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Brink of Insanity (CC/UC M/M AU MATURE) ch.7 May 5 [WIP]

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 11:57 pm
by candyGazer
banner mady by Melinda

•Title: Brink of Insanity
•Author: Candygazer
"Disclaimer: The characters of "Roswell" belong to Jason Katims, Melinda Metz, WB, and UPN. They are not mine and no infringement is intended."
•Pairings/Couples/Category: UC at first. But I promise a M/M ending
•Rating: MATURE
•Summary: What if Max wasn't able to save Liz? The risk he took did nothing but inform a blabber mouth blond of their secret. How would the aliens and humans come together without the logical thinking of Liz Parker?
•Author's Note: The story will begin UC. Michael and Maria's journey to eachother will be quite a long one. There will be alot of twists, but if you're willing to stick with me I promise a candy happy ending.
WANRING- There will be heavy UC sometime in this story.

Part 1

The pounding in her head was in time with the beating of her heart, as her knees harshly slapped across the linoleum floor. She wasn’t sure who had pulled her down. The sound was deafening. Each breath excruciating as she forced air into her lungs.

Helplessly, she watched as the bullet flew through the air. She could almost feel a rush of wind as it whooshed past her. Frantically, she turned around, following it with her eyes as it penetrated the flesh of her best friend.

She scrambled to her feet, the pounding in her ears intensifying with each movement.

“Oh god!” Maria shrieked, “Phone, phone, phone.” She chanted, her eyes filming with tears, as she blindly retrieved the phone from its cradle.

Her trembling fingers dialed the three numbers, sobs racking her body. A new hope filled her as she heard the first ring. It was going to be okay. Okay. Okay. Okay.

A gasp escaped her as the phone was tore from her hands. Her sobs stalled, her entire body stiffening. She braced herself for it. The bullet. However, the heat of the body behind her disappeared.

Hesitantly, she turned around to face her attacker. Instead she was met with the cold eyes of Michael Guerin.

“Are you crazy?” She screamed, “She’s dying. Liz…” She trailed off as she caught eye of Max hovering over her friend’s body. “What is he doing?”

His hand was glowing, as was the small bullet whole in Liz’s stomach. Images from horror movies tore through her mind. He was a zombie, vampire, alien. He was hurting her.

“God. Liz.” She sobbed, “Stop it! Max. No.” She begged.

“Shut up.” Michael bit out.

Frantically, she pushed Michael out of the way, kneeling down beside Max. His brown eyes met hers, barely contained tears in the depths.

“I couldn’t.” He stammered, “I was too late.”

The uncountable sobs returned to Maria’s frail form. “Liz,” She whimpered, reaching for the young brunette.

“Maria. Don’t.” Max gently scolded.

Ignoring him, her fingers ran lightly across the exposed flesh of her friend’s abdomen, smearing the blood. “God.” She sobbed, “I gotta…oh god. Liz.”

“What did you do!” She demanded.

She forced herself to her feet, her shaky legs barely able to hold her weight. She grasped the phone in her bloody hands, dialing the number again.

“Are you stupid?” The gruff voice caused the phone to fall from her hands. Roughly, Michael grasped her upper arm. “Max, we gotta get out of here. NOW!”

Max showed no sign of having heard him. Numbly, he stood up.

“You’re coming with us.” He ground out, his grip on her painfully tightening.

Max rushed to the front door of the café. Michael, as if on cue, followed, his grip on her never loosening. She didn’t have any strength to argue. She barely had the strength to breath.

Michael threw her into the front seat, before climbing into back.

“What did you do?” She repeated, her voice calm. Too calm for Maria Deluca. Silence was all she received.

A sob built up in her chest. “What did you do! Damn. You’re a freak! You hurt her. You’re like a monster or something.”

“Maria…” Her name was a strangled whisper, his firm hold of the steering wheel turning his knuckles white.

“Max we gotta kill her.” Michael stated, his voice calm and monotone.

Maria’s eyes widened, her sobs stalling, “What?! No.” Her voice was shrill, tears still streaming down her face.

“Michael!” Max’s voice was stern and strong considering the watering of his eyes, “No one is killing anyone.”

“Damn Max, she’s just a stupid human.” Michael leaned up in between the two front seats, “You probably already exposed us by trying to heal that stupid Parker girl. But if we let this ditz breath even in the direction of the damn sheriff, we might as well grow fucking antennas.”

“Michael.” Max warned.

“You’re so stupid. Maxwell, don’t you realize you put our fucking lives in danger. All for some stupid…”

The jeep skidded a sudden stop, throwing all three passengers forward.

“Michael. Enough.” He ground out, “You do realize that this ditz just lost her best friend. And that…”

“That what Max? That your pathetic high school crush just died.”

“Yes, Michael. An innocent sixteen year old human girl died.” He gritted out between clenched teeth, “Why don’t we just add one to the list? Cus, you know the sudden disappearance of another wouldn’t interest the FBI at all. Especially since the boys who dragged her out of the crime scene were the same ones who caused her best friend’s body to glow. Great idea Michael.”

Maria managed to squeeze herself into the farthest corner of her seat, wanting to put as much space between her and Michael. Despite her cowering form, her voice came out steady. “What the hell did you do?” She questioned, causing two sets of brown eyes to focus on her.

“Max!” The softening of his eyes almost made her want to trust him. He was the only sane one in the vehicle. He at least wasn’t threatening to kill her with his freak powers.

“What’d you do?” She asked, her voice lowering. Hesitantly, she allowed her hand to touch his shoulder, preparing herself for a shock or something to come from the simple touch. Nothing. Whatever he was, he obviously didn’t hurt to touch.

Finally, the tears streamed down his face. “I…” His voice broke.

Maria removed her hand from his shoulder. Maybe they were…something else. But they was no denying the utter emotion in the boy’s eyes. Maybe whatever they were, Max was only a half breed, and Michael was full blood. That would explain their different reactions.

Re: Brink of Insanity (CC/UC M/M AU MATURE) ch.1 pg.1 Dec. 20

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 2:35 am
by candyGazer
Pt. 2

Maria was vaguely aware of the slight jerk as the jeep stopped in front of her house. Despite Max’s request that she get out, her eyes were glued to her hands. Crimson red was spread across her palms. The dried blood made it difficult to bend her fingers. It felt as if it they were being suffocated.

“Maria…” Max’s gentle voice coaxed her out of her thoughts, “Come on.”

Hesitantly, she allowed Max to help her climb out of the car.

“Max, we should wait until she calms down, and we know she isn’t going to blab.” Michael insisted.

Maria’s head jerked towards him, her eyes narrowing. “I don’t even what there is to tell,” She bit out, “What am I going to possibility say? Yes, sheriff, Max Evans made my best friend’s body glow. He would think I was crazy.”

Michael’s mouth opened and closed repeatedly, before he simply returned her glare. Her eyes ventured back down to her blood stained hands, a silent cry emitting from her, her pace quickening. She had to wash it off. If she was forced to look at for a second longer she would break.

