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Forbidden Dreams (UC,Mi/L,ADULT) 2/26/10 Complete

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 12:30 pm
by Ashita
Title: Forbidden Dreams
Disclaimer: The characters of "Roswell" belong to Jason Katims, Melinda Metz, and 20th Century Fox. They are not mine and no infringement is intended.
Pairings: Michael/Liz; later Kyle/Isabel, Ava/Max, Maria/Rath
Rating: Adult
Summary: Just some drabbles/vignettes that I have written on another board and I thought I'd share them here as they are starting to come together into their own little story. Responses are based on prompts at Polar Attraction.


Rich mahogany hair cascades over her shoulder, chocolate eyes flashing with laughter, her soft smile gleaming as she laughs with her friends. Even at the tender age of nine, I can see the life, the pureness that radiates softly from her entire being.

She is not flashy like the other girls at school, always vying for attention, but more like the moon and it’s cool, dreamy light. A beauty often overlooked but all the more stunning in its quietness. Everything about her shines, basking in that quiet glow.

My edges are rough. I’m not shiny, not new, I am impure – nothing about me is perfect. I am her opposite in so many ways. My light died long ago when I was yanked from home after home only to find residence with a man who only values the check he receives from my being his ward.

I wonder, if I touch her, if I draw close to her, will I shine like the rest of her circle? Will she be able to rekindle that spark beaten from my soul? Or will I dull her luster; taint the purity that shines in her eyes.

“Michael, come play,” a soft voice whispers shyly. I look up to see her before me, that sweet smile shining at me, her hand about to reach out and touch mine. Flinching, I avert my eyes and jerk out of her reach, never seeing the hurt flit across her face.

She walks away, shoulders hunching a bit, the glow still present but not as vibrant as before. I can’t risk it. I can’t risk that the taint of who I am will completely dull her beauty. Better for me to never know such radiance than to watch the light die from her eyes.



Sunlight streamed through the leaves, casting shadows over her upturned face, a small serene smile gracing it as she leaned against the oak behind her, staring contently into the endless summer sky. How he wished he felt even a small measure of the peace reflected in those shining espresso eyes.

Kicking the dirt near his toes, he ducked his head, and sighed, feeling bad that he had blown off her overture of friendship a few months back. He had been afraid that his imperfections would rub off and diminish the bright hope in her eyes, but lately he had to wonder if it were possible. Nothing seemed to dim the radiance that surrounded her.

Not even his gruffness deterred her for long. It amazed him.

If he were a more fanciful child, he’d wonder if she were a fairy child or angel bound to Earth, but his dreams had been torn apart so many times he has a hard time believing in fairytales or other fancies. It’s easier for him to believe in the monster in the closet, or really the monster that lived just down the hall, waiting to catch him with heavy fists, hate and harsh words.

And yet, if there were anyone to whom he would attribute such qualities, it would be her. Why else would he be so drawn to her light? How else could she have the power to keep him coming back despite all his intentions to stay away?

Walking across the lawn absently, he wondered what might have happened if he hadn’t pushed her away, had he accepted the offer of unconditional acceptance that left him daunted and uncertain. Would he have found a little peace of his own? Or would it just remind him of everything that was lacking in his bleak world?

It had been for the best anyway. He’d probably just screw it up like he did everything else and she’d end up hating him, if she didn’t already considering his callous attitude every time she approached him. Between his freakish nature and his unsavory background, he couldn’t allow her to break through his walls – they would only hurt her and destroy him for being behind her downfall.

He had to stay away for her own good. To do anything more would destroy everything that fascinated him; everything he loved about her.

Looking up, he startled to find himself standing a few feet from the oak tree again; just out of her line of sight, although he knew she was aware of his presence. Drawn to her, he had done this on many occasions, stopping just short of her tree before quickly turning away and putting as much distance between them as possible.

Heart pounding, he froze and swallowed hard, about to leave when she turned, meeting his eyes with a soft smile. Getting lost in the most beautiful, kind eyes he’d ever seen, he didn’t even notice his traitorous feet moving her way until he was on her and sliding along the trunk a few inches away.

Still holding his gaze, her smile brightened and she reached out, her hand coming to rest on the ground a couple inches from his own, leaving the ball in his court. A fine tremor shook him, his throat clenching as he frantically tried to decide whether to run or take her hand. This would change everything one way or another.

Lifting his trembling hand, he touched her hand, a cold sweat breaking over his brow as fear and uncertainty coursed through his body, worried that she’d flinch and pull back, leaving him in the cold once again. His breath stuttered when her hand clasped his, her fingers entwining with his quietly and she tipped her face back to the clouds, a content smile on her face.

Watching her with wonder, he felt his own lips curve into a half smile and tipped his own face to the sky, letting the sun’s rays and her gentle soul warm the cold that always wrapped around his heart, at peace at least for that small moment.

Re: Forbidden Dreams (UC,Mi/L,ADULT) 9/11/09

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 1:09 pm
by Ashita

I stiffly walk to school, the bruises from Hank’s latest binge have yet to set, but movement is still difficult. By the age of eleven, I have learned that there is something about me that is unlovable.

