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Sacred Vows (AU,M/L,Adult) AN 8/21/10*complete*

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 9:52 am
by jake17

banner by Hunter…sweetie I do believe you have out done yourself…so beautiful! Thank you so much!!

Title: Sacred Vows
Author: jake17
Pairing: M/L
Rating: Adult
Disclaimer: I own nothing Roswell
Summary: For as long as Max Evans could remember he has only wanted one thing, to help people and serve God. With only three months to go before making his vows to become a priest he finds himself blindsided by a beautiful young girl who desperately needs his help. Will he make the choice to save her soul or will he throw away the only life he has ever known for the chance at something he never expected…love.

Chapter 1.

Tears streamed down her face as she raced down the winding road past the many farms and acres of woods that lined the road by her house.

“Liz the chemo isn’t working; her body is just too weak. It’s time you started making plans, I’m so sorry…we did everything we could.”

Liz barely remembered getting in her car everything was a blur as the tall evergreens whisked by her.

Fearing that she was too upset to drive she spotted a small sign on the side of the road.

Grace of Angels Shrine
Open from 10 am till dusk

Wiping the smudged mascara from her cheeks she looked at the sign more closely.

She had never heard of this place but from the small white cross underneath the words she assumed it had some religious meaning.

At that point she didn’t care she was distraught and needed a place to calm down

Turning onto the narrow dirt road that seemed to go on forever Liz suddenly felt as if she were in another world.

Tall oak trees followed the length of the road with an abundance of purple and yellow wild flowers that were scattered about in thick patches.

Noticing a small parking lot she turned off and just sat in her car exhausted and lost.

Laying her forehead on the steering wheel she began to cry.

As she searched in her glove box for some napkins to clean her face she noticed something odd through the bulky branches of the woods across the way.

Using her sleeve to wipe her makeup from under her eyes she stepped out of her car and discovered a small paved path that was almost hidden by heavy brush and tall bushes.

Turning the corner her eyes widened with wonder as she gazed upon something out of a fairytale …something magical.

Giant willow tress and flower gardens were spread out before her. Fountains and babbling brooks flowed throughout the misty dew kissed forest making it seem like a scene out of Neverland not the religious sanctuary she was expecting.

The small path split into three skinny walkways that forked off into different directions.

The one directly in front of her led to a large structure with a wooden cross and stone pews that looked as if they had been naturally there all along.

The one to the left disappeared into a wide layer of tall elm trees.

As she looked to the right she noticed the edge of the unusual form she saw from her car.

Slowly she followed the curved trail until it opened into a large circle.

On one end of the circle was a small worn bench on the other was something truly amazing.

It was soaring majestic statue of an angel.

There were large clay pots filled with red roses at her feet and dozens of translucent glass candleholders that lit up her saintly loving expression.

Liz looked up at her outstretched concrete wings that seemed to touch the edge of the sky and sighed.

She wondered what kind of place she had accidentally found herself in. Not being religious herself she felt a little uncomfortable being there but she couldn’t help admire the pure beauty of the figure in front of her.

As she looked closer she could see pieces of paper folded or rolled up into scrolls that were placed in the creases of her garment and at her feet.

Some were old and yellowed from time and the elements others were crisp and new like they had been placed there only moments ago.

Curious Liz approached one of the older notes and began to remove it from its place.

“Please don’t!”

Liz quickly pulled back her hand and brought it to her chest holding it there as her heart raced.

Surprised thinking she was alone she became breathless as she stared into the most beautiful gentle amber eyes she’d ever seen.

“I’m so sorry, I-I didn’t mean to scare you.”

Standing before her was a young strikingly handsome man dressed in a flannel shirt and jeans with muddy work boots.

He looked truly upset that he had frightened her.

His voice was like velvet, smooth and deep. It immediately had a certain calming affect on her.

Lowering his shovel onto the ground he shyly pointed at the precious paper Liz almost removed.

“It’s just that these are…prayers.”

Confused Liz looked him over assuming by his clothes that he was a gardener that worked for the church.


Brushing his dark hair from his eyes he nodded slowly almost intimidated by her.

“People come here who are…hurting or in need and they write their prayers on pieces of paper and place then with the angel in hopes that she will carry them to

Liz burst out laughing but stopped suddenly when she saw what she thought was hurt in his eyes.

Shaking her head she softened her voice realizing that he was serious.

“I’m sorry I-I didn’t mean to laugh. I just find it hard to believe that people think that this …works.”

Nodding he calmly retrieved his shovel.

“Don’t you believe in God?”

She was so taken aback by his seemly pure innocence. She could tell from his wide-eyed expression and earnest tone that this wasn’t an accusatory question. It was an issue of concern, a caring inquiry.

Liz was dumfounded.

“Honestly …no.”

Shock and sorrow filled his sensitive face.

Whispering out of what she could only surmise as respect he walked closer to her raising his hand to the statue.

“You are surrounded by such beauty how can you not believe there isn’t some divine creator behind it all.’

Liz looked all around her and back into his naïve eyes.

Suddenly she remembered how she ended up there to begin with. Feeling her world crashing down all around her she began to cry.

Bitterness and anger filled her voice as she pointed her finger at him.

“Life isn’t beautiful, its hard and lonely and I’m sorry to have to be the one to tell you this but there is no God!”

Brushing by him she pushed the branches out of her way as she ran back to her car tears flowing down her face.

Feeling as if the wind was knocked out of his lungs he slowly sat down on the bench.

Spotting something shiny on the ground he reached down and picked up a thin gold bracelet with a tiny charm of a heart dangling from it.

Looking up he heard the engine of her car as it sped up the road.

Closing his eyes he tried to steady his beating heart.

Squeezing the chain in his hand he couldn’t stop from wondering what would make her so angry, so sad.

Running his hand across his stomach he was confused by the feeling he was having.

He kept picturing the graceful slope of her neck and her long raven hair as it swept across her flushed cheeks.

“Brother Maxwell, Father Paul needs your help in the rectory.”

Quickly shoving the bracelet in his pocket he made his way back up the path gripping the shovel in his hand tightly.

He was sure he had never seen anything more beautiful in his life.

Convincing himself that he wanted to help her, that this feeling was one of duty and comfort part of what his life would be devoted to soon and nothing more he walked back to the rectory.

I know I can help her he quietly told himself as he ran his fingers over the bracelet that was tucked safely in his pocket.

Whispering into the crisp spring air he hoped his prayer would be answered.

“Please bring her back to me.”

Re: Sacred Vows (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 2 12/11/09

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 8:33 pm
by jake17
L-J-L 76

Thank you all so much for that amazingly sweet fb! :D

Just a few things:

LIz is not the one dying as you will soon see...this was totally my sorry about the confusion! :oops:

Also you might find it interesting that this place really does exist. I found it accidentally one day when I was very upset much like Liz does in the story...unfortunately there wasn't a beautiful Max Evans waiting there to comfort me :wink: :lol:

One more thing, this is just a little love story, please know that I mean absolutely no disrespect to anyone's religious beliefs.

Chapter 2.

Liz held onto her mother’s fragile limp hand as she tried to hold back her tears.

“Dear you should know she’s not in any pain. She’s resting comfortably, but honey you need to be prepared we’re looking at a matter of weeks now.”

Glancing up at the nurse Liz nodded and kissed her mom on the forehead.

Suddenly the lime green color of the walls and the smell that only a hospital can produce began to make Liz feel sick and dizzy.

“I’m not feeling very well Jackie, I’ll be back to see her tomorrow.”

Of course that’s what she told herself but the real reason she had to leave had nothing to do with the hospital at all.

The cold hard fact of reality was finally beginning to sink in.

Her mother was going to die.

As she began descending down to the ground floor memories filled her broken heart.

She could see herself as a child in the home she grew up in watching her mom as she swayed back and forth to her favorite song as she cooked dinner.

A smile rose from her lips as she remembered her turning up the radio and grabbing her by her little seven-year-old hand.

“Come on baby girl, dance with me.”

There was a time when there was so much life in her, so much humor and joy. Now all that remained was a shrunken body riddled with a ruthless cancer that had left her basically in a vegetative state.

Lost in her memory Liz hadn’t realized that she had reached the parking garage.

Coming out of her daze she looked up to find several people staring at her waiting to get on the elevator.

“Excuse me Miss? Are you alright?”

Keeping her head down she nodded and briskly walked to her car feeling as if she couldn’t get out of there fast enough.

Speeding down her road she looked up as she past her house. For the last six months her mom had been living with her, this time had really taken a toll on Liz emotionally.

Having no siblings and no other family to speak of except a father that had abandoned her when she was small, it was left solely up to Liz to take care of her mom.

Boxes of her memories piled up in Liz’s house, there was no way she could handle being there now.

Without planning it Liz found herself driving down the same desolate winding street she had yesterday.

Being too tired to reason why she turned into the shrine again and found herself standing outside her car looking through the trees at what she knew now to be the tip of the wing from the statue of the angel.

She couldn’t explain the strong sense of peace and comfort she felt in this strange and beautiful place but she knew it was exactly where she wanted to be.

Staring up at the impressive angel she sat on the bench feeling completely emotionally and physically drained.

Curiously her eyes drifted over the many pieces of papers placed in and around the sculpture.

Hearing his husky deep voice in her head she thought about the handsome stranger and what he had said to her.

Those are prayers…

In hopes that the angel with carry them up to God…

Watching as the reddish orange sunset pierced through the trees and lit the graceful face of the angel Liz briefly imagined for a moment her coming to life.