In her hastiness, her small feet came in contact with a large rock, causing her to loose her balance. She saw Max’s muscular arms reach for her, but it was Michael’s that wrapped securely around her waist. Unwillingly, she desperately grabbed onto him in an attempt to regain her balance.

Roughly, she pushed Michael away from her, forcing herself out of the warm embrace. Wincing, she fell to the ground, rubbing her swollen ankle.


Michael silently cursed. What was up with girls and being damsel in distresses. Max didn’t seem to mind though. His brown eyes scanned the blonde’s body, looking for anymore injuries, before effortlessly lifting her into his arms.

Maria let out a strangled breath, relaxing into the boy’s arms. Michael was surprised at how natural it seemed for his best friend to cradle the frail blond. But, he was Max, the healer. He was Michael, the killer.

“Michael, open the door.” Max requested, his voice wavering with a hint of emotion.

His lips parted, a smart remark playing on the tip of his tongue. Then her green eyes clenched shut, tears gathering on her long lashes. A unfamiliar feeling of compassion shot through him, and he clamped his mouth shut, his lips forming a thin line.

Wordlessly, he grabbed the doorknob, turning the gold object, pushing the door open. It was nerve racking having to watch as Max placed Maria onto the sofa, his fingers lingering just a few moments longer than necessary. The caring gesture sent chills down his spine. The potential of being studied by the FBI never seemed to faze Max. He always aloud his emotions guide his decisions.

Teary green eyes narrowed as she turned towards him. There was no denying the hatred he saw in them. An apology built up in the back of his throat, his tongue tasting the words, playing around with the decision to verbalize it.

Then her eyes snapped back to Max’s, her full lips forming a small smile, his large hand brushing a nonexistent hair from her forehead. Damn. Did Max not realize how much they were risking. That this stupid ditz was going to scream what she had witnessed to the world once she was given the chance.

“Max, we have to do something,” He said. The lack of venom in his voice shocked even him.

And as Maria’s wide eyes focused on him it had her as well. He averted his eyes to the suddenly interesting carpet. Why wouldn’t she be shocked? It wasn’t as if he was capable of caring.

When Max failed to answer, he felt the comforting disgust take residence in the bottom of his gut. He needed to be cruel. If he wasn’t, at the rate Max was going, all three of them would be captured within the week.

“Max,” His voice rose, causing Maria to flinch, and Max to drop his hand from her cheek, “What the hell are we going to do with her?” He demanded, waving his hand towards her as if she was nothing important. And she wasn’t.

She was probably going to be the end of his existence. Their existence. And he was the only one who seemed to realize that.

Max’s jaw clenched, his eyes shutting momentarily, obviously struggling to keep his anger in check. That was Max, calm and collected.

“We are going to allow her to grieve,” Max paused, his eyes boring into his, “We will worry about the rest later.”

“Later!” His voice was gruff, “You don’t care do you?” He questioned, silently cursing himself for the obvious vulnerability of the statement.

“Michael,” Max’s eyes shut momentarily, before focusing on him once again, “I think you should leave.”


Maria relaxed as the words left Max’s lips. She couldn’t handle the coldness that was practically radiating from Michael. Then, her eyes ventured up to the spiky haired boy, immediately regretting it as soon as her eyes met his suddenly emotional ones.

She offered him a small, sad, private smile. Her eyes never leaving his, she grabbed Max’s wrist, returning his attention to her.

She felt his elbow move the cushion of the couch, his thumb running over her cheek, but her eyes remained trained on Michael’s.

“It’s fine,” She whispered, “He can stay.”

As soon as she spoke the words, Michael blinked, and the insecurities she had seen in his brown depths was once again replaced with an emptiness that caused goose bumps to arise on her flesh.

“Maria,” Max’s voice was tender, “Are you sure?”

She forced her eyes away from one boy and to the other. “Yeah.” She mumbled, gently encompassing his hand in her own and removing it from her cheek, in what she hoped wasn’t an overly noticed gesture.


Michael froze, desperately needing to look anywhere at Maria. But as soon as her eyes were on Max, they returned to him.

He cleared his throat, suddenly Max’s suggestion seemed like a good idea.

“You’re right,” He mumbled, “I should leave.”

His eyes focused on his feet, he shuffled to the door, the door closing with a silent click.


“Max, go after him.” She urged. She wasn’t quite sure why she even cared. The guy had been nothing but be an ass to her. But there was something about the constricting emotions she saw in his eyes for those few moments. It had reminded her too much of her own self doubts.

Max’s eyebrows drew together, “Maria, he’s a big boy. You need time to relax. He was making that impossible.”

Her eyes glazed over with a new round of tears, except for a reason unbeknownst to her Michael was partially the cause. “No, Max. He isn’t a big boy.”

Her face contorting in pain, she forced herself to stand, ignoring the sharp pains that shot up her leg.

Clearly exasperated, he led her back to the couch. “Stay here. I’ll go get him.”



He flinched at the disproving tone that met his ears.

“Come back in.”

Swiftly, he turned on his heal, “You’re right. She needs time to grieve. We both know with me there she can’t.”

Max sighed. “Michael. Come back in.”

An intense feeling of anger rushed through him. “Max, you are not my father. I don’t have one. I don’t need one.”

“Obviously, you do.” Max’s voice was calm, almost loving. However, there was no denying his look of disappointment. He sighed dramatically, “Look. Maria wants you in there. Why, I don’t know.”

Something struck him at the mention of her name. Something unwanted. “All the more reason to leave.” He bit out.

Not giving himself time to reconsider his decision, he turned and began to take long strides toward the hell he called home. The last thing he needed was to show sympathy for the ditz. Not when there wasn’t anything to sympathize for. Granted, her friend had just died. But he was the one who was on his way to being poked and prodded.

For a short moment, his eyes shut, the image of the watery gaze of her eyes and how it made unnerved him, or the sincerity of Max’s touch and how it had reminded him that Max and Isabel had reasons to stay on Earth. People who cared. Because, unlike him, they actually had something about them worth loving.

Re: Brink of Insanity (CC/UC M/M AU MATURE) ch.3 pg.1 Dec. 31

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 8:14 pm
by candyGazer
A/N- I added a beautiful banner to the first post made by the talented Melinda at Beautiful Rendemtion.

Pt. 3

Tears flowed steadily down Maria Deluca’s face, her frail body supported by that of her best friend Alex Whitman‘s. His long fingers brushed tenderly through her hair, whispering quiet reassuring and calming words. But there wasn’t any number of kind words or comforting touches that could dull the ache of her heart, soul, complete existence as the young body of her other best friend was lowered into the ground. Her beauty being dulled by the disgusting dirt, forever robbing the world of her flawless smile.

Weakly, she shook her head, her voice coming out as a hoarse whisper, “No, it won’t be okay. Alex….” Her breath hitched when she caught sight of Max and Isabel standing separate from the other grievers.

Her eyes met Max’s, pity and sorrow shining back at her. Then her eyes averted to Isabel’s, and the unspoken fears and suspicions she saw there made her clench her friend that much tighter.

Then Michael appeared his usual black jeans and t-shirt clinging to his body. Hesitantly, she forced her gaze to meet his. The pure disgust she saw caused her knees her weaken, helplessly leaning into the body of her lanky friend.

