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Summer Solstice - A/I - TEEN - Complete 8/18/10

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 3:43 pm
by Ti88
This is for RH’s Summer Writing Challenge. Not of This Earth. CC fic. It Won!!

Title: Summer Solstice

Author: Ti88 aka Roselle

Paring: A/I/CC

Rating: Teen

Genre: Fluff

Summary: A date in Frasier Woods. The fic was inspired by an exhibit I saw a couple of Christmas’ ago at the Bronx Zoo Holiday Lights. The theme was The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe – Chronicle’s of Narnia. You don’t have to have to know anything about it to enjoy the story. Just giving credit.

Disclaimer: Roswell, its characters, etc do not belong to me. This is my way of paying homage to something I love. And to get some of the what if’s out of my head. No infringement intended.

Alex stopped the car in Frasier Woods, getting out he went around and opened the door for Isabel. "Are you ready for a Midsummer's Party?" Reaching out his hand he took hers and helped his lady from the car.
Isabel looked up as she got out and said the only thing that came to mind. “Wow!”

Alex looked at the expression on her face and felt proud. I made Isabel Evans speechless. She is the queen of creating fantastical things in the dream plan. I wanted to create something for her in this realm. Something to show her there is magic here. JACKPOT BABY! “Well Iz if you like this wait till you get to the center.” He popped the trunk, grabbed the basket and took her hand in his.

As Isabel allowed herself to be led down the path she realized that what she took to be regular lights wound around the trees were really various magical creatures from Earth lore. There before her was the fairies, giants, nymphs, elves, swords, dragons, castles, foods, magic dust, birds, and so many others she recognized but the names slipped her mind. These were the characters her parents had read to her as bedtime stories. Until she realized that Earth did not appreciate those things which were not like them she figured her, Max, and Michael was one of those magical creatures. She hugged Alex and kept following him.

“Alex I can’t believe you did all of this. So this is where you’ve been the last week. I was beginning to think you were avoiding me.” She laughed as she ducked under a huge butterfly.

“Nope.” He replied. “I just needed to be able to transport all the stuff here and set it up.” He stopped walking. “Well here we are. The center.”

She looked around and saw more creatures, but these were on the ground and they had a softer light to them as not to overpower the stars above. She had walked into a magic kingdom and wasn’t sure if she wanted to leave.

There was a blanket there on some of platform and sheer curtains all around blowing in the slight breeze as capes or wings. He placed the basket on the blanket already there. Turning back around, he watched Isabel. She looked like a kid in a candy shop. “Dance with me.”

“There is no music, Alex.”

“Yes there is. This is one the most magical nights of the year. If you are very quiet and listen with not your ears but your whole body, inside and out, you can hear the music of the earth.”

Ok. Maybe he fell out of the tree. Or better yet “Have you been in Maria’s oils again?”

Alex laughed and grabbed her. “Come on Bell, you’re an alien, I know believing in tonight’s magic isn’t really that far of a stretch.” He began to twirl her. Moving in a circle in the clearing. Pulling her into his arms, he whispered into her ear. “Can’t you hear it? A whisper on the trees. Can’t you see them? Going to and fro on this night.”

Isabel looked into the eyes of the only other man outside of her two brothers and her dad who knew her. And she did something she hadn’t done since she was a child. She believed. Closing her eyes and placing her head on his shoulder she swayed in his arms and heard the music and felt the magic all around her.


“What was that?”

“Sorry. I think we should eat.”

Isabel looked at Alex like he was crazy. “That was your stomach?”

“Well yeah. I haven’t eating since breakfast. I was finishing this up and then the nerves.” Pulling her down to the blanket with him, he began to unpack the food.

Laughing Isabel reached out to help. “Well what did the Crashdown, supply us with tonight?”

“Nothing. I think we all eat there enough. I…um…well…I cooked it.”

“You what?!”


“Now I’m really hungry. I love that place as much as the next person, but you can only eat there so much. This looks and smells great.”

Making plates for them, Isabel relaxed back against Alex. “This is great. You have to cook for me more often. I don’t even have to add anything.”

“Great. That was the biggest challenge. There was sort of a mixup at the stores and there is no Tabasco sauce for the next three days.”

“How can you be out of Tabasco sauce?”

“That’s what I said. So I used different spices and things to get what I hoped was the right combination.”

“Well it worked.” Isabel looked at the stars again. “Alex look. Shooting stars.”

“Make a wish.”

“You too.”

Both spent the rest of the evening till dawn, laughing and dancing, frolicking as only one can do on that magical summer night. The stars seemed brighter and clearer. The lights both from Alex’s creatures and the fireflies made the whole forest a glow. Had they thought to look through the grass they would have seen two little creatures perched upon a rock.

“Finally took those two long enough.”

“Now now dear, don’t be too hard on them, they are mere mortals.”

“Mortal, shmortal, if anything, they should be moving faster because of that, not slower.”

“Well we had better go back. Dawn is approaching.”

Opening a portal, the two gave one last glance at the dancing teens. Smiling at shared memories, it was nice to see them having fun on this magical night. Giving a soft sigh and a wave they walked arm and arm through the portal, back to their world of magic to finish their celebration.

“Beep.” “Beep.”

“Alex what the heck is that.”

“That’s my watch telling me I have to get you home. I got permission for sunrise, but that’s it. The sun is up. Back to the real world.”

This time it was Isabel who grabbed Alex and pulled him into her arms. “Real world it may be. But this place. This night. Will always be ours. From here to the end of time. I never want to forget the music I heard tonight. Or the things I saw just out the corner of my eye.”

“You too.”

“Yep. You were right Alex. The Summer Solstice is a magic night. That was something I had forgotten. Magic. It got sucked into the abyss. So this is our place we’ll come to when we need magic.”

“You’ll wear red right?”

“If you’ll keep the top button undone.”



Smiling at each other, and the memories to come, they walked arm and arm back down the path, to the car, opening the door and getting in, they drove off back to the real world, to start living life for all its magical moments.

The End.