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One Way Road Trip (Adult/Max POVish/AU) [WIP]

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 7:29 am
by RosDude
Banner Artist: Me
Title: One Way Road Trip
Author: Chad
Disclaimer: Roswell does not belong to me. No infringement is intended.
Rating/Category: Adult/Max POVish CC/AU without aliens
Summary: Max Evans goes on a road trip for no apparent reason. Other things ensue around him. That is his opinion on the matter.
Warnings: Abusive use of dry, sarcastic, juvenile, and crack humor. Creating of made up words. Random randomness. And swearing.
AN: I was terribly bored. This is what happened. :| Hope you N+Joy.

Chapter One
(Prelude to an Abomination of an Adventure)
Max Evans makes it a point not to do things he does not want to do. Trust. His skills at not doing unwantedtodothings are unequaled. By way of excuses, denial, flat out rejections, or in certain cases, the always effective ‘hells no’, you will never come upon a Max doing something said Max does not want to do.

So why is he doing this?

Please tell him, as he has spent several critical (or critiquel) seconds of his life trying to figure it out. This amounting to, sitting in his car outside of the apartment complex (complex apartment?) of one Elizabeth Parker. This also equaling, waiting for Elizabeth Parker—who shall henceforth be known simply as Liz (or perhaps another name given fitting circumstances)—to make a non spectacular appearance in a non spectacular fashion, so that they may embark upon what is likely to be contrarily an overly spectacular journey.

“We should go on a road trip.”

That was the sentence from which this abomination of an adventure was spawned. Or at least the current events: the prelude to an abomination of an adventure. Whispered in his ear several weeks ago at an hour at which any perfectly capable person is quite perfectly incapable of remembering. And if at one point Max had been capable of remembering it, he has surely forgotten by now.

A road trip? Perhaps there is a misunderstanding. Has he not explained clearly that such things fall under the category of unwantedtodo? He is sure that he has. And even so, being that several weeks ago is where it all originated—the “it” in that statement being this idea for a damn road trip—if he actually thinks about it, Max can remember the origin quite clearly.

Oh look. Apparently he is still perfectly capable.

It was a normal morning (most oppositely unlike this morning). Or perhaps it is better to say that it was as normal a morning as he is used to. Well…normal aside from the fact that there was a woman lying on top of him, her weight slight enough to be inconsequential, but not so slight that it was inconsequentially unnoticeable. And really, the woman wasn’t quite normal, so perhaps the morning was not as particularly normal as his memory wanted him to think it was, nor as normal as normal can normally be explained. After all, it was not every day—not of his monotonous life anyway—that he woke up with a naked woman sprawled out on top of him.

Oh, had he not mentioned that she was naked?

Yes, she was naked. A detail he supposes is worth more than glossing over.

And don’t you judge him. What did you expect? Any red blooded testosterone driven man of his mid to late…any age, would not dare gloss over the noticing of a naked woman lying on top of him. But that’s beside the point (as oppose to behind or in front of it). She was naked. He noticed. End of story.

At the time, in Max’s vivid memory of the event—and you should know his vivacity for vividness is quite vast—the naked woman had been sleeping soundly, like she hadn’t a care in the world. This he would say showed no particularly uncharacteristic amount of boldness for a person who would dare to sleep naked atop another person. Alas, he supposed he was in no position to judge the character of a naked sleeping woman, when consequently, he found himself sharing a common bond with her (heads out of the gutter people!). For while he was neither sleeping, nor particularly a woman, he was quite similarly naked.

Probability and logistics being what they are, by now one may have come to the calculation that some nefarious deeds had taken place in this bed either the previous night, or perhaps some other time in the not so distant past. And if one has indeed come to this particular conclusion, one might not be wrong. And if you are not yet one who has made this deduction, here’s a fun math equation for you. Surely you can take a few moments of your time to solve it.

One naked man + One naked woman + One comfy queen sized Serta Perfect Sleeper = …?

And there you have it.

Well, nefariousness aside, Max really had no intentions of waking her (the naked woman), as he found he liked the sensation of the sleep naked skin against his own wake naked skin. And in his professional opinion—which was as professional of an opinion as one could have of a person having had another person sleep naked on top of them while being naked themselves—this particular naked woman was much easier to deal with when she was unconscious.

