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I'm in Love with a Teenage Alien (AU,M/L,Adult)ch 6 5/7[WIP]

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 6:40 pm
by jake17

banner by dreamer19, kristin, who I miss terribly :( , thanks for the awesome banner sweetie,

Title: I’m in Love with a Teenage Alien
Author: jake17
Rating: Adult
Pairings: M/L
Disclosure: I own nothing Roswell.
Summary: Max Evans is a normal everyday teenage boy that looks human in every way, well except for the fact that he was born on Nosaj, just south of the Milky Way. Which i guess you could say makes him an alien. While fooling around one night in an old spaceship, (which he believes is nothing but a piece of junk) he mistakenly sets off on a course to Earth. Alone and helpless he crashes in a cornfield on a farm in the middle of nowhere. With only the help of his new found friend Michael Guerin, his fumbling seventy year old half deaf Uncle Brody, a Scientist who was recently fired from NASA, and his beautiful but brainy, clumsy very serious granddaughter Liz Parker one has to wonder …does Max have a chance at ever seeing his home again?
Author's Note: this is going to be a (hopefully) funny, romantic sweet story. No drama, no heartache! :wink: I thought it was about time :wink:

Chapter 1.

Looking out over the vast crimson red river that lined the airstrip his father was in charge of Max kicked a molted rock in frustration.

“Ouch! Damn it! I’m going to be stuck on the remote desert forever!”

Sighing he leaned against the flight simulator and enviously watched as the older pilots departed and landed as free as the birds that circled the control towers above him.

It wasn’t easy being the son of the highest respected Scientist on Nosaj.

The people of Nosaj dependent of his dad and he took this very seriously which meant very little time for Max.

With his mother dying in childbirth Max spent his entire life forced to live in the most remote parts of his world while his father worked tirelessly on his experiments and projects.

Max’s life was very limited, with no kids his own age his life was mainly spent on the computer talking to cyber friends but it wasn’t the same.

When he wasn’t studying by himself from the courses provided by the nearest University, which was a hundred miles away, he was surrounded by middle-aged archeologists, and scientists like his father who manly talked about their work.

Max wasn’t a scientist he was a dreamer. Which made it almost impossible for his father to relate.

His dad wanted him to follow in his footsteps and dedicate his life to solving complicated problems that plagued his planet while Max mostly dreamed of falling in love and seeing what was beyond the blue moons that lit up the sky at night.

In fact he spent most of his time sitting in an abandoned aircraft staring up at the stars imaging what his dream girl would be like.

The corners of his mouth began to rise as he pictured her long flowing hair and seductive sultry eyes.

Maybe she would be a dancer or and actress, maybe even artist.

One thing was for sure she wouldn’t be all analytical serious stuffy and controlling like his dad, she definitely would have to be free spirited and funny. A real passionate girl who wanted to experience life not study it to death.

Leaning back against the seat he closed his eyes and began to pretend he was one of those pilots leaving for an exciting mission.

Smiling realizing what a dork he must've looked like he buckled himself in and began flipping the dusty switches that clearly haven’t been used in years.

Grasping the controls in his hands he closed his eyes as he locked the hatch making the aircraft ready for departure.

Placing the ancient earpiece around his head and to his mouth he pressed the communication controls that were very similar to the simulators that he had practiced on for hours on end.

“This is Captain Max Evans, I am approaching lift off. I have no clue where I am headed just as long as it’s not to another history lesson discussing the importance of the Milky Way and its planets. My mission if I chose to except it, and I do, is to bring home a beautiful girl and study her extensively making her moan louder than she ever has in her entire life.”

Laughing out loud now Max began to flip all of the over head switches which he knew on a working vessel would initiate lift off but this was not a working vessel …or though he thought so.

Punching in a series of numbers he remembered reading in some old text book he sat back and dreamed of flying off into a new and exciting world.

computerized voice

“Commander Garison we have successfully set course for the Milky Way just be on alert that our fuel is not up to preferred levels. Since we still have a go command from you we will be leaving in ten minus one second.”

Instantly Max opened his eyes and sat straight up watching in horror as the ground beneath him began to disappear.

Grasping at the his headphones he desperately tried to communicate with the computer system explaining that this was a big mistake and he wasn’t Commander Garison and he had no wish to leave Nosaj.

“Please! Stop! You don’t understand I’m just a teenager! I’ve only been in a simulator I have no idea how to fly one of these things!”

"Five four - "

"Oh my God! Please stop! I comand you to stop! You don't understand I am only sixteen!"

Just then he began to hear static coming from the old rusted computer when he suddenly got an idea.

Reaching in his coat pocket he grabbed his cell phone.

“Dad! –“

“Max I can’t talk now I’m right on the verge of discovering something very important, you’ll have to call back.”

Panicking as he began to break through the purple atmosphere Max started yelling.


Max looked down at his phone in horror as the call dropped.

Suddenly all the air was sucked from his lungs as he was pinned violently against his seat.

Watching the magnificent light show fly by him he held on for the ride of his life as he soared through space headed for the Milky Way, more specifically... Earth.


I know this is a little strange, should I continue? :oops:

Re: I'm in Love with a Teenage Alien (AU,M/L,Adult)chpt2 6/26/10

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 7:28 pm
by jake17

thanks so so much for your encouraging fb! So hope you like this, ive got a lot of great ideas for this fic! :)

Chapter 2

Groggy and frustrated from being awakened from his dream of the cheerleading squad practicing in their underwear in his bedroom Michael stumbled out of bed swearing.

“What the hell? God damn it if you got out of your pen again Tess I’m going to whip your backside!”

Hearing another loud crash from outside he jumped and ran to his window knowing that Tess his prize winning pig couldn’t have made such a loud commotion.

Quickly he grabbed his jeans and ran down the hallway with his shotgun in hand.

His heart was racing convinced it was the Jenkins twins, Billy Bob and Hank Jr. who would on a occasion drive around the cornfield drunk out of their minds and looking for a fight.

