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HIDING IN PLAIN VIEW (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 5 -11/2/10{WIP]

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 4:38 am
by Dreamer4life

Author: Dreamer4life

Category: Dreamer - AU w/out Aliens

Rating: Adult

Summary: liz’s world was turned up side down after Max breaks her heart.

Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. Any references names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author's imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

The characters of Roswell belong to is founder - Twentieth Century Fox Corporation, Jason Katims, , Regency Entertainment, and Monarchy B.V.


Life deals the most unusual cards. Life is filled with disappointment, love, laughter and ....heartbreak and every decision comes with a consequence.

5 years ago:

Liz parker hums to a song on the radio in her small car along the Roswell highway like every day. She turns into the familiar street, giving a quick glance at the clock noticing she is running late and sighs softly. Her mobile vibrates loudly, picking it up from the passenger seat she glances at the caller id when she hears it the loud honking of the truck horn and the bright blinding lights, the sudden skid of the tires and the crushing sound of metal when her whole world goes dark.


A million thoughts run through her mind as she walks through the glass double doors. A large wooden, circular desk sits strategically placed in middle of the wall. She leans her elbows on the desk as she looks down at the petite blonde behind the counter.

“Morning Maria, how are things?” she says to her best friend as she pulls her long brown hair into a sleek ponytail
“ Morning, things are good Liz, if i could only get Michael off my ass, you would think he thinks being pregnant is a disability, he doesn’t let me do anything anymore, it’s kind of sweet but mostly annoying” she laughs.

“Naww.. don’t be too rough on him otherwise he will take it out on me” Liz says softly

“ Now where did you go last night, we were supposed to have a movie night?” Maria smiles softly pulling the phone of the hook so she doesn’t have to answer its loud rings

“ Well you could say i was a little busy with someone” Lis smiles back

“ Oh liz Evans you naughty girl.. Anyway have you seen the fresh meat upstairs, the way people have been talking about him, you would think his like the holy Mecca or something, you’ve got yourself some competition Hun” Maria leans across the table whispering as if the information is top secret

“ No i haven’t but ill tell you if i have later, i have to go or your husband will rip me a new one” Liz laughs grabbing her coffee cup off the desk and half jogging to the elevator doors.

The doors open and office chatter is loud as she walks to the large wooden doors to the gym. The room full of men and very few women.

“ Okay whose up from some practice” she smiles looking around the room when her partner walks forward.

“ Come on Liz you know no one’s wants to take you on anymore, all the guys think you cheat” he laughs patting her affectionately on the back.

“Well i like to keep in front of everyone else, i just step it up a notch” she says as she punches the boxing bag in front of her.

“Well our next trip is in two days, it seems Spain is calling our name, Michael needs us to take files from cooperation, they have something in it we need. The sooner i go back to desk work the happier i will be, i hate going undercover and all this field work” Alex replies as he walks around to hold the bag in place.

“Yeah i know they said i get a new partner end of month. Speaking of have you heard of this guy everyone’s talking about, Maria mentioned him this morning” she rushes out looking around the room at her colleagues

“ You would think being the secretary of a secret government agency and wife of the director of the CIA, she would be a little more quiet on these kind of things” he laughs and grunts when she throws another punch into the bag.

“ Yes but this is Maria, she tells me everything. So have you?” she looks at his face trying to gauge some kind of reaction for what she’s up for.

“ Yeap supposably we are going to meet him in this morning’s debriefing for our new case, speaking of which, we are running late with no time to shower and if we don’t get there soon Michael will have our heads on a platter” he smiles looking down at his watch and pushing her towards the exit.

Liz takes her usual seat and glances around the room. It’s mostly men walking and talking loudly in business suits, only Alex and she were the only ones that had no time to change it seems, she glances down at her workout clothes shaking her head.

“ Okay everyone lets get started. I have good news for Alex” Michael walks in without so much as a hello, but that is never been his style.

“ I have found you a new partner Liz and Alex your back to desk jobs, which I’m sure your happy to hear” Michael stands at the front of the large desk

“ Oh thank god” Alex smiles happily throwing one arm around Liz’s shoulder.

“ Let me introduce Max Evans” He walks in full of confidence starting beside Michael until his eyes fall onto my face

“ Liz..”

Re: HIDING IN PLAIN VIEW (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 2 8/19/10

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 11:54 pm
by Dreamer4life
Thanks for the feedback. all feedback helps improve and influence my writing

just a short chapter, promise the next one will be longer.


“Yeah that is my name, have you heard of my work” she says smiling at the man looking so deeply into her eyes

“No, you don’t know who i am” He turns his head to the side gazing at me in wonder.