Not that it matters to me. I’m used to being alone, abandoned by my “family” the minute they saw potential sanctuary, leaving me to face the cold desert night on my own.

They did find me again. Claimed they wanted me to come with them, but I balked. Claimed they loved me.

But I know the truth. If it weren’t for our otherworldly similarities, Max and Isabel would never speak to me, a kid from the wrong side of the tracks. They would be too busy playing house, safely ensconced with their perfect family.

They can afford the illusion. I cannot. I’m faced with unsavory reality every day of my life. It’s there to greet me with insults, careless slaps, drunken tirades and hungry, sleepless nights.

But I don’t care. Because one day I’ll get off this stupid rock and find a better life. The one I’m meant to have.

In the meantime, I’m a stonewall, an island unto myself whose shores can’t be breached by the taunts, the violence, by the sweetness denied to me. I am untouchable.

Walking onto campus, I’m greeted by carefree laughter and shrieks of joy. Izzy and Maxwell giggle ahead of me. A blue-eyed boy is being chased by a blonde pixie, while a shy brunette laughingly watches. My heart cracks, almost breaks at the bleakness of my life.

But I don’t care. I’m immune. I’m an island, a stonewall.

Squaring my shoulders, I let a mask of indifference clothe my true identity and keep walking. Because I’m untouchable. And if I keep telling myself this enough, one day I might actually believe it.

Re: Forbidden Dreams (UC,Mi/L,ADULT) 9/14/09

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 11:52 am
by Ashita

He slouches against the wall, hands crammed in his pockets, the sweet-spicy scent of jasmine wafting from the bushes by his side. The scent reminds him of her, the secret crush he’s covertly observing; he stands here for that very reason, not that he’d ever admit it to anyone.

Sunlight slants over her chocolate strands, creating a halo affect as she sits on the grass quietly, book forgotten in her lap and stares at the flower in her hand, a dreamy smile touching her lips. He can’t help but wonder what that smile means.

His lips quirk in amusement as she starts to pluck its petals, playing that silly game girls like to play when they want to know if their crush loves them back. It’s a stupid way to divine someone’s feelings, yet he can’t help the pang in his heart as he wonders which lucky fool caught her eye.

It’s probably some sap like Max or Kyle, a kid from the right family, with the right friends and the perfect grades to match – someone unlike him. He doesn’t know why he continues to watch her, why she fascinates him so much. Yet as he focuses on his infatuation, he can’t help getting sucked into those eyes. Those eyes?

Snapping out of his musing, his heart jumps, hammering in his chest as he finds those sparkling toffee orbs watching him intently. Whiskey eyes widen under that speculative gaze and dart away as his palms dampen and his throat constricts, fearing he’d been caught. She’s never noticed him standing there before. Has she?

Getting his breathing under control, he braves another glance to find her placing a single petal between the pages of her book, whispering something under her breath. And for a moment he allows himself to dream that it was his name on her lips.



She sits quietly on the grass, sun shining on glossy molasses locks, gazing at the purple flower in her hands and enjoys a moment of solitude as her friends race around the park.

Plucking the petals methodically, she chants a familiar childhood game girls have intoned for ages, “he loves me, he loves me not….” working her way through the numerous petals one by one until she came to her final petal.

“He loves me,” she softly cries; hope sparkling in her deep brown eyes, a shy smile tugging at the corner of her mouth.

She looks up happily, to find the golden gaze of her crush watching her intently before his eyes widen slightly at discovery and he hastily looks away.

Smile broadening, she caresses the petal between her fingers and pressing it between the pages of her book, whispers his name.


Re: Forbidden Dreams (UC,Mi/L,ADULT) 9/17/09

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 1:43 pm
by Ashita
AN: Dialogue in Haunt was taken from Missing, Season One.


She cocked her head to the side as she stared at the painting in front of her, entranced by the vibrant red, orange and yellow accented with subdued pink and purple that made up Georgia O’Keeffe’s Red Canna. A scientist at heart, she doesn’t always understand the artistic mind, but something about this painting and its passionate colors calls to her.

Which is why she’s spent most of her time ignoring the tour her art class is on and kept coming back to this one piece. And, so intent in her perusal, why she didn’t hear a classmate walk up until he was standing inches from her back.

Looking over her shoulder, she was surprised to see Michael studying the painting quietly, turning his intense bourbon eyes down on her briefly when she looked up and then flicked them back, moving in until his chest was all but pressed into her back, standing almost too close for comfort.

Her breath hitched, back tingling in awareness when his arm lightly brushed against it and his earthy scent surrounding her as he leaned over her shoulder, his warm damp breath coalescing near her temple as he bent to read the nameplate on the wall.

Hearing her sharp intake of breath, his lips quirked in a half-smile and his dark gaze flicked back to her, sweeping over her lazily, taking her in as if he was memorizing every minute detail, his lips hovering inches from her skin.

Licking her lips nervously, her heart fluttered as she ripped entranced eyes from his lips, distractedly focusing on the art in front of her, panting shallowly and whispered desperately, “It’s beautiful.”