Running down the stairs like a bat out of hell he bumped right into his cousin Liz.

Dressed in her nightgown she was putting her boots on to do a little investigating herself.

“Michael how many times have I told you that I don’t want guns in the house?! You could’ve killed me or grandpa for god sakes!”

Getting ready to defend his right to bear arms for the hundredth time he was interrupted by the faint sound of someone calling for help.

“What the hell? Someone must’ve driven off the dirt road by the field! Michael call 911 and I’ll get the first aide kit.”

“Wait a second Liz, what if it’s old man Hales, this will be his third DUI they’ll throw him in jail for sure this time. Let’s just see what’s what before we call the cops ok?”

Reluctantly Liz finished tying her boots and gabbed some supplies and followed Michael out into the dark pasture.

Shinning his flashlight into Tess’ pen he smiled as his stubborn pot bellied pig slept soundly against a pile of mud and hay.

“Hmm for once I can’t blame you for all the chaos and mayhem in this house.”

“Umm Michael what the hell is that?”

Shinning his flashlight in the direction of Liz’s shaky finger Michael stood speechless.

There in front of them was a hole dug from the ground about ten feet wide and twenty feet in length with debris scattered everywhere.

“Oh my God it must be one of those two passenger plane’s, it must’ve crashed in the field!”

“Very good assessment Liz, now I know why you get those straight A's your always working so hard for.”

Shinning the flashlight in his eyes she nodded sarcastically, “very good Michael, how do you spell assessment again?”

Furrowing his eyebrows Michael slowly began, a s s a – “

“Nice try maybe you should’ve finished out your first semester of community college before cracking on other people – “

“Hello? Is anyone out there?”

“Oh my God Michael we forgot all about the people in the plane!”

“Hello! Can you hear us? You’ve been in a plane crash, you’re in Wichita Kansas, on a farm….are you injured?”

“Brilliant cous' I’m sure they are completely unaware that they’ve been in a plane crash. I’m sure they think their just sleep walking and fell really hard.”

“Will you just shut up and look around! They could be dying or something!”

Just then Liz stumbled and fell.


Slowly Max opened his eyes and gazed straight into the face of an angel. With the full moon shinning directly upon her she was illuminated with the soft white glow that just about made Max pass out.

Stunned by her fall she pulled her self up with her hands while her legs were straddling his waist.

Even though her nightgown was long and very conservative it did nothing to conceal the shapely curves of her body as the moonlight revealed every inch of her.

It was only when he breathed out from sheer awe did she realize she was sitting on an actual body.

Racing to her feet she aimed the flashlight directly into his face causing him to shield his eyes.

“Oh God I’m so sorry are you alright Mister? I had no idea I had fell on you! Are you hurt? Do you need an ambulance?”

Looking around for Michael Liz spotted him standing over a large object. He seemed to be mesmerized by whatever it was.

“Michael I need your help! There’s a man over here and I think he’s hurt! I need your help!”

Feeling a large gash on his head and sharp pain coming form his legs Max took a deep breath and attempted to speak again.

Honestly he could care less about his injuries he just wanted to see that beautiful girl again.

“Pretty girl, I really need help, my head is bleeding and I think my legs are broken.”

Liz directed the flashlight in his direction again and couldn’t help but notice his striking good looks and warm inviting smile.

Usually Liz was not taken in by superficial handsome guys, no not since Billy the star quarter back had broken her heart freshmen year. That was when Liz decided she was going to devote her life to getting into a good college and becoming a Scientist like her grandfather.

Dating, shallow conversations and make out sessions in the back of trucks were not in her plans.

She was going to be a major contribution to this world, she was going to cure diseases or help send people to Mars.

Right when Liz was about to kneel down to see how serious his injuries were Michael shouted louder than she ever heard him shout in his life.

"Liz! Don’t touch him!"

Rolling her eyes she smiled as she placed her flashlight on the ground and ripped a piece of her nightgown off and placed it carefully on his forehead to help stop the bleeding.

“You’ll have to forgive my cousin, his parents passed away before they could teach him any manners, its basically like living with an orangutan.”

“My name is Elizabeth by the way but you can call me Liz, I live here with the orangutan and my grandfather.”

Rolling her eyes she tucked her hair behind her ear and smiled nervously.

“I’m so sorry I tend to talk fast when I get nervous, not that you make me nervous, it’s just I’m worried about your injuries and it takes forever for an ambulance to get here because we live out in the middle of nowhere -“

Again Michael yelled for her to run to him.

“Oh my god! I forgot we never called 911, I have to go back to the house but I promise I’ll be right back… hey it just occurred to me you never told me your name.”

Placing his hand over hers he applied more pressure to his head as he gazed deeper lost in her beautiful chocolate eyes.

“It’s Max, my name is Max and I’d feel much better if I wasn’t alone besides I don’t think I’m in need of any assistance. I just need to rest for a bit.”

“Elizabeth get your ass over here NOW!”

Sighing Liz glared over in her cousin’s direction and back at Max.

“I’ll be right back just keep pressure on that wound.”

Nodding Max slowly sat up wincing as the pain shot through his legs.

Looking up in the sky he stared at the one pure white bright moon in amazement, and the stars were so tiny, he couldn’t get over how many there were.

Whispering to himself he closed his eyes realizing how much trouble he was going to be in when he got a hold of his father.

“There’s no way I’m getting a drivers license now, I’m probably going to be grounded till I’m twenty one!”

Looking over at Liz he felt this strange sensation, it was almost like when he was flying through space and his heart was racing from the excitement and beauty of it all.

“I’ve read about love at first sight but I never believed in it. Leave it to me have to travel across the universe to find true love.”


“Michael what could be so important that you had to call me over here like a raven lunatic! There’s a kid injured over there and there might be more!”

“Jesus Liz will you look down!”

Aiming her flashlight down at the oval shaped spaceship Liz became very quiet.

“Liz? Are you alright?”

Kneeling down she grazed her fingers over the symbols that were carved along the side of what looked like a hatch.

