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Returning Normal (CC,M/L,M/M,I/K,TEEN) CH 11 pt 3 9/30 [WIP]

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 5:58 pm
by chunkmonster2
Title: Returning Normal
Author: Chunkmonster.
"Disclaimer: The characters of "Roswell" belong to Jason Katims, Melinda Metz, WB, and UPN. They are not mine and no infringement is intended."
Pairings/Couples/Category: (CC) - M/L, M/M, K/I
Rating: (Teen)
Summary: After moving from place to place for nearly six years the crew settles in a small town in Louisiana. They assume new identities and live here for well over a year with no issues. Everything seems to be going smoothly until Isabel has a strange and slightly familiar dream. It seems things aren't going to be that easy for Max, Liz, Michael, Maria, Isabel and Kyle. As more information comes uncovered it seems that they may very well be on their way to their last battle with all aspects of this life they have been living. One question still remains uncertain - will they all make it out alive?
Author's Note: Have a general timeline laid out for the upcoming events. Basically this is taking place 7 years in the future from the last episode, making it modern day. The only other relevant information is that any happenings of the book series after "Graduation" is not included in the timeline... everything included in the series is. It is gonna get off to a bit of a slow start but I think the general storyline is quite interesting!!
Chapter One - Louisiana Hot Sauce
Chapter Two - Oh Serena
Chapter Three - Fear
Chapter Four - I Dreamed A Dream
Chapter Five - Welcome To Earth Third Rock From The Sun
Chapter Six - I Wonder
Chapter Seven - Battlefield
Chapter Eight - Oh Mother
Chapter Nine - Once In A Lifetime
Chapter Ten - Two Is Better Than One

Chapter One - Louisiana Hot Sauce

Journal Entry 1 - Starting Over

Being on the run is not a lifestyle choice, it's simply something some people must to
do protect themselves and the ones they love. When they start out on the run I don't
think they are concerned about how long they will have to live on the run; instead
they are simply more concerned with living. No one could have known when this all
started that it would end up this way, but it had and there was absolutely no going
back now. The best thing that all parties could do was make the best of it and try and
find a way of adapting.

"I am Liz Evans; Seven years ago me and my husband and a group of our closest friends
left our homes and our families together to protect them and ourselves. I always
thought of it as being something very temporary but unfortunately it wasn't. I haven't
seen my parents in seven years and my contact with them is one way and very limited. I
guess the main thing to think about here is that they are safe and they know I am
safe. I am with the one I love and with him things couldn't be better. I guess the
best news that has come so far is that after travelling for many of those seven years
we think we have finally devised a plan good enough to allow us to settle down and
live a somewhat normal life.... Well we think anyway...."

<One year and two months after first post in new journal>


In a small cafe called "Just Us" - September 12th, 2009 11:48am

"Order is up Jenn!" The chef shouted from the back Kitchen. Liz had been staring
blankly out over the crowd as she slipped into her fantasy world that she seemed to
find herself in all to often. It was like being back at the Crashdown but different in
so many ways. Liz snapped back to reality and walked over to the plate and grabbed it
quickly. "Thanks" she replied before heading to table eight and dropping it off to the
couple that sat there waiting. After a year of being here she had gotten use to her
new name and her new life. Liz would have never imagined in her wildest dreams that
she would end up in a small town in Louisiana. Sometimes it all seemed like a horrible
dream that she would awake from. Every time the bell rang in her head she thought she
would snap back to reality and realize that she was back in the diner and back in
Roswell. Unfortunately the only thing that bell that rang meant was another order was
ready for another table.


HMV Music Store - September 12th, 2009 01:04pm

Maria had never put a lot of thought into her future. For her the small town was a lot
like Roswell. There wasn't much going on here which Maria was quite content with. She
had always had dreams of being a big singer but the truth was she would rather be real
then a sell-out. Since every opportunity that had arose didn't deem it possible for
her to be true to herself and become a well-known artist she decided to go another
route; she would just be an amateur forever. Who needs fame anyway? She always seemed
to gather a fan following wherever she was and that to her was very rewarding.
"Ten Ninety-Nine, Please." Maria spoke clearly to the customer who stood in front of
her. She was handed a twenty dollar bill and quickly made the change handing it back
to them. She watched as the young woman exited the store and Michael entered. Maria
exhaled loudly as she made her way out from behind the counter. She hugged Michael and
gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. Maria quickly glanced about the store to make sure
there was no one in there.

"Ah, Thank god. I thought I would die of starvation before you got here! How long is
your break today?" Maria questioned him looking up to him. Her hand dug through the
bag and pulled out a sandwich that had been most likely prepared at the diner which
Liz worked at.

"Half-hour I guess. Boss wants to get this job finished this week, he has big dreams
for us for next week" Michael finished his sarcastic sentence with his usual pressed
smirk "You know, tearing up more pavement and then putting more down. It's a really
rewarding job." The truth was Michael had been bouncing around between jobs here but
as of recently this had been the best paying and he was trying to make it work the
best he could since Max had set it up for him.

"Max go to see Liz?" Maria asked between bites from her sandwich.

Michael nodded, informing Maria that is what he had done. Michael stood there silent
for a moment watching as Maria continue to eat away at her sandwich. "Anyway, I am
going to get going... Between picking up your lunch, eating mine and heading over here
I think my break is nearly over..."

Maria looked up and finished chewing her last bite of the sandwich. She realized she
hadn't been very thankful to her boyfriend who had come so far from his early days.
"Thank you Michael, I'll see you after work right? Are we still going to head to Max
and Liz's?"

Once again Michael nodded simply as he made his way towards the door. The bell on the
door went off as he exited. Maria picked up the other half of her sandwich and peeled
the break apart in curiosity.

Scrunching her nose she looked at a mystery ingredient, "What is that?" She raised a
brow looking at it but only hesitated a moment before continuing to eat it.


Max and Liz's Apartment - September 12th 2009 8:00pm

Liz made her way from the small kitchen to the small living room. It seemed pretty
much every aspect of their apartment was small actually. Liz plopped herself down next
to Max on the small love-seat and shot a smile off to Maria who was sitting in the
chair across from her. Michael was still in the kitchen picking away at what they had
for supper.

"How was the HMV today?" Liz questioned her bestie.

"You know I think I am really integrating into the lifestyle here. Just today some
woman remembered my name. I mean its not my real name but hey at least she remembered
it!" Maria smile widened

Liz laughed at the comment made my Maria.

"So you mean one of the locals remembered your name today?" Liz questioned with a
raised brow and a crooked smile on her face.

Maria nodded her head as though it was a highly regarded accomplishment. She responded
with a simple "Yup!"

Liz chuckled again, "So how exactly do you know she remembered your name?"

Maria replied confidently "Well, when she was getting ready to leave she said.... Nice
seeing you again Maria."

Max looked a bit confused over at Liz who seemed to be having a bit too much fun with
this situation. Max looked to Maria who looked equally as confused. Max and Maria both
shrugged their shoulders at each other.

Maria was now curious about what Liz found so funny. "Alright, out with it Liz."

"Oh it's nothing Maria, really." She looked over to her friend trying to keep the
smirk from creeping back on her face... which was inevitable.

"Come on just say it..." Maria pleaded to be let in on what was so funny.

"It's nothing really!" Liz said pausing a moment before continuing. "It's just someone
remembered your name today..."

Maria replied with "Yes"

Liz continued on with her sentence " work..."

Maria nodded her head again "Yep, that's correct."

Liz finished with "...where you wear a name tag that clearly states your name across

Maria laughed at her friend who was obviously having too much fun poking fun at her.
"Okay I see where you're going with this. It's possible that woman remembered my name
without looking at my name tag... I can leave quite the impression on someone..."

Liz shook her head in agreement. "Oh I know, I know Maria... I was just stating" she
said toying with her further.

This was what had been so great about their life as of recently. Although it was no
where close to normal it was much closer then it had been in a very long time. None of
them were extremely happy with their lives in this town but at least they had lives
here. They weren't constantly looking over their shoulders wondering what was going to
happen next or who was around the corner. They had settled. It seemed as though
nothing could possibly take that away from them.

The sound of the door knob turning could be heard clearly in the living room. The door
was pushed opened and the obvious sound of footsteps made their way into the
apartment. None of the bodies about the room moved nervously or tensed in the
slightest. Without even turning to see who had entered Max offered a greeting
"Evening Abby and Duke, How are the newlyweds tonight?"

The familiar sound of Isabel's scoff could be heard come from behind them as she made
her way around and into the living room.

"Very funny Max.... It's weird enough telling people we are newlyweds we don't need to
play the games when we are alone too" she shot back at her brother before looking to
Kyle who still stood out of the vision of Max and Liz. "And couldn't you have picked a
better name then Duke? It sounds like I am married to a dog"

The room broke into laughter as Isabel rolled her eyes at them. Eventually a smile
even crept across her face. "Fine, Fine. Laugh it up at my expense... but be warned
Kyle if we ever move again and I stuck playing your wife again I am sure to be going
with a name like Avis or Bertha."

Michael finally made his way from the Kitchen and into the living room where everyone
else was. Maria hoped up from the chair and let him sit down and she found her way
cuddled up on his lap. Kyle made his way to the DVD player and slipped in the movie.

They had made a routine out of Friday night movie nights where they all got together
and watched some movies. Kyle found his way to his seat and jokingly tried to put his
arm around Isabel. "Come on Abby lets cuddle" he joked. After the credits were
finished they all silenced and watched the video attentively.


Kyle and Isabel's Apartment - September 13th, 2009 02:55am

As per usual, after the movie ended everyone would make their way back to their
apartments and retire for the evening. Kyle and Isabel had done just that. Their
apartment was a one bedroom and since they weren't actually together Isabel had the
bedroom and Kyle opted for a pull out couch. They kept up the appearance of a couple
outside of their home but felt no need to do so behind closed doors.

Isabel found herself wandering though her usual but strange dreamworld. Most of the
time it consisted of seeing Alex again and him being alive and well. Included in these
dreams she frequented Roswell and was reunited with her parents and Jesse whom was
still waiting for her return after all the time. As Isabel followed the usual pattern
of the dream something changed slightly. She opened the door to her parents home and
stepped into a room that seemed familiar but she wasn't sure from where. She began
searching the room for her parents.

"Mom? Dad? I am home! We came home again, all of us."

Isabel wandered further into the strange room still calling for her parents. It wasn't
until the name was spoken that she realized where she recognized the room from. Her
body turned into stone and a chill shot down her spine.


Isabel tried to find the courage to turn her body in the direction the sound came from
but she couldn't find the strength. Instead she repeated to herself over and over in
her head that it was nothing but a dream. Footsteps could be heard approaching her and
she could feel a very distinct presence standing directly behind her. A familiar touch
grazed the bottom of her jawline.

"This time you will join me, if not I will finish you and everything you love in the
process. Don't forget who you were, who you are Vilandra."

Isabel shot up to a sitting position in her bed. A soft scream escaped her lips as she
sat in her bed breathing heavy. It had been so long since she had this sort of dream.
What could it mean? Isabel was very shaken and didn't want to sleep alone for the
remainder of the night. She threw her covers from off her and made her way to the
living room in the dark.

She stood above the fold-out bed looking down at Kyle before deciding whether or not
to actually stay out here with him. One thing was for sure, she didn't want to be
alone. Isabel lifted on the sheet and gently slid in trying not to wake Kyle. Just as
she rested her head on the pillow next to Kyle, he spoke up in a very groggy voice.

"What's wrong?" he questioned, his eyes remained closed.

"Bad dream.... I..... I guess I just didn't wanna be alone" She informed him. Kyle
rolled closer to her and placed and arm around her in effort to comfort her. Normally
Isabel would move his arm off her but tonight it was actually very comforting. Kyle
immediately returned to his sleep world as Isabel laid there a bit staring blankly at
the wall and praying that this meant nothing.

She continued telling herself it was nothing but a dream and that everything was fine.
And even though she laid there for what seemed like an eternity trying to convince
herself of it - it just didn't seem to be working.


Max and Liz's Apartment - September 13th, 2009 07:35am

Liz moaned before opening her eyes to start the new day. She rolled over to face her
husband who lay next to her still sleeping. Liz propped herself up on a forearm and
used one hand to hold her head upright. She smiled happily as she looked at her
husband who looked so at peace.

"What?" Max questioned Liz. She hadn't realized her was awake but he always seemed to
be very aware of her state, therefore when she woke usually he did too.

Liz's smile widened as her eye contact remained on Max "Nothing..."

Max opened his eyes and squinted at the light that shined through the nearby window.
He looked up at Liz as the light flooded in from the window giving her the appearance
of glowing. Max smiled back at her.

Liz hand made its way to Max's chest and slowly traced his muscle definition before
her index finger made it to his lip where she gently flicked at his bottom lip. "You
know... I have about an hou..." she began to speak before she was cut off by Max.
Max nodded as he used his right arm to pull her in close for a kiss. "I know, I am way
ahead of you." Max maneuver himself on top of her.

The others didn't necessarily feel completely at home, most likely not even Liz. But
for Max - this WAS home. Being with Liz was one of the only things that had ever made
him feel like a whole person and even if they had to use different names and work crap
jobs to have it.... he would be happy just being with her.


Journal Entry 2 - I've Got a Feeling

"It's been over a year of living here now. We finally got to settle in one area and make the best of it. Life isn't complete but we are happy. Life is full of changes you never expect but in the end all that matters to me is I have the ones I love by my side. And although everything has been great for so long now.... I just have this strange feeling that this is too good to last...

Re: Returning Normal (CC, M/L M/M I/K, TEEN) CH 1 (27OCT09)

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 9:01 pm
by chunkmonster2
Author's Note: Gonna attempt at tieing up loose ends from the show as you'll see.
keepsmiling -- unfortunately it is too good to be true, but isn't it always for these poor people:(
Serena - The below picture is the image I had in mind of what Serena would look like.... click if ya like, its jus a little added feature :) ... la-fin.jpg

Chapter 2, Pt 1 - Oh Serena


Just Us Cafe - October 2nd, 2009 07:00am

Liz seemed to be floating around the cafe this morning. All the morning chores that always seemed to drag on were flying by. She had a permanent smile pasted across her face. Liz was finally becoming very accepting of her new life even though it didn't include some of the things she had always hope and dreamed of as a small child.

For so long the thought of college had been a very pressing matter on her mind but slowly and surely it was dissipating and she was becoming accepting of a lower standard then she had set for herself.

Liz flipped the sign to display to the public they were officially open for business that day. She made her way to behind the counter and waited for the rush of customers that would be requesting their routine coffee. Liz heard the boss pipe up from behind her. He was in the kitchen inspecting things as he always did. He was a bit of a perfectionist that normally got on Liz's last nerve but she was certain today that wouldn't happen.

Liz and Max had an amazing time last night. The majority of their free time outside of work they spent with the others. The first couple years four years they were on the road they had no choice but to stick together. Although Valenti had made a legitimate attempt at steering the Fed's in the wrong direction, it took them no time to catch up and was always close on their heals. If your asked Liz which states she had been to now she couldn't tell you. For those first four years they pretty much drifted and just got by... it was a lot of Max, Isabel and Michael using their powers to get them by so it never felt real. It seemed the investigation died down a couple times after that and the crew had tried starting over again both in Texas and Oklahoma.... problem was they attempted this using the real names. It only took months before the feds were tipped and they would have to flee again. They finally got smart when they moved to Louisiana and changed their names.

"Jenn." A male voice could be heard faintly in the background. When there was no reply it simply got louder until the attention was gathered "JENN!"

Liz still had trouble remembering to everyone here she was Jenn. She turned her attention to behind her where she could get a glimpse of the boss standing in the kitchen. "Yes?" she replied meekly to the somewhat intimidating man staring back at her.

"Don't forget your working a double today... There will be no time for any breaks, your gonna have to work straight through." he growled back at her.

Liz just nodded her head in his direction maintaining her smile.

FLASHBACK: The Night Prior

The night before Max took Liz out to try and give her their first normal date in a while. They had dinner together at a small restaurant across town which was accompanied by wine. Liz had encouraged Max to have a glass and somehow had forgot the effect it seemed to have on them. It didn't take much to put them in quite a state. After dinner they decided to pop by the local tavern and see Maria sing kareoke.

Liz forgot exactly how cute Max became when he drank as well. They didn't handle alcohol in the same was a humans at all. Max became more honest and lost inhibitions. While Maria sang one of her more upbeat original songs Max pulled Liz to the dance floor. Liz spent the majority of the time trying to keep him upright and trying not to laugh to hard.

Eventually Max grew tired of the bar and decided to take a stroll around the town together. Liz informed Maria they were headed home for the night and Maria simply wished her luck.

The stroll around the town seemed to sober Max up. Liz decided she wanted to retire back to their apartment since it was getting late and she had to work the next day, however, Max pushed her to move on a bit further. Eventually they ended up at a small park near the outskirts of the town which Liz had never been to before.

"What are we doing here Max?" she questioned as they entered the small park and he seemed to be guiding her in a very direct direction.

"There is something I want to show you." he stated simply not giving her much detail.

There reached a small pond that was surrounded with a couple trees and one simple bench. Max turned his attention to her and reached outward for her other hand. "I wanted to bring you here and show you this... It reminds me..."

"Of the park back home." Liz finished the sentence for Max. It wasn't exactly the same but the similarities were astounding. Liz gazed around at the small area which reminded her so much of her hometown.