She squinted blurring her vision as she tried to picture the hard concrete soften and her hands gathering the very important messages. She pictured her feet drifting up front its stone perch and her wings effortlessly taking flight as she started her journey to heaven.

“You came back.”

Gasping loudly a very startled Liz found herself looking up not at the face of the messenger she was daydreaming about, but into the sheepish gentle eyes and warm smile of the young man she met yesterday.

Stepping back timidly he once again apologized.

“I’m so sorry, again I scared you. Are you ok?”

Remembering how horribly she acted towards him before she shook her head and moved closer to the edge of the bench indicating for him to sit beside her.

“I’m fine, I was just …lost in my thoughts I guess. Please sit.”

Nodding shyly he carefully placed his toolbox on the ground and brushed the dirt off his hands before sitting next to her.

As the late afternoon breeze swept through her hair he momentarily closed his eyes as the light scent of vanilla filled his senses.

Again he pushed away the strange feelings that stirred within him.

Trying not to stare he noticed her curiosity as she gazed at the notes.

Looking closer it was very obvious that she had been crying again. He wanted so desperately to help her. For some reason he had an overwhelming need to know what was making so distraught.

He also realized that she had to be the one to make the first move. He was not yet a priest and he didn’t want to come across as being invasive or rude.

Getting an idea he reached in his back pocket and pulled out a receipt for a flower delivery he had and ripped it in half.

Taking a pencil from his toolbox he handed them both to her.

Confused Liz furrowed her eyebrows and looked up at him.

He glanced over at the statue and back down at the paper encouraging her.

“Go ahead, what do you have to lose?”

Almost hypnotized by his engaging beautiful eyes Liz held his stare as she tried to figure out his motive for being so nice

Not quite sure of him she followed her gut, which was telling her that he was harmless.

She was afraid of insulting any religious beliefs he may have especially after how she had behaved the day before.

“Listen you’re obviously a very nice guy and I don’t want to insult you, but even if I did …believe my problem isn’t one that can be fixed or answered.”

Max nodded patiently and placed the paper and pencil in her reluctant hand.

“Well then…why don’t you just ask for help getting through whatever difficult time you’re having.”

Looking into his heartfelt kind face she felt as if she couldn’t turn him down…besides what did it really matter. It was just a piece of paper.

Feeling silly Liz laughed a little as she began writing. It seemed to have made him so happy.

Even with everything she was going through she couldn’t help but notice how strikingly gorgeous he was.

With his jet-black hair that always seemed to fall against his golden hazel eyes to his toned muscular body that even his oversized flannel shirt couldn’t conceal.

He was truly mesmerizing to look at, but what really set him apart from every other handsome guy was his gentle sweet nature. She had never met anyone quite like him before.

From the many times she had caught him stealing glances at her she was pretty sure he had the same strong attraction for her. Suddenly she began to wonder if this wasn’t a ploy to just get to know her.

“So tell me is it in your job description to console all the girls that come here sad and weepy.”

Missing her point completely he smiled warmly at her as he rested his hand on her shoulder.

“Actually yes, in fact in three weeks you could say it will be my profession.”

Liz froze as she mulled his words over in her mind.

Meanwhile Max took the note folded it without reading it and placed it in the crease of the angel’s outstretched hand.

Please send me someone to help me get through this

Noticing the shocked look on her face he leaned towards her.

“Is everything ok?”

Hesitating for a moment Liz bit her bottom lip and ran her fingers through her hair nervously.

“I thought you were a gardener working for the church.”

Max laughed as he looked down at his clothes and the toolbox he had been carrying.

“Hmm yes, well I can see why. Actually I’m studying to be a Priest.”

Liz’s eyes widened as she rubbed her forehead.

“And this is happening in three weeks?”

Slowly he answered as he fell captured in the endless pools of her dark eyes. Stuttering he almost forgot her question as his heart began to race uncontrollably.

“Y-yes three weeks.”

Both stunned but for different reasons they turned away from each other and looked straight ahead in silence.

Liz felt immediate guilt not only for the things she had said to him, but for how she was begin to feel about him.

“W-Well I noticed your sign said you close at dusk and its almost dark now, I-I should be going.”

Nodding Max felt a terrible sadness in his heart. Completely confused he quickly walked after her up the path and placed his hand softly on her back.

“Wait, I almost forgot.”

Turning around quickly he could see that she was breathing hard almost as if she were anxious or uncomfortable.

His eyes fell to her lips for a moment as he pulled a branch away from her face just in time before it struck her.

Sheltered from the lack of sun in the thick brush Liz began to shiver.

Slowly he took off his jacket and placed it around her shoulders.

“No, I couldn’t-

“I insist, just bring it back whenever you can.”

Nodding slowly Liz whispered as she slid her arms through the sleeves.

“You said you forgot something?”

“Oh yes, your bracelet.”

Reaching in his pocket he pulled out her gold chain and placed it in her hand.

Her eyes filled with tears as she lowered her head.

“Here let me.”

She struggled not to cry but was unsuccessful as he closed the clasp securely back on her wrist.

Tilting her chin upwards he brushed her tears from her cheeks as his eyes begged her to tell him what was wrong.

“My mom gave this to me… she’s in the hospital…

Unable to continue Max lowered his deep voice that was filled with sympathy.

“Is it-

Backing away from him she nodded as her voice cracked. “She’s dying.”

Before Max could say anything she turned and ran back up the path.

Pain ripped through his heart for her, as he stood alone in the woods feeling helpless and confused.

Softly he whispered to himself as looked up at the darkened sky.

“What is happening to me?”

Re: Sacred Vows (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 3 12/17/09

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 7:55 pm
by jake17

thank you so much for your very sweet fb! :D

Jan just reminded me that a lot of the fb was lost during the little problem the site had, If Ieft anyone's name out, I am so sorry!! :oops: thanks sweetie! you are the best!! :D

Chapter 3.

As the full moon hung high in the night sky Max gently rolled his rosary beads back and forth between his fingers as he knelt before his bed.

After saying his nightly prayers he made the sign of the cross and slipped under the covers.

He sighed as his sore muscles relaxed against the cool sheets, he had been working particularly hard on the grounds of the shrine lately and he was beginning to feel it.

It had been five days since she had been back, also five days that he had spent daydreaming about her.

He thought if he tirelessly labored he could somehow forget her, that maybe if he was too physically exhausted to even move she would drift from his mind, but he was wrong.

As he lay in bed he couldn’t control the image of her full pink lips trembling as they parted and breathlessly gazed up at him with a look he couldn’t even begin to understand.

Tossing and turning he truly felt as if she wanted something from him, but what he did not know.

He thought about the pain she must be going through having to let go of her dying mother.

He wished so much that he could help her but he didn't even know her name.

"Come back to me."

He whispered out into the vast universe hoping by some divine intervention it would lead her back to him.


Liz stood holding his jacket in her arms watching as her mother lay motionless listening to the continuous hum on the machines that were for the most part keeping her alive.

Feeling very tired she collapsed onto a small couch across from her mother’s bed.

Within the past five days they called her down to the hospital three times feeling that every time she was letting go.

The emotional rollercoaster left her so exhausted she drifted immediately off to sleep.

Thinking she was dreaming she began to hear the soft-spoken deep tone of a strange beautiful language, but it wasn’t anything she recognized.

Feeling something heavy and soft over her she forced her tired eyes open to find his plaid flannel jacket draped over her body.

Adjusting her eyes to the darkness of the room she could see a man leaning over her mom speaking lovingly in what she believed to be Latin.

Brushing her hair out of her face she quickly stood alarmed at who was close to her mother.

“Excuse me.”

Turning quickly she found herself gazing up into the warm smile of the boy she couldn’t get out of her mind.

"Oh, it's you."

Lowering his voice he held out his hand signaling for her to give him one more minute.

She was fascinated at how he spoke the words that were foreign to her so confidently and effortlessly.

She noticed how his eyes were closed and his hands were placed gently on top of her mother’s unconscious head.

She was captivated by how much he believed in this faith that in her eyes there was no proof it even existed.

"There” looking over at Liz he appeared almost guilty “I hope that didn’t bother you, I should’ve asked. I’m sorry.”

Whispering Liz held his jacket tight around her shoulders and moved closer to him.

Touched and curious at why he was there. Liz couldn’t help wanting to get to know him better.

“Would you like to get some really bad coffee in the café with me? Maybe you might even get your jacket back. ”

Smiling innocently down at her he moved aside and held the door open for her.

“Sure, I’d love that.”

Handing his jacket over to him he shook his head. “It’s cold in here you keep it for now.”

Sitting across from each other at a small table in the corner of the darkened cafeteria Liz stirred four packets of sugar into her back coffee watching as it made a tiny funnel that seemed to go on forever.

Max smiled as he watched her lost in her thoughts.

Holding out his hand like in an old-fashioned movie he politely introduced himself.

"I'm Max Evans."

Sitting up tall she grinned amusingly at him as she shook his hand.

"Well it's nice to finally know your name Max. I'm Elizabeth Parker, but everyone calls me Liz."

Nervously he looked down at his coffee, "Elizabeth, that's a very beautiful name."

Suddenly it dawned on her just how he knew that she would be there.

"Max how did you find me?"

Looking away from her he scratched behind his ear as he told the first real lie in his life.

"Oh well they send us to local hospitals to listen to anyone who needs or wants counciling. It's just part of our training. I happened to be walking by and saw you and thought it wouldn't hurt to say a prayer over your mother."

Desperately wanting to change the subject he noticed as she put yet another packet of artifical sugar in her coffee.

