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Lollipop (M/L, CC, mature) complete ~ 6/13

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 12:58 pm
by RoswellOracle

TITLE: Lollipop

AUTHOR: Roswell Oracle

RATING: Mature for language, descriptions of violence


REPOSTING: Please ask permission before reposting. I like to know where my story is going to live.

FEEDBACK: Feel free to send e-mail feedback to the contact link. Corrections are appreciated and all questions will be answered as quickly as possible.

DISCLAIMER: Roswell, the characters and the story, are owned by Melinda Metz, Jason Katims and Fox Studios (although the way they have abused them I don't think they deserve them) and are used here purely for entertainment purposes.

Any additional characters or situations not mentioned in the show are the creation of my dementia.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Thanks to lilloucfer who helped me beta at the last minute.

CREDITS: Lollipop by the Chordettes

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This was written for the Not of this Earth Fall/Halloween Fic Challenge at Roswell Heaven.

It required-
the story being set set in the fall, or at a homecoming dance, or at halloween, or at least mention fall or back-to-school or homecoming or halloween.

choose 2 phrases from a list to use. I used
- Why didn't you just use your powers to do it?
- It's freezing in here!

choose 2 two things from a list to use. I actually ended up using more
- a special on the Crashdown menu for one a holiday or special occasion
- a trip to the eraser room, just to talk
- a visit to a supposedly haunted house
- an FBI agent or state police official coming to Roswell to invistigate something
- an after dance or holiday party
- someone getting an annomous gift

include or mention 2 of the following places. I used
- the Crashdown
- the UFO Center
- the Parker's House
- Michael's apartment
- West Roswell High School

Just a short, little, scary story for Halloween.
It's almost finished, so I'll be updating at least once a week, if not more often.

SUMMARY: The story takes place after 'Max in the City', but I'm changing the time a bit making it right before Halloween. So it's after 'End of the World', Liz pretended to sleep with Kyle, and Max still doesn't know the truth. And now that Max is back from the summit, he and Liz are trying to be friends.

Liz is getting strange dreams and premonitions, but no one takes her seriously until girls in Roswell start dying.

WARNING: This story contains descriptions of stalking, violence and murder.




(Saturday, October 21st)

Liz walked slowly through the darkness, wanting nothing more than to get home and into bed. She and Maria had been working on a school project for hours. They'd lost track of time, and Liz hadn't realized how late it was.

Her constant yawning and drooping eyes finally made her look at the clock, and with a gasp of surprise, she gathered her things to head home.

Maria offered to drive her, but it wasn't far, and Liz liked walking, especially at night.

It was so quiet and peaceful with no one around. The usually garish town was calm at night, with only a few lights disturbing darkness.

Yawning again, she noted she was only a couple of blocks from home, and she could see the outline of the dark spaceship on the front of the Crashdown.

Taking her customary route, she cut through the alley, heading for the back door of the Café.

The darkness closed in around her as she left the street, but it wasn't scary or even worrying. It was comforting to be held in the night.

She was almost at her door when she heard it. A soft whistling floated through the darkness.

Stopping, she listened to the long drawn-out notes, which seemed slightly off-key, but somehow familiar. They held a haunting, eerie quality and she looked around to see who was doing it, but she couldn't see anyone.

With a shrug, she put her key into the door and let herself inside.

Sleepily she climbed the stairs to her room and simply kicked off her shoes, falling into bed still dressed. Exhausted she fell asleep almost immediately with the haunting sound of the whistling still echoing in her head.



Lollipop (M/L, CC, mature) complete ~ 6/13

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 12:59 pm
by RoswellOracle

Part 1


(Sunday, October 22nd)

Liz hurried around the Crashdown, taking orders, delivering food and condiments, and getting drink refills. The Café was emptying out now, but earlier every table had been full, with even more hungry people waiting to eat. It had been a typical Sunday lunch.

The bell rang loudly at the cooks' window as Michael pounded on it with his spatula. "Liz!" he bellowed. "Order up!"

Threading her way through the mass of people and tables, Liz made her way behind the counter and to the window where she quickly gathered her order. Stacking the dishes along her arm, she hurried out onto the floor again dodging even more people to reach her destination.

Liz approached her table, naming the dishes as she put them in front of the customers. "There's one Warp Wrap, hold the mayo, one Take-off Taco Platter, extra green sauce, and one Hell-fire Jalapeño Burger with fries. Can I get you guys anything else?"

The customers shook their heads, and Liz forced a smile. "I'll check on you in a few minutes."

Flipping through her order book, she headed back to the cooks' window. "Hey Michael, how much longer on my Galaxy Sub and Saturn Rings for table five?"

Michael's answer was an annoyed grunt, and Liz rolled her eyes. It was her last order on her last table and she was eager to get it delivered. She was about to ask him again when she was interrupted by one of the other waitresses.

"Hey Liz," Tammy said. "Here's a delivery for you."

Surprised, Liz looked down, taking the small box. It was orange with smiling jack-o-lanterns on it. It was tied with a black bow, and had her first name printed across one corner.

Pulling off the bow, she opened the box to find a bouquet of heart-shaped lollipops in Halloween colors; black, white and various shades of orange. They were tied together with another black bow, and underneath the candy was a small card with writing on it.

Picking up the card Liz read it.

Sweeter than candy on a stick
Strawberry, cherry or lime

With a frown of confusion, she turned the card over looking for a signature, and when she didn't find one she looked over the surface of the box. There was no name, and no sign of who had sent it, but automatically she thought of Max.

After he'd gotten back from the summit in New York a week ago, they'd agreed to be friends, and for some reason she thought the suckers must be from him. Maybe it was a peace gesture.

And as if her thoughts had conjured him, Max was suddenly there, leaning across the counter, the deep tones of his voice drawing her attention.

"What's that?" he asked, motioning to the box she was holding.

Surprised, Liz looked at him, her heart thudding at the sight of him. "You didn't send it?"

Max shook his head. "No," he said.

Liz placed the box on the counter in front of him so he could see it better. "There's this note that doesn't make any sense, but no name," she said, "and if you didn't send them, I have no idea who did."

He frowned slightly, instantly jealous, thinking of Kyle. Why didn't she think he'd sent them?

Taking the small card, he turned it, looking at both sides, but there were only the few handwritten words. "Someone's attempt at poetry?" he suggested. "Maybe they're from a secret admirer."

She laughed. "Yeah, right."

Max focused on her. She hadn't even considered Kyle as a possibility. He knew she'd said sleeping with him was a mistake, but it seemed she wasn't together with him at all. So if it wasn't Kyle, who was it? "Was anyone in here you know?" he asked.

Liz thought back over the busy service as she automatically got a Cherry Coke for him along with the Tabasco. "There were tons of regulars, but hardly anyone I really know."

"What about from school?" Max prompted.

Shaking her head, she tried to remember and then smiled. "Yeah, there was Theresa Moore and Janice Harlan."

"There you go," Max teased. "I always thought Theresa had a thing for you."

Liz laughed and pushed at his arm. "Right."

Tammy came behind the counter and Liz stopped her. "Who gave you the box?" she asked. "There's no name on it."

Tammy shrugged. "No one gave it to me. It was sitting on the counter by the cash register and I just picked it up." She looked at the box again. "Maybe it's a secret admirer. How romantic."

Liz nodded. "Um, yeah."

Michael rang the bell again and bellowed Liz's name even though she was standing right next to the window. "Order up!"

Quickly Liz gathered up the lollipops and the note, stuffing them back into the box, and put it under the counter.

She picked up her order and delivered it, and then checked her two other tables before returning to Max. "Your usual?" she asked.

He nodded, smiling, and Liz turned to give Michael the order.

The bell above the door rang and Liz turned to see Sheriff Valenti coming in. He saw her and Max and walked the length of the restaurant to sit at the counter next to Max.

"Hey Sheriff," Liz started to greet him, but stopped when she saw him closer. He was pale and his whole face was tight. "What's wrong?" she asked concerned.

Glancing around to make sure no one was near, Jim lowered his voice so only Liz and Max could hear. "There was a murder last night," he said, "just a couple of blocks from here in an alley. A young girl about your age."

The blood drained from Liz's face as the information sunk in, and she swayed on her feet. She'd been walking alone last night in an alley with a murderer.

Instantly Max was at her side, his arm wrapped around her, and he led her to his stool. "Are you okay?" he asked, as his eyes roamed rapidly over her.

She nodded. "I was walking home last night from Maria's. It just hit me that it could have been me. Roswell's always been so safe, I never even thought…" she trailed off, looking at the Sheriff.

"Who was it?" she asked. "Someone from school?"

Jim shook his head. "Her name is Brooke Carlisle. She went to Goddard High. From what we can tell she was a good girl, a straight-A student, a cheerleader, school treasurer. No one knows what she was doing on this side of town."

"How was she killed?" Max asked.

"That's the terrible part," Jim said. "It looks like she was raped and strangled."

Liz swallowed hard as small shivers ran through her, feeling numb and detached.

Max placed his Cherry Coke in front of her. "Here," he said, "drink some of this. I didn't put Tabasco in it yet."

She obeyed, sipping the sweet liquid, and felt a little better. "I can't believe it," she said.

Pressing against her back and rubbing her shoulders, Max asked the Sheriff softly. "Do you have any idea who did it?"

"No," Jim said, "not at all. There's no evidence. Whoever did this was thorough and meticulous. That's why I'm here, to tell you kids to be careful."

He focused on Liz. "What time did you come home?" he asked. "Did you see anyone around?"

Liz shrugged. The warmth from Max's body was chasing her shivers away. She always felt safe around him.

"It was around one thirty when I left Maria's," she started, "and it takes me maybe fifteen minutes to walk home. A few cars drove by, and there was a couple walking on the other side of the street a few blocks away, but they were older. I didn't see anyone near here at all.

She paused, remembering. "But right when I got to my back door, I thought I heard someone whistling."

"Could you tell where it was coming from?" Jim asked.

"Not really," she said. "I looked around, but I was tired. Maybe I was even half-dreaming it."

"Okay," Jim said, obviously disappointed. He reached over and squeezed her hand. "No more walking home alone in the dark, right?"

She nodded. "Yeah."

"Hey," Max said in her ear, "you're almost off right? Why don't we go see a movie and get your mind off all this."

Liz hesitated. She was so in love with Max, and there was nothing she'd like better than to spend some time with him, but it could be dangerous too. They couldn't be together. Future Max had made that clear. So if she went out with Max, even as friends, she was not only risking her own heart, but what if Max changed his mind and decided he wanted to be with her again.

"That sounds like a great idea," Jim said. "You should go out and have some fun."

It was harmless, Liz argued with herself. It was just a movie, and she was making too much out of it. Reluctantly she agreed, as her heart won out over her head. "Yeah," she said, "that sounds good."

She sighed. "Can we see a comedy thought?" she asked.

Max smiled. "Exactly what I had in mind."


After the movie, Max took Liz to the nearby Pizza Pan.

He opened the door for her, as she went inside, and he reached out automatically to put his hand on her back, but stopped.

Liz had accepted his help when she was in shock about the murder, but she'd made it clear that she didn't want to be with him.

She'd given him the big speech about wanting to date normal guys and be safe, but he knew it was a lie. Liz loved him, but she felt she had to sacrifice their love to save his people and his planet. She'd even slept with Kyle to convince him that she had moved on.

Even though Max had seen them together, and Liz had told him more than once it had happened, he still couldn't really believe it. Liz wasn't casual about sex. It just wasn't like her.

She wasn't even together with Kyle, as far as he could tell. He never saw them together. They didn't touch or kiss or hold hands, and he was glad. It probably would have killed him to see it.

Their night together seemed to be a one-time thing. Liz said it was a mistake, but he didn't buy that either. It just wasn't something she would do.

He shook his head. But it had happened.

Maybe she'd been desperate. Maybe she'd seen it as the only solution.

Maybe part of what she'd said had been true, and she was in so much pain that she was desperate to break the bond between them, and she saw sleeping with another man as the only option.

But Max didn't think breaking the bond between them was possible.

He was even more convinced of that since she'd saved him in New York.

Isabel couldn't connect with him, but Liz who didn't even know she had powers, had reached him.

It was through the bond they had formed when he healed her, he was positive. What they had was special, and he knew he'd never stop loving her. He didn't think they could ever truly be apart.

He respected her decision to leave him so he could save his people. It was the honorable thing to do, but he thought she was completely wrong.

Liz thought she was in his way, but the truth was that she was his strength and inspiration, his heart and soul. She was everything.

But until he could convince her of that, he would keep up the pretence of trying to be her friend. At least it allowed him to be close to her.

They sat down at a table, across from each other.

"Thanks for hanging out with me," Liz said. "It's nice to do something normal."

Max nodded. "Yeah, it is."

"The movie was funny," she said.

"Yeah," he agreed.

He held her eyes, searching for something, a spark, a hint of what she was thinking, but she was so closed off.

"So," he said, motioning to the menu, "do you want to get our usual?"

"Yeah," Liz said, nodding.

Max sighed. Things were so awkward between them since she'd gotten back from Florida. They were both playing these parts that weren't really them. He wished things could go back to how it was when they were together. They were so close, and so comfortable together.

He could see that Liz wasn't really as okay as she was pretending to be either.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

Shaking her head, she looked down at the table. "I don't know exactly. I just have this feeling that I'm forgetting something."

"Like what?" he asked concerned.

"I'm not sure," she said. "It's just this nagging feeling in the back of my mind that something is wrong."



Re: Lollipop (M/L, CC, mature) pt1 ~ 10/31

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 10:31 am
by RoswellOracle
Thanks for reading guys!

keepsmiling - lol
Earth2Mama - thanks
Smac - thanks. what a nice compliment
begonia - lol
mary mary
Alien_Friend - I know, another fic. yikes! but it just insisted on being written.


Part 2


Liz ran through the dark, deserted streets, as the footsteps behind her got louder.

He was catching up with her.

Panicking, she turned down an alley, dodging a dumpster and some old milk crates. She overcorrected and struck the rough brick exterior of a building, scraping the skin on her arm through her red, leather jacket. But she barely registered the pain. She had to get away from the killer.

She’d changed directions so many times that she didn’t know where she was. No one was around, and she didn’t recognize anything. She just kept running.

Everything had happened so quickly that she hadn’t gotten a look at the killer’s face. One moment he was simply a dark shadow, and the next moment he was after her.

Her heart pounded so loudly she could barely hear anything else, and she gasped for breath, the fear and all the running driving the air from her lungs. She didn’t know how much longer she could keep it up.

Changing directions again, she darted down another alley, trying to find a main street or another populated area.

She could hear his pounding footsteps and labored breathing close behind her and the adrenaline that surged through her gave her a momentary burst of speed.

Dodging down two more alleys, she thought she could hear people ahead and hope surged through her. If she could just get to them, she’d be safe.

Running as fast as she could, she focused her whole being on reaching the end of the dark alley. She found herself chanting in her mind, ‘just a little farther, just a little farther.

The alley seemed to stretch on forever, but finally she could see light spilling in. She dodged past two dumpsters, a broken phone booth laying on its side, and an old oil drum with a fire burning in it, before skidding to a stop.

Blocking her exit was a brick wall that extended a couple of feet over her head.

Throwing her whole body into a jump, she attempted to grab the edge of the wall, but it was just too high. She fell on the ground, and spun around as she heard a soft chuckle.

The killer was only a few feet away, but somehow he was still completely cloaked in darkness. Slowly he moved closer to her, knowing she couldn’t get away.

Liz looked around desperately, trying to see any way to escape, or anything she could use as a weapon, but there was nothing.

Backing up she ran hard into the wall.

She still couldn’t see the killer’s face, or any details that might identify him. All she could see was his arm extending toward her.

Liz screamed, and suddenly sat up in bed. Looking around, it took her a moment to realize where she was, and that she was safe.

She took a deep, calming breath, trying to settle her racing heartbeat. The dream had been so real, unlike anything she’d ever experienced.

And suddenly she didn’t think it was a dream.

It seemed too real, too specific, too detailed. She began to think that maybe she had somehow dreamed the murder.


(Monday, October 23rd)

Hurrying through the halls at school, Liz eagerly looked for Max. She had to tell him what she’d dreamed.

He wasn’t in his homeroom, or near his locker, but finally she found him coming in from the parking lot, obviously in a hurry.

“Max,” she called out, rushing to him. She grabbed his arm. “Max, I have to talk to you.”

Seeing the urgency on her face he nodded. “Sure, let’s go in the Eraser Room.”

Together they went through the crowded halls to the small room, and locked themselves inside.

“What’s going on?” he asked concerned.

“Max,” she started, “I had this dream last night, more like a vision, about the murder. It was so real. It was like I was victim.”

Max was skeptical. “Liz, after what you went through, you don’t think it could just be a dream?”

Her face fell. She’d thought he would listen to her and believe. “No, it wasn’t just a dream. It was like when I was getting those visions when we kissed. Max, I remember the fear and how tired I felt and gasping for air. I was running, and got lost in the alleys, and I was wearing a red, leather jacket that I don’t own. There was this brick wall that blocked the alley and I couldn’t get out. It must have been the murder.”

“Liz,” he said softly.

She cut him off. “We have to go talk to the Sheriff and find out. I’d know the place if I saw it. And, I don’t know, maybe it would help catch him before he kills anyone else.”

Max smiled. “Did you see who the killer was?”

“Well, no,” she admitted. “He always seemed to be in the shadows.”

She shook her head. “And I don’t think it was the first dream either. I think that’s what’s been bothering me. I’ve been having dreams I can’t remember, and then these weird feelings the next day.”

“Okay,” Max said. He didn’t believe she’d had anything other than a nightmare, but he wanted to spend time with her, and he wanted to support her. And maybe if she saw the place in the bright light of day, she would realize for herself it was just a dream.

“I know where the murder happened,” he said. “I’ll stop by the Crashdown after school and we can go take a look.”

Liz exhaled a deep breath. “Thanks, Max.”


Maria moved around the Crashdown, filling coffee cups and taking orders. It was a typical afternoon, not too busy, but enough customers to keep her on her toes.

She handed ketchup to one table, and got more sugar for another, and was just turning to check the status of her orders when Liz came in from the back. She wasn’t working and took a seat at the counter.

Maria turned in her orders to the kitchen and stopped in front of Liz. “What are you up to?”

Liz hadn’t told her friend about her dreams. “Um, I had this vision in my dreams last night, and I think I saw the murder.”

“What?” Maria asked, and then lowered her voice. “What do you mean you saw the murder?”

Briefly Liz told her what she remembered.

Maria shook her head. “How do you know it was real? Liz,” she said softly, “it sounds like you just had a nightmare.”

“I could feel it,” Liz tried to explain. “It was real, and I don’t think the murderer is through. More girls are going to die.”

“Liz,” Maria started again skeptically.

Liz cut her off. “Max is coming and we’re going to go see where it happened, and then I’ll be able to prove it’s real.”

Maria was glad Liz was going somewhere with Max. She thought they belonged together no matter what Liz said. “That’s good,” she said. “So what does Max think about your, um, vision?”

But she didn’t get her answer, because at that moment, Max came in.

He smiled widely when he saw Liz and she felt herself blush. She wondered if Max would ever stop affecting her.

“Are you ready to go?” he asked.

She nodded. “Yeah. I just need to get my jacket.”

