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Plum M/L (Adult) Author's note 3/2/10 [WIP]

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 8:51 pm
by Black Bird Fly

Title: Plum
Author: Marie
Pairing: M/L
Rating: Adult
Disclaimer: We all know I don't own Roswell... moving on :mrgreen:
Summary: Liz, a mysterious train passenger, and Russia. And that's all you're gonna get from me :wink:

Chapter 1.

It's carnivorous...

A biting ache.

And through out all these years, I finally had a theory about it.

You see winter drags out the most animalistic actions in souls. It tears and rips and forces basic natural instinct to the service where in the end we are forced to see our true ugly colors.

Most people here loved the cold. It was like a third arm or extra air. It was home.

But as I took a long stare around me and at the frozen dismal town one last time, I couldn't help but feel some kind of unrelenting hate for it.

You know, a fortune teller once told me that if I stayed here long enough, my soul would catch a cold. Foreigners, she told me, were not meant to breathe in so much snow. We couldn't survive it. I'd been here for ten years... so if she had any truth at all up her sleeve, I surely possessed some ill sunken soul or frozen spirit. I wouldn't doubt it in truth.

I didn't felt anything these days.

“God, I hate this country!” Alana collapsed loudly in front of me, “I bet you my panties that I'd do a local for some heat in this god forsaken place!”

“Careful,” I warned rubbing my red little nose, and noting the men across the track who looked more than willing to oblige.

The steam from the engines ran thicker than water in the train station now, filling the area with hot sweat and hard burning earth. The place smelled like wet rocks and rusty old furs. I fought my natural instinctive urge to gag. Sometimes being in this place felt like an old black and white film minus the dramatics. No colors, no pleasant smells. Just bland... if at best. It was sad. I couldn't even remember the last time I'd seen the color green... or smelled the sun.

“Come on... We've got minutes before our train leaves. And if I have to spend one more night in some hotel where it's an option to either pay with cash or with my ass, I just may have to slap you.”

I smirked but nodded silently. We hadn't exactly been going for the Hilton lately.

Attempting to pick up a bag just after an officer passed us by, I took a good hull and preyed I wouldn't keel over with the luggage. It weighed a ton. And I didn't.

Alana did have a point though. I wanted to stay in this country as much as I wanted to be around her right now. Alana and I weren't exactly friends, hell we weren't exactly anything that assimilated with anything, except with our looks...

Which was a good thing, since she said we'd suffice for kin for now.

It still didn't mean I had to like her though...

“Stephanie Landerson...” I scoffed at my passport. Luckily for me Alana didn't hear.

Too busy power walking to the train I surmised.

But not me...

No, I took my sweet beautiful ass time.

Certainly wasn't trying to piss her off...

Noooooo, Most certainly. I nodded.

“Shit,” I cursed unfortunately, before I could even see where I was going. I'd hit a wall in the process of my stupid and futile retaliation...

A strong masculine wall.

A handsome wall.

"Vous tromper! Stupid, stupid, little girl!”

An asshole wall.

“Pordon,” I muttered but ducted straight forward to my book lying currently on the ground. Clutching it like a life line, I swallowed and released a gasp of air I'd been holding. That was a little to close.

“Ah! Of course! American! Bete!” the man next to me growled. I scowled and gave him a once over. Yeah, as if it were a common trait of ours to walk into assholes...

“I said I was sorry!” God...

“Pour quoi? Being American or lacking the talent to walk?" the man asked and just past the long chestnut hair and those hazel eyes, I realized he was actually expecting me to answer.

“Give me that!” I glared and took the bag his hands had strangely gotten a hold of.

For all I knew this man was a thief. From my experience, most good looking men were... one way or another.

“Pordon,” he imitated my terrible French with such an arrogant, and even annoyingly, charming sneer, that it made me think twice about my natural reaction to kick him in the you know where.

With time of the essence, and my patience worn thinner than this guy's humility, I decided to hell with it.

And so... I pushed... hard!


And walked clean from the scene of the crime.

I even had enough mockzy to look back as he lay flat off the his keester on the ground next to a few dazed officers.

Charming am I not?

“Pordon!” I chuckled to myself as my hands grasped the sticky frozen rail to my train of escape. Hmm... that felt nice.

I still had a trace of a smile by the time I reached Alana. I think I even pulled a muscle.

Had to to stretch next time...

“Did they stop and search you at the door?” Alana asked jerking the window in our cart closed. Smart I decided sarcastically... we had to keep all the gracious warmth in that we had... all twenty degrees of it.

“Nope... I guess the officer just liked you,” I noted.

“Great, sexual assault... another hallmark moment to remember you by,” she scoffed before grabbing the book from my hand.

I sighed and took a good look around at our distraught luggage. Alana had already taken the bunk above, so I was graced with the bottom.

Oh well, I still had a little bit of happy left over from pushing Mr. French... So it had been a little rash pushing that guy over, but what can I say, I've never been a people person. And he probably deserved it.

“Alright...” she sighed and did a double check with our prized possession, “Just five more days to go and I'll be a hundred thousand dollars richer and you'll be you know?... on your way home back to the farm... or where ever.”

“Monroe,” I rolled my eyes.

Alana gave me a look that inspired true remorse.


And to think I had five days on this train with this cold dead morsel.

Oh... precious moments.

“Celui-ci! Ici!"

Wait, do I hear an asshole?

Oh yes, I forgot, we Americans are notorious to magnetically attract to them!

The door flew open, and I immediately fought the gut wrenching urge to crumble to the floor. Oh dear lord...

“Bonjour!" I greeted, itching with enough mock that Marry Poppins herself could serve with a spoon full of sugar.

“Bonjour!” a small blond greeted sweetly. But my eyes went right to the grumbling, and proudly might I add, bleeding mongrel behind her.

“It appears we are... window mates for few days.”


Alana looked as thrilled as I did.

I knew she was hoping we'd be by ourselves, but apparently the train was full. And our luck was empty.

