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I am what I am (CC,M/L,ADULT) [WIP]

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 9:37 pm
by dreambeliever
Title: I am what I am

Author: dreambeliever

Category: CC UC M/T, Mx/Ma, M/L

Rating: Adult

Disclaimer: I own nothing, nothing at all. I simply borrow the characters of Roswell for my reading and writing enjoyment...and sometime Max for other enjoyment.. :wink: to explain, during EOTW Liz leaves town with FMax and heads to California. Years later, she's a big time actress with her own secrets.

A/N: May seem like UC but bear with me, I am a dreamer at heart and I guarantee a dreamer ending. Also I think I'm seriously crazy..I have three stories in progress (none finished) and I've started this one. I just couldn't seem to shake this storyline. It is a little unconvential for me and this one is harder to write than any of my others, simply becuase of the way I'm writing the characters, completely new for me. I'm not sure if I want to continue with the story because it is unchartered territory for me, so I'll let your feedback decide for me. Hope you enjoy.

Special thanks to Julie for her beta help and to Kristin for my awesome banner! :lol:



Maria smiled happily and looked around her living room.

This was a great idea she thought to herself, finally everyone together. It had been quite a while since that had happened. Tension was always high amongst the group lately.

She watched as Zan, Max and Tess’s son, tried to situate himself between his mom and stepdad Kyle.

Maria wasn’t too close to the little boy, but she had plans to change that. She would get to know him; they were after all, family.

She felt the dip of the cushions, as her boyfriend of six months straight, a record for her, took a seat next to her.

Two weeks ago they had finally taken a step forward in their relationship and moved in together. He hadn’t wanted to at first but Maria had finally made him see her reasoning. He could be a little difficult at times, but she knew how to handle his type. She’d had enough practice over the years.

Leaning her head on his shoulder she made herself more comfortable.

“Do you think we’ll see her?” Alex asked from his spot on the floor with Isabel.

“I’m pretty sure; I heard she’s up for an Oscar for her last movie.” Tess said aloud.

“I wonder what she’ll wear.” Leave it to Isabel to wonder about who was wearing whom.

“Forget what she’s wearing, I wonder who she’s going with? Last I heard she and Zack Roberts had broken up.” Maria piped up. They had recently purchased a fifty two inch TV and she then she had the brilliant idea of hosting a house warming / Oscar Awards party, against the better judgment of her other half.

He had told her he didn’t think it was a good idea and once again she had proven him wrong.

“Shh..shhh…I think she’s arriving.” Alex shushed the room as he grabbed the remote and turned up the volume of the TV.

“….it is her folks, what a night this will be. The leading lady of the box office hit ‘Dreams’ has just arrived. Rumor has it that she is a shoo in for the Oscars tonight.” They heard the announcer talk, but no one focused on him, all eyes were on the black stretch limo that just pulled up.

The door opened and a tall sandy blond hair man got out and leaned in to assist her.

They watched as one tiny gold strapped foot appeared, attached to a lean tan leg. A slip of golden sequined material appeared.

An equally tan arm reached out as the gentleman gently reached for her well manicured hand.

Finally Liz Parker appeared completely out of the limo, dressed in a long flowing golden gown. It was a halter style dress with a plunging neckline, which highlighted her rounded chest very well.

Over the years Liz had filled out in many womanly places and it looked very good on her. Maria surmised, briefly she wondered if Liz had had enhancement surgery but she didn’t think so. It had been years since she spoke with Liz, but Maria knew Liz wasn’t that type.

She wore her long brown hair out and it flowed around her face, small wisps of waves framing her striking features.

But what stood out the most, and usually did was her smile. You could tell hers was real and not forced.

They watched as she waved and stopped every few feet to sign some autographs, and then finally making her way to one of the interviewers.

“Liz Parker, you are America’s sweet heart, as you say, you’re the average girl next door, but looking at you tonight, you are anything but.”

Liz laughed at his comment, “Well George, let me tell you, this is nothing more than a fancy dress and some makeup. Underneath it all, I’m still Liz Parker. Isn’t that right?” Flashing her trademark smile quickly up at her companion and then turned her attention back to the interviewer.

“And if you don’t mind us asking, just who is lucky enough to be your escort this evening.”

The cameras finally zoomed in on the man at Liz’s side.

Maria straightened her back as the cameras panned in close to the man.

It couldn’t be..but it certainly looked like him, she hadn’t seen him in a year, but she would know him anywhere.

Isabel gasped, “That’s….that’s…oh my god.”

“I don’t believe it” Tess spoke up.

“I’ll be dammed.” Kyle muttered.

They all sat silently, waiting for Liz to speak, they watched as she smiled adoringly up to her companion, silently asking for permission, they watched him smirk and nodded ever so slightly, her smile widened as she turned back to the camera.

“Everyone, this is an old friend, Michael Guerin.” Turning back to Michael she spoke up again “Michael, meet America.” She giggled and motioned to the cameras.

The camera panned out and the announcer moved the mic back towards him.

“There you have it folks, Oscar nominee Liz Parker and her escort Michael Guerin. Thank you Liz and good luck tonight.”

Liz smiled and thanked the announcer, and on the arm of Michael Guerin, she moved on to the next interviewer.

Back in the living room everyone turned, still slightly shocked, towards the couch.

“What the fuck does he think he’s doing?” Max roared, jumping up from his spot on the couch next to Maria.

:oops: ............TBC?...............Shelah

Re: I am what I am (CC M/L, Adult) 8/17 - Prologue

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 7:01 am
by dreambeliever
I'm finally back from 26 days I've had in years! Visited family in Philly, Jersey and Florida. Finished it off with a cruise to Mexico :lol: Now I'm relaxed and ready to continue with my stories.

Thank you to everyone who left feedback, because of the wonderful responses I'm moving forward with this one.

Thank you also to Jules for the beta help. :wink:

Chapter 1


He climbed up her ladder with determination. Tonight he was going to get her back, he thought as he reached the top. Pulling the tickets out of his back pocket, he wished he had remembered to stop and pick her up some chocolates. This night had to be perfect, he had to make her see that there wasn’t anyone else for him, but her. Recently, he noticed her resolve was beginning to crumble, she would soon be his again and all would be right again in his life.

He couldn’t lose Liz, she was his anchor, his other half, she made him grow and change, he wants to be a better man for her.

There are no words to describe the love he feels for Liz, it just was what it was.

Peering into her bedroom he takes a moment to drink in the sight of her, sitting at her desk, her head bent forward. She was writing, probably in her journal.

Reaching out to tap the glass he watched her turn towards the window a small smile forming on her mouth. Opening the window for him she met his gaze, a warm rush of pink flushing her cheeks.

“Hi” he said


“Can we talk?” he asked softly.

“Sure, come inside” motioning him in and waving a hand to her bed.

He took a seat on the edge of her bed and waited for her as she turned her desk chair around and faced him.


“Shhh, Max, it’s okay.” She jumped out of the chair and sat before him on the floor, resting her hands on his knees.

His body was on fire from her slight touch, what was she doing to him?

Shocked he looked down and took in the sight of Liz on her knees in front of him. Her eyes pleading with him, for something…what was it? Regret… sadness?

“Liz, what’s wrong?” Brushing her tendrils away from her face, he stared down into her warm eyes. He cupped her chin in his hand “Talk to me Liz, what’s going on?” his thumb stroking her chin gently.

“Nothing’s wrong Max, everything is the way it’s supposed to be.” There it was again..her eyes, he thought, she wants something, needs something from me. What was she telling him?

Slowly he brought his face close to hers watching waiting as she tenderly leaned up to meet him.

He stopped inches away from her face, his gaze burning into hers, he gave her one last chance, this was it, there was no going back now, and he didn’t think he could stop if he wanted.

His lips descended onto hers. He reached around and gently lifted her onto his lap.

Moaning deep within himself he devoured her sweet lips.

He could feel his growing need for her as she fluttered her tongue along his lips, he nibbled on her lower lip, god, how he had wanted to do that for so long.

He squeezed her tighter, all he wanted to do was hold on to her and never let go.

Pulling her closer, he broke away from her lips and began to nibble on her neck, his tongue grazing her collarbone.

Grabbing her shoulders, his gaze burning into hers, rooting her in her position, he finally spoke.

“Liz, if we keep this up I won’t be able to stop. Tell me to stop Liz.” He whispered as he sucked her soft skin.

“Don’t stop Max, I want this, I want you.” She panted out.

Sucking in his breath he slid one hand under her shirt and up her spine. God how he wanted her, needed her.

She moved slightly and with that tiny movement his achingly sensitive manhood went rock hard.

Groaning deeper he flips them around and pins her to the bed.

The intense lovemaking that followed was unparalleled to anything Max had ever felt, when their bodies joined as one and their souls melded together, it was the first time in his life he had felt complete and safe and as he opened the connection baring his soul, his life, every emotion, he knew he would love her forever.

Sweat trickled down his body as he shot straight up, his chest heaving quickly.

“Another nightmare?” Maria asked sleepily from her side of the bed.

“Yeah” Max answered, trying to control his breathing. It wasn’t the first time had had dreamt of that night so long ago.

He hated dreaming of her, it was a weakness, she had been a weakness and Max didn’t have weaknesses, not anymore.

“Max, tell me about them, your nightmares….maybe I can help.” Maria prodded. It was always like this. He had dreams that kept him awake at night but he never told her what it was about.

She suspected it was the white room, but she never knew for certain.

“You can’t.” he clipped out, he wasn’t stupid, you didn’t tell you current girlfriend that you still dreamt of the love of your life, no…..not the love of his life, his first love. That’s what she was, how could he love her still, hadn’t she left him?

Knowing he wasn’t going to be able to get anymore sleep he made his way out of bed.

“Max, come back to bed. Come on….if you can’t sleep, I’m sure we could find something else to do.” Maria said suggestively, not wanting him to leave her alone in their bed, yet again.

Max hadn’t bothered to respond, but continued to make his way to the living room. He didn’t offer her an explanation; she didn’t expect one by now. This was a regular occurrence for them. He didn’t explain, he didn’t argue, he simply did.

Flopping on his living room couch he surfed through the channels. ‘The Matrix’ was showing, he loved that movie but tonight he wasn’t in the mood. He finally settled on another movie, he’d watched this one before, hundreds of times. He wanted to watch it again, not because she was in it, but because it had a good story line, he reasoned with himself. Never mind that he couldn’t remember exactly what it was about, and as he settled down his eyes followed and studied a certain brunette on screen. He told himself again, he didn’t want to watch the movie because of her. Never because of her.

Maria hearing the TV, sighed and settled back into bed. She was sure Max still dreamt of the white room and she vowed to try to help him through it. Obviously he hadn’t dealt with it properly before, or else he still wouldn’t be strumming up nightmares.

She would help him, that’s what girlfriends were for. She would be the one to change him; he was a good man who had the weight of the world on his shoulders. It was a no wonder he was so closed off, he was stressed.

He needed to be strong for the group and Maria was going to help him.


Re: I am what I am (CC M/L, Adult) 9/28 -Ch.2 Pg.3

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 5:57 pm
by dreambeliever
rosyrosy2882 wrote:bleh, i cant imagine Maria and Max together. It just seems completely awkward...or is it just me?
Don't worry it's not just you, even I'm uncomfortable writing them together, but it's part of the story soo..what can I do? Hope you're enjoying the story and thank you for taking the time to leave me feedback.
keepsmiling7 wrote:This is really a messed up arrangement.......I have a hard time seeing Maria with Max!

P.S. I'm glad you are back and had such a great vacation.
I have a harder time writing :roll: And my vaction was great but I'm glad to be back, I was jonesing for Roswell... :lol:
cupcake_55 wrote:I love it!!! so Max is in denial land... I can't wait to know what happened in the lives of everyone in all these years , amazing job as always !!! :D
Thank You :oops:
mary mary wrote:Poor, clueless young woman!
You hit it right on the nail!
Michelle17 wrote:I love the update!!!!! I can't wait for more!!!!!! Where is Liz now?
Liz is still in California and answers to your other questions will come soon :mrgreen:

**marymary and Michelle17: I'm sorry about the double quote box, everytime I try to fix it and submit changes, it doesn't save them, I don't know why :?: Me and the computer are not so friendly right now :x grr

Thank you to everyone for reading and to those who left feedback, I really do LOVE it! :lol: :oops:

Chapter 2


“You shouldn’t have done that Liz.”