“So you have a sweet tooth but you don’t care for milk…interesting.”

Liz laughed sarcastically, “really? I didn’t think there was anything very interesting about me.”

Truly shocked by her words he furrowed his eyebrows and stilled her fingers that began to mindlessly stir the coffee again.

“Actually I think you’re very interesting.”

Unconsciously flirting Liz gazed up at him through her long dark eyelashes and blushed.

Instantly Max felt a shiver run through his body temporarily causing him to lose his train of thought.

“Well so why do you think I’m interesting?”

Clearing his throat he regained his composure.

“Well I just think someone who so vehemently declares the non existence of god in a religious shrine no less and then comes back to stare wondrously at an angel who according to you isn’t real makes you very …fascinating to say the least.”

Liz rubbed her forehead as she thought about his words, but instead of being defensive she giggled and bit her bottom lip seeing how crazy she must’ve seemed.

“Yeah I guess that doesn’t make much sense does it, but that's me lately, drifting through life without making much sense at all.”

“Do you mind my asking how you ended up at the shrine that day?”

She shook her head slowly and took another sip of her coffee.

“I was coming from the hospital, it was the day that they told me that the chemo had failed. It was the day I knew she wasn’t going to make it.”

Max closed his eyes as the sting of her pain spread through his kind heart.

“I was just driving blindly, crying not really aware of where I was going. It was then I realized I was too upset to drive and saw the sign. Even though I live very close I had never even heard of it.”

“Did you come back to get your bracelet?”

Staring up into his beautiful honey eyes she let the truth go too tired to care about the consequences.

“I didn’t even realize I had lost it. I told myself at the time I came back because that place gave me some kind of peace, an escape from my world of hospitals and death, but now I know that’s not true.”

Hanging on her every word he leaned nearer completely immersed in her.

“I don’t understand, if not for any of those reason’s than why?”

Boldly she held his eyes and tilted her head slightly drawing him in closer.

“The reason I came back was because of you.”

Re: Sacred Vows (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 4 12/28/09

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 7:19 pm
by jake17

Thank you so much for your very sweet fb! :)

Chapter 4.

“The reason I came back was because of you.”

Watching her eyes as she held his stare so strong and commanding almost daring him in a way he was stunned by her boldness.

Taking in a deep breath he shook his head trying to free himself from feelings that were rising inside of him.

“Liz I am here for you…spiritually. I promise to give you as much support as you need to help you through this.”

Nodding Liz sat back in her chair releasing her hand from his.

“Spiritual support? Is that what’s happening here?”

Clearly nervous max ran his fingers through his hair and reached for his coffee.

Unflinchingly she stared him down as he shifted uncomfortably in his chair.

“I asked you a question.”

Unwilling and afraid to admit what he himself couldn’t even begin to understand Max stuttered timidly as he stared at the floor.

“I-I don’t know what you mean.”

Leaning forward she brushed her lips close to his ear. Max gasped as the scent of vanilla rushed over him and her silky hair swept against his face.

“I think you know exactly what I mean.”

As soon as the words left her mouth she was gone.

Max raised his hand to his cheek where her soft tresses were just moments ago teasing his flushed skin.

He sat frozen unable to move as the sound of the swinging doors of the café echoed throughout the empty room.

Slowly he reached into his pocket and grasped his rosary beads tight in his hand. For the first time in his young life he did not find the comfort he so desperately needed.

Silently he knew he could not see her again.


Several times that week Liz appeared at the shrine. Each time she wandered around looking for him but he was nowhere to be found.

Each time he watched from the cover of the thick branches of the Oak trees that lined the path she always walked.

Life no matter how hard he tried was not the same for him. The sermons that he would listen to every day from Father Paul just drifted past him. The words that filled him with passion and happiness for his work fell lifeless to his ears.

All he could think about was her.

On the third visit after waiting patiently for her to leave he sat on the bench where she had just been moments ago.

Closing his eyes he brushed his hands over the wooden slates wishing that he had been brave enough to come out of hiding and talk to her.

“You know if this keeps up our beautiful grounds are going to really going to suffer.”

Jumping back Max opened his eyes to find Father Paul standing over him smiling.

“Father Paul”

Sitting next to Max he folded his arms in front of him and stared down the path.

“She’s very pretty.”

Anxiously Max reached for his tools and stood.

“I-I don’t know …umm who is very pretty Father?”

Patting the seat next to him the elderly man chuckled deeply.

“Max please relax, take a seat.”

Sitting back down Max rested his head in his hands pulling at his thick black hair in frustration.

“How did you know?”

Taking a deep breath Father Paul leaned back and studied the branch that was hanging too close to the statue for his liking.

“Max I’ve been giving Mass for twenty years and a big part of that time I’ve watched you sitting there in the third row hanging on my every word. Until recently that is.”

“But I never said anything…

Brushing his silver hair from his blue eyes he grinned suspiciously.

“Sister Ann loves to gossip. She has had her eye on you and the girl with the dark raven hair, as she likes to call her. I’m afraid privacy is something of a myth here. At least with sister Ann around.”

Max was almost relieved that his secret was out although he would be keeping tabs on where exactly the nuns were from now on.

“Father your going to be so disappointed in me, I don’t understand what is happening.”

“Well before we pack your bags and send you on your way why don’t you tell me exactly why I’m going to be so disheartened by your actions.”

“Actions? No… no no I-I didn’t do anything...exactly. I just…I found her here one day and she was crying. Her mother is dying and she seemed lost and alone. She said she didn’t believe that God even existed. I just wanted to help her …but now…

Max closed his eyes as Father Paul leaned in.

“But now?”

Max covered his face in shame. ”Now I can’t stop …thinking of her. I’m just so confused; I think she might have read more into my help. I don’t know what to say to her, I think I made a big mess out of everything.”

Resting his chin on his big freckled hand Father Paul nodded slowly.

“So that’s why I found you hiding from her in the woods today?”

Max stared off into the distance feeling as if he betrayed the entire Catholic church.

“Max would you be upset with me if I said that I’m not surprised this happened?”

Quickly he looked at the old Priest more confused then ever.

“I don’t understand?”

“Max how old are you? Twenty six …correct?”


Standing he brushed off some dead leaves from the shoulder of the angel before him.

“Max you are a good boy but you have been sheltered …probably too sheltered I’m afraid. From the time you were left on our doorstep as a baby all of us here have wanted to protect you. So you stayed at the orphanage and the sisters schooled you, we did our best but maybe it wasn’t the right choice for you.”

Mortified Max shook his head.

“I love being here, you have all taken such good care of me. I know this is where I belong. I know I’m going to be a Priest. It’s all I’ve ever wanted.”

Feeling as if he had hurt his feelings in some way Father Paul turned towards him with a big smile.

“Max we have loved having you here and I’m sure you are going to be a fine Priest, but you’ll never know if you stay hiding behind the trees.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Ok …if you feel that you are really ready to make those vows in two weeks then you have to face these feelings you’re having. You have to face this girl. You have to work through whatever may be happening here so when you stand before us all on that day you can be free of all doubts.”


All night Max thought about Father Paul’s words and by morning he got up feeling strong knowing that his mentor was right.

This was just a minor glitch, a test. He was certain that after he faced her and worked through these feelings everything would fall into place.

Feeling happier than he had in days he worked all day on the grounds that he had been neglecting. After hours of pruning trees, trimming shrubs and planting flowers Max was dirty and exhausted.

Standing he looked over a fragile bush trying to decide what to do.

Sighing he took off his flannel shirt and wiped his forehead.

“Is that appropriate?”

Almost immediately his heart began to race as he breathed her in.

Turning quickly he tried hard to remember what Father Paul told him.

Smiling shyly he put his shirt back on.

“Hello Liz.”

“So …were you sick or something?”


“I came here to talk to you but you weren’t around.”

Leading her down a path she had not yet travelled he nodded.

“I’ve just been busy, Come with me I want to show you something “


“So, any news on your mother?”

Sighing Liz unzipped her sweatshirt and wrapped it around her waist.

Max couldn’t help but notice how the white tank top she was wearing underneath fit the curves of her body. She was so strikingly beautiful to him it almost made him dizzy.

Quickly looking away he pointed to a bench that was barely visible as the path became more narrow and hidden by trees.

Sitting she looked up at him appearing very tired and worn.

“The same…they keep telling me any day now.”

Shaking her head from the very thing she was trying to escape from she forced a smile.

“So what did you want to show me?”

Max raised his hand out towards the statue of the woman that was adorn with roses, cement and real.

“She’s very beautiful don’t you think?”

Narrowing her eyes warily she nodded.

“I guess… who is she?”

Proudly he almost glowed as he spoke about the beloved saint.

“This is Saint Elizabeth.”

Liz leaned forward to examine her more closely.

“Really, and what did she do that was so amazing they sainted her?”

Max ignored her mocking tone as he leaned closer so he was eye level with her.

“Well she devoted her life to the poor and the sick. She would bring them food and take care of them.”

Liz turned her head leaving barely any space between them. Softly she whispered as she stared longingly into his wide innocent eyes.

“So what’s with the roses?”

Slowly he cleared throat and lowered his voice as if he was paying respect to her. LIz was bewildered by such devotion to something that seemed like a fairylale.

“She was on her way to feed the poor one day and a guard stopped her. As he lifted the shroud covering the bread red roses laid across her arms instead.”

Liz moved closer brushing away the dark hair that had fallen across his eyes.

Her touch jolted him sending his heart racing.

