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Wicked (UC,L/M,L/Z,Adult) *complete* 2/7/12

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 7:08 pm
by jake17
Once again thank you Hunter for this amazing banner! love you!


Title: Wicked
Author: jake17
Disclosure: I own nothing Roswell
Couple: L/M, L/Z
Rating: Adult
Summary: A beautiful young girl is caught between two brothers, one giving her what she wants…the other what she needs…
Author's notes: PLEASE READ!
I have never felt the need to explain or give a warning for one of my fics before but after the many fb's I have received from this story perceiving it entirely the wrong way I feel that its really important to at least try and explain my intention behind this fic.

At first it will appear as a love triangle between M/L/Z. that is just a ploy to spark and keep your interest until the deeper more emotional tragic story reveals itself, unfortunately many people were hung up on the act of infedelity between Liz and Zan instead of seeing past why they were so drawn to each other to begin with.

this is not a story about one brother deceiving another, it is a painful tale about two very lost tortured souls that found love and exceptance for the first time in their lives with each other. Unfortunately this love was forbidden because Liz was in a relationship with Max Zan's brother. Its no secret that they no matter how hard they tried to keep this affair from happening it did.

If you read carefully they didn't go into this lightly, it was agonizingly painful. They did everything from being down right cruel to each other, and to themselves to avoid surrendering to the peace and love they have searched for their entire lives, but at the end they desperately fell into each other arms igniting disasterous results for every one involved.

Never was there a time where they didn't hate themselves for their choices, choices that stemmed from deep rooted painful events in their lives that left them insecure anxiety ridden, failures at life.

The only time when they had ever experienced true love and acceptance was in each other's arms.

If you really pay attention to the story it is Max who was the strong secure person who had a firm grasp on how to handle lifes up and downs which he suffered very few. Because of this he was very judgmental, critical and controlling of others. He was the one who has always and would always land on his feet and make it unscaved in this world.

the lack of sympathy for Zan and Liz surprised me but I still believe in these characters strongly and feel very much that they never intended to hurt anyone, in restrospect I feel that this is not a story about right and wrong, black or white but rather a glimpse into the very real human fralities that exist in all of us. Whether we act on them or not they are there, keeping us awake at night and haunting us during our waking hours.

Its the very real price of being human.

Anyway, there are some people that saw through the very superfical exterior of this story such as the sex and the anger to the heart and soul of the fic, hopefully if you choose to read this you will be one of them.

thanks for taking the time to read this.
Carrie :)

Chapter 1.

Wicked = adj. Playfully malicious or mischievous

“I love you.”

His words were lost to her as she stared blankly out the window.

Grey clouds that swirled around the horizon like cotton candy on a stick filled her mind as thoughts of home refused to leave her.


His voice finally shocked her out of her daze causing her to knock over her drink spilling it all over the brightly painted ceramic tile at Happy Gardens.

“Oh god I’m so sorry Max, I’ve been so out of it lately.”

He smiled warmly at her as he jumped down to his knees to quickly clean up the mess.

“Don’t give it a second thought Liz.”

After she had a fresh drink and had relaxed a bit he took a deep breath like he was preparing for a serious speech.

He tilted her chin upwards to insure her attention causing her to immediately be on guard.

“You need to give yourself a break, between midterms and moving in with me you’ve been going non-stop.”

She sent him a small smile and nodded with relief. "It’s been crazy.”

His voice dropped to an anxious whisper as he reached for her hand. “Any regrets?”

Quickly she shook her head. “Of course not, its just …overwhelming …I-I mean with school and everything. Organic chemistry really kicked my ass, between that and Christmas it’s just been – “

Pulling his hand back Max was filled with insecurity. “I shouldn’t have pushed you to move in so fast …I’m so sorry Liz.”

Guilt washed through her as she leaned in to ease his mind.

“Max, I love that you wanted to help me. If I had to go back to my family now…with the divorce …god I can’t even imagine it. It’s not you, I love you."


Staring up at the ceiling Liz listened to Max as he slept peacefully beside her.

He couldn’t have been more supportive or kind to her during the short four months that they were together.

She grew to admire his innocence and his romantic tendencies.

Still she missed the physical part that a relationship brings.

Gazing over at him she sighed knowing how important their first time was to him.

When they met he wanted to take it slow. He confided in her that he was a virgin and that he had been waiting his whole life to met the right girl.

She brushed his dark bangs from his handsome face remembering his speech earlier this evening.

I want our first time to be special, romantic …something we’ll always remember.

Suddenly feeling restless she stirred from the bed and darted down the stairs.

Pushing open the front door to the house he grew up in she shivered as the winter air rushed by her lifting her silky hair all around her face.

Pulling the cigarette from the pocket of her winter coat she looked up at the old farmhouse silently wishing that it were her parents that were killed in a car crash leaving her a nice big old house.

Shaking her head at having such a thought she rushed down the front steps and leaned against the big Elm tree on the side of the house.

Kicking the snow with her boots she pulled out her lighter before glancing up at his window one last time to make sure he was asleep.

Flicking it with her thumb she thought briefly how mortified he’d be if he caught her.

After finally achieving a flame she brought her head back against the icy bark an inhaled the smoke she had been craving all day.

“Can I bum one?”

Screaming Liz dropped the cigarette on the ground and stared into the darkness in front of her.

“Who are you!”

From between the steep snow bank and a pine tree she began to see a tall figure appear seemingly out of thin air.

“Easy angel …I live here. A better question would be... who are you?”

Chills ran up her spine as his face came into view.


A deep rough snigger escaped his lips as he walked closer to her trembling body.

“No, I’m Zan …Max is my brother.”

Holding her chest she backed against the tree shivering, stunned at the resemblance and taking notice of the now very obvious differences.

Taking his time he picked up the still burning bud and placed it to his lips enjoying how flustered he had made her.

"Yeah, now you see ...I can guarantee you won't make that mistake again."

Edging uncomfortably close he dropped his duffle bag on the ground and stared her up and down.

“So you’re the girl I’ve been hearing so much about, didn’t he tell you I was coming home for Christmas?”

Averting her eyes she was thrown by his direct confident sultry glare.

Struggling to speak against this sudden surprise and the nearness of such a man she whispered into the relentess freezing winter wind.

“No…he didn’t”

Re: Wicked (UC,L/M,L/Z,Adult) chpt 2 7/7/10

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 3:51 pm
by jake17

thanks so much for the sweet fb, i'm hoping writing about winter will make me forget we're in the middle of the worst heatwave ever... :(

Warning: these characters are seriously flawed ...this is not going to be a story for the weak of heart :wink:

Chapter 2.

Listening to the conversation below Liz sat at the top step playing nervously with a string from her frayed jeans.

“I didn’t think you were serious about coming home, I’m glad you did. I really want you to get to know Liz. She’s very special Zan.”

Hearing dishes clatter in the sink Liz moved closer so she could listen to his response. She was petrified that he would tell Max how she had been smoking.

“Hmm so I hear... how did you two meet again?”

“We met at a party, remember? I told you all about this.”

Scooting down one more step she could now see Max sitting at the kitchen table. He was eating breakfast dressed like a middle aged yuppie ready for an interview he was having at a local newspaper.

All she could see of Zan was his feet, which were crossed on the table next to Max’s plate.

She glared at his filthy boots and rude manners. Biting her lip she looked on as puffs of smoke from Zan’s cigarette billowed around Max. She could sense his disapproval of it from across the room.

He had told her about Zan, how he drifted from job to job, drinking and getting into fights. She never gave him a second thought, now he was all she was thinking about.

“Oh yeah, wait… didn’t you tell me she was going out with some dude and she hit on you? What kinda girl are you dating here?”

She watched as Max looked down at his plate in silence, she couldn’t breathe; it never occurred to her that it had bothered him.

“Zan she’s a good girl, she’s very smart. She wants to be a reporter, you should read her stories, she’s amazing. I’m hoping to get her an internship at Rockdale Times. I’m thinking uncle Kenny can help since he got me this interview.”

Suddenly Zan walked over to the coffee maker and reached for a cup. She gasped slightly at his build, which was not visible the night before. The thin tee shirt he wore made his muscular hard body very evident.

She held her breath praying that he didn’t hear her... but he did.

It was only a brief glance, only a tiny shift of his devious amber eyes but she knew she was discovered.

“Yeah ok so she’s smart. What about this other guy she was with. How do you know she’ll be faithful to you if she wasn’t with him?”

Liz dug her nails into her thigh.

Answering quickly Max instantly became defensive. “She would never cheat on me Zan, that guy was a frat boy, he was known around campus for having a different girl every night.”

“Oh sooo she’s a whore?”

Her eyes widened as he snuck a short glance in her direction.

It was obvious he did this for her to see, to hear… but why?

Rising from the table obviously upset Max attempted to stand up to his brother.

“She didn’t know him, s-she didn’t know what he was like. I told you she’s new this year. She transferred from the community college across town.”

Turning towards his flustered brother Zan rested his hand on his shoulder. “Ok, alright calm down there Max. I’m just looking out for you. You’re so naïve, you know nothing about women. They can be ruthless, they’ll tell you everything you want to hear then go out and fuck a guy without thinking twice. I’m just looking out for you.”

Dashing down the stairs ready to punch him in the face she stopped immediately when she saw Max's sweet smile.

Looking at his innocent worried expression she felt for him and tried to calm down. This wasn't his fault, he's not to blame if his brother is an asshole.

“Liz!” Max’s voice cracked nervously worried that she had overheard their conversation.

Hugging Max tight Liz gave him a reassuring kiss on the cheek before looking over to Zan.

“I’d like you to meet Liz, Liz this is my brother Zan. He’s going to be staying with us over Christmas break.”

Showing no fear Liz smiled confidently.

“It’s nice to meet you …Zan. I’m glad you came, it will be nice for Max to have family around for Christmas.”

Hesitating for a brief second Zan took a long drag off his cigarette and nodded. “Good to meet you Liz, I’ve heard so much about you.”

Leaning back in his chair he resumed his relaxed state but continued to stare incessantly at her.

Looking up at the clock Max grabbed his coat. “I’m sorry Liz I have to go. I don’t want to be late for this interview. I could really use this job.”

Feeling Zan’s glare she smiled uncomfortably and kissed him. “Good luck I know you’ll get it.”

With one foot out the door he glanced back at Zan. “Do you think you could give Liz a lift to the store? She needs a few things and I’m not sure when I’ll be back.”

Quickly Liz waved him away. “Oh Max no that’s ok, I can wait till tomorrow. I don’t want to inconvenience your brother.”

Immediately Zan grabbed the truck keys off the wall. “I’ll take her, I have a few things to do myself. No worries Max."

All eyes were on Liz as she awkwardly smiled and nodded her head. “Well ok then, thanks Zan.”

As soon as the door shut Zan turned towards her and raised his foot onto the chair blocking her in.

Silently he looked up at her while he spun the keys around his finger.


Shrugging his shoulders Zan sighed. “Nothing, I’m just wondering why you lied about last night.”

Walking towards him she attempted to move his foot. “That’s really none of your business.”

