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Hero of The Day (XO, UC, SV, Teen) Part 4 10/30

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 5:36 pm
by LittleBit
Hero of the Day
Author: LittleBit
Category: UC Crossover
Characters: Liz Parker, Oliver Queen, members of the Justice League, Lex Luthor
Disclaimer: I do not own Smallville, Roswell, or any of their characters. If I did, things would be very different. The title is from the Metallica Song, Hero of the Day which I do not own.
Rating: Teen
Timeline/Spoilers: Roswell up to Ch-ch-changes and for Smallville, I’d say anything before Justice in S6 but other things through the later seasons are fair game.
Summary: After Liz leaves for Vermont, she finds that the powers she tried to run away change her life more than she ever thought possible.

NOTE: #1 Since I’m starting this story before the end of S3 of Roswell, Liz has not received any visions. They will not be part of this story.

#2 Thank you to SnowyOwl_17 for her hours of listening to me rambling as well as for her awesome betaing skills.

#3 Thank you to RoswellOracle for the beautiful banner.


Liz Parker felt very lost, very alone, and most of all very scared.

When she had told her parents she wanted to leave Roswell to go to school in Vermont, she thought she’d be able to go back to normal. That she could leave all of the alien stuff, including her new powers, behind as long as she could get away from Max. Two days and several states away, and Liz knew she was wrong. She was different now and there was no going back to normal.

Everything had been fine for days. After she had asked her dad to send her to Vermont, the green electrical current had subsided a lot and by the time she had gotten on the bus the next day they were gone. Her parents had wanted to drive her to Vermont but Liz had insisted on the bus. Her dad couldn’t be away from the café for that long and her mom didn’t do well with driving long distances so the bus just made more sense. They had reluctantly agreed and off she went.

The bus ride was long and tiring so whenever they made a stop, Liz was one of the first ones out. Therefore, when they stopped at a bus stop in Kansas, Liz got out to stretch her legs. It was when she was looking through the vending machines that it happened. She started to feel warm; as if her skin had been sunburned then her hands had started to tingle. Liz had never experienced anything like it but knew she had to get out of there before something happened. She backed away from the crowd that were perusing the wares of the vending machine, bumping into a guy about her age who looked at her in surprise and looked around for a quiet place to go.

Unfortunately Liz didn’t get that far. She was no more than twenty feet away from the machines when flames erupted out of her hands. Luckily her arms had been hanging by her sides and no one had gotten hurt but that didn’t keep everyone close from seeing. Panic erupted and the crowd went crazy trying to get out of the way.

Taking advantage of the chaos to get away, Liz pulled up the hood of her jacket to hide her face until she could duck into a supply closet. She sat there with her ear pressed to the door and waited. After the noises stopped, she still waited. She waited for what seemed like forever but her watch said three hours. She crept slowly out and when she saw that everything looked normal apart from the scorch marks on the ground, she exited the closet.

Liz knew she needed to get away from there. Her bus was long gone as well as her luggage but she still had her purse with her ticket and some cash. Luckily the lady at the ticket counter had just started the next shift, and though she had heard about the commotion she didn’t connect Liz with the incident, but she excitedly told Liz all of her theories about it. However that was where Liz’s luck ran out.

Liz turned away from the ticket counter but only managed to get a few feet away when two tall men in suits stepped in front of her. “Miss, we need you go come with us.”

Despite the panic she was feeling, Liz spoke evenly. “Sorry, I’m going to miss my bus.”

“You’re not going on the bus.” The one on her left stated. “There are some questions that need answering about the incident earlier.”

“I don’t know what you are talking about.” Liz replied as she tried to backtrack.

However, the men grabbed her before she could get out of reach, and pulled her away. The crowds looked on but didn’t do anything, the official looking suits making them believe that the men were on official business and they didn’t interfere. Liz thought of screaming but knew that it would not do any good. Instead she tried to talk her way out of it, “You guys have the wrong person. I saw that girl get on a bus right after it happened.”

The men didn’t listen to her, instead they muscled her into a large Black SUV. She opened her mouth to say more when she felt a prick on the back of her neck and then blackness.

Once the subject was unconscious, the driver made a call on his cell phone. “Mr. Luthor, we have her.”


As Liz felt consciousness slowly come back to her, the first thing she was aware of was that she was on a cold, hard floor. For a moment she thought she must have fallen asleep on the floor of the supply closet at the bus station, but then the memory of being shoved into the SUV came back to her, causing her eyes snapped open. The ceiling above her was plain, institutional looking and very unfamiliar.

“It’s good to see you are awake.” Liz heard a voice say, though it was distorted, as if it were coming through some kind of speaker. She rolled to her side and saw the reason for the speaker. She was in a room made a glass walls, not just a room, a cell.

The voice’s owner was staring at her with cold, blue eyes from the other side of the glass, as if she were a specimen under a microscope. He wore a dark suit that looked to be custom made for his slim physique, and though his head was devoid of any hair, he looked to be only a few years older than she was. He watched her study him for a moment before he spoke, with a smug smirk on his face, and in his voice. “I thought my men might have gone too heavy on the drugs.”

“Why did they grab me?” Liz asked. “What am I doing here?”

“You are here because of the incident at the bus stop of course.” The man informed her, as though that fact should have been common knowledge to her.

“That wasn’t me.” Liz argued. “I’m just an ordinary girl.”

The man smiled at her, thought it wasn’t one that made her feel any easier. “We both know that isn’t true, Elizabeth.”

Liz felt her blood run cold; he knew her name. She knew it could simply be because he saw her driver’s license in her purse, but the way he said her name suggested otherwise. “It’s rude to go through someone’s things.”

“Is it not just as impolite to lie to someone?” The man replied straight faced, and completely serious. “More to the point, I would not have been able to find out who you are had I not looked through your possessions.”

“And now that you know who I am?” Liz asked, feeling a sense of dread as she waited for him to answer.

“I was able to find out quite a bit about you Elizabeth Anne Parker, and we both know that you are no ordinary girl.” The man stated; he gave her a slight smirk, before his tone became very matter of fact. “At first, I thought you were simply a pyrotechnic like the young man my men were tailing; that the two of you possibly knew each other and were meeting. However, once I did a background search on you, I was pleasantly surprised to find that I presumed wrong.”

Liz couldn’t help but think that he seemed far too sickly, happy about that. It was scary just how much eyes twinkled as though he had just received a much sought after gift that had taken a great deal of work to ascertain.

“Four years ago, there was a shooting in Roswell, New Mexico at the Crashdown Café. There were no injuries, but there were a couple of eyewitnesses who stated that one of the waitresses was shot; but she appeared to have no lasting injuries. The witnesses speculated that one of the patrons healed her, but they were regarded as tourists who were a little too caught up in the alien hype in the area, and therefore their statements were not viable.” The man explained. “That waitress was Elizabeth Parker.”

“You imprisoned a teenage girl because of something you’ve read in a supermarket tabloid?” Liz asked, trying to put off a much stronger façade than she was currently feeling.

“Imprisoned?” The man repeated, with what almost appeared to be an offended tone. “You were brought here for your own protection. The incident at the bus stop proves that you have limited, if any, control over your abilities.”

“I doubt you lock your guests up in cells.” Liz retorted sarcastically, before she could stop herself.

“That chamber is for your safety, as well as everyone else here.” He calmly explained.

“What exactly do you think I can do?” Liz asked, trying to continue with her innocent act. “You said you first thought I was a…pyro-whatever, but you‘re talking about something that happened years ago. What does one have to do with the other?”

“You were shot, that I have no doubt of. You were shot, and you healed yourself. Healing and fire starting are two abilities that have very little in common.” He declared, with slanted, but smug eyes. “Due to that, our preliminary hypothesis is that your ability is not one individual power, but rather the capacity to absorb powers from anyone around you that possesses them.”

“So I’m some kind of power sponge?” Liz asked putting off a tone of disbelief, but she couldn’t help the feeling of mild curiosity at the thought. She hated to admit it but it made sense. In the last year and a half, whenever Liz had shown any sign of powers it was the same powers that the aliens had; the flashes, dreamwalking Max while he was in New York, even the energy that had ran up and down her hands was like Michael’s, nothing had been her own. However, as curious as she was, Liz did not feel safe exploring it here; not with this guy anyway. Not that she had much of a choice. “And you plan to ‘help’ me with this Mr.….”

“Luthor, Lex Luthor.” Lex introduced himself, in a tone that just told her he was a man that usually got whatever he wanted simply because of his name. “And yes. I would like to help you.”

“And what if I don’t want the help?” Liz asked. “Can I leave?”

“No.” Lex proclaimed. “You are too much of a danger.”

“Then I am a prisoner.” Liz announced; her innate suborn personality finally rearing its head. “I won’t cooperate.”

