flipped her hair over her shoulder. “I was just walking by and saw a group of people coming in, and figured I would check it out. But I was actually just getting ready to leave,” she added. “I mean, speed dating? Really.”

“Riiiight,” all three girls said simultaneously, sharing a knowing glance before laughing.

“Come on,” Maria said, linking her arm with Liz’s. “Let’s just check this thing out together. Maybe we’ll have a good laugh later.”

The four girls headed inside and were handed an index card with a number written on it. A small redheaded woman holding a clipboard in one hand and a whistle in the other came to greet the group. “Good evening, everyone!” she said in an all-too-energetic voice. “I’m Susie, and I’ll be your hostess tonight!”

“Oh my god,” Tess said. “How much coffee has that woman had today? Because no one should be that perky.” Liz, Isabel, and Maria laughed in agreement.

“I’m really excited to be here tonight,” Susie continued, “and I know we’re all going to have a ton of fun! So take a look at the card you got at the door, and have a seat in the chair with the corresponding number.” With that, she blew on her whistle and clapped her hands. “All right, people! Let’s get to it! We’re in for an hour of fun!”

“An hour?” Liz asked, glaring again at Maria.

Maria ignored her and headed to her seat. The girls settled themselves in their assigned spots, only to notice that the chairs across from them seemed to be the only empty ones.

Confused, Isabel flagged down Susie and asked her, “Why isn’t there anyone in these seats?”

Glancing at her trusty clipboard, Susie answered, “It appears we’ve had a few no-shows, but don’t worry. Things move fast, so someone’ll be seated across from you before you know it. That’s why we call it speed dating!” And with no more words, she was off again.

“Great,” Isabel sighed in frustration, all the while muttering about how she could have organized this event in her sleep.

“Okay, we’re about to get stated, on my whistle!” Susie announced. “So let’s get out there and make some matches!” Just as she brought her whistle to her lips, she stopped short when the door behind her opened. “Oh!” she exclaimed. “It looks like we have late-comers! Come on in, guys! There are four empty seats waiting for you!”

Liz, Isabel, Maria, and Tess all turned around to see who their partners would be. As the four newcomers came into view, jaws dropped and Maria uttered three simple words.


Re: Speed Dating, Vegas Style (CC/UC,TEEN) Part 2/3 - 9/3/09

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:02 pm
by vegas312
Title: Speed Dating, Vegas Style

Authors: jbangelo & vegas312

Disclaimer: We do not own Roswell, but we wouldn't mind owning any of the guys. Some dialogue tweaked from the episode.

Rating: TEEN

Coupling: CC/UC, Oh just about everyone.

Summary: Mid VLV. For a more detailed summary, please see chapter one.

AN: Many thanks to killjoy (lol its always cool to hit feedback first), PML (keep reading, it gets crazier), nibbles2 (many thanks and we had tons of fun writing this), chanks_girl (lol got to love maria), cardinalgirl (Lisa! Our other partner in crime, we'll have to drag you into the insanity next time hee), and Dreamerlaure (Laure, no one does payback like Kyle and Alex lol good to see you here). Enjoy everyone!

Chapter 2 "Out All Of The Gin Joints"


The words broke the stunned silence that had temporarily taken over the group, as they took in the people holding their corresponding number.

"What are you, the friendly neighborhood stalker?" Maria crossed her arms as she took in the sight of one Michael Guerin holding the corresponding number three to her own. "I can't believe this. Weren't you and the Lone Ranger over there in the pokey for disturbing the peace or whatever?"

"If anyone can't believe this, it’s me. It’s nice to know that you spent the last six hours preparing to interview some other poor sucker to replace me." Michael glared down at the petite blonde who was glaring right back.

"Poor sucker?" Maria sputtered in disbelief. "I'll have you..." She stopped and took a deep breath. Taking in Michael's smirk, she decided to make that a couple of deep breaths.