Standing tall he blocked her now with his body that towered over her petite frame.

“Hey what’s with the attitude? I’d think you’d be a little... grateful.”

He was so close she could hear his shallow breath as he looked down at her. She hated how unsettled he made her just by his stare. It burned her that he was well aware of the affect he had on her... no matter how hard she tried to hide it.

She knew she had to stand her ground with him.

“Look, Max doesn’t know that I smoke, and I’ve quit so it makes no sense to tell him. Last night was just …just…”

“An urge you had?”

Moving close he came within inches of her mouth. Her body tensed as he cupped her cheek with his calloused rough hand.

So different she thought to herself

“yeah.” She breathed out frozen, locked in his trap, unable to move. Her mind spun, she wondered what his game was. She also wondered why she couldn’t tear herself away from him.

Waiting several tortured seconds Zan released her and slowly backed away.

“Ok, I’ll keep your secret. I wouldn’t want to unnecessarily upset my brother. He’s very sensitive you know. Very kind, especially to certain …types of people.”

Understanding his insinuation she fumed. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

Grabbing his jacket he walked causally towards the door leaving her to stew. “We should go, there’s a storm coming.”

Stomping through the snow Liz shoved her hands in her pockets mad as hell.

Shutting the heavy truck door she crossed her arms in front of her defensively.

Pissed that he seemed completely calm and cool after what had just happened she blurted out in anger.

“I’m not a whore, and I’d appreciate it if you’d stop playing whatever game this is. Max is a sweet guy, you’re going to hurt him.”

Slamming the brakes Zan’s arm stretched out against her as she flew forward in her seat.

Breathless she looked down feeling his hand pressed firmly against her breast.

“What the hell are you doing?”

Licking his lips slowly he watched her mouth tremble till he was satisfied that she understood her place.

Slowly he removed his hand and brought it to her chin tilting it towards him.

“You’re the one that has the power to hurt him… don’t think I can’t see that.”

She became weak for a moment as his thumb brushed against her bottom lip.

For a second she thought he was actually going to kiss her but he just…stared.

“Z-Zan we should go…the storm remember?”

Her whisper was shaky and scared …it turned him on.

Feeling his jeans becoming increasing tighter by the second he pulled back and lit another cigarette.

“Want one?”

Looking towards the road he grinned and put his foot on the gas.

“Wait I forgot …you quit.”

Re: Wicked (UC,L/M,L/Z,Adult) chpt 3 8/6/10

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 8:12 pm
by jake17
Black Bird Fly
Hunter :D (so happy to see you back precious!)

Big kisses for all your very sweet fb! thanks so much! :D

Chapter 3

Song “It’s been awhile”
by Staind

Liz hummed as she swung the store basket on her fingertips along the aisle at Ride Aide.

She thought she had finally lost him for a moment when he stopped to talk to a friend that recognized him from high school.

Mindlessly throwing some personal items she needed into the red and blue basket she wandered in front of a substantial row of different condoms.

That subject came up again in her head as her eyes scanned the brightly colored boxes.

She understood his need to take things slow but she wondered if it had to do more with the fact that she had experience with sex and he hadn’t.

Whenever they would get close he would get nervous unsure fumbling with her clothes or the aggressiveness of his touch.

She loved his sensitivity but his shyness towards pleasing her was beginning to frustrate her.

She couldn’t deny her needs.

“Planning on taking advantage of that pure as the driven snow brother of mine?”

Sighing at the sound of his voice she turned towards him surprised at how close he was to her.

“Are you always this intrusive and annoying or is it just with me?”

Zan had only met this girl last night but there was something about her…something different or was it the same. Whatever it was he couldn’t stay away from her too long.

And that irritated him.

A cocky smile rose on his lips as he moved flush against her.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

Grabbing a box of extra sensitive ribbed condoms off the rack he threw it in her basket.

His smile had disappeared at he gazed down at her crimson lips and back up to her dark eyes that were lined with thick back eyeliner.

“Just making sure you’re prepared. Not that you’re going to have your needs satisfied by my brother.”

Sweeping her jet-black hair behind her ear he grazed her jaw with his fingertips.

She was like a dark angel with her pale porcelain skin and raven locks. It drove him wild how beautiful she was.

As he locked eyes with her he felt his skin flame like it was on fire. His heart began to race as she stared back at him completely still and breathless.

He shuttered knowing what satisfaction he could bring her.

He swallowed hard imagining how warm and soft she would feel and how addictively sweet she would taste.

Growing hard again he fought back his desires as his brother popped into his mind.

“Actually I’m trying to save my little bro from getting stuck supporting some college drop out who’s already mooching off of him. Someone needs to have his back when the gold digging whores come sniffin’ around.”

Fury burned in her deep brown eyes as she brought her hand back and swung foreword aiming towards his face.

With one motion he caught her palm and lowered it to her side.

“What’s wrong? Truth hurt?”

“You’re an asshole!”

Biting her lip she held back her tears as she shook free and stormed to the cashier.


Sitting in the truck she sat staring at the now driving snow as it piled quickly on the passing trees.

“Take me home.”

Her voice was quiet almost hurt. She longed to see Max again fuming at herself for letting herself feel any kind of attraction for him no matter how insane or momentary it was.

“Already? Don’t we have to stop for groceries and the post office?”

His mocking tone only fueled her resentment making her squirm as far as she could away from him.

Liz decided that she would just steer clear of him for the duration of his stay.

Whatever game he was playing she wasn't interested.

She was going to be smart for once in her life.

“I’m tired. Max can take me in the morning.”

Nodding Zan turned on the wipers in an attempt to push the heavy on coming snow out of his view.

“It’s really coming down out there don’t ya think?”

He waited for some kind of response but found none.

Raising his voice he annunciated each word towards her turned head.

"It’s …really …coming …down …out…there…don’t ya think?”

This infuriated him more than anything. Why did she have to look like her? He spent an entire year away from home trying to avoid the one girl that broke his heart and here was her twin not two inches from his side.

After lighting a cigarette he turned the radio on and searched for a good song.

His truck easily maneuvered the snow-covered streets as helpless cars were left parked on the side of the road.

“I wonder if he made it home it’s really bad out.”

Silence was all he heard as he turned up the radio while taking a long drag and blowing it out in frustration.

And it’s been awhile
Since I could hold my head up high
And it’s been awhile
Since I first saw you

Liz noticed how he raised his hand up to the knob trying to decide whether to keep the song or not. Her curiosity peeked as he left it untouched but hit the steering wheel instead.

And it’s been awhile
Since I could stand on my own two feet again
And it’s been awhile
Since I could call you

And everything I can’t remember
As fucked up as it all may seem
The consequences that I’ve rendered
I’ve stretched myself beyond my means

And it’s been awhile
Since I can say that I wasn’t addicted
And it’s been awhile
Since I can say I love myself as well

As the song played on she could feel the tension rise within him as he nervously accelerated the gas. Clearly these words meant something to him.

And it’s been awhile
Since I’ve gone and fucked thing up just like I always do
And it’s been awhile
But all that shit seems to disappear when I’m with you

She strained harder as she stared at him through the corner of her eye swearing she could see the evidence of tears.

And everything I can’t remember
As fucked up as it all may seem
The consequences that I’ve rendered
I’ve gone and fucked things up again

Just then he took the corner too fast making her grasp the door as the truck fish tailed onto their street.

Zan was getting more and more upset by the minute.

She began to wonder if there was more to him then just a smart ass mouth and cocky attitude.

For the first time she realized that maybe pain was behind his cruelness.

Why must I feel this way?
Just make this go away
Just one more peaceful day.

And it’s been awhile
Since I could look at myself straight
And it’s been awhile
Since I’ve said I’m sorry

As he pulled into the driveway he slammed on the breaks making them both fall forward against the dashboard.

He sat quietly and listened to the last few lines and she did too almost supportively …understanding more in that moment then any words that could be spoken between them.

And it’s been awhile
Since I’ve seen the candles light your face
And it’s been awhile
But I can still remember just the way you taste

There was something in that last line that broke him.

Squeezing his eyes as if trying to erase a memory he clutched the truck door.

“It’s fucking cold out here. Freeze if you want, I’m going in.”

Liz watched him walk up to the door amazed. He was emotional even vulnerable.

She was stunned that he wore his pain so visibly.

She couldn’t help but wonder what his story was.


As she entered the house she didn’t see him anywhere.

Going to the answering machine she played the one message that blinked in the darkness.

“Liz, honey I’m so sorry. I tried to reach you on your cell but there was no service. The interview ran later then I expected and now the roads are just too bad. I’m going to stay at Kenny’s house tonight. Call my cell when you get in. I love you.”

Taking her cell out of her purse she heard a creak at the top of the stairs.

Looking up she could just make out the shadow of his impressive body.

His presence was overwhelming ...commanding.

His voice was deep and husky thick with obvious sexual overtones.

She shivered in response.

So …he’s not coming home tonight?”

Answering too quickly she sounded almost frightened. “No he’s not.”

Without even realizing it she backed up until she hit the wall.

His brandy eyes burned into her as he began to descend the steps.

Panicking she hit the first contact on her phone.

"Hello? Liz?"

Gripping the railing Zan stopped suddenly his snow covered boot hovered hesitantly over the edge of the next step.

"M-Max hi...I missed you."

Re: Wicked (UC,L/M,L/Z,Adult) chpt 4 8/25/10

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 1:34 pm
by jake17
rosyrosy2882 :D hey sweetie! so great to see you here!
Black Bird Fly

thanks so much for the awesome fb...
sorry I made this confusing... when Zan said "her twin" referring to LIz, he meant she looks just like his ex ...she isn't Liz's sister...sorry about the confusion.. Zan's past and more about that will be in the next update..

Chapter 4

Twisting and turning in bed Liz’s usual bought with insomnia held her captive once again on this snowy cold night.

Breathing out in frustration as she watched the clock on Max’s nightstand flip to three forty five am.

Gasping suddenly as her cell began to vibrate in her bag Liz reached over hoping it was him but her heart sunk as ‘mom’ lit up.

Holding her finger over the button hesitantly she briefly thought of just letting it go but hit it before it went to voice mail instead grimly.

“What’s wrong now Ma.”

The drunken slur filled with swears and insults at her father were all that Liz could hear.

“Lizzy! You wouldn’t believe what your bastard excuse for a father did this time!”

Holding her head as her stomach turned with the usual agonizing anxiety and worry that these fights always brought.

“Mom, please calm down – “

“Calm down? I saw him today with that slut! He doesn’t even have the nerve to hide his little whore!”

Hearing a loud crash in the background Liz sat up placing her feet on the wooden floor thinking if the buses ran this late at night.

“Mom? Mom! Are you alright?”

Liz began to pace the floor as silence followed for far too long for her liking.

Finally she heard a muffled noise and a familiar sound.

“Baby, it’s dad. Your mom fell against the wall and hit her head on the edge of the coffee table, I think she’s alright but I’m taking her to the emergency room. She may need stitches.”

