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Cupid's Stupid (AU, M/M, Mature) 1/1 *Complete* 1/27/10

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 9:05 am
by Hunter
Banner By Me
Title:Cupid's Stupid
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything Roswell.
Summary: Maria finds it difficult to tell her boyfriend how she really feels for him.
Rating: Mature (bad language)
Pairing: M/M & CC.
A/N: This one part story was inspired by one of Natasha Bedingfield's song "These Words." This song will be used in this fic and it always reminds me of Maria & Michael; I love this song. This is a holiday fic that takes place on Valentine's day; it's going to be a one part fluff piece. I'll be writing in Maria's POV.

Here is the song, It's flipping amazing.
Chapter One

These words are my own

Threw some chords together
The combination D-E-F
Is who I am, is what I do
And I was gonna lay it down for you
Try to focus my attention
But I feel so A-D-D
I need some help, some inspiration
(But it's not coming easily)
Whoah oh...

Trying to find the magic
Trying to write a classic
Don't you know, don't you know, don't you know?
Waste-bin full of paper
Clever rhymes, see you later

These words are my own
From my heart flow
I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you
There's no other way
To better say
I love you, I love you...

[CD pauses]
Remember the time when we broke everything in Isabel's apartment? That was so funny, her roommate was in tears and we were just laughing our heads off. At that time, I just felt like saying I love you..ya know?


Feeling stupid, I tear the paper out of my writing pad, squeeze it into a paper ball and throw it into the trash along with the other scrunched up paper balls.

Today is Valentine's day and I've lost count on how many frigging times I've written the words "I love you" down. It's so annoying and I really don't know how everyone else does it. What do you do? Do you just come up to someone you really have a crush on and say, Hey! I love you. Because that's just too common. Everyone says that. I think those three words are very boring. I need to write a masterpiece, something that will blow his friggin’ socks off.

But what? I've looked at everything even Shakespeare. Fuck, I do not understand one flipping word in any of his play scripts let alone a whole line. I've turned to old couples, Chaucer, painters and even my mother. My mother people! She can't even keep one man on a leash and I asked her for some advice. You should have seen her face; she started to ask me if I was pregnant.

Since then I've avoided talking about love, sex and Michael to her.

What am I gunna do? I've wasted a whole writing pad already, my fingers are killing me and my brain is starting to hurt.

I've been with Michael for some time now. We both met in high school and he asked me out on Valentine's day. It's a very special day for the both of us because it's the day we got together. We have a steady relationship when we're not behind closed doors. In the bedroom, it's a completely different story.

For two years we have been together and neither one of us confessed that we were in love.

Michael's always been the guy, he refuses to put the toilet seat down, he doesn't like to shave and he loves his armpit farts. I see all past that and find the guy I fell in love with. He's not exactly prince charming but more of a Shrek; I've always opted for the perfect guy but ended up with Michael Guerin; the mean scruffy enigmatic rebel. When I look back, I see what had attracted me to him. It was all those disgusting things and him being an ass. He taught me a lot of things although I was so frustrated with him in high school. I was the popular girl and he was the class clown.

I guess I can't really describe him in a nutshell because he's very conflicted. I blame his parents, they never shown him much love and had thrown him out of the house when he turned sixteen. Michael's a very independent guy and I love that about him. He pays his bills on time and he even started to buy me gifts. Really expensive gifts. Last year, on my birthday what I got from him had cost a fortune. It was a pearl necklace- and no not the pun intended type although he had been asking to give that to me for a very long time now.

I think he loves me because he spends a lot of money on me and during sex he always makes sure I have orgasms too. Like I said, he may be a Shrek but he is not that bad.

Cupid!, help me out man. I am tearing page after page. I feel so stupid. No guy is going to want an essay written to them. What happens after when Cupid strikes? This, my friend, you burn your brains out trying to find a way to tell the person you love that you love them.

I'm suffering from lockjaw; I need my tetanus shots fast. Maybe Michael would never find out that Love him after all. I am so upset that I feel like crying. Flipping female hormones!

Michael will dump me and move on. He's probably met some slut in college. Maybe he's-

"Knock knock." My boyfriend is here.

Michael walks in the room, looking sexy as hell. With his normal shirt and jeans, he still looks delicious and I literally pounce on him. Legs lock against his waist and we kiss like mad.

"I." I kiss him. "Love." I kissed him again. "You." I give him a final kiss and then I settle my feet on the ground, awaiting his response in anticipation. I feel so scared right now. Like how I feel when I watch Who wants to be a millionaire. Oh god, I think I might actually have a heart attack. "Is that ok?" I laugh sheepishly.

Michael's eyes bulge, his mouth hangs open and then he lifts an eyebrow. "Is that ok? Are you on crack?"

I winced. He doesn't love me all. "Michael...just for-"

"Are you insane?" He cuts me off and raises his voice. "I can't believe you said that."

"So you don't love me?" My voice is tiny and I'm shitting it.

He lets out a small laugh. " you really need an answer?"

At that point, I'm so close to tears.



We both stop and then I burst out crying. Like I said, damn female hormones; too much oestrogen in my body.

"I...." Michael wipes my tears away with his thumb. "I don't need you to tell me that you love me because I feel it. But just for the record, I love you too." He kisses my forehead.

WHAT? I cannot believe it. He loves me!

"Now, come on." He takes my hand. "Let's go have that Valentine's day."

Who said you needed to say those three words?

Wow, I may be a fool but Cupid's stupid.

These words are my own
From my heart flow
I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you

That's all I got to say,
Can't think of a better way,
And that's all I've got to say,
I love you, is that okay?

The End