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Amaro's Writings - 10/03

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 12:53 am
by chunkmonster2
About Me:

This is the very first time I have EVER even attempted at trying to put anything like this together in any form! So bare with me, I think like anything it will come around as I gain some experience.

So where to start?

Roswell, of course!

Here are some fact:

I did not start watching Roswell until the September 2009, which is kinda odd because it was around the ten year anniversary of the show! Want to know how it happened? I'm going to tell you anyways! I was at Walmart of all places looking through the less expensive DVD areas to try and find some old shows I watched that may be out and not too costly. I stumbled upon Roswell. Now I was a HUGE WB fan back in the day. HUGE BTVS fan, but I watched bits and pieces of the other shows as well. Except Roswell. I actually have a very distinct memory of when it came on after BTVS was over of thinking "aliens, how lame? that show must suck" and shutting it off before the intro finished playing through. I also remembered thinking "Hey, thats Ford from Buffy" when I saw Max on the screen (little did I know he was in several WB shows including Dawson's Creek and 7th Heaven).

Anyways fast-forward till now. I have since become a Katherine Heigl fan through first Grey's Anatomy and then her movies. I look at the cover of Roswell and who do they have front-row now? Isabel Stevens or Katherine Heigl if you will. This is what peaked my interest. The first season was cheap so I decided to give it a go. I really thank Katherine Heigl for peaking my interest because the show was better than I ever could have imagined.

The pilot to me is beyond amazing. I don't even have words for it really. I think many people can argue about many things about the series and what went right and wrong but the pilot I just feel stands above it all... maybe I am wrong but thats just my belief!

Needless to say I was hooked and within I believe 2 weeks had watched the entire season. I have fell in love with not only the show, the characters, the actors, the music, the EVERYTHING.

Like anything you fall in love with I craved more.... That's how I ended up here. Thats how I ended up writing my very first fic (which I hope to finish soon, big accomplishment).

So there is a little about how Roswell and I met and how it has affected my life thus far!

As stated before when I joined this site in October of 2009 it was my first ever fanfiction site. I had never wrote fanfiction before, I was a complete NEWB! When I decided I would actually become part of the community and start writing I more or less wanted to tie up loose strings left by the show. As much as we all love the show we know sometimes the writers didn't do the best just of tying up loose ends.

Question: What you can expect in my fics?
Answer: It is my personal belief as of right now I don't want to go back, I want to go forward. Therefore I started my original and only fic in present day and as of right now my plan is to continue going forward with other fics. I don't want to change what already is, as much as I hate some of things coughTESScough. I just want to go forward and show how I invision things for the pod squad AFTER all the things have already transpired. I will most likely write change into my stories, but never just have an introduction to explain "leave this memory out"

Question: What shipper am I?
Answer: Obviously, like the series was I have a huge attachment to Max and Liz. The show was based around them I feel and that what made me fall in love with it. Now that being said I am a huge Candy fan too. Michael and Maria also have a large spot in my heart, there is attachment there as well. I wIsh I could say I was a huge Stargazer but I am not. I will always include the memory of it because I believe it had the potential to be a GREAT storyline but because I didn't get to see it out, I can't really imagine it out. Truthfully I love every character on the show, save for Tess (Tess fans don't hate me, I would be lying if I said it didn't have anything to do with her and Max but it's not 100% of it either, it makes up about 50%. The other 50% is how the character is written, which at most times for me is very unlikable. Also, and please don't burn me at the stake, I am not an Emile De Ravin fan in any form.)

Question: Who will be in my fictions?
Answer: I am going to try and include EVERYONE, in some capacity at sometime! Even Tess, I swear! All characters have their place. I try and keep the main group, which to me is M/L, M/M, I/K, with relatively equal playtime! Others will definitely be popping in and out! The only reason Alex isn't included is because like I said I am simply going forward (FOR NOW) and unfortunately he is no longer with the group. If there was some way I could rewrite that in a non expected way coughTIMETRAVELcough than I would -- I loved that character. But he is still going to pop up in writings via memory and maybe a little future action ;)

Question: Short or Long... stories?
Answer: Both! I am nearly completion of what I consider a long story. No official word count yet, I did one for the first page which turned out to be around 30,000 words. There are five full generally equal sized pages. I am assuming I am somewhere around 150,000 words. I will do a full count when I am finished. After finishing however I want to explore some short stories... things that will happen between this story and the next! I want to experience writing in greater detail about one scene rather than less detail about millions of scenes!