"I know it's hard for you - for all of us, not being able to go home. I found this place when I was working on the road nearby this week and I wanted to bring you here and show you. I want to give you what you want so badly Liz. I just wish there was some way I could. You are my home, as long as I am with you I am complete. I just want you to feel complete.

"Max, I do." Liz said holding her gaze with Max. Her eyes began to well with tears because as much as she loved him and did feel at home with him, it was undeniable that she missed Roswell and her parents.

Max wrapped his arms around Liz and pulled her in close to him. "Someday I will find a way. We will head back to Roswell and begin out family with our families. I will figure a way to give that to you Liz."

A single tear rolled down Liz's cheek before she replied to Max. "Can we just stay here a while?"

Max pulled away to look her directly in the eye. He nodded as he squatted and reached upward to help her down to the grass. The two set side by side reminiscing about everything - there was a range of emotions. They laughed about the happier times and cried about the times which were more sad. Before long the fell asleep in each others arms on the grass. It had seemed like forever since Liz had felt so close to the life she use to have and she was grateful to Max for bringing it back to her.


Liz still held hope. Maybe Max was right. Maybe someday they would get the chance to return to Roswell and live the life they dreamed of. But for now she had found a new feeling of content with the life they were living in the present.

"Jenn, I forgot to tell you. Briana quit, she decided to move back home. The new girl starts today. Your gonna have to train her on everything. Her uniform is out back hanging up. Make sure to make her feel welcome, I don't wanna lose another one so quickly it's not like people are lined up to move into this town." his stern voice ordered from the back room.

The door ringed and someone entered. Liz looked up to greet the person who entered. The small redhead made her way to the counter that Liz stood behind. She smiled brightly at Liz.

"What can I get for you today?" Liz questioned with her beaming friendly smile.

"Oh, I am Serena. I'm the new girl. I was told just to stop in and get situated. Sorry I am a bit late."

The smile faded from Liz's face only for a second. She looked at the girl with a bit of confusion. Of course she had been informed she was coming in but there was something oddly familiar about this girl but Liz couldn't put her finger on it at all. Liz shook her head and the smile reappeared almost instantly.

"Of course, Sorry! Right back this way. I guess I am still have asleep. I'm Jenn. It's nice to meet you Serena!"

Liz waved for Serena to follow her to the back room so she could show her around. Liz soon forgot that there was a feeling of familiarity.


Linda's Bridal Boutique - October 5th, 2009 10:27am

Isabel was nearly half asleep sitting at the counter. Lucky for her there hadn't been many customers in today. Isabel scoffed aloud when she looked at the clock and realized what time it was. She had only came in for the start of her shift at nine and it already felt like she was there a lifetime.

"You have got to be kidding me" she said aloud as she stared up at the clock shaking her head.

Isabel closed her eyes for a minute. She got an immediate flash of her dream from the night before. It should be described as more of a nightmare. She had been having them on and off now for about a month but they were becoming more frequent. At first it had started out as just taking up a portion of her regular dreams. Lately they had started to be short dreams entirely of their own. Isabel grabbed a notepad from the counter below. She decided to write down what she remembered while it was still very vivid in her mind. She closed her eyes again and she could see the room she was standing in. She quickly maneuvered her hand to the center of the pad and wrote "Same Room" and circled it. On the outer edge she wrote her name from her previous life, Vilandra. Next to her name she wrote Kivar and placed a question mark next to
it. In her dreams she never seen him so she couldn't but sure... but the touch and the voice was so familiar. The number six kept appearing in her mind although she couldn't remember why. Isabel heard the door open to the boutique. She opened her eyes and grabbed the notepad quickly shoving it back in the drawer next to her.

"Good Morning! Is there anything I can help you find?" she perked up to make herself sound a little more bright eyed and bushy tailed.


Just Us Cafe - October 23rd 2009 12:10pm

"You'll get use to it" Liz offered advice to the new girl with a warm and welcoming smile.

It didn't take long before the boss was already breathing down Serena's neck. He was the one who was always saying they needed to ensure to be welcoming and friendly so they didn't scare off potential workers, yet he was the first one to put the pressure on them. Liz was one of those people who was able to let it roll right off her but it seemed Serena was taking a bit too much of it to heart.

"I hope so, there isn't much else for an options in this town!" Serena said raising her brow.

Liz laughed at the comment. It was true there wasn't much else there but she was sure there was probably better then this cafe. "Well let's not let him think that. It will only make it that much worse for us if he thinks he has us locked in!" she said with a playful wink.

Serena nodded as her smile returned back to her face. "So your sure you don't mind me joining movie night tonight? I know it's a thing you and your friends do. I don't want to intrude, I haven't even met your boyfriend yet."

Liz turned her attention to ensure it was more then alright for her to join them. Before she spoke Liz caught a glimpse of Max walking through the front door. "Well you'll get a chance right now then." Liz smiled in the direction of Serena who was preparing a dessert for a customer.

Max made his way up to the counter and patiently waited as Liz helped Serena ring in the dessert and cash the customer out. Max checked behind him first to make sure he wouldn't be holding up any customers. Serena looked up to Max and back to Liz. Liz nodded in her direction in confirmation that this was indeed the boyfriend she had spoke so much about.

"Evan this is Serena, the new girl I was telling you about. Serena this is Evan." Liz always found it funny that Max had chose to use his last name as his first name when they came here, it made it funny when introducing him to people.

Max smiled and extended a hand in the direction of Serena. Liz grabbed a couple dirty plates and began to make her way across to hand them back to the kitchen. Something Max would say in the next few second would stop her dead in her tracks.

"So your Serena. I hear your a physics enthusiast like Jenn. I told her she would meet you someday" Max was referring to the fact he use to tease Liz about meeting someone who would challenge her intelligence with physics, but for Liz that sentence brought her back to something she had nearly forgotten. Liz's grip loosened on the plates she was holding, they slipped from her fingers and smashed against the hard ceramic floor.

FLASHBACK - End of the World

"I don't entirely understand it myself, but Serena says..." Max started before pausing and looking up to Liz from her bed where he had taken a seat.

"She's gonna be friend of yours one day.."


Liz snapped back to reality. She looked down at the smashed plates on the floor. Max rushed around behind the counter to make sure she was alright.

"L... Jenn, what happened?" Max nearly slipped up by saying her real name. Max's hands found their way to either side of her face. He stared deep into her eyes and he could feel that something was bothering her.

Liz looked back at Max before her eyes darted around the room. The customers were all looking in their direction with Serena included. Liz looked back to Max. "It's nothing, I am fine. They just slipped, I'll get the broom. Can you watch the counter Serena?" Serena nodded and Liz started to make her way to the back room. Max attempted to follow but was stopped by a shout from the back kitchen.

"What do you think your doing? Get back out there, let her get to work and clean that up. And Jenn, that's gonna come of your paycheck!" The boss shouted.

Max stopped dead and his tracks and took a couple steps backward. He made his way back out from behind the counter but waited for Liz to return from the other room. She returned quickly with broom and dustpan in hand.

"Are you sure your alright Jenn?" Max questioned again. "Maybe you should call it a day? Are you feeling alright?" Max was just concerned for her and wanted to make sure she was entirely alright before he headed back to work.

"No Evan, I'm fine. Besides I can't leave Serena alone just yet. I'll be fine she is here with me and we will be home right after work. We can go and pick out a movie for movie night tonight. I invited her to come over, she doesn't know anyone here yet so I figured it would be a good way for her to meet some friends.

"Right, sure. I mean, Yeah great! But your alright until then?" Max checked on last time.

Liz nodded.

"Alright, Well I will head back to work then. You keep an eye on her Serena, if she needs anything make sure you make her call me! And it was nice to meet you." Max finished with a forced smile and nod.

<Four Hours Later - Near End of Shift>

Liz wasn't sure what to make of the situation. As the day pressed on she was more and more curious about Serena and what Future Max had told her. Liz didn't understand. She thought by breaking things with Max she had changed the future, but was it possible for it not to change all aspects of it? She had done exactly what he asked of her and when he disappeared she assumed everything had gone according to plan. Maybe it was all just a coincidence. Liz devised a plan to test Serena.

"Serena do you know anything about quantum mechanics?" Liz tried to throw the question in without making it obvious it came from nowhere.

"I guess, I mean a little. I studied it a bit in college when I was there. How come?" Serena questioned Liz back.

Liz mouth gaped open for a only a slight moment before she came up with a lie to cover her tracks. "Oh no reason really. I just had this silly project in highschool. It was a hypothetical situation where the teacher posed a question and I could never get it. It always bothered me and I figured you might have known a little more then me." Liz was hoping that Serena was like her and that her curiosity would get the better of her and she would want to know the question.

Serena looked up from the table she was wiping down. "Oh really, Whats the question."

Hook, Line, Sinker. Liz had gotten her right where she wanted to. "Oh yeah... Uh, it was. He asked what would happen if it was possible for a person to travel from the future to see themselves in the past."

Serena raised a brow "That's what they asked you for a question?"

Liz nodded "Yeah I know doesn't make sense at all does it?" she laughed after she spoke.

Serena laughed along with Liz "Yeah it really doesn't. I want whatever your teacher was on back then.

Liz sighed in relief. Her smile widened at the thought of it all being a huge coincidence. "Yeah I know me too. Looks like we are done! We can get out of here if you want!"

Serena looked up and dropped the cloth. "You read my mind girl!" She reached back to untie her apron. The two of them shot smiles in each other direction as they worked quickly to complete the chores.


Max and Liz's Apartment - October 23rd, 2009 11:48pm

"It was nice to meet you!" Maria shouted as she exited the apartment. Michael was directly behind her and forcing her to keep the pace since he was ready to be home and in bed. "We will all have to get together soon!" She could be barely heard as the door shut behind them.

Liz smiled in the direction of Serena. "Michael likes his sleep, Maria could talk for hours." By this time Isabel and Kyle had already left as well. For them it was probably harder to be around a stranger since they would have to keep up the charade of being a couple.

Max was gathering all the garbage and dishes from their snacks and putting them in their proper place in the kitchen while Liz sat and chatted with her friend. After the clean up was finished he walked over to where the girls were seated facing each other on the couch.

"It was really nice meeting you Serena. You will definitely have to come by again. Us outsiders to the town may as well stick together!" Max smiled politely in her direction before bending down and kissing Liz on the forehead. "I'm going into bed. I'll see you in a bit" Max made his way in toward the bedroom.

"He seems like a great guy. How'd you land him?" Serena questioned Liz.

Liz smiled as she reminisced about her and Max's time together. "It was one of those fairytale stories really. He was like a prince on a white horse showing up to save the girl" Liz laughed at the analogy. The fact Max was an actual prince made it that much funnier.

"Your definitely lucky. Good guys are hard to come by. That's why I sit here alone!" Serena sighed. "Anyway, I really should get going. I have to open tomorrow for the first time all by myself" she gritted her teeth against each other looking in Liz's direction. She stood from the couch and looked down at Liz before Liz stood.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay. I live closer to the cafe and the couch pulls out!" Liz tried to sell the idea to Serena, she felt bad knowing she would have to walk home alone.

"No it's really alright, I don't think mittens will like it to much if I don't make it home." Serena laughed and and continued to joke about her own situation "Just because I don't have a boyfriend waiting at home doesn't mean nobody is waiting!" The pair of them chuckled over the comment as they made their way to the door.

"Thanks again Jenn, I really had a good time. Thanks for everything, your making this transition great for me." Serena finished

"It's really not a problem. Anything you need just lemme know and I'll try and help!"

Serena said good night and started down the hallway. Liz was just near to shutting the door when she heard Serena pipe up and head back toward the door.

"Jenn, I forgot to say earlier" Serena said as she made it back near the door.

Liz opened the door to allow her access to speak.

"I forgot to say earlier, I thought of it and then I was busy with the chores and you were out back. Hypothetically, if you could time travel... Which is just ridiculous, don't even get me started. Anyway hypothetically if it were possible and you could meet yourself in another time.... It would cause this reaction. I can't remember exactly what would happen but it wouldn't be good. So if you get the chance don't ever go back and see yourself in the past." Serena joked with her.

Liz tried to swallow but her mouth and throat were completely dry. She couldn't believe what she heard. Even after Serena had left and the door was shut Liz stood there staring blankly.... lost in her thoughts.


Journal Entry 3 - Bad Reaction

Something I thought would never be relevant again in my life has resurfaced. Now I have to face the reality of choices I made nearly eight years ago. I am torn because as much as I want to be honest with Max I fear for his safety. Years after bottling all this up and dealing with the outcome of my choices I may now have to face it all over again. I don't know if I am strong enough. And if I am not what will happen. After all I did and all I endured was it not enough?

I feel the need to get away, I need to convince them we need to leave this place...

I won't do it again.

Re: Returning Normal (CC, M/L M/M I/K, TEEN) CH 2 pt 1 (27OCT09)

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 12:10 pm
by chunkmonster2
Summary - Liz grows more suspicious of Serena. Isabel shares a secret with Kyle. Liz's past begins haunting her.

Author's Notes: Thanks for following everyone. I hope you like so far. Like I said I know its getting off to a very slow start but I think I have some interesting plot ideas coming up... so stay tuned... lol
I had to explore Max having a couples drinks again -- he is just too funny... even if it was just a small scene.
I am happy everyone is getting the same vibe from Serena... it's what I intended but didn't know if it would come off right. I wonder if there is or isn't more to her? Should be revealed by the post after this one!
Thanks again for following.

P.S. If anything is confusing at all or you have any questions/suggestions/comments lemme know! That way I can either answer it or incorporate it into the storyline. I am sure there are going to be holes and things that I forget about! I definitely love all feedback...

Chapter Two, Pt 2 - Oh Serena


Max and Liz's Apartment - October 24th, 2009 09:30am

The light shining through the window was very unforgiving to the fact that Max still both wanted and needed more sleep. Max attempted at opening his eyes and glancing about the room but it was too bright just yet for him to be wide eyed. Using both his hands he rubbed his eyes in an attempt at trying to focus them. Max opened his eyes again, this time squinting as he set himself up in bed. Max glanced to the right where Liz would usually be found curled up next to him asleep looking perfectly peaceful. This morning the spot which was usually occupied by his wife was noticeably empty.

"Liz?" Max said aloud glancing around the room in confusion.

It only took Max a couple minutes to get up out of bed and explore a little further to attempt at finding her. Max was more of a morning person then most his age so it never usually took him long to get up and about his day. Max pushed his way through the partially closed door of the bedroom. The hallway was short to the living room which from there you could pretty much examine every other room besides the bathroom. When Max reached the point in which he had a view of the kitchen, living room and small dining area he repeated himself again.

"Liz?" His brow furrowed a bit at the fact that her image was not seen in any of the rooms around him. Max came to the conclusion that she was obviously in the bathroom. This was a bit strange since Liz was not much of a morning person and to say it was rare that she awoke before him would be an overstatement; it pretty much never happened. Max pushed onward toward the bathroom which was just off the small dining area. As he approached the bathroom he could see the light was noticeably still on and the door was just pushed near to closed. Although Max had gotten better with his initial reaction to be fearful something had happened when things weren't as they normally were, such as this situation, he was relieved at the fact she would be behind the door.

"Liz, how come your up early?" Max questioned a crooked smile coming across his face as he tapped lightly on the door. The door pushed further open and there was no reply from within the bathroom so Max gently pushed on the door.

"I'm coming in... I hope your decent." he joked, obviously for them that sort of thing no longer matter. Before the door swung open Max imagined he would see his wife there staring back at him possibly preparing for a shower and would invite him to join. When the door swung open the reality was very much different.

Just another empty room.

The smile cleared Max's face quickly as he returned quickly to the living room to get the phone. This wasn't like Liz. She didn't have to work today and she never just up and left like this without any warning. Why was she up so early and where had she gone. Max dialed a familiar number to him and placed the phone to his ear.


Michael and Maria's Apartment - October 24th, 2009 09:38am

"Maxwell, It's nine-thirty in the morning - do you honestly think I have talked to Liz?" A groggy voice spoke into the phone.

"No Maria hasn't either, She is still half asleep next to me. I am sure she must have forgotten about work or got called in...." Michael stopped abruptly as though he were interrupted from the other person on the line.

Maria sat up next to Michael and rested her head gently on his shoulder to listen to the conversation more closely.

"Did you call her cell?" Maria offered as a suggestion. Michael repeated this into the line to Max.

Max replied back "Of course, I did. It was in the bedroom plugged in charging."

Michael began to repeat the message from Max to Maria but Maria cut him off "I heard him... AHH.. Liz I am going to kill you when I find you, this was my morning to sleep in. Tell Max I'll get up and go into town looking for her. I am sure she isn't far."

"Did you catch that?" Michael questioned Max to see if he could hear Maria speaking in the background the same as she could hear him

"Alright Maxwell, We will meet you at the cafe and go from there.. I'll see you in about fifteen. And do me a favor, if for some reason she shows up will you give me a call so I can go back to sleep" After a reply came from the other line they said their goodbyes and Michael hung up the phone.

By this time Maria was already half dressed standing at the end of the bed looking at Michael waiting for him to get up. Maria's eyes widened in his direction when he did not initially move.

"What?" he questioned her.

"Aren't you gonna get up, get ready. You know so we can meet at the cafe?" She questioned with a raised brow.

"Maria, I am sure Liz is going to turn up in five minutes. I bet she just went down to get the mail or something. You know how on edge he can be."

Maria rolled her eyes in the direction of Michael. She reached for the dresser and picked up a pair of his jeans and tossed them in his direction. She exited the room toward the bathroom

"Five minutes Michael...." she voice trailed off as she exited the room.