“It looks like Egyptian Hieroglyphics."

“Actually our culture taught this language to the Egyptians, Native American Indians, and the Mayans too I believe, but for some reason it never quite caught on…I don’t know why I always thought it was kind of artistic really.”

Jumping aside Michael and Liz shone their flashlights into the smiling friendly face of Max who was limping and holding his bleeding head.

“Are you two alright?”

With his voice shaking Michael was barely able to speak as he grabbed Liz’s hand and pulled her behind him.

“Are you telling us that you’re an …an…

“Alien? Yeah, why, is that shocking? I thought you people had all kinds of evidence that we exist, don’t tell me that I’m the first one you’ve ever seen?”

Michael proceeded to stare for several seconds before abruptly passing out in the grass.

Looking down at him Max scratched behind his ear confused.

“Is he alright?”

“Oh he just fine, just being the protective strong man that he’s so famous for.”

“Protective? You don’t think I’m going to hurt you do you?”

Taking a deep breath Liz suddenly began to think of how amazing this was. To have a real life alien here in her house. To be the first person ever to study and observe a real extraterrestrial, the possibilities were endless. This was like a dream come true.

Smiling Liz looked at the obviously injured sweet handsome …alien and put out her hand.

“No I’m not afraid, come with me and we’ll see to those wounds.”

Taking her hand he felt a spark of electricity flow through his body, he was never so happy to be unexpectedly propelled through outer space and probably grounded for the rest of his life.

Turning back he nodded towards a still unconscious Michael.

“Wait, what about him?”

Sighing Liz kept walking.

“Oh he’ll wake up …eventually."

Re: I'm in Love with a Teenage Alien (AU,M/L,Adult)chpt3 8/7/10

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 7:14 pm
by jake17

thanks so much for all your sweet fb! sorry for the long wait... :oops:

Chapter 3

Max sat on Liz’s kitchen table and gazed curiously around the room at the rustic farm décor as he waited for her return.

“Wow it looks exactly like it does in the history books.”

Striding in with a serious expression Liz suddenly reappeared with a first aide kit and two books about extraterrestrials.

She quietly murmured under her breath as she arranged her bandages and antiseptic on the table.

“What was that about history?”

Smiling nervously he flushed red hoping not to sound too… alien.

“Well your house …it’s just like the one’s we’ve studied in school. It’s just weird to see one close up and personal.”

With wide enthusiastic expressive eyes Liz quickly gazed back up at him like she was taking a mental note.

“What is your house like…or do you even live in houses?”

Chuckling lightly he winced as she touched a rip in his shirt. “Ouch!”

“Oh god I’m sorry did I hurt you?”

Looking down at his torn shirt he shook his head. “No not really I think it’s just a deep scratch.”

After pulling her hair back into a high ponytail she slipped on her glasses and sighed like a skillful doctor.

“Well your going to have to remove your shirt so I can take a look at that cut. I can’t see anything in this light.”

Feeling a rush of uncertainty and embarrassment Max hesitated for a minute.

From what he had studied of the human body he wasn’t that much different in appearance but the insecurity of a teenager couldn’t be denied.

“Umm yeah …sure.”

Liz distracted by the book she was leafing through grabbed some gauze and looked up to discover a body that leveled her to her very foundation.

The brainy bookworm girl was left speechless and shaky as she let her eyes drift over the brilliantly hard defined muscles in front of her.

“Oh …my…I-I mean umm…ok well lets see how deep that cut is.”

Max smiled bashfully as Liz’s obvious attraction beamed in her big brown eyes.

Clearing her throat she gave herself a serious lecture and tried to focus. She was not one of those silly cheerleader twits that fawned all over the football players.

Besides he was an alien, which made him off limits to her in any capacity.

At least that’s what she kept telling herself.

“Max I have to disinfected the wound so this might sting a little.”

Nodding he couldn’t help but focus on her bubblegum lips and sweet smile. She could bandage his whole body as long as she didn’t stop touching him for all he cared.

Taking a few cotton balls Liz very carefully began to clean the area taking note of the color and tissue construction that exactly resembled a real human.

“So you never answered me. What kind of living quarters do you have on your planet?”

Keeping his eyes on the delicate movement of her hands he quietly spoke.

“Well our atmosphere is not as forgiving as yours I’m afraid. We are unable to breathe outside in the environment like you are. So our houses are all connected by a series of tunnels and passageways.”

Liz stared up at him fascinated “Do you mean to tell me you can’t go out into your world at all?”

Max shook his head and smiled inward as she moved closer. “Well no not in the traditional sense. We have to wear protective gear much like your astronauts do. It’s done mostly for research and outdoor extremists, but if you ask me its too confining and a pain in the ass. Most people just enjoy simulated outdoors.”

Liz reached for a long piece of gauze as she encouraged him to continue. “Simulated?”

Happily Max glanced out the window at the rolling hills of their farm. “Sure we can hike, mountain climb, even swim in a fake ocean. It’s amazing what virtual reality can do these days…still…”

Liz flicked her long dark eyelashes up towards him as she wrapped a long white strip of cotton around his stomach. “What is it?”

Pushing past the thrill of her being so close Max looked over her head to the window again. “Well I have to say it ‘s quite different when you actually experience it for real. The smell of the wet grass, the feeling of the dirt in your hands the sounds of the owls in the woods…its kind of surreal…but I could say that about everything I’ve experienced so far.”

Liz stood making herself eye level to him as he slowly whispered the last of his words. She wanted to say something sappy back but her logical mind kicked in. If there was one thing she knew about scientists they always kept an objective view on their subjects.

She would not let herself get emotionally involved. This was the opportunity of a lifetime and she refused let it be ruined by unrestrained teenage hormones… no matter how gorgeous he was.

Just then the front door swung open.

“Oink! Oink!”

Heavy footsteps soon followed as the pink swine ran past them and into the living room.

“God damn it Tess! Why do you always run away from me?!”

Max laughed out loud as he raised his feet nearly missing the fast moving hog.