Tears stung her eyes, she thought that being through this as many times as she had it would become easier to handle, especially not having to be there to pick up the pieces but she was wrong.

“Dad let me talk to her.”

A deep sigh then a grunt was heard as he was obviously picking her up from the floor.

“Sweetie she’s out cold. She’s so drunk she probably won’t even remember this in the morning.”

“Ok well I’ll be on the next bus home – “

“Liz there’s a blizzard out there, no buses are going to be running. Plus there’s nothing you can do, and we both know that.”

“But dad – “

Interrupting her afraid he would loose his nerve to tell her he continued.

“Liz, she’s not excepting the divorce and there’s nothing any of us can do about it. I’ve called your Aunt Jackie she’s flying in tomorrow weather permitting, she can stay with her. She's just too irrational right now for anyone else to handle.”

Feeling her insides turn with disgust Liz clenched her teeth.

“Well can you really blame her? Fucking her best friend of twenty years isn’t exactly in the marriage vows now is it dad?

A coldness that Liz was more than used to took over his fatherly tone as his defensive nature took over.

“This is none of your business Liz, there are things that you wouldn’t understand.”

Running her hands apprehensively threw her raven hair she nodded biting back her tears.

“Yeah your right there dad, Merry fucking Christmas!”

Throwing her phone on the bed she held her chest as her heart began to race out of control.

Her entire body started to shake as the feeling of her throat constricting suffocated her to the point where she felt light headed.

“Damn it!”

Her eyes quickly went to the door as she heard the knob begin to turn.


Slamming her fist against the wall she tried hard to stifle her heavy breathing and shaky voice.

“Go away.”

Ignoring her request he slowly opened the door.

To her surprise there was no look of surprise or judgment. No snide remarks or freakish glances. His cocky attitude was nowhere in sight.

Retrieving a blanket he covered her shoulders and led her to the bed.

A suspicious glare in his direction caused him to raise his eyebrows.

“Relax angel, you should be so lucky, just trying to help.”

Unable to fight back a small smile she grinned as he put his strong arm around her and held her close.

“Yeah I knew I could get a laugh out of you.”

Lowering her face she tried to hide her embarrassment at her obvious raw emotions.

She realized how loud she was talking and knew he had most likely heard everything.

Still trembling and trying to catch her breath he softly pulled her hair back behind her ear so he could see her face.

“So, you have panic attacks a lot?”

Her eyes widened as she looked him over wondering how he knew.

“Do you have something you can take for it?”

Shaking her head she whispered her voice broke as she tried to hold back her tears.

“Left them at home.”

Grasping her chest she began to really freak out as she felt her heart pound relentlessly.

“I-I can’t breathe.”

“Do you want me to call Max maybe he can calm – “

“NO! No Zan please, he doesn’t know about …just please he wouldn’t understand. “

“Easy sweet thing, I don’t have a defibrillator in the house, can’t save your life if you go into cardiac arrest.”

This time there were no smiles as her arms began to go numb and sweat poured from her forehead.

“Ok enough of this shit. Fucking parents just aren’t worth it darlin’.”

Lifting her up he placed her roughly on his lap and turned her chin so she was facing him.

“Look at me.”

Slowly she lifted her watery dark eyes up towards him teetering on whether she should trust him or not.

Taking her hand he placed it over his heart.

Not sure why she didn’t fight him instead she became almost mesmerized by the golden amber intense gaze looking back at her.

“Feel the rhythm of my heart? Slow your breathing down…follow me.”

Strangely she concentrated on the easy pace of the thumping beat of his chest as it rose and fell beneath her hand.

A certain calmness began to wash over her as she began to notice his dark long eyelashes and the green flecks that seemed to flicker inside the flame of his penetrating stare.

“There you go, easy now, just like that. Nice and slow.”

His deep husky sultry tone almost lulled her into a sense of security and a curiosity as to how he could be so mean and now so caring.

“Your better now, back to normal.”

His seductive whisper seemed to pull her in closer until she realized that they were merely a breath apart.

It was then that she even noticed his hand pressed against her heart …it was then she felt the heat, and her body's reaction.

It frightened her just how much she wanted ...more.

Sitting back quickly she stared at his hand before he pulled it back.

“Relax angel I was just helping you to calm down.”

Furious at herself for feeling an intense ache between her thighs and just how wet she had become she clenched her teeth in anger.

“I’m sure that’s what you tell all the vulnerable girls you try to fuck!”

Moving closer forcing her to hit the headboard he brought his lips flush to her ear.

Calmly and slowly he whispered confidently against the sweet vanilla scent of her skin.

“Angel, if my intensions were to fuck you …you would be getting fucked."

Just then they heard the front door slam.

Liz pushed Zan off the bed as hard as she could. “Go! Get back to your room!”

Not seconds after he disappeared Max opened Liz’s door completely covered with snow.

Breathless he took off his hat and shook his wet dark hair.

“Max, what are you doing here?”

Smiling widely he rushed to hug her.

“My uncle’s neighbor plows for a living, he gave me a lift. I felt so bad that I had to leave you all night. I think I would've used my nephew's sled to get back if I had to!”

Holding Max tight as he laughed she stared at the door picturing the serious glare in Zan's eyes, the manly smell of his skin, the strength of his body.

Squeezing her eyes shut she also recalled the arrogance of his tone and the complete loss of control she felt when he held her.

She wasn’t sure what disturbed her more but one thing was for sure Christmas couldn’t come fast enough.

The sooner he was gone... the better.

Re: Wicked (UC,L/M,L/Z,Adult) chpt 5 12/4/10

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 5:40 am
by jake17
garcia 88
rosyrosy 2882

so sorry this took sooo long, hopefully some of you are still interested in this fic
thanks so much for everyone above for your as aways awesome fb. Your all amazing! :)

Chapter 5.

The entire next day Liz tried to erase from her mind her mother’s drunken phone call and more daunting Zan’s demanding embrace that still sent chills down her spine.

“So what to you think?”

Liz smiled supportively at the seven foot Christmas tree that stood in the corner of the living room.

“It’s perfect.”

She had been dodging questions all day about her odd mood the night before.

Max had little knowledge of her family issues, he was aware of the divorce but her mother’s drinking and her father’s affair were something she just didn’t think he’d understand.

As he began to wrap the large colorful bulbs around the tree he eyed her suspiciously.

“Are you sure you’re alright?”

Gazing at her cell she noticed the time and just how long Zan had been gone.

She wondered why she cared but what was worse she hated fighting the feeling that she missed him there.

Nodding her head ‘yes’ she began to pull out old Christmas ornaments from a box on the couch.

Her forced cheerfulness was convincing enough for the innocent mind of Max as he continued to brush off her behavior.

“I’m fine, just tired is all.”

Plugging the last strand of lights in he stood back and smiled proudly happy in the fact that this was their first Christmas together.

Liz was lost in her thoughts as she stared intensely at a crystal angel that had been carefully wrapped as if it were a special memory.

Max walked up behind her and wrapped his arms gently across her waist. Pulling her in close he whispered in her ear.

“You know why this Christmas is so special to me right?”

He turned her slowly towards him removing the angel from her hand and resting it on the couch.

Tenderly he nudged her chin up to look into his sensitive loving eyes.

“It’s our first Christmas together.”

Choking back a horrible feeling of guilt Liz’s heart sank at how romantic and kind Max was with her and how ridiculous she had been.

Forcing her unwanted feelings for Zan out of her mind she smiled brightly up at Max truly appreciating his kind nature and romantic heart.

Rising up on her toes she shook all thoughts of Zan realizing that he probably played the supportive seducing sex card on every attractive girl he came across that was in distress.

Lacing her fingers through Max’s dark hair she kissed him softly relieved as her family and all thoughts of his brother drifted from her mind.

She sighed as his hands that mostly stayed within proper places began to play with the hem of her black sweater.

Finally! She thought to herself as he began to caress her stomach slowly inching his way upwards.

Encouraging him to continue her breathy voice edged him on.

“Yes, Max …more.”

She could feel his nervous heart pound through his button up shirt as she covered his hand with hers moving it over her bra till he reached the curve of her breast.

His fingers were trembling as they fumbled over the lacey material unsure of what exactly to do.

Squeezing slightly the fullness of her breast he began to kiss her neck starting and stopping as if he was unsure that what he was doing felt good for her.

He whispered against her neck not passionately but as if he were searching for answers on a difficult test.

She tried hard to be patient with him but it had been so long since she had had sex or even been touched for that matter. As cruel and insensitive as she felt she just wished he would take her upstairs and fuck her hard and fast.

Frustration boiled inside her. She didn’t want to embarrass him but she didn’t feel right pretending either.

His uncomfortable movements only became worse as he began to struggle with the latch on her bra.

He held her tight looking over her shoulder to try and see where the hooks were which just made it more humiliating.

Now she felt like she was back in high school. She rolled her eyes over his shoulder wondering how this could possibly get any worse.

That’s when she saw… him.

Zan was standing outside the window peering through at Max’s feeble attempt to seduce her, and by the look in his eyes he was getting way too much enjoyment from watching the embarrassing act present itself in front of him.

She couldn’t help but stare back at him noticing how his crooked smile and laughing expression in his beautiful eyes turned serious and dangerously intense.

It was obvious to her that he was now at least in his mind switching places with Max, imagining himself touching her body and kissing her warm fragrant skin.

His darkened amber eyes burned through to her core as his breath billowed against the glass blurring his handsome face making it seem more like a dream as she soon fell captive inside his fantasy.

Undaunted by the possibility of being discovered he stood tall and strong, breathless staring at her watching - knowing that he was the one turning her on even though he hadn’t even laid a finger on her.

Sliding his hand from the pane of glass to the frame of the window he dug his fingers into the wood daring her to reveal his presence.

Caught up in his own problems Max felt as if he fumbled with her clothes for too long and it was now becoming humiliating.

Convincing himself that it just wasn’t the right time he took a deep breath knowing that soon they would have their night together.

Feeling as if the moment was ruined Max pulled away and awkwardly smiled.

It was the atmosphere he told himself, he needed candles and music to make it special, the mood had to be right when he made love to her for the first time.

Quietly he spoke against her cheek as he straightened out her sweater and brushed off some lint that he found on her shoulder.

“I’m sorry I guess I need a little help…maybe tonight…we could –“

Nodding quickly she glanced up at the empty window and back into his apologetic eyes.

“Don’t worry, it’s nothing. Tonight…we’ll –“

Suddenly the door swung open and Zan stomped in kicking the snow off his boots and coughing in a very obvious way.


Immediately Max backed away from Liz nervously scratching behind his ear, praying that his brother hadn’t witnessed his pathetic attempt at seducing her.

“Well don’t let me interrupt anything, I’ll just be going up to my room.””

Liz avoided eye contact with him as she pulled her sweater nervously down over her skirt.

Max smiled sheepishly up at his brother, “I’m so glad you’re here, I didn’t want to say anything till you came home tonight.”

Walking up to him with excitement in his eyes he raised his voice, so happy to share the news with his best friend, his brother. “ I got the job!”