When Liz left, Maria grabbed Max by the arm, dragging him to the side. “Are you doing this just because you think it will help you get Liz back, or do you really believe her.”

Max shook his head. “I’m not sure if I believe her or not, but she believes it, and I want to be there for her so she feels safe.”

Maria eyed him skeptically. He hadn’t really answered her question, but she decided not to push. “Just remember that she’s really vulnerable right now. The last thing I need is to help Liz clean up another shattered heart.”

Max’s brow creased. “Liz is the one who slept with Kyle,” he said. “Why does she have a broken heart?”

For a moment Maria looked alarmed, and then she shrugged. “You know, she’s just upset that it didn’t work out between you.”

It was obvious to Max that Maria was lying, but he had no idea why. What was going on?

He only had a minute to wonder about it though, because Liz came back with her jacket.

Turning to Maria, Liz said. “I’ll see you later.”


It only took a few minutes for Max to drive them to the scene of the murder. He parked the Jeep at the mouth of the alley, and turned off the engine.

They both sat, neither of them making a move to get out.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” he asked.

Liz felt shivers running all through her. The hair on her arms was standing up like the air was charged with electricity, and she felt jumpy and nervous.

Swallowing hard she nodded. “I need to see it.”

Max got out of the Jeep and went around to meet Liz. She seemed hesitant and he held his hand out to her. Instantly she took it, and he gave her fingers a light, reassuring squeeze.

Together they walked into the alley, that even in daylight was shrouded in the shadows of the buildings.

Liz shivered again. What a terrible place to die.

Almost immediately, she could tell it wasn’t the alley she’d seen in her dream. It didn’t look right, and there was no wall at the end. She could see all the way out onto the street.

But she kept walking with Max until they reached the place where the girl had been found.

It amazed her that there was still a chalk outline on the ground, and she couldn’t help thinking it’s where the poor girl had taken her last breath.

She must have been so terrified, her heart beating out of her chest as she ran for her life, gasping for air, knowing she might die. The emotions rushed through Liz and it was almost like she could feel what the girl felt.

Slowly leaning down, Liz felt like she had to touch the place. She reached out hesitantly, not sure what to expect, letting her fingers brush the ground.

But nothing happened.

She was somewhat surprised. She’s expected something.

Carefully she pressed her entire palm to the ground, so that her palm was right on the chalk outline. Breathlessly she waited for a moment, but still nothing happened.

She was just about to give up, when she got a creepy feeling up her spine. For a split-second, she thought she was having a reaction to the place, but then she realized it was the feeling you get when someone is watching you.

Glancing at Max was enough to tell her it wasn’t him.

He had a concerned look on his face as he met her eyes, but he wasn’t intently studying her.

She looked around, expecting to see someone else in the alley with them, but there was no one else near. Another shiver shook her body

Max noticed immediately. “What wrong?” he asked, bending down next to her.

“I feel like someone’s watching us,” she said softly.

He looked around carefully, but didn’t see anyone either. Even though he’d suggested coming, he didn’t think it was good for Liz to be there. She was so adamant about coming, that somehow he thought it would help her, but it was just making things worse.

Holding out his hand to her, he said, “Come on. Let’s get away from this place.”

Liz nodded, placing her hand in his, and allowed him to help her up.

Max kept her hand in his as they walked out of the alley, and back to the Jeep, but that contact didn’t chase away the feeling she had of being watched. She glanced around several times, but she never saw anyone.

The ride back to the Crashdown was short and silent. Liz knew Max didn’t even have to ask her if it was the place in her dream. He could see it on her face.

When they reached the café, he went inside with her.

She was so disappointed. She’d been so sure that her dream was a vision, but maybe she was wrong.

One of the waitresses approached her, motioning to the counter. “There’s a package over there for you Liz,”

“Thanks,” she said distractedly.

Liz went behind the counter and picked up the small box. This one was blue and had witches doing various things; riding brooms, stirring cauldrons, waving wands. It was tied with a black bow, and once again her name was handwritten across one corner.

Sliding off the bow, she opened the box to find another dozen lollipops tied with a black bow, and beneath them was another note.

And when she does her shaky rockin' dance
Man, I haven't got a chance

With a scowl, she turned it over, but there was still no signature or other indication of whom it was from.

Max took a seat at the counter in front of her, leaning over to see. “Another gift?” he asked, slightly annoyed.

Liz held it out for him to see. “More suckers,” she said with a shrug, “and another weird note.”

He read the card, and turned it over, feeling another punch of jealously. “Well, at least this one rhymes,” he said humorlessly.

With a sigh, she shoved it all back into the box and put it under the counter, dismissing it, and turned to Max. “I really thought that dream would lead me somewhere, or give me some kind of insight.”

“I know,” he said reassuringly. “Maybe it will make more sense to you later.”

She nodded. “Yeah,” she said disappointed. “I just…”

Sheriff Valenti was suddenly behind them, and obviously out of breath. He put a hand on Max’s shoulder and motioned for Liz to come closer. When she was next to him, he spoke in a low voice. “There’s been another murder.”



Re: Lollipop (M/L, CC, mature) pt2 ~ 11/04

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 10:42 am
by RoswellOracle
Thanks for reading, and for the feedback.
Alien_Friend - no reason for him to be suspicious of the notes -yet :twisted:
Earth2Mama - I forgot to say welcome back! Long time no see!


Part 3


(Tuesday, October 24th)

Max watched Liz across the class they shared. The teacher was lecturing, but he'd lost track of what was being said a long time ago. He was too worried about Liz.

Yesterday when the Sheriff had told them about the second murder, Liz had been convinced it must be the one in her dream.

She'd told the Sheriff all about her dream, giving him as many details as she could remember. The Sheriff listened intently, but then he told her that the murder wasn't anything like her dream.

Valenti had briefly told them that once again the murder took place in an alley, but it was almost a mile away. The victim was a tourist, nineteen years old. She'd been separated from her friends at a bar, and by the time they missed her, it was too late.

She'd been raped and murdered. Strangled with a belt.

Max saw Liz's face fall as the Sheriff told them what happened. He knew she believed her dream was some kind of clue or warning, and he hated to see her disappointed.

He'd almost hoped she had seen something in her dream that could stop the pointless killing.

He knew she'd been upset for months, but Maria had said her heart was broken, and it made him hurt to know she was in pain.

It had seemed they were getting closer after her summer away, and then suddenly she'd tried to set him up with Tess. When that didn't work she'd given him that horrible speech in his room, and then he'd seen her in bed with Kyle.

He still couldn't believe that had happened. She'd told him several times that she'd slept with Kyle, but he didn't really believe her. Everything about it just seemed wrong.

Liz had said sleeping with Kyle was a mistake, but he didn't believe that either. He didn't think she'd make that kind of mistake, especially with her virginity. Liz wouldn't sleep with someone she didn't love.

But he'd seen them. Hadn't he?

Thinking back, he went over every detail he remembered.

He'd approached her window, thinking it was strange how dark it was, and he'd gotten the shock of his life when he'd seen them in bed together.

His horrified eyes had gone from their faces, to Kyle's naked chest, and Liz's bare shoulders and leg sticking out of the blankets. His first reaction was that they'd slept together, and he felt like he'd been kicked in the gut.

Even the guilty expression on Liz's face seemed to support his assumption. But now he was wondering if what he saw was true.

They'd obviously had taken off at least most of their clothes, but it didn't mean they had slept together. Maybe she'd meant to sleep with Kyle, and they hadn't done it before he caught them.

His hopes rose a little at the idea.

What had he really seen?

Her bed was still basically made, not rumpled as he would expect after and they had sex. The two of them were lying side-by-side, but not kissing or touching. They'd been talking to each other. Kyle had said something that made Liz laugh. They weren't out of breath or sweating.

And Liz had held the blankets pulled up around her shyly, as if she didn't want Kyle to see her body. It didn't seem like the behavior of someone who had just had sex.

He was almost positive they hadn't slept together, and a weight lifted from him.

Yes, he would have been sad that Liz had her first time with someone other than him, but he was even more concerned about her.

Somewhere in the back of his mind, he'd worried that he'd been responsible for Liz's actions. He'd thought he'd pushed her to do it, and she'd felt she had to sleep with Kyle to put their relationship behind her. So she'd given away her virginity to someone she didn't love, and then regretted it. But now he knew it wasn't true. Liz hadn't slept with Kyle.

But since he had assumed they'd slept together, Liz used it to push him away.

He wasn't going to let her though. He would do anything to prove they belonged together. And the best thing he could do now, was support Liz.

She felt alone, and she was worried no one believed her. He'd been so happy that the last few days she'd accepted his help, and he wanted her to know that he'd always be there for her.

The bell rang, and she turned, looking toward him.

Max smiled reassuringly, and she smiled back.


Liz shifted nervously as they moved slowly forward. Every step took her reluctantly nearer the door.

"I don't know about this," she said to Maria again. "It just doesn't feel right."

Her friend rolled her eyes. "This is just what you need," she said. "A little fun."

"This isn't exactly my idea of fun," Liz said, looking around. A dilapidated house loomed before them, with strange lights and eerie noises coming from it. She didn't know how she'd let Maria talk her into coming.

"Come on," Maria said. "This is the best haunted house in Roswell."

"Yeah," Liz agreed. "You've been giving me the review all the way here, and the whole time we've been standing in line. I'm just not really in the mood for scary right now."

"Maybe this isn't the best idea," Alex spoke up. "We could go get ice cream or something instead."

Maria hit his arm. "It's freezing out and you want ice cream?" She shook her head. "This is exactly what Liz needs."

Turning to Liz she smiled. "We go to a haunted house every year. You know they're not really scary."

"It's just with everything happening," Liz started, only to be cut off.

"No," Maria said. "Nothing is happening. You're not involved in the murders. You're just having bad dreams. You need something to take your mind off it, that's all."

"I don't know," Alex said.

Maria hit him again, silencing him. "We're going to go inside and have a laugh or two, and you'll feel much better after."

Liz grimaced. No one believed her. Maybe she was making something out of nothing. Reluctantly she nodded. "Okay."

"Yes!" Maria exclaimed, jumping in place. "This will be great. You'll see."

As they stood in line, Maria talked non-stop, and Liz's mind wandered.

She'd gotten another box at the Crashdown after school. It was red with little bats and vampires on it. Inside was a third bouquet of Halloween suckers with another message.

Crazy way she thrills me
Just like a lightning from the sky

The lines were strange, but somehow they seemed familiar. She couldn't get them out of her head, but she couldn't remember where she'd heard them.

Maybe they were from a poem she'd read, or a book, or movie.

She'd meant to try looking them up online, but Maria and Alex had practically dragged her out of the house. She loved spending time with them usually, but tonight there was just so much on her mind, she didn't know how she could enjoy herself.

It wasn't long before they were at the front of the line, and then inside the house. People grouped together, girls grabbing their boyfriends' arms, friends linking elbows, as they slowly moved forward.

The first four or five rooms went by in a blur to Liz. There were flashing lights, screaming girls, and the roars of the employees posing as a variety of monsters. She just wasn't into the spirit of the evening, and was only participating to please Maria.

She also had a creepy feeling that she was being watched. Several times she looked around, but with all the people moving and shifting, she couldn't pinpoint who it was.

Eager to leave, she went forward ahead of the others, entering the next room.

But she stopped dead.

She was in some type of mad scientist lab. There were all kinds of scientific and medical equipment around the room, typical of the mad scientist lab, but the thing that drew her attention was a large table in the middle with a guy in scrubs strapped tightly to it. Instantly her mind went to Max when he'd been held in the White Room.

Pain and sorrow filled her. Max had never really told her what happened to him, but she'd seen flashes when they'd touched and kissed. She knew he been tortured in many different ways, and her heart almost broke whenever she thought of it.

Max was the most kind and gentle person she knew, and for him to be tortured just because he was different was… inhuman.

Tears filled her eyes and she looked away, rushing forward to get to the next door.

Suddenly a wall slid open behind her, and a freak with a chainsaw burst through.

He was dressed in ripped clothes and wearing a mask that appeared to be made of human skin stitched together. He wielded his weapon at the crowd coming in the door, driving them back, separating Liz from the rest of the people. For a second she thought he would turn to her too, but realized he didn't see her.

Across the room, Liz saw Maria and Alex get swept along with the crowd as they screamed and pushed to get away from the buzzing, smoking chainsaw. The freak laughed manically as he raised his weapon, jabbing it at the crowd, pushing them back into the previous room, separating her from her friends completely.

Normally she'd wait for them, but she couldn't stand to be in the room any longer. Instantly she decided she'd wait for them in the next room.

Slipping into the small, twisted hallway, she was surprised to find it almost completely dark. She could hardly see anything, even her hand in front of her face. Putting a hand to the wall, she felt her way slowly along. Somewhere ahead, there was a strange scraping noise, but she couldn't tell what it was. Just more scary effects, she thought.

The hall turned several times, until she was unsure what direction she was going, but finally it opened up into the next room.

The room was also dark. Dim lights filtered from small holes on the ceiling, making a sort of striping effect down the walls. The only real light was a strange horizontal beam of flickering green that was projected across the room from near the door. Liz thought it must be a laser. It spread out across the room in a triangle, getting larger, but somehow illuminated nothing.

There were also several machines that were slowly pumping thick fog into the room. It oozed down the walls, creeping across the floor, making everything seem like it was shifting.

Although she couldn't see anyone, or sense another person in the room, she was sure someone was in the dark. The feeling of being watched intensified, and her eyes darted around.

Obviously she couldn't wait in there. She couldn't see well enough to know if Maria and Alex came in the room.

Slowly Liz shuffled forward, careful not to trip on anything. It was difficult to see where the other side of the room was because the light spread out as it reached across the space, becoming dimmer.

She concentrated on the stripes of light she could barely make out across the room, through the fog, hoping they were the way out.

When she was about halfway across, she felt someone brush their fingers through her hair.

Instantly she turned, reaching out. "Maria," but the rest of the words died in her throat as she touched a hard, masculine chest. Instantly she withdrew her hand.

"Alex?" she said.

In the dim light all she could see was a tall, dark figure. He didn't answer, but she could tell it wasn't him from the vague shape of his outline. This guy was bigger and beefier than Alex.

"I'm sorry," Liz apologized. "I thought you were someone else. I got separated from my friends."

Still he didn't say anything, and she started to get a bad feeling. She felt really stupid for not following Maria and Alex and being caught alone. She wanted to go back and find them, but the guy was blocking her exit.

Then the sudden thought popped in her head. He could be the killer.

Backing toward the other side of the room, she said. "I'm just going to go in the next room and wait."

As she slowly backed away, she watched him in the dim light, and he didn't move at all. He just simply stood there.

With her every step she expected him to rush at her, and it felt like her heart would beat out of her chest.

Carefully she watched him as she backed away, and his shape grew dimmer in the low light until she couldn't see him at all. Somehow it made her more uneasy, and she was debating whether to turn and make a run for it, when she finally felt the wall behind her. She didn't want to turn around and look for the doorway, but luckily she felt it to the side.

Swallowing hard, she backed through it, into the dark hallway, feeling her way along the wall.

Thinking she had gotten away, she started to relax, until she heard the faint whistling. It was low, and seemed off-key just like she heard the night of the murder.

She didn't wait to see if the tune was the same. Horror filled her and she just turned and ran.

The hall turned several more times and with each turn it got lighter, and finally she stumbled into the next room. But she was totally shocked to see Maria and Alex already there.

They rushed to greet her. "Where did you go?" Alex asked.

"I was in that dark room," Liz said. "How did you get past me?"

"What dark room?" Maria asked.

Liz's eyebrows drew together. "What do you mean? The room that was almost completely dark."

Maria shook her head. "We didn't go through a room like that."

"It was the room before this one," Liz insisted. "You must have come through it."

Alex was looking at her with concern. "We didn't Liz. The room we came from had a whole Dracula theme going on, with a coffin in a castle."

"How is that possible?" Liz said, starting to panic. "I was in a room that was completely dark, and there was this guy in there, and he touched my hair. He wouldn't say anything, and I started to think he was the killer. And then he whistled, just like that night."

"Hey," Alex said, putting an arm around her. "Nothing happened. You're safe."

He hugged her briefly. "That guy was probably just an employee trying to creep you out. And it's possible that they can move the walls around to change the order of the rooms. This is just a big empty warehouse with temporary wooden walls. I'm sure that's all there is to it."

Shivering she pressed against him. "Yeah," she said weakly. It was obvious Alex didn't believe her, but she just felt something wasn't right.

Alex scowled over Liz's head at Maria. "Maybe this wasn't such a good idea," he said. "There's an exit over there, we'll just leave."


Alex stopped his car in front of the Crashdown and turned to Liz. "Are you sure you're okay?"

Liz nodded automatically. "Yeah, I just got a little freaked out."

He smiled sadly. "You have a right to get freaked out. What happened was awful."

Putting a hand on her hand, he asked, "Do you want me to walk you inside?"

"No," she said. "I'm fine."

He nodded. "Call me if you need anything, or just to talk."

Reaching across the car, she hugged him. "Thanks."

Exiting the car, Liz walked through the door and into the Crashdown dining room. It was late and the café was closing, but there were still a few customers, and in one of the booths, Liz saw Max.

Immediately she felt better.

Max stood when he saw her and they moved at the same time to meet each other.

"What are you doing here?" she asked softly.

"Alex called," he said, "and told me you got upset at the haunted house. I thought I'd come over and we could talk, and you could tell me what happened."

Liz sighed. "I'd like that."

They went upstairs, and out through Liz's window to her balcony.

Liz sat down on the lounge chair, wrapping her arms around herself.

Max pulled the small charcoal barbeque closer to the chair and used the long-handled lighter hanging on the side to start it.

Liz scowled, watching him do it. "Why didn't you just use your powers to do it?" she asked softly.

"What?" Max asked, turning to her.

"The fire," she explained. "Why didn't you use your powers to light the fire?"

Max glanced at his hands and then the fire, and shrugged. "I don't know. I guess I'm just used to doing things the human way. I was always afraid if I used my powers too much that I'd forget and do it in front of a human."

Liz sat up straighter, leaning toward him. "Doesn't that bother you? What if aliens attack you again, and you aren't ready? What if you forget to use your powers at a crucial time? You've been suppressing your powers, and trying to fit in as a human all these years. What if you don't react when you need to and it gets you hurt or killed?"

Max looked at her closely. She was shivering slightly and he pulled the blanket off the back of the lounger and wrapped it around her. Putting an arm around her shoulders, he sat next to her and rubbed her arms, using just a bit of power to warm her up.

"We've killed all the Skins," he said reassuringly. "Only Nicholas is left, and by himself he can't do much to us."

"And maybe Lonnie and Rath," Liz suggested. "We don't know what happened to them."

Max shrugged. "Tess can't remember what happened exactly, but she thinks maybe she killed them, like the Skins. Burned them to cinders."

"You didn't find any trace of them." Liz said.

"No," Max agreed, "but we weren't really looking either. But even if they are still alive, they're smart. They know they can't trick us again, and there is noting they can gain from coming back."

He took Liz's shoulders, turning her gently so she was facing him, and held her eyes as he spoke. "We're all okay," he said softly. "We won't let anyone get hurt."

Tears formed in her eyes. She knew how wrong he was. In fourteen years their enemies were coming to Earth.