"What Maria means to say is, what are you guys doing here?" Liz asked while she kept an eye on Maria, who was suddenly looking at the chair before her with what could only be described as a manic look.

"We're here to meet new people," Kyle gestured as he looked around the room and smiled at a blonde girl a few tables down. "Oh yeah, we're looking forward to making new friends."

"Translation: he's looking to get laid," Tess said dryly as she rolled her eyes.

Everyone turned to look at Tess in various shades of amusement and disbelief, except Kyle who clutched his heart and made protests about his virtue. "What? You live with two guys and see how long you can stay proper,” she said.

Before anyone could say anything else, a whistle was blown loudly behind them. Simultaneously, the group turned around and found a not-so-happy Susie standing behind them. Pointing at her watch, she motioned for them take their seats.

"Let's get to it, people. The longer we stand here waiting, the more seconds of love we're wasting." Susie tapped her purple heart-shaped clipboard and motioned again to the two tables behind the group. "Tick tock, tick tock. Love waits for no one."

There were mutters of protest as everyone took their seats, and eyes meeting before sliding away as they took in the pairings at the two small tables. At one table, Liz found herself seated across from Max, while Maria had Michael across from her just to the left of them. One table over found Isabel seated across from Alex, and Kyle across from Tess.

Fate, it seemed, had a sense of humor that came up in the worst of times. At least that’s what the eight friends thought as they took in their partners in what most of were now silently dubbing "Susie's twisted love scheme."

"All right, it’s now time to start finding our soul mates." Susie paused as she took out a Kleenex and sniffed into it. "Why I remember when I met my Pete at a speed dating event. It was love at first sight, and—”

"Hey lady, I didn't spend $32.50 to hear about your love story,” a guy two tables over called out. “If I wanted a show, I would have gone to the Celine Dion concert down the street." Laughter broke out across the room.

Startled, Susie glared at the guy until he ducked his head, then turned back to stare at her clipboard. "Now where was I? Oh right, the rules. You have sixty seconds to get to know your partner as well as you can, then when the bell dings all guys with even numbers must switch to a female that has an odd number."

Without much further ado, she gave a shrill blow on her whistle. The room instantly burst into chatter as people realized that sixty seconds wasn't really as long as they thought.

Maria threw the pink index card she had been holding onto the table in disgust. Leaning back in the chair, she raised her eyebrow at the boy before her.

"So, how'd you get out of jail? Who was stupid enough to bail your sorry ass out?"

"Don't play dumb. I know you sent Frick and Frack to bust us out." Michael smirked in delight as her face started turning pink.

"No, I didn't!"

"Sure, sure. Whatever gets you through the night."

"This is unbelievable. I come here to try and meet some new people, and I still get stuck with you."

"Ditto, Blondie, ditto," he muttered at her.

Maria threw her hands in the air all the while muttering to herself as she tried to catch the eye of the event coordinator. "Great. Where the hell is Susie when I need her?" Determined to get away from Michael’s growing smirk, she waved her hand frantically trying to catch Susie's eye.

"Susie! Susie! I want a refund. Or better yet, a new partner!"

"Yeah, me, too. I want to trade for the brunette in the red sweater over there." Michael pointed two tables over and ignored the sounds that were coming from his girlfriend. "Hmm, I wonder if she's into long walks in the desert, watching Braveheart, and sports."

"Long walks? You ungrateful..." Maria snatched her number off the table and leaned across to hit him with it. "Now you want to be Mister Romantic. I can't believe you. I take that back, I can believe you."

A whistle went off as Susie hurried through the room to reach Michael and Maria, who ignored the others as they continued to throw insults and wrestled over the index card that Maria was hitting Michael with.

"I’m starting to think that we can't take them anywhere." Max's chuckle startled Liz, who had spent the first few seconds trying to avoid looking at him.

"Hopefully what happens in Vegas actually does stay there." She laughed in amusement as she took in Susie pointing to her watch and the clipboard, clearly indicating to Maria and Michael that they were wasting valuable matchmaking time.