Reaching out his hand Zan shook it sincerely happy for him.

Max had always been the achiever in the family, he was constantly bringing home ribbons from first place spelling bees and Science fairs.

He also excelled in Baseball and basketball, which came with their own, set of shiny awards and statues.

Scholarships were of the norm as far as his parents were concerned. Unlike Zan who was expected to bring home news of getting into trouble or failing grades, even when he would do well at something, like restoring the old Ford truck he worked to buy he was overshadowed by some event or news related to Max’s achievements.

Of course Zan never blamed Max for his parents’ lack of attention, his role in life was cemented long ago; he felt there wasn’t much he could do to change it.

Besides when you’re the black sheep of the family you blend more into the background, becoming almost invisible to everyone else, you border on being nonexistent, and in Zan’s world, at least back when he was young the less he stuck out the better.

No one ever really noticed what he was up to or cared where he was going.

Especially when he graduated from high school, and started working construction.

As long as he paid room and board and kept his noisy truck out of the driveway, he was usual left alone aside from the usual digs here and there of how disappointing it was that he couldn’t be more like his brother, the golden boy.

It was during those years right out of high school when he met …her. After that nothing would be the same again.

A deep sadness cut into him painfully as recalled his first love, the girl that broke his heart leaving him shattered and broken, the girl that looked exactly like Liz.

Flashing his intense fierce eyes directly up at her hurt flickered briefly as he quickly looked back towards his brother.

This odd emotion directed at her did not go unnoticed by Liz.

Shaking his thoughts from his mind he reached out his hand and patted Max on the shoulder.

“That’s great, I knew you would. They're lucky to have you.”

Crossing her arms in front of her Liz worked hard to keep her eyes fixed on Max.

“That’s so wonderful Max! When do you start?”

Scratching behind his ear he winced as he timidly approached her.

“Well see that’s the only problem. The piece that the paper is working on envolves a strike at the local factory here in town, and well they want me to shadow the head reporter. It’s a great opportunity to get my feet wet. This is real news Liz, this is what I’ve been working on for so long, my dream!”

Zan leaned against the wall and shoved his hands in his pockets pulling out a cigarette.

“Don’t really see the problem here…am I missing something?”

Turning to face her completely Max held her hands, “You see they’re not really sure when the union is going break so they want us there on the scene. I have to leave soon and I could be there all night.”

A sinful smirk appeared across Zan’s face as he raised one eyebrow in Liz’s direction.

“Not a problem I think I can come up with something to keep our Liz occupied.”

Sitting quickly Liz grabbed a throw pillow and anxiously began to pull at its fringes.

“Actually I think I’ll just head out to the movies. “

“Sounds perfect I haven’t –“

Grabbing the keys out of his hands Liz reached for her coat by his shoulder.

“Actually it’s a chick flick I’m sure you’ll hate it.”

With causal ease Zan turned his head and lit his cigarette.

As the flame torched the tip he whispered softly against the shell of her ear making her flush the deepest most delicious shade of red.

“You can’t run forever.”

Pulling her hair out from the collar of her coat she held her head up high and passionately kissed Max taking him fully by surprise.

Speaking low but loud enough for Zan to hear she gazed purposefully into his wide expression.

“Whenever you do get home, I’ll be waiting.”

Max swallowed hard knowing what that implied and nodded awkwardly.

“I-I’ll be home as soon as I can.” He stammered softly before grabbing his coat and walking out the door shutting it behind him.

The two of them stood in silence for several moments before Zan drew a drag off his bud,

“Sorry to tell you this but Max took his car which means if you want to go to the movies I’ll have to drive you in my truck.”

Looking irritated Liz rolled her eyes. “ Can’t I just borrow it for one night?”

Scooping up his keys in his hand he vehemently shook his head no. “Sorry angel but no one drives my baby but me. You know I don’t mind sitting though some sappy movie, I’ve really got nothing better to do.”

Watching his full lips rise upwards to a sexy confident smile she placed her coat back on the hook and took off towards the steps.

"No, that's ok. I'm actually kind of tired. I think I'll just stay in after all."

Cutting her off at the first stair he lowered his long muscular arm across the landing blocking her passage through.

Moving close to her he couldn’t help but take in her lavender perfume.

Bending down he placed the stuble of his chin against her soft flushed cheek to breath her in. "Hmm you certainly smell as beautiful as you look angel."

Shivering she became breathless as she stared into his broad hard chest. “Let me go.”

Lowering his voice he reached out and slowly tucked a piece of her chocolate locks behind her ear letting his callous hand drift slowly down the line of her jaw.

“Are you sure that’s what you want Liz? Because earlier I could’ve sworn –“

“Who is Denise?”

Her tone was strong harsh, she meant to rattle him and she succeeded.

Surprised he dropped his hand. “Who? …did Max - “

Pulling out a picture from her back pocket of a raven-haired girl that hauntingly resembled her, Liz held it in front of him.

Boldly turning it over the name ‘Denise’ appeared in pen on the back.

His voice was thick with anger as if she had revealed a secret about him he didn’t want known.

“Where did you get that?”

Fierce with a new found confidence she held the picture up beside her face and raised her eyebrows.

“We could be twins don’t you think?”

Carefully placing the picture in the front pocket of his jeans Liz slowly flashed her long dark eyelashes up towards him as he stood there wounded and unable to speak.

“Maybe you can explain another time? Now can I please get by?”

Slowly he released his hand from the banister giving her room to run quickly up the stairs.

Sinking down onto the first step he placed his head in his hands rocked by memories that he tried so hard to suppress.

Rising to his feet he turned and looked up the stairs, grabbing the railing he took the steps two at time as a rush emotions that had been buried for too long rose up inside his chest.

If Liz Parker wanted to play.... who was he to refuse.

Re: Wicked (UC,L/M,L/Z,Adult) chpt 6 1/20/11

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 8:59 pm
by jake17
dreamerfiend x2
Black Bird Fly

Thank you so much for you amazing fb, Remember these characters are extremely flawed :roll: :wink:

Chapter 6.

Zan slammed his toe inside the door wedging it open refusing to let her get away that easy.

She knew she was no match against his brute force but she pushed against the door anyway with her one hundred and five-pound frame just despite him.

“Not so fast little girl, open the door!”

Her mind spun with a mixture of fear and excitement.

She knew she would get this reaction, it was what she wanted, but faced with the intensity of his darkened eyes she knew there would be no turning back.

The dye had been cast, she wanted to touch something dangerous, to get lost in him, to run from her problems and escape into the unknown.

She flicked a switch in him that was maybe more than she could handle and although she was nervous she couldn’t deny the way he made her feel.

As he shoved the door open she stumbled back against the wall her dark hair fluttering across her flushed face.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?!”

She tried to make her voice sound strong and forceful but her breathy tone displayed all her cards for him to see.

“Just stop, you’re starting to embarrass yourself. Your game is so weak, I wasn’t sure how my little brother snagged such a tasty little whore but now I get it. You need him, who else but my virginal naïve brother would fall for your little innocent act.”

She wanted him, he knew it, but he also knew how much his brother loved her.

He couldn’t do this.

It was wrong and it would hurt the one person in the world that gave a damn about him.

Liz was wild with rage as she swallowed his accusations.

His words touched her deep inside flaming an anger that had been brewing for years.

It was the same way her parents talked to her. Patronizing, condescending belittling her at every turn, never taking her seriously.

“Fuck you!”

He chuckled softly as he brushed the stray strands of hair from her red cheeks.

Edging his thumb along her bottom lip his sultry eyes stared briefly at her pink tongue before flickering up at her heated expression.

“You’d like that wouldn’t you?”

Her lips trembled as she gathered the air in her lungs ready to lash out and scream at him only he beat her to it.

“You’re practically begging for it.”

Then in the mist of her rage a strange calmness took over. Reaching in his front pocket she pulled out the picture and turned it so the familiar image was facing him.

“No not begging, I’m pretty much thinking if you knew how to please a girl she’d still be around.”

His smoldering eyes fixated on the dark haired girl momentarily becoming lost in a memory that made his heart beat hard visibly from his tee shirt.

His chest heaved slowly as he finally snapped out of it and took the picture from her hand letting it float to the ground.

A quiet confidence washed over his rugged handsome face as he peered down at her.

Closer he moved towards her, his eyes staring down at her full crimson lips until he could feel her warm puffs of air against his mouth.

Liz went to move her head back but the wall was right there, she was trapped locked in a battle of wills.

Closing the space between them she gasped as she felt his big hands smooth along her ribs just below her breasts.

Then came his knee rising up between her thighs parting her legs so he could rest flush against her.

Her hands gripped the sides of the wall afraid to touch him.

Nails dug half moon shapes along the powder blue paint of Max’s room as his tongue skillfully went to work.

Breathlessly she stuttered his name in an attempt to stop him as she eyed pictures on the wall of Max and his family but it was no use.

Mercilessly he pressed his impressive erection against her showing her exactly what she had been missing.

Drenched with want she fought an argument in her head she knew was fruitless.

He was intoxicating, everything about him insured sexual fulfillment, he practically screamed sex.

It was too much too fight.

He was the snake tempting her with the forbidden apple, luring her to take just one bite.

That’s went she began to think of all the problems in her life.

The shit she had to constantly battle with in her mind.

Her alcoholic mother, her cheating father, the never ending fear that she would someday end up just like them, old bitter and miserable just existing, already dead in her heart.

Tears formed in her eyes as she fought back the pain.

Slowly she began to surrender to his expert touch and his clever tongue that flamed her entire body.

Something deep inside snapped as she decided to let go of everything and succumb to the pleasure he was stirring inside her.

Grabbing him by the back of the head she kissed him hard inviting him to do what he wanted, giving him permission to take her, to leave nothing in his wake.

The edge of his mouth raised in a crooked smile as he tucked her hair securely behind her ear.

Reaching down between her legs he made her knees buckle as he lightly caressed her, barely giving her what she needed, severely teasing her.

Pressing his lips to her ear he whispered in a husky deadly seductive tone.

“Take your clothes off, I have to get my wallet.”

He watched intensely as she nodded breathless lifting her sweater over her head.

Zan reached for his wallet in his back pocket keeping a close eye on her as she kicked off her boots and pulled her jeans from her legs.

With her hands behind her back she held the hooks to her bra steady flicking her wide brown eyes up at him.

He opened his wallet and nodded for her to continue.

With shaky hands she suddenly felt very exposed as she removed her lace bra from her body waiting for him to retrieve the condom.

His head tilted to the side as he inspected her body smiling with obvious approval.


The sound of his voice caused her heart to pound furiously against her chest.

It was the push she needed as she lowered her panties past her knees blushing profusely while he stood there completely clothed.

“So do you have it?”

Shrugging his shoulders he looked back at her as if he had no idea what she was talking about.

“Have what Liz?”

Pointing to his wallet she nervously rushed her words.

“A condom! You said you had to get it out of your wallet!”

Gazing at his wallet his face fell into mused wicked grin.

“Oh that, I just wanted to put my picture back where it belongs.”