"You can't think that way," she said. "You don't know what will happen in the future."

Max nodded. He could see that she was really worried. "You're right," he said, cupping her cheek. "We don't know what will happen. All we can do it try to be ready, but we can't live in fear of the future."

Liz wiped at her eyes and tried to smile. He was right, of course, except she did know what the future held.

He smiled back. "So do you want to tell me what happened tonight?" he asked softly. "Tell me why you're so upset."

She took a deep breath. "I think the killer was at the haunted house tonight," she said.

"What?" he asked, sitting up straighter. "Why do you think that?"

"I don't have any proof," she said, "and I know Maria and Alex don't believe me, but Max I just have this feeling it was him."

Briefly she explained. "I felt like I was being watched the whole time I was there. I got separated from Alex and Maria and went into this weird room that was almost completely dark, and I'm not even sure if it was really a part of the haunted house. At first I thought I was alone, but someone touched my hair, and he wouldn't say anything."

She shivered remembering. "I got this really bad feeling. I just knew it was him. I got out as fast as I could and," she paused as her throat got tight, "and I heard him whistling, like the night the first girl was killed."

"It was the same song?" Max asked.

"I don't know," she admitted. "I didn't stay to hear it, but I think he's coming after me."

He shook his head. "Liz…"

She cut him off. "Max, listen to me. You know when I was getting those visions when we kissed. The dream felt like that. I was in the action, not just watching. I was the girl running away from the killer."

She paused. "What if I'm getting a vision about a murder, and, I don't know, I'm somehow connecting with the victim."

Max's brow creased. "But why would you be seeing it?"

Shaking her head, she shrugged. "I didn't see her face. Maybe I know her. Or maybe it's me in the vision. The only reason I can think of is maybe the dreams are a warning that he's coming after me."

"So you think it was the future?" Max asked.

"It's possible, isn't it?" she asked, almost pleading with him to believe her.

He could see how desperately she needed his support, and he took her hands. "At this point, I'd say anything was possible."



Re: Lollipop (M/L, CC, mature) pt3 ~ 11/11

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 11:16 am
by RoswellOracle
Thanks for reading guys!

Mary mary
Earth2Mama – lol, hope you enjoy the Zan smut
Luna_seer – lol
Alien_Friend – I haven’t forgotten you. I am busy working!


Part 4


(Wednesday, October 25th)

“Wait,” Michael said skeptically, looking at Max across a table at the Crashdown. “Liz thinks she’s having visions in her sleep.”

Max sighed, trying to explain. “She’s really upset about these murders…”

Michael shook his head, cutting him off. “She’s crazy,” he said, dismissively, motioning to Liz who was serving customers across the cafe.

“She had visions before,” Max pointed out. “All I’m saying is maybe…”

“No way,” Michael said. He stopped, his eyes focusing on Max. “Unless you two are …” he trailed off, raising his eyebrow.

“No,” Max said, glancing at Liz and shaking his head.

“There you go,” Michael said decisively. “She’s not having any visions without you.”

“I don’t know,” Max said. “Liz contacted me in New York, and Ava said she was changed. We don’t really know what that means.”

Michael’s brow creased. “So you’re buying this?”

“I’m not sure,” Max admitted. “She is so positive, and I want to support her no matter what is happening. Not to mention two women have been murdered, and if she is having visions, maybe they can tell us something.”

Michael nodded, watching Max closely. “You also didn’t mention that you are using this to get close to her.”

Max didn’t answer. “So she had that weird experience at the haunted house last night.”

“Yeah,” Michael said, “Maria told me.”

“Liz is convinced that it was the killer,” Max said.

“Right,” Michael scoffed. “A psycho-killer is working at a haunted house.”

“So after school,” Max continued, “I took Liz to see Valenti, and she told him the whole thing.”

“What did Valenti say?” asked Michael curiously.

“I don’t know if he believed her, but he said he’d look into it.” Max glanced at Liz again. “It seemed to calm her down a little.”

Michael shook his head. “She’s just seen one too many horror movies.”

“I’m not sure,” Max admitted. “But it was definitely strange, and she was really upset.”

“Well,” Michael suggested, “why don’t you offer to let her use you to try and get a vision.”

Max scowled. “Right. Hey, Liz, I know we aren’t together, but I’ll let you make out with me to see if you get a vision.”

“You don’t have to phrase it like that,” Michael said. “Just offer to connect with her, and see if you get a flash.”

Max thought about it for a moment. “I’d like to, but I don’t want to push her.”

Michael shrugged. “So,” he said, “what are you going to do?”

“I’m going to be there for her,” Max said, watching Liz walk across the restaurant, “and I’m going to keep her safe.”


After her shift at the Crashdown, Liz talked to Max for a while in one of the booths. He’d absolutely refused to leave until the place was locked up securely and he knew she was safe for the night.

By the time he left, it was getting late, and she went directly up to her room.

Turning on her light, she crossed to her desk, to do her homework, but stopped as something outside caught her eye.

Going to the window, she was surprised to see a bouquet of roses out on her balcony.

She opened her window, climbing out to get a closer look.

A large bouquet of orange and black roses, tied with a black ribbon was sitting on her lounge chair. It was unusual, but beautiful, and appropriate for the season. She’d never seen either color before.

Her first thought was that Max had left them for her, and she felt a rush of happiness

Walking over, she picked them up, holding them to her nose and inhaling deeply. The scent was strong and sweet, and she smiled, but it quickly turned to a frown.

Underneath the roses was another bouquet of black, white and orange suckers.

The roses weren’t from Max, they were from her secret admirer.

Maria, of course, thought it was so romantic, but Liz just found it annoying. With everything else going on, the last thing she needed was to drag some poor guy into her life. She couldn’t give him any kind of relationship. She was still so much in love with Max.

She doubted she’d ever have a real relationship again. After Max it just seemed impossible. How was she supposed to settle for ordinary when she’d had perfection? How was she supposed to love anyone else, when she’d found her soulmate?

Whoever this guy was sending the flowers and candy, she was doomed to break his heart.

And why was he waiting so long to say who he was?

Maria had a theory about that too. She thought he was working his way up to asking her on a date. Maybe even to the upcoming school Halloween carnival.

If that was the case, he wasn’t giving himself much time. The carnival was only a few days away. And how did he know she wasn’t already going with someone?

Searching through the flowers, Liz finally located the note.

Her kiss is sweeter than cherry pie

A shiver of reaction went through Liz.

Maybe it was meant to be romantic, but she thought the note was kind of creepy. Who was this person thinking about kissing her?

And he’d been on her balcony. How did he even know about it? Had he followed her?

Suddenly she had the feeling that someone was watching her.

Looking around, she quickly scanned the dark buildings nearby, but saw nothing.

She’d never really thought about how vulnerable she was on her balcony. Hers was the only light, and anyone around would easily be able to see her.

Scooping up the roses and candy, she climbed awkwardly though the window, shutting and locking it, and drawing the curtains.

She put the flowers and suckers aside and took the card over to her computer. She’d meant to look up the lines on the other cards anyway. These new words sounded even more familiar. Maybe it was supposed to be some kind of clue.

Sitting down, she went to a search engine, and started to type.

The search brought up hundreds of thousands of entries. Way too many to look through.

She frowned, thinking, and then remember to put the words in quotation marks.

Clicking search again, she was surprised to see there were no results.

She was sure she’d heard the words before. She entered them again, only using some of the words, in different combinations. There were some results, but nothing that matched the card.

It was possible that whatever the source was it hadn’t been entered online, she supposed, but she didn’t know another way to find them.

Suddenly she had an idea. Internet searches weren’t her best thing, but Alex was brilliant at computers. She needed his help.

Picking up the phone, she pressed his number on speed-dial. It was late, but she knew he’d be up.

He answered after only one ring. “Liz, how are you?”

She smiled, hearing the concern in his voice. “I’m fine, Alex. I called with a favor.”

“Sure,” he answered. “What do you need?”

“I told you about the suckers I’ve been getting,” she explained, “and the cards with them. Well the last two sayings on the cards have seemed really familiar, and I was wondering if they were quotes from a book or movie, or maybe a poem.”

Alex caught on immediately. “You want me to do an internet search.”

“Yes,” Liz said, relieved. “I tried, but I couldn’t find anything. I’d really appreciate it if you’d work some of your magic.”

“No problem,” Alex assured her. “So, you don’t have any idea who is sending them?”

Liz shook her head. “Not at all, and it’s starting to creep me out. Tonight there were roses and more suckers on my balcony.”

“He was on your balcony?” Alex asked concerned.

“I’m not just overreacting then,” she said. “That is creepy, right?”

Alex didn’t want to upset her. “Well,” he started, “maybe he thought it would be romantic, and didn’t consider the fact that he his actions could be considered stalker-ish.”

“Maybe,” Liz said. “But that is why I’d like to know who it is.”

“Of course,” Alex agreed. “Is there anyone you suspect? Some guy who talks to you in class?”

“I talk to all kinds of people, every day,” Liz said. “I’ve known ninety percent of them my whole life. We’ve been to Elementary, Jr. High, and now High School together.”

“Well,” Alex said, “is there anyone who’s been paying more attention to you than usual. You know, flirting with you, or trying to be near you?”

Liz shrugged, forgetting Alex couldn’t see her on the phone. “I don’t know. I can’t think of anyone. I never really pay attention to that stuff.”

Alex chuckled. He should have known. Liz was beautiful and smart, but she’d never thought of herself that way. And he knew no guy had a chance with her. She only had eyes for Max.

“Okay,” Alex said, “give me the lines from the cards, and I’ll start looking. We’ll see if we can figure out who he is.”

“Thanks, Alex,” Liz said gratefully.

Liz completed her homework in a little over an hour, and by the time she was finished, she was completely exhausted.

She shortened her bedtime routine to only brushing her teeth, and then she pulled on her warm pajamas and climbed under the blankets.

Closing her eyes, she fell asleep almost immediately.

It was the whistling that woke her not long after.

She jolted up in bed, clutching the sheets around her as her eyes quickly darted around her room. She didn’t see anyone, and everything seemed to be in place, but then she remembered her dream.

As she lay asleep in bed, a shadowy figure had come onto her balcony, opening her window and silently slipped into her room. He’d walked around, touching her things, and then he stood next to her bed, watching her sleep.

For a long time his eyes slid over her, and finally he reached out, stroking her hair.

She stirred a little under his touch, and he leaned in, deeply inhaling her scent. He continued to stroke her hair as he whispered in her ear. “Soon.”

Lightly trailing his fingers down the blanket, along the line of her body, he made his way back to the window. Climbing out, he closed it again, but stopped to look back at her, and started to whistle, in low, long, out-of-tune notes. The same whistle she’d heard in the alley the night of the first murder.

That’s when she’d jolted awake. The killer had been in her room, touching her.

Heart racing, she leapt out of bed, rushing to the window and throwing the curtains aside, expecting to see him on her balcony. But no one was there.

Reaching out, she pushed at the window she’d seen him use in her dream, but it was still locked.

Disappointment and relief flooded her. No one had been in her room. It was only a dream. She’d been thinking about the murders so much, it was no wonder she’d dreamt about it.

With a sigh she went back to her bed, and started to climb back in, when something caught her eye.

On her bedside table was one of the heart-shaped Halloween suckers.


(Thursday, October 26th)

“Come on, Liz,” Maria exclaimed, as they walked down the hall at school. “You said yourself that your windows were still locked. No one could get into your room.”

“I know,” Liz said, trying to explain, “but what about the sucker. I didn’t put it there.”

“You don’t remember putting it there,” Maria corrected. “You said yourself you were exhausted. You have dozens of those suckers lying around, and you got more last night. So you forgot and put one on your table.”

Liz shook her head. “I don’t think...”

Maria smiled putting an arm around her, already dismissing the subject.

“You know, you have way more suckers than any one person should eat, ever. We should start selling them at the Crashdown, or giving them away with the purchase of a meal. You certainly shouldn’t eat that much sugar. It isn’t good for you. Not to mention what it could do to your hips.”

She continued on, but Liz didn’t hear anything she said. Again she felt like someone was watching her. Looking around, she didn’t see anyone out of place. Maybe it was her secret admirer.

Or maybe, she thought, the killer was someone from the school. It could be a student, a teacher, a janitor, a counselor, anyone.

Studying each face carefully, she felt a chill run through her body. She’d never considered she might know the killer. And that would explain why he was working at the haunted house too. It was mostly staffed by students from around the area. She’d probably known half the workers there.

Scanning the area quickly, she tried to see if anyone was paying attention to them. A few people smiled or waved when she looked at them, but nothing that seemed weird or out of place.

Down the hall, she saw Michael, and when she caught his eye, he dipped his head in acknowledgement. And Liz wondered if Max had asked him to watch out for her.

A chill raced through her body in reaction.

Maria calling her name, brought her back to the present.

“Liz. Liz, you’re shivering.”

“It’s freezing in here,” Liz lied. She knew Maria would never believe the real reason that she thought the killer was in the school and watching them.

“Um, yeah,” Maria said dismissively. “So put on a sweater.”

Liz nodded. No matter what Maria, Alex, or Max believed, something weird was going on, she was sure of it.


Max watched Liz carefully across the table at lunch. He’d been watching her a lot lately, especially since the murders started.

He told himself it was to make sure she was safe, and that was part of it, but the more he watched her, the more he could tell she wasn’t okay.

Sure, she was upset about the murders and her dreams, but something else was really bothering him about her, and he couldn’t shake it off. Yes, the murders were more important, but he kept wondering about her actions with Kyle.

It was obvious she wasn’t with Kyle. She wasn’t sitting with him, and hadn’t looked at him once. Kyle was sitting with Tess, and they were laughing about something.

Max was sure Liz had never slept with him. So why all the lies? Why the elaborate plan with Kyle?

The more he thought about it he was sure that was a set up too.

It was on the night of the Gomez concert, and she had to know he’d be coming by her house to try and change her mind about going. She hadn’t closed her bedroom curtains to keep out prying eyes, and Max knew she wasn’t an exhibitionist.

And why bother to stage a scene to make it appear that she’d slept Kyle unless she had witnesses? Otherwise no one would ever know.

He was sure of it. Liz never had any intention of sleeping with Kyle, she had simply set him up to see her in bed with Kyle, to push him away.

Although he was sure he was right, he struggled with what to do with the knowledge.

He wanted to confront her, and get all the lies out in the open, but he didn’t want to upset her more. With the murders and Liz’s dreams, it couldn’t be a worse time.

Maybe he should offer to connect with her to see her dreams, and hope instead to see something about Kyle. But that didn’t feel right. He didn’t want to lie to her, and it seemed like he was invading her privacy.

Throughout the rest of the day, he wondered what to do, and finally he decided. He would go to the Crashdown after school, get Liz alone, and talk to her about it.


Alex hurried into the Crashdown, excited to share his news with Liz. He’d been searching in his spare time all day at school, and finally he’d found what she was looking for.

Liz was sitting in a booth in the back with Max, and Alex smiled. He’d always thought they belonged together, and he was glad to see them together so much lately.

He was also glad to see Liz so relaxed. She’d been so upset the last few days. Being with Max was good for her, even if she didn’t realize it.

“Hey,” he said, sliding into the booth next to Liz, “I got that information you wanted. It’s lyrics from a song.”

Liz smiled. “I knew you could do it. I couldn’t figure out what I was doing wrong.”

“You weren’t doing anything wrong, I’m sure,” he said. “At first I couldn’t find anything either. I just searched for smaller groups of words, and finally found it. The original song was written to a guy. Whoever is sending the notes changed it to a girl, and they also changed some of the other words.”

“Well,” Liz said excitedly, “what song is it?”

“It’s called Lollipop,” Alex said.

Liz shook her head. I don’t know that song.

“Me either,” Max said.

“I’m sure you do,” Alex assured them. “It’s one of those classic songs that they use in movies and on commercials.” He started singing softly. “Lollipop, lollipop, Oh lolli lolli lolli, Lollipop.”

“Oh sure,” Liz said, “I’ve heard that before, but I wouldn’t have known the lyrics were from that song.”

Alex reached into his satchel. “I printed out the sheet music for you.”

He handed it to her, pointing out the lyrics on the cards.

Liz studied it closely, frowning. “I thought if I knew what song it was, I might know who was sending the suckers,” she shrugged, “or I guess they must be lollipops, to go with the song.” She sighed. “But I still don’t have any more information than I did before.”

She looked from Alex to Max. “Does this song mean anything to either of you?”

Max shook his head. “I’ve heard it, but that’s all.”

Alex shrugged.

“Well, thanks for finding it for me,” Liz said. “That’s one less thing on my mind, anyway.”

“No problem,” Alex assured her. “Glad to help.”

Max looked at Alex, begging with his eyes for him to understand. “Would you let Liz out?” he said. “I really need to talk to her privately.”

Alex saw the intense expression in Max’s face and got of the booth. “Sure. No problem.”

“Can we go in the back?” Max asked Liz. “It’s important.”

Liz looked slightly worried, but she nodded.

When they got into the back room, Max made sure no one was around before he spoke.

“Liz,” he started, “I know you didn’t sleep with Kyle.”

She opened her mouth to protest, but he cut her off. “Let me finish,” he said. “I know you didn’t sleep with Kyle, and I know you set me up to see you in bed with him. And I’m assuming you did it to push me away.”

Liz remained silent, her eyes wide, and shining with the start of tears.

“But what I want to know,” he continued, “is why? Why would you do that to us? Why would you throw away our love?”

“Max,” Liz said softly as tears gathered in her eyes, “I had to. We can’t be together. We can’t be in love. You have to be with Tess. You know this.”

He shook his head. “I don’t know that. And who says I have to be with Tess? Some book that we don’t even know how to read? I don’t love her. I never could.”

Tears spilled down her cheeks. “That’s why I had to make you fall out of love with me,” she explained. “That way you and Tess would at least have a chance.”

“What are you talking about?” Max asked. “Love doesn’t work like that. You don’t just get over it.”

He cupped her cheek wiping away the moisture. “I never stopped loving you,” he said fiercely, “even when I thought you’d been with Kyle. You broke my heart, but I never stopped loving you.”

“It’s impossible,” she whispered, “you couldn’t still love me after that.”

“I’ll always love you,” he promised. “Nothing could turn me away from you.”

Liz shook her head. “But that’s not right,” she said, mostly talking to herself. “Something changed. Something happened.”

Max’s brow creased in confusion. “What do you mean?”

She looked at him panicking. What was she going to do?

At that moment, Sheriff Valenti came through, looking haggard and worried, and Alex was right behind him. “Something’s happened,” he said.

Liz looked from Valenti to Alex. “What?”

Max could see the strained expression on Liz’s face and went to stand behind her. He put his hands on her upper arms reassuringly, preparing for bad news.

“What’s going on, Sheriff?” Max asked.

“There have been two more murders,” Jim said, looking at Liz, “and one of them was exactly like in your dream.”



Re: Lollipop (M/L, CC, mature) pt4 ~ 11/18

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 1:10 pm
by RoswellOracle
Thanks guys for all the great feedback. I’m glad you are enjoying.

