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She knows (CC/UC,TEEN) 1/1

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 9:11 pm
by Traitor
Title: She knows
Author: Traitor
Pairing: Max/Liz, Max/Tess
Rating: TEEN
Summary: Tess's Pov on some things .... (if Tess had actually had a heart)
Disclaimer: Don't own a thing related to Roswell. Please don't sue.

Tess is not a stupid girl.

For instance, when she walks hand in hand with Max down the hallways of the High School, when he kisses her and tells her things that should make her weak in the knees, she knows that it’s not meant for her, that it’s not her he’s really seeing. Tess realizes all of this when he unconsciously whispers the wrong name over and over and over again. She doesn’t correct him, or ever get upset. Tess doesn’t make herself out to be more than she really is.

Tess knows that she’s a replacement.

She feels like she should hate Liz Parker, but she can’t, and more importantly, she won’t. If she should hate anyone it’s Max Evans. He’s played with her, toyed with her emotions. Yet as much as she wants to, she can’t hate him either.

Because Tess has fallen for him.

She wishes things were different. She wishes that he could let Liz go. But this is reality, and wishes don’t come true in the real world. Frogs are just frogs and no matter how hard you try you can’t ever scream loud enough for your fairy godmother to appear. In reality, she sees the way he looks at her. In reality, she sees the way Liz looks at him, even though she manages to hide it like a pro. It’s all there, laid out in the open for everyone to see if they’d only take the time to actually look – lust, longing, regret, love. She hates the way their eyes dance with shared secrets and stolen moments from long ago. She hates the way their emotions shine, ultimately overshadowing her. She hates herself for even trying to make that go away.

And Tess finally realizes that she doesn’t belong here. And that she never even had a chance for her happy ending.