Bending down he retrieved the picture of his ex and tucked it inside the flap.

Liz reached for her clothes but was met with a strong hand stopping her.

Shivering in his grasp she stood mortified as he skimmed his fingers down the curve of her hip.

“I would definitely call this begging, wouldn’t you Liz?”

With ease he released her and turned for the door.

Enraged she picked up her boot and threw it hard missing him by inches as he left the room.


Running down the steps he slammed into the front door pushing it wide open.

The momentum sent him tripping and falling into the deep snow along the edge of the front steps.

Holding his pounding chest he closed his eyes as he tried with all his might to get the image of her gorgeous naked body out of his head.

Picking up a ball of snow he pressed it firmly against his forehead in an weak attempt to cool his hard achy body down.

It took everything he had to walk out of that room and now that he was away from her all he wanted was to take it all back.

Whispering quietly he repeated her name over and over as he imagined himself buried deep inside her warm wet heat.

“Denise…Denise …Liz.”

Re: Wicked (UC,L/M,L/Z,Adult) chpt 7 2/2/11

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 5:09 am
by jake17
Kris: Don't worry we'll get there soon enough :wink: I'm not sure they can resist each other much longer :wink: thanks so much for your sweet fb! :)
Ellie: yes I agree Ellie it is definitely low to sleep with your boyfriends brother, but like I said these are extremely flawed damaged people who will at times unfortunately do anything to escape from their pain, even if that means doing something inexcusable. thanks so much for being here! :)
keepsmiling7 wrote:Love and are the champion Carrie...
:D omg that just made my day! thanks so much! I just love that you said that :wink:
angelina: We will definitely be learning more about Denise in the next update, thanks so much sweetie! :)
rosyrosy2882: :lol: loved your fb!! yeah its definitely full of drama! thanks so much for being here! :)
trulov: :D :D always an honor to see a fb from you, one of my favorite writers!! if you like this, I know i must be doing something right! :wink: I think that Zan's interest in Liz has to do with the fact that she reminds him so much of his ex who as we will learn hurt him very badly. I promise much will be revealed in the next update. thank you so much for being here! :D

Chapter 7

Slowly Liz opened her eyes to the bright sun reflecting off the freshly covered snow that had fallen over night.

Covered in tissues she angrily pushed them off the bed as she put her bare feet on the cold hard wood floor feeling a sharp chill run up her spine.

Rubbing her eyes she focused in on the alarm clock on the nightstand.

10:38 am

Throwing on her robe her eyes widened completely stunned that she had slept that long, as she ran to the window hoping to see Max’s car.

Flying to the top of the stairs she looked down to see him sitting on the kitchen table drinking coffee and having what seemed like an intense conversation with …damn.

Taking two steps at a time she rushed onto his lap and hugged him tight.

“Max! When did you get home? Why didn’t you wake me?”

Grinning widely he nuzzling her neck and closed his eyes sighing just happy to be holding her.

“Well I just got in about an hour ago and I was going to wake you but then Zan told me about your exciting night and I thought you could use the sleep.”

Fuming Liz did her best to keep a neutral expression as she turned her attention to Zan dying inside wondering what the hell he could’ve told him.

Sitting casually with his filthy boots perched on the kitchen table Zan took a sip of coffee and raised a corner of his mouth winking as if he had her right where he wanted her and was loving every minute of it.

“Well isn’t that considerate of you Zan to think of my feelings especially since you had your own problems to deal with last night.”

Immediately worried Max glanced at Zan then back to Liz. “Really? Zan you didn’t mention anything, what happened?”

Calmly Liz reached back and grabbed the handle of the coffee pot and poured herself a hot cup raising her eyebrows towards Zan.

“Actually I’d love to hear Zan’s take on my situation first since he was so nice to let me sleep, then I’ll tell you what happened with him.” Glaring at Zan she slowly perched her lips over her coffee to blow the steam away giving him a silent warning. “That is unless he’d like to fill you in himself.”

Slamming his mug on the table he huffed trying not to show any anger. “That’s alright I got it Liz.”

Furrowing his eyebrows Max flickered his golden innocent eyes back and forth to both of them. “Am I missing something here? Are you two getting along ok?”

Stroking his face with her hand Liz pulled his attention back towards her.

“Actually we’ve been getting along great, its too bad Zan has to head to Vermont to work on that emergency job right before Christmas.”

Shocked Max quickly glanced at Zan. “What’s this all about? I thought we we’re finally going to get to spend some time together?”

Gritting his teeth Zan got up and carefully placed his cup in the sink trying hard to remain calm.

“It’s all the storms we’ve been getting, my boss’ roof caved in from the weight of the snow. He needed anyone who was available to help with the repairs before Christmas. It’s good money, sorry bro, I just couldn’t turn it down.”

Lighting a cigarette he cocked his head toward Liz.

“How ironic, I have to leave for work and Liz has to leave to help her mom out. Looks like you’ll be alone for a couple of days before Christmas.

Liz’s eyes widened. “Zan – “

“I hope you don’t mind Liz, that’s what I was telling Max about before you came down the stairs, I hadn’t got to the part where you had to go home.”

Nodding Liz couldn’t mask her feelings as her face turned a bright shade of red. “ Yeah I guess you were hitting the bottle pretty hard last night because you were pissed about having to actually do some real work for a change.”

Laughing hard Max scratched behind his ear and shook his head in disbelief.

“My god it’s almost like you’re brother and sister the way you two bicker.”

Gazing back at Liz he lovingly kissed her temple and pulled her close.

“Well it really doesn’t matter because it looks as if this strike is going to last right up till Christmas, I’ll be at work most of the time anyway.”

Suddenly his eyes lit up as an idea popped in his head, he really was hoping to have a real Christmas this year, especially after loosing his parents and the long distance he was feeling from his brother.

“How about we meet back here Christmas Eve, I’ll make a big dinner, we can open presents, it will be perfect, give us all something to look forward to, what do you two think?”

They both smiled hesitantly, “Sounds fine to me, Liz why don’t you pack your stuff and I’ll drive you to the train station before the last one leaves for the night, that way Max can just go to work whenever they call him."

Pouring more coffee Liz nodded as she silently planned Zan’s death.

“Great, Max I’ve got a ton of stuff to do, I’ll be gone all day, It will give you to a chance to have some ‘alone time’ with Liz.”

Nudging his brother Max blushed and began clearing the table thoroughly embarrassed.

Watching Zan grab his coat and walk out the door Liz quickly pulled on her boots.

“I’ll be right back Max, I forgot to give something to Zan.”

Yelling after her he voiced his concern. “Ok, but hurry back, I want to hear what happened with your mom last night!”

Running out the door Liz pulled at his coat just as he was opening the truck door.

Punching him as hard as she could in the chest she retracted her hand waving it painfully in the air.


Grabbing her by the shoulders he switched places with her throwing her against the seat of the truck so the door hid her.

Shivering without a coat in the twenty-degree weather he glared at her lips as they trembled then back up to her eyes that were wild with rage.

“What are you trying to do, break your hand?”

“Why did you do that? I can’t go home Zan! And I have no money! Would you mind telling me where the hell I’m going to spend the next two days?”

Rolling his eyes he thought for a few seconds but found it very hard to concentrate as she shook with a fiery wrath within his grasp.

“What the hell did you expect after you kicked me out of the house?! Like I was just going to let that go? You got what you deserved little girl!”

Rising up on her toes she came very close to his mouth suddenly sending his head spinning as the scent of her cherry lip gloss gave him an immediate image of those bright pink lips wrapped around his impressive cock.

“Well now we’re both fucked! Any suggestions Einstein?”

Feeling an overwhelming need to kiss her he released her shoulders and backed up a few inches.

Thrown by her incredible beauty he remembered her situation at home and honesty felt a slight twinge of guilt.

“Look I’m sorry, I guess I wasn’t thinking. There is a place we can stay. It’s a studio apartment in town, it belongs to a friend of mine but he’s out of town for the holiday. We can just hang there until Christmas Eve then come back here. He’ll never know.”

Shaking her head she kicked a clump of snow that was hanging from the fender of his truck.

“I can’t believe you did this! Especially after last night! I swear to god Zan you come near me, you even say one fucking word to me during these two days and I’ll make sure Max never speaks to you again!”

Tossing his lit bud into the snow Zan pushed by her and jumped into the truck.

“I’ll get us some groceries, I have some things to do in town anyway. Just be ready to go by eight. The last train leaves at nine, if we’re going to make this believable you have to be on time.”

Grabbing him by his flannel coat Liz pressed her mouth to his ear afraid she had already been too loud.

Zan’s hand curled tightly around the steering wheel as his cock hardened painfully just from her warm breath against his skin.

“I mean it Zan, if Max finds out about this you will regret ever meeting me, I promise you that!”

Remembering clearly her beautiful bare body standing before him breathless and wanting he blew out a long shuddered rush of air as she turned and ran back into the house.

“Believe me Liz, I already do.”

Re: Wicked (UC,L/M,L/Z,Adult) chpt 8 2/5/11

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 10:58 am
by jake17

Ok I have to warn you all, this is going to be rough, very rough :roll: but you were warned from the beginning this was not going to be pretty...

just a little reminder,

Zan and Liz first met outside the house her first night, she saw him in the shadows and thought for a second he was Max...

She wasn't the only one that night who had a misunderstanding... standing there in the dark he thought she had come back to him...his Denise.

This is long, sorry I couldn't find a place to break it up. hold on it's going to be a bumpy ride. Ellie please don't throw anything at your computer :wink: :D

Chapter 8.

Song: Blurry
By Puddle of Mudd

Staring down at her duffle bag Liz sighed anxiously holding the only item she managed to pack so far, a thin black sweater.

She couldn’t believe that she had to spend the next forty eight hours with him, it was hard enough just being around him.

Two days seemed like a lifetime.

With her heart racing from even the thought of him she stared at the fuzzy dark material till it blurred with the canvas fabric beneath it.

Her mind was scattered flying from one problem to the next, each one seeming more unsolvable then the next.

She couldn’t avoid her parents forever; regardless of what they both had done it was going to be Christmas soon.

They were mad enough about her not coming home she had no idea how would she explain herself if she didn’t even bother to call.

‘Well mom, you see it kills me to hear the pain in your voice and the obvious resentment you feel that I left you alone when you needed me the most. Oh and dad? I really can’t talk to you because every time I do I wonder if this is going to be the time that you inform me that your moving in with that slut that claimed to be mom’s best friend … Merry Christmas by the way! Fa la la la …fuck you!’

Smiling to herself she could picture Zan laughing at her rant, she knew somehow that he would understand, that if she told him, let him in, he wouldn’t judge her, and as nice as Max was he would tell her to call her parents … because it was the right thing to do.

For some reason that just pissed her off.

Rolling her eyes she ran her fingers through her hair and cringed.

She wanted him, she couldn’t stop thinking of him, of what it would feel like to kiss that mouth…his chest …stomach….

”Damn it!!”

Shaking her head she dug her black painted short nails into the palms of her hands hating herself to the point of distraction.