Obviously concerned, Alex lifted her slightly, helping her to maintain her footing. “You alright?” He asked, his eyes following the path of hers, his hazel eyes narrowing at the sight of Max and Michael. Nevertheless, the glare was replaced with the most genuine smile Alex could muster, as his eyes ventured to Isabel.

If Maria wasn’t so devastated, she would laugh at Alex for his obsession with the…what exactly was she. Despite Alex’s eyes being fixed on Isabel, the taller blonde’s eyes never left hers. Her fear replaced with uncertainty and accusation.


Even though Max had thought it best he didn’t come, he found himself standing in the shadows, watching many of his peers cry over the young Parker girl.

Running a hand through his spiked hair, he took the needed two strides to be at Max and Isabel’s side. Max’s eyes met his, a hint of disapproval as usual. He could save the damn Earth and Max would still question his every breathe.

His eyes met with a dull green. The emotions he saw there almost made him regret his own abrupt reaction to her being flung unwelcome into his world. But there was no time for sympathy. Not when his very existence was on the line. He only wished Max would realize the obvious. However, Max was too busy being Max to be anything but sensitive and sympathizing.

Liz’s parents called Alex over, and the panicked look that crossed Maria’s face went unnoticed to everyone except the three of them. With a quick kiss to her cheek, the lanky boy left her there alone, standing in the middle of the graveyard.

As if Max sensed Michael’s next move, he shook his head, grabbing his arm, his mouth forming no. Whether he had actually verbalized it or not, he wasn’t sure. The only thing he was aware of was taking advantage of the only moment Maria would probably be alone.


Maria felt herself go completely still as Michael Guerin advanced towards her. Everything in her screamed for her to move, run, anything, but her legs refused.

She tried to swallow the lump that was building up in her throat but failed to do so. Her body stiffened when he stopped directly in front of her, her eyes refusing to avert from the warm amber of his. Her mouth opened, the pathetic half cry, half hiccup that erupted made her cringe. The last thing she needed was to be defenseless to him.

“We need to talk,” he stated, his large hand gently encompassing her upper arm. He led them into an open patch of grass, which had yet to have any graves.

She wrapped her lime green jacket over her black dress. Liz had given it to her for her birthday last year. She had said that it matched her eyes exactly. She felt a small smile curve her lips.

Then Michael’s gruff voice tainted the memory, “I’m going to make this short and simple. You tell, we die,” he motioned over to his best friends, “I suggest you don’t tell. Because I would do anything to protect them, even if it meant them hating me.”

She simply nodded, not having the strength to voice a response.


Michael scratched his eyebrow when she failed to throw back a smart retort. Annoying Maria, he could deal with. However, pathetically silent Maria was something else entirely. He wasn’t good with comforting or reassuring.

He wasn’t Max. He couldn’t heal people with a simple touch. Helplessly, he watched as the tiny blond erupted into heart wrenching cries.

He almost felt sorry for her. He knew how it felt to loose someone. He never knew his parents. His memories of them were vague, but their essence always haunted him.

She peered up at him, her eyes glazed with sadness. For a short moment, he almost pulled her into his arms.

“I gotta go,” he murmured, not being able to look at the pained expression contorting her features.

Max passed him, his eyes narrowed in a death glare.


Maria remained where Michael had left her, alone and crying. She felt a pair of warm arms engulf her, pulling her into a comforting embrace.

“Sshh. It’s going to be okay,” he mumbled against her hair.

“No no no no,” she chanted, “Max…how could it ever be ok without her?”

She felt his hold on her tighten, her cries muffled by his chest.


Against his better judgment, Michael turned around to look at the grieving couple. Couple? No. Max wouldn’t do that. He wouldn’t risk it. Would he?

He sneered to himself. He had done it with Liz Parker. Put the survival of his supposed family on the line for a homely human girl, only for her to die. Now, he was making himself the protector of his crush’s best friend.

Regardless of the irresponsible actions being displayed by his friend, he envied his ability to hold people, to have the warmth of him be enough in providing comfort. Max didn’t need words. Max being Max was enough.

Michael being Michael was not even near enough. He just hoped that when he returned to his home he would be more than enough.

Re: Brink of Insanity (CC/UC M/M AU MATURE) ch.4 Feb 3

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 8:58 pm
by candyGazer
Part 4

Her small hand gripped the cold metal of the handle. She wasn’t prepared for the condolences or the false tears of strangers. She took the first tentative step into the school, the heat protecting her from the slight chill of the outside. She jumped, the barely audible click of the door reverberating in her mind.

Her breath became labored, the crowd around Liz’s locker smothering the memory of her friend. Friend. Liz wasn’t her friend, she was her savior. On the lonely nights her mom would be gone for weeks on some convention, it was the safety of Liz’s home, the comfort of Liz’s mom that protected her from herself. They used to joke about being sisters. But, sister wasn’t even a strong enough word to justify the pure torture every movement was for her.

Every breath she took, every tear she shed, all signs of life. A life she had no right to have. Not when her best friend would never skip down these halls, or engulf her in a smothering hug, gushing about something Kyle had done for her.

Kyle. Her eyes sought him out. He was standing in front of his locker, but not making any move to open it. He seemed trapped inside his own mind, as she walked towards him.


His eyes snapped to hers, almost immediately welling with tears. She shook her head, pulling the resistant boy into her arms.

“I…we…Maria,” he murmured against her hair, “I never meant…damnit!”

Roughly, he pulled away from her, ramming his hands through his hair. Tears were streaming steadily down his face now. He breathed in deeply, his eyes closing, fists clenching.

“Maria, I broke up with her. I broke up with her three hours before she died.”

“Kyle…” her voice trailed off. She wasn’t sure how to respond to that.

He shook his head, clenching his eyes shut against the unstopping tears.
“You didn’t know,” she insisted, her small hands reaching out for him only to be gently slapped away.

“Maria, don’t,” he quietly ordered. His lips parted as if he had more to say, but he walked away.

She glanced around the swarming hallway, biting hard onto her lip hard at the sight of the numerous sympathetic faces. Covering her face with her hands, she ran her palms over her forehead and into her hair. She could feel the sobs building up in the hollow of her chest, as she desperately tried to stop them from escaping.

Suddenly, people were forming a circle around her, all speaking at the same time; giving their condolences, about how Liz was in her and his class. Her entire being seemed to spasm, a foreign scream emitting from her chapped lips.

Her knees buckled, and she waited for the numbness that would come with the pain of the cold linoleum. The denim of her jeans rubbed against the tender flesh of her knee, as she was unwillingly pulled to her feet.

“Maria,” Max’s voice was muffled by her hair, as she insistently fought against his strong hold.

“Why can’t you just leave me alone?” she whimpered, “this is all your fault. You should have…you should have.”

The warmth of his embrace suddenly disappeared, her short hair forming a thin curtain around her face. She had known it would hurt him. Though, she didn’t regret it. He should have saved her!

Spinning on the heal of her tennis shoe, she hurried in the opposite direction, towards the doors that seemed to be entrapping her here, with all these strangers, pain, and lies.