We'd have to take shifts now.

She'd insist on it.

This was the price for knowing him I reminded myself... before quickly changing my depressing thoughts to a more amusing spectacle.

I studied our room, and noticed the space in our compartment was cramped and just barely made enough room for the two bunk beds... let alone four bodies.

We were admiringly in first class... obviously.

I twirled my curly brown hair with a twist of the finger, and feigned sourly, “What happened to you're head?”

His eyebrow shot up in an impressed sort of way just before his brown eyes roamed over me, I shifted generally not liking the way he stared,“Some stupid woman pushed me into an officer.”

Was my smirk starting to show yet? No? I'd have to try harder.

“...And knocked me from the back of his gun in kind friendship.”

Serves him right I thought to myself. I laughed and Alana looked at me funny. But after a good thrill, I turned to my bunk, and sort of, rather ungracefully might I add, crawled in.

I was tired and god I couldn't remember the last time I'd slept in an actual bed that didn't involve an old alley or smelled like some kind of old socks.

And just when I beginning doze off into the oblivion of bliss, I heard a curse that just made me a crack a scorning sound from my throat. He had some nerve.

“Stupid, stupid Americans,” a voice whispered from across the room.

Ah, silly silly, Assholes.

This trip was going to be soooo much fun.

Re: Plum M/L (Adult) Chapter One 12/12

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 7:36 pm
by Black Bird Fly
THank you guys so much for all the sweet comments. I had another chapter in my computer waiting, so i figured why not.
Hope you guys enjoy.

Chapter 2

We sipped quietly across the dinning compartment, and I studied the few passengers who were near us at the bar area. Alana and I had taken a little breather from the “french connections” as we were now calling them, on the count that the couple couldn't seem to keep their hands off one another.

I thought it was disgusting. But Alana joked, at least they weren't the ones freezing to death on the train.

She had me there.

I must have been quiet for some time, because she'd already started the pep talk again. I hated these.

“Stop being so nervous Liz. He won't find you... I swear. If you just stick to the plan then,” she sighed and tugged her plaid hat on a little tighter, “... just stick to the plan and we'll be okay. I promise. I'm good at what I do.”

“I know,” I assured her, swallowing my crunchy ice coffee while I was lying straight through my teeth. I knew nothing of safety or a smart enough plan. Nothing was too smart for the man I wasted my life with.

“The plane is the only way this could go wrong... He'll know because you'll have to use you're real passport, but I swear... Besides, do you really think he'll try to find you after I give it back to him? He'll probably just forget all about you. He has like millions of girls Liz.”

God... I swallowed my bubbling fear like a big horse pill with another sip of my coffee.

She really didn't know him at all did she?

“Oh fuck my uncle and hang him on the Christmas tree,” Alana swore looking past me and sagging into her chair.

I turned and sighed watching our new “neighbors” walk on inside.

Man, I hated pretending to be polite. But here it went anyways.

“Bonjour,” Alana smiled sweetly. Oh how cute. A lioness pretending to be freaking Bambie.

“Hello,” the blond replied, “We thought we'd take in the grand view.”

I smiled nicely but kept my eye on the spiraling hole of happiness behind her. He glanced my way with a snarl, and I rolled my eyes in pleasant return. “God's gift” was certainly in a pretty package, but he was also in a wrapping paper of fat pig headedness too.

I heard myself make some mocking noise when his hand came around the blond in a big “cave man” kind of way, and led her to the bar away from us independent gals. I swear I heard a big masculine “Ugh” from good old Mr. French, as they passed.

“It's strange...” Alana whispered watching them pass by, “Isn't strange?”

I raised an eye brow and waited. Strange isn't exactly the word I'd use to describe that man.

“Who in the world would be in Sorsk and be wearing those heals? What the hell are they doing here anyways? Sight seeing?”

I shrugged and held my coffee closer. The only thing I really cared about was getting the feeling back into my tiny little fingers.

What did I care if the sultry blond had Prada on?

“Ow,” I mumbled with a growl. I moved a little and the book I was sitting on stuck me right in the butt.

Alana offered to hold onto it and I considered it, before looking past her, back to our sweet and sour couple.

I scowled. The smug son of a bitch was staring at me again.

“No...” I shook my head. What was his problem? “I like it. It makes me remember that I still have feeling in me bum.” I quipped.

“Suit yourself.”

Closing my eyes when I heard an alarming click below, I fought the urge to look underneath the table.

I hated guns.

“I'm putting a piece under you're pillow too,” Alana made another clicking noise... I assumed it was the safety, “you do know how to use one don't you?”

“Grew up with them,”... sadly.

A thing I could thank my father for.

Thanks paps.

“You know, you're pretty intimidating with a weapon,” I sighed and glanced out the fatally white al fresco. Sometimes, I didn't understand why people weren't blind here from all the powdered snow.

“It's what you pay me for. Listen, I'm going to case our room before the love birds get back to love stenching the place up. Remember, I'm putting it under your pillow.”

Oh fun! I can shoot a hole in my bed as an alarm clock, I thought cheerfully.

“If they get up, distract them for me will you? I need a good seven minutes.”

I nodded but was already day dreaming about my sweet southern Louisianan patch that I would soon call home.

Unfortunately, a clearing of a throat was right beside my table, and lucky for me, I knew just who it belonged too.

“Come for another ass beating?” I inquired. I didn't bother to remove my eyes from the frost webbed window. He didn't deserve my full attention.

“Ah, and here I heard all Americans were suppose to be charming.”

“Hmp... probably the same moron who said all men were smart enough not to mess with a woman's luggage.”

“What is your name?” he inquired.

I didn't answer, hoping if I didn't move, “it” would sniff for some other meat.

Go away. Go away. Please go away.

Held my breath, counted to ten, and... damn still there. I gave up with a dramatic huff. Well I tried. He was hovering over me, him being so tall, and me still in my dinning, nailed to the floor, chair. Not a bad way to get free furniture... that is you know, if you can figure out how to detach the tricky bastards.