His eyes drifted up to settle on her lips, watching the glistening pink petals intently as she spoke, shifting unconsciously closer, his hand pressing against the small of her back. “Yeah, beautiful,” he agreed breathlessly, never taking his eyes off her face.

Her startled gaze flicked back to his, taking in a shaky breath when she found his lips a couple inches from her own, eyes flaring as they met the whiskey gaze burning down on her. Reaching out hesitantly, she stroked her fingertips over his jean jacket, breath stuttering when his eyes darkened.

Breath ragged, he licked his lips and leaned in slightly, crowding her, watching as sable lashes fluttered closed, lying against flushed cheeks. Biting back a moan, he bent down; intent on tasting those lips just once, when a rustle near the door startled them out of their trance.

Their eyes flew to the door and seeing their class had caught up, he stared at her once more, before pulling away and turned around, throwing a smirk over his shoulder. “Later, Parker.”

She watched him walk away, a shuddering sigh passing her lips and cursed her class’s untimely arrival, wondering what might have happened if they had stayed away for just a few more minutes.



Her brow creased with faint confusion as she absently fingered her journal, the soft, worn black leather retaining some residual warmth from being pressed against his skin and watched him warily, soft chocolate gaze drifting over the softening lines of his face. His bright whiskey gaze caressed hers in turn, his soft, full lips turning into a half smile as he took in her bewilderment.

“But why didn’t you just destroy this, Michael?” she whispered, watching him through her lashes, squirming slightly under his intense gaze, an unexpected warmth rolling through her body, leaving her breathless and needy. Inhaling sharply, her eyes danced away a moment to regain control of her thoughts before returning to him, unsettled at the depth of fascination, of yearning, of…passion, stirring inside. “Because anyone that found this would know all about you.”

“No, they'd know all about you, Liz,” Michael refuted as he stared at her, fighting for impassivity, but a part of him couldn’t help but react to the simmering burn in her gaze. Licking his lips quickly, his eyes drifted over her upturned face and he bit back a groan, his breath quickening with desire, mouth watering for a taste of her pale pink lips. Shifting, he leaned in slightly, his lips quirking at the hitch in her breath. “Thank you for giving me one more reason to envy Max Evans.”

Reaching over, he brushed his hand over her cheek, tenderly pushing back a stray wisp of hair that had managed to work its way free from her band and gasped softly when she pressed her cheek against his palm. Swallowing thickly, his eyes drifted to her lips, experimentally brushing a thumb over them, heart thrumming when her tongue slipping out and inadvertently stroked the pad of his thumb in an attempt to wet her lips.

Mesmerized, their eyes caught and both forgot to breathe as he leaned in, cupping the back of her neck, his thumb running over her rapidly fluttering pulse. He brushed his lips over hers softly in a slow, sweet tease before pulling back, foreheads pressed together, their breath mingling as he sought any sign of resistance. Finding none, he sunk into her mouth, running his tongue over her lips teasingly and moaned when her pent up breath whispered into his mouth, her lips parting instinctively, inviting him in for a deeper taste.

Tangling his hands into her hair, he crushed his mouth to hers, sliding his tongue between her lips, exploring the damp recess thoroughly, wrapping it around hers and pull her tongue into his mouth, flirting, teasing it to life with insistent strokes. Digging her fingers into his hair, she tried to pull him closer, whimpering with frustration when the counter thwarted her actions.

Needing to feel her pressed against him, he growled in the back of his throat, sliding his hands down to her waist and yanked her up to drag her over the counter, not wanting to give up the intoxicating feel of her mouth long enough to move around the barrier. Head hazy with passion, she caught onto his plan and using his shoulders for leverage, vaulted over the counter frantically, sending the cake display crashing to the floor in her haste.

Slamming her against counter top, he nudged her legs apart, sliding between them, both shuddering with need, a moan rumbling deep in their throats as callused hands slid over silky skin and rigid denim pressed against hot, wet lace. Wrenching his mouth free breathing became absolutely necessary, he latched his mouth against her thrumming pulse, sinking teeth into her flesh and she cried out as liquid heat rushed through her veins…

Blinking, she startled at the distant rumble of her name. Distant? Wasn't he just here?

Snapping to attention, she flushed slightly, realizing Michael had moved from his seat and was standing by the door. Clearing her head of the last remnants of her unexpected fantasy, she clutched her journal tighter to her chest, licking her lips nervously.

“And you might want to get better window locks,” he said, giving her a small smile, noting the pink staining her cheeks, a warm knowing glance passing through his eyes briefly before they blanked once more and he turned towards the door. “For when your criminals happen to be human.”

Dipping her head slightly, she smiled as she stared at his retreating back, dazed wonder gracing her face and her teeth sunk into the soft flesh of her bottom lip, drawing a rush of blood to its surface. His words echoed through he head in an endless loop, dark brandy eyes emblazoned into her mind. Thank you for giving me another reason to envy Max Evans. What exactly had he meant by that?