Zan had humiliated her, fucked her over, berated her at every turn …basically he treated her like shit but for some inexplicable reason …it didn’t matter.

It didn’t make any sense, none of it, the way she felt about him, the way she knew he felt about her.

Liz was no fool, and she was by no means inexperienced, she knew when a guy was into her…and Zan …yeah he wanted her, regardless of his actions, he wanted her bad.

There had to be a reason why he was decent with her one-second and a bastard to her the next.

Her eyes flung wide open when suddenly the image of ‘Denise’ popped into her head.

Maybe there was a connection to their crazy resemblance and his mood swings.

Zan didn’t exactly seem like the type of guy to keep a girl’s picture in his wallet.

No, she was …special. Maybe he even loved her.

She raised her eyebrows lost in the image for a moment …Zan in love.

Chewing on her bottom lip she nodded to herself.

It would make sense…she showed him the picture thinking it would ruffle his feathers, imagining she meant something to him if he even bothered to have it around, but his reaction…

That was more than an act of revenge.

He was hurt and he wanted to hurt her back.

Or maybe he wanted to hurt …Denise.

Maybe it was Denise he needed to humiliate and reject…

The Denise that looked exactly like her.

Liz was so deep in thought with Zan she failed to hear Max’s sheepish approach from behind.

“Hey you.”

Jumping Liz spun around and grabbed at her racing heart quickly averting her eyes from him as if he could read her thoughts somehow.

“Liz are you ok? I’m so sorry; I didn’t mean to scare you. Were you thinking about your mom?”

Staring up at him filled with guilt she nodded slowly as she tried to shake her thoughts of Zan.

“Y-Yeah, sorry I’m just really not looking forward to going home.”

His honey eyes filled with sympathy as he pulled her close, his hands resting at her waist.

“I’m sorry you have to leave, but it sounds like she needs you, I know it’s hard but your doing the right thing. She probably needs someone to talk to. Maybe you should try to just listen …I’m sure that’s all she’s expects from you.”

Resting her head against his chest she nodded as her eyes fell to a crack on the floor. Biting her tongue her face flushed red hot with annoyance.

She couldn’t help but feel a tiny dig from his remark.

Maybe you should try to just listen

He had no idea what the hell he was talking about. He knew nothing about what she would do, the hell she would put her through. For Christ sakes she was probably knee deep in a Vodka bottle right now.

Feeling her tense he pulled back and lifted her chin up so he could look in her eyes.

“I offended you didn’t I? I’m sorry Liz, it’s just that if I could have my mom back ….no matter what condition I would gladly take her. I never should’ve said that to you. I was speaking from my own heart. It was very unfair of me to give you advice.”

Flinching she felt another stab of guilt deep in her gut.

She felt horrible; it was obvious that she was looking for him to do one thing wrong so she could justify her feelings for …

Taking a deep breath she backed away from Max realizing what she needed to do.

Picking the duffle bag up from the bed she threw it on the floor and raised her big brown eyes back up at him.

“Max we’re finally alone, this is the only chance we’re going to have for a while …I think we should -“

Pressing his lips to hers he interrupted her abruptly.

Urgently he began to pull at her clothes, she could feel for the first time a real need from him, it was working, she felt it, she felt …him.

Reaching for his hands she began to take over, within second she was down to her bra and panties watching as he looked down at her in awe.

Breathless he shook not knowing what to do, unsure of everything.

He didn’t plan it this way, and Max was all about planning. It made him feel secure, confident.

It was supposed to be romantic with candles and music, but he knew he couldn’t hold her off any longer.

He could see the need in her eyes, but he felt like he had no clue how to please her.

“ Liz, I-I…can you …help me.”

It wasn’t what she wanted, it wasn’t what she needed to hear but the momentum was already in affect and she thought there could still be hope.

Nodding she raised his sweater from his body and pulled at the button on his jeans.

He was beautiful, just like she knew he would be, still something was …off.

Stumbling he tried to take his shoes off but they were tied too tight and he ended up falling onto the bed.

Embarrassed he looked around nervously almost for an escape.

“Its ok, Max…just relax.”

Taking off his shoes for him she began to wonder quickly if this was a huge mistake.

But the honest truth was she needed sex…not sex per say, but to feel that closeness.

She needed desperately to get lost in someone. To have them completely consume her body, her thoughts, to take away the pain, the worry, the constant spinning mess of confusion in her head.

But it felt strange, it was beyond awkward, it was almost mechanical, like she was teaching him how to bake a cake or something.

There was no heat, no passion…it was magnifying everything she was trying to get away from.

But it was too late.

Stripping off the rest of her clothes she backed up to the head of the bed and held out her hand for him.

Still in his boxers he swallowed hard looking for a place to put his hands, his legs.

He felt as if he would hurt her if he actually laid on top of her.

“Do you have a condom Max?”

Completely taken off guard he thought for a moment then picked up his jeans and reached in the back pocket.

Climbing back up towards her she helped him, positioning him where he needed to be.

At this point it was bordering on painful, she knew she had to take over just so she could get through it.

She took the condom from him after watching him fumble with it several times

This could not have been more of a disaster.

He took a sharp breath in as she pulled the condom down over him.

Sweat poured from his forehead, this was all too much, her lying there naked, him feeling her underneath him skin on skin for the first time.

Once, twice, three times he attempted to enter her with unsuccessful results.

Wincing from his inept efforts she finally just took it in her hand and physically led him inside her.

His head immediately fell against her neck as he panted and groaned.

Her eyes rolled back towards the ceiling, as dread engulfed her, even the sounds he was making was turning her off.

Knowing she had to take the reins or this would be a total catastrophe she grabbed his face and forced him to look at her.

“Kiss – “

Before she could get the words out his face contorted and twisted with only the forth thrust inside her.

Collapsing over her he groaned then rolled onto his back.

Lying there she felt as close to shit as she thought she’d ever get and completely alone.

Wrapping her arms around her stomach she felt empty and wrong…. she was wrong.

Looking over at the alarm clock she tried to steady her voice.

“Oh wow, its already seven, Zan will be here soon to take me to the train, I better get in the shower.”

Jumping up she literally ran for the bathroom.

Standing underneath the pounding hot water she began to cry. Black streams of mascara and eyeliner ran down her face as she rested her forehead on the tile.

She had nowhere to turn, nowhere to go. She was lost in every way.

She knew it was his first time, she expected it to be short, maybe even clumsy but she at least thought she would feel something.

That at the very least being with someone that loved her would make her feel warm and safe…but there was nothing…nothing except that cold numbness that she had grown to know so well.

Staring at the green and white squares she tried to sort out her feeling for him.

She did care about him, he was a good guy, someone that she knew she should be with.

So why did she feel this way.

Closing her eyes she came back to the one common denominator in all her problems… her.

He wasn’t the fucked up one, it was her, once again, always her.


By the time Liz was ready and packed it was nearly eight; Max had made himself scarce, busying himself on the computer working on his article for the strike.

In his mind it was simple.

They loved each other and with time things would improve.

The important thing is that they loved each other.

Lightly walking down the stairs she eyed him at the desk in the living room and waved.


Lifting his hands from the keys he walked to her and pulled out the kitchen chair for her to sit.

Sitting opposite from her he began folding a napkin several times then unfolding it, his thoughts obviously on their time in the bedroom..

Reaching out she covered his fidgety fingers and smiled kindly.

“Max- “

“Liz, I-I know it wasn’t …I just…”

Nodding she searched for words to comfort him, to make him feel as if everything was fine, but it was hard with her own demons screwing around with her head

“It was your first time Max. You were…great…really.”

Ripping the napkin in half he knew it was a lie but he also knew that she loved him.

“Could we…maybe … try again?”

A quiet ‘sure’ rested on her lips as she listen to the clock tick by.

Finally she couldn’t wait any longer.

It was wrong, she knew it, but it was killing her not knowing.

“Max? Can I ask you something?

Thrilled to change the subject his face lit up with energy… ”Anything.”

“Who is Denise?”

Welcoming any topic that didn’t have to do with sex Max was quick to inform her of Zan’s tumultuous affair.

“Denise… wow, haven’t heard that name in a long time. Denise was the love of Zan’s life. She was the only thing I ever really remember him caring about, well besides that old truck of his.”

“So they were serious?”

Suddenly Max tilted his head looking very perplexed.

“Did he …tell you about her?”

Shaking her head swiftly she raised her hands defensively in the air.

“No, I found her picture. She kind of looks like me…don’t you think?”

Furrowing his eyebrows he studied Liz for a moment and slowly nodded.

“Yeah now that you mention it, you look a lot like her, but you sure have nothing in common with her.”

“What does that mean?”

Staring out the window Max shrugged his shoulders.

“She kind of …got around. You know, slept with a lot of guys before she started dating Zan. He knew about her reputation, I did my best to warn him but he wouldn’t listen… not that I thought he would. As far as I can remember no one tells Zan what to do.”

Laughing sarcastically he stood up and walked towards the window.

“So what happened?”

Max’s expression became sullen.

“She cheated on him, it was no shock to any one in town but for some reason it was a real blow to him. He walked in on them, came home from work early found her in bed with the guy. He nearly killed him, beat the hell out of him.”

Stunned Liz sat back in her chair; eyes wide open as it played out in her head.

“So he left her?”

Shaking his head he sighed.

“That’s what kills me, even after everything, he was willing to take her back, to work it out, but she was ready to move on I guess. The worst part is she agreed to stay with him, and then sometime in the night she left a note and just…slipped out. He never saw her again.”

Liz let out a silent ‘wow’.

“Zan was never the same, he started drinking too much, taking anything that would numb the pain. He lost his job, got in fights. My parents were heartbroken. Zan was never the model son but this was different, everyone in town knew what he was up to. It was embarrassing for them.”

Almost whispering Liz continued her questions. “When was all this?”

“Last year, right before the car accident. Zan managed to clean himself up and get straight but it was too late for my parents to see it. I don’t think he ever forgave himself for that, and I don’t think he’ll ever stop waiting for Denise to come back.”

Biting her bottom lip she sighed, her heart broke for him

“That’s so sad.”


Parked down the street from the house Zan sat in his truck waiting.

The note crinkled and stained with coffee rested in his hand as he fought his eyes from closing.

He was exhausted, lost with no plan and no future it hardly seemed worth it to get up in the morning.

She was gone…and she wasn’t coming back.

I’m sorry
I have to leave
I hope someday you can forgive me
I’ll always love you


Turning up the volume on the radio he shoved the note back in his glove compartment and stared out the window.

Everything's so blurry
and everyone's so fake
and everybody's empty
and everything is so messed up
pre-occupied without you
I cannot live at all
My whole world surrounds you
I stumble then I crawl

You could be my someone
you could be my scene
you know that I’ll protect you
from all of the obscene
I wonder what you're doing
imagine where you are
there's oceans in between us
but that's not very far

Thoughts of her jet-black hair and her big brown eyes swirled in his head.

He was getting better, at the very least sleeping again, he even thought about a construction job that might be available in the spring.

The possibility of starting over didn’t seem so …impossible.