“Is that a …pig?”

Leaning against the doorframe in dirty overalls and holding his injured head Michael corrected him.

“That my alien friend is not just any pig!”

Liz rolled her eyes and sighed in annoyance. “Oh lord here we go.”

“That just happens to be Tess the only five time award winning sow in the whole entire southwest region! Isn’t she a beauty?”

Max gave Liz a quick look before nodding in agreement. “Yeah she’s a real fine pig. It’s just so strange to see a live animal up close.”

Michael scratched his head as he looked over the half naked stranger sitting on his kitchen table.

“You mean to tell me you don’t have animals on your planet?”

Sighing again Liz was getting aggravated. She had hoped he would be knocked out at least for another hour. “They don’t have a livable atmosphere oh mentally challenged cousin of mine.”

“Oh really well do they have annoying cousins that work your last nerve till you want to
commit justifiable homicide?”

“Admiration and jealously wouldn’t be considered justifiable my pig loving poker playing beer swigging pain in my ass.”

Taking off after Tess Michael mumbled angrily past them. “Jealousy my ass!”

Shaking her head Liz began to look over Max's badly injured legs. “Sorry about that.”

“It’s no problem. I have family too I know what its like.”

Suddenly her eyes lit up as she grabbed her notebook. “Oh umm… do you mind? It’s not like we have an alien crash down into our field everyday. I would be remise if I didn’t take notes on your life back on…on…”

“Nasoj…and no I don’t mind. Just as long as you don’t write anything too personal or embarrassing.”

Pushing her glasses high on her nose Liz’s voice became very serious. “Absolutely not. This is strictly for scientific research.”

“So,” she continued. “What is your family like? Do you have a mother father? Any siblings? Oh and please try to be as specific as possible.”

Wincing as she lightly touched his knee Max strained to see what she was writing.

“Ok, well there’s my mom Diane and my sister Isabel and …oh my god! Oh no!”

“What is it? Did I hurt you again?” Liz backed away with her hands up worried that she had done something wrong.

“No… it’s my dad! He’s going to kill me! I was grounded as it is and now I’m stuck on Earth…I’m dead…I am so dead!”

Max ran his hands through his dark hair and closed his eyes. He had been so fascinated by the beautiful human that was in front of him he forgot all about his predicament.

Liz rested her hands on his thigh trying to comfort him. “Max I’m sure he is worried sick. Too worried to be mad. He’s probably working on a way to come here a get you as we speak.”

Scratching behind his ear he looked down into her sympathetic eyes.

“Well see that’s the whole problem right there. No one is going to come looking for me. All flights to Earth have been strictly prohibited, ever since some crash back in nineteen forty-seven when a ship was sent to communicate and set up relations. It’s written that the ship was shot down and the crew was taken by force. At least that’s what was recorded and set back before the craft was disassembled.”

Liz dropped her notebook on the ground. “Do you mean to tell me that crash was real?”

“I’m afraid so. Your planet was deemed hostile. The spaceship I was in was made back in the thirties that’s why it still had Earth’s coronets installed in its memory. It was so old it must’ve malfunctioned when I engaged the computer.”

Liz began to chew on the end of her pen as her mind considered the information he was giving her.

“So you’re saying it’s a mistake that your even here and the only way for you to make it back home is if …if…”

His amber gaze connected with her suddenly in a sincere whispered plea. “You help me.”

“Well you’re in a world of hurt if you think Miss. Four eyes can fix that heap a metal and get you back into space!”

Max and Liz looked over at Michael who was feeding Tess a slice of watermelon.

The sweet alien glanced back at Liz. “Well I have faith in her.”

Michael threw back his head nearly dropping Tess on the ground in boisterous laughter. “And to think they actually call you people the intelligent life!”

“Liz –“

“No, he’s right. Not about you… about me. I can’t help you get back to your planet. At least not by myself, but I know who can.”

Liz glanced back at her cousin with excitement in her eyes.

"No...there's no way we're envolving Uncle Brody. Not after what those cracks at NASA did to him. He'll get all excited about this just like he did with galaxy one, and we all know how that turned out.”

"Michael just wake him up."

Reaching to get another slice of watermelon for Tess Michael scowled. "And what makes you the boss of this here situation?"

Raising her hands to her hips Liz lilted her head confidently up towards Tess.

"Two words ...bacon and porkchops."

Clutching Tess tightly Michael protectively covered her tiny ears.

"You wouldn't dare!"

Grabbing the frying pan that was hung on the kitchen wall Liz just smiled wickedly.

Sighing Michael turned and stomped up the stairs to his uncle Brody's room with Tess in tow.

"So you think your dad can help me?"

Liz sat by him on the table and gently held his hand.

Taken in by the warm of his skin and the sweet scent of his breath Liz whispered back slowly.

"Absolutely'll be home in no time."

Re: I'm in Love with a Teenage Alien (AU,M/L,Adult)ch 4 11/11/10

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 6:06 pm
by jake17

so sorry I"ve been away so long, thanks so much for all the well wishes for my daughter, she is working very hard through painful physical therapy and getting better everyday! Thanks so much for your awesome fb as always. I so missed being here and writing! thank you so much for being patient and so supportive! :)

chapter 4

Sitting politely on the couch Max watched in fascination as the large television in front of him changed channels with the flick of a button on the remote.

It was like being sent back to another age, he couldn't believe people actually lived this way.

Everything was so manual, he wished his friends could see this.

In his world everything was controlled by ulilizing portions of thier brains, you could go, do, be whatever you wanted with enough practice and education.

Max was fluent in most everyday practical living and had moved onto more psychological uses of his powers.

Healing emotionally and physically took great concentration and was usually only taught to the more sensitive and responsible teenagers.

Max was half way through his training and showing amazing promise. He secretly wondered if this would make Liz think of him as being less...human.

The last thing he wanted to do was scare her. Truth was sexual relationships were frowned upon until one had completed their training and was able to handle urges that would otherwise disrupt their education.