“You don’t have to.” Lex retorted. Liz watched as a team of large men came seemingly out of nowhere, and surrounded Lex before they moved towards her. They entered her cell and reached for her. Liz tried to use whatever powers she might have within her, but they didn’t work. They grabbed her and pinned her to the bed. Once she was restrained, Lex approached her from the side, his eyes a cold blue.

"Let's see what you are capable of."

Okay, there’s the first part of my newest story. Love it? Hate it?

This one is going to be formatted a little differently, instead of one long story I hope to write several shorter stories that still covers everything a longer one would.

Oh, and while I always write for the fun of it, this one more so than normal.

Re: Hero of The Day (XO, UC, SV, Teen) Prologue 9/7

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 3:51 pm
by LittleBit
Thank you cjsl8ne, pandas2001, alexceasar for the feedback. I appreciate it and hope you guys enjoy.

I just wanted to add that snowyowl_17 should get the credit for the AC/Aquaman part of this section. I just couldn't write it so she stepped in and helped. She also did the betaing for this part. Thank you for your help.

Part One
Several years later

33.1 Facility-Brazil

“Watchtower, I’m entering the lab,” Bart relayed through his comm.

“Copy that, Impulse,” he heard Chloe’s reply moments later.

As he approached the computer he pulled out one of Ollie’s new gadgets. He really didn’t want to get another nasty shock like he did last time he did this. When the little thing told him he was good to go he started searching the computer database. He honestly had no idea what that freaky little gadget did, but hey it kept him from getting juiced up with millions of volts, so it was good by him.

“Just get the files and then fall back. No funny business this time Impulse.” Chloe told him with a mixture of amusement, annoyance, and authority…everything he liked about the gorgeous, blonde mamacita.

Bart smirked as he remembered what she was talking about. “Ahh…come on Tower. You have to admit it was funny. Those guards didn’t even know what hit them.”

“Maybe not, but Arrow is not going to allow you on solo missions if you keep messing with the security, and risk getting caught.” Chloe scolded as she continued to watch the satellite readout.

So far there were no indications that the building was an active 33.1 facility. However, Victor had been able to acquire some Intel on several facilities, including this one that Lex was in the processes of obtaining and that made Oliver’s team just as interested in gathering more information.

Chloe doubled checked the heat signatures of the guards, as they made their rounds, unaware of Bart’s ongoing search, when she noticed a new heat signature pop up on the screen. However, this one was different. “Impulse, I’ve got an abnormal heat signature. It’s moving your way; eta is three minutes.”

“Almost finished.” Bart answered trying to get the computer to keep up with the speed that he was typing into it.

“Get out of there, Impulse; it’s right on top of you.” Chloe warned as she watched the heat signature come up behind Bart.

Bart heard Chloe’s warning but he didn’t need it. Just as he was reaching for the flash drive, he felt a presence behind him. Without even looking, he grabbed the drive and sped out of there. “I’m on my way out Tower, with the Intel.”

“Impulse, that heat signature is coming up behind you. Fast.”

Bart smirked, and was about to reply that whatever it was, it wouldn’t be fast enough to catch him, when he saw something out of the corner of his eye. He felt the drive being ripped from his hand just before he felt his legs being knocked out from underneath him. He fell forward, and was just able to catch himself from hitting one of the large trees that surrounded the facility. Slightly stunned, Bart looked around him to see what had hit him.

She was shorter than him, pale with curly blonde hair and blue eyes. She smiled at him, and then waved the drive at him. “Thanks handsome!”

Then just as fast as he would have arrived she was gone. Bart got over the shock quickly enough to pursue her, only to realize she had disappeared; he answered his comm. where Chloe was yelling at him. “Watchtower, this is Impulse. I’ve lost the files,” he said in both disbelief and shock.


33.1 Facility-Small Island in the South Pacific

AC smiled as the marine life swam around him. He loved talking to them even if only for a few moments. He didn’t stop himself from rolling his eyes when he heard Chloe talking to him through his specially made comm. Oliver had gotten AC’s specially made to withstand the pressure of the deep depths of the ocean that he swam in, as well as the high speeds that he swam at.

“Alright Big Guy, I know you’ve got a lot of friends down there, but we got to get moving. We don’t have a very big window of opportunity,” Chloe said in her no non-sense Watchtower voice, but he could also hear a bit of amusement as well.

Chloe was the only one who didn’t make fun of his abilities.

With one last smile and a goodbye to his new friends he took off, faster than Clark, as he moved through the water toward the submerged opening, of the 33.1 facility, in the cliff.

He easily adjusted to the differences of going from water to air. Smiling smugly he tapped on the two way communication, “Watchtower this is Aquaman. By the way my new friends say ‘hi’.”

Chloe chuckled, “It’s good to hear your voice, Aquaman. And I promise when this is over I’ll try to get Arrow to give you a day to visit your new friends, and you can tell them ‘hi’ for me.”

AC smiled widely. Chloe was always trying to help him get some time off to spend with his marine life friends. She was really the only one who tried to understand what it was like to communicate with other forms of life in your head.

She tried with Vic, too. She was a good Watchtower. Kind of like the overprotective, big sister that knew far too much about her little brothers lives, but would go after anyone who tried to hurt them as well.

“You’re the best, Tower,” he said softly as he checked to make sure he was clear to go.

“Everything looks clear on my end, Tower. How about you?” he asked quietly, as he moved into complete business mode.

“You’re set to go, AQ,” Chloe confirmed, using her own shortened version of his code name.

He can’t help but feel a sense of relief as everything continues to go smoothly. He wasn’t as good as the others with computers, but he was good enough to get the info that they needed.

However, he knew better than to breathe in relief until he was back at HQ.

“We’re good to go, Tower. I’m makin’ my way out of this popsicle stand,” AC said as he pulled the drive out of the USB connection.

“Watch your back, AQ. There is an unusually high heat signature walking around with the guards,” Chloe warned him.

AC nodded even though he new Chloe couldn’t see him, “Copy that, Tower.”

He carefully, but swiftly, made his way back to the ‘cave’ entrance, and was doing well until he heard Chloe say the one thing he didn’t want to hear.

“AQ that heat signature is moving your way. ETA less than two minutes!” Chloe said urgently.

AC picked up speed and was just about to make his exit when he was with what felt like electricity. There were shocks of electricity moving through his body, but he also felt like he was rapidly dehydrating. Subconsciously he also knew that the shooting electricity short circuited his comm.

He fell to the floor and gasped for breath. He felt as though he had already been deprived of water for days. He used the rest of his energy to glare at the small woman with short, straight black hair. He had a moment where he thought he saw something cross her detached face, but with the symptoms of dehydration quickly taking over him; he knew it was just his imagination.

She quickly ripped the flash drive from him, just as his vision started going.

“Well, this is new. You’re actually…drying out,” she said matter-of-factly.

Just as he felt like he was about to give into the darkness taking over him, he felt his body become submerged in water. In his mind he could hear the marine life communicating with him…and the woman.

‘It’s all right, big guy, they’re on their way,’ her voice sounded in his mind as her grasp on him loosened and his new friends surrounded him protectively.

As he was carried away from her, her voice became more and more distant, but as his body was rapidly absorbing more and more water he clearly heard her voice one last time, ‘I’m sorry. Please, take care of him.’

And then it was like she was out of range, and he couldn’t hear her anymore.

33.1 Facility- Siberia

Victor used to hate the cold. He would wear the heaviest coat, gloves and scarf he could find, and bitch through the whole season. However, when he got his cybernetic implants, the cold became a minor thing due to the heat that his new body parts generated. Therefore, whenever there was a mission with possible sub-zero conditions, he was the first one sent. That was how he ended up in the middle of Siberia, infiltrating what they believed to be a 33.1 server farm...well that and the fact that he could hook himself up to the mainframe when he found it.

Once he reached the facility, he turned his comm. on. “Watchtower this is Cyborg.”

“Read you loud and clear, Cyborg.” Chloe said as she bit back a yawn. “I’ve got you on screen, and the planned course is free and clear in sixty seconds.”

Victor waited as he and Chloe counted down the seconds before moving in, evading the facilities’ personnel as he went. The two of them had been watching satellite images over the last several days, logging the shifts that the staff worked, routines that were followed and memorizing the layout of the buildings. They had been unable to locate the blueprints for the buildings from the database they had acquired at the Ridge facility so they had to rely on what they could get from Oliver’s satellite images.

The heat signatures indicated that there were two rooms that contained the servers, so Victor was going to have to work fast if he was going to get in, and out, without being detected. It wasn’t until he entered the second room that he discovered that the heat on the satellite wasn’t just from the servers.

“Hello there.” The short red head greeted him. Her green eyes swept over him quickly, as if appraising him. “Well, you’ll a bit more of challenge now won’t you?”