“Max, will you please just stop.” Liz pleaded as she sat in the passenger seat and watched the desert go by.

She watched as the desert whirled past and thought about what had taken place mere hours ago. She and Max had cemented their relationship, they had finally made love. A small smile ghosted her face.

“How is sleeping with him going to make him fall OUT of love with you? I told you, this is important, everyone’s life depends on it” Future Max bellowed from the driver’s side, every few seconds glancing at Liz and back to the long stretch of road in front of them.

“You didn’t say we couldn’t cement the relationship, you don’t think I didn’t think about this, about the whole messed up situation. I’m going to lose him Max, if only for a little while and I wanted that, I wanted that moment.” She turned her face to him finally, her eyes brimming with tears.

Swiping the back of her hand across her face, wiping away the tears threatening to fall, she began to tell Future Max her plan.

“Look, you said that in the original timeline Tess left town and left you guys without a complete unit.”

FMax nodded slowly, never taking his eyes off the road.

Liz breathed in deep and continued on “Why exactly does he have to fall in love with her? The way I see it is, as long as we keep her here, we should be okay. I’ve noticed lately her and Kyle have been close, when she first came to town they had been attracted to each other somewhat. Maybe now those feelings are developing more. So we keep her in town and let her explore her feelings for Kyle, show her she could have a life here…with us.” she finished and waited for FMax to respond.

“How exactly is sleeping with him and then fleeing town at the crack of dawn going to accomplish that?” FMax sent her a questioning look before bringing his eyes back to the road. “If I knew what you were planning Liz, I wouldn’t have agreed to this.”

“Well then it’s a good thing I didn’t tell you, isn’t it?”

“Why did you have to sleep with him?”

She knew he would have questions, last night she had simply told him that she had a plan and asked him to find a car for them to leave town, she had told him to meet her in the alley and be ready to go. He hadn’t known that she planned on still cementing her relationship with Max, she hadn’t told him, for fear of him not agreeing and she wanted last night to happen. She wanted to make love with her Max, she was leaving her home, her family, her friends, her Max. The memory of last night would help get her through.

“Liz?” Max asked, breaking into Liz’s thoughts

“I…I’m losing everything Max, my home, friends…I didn’t want to lose him too. I thought if I just took myself out of the picture for a little bit, Tess wouldn’t feel so threatened and maybe, just maybe she’d assimilate herself into the group. Later when she has established her own life, I’ll come back and then we can all move on in our lives, with Tess firmly situated in Roswell, with us.”

How could she explain that she couldn’t lose Max, there had to be a way for them to be together and not cause the end of the world, and she was pretty sure this was it. Tess just needed a little time, that’s all.

“In the morning when he…..” FMax began to question, Liz quickly cut him off.

“I left him a note.” It was just a whisper, but in the now silent car it was heard loud and clear.

Hours later she watched the ‘Welcome to California’ sign whizz by and she finally thought to ask, where exactly they were headed.

His reply shocked her to her core.

“You’re pregnant” he blurted out.

Liz Parker made her way down the long highway, her thoughts drifting back to the day she had first come to California, the day she had found out about Haley.

Haley Maxine Evans, her beautiful and cherished daughter 5 …no, 5 ½ years old, as she was often reminded by the little girl herself.

Liz drove her car through the windy roads, enjoying these few silent moments of peace. Out of habit and years of experience her eyes scanned the area, looking for any sign of possible dangers. Flipping on her turn signal she glanced in the rearview mirror again, seeing nothing she continued on.

Three years ago she had purchased a large estate, deep on the outskirts of Hollywood. Many times since then, whenever a piece of property became available, that was near, or connected to her own, if she could afford to, she bought it. The result was now hundreds of acres of a small picturesque town now named Whirlwind waters.

To anyone driving through Whirlwind waters it was a quaint small town, just out of the movies. Cobblestone roads, small sidewalk shops, a town square, it even had a large Gazebo right in the middle of the main roundabout. There was of course Main St. where all the town shops and restaurants were and several small streets that housed neighborhoods and schools. There was no inn, no hotel or motel so travelers did not have the opportunity to overnight, which of course was intentional.

What people didn’t know and all residents of the small town did, was the town residents were primarily aliens. Not the illegal immigrant type, but the out of this world extraterrestrial type. Not all residents were alien there were some people who were just gifted with special powers and there were of course humans. The humans were usually family members, wives, husbands or just really good friends of alien or the residents with special powers.

Liz drove her car past the welcome sign and waved to the barely visible guard located in the watch tower. In a town full of aliens there were some extreme security measures taken. Like for instance, as soon as her car turned off the main road, town security had been notified and the cameras had captured her car on camera. Then guard 1, the guard in the watch tower, has already reconfirmed her arrival. Several more guards strategically placed will of course confirm her arrival and Antar Manor will be notified of her impending arrival.

The routine was different though if she were a casual traveler who just happened to stumble upon the small town. Once the camera captured the suspicious car, the plates were recorded and instantly searched throughout the many government databases, identifying the cars’ owner. Often before the car even made it to Main St. town security knew names, DMV records, jobs, marital status and more. If the traveler happened to stop in one of the local shops or diners or the gas station other measures were taken, fingerprints were scanned, DNA collected and tested. All done, unbeknownst to the traveler or travelers, and all done as a security measure to keep the residents safe.

She drove her car down the tree lined streets past the main town coming to a slow stop at the end of one road and turned onto the driveway. She waited as the female guard opened the gates waving to her as she drove by. Looking out over the rolls of green hills small buildings scattered here and there she smiled inwardly thinking of her daughter waiting for her. She pulled up to the big house and practically jumped out the car. Halfway to the entrance, the door flew opened and a small blur of dark hair flew into her arms.

“Mommy, you’re home.” Liz held her daughter in a tight embrace and kissed the top of her head.

“Yes I am honey, yes I am.”

Whirlwind waters was exactly what it should be a small town with friendly people and Liz loved to call it home.


Re: I am what I am (CC M/L, Adult) 10/6 -Ch.3 Pg.4

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 12:31 am
by dreambeliever
cupcake_55 wrote:OMG!!! so Liz was pregnant... interesting, i like the glimpse in Liz life, where is Fmax???, Why Michael is in California??, i cant wait for the next chapter, amazing job!!! :D
Thanks for the feedback,FMax and Michael still remain a mystery, but soon...
mary mary wrote:well, it looks like you've got our interest here. So glad you enjoyed your vacation and twice as glad that you are back with us. Looking for more soon.
Ginger I loved my vacay! Thanks.
keepsmiling7 wrote:Well, Liz's original plan didn't work out just the way she expected!!
How did Michael get involved....??
Does the little girl know who her daddy is?
Is Kal involved in this?
So many questions, can't wait till we find out more of this mystery.
Very true, Liz's plan went completely wrong. More to your questions soon. Thanks for the feedback
begonia9508 wrote:She won't be pleased to know that her efforts succeded only in him falling in Maria's arms! :twisted: ... and I wonder what's behind Michael leaving Roswell?
Did Maria already planed to be with Max and Michael couldn't accept it?
He didn't exactly fall into Maria's arms...but yeah, she probably never thought that would happen, How Michael comes to be in Cali won't happen in this chapter but definitely in the next....stay tuned. Thanks for leaving FB
nibbles2 wrote:I'm going to go against the grain and say that I think Liz is really selfish. I can't believe that she would be so cruel and self-centred as to sleep with Max and then take off like that.
Against the grain? Naahhh It's very true. Liz did act selfishly, she knew how much Max loved her and she took what he gave and ran with it (literally :roll: )

furthermore, for her to then deny him any knowledge of his daughter is incredibly selfish. With all her resources and contacts, she must know that Tess stayed and is in a relationship with Kyle so why hasn't she come back like she said she would? Why go to all the trouble of creating a safe haven for aliens and then not Finviting her friends there? They didn't do anything to her, she's the one who ran off and left.

Liz did run off and leave, there are many reasons why she has done what she has done. She has made some questionable decisions, but at 17 years old, who doesn’t?

I can see Maria being very hurt by both Liz and Michael abandoning her and wanting to hurt them return but it didn't come across that way. She seems to be very naively in love with Max and it totally doesn't ring true.

Maria is not trying to hurt anyone, she’s just in a relationship with Max.

And Michael is another person I can't get my head around. Why is he a) friends with Liz when he couldn't stand her before, B) willing to get dressed up in formal attire c)going to an event like the Oscars which he would have hated before. Yep, definitely abducted by aliens[/quote]
That is a very good question, why would Michael get dressed up, I do have to say, he was not abducted but went willingly.
Thank you for reading and for leaving feedback. I love to hear about the different ways the story is seen. Hope you continue to read.

keepsmiling7 wrote:Have a question.......when did Max and Tess get together and produce Zan....???
rosyrosy2882 wrote:now i dont kno what i feel about his. Liz was pregnant, with Max's baby...but apparently she never went back like her plan. so she's kinda being selfish...but, agg, i dont know. im getting mixed emotions
The question is why didn't Liz go back? It wasn't to hurt Max in any way. She was young and made a bad judgement call...Thanks for reading
dreamerfiend wrote: And how did that community become alien populated? So many questions! Come back with more soon!
lol...what is that saying "Birds of a feather flock together" The answers to your questions soon...thanks for tuning in and for the FB

Thank you to everyone for reading and a big hello to the lurkers, I hope everyone is enjoying the story as much as I enjoy writing it. As some of you may have noticed the characters are a bit different from usual but I am trying to keep them within their personality traits. So even if they are different it wouldn't be completely illogical that they would act this way. Hopefully all the threads come together and the finished project will suffice for everyone, I do have to say that I really do enjoy writing these characters.

A big THANKS to Jules for beta-ing... Thank You :lol:

Thanks for following the story and on with the show.......

Chapter 3

“Cal, we need your help.” FMax paced back and forth, stopping he faced the mirror over the fireplace and rested both hands on the mantle, dropping his head.

He seemed sad, worn.

“Why would I help you?” Cal Jeered from where he sat on the pristine white couch sipping on a tall glass of lemonade.

FMax spun around his eyes fierce, his features emotionless. He stood tall and confident and very comfortable with his self. Liz couldn’t help but notice the difference between this Max and her Max.

“I’m not in the mood for this right now, I ORDER you to help us. She…” motioning towards Liz “she’s pregnant.” He admitted, his voice laced with sorrow and envy.

“So what? You knocked her up and you want me to hide her from your other self.”

“I didn’t get her pregnant! He…did” FMax murmured, again Liz couldn’t help but hear the slight tremor of envy.

“Are you sure?” Cal questioned, having showed no emotion over this current news.

“Aside from the fact that I’ve never touched her like that, yes I’m sure.”

“How do you know, if it’s not yours, how do you she’s pregnant?” Cal appeared to be interested in Max’s answer, for he sat his glass down on the coffee table and waited for Max to speak.

“I felt her, the baby, her presence, she’s calling for him and she calls to me through him, it’s faint but it’s there. I don’t know how I…I.. just know.”

Liz gasped from the arm chair she had been quietly sitting in. This was the first time Max had spoken of the baby since he originally made the announcement to her. Forcing herself to not ask questions, she had waited for him to tell her. She too wondered how he knew and her right hand instinctively went to her stomach.

“She? It’s a girl?” her eyes softening as her voice did.

It’s a girl, she was having a baby girl, she was having Max’s daughter. What was she going to do? Max deserved to know, but she was supposed to stay away. Tess would definitely feel threatened if Liz came back to town now and pregnant with Max’s child. She wondered what his reaction would be, would he be happy? Would he feel trapped? No, Max isn’t like that, he loved her and she was sure he would be overjoyed, if he knew.

Her mind furiously worked to figure out a plan, she would stay away for a few months and try to keep in touch with Maria or Alex and when it seemed that Tess was settled, she would go back to Roswell and then her and Max would have their baby and their life.

She could continue to go to school until then, she had enough credits and if she worked just a little bit harder she would be able to graduate earlier and her and Max could both attend college part time while maintaining jobs. Harvard was now out of the question, she couldn’t afford Harvard now, but that’s okay, she had something better, she would have her own family. UNM had an on campus nursery her and Max could make this work.

“We’ll stick to the plan, it’s just now I’ll return pregnant.” Liz said, unable to hide the excitement in her voice.

“Alien pregnancies last for one month.” Cal told her.