He had never physically touched a girl, he was taught to share sexual experiences through vertual thought.

He knew through history books that this was not how humans copulated and he feared she would see him as a freak.

Sighing to himself as he watched two people kissing passionately in a movie he hoped this wouldn't be part of his interview.

Although he was interested in what exactly it would feel like to touch and actually feel someone, certainly the people on the TV enjoyed it the way they moaned and breathed with great difficulty.

Outside Liz's dad was running around with a flashlight scratching his head astounded by what had happened while he had been fast asleep.

With the excitement of a ten-year-old Brody was busy in the yard collecting and labeling the wreckage that was spread over their farm.

“This is just …well it’s unbelievable!” Brody exclaimed as he carefully held a piece of metal up to the flashlight watching as it retained its shape every time he manipulated its form.

Liz beamed with enthusiasm watching her father come to life after almost a year of not leaving his room.

“Lizzy this proves all of my theories! All of my work was not for nothing, Do you understand what this means?? We can share information about ecology and the enviroment. We could possibly find cures for all kinds of pathologies and the galaxy? All the questions about planets we've yet to explore...this is just astounding! We could discover resources besides oil and gas to fuel our planet; do you have any idea what can be done with the resources that are on the moon alone? If we could find a way to excavate – “

With his stripped pajamas and red hair that was standing straight up on his head he suddenly collapsed with great sadness on the steps of the porch.

Worried Liz ran to his side and put her arm around him.

“Dad, I don’t understand what’s wrong? Why do you seem so upset?”

Staring quietly through the window at Max who was inspecting a bowl of popcorn while Michael explained the importance of an infomercial of girls gone wild Brody sighed.

“Lizzy we have to protect him. He is innocent, do you have any idea what would happen if the government got their hands on him?”

Hanging his head down he reached for her hand. "It’s a shame that we live in a world of fear and greed. The possibilities are endless but we’ll never know because of the violence and power that controls everything. "

Feeling a sense of optimism Liz stood pulling her dad with her.

“You know there is another way of thinking about this. If we find a way to send Max back safely at least his world will know that there are peaceful kind people here on Earth. Besides think of what we could learn from him. You have to look at this as what it is, a real life miracle. A chance to study an alien life form, we can learn so much dad.”

Smiling widely he gazed back at Max. “Ok Lizzy, we’ll get him back home, but no one, not one single solitary soul can find out about him.”

Nodding furiously Liz following him into the house. “Of course not, I completely understand the implications if any of this gets out dad.”

Folding his arms in front of him Brody raised an eyebrow as Michael reached for his camera. “It’s not you I’m concerned about. Knowing my nephew he’ll be selling tickets to view ‘Max the Alien’ by tomorrow.”

Grabbing the camera out of his hand Liz gritted her teeth as she stared her cousin down.

“Just leave Michael to me, I know how to handle him.”

Reaching for the frying pan on the wall Liz used a sweet singsong voice to call for Tess while glaring into Michael’s wide eyes. “Come here Tess, I’ve got a surprise for you!”

Scooping Tess up in his arms Michael mumbled as he stomped up the stairs while kissing Tess affectionately on her little pink ear. “Why couldn’t my parents have left me to an orphanage! Anything would’ve been better than living with little Miss. Mad Scientist!”

After gathering all of the evidence that was small enough to be carried Brody nodded towards Max excusing himself for the night.

“I’m headed down to the basement, much to do, have to set up the lab …study samples …get my experiment off and running….”

His deep gravely voice faded out as he shut the door behind him and headed down to his laboratory.

Suddenly an uncomfortable awareness was evident as Max and Liz nervously looked to each other then quickly down at the ground realizing they were now completely alone.

Trying desperately to appear cool and collective Liz held up her finger before running up the stairs. “I’ll be right back.”

Max turned off the television finding a book on Stem Cell research more interesting.

After several minutes Liz emerged with a blanket and pillow.

Smiling softly Max held up the book. “Can I assume this is yours?”

Laughing loudly Liz sat beside him and tucked her hair behind her ear, something Max thought was cute as hell.

“Unless its pig related its safe to assume any book found in the vicinity of this house is mine.”

Furrowing his eyebrows Max leaned in closer for the first time in an attempt to get a better understanding of Liz.

It never occured to her that he was just as fascinated by her as she was by him.

“How old are you?”

Startled for a moment by his deep husky whisper Liz sat almost mesmerized by the glow of his brandy colored eyes that seemed to hold so much interest in her.

Clearing her dry throat she whispered back hoping it would encourage him to continue to speak in his trance like seductive tone.


“Well that certainly is ironic,” his eyes drifted from her large wide chocolate eyes to her pale pink lips as they trembled against all of her straining efforts. “So am I.”

Taking her by surprise he lifted the tips of her dark hair and slid them between his fingers.

“Your hair, I’ve never felt anything so soft.”

Paralyzed she froze as he inched towards her unconsciously.

“You’re so different then the girls that …I’m …used to.”

Biting her bottom lip nervously Liz gazed up through her long dark eyelashes in a way that just about leveled Max.

“You mean girls from your planet?”

Nodding slowly he sheepishly reached out and grazed her cheek gently with the back of his hand.

Struck by the pure electricity that ripped through her body Liz shuddered and backed away.

Worried that he had done something inappropriate Max immediately apologized.

“Liz I-I’m sorry …I didn’t mean to scare you. I just …I just have never seen anyone so beautiful before.”

Laughing awkwardly Liz patted his head and blushed helplessly. “I think you hit your head harder then we originally thought Max.”

Now Liz was not what boys considered hot and she was well aware of this. She was used to being in the back ground while girls like her best friend Maria flirted and dated.

It was always obvious to Liz that Maria’s big breasts and long legs that were usually accentuated by sexy tight clothes were exactly what boys were interested in.

Liz possessed none of these attributes, and had no interest in covering herself in gobs of makeup and uncomfortable revealing clothes to get this attention such attention, especially from beer drinking jocks whose main goal in life was kicking a homerun past a field goal.