Earth2Mama – aliens? Nooooo. :lol: And yeah, you are getting your Zan fix!
Keepsmiling7 – are you sneaking into my house and reading my notes? :D
Alien_Friend – hhhmmmm, I’m not telling, yet :wink:
Natalie36 :twisted:
Luna_seer – poor Liz though, to be right at the expense of two deaths.
Begonia9508 – let the conspiracy theories start!
XAF RU208 – thanks. I love a good mystery too.
Mary mary – :lol: No, they are always in the middle of everything, aren’t they.
Dreamerfriend – Liz didn’t have much choice about telling Max, but she is stubborn.


Part 5


At that moment, Sheriff Valenti came through, looking haggard and worried, and Alex was right behind him. “Something’s happened,” he said.

Liz looked from Valenti to Alex. “What?”

Max could see the strained expression on Liz’s face and went to stand behind her. He put his hands on her upper arms reassuringly, preparing for bad news.

“What’s going on, Sheriff?” Max asked.

“There have been two more murders,” Jim said, looking at Liz, “and one of them was exactly like in your dream.”

Liz was stunned.

“What?” Max asked. “What do you mean it’s like her dream?”

“There are only a few alleys with walls at the end like Liz described,” Jim explained, “so I went and checked them.” He turned to her. “There was one, just like you said, with a broken phone booth lying on its side, and an oil drum that had obviously had a recent fire in it. And just past it I found a body.”

Liz was shaking her head, and Jim continued. “She was wearing a red leather jacket. It looks like she’s been there a few days. Maybe even longer than the first body we found.”

“And it’s the same killer?” Liz asked softly.

Valenti nodded. “Looks like it. She was raped and killed with a blow to the head.”

“Who was it?” Liz said.

“Her name was Alicia Young. She was a tourist from Kansas.”

Liz shook her head again. “But why did I dream about her murder? I couldn’t have known her.”

“And the other murder?” Max asked.

“It happened last night,” Jim said. “A recent grad from Goddard High, Tina Gonzales. She was at the haunted house you went to, and got separated from her friends. She was also raped, and then beaten to death.”

Liz gasped. “I knew he was there.”

The Sheriff held out a file toward Liz. “You’re connected to this somehow,” he said. “I brought in photos of all the victims to see if you recognize them, or maybe you’ll get another vision or something.”

Liz swallowed hard, nodding. She’d wanted her dream to mean something, but it was so real, and now two more girls were dead.

She took the folder the Sheriff had, and opened it slowly, dreading what she might see inside.

Max pressed his body to hers, rubbing her back supportively.

Liz was glad to have him there. Everything seemed so much easier with him around.

She sighed in relief when she saw the pictures. Somehow she was expecting to see photos of the girls after they were dead, but these were recent snapshots.

Putting her hand on each one, she studied the faces carefully. She’d never seen the first girl, or the second, but she recognized the third one instantly.

Touching the photo, she looked up at the Sheriff. “I know her. I served her here a few days ago.”

Jim glanced at the photo. “That’s Alicia,” he said. “The girl you had the dream about.”

“That explains why you had a connection to her,” Max said softly.

Liz nodded as tears gathered in her eyes. “I can’t believe she’s dead,” she said. “I was just talking to her. She said she was on her way to L.A.”

Closing the folder, she handed it back to the Sheriff. “She’s the only one I recognize.”

He nodded. “I hate to ask, but have you had any other dreams about this?”

“Well,” Liz said, ”I did have another dream last night, that the killer came into my room and touched me.”

It was the first Max had heard of it. “What else happened?” he asked apprehensively.

“Nothing,” she said. “He just left.”

“So it wasn’t like the other dream,” Max said, relieved.

“I don’t know,” Liz admitted. “I thought it was real when I woke up, but my window was still locked.” She sighed. “I know it sounds crazy,” she said.

She shook her head. “And I felt like I was being watched when I was at school, and it made me think the killer could be a student or a teacher. And maybe they even worked at the haunted house too.”

Valenti nodded. “We’re already checking out the employees of the haunted house, and checking the students and staff at the high school is a good idea too.”

He paused. “Have you noticed anyone acting suspiciously? Someone talking to you, or looking at you a lot?”

“No,” Liz said, “nothing like that. But I talk to lots of people at school. I’ve known most of them all my life.”

“Think about it tonight,” Jim said, “and see if you can remember anything else. Any leads might help us.”

He rubbed his face in a tired gesture. “We usually only have ten or so murders in a year. With four murders in a week, we’ll have the State Police and FBI here any day. I’ll keep you out of their investigation as long as I can.”

The door to the dining room opened, and Liz’s co-worker, Tammy, came in with a box. Smiling she held it out to Liz. “Another present from your admirer,” she said.

Liz took the box with a tired sigh. “Thanks.”

Max frowned, but he had bigger things to worry about than some guy who had a crush on Liz.

Tammy went back through the door and Liz waited for her to be out of sight to open it. Certainly there were more pressing issues, but she wanted to take her mind off the murders if only for a moment.

This box was dark blue with dancing skeletons on it. Her name was written across the corner, and it was tied with a black bow, just like the others she’d received.

Max took the Sheriff aside while Liz was distracted. “I didn’t want to say anything in front of Liz,” he said, “but all of the murdered girls look just like her, small, dark hair and eyes.”

Jim nodded. “I know.”

“She could be in danger,” Max said. “That dream she had. The killer might come after her because she’s his type.”

Jim’s jaw clenched. “It’s possible.” He glanced at Liz. “I think we should listen to her instincts about this. She thought the killer was at the haunted house, and now one of the victims was there. I’m checking out all the employees as we speak. Maybe we’ll get lucky and catch this guy before he kills again.”

Liz’s gasp of horror and the sound of the box hitting the floor made them spin toward her.

“What’s wrong?” Max asked, going to her.

Her face was white and she was shaking.

Alex bent down, picking up the box and its contents. There was another bouquet of suckers, tied with a black ribbon, a card, and a leather dog collar with studs on it, attached to a long leash.

Looking at the card, Alex’s face hardened, and he held out the note for Max and Valenti to see.

If I had a choice
She'd be on my prick

Instantly Max was enraged. He took Liz in his arms, hugging her tightly.

Jim reached for the suckers. “Who sent these to you?”

“She doesn’t know,” Max answered for her. “She’s been getting them the last few days. We thought they were from a secret admirer. Every time there’s been a note, but this is the first one like that.”

“We just figured out that the lines are from the song, Lollipop,” Alex said. “But whoever is sending the notes is changing the lyrics to make them personal.”

Jim held up the bunch of suckers. “At each murder scene, we’ve found a sucker just like these.”

“What?” Liz asked. “The murderer’s been sending the suckers?”

“We don’t know that,” Jim assured her. “It could just be a coincidence.”

“You don’t think so,” Max said, perceptively.

“He was on my balcony,” Liz said numbly.

“What?” Max asked, hearing it for the first time. “When?”

“Did you see him?” Jim asked at the same time.

Liz shook her head. “Last night sometime, he left flowers and more suckers on my balcony.”

“You could be in danger,” Jim said. “We’ve got to tell your parents right away, and I’ll put a deputy outside your house.”

“And I’m staying here,” Max said fiercely. “I’ll keep you safe.”

While Sheriff Valenti went to talk to Jeff and Nancy Parker, Max and Alex went with Liz into her room.

Max walked to her windows, holding his hand out. “I can make this glass shatterproof, so nothing can break through it, and fix your locks so no one can get them open from the outside.”

Liz shivered. “Good,” she said, still feeling numb.

As she watched him pass his hand over each window, her mind was churning. She wanted Max to stay and make her feel safe, but at the same time it wasn’t a good idea. He’d figured out so much of the truth about her and Kyle, and he said he still loved her.

But how was that possible? She assumed Future Max disappeared because Max had stopped loving her, but now she knew that wasn’t the case. So what had changed? And was it enough?

No matter what, she shouldn’t be with Max. But how was she going to convince him of that now?

At that moment Liz’s parents came into her room, hugging her tightly.

“It’s going to be okay,” Nancy promised.

“We won’t let this guy anywhere near you,” Jeff said.

Valenti went to the windows, checking them.

Max caught his eye and nodded.

“These windows are nice and secure,” Jim said, “no one is getting through there without smashing them, but we should check the balcony.”

“I have a security cover for the ladder,” Jeff said. “We haven’t put it on so we could use it as a fire escape, but I’ll get it now.”

He was back in moments, and he, Max and the Sheriff locked it in place.

“I’m sure you’ll be safe,” Jim said reassuringly. “The other girls got separated from their friends, and you’re not alone.”

Liz felt like she was suddenly living in a fortress, but she knew it was for her protection.

She just wondered how long it was going to take to catch the murderer.


Liz quickly put on her waitress uniform, already late for her shift. She was adjusting her antenna when Maria burst into the back room.

Rushing to her, Maria embraced her best friend tightly. “Are you okay?” she asked, and then answered her own question. “No, of course you’re not with a psycho after you. But we’ll keep you safe,” she promised, releasing her. “Your parents, the Sheriff, and Max would never let anything happen to you.”

Liz nodded.

Maria rushed on. “And I’m really sorry about not believing your dreams. Wow, you were exactly right. I can’t believe you saw,” she lowered her voice to a whisper, looking around to see that no one was listening, “the murder.”

“It all seems so surreal,” Liz said, “like it happened to someone else. This whole situation is like something out of a movie.”

“And you’ve had other dreams you can’t remember,” Maria said. “What if you dreamed the other murders?”

“There’s no way to know,” Liz said. “I’ve tried to remember, but I just can’t.”

“What about Max?” Maria suggested. “Maybe he could connect with you and help you remember.”

Liz shook her head. “I can’t let Max connect with me. He might see something about,” she lowered her voice to a whisper, “about the other Max.”

“But if it could help save a life...” Maria started.

Liz cut her off. “I’m trying to save all of us. The whole world. And there is no way to know if I had that dream before, during, or after the murder. So we don’t know if seeing the other dreams would help at all.”

“But it might,” Maria argued. “Maybe you would see the killer, or who the next victim is. You could just tell Max the truth…”

“No,” Liz said emphatically. “He can’t know. Ever. The other Max made that clear. It could ruin everything.”

Maria nodded, taking in Liz’s words, and decided for now to let the subject drop. “I can’t believe your parents aren’t freaking out more.”

“They freaked out plenty last night,” she said. “They didn’t want me going to school or working until this is over,” Liz said. “But I would go crazy just sitting upstairs, locked away. I finally got them to agree that I would be okay inside the Crashdown.”

“I don’t know,” Maria teased, “some time off would be great.”

She motioned into the café with a jerk of her head. “Of course you have the entire alien mafia out there to keep you safe.”

Liz looked through the window, already knowing Max and Alex were there. In the booth with them were also Tess, Isabel and Kyle, while Michael was working in the kitchen.

Nodding, Liz said, “Not to mention the Sheriff’s department, State Police, and probably the FBI.”

“I know,” Maria said. “This could be bad. What if they start to suspect something, um, otherworldly?”

“No,” Liz said confidently. “There’s no reason for them to think about anything other than the murderer. I’m sure the police and the regular FBI think Roswell is just a big joke, like the rest of the world.”

“Well,” Maria said, adjusting her antenna, “I hope you’re right. But anyway, it’s time to feed the starving masses.”


After the Crashdown closed, Max waited outside on Liz’s balcony until her parents went to bed, and then Liz lifted her window, letting him inside.

“Are you sure you’re not going to get in trouble?” she whispered anxiously. “What if your parents find out you’re gone?”

“I told them I was going to Michael’s,” he said softly. “Anyway, I would risk getting grounded for a year to make sure you were safe.”

Liz smiled. “Thank you.”

“I love you,” Max said sincerely. “There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you.”

“But Max,” she started to argue.

He held up a hand, cutting her off. “Please, can we not talk about Tess tonight.”

Liz grinned and nodded. “Sure.”

Max sighed. He wasn’t going to do this, but now with the killer after Liz, he felt he had to.

“Liz,” he started awkwardly, “I’ve been thinking, maybe, if you want, I could connect with you, and try to see if I can get anything more from your dreams. Maybe you saw the killer’s face and just don’t remember, or something.”

She gasped, looking alarmed, and Max quickly added. “Or we could get Isabel to dream walk you, and see if you have another dream.”

Liz couldn’t let Max or Isabel connect with her, but she didn’t have a reason she could give him. She was hoping if she stalled she could think of something.

“I don’t know,” Liz said finally, looking down at the floor. “I’ll think about it, okay?”

He nodded, and they stood in an uncomfortable silence for a moment.

Immediately Max knew she was scared to let him see her, and he thought he knew what she was hiding.

Liz turned away from Max’s intense gaze. It was like he could see right through her. She just wanted to go to bed and forget the conversation ever took place. And even though she didn’t want him to ask any more questions, she was really glad he was there. She never felt so safe as when she was in his arms, and there was nothing she wanted more than to share her bed with him and be held all night. But she knew it wasn’t right.

It would be like telling him they could get back together.

Going to her closet, she got out a sleeping bag for him. “You don’t mind taking the floor, do you? It’s just if my parents happened to come in, you might not get out alive if we were in bed together.”

Max smiled. “Sure, the floor is fine.”

They took turns in the bathroom, and then Liz settled in her bed, while Max pulled the curtains closed and checked the locks. When he was satisfied it was secure, he got into the sleeping bag next to the bed.

After everything that had happened, he’d nearly forgotten the conversation they had earlier, but now it came rushing back to him, and the strange things she said started tumbling around in his head.

“What did you mean earlier when you said something changed?” he asked.

“Hmmm?” Liz hummed, distracted.

Max propped up on one elbow. “You said, I must have fallen out of love with you because something changed. What did you mean?”

“Nothing,” she said quickly.

His brow creased. Obviously she didn’t want to talk about it. “It wasn’t nothing,” he persisted. “You were upset, and you said something changed.”

He sat up, looking at her. “What is going on, Liz? Why all the lies? Why did you pretend to sleep with Kyle?” He shook his head. “You seem desperate for me to forget about you and be with Tess, when I know you still love me.”

Liz swallowed hard as tears gathered in her eyes. She honestly didn’t know what to say. Her eyes darted around the room as she tried desperately tried to think of any excuse.

“Max, Tess is your future,” she said, grasping at the first thing to come to her mind. “She’s your wife. And the faster you let go of me, the less painful it will be for both of us.”

“No,” Max said, shaking his head. “That’s not it. You’re scared. More scared than I’ve ever seen you, and I can’t help you if I don’t know what’s going on.”

Tears spilled down her cheeks as she sat up. “Max, please don’t ask me about this,” she begged. “That’s why I set you up to see me with Kyle, so I wouldn’t have to explain. You’d hate me and that would be the end of it.”

Max got up and sat next to her on the bed, putting his hand on her back. “I don’t know why you’re doing this, but I could never hate you, and I’ll never forget you. I was so hurt, practically destroyed after I saw you with Kyle, but that’s because still I love you. How could I even think about being with Tess or anyone else after what we shared?”

Reaching out, she pulled him into a tight hug, loving the feel of him against her. She buried her head into his chest.

Max stroked her hair, “Let me in, Liz. Whatever it is we can work through it together.”

“I don’t know what to do,” she whispered miserably.



Re: Lollipop (M/L, CC, mature) pt5 ~ 11/27

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 12:45 am
by RoswellOracle
Thank you so much guys, for all the support. I really appreciate that you take the time to leave feedback.

Alien_Friend – I love a sweet Max :D
Earth2Mama – sorry, I was being sarcastic. I’m not saying if it is an alien or not. :twisted:
Mary mary


Part 6


Liz stumbled through the school, scared and confused. She thought she knew every inch of West Roswell High, but the corridor she was in was completely new to her.

It was dark with only dim overhead lights, there were no windows, and every door was locked. It looked old and unused. Water dripped from overhead pipes, pooling on the floor. Paint on the lockers was peeling, and there was debris and broken glass everywhere.

She had no idea which way to go.

The worst part was, someone was following her.

Hurrying along as quietly as she could, she picked a direction and hoped it would lead her back to something familiar.

She kept looking back over her shoulder, watching for someone, but she couldn’t see anything in the dim light.

Faint footsteps sounded in the darkness, but she couldn’t tell where they were coming from. They seemed to echo all around her.

In the distance, she heard a faint scuffling, and turned down a hallway to avoid it.

Her breathing and heartbeat was so loud she could barely hear anything else.

A shadow suddenly blocked the light from another corridor and she flattened herself against the wall.

Quickly, she turned and hurried back the other way, choosing a different direction.

A soft chuckle sounded, and then whistling filled the air. It was exactly the same as before, low, long notes that seemed a bit off-key. And it was close.

Panicking, Liz started to run. She raced down the hallway, praying she was going the right way. And then she heard the footsteps behind her.

The pounding sound of running got louder, and she knew he was catching up to her.

She ran faster and faster, not daring to look behind her.

Something touched her shoulder and she flung it off without looking, not even breaking her stride. He’d have her soon!

“Liz,” he said softly, close to her ear.

She ran faster, wanting to scream, but nothing came out.

“Liz,” he said again. But this time the voice seemed familiar.

She was grabbed again, this time by her upper arms and shaken. “Liz, wake up.”

Her eyes snapped open and immediately focused on Max’s face. Looking around frantically, she realized she was still in her own room, and it had just been another dream.

“Oh Max,” she sighed, collapsing into his chest.

“You were having a nightmare,” he said. “I thought you might wake up your parents.”

She clung to him shaking. “It was about the murderer again,” she whispered. “I think he’s going to kill someone at school.”


(Friday, October 27th)

Max slung a towel around his hips as he stepped out of Michael’s shower, and raked a hand through his wet hair. He’d only left Liz a few minutes before, but he couldn’t wait to get back to her.

He was so worried about her, and he needed to make sure nothing happened to her.

Even after she’d told him about her dream, she’d insisted on going to school. He admired her strength and bravery, but it made it harder for him to protect her. He couldn’t be with her all day at school, and he didn’t trust anyone else to make sure she was safe.

If she was right, the killer was after someone who when to school with them, and Max worried that this time, Liz’s dream might have been about her.

They knew the killer was sending her gifts at work and at her house, so her could be watching her at school too.

Max just felt so helpless, but he swore he wasn’t going to let Liz down.


Liz’s parents hadn’t wanted her to go to school, but she persuaded them to let her go. She pointed out that she was never alone at school, and there was no way to know how long she’d be absent, and how much work she’d miss. It could ruin her entire future.

Finally they agreed, but only if she promised never to be without her phone and her friends. It also helped that Isabel and Max were taking her to and from school.

The administration and faculty had to be told what was happening, of course, but at least none of the other students knew. And Liz was glad. She hated being the center of attention, and the questions would never end.

And she really needed some normal routine in her life right now.

Not only was she being sent gifts by a psycho murderer, but Max had figured out most of her secrets, and was pressuring her for the truth.

She desperately wanted to tell him, but she was holding back because Future Max had said never to say anything to Max.

She wondered if it even mattered anymore.

Max said he wouldn’t be with Tess no matter what. So did that mean the world was doomed? But something had changed enough for the Max from the future to disappear. What had it been? And if she told her Max the truth would it ruin what had changed?

Her head hurt from trying to consider all the possibilities. It was way beyond her meager high school understanding of physics.

She’d gotten him to back off last night, but she knew he wouldn’t stop asking questions, and she had to figure out what to do. She’d actually lain awake half the night trying to think.