Softly she whispered knowing the effect she was having on him.

“A miracle.”

He pressed his forehead against hers and breathed out in desperation.

“Liz, please.”

Taking his hand she molded it against her breast feeling immense satisfaction when he began to shiver.

“You have to be dead in order to be a Saint right Max?”

He nodded unable to speak as her heart hammered away beneath his warm palm.

Covering his hand she guided his fingers across her heated skin.

“Well I am very much alive and I am no Saint.”

Re: Sacred Vows (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 5 1/5/10

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 8:00 pm
by jake17
Thank you! Thank you!! for all the amazing fb !!!

so hoping you like this!! :D

Just a quick note Ginger was seriously kind enough to let me know that it takes years to become a priest, thinking back I should have realized that. So I change his age from 21 to 26..still not the correct age but I really needed him young for the purposes of this story... :wink:

Ginger you are awesome thank you so much for the pm!! :D

This update is for Earth2Mama, Ellie you crack me up! Thanks so much for wanting more of this! :D

One more thing, I know Liz seems very umm.. aggressive :oops: in this story, please know there is a reason behind it. I have left hints but it will be more apparent down the line.
Plus keep in mind he is not a Priest yet, this is definitely not one sided.

Chapter 5.

A strangled plea fell to merciless ears as Max breathed out for restraint.

“Liz, this is not what you want.”

A mischievous smile curved her lips upwards as she moved her mouth playfully against his ear.

“Actually this is very much what I want.”

Pressing her lips against his jaw she let out a soft moan as she guided his thumb over the hard peak of her breast.

Max let out a sharp gasp as he quickly pulled his hand away.

Standing he walked with his back to her and leaned breathlessly against a tree further into the thick woods.

Frustrated but not ready to give up Liz untied the sweatshirt from around her waist and threw it on the bench.

Slowly she wrapped her hands around him and leaned her tiny frame against his back.

“Was is that terrible …touching me Max?”

“No, of course not…but – “

His eyes slid shut as her skillful warm hands slipped beneath his shirt to caress the hard ridges of his stomach that she had been exposed to earlier.

She giggled as she observed his fingers digging into the rough bark of the mossy Oak.

“Something …wrong Max?”

Unable to walk away he clenched his jaw as her hands moved upwards to his broad smooth chest.

“Why are you doing this to me? Y-you know I can’t …

Facing him now she rose up on her toes and hovered close to his trembling lips.

“Yes you can.”

Attempting to be strong Max more forcefully grabbed her by the wrists with both hands and removed them from his body.

“No, Liz…I can’t.”

A glimmer of shock appeared in her large chocolate eyes, which quickly turned into a sultry stare.

Raising her hands above her head against the tree she drew in her bottom lip gently biting it while gazing seductively up at him.

“Come on Max no one can see us. Don’t you want me?”

Releasing her wrists he sighed heavily as he rested his palms on the sides of her head.

“T-This isn’t you talking. It’s the grief. I understand Liz…really I do… but -“

Anger flashed across her wide eyes as she grabbed him and pushed him against the rough bark.

“Grief?” clutching his hand in hers she placed it between her thighs and curled his fingers up against her sex.

His hand stayed stiff still refusing to give in until he began to feel the hot wet material from her jeans seep through.

The ache for her became almost unbearable as the emotions he had always known to be forbidden rushed to the surface.




Mouthing the word please he made a feeble effort to make her do what he couldn’t.

Pressing her lips against his open mouth she let go realizing his will was slipping.

His deep shallow breathes filled the stillness of the impending night.

She sighed as his hand moved slightly back and forth awkwardly.

“Ahh…mmm…. sure doesn’t feel like grief to me Max.”

Hearing her breathy words seem to snap him out of the haze that was clouding his judgment.

Swiftly he removed his hand and sat back down at the bench.

“T-this isn’t real. These feelings you have towards me...

As she listened to him it occurred to her that he was trying to convince himself of this theory.

“Really Max? Then what is it exactly …educated me.”

Like a predator playing with its helpless prey she sat close to him and titled her head to the side tucking her silky locks behind her ear.

Swallowing hard he couldn’t help but stare at his hand that had touched her so intimately.

The unsure whisper of his tone just egged her on as she leaned brazenly into him causing her breasts to surge from their confines.

“Well…it’s called transference. I was just reading about it last night.”

Biting her lip so as not to laugh she repeated the word in her most serious voice.

“Transference huh? Sounds kind of …intense.”

Still feeling the heat from her searing core on his skin he inattentively breathed out his response.

“Yes ….it is.”

Placing her hand on his thigh she slowly traced invisible circles on his leg all the while keeping her eyes locked on his.

“So tell me Max …what is this…transference all about?”

As her caresses began to inch towards his painful erection he pushed her away and walked toward the statue trying to regain his control.

“Transference is when an erotic attraction occurs between a client and a therapist. You are experiencing a huge loss a-and you are ... confused. It’s an unconscious act Liz. It’s because I’m in the position I am that has - “

Furious Liz stood pulling her arms through the sleeves of her sweatshirt.

“Confused? “

Feeling as if he had just insulted her he turned around and raised his hands out towards her.

“Liz – “

“No! What exactly are you telling me Max?! That my unconscious mind just wants you cause you're taking pity on me?!“

Flustered Max shook his head as guilt flooded his heart.

“No…no that’s not what I – “

Rushing up to him she pinned him to the tall cold sculpture and smoothed her hand over the hardness that strained against his jeans.

A mixture a rage and passion filled her eyes as her fingers traced the edges causing him to groan.

“Seriously Max between you and me right now who do you think is more confused?”

Staring down at the ground he gripped her hand removing it from his body and whispered softly.


Ripping her hand out of his grasp she zipped her coat and began to back away.

“You are such a coward.”

Still unable to look at her he quietly spoke.

“If you would like I can arrange a Priest to visit you in the hospital.”

Stunned she walked up to him daring him to look her in the eyes.

He refused.

With a shaky voice and tears in her eyes she shook her head dejectedly back and forth.

“I never want to see you again.”

Painfully he looked up in time to watch her turn and run back through the trail until the darkness of the night blocked her image.

He never felt more alone in his life.


Two days went by and Max refused to leave his room.

He blamed his absence on an illness and refused to even eat.

On the morning of the third day he heard a strong knock on his door.

“Come in.”

Father Paul cracked the door enough to place a newspaper on his desk.

“Just thought you should know Max. If you leave now you may make it in time.”

Confused Max rose from his bed and looked down at the paper that was open to the obituary page.

Softy his fingers traced the words as his heart broke for her.

Noting the time of the funeral he knew what he had to do.

What he wanted to do.

“I’m coming Liz.”

Re: Sacred Vows (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 6 1/11/10

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 8:36 pm
by jake17
Earth2Mama: wow I am so honored that this made you think of the thornbirds! Ellie thanks for being so sweet to me! :D
destiny: :twisted: oh destiny you little devil :wink: you would go there! :lol: just remember he isn't a priest yet and she does have a certain kind of relationship with him so he isn't random but still remember he's looks like Max! :P :D thanks for the fb! no need to hide! :)
L-J-L 76: oh Lizzie I'm afraid this update is going to leave you with more questions then answers! so hope you like this! thanks so much for the fb! :)
behr_able: I know she seems confused but in the next update we are going to understand exactly why she did what she did. She knew what she was doing make no mistake about it!.thanks so much for being here! :)
begonia: HI Eve, wow I"m impressed all your explanations were really good! But she's acting this way for a totally different reason, thanks so much for your fb! :)
Ginger: Not sure if the funeral scene is going to help you figure liz out, in fact it will leave you with more questions I"m afraid. next update you will get your answers I promise! thank you so much for reading this ginger :)
Carolyn: ok her behavior has somewhat to do with grief but mostly not.. next update will explain everything... please hang in there...thanks so much for being here. :)
Jan: omg thank god for you! I wanted someone to think that was hot, even though it was twisted and wrong.. I should've known it would be you :wink: :P I love you to pieces sweetie thank you for everything, expecially for just being you ..which is pretty freakin amazing! :D
angelina: hello sweetie, please know you are in my thoughts all the time. thank you for reading this, love you honey...always :)

This update is for begonia! Happy Birthday Eve!!! Thank you for being here reading my stories from the very beginning! I hope you had a wonderful day sweetie! Best wishes to you!

Chapter 6.

Running to the basement where they keep the donations for the homeless Max began to search for a suit.

Knowing how distraught she had been the last time he saw her his worry grew with every second that went by.

His stomach twisted in knots as guilt rushed through him as he looked at the day she passed, it was the last time they had seen each other.

As he searched for something to wear he remembered what she had said to him.

He couldn’t help feeling that she was right he was a coward.

Recalling that night he couldn’t deny it, if he really didn’t want to touch her or to be touched he could’ve resisted her. He could've just walked away when it began to get heated.

Truth was he wanted it as much as she did.

True he was in denial and confused and no where near ready for the physical nearness that she was so intent on having, but to make it seem like it was all her doing that he wasn’t interested at all was wrong.

He rang his fingers through his hair realizing that she was probably looking for comfort, for a distraction from the unimaginable pain she was going through and what did he do?

He told her she was confused …rejected her.

There hadn’t been one second that had gone by that he hadn’t thought about making love to her.

He was a coward.

This time there was no excusing it away or burying the feelings he felt for her.

He loved her.

From the first time he saw her crying on the bench so alone with the sun shining through the trees illuminating her beautiful face it was more than obvious. He remembered how his heart raced at the fiery way she would stand right up to him fighting him like no one had in his life.