Re: Forbidden Dreams (UC,Mi/L,ADULT) 9/19/09

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 2:09 am
by Ashita

“Get your useless ass back here, boy!” the slovenly drunk man bellowed, staggering as he lumbered after me, my blood chilling with cold anger as I stalked out the door, escaping the oppressively hot tin-can that masquerades as my home.

My lips curl with bitter contempt as the slob that pretends to care during the social worker’s monthly visit, but usually makes my life a nightmarish hell stumbles, collapsing on the floor in a puddle of his own drool as he loses consciousness. A derisive smirk slips over my face as I rake an icy glare over him, flexing my hands and think of how easy it’d be to end his existence.

All it would take is flick of my wrist. But he’s not worth it.

Wincing, I bring my hand to my throbbing cheek, swiftly changing a mottled black and blue because I never saw those iron fists flying. That’s what I get for getting lost in dreams over a certain petite brunette – a lesson learned for reaching beyond my station even in my daydreams.

Laughing bitterly, I spit a mixture of saliva and blood and storm away from the trailer park, needing to get away before I gave into the cold temptation whispering seductively through my battered soul and head to the only place I shouldn’t. To see her even if she never knows I’m there.

Clambering up the fire escape I’ve spent many a night contemplating, I fling one leg over the wall of her balcony before realizing she’s not asleep as I expected but watching me apprehensively, journal open on her lap. Straddling the wall, I claw at my brow, wondering how to explain my presence, when she climbs out of her lawn chair, walking towards me.

“Michael?” she queries cautiously, soft chocolate gaze caressing my face, sucking in a startled breath as she takes in my bruised cheek, running the rest of the way to the wall. “Oh my God, Michael, what happened? Are you okay?”

Her hand reaches out, cupping my stinging cheek tentatively, brushing gentle fingers over the bruised flesh, sorrow filling her eyes as they met mine. Sliding my eyes closed, I turn my cheek, pressing it into her palm, rubbing against the soft skin, allowing myself one brief moment of comfort before remembering she wasn’t mine to seek out.

Jerking away from her touch, I bit back a shuddering breath and shrug indifferently as I start to swing my leg back over the wall. Good going Michael, leave one form of temptation behind just to jump into another. “It’s nothing. Just stumbled while doing rounds. See ya, Parker.”

“Michael, wait!” she called, chewing on her bottom lip and shifting uncomfortably when I let my foot rest on her balcony again, watching her with bored apathy. “Let me take care of that for you. I…uh…I have an ice pack and did some first aid training this summer. And……I’m a great listener if you, you know, need to talk.”

Snorting derisively, I fix her with an incredulous look, and smirk. “Don’t you ever get tired of saving people, Liz?” I asked unable to keep the bitter hostility out of my voice. Better to feel angry than give into the despair that lurked under the surface, leaving me open and vulnerable.

Her hand snaps back, confused hurt flitting across her face as she watches me wearily through sable lashes, pursing the lips that I dream of every night. “I just wanted to help, Michael,” she whispered.

“Don’t.” I snapped, turning back to the wall, climbing down before I caved and sought sanctuary in soft pink lips and vanilla-scented skin, knowing only she could save me from myself, yet unwilling to drag her down into the abyss with me.

Dropping to the ground, I stare up at her once more, hands clenching as my mind and body warred, before breaking into a run, unsure who I was running from – her or myself.



He’d run for miles and yet he couldn’t get away, couldn’t outrun her siren’s call. It was there, whispering just as tauntingly as the cold did earlier, heating his blood like a warm summer wind. No matter how many times he runs, it always comes back to her, draws him back to her side

It’s heaven and it’s hell. In her presence he is both saved and damned. And like a addict faced with his choice addiction, he can’t turn away, can’t help but come back for more – she’s in his head, in his blood, embedded so deeply under his skin, he’ll never be able to exorcise her. Embedded so deeply in his heart he’ll never escape.

And for the first time, he realizes he doesn’t want to. It’s the truest emotion he’s ever felt.

Trembling, he sits quietly in the shadows by her window, his entire body tense as he watches the steady rise and fall of her chest as she slumbers peacefully, wondering what it is about her that keeps him anchored to this life. Why does she have this hold on him?

His throat constricts, heart pounding as he presses his palm to the cool glass of her window, just one more barrier between him and his heart’s desire. He can’t help but wonder, if he dared push past that cold barrier, erased it as if it didn’t exist, entered her inner sanctum, would he find salvation?

If he came to her and knelt by her side, dipping low to press his lips to hers, waking her with a kiss, would he find love and peace as all those fairytales girls love to read foretell? Would she wrap him in her arms, pull him into her bed and let him be reborn in the shelter of her body, in the heat of her kisses?

Or would she cringe, pull away as she realized it was the dark knight and not Prince Charming that was pivotal in her awakening, thus damning them both to a life with no satisfaction? Would he find condemnation instead of the sanction he desperately seeks?

His uncertainty keeps him behind his carefully laid walls.

He continues his vigil until she stirs, snapping him from his musings and with one last lingering gaze, he pulls his palm from the glass, unaware of the glowing handprint he left behind and hurried to the ladder and slid down, walking away once more, realizing why he’ll never escape – he’s in love and real love is eternal.