"Somehow I'm pretty sure that this happens even when we're not in Vegas." Max made a production of looking around before leaning forward and whispering, "So, how long do you think until security shows up? Because I frankly doubt that Alex and Kyle have enough money to bail all of us out of jail. As much as I enjoyed Big Bubba's company, I’d rather not meet up again."

Liz fell back in her chair and snorted while trying to hold her laughter back. Seeing the oh-so-innocent look on Max's face broke her and she gave into the laughter. The two chuckled together and tried to get out a word only to laugh some more. Trying to pull herself together, she looked up and found herself drawn to those amber eyes that she had been avoiding longer than she wanted to admit.

The laughter faded away as the two continued to study each other shyly.



Somewhere a bell went off, shaking them out of their little world.


Meanwhile, at the other table, one Kyle Valenti leaned back against his chair and grinned at the girl seated across from him.

"So you finally got desperate enough to resort to speed dating?" Tess grinned at him, and laughed as she noticed him shuffling around in his seat.

Narrowing his eyes at her, he teased, "I could say the same thing about you."

"Well, it’s not like Roswell has much to offer. The dating pool does seem to be getting smaller and smaller." She shrugged.

"Um, hello?" Kyle pointed to himself. "What about me?"

"What about you?" She looked at him in confusion.

"You wouldn't go out with me if I asked?"

"Hmm, let me think about that." She tapped her finger on her chin as she pretended to contemplate his question. "Going on a date with Kyle Valenti. Hmm."

"Tess!" He glared at her as she bust out laughing. "I'm being serious here."

"Are you really asking?" She batted her eyes at him in jest.

"Maybe I am."

Tess stopped smiling when she realized that he was being serious. Swallowing, she thought about the past few months and the flirtatious moments that they'd had. She had never really thought that he could possibly return the feelings that she been pushing away, because she'd rather have his friendship than have nothing at all.

Opening her mouth to say something, she closed it as she tried to find some words to break the ice.

"You know, we could try going to prom. Together, I mean. It's coming up pretty soon." He shrugged in a studied casualness.

"Yeah... Is this your way of asking?" Tess asked nonchalantly.

"That depends. Are you saying yes?"


"Then maybe I'm asking." Kyle stared at her intently, and finally broke out into a smile as she grinned at him.

A bell sounded in the distance, signaling that their sixty seconds were up and it was now time to switch partners. Slowly standing up, he paused before he left the table.

"Is that a yes?"

"We'll talk later," she answered with a wink.


At the other end of the table, Isabel and Alex found themselves making small talk before Alex asked the question he'd been wondering since he walked in and found Isabel Evans at a speed dating service.

"So, what happened to Daniel?"

"Dave. His name is Dave." Isabel let out a sigh as she thought about her brief stint as a bridesmaid/wedding planner.


The air filled with tension as they looked away from each other, neither sure where the boundaries of friendship began and ended. Alex looked down at the surface of the table before raising his head to find Isabel looking dejectedly down at the table as well. Pushing aside everything else, he asked the one question that he knew any good friend would ask.

"In all honesty, I really do want to know that you're okay. Now, what happened?"

"The same thing that happens every time. He just wasn't quite what I was looking for, so here I am alone. Again." She shrugged and played with a strand of hair before dropping it. "I am such a freak."

"That's not true."

"Well if that's not true, then why can't I just find someone I can connect with?"

"Maybe you're just looking too hard," Alex said quietly.

Isabel lifted her eyes from the table only to be captured by his. "Is that really what you think?"

"I do."

Reaching slowly across the table, Alex lightly touched her hand with hesitation. Isabel stared at their barely-touching fingers for several seconds before fully entwining hers with his.

"Alex..." She paused as she thought about what could happen if she actually said the words that she wanted to say.

"I know. I know." Squeezing her hand, he let go just as the bell sounded.