No one made him feel more alive then she did.

Standing in front of the old stained mirror in his room he tried to adjust the black suit that was way too big for him.

He felt like a little boy in his father’s closet. He had always worn the uniforms the clergy gave to him. He never had an occasion where he had to dress up.

The more he thought of it he was never really on his own without the security of the other brothers nuns or Priests around him.

The sleeves went almost to the tips of his fingers and he had to cuff the bottoms but it was the only thing he could find, it would have to do.

He tried to slick his hair back to look more sophisticated but he knew his looked ridiculous.

With his heart pounding he adjusted the plain black tie that was too skinny for the large suit and took a deep breath.

For the first time he let the notion enter his mind that maybe God had another plan for him.

This terrified him but he knew there was no going back now.

The only thing he knew for sure was that he needed to be comfort her … to be close to her.

It was cruel that he allowed her to think that everything she was feeling was one sided.

That there was something wrong with her; he needed to make it right.

The most important thing right now was that he helped her through this terrible time.

He knew in his heart that he would do anything for her.

Running out of time he ran to the parking lot and jumped into the old Chevy that the nuns used to go into town and took off for the cemetery hoping it wouldn’t be too late.

The skies above him began to darkened as the impending storm began to gather strength.

His heart was racing as he turned into the large graveyard as big droplets of water began to fall across the windshield.

Off into the distance he noticed a small crowd gathered on a hilltop under a large willow tree.

Wishing he had Father Paul by his side he parked the broken down seventy-two lime green car and stepped nervously out into the rain.

Hearing the Pastor speak sent chills up his spine. He wanted so much to be standing beside her holding her as she cried. Protecting her, comforting her. He felt as if he had failed on every level possible.

“Yea thou I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil…”

Quietly he walked to the back of the small crowd of people trying desperately to find her.

There couldn’t have been more than fifteen people there and most he recognized from the hospital and from around town.

He wondered how much family she really had.

Moving as casually as he could he slipped between two nurses that recognized him from the hospital.

Smiling they let him move further up towards the silver casket that was covered with hundreds of flowers.

Four chairs were placed directly in front of the coffin, three men and a woman sat there but he couldn’t make out their faces from the large back umbrellas that they were all holding.

He felt out of place and foolish, and he could only hope that once she saw him their last confrontation would be forgiven.

As the service began to wrap up the crowd began to disperse leaving him standing there alone with what he surmised were her family.

Standing out in the now steady rain he considered how out of place he must have looked

His hair had fallen into his eyes and the suit that was before oversized now looked even bigger as it hung drenched from his body.

As he looked down at his borrowed shoes that were scuffed and muddy a pair of black high heels slowly approached him.

His heart almost stopped knowing it was her.

“What happened? There were no other martyrs available tonight?”

He felt as if the air were being squeezed from his lungs.

“Liz, I wanted to come.”

She looked past him like she was bored as he stood shivering before her.

“Well you fulfilled your duty go back and tell them the poor pathetic girl is just fine.”

“Liz, do you think we could get a cup of coffee or something. I really think we should talk.”

He couldn’t help be stare at how different she looked. Her makeup was dark and heavy and the suit she was wearing was skin tight and sexy. Her hair was pulled up into a high bun with long pieces framing her face.

She looked like a different person. Sophisticated and aloof …nothing like herself.

Just as she was about to answer him a tall distinguished man who looked as if he was plucked off of wall street came up beside her and took her hand possessively.

Glaring at Max he leaned down and whispered in her ear causing a smile to rise from her shiny ruby lips.

“Just a moment Chad.”

With one hand tightly grasping the umbrella and the other in Chad’s grip she focused her attention back at Max and sighed.

Saying nothing she continued to stare at him void of any emotion.

He cleared his throat and tried to speak but his words came out muffled and low.

Max’s insecure timid tone was hard to hear over the sound of the rain that was now coming down in sheets.

“You’ll have to speak up I can’t hear you.”

Max hesitated for a moment as the handsome stranger whispered again in her ear that caused them both to chuckled.

Max wanted to die.

“I-I just wanted to give my condolences. I am so sorry Liz. Just please know your mother is in a better place, free from all her pain and suffering - “

“Well yes Max that’s pretty obvious since she’s six feet underground.”

Pain struck his heart as her words explained so much. Her numbness and disconnection from what was happening was so apparent. He knew she wouldn’t be able to keep this up. He knew it was only a matter of time before it all came crashing down on her.

“Who is this Lizzy the next John Edwards? ”Sarcastically Chad whispered loud enough so Max could hear before holding his finger up and answering his cell.

Since he was talking on the phone her next words were obviously meant for Max.

“Oh he’s nobody, just my spiritual advisor. Correct Max?”

Noting that Chad had his back to them Max reached out for her hand.

“Liz please talk to me. I’m so sorry! I was wrong. I was so wrong. Please can we talk? You shouldn’t be alone at a time like this.”

Placing his expensive overcoat over Liz’s shoulders Chad took the umbrella out of her hand and looked directly at Max.

“She isn’t alone.” Putting his arm around her he led her towards the street “the car is waiting let’s go Lizzy.”

Following him she kept her eyes locked on Max even looking behind her until he opened the back door to his Mercedes and she finally disappeared into the car.

Devastated Max stood for several minutes confused and heartbroken.

Questions filled his mind as he drove back to the shrine as heavy sheets of rain made it difficult to see.

Who was that man?

What had she been keeping from him all this time?

Why did he give up so easy?

Will he ever see her again?

Lying in bed that night he tossed and turned as lightening illuminate the dark sky and thunder raddled the windows.

Imagines of that stranger touching her tortured him all night long. He knew whoever this man was he couldn’t love her like he did.

Finally he couldn’t take anymore.

Pulling on his jeans he reached for his flannel shirt leaving it open running as fast as he could to the car.

The balled tires squealed around the corners as he gripped the steer wheel haunted by him kissing her sweet mouth and caressing her soft skin.

Remembering the address that was written on the hospital records for her mother he knew he was about to break a million rules but nothing or no one could stop him now.

Staring at the numbers on the houses he finally saw it.

Sixteen thirty-eight

Seeing only her car in the driveway he prayed that she was there.

Taking a deep breath he ran up to her door as the heavy rain drenched his body.

As his heart raced he breathlessly pounded on the door as he called out her name.



After several seconds the door opened and she appeared. Just the sight of her caused him to stumble backwards.

He had never seen anything more exquisite in his life.

She stood there with her wavy hair cascading around her bare shoulders as droplets of water sprinkled across her golden skin.

Her eyes were sparkling and bright her cheeks flushed pink from the chill of the night clear from all the harsh makeup from earlier.

The natural beauty that radiated from her was almost too much to take.

It was but a second that the moisture falling from the sky soaked through the camisole top and panties she was wearing and the tips of her dark hair molded to her flawless skin.

Stunned she stood silent just staring at him as he panted helplessly completely and totally entranced by her

The temptation to taste her shivering lips and feel her body against his was too much for him.

He was about to go down a road he could never return from.

All he needed was to know the truth and his heart would belong to her.


Re: Sacred Vows (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 7 1/24/10

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 12:17 pm
by jake17
Earth2Mama ..ellie you are awesome :lol: ...hope you like this! :D
Roswellian117...Vanessa I'm so glad I made you happy with my fb... you deserved every word! :D
behr_able...thank you so much for the complement...I so needed it! :D
destinyc...I think you'll be pleased with Max's situation this time :wink:
Ginger...Im so happy you hated Chad! sorry about this next part..please stay with me :oops: :D
begonia9508: So had a great b-day! chad is not her twin, you will know her motives soon. thanks eve! :D
angelina: so hope you like this sweetie! hope you are doing well.. think of you all the time! love you, big hugs and kisses to you! :D
keepsmiling...caroyln,I think your right about that different path for Max :wink: hope you like this! thanks so much for your fb!
NotYourChick: I love that you think that! its how I pictured it from the beginning :) thanks so much!
L-J-L 76: Hey sweetie love your questions but im afraid you'll have to wait a little longer for the answers. :roll: :) thank you! :)
LilithAnn: So happy you like this Max so much... hopefully you'll enjoy the surprise he has in store for liz :wink: :twisted: ...thanks so much for your fb!

Sorry for not being here, but I'm back :wink: life can be cruel but we always seem to bounce back don't we. :)

Chapter 7.

“Max …what are you doing here?”

As drops of water fell one by one from his trembling lips he searched for the words that would express his feelings for her but nothing came.

He was too moved by her presence. Too struck by the pure intoxicating beauty that only she could radiate.

Clouds of cold air escaped from his parted lips, as he stood soaked and shivering from the unforgiving pounding rain.

Her wide chocolate eyes burned into him with every second that ticked by daring him to make a move.

Refusing to give him even a moment of mercy she raised her hands to rest on the frames of the door on either side of her and cocked her head sideways giving an even more seductive view of her now transparent attire.

She was bound and determined to make him squirm and suffer as she had in the woods.

An innocent expression covered her flawless porcelain face as she began to twirl a piece of her damp locks around her finger.

Her throaty breathless tone caused a razor-sharp ache deep in his stomach as a rush of fiery desire ripped through his body.

Sighing with an air of boredom she released the curled raven tress from her delicate finger and turned on her bare heel to go back inside leaving him to flounder helplessly alone in the rain.

Seeing her blatant disregard for his feelings snapped something deep and powerful inside him.

Not this time.”

Gasping with surprise she stumbling hard falling against his bare chest as he grabbed her arm and pulled her close.