Lying in her bed, she watched him come back to her despite his bitter parting words. She heard him the moment he stepped foot on her balcony. Knew it was Michael before she even saw him. No one would ever mistake his presence for anyone else.

She watched him quietly from beneath her lashes not wanting to scare him off yet again; amazed she was able to keep her breath deep and even in spite of the rapid fluttering of her heart. She knew he would be back eventually, having woken to his presence outside her window several nights over the years.

He thought he was hidden well in the shadows, but the full moon cast just the hint of light over his troubled features as he absently stared into her window, brow pinched in thought. She couldn’t help but wonder at the pained expression on his face when he looked at her, wanted to move from her vigil, open the window, ask him in and wipe the sorrow from his deep honey eyes.

But given the raw emotions he tried to hide earlier, she didn’t think he’d welcome her knowledge of his presence. He’s always been careful to come when he thought she was sleeping, like a thief in the night, as if he were ashamed of his visits.

Her breath hitched slightly as he drew closer to her window, pressing his palm to the glass, his breath fogging up the glass slightly. Struggling to keep her breath soft and even, her heart pounded, hoping he’d breach whatever barrier kept him from talking to her earlier, only to be disappointed when he came no closer.

He sat there quietly for a few more moments before nodding to himself as if he had found the answer to unvoiced question and dropping his palm from the glass he turned away, walking towards her ladder, leaving a glowing palm on the window.

Slipping out of her bed quietly, so as not to alert him to her wakeful state, she huddled at her window and fit her hand to his mark as she watched him descend, knowing in a flash of intuition that no matter what happened down the road, the two of them were irrevocably bound on a crash course with each other.

Re: Forbidden Dreams (UC,Mi/L,ADULT) 9/22/09

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 12:06 am
by Ashita

Cold, wet drops beat against her chilled skin, plastering her thin long-sleeved shirt to her body, tangled chocolate colored hair dripping down her back. She can’t believe that he kissed her, yet she witnessed it with her own eyes.

Sitting on the swing, she barely remembers her walk to the park, the driving need to get away from the scene of his crime spurring her out of her room and down the fire escape in a desperate attempt to outrun the stabbing pain in her heart.

Leaning her head against the chain, her chest convulses with heartbroken sobs, her tears mingling with the tears of the sky. Perfect weather for a perfect night. How could he tell her he loved only her and then moments later be wrapped in another’s arms?

Obviously he lied. She’s not as special as she thought considering how fast he ran to the blonde temptress that had been dogging him for days.

Breaking, her shoulders shake, purging the pain constricting her burning lungs, wondering if her heart will ever be whole again.

Wrapped in her sorrow, she has no idea how long she’d been sitting there when she felt the familiar hum of a well-known presence hovering and tries to block him out. The last thing she needs is to see him gloat over her misery since he’s never been happy with her involvement from the beginning.

But he doesn’t allow her to shut him out, walking up to her until his legs brush her knees, resting his hands on each of the chains, crowding her with his overwhelming presence.

Taking a shuddering breath, she looks up into his face, raindrops stinging her already tear-drenched eyes. “What do you want, Michael?” she asked flatly.

He stares down at her in silent perusal, hair matted to his head, face devoid of emotion making it hard for her to decipher his intent. Sighing, she pushed a dripping lock of hair behind her ear.

“Look, if you came to say ‘I told you so,’ please don’t. I…I can’t take it tonight,” she choked, voice cracking with repressed emotion, staring at her feet.

“I didn’t,” he stated quietly, kneeling before her, jeans soaking up the water puddled at her feet, trying to meet her shattered eyes.

Sliding his hands down the chains, he steadied himself before lifting a hand from the swing to brush a callused thumb across her cheek, wiping away both droplets and tears.

Sliding his fingers down her cheek, he grasped her jaw, tipping her chin up so he could look into her eyes, their heads close enough to feel each other's breath feather across their lips.

“He’s not worth these, Liz,” he rasped, voice rough with repressed anger, dark whiskey eyes traveling over her upturned face as he watched coffee orbs squeeze shut and she bit down on her lower lip to hold back a watery sigh.

Running his thumb over her lip, he gently tugged on it, dislodging it from her clenched teeth and stared at the soft pink skin as he rubbed the sting away.

She inhaled sharply, eyes flying open at the soft caress and he flicked his eyes back to hers, breath catching, swallowing hard at the warm confusion swimming in her eyes.

She watches something flicker to life briefly in his eyes before he forces his wall back up and heart fluttering, wonders why she never noticed how beautiful they are.

Leaning his head against the chain, his eyes slam shut as his heart beats out a staccato rhythm and bites back a quiet moan. Pulling his hand from her cheek abruptly, he shoves it through his hair breaking the spell between them.

Her breath comes in shallow puffs as she drags air back into her starving lungs, her eyes caressing the man before her in wonder. She was just reaching out to touch his cheek when he stood, and grasping her outstretched hand, pulled her from the swing.

“Come on, Parker, let’s get you home,” he said huskily, slipping his jacket off and around her shoulders, then tucking her small hand in his as he started out of the park, intent on seeing her safely home.