Michael scoffed and reached for the pants to get up and ready.


Max and Liz's Apartment - October 24th, 2009 09:55am

Max was wasting no time. He threw on his clothes from the previous day which were in a pile near the dresser. He made his way to the door and just as he was about to reach for the handle to unlock and exit he could hear a key insert into the lock from the other side. The person on the other side of the door was obviously trying to be quiet, Max took a step back and allowed for the door to swing inward toward him. Liz quietly began to tip-toe in before Max brought it to her attention he was right there.

"Good Morning..." simply stated

Liz turned to face Max. She was a bit shocked to see him standing there.

"Oh, you scared me! Good morning..." Liz looked down to see he had his shoes on and was ready to exit the apartment "Where are you going?" she questioned him

"I was going looking for you. I woke up and you weren't here. I had no idea where you were, I figured you would have left me a note. I thought something might be wrong." Max stated all within one breath. He was a bit upset she hadn't told him where she was since she knew how protective and on edge he was when it came to her. It wasn't that he was was one of those boyfriends that needed to know where his girlfriend was at all times because he was jealous - he trust her entirely. His fear came from other who might want to get at him... or her for that matter.

Liz just smirked in his direction. It wasn't that she was taking the situation lightly it just always slightly amused her how protective he was. This is probably why she always felt so safe with him.

"First of all.." she said trailing off making her way into the kitchen and pulled a piece of paper up from the counter near the fridge. "I did leave a note" she held it up proudly and then walked back to Max and handed it to him. "And it reads.... Couldn't sleep, didn't wanna wake you. Went out..."

"...for a walk" Max finished nodding his head as he read the end of the letter out loud. Max looked up at her and a half smile crept across his face. "I'm sorry, you know how..." Max stopped as Liz cut him off.

"... Yes. I know how concerned you get. I don't mind you know that. Just next time take a look around for a note before you alert the search party!" she joked with him trying to lighten his mood a bit.

"Shit!" he replied the smile fading from his face quickly. "Speaking of that I better call Michael back before he gets up out of bed." He reached for the phone and dialed Michael's number again. The smirk returned to his face when Liz stood there shaking her head at him with a widened smile. Luckily Max caught both Maria and Michel just before they left the apartment. Max informed them all was well and that they could go back to bed. He finished the conversation and hung up the phone.

Liz had made her way into the living room and was setting on the couch looking through a couple brochures she pulled from her purse. Max made his was to the living room and stood next to her looking down.

"Is something wrong, You were a bit off yesterday at the cafe?" he questioned looking down at the brochures in her hand trying to see what she was looking at.

"No, everything is fine." She looked up at him trying to reassure him with a smile.

"Then why are you looking at trip's to Canada and Europe?" Max questioned with a raised brow.

Liz wasn't trying to hide the content from Max. In fact it was something she would ultimately have to share with him so there was no time like the present. She couldn't sleep last night after the comment was made by Serena before leaving the apartment. The comment that concluded that part or possibly all of what future Max had predicted was coming true. The hardest part of all of this was that Liz had still never informed her husband of what had happened all those years ago.

What reason could she have to possibly keep this type of thing from him. It seemed so non-relevant now and for quite sometime, what purpose would she have in keeping it a secret? For Liz there was actually a lot of reasons. She herself never quite understood why she wasn't allowed to relay the message from future Max. Maybe present Max wasn't even allowed to know of the meeting - maybe that would make things that much worse. And on top of all of that how would Max handle it. After all her choice on that day all those years ago had impacted his life in such a big way.

For a long time Liz always factored in how that impacted her. Losing Max temporarily to Tess and the whole situation with Max losing his virginity to her and getting her pregnant. Liz for a period of time had focused on how that affected her and never how it affected him. Had she told him before all that had happened things would have been much different for him. He wouldn't have a son out there somewhere, he wouldn't have had the fallout with his parents, and he certainly wouldn't have had to do all those things he did the year of their graduation that turned the Fed's back onto them. There was just so much guilt she had about the whole situation.

Liz looked up to Max who looked down at her with a confused expression on his face.

"I thought we could take a trip. Get away, go somewhere else... leave this place behind..." she offered looking up at him. She knew he wouldn't be that easy to convince.

Max smiled. "Liz, Everyone is just getting settled into a life here. Something close to a real and normal life. I don't think they are gonna wanna pack up and move again... after all we were pretty much nomads for five or six years." Max offered as a legitimate reason on why the others would most likely decline the idea of picking up and moving again with no sort of direction. Besides he thought ultimately the goal was to return home when they devised a plan to get the attention off them.

Liz bit her bottom lip, pondering what Max had said. "I guess. I mean..." she paused again lost in her thoughts. "But I mean we never had a honeymoon. We could just go away for a couple months and then come back.... No big deal. No harm, no foul. You can convert some dollar bills into hundreds and we can just go away and spend some time together alone... celebrating us" Liz stood from the couch and reached upward wrapping her arms around Max's neck. She looked up at her husband with loving eyes.

"Besides we have plenty of honeymooning left to do!" she finished as she stretched her body upward to peck him on the lips.

Max loved that idea. In theory it was something he himself would love to do. But the truth was it just wasn't possible. They couldn't leave the others behind and picking up and going away would look suspicions anyway.

"Liz you know I would love that..." he started.

"But..." she offered looking up at him.

"But.... You know we can't leave the others. We are a team we have to stick together and look out for each other. Besides you know we can only use that money changing technique on special occasions, the serial numbers are never right and it always tips off some suspicion again."

Liz nodded her head. She knew all this, it was more just a fantasy she had dreamed up about leaving and not dealing with the situation at hand. She knew there was only so long she could run from it before it would jump up and bite her.

"I know." she said in agreement.

"Besides..." Max said reaching down to grip Liz by the back of the legs. He lifted upward and held her in the traditional marriage carrying pose. "Who says we can't stay right here and honeymoon Mrs. Evans?" Max sent a playful wink in her direction.

Liz laughed out loud and her gripped loosened purposely dropping the brochures and the idea. Her hand made its way to his cheek as she leaned in for another passionate kiss with the one she loved.

Max carried her toward the bedroom where they could spend the rest of the morning and afternoon together forgetting their troubles temporarily and just indulging in the love they had for each other.


Linda's Bridal Boutique - October 26th, 2009 12:03pm

Isabel set alone at a picnic bench outside her work. She had her lunch setting untouched to her right and in front of her was the notepad she had started a couple weeks ago with information pertaining to her dreams. She kept it with her now at the apartment and whenever she awoke from the dream she would jot down whatever she could remember. It seemed like the dreams skipped around a lot, messages were not clear and the information was scattered. Isabel examined the notepad in front of her. Could this really mean that Kivar had intentions of coming back here or was this just her way of dealing with the fact everything seemed to be going so smoothly. Isabel examined the short statements in front of her.

"the heir", "six will come", "choose sides"

She was deep and thought and didn't see Kyle approaching her.

"Hey there, I thought I would pop by on lunch. What are you doing there?" Kyle tried making his way around to look at the notepad.

Isabel snapped back to reality and tried flipping the cover closed before Kyle witnessed what she had written but unbeknownst to her it was already too late, he had seen enough to arise suspicion.

"It's nothing, just something for work. Bridal order..." She offered as an excuse looking up to him to see if he was buying it.

Kyle responded with "A-hmm..." as he took a seat across from her at the picnic table.

"So Kivar is planning a wedding and he wanted to make sure that you were the one organizing the outfits. Atleast he can be sure it will have great style."

Isabel was actually kind of happy Kyle had seen what it said. She needed someone to talk to, to help her ratioalize it all. Isabel shook her head and looked across at him.

"I'm crazy aren't I? That's got to be it because I keep having these dreams over and over again. And we all know the last time I had the dreams Kivar came back for me. But I have got to be crazy because this can't be happening again. And it doesn't even make sense - look at this." She opened the notebook and turned it to face Kyle. Gently she used her hand to slide it across so he would have a better view.

"The heir? Six will come? Choose sides? Its so cryptic, I feel like I am in some weird episode of Murder she wrote"

Kyle looked at the notepad and then back up at an obviously stressed Isabel. "Well its all easy really Isabel. Obviously there is only six coming to the wedding and they aren't sure which side to sit on the bride or grooms. And the heir. Obviously he's marrying for money." Kyle joked further with her.

"This is serious Kyle." Isabel said firmly.

"I know it's serious Isabel. Six guests is not a big turn out." Kyle laughed again before deciding to turn to a more serious manner, if not for himself for Isabel. "Isabel... Your just stressed. This is the first time in a long while we have not had something to worry about and now your creating something to worry about. Your mind is doing this to you because you don't want to relax... your scared to let your guard down. Besides in my experience I have come to learn that for the most part dreams down come true... Unless Hugh Hefner is about to croak and I am about to inherit the playboy mansion."

Isabel sighed in relief. A smile finally parted her lips. Maybe all she needed was someone to talk to. Maybe this would put her mind at ease.


Just Us Cafe - October 30th, 2009 11:34am

It had been nearly a week since Liz had seen Serena. They had been on opposite shifts the entire week. This had given Liz time to temporarily relax about the whole situation - but when she woke this morning she knew she was going to get some answers from Serena.

So Serena had never done anything wrong but there was something a bit off about her wasn't there. She was a Physics major in college one year and the next thing you know she happens to show up in a small town to work as a waitress. And it just so happens this small town she shows up in happens to be the same one that the aliens had migrated to. Maybe future Max had gotten something wrong about the future. He regarded Serena as being a friend.... but maybe she wasn't. Maybe she was actually the key in what exactly was wrong with the future. Liz was going to attempt to get to the bottom of exactly who Serena was.

"So Serena, Why Reeves Louisiana?" Liz questioned. Right before lunch there was always a calm before the storm and this would be the perfect time to start questioning her.

"No reason really." Serena offered as a simple answer, one that wouldn't be detailed enough for detective Liz.

"No reason? You were studying Physics right? It's just such a dream, especially for people like us. I can't imagine why would just drop it to move to such a small town and work as a waitress." Liz commented. It was a bid odd, if circumstances had been different Liz would have made sure she made her way to Harvard and finished pursuing her dream.

Serena paused and looked over to Liz with a bit of confusion.

"I'm just curious..." Liz stated trying to ward off any suspicion Serena may have about the questions.

"Well, My grandmother lives here. She is sick and I was always really close with her as a child. I wanted to come be with her in case anything were to happen. I guess she just means more to me then the degree, you know?"

Liz nodded. It was certainly something Liz agreed with but was it believable.

"It's always good to look out for your family." Liz added.

Serena simply nodded.

"I'm sorry. I never even asked what your grandmothers name is." Liz looked over to Serena with a smile.

Serena looked up and to Liz again. She smiled lightly back "Ardith.... but Gram F. to me"

Serena finished her sentence just before a quick rush of people came through the door.

"Here we go!" Serena said making her way out from behind the counter to seat the customers. Liz hesitated a moment looking Serena over. She didn't look harmful at all, but neither did Tess when she first showed up. Liz would be more safe this time. Liz made he way over to assist Serena with the customers.


Max and Liz's Apartment - November 1st, 2009 02:21pm

Maria quickly barged in the door to their apartment. She glanced around before she spotted Liz over on the couch sitting with the laptop. Maria made her way over to where Liz was setting and plopped herself in the chair adjacent to her. Maria looked to Liz and then to the computer screen trying to see what Liz was reading.

"Alright Liz. Out with it... What was so important that I had to sneak over here when Max was out. By the way, I don't think we have much time... Michael said they wouldn't be long at all." Liz's eyes didn't divert from the screen.

"Earth to Liz..." Maria waved her hand in front of Liz's face trying to get her attention.

"There is no listing for a Ardith Ford... I've checked the listings five times. There was one listing for an A. Ford. I called cause I thought surely that was it...." Liz trailed off still staring at the screen. She looked up to Maria who was looking with a look of complete and utter confusion. "It stood for Anna. Not Ardith it was Anna Ford."

"And this matter to me why?" Maria questioned trying to find the relevance of all this. "You gotta help me out here Liz, I don't follow"

Liz finally closed the laptop and looked up to Maria, gaining eye contact.

"I asked Serena why she moved here and she told me she quit school for a year to come and look after her grandmother. She told me her name was Ardith and there is no phone listing for Ardith Ford."

Maria shook her head in Liz's direction. She has absolutely no idea where all this was coming from. "Okay.... so. We are investigating Serena why?"

"Don't you think it's a little odd that she moved here to look after a grandmother that doesn't exist... and that she conveniently has things in common with me like Tess did with Isabel when she moved to Roswell" Liz questioned Maria again.

"You think she is a clone of you from another planet who has come here to steal your life?" Maria faked a look of exasperation.

Liz shook her head in Maria's direction, "Not funny Maria..."

"I know but Liz listen to yourself. Your going all conspiracy on me... Your like Max circa nineteen ninety-nine. Maybe her grandmother doesn't have a phone. Or maybe its in her grandfathers name. Maybe isn't her paternal grandmother at all. You can't just jump to conclusions.

Liz looked at Maria as her eyes welled up with tears. "Maria it's her..."

Maria still with the puzzled look on her face could tell how concerned her friend was. She moved in closer to comfort her reaching for one of Liz's hands and squeezing it tightly. Maria had always been there for her friend and although she didn't always take things as seriously as she should - she could always tell when Liz was genuinely concerned. And the thing with Liz was she was very rarely off track.

"She's who?" Maria questioned.

Liz looked down to the floor and then back up to Maria. She hadn't talked about it in so long she was sure that Maria would barely even remember. Liz had never given her the full description of what happened anyway so she assumed that Maria had forgot all about it long ago.

"When Max came back, from the future. He told me different things. You remember when I faked sleeping with Kyle to try and get Max to move on from me..." Liz waited for Maria to acknowledge the memory.

Maria nodded simply still listening attentively.

"He told me about Serena, it was part of the future we were trying to avoid. She is part of it. I thought everything with this was over, I thought I had fixed it by doing what I did and now she shows up anyway. I don't know if this part was inevitable or if nothing I did made any difference...." Liz paused a moment to wipe the tears before they made their journey down her cheeks.

"Maria... All I did. I never told Max. I can't tell him. Everything that happened is my fault. He doesn't even know about the future we were suppose to have. He doesn't know anything. When I told him that I never slept with Kyle he never questioned it. He said he always knew deep in his heart it wasn't true. He never wanted to know why I did it. I may have screwed up our whole future for no reason. I should have handled it differently."

Maria instinctively wrapped her arms around Liz. She gently rubbed her back trying to console her. "You did what you had to do Liz. You couldn't have done anything else... You did what Max told you to do. It doesn't matter whether it was Max from the future or Max from the present it was still Max. You had no choice but to trust him, you did what was best for all of us. You saved our lives and the worlds."

Liz pulled away from Maria as the tears began to flow very freely from her eyes. "I didn't save everyone."

Maria looked at her confused. What could she possibly mean, she had saved everyone. So far so good. "What do you mean Liz, everyone is fine. Nothing has happened since Alex...." Maria trailed off.

Liz face scrunched a bit at hearing his name. It felt like a knife stuck directly into her heart. "He was there. When Max told me about our future together... about our wedding in Vegas... Alex was there. I did this to him. If Tess had of left like she was going to it would have never happened"

Maria shook her head back and forth. "No, Liz. You didn't do this to him. This is not your fault, you couldn't have known what was going to happen. There is no way of really knowing what changed because of your choice back then and there is no use in worrying over it. Liz you did what you had to do. What you did was completely selfless. You gave up the love of your life and watched as he moved on with another woman... all for the benefit of the world."

Liz wiped the last bit of tears from her eyes. They remained puffy and slightly red from crying. "But what if it wasn't enough? What if Serena being here means that it didn't change anything... it could have all been for nothing. I need to find out who she is.... I don't trust her." Liz reached for a piece of paper that was printed from the computer and setting on the coffee table. Liz stood from her seat and headed toward the door.

Maria shouted to her, "Liz where are you going?"

Liz replied from the door, "I looked up her current address on her work application form. I looked it up on Google maps and it is a huge building near the outside of town. There is no way it is someones grandmothers house. I am going to find out who she is and what she wants with me. I won't let all this have happened for nothing!"

Maria jumped from her seat and headed swiftly in Liz's direction.

"Then I am coming with you..." Maria stated firmly.

"No. I am doing this alone Maria, I don't want to risk anyone or anything else" Liz shook her head back and forth in Maria's direction.

"Liz I won't let you go alone. You have two choices here. You either let me come along or I call Max as soon as you walk through the door. You know he will stop you."

Liz paused and looked at Maria fighting with herself internally trying to decide what to do.

"Hurry up. We have to get out of here before Max comes..." Liz stood and waited for Maria.

The two girls exited the building and made their way up the street. As they headed in one direction to the location disclosed on the paper, Max was returning from an opposite direction to the apartment where he expected Liz and Maria to be.

Re: Returning Normal (CC, M/L M/M I/K, TEEN) CH 2 pt 2 (28OCT09)

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 3:37 pm
by chunkmonster2
Author's Notes - I felt this drug on a bit long, so the mystery will be finally solved. This one is a bit shorter simply because I felt it had drug on a bit long. At any rate here is the third and final part of Chapter 2!

I cannot wait for Chapter 3 -- more to explore there!

Thanks to Begonia and Keepsmiling for following and posting comments! :) Love it, keep em coming!

Chapter Two, Pt 3 - Oh Serena


Streets of Reeves - November 1st, 2009 02:47pm

"You are fully aware you are going to have to tell him eventually, right?" Maria questioned Liz. Maria was doing her best to keep up with the pace of her friend who seemed to be very eager to get her investigation underway.