It made her feel so safe having Max with her, and nothing had happened during the night, other than her nightmare. He’d gotten up early, and left out the balcony, using his powers to unlock and relock the security panel on her ladder. Then he quickly showered and changed at Michael’s before returning to pick her up and drive her to school.

Max was sacrificing so much for her, giving so much to make sure she was safe, and it made her feel guilty that she wasn’t being completely honest with him.

But she’d already decided that she couldn’t let guilt, or any other feeling dictate her actions. She had to be smart and do what was best for everyone.

Unfortunately, she wasn’t sure what that was any more.

It was also getting in the way of her classes.

Several times she found herself trying to weigh the future of the Earth on her potential actions, when she was supposed to be listening to her teachers.

Otherwise her day had been normal, other than a few teachers giving her significant looks. The school day was half over already, and she and Maria were headed to lunch.

Choosing their selections from the lunch counter, they headed toward the table where they usually sat with the whole gang.

When they were almost there, Maria stopped. “Oh, I forgot the dressing for my salad. It’s inedible without it.”

She looked at Liz. “You’ll be okay if I go back, right?”

Liz rolled her eyes. “Of course. I’m not five.” She motioned with her head to their table a few yards away. “Tess and Isabel are already there. Go ahead.”

Maria nodded, and reluctantly went back while Liz continued. But Liz stopped a few feet away as she overheard Tess say her name, and ducked behind a tree to listen.

“I can’t believe how Liz always manages to be the center of attention,” Tess said bitterly. “You’d think the world revolved around her.”

“Jealous much?” Isabel asked, sarcastically. “I swear Tess, Liz is being stalked by a killer and you sound like you wish it was you.”

Tess shrugged. “No, it’s just, she keeps doing things to get Max’s attention. She won’t leave him alone.”

Isabel shook her head. “You don’t understand. Liz has been trying to stay out of his life because she thinks it’s the right thing to do. It’s Max that won’t leave her alone. He’s the one going after her. He truly loves her. He’s not going to give up. They are in love, and they have that connection. Liz contacted him across the country and saved his life.”

“He’s supposed to be with me,” Tess said petulantly.

Isabel rolled her eyes. “Are you still hanging on to that fairytale that your prince will come and save you? It doesn’t work like that, Tess. You don’t even know Max. How can you possibly think you love him and want to be with him?”

“That’s the way it’s supposed to be,” Tess said. “Nasedo told me all my life, and you saw the pictures in the book.”

“I don’t love Michael,” Isabel said, “and that’s not going to change. And I’m not going to be with him just because of what some book seems to say. And I know Max. He’s not going to change his mind either. He loves Liz, more than anything. They belong together, Tess.”

“Besides,” she said, changing the subject, ”what about you and Kyle? You’re getting along really well.”

Tess shrugged. “I don’t know. He’s okay I guess, but he’s a human, and someday we’ll be going back home.”

“Someday,” Isabel repeated, “maybe we’ll go back, if it’s even possible. But that could be a really long time. Do you want to be alone until that happens, if it happens?”

Alex’s voice in Liz’s ear interrupted her eavesdropping.

“What are we looking at?” he whispered.

She jumped, more embarrassed at being caught than scared. “Um, nothing,” she said.

His eyebrows rose, knowing she was lying, and she relented. “I just heard Tess talking about me, and I didn’t want to walk in on it,” she admitted.

Alex nodded. “Well if we go sit with them, she won’t be able to talk about you any more.”

“Yeah,” Liz agreed, but she was worried. Obviously Tess was noticing the extra time Max was spending with her. What if she got mad enough to leave?


As Liz cleaned up her last table in the Crashdown, she wondered if she shouldn’t have taken some time off like her parents suggested. She was exhausted from lack of sleep and stress.

It had been a slow afternoon in the cafe. She wasn’t really needed to help. In fact, Max was the only person in the place besides herself, the cook, Maria, and the couple Maria was serving.

Liz’s mind had been on overdrive all day. First the murders and her dreams, then wondering about what Max had discovered, and worrying about what Tess might do. It was just too much.

When Max wasn’t looking, Liz kept sneaking glances at him where he was finishing his hamburger.

She wanted to confide in Max so badly, she just wasn’t sure if it was the right thing to do. She’d thought about it all day, and finally she’d come to a decision. She just couldn’t lie to him any more. It wouldn’t be easy, but she was going to tell him everything and hope he still wanted to help her.

Swallowing hard, she pulled her eyes away from Max. After her shift, she’d see if he could talk.

Taking the tray of dishes in the back, she grabbed a wet towel, heading to the dining room again. Methodically she wiped down the entire counter, trying only to think about her task, paying special attention to the drink machines.

When she reached the end, she saw a padded envelope under the counter from Deluca Gifts & Novelties, Maria’s mother’s business. It was marked, ‘Attention Liz.’

Calling over her shoulder, she opened it. “When did your Mom come by?” she asked Maria. “I didn’t see her.”

Pouring out the contents onto the counter, she stopped with a gasp, as Maria answered.

“My Mom wasn’t here,” she said coming over.

Liz eyes raked over the items on the counter. There were another dozen suckers, tied with a black bow, a pair of handcuffs, a blindfold, and a short, leather whip. The card landed right-side-up and the words jumped out at her.

Lollipop lollipop
Oh lolli lolli lolli

Call my baby Lizzie Lollipop

“Max!” Maria called out.

He was next to them almost instantly, and scowled down, taking in the latest delivery.

”How did these get here?” he asked.

“I don’t know,” Liz said numbly. “I thought it was a delivery from Maria’s Mom.”

Her mind was reeling. Had the killer been in the Crashdown? Had she seen him? Talked to him?

Thinking, she tried to remember everyone who’d come in. It was crazy to think she might have served him and never known it.

“Look,” Max said, examining the package. “It came in the mail today.”

Instantly Liz relaxed. Even thought the items were creepy, it didn’t seem so bad knowing they’d been mailed. At least the killer was keeping his distance. He must have seen the Police around.

Scooping the items back into the envelope, Max picked it up. “Are you okay?” he asked Liz.

She smiled faintly and nodded.

His eyes raked quickly over her as if he were trying to decide for himself. Finally he nodded, and said, “I’ll be right back. I’m just going to take these out to the deputy.”

He was only gone a moment, and Liz could see him the whole time. Deputy Hansen was in his cruiser outside the restaurant. There was a cop parked there in a marked car all day and night now.

The State Police had come to the house while she was at school and looked for evidence on her balcony. They were coming back tomorrow to interview her, and she was dreading it. There was nothing she could tell them.

Max spoke briefly with Hansen, and then jogged back inside, stopping at the counter. “He reported it to Valenti, and he’ll take it to the station when he’s relieved.”

Liz nodded. She was so overwhelmed with everything.

Max touched her arm, and held her eyes when she looked up. “I’m going to stay all night, and make sure you’re safe.”

Liz sighed. “Thanks.” She was tired of being scared and nervous, jumping at every sound.

“I’m almost finished,” she said, straightening her back and trying to put the craziness behind her. “Then we can do our homework upstairs, and talk.”

He searched her face, and nodded. “Okay.”

Going back to his booth, he took a seat, sipping at his Cherry Coke.

Liz headed toward the back, turning to Maria as she passed her. “Want to help me take the trash out?”

“Sure,” Maria said distractedly. “Let me just get my last table their bill,” she said, writing it up, “and I’ll be right back.”

Gathering all the trash took less time than Liz anticipated, and she looked through the diamond-shaped window into the dining room to see if Maria was coming. But she was headed to the cash register with her customers.

Liz didn’t want to wait for Maria. It was still light outside, she reasoned, and the dumpster was only a couple of steps from the door. She would be fine.

She struggled with the bags of garbage, hefting them to the door. Unlocking it and pushing it open, Liz immediately heard the sound. Whistling. And even though the pitch was still off-key, this time the tempo was faster, and she could clearly hear the song ‘Lollipop.’

A surge of fear rushed through her, and she stumbled back, almost falling over her feet. Pulling heavy door closed behind her, she slammed the deadbolt home.

Just then Maria came in, and Liz whirled to face her. “He’s out there! The killer’s out there!”

“What!” Maria gasped. “What do we do?”

“The Sheriff,” Liz said urgently. “We have to call the Sheriff,” she said, already dialing her phone.

A stunned look crossed Maria’s face. “That deputy’s outside in his car.”

She raced out through the Crashdown, and Liz followed her, with the phone still to her ear.

Max jumped out of his seat, following right behind them. “What’s going on?”

Valenti answered the phone, as they burst through the front door, and Maria spoke to the deputy at the same time Liz spoke through the phone, their words identical.

“The killer’s out the backdoor of the Crashdown!”

Liz met Max’s eyes, and grabbed his arm, shaking her head. She didn’t want him to risk himself.

Getting out of the car, the deputy drew his gun, heading down the alley, as Valenti spoke to Liz. “Tell Hansen. He’s in a car out front, and I’ll be there in two minutes.”

“We did,” Liz assured him. “Just hurry.”

Max shook his head. “I can’t risk that he’ll get away,” he said, and he ran around the other side of the Crashdown.

Maria and Liz went back inside, clutching at each other.

Liz’s eyes were glued to the windows, scared to death for Max. She knew he could defend himself, but what if the killer had a gun or a knife.

A moment later Sheriff Valenti’s cruiser screeched to a stop outside, and he headed down the alley with a drawn gun.

For long minutes they didn’t know what was happening. They couldn’t see or hear anything.

Then suddenly Sheriff Valenti rushed around the corner, into the Crashdown, and Liz and Maria went to meet him. “We caught him,” he said, out of breath. “We got the murderer red-handed.”



Re: Lollipop (M/L, CC, mature) pt6 ~ 12/4

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 11:21 pm
by RoswellOracle
Thanks for reading guys, and for all the feedback and bumps.



Part 7


Suddenly Sheriff Valenti rushed around the corner, into the Crashdown, and Liz and Maria went to meet him. “We caught him,” he said, out of breath. “We got the murderer red-handed.”

Max jogged in right behind the Sheriff. “I can’t believe it,” he said. “We know him.”

“Who is it?” Maria and Liz demanded at the same time.

They looked out the window as Deputy Hansen brought the murderer around the building in handcuffs, leading him toward the car. He was tall, blond, athletically built, and wearing a letterman jacket from West Roswell High.

“Tommy del Bianco,” Jim said. “He used to be a friend of Kyle’s.”

Liz gasped. “Tommy and some friends beat up Max,” she said.

Jim looked at them. “When was this?”

“A long time ago,” Max said. “Last fall.”

Jim nodded. “Looks like you’re lucky that’s all he did.”

“Are you sure it’s him?” Liz asked. “How do you know? What happened?”

“He was hiding in the alley behind the Crashdown,” Jim said. Max saw him and wrestled him to the ground, just as Hansen got there. Jim pulled a small box out from under his arm. “And he had this.”

Liz’s eyes raked over it, taking in the familiar style of box the other suckers came in. It was yellow with all sorts of black cats on it, tied with a black bow, and her name was scrawled across one corner.

“What’s inside?” she gasped.

Opening it, Jim frowned at the contents; a dozen lollipops, a leather gag, and two rubber-tipped metal clips connected by a small chain.

“Nipple clips,” Maria whispered in Liz’s ear.

Vaguely Liz wondered how she knew, and then just accepted it.

Reaching for the note, Jim lifted it out so they could all see.

I call her
Lollipop lollipop
Oh lolli lolli lolli

Lollipop is gonna be mine

Liz shuddered. Not only was he having fantasies about her, but he was sending her all this bondage stuff. Did he think she would like it, or be turned on, or was he trying to scare her?

Immediately Max was next to her, taking her into his arms. “It’s over now,” he soothed. “He can’t get to you, or hurt anyone else.”

She leaned into him, letting his warmth and strength chase away her fears.

He held her tightly, rubbing her back as the Sheriff continued.

“Tommy says he can’t remember why he was in the alley, or why he had the box. But I’m sure we’ll be able to link him to the murders. He was on the list of haunted house employees, he knows Liz, he comes to the Crashdown where he could have seen at least one of the victims. We’ll probably find evidence at his house too. I’m sure it will be an open and shut case.”

Liz nodded.

“Wow,” Maria said softly, “to think he was a psycho the whole time and we never even knew.” She looked thoughtful. “Although, I have heard stories of him maybe going farther than girls really wanted to.”

“I wonder why he started killing just all of the sudden,” Liz said.

“Sometimes,” Jim explained, “there’s something in their life that has gone wrong that pushes them over the edge, and sometimes we never find out.”


Everyone was relieved that the murderer had been caught. Liz’s parents hugged her tightly, and she could literally feel the tension leaving Max and Maria. Plus, she knew Tess would be happy that she was no longer the center of attention.

But she still something just seemed wrong to her.

Tommy was denying everything, and that was to be expected, she guessed. On TV shows, the killer always conveniently explains their entire crime, but in real life, she would think they’d keep their mouth shut.

She’d known Tommy for years, but not well, and they’d never been close. He was a bully, and not a nice guy from what she knew about him, but she would have never thought he was a rapist and killer. Well, she had to admit, possibly a date rapist.

Maybe he started killing to cover up his crimes.

But why was he focused on her, and sending her gifts? They didn’t have any classes together this semester, and she couldn’t even remember talking to him for almost a year. She saw him at the Crashdown sometimes, but he didn’t seem like he was paying attention to her.

He was always with different girls from school, usually a cheerleader.

And it was weird, but to Liz, his capture seemed too easy.

He was hiding in the back alley?

The killer had been so careful not to leave any evidence at the crime scenes, and he was caught hiding behind a dumpster.

Also Max had told her that he’d seemed disoriented, almost frightened when he’d been caught. Sheriff Valenti thought it was probably drugs.

She shivered, thinking of the whistling she’d heard outside the Crashdown door. Tommy had been back there, and he’d had the box with the lollipops and the note. It had to be him.

Although, the nagging voice in her head reminded her, she’d never had two boxes delivered in one day.

No, she told herself, shaking off her doubt, it must be Tommy. Maybe he was hiding the box for later. It had to be him. Everything fit. There was no other explanation.


Max was having a hard time calming down after what had happened.

He was so relieved that Liz was safe, but the adrenaline was still rushing through him from tackling Tommy.

When he’d run down the alley, he didn’t have any thought other than getting the murderer so he couldn’t hurt Liz. He didn’t know what he was expecting, maybe someone who resembled the Una-bomber or something, but he was completely confused when he saw Tommy.

The blond guy was kind of half-sitting on the ground behind a dumpster, and Max’s first thought was he was hurt.

Looking around, he approached him cautiously, wary of being attacked from the shadows, but then he saw the box in Tommy’s hands.

He’d seen enough of the other boxes to know it was exactly the same as the ones sent to Liz.

Instantly he was enraged, and all he thought about was making sure Tommy didn’t get away.

He threw himself against the other guy, tackling him and pining him to the ground, as he called out for Deputy Hansen.

“Deputy!” he yelled. “I got him over here!!”

Hansen was only seconds away, and as he was putting handcuffs on Tommy, Sheriff Valenti came around the corner.

“What’sss goin’ on?” Tommy slurred, looking around. “What are you doing? Where am I?”

“You’re being arrested for rape and murder,” Jim told him.

Tommy shook his head. “I don’t know anything about that.”

“Sure,” Jim said, and turned to his deputy. “Read him his rights, and book him.”

Briefly Max and Hansen explained where he’d found Tommy, and Valenti went to tell Maria and Liz the news.

Max walked with Hansen almost all the way to the car to make sure nothing happened. He wanted to be positive that the killer was off the streets.

Afterward, all he’d felt was relief. No more girls would die, and Liz was safe. But throughout the evening he replayed the events in the alley in his head, and the more he thought about it, the more strange it seemed.

For one thing, Tommy hadn’t even put up a fight. He’d simply collapsed to the ground. And he seemed confused or dazed. Max wondered if he had fallen and hit his head.

But he pushed the confusing thoughts aside. The important thing was he wouldn’t hurt anyone again.

Sitting on his bed, Max turned his mind to the other important matter in his life, Liz.

Now that she was okay, he intended to concentrate all his energy on getting her back into his life.

He had to admit to himself, it was a little disappointing that he wouldn’t be staying with her any more. Even though he’d been worried about her, he couldn’t deny that he loved sleeping in her room, protecting her. It made him want to be with her all the time.

And he would be, he reminded himself. He just had to convince Liz.


(Saturday, October 28th)

It had only taken a half hour of Liz begging her parents the night before to get them to let her go to the school Halloween Carnival.

Of course it wasn’t possible for her to go while the killer was sending her gifts, but now that he was in jail, it was perfectly safe.

Liz assured her parents that she would be with her friends the whole time. Max, Isabel and Alex would pick her up, and bring her home, so she’d never be alone.

The Halloween Carnival at West Roswell was a big deal, and she didn’t want to miss it. Everyone dressed up, and there were all kinds of booths, games, food, dancing, a costume contest, and an entire hallway and all the classrooms were always decorated for a haunted house experience.

She thought she would probably skip that part this year, but still she wanted to go. She even already had her costume.

Usually she’d either dress like an alien, but that was out for obvious reasons, or she’d dress like a famous woman scientist, like Madame Curie.

That didn’t seem appropriate either any more. Not since Max had been held in the White Room. She was afraid that seeing her in a lab coat would bring up bad memories for him.

So she’d gone a completely different direction in her costume choice this year. She’d wanted something fun, not scary, something whimsical, something out of a fantasy world.

She’d seen cats, and sorceresses, and even wenches, but none of them were right. Then she found the one. The costume had seemed perfect when she’d seen it on the rack. A fairy.

It was a short wispy dress that started at the top in a pale green color, turning darker green as it ran the length of her body. The skirt had several layers of a gauze-like material that made the dress float around her hips and legs. It was sprinkled in gold, white and green sequins, and had a light dusting of white glitter.

There was a small headband that held her hair back to reveal artificially pointed ears, and delicate wings were attached to her back.

To finish the outfit she wore dark green leggings to help keep her warm, gold ballet slippers, and a small green drawstring pouch she was using as a purse.

As she put her costume on, she couldn’t help wondering what Max would think.

She knew it was wrong to hope that he might like it, but she couldn’t help it. She was so in love with him, and his opinion mattered to her.

Barely had she finished getting dressed and emerged into her living room, when her father started snapping pictures.

Laughingly she posed, feeling lighter than she had in a while. The situation with Max was far from being resolved, but tonight was just about having fun.

Just when she was about to complain to her father about the amount of photos he was taking, the doorbell rang.

Gratefully, she went to answer it.

Swinging the door wide, with a grin on her face, she stopped cold when she saw who was outside.

She was expecting Max, but nothing could have prepared her for how devastatingly handsome he looked in his Halloween costume.

He was dressed as a pirate, and she didn’t think he’d ever looked sexier. His shirt was unbuttoned almost down to his navel, revealing his sculpted chest. Tight leather pants encased his muscular legs and disappeared into knee-high boots.

His unshaven face gave him a roguish appearance. His hair was rumpled, and he held a three-cornered hat in his hands.

She was literally speechless.

But as she examined him, she noticed he was taking in every inch of her. Their eyes met at the same time, and she blushed.

“You look beautiful,” he said softly.

Smiling, she blushed even more crimson. “You look great too,” she said.

Her father broke the moment. “Let’s get a picture of both of you together,” he said enthusiastically.