But then it all fell apart.

Can you take it all away
can you take it all away
well ya shoved it in my face
this pain you gave to me
Can you take it all away
can you take it all away
well ya shoved it in my face

One night, standing outside his house in the snow.

For one brief moment he thought it was …her,

Both mistaking each other for someone else, when maybe all they needed was each other.

Everyone is changing
there's no one left that's real
to make up your own ending
and let me know just how you feel
cause I am lost without you
I cannot live at all
my whole world surrounds you
I stumble then I crawl


Slamming his fist on the steering wheel he swallowed back tears.

Why did it have to be her, his brother’s girl…

How can life be so fucking cruel twice…

You could be my someone
you could be my scene
you know that i will save you
from all of the unclean
I wonder what you're doing
I wonder where you are
There's oceans in between us
but that's not very far

All this time he kept telling himself that it was because she reminded him of Denise, that it was just old memories digging up all that shit again.

But he couldn’t fool himself forever.

He tried, he was mean, brutal even, he tried to push her away, but she always came back.

And now they were going to be alone, for two days.

Nobody told me what you thought
nobody told me what to say
everyone showed you where to turn
told you when to runaway
nobody told you where to hide
nobody told you what to say
everyone showed you where to turn
showed you when to runaway

he knew he wasn’t that strong, he didn’t plan this, still it was wrong.

It was all too much, it hurt too bad, he needed her… and he knew she needed him.

That look in her eyes, so raw, she felt the same way, lost and alone.

He recognized it in himself

He knew he could give her what she needed.

Shelter her, make her feel


This pain you gave to me

You take it all
You take it all away...
This pain you gave to me
You take it all away
This pain you gave to me
Take it all away
This pain you gave to me

“What are you doing out here?”

Opening his eyes he reached for the radio to turn it down, completely stunned to see her standing there.


She hesitated for just a moment, the bag held tight in her hand, cold air rushing from her dark red lips as she breathed in and out staring at him, saying it all with just one look.

Lets go

Re: Wicked (UC,L/M,L/Z,Adult) chpt 9 3/7/11

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 12:16 pm
by jake17
Back Bird Fly
RoswellMyHeart welcome to the site, thanks so much! :)

wow a huge thank you to everyone that left such great fb, I really appreciate all your opinions. Very sorry for my many grammer mistakes ... bad ansomnia, haven't slept for four days.

Chapter 9

The silence was deafening as they drove down the snowy street both locked in a battle of moral ambiguity.

Liz was bordering on desperate as the empty pit in her stomach grew in size after the disastrous event with Max.

The depths of her loneliness felt like an abyss, black as night and deep as forever, as bad as her life had been up till now it was nothing compared to this.

She was locked in a maze of bad choices and painful repercussions.

Each direction she turned left her facing a raw prickling revelation that every move she had made in her life had been a mistake.

With no place to run, she sat on the ripped seat of the old truck and stared at him unapologetically.

Knowing now what he had been through, she wondered why he was fighting so hard against what they both needed, and in her mind to some degree what they had come to deserve.

There would be no answers solved, no future to speak of, this she knew, but there would be a break from everything that was tormenting her, a pleasure too great to resist, too tempting to turn from.

Sitting beside her was nirvana, an attainable peace she knew she could easily have, just one little push, and he was hers, it was so close she could taste it.

Her insistent glare felt like white-hot heat on his skin defiantly pushing against very nerve.

It was as if fire ripped through his veins as he attempted to navigate the road to an irreversible fate that would end up affecting his life forever.

His need to escape from the prison in his mine was too alluring; she was his heaven, his momentary solace from a world that had done nothing but push his face to the ground.

Her perfume, her unsteady soft breath, the slight movement of the material of her jeans as she rubbed her thighs unintentionally together.

Oh how bad he wanted to pull over and take her right there, seek out his heaven …

That’s when he let it wash over him, every muscle relaxing, his eyes narrowing, his breath hitching as he just…let…go….

Soon the scene before him faded into a blissful haze as he pictured it all unraveling in his head.

The sharp right turn down a deserted street, his truck hidden behind an abandoned building.

The shocked look on her face as he turned and released the lever on the side of her seat that dropped the back down to a reclined more accessible position.

Her dark ruby lips parting as he hovered over her burning for a taste of the forbidden fruit that kept him up night after night.

Brief fevered kisses as he pulled at the button on her jeans, the growl of anticipation as he knelt between her feet and gripped her panties pulling them down to her ankles.

The flash of red across her cheeks as she sat trapped above his hot gaze knowing what pleasure his tongue would soon bring.

Yes…yes…oh god yes…

“Are you going to talk to me?”

His eyes opened wide as the dream sharply dissipated leaving his heart thumping widely and his desire painfully unfulfilled.

Keeping his intense glare fixed on the broken yellow lines he was afraid to look at her, terrified that she could see right through him.

Shrugging broodingly his husky tone trembled slightly giving away his wavering restraint.

“Don’t know what to say.”

Nervous but wound up in a heated frenzy Liz studied him from where she was feeling the very real edge of her self control crumbling.

The severity of his emotions shown so blatantly across his handsome strong features, telling her everything…

He wanted this as badly as she did.

She sat mesmerized by his strong jaw that clenched hard with a decision that was tearing him up inside.

She knew he was thinking of his brother, her boyfriend…the guy who never harmed her, the one she should be with.

Or was he thinking of her…the woman who he loved, probably still loves.

Liz wanted to tell him it was ok …ok to think of her …of Denise.

She knew why he felt the way he did, why she was in that truck.

She was a ghost, a shadow, a way he could still be with the one he wanted.

She wondered as she averted her eyes to the passing houses why it didn’t hurt her.

Resting her hand on her stomach she realized that she was too numb and too in need to feel anything.

Taking a deep breath she wondered if this is what she deserved.

Suddenly feeling as if another anxiety attack was coming she dug her nails in the seat.

“Is there anything to drink at the apartment?”

Shaking his head he made a quick right down a narrow road pulling up to a place called Town Liquor.

Still avoiding her he jumped out of the truck questioning his very sanity at this point

“Stay here.”

Pushing open the heavy door he quickly made his way down the aisle he knew all too well.

Grabbing two bottles of vodka he made his way to the register wishing he could have a shot right there.

“Hey Zan, what’s up dude? Haven’t seen you in forever.”

Turning around to the familiar voice he winced inside, fuck why here, why now.

Trying hard to control his obvious emotions he forced a small grin as he nodded to his old friend.

“Hey Dan, how’s it going?”

Giving him the same goofy smile he remembered back when they worked together he slapped him on the back shaking his head.

“Nothing really, you know, same old shit. When did you get back in town?”

Trying to block his view to the street Zan shrugged trying hard to be as casual as possible.

“Just here for the holiday’s visiting Max.”

His gesture was futile as Dan’s jaw fell to the ground.

“What the fuck? Is that Denise out there in your truck?”

Zan squeezed his eyes shut as he felt the familiar sting of the knife slide so agonizingly inside his gut.

Throwing some cash on the counter Zan grumbled his deep voice as he grabbed the bottles and rushed for the door.

"Gotta go Dan, see you around.”

His head spinning from his fresh wound he felt as if he was loosing his mind.

Fury flooded his body as he threw the bag on the seat before peeling tires and squealing out of the parking lot.

Sliding closer to him concerned at his clear distress she reached towards him to brush the dark hair that had fallen over his distraught eyes.

“What happened in there?”

Ignoring her he sped down the street fishtailing around the corner till he reached a very narrow alley that led to the back of the hardware store where the apartment resided over

Reaching for her duffle bag he left her sitting in the truck as he rushed up the back stairs taking them two by two, knowing all along he couldn’t outrun her or his past.

By the time she climbed the icy three-store flight of stairs she pushed the slightly opened weathered door to reveal a small one-room efficiency apartment.

There wasn’t much to it as she eyed the small kitchenette, a tiny sofa that looked as though it was taking right off the street, and a messy bed on the far wall.

Hearing the water running in what she guessed had to be the bathroom she searched the cabinets only to find a stack of paper cups.

Placing one of the bottles in the icebox she opened the other and poured a healthy portion in two cups.

Jumping as she went to take sip she spun around to find Zan staring at her wild with a look she couldn’t pin down.

Hatred? Lust? Whatever it was it was she was getting sick of dealing with his mood swings and misplaced anger.

“Do you want me to go?”

Wiping the vodka off her chin she sat down on the couch actually toying with the idea of telling him that it was ok if she was just a replacement.

She wished in that moment that she could take her question back.

Taking his drink down in one sip he poured himself another as he stared down at the street below, her request left unanswered hanging in the air, a loop hole, an out …it was right there all he had to do was answer her…

Fuck yes I want you to go, I want you wiped from my memory, I don't want to need you - to want you, to know that I can escape in you...

Fuck no, I don't want you to go...

Words screamed in his head as he sat there silent.

“No TV?”

Shaking his head he pulled himself up on the counter and downed his second drink before loading himself up again hoping that his anger might push her away.

“No princess, no TV, no room service or Jacuzzi, this isn’t the Hilton, sorry to disappoint you.”

Standing she quickly approached him fuming as she pointed her finger so it was poking into his chest with every word.

“Hey! This wasn’t my idea, remember genius, you’re the one that put us in this fucked up situation to begin with!”

Grabbing her finger he held it in his hand tightly.

“Don’t touch me.”

Pulling herself close to him she stared boldly at his lips still questioning why he was putting them both through all this.

Her throaty voice was like velvet dominating his control leaving him helpless and vulnerable.

Raising her chocolate wide eyes to a sultry stare he felt leveled as if someone had punched him in the stomach.

“Zan, I want this ...and I know you do to. You can't look at me and deny it. I can feel it."

Pushing her away he jumped off the counter and walked to the other side of the room knowing he was defenseless against her.

Like a cornered animal he growled and kicked the wall knowing all along that it was only a matter of time.

His weak whispered response made her breathless with victory.

“Liz, we’re not going to do this.”

With total confidence she slid her soft hands around his waist pressing her breasts against his back feeling every muscle contract.

Her hot breath kissed his ear as she whispered softly.

“I love how you say my name Zan, please… say it again .”

Slamming his fists against the wall in front of him he groaned as her hands released his belt and slipped inside his jeans.

“My name... please Zan.”

Wrapping one hand around his hard cock she slid the other along the ridges of his impressive muscles over his stomach to his broad chest feeling the rapid pulse of his heart.

Say it.”

Closing his eyes he grasped her hand and held it still realizing what was happening.


Her frustration was palpable as she attempted to continue to stroke him.

She let out a sharp groan as he unexpectedly spun her around pinning her arms to the wall above her head.

Stunned she looked back at him breathless, as hunger so evidently flashed in her wide eyes.

"You think I'm doing this because of her don't you?"

His dark eyes softened to honey as he saw the vulnerability so clear in her stare.

“You thought you could go through with it, you thought you could handle being used, but you can’t can you? That’s why you need to hear me call out your name.”

Struggling against him she fought to get free, hating that he could see right through her.

“Let me go!”