But then, so are most women. (badabump che)

As stated before, she (again, the naked woman) had been lying on top of him (and naked!!) when the events leading to the current events had been realized. Despite Max’s resolve to keep her in her state of unconsciousness, fate, or misfortune—whichever name you wished to call it by—dictated that this be the time she awaken.

So the naked woman woke up, and like most misleading things, she was beautiful and bright eyed, showing not a hint of the treachery lurking in the spectacular dreadfulness of whatever wheels had spun round enough in her head to come up with the horrid idea that would soon spew forth from her sweetly treacherous lips (read that whatever way you may). And so looking into those bright, brown, beautiful, alliteration worthy eyes, whilst being mesmerized by the sweetness of those sweetened lips, Max was quite foolishly ensnared into her trap—the nakedness probably hadn’t hurt either. Thus more nefarious deeds took place, and all was right with the world.

Until now.

By now you can see that none of this is Max’s fault. It is gravely important that you understand this. Clearly he has been tricked. Such things—spectacular journeys and the embarking upon of them, which shall hereby be referred to as “Road Tripping” (not of the tripping over roads variety) alongside spectacularly naked women with spectacularly horrid ideas—are not Max’s idea of fun. He has been bullied into this. The spectacular Liz is the true culprit. For if you have not yet realized, she is undeniably the afore mentioned naked woman. (Curse her and her cursed nakedness!) Max’s non spectacular self would never have come up with something as spectacular as a trip across a road (many roads). Therefore, from now on he shall vest all the blame upon her adequately blamevestable shoulders.

There. All blame put aside in its proper place; here Max sits, waiting in his car at some unspecifically specified hour, and still unable to decide if turning around and driving back home would make for a wiser—albeit less spectacular—journey. In case you can’t tell, he’s leaning towards making a run for it…drive for it…getting the hell out of Doge City.

Too late. Marshall Dillon is already coming his way.

Liz is exiting her building (fully clothed, thanks for the favor) and heading towards his car, dragging behind her a duffel bag that is large enough to fit a dead body, thus putting a sad end to Max’s plans of turning taillights. But at least, should he mournfully perish during the spontaneity that is this fantastic voyage of theirs, he may take comfort in the knowledge that his traveling companion is outfitted with the proper equipment for lugging his deceased carcass back home. Or better still, perhaps to an undisclosed location, where he may spend his afterlife in peace and quiet, as he was unable to spend his beforedeath.

He will get back to you on that one. He is still undecided.

As she approaches his car looking annoyingly pleased with herself, Max feels annoyingly unpleased with herself. (Liz) Not referring to himself as herself. Max is annoyingly unpleased with Liz. His annoyance increases as she draws closer and closer to him.

Annoyance, meet annoyed.

With more ease than you would think coming from a person of her minuscule size, Annoyance—or Liz, if you prefer—slings her bag into the backseat of Max’s jeep, (optimal vehicle for road tripping) and climbs in beside him, both of them still annoyingly (un)pleased, respectfully. She smiles sweetly at up at him, and Max recognizes it as a smile he has been tricked by before. He tries to smile back at her, but is almost positive the look that is drawn across his face is most definitely not a smile. It doesn’t seem to have much of an effect on her.

“Stop smiling,” Max grouses in his most grousing voice. It is his way of showing how unhappy the current events have made him.

Liz ignores his grousieness. “Let’s go,” she says in a voice that sounds too excited for this remarkably unexcitable occasion, and much too cheerful for this early in the morning. And it is early in the morning (optimal hour for road tripping). What hour did you expect it would be?

Max glares down at her. Another declaration of his unhappiness. “I’m unhappy.” And yet another.

She rolls her eyes at him.

He hopes they roll right out of her head.

They remain firmly placed in their sockets.

Disappointment ensues.

“You’re never happy, Max,” Liz says in that la-di-da singsong of hers Max hates, largely because this particular voice is so easily able to brush off things that should be especially unbrushoffable.

“Finally picked up on that, have you?” It was about time she noticed. They have known each other for forever (assuming forever starts at the third grade), and yet sometimes the things she does—suggesting they go on road trips together—expecting him to be happy about stuff—attempting to engage in conversations with him at any hour earlier than seven o’clock in the morning—why you would think she didn’t know him at all.

“Just drive.”

Max’s left eyebrow (specifically the left one) twitches as he watches Liz toss an empty paper cup (was coffee from three days ago) out of his cup holder and onto the side of the road, replacing it with a new cup (is coffee from three minutes ago). “Where are we going?” he asks her, trying not to think about the dreaded future of the now discarded coffee cup, or more aptly, the creatures that will be drawn to investigate its contents. (And just where the hell is his coffee?)