Then large hands grasped her shuddering shoulders, halting her mid-step. “Deluca, where the hell are you going?”

That voice. She hated that voice. Her bottom lip trembled, and she silently cursed herself for her helplessness.


Abruptly, he removed his hands from her, the shaking of her shoulders unexpected. He searched for something to say. Something that wouldn’t seem too caring, but not completely callous.

Before he had the chance, her lips were moving. “Just leave me alone. I’m done with everything. With you and your little trio. With this damn school. Babysitting my mother,” she broke off in a sob, “I won’t…tell,” she murmured, her voice lowering to conceal his secret, “just don’t.”

One of his hands reached towards her face on it’s own accord. It stopped mere centimeters from her blotchy cheek. Close enough for him to feel each tear as they cascaded down her porcelain flesh, but not close enough to wipe them away.

A heart shattering sob tore through her, her frail body shaking violently. His fingers twitched, before he dropped his hand to her rest lightly on her upper arm.

“Come on,” he coaxed, leading her into the eraser room. Surprisingly, she didn’t object like he assumed she would. There weren’t any nasty retorts about how the room reeked of sex, or being in there with him would ruin her reputation. She simply just stood there, her crying unexpectedly stopping, her stance tense.

“What do you need?”

He scratched his eyebrow. He tried to remember his reason for dragging her in here. But all the threats he had prepared just evaporated from his mind. It wasn’t supposed to be this easy. She was supposed to argue with him.

He felt as if he were attacking a kitten. “We just want to talk to you after school.” His voice was lower than he had intended, borderline concerned.

She mutely nodded. “Kay,” her voice was low but surprisingly there weren’t tremors.
She offered him a sad, pathetic smile. Uncomfortably he shifted his feet, refusing to meet her eyes, of seeing the pure emotion he knew would be there. Seeing her cry, hearing her every sob was making all this real. When he was with her he remembered that he wasn’t the only one hurting, and that just maybe her pain was more intense.

He was just trying to protect his family, the only one he had. Even now he could feel his own anger and pain running through his veins, the realization that Max attempting to save Liz’s life was a rash decision, dawning on him. At least he was still here, still breathing, smiling. At least he still had a small chance of saving Max from this small blond. Then again, how could you protect someone from being hurt, when the attacker was already shattered?


Maria rung her fingers in her lap, the jagged edges of her bitten nails snagging the material of her skirt. “You’re aliens?” it was a question, but not one she was sure she wanted answered.

Isabel nodded, her icy glare disappearing for a short moment, as tears sprung to Maria’s eyes. The taller blond had failed to contribute to the conversation, and it made her fidget more than Michael’s anger of Max’s pity.

“Maria…please be logical,” Max gently commanded, his voice soft and leery.

Maria’s eyes widened, anger blazing in the green orbs. “Logical! Max, you be logical. My best friend just died, and now you’re telling me you’re from another planet. What is logical about that?” She shook her head, “you guys must be crazy. I mean wizards would be understandable. I could handle that. Harry Potter is proof wizards are peaceful creatures, but aliens. Wow.”

She tried to ban the images of green monsters from her mind, but they just kept forcing themselves into her subconscious. “I won’t tell. Just leave me alone. Act like none of this happened, for the sake of my sanity.”

“Maria this did happen. Liz is dead,” Michael roared, “and we might be next.”

“We?” She stuttered.

“Yes, Maria we!”

“Maria, what Michael means is that if anyone were to find out you know…” he trailed off, his eyes shutting, which she was grateful for. She wasn’t sure she wanted to see the emotions that were shining in them.


There it was again, a feeling that had become familiar to him the past couple days. Pity, guilt, compassion. All things that made humans weak, that would eventually make him weak if they didn’t stop.

Michael shook his head, trying to rid himself of his thoughts and sudden emotions. “I need some air.”

The cool night breeze washed over him, the sound of crickets relaxing.

Then it was gone, Isabel’s voice cutting through the peaceful silence.

“You know, I think the one thing I’ll miss more about Earth is this.”

Michael raised an eyebrow. This. What the hell did this mean? There wasn’t anything capable of being missed.

“Simple things. Like the wind, crickets chirping, the sun, snow, rain. I love rain,” she mused, her voice too wistful for his liking.

Yet, he found himself silently agreeing with each thing. Did it rain there? Would there be a sun to warm his frozen soul? Would they be more like Isabel and Max? Or would they all be like him, unfeeling and cruel? He shuddered at the thought. As much as he hated pathetic human emotions, he couldn’t imagine a world without the love of his family.

Re: Brink of Insanity (CC/UC M/M AU MATURE) ch. 5 April 20

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 8:25 pm
by candyGazer
Part 5

The more time passed, the more the pain intensified. Sometimes, Maria would dial Liz’s number before reality would cruelly make itself known. She was gone, and nothing would ever bring her back.

As requested, the ‘aliens’ seemed to leave her to her mourning. Ever since that day, the only person she still reached out for was Alex. She knew she was taking more from him than she was giving, but he still gave without complaint. He was there to wipe away every tear, and pull her back to veracity when the memories seemed to drown her.

However, Michael seemed to be wherever she was, watching her every movement intently. It was as if he was waiting for her to crack and expose them. But, she wasn’t. She simply didn’t care about anything. Her grades were lowering extensively and Alex had to force her to eat.

Liz had been her best friend, the one person, besides Alex, she could depend on. Rarely, she would catch sight of Kyle shuffling down the hall, his eyes downcast. He was still carrying the guilt of having broken up with Liz merely hours before her death.

“Maria.” Alex’s questioning voice brought her out of her thoughts.

She forced a smile for his sake. She knew he was falling apart slowly, and it was selfish of her to lean on him so desperately. So she found herself forcing smiles and holding back tears.

He always knew though, but seemed to understand her need to be strong for him, even if it wasn’t believable.

“Come on, let’s get you home. School was over a half an hour ago.”

Her eyes flashed up to his. “I’m sorry…”

He shook his head, pulling her securely to his side. “Don’t be, you needed the time.”

She leaned against him, and allowed him to lead her into the parking lot.

“I’ll drive,” he offered. She simply handed him the keys, and climbed into the passenger seat. She heard the driver seat door shut, and looked over at Alex. His gaze was fixed solely on her, and his eyebrows were creased in thought. “You know, Liz wouldn’t want you to put your life on pause.”

He awaited her response, but she remained silent.

“The Whits are practicing for our next gig, you should join us. A band needs a singer.”

She averted her eyes to her lap. She heard Alex sigh, but he didn’t press any farther. The car sprung to life. As soon as they pulled out of the school’s parking lot, Maria felt a little more at ease knowing she was free to go home and just sleep.


Maria curled her body around her blankets, her eyes burning with tears when she saw a picture of her, Alex, and Liz. It was the only one she had yet to put away. She needed it there. She needed to see it; needed to know that she hadn’t just imagined Liz being there.

Her slender fingers ran through her hair, and she buried her face in her pillow to muffle her sobs. It was just too much. Everything seemed to be smothering her at once.