“One month? One month? I’ll be pregnant for just one” Shocked she rubbed her stomach, somewhat awed by the fact that in one month she would be a mother.

“I don’t know if that would be enough time for Tess to get settled in.” FMax’s voice interrupted her thoughts

“It’ll have to be…Max and I love each other and I know he will want this to, we’ll figure out something when the time comes.” Confidently Liz stood up and turned towards Cal. “Now where can I freshen up?”

“We saw you on TV. You were beautiful, as usual.” Cal came up behind Haley, his eyes, bright with pride, meeting Liz’s.

“Yeah mommy, we saw you on tv, you were bootiful and your dress was soo shiny.”

Liz set her Haley down and reached out and embraced the little girls hand in her own, Cal joined them and dropped his arm on Liz’s shoulder and the trio made their way into the house.

****Later that day

"We’re getting reports of another attack on them; you haven’t gotten anything yet have you?” Cal looked to Liz, who sat at the head of the large conference room.

Liz met Cal’s concerned eyes and shook her head no.

“Nothing yet, are we sure it’s them?”

“Yeah our contact confirms it.” Ava answered her.

Years ago a few days after Haley’s birth Ava had arrived in California; she had proved to be a strong ally and an even better family member for Liz, Haley and Cal.

Liz and Ava had become the daughters Cal had never had and Haley his granddaughter and together they had made quite a family until over a year ago and Michael joined their small but growing family. She had to admit, Michael had proven to also be a great ally and wonderful with Haley.

Sighing Liz rested her head in her hands and ran them down her face before looking up at the others at the table.

“Is it possible Kivar knows of our contacts and is setting a trap?” She asked the group.

Cal was the first to respond, “It’s possible Liz, but very unlikely, we’ve been really cautious.”

“I know, but just in case, I don’t want to put them in any danger, Kivar won’t think twice about killing whoever waylays his plans. We have to be sure.” Concern for the contact evident in her voice. “We can’t risk it, and I haven’t received a premonition about this one yet.” Making up her mind she rested both hands on the table. “We don’t have a time or place yet, so until then we prepare.”

“Or we do nothing and Kivar does us a favor and rids this planet of his stupidness.”
Not bothering to hide his disdain for the once King of Antar Cal pressed on “He doesn’t deserve us Liz, us fighting his fights, protecting him, while he sits and leads his normal human life. He’s an embarrassment to…” before he could finish Liz jumped in

“Cal! We’ve been through this before, stop..please.” Her voice firm but tired, weary from years of discussion with Cal about the subject.

Cal resigned himself and sheepishly looked to Liz for forgiveness.

Ava decided now would be a good time to bring up another subject.

“When are you leaving for Japan Liz?”

Liz glanced towards Ava and silently thanked her with a grateful smile.

“We leave in two days and I plan to spend as much time as possible with Hales.” Her spirits picking up at the mere thought of her daughter.

“Speaking of which, where the hell is Michael?” Cal questioned

“Oh he stayed, he and Serena decided to go to Universal Studios. Meeting adjourned” She announced playfully already rising and making her way towards the door.

“They went..AGAIN?” exasperatedly Ava asked following Liz out “How many times does and adult need to go there?”

Laughing they headed out the door as a smiling Cal followed.


Re: I am what I am (CC M/L, Adult) 10/13 -Ch.4 Pg.5

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 6:16 am
by dreambeliever
keepsmiling7 : Yes, Liz has been fighting Kivar for years.

begonia9508 : There is a lot more to Michael and Maria’s relationship, we learn more soon.

nibbles2: Liz’s choice to live under public scrutiny should surprise some..more insight to her choices come soon, not this chapter…but soon. Maria does know how much Max loved Liz, but a lot of time has gone by and a lot has happened, in her defense, she’s not delusional and she’s not oblivious…she’ll be okay…you’ll see. As for the candy ending…I’m really working on that….but Michael is just not cooperating….but I’m really trying.

mary mary: Thank you!

AlysLuv: Thanks for tuning in….

rosyrosy2882: I’m afraid I can’t answer all your questions, but here’s a little insight into Michael

L-J-L 76 : LOL…if I answered all your questions now, there wouldn’t be anything left to read and then where’s the fun in that? I guess you’ll just have to keep checking in….

Chapter 4

“Do we have confirmation yet on who it is?” She spoke to Serena on her cell phone as she drove towards Whirlwind waters.

Serena had emerged from her pod twenty three years ago, here on Earth, but unlike the Royal four, her Antarian parents were here with her, up until two years ago when they were killed by Kivar during battle, Serena herself barely making it out alive.

That was the day her and Liz met.

Serena Jarves, was another alien hybrid and Liz’s head of security and right now she was doing her job.

“Yes, it’s the second in command.”


Two hours ago Liz had been notified that one of the Royal four had arrived at Whirlwind waters, upon hearing this she immediately jumped in her car, called Ava, who acted as her assistant, and had her cancel all of her appointments and appearances for that day.

What was Michael doing in Whirlwind waters? Did he know she was here? Who else knew?

“Is he alone?” Afraid to ask the question, fearing the answer.

“As far as we can tell, he was the only one in the vehicle upon entrance. We’ve given him and his car a thorough check, he’s clean.” Serena replied, her tone warm but professional. She and Liz were friends but she was still expected to do her job and she did.

“I’ll be there in twenty minutes…..and Sere, don’t hurt him…make him comfortable.”

“Of course.”

“What exactly are you doing here Liz?” He asked me, his eyes studying my body movements.

“What are you doing here?” I ask him in reply, how did he find me, there was no record, no one knew of her connection to the little town.

“I asked you first.” Not needing to say more than the child- like response, he shrugged his shoulders and waited for me to answer.

Sighing she searched her brain to find an acceptable answer that would satisfy him, without divulging too much. She needed to get rid of him fast.

Sensing her inner turmoil he flatly said “The truth, Liz”

“I live here.” The truth was always best.

“You live in Hollywood.”

“I live there the public eye, I live in Hollywood, but what they don’t know is I have a whole separate life, a personal life and that life is here.”

“Why?” Raising one eyebrow, challenging her.


“Why do you keep separate lives, why not just live one, who cares what the public thinks?”

“I have my reasons.”

“Why are you here Liz?” emphasizing his point he pointed towards the ground.

“I told you, I live…”

“No, I mean why are you here, in a town full of aliens.” He waited and watched for her response, if he was hoping to get an answer from her he was wrong. Years of hiding her emotions, years of acting had taught Liz how and Liz was very good at masking her true feelings.

“What do you want me to say Michael, what do you want to hear?” Mocking him, she raised one eyebrow and waited, what did he expect from her?

“I want to know why you are here in a town full of aliens.” She could tell she was annoying him now, Michael was never one for patience, and drawing out her answers was starting to grate on his nerves.

“I’ll tell you the truth but, I want to know how you found me?”

He snorted at her response “I wasn’t looking for you; I was looking for this town. I heard about it.”

“From who?” Who else knew about the town? They never left a trail, no one knew about the special residents. Her mind, furiously reanalyzing every public detail about the town, wondering if they had a leak.

“I can’t tell you that.” For the love of….she needed to appeal to him another way, switching tactics she tried again, this time imploring his alien vulnerabilities.

”Michael, right now everyone here is safe right now and we want to keep it that way, not too many people know about this place… it’s a safe zone, a stress free environment and if that environment has been breached then there are measures that need to be taken. I need to know.”

She watched as Michael silently weighed his options. “Courtney…she umm told me about a large group of aliens that stayed together, they supposedly lived in California. I didn’t know where exactly, I just drove around until I felt the pull.”

The truce had been made, the truth had come out and now he waited for the same from her.

“I created this town. I met up with the group of aliens, that Courtney was speaking of and when I had enough money I bought land for us to stay together, as the group grew, so did the town, Whirlwind waters is the end result.”

Just as she finished her last word the door flew open and Haley came running in, Ava’s voice trailing behind her.

“Mommy, I knew you were home, I knew it. I could feel you.” Haley stopped as she reached Liz’s side, curiously glancing towards Michael.

“That’s because mommy wanted to stop in here first and visit with an old friend.” Reaching down and ruffling her daughter’s hair.

“I’m sorry Liz, she’s been antsy for the past ten minutes, having felt you, and I tried to keep her preoccupied.” A flustered Ava came rushing in after Haley.

“It’s okay Ava.” She smiled warmly to the petite blond who resembled Tess so much physically but the two so differently in personalities. Kneeling down, she came eye level with Haley.

“Haley, I want you to meet a friend of mommy’s okay?” she waited and the girl shyly glanced away from Michael and back to her mother nodding.

“Haley this is Uncle Michael.” Liz turned her daughter around to fully face Michael so the introductions could be made.

“Michael this is my daughter, Haley” To anyone on the outside Liz would seem cool and collected but what they couldn’t tell was that Liz was anything but. This was it, her secret was out. Everyone would soon know. Her heart beat erratically at the thought. Would her daughter be scorned, would they scrutinize her? Did she care?

“Haley Maxine Ebans and I am four and one qwater years old. How do you know my mommy?” Haley’s soft voice brought her out of her reverie.

“I…we…use to go to school together, we..umm lived in the same town.” Michael shuffled his feet and nervously glanced between mother and daughter.

“Mmhmm Woswell…that’s where mommy use to live, so do you know my daddy, he lives in woswell too?” Liz bit back a groan her daughter talked too much and was far too smart for her age.

“Max Ebans, alien hybrid, and reincarnated king of Antar,” thinking that maybe Michael might not know she informed him. “that’s the planet of our people...”

“Our people?”

“Yes, our people…yours too, you’re a hyrid, too, I can tell I can feel you.” Bringing her hand up to her heart she continued. “I can feel you here.”

“Yeah, yeah I know..but.. how… how do you know all this?” Michael guffawed and looked in wonderment at the little girl.

“School, they told us all about Antar and the cu..cutur…”

“Culture” Liz assisted her daughter with the vocabulary as Haley thankfully smiled up to her mom and then back to Michael.

“Cuttures of our Antarian peoples and how to see if someone is like me.” Poking her little finger at her chest.

“You learn school?”

“Mmmhhhmmm, yup and I gots a gold star for everyday. I’m a really good stewdent.” The stars were obviously important and Haley wanted Michael to know she had lots of them.

Liz silently watched the interaction between the two. Her daughter’s instant pull towards Michael and vice versa instantly setting off alarms in her head. Could she feel the others, was that the pull Michael talked about, the same one her daughter felt? So many questions.

“Hales, why don’t you be a good girl and go with Aunt Ava until I finish talking and then I’ll find you and you and I can play dress up.”

“I don’t want to play dress up, I want to practice my powers” The small girl stood firm, not want to budge yet pleading with her mom.

“Okay then we’ll practice our powers, how about if you go with Aunt Ava and set up the training grounds, I’ll meet you there in a bit.” Liz sent Ava a grateful smile as Haley headed out the door with her Aunt Ava.

“How could you do this to him Liz? Do you know how long he was waiting for you?”

His voice came off angry and harsh. She squared her shoulders and turned to him, time to face the music.

“Actually Michael, I do. One month! That’s how long he waited, one fucken month! Don’t come here to my town and try to give me shit. I have my reasons.” Her voice harsher, she tried not to show any emotion but it was hard. Hard to hide the hurt, the pain, it had been years since she had thought about IT, and yet it hurt as if it was yesterday.

“He needs to know.”

“I know Michael, I just haven’t been able to…” How could she explain?

“When were you planning on telling him when she turned eighteen or how about when she gets married, when Liz when?” He demanded of her

“I don’t know okay, I don’t know! I was going to tell him years ago, but ..I was going to tell him.” Hopelessly Liz tried, true, her intentions had changed over the years, but it was for a reason.

Unmoved Michael’s voice came out cold and firm.

“I’m heading back to Roswell and I’m telling him, expect our return in a couple of days.”


The door closed soundly behind him as he entered the room and approached Liz and Ava, who were both staring at holographic maps in the center of the room.

“Another attack huh?” he asked striding into the room

Liz looked up at him, concern and worry marring her big brown eyes. Michael could tell she was worried, Kivar’s attacks were coming more frequent lately and his last attack was the closest he had come to actually capturing one of them.

“Yes and I got nothing, I tried all day…” he watched as she lifted her head and stared at the ceiling, he knew by now that was a way for her to calm herself down, to keep her powers in check.