“Wherever the road takes us?” Liz answers in a proposition that is actually a question masquerading as a suggestion, as it is clear neither of them have actually planned this thing out the way things such as spectacular jour… road trips ought to always be planned out.

This answer deserves more grousing. Max indulges.

“Stop grumbling.”

He’s not. He’s grousing, thank you very much! Trust. There is a difference. You’ll know it when you see it. And as things currently stand, there will definitely be many times to see it before this trip is over. But in the meantime, Max starts his car and pulls away from Liz’s building. All the while wondering if it is okay if the road takes him back to his own place.

“Swing by Maria’s first,” Liz tells him.

Max watches her silently for a moment, wondering how this request does not fall under the category of an answer to the question, ‘where are we going?’?

More unhappy grousing precedes.

More ignoring of the grousing follows.

More driving.

They reach Maria’s house in record time. No, Max was not speeding. He resents that you would ask. He never speeds. All laws of traffic were adhered to during the duration of the drive to Maria’s house. Thankyouforyourunnecessaryconcern.

Max also mostly never lies.

Maria’s house is a small brick confection with large (not brick) trees in front of it. Drooping leaves hang low in front of the house, shading it from the sun. Max pulls up to the sidewalk in front of the house. He looks to Liz, patiently impatient to get a move on. If one is forcing another to do something said other does not want to do, one should at least have the courtesy to get it done swiftly, so as to politely put the other out of their misery. If one has to do something one is not keen on doing, one should at least have the intelligence to get it done swiftly.

What’s that?

How is Max being forced into this?

Who said he was? Clearly you are reading between the lines. But if you do happen to read those lines, Max’s answer is: He just is. You will never get him to admit to otherwise.

But no one said he was being forced into this. There was also no mention of him being put out of his misery.

“What are we doing here, again?” he asks the woman *point*—person who is forcing him into this—*end point* sitting beside him. (No you did not just read that.)

Liz gives him a fake bright smile. It is almost brighter than the sun that is unable to illuminate Maria’s house through the throng of shade giving trees. “Supplies,” is her bright response. “Plus, I invited Michael and Maria to come along with us.”

Well this is news to him. And just when the hell was she going to let him in on this little tidbit of info? Although, surprised is probably the last thing Max should be. He knows she does things like this. It is only wishful thinking (read sheer stupidly) that he carries any hope that she will grow out of such randomly sporadic behavior. Sometimes he really does wonder why he puts up with her.

In a move that is clearly blessedly oblivious to Max’s current thoughts, Liz hops out of the jeep and gives him another one of those dreaded smiles of hers, before turning around and heading towards Maria’s front porch, purposely allowing her tight frayed, almost too short jean skirt to ride up the back of her not too short thighs, giving Max a slight peek of the lacey purple (lavender: someone somewhere would say it was lavender) underwear curving around her ass cheeks. Max watches her flirty skirty as it—along with the rest of her—makes its way to Maria’s doorstep. Ahh yes, that is why he puts up with her.

All the sex.

“Maria!” Liz shouts at the house. How convenient is it that the house is named for the person who lives in it? But really, must be confusing, that.

As Max watches Liz standing outside of Maria’s door, shouting loudly at the house like she’s some goddamn escape mental patient, he takes a moment to quietly ponder the shrill manner that is the 180ness of the Liz Parker of the last ten seconds. From seconds one through five she was the hot girl who was purposely flashing her panties at him from the curbside, while in seconds six through ten she was the loud bitch screaming outside of a house in a residential neighborhood at earlier than seven o’clock in the morning. Although, upon further consideration, Max supposes it’s not really all that shocking that one girl would take part in both of these scenarios.

He gets out of the car and joins Liz on Maria’s doorstep. No particular reason why. But if he had to give one it would probably be that he is sick of sitting in the car by himself, and particularly sick of waiting outside of buildings for women. And besides, Liz will eventually need to be muzzled, and it is always good that he be near for these sorts of things.

Max places his hand over Liz’s mouth, stopping her from shouting Maria’s name at the house again (how did you think he was going to stop her?), which simply results in her banging like the po-pos on the poor defenseless door instead. After several minutes of banging, plus a few inquiring ganders from the suspicious curtains of neighboring houses…neighboring curtains of suspicious houses? Well…either way, Maria—the person, not the house, as it is her name, not the house’s, regardless of what Liz-Parker-the po-po-knocker seems to think—opens the door and steps outside onto the front porch.