Releasing her he kept his eyes fixed to her, now more than ever unwilling to back away from this.

Staring at her he was stunned by the depth of her pain and how far she was ready to go to escape it.

Instead of running she stood almost paralyzed as he brushed his lips along her neck to her ear.

His hands settled on the button of her jeans, as he slowly edged her clothes down the curve of her hip.

A sharp gasp left her mouth as he swept his hand lightly along the inside of her thigh.

His voice was calm and steady, his words simple, defining the future before them.

“Make no mistake Liz…it’s you that I want.”

Re: Wicked (UC,L/M,L/Z,Adult) chpt 10 4/24/11

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 4:45 pm
by jake17
Ellie: I have to say half the fun of writing is getting you all fired up! :wink: so get ready, I was thinking of backing away from my original storyline, but I just can't do it :twisted: so strap in sweetie :) by the way thank you for your well wishing, you really are such a sweet girl.
roswell3053: thanks so much for reading this, hope you hang in there for the rest. :wink:
Kris: always look forward to your fb, thanks so much!
angelina; miss you, thank you for everything as always.
rosyrosy2882: sorry for the cliff hanger, I didn't hold back this time :wink: thanks for the fb sweetie!
dreamerfiend: how awesome are you bumping this fic! :) thanks so much!! :)
black bird fly: well you are the reason I'm here, still not feeling great but I popped on saw your messages and well was inspired again, thank you, I really needed to write. I hope I didn't disappoint you, still not feeling great. thank you so much for your concern. your the best! :)

I"m sure you read my message, I'm really thinking I must've been really really bad in my past life :wink: :roll: just kidding, hospitals suck and feeling bad can really get you down but i'm coming around, thanks so much for all the sweet messages. It means so much.

Now remember all that when you read this :wink: Ellie please don't vomit :P :wink:

Chapter 10

Panting heavily her head spun as she held the keys to her prison so tight in her hand, her freedom clear in sight.

His words still trying to find truth in her head she grasped his hand halting his delicate assault along her trembling thigh.

“Wait, wait…”

Confused dark feral haunting eyes flashed down meeting her watery glare.

“What did you say? How can it be me that you want? I-I don’t understand…”

His husky voice was filled with sincerity as he released her thigh and laced his fingers through her hair holding her to his passionate stare.

“You don’t understand?”

A light chuckle of disbelief fell from his lips as he pressed his forehead to hers.

“Fuck, I can’t do this, I can’t play this game with you any longer. You push I pull and still we end up back here …right back here.”

Brushing his thumb across her bottom lip she leaned against the wall hoping it would sustain her shaky legs.

Tears fell one by one down her cheek further upsetting his fragile state of mind.

Grasping her jeans she raised them back in place before wiping her tears away.

“No one’s holding a gun to your head, if it’s so hard for you why do you keep coming after me? I know I look like her, I know that’s what got you all fucked up inside. Don’t even try to pretend – “

Punching the wall beside her head he turned and walked away growling with anger his hands shaking with the absurdity of her words.

Leaning against the opposite wall he crossed his arms in front of his chest trapped within the fear of trusting her, a mistake that cost him dearly in the past.

His tone was low and hesitant as his eyes fell to the floor unable to look at her.

“I can’t lie to you, when we first met that night …I thought you were …her.”

Wiping her eyes she buttoned her jeans as she shook her head up and down.

“I know, I get it …you really don’t have to explain. Max told me everything,”

Mystified he barely got the words out as his eyes widened staring fiercely back to her.

What? What the …what exactly did Max tell you?”

Startled by the volume of his voice she stuttered trying to remember what he had told her.

“H-He told me how much you loved her and how you caught her with another man, and – “

Walking swiftly towards her he fumed with rage his voice escalating by the second.

“And what Liz, what else?”

Swallowing hard she worked hard to calm herself realizing there was more to the story then she was told.

“He said there was a fight but you and Denise were going to try and work it out, …but she just left, that she wrote you a note and left, and it nearly destroyed you.”

Rubbing the back of his neck his took deep breaths attempting to control his emotions.

“I’ll give him credit, he’s going to make a damn good editor in that rag he’s working for.”

“What are you talking about?”

Dazed as if reliving the memory of that night he wandered to the bed and sat down with his head buried in his hands.

“Well most of the story is true but my perfect brother left out one important part… one very important part.”

Tentatively she walked to the bed and sat beside him. “Please tell me.”

Sighing he lifted his head and gazed aimlessly at the empty space across the room.

“Max never …approved of Denise. He would talk about her all the time, to my parents, my friends. He thought she was trash, not good enough for an Evans man.”

His voice softened as if the pain was clutching his heart.

“But then again I was never good enough for my family either.”

Zan - “

“No, you need to hear this. I know my brother cares about me, but he sees things in black and white, good and bad. I don't have to tell you that people aren't that way. I don't know maybe it was because everything came so easily to him, he never had to fight for anything. He was my parents golden boy, and I was always …just shit.”

His chest heaved as the sadness of a lifetime weighed upon him.

“Max was a wedge between me and my parents, unknowingly he would make it so I would never be good enough for them. My whole life he would fill them in on some fucked up thing I did, I think he thought he was helping …I think that’s what he was doing that night…at least that’s what I’ve decided to believe.”

Tucking her hair behind her ears she felt the effects of the vodka as her heart flurried in her chest completely hanging on his every word.

“Denise was far from perfect, but neither was I. The only time I felt whole, normal …was when I was with her. We talked it out, why she did what she did. She was going to stay, we were going to try, I saw it in her eyes …she loved me and we had a chance. I never should’ve left that night…”

He turned his weary eyes towards her and pushed a stray hair from her lips.

“I went for a drive, just to clear my head, I couldn’t been gone more than an hour, but it was long enough for Max to get to her. He came by the apartment looking for me, I guess he took the opportunity to let Denise know exactly how wrong she was for me, how even if I forgave her my family wouldn’t. He told her that if I stayed with her it would be an embarrassment to them. He said that real love is sacrifice and if she really loved me she would leave and never come back.”

Stunned Liz rested her hand on over his lost as to what to say.

“I guess she really did love me, because I never saw her again.”

Trying to find her voice Liz whispered hoping not to hurt him anymore than he already was.

“How did you find out?”

Trying hard to hide his pain he looked away doing everything he could to steady his shaky voice.

“When my parents died I was pretty lost, all I wanted to do was fight or find a way to numb myself. I was spiraling pretty fast, at the funeral I had gotten hammered. I couldn’t deal with the fact that I would never have the chance to mean something to them. I would always be a disappointment to them...forever.”

To Liz’s surprise his voice broke as powerful memories filled his mind.

“Max planned everything of course, dressed in his best suit, he was strong, held It together, did everything a son would do to make their parents proud, even in death. He just couldn’t deal with me, not on that day I guess. I mean who gives a shit about saying the right thing to the fucking neighbors when your parents just died?”

Softly she squeezed his hand knowing that she would probably had acted the same way.

“That’s when he took me outside, he was actually going to fight me. Even as drunk as I was I could drop him to the ground in seconds but something snapped that day I guess. That’s when he told me everything, what he said, how he …convinced her to leave.”

“Zan …I’m so sorry.”

“That’s when I took off, I always thought she left because of me... all that time. Anyway I started a new life, tried to at least. A new town made it easier, no memories.”

Flipping her hand over he rubbed her thumb gently.

“He’s the only family I have left, I had to forgive him. So after all this time I come home, back to this town, this life…and who do I find shivering in the snow…”

“Oh my god you thought I was Denise …after everything.”

Shaking his head no he cupped her cheek.

“At first glance yeah I did, but it only took a second to realize that you were not only not her, you were nothing like her. For the first time in so long I felt …alive. I could see you, right through you, and you leveled me…right to the fucking ground.”

His lips drifted close to her as if a magnet was pulling him without will towards his dream.

She was breathless, shaky.

“But you were so mean, you acted like you hated me.”

“I did hate you, I hated that fate would shove you in my face. I hated that I could never have you and that he didn’t deserve you.”

Lightly brushing his lips to hers as he whispered he floored her once again.

“I hated that I loved you.”

Soft tender kisses melted her very soul as she rested her hands on his shoulders lost in the belief that someone could know her …know everything about her and love her all the same.

Rough calloused hands smoothed across her belly as she lay across the bed surrendering to something she so desperately needed.

It wasn’t the sex that pulled them together, it was the understanding of each other’s pain, the acceptance of faults that no other could perceive.

They were the same, beautiful in each other’s eyes.

Kicking off their boots he hovered over her staring down at her, his hand cupping the soft curve of her breast.

Nothing left to hide; they took a second realizing this would be something that could never be undone.

The consequences would be devastating, that was understood but nothing could stand in their way now.

A silent moment would define them both as she nodded slowly as if giving her consent.

Pulling off her sweater he unclasped her bra pulling it from her shoulders and throwing it to the floor.

Standing he slowly stripped her of her jeans and panties.

She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, every part of her, every perfect flaw, every exotic feature.

She was his, in that moment something took hold of him …his peace, his solace …his heaven.

Winded from the pure vulnerability that only he would know he pulled his tee shirt over his head and quickly disposed of the rest of this clothes.

Trembling under the intensity of his stare and the unimaginable hard body that would soon devour her and take all the pain away Liz held her breath waiting for his touch.

His hands grazed her thighs moving them apart. Groans and gasps of air echoed through the small room as the heat of their naked skin touched for the first time.

Urgently trying to restrain himself he kissed her neck clutching her silky hair in his hands.

Panting he pressed his lips to her ear just as she wrapped her legs around his waist positioning him at her wet entrance.

“L-Liz I want to take this slow but – “

Running her hands through the back of his hair she begged breathlessly for him to take her.

“Please Zan don’t stop.”

A deep throaty growl left his open mouth as he buried himself in her as she cried out for more.

Sweat covered his body as he greedily slammed inside her again and again; it was a need that had been pent up for so long there was no controlling it.

His mouth crashed down on her swallowing her moans and pleas as she rose up to meet every powerful thrust.

Releasing her puffy lips he stared down into her eyes knowing she was close.

He needed to see that perfect moment that was his and his alone.

Reaching down he grazed her breast and the soft line of her hip before touching her where she needed it the most.

Embarrassed by the raw emotions that were coming too fast to handle she tried to turn her head away from him and close her eyes.

“No, please…look at me … I want to see you….please give me this.”

With one more flick of his thumb her eyes widened as she cried out for him, falling fast after her he collapsed beside her resting his arm securely around the curve of her hip.

Feeling her shake he opened his eyes to find tears streaming down her face.

Reaching for her he held her tight in his arms. “What is it? Did I hurt you?”

Unable to speak she shook her head no and buried her head against his chest.

Feeling the same, at that moment he understood.

“It’s ok, I feel it too…It’s going to be ok, I promise.”

Kissing the top of her head he stared across the room lost in thought.

Zan had no idea how to make this right, or what would happen next but there was one thing that pounded hard in his damaged heart…

He had another chance at love …

And this time he wasn’t going to let it go without a fight.