“My name?”

“Yes, children do have names do they not?” he smirked, his eyes gleaming through thick brown hair.


What? Was he serious?


“Mmm,” he nodded sweetly like he was talking to some stupid six year old, “She must have been very young to have had you.”

“She.. wha...”I flustered. Oh you had to be kidding me. Okay, make note of this. I may look young, but Alana could no way in hell be my mother!

“Where do you come off?”I wondered out loud, “The woman I am with is my sister and I am certainly no child! How rude. You're rude.”

He rose an eyebrow in surprise, “Your sister,” he laughed, “Truly?”

“What?” I growled.

“We'll it's just... she is so ah bete... so exotic. So... sweet. I assumed with the way you were acting that your age was the reason behind your manners. How old are you plum? Fifteen?”

I felt the anger and blood shoot up all at the same time to my face, all the while I thought about giving a new meaning to international relations. He laughed at my rage, thinking he could sit at my table and not get a swift kick to the shin.

Little did he know...

“Owh, qui font mal!”

“Sorry,” I smiled angelically. What? Accident.

“So she really is your sister? Hmm, well,” his large arms spread against the booth with ease, “She's very beautiful.”

“Yeah, well... I guess the apple falls farther from the tree than they say,” I rolled my eyes and tugged my coat a little harder, feeling inadequate and mundane. When my fingers reached around my body, I was irked by the way they could so easily find and run across my ribs. I hadn't looked in a mirror in quite a while, but I'm sure I looked like some extremely frail doll. Once I did use to have curves like Alana. I used to wear lip gloss. I used to be what most considered beautiful.

But I felt anything but it, as I gazed out the window and caught another fleeting reflection of myself.

“Go away,” I sighed to the spectator across from me. If I needed to remember how much I've lost, I didn't need him to do it.

I was a pro all by myself.

“Stephanie? Is everything okay?”

You know Alana always seems to have perfect timing... always.

“Everything's fine.” I attempted to smile but failed miserably, “He was just leaving.”

He got up, when my death glares reached his disarming eyes, and sweetly smiled, kissing Alana's hand and whispering French apologies into her ear. She seemed to be enjoying it.

When satin's whore was gone, I swore to never talk to the man again.

I don't care what you say. I didn't like him.

Even if I had to ignore him the whole trip...

So be it!

Re: Plum M/L (Adult) Chapter 2 12/16

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 12:01 am
by Black Bird Fly
Chapter 3

Mr. French's name was apparently “Max.”

I would have gone with “ass bucket” or “divine whore from hell.” But hey what did I know. I knew little of superior asses. The name Audrey seemed suiting enough for the blond however. She was nice enough and if she kept that arrogant pompous preoccupied from my presence, all the more power to her.

I planned on dreaming of my new life for the rest of the trip anyways. I was getting pretty good at it too. My head was already full of such wonderful scenarios. Visions of thick stretching oaks and free running horses across the field... I swear, I could smell the savanna near dusk in the air as the train carried on with its tired trail.

“Alana,” I sighed as soon my sweet moment was gone, “if you're gonna sneak up on people, I suggest it not be because I look so damn pretty.”

She didn't laugh when she scooted in next to me from behind, so I didn't either. She had her serious face on.

Truth was, Alana swung both ways. Who wouldn't when you looked like Alana? The pretty beauty was half Portuguese (and half Russian from her mother's side.) Alana and I, we occasionally joked, were full grown mutts. Both abandoned young and both profoundly screwed up underneath. Cute huh?

“We're making a stop in a few minutes. Feel like stretching your legs?” she asked with a strange twinkle in her eye. This wasn't good, couldn't be...

“Stretching my legs? The train only delays for fifteen minutes?” What could we possibly get to between then?

“Mmm, its enough time to take in the view I’ll tell you that. How do you do with heights?” she inquired excitedly.

“Heights?” I didn’t like the sound of that.

“Passports and papers?” a voice interrupted. And I took a look up to find a conductor out of no where standing uncomfortably close to the two of us. When his hand stretched with exasperation, Alana did a little shake where her documents magically appeared from her pants. Nifty hiding space I thought.

Damn it...My papers where in the cart with my bag.

“Passports and papers Pozhalujsta?” he turned to me.

“ya vas harosho panimayu. Uhm... my cart,” I pointed before scooting my way to a direction where Alana was not glaring at me with a flame of on coming Hades.

I'm sure she'd rip me a new one as soon as I got back...

Oh well, I sighed and suddenly got an urge to do a little strut down the train. What the hell... I had to entertain myself after all. You only live once and you'd be amazed what kind of things you do before dying of cruel bordom.

And so there I was, doing my little walk, hips a swaggering, jiggling all my goodies as I trotted like a Victoria Secret gal. Saying I got a few looks from shaking my money maker was to say little, but I chucked up to excitement. And enjoyed my nice moment, when I’d had so few in the past.

Hey shouldn't I be happy? I was a free women after all.

Or soon would be...

Knock on wood.

And fall into assholes.

I chuckled.

Sometimes, I cracked myself up.

Ah speaking of... here was my cart.

Great... the light inside had gone out... again! So it was fairly dark inside, it being night and all. Not to mention the eerie feeling of the small room, and its tendency to make you feel claustrophobic.

I would have to feel my way in.

Quickly enough though, a few seconds, light gropings, and a stubbed toe later, I finally made it to the bed with success.

“Gotcha!” I whispered triumphantly with a turn. Next stop figuring out what the hell Alana was talking about before. I wondered if she'd...

Oh... my god...

I froze and sunk deep into my coat… like a brick in water.

Oh this was not happening to me!

This wasn't happening. This was not me standing in the middle of the room clutching my passport like some scared pidgin. This was not me blushing into violet and praying I had somehow developed the capability to become invisible. And this was certainly not me standing there before Max and Audrey... doing the most private thing you could possibly imagine right in front of my eyes!

This... was... not... happening.