“Have you tried touching things, something…”

“Yes Michael.” He saw the signs she was tired and almost ready to snap, all he had to do was push just a little more…

“What about sleep, ya look a little tired, maybe you could…”

“I tried taking a nap, several naps and again nothing.”

“What about…”

“Leave it Michael, I’ve tried everything.” She snapped at him, waving her hands over the map, making them disappear

“What do you want me to say Liz that it’ll be ok, that it will all work out fine? Well it won’t and if you don’t try to get a premonition of some kind, then we’re screwed. Kivar will find them and fight them, we won’t be able to stop it and then he’ll come after us, after Haley.” Michael knew it wasn’t the nicest thing to say, but when did he ever do nice. He needed Liz to be scared, he needed her emotions high. Their powers were tied to their emotions and maybe if she was stressed enough she could pick up on something. He knew it was a long shot, he already knew Liz had tried everything, that she was probably beating herself up over this, but he also knew he needed to keep her emotionally charged, too much was at stake, too many lives….Haley.

She looked back towards him, her eyes burning with guilt and anger, if she could have death ray vision he would be dead right now, luckily she didn’t, instead her body flickered and seemed to disintegrate into thin air and just like that she was gone.

“Uh oh, you’ve gone and pissed her off now, she never flickers unnecessarily and you know that.” Ava teased at him

“Whatever, she’ll get over it, I’m just trying to help her keep her emotions high. She won’t stay mad for long.” He told the blonde as she gathered up loose papers scattered about on the table. Liz couldn’t stay mad long and soon she would realize why he said what he did and then she’ll thank him. He was sure of it.

“Mmhhmm don’t you two leave tonight for Japan? Oh man I feel sorry for you.” Ava chuckled and headed for the door.

Michael groaned he never would have thought he would be scared of Liz Parker, but Ava was on to something, if you really pissed off Liz, which he did a lot. She could make your life a living hell, a quick glance at his fingernails reminded him of that. One time, right before a big training day, where he was the trainer of 175 men, he walked out into the training camp and began his exercises. After about ten minutes and lots of snickering, he finally stopped and asked what was so funny, it had taken the guys a full two minutes before somebody finally pointed out that his fingernails were Hot Pink. HOT PINK! Apparently Liz had gotten even with him by painting his nails with color changing nail polish, inside, the color was clear, one wouldn’t even be able to tell the difference, but once you went outside the polish changed colors in the sun. Talk about embarrassing, he was head of security and her personal body guard and he had pink nails. Uuggghh.

That had been a fun day, he had to fight a lot of fights that day.

Yeah, Michael was knowledgeable of and had been subjected to a pissed off Liz.

“Shit” he said aloud and walked out after a laughing Ava.


Re: I am what I am (CC M/L, Adult) 11/3 -Ch.5 Pg.6

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 11:32 pm
by dreambeliever
keepsmiling7 wrote:I love this story......
Haley is a precious little she teaches Michael a thing or two.
Yeah, Haley has taught her Uncle Mike a few things...thank you for reading.
L-J-L 76 wrote:I can't wait to read what will happen ent for Liz, Max and Friends. So please come back quick?
They've been busy, especially Liz. :lol:
mary mary wrote:...and it's amazing that she knows so much about her daddy and he doesn't even know she exists. If Michael was pulled to the town how is it that Max isn't? That's interesting.
Liz always had intentions to tell Max but somehow it got pushed farther and farther down her priority list and as for Max feeling the pull, he's always felt something but chooses to ignore it due to a past experience we'll learn more about soon.
begonia9508 wrote:Loved Liz's little girl: she is going to be really hard for Michael to deal with.... :lol: :lol: true, Haley does have a way with her Uncle Michael :lol:
Ti88 wrote:i want to know how they all ended up the way they do. Did fm finallydisappear? And a whole colony of aliens and not bring the ros crew. Freaky. But u saw cc don't worry so I believe u.
Thank you :lol: Answers slowly to come...
Ti88 wrote:I know hales has some on her uncles michael as well. Lol
Michael and Haley are really alike in so many ways, I hope for everyone to see more into their relationship soon.
nibbles2 wrote:I understand why Liz would be hurt that Max moved on so quickly, though I think she's equating sex with love. Just because he slept with Tess doesn't mean that he moved on. Five years later and he still hasn't moved on, despite his 'relationship' with Maria.
"Mary Mary" wrote: You're making Max sound like a shit-head here...but then again teen-aged boys as Amy so aptly named them
I disagree. He had every right to move on after what Liz did to him. Max is no saint but Liz is certainly not whiter than white. What he did was all a reaction to Liz's actions. Remember, this was the second time in under six months that Liz had abandoned Max when he needed her most. She was the one who ran out on him at the crack of dawn. She used him to make herself feel better without any regard for his feelings then she fled town which must have not only hurt him deeply but shattered his trust in everybody.
This is so true, Liz has left Max and was being selfish, she knew she was leaving, she knew she would hurt him and yet she still chose to be a little selfish and wanted that night with Max.

I can't understand why Liz would tell her daughter all about her daddy and then not introduce her to him. It's cruel to the little girl who must have so many questions about him.
Haley does have questions and Liz has answered them all, she knows she's keeping Max from Haley but she's just wasn't ready to tell, it's stupid and she knows it. She really did want to tell him though.

Timelord31 wrote:interesting story
Thanks :lol:

I want to thank everyone for taking the time to stop and read this story and a big hug to everyone for posting feedback. I really do appreciate it.
A big shout out to my beta Jules, who selflessly helps me put my ideas and characters together..Thank you!

Here's the next chapter for ya...........

Chapter 5

“I can’t do this anymore Michael, I just can’t. I wait up half the night wondering where you’re at, wondering if you’re going to come back, it’s not good. I can’t sleep, I can’t eat…”

“Maria, I found something out this time…Courtney was right….I found…” he tried to tell her, but she wouldn’t let him.

“Courtney? …..I don’t care Michael! Don’t you get it? Don’t you understand? You didn’t even tell me you were leaving this time. I DON”T CARE WHAT YOU FOUND! I’m done!” she was crying this time, her green eyes shining with tears, he hated to see her cry, hated that he did this to her, but he knew she would be happy once she knew. How come she didn’t understand? He had needed to go this time. The pull had been strong. Stronger than usual and now he knew why. He just needed to tell her.

“Maria if you would just let me tell you about Hal..”

“I’M DONE MICHAEL! I DON’T CARE ABOUT YOU OR ANY STUPID ALIEN SHIT, ALL IT’S GOTTEN ME IS HEARTACHE, I’M THROUGH, I WANT OUT.” He watched her scream at him, he tried to pay attention, but he couldn’t all he knew was that she was mad but if she would just stop yelling for one second he could make it better. He tried again

“Just shut up for one second, I’m trying to….” He was frustrated now, he wanted to make it right, but she just wouldn’t stop. He watched her as she shook her head and turned and ran out the door. Craaapp now he had to go find her, he started towards her just as a hand reached out and held him in place.

“Not now Michael, she needs time. I think she might be serious this time. I’ll check on her in a little bit. You’ve really done it this time.”

He looked up into the eyes of his leader, his King, his brother.

“Max, there’s something I’ve got to tell you… what I found.”

“I don’t want to hear it either Michael.”



“But Max it’s L..” Max cut him off, his hands tightening around Michael’s arm.

“I said I don’t care what you found. Maria is right, you went too far. We didn’t even know you left, only after Isabel dreamwalked you.”

Michael angrily shook off Max’s hand “I hadn’t realized I needed to tell you everywhere I go, do I need to tell you when I take a piss too?” Michael turned his back to Max.

“If you leave this town to take that piss, then yes, you need to tell me. I need to know where everyone is. I can’t keep you safe if I….”

Laughing Michael turned towards him “Like hell you do. You don’t need to try to keep me safe and you don’t know where everyone is Max. You don’t know everything. You could have if you would have just listened to me, you could know.”

He was tired of this, Max always trying to tell him what to do. Tired of Maria wanting more than he could give. He was beginning to see Liz had it right, in a town with his own kind, his people, always on alert.

He could go back there, to live, to protect Haley. To keep an eye on her, especially since Max was being an asshole right now.

“Michael..” Max tried to make his way towards Michael

“Just go away Maxwell, go and try to lead your normal life. Just know this, I tried to tell you what I found and you refuse to listen…are you sure, sure you don’t want to know?”

Max’s steps faltered and stared into Michael’s eyes.

“Is it dangerous?” he asked

Michael shook his head no.

“Will it endanger us?” Still shaking his head no, Michael sat on the stool and waited.

“Are we safe from it? Will it threaten our safety..our lives…in any way.” Again Michael shook his head and waited for Max to ask him.

“Is it about Zan?” Shaking his head Michael waited.

Max nodded “Then I don’t need to know.”


“No buts Michael” And at that Max turned and walked out.

The question Michael had waited for had never come.

Taking a drink from his Tabasco laced Coke he looked out the small window into the dark night, stars twinkled above and more often than not he wondered about his non existent planet.

After moving to California a year ago he had found out a lot about his planet. One main point was it was no longer there, destroyed completely by Kivar. Who did that? What kind of a person could destroy a whole planet? Kivar. The man was evil and quite insane, Michael had met up with him on several occasions, briefly foiling his plans to kill Max or any one of the Royal Four. Even though Antar was gone, Kivar had taken possession over another small planet and was trying to establish a new Antar, as he liked to call it.

New Antar, what the hell was Kivar thinking? All that stood in his way was Max. As long as Max was alive Antarians still defied him, he couldn’t rule. All it was, was a title, Ruler of Antar, but Kivar wanted that title and as long as Max, the Royal Four and the heir was still alive then Kivar could never rule.

Kivar was one screwed up Antarian. If people didn’t bow down to him, or do exactly as he said, they were tortured and sometimes killed. Thank whoever that Liz started a refugee movement and Whirlwind waters was a safe place for him and his people.


Glancing briefly across his seat to her, she was sitting, her head rested back against the seat, he watched the rise and fall of her chest, he could tell by her breathing that she wasn’t asleep, she was probably still trying to get a flash. Taking this time to study, noticing, not for the first time the circles under her eyes. They had been in Japan for only two days, but in those two days Ava had scheduled interviews and appearances back to back. First arriving in Japan at around five am yesterday, they were immediately whisked off to an early morning talk show and the craziness had begun. That first day she had made six live appearances, two photo shoots and one press conference. Their day had finally ended around two am. Only to get to the hotel for a few hours sleep, to be woken up at six am to do it all over again and wherever she went he went. It was his job as body guard. He was well aware that people thought he was more than her bodyguard, he didn’t care; let them think whatever the hell they wanted. He had Serena now and Liz….well Liz didn’t have anyone. She was fine, she didn’t need anyone, she was fine by herself.

“You don’t have death ray vision Michael.” He snapped his eyes up to her face, a small smile gracing it.

“What?” Sometimes he didn’t understand women. What the hell was she talking about?

“You were staring at me, I felt it and I figured you were still mad about earlier and at this very moment you are trying to kill me with your non existent death ray eyes and plotting my next demise.” Peeking one eye open to look at him

“For the love of god.” Huffing he leaned back and folded his arms across his chest. Her and Ava loved using the death ray eyes on him “I wish I had death Ray eyes…” he mumbled remembering her most recent prank on him earlier that day, he didn’t even want to think about it. Who knew Liz Parker could be so mean and sneaky. She was very sneaky.

Laughing she opened both her eyes and sat up straight.

“Michael don’t be mad….Michael….”

He continued to look out the window, ignoring her.

“Michael….” Her voice all sing songy now, she was trying to weaken him down. He wouldn’t break. Let her beg for awhile, it would serve her right. Looking down at his watch he realized they were almost home, maybe another two more hours at the most.

Out of the corner of his eyes he watched her pull out the familiar file from one of her bags. It was the file on their friends back in Roswell. Liz had kept watch over them pretty much since the beginning, despite Cal’s misgivings.

When he first moved to Whirlwind waters and Liz had brought him into the know on everything they were doing he had been surprised to find that she kept a watch on them even himself and even more surprised to know that she had powers, that she could get premonitions and had successfully thwarted all of Kivars attacks on them. Now he fought with her against Kivar, saving his people, saving their friends in Roswell. They still watched out for those in Roswell and they both knew all that was going on.