“What?” Victor asked but before he could even get the one word out completely, she placed her hand on him and he caught a glimpse of an electric current come out of her hand before he felt a jolt go through him as his cybernetic implants shut down and rebooted. As he lost consciousness, he heard her voice once more. “I’m sorry.”

What surprised him, even in his hazy state, was that she seemed genuine in her conviction.


JL Headquarters, Star City

Once Victor returned from his mission, and gave his report, Oliver decided it was time for a meeting to decide what their next step was involving the women who kept wreaking havoc with his team. He’d called Clark who sped over with Chloe in tow, and they were now all gathered at Queen Manor, which he had begun converting to the team’s Star City Headquarters.

“We have a problem.” Oliver announced, “Each of your missions were interrupted due to interference by three different women; each woman appears to have powers similar to your own, except in Victor’s case where she simply rebooted his system.”

The guys all nodded as Chloe spoke up. “I’ve been able to backtrack through the facilities CTV feed, and come up with pictures of the women.”

Security pictures of the blonde, red head and Alice Cullen look alike that had intercepted each of them popped up on the monitors that surrounded the watchtower computer station. “When you look at all of their pictures, these women share no identifiable, identical facial characteristics. Their skin, hair, eyes, everything is different except for their height. According to their video feed, their body size is close within a few inches.”

“So what are they?” Bart asked. “Some kind of female meta crew?”

“You wish.” Victor piped in.

“Can you blame me? That’d be totally hot.” Bart exclaimed.

“Sorry to rain on your fantasies Bart.” Chloe interrupted. “But I’m pretty sure all three of them are the same person.”

“A shapeshifter?” Victor asked in surprise.

“We’ve come across them before.” Chloe answered, as she nodded to Clark to indicate who she was talking about.

“But the girl I saw, she had powers just like me.” AC argued; he and everyone else in the room knew that it was highly unlikely that there was another Meta out there with powers like his. He would have run in to them during one of his many journeys in the ocean, if there were by some small chance someone else with his abilities.

“There are holes in my theory, I’ve never heard of a Meta that could absorb powers and shapeshift.” Chloe conceded. “Bart’s theory could be just as likely. A group of women with abilities brought together to make the most of those abilities. It’s not that much of a stretch.”

When the group nodded, Clark added. “Which means one person or several, they are very dangerous.”

“No, it means they are strong.” Oliver clarified. “And a new recruitment possibility.”

“You want to recruit them?” Clark asked surprised. “You know that they are probably working for Lex since each time you guys have encountered them, you ended up not finishing a mission against Lex.”

“True. Nevertheless, that doesn’t mean he isn’t doing it by force. The guys could have been caught or killed during any of the run-ins but the women seemed to purposely make sure they were not harmed. In Victor’s case she went out of her way to make sure he was not discovered.” Oliver stated.

“But if this girl can use the powers that are around her, should we really be exposing her to Clark?” Victor asked.

“It’s a chance we’ll have to take.” Oliver said. “Chloe, Victor. I want you to find a 33.1 facility here in the states that we haven’t hit yet, something close to water preferably. Once you do that, I want Bart and AC to run reconnaissance on it. Scout the area, make sure that you are seen but don’t go in. If they are working for Lex, he’ll bring them in the moment he thinks we’ll hit the facility. Then in a few days, we all go in….”

Re: Hero of The Day (XO, UC, SV, Teen) Part 1 9/13

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 6:06 pm
by LittleBit
AN: I've added a poll to this story so please vote and let me know what you think. I hope to post in the next few days.

Re: Hero of The Day (XO, UC, SV, Teen) AN 9/18

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 5:52 pm
by LittleBit
Thanks everyone for the feedback both in comments and the poll. Sorry it took me so long to post. I have this story done but the next one has been giving me issues so I haven't been posting. But tomorrow I'm going to try and force it out and see what comes.

Now, onto the next part.

Part Two

Three days later and they were ready to go. Chloe had found a 33.1 facility in the panhandle of Michigan; right on the coast of the lake, perfect by all accounts for infiltration by every member of the team. While AC and Bart did their job of letting security spot them; Chloe, Victor, and Oliver went over the details of how to get in.

They had two objectives to the mission; the primary one of course, being to find one or all of the women who they had previously run into, and the secondary one, which was to destroy the facility after they were sure it had been evaluated of personal and any captives.

The plan was simple; Oliver, Bart, Victor, and AC would all go in from separate points once Victor knocked the security system down, and Chloe would lead them from a mobile Watchtower station in Oliver’s jet to various points in the facility that likely held captives, or Intel that they needed before laying charges as well as keep an eye out for any abnormal heat signatures that would signify the party they were looking for.

Oliver had just placed his last explosive when Chloe spoke up. “Arrow, I’ve got a heat signature to the North, fifty feet.”

“Is she heading this way?”

“Negative, it looks like she is heading towards Victor.” Chloe declared before giving him more detailed directions. “She’s moving at normal speeds.”

“On my way.” Oliver replied as he quietly left his current location toward the direction of their target.

Within a few minutes Oliver spotted the petite figure moving ahead of him about ten feet down the corridor. From behind he could see that she had the same blonde curly hair as the girl that Bart had ran into, and she was dressed in the black outfit that all three girls had been wearing. From all indications, she wasn’t aware that he was behind her, and he wasn’t going to loose the advantage over her. He pulled crossbow out of its holster, aimed it at her, and yelled. “Don’t Move.”

Oliver knew that he had a fifty-fifty chance of her actually listening to him, and was thankful when she actually stopped. “Well it seems you guys finally got smart, and sent in more than one at a time.”

“After you took out three of us, we knew we had to go with teamwork.” Oliver stated as he came up behind her, his crossbow only a few inches from her back.

“A whole team?” The girl replied mockingly. “I guess I should feel privileged that you thought I could take out a whole team.”

“You should. We haven’t come up against someone quite like you before. You’ve been a pain in the ass.” Oliver announced, his voice distorter unable to hide the annoyance in his voice.

“It’s nice to be good at something.” The girl quipped. “But what are you going to do now? Keep me busy while your buddies escape.”

“You don’t really believe we’d go to all of this trouble, and not have a follow through do you?” Oliver asked. “The rest of my team is making sure your boss can’t use this facility to hurt people anymore while you and I chat.”

“Sorry, can’t let you do that.” The girl replied. She swung around, caught the crossbow in her right arm while her left came around to punch him in the stomach. He dropped the crossbow, as he ducked the girl’s roundhouse kick aimed at his head. As he dropped, he hooked his arm around her anchor leg to sweep it out from under her. She fell to the ground, but she used the momentum to flip around to face him again. She went on the attack except she moved too slowly, and Oliver anticipated her move. He grabbed her arm as the girl went to punch him. Using it as leverage he twisted it behind her, and pulled the girl against his body, holding her there with her facing away from him.

The feeling of the girl’s body conform to his as well as her warmth, threw Oliver off guard for a moment, which allowed the girl to bringing her foot up fast and kick Oliver in the face over her shoulder. The blow stunned him as well as knocked his glasses off. Luckily the hood stayed put, or he would have been completely unmasked.

He threw a punch with his left, but she was prepared and grabbed his arm, before she kneed him in the stomach. He caught the roundhouse kick that she followed it with, then twisted the leg, and sent her to the ground. Oliver took the opportunity to retrieve his crossbow and aimed it at her. “Stand up, hands where I can see them.”

The girl stood; her hands in front of her and an annoyed look on her face. “You know I can be out of here before you can even get that arrow off.”

“No, I don’t think you can. Otherwise you would have left the moment I came up behind you; you wouldn’t have needed to fight me.” Oliver retorted.

As soon as she had engaged him in hand to hand, he had figured that they were dealing with someone who could absorb powers, at least for a short time since she didn’t seem to have Bart’s speed anymore, and shape shift. Chloe was right; he’d need to give her a bonus for that.

“Maybe I was just trying to get some exercise. A girl needs to keep in shape.” She replied.

“Even shape shifters?” Oliver asked.

The girl smirked. “So you figured that out huh?”

“Wasn’t too hard.” Oliver admitted.

“As much as I’m loving the chitchat, you’ve done enough stalling for your team.” The girl replied as she dropped her left hand as she aimed her right hand at Oliver, and before he could say anything green electrical streams flew out of her hand and sent him flying backwards through the air.

Green Arrow had just landed thirty feet away from her when Liz felt a sudden gust of wind behind her. She turned around and saw a tall dark haired guy standing behind her, another one of the Green Arrow’s team no doubt. Suddenly Liz felt a sudden rush to her system that she unfortunately recognized. Before she could do anything about it, she felt something slam into her left shoulder. She looked over her shoulder where she caught a glimpse of the Green Arrow, his crossbow pointed at her, but empty before blackness over took her.