Of all the times, I had to walk in on this! What was I suppose to do? I'm mean...really. If I ran out this instant, they would probably see me. But if I stayed, I really didn't pay for a dinner and a show if you know what I mean.

God, I couldn't think, couldn't move, so I settled for looking up in pure horror.

And gasped.

A pair of eyes in the dark were glowing back at me in the room. Hot... and thickeningly hungry, I think I stopped breathing and turned blue and then deep red in shear embarrassment. I might as well have waved a thumbs up when I realized I'd been caught like a deer in the headlights.

But I had NEVER been so mortified in my life until I realized it was HIS eyes that met mine, it was his eyes that stole my breath, and it was his eyes that looked like he would ravage me in a second at the slightest movement.

He looked unforgivably beautiful.

I shuddered.

He was gawking at me. He was beginning to flick his eyes across my body all the while as his lips continued to bruise Audrey's pale neck, and his hands moved across her, as she moaned, The site paralyzed me.. And when he palmed her breast with his rough hands, his eyes looked up at my face, particularly my quivering lips, and growled from his place on the top bed.

I probably looked like a scared little girl, squirming and blushing timidly. But whatever emotion was flying across my face, whatever thought I might have had, he certainly didn't seem embarrassed OR regretful. If anything, his eyes grew thicker and they thrust right into mine before he grabbed Audrey's leg with vigor.

He grunted when I gripped my bed post, and he moved into her as she moaned with obvious gratitude.

I have no idea why I didn't leave.

I should have. I wanted to, believe me, I did!

It was only four steps and a closed door from the hall and still... I couldn't move a single freaking digit.

And all there was to greet me there was a hungry man... staring with want.

Thankfully, my eyes fell from his when I realized I was immobile, anything was better than his gaze watching me watching them. Anything was better than him turning my thoughts into some kind of erotic movie. I noticed his hands were currently busy underneath Audrey's top and when she arched up with pleasure, her legs opened wide for him.

He growled animalistically and I looked up in pure fright.

The way he stared at me, you'd think I were in that bed.

I couldn't understand when instead of reverting his attention back to the moaning blossom in his arms, he only seemed to become more interested in my little expressions as the thick seconds went on. His auburn eyes watching, burning with shameless expression. His eyes could knock me over with a wisp. His eyes said everything explicit thing he was thinking, everything he wanted to touch, to suck...

Oh hell, get me out of here!

A guttural scream irrupted from the room, and my eyes nearly bugged out of there sockets when I saw Audrey's panties being pulled from her little skirt and then ripped off. Max's hips moved in a way almost as if he was making sure I could see everything. His pelvis dipping and moving with his heavy exertions of air. Can you believe the man was still dressed?

His hand disappeared between her legs, and I sourly turned my eyes to floor.

Then back to his thought provoking face.

He smirked hotly.

And I glared. He was enjoying this!

I couldn't take anymore of this terrible nightmare! And so finally! Finally, faster than a whore in church, I didn't walk... I ran! Out of that toe curling room.

When I was outside, I tried to ignore the feminine scream of pleasure followed by a “Give it to me now! “ coming out of that door, but it was damn right impossible. Oh come on! I thought to myself. He couldn't be THAT good with his hands I scoffed. I'm sure our neighbors were just enjoying the new “entertainment” by the way. Coming to a cart near you! Orgasm radio. Free of charge! All night long.

Ugh! The arrogance! As far as I was concerned, Max wasn't just an annoyance anymore. He was now an unbelievably disturbed problem.

And for some reason, I felt the sudden urge for a very cold shower.

God! I was so angry and once again annoyed at him!

I wasn't sure which had pleased him more back there. The fact that he had two women in the same room while he was getting it off, or the fact of the future torture that I'm sure I would experience if he's as smug as I think he is. I can hear him rubbing it in my face now.

Sick, twisted, and horridly good looking man! What had I done to deserve it?


“Did you find them?”

“What?” I screeched with a thud. I hit my head against a light bulb with my surprise and felt my pride starting to down slope again.

“Did. You. Find. Your. papers?” Alana enunciated. I froze and she scrunched her nose and looked at me like I was naked dipped in feathers and croaking like a chicken, “Great, what's wrong with you? Oh... this isn't like a post traumatic stress thing is it?”

Huh, that was a good way to put it. I swallowed and started moving away from the sliding door as quickly as possible. The last thing I wanted to hear next was another horny sound coming out of that brothel.

...the way his eyes had looked into me.

“Well, give it to me now,” Alana sighed.

“WHAT?” I gulped, “Oh uh. Here. So uh... where are we going?” I began gladly changing the subject and hoping it would stick.

I'd talk about anything right now, anything to get my mind off of that memory that will forever and a day stay in my head. If Alana wanted to talk about Teletubbies for all I cared, I'd reply “what color?”

“We my deer, are going up,” her eyes started to gleam again with the same mischief as before while we walked towards the train's door.

“Up where?”


When she made it outside, I followed her on her heels. “Alana!” I sighed zipping up my coat and attempting to not fall flat on my ass with all the slippery snow, “What are we doing?”

She turned when we'd followed the train's old rusty body down a long ways until we all of the sudden met the attached latter hanging tightly to the machine's side.


Well up on top of the train.... of course.

I mentally slapped myself.

Why wouldn't we.

Of course.

Re: Plum M/L (Adult) Chapter 3 01/12

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 9:39 pm
by Black Bird Fly
Thank you guys so much for the feedback! I have like five chapters written and saved on my desktop, so I'm just gonna post this one now. Hopefully it'll fill in some blank. - again thank you for the fb- it makes me write faster ;)

Chapter 4

I was freezing my tiny, and by now. frozen to metal, butt off!

Every time I attempted to move on the blasted train's metallic service, I felt my legs get just a little wetter. And my fingers within the last few minutes had turned a funny shade of purple. Not to mention the fact that I could no longer feel or move any part of my frost bitten toes.

But the view was nice.