They walked back in silence, each lost in their own thoughts, him wondering if he’d shown all his cards and her waking up for the first time in months.

As they reached her apartment, he let go over her hand, a chill passing through them both at the loss of warmth and shoved his hands in his pockets.

“You should go in before you get sick,” he said quietly, gazing over her shoulder at end of the alley, shoulders hunched and mask in place. He looked back when she continued to stand there quietly watching him.

Their eyes met as she walked over and holding his golden gaze, she placed a hand on his cheek, lifting up on tiptoe to kiss the other. His eyes slid shut briefly at the soft brush of lips and then met hers silently as she lowered herself to the ground.

They stared a moment longer before she turned and climbed the stairs to her balcony, crawling over the wall and then looked down at him, a small smile tugging her lips.

He ducked his head and then looked up at her, a slow smile spreading across his face before he turned to walk down the alley. At the end he paused, looking back once more, nodding before he disappeared around the corner.

Watching his retreating back, a soft smile tugs at her heart and she realizes for the first time since she’d seen her so-called soulmate kissing destiny that things would be just fine. Life had awakened to new possibilities.

Re: Forbidden Dreams (UC,Mi/L,ADULT) 9/25/09

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 3:15 pm
by Ashita

He stares at his palms, anguish flooding his body, his stomach churning with horror over the destructive forces that reside within him.

He’s a murderer. He’s the reason the government is justified in its desire to eradicate alien life – or at least his life. He doesn’t deserve to live.

Heart hammering, he shoves a hand through his hair before dropping his head into his palms, clenching his jaw and bites back a moan of despair, unaware of the soft click of his door opening.

A soft hand runs over his hair, making him flinch, pulling away from her comforting touch.

“Don’t,” he choked past the lump lodged in his throat, staring at the carpet intently, unable to meet her eyes fearing he’d see condemnation in their depths.

“Michael…” she rasps softly, kneeling before him, reaching for his hands.

“Don’t! I might hurt you,” he cries hoarsely as he jerked away, his breath coming in shallow puffs, fear icing his heart and making his blood chill. He’d never live with himself if he hurt her.

She reached up and lifts his chin, forcing him to meet her eyes. “You would never hurt me,” she refuted firmly, stroking his cheek gently, eyes tearing at the devastation lurking behind his habitually dispassionate eyes.

Taking his hands again, she raises them to her lips and places a soft kiss in each palm to show her trust in him, keeping her toffee eyes anchored with dark whiskey.

He looks away frantically as his chest constricts, and then he caves, a sob breaking free under that compassionate, tender gaze. Pulling her to him jerkily, he loses himself in her arms and face buried against vanilla-scented hair; he purges the grief and fear that’s held him captive all day.



The world was going to end, or at least that’s what he said when he crashed onto my balcony that night. He said our love killed everyone near and dear. Our love. I guess I continued to fool him even then.

Maria thought I went along with it in order to save the masses but my motives were far more selfish. I let her think that because how do you tell your best friend, the sister of your heart, it was the love of her life’s death and the prevention of it that moved you to such extremes?

God, he died. Michael died and if the future version of Max is to be believed, he never knew how she really felt. She didn’t have the courage to truly follow her heart, instead capitulating to the idea of being Perfect Parker – a girl who always did the right thing for everyone other than herself.

I want to hate the messenger, the future who is proof of my weakness. I want to hate the current version for being blind to reality. But in the end, the blame and hate can only be laid at one door – my own.

Re: Forbidden Dreams (UC,Mi/L,ADULT) 9/28/09

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 7:54 pm
by Ashita

Nerves frayed, she seethes as she swipes a towel over the table, brooding over a certain cantankerous alien cleaning the kitchen, wondering what has set him on edge this time. He’s been testing her patience all night.

Actually, to be completely honest, it really started back in Las Cruces, when he sent the pulsing, red triangle sailing through the window, saving all of their lives.

“You want to stop daydreaming and move your ass, Parker?” Michael called from the kitchen, voice tight with irritation. “I’d like to go home sometime tonight.”

Huffing, Liz spun around and glared at him through the order window, lips pressed together mutinously.

“Yes?” he challenged, raising a brow, face twisted in a derisive smirk.

Narrowing her eyes, Liz’s blood boiled as she threw down her towel and stalked to the kitchen, slamming the door. “What crawled up your ass, Michael?” she grated.

“Nothing,” he bit out, turning his back to her and attacking the grill with a wire brush, scrubbing with all the frustrated anger smoldering under his blank façade. God, he’d almost lost her in Las Cruces and she didn’t even care.

“Nothing?” she scoffed. “Then what’s with the attitude tonight?”

“I said it’s nothing,” he grit his teeth, scrubbing harder, brow pinched with annoyance.

“Right. Of course not,” she snarked over her shoulder as she headed out the door. “That would imply that something made it past your stonewall.”

His head whipped around and he stared after her incredulously, brush forgotten in his hand, indignant rage smoldering in his eyes.

Throwing the brush onto the grill, he ripped his apron off, tossing it on the counter and pursued the tiny brunette, lips tight with suppressed anger. So, she wanted to fight did she? Well, bring it on.