Like for instance they knew that Max and Maria were together and had moved in with each other. Remembering that day, it hadn’t been much of a surprise to him, but he could tell it had completely caught her off guard. It was one of the very few times he had ever seen her break, seen her cry, in fact the first time had been when Max had been taken, the second time was shortly after his rescue at the pod chamber and now this. Max Evans had always been the one to make her cry.

“Anything new in Roswell?” Six heads turned to look at the alien hybrid, Lashka, Liz had spoken to.

“Not much all seems to be the same. The king and Maria seem to be in a relationship and have now moved in together. Other than that, nothing new.” Lashka absentmindedly shuffled through her papers, not realizing the news she so casually dropped, would have affected Liz as much as it was. Pulling out a picture of Max and Maria leaving an apartment together, arms linked and a smiling Maria looking up to Max.

“Max and Maria?” Liz voice dropped just a bit at the sight of the couple.

“Umm yeah, the one Michael was seeing before, Maria right?” Lashka looked to Michael for confirmation. Keeping an eye on the Roswell group was her job for the past few years and she was certain she wasn’t mistaken.

Michael nodded reassuringly to Lashka and cleared his throat. “Yeah, that’s Maria”

“Everyone please Leave, there are things I need to discuss with Liz ….alone.” Ava’s firm voice rang out through the group.

As the others stood an filed out of the room Ava pointedly looked at Michael from across the table, he shrugged and stared back at her, Michael stayed put, he wasn’t leaving, he knew exactly what Ava wanted to discuss, it was his ex too.

“Liz, are you okay?” Ava asked hesitantly.

He watched as Liz blinked her eyes once, twice, three times, fighting back the tears that were threatening to fall.

“I can’t believe they’re together, I can’t believe she…that he…” whispering, her eyes quickly darted to the picture still laying on the table.

Michael cursed under his breath, he needed to snap her out of it. Grabbing the picture he tossed it directly in front of Liz.

“Michael!” Ava shrieked out

“What? So they’re together now? So what? Look at her Liz?” he ground out, pointing to the picture of Maria, “doesn’t she look happy? See.. she’s smiling, he makes her happy and if this makes them happy then let them be happy. We left, we didn’t want them anymore and we left. We do not have a say in this and we should be happy for them.”

Turning to look at Michael she met his caramel eyes with her own chocolate ones, hurt mirrored off of them both, only hers were rimmed with moisture.

“We should be happy for them” he repeated again, this time his voice slightly raspier.

“It’s just…it hurts Michael, it hurts. I know I left, I know I did this to myself and I want them happy, especially Maria, I just didn’t think..this…” she waved her hands over the pictures. The tears falling freely down her cheeks.

“It hurts…” she cried again.

He leaned over and wrapped his arms around her. What more could he do? He knew all to well how much it hurt.

“I know…I know” he soothed her and ran his hands down her hair.

“Oh” the sound of her voice pulled him back to reality, he turned and noticed Liz was holding a picture of Kyle and Tess pushing Zan on a swing.

Her body tensed and Michael recognized this, she was receiving a flash. Hopefully it was what they needed. She stayed that way for another ten seconds or so and when Michael noticed she was coming to, he was ready.

“What did you see Liz?”

“How long before we land?” her voice trembled as she spoke, she was scared

“About another hour or so…what did you see Liz?”

“We don’t have time, we need to get to Roswell fast.” Jumping up she ran to the back of the plane and began pulling off her shirt.

“Dammnit Liz, what did you fucken’see?” he roared

She didn’t even flinch, tugging off her pants now as she threw on a cropped white wife beater.

“Kivar and he has Zan too, he has them all at the pod chamber, they’re hurt…all of them” she replied flatly, pulling on a fresh pair of khaki cargo pants and then strapping on several weapon belts on various places.

Michael was already springing to the front barking orders to the pilot to change the route to Roswell. He quickly dialed the security line at the manor. He was patched through to Serena and Ava immediately, filling them in he turned back to Liz just in time to see her body flicker out.

She was going alone.

“FUUCCKK” he swore out and threw his phone across the plane.

Women were definitely going to kill him.


Re: I am what I am (CC M/L, Adult) 11/10 -Ch.6 Pg.7

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 12:24 am
by dreambeliever
Grace52373 wrote: Iam hoping for a happy ending for both candies and dreamers, but if Michael insists on staying with Serena, please let Maria find some kind of happiness with someone who will treat her better than Michael, and even Max has so far! I am looking forward to the next part!
No worries Grace, all will turn out fine. 8)
Timelord31 wrote:lol.. great ending.. nice chapter
Thank you
juliecollard87 wrote:Third I can’t wait to see how everyone reacts to Liz coming back
You'll find out soon....thanks for all your help :lol:
xmag wrote:Especially since Liz shows regret and knows that she was in the wrong, that leaving was like dominoes and caused Michael leaving Maria and the Max-Maria abomination. Kind of like when Future Max came, in the show, and it led to Max-Tess and Alex's death. Good intentions, horrible consequences, relationships destroyed. Liz is honest enough that she realizes her part in this fiasco. She had the best of intentions but it all ended up wrong. Everybody is unhappy, her, Max, Maria (not sure about Michael), and her daughter doesn't know her father. How to fix that?
Here lies the basis of the story, Liz leaves and that itself sets in motion a whole other chain of events. You are right she did have the best of intentions, but none of it came out as planned. Liz has alot to explain for and it won't be easy for her, Max won't be easy on her either. I'm glad you enjoy the story :P
L-J-L 76 wrote: Is this a dreamer story or a Uc? Will the story have a dreamer ending?
Probably the only answer I can give you right Yes, it's a dreamer ending. :wink:
begonia9508 wrote:Now, why are Michael and Liz running to Roswell? To save people who wanted nothing to do anymore with aliens? Max has still his powers anyway and Izzy? Still in Roswell too?
Eve...yup everyone is still there and Max and crew have pretty much led an alien free life until now, so they're a little slow on the uptake when it comes to the abyss. :roll:
xmag wrote: It's like Michael has switched places with Max, or has been season 1 Maxified, when he is with Liz.
It is somewhat of a role reversal, but he hasn't been completely 'Maxified' :lol: he is different in some ways, but that comes with having been with Haley and Liz this past year, becoming apart of their family, Haley has in a way humanized him and broken down alot of his stone wall.
xmag wrote: Sigh, in this kind of fics, where Michael and LIz go closer, Max is an ass, Michael and Liz leave, the M&M "revelations" about their relationship always put all the blame on Maria. I've been in this fandom for 10 years, there are tons of fics with that plot in the archives and it's always Max and Maria's faults if Michael and Liz left and it always ends up with Max and Maria groveling and being treating like dirt by Michael and Liz. I hope that there will be a twist this time, it would be nice.
That won't happen here... :mrgreen:
Grace52373 wrote:Those who blame Maria for the breakup, I ask why? She was upset, worried about Michael! How would you feel if someone you loved up and left w/o a word. Not knowing whether they are alive and well, and then returns, w/o apology, and tries to tell you that he had a good reason! They weren't ready to listen then!
At this time Michael felt that Maria was not supporting him and could not the alien side of him.
nibbles2 wrote:Now they have a chance to be happy and Liz is feeling hurt? I understand why it's upsetting for her, but she has no right to begrudge them the chance of being happy if they can find it in each other. What she did to them both was lousy.
True and for a brief moment Liz was upset, however Michael helped her to see reason and she doesn't begrudge them at all, she knows she screwed up, she made her bed and now she has to lie in it.
mary mary wrote:I loved the chapter and I hope they get there in time.
Thank you, all will turn out okay. 8)

Thank you to everyone for reading and for the incredible feedback. Here’s the next chapter, it’s a bit short but I promise the next one will be longer… enjoy

Chapter 6


Maaaaaaaxxxxxxxxxxxx” the words wretched out of her mouth with each breath she took, the pain wracked through her body.

A touch of ice cold against my forehead, she was suffocating, drowning gasping for air.

Pain ripped through her body.

“You have to push Liz.”

Strapped to the bed her head rolled back, she felt his firm hands gently wipe away the wet tendrils from around her face.

A straw suddenly appears at her lips, she obligingly sips. The cool liquid dampening the burn that erupted in her throat.

“I’m so sorry Liz…If I could take way the pain I would, I don’t know why the baby’s blocking my connection.” His gentle voice soothed her soul but not the pain.

“I….I …can’t….” my voice comes out raspy and desperate, was that really my voice? It’s been thirty…thirty two hours…since the pain started.

Pain….throbbing pain…I fist my hands…

“PUSH LIZ” another voice says…Cal…Cal wants me to push, my baby…push and my baby will come. Push through the pain, jolting, my body crackles, the green sparks float over my body.

“AAAahhhhhhh” gasping, I look around for him, FMax, he uses one hand to pat the cool washcloth on my forehead and his other hand locks into mine…he’s different...lighter..I hold on tighter.

It’s slipping through me, the weight slides out of me, thorns scratching, leaving a trail of burning flesh inside me.

Soft warm lips tenderly brush against my temple, I hold tighter, I grasp again, nothingness, quickly I turn just as his body fades out, our eyes lock, every kiss, every moment, every emotion is conveyed in his eyes….desperate for his touch, his calming demeanor I cry out from deep within me.

“You …..can’t leave…don’t ..leave…me” Panting I cling to his essence, the feeling of him. He’s leaving me, FMax is leaving me….my heart quickens.

“Liz, Liz you have to focus. You have to focus Liz.” Cal calls me back to him.

“Max.” I whisper out, my voice low but my soul screams for him. The timeline has changed…I did it.

Suddenly my skin tingles with energy, pulsating through my body. Calming waves roll through me.

Calm…love caresses my soul, I feel my daughter’s essence dance around mine. The feel of laughter vibrates through me. Happiness ricochets over my bones.

“Push mommy…I want to come home…” the little voice giggles at me.

I gather all the strength I have and push.

“Waaaahhhh” I lift my head up at the sound, the sound of my daughter entering this world, my world.

It’s a miracle…the miracle of life… last thoughts right before I give in to the weariness.


Liz shook the memories off….the miracle of life, she had given her daughter life, had brought her into this world and now her daughter’s life was in her hands. This was one of the single most terrifying moments in her life. She needed to pull it together.

Flicking her eyes back to the scene in front of her, she began to asses the situation, that’s what people do when they’re in unusually emotional situations, you assess, that’s what FMax had always told her to do, before he disappeared.

Once they had arrived in California FMax had begun to teach her how to defend herself. Self defense wasn’t just about defense, he had told her, it was also about assessing and hitting back but doing it effectively. Size didn’t matter if you properly assessed.

“You’ve wasted your time, if you leave now, I’ll spare you both.” He dictated starkly, to anyone else that would seem like a truce, a bargain but to Liz it was an insult, she watched as he circled around the small dark haired girl in front of him, who was steadily holding a small shield of protection around herself.

“Spare us? You’ll spare us? The only reason you’re still alive is because you can run better than you fight Rector.” Tauntingly she bit out. She had to get him away from Haley, of course it wouldn’t even be a problem if Haley hadn’t flickered in at all.

That was a new power that Liz hadn’t even known that Haley developed. Flicker, is an alien power that allowed for the individual to break down their molecular structure and will it to another location and then upon arrival, regrouping oneself back whole. Liz could do it, she had developed it after Haley’s birth and now apparently it was genetic.

“I’m sorry, I just wanted to help, I just wanted to help. I saw them, I saw them and I wanted to help.” Haley cried from behind the purple shield, Liz knew she should look at her daughter, to offer comfort, but she couldn’t Rector was too dangerous and if for one second Liz broke eye contact with him, she knew without a doubt that Rector would take the opportunity and pounce.

So she tried another way.

“It’s okay Hales, it’s fine, I promise I’m not mad, but right now I need for you to do something for me, do you think you could do that?”

“There’s no need you’ll both be dead in twenty seconds.” Rector sneered as he slowly paced around the little girl and her shield as she followed his movements.

“Shut up Rector, you’re both cowards.” Liz shouted at him, her eyes never leaving his. He too was a fighter and knew, you never take your eyes off your opponent.

“Haley, remember all the practices, all the scenario reenactments?”

Haley nodded at her mom but then realized that her nods couldn’t be seen so she spoke up.

“Yes.” Her brave voice was the extra strength Liz needed.

“Okay so right now we are going to do scenario G. Do you remember G Haley?”

Haley glanced uneasily to Rector before answering. “Yes.”