I didn't think it was a fare trade off either.

But it was better than my other option...

“Soo... come up on trains often?” I asked with a raise of my eyebrows.

“Mmm sometimes. I'm like a pro at this transportation thing. Whether its people or possessions, somehow I always end up using trains. And you have to do something before you go crazy inside there you know. They should add some extra entertainment to these carts. Like talking dogs... or a strip dancing Cabana boy!”

I laughed. Wasn’t the worse idea I’d heard of…

“Do you ever miss your dad?”

Great. Personal talk. My favorite. This was almost as bad as talking about “he who shall remain cocky.”

“No.” I returned evenly and pretended there was something facinating in the far off distance.

“Why not?” she looked up from her laying position, “I miss mine.”

“Alana. I didn't knoooow my father. He didn't even have the decency to leave me to a good man. I mean who the fuck leaves their daughter to one of the most high ended drug trafficking sellers in Russia? He didn't care, he didn't even...” I paused, and took a long breath, “Let's just say I care as much for my father, as he cared for me when I was ten.”

“You really hate him don't you? I mean,” she got up from her spot and looked me dead in the eye, “Did you ever think that maybe that was good thing for him to do. Think Liz. Who in the world would go around and mess with a rich drug dealer? You've got money and protection right there.”

I bit my lip.

Just before I mentioned the fact that that drug lord, the man I was currently running from, had also seduced me when I was sixteen. Or just before I told her what it was like to be someone's personal property. I could even remember the exact way he'd admitted to me alone, that I'd become a personal fucking infatuation to him.

Thank you dad.

I am eternally grateful.

“Anyways... at least you got ten years with him,” Alana pushed. And I didn't say anything. Her dad left her mom when she was six. She's never seen him since. I would never be the one to tell her that she was the lucky one between the two of us…

“What the...” I yelped and compulsed when my body began to jerk and a horrendous noise erupted from the bottom end of the train. It felt like an earthquake! It felt like…

“Shit!” Alana jumped up, “Run! The train's starting! We've gotta get back to the passenger area or they won't let us back in! Go! Go!”

My pulse doubled with the flash of my life staying in Russia. I slid and ran frantically! We ran down to the ladder when the engine was already running, and I could here the conductor's call from a long distance. Remembering how long we'd walked, I slid down the rail and followed my trusty protector, and thought for sure it would take us at least a whole sixty seconds to get to the front.

“Run!” Alana shouted as she held on tight to her hat and began picking up speed herself.

“Oh for heaven's sake Alana! This you're fault!” I voiced raggedly just short behind her. This was ridiculous! Who in there right mind would believe that we missed our own train... because we were on top of it! The stupidest thing I have ever heard of! I swore as I started to feel myself self shake with laughter.

“You're an ass,” she laughed back, surely reading my mind.

When she started laughing harder, I had to drag her by the coat to keep her up with me. “Come on! I can see it!” I shouted while the opened cart door continued getting further and further from us. I wasn't sure we were gonna make it.

“Go! Go!” I screamed.

It was only a few feet away now.

Alana trudged in front of me and made a horrendous jump just before swing herself inside. That was when I realized I was getting tired! And the train was only getting faster. “Fuck!” I cursed slipping my grip from the handle.

Just a few inches away... my hand could just barely reach it.

“Ughaaaag!” I yelped when a pair arms took a good hold of me and yanked me inside to my sanctuary. The hand had nearly knocked all the air out of me... or whatever I had left from my little running excursion, but I was grateful none the less.

Man... Alana had some strength.

“Thank you,” I puffed with cold smoke, laying dead to the world on the floor.

“Aucun problème.”

Ah no...

Oh come on... no!

“You!” I glared with a lift of my head.

“Oui, me,” he smirked. With every glance through his tousled hair, the provoking male mocked me so. I swear!

“Ugh, horrid,” I breathed with a thud of my head.

I hope he didn't expect gratitude after this. I considered this to be asshole tax, for the crap he put me through. First degrading my self confidence, then my appearance, and then traumatizing me with sex. Therefore I owed him nothing. Not one penny. Not one kind word. Nada!

“Did you get you're exercise for the day plum?” he Mr. High and Mighty inquired.

I smiled with as much sarcasm as he gave back, “Yes. Yes, I did. It was very rewarding and refreshing.” He'd already humiliated me once today. So help me if he'd do it again. But instead of taking offense, like I hoped, he only smirked to my annoyance.


“And stop calling me plum! I'm not your food,” I shot back while I attempted to sit up.

My ass hurt.

I scoffed when he pushed himself up smoothly and didn't give me a hand.

“You're pretty sister went to her room,” he mentioned as he watched me rather ungracefully get up. I glanced down at my muddy boots and cringed as my jeans began to sag in the butt from melting ice that ten minutes ago was on the top of this train. Boy, you know I sure knew how to prove to the mongrel that I was no child.

Go me.

“You look offal...” he informed me.

Oh how sweet, but there was really no need to flatter.

“Thank you. Thank you so much Max. I think I'll go get back to my 'pretty sister' now,” I retorted with a roll of my eyes. It's like he does a decent thing, with one step, and takes two steps back with that mouth of his.

What was Alana thinking leaving me with him anyways. She could have at least made sure I was on the train before she scampered off. Oh man, Oh no! I mentally smacked my hand flat against my forehead. We'd left the stupid jewel alone in the room! She must have ran off as soon as she had remembered. But since, Alana wasn't running down the train in a spiral of a huge panic attack, I guess our prized possession was right where we'd left it.

None the less, I felt as though I should go check.

I looked up and noticed, Max was still looking at me as he was leaned against the wall with broad shoulders and a heavy foot. Arms crossed and smirk alarmingly criticizing.

“You know what?” I sighed and stood up tall... or really as tall as I could, “You're not that good looking.”

And damn him, before I could make my grand exist, he moved as I walked past.

I know I felt his fingers caress my neck gently as I went by.

I left him with curse and scowl.