Clark caught the girl as she passed out from Oliver’s stun arrow, and gently lowered her to the ground. As Oliver approached, they watched as the blonde curly hair and pale skin morphed into dark brown straight hair and olive skin. Oliver looked over the girl…woman and understood why she disguised herself. She was beautiful and her face would be recognizable. “Can you see a tracker on her?”

Clark scanned her quickly through his X-ray vision before nodding. “It’s on the back of her neck.”

“This should jam whatever frequency it’s transmitting. Just keep it within fifteen feet of her.” Oliver retrieved something from his belt and pressed a button before handing it to Clark. “Take her back to the rendezvous point. We’ll meet you there as soon as we can.”

Clark nodded before he was gone.

The rendezvous point was a warehouse on the outskirts of Metropolis that Oliver owned through one of his subsidiary companies. It was the most secure place they could use without giving away their headquarters in Metropolis, or Star City, to talk to the woman. Oliver, AC, Victor and Chloe had traveled by jet while Bart and Clark stood guard over her. While they traveled, Chloe had started searching for any information that could tell them who the mysterious woman was.

“Elizabeth Anne Parker, age twenty-two, went missing four years ago while traveling to Winneman Boarding School for girls.” Chloe read aloud from her screen. “She disappeared from a bus stop outside Lawrence, Kansas. Lex must have had her picked up while she was transferring buses.”

“Where was she coming from?” Oliver asked.

“Roswell, New Mexico.” Chloe answered, surprise in her voice. “You know over the years, I’ve found a few strange stories regarding that town that could warrant being on the Wall of Weird, but nothing concrete.”

“And you think we have found proof now?” Victor asked.

“I don’t know. Maybe.” Chloe replied. “Or maybe all of the nuclear testing they did in the desert in the last century had an unknown affect on the population just like Kryptonite did. If people were suddenly showing signs of abilities, it wouldn’t be hard for people to attribute it to aliens, and then those stories dismissed as hoaxes.”

Oliver nodded his head in agreement. “Regardless, a person with the ability to absorb other Meta’s powers would be a huge asset for Lex. He might not like Metas, but he’ll use them if he were able to control them.”

“Which it looks like he could.” AC remarked.

“Maybe.” Oliver said. “Maybe not. Like I said before, she might have been working against us, but I want to talk to her before we put her in Lex’s corner.”

Four hours later, they were at the warehouse and she began to stir.

In the time since she had been taken, Liz had gotten used to waking up from unconsciousness, but this was the first time in over a year where she felt the kind of pain she was in. She felt horrible and groaned. “I feel like a truck just hit me.”

“Sorry about that.” Liz heard a voice apologize causing her to open her eyes. “Shit!”

Something was wrong with her eyes. Everything in front of her looked as if she was looking at it through an x-ray machine. She could see four people, four males, were in the room with her and if she wasn’t mistaken one of the males had a lot of metal inside him. She could also see through what she thought was a wall, and into another room that had another guy and a girl. She knew she had to have absorbed the power from the guy who had come up behind her when she’d fought the Green Arrow. He had overloaded her, and allowed the Green Arrow to get the drop on her. She quickly closed her eyes and tried to control it.

A minute later Liz opened her eyes and saw that her vision was clear. And that she was the center of attention. The four guys were the same ones she had ran into before; the ones Lex had told her were called Green Arrow, Impulse, Cyborg, and Aquaman. He had called them terrorists, but she knew that was because of his warped way of seeing things. Of course at the moment they were her captors. “I really hate being kidnapped.”

“We didn’t kidnap you.” Green Arrow said, his voice distorter still working. “Just moved you to a better location so we could talk to you.”

“You better make it fast, because the person I work for will probably be arriving soon.” Liz replied.

“No, he won’t.” Cyborg announced. “Your tracker is no longer broadcasting.”

“You’ve got me here now, is that where your plan ends?” Liz asked as she took stock of her surroundings. Surprisingly she was not restrained in anyway, and aside from the four men in front of her watching her every movement she didn’t see any other security. Of course that could be what the other two in the other room might before waiting for. However, Liz still felt confident she could escape if she wanted to. But she wanted to know what they wanted first. “This isn’t some kind of vengeance thing for me kicking your asses, is it? Because you know, you really shouldn’t take things so personally.”

“I like her boss, can we keep her?” The guy in red, Impulse, said as he let out a chuckle, which turned into yelp when Liz sent a mild stunner at him.

“I’m not a pet.” Liz grumbled.

“Then why are you doing Luthor’s dirty business?” Cyborg asked.

“Not that it’s any of your business, but I didn’t plan to be doing it.” Liz spat out.

“Everyone has a choice.” The Green Arrow declared.

“You’re right everyone does have a choice.” Liz stated. “I have a choice of doing whatever Lex says, whether as a guinea pig, or protection detail, or letting him go after my family. My parents don’t know anything about me or any of this. Since I’ve seen what he can do to people, I’ve been forced to do some of it so I made a choice. I chose my family. They don’t even know if I’m still alive, but I’ll do whatever I can to protect them.”

The guys were quiet after her announcement, not sure what to say. The silence was broken for Oliver when he heard Chloe through his comm telling him to join her in the room where she and Clark had watched the whole exchange. “I’ll be right back, keep an eye on her.”

Oliver retreated to the observation room to speak to Chloe and Clark. As he pulled off his hood and glasses, he said. “Let’s hear this plan.”

A few minutes later, Green Arrow emerged from the door that he had disappeared through earlier. “Impulse, I need two disposable cell phones as soon as possible.”

Impulse nodded before he vanished from the room only to reappear a few seconds later. Green Arrow nodded to him before taking one of them. “I need the other delivered to the Parkers at the Crashdown Café in Roswell, New Mexico. Boy Scout will go with you as back up, in case Lex has any men in the area.”

“You got it Boss.” Impulse stated before he disappeared.

Liz studied the Green Arrow for a minute. She wasn’t surprised that he knew who she was, but she was curious to know what was going on. “What are you doing?”

“We thought you might like a chance to contact your parents.” Oliver explained. The first part of Chloe’s plan had been simple, show her a gesture of good faith by letting her talk to the family she had given her freedom up for protecting. Oliver had to agree it was a good idea.

After keying in the number for the other phone, the Green Arrow handed it to her. Liz hesitantly took it, half expecting him to snatch it away. Once it was securely in her hands, she hit the talk button and listened to it ring. After three rings she heard her father answer, his voice thick with confusion. “Hello?”

“Dad.” Liz said in a trembling voice. “It’s Liz.”

“Lizzie?” His voice wobbled a little as he spoke, as if he almost didn’t believe he was on the phone with her. “Are you okay? Where are you? What happened?”

“Dad, dad!” Liz yelled to stop the barrage of questions. “I’m okay, I can’t tell you where I am, but I’m okay. Are you alright? Mom?”

“She’s right here, we’re both fine.” Jeff exclaimed. Liz could hear a rustling on the other line before she heard her mother’s voice.

As soon as the conversation started, Oliver motioned for the guys to back up a little and give her as much privacy as they could while still remaining in the room. It was times like this that made the fight against Lex more human to them. This was why they fought him, he had to be stopped.

Although she wanted to talk longer, Liz ended the call after only a few minutes. Her parents had begged her to tell them where she was and she just couldn’t. It wasn’t safe, it might never be safe. She looked up at the three men in front of her as she held up the phone. “Thank you for that.”

“You’re welcome. We can do more than just a phone call. If you’re willing to listen, we can help you.” Oliver said as he reached out to take the phone. His fingertips had barely touched it when her other hand came up suddenly and clamped onto his bare forearm. She made no other move to attack and released him a few seconds later.

It took only a few seconds for Liz to process the flashes she’d seen. “What did you have in mind Mr. Queen?”’

Re: Hero of The Day (XO, UC, SV, Teen) AN 9/18

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 5:52 pm
by LittleBit
Thanks everyone for the feedback both in comments and the poll. Sorry it took me so long to post. I have this story done but the next one has been giving me issues so I haven't been posting. But tomorrow I'm going to try and force it out and see what comes.

Now, onto the next part.

Part Two

Three days later and they were ready to go. Chloe had found a 33.1 facility in the panhandle of Michigan; right on the coast of the lake, perfect by all accounts for infiltration by every member of the team. While AC and Bart did their job of letting security spot them; Chloe, Victor, and Oliver went over the details of how to get in.

They had two objectives to the mission; the primary one of course, being to find one or all of the women who they had previously run into, and the secondary one, which was to destroy the facility after they were sure it had been evaluated of personal and any captives.

The plan was simple; Oliver, Bart, Victor, and AC would all go in from separate points once Victor knocked the security system down, and Chloe would lead them from a mobile Watchtower station in Oliver’s jet to various points in the facility that likely held captives, or Intel that they needed before laying charges as well as keep an eye out for any abnormal heat signatures that would signify the party they were looking for.