Liz was silent for a few minutes, still maintaining her pace. She looked at the map to see if they were getting any closer to the street. The town was very small but Liz still hadn't explored all of it and even if she had she hadn't remembered all the buildings or street names just yet.

"I will tell Max about my suspicion of Serena for sure. I just knew he would stop me if I told him firsthand. Once its over there isn't much he can do about it." Liz read a street name aloud from the paper before turning on her heel to her right and heading down another street toward her destination.

Maria jogged a bit from behind to catch up to Liz. She wanted to be able to speak to her more effectively, which meant not talking to her back. Maria made her way in front of Liz and acted as a temporary barrier in the path towards her destination. Maria gently placed her hands on Liz's shoulders and stared directly into her eyes trying to gain connection to get her point across.

"That wasn't what I was talking about Liz. I mean, Yes, obviously you need to tell him this too.... but that not what I meant." Maria said shaking her head.

"I know what you meant." Liz said maintaining eye contact with Maria to show she was not backing down. "And I can't do it Maria. All of this was put on me. You know its not everyday your future husband comes to you from the past and all but tells you that your relationship, your love, everything you believe is so right - is what will eventually be the doom of your friends and ultimately the world. It was all dumped on me. And I know I involved you, and it that isn't fair either. But Maria, you need to trust me." Liz paused a moment to gather her thoughts a bit further. "I've carried this for so long for so many reasons its just not as easy as it sounds to run right to Max and tell him. I couldn't even imagine how I would feel if the tables were reversed. If it becomes apparent that I need to tell him and everyone else I will. But right now, until I know more I am not taking away what little hope everyone has."

Maria lifted her hands from Liz's shoulders and nodded her head in her direction. Maria stepped to the side and motioned with her hand for Liz to continue on. Liz pressed her lips together and nodded back at Maria.

Maria followed along a couple steps behind Liz again. Maria had always trusted Liz's judgement. There was no reason to believe that her judgement was skewed this time. Time would tell though. Once they gathered more information on Serena they would better know how to handle the situation.


Max and Liz's Apartment - November 1st, 2009 02:53pm

Max slid the key into the keyhole and turned. The lock clicked and all with one motion he turned the door handle to open the door to his apartment. Michael was in tow of Max and closed the door behind the pair of them. Max made his way to the living room and took a seat on the couch. Michael made his way into the kitchen and as per usual helped himself to the fridge.

"I guess the girls went out..." Max said from the living room.

"Yep." Michael said as he rummaged through the fridge looking to find something to eat

Max turned his head to see what Michael was doing and a smile came across his face. He expected this kind of behavior from him by now and more then anything it just amused him.

"Help yourself" Max offered.

"I already am." Michael said not oblivious to the fact that Max was obviously poking fun at Michael's manners.

Michael eventually made his way into the living room and plopped himself into a seat. Grabbing the remote from the coffee table he turned on the TV and began channel surfing. The thing with watching TV with Michael was you better not get use to a program, he tended to just simply flip through from channel to channel.

"Do you ever wanna pick up and leave this place Michael?" Max questioned

"You mean and leave all this? Working with the road crew and pretending to be someone else? Not for all the money in Spain Maxwell" the tone in his voice was obviously sarcastic.

Max knew what Michael meant. Their whole lives here were pretty much based around lies - they couldn't really get to know people well but then again they never could... not even in Roswell. Max got a bit lost in his thoughts about Liz's behavior lately. More then anything he was just worried that someday Liz would wake up and realize that she didn't want to play the alien game anymore. The FBI had her name so she was just as wanted as them but she was a human. Surely there was someway she could convince them of that.

"You know its not everything but at least it's something" Michael offered as a general statement after seeing Max was obviously in deep thought of something. "After all we have been though we have to appreciate that. We lived on the run for years... moving from place to place. I know for Isabel, Liz, Maria and You it's harder because you actually have something in Roswell. But really what more could we have expected to come out of this? They got as brazen as to attempt to take us out in a public setting, we have no choice but to live the secret identity life."

Max nodded, for once Michael was making a bit of sense.


Streets of Reeves - November 1st, 2009 03:17pm

"It should be just up around the corner here." Liz stated a bit out of breath. She hadn't realized when they set out on this mission just how far the walk was. Maria was now more then just a couple paces behind Liz.

"Oh thank god. I wish I had of known we were going on an expedition today... I wouldn't have worn these boots. Next time you decide to play Nancy Drew can you at least develop some sort of code for comfortable footwear so I know what to wear before I head over."

Liz looked back at her friend and laughed, "I think I am a little old now to be Nancy Drew."

Liz suddenly came to a stop. She looked down at her paper and then back to the building that was directly to her right. After double checking the numbers she looked back up the street toward Maria as she also narrowed in on their destination.

"This it?" Maria questioned just before reaching the building and turning her attention toward it.

"1801 Hollis St." Liz stated looking at the paper.

Maria looked upward at the sign that was was next to the door of the large building in front of them. With a furrowed brow she looked back at Liz, "Reeves Rehabilitation Center? You must have copied the address down wrong Liz."

"No this is it..." she said trailing off as she began to ascend up the few stairs toward the door.

Maria quickly grabbed her by the arm and Liz instinctively turned her body in the direction of Maria

"What are you doing?" Maria questioned her with concern

"I am going in to find out what the hell is going on with her. Maybe this is another cover like The Friendship League that the skins developed. Why else would you put a Rehabilitation Center in some small town in the middle of nowhere" Liz referenced their adventure to the small town in which Congresswoman Whittaker came from.

"Ah, Hello... My point exactly" Maria said shaking her head back and fourth at Liz frantically. "If that's the case and they are really onto us do you think it's the best idea to go barging through the door again? This is it Liz. We came here, we seen... Now let's go back and report to the others and we can make a decision on what to do as a group like we have always strived to do."

"Maria, I am not going to make you be apart of this.... but I am going in. I can handle myself. You just... just wait here. If I don't come back in like ten minutes then call Max and the others. If I need more time I'll call you from inside." Liz pulled her arm free from Maria's grip and moved forward.

"Liz, wait, No." Maria said almost as a whisper.

"Ten minutes..." Liz repeated as her hand reached the door handle. Maria stood at the bottom of the stairs. She rolled her eyes at Liz's stupidity in this situation. Maybe she shouldn't have trusted her judgement. Maria just wished that Liz would come to her senses and realize there was no need to keep this from Max any longer. He would be understanding and they would work it out.

"Not ONE second longer" Maria stated pointing a finger and huffing in exhaustion of the situation.

Liz turned the door knob and entered the rehabilitation center.

Everything looked in place and normal inside. There was a few people heading in different directions about the main corridor that Liz stood in. She didn't necessarily see anyone she could ask for information so she stopped on of the passerby.

"Do you know where Serena Ford's room is? I am a friend from work and I just needed to stop by and drop something off for her"

Liz was directed to the second floor of the building via the stairs near the back of the room. Liz pushed on further trying to look around and take in everything she could about the location. It pretty much looked like a huge dormitory. Liz slowly made her way up the stairs. Her hand gently gripped the rail and slide upwards as she moved toward the top of the stairs. Once she reached the top of the stairs there was a hallway to her left and one straight ahead. From the directions given downstairs the girl believed that Serena's room was down the hallway which lead straight from the stairs.

Liz began walking down the hallway glancing at the at the doors on either side as she did. Luckily for her all the doors had those small white boards on the outside where people could leave messages for the people who occupied the rooms and in most cases the persons name was located somewhere on the board. When Liz reached room 207 she had hit her jackpot. The message that read 'Serena, dropped off you dress I borrowed... thanks Sandi" seemed to be proof enough that this was Serena's room.

Liz placed her hand on the door knob expecting it to be locked when she attempted at turning it but to her surprise the door was left completely unlocked. Liz made her way into the room and flicked the light switch on the wall after inspecting to find it. Liz closed the door behind her so no one would see her actions and grow suspicious. It all sleekened to easy getting access to this room right now, but she was going to go with it and get out of there as fast as possible.

She quickly made her way over to the desk in the corner of the room. Liz began pulling open the doors and rooting through the contents inside. For the most part it was all useless things and information about Serena. Liz was giving up her search when she reached the bottom drawer and pulled out a brown file folder. On the outside of the folder it said "Mission Plan - October 2009". This was definitely it... this was the jackpot. Just as Liz was about to flip open the folder and finally get the scoop on the mysterious friend her phone vibrated in her pocket scaring her. Liz jumped and dropped the papers all over the floor. She clicked the button on the side of her phone to stop it from vibrating as she frantically tried to pick up the papers from the floor. She quickly gathered them all and shoved them back in the folder in an unorganized fashion.

Liz decided this was good enough, she could take this and leave and then if there was anything found in it suspicious she could make her next move. She turned and began to make her way back to the door when it suddenly swung open. Liz's jaw dropped as she came face to face with Serena herself. The clicking of heels could be heard hurrying down the hallway and Maria face showed up directly behind Serena. Maria was huffing and puffing and obviously trying to catch up with Serena.

"What are you doing here?" Serena looked at Liz with a bit of confusion and a hint of agitation.

"I... uh.. I stopped by to.." Liz tried to think of an excuse as fast as possible but they had obviously been busted.

"What are you doing with that?" Serena quipped reaching out to try and snatch the folder from Liz's clutch.

Serena tugged the folder from Liz's hands and made her way further into the room. Liz had forgotten to close all the doors to the desk. "Why the hell are you hear and going through my stuff?" Serena looked back at Liz with obvious anger in her eyes.

Liz gave up lying, there was no point... she had been busted, "I came to find out exactly what it was your hiding. You lied about why you were here and what your motives were and I had to find out for myself. I trusted you. How was I suppose to know what you were lying about?"

Serena looked on at Liz in disbelief. Although it was still obvious she was angered by Liz's actions there was also something about the look on her face that seemed more hurt then anything. "Fine you wanna know what I am doing here? I have a problem. I was a bright student who had straight A's and was doing very well in college. That is until Miss Perfect learned about partying and how much fun it can be. I got hooked on drugs and alcohol and then my grades started to slip. And since we have all watched those sad, pathetic stories we all know its a cycle. So as my grades slipped I started using more frequently. And then I was a drug addict. The school asked I take a year off and focus on getting healthy... get on the straight and narrow again."

Liz didn't fully by the story just yet, "Why would you come to Reeves Louisiana?", this question was posed to try and figure why their paths crossed, was it fate or something else

Serena looked on at Liz with disbelief, "Oh you mean why come to the middle of nowhere to get help for a drinking and drug addiction..... I don't know maybe because there is less temptation here? Maybe because it gets me away from my friends and the cycle. I guess all these silly little notions didn't occur to you. Here's one you might understand. I didn't want to tell people because thats not how I wanted people to see me. I have been doing well in the program and I was hoping to put all this behind me. I didn't want to be judged, I wanted to have friends while I was here... good friends that would not be detrimental to my state. I guess I was right about one thing, I obviously would have been judged had I told you the truth since it is obvious you felt the need to do a little research on me. It's just sad I was wrong about you, I thought you were one of those good people I was looking so forward to meeting.... guess I was wrong."

Serena was obviously very upset about the situation. Serena began to push her way out past Liz. She stopped next to her to finish one last comment, "Now if you don't mind I have a meeting with one of my counselors. Since this information is so important to you why don't you take it along with you." Serena held out the folder in Liz's direction but before Liz even thought about reaching to grip it Serena loosened her grip and let the folder fall to the ground. She continued out the door and down the hallway. Liz turned her attention back to Maria who stood behind her. Liz shook her head at disappointment in herself.


Just Us Cafe - November 1st, 2009 06:32pm

Liz and Max sat side by side in a booth and across from them was Michael and Maria. Everyone had eaten most of their dinner but Liz had barely touched anything at all. She sat staring in a daze thinking about her actions which had led to her hurting Serena. Liz had become so fixated on this being an omen she didn't allow herself to make good judgement on the situation. Obviously Serena was just someone who would have inevitably come into Liz's life and has nothing to do with some appending apocalypse. Liz looked over to Max and debated on telling him everything. He looked up to her and offered her a comforting and loving smile. Things had been so good for so long she didn't want to dredge back up the past.

"Don't worry about it Liz. You really should have let us know if you thought something was up. Everyone is a little on edge, it's understandable that you could see concerns in someone wanting to get close to you." Max tried to reassure her that although her actions weren't the best... they were somewhat to be expected in this sort of situation.

"You didn't see the look on her face Max. She was really hurt. She is doing this amazing thing to change her life for the better and the last thing she needed was someone creeping around acting like it is some crime. The worst part is she thinks I was concerned simply because she was in Rehab - it looked like I was treating it like the biggest crime in life. She doesn't know why I was being so suspicious of it."

Max took a bite from his sandwich and then placed it back on his plate. Come to think of it, he didn't know why she was so suspicious of her either. "What made you suspect her anyway? You didn't seem concerned at all when you first met her.... Was she acting strangely or something."

Luckily Max didn't turn his attention directly to Liz. Her eyes darted across the table at Maria to ensure that Maria was going to hold her silence. Maria caught the glimpse of Liz and then looked down at her plate. "Nothing really, just thought it was strange for someone to move here willingly. I mean look at us, we aren't here by choice right!"

She was torn. She wanted to tell him so bad but at the same time she was still scared of what it may bring. Max turned his head toward her again. Liz shot a smile back in his direction and leaned in against his shoulder. Even if she were going to tell him, this certainly wasn't the venue.


Kyle and Isabel's Apartment - November 8th, 2009 03:03am

Isabel had been in a deep sleep for sometime now. For nearly a week no she had been having Kivar-less dreams. It seemed like ever since she opened up to Kyle about what was happening and he reassured her that it was probably nothing she had been doing much better. Unfortunately that week long streak would end tonight. Isabel began tossing and turning in her bed when he dream went from pleasant and peaceful to something much different.

She was in the room again and seemingly alone but she could feel another presence. This time it felt less of a dream and more of a reality. Isabel seemed to be completely in control of her movements as though it was happening in real time. She spun around trying to locate the presence that was haunting her.

"Where are you?" Isabel questioned out loud with anger.

"Closer then you think" a voice piped up from behind her.

Isabel turned her body in the direction of the voice and came face to face with the source. In her previous dreams she never seen his face just always heard his voice and felt his presence... this made it much more real.

"What do you want from me? You have Antar, I have no intention on joining you I made that clear last time. Leave us all alone" Isabel stated sternly in his direction.

"You always were so feisty Vilandra." he smirked in her direction reaching out to touch her cheek.

Isabel used her hand to bat away his hand from reaching her face. "I told you not to call me that. That's not who I am, that's not who I was raised. Vilandra died a long time ago."

Kivar tipped his head to the side, "Shame," he said before beginning his pace in a circle around Isabel. "I came here in hopes you had finally come to your senses and decided to join me. Unfortunately that seems not to be the case. Nevertheless, you better choose a side to stand. It's nearly time to make your choice. Six will come, and you will need to chose how to align. I hope you come to your senses." Kivar was now positioned behind her. Slowly his footsteps could be heard exiting toward the darkness of the edge of the room.

"And tell you brother that is attempts at sending messages from the future are futile. Two can play that game"

Isabel's body shot upward from her bed. She desperately gasped for air, it felt as though the whole time she was in the room she was being suffocated. Kyle burst through the door to see what was the matter. Apparently she had made enough noise to alarm him from the nearby room.

"What's wrong Isabel?"

Isabel turned her attention to Kyle.

"He's coming, Kivar is coming back"

Re: Returning Normal (CC, M/L M/M I/K, TEEN) CH 2 pt 3 (29OCT09)

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 7:57 pm
by chunkmonster2
Author's Note: Things should start getting more intense now, can start bringing some ideas I have had into the plot now that the intial set up is done... The Serena was kinda confusing - but she is just a human... not so dangerous just likes to party a little too much. Anyone think she was going to be a bit more?

Chapter 3 - The Fear


Journal Entry

It's been weeks since I last wrote in my journal. It really seems as though sometimes I turn to the journal before a drastic decision needs to be made. This time that is an understatement. Destiny is something I have learned alot about in the ten years I have got to know the aliens. Before I met them I floated carefree throughout life not worrying that every small move I made needed to be calculated to not upset some balance or blow some cover. One thing I have learned is Max was right, we do have th ability to change or future - to mold our destiny. It's something I have to do now.


HMV - November 3rd, 2009 10:09am

Maria has managed to keep herself busy this morning with a major project.... sorting!

This morning Maria arrived at work and for the first half an hour she did absolutely nothing and no one came. This wasn't completely unusual of the store in such a small town, in fact word was they were very, very near to getting closed out. After scanning the room for something to do her eyes came upon the stack of CD's that were next to the cash. These CD's were the ones left behind once people got to the counter and had second thoughts. Maria grabbed the stack of CD's with both hands and made her way out from behind the counter.

Placing these CD's back on the shelf turned out to be a much harder task then she expected. It was no wonder no one ever left with anything when they left the store... it was completely out of order. After wandering for about ten minutes trying to find where the CD went Maria got frustrated. She set the pile down on the floor and looked about the room. Spotting a small display table which was now empty she decided on a plan of action.

Maria drug the table over near the first section in her project. She began removing all the CD's from the shelf and putthing them onto the table. Once a small section was cleared she reorganized the tags and started placing the ones that had actually belonged there back on the shelf. She knew this task would be a daunting one but since she had nothing better to do she took it on anyways.