And he left me with a warming and annoying tingle.

So, just for the record? Setting on a train while its twenty degrees outside? Not the brightest idea Alana's ever had. Of course, she was spry as a freaking fiddle and up and running as ever, while I was shriveling like some kind of raisin alone in my room. Remind me again why I was paying her?

Oh horrendous snow! I sneezed again and pulled myself deeper into my covers.

“Still pouting?”

I coughed and hid under my covers. “Oh... make it go away,” I moaned as Max entered the room.

I could hear the condescending snare even through my blanket. I rolled my eyes and silently wished he would just stay in one place for Christ sakes. That way, I would know a head of time, when to be prepared for the horny beast.

“You know what you need?” he asked languidly.

A crucifix and some garlic?

“You need a better attitude.”

“Go away!” I shouted with a rough cough. My throat was beginning to burn harder with each new breath. And if I soon started to cough fire, you know who I’ll be coughing at.

“Taw, you need to cuddle sweetheart?”

“Fuck off!”

“Oh child?”

“No! I would rather freeze to death than touch your skanky ass! And just for the record?” I shot out of my shield of warmth, “The next time you two are having a go in this room, at least have the decency to put a sock on the handle.”

“Skanky ass,” he scoffed while he flipped through some magazine probably a couple of months old. Not one glance in my direction. Funny how those were the only words that sunk into that thick skull of his.

I sniffled and looked to the fogged glass boredly, when silence finally set in. Smirking to myself with an idea, my finger wrote the words “exit here” on the window and I leaned back in my seat with admiration of my masterpiece.

“Cute,” he leered, skimming a page.

I thought so...
Made it just for you precious...

“And to think,” he flicked another page with the lick of his finger, “that's what I get for helping you make the train.”

“What do you want a thank you?”

“If it's sweet...”

“Fine! Thank you.”

“You're welcome,” he returned, still no trace of interest.

“Yeah well...” I stated matter of factly, “don't expect me to hug you or kiss you're hand or anything,” I'd keel over and die before that day came to past I smiled.

He put his magazine down by my shock then suddenly and I watched carefully as he sat up and looked me deep in the sultry eye for a long minute with seriousness, but mostly, and sincerely, quiet admiration...

“I would never expect something so beneath you plum...” he whispered, “You would deeply disappoint me if you did.”

I blinked.

And I waited. Waited for the minute where sarcasm would reach my ears, or a sharp remark would finally fall from his lips... or a roll of the eyes would reach my own...

It never did...

“You two alright in here? Or do I need to get the handcuffs?” Alana peeked in. You think she's kidding but I'd bet 100,000 smack a roos she had them... and they weren't the fuzzy kind either.

“Fine,” I cleared my thoughts as well as my voice, and got up even though my body shook from the new cold, “We were just have a special little conversation on etiquette.”

“And skanky asses,” he returned sparing me one of his cocky smirks.

“Oh... we'll I think I'll steal my sister then, if its all the same to you Max. Steph? Can you bring your book? I want some company in the dinning compartment.”

I nodded and followed her out gladly.

I sighed on my way out and wished quietly that that man would stop playing mind tricks with me.

He wasn't clever enough to win, and I wasn't truthful enough to ever admit that I actually enjoyed it.

Re: Plum M/L (Adult) Chapter 4 01/12

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 8:29 pm
by Black Bird Fly
Okay, as said before I've got already a few chapters in my little laptop, so I figured what the hell and am posting yet again! Thank you guys soooooooo much for the feedback. I loved it all! I really hope you guys like this chapter, and let me know what ya think :D

Chapter 5

“Get up. I've got a surprise for you.”

“Fuck off,” I mumbled. I was having a good dream. A world where impolite French people, actually just specifically one, was groveling at me feet and cleaning my boots by his luscious tongue. And I wanted to enjoy it... thoroughly. I was a big white polar bear in a cave as far as I was concerned. Grrrrr.

“Get your fat ass up!”

“Yep, insult, That's definitely gonna make me get up,” I retorted with one eye open.


Before I knew it, some gigantic force had ripped me out of my bed by the wrist and left me cold on the floor.




“Hold me,” I sighed and held my arms opened wide. I laughed as she growled and foamed at the mouth.

Fine with me. The floor was just as cold as the bed anyways.

With a huge sigh, she flopped her hands up in reprieve and opened the cart door to leave. Good reddens.

“Where is that music coming from?” My ears perked up immediately...

“That's what I was trying to tell you,” Alana ducked back in, “Some British chaps are having a party in the bar cart!”


“They're pretty cute...” she singed.

Mmm, maybe I could go.

“There's good music...”

I could get up... if I wanted to.

“There's booze?”

And sold... to the lady with the Beretta 9mm!

By the time we made it to the cart, Alana had already managed to pull off my frumpy extra sweatshirt and had fluffed my hair with enthusiasm. I told her it was a lost cause, but she insisted I be a little aware of my appearance.

What I was aware of, I told myself, was my ass freezing into a blizzard of cool aid. Even with my red form fitting sweater on, I was still chilled to the bone.

“You know if you put a little meat on that body, you wouldn't be so cold.”

I kind of shuffled my feet just then and pulled at my sweater unconsciously at Alana's words. I knew I was small, she didn't need to point that out.

“Oh relax, you're gorgeous, it was just a suggestion.” I smiled but the complement went over my head like an unwanted snow ball before we headed in.

A pile of noise released itself as soon as the cart door opened, and I swear I think I saw Alana smile genuinely when our eyes met the light glow of candle light and bar glasses full of earthy and rich brown beer. It was almost beautiful I thought to myself.

When the shock had subsided, Alana smirked and dragged me by the hand towards a large group of men all sitting on or at a table. “Oh! Dove! There you are! We were beginning to send the hounds. Pretty ladies are quite valuable on this train, I do decree,” a handsome man smirked with a draped arm over the table. I tucked my hair behind my ear at the sight of him. He had a smile that had a feeling of home. It was refreshing. To meet people who hadn't been tainted by the cold, people who still had a lot of life still in them.