With a clap of her hands and a whistle blow, Susie started moving all the guys around for the next round of speed dating. Alex barely had time to register what had just happened between them before he looked up and found himself staring into a pair of clear blue eyes.

Re: Speed Dating, Vegas Style (CC/UC,TEEN) AN - 9/10/09

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 8:30 am
by jbangelo
Thanks again for the fb, guys! We appreciate you taking the time to read and comment. Hope you enjoy the conclusion. Note: I think it goes without saying since you've ventured into this forum, but there are hints of UC in this part. But the story is really CC at its heart. ;)

Part Three

“So how did you get dragged into this?”

Alex looked across the table at his new partner. He wasn’t really sure what he was supposed to chat with Tess Harding about for sixty seconds, so he figured some small talk to pass the time would do.

“What makes you think I was dragged?” Tess asked.

Alex shrugged. “Just doesn’t really seem like your kind of thing.”

“And how do you know what my kind of thing is?” she prompted, and Alex worried that maybe he had offended her with his assumption, but he caught the ghost of a smile on her face and realized she was only teasing him.

“Fair enough,” he answered with a smile.

“Really, though, I was just bored and hanging out in the room watching a movie when Liz and Maria came in and invited me along.”

“Yeah, what movie?” Alex asked, more as a conversation piece than anything, though he found that he was relaxing slightly in her presence.

“I can’t remember what it was called,” Tess said. “A really cute fantasy movie. Something about a bride? Or a princess? And maybe a pirate?”

Alex sat up in his chair. “Are you talking about The Princess Bride?” he asked, shocked that a seventeen-year-old girl had never seen the classic movie.

“Yes, that’s it!” Tess said, pointing at Alex in affirmation. “You know it?”

“It’s only one of the greatest movies ever made!” he exclaimed, clutching his heart in jest.

“Really?” Tess cocked her head to the side and gave him a little smile. “It doesn’t really seem like your kind of movie.”

Alex laughed. “Touché,” he said, grinning at her.

“I didn’t actually get to finish it,” Tess confessed. “Buttercup doesn’t really marry that jerk of a prince, does she?”

“Inconceivable!” Alex exclaimed with a mock gasp, and Tess burst into laughter. With a tilt of his head and without giving much thought to what he was saying, he suggested, “Tell you what. When we get home, let’s get together and watch it. I have it on video.”

A bell sounded in the distance, signaling the end of their sixty seconds, and Alex found himself slightly disappointed that their time was over. Tess had been remarkably easy to chit-chat with, and had put him instantly at ease. How was it that she’d been in their lives for a year now and he was just now realizing that?

Tess smiled at him again as he rose from his chair. “I’d really like that, Alex,” she said.


Meanwhile, the second round of speed dating found Liz seated across from Michael, and Max across from Maria right next to them. Maria and Michael were still shooting glares at each other, and Liz and Max shared a look as well, both of them clearly unsure how to handle their new partners.

“So, Michael, how are you liking Vegas?” Liz asked, unsure of whether any of them would last the new round of speed dating.

“Well, he’s only seen the four walls of his jail cell so far,” Maria snapped from the next table. “Maybe he can describe the glamour of the bars and the single toilet, since he decided he needed to be there instead of supporting me.”

Michael looked around absently and asked no one in particular, “Do you hear something? Like an annoying buzzing sound?”

Max tried to divert Maria’s attention from her on-again off-again boyfriend. “Maria, Alex tells me you had audition,” he said. “How did it go?”

Suddenly interested, Michael piped in, “Yeah, tell him you were auditioning to be a stripper!”

“Better a stripper than a jailbird!” Maria shot back.

“That doesn’t even make any sense,” Michael said with a flabbergasted shake of his head.

Liz looked at Max again, her eyes wide and silently asking him if they should intercede in the lovers’ spat. “So, Michael…” Liz tried again, only to be instantly cut off.

“What do you know about making sense?” Maria exclaimed. “You only show up at school for lunch!”

