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What was I thinking then.

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 11:16 am
by NotYourChick
Do have a show that you watched when you were younger that you liked, but now can't understand why you watched?

Re: What was I thinking then.

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 11:31 am
by Earth2Mama
Yes, I remember watching this show ... I believe it was called "Out of This World". Basically, it was about a girl, who discovered on her 12th or 13th birthday that her father was an alien and her married him and had her. But the father was never shown on the show, as he had to back to his planet or something to that effect.

Thinking back on it now, the special effects were so cornball and fake-ish. The girls powers (I think she could freeze time by pointing her two index fingers together) was quite silly and unrealistic. But it was entertainment and I was all about the sci-fi back then.

Out Of This World<----- here a link to the plot summary and you can use the back button to find out who the stars were on the show.

Like I said, it was corny, but I was 12 at the time, so sue me! :lol:

Re: What was I thinking then.

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 2:48 pm
by NotYourChick
One of mine is Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. I think I was in 1st or 2nd grade when they came out. I had all the dolls and everything. What they did to gear up makes me laugh now.

Re: What was I thinking then.

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 11:35 pm
by juliecollard87
My fav show when I was growing up was the secret world of Alex Mack.

From Wikipedia
Alex Mack is an ordinary teenage girl, living with her parents and older sister in the corporate town of Paradise Valley. One day, while walking from school, Alex is nearly hit by a truck from the chemical plant, and during the incident, she is drenched with a top-secret chemical called GC-161. It's not long after when Alex realizes the chemical has done something to her. She now has the power of telekinesis, can shoot electricity through her fingertips, and morph into a silver puddle. She confides only in her sister Annie and her best friend Ray about her powers and must keep them a secret from everyone else, including her parents, for fear of what the chemical plant CEO, Danielle Atron, will do to her if she finds out.

I remember I thought it was the coolest thing that she could turn to a puddle (A silver) and go under doors. Now looking back why didn't anyone every see her while she was in puddle form.

Re: What was I thinking then.

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 12:49 pm
by Roswellian117
I loved all those shows! As a kid I was sooooo addicted to Sailor Moon well actually I watched it from 5th-7th grade! My obsession was horrible. I had posters on my walls along side my backstreet boys posters. I was sooooooo a 1998-1999 kid. Then I found Dawson's Creek and Roswell and grew up out of that faze.

I was also so into Salute your Shorts and Hey Dude and Are You Afraid Of The Dark? I really miss those shows.

I miss a lot of shows that were more innocent. Now it seems like nothing but sex! Not that I'm complaing but teen age girls are getting the wrong message! I just miss simpler days. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Re: What was I thinking then.

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 3:58 pm
by killjoy
Okay I'm going to show my age here....but I'm a child of the 80's. Great tv with great theme songs.

Now even though I liked this show as a kid I see it now and am like "Ohh my lord" :roll: :oops:

But it was called Streethawk

Re: What was I thinking then.

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 4:07 pm
by Earth2Mama
killjoy wrote:Okay I'm going to show my age here....but I'm a child of the 80's. Great tv with great theme songs.

Now even though I liked this show as a kid I see it now and am like "Ohh my lord" :roll: :oops:

But it was called Streethawk
Oh ...

My ...

God ...


I sooooo had a crush on this guy, Rex Smith. :oops: But then again, I also had a crush on David Hasselhoff. :?

I blame the 80's! Weird stuff happened during the 80's ... regardless if you were a child, teenager or adult back then.

Re: What was I thinking then.

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 4:20 pm
by killjoy
My only excuse for this was that I was three years old :oops: .....but lord dig the groovey 70's theme music :lol: ... re=related

Re: What was I thinking then.

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 6:45 pm
by Earth2Mama
LOL OMG ... the cheesy 70's music! LOL Damn, I was 2. Holy frak! :shock:

Re: What was I thinking then.

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 2:37 am
by valentinebaby
Okay anyone remember Ghost Writer? The kids had a friend ghost who would help them solve mysteries by writing to them in a notebook. I used to watch it all the time. Very lame concept now that I'm older.

Then we have Kids Incorporated. After realizing who Fergie was I went back and watched an episode and I'm like God this show is awful and I used to never move from the TV when it was on.
Roswellian117 wrote:I loved all those shows! As a kid I was sooooo addicted to Sailor Moon well actually I watched it from 5th-7th grade! My obsession was horrible.
To this day my favorite show has and will always be Sailor Moon. I'm trying to save up to get all the box sets.