The telltale signs of sleep still linger on her person. As stated before, it is so much vera vera early, and Max is so not the only person who thinks vera vera much so, as made apparent the fact that Maria is still in her two sizes too big cannabis leaf t-shirt, Betty Boop pajama bottoms, shoelessly socked feet, and sporting a one of a kind I-was-sleeping-not-more-than-five-minutes-ago-what-the-fuck-are-you-doing-at-my-door-this-early-in-the-morning aura.


“What do you want, you fuckers?”


Liz pushes her way past Maria and enters the house all bold like. Max follows. As stated earlier, he is tired of waiting on women today, or something to that effect.

“I need to get some food for our trip,” Liz announces, her voice fading as she makes her way through Maria’s house back into her kitchen.

“This isn’t a super market,” Maria answers as she and Max follow behind groggily. Maria is groggily, Max is not as groggily, but only slightly less sleepy. “What trip?” she asks.

Max frowns at this. Quite a surprising question from someone who was supposedly invited to tag along. His suspic-o-meter gage is filling quite rapidly. He turns to Liz, looking to her for answers, however the damn girl (oh you clever, clever girl) knows better than to meet his gage gaze.

Inside the kitchen Liz is already making her way to Maria’s fridge. She opens it and starts rummaging through without so much as a ‘mama may I’. “Max and I are going on a road trip, remember? I asked you last night if you and Michael wanted to come with. You said yeah.”

“Really?” Maria asks, in a tone that says she has no recollection of this conversation having ever taken place.

Max is now of the opinion that this conversation never took place, but at the moment he lacks any solid evidence to prove his claim.

“Figures,” Maria says rubbing her sleepy eyes like a sleepy person does after waking up from being sleep. “I was so baked last night, I probably would have agreed to just about anything.”

Sounds fun. Lovely little Lizzy had better thank the hemp Gods for Maria’s poor lack of memory.

“When are you guys leaving?”

“Right now.” She (Liz, that scavenging freeloader slash lying liar) takes out a plate of brownies wrapped up in plastic wrap (plasticwrap ha ha ha) and sits it on the kitchen counter. “Brownies?” she arches a curious brow in Maria’s general direction.

“Happy brownies,” Maria confirms.

Liz delves deeper into the refrigerator for more hidden treasures. “Cookies?” she asks in a repeat performance of her brownie excavation.

“Happy cookies,” Maria repeats.

“Can I has?”

Maria shrugs. “Help yourself. Michael made them last night.”

Ah, thank Jeebus for Michael Guerin. Maria’s live-in, not quite living-in boyfriend. Maker of happy brownies, happy cookies, and all around master of the universe. Meanwhile, Max (the not as master of the universe) watches the exchange between Liz and Maria silently. Not because he has nothing to say, but because he is conveniently mute at the moment, rendering it impossible for him to speak on his, or anyone else’s behalf. Therefore you will get no excuses or explanations from him. So. Stop. Asking.

“So where are we going?” Maria is asking Liz when we tune back in to the conversation going on outside of Max’s head.

Liz climbs up onto Maria’s countertop and unwraps the plate of brownies. “Haven’t figured that part out yet,” she says, plopping a piece of one into her mouth. “Got milk?”

Maria shakes her head.

“You suck greatly,” Liz declares.

Maria smiles at her. “Michael agrees.” She rounds the counter over to the fridge side with Liz, scratching her messy bed head confuzzledly as she hops up onto the counter beside her. “Shouldn’t you like, I don’t know, go to the store or something?”

“There’s a wild thought,” Max quips. You may all now breathe a sigh of relief. It seems he has finally overcome his temporary muteness.

“Your place was closer,” Liz answers.

And cheaper, Max thinks. He doesn’t say it. He should though.

“You have to go to the store. There’s no food here anyway,” Maria tells them, taking a brownie from the plate.

Max rolls his eyes. No food here folks, just “happy meals”.

“What kind of stoners don’t have food?” Liz questions the now not as sleepy as she was when she opened the door Maria.

Good question.

Maria shrugs as she takes a bite of her brownie. “I like to think that we don’t have food because we’re stoners.”

Good answer.