She was used to being in the background with her nose in her books, this was what she was comfortable with.

If someone wasn't going to appreciate her for her brains and what she could offer the world than that was just fine with her.

Gorgeous strong muscular guys who wanted to caress her and tell her she was beautiful was …well alien to her.

To say that this made her nervous was a major understatment.

“Well I think its time we get some sleep, we’ve got a big day tomorrow. I have a ton of questions to go through with you before my dad gets a hold of you.”

Fearing that Max had crossed some imaginary line with her he took the blankets and nodded.

“Thank you Liz, I really appreciate all your help.”

Anxious to get upstairs and away from the intoxicating voice that was driving her crazy Liz quickly made her way to her bedroom.

"The bathroom is upstairs and there are plenty of towels in the closet outside the door. If there are any ...umm personal needs you require please feel free to ask Michael or my dad. I'm sure they will get you anything you need. Good night Max."

Whispering up the stairs he caught the arc of her thigh as her nightgown lifted up as she climbed the last step. It nearly took his breath away.

"Good night LIz."

Leaning back Max winced as he felt the cut on his stomach. A deep sense of loneliness filled his chest as he began to realize just how far away from home he was.

Unable to sleep he wandered around the living room until he found a photo album filled with pictures of Liz, Michael, her father and of course Tess covered in her many award winning ribbons.

There was one picture that was folded in the back separate from the others.

It was a picture of a young Liz maybe six years old sitting on the lap of a woman who looked exactly like her.

He couldn't take his eyes off it. She seemed so different, so happy and free.

Suddenly he heard a loud scream coming from upstairs.

He immediately dropped everything on the ground and ran upstairs towards Liz’s desperate cries.

Worried that she was in trouble he pushed open her door to find her thrashing around in her bed covered in sweat.

“Please don’t leave me! Mommy …please don’t go!”

Quickly putting the pieces together Max sat carefully on the bed and gently placed his hand over her forehead.

Taking a deep breath he closed his eyes and lightly pressed his palm to her sweaty skin.

A bright pure white light began to appear beneath his skin that radiated throughout her body.

Almost immediately she became still.

“Shh you’re ok now."

His voice was soothing and soft almost musical as he whispered close to the shell of her ear.

"You’re in a meadow surrounded by tall beautiful flowers. You feel safe and loved. Nothing and no one can hurt you.”

Slowly her breathing started to calm almost returning to normal. With an almost peaceful look on her face she sighed happily.

Within seconds she was sleeping soundly once again.

It was Max that was in turmoil now.

His training had taught him to remove feelings of fear and sadness but he wasn’t proficient on protecting himself yet.

He knew by using his powers he would be taking these emotions on himself but for some reason he didn’t care.

A loss greater than he’s ever known and a deep sense of despair pained his heart as he backed out of her room.

Knowing that it was her emotions he instantly wondered if it had something to do with the picture he found.

Just then he felt a nudge on his leg followed by a wet nose.

Grinning he peered down at a snorting Tess who was obviously looking for a midnight snack.

Fearing the hungry sow would wake Liz he lifted her up in his arms and started down the stairs.

“Come on Tess, let’s raid the fridge."

Re: I'm in Love with a Teenage Alien (AU,M/L,Adult)ch 5 1/5/11

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 5:54 pm
by jake17

please read the post above this one, had lots of computer troubles today, thanks so much for the fb, from the above awesome people and the lurkers ... I so appreciate you all too!! :wink:

Chapter 5

Most of the next day consisted of Brody questioning Max on the mechanics of his spaceship, which unfortunately Max knew little about.

He did however know quite a bit about the newer models that he often used to investigate and explore the more closer planets and surrounding moons that did not inhabit people only plant life, organic material and unusual atmospheres.

This was commonplace for students to get them familiar with space travel in a safe way that had already been investigated by their professors.

At any rate Brody was beyond fascinated, drawings of aircrafts and mechanical devices described by Max covered the walls of his lab in the basement

By the afternoon he pretty much had a rough layout of what Max’s planet resembled.

Housing, education facilities and so on where drawn in a continual circle around the walls, along with stacks of questioner papers.

Although Max really enjoyed Brody’s company and didn’t mind the constant inquiry about his planet he really couldn’t help thinking about a certain brunette.

Time was different on Earth, much slower and by the afternoon Brody had taught him how hours and minutes determined our days and nights.

He almost wondered if this was a mistake to learn because he couldn’t help but stare at the old alarm clock Brody kept on his desk.

He knew by then that Liz would return from school at around four o’clock, this made it almost painful for him as he watched the minutes tick by.

Taking the opportunity to talk to Brody during one of his rare coffee breaks Max couldn’t help but wonder about Liz.

“So, it seems like an awfully long time to be at school, is Liz involved in other activities besides her classes?”

Brody rolled his eyes and sighed while he cleaned his thick-rimmed glasses.

“Well let’s see, there’s the French club, the Science club, the committee to keep the Earth green and recycle organization, which she started herself.” Tapping the arm of his glasses on his forehead he continued to think. “ You know I’m sure there’s more but I have a hard time keeping up with her these days.”

Max was overwhelmed by Brody’s information, especially since the Earth looked pretty green to him already, but none the less it just made her all that much more fascinating to him. He couldn't help worrying that there was no way he could possibly measure up to her intelligence maybe he would even seem boring to her.

Just then they heard a truck pull up in the driveway.

Placing his glasses back on his face Brody smiled. “Well that must be them now, just in time, I really need to get this information organized if I’m going to start my experiments on your spaceship tomorrow.”

Suddenly Max felt strange, his heart was thumping hard in his chest and his hands were all clammy.

Looking down at his ripped clothes and his obvious need for a shower he pleaded for help from Brody.

It didn’t take a genius (even though he was) to understand what was happening here.

Brody may be a geek but he did remember what it was like to be in love, and although this may have not been love, at least not yet, some stong chemistry was developing in the Parker household.