Liz nodded, “Good. Now on the count of three, we’re going to do scenario G, got it?”

“Yes, but G means I hafta..” Haley knew what scenario G was, scenario G meant that she had to run away, but she didn’t want to run, she wanted to fight, just like her mommy and just like her uncle Michael.

“Haley” Liz cut off her daughter’s small voice, “I know what G means, now on the count of three…”

“He’s not here…” Rector’s voice came out firm and low and it hadn’t gone unnoticed the slight hitch towards the end, It didn’t take a genius to know that Liz had plan G and that he didn’t know what plan G was, but he was pretty sure that on three, something was going to happen.


He was scared and doing a good job of hiding it she thought, but he was still scared.

“He will be…question is will you still be alive when he arrives?” continuing to mock him she slowly inched herself along the rock wall. Kivar had the others in the granolith chamber just beyond. She knew it, she had seen it in her flash.

Rector was one of Kivar’s best soldiers and she had battled with him many times before. She wasn’t worried about facing off with him but she knew time was running out.


She needed to get rid of him fast and she needed to get her daughter to safety.

“Three! Now Haley!”

Throwing up her arms she sent him an energy blast aimed at his feet, just as Haley dropped to the ground and tumbled to one side.

Rector fell to the left, barely avoiding the direct blast, just as he landed on the ground he sent out a blast towards Liz, throwing up her shield she reached down to her calf holster and pulled out the small gun. His blast bounced off her shield.

Relief flooded through her as she took a quick glance at her daughter’s back as she ran into the cave halls. Right now she was safe.

She aimed her small weapon towards Rector just as he aimed his. They were at an impasse.

“You and I both know your little wakialan is no match for my G3.” Referencing to her five inch weapon against his, obviously larger one.

“Aawww you’re scared, don’t worry Rector I can guarantee you won’t live to feel a thing.” Her finger slid to the small button, all she had to do was push.

Heat rushed towards her from behind, going on instinct she dropped to the ground just as a fire ball flew over her head. Rolling to the side she twisted around and aimed to the intruder. A small laser light flew from her weapon and landed on her attackers’ chest, blue energy crackled over his body before he turned to ash.

Turning back to Rector, Liz found herself now alone in the empty in the chamber, he got away…again

“Dammnit” she swore, noticing that he had erected a wall and force shield around the entrance to the granilith chamber. Attempting to flicker in, she felt her molecules bounce back. Great just great, she thought.

Shooting an energy blast towards the shield she watched as it bounced off. Aiming her weapon she shot at the shield again, it too bounced off.

“Dammnit, Dammnit, Dammnit” she swore again. She didn’t have time to figure out what materials this shield was made of so that she could just blast her way through, no there was no time for that. She would just have to go in another way.

Scooping her backpack up off the ground she ran out the cave entrance and around the side.


Re: I am what I am (CC M/L, Adult) 12/14 -Ch.7 Pg.9

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 10:18 pm
by dreambeliever
I want to thank everyone for feedback left and for all the bumps and especially for those that continue to stick with this story. I am unable to leave feedback for everyone at the moment, I'm literally at work posting this on one of my breaks :oops: . Here is the next chapter. Hope you all enjoy.

Chapter 7


“Maaaaaaaxxxxxxxxxxxx” something or someone calls out to me.

As I drive the empty streets of Roswell I feel a prickling sensation flow through my body. It’s the most I’ve felt in a month. Since Liz left I’ve felt nothing but cold despair and emptiness.

Yesterday my senses began to awaken, tingling over my skin.

Parking I get out of the jeep and head inside the observatory, the place I now go to, to think.

What does this mean? Staring into the dark night I try to focus on the feelings raging inside me..

It’s not hard, it’s the only thing I can feel. Where there was darkness and despair there is now light and hope.

The hair on my body stands, I turn.


She’s here, she’s always here.

There’s a pull…waves of safety and love emanate through my body, it’s as if my senses are awakening within me.

I feel pain… harsh pain in my lower abdomen but through the pain there’s love, ..the pain is overwhelming but the joy fights to break through, gasping for a lifeline.

Where did all these feelings come from?

One month there’s been nothing but dark void..

“I’ve lost everyone..” I turn to her, my bride, my destiny.

No! Not my destiny.

Looking back at Tess, the feelings whirl within me, I shouldn’t feel this way about her, but the feelings are so strong.

“I’ll be here for eternity…” her voice calls to me, my heart screams NO, but my body feels, craves for the emotions. It’s been so long since I’ve felt anything. I welcome the waves of love being sent to me, they feel distant yet, I haven’t felt them until now, does she bring these feelings? Does my body now recognize her?

Tess…numb….emotions…love….the love is weak yet its depth overwhelms me, it teases my soul, caresses my heart.

Tess makes the pain go away. The pain that has been here for the past month, it’s gone, the emptiness, now filled with hope and love. The strength of the love scares me, the unconditional love whispering out to me…

I turn to her and cup her face in my hands.

Something’s wrong, my mind screams NO but my heart feels, how can it be wrong if it feels so right? So complete?

Wasted energy spent running away from her, from these feelings that she awakens in me.

My soul calls out as I wrap my arms around her and we tumble to the ground.


No not Liz…Tess… feels like Liz, No!


Basking in the waves of love…there’s a different presence a new presence, it’s warm and the essence hugs my body and my heart soaks up the wholeness of one. Feels like Liz….not Liz….Tess…Tess is here, Tess has awakened these emotions…. We fumble to remove our clothes…this is wrong, but it feels right, the silent war rages within me.

As I plunge into her I hear one final plea from my heart.


A sudden sharp throbbing pain jolted him awake, he tried to open his eyes but the weight of them were too heavy, recent memories of torture and endless mindrapes by Kivar’s men fresh in his mind.

A foot nudged into his side, Kivar’s voice could be heard from directly above him now.
Struggling to open his eyes, he reaches out through his connection.


He could sense the others around near, but he needed to know what condition they were in. He needed to know how Zan was.

Zan, sensing his dad’s fear, was the first to respond through the connection, he was fine, a little scared but fine.

Max breathed a sigh of relief, if something happened to Zan he didn’t know what he would do. Zan, his son with Tess, now five years old, was his life, the only good thing in his life it seemed sometimes. True what had happened between him and Tess hadn’t been good, but he would never regret it, regretting it would mean to regret Zan and that was definitely not true. He had regrets over the circumstances, over how Zan came to be conceived but never regret for Zan.

The next morning in the observatory, waking up on the cold hard floor of the observatory next to Tess, he realized, too late, the emotions weren’t coming from her.

He had been so sure, the night before that his feelings for her were awakening, Zan’s love for Ava, he thought, but he was wrong.

The unconditional love, the strength, the warmth, the completeness was gone and it had always come from one person….Liz. He hated thinking about her, hated knowing that what he did had kept her from returning, but it had and he couldn’t change that now.

Not wanting his mind to go somewhere he didn’t want it to, he tried focusing on the others. Isabel immediately sent him calming reassuring waves, she was in pain and worried, he was pretty sure most of the worry was for Alex.

Tess was next to connect with him and just like with Isabel he felt her pain and worry.

Over the years Tess had become his best friend. After they realized their relationship was based on responsibilities and not love or trust or any of the other foundations of a relationship they realized they were meant to be friends, and he was happy that she had found love with Kyle.

“Max we need to talk” Tess entered the dining room and took a seat across him where he was working on the monthly program for the UFO center, which he now managed.

“Can it wait until later, I really need to…” he spoke without even looking up.

“No. We need to talk now.” Her voice was low and firm and in the two years that they had been together Max recognized when she meant business and this was one of those times.

Setting down his pen he gave her his full attention.

“I think we should break up.” Raising her hand to stop him from speaking, “You don’t love me…really, and well I’ve come to realize that I’m not in love with you either.”

“Of course I love you Tess, what’s this about? You’ve been spending a lot of time with Kyle lately, is he the one telling you I don’t love you, ‘cause that’s just…”

“No, he’s not telling me anything. Yes, I’ve been spending a lot of time with him, he makes time, and he listens to me.”

“I listen to you.” He retaliated.

“No you don’t. None of that matters now anyway. Max, the truth is, I’ve come to realize that I don’t love you.”

“How can you say that? All you did was tell me how we were destined to be together, how we were meant to be. You wanted this Tess and now you’re telling me you want out.” Max’s voice oozed with anger.

“Yes. I’m sorry Max, I’m so sorry.” Tess’s voice trembled slightly as she tried to maintain her composure.

“Sorry doesn’t cut it Tess, you wanted this.” He stresses again, his raised voice echoed throughout the dining room.

“I know, I thought I wanted it, Nasedo…” she rambled

“Nasedo is dead, and has been for years. Don’t put this on him, YOU…WANTED…THIS!” he roared, he couldn’t believe this, she wanted out, she wanted out, after everything she’d said, after everything he’d lost. “I can’t believe this, you want out…why?” he stopped suddenly and looked at her, his eyes swirled with anger and confusion as he waited for answer.

“Why what?” Tess looked up slowly meeting his eyes.

“Why now do you want out, we have a son together Tess, why now?” he asked again.

“I know you don’t love me Max, I know that and I’ve come to realize that I don’t really love you either, I mean I love you, just not like I thought I did, not like I should.” Her blue eyes rimmed with moisture.

“You don’t love me like you should?” he repeated incredulously “you’ve never loved me like you should, I knew that, you knew that, but that’s never been a problem before. So I ask again, why now?”

“I deserve better Max, I deserve to be loved, really loved. Like how you love Liz.”

“Don’t you dare bring her into this!” he demanded out, his voice firm and hard.

“Why? Why not bring her into this? She’s the reason you don’t love me, she’s the reason you can’t love me like that and she’s the reason I don’t love you.” Tess stood up and stalked towards him, her quick strides bringing her directly in front of him, leaning down over the table she met him eye for eye. “You can’t love me because you still love her, it’s always been her, and I can’t love you because for once in my life I’m being completely honest with myself and I know you could never love me the way you love her, and if you were honest with yourself you would admit this. I’ve come to terms with it, I’ve dealt with it and now I’m over it.” Her voice flat and defeated.

“Th..” He started but she cut him off again.

“No don’t talk, just listen. I deserve to be loved Max, the way you love Liz, I deserve a chance at that, when you look at me does your heart flutter… you get goose bumps at my mere touch…..does your stomach do flips at the sound of my voice….does the tiniest thought of me bring a smile to your face?”she softly prodded. Searching his face for recognition and seeing none she continued “I didn’t think so and I’m willing to bet that you did experience those with Liz.” she watched as his eyes glittered slightly, he wasn’t aware of it, he never was, but she was.

Liz Parker would always prompt something from him. Years ago she had noticed that anytime Liz’s name was brought up, Max brightened, even if it was just ever so slight, the point was, he did brighten, and no matter how hard he tried to act indifferent Tess had known otherwise.

“I deserve to be loved like that and I deserve the chance to love someone like that.” She continued slowly, choosing her next few words carefully “I think I may have a chance at that now, but I need you to be okay with this, I….I don’t know why, I think it’s because I’m the one that forced this onto us in the first place, but I really do need you to be okay with this.”

“You didn’t force me..” he told her.

“I did, I followed you everywhere, I forced myself onto you, not physically, I don’t mean that, I mean emotionally, I forced myself into your life, into everyone’s life, I was wrong and I say I was wrong.”

“No we brought you into our group, we wanted to.”

“Maybe, maybe not, the point is I’ve had a chance to be a part of this group and I’m glad I did, I love you all, you’re all my family and now I have a chance at real love….with Kyle.”

Max sat back and studied Tess, the past few weeks he had noticed a difference about her, she sang when she did the dishes, she smiled more and now he knew that it was all because of Kyle.

“How long?”

“We..umm not long, we’ve spent a lot of time together lately and he wants it to be more, we’ve only recently realized our feelings for each other, but we haven’t acted upon them yet, I…I wanted to talk to you first.”

Nodding he knew there wasn’t anything he could say or do, she was right, she deserved to be loved properly and he had always known he couldn’t give her that.

They had come a long way since that day, Tess had continued to live in their apartment but only then they were roommates and she had begun to date Kyle, it hadn’t even bothered him, the sight of her and Kyle had done nothing to him, not like years ago with Kyle and…. NO! He forced himself to think of something else, anything else but her.