“Can we go now?” Max is beginning to think the lingering effects of this stupid conversation might be killing his brain cells…among other things. And if Maria’s place is known for anything, it would have to be that it is a great source of brain cell destruction.

Liz slides down off the counter. “Yeah, I guess we need to hit up a store for some real food.” She leans into Maria and takes a big whiff of the other girl. (Sexy) “And you need a shower.” (Not so sexy)

“Fuck you, sweetheart.” Maria shoves Liz away from her.

“Where’s Michael?” Max asks before this goes any further. Hate to interrupt this loving exchange, darlings.

“Upstairs sleeping,” Maria nudges her head towards the ceiling. “Where I should be.”

Max couldn’t have agreed more. Not that Maria should be sleeping, but that sleeping in general is what most people this side of the world should be doing right now.

All together now, let’s all go back to bed!

“Wake him up,” the petulant child—or Liz—demands. “It’s fun time.”

Max doesn’t know if he would call this fun. No, he knows he wouldn’t.

“Wake him up?” Maria repeats. “And anger the beast? No thanks.”

Yes, Michael was not exactly what you would call a morning person. After having roomed with him for two years back in wheneverago, Max knows this for a fact. (how else did you think he knew?) Waking him up from the middle of his sleep was akin to poking an angry bear with a stick…while you were covered in honey.

That is what bears liked to eat right?


Well, A. A. Milne seemed to think so, and that was good enough for Max. Though upon further reflection, this comparison seems a tad inaccurate, as Max is not actually trying to imply that being woken from his sleep gave Michael the desire to eat people. At least not as far as he knew. What Michael and Maria did in the privacy of their own bedroom was none of his damn business, and that’s how he very much liked to keep it.

Back in the real world, Max notices the two women are both now staring at him expectantly. He’s seen those looks before. He’s not a fan of those looks. “Don’t even think about it,” he tells them before they can give words to their obvious thoughts. He’s no one’s scapegoat, spank-you-berry-much!

“Please Max,” Liz says, batting her eyelashes at him like some vixenish cartoon character. “We have to get a move on if we’re going to bla bla bla yada yada yada…”

Max has stopped listening. He will not be coerced. His foot is down…

One Way Road Trip (Adult/Max POVish/AU) Two 10/14/10

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 10:39 am
by RosDude
Sundae: Actually Max did notice the nakedness first. He just neglected to mention it.
nibbles2: Thanks. The made up words are pretty fun to come up with.
Alien_Friend: Thanks. Always glad to have you reading.
keepsmiling7: Thanks for reading and stay tuned.
mary mary: Oh you know what they say. “Getting there is half the fun.”
begonia9508: Yep, Max is quite the oddball in this.

Hey guys, thanks for reading. Just a little heads up. Due to the nature of this story being that most of it is taking place in Max’s head, sometimes the story will have a tendency to feel as if it’s not really going anywhere, or like not much is happening. Or sometimes it will feel like a lot is happening very quickly, but in a very short period of time, due to Max’s lack of description of what is going on. Also, sometimes things will just drop off inexplicably, either because Max isn’t paying attention, or has moved on to something else. Just know that all this bizarreness is intentional. Hope you N+Joy

Chapter Two
(Onward to More Unwantedtodothings)
His foot is walking one in front of the other towards Michael and Maria’s bedroom door. He wonders why it is he always allows himself to be talked into doing these things for her. (all the sex?) Oh right—all the sex. Still, pleasurable exploits aside, she’s really not very good for him. Any therapist could easily tell him that. Keep this secret to yourselves, but sometimes he wonders if the sex is really worth it if he has to constantly remind himself of why it is he still retains this grossly indefinable relationship with her.

Yeah, that’s right. He thinks about that shit.

Oh well. Someday she will be the death of him. But what a way to go heh heh heh (insert sexually sleazy look here please).

Anyway, onward to more unwantedtodothings!

Max knocks on the door twice before waiting for signs of life within. He hears none. Well, not a big surprise. Michael does sleep like the dead, only not quite as deadly. And thank His Highness for that, for if Michael did actually sleep like the dead, would that not make Maria a necrophiliac? And if Maria was such a person, Max would never be caught dead with her. (ha ha wink wink)

Well, it seems this choo-choo train of thought is heading dangerously off course.