“You know what? Bite me!”

“Oh, good comeback!” Maria scoffed.

And Liz and Max just looked at each other again and shrugged. It was clearly a losing battle.


“So I finally get some face time with the most popular girl in school.” Kyle leaned back in his chair and gave Isabel a mischievous smirk, his arms folded smugly across his chest.

Isabel simply rolled her eyes and responded, “You’re not necessarily part of the unpopular crowd either, you know.”

“I don’t know,” Kyle said, slightly dolefully. “My social calendar hasn’t exactly been full lately.”

Isabel felt a brief stab of sympathy for him, though she tried not to let her face show it. Instead, she attempted to lighten the mood by joking, “That’s probably because you’ve already dated half the school.”

Kyle followed suit and winked at her flirtatiously. “But not the good half, apparently,” he said.

Isabel laughed and asked, “What, do you have a ranking system or something? What number am I?”

“Hmm…” Kyle pretended to think. “About number four.”

“Number four?!” she exclaimed in mock surprise. “Just please tell me I rank higher than Pam Troy.”

“Hm, maybe I could be persuaded to move you up a notch or two.” Kyle gave an exaggerated wink and Isabel laughed loudly.

After her laughter subsided, she asked thoughtfully, “How come I’ve never seen this side of you before?”

“What side?”

“Well… the flirty side.”

“Truthfully?” Kyle looked at her, and his cheeks reddened slightly. “You’re out of my league, Isabel.”

Isabel leaned forward and whispered conspiratorially, “I don’t think you give yourself enough credit.”

Before Kyle could even begin to formulate a response, the telltale sound of the bell signaled the end of round two. He was surprised to discover that he didn’t have much desire to progress to the next round, the last two minutes having been more interesting that he possibly could have predicted.

The repeated sound of “ding ding ding” diverted Isabel and Kyle’s attention, and they turned to look in Susie’s direction, curious what the extra rings meant. Just a few tables down, they saw Maria and Michael squaring off, a distraught Susie trying to separate them.

“Sir, this round is over!” Susie was saying to Michael, who didn’t even seem to hear her. “You have to move on to a new partner!”

“Are those two still at it?” Isabel asked with an amused shake of her head.

“They should probably change their flyer to read, ‘Speed Dating, Guerin and DeLuca Style,’” Kyle said, chuckling at his own joke.

“…and all you brought me was some two-in-one shampoo!” Maria was saying, her voice at a high pitch. The arguing couple had drawn the attention of most of the people in the room.

“Are you done listing my shortcomings yet?” Michael asked, sounding bored.

“No, I’m—”

She was cut off by Susie. “Okay, you two!” she said, clearly exasperated. “I really don’t want to have to call security…”

“You owe me five bucks,” Max whispered to Liz from the sidelines.

“Don’t bother,” Michael responded. “There’s only one way to shut her up.”

Maria glared at him, her hands on her hips. “You just try—”

And the next thing they all knew, Maria shut up, all right, as Michael grabbed her and kissed her. Some wolf whistles sounded from the gathering crowd, and some people even applauded.

“Oh my… well, I never…” Susie sputtered, and she blew on the whistle loudly, to no avail. Clutching her purple clipboard in her hand, all she could do was blow on her whistle as she took in sight of the duo pretty much making out on the small table before them. Susie straightened her shoulders and took a step toward the kissing couple, like she thought she might physically pull them apart.

“Do you really want to do that?” Kyle asked with a smirk.

“This is… this is… this is…” Susie stuttered. “This is against all the rules for speed dating! I refuse to let these rule benders break my perfect record of a perfectly run speed date conference!”

“Did she say rule benders?” Alex asked in amusement as he and Tess moved closer to the group. “And what exactly is a perfect record for speed dating anyway?”

Before anyone could say anything else, they found themselves with one pissed off Susie glaring at them. “You think this is funny? This wouldn’t have happened in Reno, but oh no, I get all the kooks in Vegas. Where’s security when I need them?”