Another good looking man next to him, with blond hair and blue eyes smiled, and got up from his seat in a gentlemanly gesture, “Please?” he suggested. I nodded and took the seat. I had to admit the smell of whiskey on his breath was comforting as he joked, “Beasts such as us need no chairs to admire these sights.”

I laughed and kind of unconsciously snuggled up near Alana. It was still cold after all, despite the warm looks we received from so many men. I smiled and started to loosen up just before a pair of eyes caught me amongst the gentlemen.

I frowned and he smirked with a cigarette in hand...

Right across from me. Snop doggie dog. Damn it.

“Max here was just saying how Alana had a sister, he didn't mention that she was so lovely.”

“Yes well,” I flicked my eyes away from his serious eyes, “I don't think it's his nature to be so polite.”

A man laughed next to me, “Ah, so you two have met! We'll forgive me love,” he smiled, “but be warned half the men in this room, are anything but polite. And many, I have noticed, have true alternative motives. Be warned!” A share of thick masculine cheers and hollers accompanied the little speech.

All but Max laughed and slug a beer in the air in grand toast.

“May we buy you two a shot?”

“Yes please,” I nodded.

I planned to get shit faced tonight anyways. My nerves were at it's wits end.

And so I figured screw it, it was my train ride and I can get drunk if I want to.

“What's you're poison angel? Vodka?”

“Make it a double.”

Two hours later and the bar had only grown more rowdier. More than a hand full of passangers were passed out on the floor, Alana was standing on a table singing Lady Ga Ga songs, and I somehow managed to be having a conversation with a beer bottle.

The scary part?

It looked like it was talking back.

Another half hour of this and I'd soon be gushing my entire life's story to the poor soul next me. I had a lot of daddy issues, and since I didn't feel like going all Oprah tonight, I got up and avoided the situation all together. What can I say. I get sentimental when I'm hammered.

“Hey! Where are you going angel?” Some voice asked behind me in the abyss.

“I'm going...” god being drunk on a train was a real bitch, “Somewhere!”

I tripped over a passed out man half naked and half shaved on the floor before making it to the sliding door. I felt dizzy. The room was spinning in circles. Spinning like a bottle. I decided finally that I had to go find the conductor. He needed to make it stop this turning. I'd tell him to stop going in circles! I was on a dead line damn him! Mark my words... I'd get to Monroe.

Hell I could drive this thing better than he could! I mean who drove a train in circles? Stupid.

“Looking for something?” a deep broody voice asked a few steps in front of me. I had to walk a few more just before his pretty face became clear. Sadly, by the time it did, his scent was already surrounding me and the warmth of his body tempting as ever. Making me feel funny and tranquil.

“Oh it's you,” I sighed dramatically and took a step back so I could lean against the window.


“You know... sometimes. You know I don't know. I don't know what stuck who up your butt, but most people, generally think I'm adorable,” I told him while attempting to see an entire face. I wasn't sure, but I'm sure he was scowling at me... as per usual.

“I mean...” I stood up proudly, “What's wrong with me?”

He sighed and because Max was so close, I felt the hot breath caress and warm my face. Probably the nicest thing the bastard's ever done for me.

He was such a smug, cold hearted...

“There is nothing wrong you, plum.”

Huh? I missed a few thousand steps...

“Okay, then... what's wrong with you?” I questioned and attempted to study his enigmatic face from our close proximity.

“I don't know,” he said simply.

Finally! Something me and satin have in common I decided with a swivel and a shiver. He must have seen, because he was staring again. And he surprised me even more when he suddenly took my blue fingers and rubbed them in-between his. It was completely unexpected by me. I confusion soon drenched my thoughts.

“Hey... you're... why are you being so nice? Your not nice.”

“No, I'm not,” he agreed eying me.

I started to sway and grabbed whatever I could when the train moved in its own accord. He caught me, while I caught the potent smell of his sun kissed skin. I pretend that the sight of his olive warm neck strained and hovering over me with strength, didn’t give me comfort even as it brushed sweetly against my cheek.

“I'm going to go see the conductor now,” I murmured when my legs were straight enough, “You can come if you like. I plan on being nasty to him. You're good at that. You'll do sailer.”

I breezed past him and he followed along.

“Ouch,” I stumbled to the floor. Boy, I was good at this. Being drunk and playing it smooth in front of Mr. Condescending.

When big warm hands came behind me and kind of hugged me up to my feet, I swung around to look him in the eyes... he had nice eyes. Arrogant ones.

“I think you should rest before you give the conductor the second degree huh?” he whispered softly and even though I didn't feel like listening, I began to feel myself being led towards that general direction anyway.

“Do you hate me?” I wondered out loud. Not that I cared or anything...

“Of course I do,” he answered right back with a smirk.

I didn't even bother with the lights, when we arrived to my luscious suite, “Do you really think I look like a child?” I asked while watching him sit me down and take off my boots, lace by lace, warm finger by sweet warm finger.



“I don't know. Pourquoi? Why do you ask so many questions when you are drunk.”

“You're an ass...” I hiccuped, “You're just lucky you look like that.'d be a boring, lonely ass.”

“Look like what exactly?” he rose an eyebrow.

As if he didn't already know. I rolled my eyes, but somehow they landed right back on the knowingly handsome man who was currently placing my boots underneath the bed with care.

Christ... I must be drunk.

He sighed then and looked me over as if I were a huge mess. Oh me...

He had no idea.

“Now what am I suppose to do with you?” he wondered out loud.

I sighed as if it were an obvious matter before thralling my arms up into the air, “Undress me,” I stated dramatically with a toss of my head.

But instead of the laugh I expected he seemed to look at me in all seriousness for along moment. I didn’t know what he was thinking about, but eventually with a sigh the warmth of his hands surrounded my hips and his hot breath was floating across my face. I didn't expect him to be tender... he wasn't suppose to be tender.