She rose up onto her toes as her exposed feet splashed in the puddles that had gathered on the cold cement.

The sweet naïve glimmer that had always rested peacefully in the glow of his amber eyes had grown dark and instense.

A fierce determined lustful glare had taken its place as he clutched her shoulders and held her up in front of him.

“M-Max what – “

“No! My turn to talk now! My turn to make you suffer, to turn your whole world upside down, to fill you with a hunger that drives you mad leaving you sleepless and begging for relief for just one moment …just one precious second of a touch or kiss from something that is so out of reach so …unattainable!”

Anger blazed across her flushed cheeks as she tried to wiggle her way unsuccessfully out of his grip.

“You had your chance! I was right there throwing myself at you and you pushed me away! Remember Max? Or has your judgmental patronizing superior catholic faith clouded your memory? What’s wrong? Is your lifeless Saint Elizabeth not enough to fulfill those sinful unholy desires that you pretend don’t lie in wait inside that magnificent hard body of yours? Is her cold concrete embrace not enough to satisfy that forbidden lust that rises up inside you pleading for wicked blissful release that is so so long over due?!”

“Shut up!” His chest heaved with fury as his eyes refused to look away from her hardened nipples that pierced the silky wet camisole that clung to her breathless body.

A confident smirk raised her pale lips as she shook her drenched hair out of her eyes.

“What’s wrong Max does the truth hurt? Does the reality of how bad you want to fuck me... to be inside me pumping and pounding into my wet warm flesh as you taste the sweetness of my nipples that as we speak you can’t tear your eyes away from right now burn your holier than thou pure soul of yours?”

“Elizabeth!” A deep growl escaped from his chest as he pulled her even closer leaving only a breath between their trembling mouths.

Savoring the taste of victory on the tip of her tongue she drew her bottom lip inside her mouth and bit hard before whispering against his shaky mouth.

“Take me…bury all of your passion and longing inside me…taste my skin that aches so desperately for you …make me come so hard I pray for forgiveness Max.”

His husky desperate voice was faltering imploring for mercy or even pity as he closed his eyes and lowered his forehead to rest on hers.

“Why are you doing this to me?”

Feeling the release of his tight grasp on her skin she pulled the drenched material of his shirt off his broad shoulders.

Breathlessly she whispered against his cheek letting her mouth wander close to his mouth so he could feel the shaky hot puffs of her bold words.

“Because it’s what you want …what you’ve always wanted Max, and its time …time to give in to the temptation that has been stalking you…. seducing you… never giving you a moments peace...

A quiet moan left his tightened throat as she reached for his hands and wrapped them around her waist molding them to the firm curves of her bottom.

“Take me Max…

A low deep groan rose up from his chest and out his full lips as he gripped her thighs hard and raised her up wrapping her legs around his waist.


With quiet resolve he rushed her into her house slamming the door closed behind him.

Lightening streaked across the sky as a thunderous boom shook the house cutting off the electricity leaving them in the dark.

He pressed her sex hard against him needing to feel her warmth as it teased the unbearable ache that was driving him without pity towards the edge...the edge of forever leaving everything he believed in behind.

His heart pounded out of his chest as he pushed her dishes off the kitchen table and placed her down.

He felt the force of the damn break inside him as he finally gave into her.

The look in her eyes glimmered as she watched her conquest falling to his depths at her feet in front of her.

She had won.

Her legs slowly released him as she sat back and grasped for the button on his jeans.

“I want to feel you.”

Closing his eyes he let his head fall back as she licked at the droplets of water that slid down the smooth muscular ridges of his stomach.

He jerked forward when she pulled his soaked jeans past his hips and touched his skin for the first time.

She smiled as she felt the warm essence of him seep over her thumb.

He lowered his head in embarrassment clueless as to what was happening.

“I forgot you’re new at this.”

Shaking he opened his eyes and clutched her hand pulling it away from him.

“What is this to you?”

A flash of pain blinked in his sensitive honey eyes, as he stood vulnerable and open to her.

A sexy smile covered her face as she peeled the damp camisole from her body and threw it to the ground.

Taking his hands she placed them over her breasts and cupped them as she looked brazenly into his defenseless eyes.

“Sex Max… we’re having sex.”

“You’re mocking me.”

“Not mocking…fucking Max.”

Looking down at her supple soft breasts that rested in his hands he experimentally moved his thumbs over her nipples watching in fascination as they hardened even more under his touch.

“Is this what you do... with Chad?”

Surprised her eyes widened.


She gasped with pleasure as he flicked his thumbs again more forcefully over her hardened peaks.

“That man in the cemetery who seemed so… familiar with you.”

“No… no… he’s just …just…

Laying her against the cold wood of the table he hooked his fingers in her panties and pulled them down her shapely legs and onto the floor.

“It doesn’t matter, but you should know one thing Liz.”

Trembling violently now under his commanding touch she gazed stunned up into his darkened eyes.

Pushing his jeans further down his thighs he eased her legs apart and moved in so he was teasing her wet entrance causing her to buck and shiver with desire.

"'What? What is it Max!"

Gripping her bottom he brushed his lips over her mouth so she could see the seriousness in his heart.

“I love you.”

Re: Sacred Vows (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 8 1/31/10

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 8:19 pm
by jake17
begonia9508: maybe as you read on it will make more sense...thanks so much for being here! :D
Earth2Mama: I will send you a fan Ellie :wink: :lol: thanks so much!
angelina: hello sweetie! your amazing! love u.. thanks so much! :D
NotYourChick: I love an innocent Max too :roll: thank u!
Roswellian117: wow I'm honored that you thought that was perfect Vanessa :) thank u so much!
Jan: :lol: I know right jan, max and rain..such a nice combination :wink: :twisted: thank u sweetie!
destiny: Yes poor Max is clueless. thanks so much~ :)
Ginger: I promise this will make sense soon :oops: thanks for hanging in there! :)
Keepsmiling: :lol: Carolyn you know what? I bet your right, I bet I would tempt the devil :wink: :P your the best sweetie.. so funny!! :lol: thanks!! :)
behr_able : HOLY COW~! :lol: I freakin loved your fb! you think I need a law huh? :lol: I will take that as a complement :wink: thank u so much for making me laugh~! :)
LilithAnn: loved that I made you do a happy dance :) thanks so much! :)
L-J-L 76:So appreciate you being here!! thank you so much! :)
scorpio6:So happy you enjoyed that part! i hope so much you are feeling a little better sweetie! always thinking of you! :) thanks for being here.

Chapter 8.

A strong rush of air filled his lungs as the wanting fragrance of her need surrounded his senses.

The intoxicating glorious essence sent his mind into a dizzy haze as he gently gripped her tender thighs and slowly entered her.

He looked down at her with wonder and immense awe as her warm wet walls constricted around him pulling him in deeper and deeper still.

His amber innocent gaze filled with tears of overwhelming love as he released her and caressed her soft cheek cupping it tenderly.

The tremendous emotion that was reflected in his stare sent a shudder through her trembling body.

She had been with many men but no one had ever looked so deeply into her soul as he did.

It was as if he could see every secret, every thought she possessed and it frightened her.

She was lying truly bare before him.

With no judgment just abounding acceptance and respect he looked down onto her as he ran his thumb over her lip astounded by the beauty of the real Elizabeth Parker.

It was as if he was really seeing her for the first time.

Lying still deep inside her he swore he could hear the graceful whisper of the angels that he had read about since he was a boy dance inside his heart.

Licking the soft petals of her lips she grasped his muscular arms and mouthed her aching need as her heaving moist breasts gently rose upwards calling out to him for his touch.



Hypnotized by the sheer exquisiteness of her he tortuously began to move again.

Feeling him hard and smooth rock inside her she was lost within his eyes. As hot as fire and as soft as silk his caresses ignited her sending her to a place she had never been.

The intense stare that he refused to break was too real… too intimate for her as she held onto him doing everything she could to just breathe.

With each thrust she was sent reeling- spinning - flying into the sky into the electric pulse of the air as the thunderous clap of thunder shook the ground beneath them.

Streaks of blinding white light flashed before her illuminating the glistening sweat that covered his golden skin as hovered above her.

He was truly beautiful in every way.

A strange feeling filled her stomach making its way through every cell every piece of her.

It confused and scared her.

This was not the plan.

Unable to resist the powerful emotions that soared through her she gave him everything she had to give holding nothing back.

Her head fell against the hard wood of the table as his lips grazed her painfully achy nipples that yearned with every part of her to be touched.

A strangled cry fell from her mouth as his tongue flickered against the stiff pointed peaks like butterfly wings fluttering delicately against the cool spring air.

"Max …Max…please don't stop."

A deep shiver sent her whimpering as she felt the cold wet brush of his dark hair against the valley between her breasts.

Without control he began to pound into her faster and harder as his muscles flexed beneath her fingertips.

"Yes..yes…oh Max yes!"

Her throaty voice whispered muffled words that he could not make out as he sucked obsessively on her quivering mound.

His tongue whipped across her nipple as he groan against her fiery skin.

His arms shook as he held his weight above her.

He never wanted this moment to end.

He finally understood love and he knew he could never bare to be without it again.

Feeling the pressure of her heels against his back as she attempted to pull him in deeper he groaned wondering if he would survive such pleasure…wondering still if he even wanted to.

Arching up towards him she bent her head back further causing him to bask in the vanilla aroma that invaded his senses leaving him entirely helpless to her as he continued to drive into her.

Her fingers dug into his moist flesh as the building of their completion began to climb higher and higher.