She wanted so badly to just go back to that day. She should have pushed Liz out of the way, or allowed to Max to save her friend. She should have known he would never hurt her. He was Max Evans. If only…

Angrily, she sat up and rammed her shaking hands through her tangled hair. She hated Michael and Isabel. She hated Max the most though. If only he hadn’t told her the possibility that he could have saved her. She wouldn’t be sitting here thinking about a different outcome.

Just knowing that there could have been a reasonable chance was enough to make her want to scream. She retrieved her lime green sweater from her bedroom floor, and rushed out of the door. She forced her legs to take wider steps than normal, slamming the door to her house when she was finally freed from the silence of her home.
The concrete of the street was cold on her bare feet, and she realized she had forgotten shoes. But, she couldn’t bring herself to care as the small ridged rocks cut into the bottom of her feet.

She heard footsteps behind her and tensed. “Breath, just breath,” she muttered to herself.

Slowly, she turned towards the owner of the sound, and felt her breath leave her. She hung her head, not having the energy to fight with him. She waited for him to leave, but he remained in front of her.

She just shook her head, turned around, and continued walking.

“Where are you going?” Michael growled.

She felt her nostrils flare, as she swung around to face him. “To be alone, and to get away from this warped logic that I have. But, you are always there, like stalking me or something. Shouldn’t you be, like, looking for clues or a stupid space ship? Anything but being stuck up my butt, and waiting me for to snap. It seems like you are waiting for the perfect opportunity to eliminate me. Is that what your species call it?”

He took a menacing step towards her, and she found herself stepping back. “You said it, not me.”

Her sharp intake of breath burned her lungs, and soon the burning of her eyes accompanied it. “I have to pee…” she responded lamely.

His eyebrows drew together, and she would have laughed at his confusion if everything wasn’t the way it was. She began to walk back to her house, but his large hand grasped her upper arm when she passed him.

She cringed, and attempted to pull away, but his grip remained firm. “Let me go,” she whispered. His grip tightened, and she felt herself begin to shake. “You’re hurting me!”


His whiskey colored eyes widened, and his grip loosened when he took a step back. Her green eyes were shining with unshed tears, and he wanted to grab and shake her. To demand her to just disappear. He wanted to beat the shit out of Max for risking everything for Liz Parker, for bringing this clearly unstable girl into their little circle.

Then he looked down at the angry red mark that he had caused. Unwillingly, he placed his hand over it, as if trying to convince himself he had actually done that. When his hand fit perfectly into the shape of the newly formed bruise, he backed away. Hank. He was just like Hank.

He didn’t know how to react to what he had caused. He always seemed to destroy or tarnish delicate things. So, he did the only thing he knew how. He blamed someone else. “Look at this!” He demanded, grabbing her wrist, making sure his grip was loose.

He waved her arm into the air, and forced her to look at the red imprint of his hand. “I told you not to…” he trailed off, his fingers twitching as he felt self-hatred boil him from inside out. This time he couldn’t blame someone else. This time there wasn’t anyway of escaping the obvious. He was a monster, and just like Hank he wanted to blame the victim.

Streetlights busted above their heads, and she let out a ear piercing shriek. She yanked her wrist free from his grip, and simply stared at him with her wide green eyes. Her throat convulsed, as she moved away from him. He cursed under her breath, and looked down at his hands.

He had bruised her. He had hurt her.

“What is going on?”

His eyes snapped to those of Alex Whitman’s. He looked up and just then he noticed the broken bulbs above him.

Re: Brink of Insanity (CC/UC M/M AU MATURE) ch.4 April 21

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 2:28 pm
by candyGazer
A/N- I added a new warning to the main post. But just in case you don't read it. THERE WILL BE HEAVY UC LATER IN THIS FIC. Hope you continue to read despite this.

Part 6

“What is going on?”

His eyes snapped to those of Alex Whitman’s. He looked up and just then he noticed the broken bulbs above him.

Michael looked over at Maria, prepared to stop her from doing something stupid. Her eyes were transfixed on Alex as he opened the car door and stepped out, slamming the door as he did so.

The lanky boy’s hazel eyes narrowed when he glanced over at him, before hurrying over to Maria. He watched as he first bent down and studied the small cuts on her bare feet from the rough concrete, before his eyes ventured up and landed on the angry red hand print on her right upper arm.

Alex’s long fingers lightly ran over, but quickly withdrew his hand when Maria winced. He turned towards Michael, and began advancing towards him.

“Did you do this?” He demanded, gently grasping Maria’s arm and flashing it towards him, before motioning up to the streetlights.

Any response Michael might have had became stuck in his throat, as he watched Alex’s hazel eyes darken with uncharacteristic anger. Apparently having taken his silence as an admission, the gangly boy punched him square in the nose.

Michael bent forward, cupping his injured nose. He looked up at the other boy, and felt a surge of anger heat his veins. Then Alex rushed over to Maria, and respect and envy replaced the rage.

Maria sunk helplessly into Alex’s arms, her tiny shoulders shaking. Without warning, she was released and nearly fell forward when Alex’s attention returned to him.

“What the hell is going on?” He asked again, his voice determined, with a tiny trace of uncertainty.

Michael opened his mouth, but clamped it shut when he failed to think of a believable lie. Surprisingly, Maria moved in-between them, silently shaking her head. “Stop this!” She pleaded, her voice cracking with unshed tears.

“Maria, he hurt you. He is dangerous,” he protested, motioning up towards the busted streetlights. “Whatever he is.”

Maria shook her head. “Alex, this does not concern you. I’m sorry. It’s best you don’t know for your own safety.”

“Don’t protect him. I know girls always try to justify it…”

Again she shook her head, before her shoulder’s slumped. “This has nothing to do with him, Alex. It’s about you. I just want you safe. I need you to be safe…” she trailed off, the memory of Liz’s lifeless body returning to her jumbled thoughts.

Alex’s warmth surrounded her, when he pulled her into his arms. “Hey, I’m not going anywhere.”


Michael felt his stomach clench at her doubt.

“I promise.”

She pulled away just enough to make eye contact with her only breathing best friend. “Please, just don’t ask any questions. It’s not safe.”

Alex glared over at Michael. “I won’t,” he replied, and Maria sighed in relief. “For now, but if he ever hurts you again…I don‘t care what just happened, or if he has the power to blow up anything, I will keep you safe.”

Despite, the obvious lack of strength the other boy held, Michael felt his stomach clench in fear. It was clear how much he cared for the little blond, and Michael would like to believe he wasn’t capable of using his powers on innocent humans.


Max glanced over at Maria and Alex’s lunch table, before turning towards Michael. “How could you be so careless!” Max demanded.

Michael rose from his seat, right after Max did the same. They were engaged in a staring contest.

“I’m not the one who tried to save Lizzie Parker,” he bit back.

“Would it be so bad if Alex did know?” Isabel asked, effectively catching both of her brother’s attention.

“Izzy you can’t be serious. That ditzy blond already knows! If she doesn’t tell, Alex would.”

Isabel stood up too. “Only if you gave him a reason to doubt Maria’s safety,” she shot back.