“Want to say that to my face, Parker?” he stalked over to her, grabbing her wrist and spinning her around, leaning over her menacingly, breath labored from the rage coursing through his veins. Damned if he was going to put up with the implication that he didn’t care after everything he’d done to prove otherwise when they were in Las Cruces.

Stepping into him, not at all daunted by his intimidation tactics, Liz got in his face, meeting his glare unflinchingly. “Sure, Michael, I said something would have to get past your stonewall for that to happen,” she grit between her clenched teeth, eyes flashing with irritation.

Letting out a primal growl of rage, Michael wrapped his hands around her upper arms, pulling her up to him, faces pressed nose to nose, his caramel eyes a blazing inferno. “Is that what you really think, Parker? Wait, why bother asking, of course you do. It’s just me, right?”

She let out a little squeak as he gave her a little shake, her eyes widening in astonishment at the anger blazing out those typically indifferent eyes, and shook her head frantically, finally realizing what she’d implied in her fit of temper. “No. No, no, no, Michael…”

“Did you even think about what could have happened in Las Cruces if I hadn’t followed you? Where you’d be if I hadn’t been there to stop that bomb?” he grit out, ignoring her protestations as anguish filled him at the thought of how close he’d come to losing both girls. “You’d be lying right next to Alex and where would we be then? Do you think we’d survive losing all three of you?”

“Michael, no, I’m sorry,” she cried, voice cracking as the reality of her actions hit her. She’d been so wrapped up in discovering Alex’s murderer and proving it was alien related that she hadn’t stop to think of how it’d affect the rest of the group. “I wasn’t thinking…”

“That’s right, Liz, you weren’t thinking,” he bit out, letting her go to shove his hands through his hair, pacing the length of the room in agitation. Liz stood stock still, remorseful eyes watching the frantic man pacing in front of her. Michael spun around to face her, fixing her with a fulminating glare, chest heaving with ragged breaths.

“You weren’t even going to tell us where you went!” he yelled, pointing an accusing finger at her. “If I hadn’t pinned Maria down and gotten an answer out of her, we would have had no idea what happened! We’d still be looking for you frantically! And you have the nerve to say…I…you know what, screw this!”

Michael spun around to stalk back through the door but stopped after three steps, shoving his hands through his hair, taking in deep breaths to get his anger under control before the diner blew up around them.

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry,” Liz cried, face crumbling, heart cracking under the weight of her emotions. She’d never meant for this to happen. Never meant for it to go this far. Heart shattering sobs made her shoulders quake. “Oh God, Michael, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean…I didn’t want…I’m sorry.”

His shoulders sagged, the anger draining from him under her remorseful pleading and squeezing his eyes closed, he took a shuddering breath. Resting his hands on his hips, he tipped his head back and trained his eyes at the ceiling, before turning back to face her.

Clawing at his eyebrow, he watched the sobbing girl with some discomfit, unsure of whether to take her in his arms and never let her go or shake her until her teeth rattled. Maybe he’d do both.

She covered her face with her hands, unable to meet the tall alien’s eyes, horrified she’d taken her anger out on the one person who’d proven without a doubt he understood.

Giving in, he groaned and yanked her into his arms, wrapping her close to his heart, thankful for the rampant paranoia that made him follow the girls to Las Cruces; thankful that he has this opportunity to hold her in his arms rather than watching her being lowered into the cold earth that now embraces Alex.

“I know. Just next time you decide to go off half-cocked, tell me. Don’t let me find out because I happen to catch you in the act,” he choked, dropping his head to hers. “We’ve already lost Alex. I can’t…we can’t lose you too.”

Re: Forbidden Dreams (UC,Mi/L,ADULT) 10/01/09

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 1:00 pm
by Ashita

He sees right through her, that plastic barrier she has constructed around herself. He doesn’t understand why she bothers with the act. Actually, he wonders how the rest of them fell for it. She’s become far too adept at masking herself since being submersed in the alien abyss.

But he knows, has watched her for far too long to be fooled.

They ask her if she’s okay and as if programmed it flips on, the insincere smile that never reaches her eyes forever gracing her face. Liz has been an automaton ever since Alex’s death.

She assures everyone that she’s fine. She says she’s forgiven him for letting her archenemy and Alex’s murderer leave the planet.

It’s a lie.

They believe her, her plastic shell just as shiny as her previous light and it fools them. Let’s them live in happy oblivion. How can they not see that this artificial gleam is so different from her usual luminance? He shouldn’t be surprised. They never could see what was right in front of them, especially the fearless leader.

So he watches and he waits, knowing that under enough pressure, even the sturdiest plastic cracks and she’ll need someone there to pick up the pieces when she finally shatters.



She finally broke. He knew it would happen. Even the strongest fall under the right circumstances.

Her shoulders quake with heartbroken sobs; shuddering gasps that rip through her throat as she desperately tries to pull herself back together.

“Shhh. I’m here,” he says softly, tightening his arms around her, rubbing her back soothingly. Brushing his lips against her temple, he pushes her hair out of her face and looks down into tear-stained eyes.

