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Humble Me (UC, Mi/L, Teen, 1/1)

Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 2:30 pm
by Traitor
Title: Humble Me
Category: UC, Mi/L
Summary: Songfic based on the Norah Jones song, Humble Me.
Rating: Teen
Disclaimer: I don't own anything roswell related or anything related to norah jones or this song. I barely own my house so please dont sue.
Author's Note: It has been five years since I have even ATTEMPTED to write anything and this little one shot is just me trying to ease back into it. Please be honest, If all goes well here, I hope to start back in on my fave unfinished peice, Numb!


Went out on a limb
Gone too far
Broken down at the side of the road
Stranded at the outskirts and sun's creepin' up
Baby's in the backseat
Still fast asleep
Dreamin' of better days
I don't want to call you but you're all i have to turn to

Liz Evans laid her head on the worn edge of the steering wheel and sighed. This couldn’t be happening, not now. Not when she needed him. Not when she needed to be as close to him as possible.

She sighed restlessly and opened the car door to investigate the cause of her frustration. She hadn’t even popped the hood of the car yet and already she knew what was wrong. Her fists clenched, she kicked the left front tire and cursed angrily to a god she knew must be mocking her right now.


Smoke was billowing out from under the hood. Cracked radiator. She didn’t even need to look. With a heavy heart she got back into her car and glanced behind her, checking on her three year old daughter, Theresa, who was still, thankfully, sound asleep. A worn, exhausted smile turned up the corners of Liz’s mouth as she watched her child sigh peacefully and cling tighter to the gray stuffed rabbit in her arms. Her daddy had given her that bunny. Her father, who Liz saw every time she looked into her child’s eyes. They needed him right now, though she didn’t want to call him, didn’t want to have to face him.

What do you say
When it's all gone away?
Baby i didn't mean to hurt you
Truth spoke in whispers will tear you apart
No matter how hard you resist it
It never rains when you want it to

Liz pulled her cell phone from her pocket and thumbed through the directory. Her breath hitched slightly when she saw his name. She debated again whether she should actually hit the ‘dial’ button. She suddenly longed to be held in his arms, for him to hold her tightly to his broad chest and tell her that it would be ok, that he loved her. God knows she hadn’t had that in a long, long time.

Taking a deep breath to steady herself, she hit send.

You humble me Lord
Humble me Lord
I'm on my knees empty
You humble me Lord
You humble me Lord
Please, please, please forgive me


She had the sudden urge to hang up as he answered the phone. He sounded tired and groggy. Liz looked at the clock and knew she had woken him up.

“It’s me,” was all she could manage to squeak out. She could feel her heart beating at what seemed like 100mph in her chest. She tried to stay calm, stay strong, if not for herself, for her daughter.

“Liz?” he answered. She could hear the change in his voice. He was suddenly very aware and very alert.

She felt a tear begin to stream down her cheek as she inhaled sharply. “Michael, we need you.”

Baby Teresa got your eyes
I see you all the time
When she asks about her daddy
I never know what to say

Heard you kicked the bottle
And helped to build the church
You carry an honest wage
Is it true you have someone keeping you company?

She had barely spoken to him in three years. It wasn’t anyone’s fault but her own though. She had pushed him away after she had found out she was pregnant. After all, she was a married woman. Not only that, she was married to his best friend.

He’d wanted to take her away then. He’d promised her that they would be safe, that they would get so far away that Max would never find them, but she had refused. She felt trapped with Max, trapped by loyalty. He had saved her life. She still owed him. And there was also the possibility that Max could be the father. She wasn’t sure then which one of them it was

She regretted the decision not to run every second of every day. Life with Max was cold. There was no love there anymore. He treated her like his possession. She hated him now. But she hated herself even more.

The paternity of her child had become crystal clear as her daughter grew older. She had his eyes, his smile, his stubbornness. Max saw it too, and he punished Liz for it constantly. He’d ordered Michael to leave when Theresa was barely 6 months old. Michael tried to stay, to fight, but Max had won out.

Her heart broke when he left.

What do you say
When its all gone away?
Baby i didn't meant to hurt you
Truth spoke in whispers will tear you apart
No matter how hard you resist it
It never rains when you want it to

Liz had gotten lost in her thoughts. She didn’t even hear him arrive until he slowely opened the car door. She jumped slightly and turned to look at him. They didn’t say anything for what seemed like an eternity. She wanted to speak, wanted to tell him how sorry she was, how much she still loved him, but the words were stuck at the back of her throat.

“What are you doing here?”

His voice, frustrated though it was, made her melt, made her sink. She knew that know matter what happened between them tonight, she would always be his.

She looked at him pointedly, directly. “I love you. I always have and I always will. I’m sorry for how it all ended. I never wanted it to. But I was scared of what Max would do to you, to our child. I can’t keep on pretending anymore though, Michael. I can’t keep killing myself inside. I need you.”

Michael didn’t say anything for a what seemed to be an eternity. Instead he went to the back and began to unfasten the small, lithe, sandy blonde child from ther seat, Michael looked to Liz and offered a half a smile.

“Lets go home.”

Liz smiled to herself. It wasn’t forgiveness. It wasn’t any promise that everything would be ok. She had hurt him, wronged him for a long time and that wasn’t going to go away or be forgotten overnight. But it was a start. And, at the moment, that was enough.

You humble me Lord
Humble me Lord
I'm on my knees empty
You humble me Lord
You humble me Lord
Please, please, please forgive me