Max sighed. “She’s right, Michael. We need to tell him something. Right now, he is obviously worried, and thinks of you as some monster who is a threat to his best friend.”

Michael glanced over at Alex and Maria, and groaned to himself. “And what are we supposed to tell them? Hey, we are aliens, and oops sorry I don’t mean to blow things up, oh and the bruise on Maria’s arm was an accident too.”

Max’s eyes widened. “You hit her!”

“No!” Michael roared back, before stalking towards the school.

Isabel looked over at her brother. “We have do something soon. This entire situation is getting out of control fast.”

Max nodded in agreement.


After lunch Maria walked slowly towards her locker, her chemistry book clenched tightly to her chest. Michael appeared at her side, and she jumped at his sudden presence.

His hand reached for her upper arm, but she cringed away. “Shit, I’m sorry,” he muttered, suddenly remembering the bruise he had caused.

“Have you told him anything?”

Maria whipped around to face him, her green eyes sparkling with anger. “No, I didn’t.”

Then, Alex was at her side, and protectively pushing her behind him. “I told you to stay away from her.”

Michael smirked, and regardless of scolding himself in his own mind, he took a step closer. “What are you going to do?”

He knew he was scaring him, as the boy began to shake nervously. In an attempt to justify himself, he told himself it was a logical response. That maybe if they were both too scared of him, then they would remain silent.

Isabel pushed Michael back, interrupting the staring contest the two teenagers had just begun. “Stop this! This isn’t solving anything.”

Isabel placed her hand on Alex’s shoulder, and a shuttering breath left her when he withdrew from her touch. “I talked to Max about it, and we think you should come over so we can explain.”

Alex gaped at her. “You mean to tell me Max is involved in this too. Max Evans, the harmless, creepy guy who used to stare at Liz.”

Maria cringed at the sound of her best friends name. Noticeably concerned, Alex pulled her to his side, and draped an awkward arm over his small shoulders.

Michael scowled. “Just like you stare at Isabel.”

Alex’s fisted clenched, preparing to strike him once again, but the blush spreading across his cheeks contradicted his silent threat. As if having had an epiphany, his hands relaxed. “What happened to your nose?” He asked Michael.

Max walked up behind Maria. “I healed it,” he whispered.

Maria shrugged away from Alex, and threw her arms up into the air. “This is just great. Like let’s have a cezaphilican party in the middle of the hallway. Cus, you know, its not like obvious or anything.”

“Cezaphilican,” Michael repeated, the word dying in his throat when he caught sight of the bruise as her t-shirt rose up from the spastic waving of her arms.

Max seemed to have seen it as well, and gently grabbed her wrist, lifting her sleeve up. He cringed at the bruise, as did Michael when he saw the deep contrast of it compared to her white, milky skin.

Max kissed Maria’s forehead lightly, before whispering in her ear that he would fix it later. Fix what he broke, just like always.

“So after school?” Max asked.

Alex seemed reluctant, but nodded in agreement.


“Maxwell, this is a bad idea. We shouldn’t be welcoming them into our lives with open arms. We should be trying to scare them into keeping quiet.”

Max shook his head. “Yeah, like you scared Maria last night.”

Before Michael could retort, Isabel shook her head in disgust. “Would you both just shut up. They are here,” she stated, looking out the living room window.

The boys glared at eachother, as Isabel moved to open the door before the humans could even knock.

Maria’s eyes widened. “Is that like, one of your powers or something? It’s kinda cool, though that would mean you would know everything I did before I did it.”

Isabel smiled at the curiosity of the shorter blond. “No, but we can do this,” she responded, before changing the maroon carpet to a lime green.

Maria squealed in excitement, and dragged a hesitant Alex towards the couch. “That’s, like so cool!” She exclaimed. “But what about your parents? Do they know?”

Isabel shook her head sadly. “No, they don’t. But they are out of town for the afternoon so it’s not a problem.”

Alex studied the change, he looked confused, but not scared. Isabel was relieved for some reason other than their secret.

Maria glared at Michael, blaming the taller girl’s sadness on the object of her hatred. Max sat down next to Maria. “It was our idea,” he assured her, motioning between Michael and himself.

Maria’s eyes widened in bewilderment, before she slowly nodded as if seeing the logic of the decision. Uncomfortable of the sudden turn of the conversation, Isabel began to fidget.

“I’m gonna go get those drinks,” she mumbled, before hurrying into the kitchen.

Alex looked over at Maria questionably. “Do you think she would attack me if I went in there?”

Maria shook her head. “I don’t think so.”

Michael growled. “We are in here you know.”

Maria glared back at him, before smiling just for Alex. Hesitantly, he headed towards the kitchen.

“Oh my god! Could you get, like, anymore annoying?”

Michael stiffened. “Would you stop with the damn ‘likes’ already!” he ordered.


Isabel jumped when Alex was unexpectedly beside her. She nearly spilled the drinks, but he grabbed a couple before she could.

“I just, uh, wanted to thank you for that.”

She lifted a confused eyebrow.

He sighed. “You know, changing the carpet like that. I don’t what you are, but honestly right now I don’t care. You made Maria smile, and that’s all that matters to me.”

She nodded slowly, a smile creeping over her full lips. “Yeah, I just assumed it was her favorite color after seeing her at the funeral with the green sweater.”

Alex looked down at the memory.

“I’m sorry.”

He shook his head, and started to smile again. “Like I said. It doesn’t matter. You made Maria smile.”


Max lifted the sleeve of her baby tee up, and examined the bruise with intense eyes. “Do you want me to fix it?”

Maria looked down at her injury, before looking back up at him. “I don’t know,” she whispered, biting her lower lip. “What would you have to do?”

He shrugged. “You would have to maintain eye contact with me, and let me inside your mind.”

“Inside my mind,” she croaked, “couldn’t you get stuck in there?”

He shook his head. “No, not unless you have traps in there,” he joked.

She laughed nervously. “Umm…so you would be able to see read thoughts and stuff?”

He nodded. “Yeah, but I wouldn’t tell anyone.”

She shook her head, and glanced quickly towards Michael. “No, I don’t think that’s such a good idea.”

Michael scratched his eyebrow. “This is just great. So now she’s afraid of you, the damn healer.”

Maria shot up from the couch. “I’m not afraid of you.”

Michael’s whiskey eyes narrowed. “Really?” He asked, closing some of the space between them.

He saw her shiver from his proximity, and smirked. “Sure you’re not scared, Deluca?”

Her chin jutted out, and her hands came up to rest on her hips. “No, because Max is in here, and I know he wouldn’t let you do anything.”

That got to be him, hearing how much better Max was than him from yet another person had him backing away from her. “Yeah, well he is the one who got you into this mess! If he wouldn’t have tried to save little Miss. Plain Parker….”

He didn’t get to finish when her small hand made contact with the side of his face. The impact was so hard, his head snapped towards the side. Max stepped in front of Maria, his eyes blazing with hatred and anger.

“Michael, you aren’t helping anything.”

Michael grabbed his jacket from the loveseat. “Fuck you!” He yelled in return, before slamming the door after he left.