“No sorry, have we meet before?” She whispers, looking around the room at the curious look on all her colleagues faces listening eagerly at their conversation

“Ah.. No I must be mistaken” he mumbles before taking a seat at the conference table.

“Okay, now that that soap opera session is over, let’s get back to the case” Michael interrupts, looking around the table for objections, not that anyone would dare to make one.

“ Well Liz as you know you will fly out to Spain in tonight and meet with this client, i need you to, lets just say ....woe him to his hotel room and that’s where you make the hit, Eddie what’s it to look like an accident” He hands her a small folder full of information and surveillance photos.

“Doesn’t he always” she smiles, taking her attention from the amber eyes across the table that had held her stare since he walked in the room

“Now max i want you to book yourself in the hotel i need cameras set up, all the bells and whistles in this one, you’re our lizzie’s right hand man. If anything happens to her ill have your head on a platter served to my Maria.” he says smiling, looking the man who kept staring at his wife’s best friend.

The agents slowly move out wishing Liz good luck, while max continues to hold Liz’s gaze before dropping it when Alex slides his arm around her shoulder.

“Now what the hell was that about” Alex says smiling secretively

“Mr Goo goo eyes’ giving you looks”

“Alex I have no idea who he is, although he does look familiar, it’s like his name is on the tip of my tongue, don’t worry ill figure it out, I’m good at these things; anyway I have to go pack I’ll see you in a few days, look after Maria for me” Liz says smiling grabbing her folder and handbag

“Maybe you slept with him once” Alex offers, smiling.

“Maybe... but I think id remember that body.” She winks before leaving the building, but Max's amber eyes haunt her mind on the way home.

Re: HIDING IN PLAIN VIEW (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 3 8/20/10

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 11:48 pm
by Dreamer4life
mary mary


She walks up the steps of the private plane, smiling at the people as she boards, dragging behind her a small suitcase and box behind her.

She seems him sitting in the far corner typing quietly oblivious to the outside world, before taking her seat across from her new partner.

Max gives her a small smile before resuming looking over more files and typing on his laptop.
She places her earphones in her ear, turning the music up just loud enough, as if she was trying to drown out the deafening silence, closing her eyes welcoming the sleep that consumed her.

“ Liz” Max whispered jolting her out of her sleep

“Sorry i must of dozed off” she laughed

“ It’s okay”

“It’s odd that we have the same name don’t you think. It’s cool though” she says smiling, trying to breaking the awkward silence of the small plane. The only noise is the constant hum of the engine and the sound of max typing.

“Yeah, it’s odd because when i look at you i see you more with a common name like smith or parker” he looks into her eyes deeply

“Parker” she repeats ignoring the familiarity and feelings of sorrow

“Hmm... So what’s in the box” he nods his head to the box medium size box beside her.

“Its weapons, normal assassin stuff” she says, opening the box and laughing at the reaction on his face

“How did you get into this kind of thing? I mean looking at you; you don’t seem like the killing type”

“I got into a car accident awhile back and after that my injuries were bad so i was put in a coma for quite awhile, i woke up a couple of weeks later and Eddie saw me when he was visiting his mum, that’s the boss I’m sure you’ve meet him; and anyway i couldn’t remember majority of anything like common things, how to talk, eat, drink, friends and family so Eddie kept me company. He came a close friend and he ended up telling me he worked for a corporation that was part the CIA and he, taught me everything again and trained me to be an agent. I’m grateful; I do what I’m told, i don’t ask questions” she said smiling trying to keep her tough façade intact.

Seeing the pity in his eyes she added “I don’t need or desire your pity”

“No its just that’s a lot to go through. So you remember nothing of your past? No family or friends left behind” he rushed out, shutting the laptop and giving her his full attention

“ No, bits and pieces every now and then and Eddie couldn’t find anyone from my past”

“ So why Liz Evans”

“ First Names that popped into my head i thought why not, new life for myself.” She said smiling

“ So this guy are you good to go”

“ Yeap they’re all the same all 20 of them”

“ 20??” he says his eyebrows knitting together in confusion

“ yeah 20 kills in the past 5 years that’s how many of them i had to kill for the agency” she said softly looking at the rain that fell down the window of the plane

“ Wow ive had none, but im not that kind of agent I’m more the protection kind”

“ well i hope your good because its not Eddie or Michael you should be scared of its Maria” she laughs like its a private joke

“ yeah i guessed so when i left i office, she came bolting over and near knocked me over cursing in Spanish if something happened to me she’d have my balls” he groaned

“ yeah that’s Maria, she’s my best friend we are like sisters”

“ so..” he said leaning forward placing his chin in his hand that was leaning on the chair

“ Are you sure we haven’t meet... you’re eyes are so unusual and yet they seem so familiar”

“ Not that i know of” giving her a sad smile

This was a mystery Liz wouldn’t let get away from her.