Taking him up the back steps that led to the second floor they avoided Liz and Michael.

Quickly he gave him some of Michael’s clothes and showed him how the shower worked.

“Don’t worry I’ll show her my data, It will keep her occupied for a while. Take your time. Oh, and watch that dial marked H, you don’t want to scorch yourself.”

Meanwhile Liz was virtually running from room to room looking for Max as she clutched her folder of questions that she had been working on all day while she was stuck at school.

In a mad rush she tripped over Michael who was on the floor stroking his beloved Tess.

“Did you miss me baby? Were you a good girl today? Did you enjoy the left over veggies and salad from last night sweetness?”

“Oink! Oink!”

Steam poured from Liz’s ears as she looked at her papers that were now scattered all over the kitchen floor.

“Michael look what you did! It’s going to take me forever to organize all my hard work now!”

Rolling his eyes he kissed the top of Tess’ little pink head between her ears and smiled widely.

“If you want I can have Tess gobble them up for you, she just loves yellow lined nerdy notebooks. Problem solved if you ask me.”

Grunting Liz reached for Tess’ little body but was pulled away by her dad just in time before she did any damage.

"Liz there’s no need for violence I’m sure your cousin didn’t mean what he said, why don’t you take everything up to your room and I’ll have Max meet you there when your ready. I’ll be busy in the basement and Michael has some choirs to do outside, that way he can bring Tess along with him and you can have all the privacy you need to work.”

Grabbing a banana for him and a bruised apple for his baby Michael adjusted his overalls and sighed.

“Fine, it’s not like I want to be part of your stupid geek fest anyway.”


Up in her room Liz had placed colored coded folders all over her desk and bed.

Each relating to a certain subject, blue was for health and fitness, yellow for entertainment and social activities, green was for education and career opportunities, purple for family and tradition or ritual behaviors and purple was for emotional and sexual feelings.

Nervously she stared at the purple folder wondering if this was too personal not to mention too embarrassing.

Several times she picked it up and shoved it in her desk drawer only to pull it back out again.

She couldn't help but be highly curious about this certain subject, the only problem was she couldn't decide whether it was because of the way he was making her feel or because of her research.

Gripping the lavender folder in her hands she suddenly heard a creak in the door behind her.

Her breath shuddered along with her shaky knees as Max stood before her hair dripping wet in a soaked white tee shirt that breathtakingly pronounced every beautiful muscle he possessed.

She was unable to keep her eyes off of him, his arms, that chest, she could even make out the six pack lining the see through thin shirt.

Knowing something was very wrong he smiled shyly and stared at the floor as her wide eyes lowered slowly down to the damp jeans that were stuck to his legs.

Water trickled onto his bare feet and make tiny puddles on her wooden floor under his toes.

She knew she should say or do something but her brain was sort of in a paralyzed state.

He was just so ...beautiful.

Finding it hard to even speak she finally cleared her dry throat and let out a horse whisper.

“My dad forgot to give you a towel didn’t he?”

Nodding uncomfortably Max ran his hand through his jet-black hair.

oh my god!! she couldn't breathe at this point, all she could think about was kissing him or touching him...or anything him...

Pointing to her hands he smiled sheepishly, “Um Liz I think you’re ripping your homework.”

Looking down at the purple folder that was she was wringing harshly in her hands. She quickly straightened it out only to realize that it was clearly marked The Emotional and Sexual Experiences of an Extraterrestrial Being.

Throwing it immediately on her bed writing side down she nervously giggled and walked passed him.

“I’ll just get you a towel and some dry clothes, so sorry about that, my dad may be a genius but he has absolutely no common sense.”

Interested Max peered around the corner making sure she was gone before he lifted the folder and read the title.

Dropping it like it was a thousand degrees Max backed up against the wall now completely terrified wondering what questions he was going to be asked.

Being a virgin his mind began to race wondering if Earthlings progressed faster, and from he saw in that movie it wasn't anything like what he was used to.

Knowing what he was used to he couldn't help but remember how those actors moaned and breathed so heavy and fast.

He also couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to make Liz feel that way.

Then it dawned on him that he had no experience with that kind of affection, what would she think of him if he was terrible at it. What if he couldn't even answer any of her questions???

His face was beat red by the time she returned, he could barely stand straight as her perfume drifted by him.

Shaking herself Liz handed him Michael’s clothes and a towel.“You know if you’re hungry we could always eat first and work on these questioners later tonight?”

Nodding quickly Max quickly walked back into the bathroom and shut the door resting his back firmly against the hard wood as he tried to catch his breath.

‘How am I going to answer her when she’s going to be sitting so close, with that vanilla silky hair twirling around her finger like she does. She’s going to see right through me!’

Collapsing on her bed Liz pushed the folder onto the floor and rested her head in her hands.

There was no denying it, she was extremely attracted to Max, to the point where she couldn’t even think straight.

Taking a deep breath she picked the folder back up and tried to get herself under control.

‘This is ridiculous; if I’m going to be a Scientist someday I’m going to have to learn how to put my personal feelings in perspective and concentrate on my work. Tonight I’ll just ask these questions and get it over with. I’ll be professional and calm, completely leaving my subjective feelings out of it. This way we can relax and move on to the other subjects that are less…distracting.’

Suddenly they both froze as they heard Brody yell up the stairs.

“Max? Liz? The pizza’s here!”

Re: I'm in Love with a Teenage Alien (AU,M/L,Adult)cpt 6 5/7

Posted: Sat May 07, 2011 6:51 pm
by jake17

Thank you so much for all your well wishes, finally feeling better!
Really appreciate your fb! THanks so much! :)

Happy Mothers Day Everyone!

Chapter 6

Liz shifted nervously as she sat beside Max on her bed trying to get the courage up to broach the very uncomfortable questions she needed for her research.

He wasn’t doing much better especially after the barrage of inquires he endured from Michael at dinner concerning what the ‘chicks’ (as Michael called them) looked like on his planet.