Alex and Isabel reentered the living room. Alex stood there, dumbfounded, and Isabel had a look of disgust, yet understanding on her face.

Alex’s eyes ventured over to Maria, who was cowering into herself and sobbing. He cursed under his breath, and rushed over to her, after placing the drinks of the coffee table.

“Come here,” he whispered, helping her over to the couch. He pulled her onto his lap and began rocking her, as if she were an infant.

“I didn’t mean to….hit him,” she choked, “he just, he insulted her, Alex.”

He looked at Max helplessly, and rubbed his hand up and down her back soothingly. “I know, sweetie.”


Angrily, Michael kicked the pavement of the sidewalk. “Damnit!” Once again, he had fucked everything up. He doubted Max would let him back in his after what he had said while the stupid humans were still there. He didn’t want to go back home to Hank, so he resigned himself to walking until they left.

Re: Brink of Insanity (CC/UC M/M AU MATURE) ch.4 April 21

Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 6:42 pm
by candyGazer
A/N- I'm not sure how to use the italics...because everytime I try to make something italic the scroll bar goes crazy. There is one flashback in this chapter...before it I put 'flashbook' and after 'end flashback'. I hope it's not too confusing! :)

Part 7

Alex’s entire body tensed, the first few rays of sunshine peering through the blinds of his window. He ran a hand through his hair making it even more unruly. That dream. It was…wow. So realistic, too realistic to have been just a dream. And Maria…she had been hurt. Michael had hurt her, and Max had offered to heal it.

They weren’t human, but they are. They have to be. He was going crazy, after Liz’s death nothing made sense. He became frustrated when he failed to put all the pieces of his dream together. He remembered only tidbits, but that was enough to make him suspicious of his own sanity, and of the actual origins of Max, Michael, and Isabel. Especially Michael.

“Maria,” he murmured, and reached for his phone.


Maria suppressed a yawn, and faked a smile when Alex entered the Crashdown.

“What was so important, Alex?” She questioned “Don’t tell me you’re worried, because let me assure you I am worried enough for the both of us! But, I thought about it…you know, like really thought about…and…”

“Hey Alex,” Isabel greeted, scooting into the booth next to Maria, who gave her a questioning look.

Isabel ignored the pixie blond, and smiled sweetly at the teenage boy. “You don’t mind do you…?” She asked, motioning down towards his coke.

He watched as the cool glass met her full lips. “I thought…” he trailed off. Be reasonable, he chastised himself. Here was this gorgeous blond sitting within touching range, a blond who he would have done anything to be acknowledged by, and he was about to ask her why she didn’t want Tabasco.

Maria looked over at Isabel, and seemed to catch on to what she was trying to do. Did she really think Alex was that stupid?


“Michael, You can’t just act on impulse. What you did effects Isabel and me too. And now Maria.”

Michael shrugged, and threw a rock and watched as it disappeared into the vastness of the desert.

“You can’t control your powers. You could have killed him!”

Again, Michael shrugged. “Yeah, well now he won’t talk.”

Max shook his head in disapproval. “What did you do to him exactly?”


Michael stood in the shadows, and observed the exchange between the two measly humans standing in Max’s driveway. The sun was in the midst of setting, and the golden colors provided enough light to watch them, but enough darkness for him to hide.

Maria giggled, the sound was so forced he actually cringed at the pathetic sound. He watched as she reached up and hugged Alex, babbled for a few minutes before finally taking off in the jetta.

Alex was about to do the same, and Michael looked around to make sure Maxwell and Izzy were both still inside. When he was sure they were he cleared his throat.

“Whitman,” he barked, his cold voice making the other boy jump.

“What do you want?”

Michael took a few menacing steps toward him, stopping when he was directly in front of him. He smirked and shrugged. Then he sent a silent prayer, to whoever might be listening, for him to not fuck this up. He brushed his forefinger across the lanky boy’s temple, and focused all his energy…

end flashback

“So, you just focused your powers on his mind, and prayed you wouldn’t kill him or make him even more scared.”

Michael shrugged. “Pretty much,” he offered.

“Michael, you could have killed him, and this thing you did…how did you even know how?”

Michael scratched his eyebrow. “I didn’t. I guess I did…I don’t know.”

Max scoffed. “You don’t know? You risked Alex’s life for something you aren’t even sure you knew how to do. You can’t just go into other people’s minds and play around. How do we even know it worked, Michael? He already thinks you are a danger to Maria, and now you force yourself into his mind!”

Michael didn’t respond, and Max forced a deep breath into his protesting lungs. “Alright. Let’s just go meet Izzy at the Crashdown. She called and said she saw Alex and Maria together, and Alex seemed to be acting strange, and mumbling to himself incoherently.”


Isabel let out a counterfeit giggle, and silently rewarded herself for the false genuine sound. Alex seemed to buy it, and kept on jabbering on about nonsense.

She snuck a glance over at Maria, who seemed dazed and confused as she watched them talk. Thankfully, she must have gotten the signal to remain silent, except for a few quirky remarks here and there.

Alex smiled at her, actually smiled a real smile full of warmth and acceptance. What if Michael’s plan hadn’t worked and he did remember? Was it possible that he would still smile like that, and still act so natural around her except for the occasional nervous stutters if he did remember?

She shook her head, and returned his smile when she heard the bell above the door jingle. Wordlessly, Max slid in next to Alex. Michael glared down at him, and Max returned it just as intensely.

Isabel grunted to herself. Didn’t Michael realize he needed to act normal and like any other teenager casually join his two best friends to socialize with a couple acquaintances? Obviously, he didn’t.

“Michael, are you going to join us?” Isabel invited through gritted teeth, making sure her smile never faltered.

Alex’s attention immediately left her, and she cursed to herself when his green eyes darkened with anger and suspicion. His attention fixed on Maria, and he reached over the table and clasped her wrist.

“Roll your left sleeve up,” he demanded gently.

Helplessly, Maria looked at Max, who just nodded quickly. Maria did as asked, and Alex’s eyebrows drew together in confusion when he didn’t see a bruise.

Isabel let out a long breath when she saw the silver handprint had faded. The lanky boy ran a stressed hand through his hazardless combed hair, and sighed.

“I’m going crazy,” he mumbled. He released his friend’s wrist, and apologized quietly.


Michael, Max, Isabel, and after much babbling from a certain blond pixie, Maria stood in the middle of Maria’s living room.

Michael grunted to himself. “Why are we here…with her?” He hissed to no one in particular.

The short blond placed her hands on her hips, and quirked an eyebrow. Max was quick to jump in before a fight could erupt.

“Michael, our parents,” he motioned towards Isabel “are having a game night…”

Before he could continue, Maria’s shrill voice interrupted. “You know what, forget it! If you guys want to go discuss your outwordlyness somewhere else…somewhere more public, go ahead. I just thought I’d be nice, and ignore my extreme paranoia and offer up my home for use, and seeing as though porcupine here basically butt raped my best friend I thought it was very kind of me to do so.”

Michael glared at her, which was returned with a simple tongue stick out.

“I didn’t butt rape your best friend. I just did what needed to be done,” he stated gruffly.

