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Wedding Day (Teen) K/I Complete 9/13/09

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 8:39 am
by majiklmoon
Wedding Day
Rating: Teen
Disclaimer: I don't own anything - except for Spike the Minivan. Roswell and it's characters belong to Melinda Metz and Jason Katims. She created them, he killed them. I'm just trying to bring them back to life.

For Mags and Pooh - Mags bought me for Pooh in the September Author Auction for Support Stacie.

Isabel looked down at the man lying in the bed next to her. Her life had taken so many twists and turns, and none as unexpected as this one. When Jesse proposed, she was so conflicted. On one hand, he represented every girl’s ideal, but on the other hand, she wasn’t every girl. She was an alien.

After Jesse proposed, she talked with Alex – a lot. So what if he was dead. That didn’t matter, in her heart, he was as alive as he had ever been, and he always would be. She would have liked to talk to Max, but whenever the subject of Jesse came up, he went into dictator mode, and Michael was out, simply because he was Michael.

Liz and Maria probably would have understood her concerns, but the three of them didn’t have that kind of relationship. They could have, if she had allowed it. But she didn’t. She didn’t let anybody in – not all the way in. She was too private a person for that. Even Alex, for all that they shared hadn’t known all her secrets.

He stirred next to her, and she reached out and brushed a hand across his cheek and watched as his face smoothed out and he slipped back down into dreams. In the end, she realized she had to talk to someone, and in retrospect, the answer was so simple. Kyle. He was the one person she had allowed to get close to her. They had shared a lot over the past few years, and when Alex had been murdered, he had been her rock.

He convinced her that marrying Jesse was the right thing to do. If anything, it gave her another layer of protection. Jesse didn’t know their secret, didn’t know anything, and because of that, her relationship with him looked perfectly normal. And so, she told Jesse yes, that she would marry him.

The alarm rang and she watched as he stretched, and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.

“Are you ready?” he asked.

“As I’ll ever be,” she said, looking at the white dress hanging in her closet.

“I have to get ready,” he said, grabbing his jeans and sliding them on. “But I’ll be at the park on time, I promise.” He stuffed his feet into his sneakers and pulled his shirt over his head.

“I know you will,” she agreed.

“And when you say your vows, I’ll be saying mine.”

“Kyle, don’t,” she whispered.

“Isabel, it has to be this way. Jesse isn’t a suspect. He’ll keep you safe just because he doesn’t know anything. We have too much history. Being together will put you in danger. It will put everybody in danger,” Kyle said.

“But Kyle, I love you,” Isabel whispered.

“I love you too, and I always will,” he said. He pressed a final kiss on her lips and walked out the door.

Three hours later, Isabel Amanda Evans married Jesse Estaban Ramirez before their friends and family, but in her heart, she pledged her life and her love to Kyle Valenti.

The End