“And that’s our cue to get the hell out of here,” Kyle muttered as everyone else nodded.

“Does this mean we have to break up Doctor Love and his Margarita Salt? Because I get a feeling we’re going to need a crowbar or something to pull them apart. You know I think I might be scarring myself for life just watching this. This is starting to turn into one of those movies that Kyle has stashed...”

Tess let out a small squeak as Kyle leaned over and covered her mouth. Feeling everyone’s eyes on them, Kyle looked up. “What? It was a Disney movie. The Little Mermaid. Get your minds out of the gutter, people.”

“Right!” Liz, Max, and Alex said together.

“Now I’m starting to think I’m going to be scarred for life,” Isabel said wryly as she shook her head. “I’ve always loved that movie, too.”

A whistle blew loudly reminding everyone of what was going on as they found several burly guys wearing all black and serious expressions on their faces surrounding them.

“Ah crap. I think it’s the love police, and they’re not here to spread love either. You would think they would be wearing at least some pinks and reds.” Kyle grinned as he raised his hands in the traditional gesture of peace.

“Kyle, you’re really not helping our cause.” Max shook his head at him before grinning back. “Although I do concede that I wouldn’t expect the love police to wear dark clothes either.”

“Have they been drinking again? Because I think they might be bonding,” Alex whispered loudly to Isabel.

“You see what I’ve had to put up with?! They’ve been disrupting the event with their blatant disregard of the rules by not taking this seriously, and I’m starting to think they’re all dating each other which is against rule number one.” Susie pointed at her clipboard and showed it to the security guard in front of her. “And I don’t even have to point out what rule these two broke.” She pointed to Maria and Michael who were still making out.

“I don’t even remember seeing any rules,” Liz started, only to be interrupted by Susie’s demand that they all be taken away.


Six Hours Later

“You know, when I got a call from the Las Vegas Police Department, I thought that something had happened. Maybe a kidnapping or an invasion, but somehow I don’t think I ever considered a brawl at a speed dating event would be the reason why I would be contacted by the police.”

Eight pairs of eyes winced at the biting tone and looked through the bars that now housed them in four familiar walls, only to find a very unhappy face staring at them in disapproval.

“Dad, I think I speak for all of us when I say that this is all Michael and Maria’s fault.” Kyle spoke up from the tiny bed he was sitting on, Tess leaning against him.

“Hey!” Michael and Maria glared at him from the corner where they were standing.

“I’m going have to agree with Kyle.” Max nodded his head. “Yeah, I’m pretty sure that the two of them making out on the table was the last straw for the event coordinator.” Liz, who was sitting shoulder to shoulder with him, only a small bit of space between them, snorted and tried to hide her smile as her best friend glared at her.

“Ugh! I’m trying to get the visual of those two out of my head. You’re not helping me, Max.” Isabel rubbed her eyes. “First I catch them making out on the counter at the Crashdown, now this. Why can’t anyone else ever be the one to stumble across them?”

“I feel your pain.” Alex patted her back. “Just do what I always do. Go into denial about the whole thing. In my mind, my two best friends are still stuck in the ‘boys have cooties’ phase.”

“Yeah, well, Maxwell and I say the same thing when you’re making out with Isabel,” Michael retorted.

“Hey!” Alex and Isabel glared at him.

A throat clearing loudly reminded them that they had bigger problems than their love lives. They all turned back to find Sheriff Valenti staring at them in disbelief. “It looks like I have my answer as to whether I’m going to bail you out. I think maybe another six hours together might be good for you. Maybe all of you will have learned some responsibility as well as the importance of following rules.”

With that, he turned around and walked away, leaving eight stunned teenagers staring at his back in shock. Somehow they figured that in years to come that they would look back at the moment with humor, but for now they all stared at each other before yelling simultaneously, “This is all your fault!”

Viva Las Vegas.