Hazily and curiously, I watched his hands lift my sweater over my head, placing one hand at a time outside of the warm material until the sweater had left my body. I quietly stared as he ran his fingertips through my hair and away of my chocolate eyes that the dragged sweater had created.

I could have told him to fuck off when his arms stretched around mine or when his thought provoking eyes took in every detail he did to my body... but I couldn't sum the courage. And if it weren't for the alcohol, I knew I probably would have pushed him away uncomfortably and put myself in my own bed. But alas, all I could think about was how nice I felt to being taken care of at this moment. No one had ever done this for me before.

Our eyes met and I tranquilly watched as he dipped his face past my face and let his lips brush against my bare neck. I heard a thick swallow from him and watched in confusion as he studied my face, my neck, my chest...

“Would you like me to continue?”

I nodded slowly.

He sighed heavily and I momentarily wondered why to him it would seem like such a hard job to do.

“Lay down,” his ordered gruffly and I submitted to his request, despite how embarrassingly my chest was starting to rise and fall. And surely, as I lay there heaving and thrusting, he could see now, through my thick facade.

It felt like hours before he touched me, but when he did, I whimpered quietly.

I hated that he looked into my eyes when I made my little noise, just before his hands took a hold of my legs gently, strongly... spreading them as he liked. I was too terrified to look, and so I closed them and began to bite my thumb when his chest came in between my quivering limbs.

I shook helplessly and my hips jerked when his chest grazed erotically against my core. I silently hoped I could keep quiet, let my lips would seal ... they quivered for him. And he knew it. And you could see in his eyes, that he enjoyed it.

But he said nothing of this and instead asked for me to look at him.

I shook my head and prayed for the horrid ache to go away. “Just make it go away,” I whimpered.

“Ah,” I murmured to the shock of his large hand caressing its way sinfully up from my stomach and finding its way to my tender breast. I begged for him to do it again, but he refused.

Instead the heat of his hands pulled me closer to him, in one big thrust. I was half way off the bed, but he held me firmly while he stayed kneeled to the floor. He reached for the button to my jeans. I didn't want him to stop, but it seemed some how an automatic reaction when I paused his slow, confident fingers.

He waited until my eyes were on his before he leaned down and kissed a spot just above my hiding panties that made me squirm. My eyes fluttered and his mouth kissed away my frantic hands and continued assuredly as they dragged my pants lower to reveal my legs. He didn't seem satisfied enough with this, and soon I let his thumb rub right over my numb. The moan that fell from my lips was embarrassing, but one look from him, and I saw his eyes had thickened already.

“Turn over,” he whispered gruffly. I swallowed while his eyes grew blacker and thicker with heat.

“No,” I shook my head. I shouldn’t be doing this. This shouldn’t be done…

He moved me when I didn’t comply until the entire front of my body was touching the bed. If I had any control before, I had zero now, I realized when he hovered over me. I moaned loudly and clutched the bed hard when his chest and pelvis grazed my ass. He’d moved my legs quietly so I was more or less on my hands and knees. And letting his hands roam softly against my arms, I felt them melt across my stomach, and shockingly right inside my panties.

He grunted and bit my ear when he touched how completely wet I was for him inside.

“You have no idea what a temptation you feel like to someone like me,” he whispered thickly just before taking his fingers out of me.

“No,” I whimpered. I wanted more of it. I wanted to feel warm and safe I thought as I clutched his hand and kept it from leaving. My eyes slammed shut and my lips parted. His fingers rubbed my nub in dirty little circles and my hips buckled and somehow once again grazed his, until finally his chest was against my back and his bulge began to grind into ass. The moan I let out could not in a million years be kept silent, as I’m sure the next room easily could have heard us. But I couldn't help…

“Oh god,” I bit my lip when his large hand slid its way up my body and palmed my breast tortuously as his other finally pushed inside me again and slowly began to pump... hard.

“How long has it been since you’ve come, baby?” he whispered, “Huh? How long has it been since a man’s touched you like this?”

I clutched the hand that was wreaking havoc on my libido, and felt myself become even wetter from his words while I felt my hips thrust back into his rock hard hips. I felt the edge coming, it was near. And I wanted it so desperately. I hadn’t felt it is such a long time.

He growled when I told him this, and immediately his fingers went straight to my little nub. I screamed and pumped my hips into his harder. I begged and I came instantly, shivering in his large hands, listening to him breathe hard as I felt the explosion of sticky warmth spread inside. My lugs heaved and my breast ached from his hand’s abuse that was currently still holding me underneath my shirt.

It seemed to take him just as much time to control himself, as it did for me to come down from my high. Because when I felt his bulge still against my bottom, I knew he had held back. I ran my hand down his arm and felt satisfied before he turned me over onto my back and pulled the sheets over my quivering body.

I took his hand, and asked him a question with my glazed eyes, because at the time I was still incapable of talking. I felt bad, especially because of how painful his eyes looked from not receiving the same kind release.

He looked at me and whispered, “Some other time.”

I mustn’t have seemed satisfied with this because he leaned over, and brushed his wet lips over my neck and licked my skin through the teasing kiss, “Don't worry plum. I can take it… sleep.”

My fingers touched his and started to play with them. Such strong fingers I thought in my fuzzy condition.

His eyes met mine. You could see an entire sea in the man's soulful orbs. “You can kiss me if you like,” I whispered quietly. Strangely enough... because despite what we had just done, I had as of yet to know what his lips tasted like. It was strange… and exciting.

“I think if I tasted those lips,” he smiled through his eyes, “they'd bite me.”

“I won't bite you...” I promised.

He shook his head knowingly “... With your words, love, with your words.”

I smiled at him and I was instantly reminded that this wasn’t a nice person tucking me, but the same man I’d hated since we’d met. I still hated him and he still hated me, I thought tiredly to myself as I closed my heavy eyelids and soon began to slip into a deep sleep. And for the first time since I’d left Louisiana, I didn’t feel cold when I woke up the next morning.