Oliver had just placed his last explosive when Chloe spoke up. “Arrow, I’ve got a heat signature to the North, fifty feet.”

“Is she heading this way?”

“Negative, it looks like she is heading towards Victor.” Chloe declared before giving him more detailed directions. “She’s moving at normal speeds.”

“On my way.” Oliver replied as he quietly left his current location toward the direction of their target.

Within a few minutes Oliver spotted the petite figure moving ahead of him about ten feet down the corridor. From behind he could see that she had the same blonde curly hair as the girl that Bart had ran into, and she was dressed in the black outfit that all three girls had been wearing. From all indications, she wasn’t aware that he was behind her, and he wasn’t going to loose the advantage over her. He pulled crossbow out of its holster, aimed it at her, and yelled. “Don’t Move.”

Oliver knew that he had a fifty-fifty chance of her actually listening to him, and was thankful when she actually stopped. “Well it seems you guys finally got smart, and sent in more than one at a time.”

“After you took out three of us, we knew we had to go with teamwork.” Oliver stated as he came up behind her, his crossbow only a few inches from her back.

“A whole team?” The girl replied mockingly. “I guess I should feel privileged that you thought I could take out a whole team.”

“You should. We haven’t come up against someone quite like you before. You’ve been a pain in the ass.” Oliver announced, his voice distorter unable to hide the annoyance in his voice.

“It’s nice to be good at something.” The girl quipped. “But what are you going to do now? Keep me busy while your buddies escape.”

“You don’t really believe we’d go to all of this trouble, and not have a follow through do you?” Oliver asked. “The rest of my team is making sure your boss can’t use this facility to hurt people anymore while you and I chat.”

“Sorry, can’t let you do that.” The girl replied. She swung around, caught the crossbow in her right arm while her left came around to punch him in the stomach. He dropped the crossbow, as he ducked the girl’s roundhouse kick aimed at his head. As he dropped, he hooked his arm around her anchor leg to sweep it out from under her. She fell to the ground, but she used the momentum to flip around to face him again. She went on the attack except she moved too slowly, and Oliver anticipated her move. He grabbed her arm as the girl went to punch him. Using it as leverage he twisted it behind her, and pulled the girl against his body, holding her there with her facing away from him.

The feeling of the girl’s body conform to his as well as her warmth, threw Oliver off guard for a moment, which allowed the girl to bringing her foot up fast and kick Oliver in the face over her shoulder. The blow stunned him as well as knocked his glasses off. Luckily the hood stayed put, or he would have been completely unmasked.

He threw a punch with his left, but she was prepared and grabbed his arm, before she kneed him in the stomach. He caught the roundhouse kick that she followed it with, then twisted the leg, and sent her to the ground. Oliver took the opportunity to retrieve his crossbow and aimed it at her. “Stand up, hands where I can see them.”

The girl stood; her hands in front of her and an annoyed look on her face. “You know I can be out of here before you can even get that arrow off.”

“No, I don’t think you can. Otherwise you would have left the moment I came up behind you; you wouldn’t have needed to fight me.” Oliver retorted.

As soon as she had engaged him in hand to hand, he had figured that they were dealing with someone who could absorb powers, at least for a short time since she didn’t seem to have Bart’s speed anymore, and shape shift. Chloe was right; he’d need to give her a bonus for that.

“Maybe I was just trying to get some exercise. A girl needs to keep in shape.” She replied.

“Even shape shifters?” Oliver asked.

The girl smirked. “So you figured that out huh?”

“Wasn’t too hard.” Oliver admitted.

“As much as I’m loving the chitchat, you’ve done enough stalling for your team.” The girl replied as she dropped her left hand as she aimed her right hand at Oliver, and before he could say anything green electrical streams flew out of her hand and sent him flying backwards through the air.

Green Arrow had just landed thirty feet away from her when Liz felt a sudden gust of wind behind her. She turned around and saw a tall dark haired guy standing behind her, another one of the Green Arrow’s team no doubt. Suddenly Liz felt a sudden rush to her system that she unfortunately recognized. Before she could do anything about it, she felt something slam into her left shoulder. She looked over her shoulder where she caught a glimpse of the Green Arrow, his crossbow pointed at her, but empty before blackness over took her.

Clark caught the girl as she passed out from Oliver’s stun arrow, and gently lowered her to the ground. As Oliver approached, they watched as the blonde curly hair and pale skin morphed into dark brown straight hair and olive skin. Oliver looked over the girl…woman and understood why she disguised herself. She was beautiful and her face would be recognizable. “Can you see a tracker on her?”

Clark scanned her quickly through his X-ray vision before nodding. “It’s on the back of her neck.”

“This should jam whatever frequency it’s transmitting. Just keep it within fifteen feet of her.” Oliver retrieved something from his belt and pressed a button before handing it to Clark. “Take her back to the rendezvous point. We’ll meet you there as soon as we can.”

Clark nodded before he was gone.

The rendezvous point was a warehouse on the outskirts of Metropolis that Oliver owned through one of his subsidiary companies. It was the most secure place they could use without giving away their headquarters in Metropolis, or Star City, to talk to the woman. Oliver, AC, Victor and Chloe had traveled by jet while Bart and Clark stood guard over her. While they traveled, Chloe had started searching for any information that could tell them who the mysterious woman was.

“Elizabeth Anne Parker, age twenty, went missing two years ago while traveling to Winneman Boarding School for girls.” Chloe read aloud from her screen. “She disappeared from a bus stop outside Lawrence, Kansas. Lex must have had her picked up while she was transferring buses.”

“Where was she coming from?” Oliver asked.

“Roswell, New Mexico.” Chloe answered, surprise in her voice. “You know over the years, I’ve found a few strange stories regarding that town that could warrant being on the Wall of Weird, but nothing concrete.”

“And you think we have found proof now?” Victor asked.

“I don’t know. Maybe.” Chloe replied. “Or maybe all of the nuclear testing they did in the desert in the last century had an unknown affect on the population just like Kryptonite did. If people were suddenly showing signs of abilities, it wouldn’t be hard for people to attribute it to aliens, and then those stories dismissed as hoaxes.”

Oliver nodded his head in agreement. “Regardless, a person with the ability to absorb other Meta’s powers would be a huge asset for Lex. He might not like Meta’s, but he’ll use them if he were able to control them.”

“Which it looks like he could.” AC remarked.

“Maybe.” Oliver said. “Maybe not. Like I said before, she might have been working against us, but I want to talk to her before we put her in Lex’s corner.”

Four hours later, they were at the warehouse and she began to stir.

In the time since she had been taken, Liz had gotten used to waking up from unconsciousness, but this was the first time in over a year where she felt the kind of pain she was in. She felt horrible and groaned. “I feel like a truck just hit me.”

“Sorry about that.” Liz heard a voice apologize causing her to open her eyes. “Shit!”

Something was wrong with her eyes. Everything in front of her looked as if she was looking at it through an x-ray machine. She could see four people, four males, were in the room with her and if she wasn’t mistaken one of the males had a lot of metal inside him. She could also see through what she thought was a wall, and into another room that had another guy and a girl. She knew she had to have absorbed the power from the guy who had come up behind her when she’d fought the Green Arrow. He had overloaded her, and allowed the Green Arrow to get the drop on her. She quickly closed her eyes and tried to control it.

A minute later Liz opened her eyes and saw that her vision was clear. And that she was the center of attention. The four guys were the same ones she had ran into before; the ones Lex had told her were called Green Arrow, Impulse, Cyborg, and Aquaman. He had called them terrorists, but she knew that was because of his warped way of seeing things. Of course at the moment they were her captors. “I really hate being kidnapped.”

“We didn’t kidnap you.” Green Arrow said, his voice distorter still working. “Just moved you to a better location so we could talk to you.”

“You better make it fast, because the person I work for will probably be arriving soon.” Liz replied.

“No, he won’t.” Cyborg announced. “Your tracker is no longer broadcasting.”

“You’ve got me here now, is that where your plan ends?” Liz asked as she took stock of her surroundings. Surprisingly she was not restrained in anyway, and aside from the four men in front of her watching her every movement she didn’t see any other security. Of course that could be what the other two in the other room might before waiting for. However, Liz still felt confident she could escape if she wanted to. But she wanted to know what they wanted first. “This isn’t some kind of vengeance thing for me kicking your asses, is it? Because you know, you really shouldn’t take things so personally.”

“I like her boss, can we keep her?” The guy in red, Impulse, said as he let out a chuckle, which turned into yelp when Liz sent a mild stunner at him.

“I’m not a pet.” Liz grumbled.

“Then why are you doing Luthor’s dirty business?” Cyborg asked.