Maria was very hard at work before the bell went off to let her know someone had arrived. She had made it through a couple sections and was really on a roll so she was kind of disappointed that someone had come and was going to interupt her streak. Maria couldn't see the door from the section she was in so instead she spoke out to let whoever came through the door know she would be right with them. After finishing up with the few CD's she had in hand she made her way out of the section and back toward the main desk.

"Party in HMV!" she said with a wide smile when the group who entered was visable. Standing near the cash was Max, Liz, Michael, Isabel and Kyle. As Maria approached her smile faded. As she approached she realized that the fact they were all together at ten in the morning on a tuesday could be anything but good news. Maria face which had been lit up at the initial sight of her friends quickly changed it's mood.

"What's up?" she questioned looking to Michael for an answer.

"Don't look at me... I was just at work with Max when Isabel came with her emergency. She hasn't said anything to me yet..." he informed Maria that he had the same limited idea of what was going on as she did. Maria made her way next to Michael and wrapped an arm around him. Whenever she was worried she had a tendency to feel the need to be close to him. Michael was always her safeguard and it was surprising how much just being in the same area as him could calm her.

"Yeah I am not sure either, Kyle came and got me. We really need to hurry too. The boss has been really in a mood lately and Serena is still barely talking to me. I give it about ten minutes before she calls him to report I took an unauthorized break." The situation at Just Us was tense, to say the least. Serena only spoke to Liz when necessary and it was always work related. Liz had attempted at trying to explain herself but there would really be no way of explaining why she did what she did unless Serena understood their situation entirely... and that was simply impossible."

Max seemed to remain quite calm. He looked to his sister and nodded in her direction to give her the opportunity to speak.

Isabel sighed. She searched for the words to explain this to all of them, to crush their hopes that all the alien nonsence was behind them. There really seemed no easy way. Isabel almost felt guilty. She paced slightly glancing upward at all the faces and all the eyes fixated on her waiting for her to break their spirits. If it weren't for Kyle being there she probably wouldn't be able to do it. Just as she began to pace his hand found it's way to her back to hold her in place. Kyle nodded to her as well giving her the stage. He stood next to her as she turned her body to angle more toward the group.

"I really don't know how to say it and I was never the greatest at letting people down easily so I guess I'll just dive into it." she paused a moment to clear her through and clasped her hands in front of her. "Kivar is coming back. He is coming back and this time I don't think he is simply coming back on some silly mission of trying to persuade me to return with him."

The room remained intensely silent. No one spoke for a period which seemed like a lifetime but really was only seconds. Max was the first to speak up, as per usual he took on the leader role in the group. Max being the leader was more then just being born into the position - he also suited the role the best of the group. Although there had been struggles for power at the beginning over certain decisions for the most part people agreed now that he dealt with situations quite well.

"How do you know this Isabel? Have you seen him?"

Isabel shook her head, "Well, not exactly. You see... I guess like a month ago I started having these dreams about him. He would only appear for a few minutes and say messages which were so cryptic they meant nothing. I talked to Kyle about it and we agreed it was probably just stress; that I was looking for something to be wrong since things were going well, besides they weren't really anything out of the ordinary to begin with."

"And now? What's changed so drastically that now it's a serious problem?" Michael piped up and asked the question everyone was thinking. If that was really nothing then why come to the conclusion now it was something serious.

"Last night I had another dream, only this time it wasn't like a dream.... it felt real" Isabel took a second to gather her thoughts on how to relate the message to them that it was different then before. "This was like... it was like I could feel him. It was as though we were standing in a room together on this planet and having a conversation."

"And the conversation?" Max jumped in suddenly to curious to wait his turn to speak.

"It was still cryptic but it more of it made sense. He told me he would be back and that it would be wise for me to choose sides wisely this time. It was as though he needed something from here, like something had changed. There was a determination. And then he passed along a couple cryptic messages that mean absolutely nothing to me but I think they are suppose to mean something."

"What were the messages?" Maria questioned curiously. It seemed as though everyone was getting a bit on edge and wanted to get as much information as qucikly as possible.

"He said six would come. I don't know what that would mean. It was really strange it was like it was a code or a hint to something but I racked my brain and I just can't think of anything at all" Isabel shook her head trying to make sense of it.

Michael shook his head, "That's all? That's what you called us here for?"

"Michael..." Max cut him off, but it only worked temporarily.

"Well there is no proof right. You said yourself the dreams meant nothing at first. And six will come? That doesn't mean anything. It just sounds like your stressed and your mind is playing games with itself."

"But it was different this time Michael - It was too real. It's real I know it is, I trust it. We need to do something, to figure something out." Isabel looked to her brother for an answer. It was funny that she was the older one of the siblings and yet she still always looked to her brother for an answer.

"I don't know. I mean Michael is right in a sense, right now we really don't have much to go on..." Michael could be seen out of the corner of Max's eyes raising his hands as though he had triumpth over something, it was probably because people rarely sided with him. Max glanced to the side at him and squared an eye to try and get him to stop from acting like his cocky self. "But I definitely think it is something we need to look into. I just don't know where we would look. Is there someway you can control your dreams or dream walk in some way to find out more information?"

Isabel pondered it for a minute before another thought arose and she forgot the original question asked. "I almost forgot. He said something else, something that was also cryptic." Isabel looked to the ceiling as though she was trying to do some sort of memory retreival to remmeber what he had said. "He said something like... Ugh. I can't remember the exact way he said it." She paused for a moment placing a hand on her hip and shaking her head trying to clear all other thoughts so she could find the words. Once she had it she blurted it out loud before she lost it again. "She said to tell you not to bother, no message you send from the future was going to change anything."

Liz's face went pale. In that moment her body went completely numb. Her heart felt as though it slowed and her mouth and throar dried immediately. This was the fear. Something hadn't worked, something wasn't right. That one thing she wanted left in the past was coming back and she was going to have no choice. Liz didn't move a muscle but her eyes did manage to shift slightly sideways to get a glimpse of Maria who was looking back at her. Both of them were thinking the exact same thing.

"Me?" Max questione confused. "How would I send messages from the future? Thats not even possible is it? Are you sure this isn't just some sort of stress related dream Isabel? It just doesn't make sense." Max looked to her to clarify again. He trusted his sisters intuition but maybe it was possible she was just over stating something that was really just as simple as stress.

"I'm sure Max." she confirmed.

Once again the room was silent. Max racked his brain as quickly as possible but with such little information what were they to do, "I guess we will all just go back to work. Finish out your day as normal and as soon as you finish head to my and Liz's apartment. We will work from there. I guess worst case scenario is we pick up and move along. Hopefully if he is here or on his way we might be able to find away of avoiding him until whatever he wants passes."

Everyone seemed to nod in agreement. Michael was the first to exit the store followed by Kyle and Isabel. Max reached for Liz's hand, "I'll walk you back to the cafe"

"No." Liz stated abprutly. "I mean, Yeah I guess. I'll be right out I just need to use the washroom really quick." Liz turned toward Maria, "Can you show me where the washroom is?"

Max nodded and exited the store and met Isabel and Kyle on the street. Liz watched out the glass in silence.

"When are you going to tell him?" Maria questioned instinctively knowing exactly what was on her mind.

Liz watched Max's every movement from within the store. Everything about him had become so familiar so comforting. The love she felt for him was unmatched by anything at all in the world.

"Tonight, I am going to convince him to wait to have everyone meet till tomorrow. It will give us more time tonight." Liz said in a monotone voice that was showing no emotion.

"Don't worry it will be alright Liz." Maria offered comforting words. Comforting words that fell upon deaf ears.


Max and Liz's Apartment - November 2nd, 2009 06:17pm

This most likely be the only day that Liz would agree time flew by too fast at work. The entire day she her mind was fixated on the thought of the conversation her and Max would be having this evening. She drifted through the remainder of her shift as more of a shell of a person then anything. It was finally time to face the music. Part of her knew it would be a relief to get it off her chest but she just didn't know how this secret was going to affect the current situation.

When Liz entered the apartment she could see Max sitting on the couch. His back was in her direction right now and he seemed as though he must have been lost in thought because it took him a couple seconds to say anything. By the time he spoke Liz was nearly part way to him.

"The other's should be here soon. You were the one who worked the latest so we were just waiting for you."

Liz made her way around in front of Max and looked down at him. Her heart raced and her mouth dryed again. Max looked up at her and when their eyes met Liz couldn't control her emotion any longer. Her eyes welled with tears. Her lips parted to speak but nothing came out before a concerned Max stood to hug her.

"It's gonna be alright." he said wrapping his arms around her and holding her tightly against him. Liz breathed in, and his familiar smell was intoxicating. T

The thing about having a whole day to plan how to say something to someone was that you had plenty of time to run simulations of exactly how it would go. Liz had run every possibility through her head from the best to the absolute worst. She could never be sure of what would happen when she walked through that door but she was sure about one thing; she was in control of what she could do in this situation.

"I don't think it will Max" her mouth found a way to form the words. Gently she pushed against his body to pull from his embrace. Max loosened his grip and Liz took a step back. "We need to sit or something..." she said looking down and avoiding eye contact for the moment. Since she was avoiding eye contact she was unaware of the puzzled looked that had come about his face. Nevertheless both of them took a seat; sitting across from each other.

"What's wrong Liz?" Max said reaching across and gripping her head in his.

Liz found the strength finally to bring her eyes to meet his. If she was going to do this she may as well do it the right way. "I have something to tell you Max." Liz attempted to swallow but it didn't come that easily.

Max nodded and awaited her to speak again.

A single tear rolled down her cheek as she searched where to begin. "When you were leaving.... When you were leaving with Tess and you asked me if I had slept with Kyle. I told you I hadn't..."

Max nodded. "Is this what this is about? Liz I always just knew you could nev...." Liz inturupted Max.

"I know, I never could. You never questioned why he was in my bed. You never questioned what happened." Liz waited for Max to speak.

"It didn't matter. It doesn't matter Liz. I am not concerned about that. I trusted you."

"Why? Weren't you ever curious? Don't you wanna know why Kyle was in my bed that night? Why he was there right when you were coming to see me?" Liz

"It's really a thought I would rather not remember Liz. Why what does this have to do with anything? The others are going to be here soon." Max was obviously uncomfortable with the topic at hand. He did trust her, he could tell in that moment back then her innocence. If felt she needed to disclose information about that night she didn't. Max would rather not know if anything happened.

"I called them, they are not coming until later." Liz broke eye contact for a minute to look to the floor.

"Why? We need to get together and discuss this.... I'll call them back." Max began to stand from his seat. Liz seeing this reached over for his hand again and guided him to sit back down.

"No Max."

"Look Liz, I really don't want details on what happened between you and Kyle. It's in the past and I have let it go. Whatever you feel guilty over please don't. I would rather not go back down that road though."

Liz's eyes found their way back to his again. "Max, I don't know any other way to tell you this so please, please just ask me what happened that night. I can't do it unless you ask." It was silly, but she really needed to hear him question her directly.

Max's uncomfortable state was obvious. "Okay. Liz what happened that night?" Max was reluctant but if it meant that much to her then he would let her get it out so they could move onto what was more important.

"The day before I went to a psychic who told me I would marry the one I loved. She said it was clear in my cards, you were the one I was to be with forever."

Max nodded. He obviously wasn't shocked by this since it had come true for them and it was something he had personally believed for quite sometime, even before that day she would have seen the phycic.

"Max that night I had a conversation with you that changed things between us drastically. I had a conversation with you that you could not possibly remember. I had a conversation with you about what I had to do to make you fall out of love with me."

Max brow furrowed as he looked at Liz. He started to speak but was cut off by Liz, "But we never talke..."

"Yes, Max we did. And the reason you can't remember it Max is because for you it technically hasn't happened yet."

By this point Max was completely lost in where the conversation was going. Instead of questioning any of it he just listened to her.

"You came to me from the future. I was in my bedroom after the reading and you came to me. At first I thought it was some sort of shape shifter but really when I looked in your eyes I knew it was you. You came to me. You came to me because you needed to change the outcome of the future. Something was happening in the future that was causing an apocalypse. When you came back to me it was only me and you left from our group."

For Max this was all very overwhelming. It was all too hard to believe.

"I had to make you fall out of love with me. Because of our relationship we drove Tess away early. You, well I guess Future you, told me that in order to change the future I needed to ensure we didn't drive Tess away. It meant I needed to find a way to end things with you. I tried so hard to just push you away within those couple days but you only grew more determined."

"Liz this is crazyness. I am not sure what your talking about but this isn't possible. There is no way that a person can come from the future. I don't know what happened it was probably one of Tess's mindwarps or something..."

"No Max it was real. How else would I know that you spent a week at the hardware store learning the lyrics to that song from Mr. Delgato. You were doing it to get my attention because I kept shutting you out. That's how I knew you were coming to my house that night you saw me and Kyle in bed." Liz awaited his reaction.

"I don't get it, if this really happened why wouldn't you just tell me?" Max questioned.

"You made me promise I wouldn't. What I did was suppose to be precise. I was suppose to make you fall out of love with me. When you saw me and Kyle in bed together something happened that night. It changed the futures path. Your future self told me that when it worked he would disappear because the person he was would cease to exist in the future. He disappeared, I thought it was over."

Max shook his head, "Then why wouldn't you tell me?"

"He made me promise... You made me promise. You warned that you could only tell me what was necessary to change the future and that no one could know anything else. I couldn't tell you."

"So the whole thing with Kyle was a setup? You could let him in on the secret but you couldn't tell me?" Max was trying hard to not get upset but his feelings from the past were flooding back to him. "Do you have any idea how much that hurt me?"

"I do Max. The look on your face, it's not something I wanted to do. I just did what I had to do. It hurt me too Max. It hurt me to know that I was suppose to just give you up to Tess.

Liz didn't want to disclose how their futures were changed as well. One of the things that hurt Liz to this day was that they never had their real wedding dance the way it was suppose to happen. When they had got married on the road shortly after leaving Roswell they never had time to party, they never had their dance.

"I don't understand, how did he.... I come back from the future?"

Here was the kicker. This was what was likely to be very hurtful to Max. The fact that this change affected his future so drastically, argubally the most other then of course Alex's. Liz's eye contact broke and she looked to the floor again, she didn't know if she had the strength.

"You used the granolith..." she trailed off.

"How is that even possible. If I came from the future, how could I have used the granolith. Tess used the granolith to leave earth after she...." That was as far as Max needed to go before he put the rest of the puzzle together. "Tess and didn't originally have sex did we? She didn't get pregnant with my baby and leave because she was already gone?"

Liz could only find the strength to barely nod her head.

Max's eyes filled with tears. He had so much guilt about everything that happened with Tess and Zan built up inside him. There was so much hurt and pain from his past that was being brought up by this. This could have all been differnet, he wasn't sure what it would have been, but it would have been different.

"Max I am so sorry. I never wanted to hurt you. I had no choice."

Max shook his head back and forth, "No Liz you had a choice. You had a choice to tell me then so we could have worked it out together like we always did. You had a choice to tell me after whatever change was made had been made. And you certainly had a choice to tell me something within the past seven years since it happened. You did have a choice, you chose to do what was easy for you."

"I am leaving Max. It's the only way. You have to understand. If there was any other way, you know I would stay. You may not realize it now but you will. I am leaving tomorrow.... just stay with me tonight."

Max grip loosened on Liz's hand and he stood from the couch. Liz stood to follow him, "Max.." she said placing a hand on his shoulder. Max turned to look at her and his eyes were filled with emotion. "No Liz, Just... I just need to be left alone. I'm going out." Tears steamed down Liz's cheek as she watched Max exit the door to their apartment.

Liz looked at her husband as he approached the door. "Max..... Please... Just stay with me tonight." she begged her husband just as his hand reached for the door knob. Max head turned slightly to the side. No words were spoke. Max turned the knob and exited the apartment.

Liz collapsed on the floor crying.


Isabel and Kyle's Apartment - November 2nd, 2009 10:00pm

A light tap could be heard at Kyle and Isabel's apartment door. Kyle was just getting ready to sleep for the night. He hoped up from his bed and walked to the door and peered through the peephole.

"Max?" Kyle questioned through the door before opening it.

Kyle unlocked the door and opened it allowing Max access to the apartment.

"Is Isabel home?" Max asked, his voice shaky.

Kyle pointed in the direction of her room, "She just got ready for bed."

Max made is way into the apartment and down the hallway where he tapped lightly against her bedroom door. Isabel swung the door open and a look of shock came across her face when she seen her brother standing in front of her, with his head hung.

Isabel knew the look on his face all to well. Without even asking she stepped to the side and let him come in her room. She mad her way to her bed and chucked a pillow on the floor next to her bed. Max removed his jacket and laid on the floor next to her bed. Isabel wouldn't ask questions because she knew her brother didn't like to show his pain to others. She flicked the light off and the room went dark.


Max and Liz's Apartment - November 3rd, 2009 09:00am

Max entered his apartment. He looked warn but that was simply because he didn't have one hour of sleep from the night before. Max instinctively made his way toward his and Liz's bedroom. As he walked toward his room max removed his jacket first tossing it on the back of the chair. As he made his way further down the hallway he pealed his shirt off and chucked it to the floor of the hallway. He reached the bedroom door and pushed it open without hesitation. Sitting upright on the bed was Liz looking back at him. Her eyes were visably red and puffy. Max made his way to the bed where he crawled on and stradled over her. Their eyes met and in that moment there was an understanding that no one else would be able to comprehend. Liz's hand found its way to his cheek as it did so many times before. Their intense stare linger for moments before their lips met.