Being as shy and respectful as Max was he was able to get through it by changing the subject to Michael’s favorite topic, his prize winning pig Tess.

Since it worked at dinner Max continued this source of distraction as he sat anxiously next to Liz on her bed.

“So Tess sure does have an awful lot of ribbons.”

She sighed as her eyes focused on his dark hair that fell across his forehead onto his handsome face that was so striking it was almost difficult to look away.

Mortified that Liz was letting her attraction to Max get in the way of her professionalism she smiled and took a deep breath.

“Yes, she sure does shine in front of the judges although I would never tell him that, I would never hear the end of it. Listen Max I really think we should start on these questions tonight before it gets too late.”

Max stiffened as he watched her pull the purple folder out of her desk and cross her tan legs.

His throat went dry as she placed her glasses on her nose and tied her long brown hair up in a ponytail.

She was so beautiful it almost hurt to look at her.

Again he read the title on the folder as his hands quickly became clammy and his heart raced.

The Emotional and Sexual Experiences of an Extraterrestrial Being

Suddenly he wished he was back at the dinner table listening to Michael go on and on about Tess’ beauty regime and workout schedule.

Where the hell was Michael when he needed him!

Reaching for a pencil on her desk Liz folding back the hard plastic cover and turned to face him.

“Ok, question one, at what age did you start experiencing sexual feelings or thoughts?”

His face flushed red as he looked back into her serious stoic big brown eyes. There was no way he could handle these questions, especially when he was having ‘feelings’ himself of a sexual nature right at that very second.

Stuttering he felt the intense burn of embarrassment rise up to the tip of his ears as she continued to stare at him waiting for an answer.

“W-Well to tell you the truth Liz, I feel funny speaking for the people of my entire planet. What if my answers aren’t completely accurate, you should be speaking to a scientist or one of my professors. I’m just a teenager …”

“An alien teenager.” Liz corrected as she uncrossed her legs and crossed them again further making Max sweat nervously.

“Don’t worry Max I’ve already documented that this is coming from a male adolescent, that’s what makes this so exciting! I’m getting my information straight from the source, people will be reading about the real personal experiences and emotional tribulations of an actual teenage alien. It will be authentic and true. Just think about it, the human race will be reading about your feelings and needs for generations to come, isn’t that just thrilling?!”

Max smiled politely as he contemplated college students’ years from now opening a textbook and reading about his not so experienced boring sex life.

As mortified as he was at the aspect of anyone knowing anything about his really non existent sexual history he couldn’t help but fall in love with her as she looked back at him all wide eyed and eager.

“Yes, I see your point…thrilling …definitely.”

Recognizing that she had him on board she steadied her pencil on the paper once more ready to record his answer.

“Ok so back to our first question, what age did you begin having sexual thoughts or feelings.”

Taking a deep breath Max prayed that his answer would not be completely off from human standards.

“Well I can’t say for sure but maybe twelve or thirteen.”

Quickly he searched her face for signs of shock or disgust but as the consummate professional Liz remained emotionless as she began writing furiously words that he couldn’t make out.

“Ok question two, were these feelings restricted to the opposite sex or did you have feelings for male acquaintances also?”

His eyebrows rose high answering very fast “No no no…they were only for female…um…girls I guess you could say.”

Looking at the ground he wished so bad the floor would open up and swallow him whole at this point.

Eyeing the next question Liz tried attentively to focus on the importance of what she was doing but as hard as she tried her mind kept wandering to the muscles in his arms and his hard thigh that rested unintentionally against her leg.

‘Concentrate Liz!’

“Well that leads us to …um…question number three.”

Chewing on her lip nervously she raised her long eyelashes up towards him and almost lost her breath as he leaned in closer in an attempt to hear her.

A long pause followed as she pictured his full lips pressing lightly against hers and how incredible that would feel.


His deep soft tone made her dizzy as she almost closed the distance between them mesmerized by the sent of his skin that was only inches away.


Clueless to her attraction he reminded her of question three as she drifted even nearer to him.

“Is there a third question?”

Suddenly her eyes widened and she quickly fixed her glasses that had slightly slipped down her nose.

Clearing her throat she looked down at the folder trying to sound as professional as possible.

“Please describe how you were affected emotionally, physically and psychologically by your first intimate experience.”

Max froze as a light sheen of sweat broke out on his forehead.

Calming himself down with a deep breath he choked shaky words out softly.

“Um, Liz I’m not quite sure what you"re asking me ? “

“She’s asking you what it was like when you banged your first alien chick dude!”


Liz threw her heavy Science textbook at Michael’s head that was poking through the door.

Scowling at her he protectively covered Tess’ pink piglet head as she squirmed in his arms.

“Hey! You almost hurt my baby!”

Fuming Liz ran her finger across her own throat acting out what she was planning to do to his precious pig later on that night.

Rolling his eyes Michael held his free hand up and back out of her room.

“Soorry! I was just trying to break up the boring interrogation you had going on in there, what the hell makes you think he wants to answer your stupid questions anyway egghead!!”

Tucking her hair behind her ears she considered what Michael said and suddenly hoped that she wasn’t coming off as some nerdy pain in the ass.

‘Oh god what if dorkhead was right, what if Max is just being polite! What if he does think I’m just a big intrusive nosey nerd!’

Just then she felt very hot as her insecurities began to get the better of her.

“Oh god Max, if you don’t want to do this I completely understand, I’m probably coming off so intrusive and I don’t mean it that way at all, I just…oh I feel so stupid – “

Sensing her embarrassment he reached for her hand quickly and held it stroking her thumb softly.

“Liz, I’ll answer any questions you have…really I don’t mind at all. I know how important this is to you.”

Liz could feel a strange warm tingling sensation rush through her as his skin brushed up against her.

She could hardly put two words together as she stared lost in his darkened brandy colored eyes.

“Thank you.”

Unable to control himself Max felt himself being drawn closer to her until he was merely inches from her pale pink lips.

His deep husky voice made her physically shiver as he held her hand tighter.

“What was the question again?”