Question: What universe do I prefer?
Answer: CC all the way! :)

That's all the Q/A for now! I will add more later. Onto the actual fanfiction list;
Banner by Me

Title: Returning Normal
Category: CC, Present day, M/L, M/M, K/I
Rating: Teen
Status: WIP
Start Date: October 27th 2009
Completion Date: TBD
Final Word Count: TBD
Chapters: Twelve
Preceeding: None for now.
Succeeding: To come for certain!

Summary: After moving from place to place for nearly six years the crew settles in a small town in Louisiana. They assume new identities and live here for well over a year with no issues. Everything seems to be going smoothly until Isabel has a strange and slightly familiar dream. It seems things aren't going to be that easy for Max, Liz, Michael, Maria, Isabel and Kyle. As more information comes uncovered it seems that they may very well be on their way to their last battle with all aspects of this life they have been living. One question still remains uncertain - will they all make it out alive?


Title: Already gone
Category: CC, M/L
Rating: Teen
Status: Complete
Start Date: October 3rd 2010
Completion Date: October 3rd 2010
Final Word Count: 2262
Chapters: N/A
Preceeding: None
Succeeding: None

Summary: When is it really time to let go?

Author's Notes: My first short fic. Hope you like, please leave feedback!


Also when I started here I started creating some fun photos/videos.

Although there are no videos I want to show right now I will show some of my fanart, more will come soon because they are for upcoming stories!

Haha, no words for how bad this is! I got better I swear! Sarah Michelle and Shiri

Haha... no words for this either... well other than BAD BAD BAD

Getting the hangish of it.... Kim Kardashian and Shiri, Shiri looks good curvy! haha

Majandra/Kim K -- she looks good with some boobs too, haha

Dark hair all the way around! Who looks best?

Shiri trying out various colors? Which do you prefer? I think she pulls off all three quite nicely!

Believe it or not there is Liz in there. This is one of the first MANIPS I actually got somewhat right. But many didnt see any Liz left in it because there is a lot of Megan Fox (who I frequently used to manip with cause it worked well) But Liz is there... look at the eyes, nose and mouth!!

my current siggy... plain, simple. love it. love the old 90's photos of people, love the fashion, the hair, it all!

Jason and Shiri back together

Same for Maja and Bren

A banner I created once for Jason/Max

haha, Mean girls, cause lets face it they had their moments.

I LOVE this one. I updated them, placed them all together. Beautiful.
Katy H. with Christina A., Shiri A. with Megan F., Maja D. with Lindsay L., and Emilie R. with Jennifer L.H.

recent manip I did of Maria.

recent manip of Liz to go with the theme of the one above

recent manip of Isabel to go with theme above

recent manip of the boys to match the one of the girls
That's all I have for now! Hopefully more to come soon! Post comments! I will keep ya'll updated here as much as possible to the happenings of my fics. For the fans of them I may also poll questions here for you to help me make some decisions! Hope you enjoyed your stay! Come back soon!

Re: Amaro's Writings - 10/03

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 11:58 am
by chunkmonster2

My recent short story was added to my fanfiction, also added a manip of Maria to the multimedia section!


Re: Amaro's Writings - 10/03

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 8:15 am
by April
Nice thread. I really like your Majandra/Brendan manip and the last manip of Maria.

Re: Amaro's Writings - 10/03

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 8:34 am
by chunkmonster2
Thanks April!

Just getting back into the manips after a super long hiatus.. I really liked the recent manip of Maja too... I wanna do a new one of her and Bren tho cause I wanna betta quality. That one there was one I did a while back!

Still love ALL of your vids btw!

Re: Amaro's Writings - 10/03

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 1:39 pm
by chunkmonster2

This is the promotional poster I made for my upcoming fic -- don't worry, for everyone who is reading my current "Returning Normal" that will conclude before this one begins! I have several smaller promotional posters I made as well for when the story gets going to post... but this is the first fun teaser.

As for Returning Normal, I am hoping to squeeze out a post tonight... and then unfortunately it's probably going to be another week. And I had started off sooo strong! Anyways hopefully I'll get it back so there is a couple posts a week -- like I said before I would like for it to conclude before it's year mark (i started it on the 27th of October last year). There is really only 2 chapters left... so around 8 posts... lets see if I can get er done.

Alright, I think that's the updates for now....
hope you all enjoy,

we will chat soon


Re: Amaro's Writings - 10/03

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 2:45 pm
by Roswellian117