Here they were kidnapped by Kivar and being held hostage in the granilith chamber and all he could do was think about her, she was bad for him, she was a weakness, a weakness he couldn’t afford to have right now. He needed to focus. What did he know?

Fact: They were all hurt.

Fact: Kivar and his men had captured them and wanted the heir.

Fact: Kivar needed Zan to relinquish the seal formerly in front of the granilith, that much he had found out from listening to a few of Kivar’s henchmen earlier while they tortured them.

Fact: none of the humans were captured; he could only sense Tess and Isabel.

He wasn’t sure what time it was or how long exactly they had been out. After being captured and brought here they had been tortured constantly, mindraping Isabel and Tess while enduring his own torture, being made to watch the girls, it had enraged him and he had seethed with anger and helplessness, he was the last of the three to pass out and when he finally did feel the void overcoming him, he had sent a small prayer for someone to keep watch over Zan.

Unable to sense any of their human partners he tried to formulate a plan but it was difficult considering the splintering pain in his head and the throbbing all over his body. He wished he had enough energy to heal himself but even that was a tall feat at the moment.

“I know you’re awake” another sharp pain in his side, a shoe, someone was kicking him again. “Get up you worthless piece of…”

“Enough!” Another voice commanded.

Hearing the shuffling of feet he could tell there was more than one person approaching.

“Really?” the second voice seemed familiar to Max, trying to search his brain to remember who.

“I wonder…we haven’t yet seen tona ashilla” the second voice continued, Max could detect a hint of respect in the man’s voice, respect for whom or what he wondered and what exactly was a tona ashilla?

“So who do we have here?” Voice number two asked

An arm yanked him to his feet and he struggled to stand. He could hear commotion around him and he cracked open an eye.

The sight that greeted him pained him to his gut. Isabel and Tess were both also being held upright and he briefly recognized how bad off they all were, each of them were barely held by one man each, both of them battered and bruised, weak beyond all else. It sickened him, he had done this, he had failed to keep them safe. It was all his fault, he was a King and he had failed to keep them safe. He silently swore he would seek revenge.

Looking to his right he turned to see his son, thankfully unharmed, with Kivar. Side by side they stood in front of the granilith. He wasn’t sure what exactly was going on, all he knew was that he needed to figure out a way out of this.

“All you have to do is put your hand here” Looking down at Zan, Kivar showed him exactly what needed to be done

“And you’re gonna let us go right?” Zan asked, his voice small but shaky.

“Yes, we made a deal. I will let all of you go, all you need to do is transfer the seal to me.”

Zan hesitantly looked back to his dad, his mom and aunt Izzy and then back again at his dad.
Max nodded his silent approval to Zan, if all else at least this would buy Max a little more time.

“Okay” Looking back to the granilith, Zan placed his hand on the panel exactly how Kivar showed him.

Light from atop the large cone shape machine began to brighten and proceeded to spiral its way down to the bottom, whirring noises emitted from somewhere within and Max was momentarily blinded from the pulsating lights that blinked. Suddenly it let loose a loud grinding noise, the lights dimmed and a monotone mechanical voice boomed out

“Not a match”

Kivar looked down to where Zan had his hand placed “Place your hands firmly down.” He instructed

“Not a match” it repeated

Reaching down and grabbing Zan’s hand, Kivar held the boy’s hand in place.

“Not a match”

Max looked between Zan and Kivar, he didn’t know exactly what was happening, but he knew it wasn’t good, quickly he began to try to formulate another escape plan, he had to save Zan.

“Not a match” the machine repeated again as Kivar tried unsuccessfully to once again activate the transfer process.

Standing back Kivar looked up to the granilith as it began to make a whirring noise. Light beamed out and embraced Zan, they encased his small body and spiraled around him.

“He is not the rightful heir” the monotone voice squalled out.

Kivar remained firm in his spot, he knew something was not right, but what? He had watched them for years, he had known when the queen was pregnant, he had known when she had given birth and he had watched Zan grow, years he had attempted to capture them, to capture the boy. No. This was the heir, he was certain there had been no switch of any kind. He was certain Zan was the heir. The granilith said otherwise. Maybe the boy was a shape shifter, maybe they had figured out that Kivar was onto them, that was the only explaination.

Angered Kivar turned to the boy and threw out his arm, just as a purple shield appeared in front of Zan. Kivar’s blast bounced off of it and evaporated.

Looking towards the direction the shield appeared he turned to see a small girl atop a pile of rocks, her arm extended.

Max looked also to the area of the cave where the shield emanated from, a surge of power rose within the cave, his eyes finally rested on the little girl.

A girl, a little brown haired girl stood amiss a small cluster of boulders. Instantly the granilith lights shot towards her, swirling around her, the impact blowing her hair behind her and Max watched awed by the sight in front of him. The girl began to glow and a tunnel of lights whirled around her. The granilith instantly roused up once again, the lights began to swirl around.

“Your Majesty” the voice spoke out.

Max snapped his head from the granilith back to the little girl again, studying her he tried to figure out just who she was, was she an imposter? If so how could she fool the granilith? She seemed familiar and something tugged at his heart, he could feel a strong pull towards the girl, but why? What was she to him, she was obviously Antarian.
He narrowed his one good eye and tried to study the girl more, she looked about Zan’s age, long brown hair, wide golden brown eyes her face full of determination, the only word Max could think of was majestic, she looked powerful and fierce and she knew it.

Flicking her other hand a small bubble appeared and enveloped him, Isabel and Tess.

“Little girl, I think you’re lost.” Kivar declared

“No I’m not, I think you might be lost, you’re not supposta be here and you’re not supposta have them.” Haley announced this was what she had seen and she had felt her father’s cry to keep Zan safe.

Kivar chuckled “My my, you’re a spirited one aren’t you?” he attempted to send a blast to her, but Haley had foreseen this and quickly protruded a shield in front of herself.

Hearing Isabel or Tess gasp, Max knew he couldn’t believe what he was seeing, the little girl was maintaining three shields at once and wasn’t even breaking a sweat. The power seemed to radiate off of her small body.

Having his blast thwarted Kivar mused “Strong too…” something in the way the girl held herself, her defense tactics seemed familiar to him.

“Don’t let my size fool ya, I may be little but I pack a powaful blast.” Haley retaliated with words her uncle Michael always told her, she quickly threw out a blast towards his head.

Kivar had to swiftly duck to avoid it.

“The only reason you’re still alive is because you can run better than you fight Kivar” Haley yelled out, mirroring Liz’s earlier words, trying so bravely to be as strong as her mommy.

“Oohh you are a lively one.” Kivar spat back

Max couldn’t help but be proud of the courageous little ball of spit fire facing off to Kivar. He had to help her, gingerly he reached out and touched the bubble surrounding him, his hand was met with a solid force. He couldn’t get out.

Stunned Max watched as the little girl evaporated into small lights and her body disappeared. Instantaneously she reappeared behind Kivar and threw him a blast. Unfortunately because of her height the blast landed on his knees. He stumbled back and out of her blast range and scurried to one side.

Recognition finally dawning on him, he had only seen one other person capable of doing that, suddenly the little girls defense tactics made sense.

“Oh my. You’re..” he uttered just as a rope dropped down from above and a dark blur slid down and whizzed in front of the little girl.

“My daughter.”

Re: I am what I am (CC M/L, Adult) 1/13 -Ch.8 Pg.10

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 5:09 am
by dreambeliever
Heeelllooooo is anyone still there? Whew there's still one or two people there! :oops: I just want to say thanks for sticking with the story and with my recent R/L upheavel of a life...Thank you to everyone for reading **waving to the lurkers** and a big wave of thanks to all who left feedback and really does help. :wink:


Chapter 8

“Maria, I’m coming home and I have a surprise. I’m bringing someone with me, a special someone.” Liz said mysteriously into the phone anticipating Maria’s incessant questions but she was met with silence.

“You’re bringing home someone special…to you?” Maria asked carefully.

Where were the excited screams? Where were the 21 questions? Why was Maria…well NOT excited to hear Liz was coming home? She had been gone a month and with FMax disappearing the other night, Liz knew the timeline had changed, she felt this was right. She needed to go back; she needed to tell Max about Haley, his daughter. They loved each other, her and Max and she was sure that as soon as she explained everything to Max they could figure out a way to make Tess feel welcome and then they could work on being a family.

Her and Max had a daughter and they were going to be a family.

“So you’re saying you have someone special to you that you’re bringing home…to Roswell, with you? Maria asked again.

“Yes” Liz replied, somewhat impatient. What was wrong with Maria?

Sighing with relief, Maria continued on “Oh thank god! I didn’t know how I was gonna tell you or how you’d react….”


“…but there’s no problem now seeing as you’re coming home with someone yourself. Everything’s gonna be fine…just fine. Good for you Liz, serves him right, I mean you are the one that left, but even though it’s not like you two….”


Pausing Maria said “You don’t have to yell Liz, in case you don’t realize it, I do have the phone to my ear.”

“Sorry, but Maria, what are you talking about? What exactly were you worried about telling me?”

“Oh that. I didn’t know how to tell you, I never saw it coming, if I did I would have tried to stop it you know, it’s not like…..”

“Maria” Liz said a little more sternly this time, feeling the pit of her stomach clench, she didn’t know if she wanted to hear what Maria had to tell her, Liz cut Maria off again, if she didn’t Maria would just go into another one of her rants.

“MaxandTessaretogetherandTessispregnant” Maria sputtered out.


The words seem to rumble around her brain as if they were in a dryer.




She never would have thought it would happen, sure, she tried pushing Max to Tess for awhile there, but she was positive that Max had felt nothing for the blonde, had felt nothing for his bride from a previous life, that’s what he had told her.

“Liz!” Maria’s voice crashed through her head. “Liz!”

“It’s okay right? Cause you have someone too…right?” Maria’s nervous voice asked, fluttering through Liz’s brain.

How could she tell Maria about Haley? Maria was never really good at keeping secrets she was sure to tell Max and she didn’t want Max to know now, would Max even care?

If you had asked her that question an hour ago she would have said yes, she would have even said with out a doubt that Max loved her, but now…now she wasn’t so sure. He had slept with Tess. Tess was pregnant. Max and Tess were having a baby.

He was following his destiny.

You’re his destiny.


She couldn’t go back now. This was the way it was supposed to be, he was always meant to be with Tess.

She had been fooling herself all along.

Is it possible to actually hear your heart breaking? Cause that was exactly what was happening right now. Her heart was breaking.

Feeling her breath heaving in her chest, the phone began to shake in her hands…no it wasn’t the phone, she was shaking, trembling. Slowly she lowered the phone to the receiver, Maria’s cries muted by the sound of her heart breaking. Suddenly she felt nothing, heard nothing, everything muted out by her pain. She stood fixed to her spot near the side table, staring at the phone, exhaling a breath she hadn’t even known she was holding.

“Max” a small whisper tumbled off her lips.

Her heart unconsciously reached out for him, for their connection. She struggled to rein it back.

Feeling the pain ignite through her heart, like the flare of an open fire. The tears slid down her face, her breathing reawakened, now in rapid gasps. She began to cry, she cried for the Max that she had loved blindly, cried for the memories of him, cried for her own stupid actions and cried for her daughter.

The pain overwhelmed her, leaning against the wall for support she slid down to the floor, pulling her knees close, wrapping her arms around them, she stayed like this for awhile, cocooned.

Finally, when there were no more tears and all that was left was pain, pain in her arms, pain in her legs, pain swirling through her veins and an unbearable pain in her chest, her heart gave one final constricted plea, and then there was nothing. Thoughts ran through her mind….she needed a plan.

Resolutely she picked up her head with fierce determination now shadowing her face.

Meeting the hardened green eyes of Kivar, she once again came face to face with her biggest nemesis over the past few years.

“Aahh tona ashilla I was wondering where you were…as much as I love being one up on you, I missed you.” Condescending lacing Kivar’s voice with every word he spoke.
“You know me Kivar, I love to make a entrance.” Liz’s voice was firm as she splayed her hands out from her side, blocking Haley from Kivar’s view.

“Aahh Liz, tell me, in all years of acquaintance how I did not know you had a daughter, and the heir at that.” His questioning eyes, searching her face for a clue.

Someone behind her let out a small gasp. This was it, everyone would know about Haley.

“It was my secret to tell Kivar” Liz spat out, she had fought Kivar many times before, he always seemed to be one step ahead of her though, which was dammn annoying since she was the one with premonitions.