Re: HIDING IN PLAIN VIEW (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 4 8/30/10

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 1:40 am
by Dreamer4life
Thanks for the feedback:
mary mary


“Baby we need to get this room, the woman at the country club said it’s a must, i can’t go back and face them without staying in that room” Liz applies a thick Texan accent

“ I’m sorry ma’am its not available” the small woman behind the counter whispers

“Honey if she can’t give it to us, we can get another room. I’m sorry...” max looks down at the name tag .

“Angela for the bother, it’s just Hannah here had her heart set on this, she was real excited” he gives her his best smile

“ Oh honey what are we going do now i wanted our anniversary night to be in that suite, the girls at the club will be so mean when i get back” forcing small tears to come to her eyes as she gazes at max then at the woman behind the desk

“ I suppose i can just let you look in it, the occupant is out for the day so i can get one of the doormen to give you a quick look in i guess, but only a few minutes”

“ Oh honey please... i heard it was to die for” Liz leans over the counter taking the room card smiling

“ Thank you Angela, i can never thank you enough.” Max smiles taking her hand softly and holds it in his hand, while Angela giggles softly like a smitten school girl.

“ Robert could you take this couple to see the penthouse suite, just a quick look” Angelia smiles at the small man in his late 50’s standing beside the counter.

“ Just one look baby and i promise ill make it up to you” Liz winked then linked her around into max’s before following the old man into the elevator.

“Okay this is the suite i can only give you 5 mins then ill come back and get you i have to make a call” the old man slipped the card into the machine allowing the door to open slightly then moved up the hall with mobile in hand

“ 5 minutes is all i need” Liz whispered in confidence

“ Okay you place this camera device in the room and the phone bug in the bedrooms phone meet me here when your done” liz shouts when the doorman is out of sight, shoving the devices into max’s awaiting hand.
Liz quickly moved to the laptop typing quickly and kept looking over her shoulder for any sudden movement outside the door.

“ did you have to lay it on so thick” max mumbled as he made his way back into the main room where liz was standing smudging her lipstick and messing up her hair slightly

“ Yes, i got us in didn’t i, its never failed before” she smiled quickly at her dishleaved appearance

“ what are you doing” max said as liz loosened his tie

“ I want it to look like we did the dirty”


“So that stuck up prude at the front desk knows to keep her eyes to herself" rolling her eyes like its the most obvious answer

“Were not actually married you know that right”

“Hmm i do but she doesn’t” Liz smile seductively before leaning to capture her lips with his

Re: HIDING IN PLAIN VIEW (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 5 11/2/10

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 3:52 am
by Dreamer4life



“Hmm i do but she doesn’t” Liz smile seductively before leaning to capture her lips with his

Max pulled away, when he heard the cough of a man beside him

“ You still in the newlywed phase i see” the old man’s smile bright

“ I’m so sorry sir my husband gets carried away sometimes” Liz slips back into her role quickly

“ well the occupant is due back soon so I’m sorry mam we have to leave” his eyes slowly taking in liz dishevelled appearance.

“ Yes well thank you, come on Liz” Max grumpily relies clasping Liz’s awaiting hand stalking into the elevator

“ what the fuck was that about?’” Max’s eyes filled of anger the moment the elevator doors closed, leaving the small doorman behind.

“What. That’s the job we had to make it look slightly believable. Not that you can act to save your life” Liz snapped back, crossing her arms in defiance

“ I can act just fine, give me some fucking warning next time before shoving your tongue down my throat”

“ You wish it was my tongue down your throat. What turned you on did it, would you like a second go” Her eyes travelling up and down his body, her smiling amused at his shocked face

“Okay drop the act its not funny”

“ Who said i was acting” her hand travelling up his bicep

“ Look im not kidding cut it out” he moves his hand to her shoulder pushing her away

“ God take a joke, your so uptight and your....” the elevator door open breaking Liz of mid sentence, slipping her arm through his she dragged him behind her towards the woman at the front desk making sure the woman caught a brief look at their appearances, smiling at herself in satisfaction before dropping his arm and getting into the awaited black car. The tinted windows hide their faces the small window separated them from the driver up.

“ Do not jeopardise my assignment again, i can deal with one or two mistakes but i swear to all that is holy if you fuck up my assignment i will cut your balls off myself and hand them to Maria” Liz’s eyes blazing with anger as she waves her finger in Max’s face

“ Yeah i get it, just don’t lay it on so thick it looks fake” he grabbed her finger that was waving frantically in his face and pulled it into his hand.

“ I’ve done this a long time Max i am who i am, its never failed me before”

“ It has” Max whispered softly to himself unaware of Liz listening to every word.