Max and Liz made love.
Liz fell asleep in Max's arms, and everything felt just as it was suppose to.

<Later that morning>

Liz tried her best to quietly slide from the bed where Max lay asleep next to her. She made her way to the closet and it creeked opened. She grabbed the handle to he luggage and wheeled it out of the closet. Liz dressed herseld and exited the room. After the door closed Max opened his eyes. Max laid in bed long enough to give her time to exit the apartment. After he was sure she was gone he got up from the bedroom and made his way to the living room.

On the kitchen counter there was a piece of paper left folded near the edge. Max walked over and picked up the piece of loose leaf that was folded in half. Unfolding it he read the words silently.

Max had been doing well to not break down until now. He gripped the piece of paper in his hand tightly as tears streamed down his face. Max stood in the kitchen he had shared with wife and cried silently and alone. The words didn't leave his mind for a second.

The piece of paper simply read "I know if love were enough."

The words may not mean anything to anyone else but to him they spoke volumes, because he felt the same we.

He also knew if love was enough, they would be together.


Re: Returning Normal (CC, M/L M/M I/K, TEEN) CH 3 pt 1 (29OCT09)

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 2:02 am
by chunkmonster2
Author's Notes : A little shorter then normal, I might start breaking some of them into smaller segments. ENJOY
Comments, Questions, Suggestions - All Welcome!

Chapter Three, Pt 2 - The Fear

Journal Entry - Mama I'm Comin Home

A weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I always hoped the day would come when I could be free of the guilt that was associated with the secret. I wish things could have been different but I know now that it can't be. As much as I want to be with Max and will continue to till the day I die I feel like we have both finally accepted that it wasn't in the cards for us. It seems like trouble has stemmed from our relationship from day one and I am not willing to let the ones I love get hurt by it anymore. I hope my friends don't feel as though I ditched them, I really feel I had no choice. I hope someday I will be strong enough to be able to return to them. For now I need the distance to try and move myself beyond Max. So far I am fourteen hours into my sixteen hour bus ride and I have only cried a dozen times - I feel I am doing well. I hope he truly knows how much he means to me, like I know how much I mean to him. But for the good of me and him both and those around us... it's time for me to try and move on with my life.


Roswell Bus Stop - November 4th, 2009 06:04am

The greyhound pulled up to the stop just outside of Roswell. Liz made her way to the front of the bus with only a very few passengers who were also stopping here. Liz made sure to wear a big hat and sunglasses to try and disguise herself; even though under the circumstancs she was most likely making herself stick out even worse. Liz waited patiently while the driver opened the luggage compartment and allowed them access to their bags. Liz grabbed her oversized suitcase that she had originally packed up with them skipped Roswell all those years ago.

Liz made her way over to the payphone and popped a quarter in.

"Can I get a cab to the Roswell Bus Drop?" Liz spoke into the phone.

"It's for Jenn." She finished.

The voice on the other line informed her one would be there within a couple minutes. It wasn't a big surprise since Roswell wasn't a huge town and it was still six in the morning. Liz couldn't believe she was home. She took a deep breath of the air as though it was somehow more refreshing then any air anywhere else. The cab pulled up to the curb and Liz waved her hand in the cab's direction. She made her way over to the cab and chucked her suitcase in first.

"Crashdown Diner, please"

The driver nodded his head and pulled back out and onto the road. Liz watched anxiously as they closed in on her hometown. Temporarily her thoughts left what happened with her and Max as she knew she was growing closer and closer to seeing her parents.


Crashdown - November 4th, 2009 06:25am

There was a light tap at the door of the diner. Jeff Parker set there working on some paperwork at the counter. Without looking up to see who was tapping on the door her shouted loud enough for the person on the other side to hear.

"We're not open for another half hour. Come back then."

Jeff was into solving the balancing issue with the cash and couldn't be bothered to break free from it to see who was tapping at the door or what they wanted. If it were important they would come back in a half hour he was sure... either way he couldn't serve them right now if it was business they wanted, there was no one on the grill and no waitresses were in yet.

By the second time Jeff heard the knock at the door he was getting annoyed. Right now he couldn't figure out the balancing issue and this person didn't seem to be taking the hint. Jeff attempted at simply ignoring the tapping but it came a third time that really set him off. Jeff chucked his pen down and stood from the stool. It was days like today he missed his daughter being here, she was always good at helping him with this sort of thing.

And it was like an answer to his prayer when he looked up to see the source of the insesant tapping. To say Jeff's jaw dropped would be an understatement. He stood frozen in awe from the face on the other side of the glass. Truthfully he couldn't believe what he was seeing. Jeff slowly began walking toward the door acting cautiously as though it were a mirage that could disappear at anytime. Liz's smile widened as her father approached the door and she was that much closer to being back home.

"NANCY!" Jeff yelled as he stepped within feet of the door. He was certain now what he was seeing was real. His wife popped her head around the corner from the kitchen. Nancy looked puzzled at first before she saw too saw the face on the other side of the glass.

"Liz?" she paused a moment before shouting again, "LIZ? Oh my god my baby..." Nancy started to run toward the front of the diner.

By this time Jeff had reached the door and turned the latch. Liz swung the door open and left her luggage sitting outside. Her arms wrapped around her father and gripped so tightly, like she never wanted to let go. Nancy caught up to the pair of them and wrapped her arms around the both of them.

"I can't believe your here.... Your really here...." Nancy repeated the statement over and over again in disbelief her daughter was back with her again. Jeff Parker simply held on tightly to his daughter without saying a word. A single tear rolled down his cheek. He felt like a whole person again.

<One Hour Later>

Liz wandered about her room upstairs. Not one thing had moved since she left. It looked as though her parents hadn't touched anything. They had left it just as it was as though they were expecting her home at any moment. Liz walked over to her window and looked out at her small balcony. Images of her and Max filled her head. Her hand gently touched the cold glass and she closed her eyes. She could feel their first kiss all over again, the dance with future Max, the look on Max's face when he seen her and Kyle and finally when Max proposed to her they just a short time before they left Roswell. Liz was becoming overwhelmed with emotion when she heard a light tap come from the door. She quickly snapped from her trance to turn her attention to her father who stood in the doorway.

"Your hair is different. It looks good." Jeff stated simply. There was so much to say but it was all the small things that he seemd to want to say.

"Thanks, I dyed it a bit darker and cut it shorter. I had an bob for a bit, would you believe that? Its growing out now, but I haven't had one of those since I was...."

"Since you were six. Your mother decided it would be cute and you cried for days for your long hair back. I remmeber" Jeff finished the sentence for her.

Liz eyes welled with tears as she looked onto her father who had obviously aged since she last seen him. There was a difference in his eyes, there was almost a presence of pain. Liz made her way across the room and hugged her father again.

"You don't know how much I have missed you." she stated as she hugged him tightly again.

"I think I do..." he replied kissing her gently on the top of the head.

Liz pulled away and looked up at her father. "I'm so sorry. There was nothing we could do, everything happened at once and I didn't want to put you in harms way." She shook her head. She knew how it all probably sounded to him, it most likely all sounded crazy.

"I know Liz. I know. After I read the diary everything that happened those three years made complete sense. I mean it sounds a bit crazy, but everything makes sense. And I trust you Liz, I trust what you say. I just wish there was some way we could have known, someway we could have helped you. The Evans helped me understand it all. It was kind of hard to wrap my head around at first but they showed me the video tape... that helped!" he said raising a brow down at his daughter. If he only knew how much she had seen in her time with them he would realize that was nothing in comparrison.

"Nothing's changed in here at all" Liz said looking about the room.

"I didn't have the heart to touch anything in the room. There were some Fed's who came by a couple times, they wanted to come search the room but I wouldn't let them tare it apart. The took a quick sweep through and then they were gone. They poked around Roswell for a bit and came back from time to time but we just kept our stories straight and they eventually stopped coming."

Liz felt the need to keep saying how sorry she was bus Jeff seemed to be unphased by it all.

"The only thing I care about is that your alright Liz. Don't worry about the rest of it."

Jeff paused a moment looking at his daughter considering that it could all be too good to be true. As much as he didn't want to ask and didn't want to go there he knew he had to.

"Where are the others... Max, Maria and the others. The Evans and Amy will be extatic to know your back."

Liz eye contact darted about the room again. "Their not coming back. I shouldn't even be back, its not really safe yet. I just need to come back."

It was as Jeff had feared, it was possible that Liz wouldn't be staying in Roswell. Jeff nodded his head accepting what she had said and accepting the situatio knowing that if it could be different it most likely would be, "I understand. I am just happy to have you back no matter how long it is for."

After pausing a moment Jeff spoke up again, "Hang tight here, I wanna get you something." Jeff exited the room for a moment and returned holding Liz's journal in his hand. He walked over to her and lowered it to her hands. Liz looked down at the journal in amazement, she was sure it was long gone. "When i sent this to you I told you to burn it when you were done reading it and showing it to Amy." Liz gently stroked the outside of the journal.

"I couldn't do it. I went out to the desert one night to burn it and I realized it was all I had left of you. I couldn't part with it. It was like keeping a little piece of you with me. I brought it home with me and managed to make a space under my nightstand under the floorboard for safe keeping."

Liz looked up to her father with a smile. The parallels in the way the thought were almost scary. Liz chuckled lightly. She walked over to the brick on the wall and found the veru familiar brick. It took a bit of tugging as it usually did but it came free. "I just use to hide it in here" she smiled letting her father in on her secret.

"Like Father, like daughter I guess." Jeff chuckled along with his daughter. They stood there in silence with one another.

"It's so good to be home. I will have to be careful though, I can't alert attention to myself. You can't..."

Jeff cut her off before she finished the sentence, "I know I can't let on your here. It goes without saying."

Liz shook her head, she didn't think her father understood the extent that she meant it, "I mean no one. Not Amy, Not Sheriff Valenti, Not the Evans. If they know I am back it will make them hopefull for their children, or even make them more anxious to find them. I just can't risk it. I risked myself coming here, I can't risk them too."

"I understand." Jeff replied. "I understand."

Liz yawned loudly. She looked around the room and her eyes made it to the clock. She realized how long she had been up for, "I really need some sleep. I have been up ever since I got on that bus yesterday. I couldn't sleep I was so excited to get home. It's finally hitting me."

Jeff nodded and made his way to the door. Liz in the meantime hoped on the bed and curled in a ball. She had missed the comfort of her own bed. Jeff began to pull the door closed, "If you need anything just let me know."

Liz moved her head up and down to awknowledge she understood.

Jeff closed the door and she nearly instantly fell asleep.

< Ten hours later >

Liz awoke nearly ten hours later. It was literally the best sleep she had in years. She rolled over and looked at the clock and couldn't believe that it was almost seven o'clock at night. She pulled herself to a sitting motion on her bed. She glanced around the room and shivered a bit. It was awfully cold in her room. Liz looked across at the room and noticed the window was wide open. She hopped up from the bed and shivering she made her way over to the window. She shut the window tightly. It was November it was too cold to leave windows open at night. Liz placed her hand against the cold glass.

Liz furrowed her brow as she had a memory this time of more recently. Right before she fell asleep she had stood next to the window and placed her hand against the glass. Her window had been closed when she fell asleep. Just as she turned to yell to her father a hand covered her mouth from behind.

"Don't scream, I need to have a word with you."

Liz tried to yell into the hand but it was useless, her sound was being muffled.

Re: Returning Normal (CC, M/L M/M I/K, TEEN) CH 3 pt 2 (30OCT09)

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 9:03 pm
by chunkmonster2
Author's Note: I wrapped up Chapter Three a little quicker and shorter then I expected. There were some things I shortened because it was a bit redundant. Chapter Four will be starting soon and I am super excited cause it's gonna be one of my favourites to write I know it!

Hope you enjoy,

Comment, Question and Suggest!!!

Chapter 3, pt 3 - The Fear


Liz Evan's Bedroom - November 4th, 2009 06:57pm

"I think I recalled saying don't scream"

Liz attempted at turning her body to see who was holding her from behind but it was no use whoever it was had a tight grip on her.

"It's imperative you listen to me. I need your help, I am not here to hurt you and your going to have to trust me."

Liz recognized the voice but she couldn't figure out why she recognized it. There was a certain distinction, it certainly wasn't anyone from Roswell. Liz figured her best option in the situation was just to go along with the request and think of a way of getting out of it. Liz had barely ever used the powers that grew in her from Max healing her but whenever her emotions ran high it came to her more naturally. She was hoping whoever was behind her they didn't know this fact about it.

Gently the hand slid off of mouth and the man loosened his grip from around her waist. Liz slowly began turning her body toward him. With one quick motion she turned her body toward him and instinctively her hand rose in his direction. Liz's finger flicked upward and with ease the body of the man was thrown threw the air and eventually came in contact with the wall.

The body ended up in a pile on the floor on the other side of the room. Liz assumed he was knocked out because he didn't initially move. After a moment he started trying to move in an upright position, it was only now that Liz got a good enough look at the man to identify him.

"Brody?" Liz questioned extremely confused. She hadn't seen him since sophomore year when he picked up out of nowhere and moved. Why would Brody be back and breaking into her room.

Brody set up and rubbed the back of his neck. He shifted his head from side to side cracking his neck before using his hand to pull himself upward into a standing motion.

"Yes...god..." he exclaimed. "Well, Larek, but the same thing really." he stated.

Liz still looked on with confusion, she kept her arm outright in his direction in case he tried anything, but to her knowledge when Larek possessed a human from his planet he couldn't use his power through them.

"That's a neat little party trick you picked up.... How'd you acquire that?" Larek questioned. He stared at the end of he hand which had so easily transported him to the other side of the room. "Can you put that down please? One more blast from you and you will knock me out of the body."

A tap came from the outside of Liz's bedroom door.

"Liz, Hunny.... Are you alright? I heard a loud bang?"

Liz's eyes darted to the door and then back to Larek. She could easily call her father in right now and end all of this. Liz needed to make a decision real quick whether or not she was going to trust him. Liz held her gaze with Larek who simply shook his head back and forth.

"Just trust me Liz." he whispered so Jeff wouldn't be able to hear him.

Liz dropped her arm and made her way toward her bedroom door. She opened it a crack to look out and speak with her dad. She knew she didn't have to hide anything from him anymore but she didn't want him to worry after all she had just got home.

"Yeah I am fine, I was sleeping and fell out of bed. I am just gonna get changed and come downstairs. I'll be down in five minutes and if I am not send the search party!" she said to him with a smile.

Jeff nodded and stepped away from the door. Liz closed the door and then her eyes darted back to Larek who was still on the other side of her bedroom near her bed.

"We do this my way then. You stay this distance from me the whole time. I give you five minutes, after that your out. This alien business always wrecks havoc with my life and I have had to sacrifice so much. I want at least one normal day with my family." Liz stated angrily. After all she had just got home and was looking forward to spending time with her family. She was just forced to sacrifice her marriage and leave the man she loved because aliens wouldn't stop showing up.

Larek nodded in agreement with her rules.

"I came here to warn Max. There has been much going on back on Antar. Kivar is getting really restless..." Larek was interrupted by Liz.

"Let me guess, he is restless and he is going to come back to earth to wipe-out humanity?" Liz said crossing her arms and tipping her head slightly to the side.

Larek's face showed a look of surprise. He didn't figure she would know this. "Well yes, yes sort of... I guess"

Liz placed a forced obvious fake smile on her face as she motioned with her arms toward the window, "Well thanks, but I am fully aware but thanks for stopping by. You can help yourself out the window you broke in and be on your merry way.." It wasn't in Liz's norm to be a sarcastic, snarky bitch... but she was just fed up. She didn't know what she was suppose to do. It seemed like every time there was an issue it had something to do with her and Max... so she left to protect him and everyone else and now the problems were still following her.

"But that's not all of it." Larek replied.

Liz huffed out loud, "God, what do you people want of me. I already left Max, what more can I do? I can't take this!"

Larek knew the rules but he approached Liz anyway. Liz took a step back, but Larek held his hands up to show he came in peace. He narrowed in and placed his hands on her shoulders. "I don't know whats going on in your life or what has happened. All I know is I think I can help Max. I came back to Roswell to find him and quickly learned you moved years ago. I was just getting ready to leave Roswell and quit and then you show up outside your parents diner this morning. I need to know where Max is so I can warn him.... to help him."

Liz looked up at Larek who seemed like anything but dangerous right now. She knew she was being difficult but this situation for her was very difficult.

"Kivar had no intention of coming back here, he knew that Max had no intention of ever coming back to Antar... he realized that a long time ago. But something changed..."

"Something changed.... You mean, Max is... he is going to..." Liz couldn't picture it. Max had never wanted to go back, besides to save his son.

"No," Larek said firmly. "As far as I gather Max still has no intention of heading back to Antar. Something changed in the way of the future and Kivar was alerted. The heir to the throne.... the heir to the throne will one day come back. Kivar is coming here to ensure he will never see old enough to have that chance. But trust me that he will stop at nothing to find him, even if that means eventually destroying the earth."

Liz shook her head in disbelief. "I don't understand. Tess took him back there, they denied him because he was full human. Why wouldn't they have done something then? It just doesn't make sense."

Larek shrugged his shoulders, "I am not sure, that part doesn't make sense. I was sure that Kivar would have destroyed him back then, maybe he posed more of a threat having him there where Max may come for him. Maybe at that time fate didn't have the heir heading back to Antar... but something has changed and he is not willing to let it. I need to talk to Max and warn him. If he knows why Kivar is coming perhaps he can do something to stop this from getting out of control. Maybe Kivar can be stopped..."