“Not that it’s any of your business, but I didn’t plan to be doing it.” Liz spat out.

“Everyone has a choice.” The Green Arrow declared.

“You’re right everyone does have a choice.” Liz stated. “I have a choice of doing whatever Lex says, whether as a guinea pig, or protection detail, or letting him go after my family. My parents don’t know anything about me or any of this. Since I’ve seen what he can do to people, I’ve been forced to do some of it so I made a choice. I chose my family. They don’t even know if I’m still alive, but I’ll do whatever I can to protect them.”

The guys were quiet after her announcement, not sure what to say. The silence was broken for Oliver when he heard Chloe through his comm telling him to join her in the room where she and Clark had watched the whole exchange. “I’ll be right back, keep an eye on her.”

Oliver retreated to the observation room to speak to Chloe and Clark. As he pulled off his hood and glasses, he said. “Let’s hear this plan.”

A few minutes later, Green Arrow emerged from the door that he had disappeared through earlier. “Impulse, I need two disposable cell phones as soon as possible.”

Impulse nodded before he vanished from the room only to reappear a few seconds later. Green Arrow nodded to him before taking one of them. “I need the other delivered to the Parkers at the Crashdown Café in Roswell, New Mexico. Boy Scout will go with you as back up, in case Lex has any men in the area.”

“You got it Boss.” Impulse stated before he disappeared.

Liz studied the Green Arrow for a minute. She wasn’t surprised that he knew who she was, but she was curious to know what was going on. “What are you doing?”

“We thought you might like a chance to contact your parents.” Oliver explained. The first part of Chloe’s plan had been simple, show her a gesture of good faith by letting her talk to the family she had given her freedom up for protecting. Oliver had to agree it was a good idea.

After keying in the number for the other phone, the Green Arrow handed it to her. Liz hesitantly took it, half expecting him to snatch it away. Once it was securely in her hands, she hit the talk button and listened to it ring. After three rings she heard her father answer, his voice thick with confusion. “Hello?”

“Dad.” Liz said in a trembling voice. “It’s Liz.”

“Lizzie?” His voice wobbled a little as he spoke, as if he almost didn’t believe he was on the phone with her. “Are you okay? Where are you? What happened?”

“Dad, dad!” Liz yelled to stop the barrage of questions. “I’m okay, I can’t tell you where I am, but I’m okay. Are you alright? Mom?”

“She’s right here, we’re both fine.” Jeff exclaimed. Liz could hear a rustling on the other line before she heard her mother’s voice.

As soon as the conversation started, Oliver motioned for the guys to back up a little and give her as much privacy as they could while still remaining in the room. It was times like this that made the fight against Lex more human to them. This was why they fought him, he had to be stopped.

Although she wanted to talk longer, Liz ended the call after only a few minutes. Her parents had begged her to tell them where she was and she just couldn’t. It wasn’t safe, it might never be safe. She looked up at the three men in front of her as she held up the phone. “Thank you for that.”

“You’re welcome. We can do more than just a phone call. If you’re willing to listen, we can help you.” Oliver said as he reached out to take the phone. His fingertips had barely touched it when her other hand came up suddenly and clamped onto his bare forearm. She made no other move to attack and released him a few seconds later.

It took only a few seconds for Liz to process the flashes she’d seen. “What did you have in mind Mr. Queen?”’

Re: Hero of The Day (XO, UC, SV, Teen) Part 2 10/4

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 5:37 pm
by LittleBit
NOTE: I'm glad you guys liked the last part. I was surprised that no one said anything about Liz fighting Oliver hand to hand but I'm excited that you guys liked Liz forcing flashes from him at the end. I thought it was a great way for Liz to find out what she would need to trust him as well as way to show off how powerful she is.

SIDE NOTE: After the episode the other night, Rabid, I've thought of a small one or two parter that would be completely separate from this story but still Oliver and Liz. It would be angsty or at least I hope it to be but I need someone to bounce ideas off of. My beta for this story, the wondeful snowyowl_17 is booked solid with school and work so I would love to have someone else to bounce ideas of off. I already have too many stories but Oliver in that episode just really got to me. Please PM or email if you are interested. Thanks

Here's a new part.

Part Three

“What did you have in mind Mr. Queen?”

Not a lot surprised Oliver anymore, but the woman in front of him, Liz Parker, had just shocked the hell out of him. “You’re a telepath?”

“No. I don’t read minds.” Liz answered, the words made her cringe as she remembered Max saying the same thing to her. “But if I touch someone I can see flashes of their memories if I want to. I’m sorry for invading your privacy, but I had to make sure I could trust you. I didn’t want to trade one hell for another.”

While Oliver wanted to be angry at what she did, he could understand it. While they had been kind to her, they hadn’t given her a lot of reason to trust them. He slid his shades down his face and pulled back the hood. “Please call me Oliver.”

Liz couldn’t keep the small smile off her face as he revealed himself, the rest of his team doing the same including Impulse who had just returned. “Well you obviously know my name, but call me Liz. You’d be AC, Victor, and Bart right? And I assume since Bart is back, Clark is with Chloe?”

Bart nodded. “That’s just uber freaky.”

“Yeah, well welcome to my life.” Liz retorted before she looked back at Oliver. “So why don’t we have Clark and Chloe come out here so we can work on this plan of yours?

The far door that Oliver had disappeared through earlier opened, and out walked the blonde woman, she knew from Lex and Oliver, to be Chloe and the tall guy she’d ran into before who she now realized was Clark Kent. Chloe looked curious while Clark looked nervous. Liz could understand why considering he still saw her as a possible threat due to her connection with Lex. “Now that the gang is all here, why don’t you talk me through the plan? I only got bits and pieces.”

“There are two options. Option number one is that we have your parents picked up tonight and relocated.” Oliver explained.

Liz shook her head. “As much as I want them safe, I can’t have them giving up their lives. Everything they have is in Roswell.”

“Not everything.” Chloe stated, as she focused on Liz. “They’d have you.”

“I know.” Liz replied. “But I can’t ask them to give it all up for me, not when they don’t know the whole truth as to why. And I don’t think I can tell them. Not now, it’d just be too much.”

“Option two: is we make Lex believe you were in that building when we blew it up. He would think you are dead, and the threat to your parents would be gone though I will still send a round the clock protection detail to make sure.” Oliver declared.

“Fake my death?” Liz asked with raised eyebrows.

“Just Lex would think you were dead. And since he was holding you against your will, he won’t report the death to the authorities or anything.” Chloe clarified. “As for your parents, now that they have heard from you they might start asking questions that could alert Lex to something else going on. We have someone who can visit them, tell them that you are in witness protection, and make it look all official. It wouldn’t be a complete lie.”

“And then I’m free and clear? Even if I disappear tomorrow you’ll make sure my family stays safe.” Liz asked though she was sure of the answer. From the flashes she had seen, Oliver Queen was a good man. He wanted to help those who needed it at whatever the cost.

“You have my word.” Oliver promised. “Getting you away from Lex is enough of an incentive. However, we are always looking for new team members to help us, and you would be a huge asset to the team.”

“If you can pull this off, and protect my parents, I’ll join your team.” Liz announced as she held out her hand to shake on it. She saw hesitation on Oliver’s face and smiled. “No powers, I promise.”

Oliver shook his head slightly as he smiled back. He removed his leather gloves before he shook her hand. “Welcome to the team.”

Turning to the guys, he ordered. “Bart, I need you and AC to head to Roswell, and keep an eye on the Parkers until I can get a security team transferred out there. Victor, we need to start searching for the body of a Jane Doe that matches Liz’s build…”

“If you bring it back here, I can alter the bones to match my DNA. Lex won’t be satisfied with just a body, he’ll run tests.” Liz interrupted. All of their faces looked at her in shock. “What?”

“You can alter the bones?” Clark asked.

“Let’s get back to the plan here, people.” Oliver interjected when he saw Liz shift around uncomfortably. “Once Victor finds the body, Clark can retrieve it, bring it back here for Liz to alter it, and then place it at the site. She needs to stay here, and out of sight, until we have everything arranged. We have to move quickly here people, they’ve had three hours to put that fire out, and they’ll be looking through the ruins as soon as day breaks.”

As the team broke up, Chloe turned to Oliver. “I guess I’m helping Victor with the body search?”

Normally Oliver would have Chloe working the computers with Victor, but he needed her for something else. “Actually, I was wondering if you’d stay here. The phone calls I need to make for the security can’t be made for a few more hours so I planned to talk to Liz about her abilities and her past with Lex. I thought that you could sit in…”

“Since I have experience with both powers and being taken by Lex?” Chloe finished. “Sure thing. But we should probably move to a more comfortable room, I have a feeling this might be a long conversation.”