Realizing he wasn’t going to get much out of her now, Kivar decided to switch tactics.

“You’re late today, I didn’t actually think you would let me kidnap them, much less allow us time to get better acquainted.” He slowly side stepped around the small chamber.

“Yeah well I’m here now.” Liz spat back.

“Tona ashilla, don’t be upset, it was bound to happen one of these days. I told you before you cannot be everywhere and you cannot protect them forever.”

Isabel’s shaky voice spoke up from behind Liz. Liz didn’t bother to turn, not wanting to take her eyes off of Kivar.

“I don’t understand, what do you mean? Liz knew we were going to be kidnapped?”

“Liz?” Kivar asked her.

“I knew Isabel.” Liz answered her.

“You knew?” Isabel asked again. “You knew and you didn’t try to warn us?”

“I only just found out, about an hour ago. I came as soon as I did.”

“How did you know?” Tess’s voice jumped in.

“I can’t tell you.”

“You can’t tell us..?”

Liz watched Kivar’s face break out into a hearty laugh.

“This is rich, just great. You guys didn’t even know…” he said between bouts of laughter.

“The Royals don’t even know who’s been protecting them all these years. It’s ironic that you question her, damn near condemned her few seconds ago and yet, she’s been your savior all these years. None of you deserve her; she is truly the tona ashilla.” Kivar took a deep breath and continued on. “You see, this isn’t the first time I’ve tried to capture you. I’m almost ashamed to admit it but I’ve made many attempts and each time she has successfully thwarted my plans.” Kivar explained motioning towards Liz.

“What is a to…tona ashiyla?” Isabel asked belatedly.

“Tona ashilla is a legend amongst our people, the words tona ashilla mean…”

“Warrior Queen” Tess whispered from her position next to Isabel.

“That’s right ‘warrior queen’ in Antarian. It is said that every century there will be one woman, a woman who possess the strength of a kingdom, the loyalty of knights, wisdom of the ages, intelligence and grace of a dolphin, cunningness of a fox, humility, fortitude, courage, confidence, patience and more, she does not learn these attributes, a true tona ashilla is innately born with them.” Kivar finished, respect and awe present in his voice.

“I am no such thing Kivar and you should stop with the nonsense.” Liz bristled

“Aaahh, the tona ashilla is so humble too.” He responded to her.

A surge of energy spiked the room just as an energy blast flew towards his head, barely having enough time he dropped to the ground and proceeded to roll to one side, just as another blast flew towards him, this one gashing the side of his leg as he rolled on the chamber floor.

Kivar regained his equilibrium and returned Liz’s fires with a triple blast. Three balls of fire came towards her at once. Quickly throwing up her own shield, intent on returning his blast, Liz dropped her shield and aimed, only being met with a cloud of dust.

“Shit. Shit. Shit.” She swore and then remembered her daughter directly behind her.

“Sorry honey.” Liz yelled just as she took off running towards the direction of one of the chamber’s openings towards the direction in which she was sure Kivar had gone, yelling over her shoulder “Hales stay put.”

“Okay mommy and you owe the swear jar three dollars.” Haley yelled to her mother’s back.

Max attempted to go towards the area in which Liz was headed, but the shield continued to keep him in, he looked towards the little girl.

“Uuhh uh. We hafta stay here. Mommy said.” Haley shook her head firmly as she informed him.

“But, we need to help her.” He began.

“Right now you can’t, she needs to catch ‘im and she can’t if she’s trying ta protect you too. You’re not strong enough, not right now.” Haley again informed him.

Max took all this in and contemplated what exactly he could say or do to convince the little girl that he needed to go help Liz.

“Max, she’s your daughter” he heard Isabel’s voice, slightly tinged with wonderment.

Looking from the little girl back to Isabel and then towards the cave tunnel, where Liz ran, realization set in.

He looked back to the little girl, now nodding her head.

“Yup…Max, I am your dawter.” Haley said, in her Darth Vadar, Star Wars voice, her and Uncle Michael loved to watch the Star Wars series and she was pretty good at imitations, a toothy grin now gracing her small face.

Re: I am what I am (CC,M/L,ADULT) 1/13 -Ch.8

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 9:39 am
by dreambeliever

Sorry I've been MIA lately :oops: but I'm back and plan on keeping up with this story so no worries on that, that is if you were worried, not to imply that you were :lol:
Please excuse my sorry attempt at the NY accent lol..okay so here's the next chapter. Hope you all enjoy.

Chapter 9

Liz sat in Cal’s living room just watching her daughter, she could do that, sit and watch her daughter for hours at a time. Her daughter, Haley Maxine Evans had been born exactly two months ago today and at 10 lbs she was progressing, well,… normally. Haley’s doctor had been over just the other day and Haley was growing just fine.

The bell rang and Liz wondered who it was, she wasn’t expecting anyone, except Cal, but since it was his home he wouldn’t be ringing the bell and gate security hadn’t even called ahead to let her know someone was coming.

Glancing quickly at a napping Haley, Liz jumped to get the door, before whoever it was rang again and risk waking up the baby. Liz headed to the door, preparing, after months of training with FMax and Cal, she knew to mentally and physically prepare herself as she swung open the door.

All the preparation in the world didn’t prepare her for who was at her door.

Her body stiffened at the sight of the blond.

Tess….with pink streaks through her hair….wait.

Not Tess…the blond shyly smiled.

Definitely not Tess, but who? A shapeshifter?

A thought hit her just then and then she groaned

“Wow..dat was def not the greetin’ I was hopin’ for.”

The blonds’ accent was heavy and Liz struggled to place it.

“Please don’t tell me you’re from the future” Liz pleaded

“Well dis your lucky day…I ain’t from da future. I’m from New York.”

“New York?”


Liz stood and studied the girl, black calf high combat boots, fishnet stockings, pink and black plaid shorts, black tank and pink leather jacket. New York, this girl said she was from New York.

“Ya just gonna stand dere all day and stare at me or are ya gonna invites me in to Cal’s?” Ava said somewhat nervously.

Opening the door wider “Come in” and Liz invited her in, wondering as to how this girl even knew of Cal’s existence, the pod squad certainly didn’t.

Entering the living room, Liz faltered just a bit as soon as she saw the blond standing over the playpen peering onto the sleeping baby.

“Why are you here?” Liz asked quickly “And who are you?”

The blond turned and faced her.

“Da names Ava and I’m here cuz she..” Ava said jutting her thumb over one shoulder towards Haley “..called for me.”

“She called for you?” Liz repeated

“Yup. I’m a lil late, but hey, betteh late den neva right?”

“Uumm yea, I guess, but I’m sorry you said my daughter called you.”

“Mmmhmm..” Ava nodded as she slowly walked around Cal’s living room, observing the artwork and sculptures.

“How exactly did she call you?” Liz could tell the girl seemed nervous; she twiddled with her fingers as she walked the perimeters of the living room. After everything she had seen and experienced she was sure the girl was telling the truth, but wondered what sort of alien business was to come into her life now.

“It’s like a signal, ya know…. like Batman’s beam or somethin’ like dat, but we’s don’t see it, we feel it. It’s an instant pull. I don’t know exactly how we know, we’s just do. I felt da pull and now here I am.” Turning back to Liz and holding her eyes. Cornflower blue eyes held onto Liz’s deep brown, the honesty flowed out of Ava’s eyes and seemed to scream Ava’s silent plead to be accepted, to be believed.

Liz nodded acceptingly, she didn’t know what exactly it was about this girl, but Liz trusted her.

“So I know you’re an alien, but who exactly are you, you look just like Tess.”

“I should, I was made to look like her.”

“She’s a dupe.” Cal’s voice sounded out from behind Liz

Haley stood and waited for what was to come. She knew that with her mommy going after Kivar that Uncle Michael and Aunt Ava were not too far behind.

Her eyes darted from the cave entrance back to Max, she caught his eyes and smiled shyly.

Smiling back, Max stood awed at all that he had just found out, this was his daughter.

How had Liz kept this from him, how COULD she have kept this from him all these years?

Just then footsteps were heard from down the cave and Max glanced over to Haley, who was still holding up the shields, fatherly instincts quickly setting in.

“Haley, someone’s coming, why don’t you release us so we can protect you.” He tried to plead with the little girl.

“It’s okay, I’m okay daddy.” Haley reassured him.

At hearing her use of the paternal endearment, Max’s heart tightened. His daughter had just called him ‘daddy’.

The footsteps were louder now and before Max could try to convince Haley to release them, a figure rushed into the cave.

“Auntie Ava!” Haley exclaimed and dropped her shield.

“Haley no..” Max cried out. She couldn’t just drop her shield, it could be anyone, a shapeshifter or….. anything.

“It’s okay daddy, it’s Auntie Ava.” Haley cried out and then flew into her aunt’s arms

“Haley, how did you get here?” Ava asked as she tightened her arms around the little girl.

“I flickered.” Haley said excitedly. She had been able to do it, for some time now, and had been practicing whenever she could.

“You flickered?” Ava unwrapped herself from the girl and pulled away, looking at the girls happy face.

“Yup” Haley responded.

“Who are you?” Isabel asked from her corner of the cave, she had stood by and watched the interaction, but she just couldn’t keep quiet anymore, she had to know exactly what was going on.

“ of the dupe’s” Ava answered, pulling herself up from the spot that she had fallen to in order to hug Haley.

“You’re supposed to be dead.” Tess stated, holding Zan’s hand tightly and eyeing the blond who looked amazingly just like her.

“What she means is, they said you died.” Max tried to explain.

“They?” Ava asked

“The other dupes, Rath and Lonnie. They said that you and Zan died. That Zan had gotten hit by a truck and you ran into the street hysterical and was hit also, that you both died.” Max clarified.

“They wished, well Zan did die, that much was true, but not me.”

Loud footsteps came running into the cave again and Michael ran in.

“What the hell is going on in here?” Michael bellowed out

“Swear jar Uncle Mike” Haley reminded him, mentally adding one dollar onto his tab.

“Yeah, yeah..someone please tell me what happened.” He was worried, Liz had left him stranded in the plane an hour ago and who knew what she was into, sometimes she tended to take matters into her own hands. She was capable and confident and good, Michael would give her that, but having back up could always help.

Looking around the cave, his eyes swept over the occupants.

“Where’s Liz?” He asked Ava

“I just got here, haven’t seen her.”

Michael’s eyes had efficiently moved off of her as soon as he realized she didn’t know.
He turned to the small group of aliens that had been standing there shockingly quiet.

“She went after Kivar.” Tess told him

“Thatta way.” Haley informed him as she pointed to another small entrance off to the side of the cave, knowing that Uncle Mike was going to go and help her mommy.

Micheal nodded and took off in the direction of Liz and Kivar.

“Michael..wait!” Max yelled and started after him, but fumbled and struggled to go after him, despite his injuries.

“Max you can’t” Isabel reached his side and draped his arm around her shoulder. Tess rushed to his other side and did the same.

“I have to..” Max tried to argue, his breath now raspy and slow.

“They’re right Max, you need time to rest and heal. Liz and Michael can handle it. They’ve done it before.”

At Ava’s confident tone, Max hung his head, ashamed that he couldn’t help, that he was too weak to help.

“You all are gonna have to come back with me, you’re unprotected and it only invites Kivar back to try to capture you again while you’re all weakened and your powers are weak.”

“We can’t, we have lives, families, jobs” Isabel cried out.

“I’m not asking you, it’s the only way to keep you protected right now, we can’t do that while you’re still in Roswell. But don’t worry, I’ve arranged for Alex, Kyle and Maria to meet you all there, they’ll be safe too.” Ava explained her voice soft yet firm.

“Now let’s go.” She ordered them as she took hold of Haley’s hand and led the group out of the caves and out into the hot desert where a black fully tinted SUV was parked with the engine running.

Motioning towards the back doors, “Get in.” she told the pod squad as she opened up the front passenger door and adjusted herself to let Haley, jump in.

As everyone settled in, the driver turned around to the newcomers.

“Max, Zan, Tess and Isabel, we finally meet. I’m Serena Jarves, head of security.”

“Head of security?” Tess echoed

“Yes, Whirlwind waters…that’s where we’re headed. Well not at this exact moment, but we’re going there, right now we gotta get to the airstrip, our plane’s waiting on us.”

Turning back to the front, Serena slid the SUV into gear and they took off.

Serena, called out playfully “California…here we come.”