"So your here on a peace mission for the plants in your solar system again?" Liz scoffed, she couldn't believe he was making this sound as though it were about saving Max and the Earth.

"No. Yes. I mean, No, not entirely. I am here because it would benefit everyone if he was taken care of. When he initially arrives here he will not have a huge army with him, this would be the best time to take care of him. The other plants are going to ensure that he cannot acquire the resources to bring a huge army. The rest would be up to Max to stop him. Once he is killed peace can be restored. Most who follow him do so out of fear, once they have nothing to fear they will become loyal again. Look Liz, Max was my friend in another life. I don't know him in this life but I can guarantee is probably as good of a person as he was when I knew him."

Larek paused a moment before he finished pleading with Liz.

"Liz, Max was loyal to his planet. He died for them. I know he has no connection with that planet and the people on it anymore, but he does have one to this planet. This is his home now and I know he would want to protect it the same as he did Antar."

Liz shook her head, "No, why should he have to lay his life on the line?"

"Max was only taken out because he was ambushed. Kivar found a way in with the element of surprise. With the help of the other planets cutting his supplies and my forewarning I honestly believe Max will be able to stop him. He was always the better man and always will be. I wouldn't be here if I didn't think he could do this. So Liz, please tell me where he is."

Liz pondered a minute. She knew that the information would be valuable to Max. If she had it her way she wouldn't put him in danger but this wasn't about her... it should be Max's choice. Liz paced a moment thinking about the whole situation. "I'll tell you. But you have to promise me you won't tell Max you saw me or where I am. The whole reason all of this has went wrong is because of his distraction with our relationship - it has been proven time and time again. I don't want him to be distracted, he needs to be safe."

Larek nodded again in agreement, "Not a problem"

The words reluctantly came from Liz's lips, "He is in Reeves, Louisiana with the others."

Larek nodded again. "Right. You have done the right thing here Liz."

Jeff's voiced shouted from down the hallway, "Liz are you coming?"

Liz turned her head to the door to shout back, "Yes, just one more minute."

"Right, I will get going. I can only be in this body for so much longer and I have a long trip." Larek made his way over to the window and climbed halfway out. He turned and watched as Liz walked toward her bedroom door.

"Liz..." he spoke to get her attention.

Liz stopped in her tracks but did not turn around.

"I was close with Max. I knew him from the time I was a boy. I saw the way he looked at you. I know that look. He loves you. Don't worry, just hang in there he will never give up on you.... that I can promise" Larek paused a moment before climbing out the window and shutting it. He hoped his words brought her some comfort.

Liz stood still. A stream of tears rolled from each one of her eyes.


Max and Liz's Apartment - November 6th, 2009 05:15pm

Max entered his apartment and threw his things on the counter. It had been quite a week. Liz left at the first of the week and it didn't feel as though it was getting any easier. Every day he spent worrying about so much. He worried about where she was and what she was doing. If she was safe and if she was happy. Of course it all came as a shock to everyone else that she had left. Max had told the rest of the gang about what had happened those years ago with future Max.

The past three nights since she had been gone he had the same feeling every night before he entered his apartment. He imagined himself opening the door and entering the apartment and throwing his stuff on the counter as usual. Then he would make his way in further and he would look up and his eyes would meet with Liz's. He would picture her sitting there on the couch with a smile on her face and as soon as she seen him she would coming running and wrap her arms around them. And every time everything felt right again.

Unfortunately each time he entered the apartment it was a disappointment. He would throw his things on the counter and with the clear image of his beautiful bride in his mind he would look into the living room and see nothing. Tonight was no exception. Max began making his way over to the couch when he heard a strange noise come from down the hallway. It was as though his ears perked to try and figure the source of the noise. He listened carefully because he didn't want to get his hopes up, first he wanted to make sure it was coming from the apartment. Just then he could hear the distinct sound of footsteps coming down the hall.

"Liz, Thank god. You came back" he shouted as he made his way around the corner. When he turned the corner to the hallway he came face to face with someone who was certainly not his wife. Max furrowed his brow looking at the familiar face in front of him. He simply turned around without speaking a word and headed back toward the living room. He heard the footsteps following behind him and as soon as the voice began to speak Max ensure to cut him off.

"Whatever it is I am not interested. I don't want anything more to do with this. All of this alien shit has ruined my life, I have nothing left and I refuse to let it interfere anymore." Max made his way into the living room and plopped himself down on the couch.

"But you have to listen..." Larek's voice rang loud and clear.

"That's the funny thing about it. I actually don't have to listen. I have no ties to your planet or anything to do with that life and I want nothing to do with it." Max shook his head. It was all a bit much for him right now.

"Max you have a chance to end all this. I am here to help you put an end to it for good. I am not here asking you to save Antar I am here asking you to save you planet, to save Earth. If you just listen to me we may be able to end this all now for good. You can get back on with your life again."

As much as Max didn't believe the words that came from Larek's mouth he would listen to what he had to say. Right now Max would do nearly whatever it took to end this all for good so that he could go out and find Liz. If it would all just end then they could be together and happy.

<Ten minutes later, Larek has explained the same thing he told Liz about Kivar and the heir>

"I don't even know where my son is." Max stated.

"How do you not know where he is? Surely your still in contact with Tess. Last I heard she came back to Earth with Zan" Larek replied

"She's dead."

"Dead? And what became of your son?" Larek questioned.

"I made sure that he would live a life that wasn't full of all this shit. My father took him and placed him in home where he could eventually have loving parents who would be able to provide a safe life for him. You know one that doesn't include some ruler of another Planet coming to earth to kill you." Max snapped back at Larek.

Max sat and pondered it all. Maybe Larek was right though. If they could cut his supplies and he came here maybe it could all be ended for good. Then there would be no destiny to interfere with him and Liz and they could move on, beyond all of this.

"I have to go no Max, I can't stay in this body much longer. As soon as I get more answers about when he is coming and who will be with him I will be back. We can do this I know we can. I have faith in you Max."

Max kept his head straightened and stared forward in a daze.

"I have to go now. Max there is something else I wanted to tell you. I wanted you to know she is alright. She is safe and she will be safe. If you don't do this for yourself or for your planet at least do it for her." Larek knew that a comment like that would be likely to get his attention.

Max turned his attention to Larek. "How do you know? Where is she? How do you know she is alright?"

The face Max stared at became blank of expression for a moment. It was as though the body was empty of thought.

"Where is she?" Max said placing a hand on his shoulder and shaking the body a bit.

"Max? Where is who? Where am I? How the hell did I get here?" the voice replied, but there was a noticeable change in tone.

Brody was back. Larek's time must have run out in the body. Why didn't Larek take the time to tell him how he knew Liz was alright. How could he possibly know that? Maybe he was just making it up to try and keep Max's interest in seeing him again. Nevertheless there was nothing he could do now, Larek was gone. Max would ensure the next time he was back he would answer his questions before Max would hear him out on anymore of this plan.

"You came here out of nowhere Brody," Max replied. "You must have been possessed again. I don't even know how you found me. I'll help you get back to wherever you need to go."


Michael and Maria's Apartment - November 8th, 2009 02:01pm

"Wait so you mean Brody was here? In Reeves?" Maria looked up to Max who was pacing back and forth in front of both her and Michael

"Well it was Larek at first. He was in Brody's body but then his time run out and it was Brody again. He was really confused. I took him to the bus stop and got him a ticket home. He promised not to disclose our location, I told him the aliens were after us too. I don't even think he knew where he was so we are good."

"So when Kivar comes here we are ready for him and kick his alien ass once and for all, right Maxwell?" Michael questioned him

"I don't know Michael. I don't know what choice we have. Larek claims he will stop at nothing to get to Zan. But if what Larek says is true we may be able to ambush him and end this for good."

Michael nodded his head and stood from the couch, "Sound's like a plan to me. Where do you sign up?"

Max glanced from the corner of his eye at Michael, "We do nothing until Larek returns. I need some answers from him before I make any deals to help him."

"Fine, but remember Max it was you yourself who said we didn't have a choice. Remember that." Michael tapped Max on the shoulder twice before exiting the room and heading toward the bathroom.

Max stood there for a moment going through things in his head. He was replaying all the information and evaluating everything.

"Are you alright?" Maria piped up.

"Yeah I am fine, It's not like this kinda thing surprises me anymore." Max glanced down at Maria and shrugged his shoulders.

"That's not what I was talking about..." replied Maria.

"I know." Max finished.

Maria placed her hands next to her sides on the couch and pushed upward. She stood in front of Max and looked upward into his eyes. The pain was so obvious in his eyes. He was always like half a person when he was without her. She felt so bad for him cause she couldn't imagine being without Michael right now.

"She will be back, you just need faith in her. And you know what? I say if we can end this once and for all.... why not do it."

It was out of character for Maria to agree to doing something that could be considered dangerous.

Maybe it was time - Maybe it was finally time to finish this.

Re: Returning Normal (CC, M/L M/M I/K, TEEN) CH 3 pt 2 (30OCT09)

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 12:19 am
by chunkmonster2
Chapter Four, pt 1 - I dreamed a dream


Life was something that was very uncertain. For the gang from Roswell it had been even more uncertain. It seemed like ages ago since they were living in their home town and trying to conceal their secret, something that seemed to consume a good part of their life. Little did they know eventually things would get worse.

Eventually fate would take them on the road running from their enemies for an undetermined amount of time. So to say life was uncertain for them was an understatement. Years had passed of living day to day and not knowing what state you would be in next, let alone which city. This was what they had to do to survive, this had become their life.

For Max Evans the past years had been bearable because through it all one thing had remained constant, he had Liz. No matter where they were or what they were doing he something was always consistent; the love that was between Max and Liz. The group had each other as a whole but they had all paired off, even Isabel and Kyle in some strange way. Michael and Maria had each other and even though they still bickered like they had from the day they met.... they had each other. Kyle and Isabel had formed a bond as well. No they weren't in love like the others but they had each others back, they stuck together as the two in the group who needed another person to lean on. So since they hit the road they had been paired off.... until now anyways.

It had been a few weeks since Liz left and with no word from her the group began to take it as a serious reality that she possibly wasn't coming back. They didn't have much choice but to wait since she left no indication of where she was going. The thought crossed their minds that she had went back to Roswell but was generally not accepted since it seemed like it would be much too dangerous. All they had to go on now was the cryptic message that Larek left which could or could not have been about Liz. For Max he was holding onto the hope that it was and that she was safe somewhere for now.

Max was beginning to feel like a bit of an outsider. He was missing his partner. He was the odd one out now. At first everyone had all been together and concerned and trying to think of a way of getting her back... of locating her. The group hadn't given up and it was still often a topic of discussion but life had to move forward; with or without Liz.

Everyone had gotten back into their daily routines. Max worked with Michael so he would see him everyday during work. Generally speaking he would see the others after work, whether it was grabbing a bite to eat or simply just meeting up to say hang a bit. The main difference came at night. At the end of the day everyone retired to their homes, which meant Max would be heading home alone. Being alone in an empty apartment with nothing to keep your mind occupied offered lots of time to reflect and think.

Every night before falling asleep Max found plenty of time to lay back and reflect on many different things. What crossed his mind was a wide range from what he should have done differently to get her to stay only weeks ago as back as far as he could remember. Tonight was no different


Max and Liz's apartment - November 24th, 2009 11:09pm

As Max lay in his bed before sleep he found his thoughts wandering back to the day in the cafe. For any others looking down on him it would look as though he were in a trance. Max eyes seemed focused on something on the ceiling but there was nothing there. He thoughts projected images like a movie playing along the ceiling of his apartment. When you have time to reflect you have time to over analyze everything.

As of recent Max's thoughts kept coming back to the same point in time, the day at the Crashdown. That one simple day had changed everyone's lives so drastically it was no wonder he always came back to this day. Had things gone differently most likely the outcomes of their lives would be much, much different. And unlike ever before Max was being to wonder whether or not he made the right decision, if there was some other way of handling the situation that wouldn't place them in danger.

What was Max's real reasoning for contemplating this now. Was he hurt and resentful toward Liz for leaving? Was he seriously considering this for the benefit of the lives of all those he loved and had come to create friendships with or was he simply being selfish because he was lonely right now. Whatever the reason was it was exhausting him. Max rolled over on his side and took note of the time on the time on the clock. He forcefully shut his eyes and eventually after struggling he found some peace in his sleep again.


Max eyes fixated on the clock momentarily before he rolled onto his back and moaned aloud. Why was he awake already? Max still felt groggy so he was hopeful he would fall directly back into a deep sleep. After laying in the same spot for a few minutes he realized it simply wasn't going to happen. There was nothing more frustrating them simply wanting to sleep and not being able to. Max rolled over and took note of the time again. He squinted his eyes as he focused on the numbers on the digital clock.


It seemed like he was laying there only for a few minutes before he rolled back over. He decided he must have drifted off again for a short period of time without realizing it. Max now felt wide awake and there was no sense in him laying there because he was now certain there was no way he was falling back to sleep. Using his right arm to prop himself up on the bed he swung his body so his feet could find the floor. He sat on the edge of the bed for a moment and rubbed his eyes. After gathering himself he stood from the bed and slowly drifted down the hallway.

Once reaching the bathroom Max flicked on the light. The light made a humming noise as it came to life. The light shone very brightly in the dark of the night. Max looked into the mirror to try and gauge exactly how tired he looked. He squinted at the image before him. The light sudden change of light must have been affecting his vision because his image was still blurry. Leaning in toward the mirror Max turned on the hot water tap and reached down with his hands to cup some of the water. Using his hands to capture the water he run it against his skin, particularly his eyes. Max pulled himself into and upright stance again and reached to the side to grab a towel to dry his face. As he stood there with his face in the towel his ears perked to something from the living room.

Max dropped the towel on the counter in the bathroom and turned quickly to look out from the bathroom into the living room. From where he was standing there was nothing to see but Max was certain he had heard something. Slowly he began making his way from the bathroom. Each footstep was carefully placed as he made his way around the slight corner to get a view of the remainder of the living room.


Just as he was about to head back down the hall toward the bathroom something grabbed his shoulder. Max jumped and with a quick burst of strength he pulled his shoulder from the grip of the stranger and spun his body to face the intruder. In front of him stood Brody.

"Max we don't have time..." Brody said hurried as he looked toward the entrance of the apartment. It became very apparent to Max that Larek had returned in Brody's body again

Max eyes followed the direction in which Larek was looking in concern but there was nothing there to be seen. Max looked back at him with confusion. "What are you talking about, You have some thing to answer before we go any further here Larek..." Max stated crossing his arms. Before he did anything more or even said anything more Larek would be giving him the answers he wanted.

"Max, we have figured it out. We can change it all. Everything can be fixed... But we don't have time because they will be here soon. You have to do as I say." Larek was taking a tone with Max to try and show the seriousness of the situation and assert authority.

Max shook his head from side to side simply. He didn't care what it was Larek was bringing him for information Max wanted information on where Liz was before he would do anything further. "No. I want to know where Liz is, I want to know where she is before I discuss anything further with you." Max said firmly.

Larek's eyes made contact with Max, "She will be dead if you don't listen. In fact you all will be dead if you don't listen. We have been working to put something together to change this. The best option was to have you go back, to go back and change something that has caused this outcome."

A chill shot down his spine when Larek mentioned Liz, "I want you to tell me where she is!" Max exclaimed reaching outward to grab a hold of Larek.

Larek stepped back as Max stepped forward toward him. Larek's voice was a bit shaky as he spoke, "I'm sorry Max, It's for the best and you know it."

Larek reached toward his pocket. Max moved forward at him to grab a whole of him in a defensive manner. Just as Max hand was narrowing in, Larek pulled his hand from his pocket and slammed his hand against Max's.

Max could feel the distinction of something between their hands. Max tried to pull his hand from Larek's grip but it was as though there was another force holding them together. Max felt a strange pulling sensation coming from his palm. A blinding white light shot from their hands and lit up the room. Max leaned his head back and attempted to block the light with his free hand. The sensation filled his body as it felt like he was being pulled apart from within. Soon everything went black.

Max's body flung upright from his bed. He gasped for air as he set up as though something had been preventing him from breathing. His body still felt numb from the pain of the sensation that had taken over his body.

As Max glanced about the room he realized something was very, very wrong.

The door flung open to the room and a familiar figure stood in the doorway. Normally that would be a good thing but in this situation it was more then odd. Max looked at her face in shock before she finally spoke.

"Max, honey... are you alright?" Mrs. Evans looked on concerned at her son.

Max couldn't speak. What the hell had happened, what did Larek do? Max sat their with a gaping look of confusion on his face.

"Isabel come here, there is something wrong with your brother." Diane yelled out for her oldest to join her. Isabel appeared nearly immediately by her side and looked on at her brother.

"Isabel..." Max managed to spit out.

Isabel's eyes widened as she was looking on at her brother who was acting very suspiciously in front of their mother. She tried to convey a message to her brother with her eyes to let him know to stop acting so suspiciously so their mother would go away.

Max shook his head and although still in shock he tried to wipe the expression from his face.

"He's fine." Isabel looked to her mother and shrugged her shoulders. "Just must not be much of a morning person..." she offered as a reason for his behavior.

Diane looked back to her son still with some confusion, "I thought I heard you gasp for air. Are you alright?"

Max nodded his head.

Diane tilted her head and raised her brow, "Old age is setting in I guess. Anyways Max hurry up and get ready for school or your going to be late. It's really not like you to be this slack in the morning. You need to stop coming home so late at night." Diane continued to speak as she headed down the hall but it became inaudible to the siblings.