“Oh, I see. So you HAD to force yourself into Alex’s mind, and take the risk of killing him…” she trailed off, her voice wavering.

Her green eyes became vast, her next statement coming out harsher than it should of from such a delicate, hyper girl. “You could have killed him!” She screamed, moving towards him and rising onto her tiptoes to be face to face with him.

“You could have killed him! Not that it would matter to you. As long as you remain safe who cares about anyone else. Who cares that what you do affects Max and Isabel too? Or that Miss. Plain Parker died. I can assure you that you just made things worse. I know Alex, and I know he suspects something. At least for the few minutes he actually knew he accepted it, and wasn’t a major threat. Now, he is just confused…damn you are stupid!

You could have killed him!” Her voice quieted as she repeated the statement for the third time.

Max placed a gently hand on her shoulder, and her green eyes slowly became moist. She allowed him to pull her away from Michael, and be pulled down onto to the couch beside him.

Isabel shook her head, before burying it into her hands. “Damn! Everything is so out of control! Michael, why did you do it? Not that I like agreeing with Maria, but you could have killed him! You did something…I don’t even know what you did. You don’t know! You just decided it would be fun to test drive your powers on poor Alex. Is that it?”

Michael shook his head. “I’m not going to talk about this. I did this for us!” He yelled. “For the three of us! Instead of saying thank you, you scold me like I’m a child!”

Isabel scoffed. “You are acting like one, Michael. Alex and Maria aren’t just toys.”

Max stood from the couch, and looked Michael directly in the eye. “I never thought I would have to say this…but stay away from Maria! She has been through enough, and I swear if you do the same to her…”

“What Max, what are you going to do? Hit me! Well then hit me!”

Max growled, his fists clenching. Then he did just that.

“Max!” Isabel shrieked, grabbing her brother by the shoulders before he could strike again. She looked down at her other brother in shock. Michael was on the ground, and wiping blood from his now swollen lip.

Michael sprung to his feet, and shoved Max warningly. “You hit me! You asshole!”

Maria grabbed his shoulder, her tiny nails digging into the thin material of his shirt. “Stop it! All of you just get out of my house! You are all afraid I’m gonna betray you, but look at you and the way you treat each other. You don’t need to worry about me when you are clearly so peaceful with each other. I invited you into my home against my natural human instincts. I prepared myself for color changing, even spike head maybe blowing a few things up. But, this…I don’t need this. None of us need this! If you guys keep fighting over who’s more manly, well you aren’t exactly laying low are you?”

She paused for a quick breath. “Liz died. Okay. She is the reason we are all here. It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand why Max did what he did. The point is that he did do it. Trust me, this isn’t exactly my idea of fun, but I have managed to keep from panicking. Well maybe not completely managed, but I’ve controlled it…a little.”

“Maria,” Max’s calm voice stopped her mid-rant. “I’m sorry.”

Michael snorted. “That’s great! This is all just freakin awesome!”

Max moved in front of Maria, separating her from the other two. “Shut up, Michael!” He took a deep, cleansing breath. “Now, exactly what do you think you did to Alex?”

Michael huffed, and fell back onto the couch.

“Did I say you could sit there?” Maria asked, her nose scrunched up in distaste at the idea of having his alien identity on her belongings.

He began to stand, prepared to engage in another sparring match, but Isabel stopped him when she sat next to him, and pulled him against her side in a silent gesture of comfort.

Michael scratched his eyebrow. “I don’t know.”

Maria’s threw her hands up. “This is just wonderful. Glad to know everything is just so peachy. I know that you don’t know, but hearing you say it again…UGH!” Her voice cracked, a tear spilling onto her cheek. “You could have killed him…and you don‘t even care enough to apologize.”

Max pulled her towards him, but she wrenched away. “And you, Max! I don’t need this…especially from you. You are, like, the only one keeping me from completely panicking over your new alien status. I need to think you are sane…but seeing you yell…and…maybe I should just tell Valenti….not for me, but for you guys. You are a danger to yourselves and each other. One minute you are all like ‘we come in peace‘ and then next you are throwing punches in my living room. Not to mention, if you would have broken anything…my mom, oh god, she would have killed me!”

“Would you stop babbling already! We need to talk about this, not your damn mom,” Michael seethed.

Maria laughed to herself. “Now, porcupine agrees. Finally we are getting somewhere. Now, if you would excuse me I need some serious Mt. Dew.”

Unexpectedly, her entire body began to trembled, and she clutched her stomach. “I can’t do this! I just can’t!” She turned towards Michael. “You suck! You suck at being an alien and a human! You don’t have any emotions, and you can’t even control your powers.”

She allowed herself to be pulled into Max’s arms. “She’s right. Michael, you are like a brother to me, but she doesn’t need this. Not now. Just leave.”

Michael jumped to his feet, and grabbed his jacket. “I don’t need this shit anyway. Blondie, if you so much as breath in the direction of the sheriff…”

“Michael, leave!” Isabel ordered, and cringed at her own words when he gave her a defeated look. “Please, just leave.”

His eyes glazed over and he was once again closed off from the world, before he left.

The slamming of the door caused Maria to jump, and then shiver. Isabel pressed her head into the back of the sofa, and ran a hand through her hair.

“Is he gonna hurt Alex again?” Maria asked quietly.

Max shook his head, and Isabel verbalized an answer for both of them. “No, but we should probably follow him. Max?”


“Maria, honey are you home?” Amy’s voice filled the silent home, and Maria cursed the interruption. She just wanted to curl up on the couch, forget about the day’s events and maybe take a nap. She didn’t need her mom pestering her to eat, or talk about how she was feeling.

“Yeah, mom I’m in the living room!” She called back.

Her mom must have run to get to her, because one second she wasn’t there, and the next she was beside her on the couch. “I saw Max and Isabel Evans leaving the house.”

Maria opened her mouth to explain, but was silenced with a quick kiss on her forehead.

“Sweetie, its fine. I think its wonderful you are making new friends. I’m sorry I haven’t been home. I know it’s been hard for you…”

Maria shook her head. “Mom, I don’t want to talk about it.”

Amy nodded to herself. “At least eat something. I brought home some of my left over pumpkin pie.”

Maria looked at her suspiciously. “You made pie?”

The older woman shifted. “Yeah…I stopped by Jim’s earlier just to chat.”

Maria leaned forward, resting her head in the palms of her hands. Another worry to add to the list, and something else to tell Max. Life must hate her. There was so much she could take, and much more she was sure she would break, she was already cracking.

She didn’t have the energy to interrogate her mom about her new relationship. Not now, maybe later. But, now she just wanted to be a little girl.

“Maria, talk to me…what’s wrong? What can I do to help? There has to be something…”

The young blond shook her head, before peering up at her mom. “Just hold me, and don’t ask any questions.”

Her mother’s slender arms wrapped around her shoulders, and pulled her into her tiny lap.


Alex drove around, telling himself over and over that he was being irrational. That it was all just a dream. But, he needed to be certain…even if it meant questioning his own common sense.

He turned onto the street, and slammed on his breaks at the sight. All the street lights were busted, and work crew were in the process of fixing them.