Liz rolled her eyes at Max but he smiled. “Sure, Mr. Parker,” he agreed eagerly.

Long minutes later, Liz practically had to drag Max out of her house to get away from her parents. “Sorry about that,” she said. “They’re just…” she trailed off awkwardly.

“It’s fine, really,” he assured her.

“They think it’s a date,” she finished.

Max took her hand. “So do I,” he said, holding her eyes.

Liz shook her head. “Max,” she started, but he cut her off.

“Just let me have one night with you, okay?” he pleaded. “And tomorrow we can go back to normal with you trying to get rid of me, and me trying to convince you to let me back in.”

Liz had completely forgotten about telling Max the truth in the excitement of catching Tommy yesterday. She still intended to talk to him, but it didn’t mean there was any chance for them to get back together. She couldn’t give Max false hope.

Maybe she’d tell him at the end of the night.

“Okay,” she agreed with a smile. “And Max,” she said, squeezing his hand, “I never wanted to get rid of you. If things were different…” she stopped. Maybe it was better left unsaid.

“Yeah,” he said knowingly.

They joined Isabel and Alex already in the car.

Alex was dressed as a glam rocker, complete with big hair, and Isabel was a beauty queen from Neptune, including a tiara and sash.

“What took so long?” Alex asked, smiling.

“My parents wanted pictures,” Liz answered.

“Our parents took pictures of us too,” Isabel moaned. “It’s so lame.”

It only took a few minutes to drive to the school, and they talked and laughed all the way. To Liz, it seemed just like old times, before any of the craziness had happened. It was nice.

In the parking lot they saw Michael and Maria. Maria was dressed as a flower child, with huge glasses, wild, wavy hair, and a peace symbol draped around her neck. Michael had on a hockey jersey and jeans.

“What are you supposed to be?” Isabel asked with her eyebrow raised.

He tugged at his shirt. “I’m a hockey player.”

“Right,” she said. “Should have known.”

Together, they walked inside, where they saw Tess and Kyle.

Tess was dressed as a naughty nurse, with a skin-tight, white latex uniform, that was cut to reveal her cleavage, and an old-fashioned nurse’s hat.

Kyle was an uber-nerd, head to toe. His hair was slicked back, making it look greasy, he wore mismatched clothes, his pants were too short and he had thick-framed glasses and a pocket protector.

Everyone broke out laughing when they saw him.

He smiled. “Thanks for letting me borrow your pocket protector, Alex,” he teased.

Alex smiled back. “Oh, right, very funny.”

The Halloween carnival was everything Liz hoped it would be. There was lots of food, and games, and she even danced with Max.

Kyle and Alex both entered the hot dog eating contest, but were beaten by the skinniest guy in school.

Maria won a cake in the cakewalk, and Max got a bull’s-eye that toppled Mr. Seligman into the dunk tank.

The news of Tommy’s arrest was on everyone’s lips, but Liz tried to ignore the talk. It was the last thing she wanted to think about.

For about half the night, the eight of them stayed together, but they separated to do different activities.

Michael and Maria were the first to excuse themselves, and Liz suspected it was to spend some time in a dark corner.

Then Isabel coaxed Alex away to go and dance.

That left Liz and Max with Kyle and Tess.

Liz felt really uncomfortable and wondered if the others did too. She just hoped Max wouldn’t mention anything about the night he saw her with Kyle.

But he seemed to want the evening to be as normal and pleasant as possible too. He was nice to Kyle and Tess, including them in the conversation and asking their opinion about where to go, and what to do. He talked to them like friends, and not the two people he wanted to be around least in the world.

They threw darts at balloons, tried to stand up bottles with fishing poles, and attempted to throw rings onto the necks of two-liter bottles.

For their successes they got tickets that could be redeemed at a booth for prizes.

Liz was doing especially well, and she had her handful of tickets added to when she got a perfect score on the beanbag toss.

She laughed, feeling like a little kid, and Max leaned into her so their bodies pressed together, rubbing her arm in support.

Suddenly, Liz noticed that Tess was keeping a close eye on them, and she purposefully took a few steps away from Max.

She’d let Max get close to her again because she’d been afraid, but now she saw it was a mistake. Max expected more from their relationship than she could allow.

Then she realized that all night he hadn’t been acting like a friend, but like a boyfriend. He was standing too close to her, and touching her too much, being too affectionate, and Tess had noticed.

What had she done?

Afterward, she tried to keep her distance from Max, but she was afraid it was too late. It seemed like Tess had her eyes on them every moment.

When it reached ten o’clock, everyone gathered in front of the stage to hear the winner of the costume contest.

Liz was only half listening to the several categories that were awarded. Scariest costume, best couple costumes, it just didn’t hold her interest. Vaguely she heard that Kyle won funniest costume, and clapped distractedly.

She was more worried about what Tess was going to do, but she was brought back to the present when she felt a hand on her back.

“You won,” Max said enthusiastically.

“What?” she asked confused.

He smiled. “You won the costume contest.”

Completely surprised, Liz looked around and saw that the Principal was motioning for her to come up on stage and get her prize.

Reluctantly she went, wondering if it was a set up by the teachers and administration to make her feel better after her recent ordeal.

Principal Forester smiled at her as she approached. “For best costume, you get a gift certificate to Chez Pierre, and two hundred tickets to trade in for prizes,” he announced as he handed her an envelope.

She smiled at him. “Thank you.”

Not knowing what to do, she waved to the crowd, and quickly got off the stage, returning to Max and the others.

“Congrats,” Tess said.

Liz couldn’t tell if she was sincere or not, but she accepted graciously. “Thanks,” she said. “I’m completely surprised.”

“You look incredible,” Max said. “Beautiful, just like a fairy princess.”

“Thank you,” she said, blushing. She noticed that Tess frowned, and quickly changed the subject. “Well, what should we do now?”

“How about a drink?” Max suggested.

“Sure,” Liz agreed.

Tess spoke up. “Kyle promised he would win me a stuffed animal at the basketball throw, so we’ll meet up with you later.”

They left and Liz almost sighed with relief.

She and Max went to get drinks and sat at a table near the concession.

“Tonight has been great,” Max said. “I’ve had a lot of fun.”

“Me too,” Liz said. “It’s nice to get out of the real world for a while.”

“I’m glad you came with me,” Max said softly.

She smiled. “So am I.”

Neither of them seemed to want to mention what had been happening and break the spell of the evening. They talked for a while longer, as they finished their drinks.

“Well,” Max said, “there are still some booths we haven’t gotten to yet. Do you want to do some more games, or food, or ice cream, or there is the fortuneteller’s booth.

A shiver went through Liz as she remembered going to fortuneteller, Madame Vivian, on the same night that Future Max had come back. The last thing she wanted was a repeat of that experience.

“Let’s try some of the games,” she said.

They played games for almost another hour, and Liz’s handful of tickets grew to a wad. She was just noticing that some of the booths had closed, and the gym was a lot emptier than before.

Again she had the feeling of being watched, and immediately started looking around, only to lock eyes with Tess. From halfway across the gym, she was staring right at Liz.

Smiling at the blonde, she looked away. Tess’ icy blue eyes seemed to bore right through her exposing her true intensions. She’d loved spending the evening with Max, but it had to be the last time. Now she had to give him back to his future wife.

“Um,” Liz started, “it’s getting kinda late and they’re starting to close up. Maybe we should trade in our tickets.”

“Okay,” Max agreed. “I think the booth is in the corner, over there,” he said, pointing.

Suddenly Liz noticed Tess coming toward them, and everything inside her seemed to freeze.

Was Tess mad? She couldn’t tell just by looking at her.

The blonde had a strange, almost resigned expression on her face that scared Liz.

“Hey Tess,” Liz greeted pleasantly when she stopped next to them. “Having a good time?”

Tess nodded. “Yeah,” she said with a small smile, as if she were surprised about it.

She looked quickly away, and her focus turned to Max. “Umm, Max, can I talk to you?” she said softly.

“Now?” he asked surprised.

“Yeah,” she said, “just for a minute.”

“Well,” he started, “Liz has all these tickets, and we were going to redeem them…”

Liz cut him off. “Go ahead,” she encouraged. “I’ll meet you over at the redemption booth when you’re finished.”

He searched her face, trying to see if she was okay, and then looked down the row to the redemption booth. It was at the end of the aisle, but he could see it clearly so she wouldn’t be out of his sight.

He nodded. “Okay,” he said. “I’ll just be over here if you need anything.”

Tess waited until Liz was a few feet away before she started talking. “Max, I’ve done something...”


Liz tried not to think about what Tess was saying to Max as she walked away from them.

What if Tess was demanding that Max stop hanging around her? What if she was giving Max an ultimatum, choose one or the other? What if she was asking him if she should leave town?

Liz tried to swallow past the nervous lump in her throat. Whatever was happening was all her fault. She’d been weak and let Max get too close.

But maybe she could still fix it. Maybe she could convince Tess to stay. She’d promise to stay away from Max. Maybe she’d have to leave town again.

Something would make it okay again. It had to.

Finally she arrived at the redemption booth, in the back corner of the gym. It was simply a table with a small box on it, where the used tickets went. Behind it was a partition, with a sheet draped across so you couldn’t see beyond. The sheet was painted to look like a lake with fish and plants and a boat floating above.

No one was around except the attendant.

“Hey, Liz,” he greeted.

She smiled. “Hey, Mac,” she said. “Looks like you’re not very busy.”

“Yeah,” he said. “I told them people wouldn’t be able to find us over here.”

Liz handed him her tickets.

“Four hundred and fifty points,” he counted. “Wow, that’s the most I’ve seen tonight.”

“I won the costume contest,” she said, explaining.

Looking her up and down, he nodded. “Smokin’.”

He handed her a fishing pole with a line that disappeared over the sheet. “Kinda lame,” he said shrugging. “I think this fishing prize booth was left over from Principal Forrester’s son’s elementary school carnival.

He sighed, bored, “Wait until you feel a tug, and pull out your prize.” Calling out over his shoulder, he said. “That’s an extra large prize, Jer,”

She waited a moment, but nothing happened. Looking at Mac, she raised her eyebrow.

“Jer,” he called out. “Yo, Jerry!”

There was no answer and he scowled. “Bet he fell asleep again,” he said.

Walking around the side, Liz could hear him talking. “Jer, what are you doing, man?”

She smiled. Both Mac and Jerry were stoners, and known to skip one or more classes a day. She thought they must have been assigned to the booth as a punishment for something.

There was some scuffling behind the sheet, and then Liz’s line tugged. She pulled, and an orange bag with a jack-o-lantern face on it came over the sheet.

Putting the pole on the table, she opened the sack and reached inside.

Her hands closed over something with a strange texture, that she couldn’t identify just by touch. Pulling it out, she was surprised to see some folded plastic.

A mask was her first thought, but as she started to open it, she was horrified to see a latex and mesh bra and panties. Staring at them dumbly she quickly read the handwritten note attached.

Gee, my Lollipop is great
I’m going to fuck her till she can't see straight

Her eyes snapped to where Max was still standing with Tess, she opened her mouth to call out to him.

A large hand closed over Liz’s face, almost completely covering it, and stopped her from screaming. She reached out to Max, desperately trying to get to him, but a strong arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her, dragging her back into the shadows.



Re: Lollipop (M/L, CC, mature) pt7 ~ 1/4

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 4:33 pm
by RoswellOracle
Sorry I’ve been MIA. I’ve been ‘under the weather’ so to speak, for the last couple of months. But feeling much better, and starting to write again, so hopefully we’ll get back to regular updates. YEAH!

And thank you to everyone who supports this fic, and to everyone who left feedback and bumps!

Liz Parker Evans

You guys are all too smart. You knew Tommy wasn’t the real killer.
Love all the Tess theories! lol


Part 8


“Umm, Max, can I talk to you?” Tess said softly.

“Now?” he asked surprised.

“Yeah,” she said, “just for a minute.”

“Well,” he started, “Liz has some tickets, and we were going to redeem them…”

Liz cut him off. “Go ahead,” she encouraged. “I’ll meet you over at the redemption booth when you’re finished.”

He searched her face, trying to see if she was okay, and then looked down the row to the redemption booth. It was at the end of the aisle, but he could see it clearly so she wouldn’t be out of his sight. Even though she was safe now, he was still feeling protective, and he didn’t want to take his eyes off her.

He nodded. “Okay,” he said. “I’ll just be over here if you need anything.”

Tess waited until Liz was a few feet away before she started talking. “Max, I’ve done something...”

“Hmmmm?” he hummed.

She trailed off when she saw she didn’t have his full attention. His eyes were following Liz as she walked away.

This was going to be harder than she thought. “You really love her, don’t you?” she sighed.

“What?” Max asked, finally focusing on her.

“You love Liz,” Tess said, again. “Even after she was with Kyle.”

Max nodded. “I don’t think she really slept with him. I think it was another setup to push me away. But even when I did think she’d slept with Kyle, I still loved her.”

She nodded, taking in his answer. “And you’ll never love me, will you? There’s no chance for us at all.”

He held her eyes. “I’m sorry, Tess, but I just don’t have those kinds of feelings for you.”

She smiled grimly. “I thought when you spent some time with me, and got to know me, that you’d change your mind. I thought if you weren’t with Liz…”

Max’s eyes flicked from Liz to Tess and focused on her, showing sorrow and pity, and Tess looked away.

“Um”, she continued, “I thought if you weren’t with Liz, maybe we’d have a chance. So I did something.”

Max looked at her properly. “What do you mean you did something?”

“Max, please,” she said, “you have to forgive me. I didn’t mean for it to get this far.”


Liz struggled against her attacker, trying everything she could think of. She hit him with her elbows, but he simply changed his grip, pinning her arms to her sides. She tried to scream around his hand, but hardly any sound escaped.

She kicked at him, trying to hurt his legs, but he just pulled more quickly, keeping her off balance. She tried to bite his hand holding her mouth, but he kept his fingers clear of her teeth.

He simply chuckled, whispering into her ear as he pulled her into the shadows. “I knew you’d be a fighter.”

Over his hand she watched horrified across the room where Max and Tess were still talking. She silently begged him to look at her, but they seemed to be in an intense conversation. And the last thing she saw as she was dragged backward out of the room, was the heavy gymnasium door closing and cutting off her view of Max and any hope of escape.


Max’s brow creased in confusion. “What did you do, Tess? What has gone too far?”

She could see the concern on his face. “Ummm,” she started. She was afraid of his reaction. What if he didn’t forgive her? Max, Michael and Isabel were the only family she had. What if they didn’t understand why she’d done it?

When she didn’t answer right away, Max assumed the worst. He took her by the shoulders. “What did you do that was so bad? Did you have something to do with Tommy coming after Liz?”


Liz continued to struggle as her captor dragged her farther and farther away from the gym, and her best chance at rescue, but it wasn’t any use. He was just too strong.

She wondered where he was taking her. It seemed to be taking a long time, but in her panicked state it might only be a few moments.

She tried to remember which way they were going, but she thought she must be in shock, because she was hallucinating.

Walls seemed to dissolve behind them and then reform after she was pulled through them. It was impossible.


But why would an alien be doing this, and who was it?

Finally she was dragged down some stairs, through a corridor she didn’t recognize, and into another door. Looking around quickly, she scanned the area for any type of weapon, vaguely realizing she was in some kind of large room. She thought it might be the maintenance workers’ room. There were lockers along one wall, all kinds of equipment, tools and parts on several tables, and three desks with papers and other items on them.

It was dingy but clean and looked like it was used regularly.

Surely, she thought, there was something she could use to get away. But she was thrown completely off balance when she was abruptly released.

She almost fell to the ground, but kept her footing, and spun around to face her abductor.

With a gasp of shock, she took in his familiar face and the hockey jersey he was wearing.

It was Michael.

But one look at his eyes was enough to tell her it wasn’t really him. They were cold and hard, and he looked at her in a way Michael never had.

A smile raised the corners of his mouth, and before her eyes a shimmering started across his body, like heat waves rising off the desert on a summer day.

The transformation only took a moment, and Liz gasped again. “It’s you!”


Tess shook her head. “No, Max. I don’t have anything to do with that, I swear. I wouldn’t put Liz in danger or do anything to hurt her.”

She sighed, realizing just how low an opinion Max had of her, and she was about to justify it. “I’m just afraid you won’t forgive me for what I did.”

He waited, his eyes never leaving her, and she fidgeted as she worked up the courage to speak.

She never thought she was going to confess the truth, but after her talk with Isabel she’d done a lot of thinking. She really had no idea how deep Max’s feelings were for Liz until she started watching him.

Whenever Max looked at Liz, Tess could see the yearning and sorrow in his eyes. It was hurting him to not be with Liz.

And when she was with them tonight, she could see how happy it made Max to be around Liz. She could see how happy it made them both.

Max was so open and comfortable with the small brunette. It was like Liz allowed him to be his true self. He’d never been like that with her. He was always so cautious, suspicious and guarded, and she knew he never would be any different.

He loved Liz, not her. She realized now that would never change.

So she’d decided Isabel was right. She had to let go of the fairytale and start living her life. She couldn’t wait for something that wasn’t going to happen, and she couldn’t force Max to love her.

She just hoped her actions hadn’t ruined her chance to be with her family.

Tess started again. “Like I said, I thought we might have a chance if you weren’t with Liz,” she trailed off, sighing. “So I made sure you weren’t with her.”

Max shook his head. “What do you mean?”

Tess looked away. “I could see that you weren’t giving up on Liz, so I had to make her give up on you.”

She glanced at him and could see the confusion on his face.

“I mindwarped Liz,” she explained. “I showed her a future version of you, who came back in time to tell her, um, that she had to break up with you.”

“What?” Max asked, horrified.

“I made the Future you tell her that if you stayed together, I would leave town, and you wouldn’t be strong enough without me to defeat our enemies.” She looked away again. “He told her if she was with you, the world would end and we would all die.”

Max’s face showed his revulsion. “That’s why she broke up with me? Because she thought we’d all die and the world would end? I can’t believe you did that, Tess,” he said angrily. “Liz would think it was all her fault. How could you?”

“I’m sorry,” Tess apologized softly. “I didn’t think…”

Max cut her off. “You never do think about anyone but yourself,” he snapped. “All you care about is what you want, and screw everyone else.”

He shook his head. “Liz tried to be nice to you. She tried to set you up with me. It must have been torture for her.”

“I’m sorry,” Tess said again.

“It’s not me you should be apologizing to,” Max growled, “it’s Liz.”

“She’s the one you did this to...” he said, looking over to the redemption booth, but trailed off when he didn’t see her. “Where is she?” he said concerned.

A feeling of dread filled him and he instantly sprinted over to the booth, scanning the area as he went. No one was around, not even the booth operator.

Skidding to a stop in front of the table, he saw the orange sack on the ground, and nearby there was a latex bra and panties. Picking them up, his blood ran cold when he saw the note attached.

“Max,” Tess called out, hurrying to join him. “What’s wrong?”

Max looked at her, his face pale. “The killer is here, and he has Liz.”


The hockey shirt the killer was wearing disappeared, replaced by a ripped black t-shirt, and his hair stood up into a kind of spiky Mohawk. He had thick sideburns and a scruffy beard, but his face was basically the same.

“Rath,” Liz said, shaking her head disbelievingly. “You’re the one who did all this?”