Oliver nodded as he turned to Liz. “While we are waiting for the others, how about we move this to another room so we can talk?”

Liz shrugged as she followed them out and down the hall to a large conference room. Chloe went right to the small kitchenette and started to pour a cup of coffee. “Anyone want some?”

“I’d love some.” Liz piped up but Oliver declined. Once Chloe handed Liz her mug, they all sat down in the large chairs. “So I’m assuming you wanted to talk to me about what I can do huh? Besides what you already saw.”

“That obvious huh?” Oliver asked

“Let’s just say I’ve been on the other side of the table so to speak.” Liz explained before her eyes focused on Chloe. “I’m assuming that this is off the record?”

Chloe blinked a few times in surprise. “I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that you saw that in Ollie’s memories should I?”

“Actually it was Lex who told me about you. Before he started sending me out, he made sure I was aware of several people he found to be ‘problems’ you were one of them. Green Arrow, Impulse, Cyborg, and Aquaman were also on the list. But I’m getting a head of myself.” Liz clarified. “I guess I should start at the beginning, it’ll explain everything. But I want you to know, I can’t tell you everything. There are other people involved that need to stay hidden.”

When they both nodded, Liz started. “I wasn’t born this way, with powers. When I was sixteen, I was shot in my parents’ restaurant. It was a fatal shot but before I could die from the stomach wound, an acquaintance that I later became very close to, was there, and used powers that he had to heal me despite the risk of being exposed. At the time we didn’t know that the healing did more than just fix the bullet wound. There were a few signs but it wasn’t until almost two years later that we discovered that it had changed me on a molecular level. It gave me powers as well.”

“At first I thought I was just sick, I was so tired and worn out. Nevertheless, the doctor couldn’t find anything wrong with me. A few days later, we got the first clue.” Liz stated as she held up her arm, willing the green streams of electricity to the surface. “It’s the energy that flows through my body, the power source, if you will, of my powers.”

Chloe stared at the energy wide eyed while Oliver asked, “Does it hurt?”

“Not anymore. It did at first, but now it’s a part of me.” Liz replied. “It was out of whack due to the changes it was making in my body. It didn’t really hurt, but it scared the hell out of me especially when it caused a couple of accidents. The person who healed me tried to fix it, but it didn’t work. The stress from being around that person only made it worse, more painful. Finally, I decided that if I got away from Roswell, then it would go away. It was naïve idea, I know that. But I just wanted normal.”

Liz stopped for a moment to take a sip of her coffee, which was cooling quickly. She never took her eyes off of the cup as she ran her finger around the rim. When steam rose again from the now hot liquid, Liz looked up and saw both Oliver and Chloe staring at the cup. “Normal is an illusion. There’s no such thing as normal, at least not for me.”

“Earlier in the school year my parents had tried to talk me into going to an all girls' school in Vermont due to some…personal issues I was having. When I decided to leave, I took the opportunity that they were offering. They wanted to take me, but I decided against it, and took the bus. When we stopped in Kansas that’s when it happened.”

“When Lex took you.” Chloe stated.

“No, well yes, but that’s not what I meant.” Liz clarified, “Before I got to that bus stop, I knew I was displaying powers, but I didn’t know exactly what those powers were. I ran away before I could do any kind of research. Anyway, I was trying to get something out of the vending machine when suddenly my skin started to burn and my hands tingled. I knew something was wrong and tried to get away, but I couldn’t. Flames erupted from my hands a few minutes later. The crowd went nuts and I hid. Lex’s men found me a few hours later when I tried to leave.”

A knock at the door stopped Liz’s story. The door opened and Victor’s head popped in. “I found what we are looking for, Clark is retrieving it. I told him to bring it to the docking bay.”

Oliver nodded before he and the other two rose from the table. The four of them went down to the ground level to the docking area where Clark was waiting with a large black body bag. Liz walked up to it, unzipped it as she bent down. She looked at the face of the woman who was going to give her freedom from Lex and whispered. “Thank you.”

Oliver, Chloe, Clark, and Victor all watched as Liz placed a hand over the head and it began to glow. The body transformed before their eyes, first to be the mirror image of Liz then crumbled until it was made into the blackened body of a victim of an explosion. When she was done, Liz looked over at the others. “Now my transmitter. I’m going to need one of you to cut it out of me.”

“Can’t I just destroy it? I was able to use my heat vision to take care of one inside Chloe.” Clark asked.

“We need it in one piece if Lex is going to believe this.” Oliver stated before he looked at Liz. “I can do it. I keep a couple of scalpels in the first aid kit, but no anesthesia.”

“That’s okay; I didn’t have any when they put it in.” Liz said with a shrug.

Oliver left to retrieve the large first aid kit, the others collecting a few things that he would need like a chair and lights to see. Once things were ready, Liz unzipped the front of her leather jacket she wore over the halter top and tossed it on the back of the chair. As she sat down backwards on the chair, she pulled her hair to the side so that her shoulder was completely exposed.

“Clark, I’m going to need you to tell me exactly where it is so I don’t cut in the wrong spot.” Oliver instructed, as he placed his hand on Liz’s shoulder. He felt her jerk slightly, but didn’t turn around. “You okay?”

“Um…yeah…cold hands.” Liz explained.

With Clark’s help, Oliver was able to dig the transmitter out of Liz’s back quickly and handed the tweezers off to Clark who placed the transmitter in the body bag. He told them that he’d stay until the body was discovered before he picked up the bag and sped it away to the ruins.

In the meantime, Oliver pressed a piece of gauze to Liz’s shoulder while he cleaned the area. When he felt her place her hand on top of his, he looked up and saw her face turned toward him. “Thank you, but I can take care of it.”

The hand that was placed over his on top of her wound suddenly glowed brightly, and Oliver felt a warm tingle pass through his hand. When the glowing stopped and Liz pulled her hand back, Oliver removed his own and saw nothing but flawless olive skin. “You might have mentioned that before we started.”

“It needed to be done either way. Whether I could heal it, or it healed on its own didn’t make a difference.” Liz said with a shrug. Her gaze locked onto Oliver’s and he saw a different kind of pain in her eyes. “Besides, it’s not the physical scars that I have to worry about.”

Re: Hero of The Day (XO, UC, SV, Teen) Part 3 10/13

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 5:45 pm
by LittleBit
Sorry it's been so long since I posted. I've had sick kids, crazy work, and worst of all In-laws who moved in two weeks ago until their house is finished being built. So I needed to come here and post so that I can be around sane people.

Part Four

As soon as Liz saw concern flash into Oliver’s eyes at her words, she knew she had let her walls down too much. When he had volunteered to extract her transmitter from her, all she could think of was how much she wanted the damn thing out of her. But then Oliver’s bare hand had touched her back, and it had felt so strange. She hadn’t been touched by someone who wasn’t wearing gloves, or without malice intent in so long that the idea of it was…well alien…for lack of a better word, to her. She had shrugged it off to him, and held back her reaction when he touched her again. His hands worked quickly and efficiently, but his touch was also soft especially when he had started to clean the open wound. It was that gentleness that had left her unguarded.

Liz quickly lowered her gaze away from Oliver’s, grabbed the jacket she had just taken off and slipped it back on. She turned to look at Chloe, whose eyes told Liz that she hadn’t missed the exchange and asked. “You wouldn’t happen to have any food to go along with that coffee would you? I tend to burn a lot of calories.”

“Looks like we got another one.” Victor commented then explained when Liz looked at him. “Bart goes through a lot of food. He’s a non stop eating machine, no kitchen is safe from Impulse.”

“I don’t eat non-stop but my caloric intake per meal is almost twice what is normal for someone of my size.” Liz stated. “Sometimes greater depending on what my powers are that day.”

“Your powers change daily?” Chloe asked curiously.

“No, nothing like that.” Liz answered. “Course that kind of fits in the next part of my story.”

“How about I go get some pizzas, or something, while we wait for Kent to deliver the package?” Victor offered. “Any preferences?”

When everyone shook their head no, Victor turned to go back to the office and change into his normal clothes. Chloe and Liz headed back to the conference room, but Oliver went with Victor. “After the food run, I have another assignment for you.”

“What’s that boss?”

“I need you to set up everything for Liz so that when we arrive in Star City, it’s ready for her.” Oliver directed. “Same set up as you and the others, she’ll need money and a place to live. The apartment across from you is empty, but it’s got the basics and I know she’ll be safe with you guys there. I need to see if Chloe will come back with us, I’m going to need her to create a false paper history for Liz so I can put her on the Queen Industries payroll, as well as help Liz get whatever she needs.”

“She’s starting from scratch, not that I think Luthor gave her much while he had her.” Victor stated before he nodded. “I’ll start on it as soon as I get back.”