“I’ll always be here,” he vows.

“P-promise?” she asks hiccupping, arms wrapping around his chest.

“Promise,” he whispers back, chest tightening with an unknown emotion.

Re: Forbidden Dreams (UC,Mi/L,ADULT) 10/1/09

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 1:15 pm
by Ashita

“Resistance is futile!” I laughed as I held her squirming body down, arms stretched above her head in one hand while the other dances over her ribs, tears of mirth coursing down her cheeks.

“God, Michael, can you get any cornier?” she snorted, bucking her hips against my legs in an effort to dislodge me. “Get off me you oaf!”

“Not until you beg, Parker,” I said reaching behind me to her feet, waggling my fingers threateningly.

“Never!” Liz squeals, laughingly pushing her hands against my chest, managing to get enough leverage to push me to the other side of the couch.

I was reaching for her again when her dad poked his head into the break room, shaking his head and smiling. “Okay, enough horsing around you two! Get back to work,” he chuckled as he went back to his office.

Climbing off the couch, she smirks at me, smoothing down her impossibly short uniform and fixing her tangled hair.

“Resistance is futile….” She snorts under her breath, rolling her eyes as she heads back into the diner, antenna bobbing on her head.

Wistfully I smile and run a hand through my hair as I watch her retreating back and wonder if she’ll ever realize that I wasn’t really talking to her, but talking to myself when I said it.



Sinking her teeth into her bottom lip, she hid in the shadows of the van, hoping that Michael wasn’t lurking nearby, waiting to pounce on her and discuss what happened two nights ago. So far she has managed to avoid this talk because they’d been trying to put as much distance between themselves and the FBI as possible, but she knows that he’ll corner her soon enough.

The unbidden thoughts constantly running through each other’s heads is more than enough to set the cranky alien even further on edge. Of all of the aliens, why did it have to be him? If Max shared this bond with her, she’d be ecstatic. Ava or Isabel, she could have handled. But being mentally linked to Michael?

Why couldn’t her migraine have waited a few minutes so that she could have had Max heal her? But she knows it wasn’t to be. Her vision didn’t give any clear indication of when the FBI was going to strike and her headache would have slowed them down.

Slinging our overnight bag onto my shoulder, I headed out the door, slamming it behind me in my haste, cringing as I ran into Michael and Maria’s room. Wincing at the brightness, the throbbing behind my eyes increased, making me rub my temples. Trying to focus on what was happening around me, my vision blurred as the stabbing pain left me woozy and tears gathered behind my eyes.

“Liz,” Michael yelled. “LIZ!” The way he said it made me realize that it wasn’t his first attempt to get my attention. This is one part of my so-called gift that I hate – the emotional aftermath and resulting pain. Shading my eyes, I glanced at Michael, cringing as pain ricocheted through my brain, trying to focus on what he was saying and failing.

Finally giving up on talking, Michael just gestured to my head questioningly and spread his hands, intimating he could heal it if I wanted. Nodding my head gingerly, I waited while he placed his hands on my temples and a soft, warm glow infused my head, taking the pain away.

Sighing with relief, I was startled to hear Michael’s voice echo through my head, yet no words came out of his mouth. “I hope I don’t hurt her.

Michael?” I thought in confusion.

Michael’s face contorted in confusion, followed closely by fear as he heard my voice in his own. “Liz?

What…?” my thoughts were hazy as I tried to comprehend what was happening.

Later.” Michael grabbed my arm, pulling me along with him, Maria racing down the hall in front of us. “Are you okay now? Can you make it on your own?” he worried out loud.

“Yeah, Michael, I’m fine. I’m good now, thanks. Let’s go, the others are waiting,” I replied, running down the hall after Maria with him on my heels.

I’m not so sure about that.” echoed through my head.

“I heard that
,” I thought back unconsciously.

Fuck. Parker, later you and I need to talk,” he cursed as we were racing to the van.

A hand clenched my upper arm and spun me around, shattering my reverie and forcing me to meet annoyed whiskey eyes. Watching him with some trepidation, I realize that I’m not going to be able to put this off any longer.

“Glad you finally admit that, Parker,” he smirked. “Let’s go. You and I have grocery duty and we’ll talk while we’re on our way to town. Can’t have the Royal Control Freak know about it until we’ve figured out how to end this madness.”

He herded me over to the passenger door and opened it, stepping aside, gesturing for me to get in. Sighing, I climbed in and slunk down in my seat as he slammed the door and hurried to the driver’s side. I didn’t fool myself into believing that door trick was any attempt of his to be chivalrous but really a ploy to make sure I didn’t try to avoid this trip.

He snorted at my rambling thoughts as he climbed in, but refrained from answering, putting the van in drive and pulling out of our campsite. I can’t wait until we can figure this out and I can get him out of my head before I go mad.

“Trust me, Parker, this is no picnic for me either. Do you really think I want to listen to the ‘I Love Max Evans’ channel 24/7?” he griped. “It was sickening enough before I had a permanent subscription. Now it makes me feel homicidal.”