He smirked. “That’s right, princess.”

“But why?” she asked.

“Because I want you,” he said, moving closer. “I’ve wanted you since the moment I first saw your picture in Max’s room.”

“I don’t understand,” Liz said, confused. “Why did you kill those women?”

He ducked his head looking almost sheepish, like a little boy who’d been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. “I get a little carried away sometimes,” he said. “I get too rough.”

“But I won’t be like that with you,” he rushed to assure her.

As he looked up and down her body, a smile crossed his face that made Liz really uncomfortable.

He winked at her. “I might get a little rough sometimes, but I’ll make sure you enjoy it,” he purred, coming closer to her. “I’ll train you to like it a bit rough. You’re an uptight good-girl now, but I can make you into a little freak, and soon you’ll be begging me for it.”

Liz shivered, backing up, his words making her feel sick. Looking around quickly, she noticed there was only one door, and he was between her and it.

She quickly changed the subject, trying to get his mind off sex. “But what about Lonnie?” she said. “She won’t like you being with me.”

Rath chuckled. “Lonnie never minded before. Besides, she took off with Nicholas.” He shrugged. “Guess she thought she might have a better choice of getting home with him. And if I’m stuck on this rock, then I’m going to live like a king, and have everything I want,” he held her eyes, “like you.”

Liz nodded, digesting the information, and decided that keeping him talking was the best thing. “What do you mean Lonnie didn’t mind before? You cheated on her?”

He shook his head. “Naw, it wasn’t cheating, not exactly. Sometimes I just need to get a little out of control, so I’d go out and find a human girl. But I’d always kill her afterward, so it’s not like it was serious or anything.”

Another shiver rushed through Liz. She could imagine how many unsolved rapes and murders in New York could be because of Rath’s ‘roughness.’ And he seemed to think that killing the girls was actually a sort of apology for cheating.

“I might need to let off a little steam occasionally,” he continued, “but I’ll always come back to you, princess.”

“Why are you calling me that?” she asked.

“Well,” he said with a shrug, “I’m the man, I’m the king, and since you’re mine that makes you a princess.”

He had come back to dangerous territory again, and Liz spoke up. “Um, you know Max will be looking for me.”

“That scrub,” Rath laughed. “He’s useless.”

He came closer again, reaching out to her. “I thought he might have taken you when he got back from New York, but I can see that you’re still cherry. I’ll be your first and only. I’ll show you what a real man is like.”

Winking, he jutted his chin at her. “And you’ll be even more fun when you get your full powers.”

Liz shied away from his hand. “What?” she asked alarmed. How did he know?

“I saw you in New York,” he said. “You connected with Max clear across the country, saved his life. I realized he must have changed you, but I’m going to enjoy the benefits, not Maxie. There’s nothing like alien sex.”

She backed away, shaking her head. “Max loves me. He won’t stop looking.”

Rath shrugged. “I took care of Zan, I can take care of the other boy king.”

He reached for her again, smiling, but she stepped out of his way. She knew Max would be looking for her, and she had to keep Rath distracted until he found her. “Um, I still don’t understand. Why did you send me the suckers?”

“No,” he said raising his voice, and shaking his head, “not suckers, lollipops.”

“Um, right,” she agreed to placate him. “Lollipops.”

He paced a little as he talked, using his hands in large gestures as he explained. “I couldn’t stop thinking about when I kissed you,” he said. “Your lips were so sweet, I couldn’t get it out of my head. Then I saw that you were getting powers, and I knew you and me would be even hotter in the sack than me and Lonnie.”

“I heard that song, Lollipop, on a commercial,” he continued, “and I thought, that’s it, you’re sweet like candy. So I sent you the lollipops to let you know I was coming for you,” he said.

His eyes met hers as he stopped. “You’re like a lollipop that I want to lick all over.”


Quickly Max looked around, trying to see what might have happened to Liz.

It only took him moments to find Jerry and Mac behind the booth. At first he thought they were dead, but quickly realized they were only unconscious.

He spied the door in the shadows a moment later.

He’d completely forgotten it was there. It led out the back of the gym but was usually locked. He jogged to it and found it open. Obviously the killer had taken Liz out that way.

Trying not to think about how scared Liz was or what might be happening to her, he pushed through the door.

Tess was right behind him, and she could see how worried he was. “We’ll find her, Max,” she assured him. “They can’t have gotten far.”

Liz wasn’t really a friend of hers, but Tess knew she was a good person and she didn’t want anything to happen to her, especially for Max’s sake.

Together, Tess and Max rushed down the hallway, checking the few rooms they came across. One of them led under the bleachers but was blocked with a heavy metal gate, and another was a small office that was being used as a storeroom for athletic equipment.

Max had never been in that part of the school, and he had no idea where the hallway went, but it didn’t take long to come to the end.

Finally they came to the last door, and Max burst through it, only to find himself in a small closet stuffed with books.

“What the hell?” he spat. “Where did they go?”

Tess shook her head. “I don’t know. They couldn’t have gotten out this way.”

“And,” Max said, “there is no way they could have gotten past us in the gym. They had to come this way.”

“Max,” Tess said, “you don’t think the killer could be an alien, do you?”

He looked at her like she was speaking a different language.

“Well,” she continued, “the only thing that could have gotten out of this hall would be an alien. He could use his powers to go through a wall, or through the floor.”

Max grasped the implications immediately. “It would be easy for an alien to set up Tommy, and it would explain why he was so disoriented. But it means the killer could have taken Liz anywhere.”

He was examining the walls as if he could see where they had gone through.

“Who could it be though?” Tess said. “It’s not like there are that many of us running around.”

“We don’t know how many Skins there are left,” Max said, “and there’s Nicholas…” he trailed off, whipping around to face Tess. “It’s Rath!”


Liz walked a couple of steps away from Rath. Again she’d accidentally brought the conversation to a dangerous place. “So that’s why you sent the lyrics.”

“And the gifts,” he said with a grin. “I’ll teach you how to use all of that stuff, and I can’t wait to see you in that bra and panties.”

“But,” she hurried on, changing the subject, “you couldn’t have known I’d be here tonight, or that I’d be alone.”

“I thought maybe you wouldn’t come at all,” he agreed. “Especially after Max started spending the night with you, and you got the police escort.”

“You saw all that,” she gasped.

“Sure,” he continued. “I was watching the whole time.”

He chuckled. “I wasn’t ready to get you yet, but I couldn’t stay away. I disguised myself as Michael, of course, but I was at the Crashdown, and at your school, and I even got a room in the building across from you balcony.”

Liz shivered again at the thought he’d been watching so closely, but didn’t interrupt. She wanted to keep him talking.

“I thought Max might take you that night he stayed in your room,” he continued, “and I was pissed he would have you first, but I should have known he’s too much of a pussy.”

A smiled raised the corners of his mouth. “I was ready to have you by then, but I realized I’d screwed up. I couldn’t get you alone, if you were never alone. So I set up that Tommy guy from your school, and then the police left you, and Max left.”

“And how did you know I’d come to the carnival?” she asked.

“I didn’t,” he said. “I was ready for you if you did, but even if you didn’t, I would have gotten you alone eventually.”


“Rath?” Tess said surprised, “but…”

Max cut her off. “He wanted Liz when he was here,” he explained. “He let her think he was Michael and kissed her against her will.”

He paced back and forth. “He killed Zan, and he was ready to kill Ava, and me, and probably you too. I can’t imagine it would be a big leap for him to rape and kill women.”

“We have to find Liz, fast,” he said. “But where would he take her? An alley somewhere?”

His whole body went cold just thinking about it.


Rath took determined steps towards her, and Liz said the first thing she could think of to keep him talking.

“Why did you wait to come get me?” she asked. “Why not let me know you were in town right away?”

He grinned. “I wanted you too much, and I was afraid that I’d be too rough. So I had to, um, work off some energy.”

Liz knew instantly what he meant. He’d raped and killed those girls because he hadn’t wanted to be too rough with her.

She felt sick again.

“Now,” he said, “I’m ready to spend all my time with you.”

Liz backed up again, shaking her head. “Rath, I’m my own person, I don’t belong to you.”

“Not yet,” he said, smiling, “but you will soon.”

“No,” she said. “I love Max.”

He shrugged, still walking toward her. “You’ll forget him soon enough.”

She looked around for any weapon, or any way to escape, but her attention was brought back to Rath as he chuckled.

“Oh yeah, princess,” he purred, “make a run for it. I’d love it if you put up a fight.”

Liz started shaking. She didn’t know what to do.

“Where are you going to take me?” she blurted out. “People will be looking for me.”

“Thought I’d just have you here tonight,” he said.

Waving his hand over a desk, he changed the papers on it into various items he’d sent her, handcuffs, a collar with a leash, nipple clips, a gag, a latex bra and panties, and several other items she didn’t recognize. Walking to the next desk, he repeated the action, but turned it into a large bed with black linens and a wrought iron headboard.

Desperately Liz looked around for any escape, as she backed away from him.

He picked up the handcuffs, twirling them around. “And then we’ll go back to New York, and we’ll get a place of our own. No more keeping a low profile and living underground. I’ll get us a nice place, fit for a king and his woman, and I’ll give you anything you want, clothes, jewelry, cars.”

Suddenly he surged forward faster than she thought possible, grabbing her around the waist and pulling her to him. “Of course I’ll have to keep you chained up for a while, until you won’t try to run.”

He closed a hand around one of her wrists, slipping a handcuff onto it, and clicked it shut.

Surprised and horrified, Liz jerked away, spinning, and stumbled against a table behind her. Her hands went out to break her fall, and landed on a large wrench. Instantly she grabbed it and swung around as hard as she could, hitting Rath in the head.

He grunted and staggered, going to one knee, and Liz ran for the door.


Tess swallowed her pride, and felt the last of her dreams dissolving. Max had never belonged to her and she had to accept that. He loved Liz, and they had a strong bond she couldn’t deny.

Surprisingly she was really worried about Liz too, and she didn’t want anything to happen to her. Liz had tried to be nice to her, and tried to help her. Now she could help Liz.

“You can find her, Max,” Tess said, “through your connection. Just like Liz found you in New York.”

He looked at her. “I don’t know how to do that.”

She nodded. “I can help you.”


Liz had no idea where she was. She only remembered coming down a flight of stairs but she didn’t know where it was. Racing through the door, she plunged into a dimly lit hallway.

The corridor looked the same in both directions. Her eyes were still growing accustomed to the darkness, and she tried to see anything that looked familiar. Taking a few tenuous steps, she knew she couldn’t afford to go the wrong way, but she had to hurry, Rath would be right behind her.

Almost immediately she realized she was going the wrong direction, because there were no stairs in sight. She turned to go back, but a loud groan from Rath made her run.

Hoping the darkness would confuse him too, she tried to be as quiet as possible.

She could hear scuffling as he came out of the room.

“Oh yeah, princess,” he called out, “make me work for it! I knew you’d be fun!”

Frantically Liz looked for a fire alarm, an exit door, or any kind of weapon. She was still holding the wrench, but she didn’t know if she could get close enough to use it again.

Her heart was racing. She couldn’t hear Rath behind her, and she didn’t know if that was good or not.

Going around a corner, she slowed as she came to a door. Quietly she tried the knob, but it was locked.

Racing on, she tried to think. If she found an open room should she try to hide? People in horror movies always got caught when they did. She knew it was crazy taking advice from a movie, but she didn’t have any other reference.

If she could get inside a room and lock it… No, that wouldn’t work. She had to remember she was running from an alien. He could simply use his powers to open the door, or go through the wall.

But, she thought, that might slow Rath down, if he was checking every locked room to see if she was inside.

In the distance, she thought she heard jogging footsteps, and she couldn’t help think how similar the situation was to the dream she had. She’d been in the school basement, running from the killer, trying to find a way out.

Max had woken her up before she saw the end, and she had to hope he would find her now before Rath got her again. Surely Max had discovered she was missing by now. But how would he know where to look for her?

And she couldn’t help wondering where the corridor she was following would end. Was there a door out, or would it simply dead end in another locked room?

Rath’s voice cut through the silence again. “I’m coming for you, Lollipop!” he bellowed. “It won’t be long now!”


“Take a deep breath,” Tess said to Max, “and concentrate on Liz. Remember what it felt like when you connected with her, and just reach out to her to do the same thing.”

He closed his eyes and did as she said. It was weird trying to connect with Liz this way. In the past he’d always been touching her, and he didn’t even know it was possible over a distance.

In his head, he replayed exactly how he’d felt their minds and souls joining when he connected with her.

For a moment he thought nothing was happening and concentrated harder. Liz’s life was at stake. And then he felt momentarily as if he was floating and his eyes snapped open.


Liz kept running, turning another corner, but slowed when she saw another door. The sign on it said, ‘Boiler Room’, and she kept going without even trying the door. The last thing she needed was to get trapped inside a boiler room.

“There’s no way out!” Rath called out with a chuckle.

Looking around, Liz tried to figure out where the voice was coming from, but it seemed to echo all around her.

Moving forward, she slowed her pace, to be as quiet as possible, and kept to the shadows as much as she could.

She passed two more doors, which were locked, and saw a fire extinguisher on the wall that she momentarily considered taking. But she knew it would be heavy, and she thought it might be more of a burden than a help.

Again she couldn’t help thinking about how similar her current situation was to the dream she had. She was running from an unseen pursuer, down an unfamiliar hallway in the school, and he seemed to be getting closer. She just wished she’d seen how the dream ended.

Rath’s voice echoed through the hallway again. “I’m getting closer, princess!”

She could tell he was enjoying the chase and it terrified her. What if she couldn’t get away from him? She didn’t even want to think about what he was planning.

Continuing on, she listened intently for any sign of Rath, but strange noises were coming from all directions, and she realized it was the heavy equipment that ran the school. The sounds of the machinery and plumbing would mask his approach.

But she had to keep going. It was her only chance.

Her heart started to drop, when she saw ahead that the hallway turned again.

She had already made two right turns, and the corridor was going right a third time. The hallway was just a giant square, leading back to where she started.

Stopping in the shadows, she considered what to do.

If Rath knew where it went, he could simply be waiting for her near the stairs. On the other hand, if he didn’t know, then he could be following behind her, and she would have a chance to make a run for it.

Of course, the voice in her head said, Rath might have gone the other direction, and she was walking right toward him.

She took deep breaths, trying to calm herself and her racing heart. She had to figure out where Rath was, and the best way to do that was listen.

Out of the corner of her eye, she caught a flash of light, and whipped around, recoiling instinctively, thinking it was Rath.

But instead she saw a soft glow, almost like light reflecting on smoke, which rapidly coalesced into a familiar shape.

“Max!” she gasped.


When Max opened his eyes, he was surprised to find himself in a hallway, facing Liz. She whirled toward him, alarmed, but relaxed when she saw him.

He saw her mouth move, obviously saying his name, but couldn’t hear her, and remembered that he couldn’t hear her when she came to him in New York.

Concentrating on her harder, he focused all of his power on the connection. “Liz,” he said, “can you hear me?”

She nodded. “It’s Rath,” she whispered, talking quickly. “I got away from him, but I’m stuck down here. The only way out is the stairs.”

“Where are you?” Max asked, looking around, not recognizing anything.

“I don’t know really,” Liz said. “In the basement of the school somewhere. The boiler room is back there,” she whispered, motioning behind her. “I have no idea how we got here. I think he dissolved some walls and pulled us through.”

Their conversation was interrupted by Rath’s bellowing voice. “I know where you are, princess.”

Liz looked around nervously, and turned back to Max. “Hurry,” she said. “I don’t know how much longer I can stay away from him.”

A helpless feeling rushed through Max. He had no idea where the door to the basement was, but he wouldn’t let Liz down. He held her eyes. “I’m coming for you. I won’t let him hurt you.”

She nodded, smiling weakly, and reached out to him. And even though he wasn’t really there, he swore he could feel her. Somehow he knew the tension in her body lessened a little.

He didn’t want to leave her alone, but the sooner he broke the connection, the sooner he would be with her. With a sigh, he let himself go back into his body, and when he opened his eyes, he was back with Tess.

He focused on her. “I know where Liz is.”


Liz watched Max dissolve and shook in reaction. For a moment she’d felt safe, but now she was all alone again. At least Max knew where she was, and he was coming for her.

Suddenly the sound of whistling filled the air, and she looked one way and then the other, trying to figure out where Rath was.

The dim lights and her fear seemed to make the shadows move and the walls close in. Every small sound made her jump, but she had to push the sensations away and keep her head.

Once again she looked both directions, making sure she was alone, then she turned back toward the upcoming bend in the hallway. If she was right, she was only one corridor away from the stairs. She had the overwhelming need to look around the corner and see if Rath was down there.

If he wasn’t, maybe she could make a run for it.

Slowly she started toward the hallway, careful to stay in the shadows. Her heartbeat increased with every step she took, knowing she could come face-to-face with Rath too.

Suddenly she was grabbed from behind and pulled against a hard body, as a rough voice spoke in her ear. “Gotcha, princess.”

Liz screamed.




Just a small announcement for anyone who is interested.

I will start posting a new story –
#6 in the Artist series – Arms of an Artist
on March 1st

But from March 1st to 14th it will be exclusively posted on Roswell Heaven in a Sneak Peek fourm, to help support the fundraising drive. To see all the stories in the fourm, a small donation to the board is required. It can be any amount, even $1.

For full details check here -

Re: Lollipop (M/L, CC, mature) AN ~ 3/1

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 5:11 pm
by RoswellOracle
Thanks guys for hanging in there!
Thank you to everyone who left feedback and bumps and well wishes.

I can’t believe I caught so many of you off-guard with Rath! :wink:

Mary mary


Part 9


Max let himself go back into his body, and when he opened his eyes, he was back with Tess.

He focused on her. “I know where Liz is.”

“Where?” Tess asked anxiously.

“She’s in the basement, near the boiler room,” he said, “but I have no idea how to get there. We have to find someone…”

Tess cut him off. “I know where it is. There’s some stairs over by the shops. I’ll go with you. I can help.”

Max nodded, glad she was coming. “Let’s go.”

They hurried out of the gym, and broke into a run once they were in the hallway. With her powers Tess altered her costume so she could move more quickly.

As they rushed to save Liz, a million thoughts raced through Max’s mind.

What had Rath done to Liz? She was so upset, Max didn’t even want to think what he might have done, but he had to. He had to be strong for her.

And it was completely his fault. He should have known it was too easy finding Tommy behind the Crashdown. He should have known it was all wrong. And he should have protected Liz better. He’d let himself get distracted by Tess and taken his attention off Liz. It was all his fault that Rath had been able to take her.

Max was also angrier than he’d ever been in his life. How dare Rath come after Liz? Even though they weren’t together, Liz belonged to him and Rath knew that.

And what was he going to do about Rath? How were they going to beat him? They didn’t even know what powers he had.

And when they did beat him, what then? It’s not like they could just turn Rath over to the police. But they couldn’t let him go either or he would surely hurt or kill more women.

It only left one option. Max would have to kill him.

He swallowed hard. He didn’t want to do it, but what other option did he have?


Liz was grabbed from behind and pulled against a hard body, as he spoke in her ear. “Gotcha, princess.”

She screamed.

He knocked the wrench out of her hand and dragged her backward through a hole in the wall, into the room where she’d started. The wall closed behind them, and she almost laughed. The whole time she’d thought she’d gotten away, she was just one wall away from Rath, and he knew it. He’d just waited for her.