Relentless urgency flooded his burning skin as he rested his forehead to hers and stared into her bewildered chocolate wide eyes.

Burying himself deep within her he brushed his soft lips against her mouth repeating the same three words again and again.

"I love you."

"I love you."

"I love you."

Gasping his lips fell apart as waves of ecstasy crashed continuously blissfully through him.

His fingers twisted around the nest of raven hair that surrounded her angelic face as he breathed heavily against her swollen lips.

After several moments he tore himself away from her, and fell onto his back against the unforgiving rough table.

Staring up at the cracks in the ceiling tears formed in his eyes as his childlike heart floundered about for a way to handle the powerful emotion that gripped him hard.

Sitting up Liz wrapped her arms around herself ill equipped to deal with the vulnerable state he had left her in.

Never had she let herself he taken this way.

“This was not the plan.” she whispered to herself as she slipped off the table and into the darkened room away from him.

“The plan?”

Reaching for his jeans he tried desperately to make her out in the blackness of the room missing already the closeness of her.

“Liz …are you …ok?”

Silence hung in the air thick and painful as he waited for her to speak.


Finally he found her sitting on her sofa wrapped in a quilt, her hair hiding her flushed face.

“Liz…what’s wrong?”

Lowering her head she refused to look him in the eyes concentrating instead on a watermark that was making its way down the wall.

“I think you should go.”

Gently resting his hand on her back he tried to read her expression but she kept herself well hidden.


Such a short small word but filled with so much pain …so many questions…he offered up his heart to her only to be rejected and it was pure agony.

“Liz please…did I do something wrong? Was it not …pleasurable… for you?”

Mortified he momentarily worried that he had hurt her physically in some way.

“Did I hurt – “

Raising her voice she coldly cut him off.

“Just go.”

“But please …just tell me why - ”

“I said leave!”

With that she ran into the bathroom and slammed the door leaving him alone and devastated.

Standing in the pouring rain he leaned against the car holding his chest praying that the pain would stop.

He was sure he was being punished for turning his back on God …on his faith...on everything he knew.

Clutching his heart in his hands he knew that none of that mattered.

He knew he could never regret one second with her as he watched his tears fall from his face in the reflection of the car window.

Breathing in the air he felt a stabbing pain as her scent lingered all around him.

Still asking the question she refused to answer he closed his eyes and whispered into the unforgiving night.


Re: Sacred Vows (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 9 3/2/10

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 7:34 pm
by jake17
behr_able (happy birthday sweetie!!)

Thanks so much for all your very sweet fb! :D

Ellie this is for you! How am I doing?? :wink:

Chapter 9

Stumbling out of the blue Buick Max struggled as he fought his way up the wooded path passed the statues and fountains he loved so much.

Tears that wouldn’t end blurred his vision; these images looked disfigured morphing into frightening shapeless monsters.

Everything he thought he knew was turned upside down and inside out.

To him it felt as if they were mocking him, laughing at his naïve ridiculous heart that he left so open.

Falling onto the steps of the outside altar he got on his knees as the rain continued to pound down upon him.

Reaching for his rosary beads he looked up at the beautiful statue of Mother Mary, his heart felt as if it was being ripped from his chest.

Closing his eyes he could still feel the warmth of Liz surrounding him, slamming his hands on the slippery stone beneath him he could still feel her heartbeat against his bare chest.

Insecurity wormed its way inside him as he wondered why he felt that he was wrong in some way.

That he wasn’t good enough … that he didn’t please her.

Or maybe he wasn’t man enough for her. Clenching his fist in his dripping hair his stomach twisted in knots.

How could love hurt so much?

None of this made sense to him.

If his own mother could reject him as a baby why would he be foolish enough to think that someone as experienced and worldly as Liz would find anything redeemable about him.

Turning over he sat on the marble steps and held his head in his hands. Exhausted and confused he felt as if he deserved this pain…deserved to suffer for his sins.

He betrayed everything he cared about and although he cried out for forgiveness he couldn’t help the dishonesty that lurked deep inside him.

No matter how hard he tried he couldn’t escape her face, her smile her vulnerability he knew rested in her heart.

He felt her pain and loss when he gazed down into her eyes as he moved inside her again and again.

It was burned into his mind, something he could never forget.

He had never felt so close to another human being. It was as if their hearts were connected in some magical way that transcended religion blurring what was thought to be right and wrong.

He floated with her for those few moments in a world of peace and pure love suspended in a state of unimaginable happiness.

He wondered now if there was a price to pay for such bliss.

Standing he brushed his fingers over his lips and tried hard to recall the softness of her kiss the fiery passion of her moans and pleas for more.

He was hopelessly forever in love with her and nothing or no one could ever change that.

Stumbling into his room he stared up at the cross on his wall.

Where was he suppose to go from here?

Trapped between two worlds but belonging to neither he felt completely lost and alone.

Collapsing into his bed he closed his eyes and the rest of the world out but he couldn’t force the memory of her away.

As bright as the north star on a clear night she appeared relentlessly in his dreams and waking thoughts mercilessly carving his heart like painful shards of glass.

Her dark doe eyes that she so tried to keep hard and cold softened in his memory.

The flush of her cheeks and fullness of her lips, the curves of her breasts rising and falling as she gasped for air every time he entered her sweet essence shook him to his very core.

The seconds went by like hours as if mocking his pain, nothing held any meaning the world felt cold and empty.

All he heard his whole life was how the miracle of love was the greatest gift of all but to Max love was but a curse.

Sometimes he would get lost in his fantasy and he would actually feel her touch or breathe in her scent…this was the worst.

It took days for him recover from these incidents; they were beyond cruel to his defenceless sweet mind.

Father Paul would stop in every so often and look in on him but none of his advice held any comfort for him.

The sisters even made him his favorite foods to try and get him to eat but nothing worked.

Two weeks went by with no word from her. Desperate to hear her voice he called her to find that her number was disconnected.

On that same day sister Ann softly knocked on his door.

“Max, may I come in?”

Sighing hard he rubbed his tired eyes and rested his feet on the floor.

With great effort he pulled on his jeans and lifted his grey sweatshirt over his head.

Opening the door he encountered a different nun that he was used to.

The priest along with the sisters loved Max like he was their own and his pain was torture for them all …especially sister Ann.

You see there was a reason why Max held a special place in her heart, why she often spied on him and Liz and kept tabs on him.

Her interference came from a place of concern and love for it was her that found him that cold autumn night on the steps of the Abby.

She always felt God had sent Max to her so she could protect and guide him because he was special.

The way he looked up at her with such kind eyes she knew he was too sensitive for this world.

As he grew into a boy and later a young man her theory was proven right again and again.

She felt it was her personal mission to shield his beautiful selfless soul …this gift from God.

What she was about to do was the most difficult decision of her sixty years, but he was an adult now and she had to let him go.

“Max she’s here.”

Holding her hand to her heart as she physically watched the life flood back into his bright majestic eyes she prayed she was making the right choice.

Quickly standing he grabbed her clenched hands and kissed them so grateful for her mercy.

“Where? Sister, where is she?”

In a quiet whisper she lowered her head as she watched him grab his sneakers to rush towards the door.

“The parking lot, sitting in her car. She’s been there for at least an hour.”

“Thank you! I will never forget this!”

Her habit blew in the air from the wake of his dash to get to her.

As he ran down the path he felt the powerful thrust of oxygen fill his lungs as his heart hammered against his chest.

He was alive again!

When he finally reached her car he was nearly knocked over by the vision of her as she sat behind the wheel expressionless and still.

Trying hard to catch his breath he walked to her window bent over with his hands resting on his knees.

Without looking him in the eyes she whispered her request.

“We should talk, get in.”

Without missing a beat he jumped in the passenger seat and tried to calm himself so worried that she would change her mind.

Once they reached her house she continued her cold distance as she closed the door behind him.

“Would you like a drink?”

Unable to keep his emotions to himself any longer he walked behind her and smoothed his hands gently down her arms interlocking their fingers when he reached her hands.

Lowering his head his eyes fell shut as the vanilla scent of her long hair embraced him setting his senses on fire.

Breathing out against her neck his raspy tone sent a shiver through her body.

“I’ve missed you so much... It felt like I was drowning without you.”

His voice was low deep and desperate and he didn’t care.

He didn’t know how to protect his heart not that it even occurred to him that he should.

Holding back his feelings at this point would be like holding back the tide.

Swiftly and to his surprise she turned quickly to face him slipping her hands under his sweatshirt caressing his muscular chest as she lifted it off his head and to the floor.

His eyes were wide with disbelief and boundless joy as he trembled from the simple touch of her fingertips.

He opened his mouth to speak but she was faster as she seized his mouth and raked her fingers through his thick black hair holding him to her.

He melted as she swept her soft tongue against his lips deeping their kiss as his arms wrapped around her warm silky skin that was as soft as he remember.

He decided this was heaven, not puffy white clouds or angels hovering with protective wings.

No heaven was holding his love, feeling her heartbeat with his.

He knew nothing at this point except for this very simple fact.

A slight soft moan from her was all it took for him to forget all rational thought as she grasped for the button on his jeans.

Backing him up to the edge of her bed she lifted her shirt up over her head revealing her bare breasts to his longing eyes.

As they stared intensely into each other they removed the rest of their clothes as fast as they could.

Once completely undressed she sustained her pace by reaching out to stoke him.

He cut her off and held her hand to his heart needing her to feel his love for her and how much this meant to him.

Her uneasiness was evident as she shifted her eyes away from his powerful loving gaze.