"Isabel something happened..." Max began to explain to Isabel what had happened with Larek.

Isabel abruptly cut him off before he could finish, "Listen Max get it together. This whole King act is getting really tired and I suggest you start taking all this a lot more seriously. I don't care what you do in your free time Sandi, Sarah or whoever it was last night but you will not compromise this for the rest of us. If we are ever gonna get off this planet your gonna have to start acting more like a King and less like a teenage boy on a power trip." Isabel rolled her eyes and exited the room.

Now Max was even more confused then before. What the hell was happening.

Re: Returning Normal (CC, M/L M/M I/K, TEEN) CH 4 pt 2 (15NOV09)

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 2:16 am
by chunkmonster2
Autrhor's Note: There are some very subtle hints to where this is going in case anyone picks up on them. They are very, very subtle though. Should become more obvious next post. Thanks to everyone for still following and for the newcomers! I see there is two of ya's!

Zaneri1 - Glad you are liking it. Haha, I knew some would hate me for the Max/Liz thing. Thanks for the well wishes on exams :)

Timelord31 - Thanks for joining in with the group!

And too my usuals.... hope you guys are still around

begonia9508 - I know damn that Larek :x
keepsmiling7 - It is a weird twist but it will be explained... I promise

I definitely want to finish this Chapter up in the next post so it might be a bit long of a post... Hope to get it up within the next couple days :) As always any questions or things need clarifying just post!!

Chapter Four, pt 2


Evan's Household - Unknown

After Isabel left the room Max sat there in his stupor for a bit longer. He tried wrapping his mind around the entire situation but simply couldn't. This had to be literally impossible. Looking around his room it was very obvious where he was, this was definitely his room. Max memory of his bedroom was very vivid and everything was there in place as it would have been all those years ago. Unfortunately for him it didn't seem like his life was in the place it was. Max spun his body to the left and placed his feet on the floor. He stood from the bed and began to walk across the room toward his door. He had to be able to get through to Isabel, she would have to remember. On his journey to meet up with his sister his path something else caught his attention.

Glancing to the side Max caught his attention in the full length mirror which was handing on his wall. The image that was reflected back was enough to stop him dead in his tracks. Max moved in closer to check the reflection to ensure that it really was as frightening as it appeared. As he got closer it became more apparent that it truly was. The image that he seen was blurry and distorted, it didn't resemble him at at. Carefully Max raised his hand to touch his face which felt completely normal to him. There was something very wrong with whatever was happening. Max pulled himself from the mirror and headed out of his bedroom.

It was only a few short steps to Isabel's room. The door to her room was wide open so Max peered in. Isabel seemed completely normal and unfazed by what seemed to be their reality. Max watched as she packed her books into her book bag. Max scanned her room as well, it was as though he was looking for some detail out of place but he couldn't come up with anything. For a moment he watched his sister to follow her mannerisms to see if they were in check; they were.

"Isabel something is seriously wrong, I need you to trust me." Max pleaded with his sister from her doorway. Max leaned his weight against the casing of her doorway and looked in her direction waiting a reply.

"What is it Max? I don't have time for your nonsense," Isabel zipped her book bag closed and swung around to face her brother with a smug look painted clearly across her face. Here was something Max was able to find off. The way she looked at him was different, there was a total disregard for him staring back coldly.

"Isabel. It's me your brother. I need your help. This isn't what it seems, none of it. You need to focus with me we can get through this." Max kept his held his gaze with his sister, he was waiting for her demeanor to change. He was waiting for her to show a sign of caring. There was nothing.

"What is going on with you Max? Why are you waking up all human again? I thought you got over that," Isabel zipped her book bag up and slung it over her shoulder. She turned her body to face her brother, "Look Max I don't care what your doing in your free time, or who your doing. But I won't let you screw this deal up with Tess and Nacedo because you wanna run around being a playboy," Isabel began to head for the door, when she got a couple feet from Max she stopped and glanced sideways at him - her stare was as cold as ice, "And if you do, I will make sure you pay for it." Isabel pushed by her brother and exited the room.

What the hell happened, he had no recollection of anything.


The UFO Center - Unknown

Max was determined to get his answers. At this point he figured the best source would be Larek since he was the one who caused this whole mess, Max only hoped that whatever reality he was in that Brody had come to Roswell so Max could get his answers. Max tugged on the door to the UFO Center but it was locked. Max looked down to his watch to check the time because he was certain it should have been open by now. For whatever reason he was having a very hard time keeping track of time.

A locked door was something that had never stopped a determined Max before. Max placed his hand on the door and manipulated the molecules to unlock the door and once he was inside he made sure to do the same again to lock anyone else from coming in. Max crept down the stairs silently looking about the room. As he neared the bottom of the stairs he noticed Brody over near the stairs to the office with his back turned to Max. Max slowly began making his way across the room toward Brody. Just as Max was narrowing in on his target, Brody's head perked upward as though he had heard something. Reacting to the noise he began to turn his body but Max reacted quick enough to stop him.

Max lunged forward grabbing him by the neck with his right hand. Max forcefully slammed Brody's body against the wall that he had been facing moments ago. Max's grip tightened on his neck as Brody's hand frantically began trying to pry at Max's grip on his neck.

"What do you want from me? There is no money here I swear, you can take my wallet." Brody pleaded with Max with a ginuwine look of fear and confusion on his face.

"What the hell did you do? You did this, you screwed with time or my mind or something and now everything is wrong. Fix it." Max slammed Brody's body against the wall harder knocking the pictures that were hanging behind him to the floor.

Brody was noticeably fighting to breathe. Max loosened his grip slightly to give him enough room to breathe and be able to speak. Shaking his head from side to side Brody continued to plead with Max, "I have no idea what your talking about. I don't know who you are. I haven't done anything. Just please let me go, I have a daughter I am all she has." Brody's eyes began to well with tears as he begged to be freed.

Max finally snapped back to the reality that this was simply a body that Larek used. Although the person that stood in front of him may emulate the person who caused this situation, the fact was it was very possible it was only Brody. The look of fear and confusion on Brody's face was enough for Max to realize his mistake. Max grip loosened on his neck as Max became more defeated. Brody stood in front of Max still gasping for air but able to breathe much more comfortably now. Max wasn't sure what to say, he had acted very rash. There was no explanation that would make any sense to Brody.

"I.... I, I'm sorry. It was a misunderstanding... I must have the wrong person." Max was unsure of what to say.

Brody didn't have time to speak, he stood there partially bent over looking up at his attacker who seemed to have some sort of epiphany midway through whatever the attack was about. Max turned from Brody and quickly jogged up the stairs and exited the door at the top of the stairs.


Roswell High - Unknown

Max felt completely helpless. How was it possible that time had been reversed and he was sent back to Roswell, it defied all logic it just couldn't be possible. With no other option and no one to turn to Max decided to head to the person he trusted the most in this world; Liz. Max decided to head into the high school and attempt at finding her and getting through to her. Max and Liz had such a connection he was sure he would be able to get through to her, that her memory would be easier to access.

After arriving at the school Max made his way down the strangely deserted hallways. Max instinctively made his way down the hallway and toward the biology lab. Once Max reached his destination he paused outside the door to look through the small window in at the class. It was just as it had been all those years ago nothing had changed. Max turned his attention to the table that he shared with Liz all those years ago hoping to see her familiar face. Liz was sitting there in her usual spot deep in thought and involved in the discussion of the class as she always had been. The sounds of the world seemed to dissipate as he stood looking silently through the door at the love of his life. She set there in the room unbeknownst to everything that had happened with them over the past ten years; their graduation, the marriage, the first time they made love, and ultimately the most reason event which had driven them apart again. As Max gazed on at her through the window a crooked smile appeared on his face as his eyes welled with tears from an array of emotions. He hadn't seen her in weeks no so seeing her in itself was amazing but seeing her like this again, so at peace, was overwhelming. Max let the problems go away for only a few minutes to stand in awe of the woman he loved.

Max quietly tried to turn the knob to the door and gently pushed it open. As always when you enter a classroom late he was greeted by stares from the majority of the population in the room. The biology teachers glare met with Max as he made his way back to the empty seat next to Liz. Max swiftly dropped into the seat and awaited for the teacher to start speaking again before he whispered to Liz.

"Liz, we need to talk." He said as silent as possible trying not to be obvious to the teacher.

"Don't worry about it Max, I finished the project, I did you part too. It's done." Liz murmured back to him trying as hard as possible not to move her lips as she spoke.

Max glanced over at her as she kept her attention drawn to the front of the classroom, "It's not about that Liz. We need to talk, we just can't do it here. Meet me in the eraser room after class."

Liz let a very light chuckle escape her lips. Max turned his attention back to her again as he strained to hear what she had to say, "You've got to be kidding me. Max what makes you think I want to go to the eraser room with you?"

Max kept his attention drawn to her trying to catch her gaze but she maintained her position. Max was sure if she just looked at him or talked to him he could convince her, "It's not like that Liz. I need to talk to you in private. You have to understand just meet me there." Max pleaded with her but she didn't seem to be budging. With every word he said she seemed less and less convinced.

"Yeah I am sure it is never like that when you sneak off there. And what am I suppose to tell Kyle?" Liz finally turned her attention to face Max. "Am I suppose to say, Max Evans invited me to the eraser room to be part of his ongoing affair with half the women in the school? Or better yet what should I tell Tess? You two are still an item right, she just seems to be too naive to see through your charade." Liz finished with a smug look on her face. She turned her attention back to the front of the room as the teacher began to demonstrate for the class the steps to follow for their next assignment.

Of everything Liz said Max was only hung up on one thing; Kyle. What did that mean? Why would she be concerned of what Kyle thought of her going to the eraser room with him? There was only a minute of ignorance before it settled into Max. Whatever alternate reality he was in him and Liz were not even remotely together and it would appear as though she were still dating Kyle. Max stared blankly at her as he felt his mouth dry and his body tense. His body warmed from the rush of blood as his heart began to pound harder. The feeling was jealousy, this feeling was familiar to him especially when it came to matters involving Liz and Kyle and their relationship from high school. "Kyle?" Max questioned hoping there would be some sort of explanation.

Liz turned her attention to Max only momentarily. She rolled her eyes as spoke, "Just because you have no boundaries or morals with your relationships doesn't mean the rest of us wish to join you on your path of unfaithfulness Max"

Re: Returning Normal (CC, M/L M/M I/K, TEEN) CH 4 pt 2 (15NOV09)

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 10:39 pm
by chunkmonster2
Author's Notes: Okay only one post to go after this. Decided to do it in two seperate posts.

begonia9508 - Yeah Isabel was a bit of a bitch wasn't she.... just shows how much different everyone is in this time.

Natalie36 & keepsmiling7 - All will be finished and explained next post... don't be too shocked just yet

Still dropping the very subtle hints that prob wont make sense till after but they are there... Hope to have the final post for this chapter up soon!!!

Chapter Four, pt 3


Roswell High Bio Lab

As the teacher continued the demonstration from the front of the class and the others followed along the room filled with more chatter. The chatter about the assignment at hand would be enough to mask what Liz and Max were actually talking about. Liz began following along with the teacher. Max realized by looking at her it was going to be harder to break her then he expected.

"Liz listen..." Liz did not break her attention from the front of the classroom. Max reached over and gently squeezed on her forearm. This was enough to get her attention. She turned to Max with a look of annoyance on her face which soon faded. He was sure by now he was looking quite desperate. "I don't know who I am to you now. I have no idea what your opinion is of me and my lifestyle.... or how accurate it is for that matter. I do know one thing, your a good person. I need your help. At lunch meet me in the eraser room, please"

Liz stared blankly back at him. It was as though she were trying to figure him out.

The bell rang and everyone began to pack their things up around them. The teacher could be heard shouting a couple last requests over the noise of the room. Without a word Liz nodded as though she accepted his request and began packing her things. Quickly she made her way from the classroom with the others.

Max was the last to get up and exit the room.


Roswell High Hallway

Max began making his way again the again very deserted hallway. He was beginning to find it quite odd that nearly everywhere he went in the school it was almost completely empty of people. He was on a journey to the eraser room to meet Liz. He wanted to make sure he was there early so he wouldn't miss her. As Max turned the corner up the hallway he was met with another familiar face, one he was hoping to avoid.

"Hi Max." the voice said stretching her body upward toward him for a kiss.

Max pulled his body backward to avoid the contact with her. "Hi Tess." he stated very simply and with lack of emotion. She looked up at him with a look of confusion.

"Oh... Isabel warned me you were acting weird this morning Max. What is wrong? Your not having second thoughts about this are you?" she looked upward to him for an answer. She didn't give him sufficient time to answer the question before she spoke again, "Max we don't belong here and you know that. I showed you that. We have responsibilities to ourselves and our planet" she finished her hand reaching up and touching his cheek.

"I don't know what has happened here Tess but I do know one thing. No matter when this is or what has happened in the past there is no way I would ever love you. I know your plan, I know you and Nacedo are planning on handing me and the others in for your safety. Your evil Tess, you always have been and always will be.... no matter what reality we are in" Max pushed his way by and continued up the hallway.


Roswell High Eraser Room

Max finally made it to the eraser room. He swung open the door to find Liz standing in over in the corner already.

"Is this some sort of joke Max? See how long you can get the honest helpful girl to wait in the eraser room for you?" Liz placed a hand on her hip and shook her head in his direction. "I can't believe I fell for this I am out of here." She began walking toward him

"No Liz. I told you I would meet you at lunch... it's only...." Max looked at his watch to notice that lunch hour would be ending in ten minutes. It was impossible, he was only talking to Tess for a matter of minutes and at that time it was ten minutes before lunch even began.

"Damnit" he exclaimed. Tess must have did this, some how she mind-warped him into thinking he was there for less time or something. Now he just had to convince Liz to stay. "Liz wait. I really need to talk to you. I need to know a couple things and I swear after I talk to you if you want you can leave and we don't have to speak again."

This seemed to stop her in her tracks. "I am going to give you ten minutes Max and then I am out of here." She stood directly in front of him with her arms crossed looking up to him waiting for him to talk.

Max paused a moment. He wasn't sure where to start at first. How much of the timeline had changed? How much did she know about him? These were all questions he wanted answered but he went with the safest questions first.

"What happened on September eighteenth nineteen ninety-nine?"

Liz scrunched her brow, "I have no idea. Max that was well over a year ago now."

"Think hard Liz, that was a big day. You were at the diner... there was two people arguing..." Max offered up the basics of the scene to try and jog her memory.

"Oh yeah! Those guys in the Crashdown. You know the story Max everyone in the town does it was a pretty big event for Roswell. They never picked up the guys who did it. Why are you asking this Max?" Liz squared her eyes in his direction.

"What happened to you more specifically" he pushed.

"Nothing." she simply answered.

"Liz you were shot." Max blurted out.

Liz shook her head as she spoke, "No Max I wasn't. Nobody was hurt that day. What is this about?"

"Liz I remember, you were standing next to the coffee and condiments talking to Maria. You looked up at me, I was sitting in a booth along the wall with Michael." Max began to describe the scene as he remembered it hoping it would jog her memory.

"Max, you weren't there." Liz said confident in her statement.

"No... I was.." he shook his head trying to think of some way of helping her remember.

Liz wet her lips before she began to describe the scene as it happened to her, "Maria and I were working. I had just served a table of two and jokingly showed them a fake picture. I was walking back with Maria and she questioned me about Kyle. We stood there only for a moment Max and then I headed to the kitchen and Maria began making her way back to the front. I was out back when the shot went off...."

"No.." Max repeated himself again.

"Yes. No one was injured. There is still a hole in the wall from where the bullet went in. I don't know who told you this but they lied and Max...." she trailed off for a moment looking downward and then back up to catch his gaze, "You weren't there. I remembered they interviewed everyone. Everyone was stuck in there for nearly two hours and you and Michael were not there."

Max listened as Liz finished describing the events as they happened to her. Their entire history had changed from what he knew. If that never happened then he was certain he would not have revealed his secret to her. In this time they didn't even know each other.

"Max I have to go, It's almost time for next class. I don't know what this is all about but if you genuinely need anything let me know."

At least in this time Liz hadn't changed from who she was. She was still that same girl who strived to help others. Max stood in silence as she passed by him. The door creaked open and then eventually slammed shut behind her. Max stood in the darkness of the room for a moment reflecting on what he had learned.

This just can't be possible...


Crashdown - Unknown

Max had spent the remainder of the day walking around. He felt completely lost in this world. Max felt as though he could no longer turn to Michael and Isabel as it seemed no one was who they were. Max felt defeated. He tried his very best to think of a plan, but with no one there to help him it felt useless. Eventually Max found himself outside of the Crashdown. He made his way to the side street where he had gained access to Liz's room so many times before. Max paused here a moment. It seemed he had been doing a lot of standing in silence today. The day seemed to be flying by at such a rapid speed it felt as though it were a dream. Max took a couple steps back toward the main street when he heard a noise of something breaking coming from Liz's room.

Max turned quickly and reached the ladder. Max made his way up the ladder swiftly.

"Liz" he shouted as he approached her window.

Looking through the window he saw the only thing from his past her wished never repeated. Liz and Kyle lay in bed together. Max attention turned to the source of the noice which was a plant that had been knocked over next to her bed and broken. Max slowly began to back up as he did all those years ago, the pain even stronger then it had been the first time. Liz's attention was drawn to him before he made his way down the ladder.

Max made his way from the side street as fast as possible and down the main street.

Some pain was bad enough the first time, let alone the second time around.