Rath hummed in her ear. “Mmmmm, I knew you’d be fun. But I’ve had enough foreplay with our clothes on.”

Liz struggled against him, but he just laughed. “A fighter till the end,” he chuckled. “Keep wiggling that sweet ass against my cock, baby, I’m almost there.”

Horrified, Liz froze.

Rath chuckled again, brushing her ear with his lips. “So uptight,” he growled. “I’m going to love breaking you in.”

He tossed her on the bed and went to the desk, grabbing the bra and panties he’d created. “Put those on,” he ordered, throwing them to her.

She scrambled off the bed and backed away from him shaking her head. “No way.”

Rath smiled. “I can do it for you,” he said, as his eyes raked over her body. “Or maybe I’ll just get down to business and strip you naked.”

Out of his pocket he took a heart-shaped lollipop like he had sent Liz. Tossing the wrapper aside, he slid it in his mouth, sucking it as his eyes roamed over her body. “Damn,” he growled, “I think I’ll rub this all over you and lick it off. My own sweet lollipop.”

Liz shuddered, folding her arms across her breasts as if she could block his gaze.

With a smile, he started whistling in that eerie, off-key tone, and Liz shuddered again. All of her fear came rushing back.

She knew who he was now, but she also knew what he was capable of. And unlike a human, she didn’t have a chance against him. If Max couldn’t find her quickly…, she let the thought trail off. She couldn’t think about what would happen.

Rath winked at her. “You know you want it,” he said, grabbing his crotch. “I’m going to give it to you so good, you’ll be begging me for more.”

Liz shook her head, holding her hand out as if to ward him off. “Stay away from me, Rath.”

“Come here, princess,” he ordered, smirking.


As Max and Tess reached the door to go downstairs, Max paused, turning to Tess. “I have an idea,” he said. “We’ll get as close as we can, and you mindwarp Rath. I’ll get Liz out while he’s distracted, and…,” he paused, “and then, I’ll take care of him.”

Tess nodded, understanding. She didn’t judge or question what he was going to do, she just accepted his words. “Okay,” she said, reaching out and unlocking the door, “let’s go get her.”

Max was afraid. He didn’t think they were ready to take on Rath, but they didn’t have any choice. He just wished he didn’t feel so rushed. But he couldn’t wait and come up with a better plan. Liz didn’t have the time.

Silently they went down the stairs and through the hall, careful to stay close to the wall. It was dim in the corridor, but it only took them a moment to figure out where Liz was being held. They could hear Rath’s booming voice coming from a room ahead.

And by what he was saying, obviously he’d caught Liz again.

“Come here, princess,” he ordered.

Max stopped outside the door where he could hear Rath, and turned to Tess. She nodded and closed her eyes, starting the mind warp.

Looking around the corner, Max quickly took in the situation. Rath was about half-way across the room, and Liz was backed against the far wall. As he took in her appearance he was filled with rage. Her costume was torn on one shoulder and the filmy wings were bent. She had various cuts and bruises on her exposed skin and she looked terrified.

Max stepped into the room, waving to get Liz’s attention, and motioned for her to come to him.

With a grateful expression she started across the room.

Rath was still talking to the place where Liz had been standing, like he didn’t notice anything happening.

Silently, Liz walked toward Rath, because she had to go past him to get out. She watched his eyes carefully, but they were still focused across the room.

She tried to tune out his continuing rantings, but suddenly what he said caught her attention.

“You know,” Rath said, “you must think I’m some kind of scrub.”

A shiver of apprehension shot through Liz a second before Rath grabbed her, and whirled them around toward the door. His hand shot out and he sent a burst of power right at Max.

Max dove aside, barely avoiding the crackling ball of energy that hit the wall.

“Ava can mindwarp too,” Rath said, pressing Liz to the front of him, while keeping hold of the free handcuff hanging from her wrist, “and I’ve been able to see through it since I was twelve.”

He called out to Tess, “Get in here, retard.”

Max stood up, facing Rath, fury boiling inside him. He wanted nothing more than to beat Rath senseless for touching Liz. “Let Liz go.”

Rath put his hand to his chin, pretending to be thinking. “Mmmmm,” he hummed, and then focused on Max. “I don’t think so, duke. You lost your chance. She’s mine now and I’m going to take what you never had.”

Tess came in and Rath laughed again. “Max didn’t run you out of town,” he chuckled. “You must not have told him the truth, that you’re the one who broke him and Liz up.”

The surprise on Tess’ face was obvious, and Rath laughed. “Yeah, in New York I saw in that twisted little head of yours what you did.”

She stood up straighter. “I told him tonight,” she said softly.

Rath looked at Max. “She’s a devious little bitch, that one. And you didn’t kick her to the curb?”

Max was annoyed and scared. He wasn’t sure how to rescue Liz with Rath hanging on to her, and they’d lost the element of surprise. Now Rath seemed to know what Tess had done, and was taunting them about it. “There are more important things happening,” he growled angrily.

“Saving your girl,” Rath said, nodding. “But after he gets Liz back,” he said in a sing-song tone, pointing toward Tess and winking, “you are gone.”

Tess swallowed hard. She thought Rath might be right. It was possible Max would never forgive her for what she’d done.

Rath laughed, looking at Max. “Never mess with the king, right duke?” He cocked his head, speaking to Tess. “You might as well join up with me. I’ll even give you a tumble now and then, if it’s okay with the princess,” he said, holding up the handcuff attached to Liz’s wrist, yanking her against him.

Liz didn’t know what Rath was talking about, but now wasn’t the time to ask. “Tess belongs here, with us,” she said, her voice breaking with pain. “With Max.”

Rath laughed harder. He pulled Liz close, so he could speak in her ear. “That blonde bitch only made you think you couldn’t be with Max. She mindwarped you. Made you see ‘Future Max’ so you would chase Max away, and she could have him.”

Liz whirled toward Rath. “What?”

He nodded, and she looked to Tess. Tears started in her eyes as she thought of all the pain and heartache she’d suffered, and how she’d destroyed Max. “How could you?” she whispered.

Tess actually seemed ashamed. She couldn’t hold Liz’s gaze and looked down. “I’m sorry,” she said. “I didn’t…”

“Sorry you got caught,” Rath said cheerfully.

Max was tired of playing games. “Just let Liz go, Rath,” he said again. “There’s no way you’re getting out of here with her.”

Sending his power out again, Rath hit a desk, just as Max dove behind it. Splinters of wood flew out, a couple catching Max in the face.

Rath winked at Tess. “Better join up with me, Tessie, and use those powers of yours to help me take down da man. You know you’ll never make it with him now. And he doesn’t have a chance against me. He’s got no powers to even hurt me.”

He motioned to Max who was getting to his feet, wiping at the blood on his face. “What’s he going to do, heal me to death?” he said with a chuckle.

“Shut up, Rath,” Max said angrily.

Tess looked from Rath to Max, studying him. She knew Rath was right, Max would never accept her, and she wouldn’t blame him if he did tell her to leave. After a moment she looked back at Rath and nodded. “Okay.”

Rath chuckled.

Liz gasped, her eyes going to Tess, and Max whirled toward the blonde, shaking his head. “No, Tess…”

Suddenly Rath threw his hand out, sending another burst of energy directly at Max.

Liz screamed.

The ball of blue-white light shot across the room, and this time Max raised his own hand just as quickly. A green, wavering light projected from his palm, instantly expanding into a shield that protected him, bouncing Rath’s power away, into the brick wall.

Pieces shot out from the bricks, flying in all directions, a few of them getting behind Max’s shield and hitting him. He winced in pain. Tess jumped out of the way, ending up closer to Rath.

“Wow,” Rath said, impressed, “I never saw Zan do anything like that.” He looked at Tess. “Did you know he could do that?”

Tess shook her head, feeling a bit hollow inside. She really didn’t know Max at all.

Rath smiled as he turned back to Max. “Should we see how strong that sucker is?”

“No!” Liz shouted, jerking on the handcuffs. “You can’t do this.”

Rath ignored her, sending several more energy balls at Max. “You are such a fucking pussy,” he taunted.

Behind his shield Max watched as the blue spheres bounced off and hit the wall, one after another, and wondered what to do. His powers were defensive, healing and a shield. How could he possibly beat Rath? And even if he figured out something, Liz was too close to him, attached to him.

His eyes flicked to Tess. What was she going to do?

He only had a moment to think as the next blast hit his shield, making him stagger back a step. Either Rath was putting more power behind them, or his strength was already starting to fade.

Helplessly he watched as Liz struggled against Rath, trying to make him stop. She threw herself into him, clawing at his arm, but she was tiny against him and Max could see she was barely affecting him.

Liz beat at Rath’s chest, but he was able to keep her mostly under control, using his superior size and strength. With a jerk of his arm, he twisted the cuffs, pulling her off balance, and she stumbled, almost falling.

She saw Tess look at Max and close her eyes, and knew the other girl was starting a mind warp.

“No,” Liz shouted, looking back a Rath. She was afraid she didn’t have long. She had to do something quickly.

Throwing herself against Rath, she kicked at his most sensitive area, and was rewarded by a grunt of pain as he partially doubled over. His hands automatically dropped to protect himself, dragging Liz along. It happened so quickly that she lost her footing and fell to the floor.

“Aaaaaahh, shit,” he groaned. “Save the pain for later, princess.”

With one hand Max maintained the wavering green wall, and his other hand shot out, sending a burst of energy. It looked like air shimmering on hot desert day, but sped across the room, hitting Rath squarely in the chest.

It had suddenly occurred to Max, he might not have offensive powers, but he was good at manipulating molecules. He used super-speed bursts of air and directed them precisely toward his target.

He was so angry and felt so helpless, but he wasn’t. He just had to be smart. He’d try anything to save Liz.

Rath staggered back from the impact, but held his ground. Still half bent over, he kept one hand over his aching groin while the other extended toward Max. Another ball of energy left his palm, but he shot wildly, striking the floor near Max.

“What the fuck?” Rath shouted. “Are you totally useless, retard?” he yelled at Tess. “Help me out here! He’s tiring out. We can finish him off.”

Max sent blast after blast of power at Rath, each striking him in the head and chest. Rath recoiled from the hits, stumbling backward, dragging Liz.

Reaching out to Rath’s arm, Liz tried to scratch him. She had to do something to help Max, but before she touched Rath, electricity jumped from her fingers, burning his flesh.

He snatched his arm away from her with a yelp. “Fuck!” he shouted. “Now is a hell of a time to get your powers!”

Max saw his chance and started walking toward them, as he continued pummeling Rath with bursts of air. He could see that Rath was quickly losing ground and dropped his shield. With a flick of his hand he directed his power at Liz.

Suddenly she heard a sharp snap as the handcuff unlocked from her wrist, and then she was free.

Liz didn’t even have time to think before she was being propelled backward across the room. She realized Max was using his powers to pull her just as she skidded past him.

With a gasp she watched as Max’s hand shot out again, this time using his power to lift one of the desks off the floor and hurl it at Rath. It hit him squarely in the back, and he fell to his knees.

Suddenly Tess dropped the mind warp she was doing on Rath. She had sent him images of exactly what he waned to see, Max losing. It had been easier for her to get in when he was off-guard, but she’d exhausted herself forcing it on him.

Rath bellowed when he saw what was really happening, “You bitch!” Once again he raised his arm, but this time aimed at Tess.

Max pictured all the women Rath had raped and killed and thought how close Liz had come to the same fate. It made him furious. He wanted to kill Rath.

He rushed at Rath, shoving him back before swinging his fist hard and connecting with his jaw. There was a satisfying sound when they impacted and Rath’s head snapped back with the power of the punch.

It only took him a moment to recover and he came at Max swinging wildly.

Filled with rage, Max easily sidestepped Rath’s clumsy punch, and hit him again. “That’s for scaring Liz,” he growled.

Rath tried to hit him again, but Max twisted out of his way, and used his momentum to turn into another punch to his face. “That’s for touching Liz.”

Blood erupted from Rath’s nose as he staggered back, but he came rushing at Max again, roaring with rage.

Max simply stood his ground. He was still furious, but he felt clear and strong for the first time. He wanted to beat Rath to a pulp for what he did to Liz, and as Rath got near he drew back for another punch. This time Max put some of his power behind it and when he hit Rath in the jaw, he flew back, slamming against a desk that collapsed under him. “No one hurts my Liz,” he snarled.

Instantly Max and Tess ran to him, standing over his limp form with outstretched hands. They were prepared for another attack, but it was obvious Rath was out cold.

Max had never wanted anyone dead before, and looking down at Rath he realized even after all Rath had done, he was unsure about killing him. It just seemed wrong. But what other choice did he have?

He couldn’t turn him over to the police and give them proof that aliens existed, and he couldn’t just let him go. There was no other choice.

Max was aware that Liz had come up beside him. He didn’t want her to have to see what he had to do.

“Liz,” he said gruffly, unable to look at her, and all of the anger he felt seemed to drain out of him.

She knew what he meant without having to explain it, and she knew why. Putting her hand on his arm, she tried to think of anything to say.

Tess looked at the two of them struggling with the decision. She owed them both. “I’ll do it,” she said. Without waiting for an answer, she started to lower her hand toward Rath.

“No,” Max said, gripping her arm. “It’s my responsibility. I can’t let you.”

Tess started to argue, but was interrupted.

“Wait,” Liz said, shaking her head. “Isn’t there something else you could do? Is it possible that you could alter his brain somehow, take his powers away?” she asked, looking from one to the other.

Max was amazed by her suggestion. “Probably,” he admitted, “but his blood isn’t human. I might be able to change it but I can’t guarantee it wouldn’t kill him. He could die a horrible, agonizing death.”

“Just what he deserves,” Tess said.

“At least it would give him a chance,” Liz suggested, softly.

Max embraced her, kissing the side of her head. “Okay,” he said.

Releasing her, he knelt down and put his hand on Rath’s forehead. He didn’t know exactly what he was looking for in Rath’s brain, but he trusted his powers to guide him. He felt it almost instantly, like a surge of energy in Rath otherwise quiet mind. It seemed to pulse with power.

Max thought of turning off a water faucet, and extinguished the source of Rath’s otherworldly abilities.

The next part would be harder, and possibly kill Rath, but he at least had to try. It was Rath’s only chance to keep living.

As quickly as he could, he passed his hand over Rath’s entire body, changing the alien blood into human. Almost as soon as he started, Rath came awake, screaming, his body convulsing in agony. Max continued as Rath yelled louder, hoping he wasn’t killing him.

Every inch of Rath seemed to be in searing pain, like he was on fire. Vaguely he noted Max was doing something to him, and then everything went black.

Liz watched Rath’s body collapse again, and as soon as Max was finished she immediately put her fingers to the pulse in his neck. It was beating strong. He was still alive.

She felt a rush of relief. It’s not like she had any reason to want Rath alive, she just didn’t want Max to have to kill him. She smiled as she looked at him. “It’s over. He’ll never hurt you again.”

Instantly, they moved into each others’ arms, embracing tightly.

Max stroked Liz’s hair, feeling almost weak with relief. Liz was okay and one of the biggest things keeping them apart was a lie. He just hoped Liz would change her mind about staying away from him. Deeply he inhaled the scent of her, never wanting to let her go.

“I love you,” he said in her ear, and when she said it back, he felt like he was coming alive for the first time in months.

Tess stood silently by as they embraced, waiting for Max to tell her to pack up and leave town. She hadn’t really understood how much they loved each other, but it was no excuse. She thought she knew best and she’d manipulated them both. They would never forgive her.

It had seemed so easy to make Max realize his true feelings if Liz were out of the picture, but she hadn’t counted on the strength of his feelings for the brunette. They truly belonged together.

After a moment Max and Liz broke apart enough to turn toward her, but continued touching as if they couldn’t stop. And Tess realized maybe they couldn’t.

Liz spoke first. “Thank you for helping us with Rath,” she said.

Tess was amazed that Liz could have any kind words for her. “You’re welcome,” she said hesitatingly. “You didn’t think I was helping Rath?”

Shaking her head, Liz gave Tess a soft smile. “Of course not. I knew you had some trick up your sleeve.”

The comment stung Tess, though she was sure it wasn’t meant to. “I’m sorry,” she blurted out. “I really am. I didn’t know how much you loved each other. I didn’t mean to hurt either of you so much. I…” she trailed off, looking down. “Don’t worry, I’ll pack up and be gone by tomorrow.”

Rath started to moan, drawing their attention. He moved slightly as he woke up, putting a hand to his head. “Fuck, Max.” he groaned. “What did you do to me? I have a hell of a headache.”

Max released Liz and took a few steps toward Rath, looking down at him in disgust. “You won’t hurt anyone again,” he said.

Rath smiled. “Not like you can stop me,” he taunted. Suddenly he raised his hand, pointing it directly at Max, but looked shocked when nothing happened.

“You’re human now,” Max said. “I took your powers away.”

Sitting up, Rath grabbed at Max. “You can’t do that! You can’t make me human!”

With a single punch, Max knocked Rath back to the floor. “It’s already done and we’re turning you in.”

“The hell you are,” Rath bellowed, struggling to his feet. But he didn’t see Tess behind him, and she took the handcuffs laying beside him, and snapped one around his wrist. He jerked away from her, and Max was on him instantly, slamming him against the wall, he pulled his hands behind his back, securing him in the other cuff.

Pushing off the wall Rath threw himself at Max again attempting to escape. Instinctively Max pushed his shield out of his palm, knocking Rath back into the wall. His head hit hard, and he slumped unconscious to the floor.

Max examined him closely and knelt next to Michael’s double. He passed his hand over Rath’s nose, altering it, so he no longer looked like Michael’s twin.

With a sigh Max stood and looked at Tess. “Get rid of the scorch marks on the walls from his powers, while I call the Sheriff.”

Tess didn’t question Max, she just hurried to follow his orders.

When he got off the phone, Max helped Tess clean up and put the room back together. They left the items Rath created, and their own cuts and bruises to be used as evidence against him. Then the three of them quickly got their story straight.

The Sheriff and Hansen arrived not long afterward to take Rath into custody.

“What happened?” Valenti asked, his eyes sliding to Hansen.

Max knew they needed to tell the story for the Deputy’s benefit. Going to Liz he took her in his arms. “One minute Liz was there, and the next she was gone,” Max said. “Tess and I looked for her everywhere and found her down here with him.”

He paused, pressing his lips to her head. “He told her he raped and killed the other women, and framed Tommy for it, and he said he’d do the same to her.”

Hansen crossed to Rath where he was just coming around again, and pulled him to his feet.

“You are one sick puppy,” Hansen drawled.

Rath tried to shake him off. “You can’t do this,” he growled at Max. “I won’t let you get away with it.”

Rath turned to Hansen. “They’re all aliens,” he said, motioning to Max, Liz and Tess with a jerk of his head. “I was an alien too, until he took my powers away. How did he know I was down here with Liz? He used his powers to find her.” He looked at Valenti. “He knows all about it. He’s helping them.”

Hansen turned to look at Valenti, then Tess, then Max and Liz with a scowl on his face.

For a heartbeat Max thought Hansen believed Rath, but then he shook his head. “This guy is freaking nuts.”

“Yes, Deputy,” Valenti agreed, “he is.”