The two heroes split up then, and Oliver headed to the conference room where Liz and Chloe were waiting. He did a double take when he noticed the package of miniature donuts that Liz was devouring. She smiled at him. “Chloe found a vending machine for me.”

“Do you need anything else? Victor won’t be long.” Oliver stated.

“No, I should be good.” Liz answered as she finished the package. She took a sip of her coffee before she spoke. “Are you guys sure you want to hear the rest of this now? You might loose your appetite.”

“Unfortunately we are all very familiar with Lex’s activities in regards to dealing with people with abilities. Very familiar.” Chloe informed her.

Liz nodded in understanding; Lex had done something to Chloe as well. That was something he had left out of his report. “Lex’s men drugged me when they took me from the bus stop. When I came to, I was in a glass room with Lex on the other side of the wall. He told me that his men had stumbled on me while they had been tracking a pyrotechnic. I had my purse on me when they picked me up so he had my name, and had done some research on me while I was out. At first he thought I just had pyro abilities as well, but then he found out about the shooting, he knew I was something else entirely; that my power was the ability to absorb powers from those around me. However, despite the fact that he was able to deduct something that no one knew about me, his conclusion was still slightly off.”

“Lex assumed that when I was shot and healed, I did it to myself. He believed that I had simply absorbed the ability to heal from someone and used it; I did nothing to dissuade his line of thinking. It kept the other people who had healed me safe because I could truthfully tell him that I had absorbed whatever powers I had by accident and did not know when they had appeared.” Liz rationalized. “The lie also allowed me to conceal that my healing ability could heal others, as well as hide some of the other abilities I had, like flashes, from Lex.”

“So Lex is not aware you can see people’s memories?” Oliver asked.

Liz shook her head. “The first week I was there, it wasn’t bad. Mostly it was like a trip to the HMO from hell, they ran test after test. They took endless blood, hair, and skin samples. They found changes to my DNA, but I was still human. When I was in high school, I wanted nothing more than to be a scientist so at first, while I didn’t want the testing to be against my will, I was curious about what was going on with me. That was until they moved onto my powers.”

“The doctors asked me endless questions regarding what I knew about my powers. When I couldn’t tell them anything, Lex went to more extreme measures and had some of his men come in to inflict various injuries on me. They would hold me down after and see if I would heal automatically. I didn’t. Therefore, they upped the injuries. I knew that it wouldn’t work, the healing power I ‘possibly‘ had didn’t work like that. After a few hours, I was in so much pain that I asked them to release one of my hands. Then I performed like a show pony and healed myself.” Liz announced as she cast her eyes down at the table. They could tell that she wasn’t proud of the fact that she had given in.

“Liz, you did what you had to.” Oliver argued; his hands clenched around the arm rest beneath the table so hard that his knuckles were white.

“Ollie’s right. Lex would have kept going until they killed you.” Chloe agreed.

“That night, I went through every memory I had about the powers I had seen before. The one that healed me, he wasn’t the only one I knew. The others each had powers, and I had been exposed to them almost as much as I had the one that healed me so I assumed that I could use them as well. The next day, they came to test me only now I wasn’t holding back.” Liz declared. “I made it out of the facility and into the nearby woods, but they caught up with me when I headed for civilization, got me from a distance with a dart gun. When I woke up two things were waiting for me; the doctors who tied me face down to an exam table where they put in my transmitter, and Lex who showed me some photos. They were close up surveillance photos of my parents with bright red rifle sight marks around them along with an order ticket…an order ticket from my parents’ café with my father’s writing on it from the day before.”

“And that’s when he had you choose. He was showing you how easy he could get to your parents.” Oliver said as he took the next logical step in her story.

Liz nodded. “From then on I did what I was told to do. They tested the powers that I had shown during my escape; a kind of telekinesis that requires me to use my hands, a power blast, electro shock, which is when I throw my energy at someone. It has the same effect as a taser; it’s what I did to reboot Victor’s system. But the other ones, the others I worked on in secret. I knew Lex would exploit them if he knew I could get into people’s heads. And once they studied them enough, they moved onto other ones.”

“Lex brought metas to you; exposed you to the metas he’d captured so that you could absorb their powers.” Chloe announced; making sure she understood what Liz was telling them.

“Not only that but after a while he had me hunting them down. Lex decided I would be more useful in the field than in a cell. He found a girl down in New Orleans who had the power of what he called muscular memory. She could duplicate anything she saw someone do like martial arts, or explosive work. I absorbed the ability, and after watching hours of tape on the skills I need to know, Lex sent me out gathering up people with abilities.”

“Lex has wanted to create the perfect soldier; this must have been how he started. He studied you and then has been trying to reverse engineer you.” Chloe stated.

“Another reason why I never let on the extent of my healing abilities. My changes came about when the healing power was used to heal a fatal wound, I was dying and it brought me back. If I had to heal someone in a similar situation, I have no doubt that the same thing would happen to them. The person I healed would get powers.” Liz declared and Oliver noticed how her eyes darkened with what he thought was sorrow. “I’ve accepted that I’m like this and I don’t fault the person who healed me for saving me, but I won’t force powers on someone else. Not if they can be saved some other way.”

Liz got up and went to the kitchenette, but instead of coffee got water to drink. She took a large gulp to clear her throat before she spoke again. “By exposing me to people you call metas, we learned something about my powers. They do have their limits. We learned that after I spent six months in a coma. Each power takes a toll on my energy; too many and I shut down.”

“So had I not shot you with an arrow and you had absorbed all of Clark’s powers, would it have overloaded you?” Oliver asked.

“I don’t know, most likely. Clark’s abilities are unique and very strong.” Liz shrugged. “When I woke from my coma, my abilities worked fine except for the absorption ability. It came back slowly and when it did, I was able to control it. I’m very good at controlling it now but Clark punched holes through it like a sledgehammer.”

“Now not only was I able to learn control, but how to keep it from happening again. If I choose, I can absorb and then discard an ability. Bart’s speed for example, it was too taxing on me, so I dumped it.” Liz said looking at Oliver. “When your team started blowing up 33.1 facilities, Lex took me off of round up detail and sent me out to stop you. You know the rest.”

“What about the shape shifting?” Oliver asked. “I can understand Lex’s plan in the matter, it creates the false impression of greater numbers, as well as keeping your identity a secret had we done any searching, but you didn’t mention the ability in your story.”

“It was another one that I absorbed while still in Roswell. However, mine is different. The shape shifter I absorbed it from had a pliable skeleton that allowed it to change however it needed to. I don’t have that capability so I’m only able to change small things like appearance.” Liz explained, as she tried not to shudder in revulsion when she thought of Nasedo. She hated the idea of having anything from him or Tess but their powers were too useful to simply discard. The thought of Tess of course brought up Max.

Liz knew that she should contact him and the others to let them know she was okay and catch them up. She was both dreading and looking forward to that call. She was dreading it, because she knew that she’d have to deal with Max, who would try to take control of the situation. But he wasn’t in control and he was going to have to accept that. She was looking forward to it, because she wanted to talk to Maria and Kyle very badly. Yes, she would contact them as soon as she was settled.

Victor arrived then, arms loaded with pizzas and drinks and the four of them sat down to eat. Liz was half way through her pizza when she turned her attention away from the food. “Do you know how long it’s been since I‘ve had pizza?”

Oliver couldn’t help but smile at the look of ecstasy on Liz’s face. “Well you can have it as much as you like now.”

“And I may just do that.” Liz replied.

“I’m serious; we can stock your kitchen full of pizza when we get to Star City.” Oliver explained.

“My kitchen?” Liz asked confused. “I don’t have a kitchen.”

“You will.” Oliver assured her. “It goes with the apartment. When you agreed to join the team, you get the whole package. Apartment, job with Queen Industries, which includes a salary once we figure out what area you’d like to work in.”

“Well I was just a few months shy of graduating when I was taken, and then I was planning to go to Harvard to study Molecular Biology.” Liz stated.

Oliver thought about it for a minute before he said anything. “Over the last couple of months, I’ve been negotiating with a Doctor Emil Hamilton to work in research at Queen Labs as well as be a private doctor for our team. I’m sure he’d agree to have you intern with him while you go to school. I’m told Star City University has a good science department, and if that isn’t good enough, Stanford isn’t too far away.”

“Thank you.” Liz said having a hard time believing that she might actually still have her dream. The agreement with Oliver was going to work out well, which brought up another question. “So how does the whole code names and uniforms thing work?”

“AC and I got to choose ours; Chloe’s kind of just fit while Bart and Clark got forced on them, because they didn’t follow the rules.” Victor explained. “But Oliver handles the uniforms. He has his research and development department take into account our individual characteristics for the initial designs then tweeks them for us.”

“Doesn’t sound too bad.” Liz said as she took a sip of her soda. “But if you make me look like the pink power ranger, I will hurt you.”

The End