He was too real, too honest he stood before her with everything open for her to see, he held his heart in his hand out to her without a single thought for himself.

His voice dropped to a low husky whisper as he gently cupped her cheek.

“I love you.”

Feeling her control slipping she aggressively pulled him down on top of her as she laid quickly on the bed.

Shaking his head slowly he removed her hands and brushed his thumb across her bottom lip as he settled between her legs.

“You are so beautiful, I want this to be special.”

Anxiously she averted her eyes once again but he wouldn’t allow it this time.

“I see you Elizabeth. You’re scared and you don’t feel that you deserve to be loved but you do …and you are. I will always love you.”

Her eyes drifted nervously up to the ceiling as he sweetly peppered her neck with soft open mouth kisses.

His hands feathered her curves as if she were precious and fragile.

From the nape of her neck to the slope of her collarbone she was being cherished for the first time in her life.

Barely skimming his fingertips across the supple curve of her breast he lovingly touched every inch of her as he moved further down her trembling body.

As his dark head disappeared between the valley of her breasts she was sure her heart would explode.

There was nowhere to hide, all her walls were down and he still loved her.

But it was only when he laved her achy nipple and eased slowly inch by inch inside her she thought she would surely die.

Her throaty cries echoing his name was answered by his constant reassurance of his love for her and her incredible beauty and broken heart that he promised to heal.

A mixture of fear and overwhelming love crashed over her in what felt like powerful suffocating waves.

Breathlessly he rested his forehead to hers never letting her break their bound.

Lacing his fingers in hers their bodies were slick with sweat and need as he held out till she was hovering on the edge.

Shivering as he made one final thrust causing them both to cry out they crash into the oblivion.

Tears immediately formed in her eyes as the raw emotion of what she had to do pierced her heart.

Who was he? How could anyone be so honest, so sensitive and real.

Damn him for making her feel.

She tried to tap into the pain that protected her from the knowledge that he would eventually leave but it wasn't working.

Everyone she loved did the same why should he be any different.

Hearing the words in her head she knew the truth.

She did love him.

This frightened her more than death itself.

No, she had to stick to the plan.

But he was so loving so protective as he held her it was going to be more difficult then she could ever imagine.

Perhaps his heartless God who left her with a molesting stepfather and an abusive mother had it coming.

What could be worse then to take the most innocent boy she could find and destroy him.

Digging deep it wasn’t hard to find the pain that she lived with her whole life.

Where was this heavenly father, this spiritual being when she needed him?

Where was this loving all powerful God when the hands of a forty-five year old pawed at her twelve year old body.

Now she was left all alone in the world…a world full of pain and suffering.

An innocent soul would be the price to pay for her childhood.

Taking a deep breath she knew it would only be a matter of time before Max would betray her too.

Reaching for her robe she began her speech she rehearsed for days.

“So your vows are next week if I’m not mistaken.”

“Vows? But …no …not after …my life is with you."

Walking into the kitchen she concealed a tear but kept her voice strong.

“Max…I thought you knew…I’m getting married next week. It seems we both will be making our sacred vows. I’m just glad we were able to meet one last time.”

She closed her eyes tight as her tears streamed uncontrollably down her cheeks.

Chad was punctual as always as he rang her doorbell.

“You need to go now Max…my fiancé is here.”

Re: Sacred Vows (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 10 3/18/10

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 7:55 pm
by jake17
Ellie x2

Due to the graphic violence posted in the fb from Ellie and Jan ...and everyone else :wink: I'm putting Liz in the witness protection program for the remainder of this fic.. :P :lol: omg you guys are so awesome! Loved all your reactions!! Perfect! exactly what I wanted.. :wink:

Thank you so so much!! :D

Chapter 10

They say that time heals all wounds; in some people I’m sure that is true but for others I believe they are inconsolable becoming a prisoner to their own pain, unable to ever move on.

Max Evans was one of these people.

Against the wishes of those that raised and cared for him he moved away from the Abby unable to handle the memories it held for him.

He still kept in contact with a few people that he loved but it was hard for him to even hold a conversation.

Six months did nothing to ease the loss of her.

Father Paul would come to his small apartment that was tucked away above a laundry mat in the more secluded part of town but aside from that he had no life.

Eventually he found a job at the diner next door washing dishes and busing tables.

It wasn’t the life changing missionary work he had dreamed of doing his whole life but it paid for his meager bills.

Apart from anyone he absolutely had to speak to, his boss, a waitress or two and some compassions nuns his life was a solitary one.

Sleeping and eating had become a burden for him something that he was forced to endure to stay alive.

He never tried to contact Liz assuming she was married and living somewhere else by now.

It was obvious Chad was from a big city and he was sure Liz must have followed him, either way it was something he seldom thought about.

The further the better he supposed, seeing her would only tear him apart even more.

For Max there was no present or future, only the past where he held her in his arms and kissed her softly.

He was existing in a memory that although cut him up inside held the only reason to get up in the morning.

Drifting from one day into another he only kept breathing so he could recall how her voice fell to his ears like music and how her touch warmed his soul.

There was one thing Liz was very successful at accomplishing,

Max no longer trusted in God.

He no longer prayed, his experience was one of acceptance that we are all alone in this world meant to carry the burden of our pain by ourselves.

His faith was gone.

On one of his visits to see Max Father Paul rehearsed his speech hoping to get through to him.

He refused to give up on him, Max was too special, his gifts too great.

No, he had to keep trying.

Knowing that giving to others often helped people find their way out of their own despair Father Paul urged him to volunteer again at the hospital.

Sitting at a table sipping on coffee he pulled Max down into a seat next to him.

“Max you’re good with people, so full of compassion and empathy, you could do so much why do you insist of wasting your life?”

Sighing Max began ripping at a napkin while keeping his head down unable to look him in the eyes.

“I just can’t Father.”

His voice was so low it was as if he was disappearing.

Holding his hand over Max’s Father Paul laid a rosary bead over his fingers.

Closing his eyes Max hated to disappoint his mentor but he did not feel the same and could not pretend.

“You know how I feel why do you insist – “

In his thick Irish brogue he interrupted softly. “My son you have to try and heal your heart, you cannot go on this way. This is not what God wants for you.”

“God doesn’t know I am alive.”

Sighing Father Paul stood trying hard to hold his temper in. “Blasted Max! How can you say that?”

Shocked Max looked up into his red face as shame filled his chest.

“God sent you to me! God made sure you were safe and cared for! He is holding you up as we speak. He never leaves us Max, never! Not even when we turn our backs on him! Enough of this self pity, you will be expected at St. Francis at eight pm Sunday night. I’ve already cleared it with your boss.”

Wrapping the old beads in his hand Max looked up at the door just in time to see Father smile before the door shut.

He was trying so hard to help him, Max was sure someone had slipped a book about “tough love’ on his desk or something. "Probably Sister Ann." he breathed out as he shoved the rosary beads in his pocket and cleared the table.

Regardless he didn’t have the heart to disappoint him yet once again, Sunday he would go.


Staring up at the clock Max tried hard to find the motivation to go to the hospital.

He felt so empty inside, he had no idea where he would find the words to help someone cope when he could hardly get out of bed himself.

Knowing he was late already he pulled his jeans out of the hamper and reached for his watch.

"Why can't I just be left alone."

Going through his drawers he pulled out a grey sweatshirt that was tucked far in the back.

Staring at it his eyes filled with tears.

Wet from his recent shower he sat on the bed in his towel holding the shirt to his face.

It was the same shirt he wore the last time he was with her, the last time he made love to her.

As he breathed it in everything came rushing back to him like it was yesterday.

Her vanilla scent made him shiver as he pictured her hands touching his skin, her breasts rising with pleasure, her eyes lost in the moment as he was.

“Damn you!”

Shoving it back in the drawer he sat on the bed in desolate pain regretting ever meeting her, ever giving his heart to her.

“Why have you done this to me!”

Looking up towards the sky he screamed at God for an answer he knew he would not receive.

Lowering his eyes in defeat he caught his reflection in the mirror in front of him and breathed out in shock.

He looked drawn and skinny; his usual muscular body had atrophied from his passive existence.

All the life was gone from his face, he was but a shell of the man he used to be.

Father Paul was right.

Friendless and alone he had essentially given up on life.

The precious moments that some people would give anything to have he was taking for granted.

Looking down at the ground ashamed but finally aware Max asked for forgiveness right then and there.

He was still broken, only time can mend such wounds, but a small part of him understood that he was wasting his life, something that nine months ago he never would think of doing.

A shaky new resolve filled him as he walked to the hospital hoping to help at least one person that night.

Atonement was the only thing on his mind as he pushed open the double doors and made his way down the long corridor.

Straight to the cancer wing he held his head high as he gripped the rosary beads in his hand for strength.

Turning the corner he made his way to the nurses station to find out where he would be working.

“Max, it’s so good to see you back! We’ve missed you so much around here!”

Looking into the friendly eyes of nurse Catherine he finally felt a tiny piece of his heart warm in his chest.

Smiling he took her hand and nodded. “I’ve missed everyone here too, it’s so good to see you Catherine.”

Max watched as the expression on Catherine's face changed suddenly as her stare quickly swayed to someone behind him.

Lowering his hand she released him and stepped back as a look of anger flashed in her kind eyes.

“Catherine? Is something wrong? “

“Hello Max.”

A sharp breath filled his lungs as he felt his body tense and the blood rush from his face.

Immediately he knew who it was.

Torn with a multitude of emotions he slowly turned to see her.