As he opens the door and lets himself into the room, he is immediately hit with the earthy fragrance of patchouli, the unmistakably obvious scent of le coitus, and something else that was slightly…minty? (well, whatever floats your boat) Ignoring the… aromas …he walks over to the side of the bed where Michael (or a dead body) is covered up underneath the sheets. Rather than attempt to shake him awake, Max elects to kick the edge of the mattress with his foot, shaking the bed and the decomposing corpse sleeping man on top of it. Well, one does have to strategize these things. Besides, for whatever reason was previously given, this isn’t the first time he’s had to wake Michael up from deep within the dark depths of REM. He knows how to play the game, and it’s going to take a lot to get Michael up. “Wake up,” he calls out to his unconscious friend.

Michael slurs something that is either, “Fuck you, asshole,” or “Chuck screws grass moles,” then rolls over back into dreamland. And since Max is pretty sure Michael doesn’t know anyone named Chuck…

Well likewise to you, Mr. Guerin.

After several more seconds of standing and doing nothing—or formulating a suitable plan, as Max likes to pretend he is doing—he finally sighs in defeat. He is so owed some super repayment for this. “Wake the hell up,” he shouts, this time giving the mattress a more forceful kick. He kicks is so strongly that it startles Michael awaking, causing him to roll off the mattress onto the floor on the other side of the bed.

“What the fuck?” Michael swears as he is literally knocked into a state of wakefulness.

Max attempts to stifle his laughter by covering his mouth with his hand. It is a very poor attempt. It actually was not his intention to kick Michael out of his own bed, but hey, bright side here. At least he is awake now.

Mission accomplished.

“It’s me,” Max informs Michael, hand still placed over his mouth. Damn that damned laugh is determined to come out. Unfortunately, this also muffles the sound of his voice, making it difficult for Michael to understand what he is actually saying. Michael sits up and looks around the room as if he’s unsure of where he is, resulting in Max being forced to put forth even more effort into smothering his laughter.

Why must he be forced to work so hard? The situation is simply undeserving of such effort.

While Max ponders the idea of whether or not someone somewhere is out to get him, Michael à la anger is glaring up at him from his position on the floor. “What the fuck are you doing here?”

Max walks around to the side of the bed to stand in front of his disheveled friend. “Not much. Just enjoying the show. I can’t give you too much on the landing, but that was one solid rotation.” He is strict judge, but quite fair, actually.

“Fuck you.” Michael groans, flips Max off, then lies back down on the floor.

“Rough night?” Max inquires, paying no attention to the random bird flying towards him. Anyway, he already has a pretty good idea of what type of night it was for Michael and Maria. No, he is not a pervert. (please, for the love of the big G-spot, will you keep your heads out of that gutter? Max is now begging you.) He just knows the type of people Michael and Maria are. And anyway, the afore mentioned scents are pretty good at keying him in as well.

“You could say that,” Michael answers, giving no indication that he has any plans to get up anytime soon. “You still haven’t answered my question.”

Sorry Mr. Guerin. You’ll have to forgive Mr. Evans. He is too busy trying not to laugh his ass off at that swan dive you took off the bed, not to mention trying very desperate like to keep his mind off the scent of desperate sex in the room…desperately. “What question?” he asks.

“What the hell are you doing in my bedroom?”

Ah-ha at that question. “Liz and Maria sent me to get you up.”

“What the hell for?”

“You’re just so lovely first thing in the morning.”

“What the hell for, Max?”

“We’re going on a road trip.”

“Who’s going on a road trip?”

“You, me, Satan, and Jesus.”

Michael rubs his eyes tiredly. “Where’s Maria?”

“Downstairs with Satan.” Or Jesus. Whichever.

“What time is it?”

Max looks over at the clock on the nightstand beside the bed. It is almost seven thirty. Too damn early for his taste. Too damn early for anyone’s taste, he would assume. Really, he couldn’t imagine anyone in their right mind having a taste for this early in the morning. “Too damn early.”

“I never agreed to going on any road trip,” Michael carps.

“Join the club. I’m the president.”

“And whose bright idea was this anyway?”

“Jesus’.” Or Satan’s. Whichever.

“And what are you doing here?”

Have you not heard? He’s the president. “I’m a victim of circumstance.” The circumstance being Mr. President is much too easily manipulated by sex…and women of the opposite one who are quite skilled in the art of wielding their sex very sexually like.

Quite a problem, that.

Clearly Michael (he can be Vice President) is just as unhappy to be in this situation as he is. But Max is a selfish bastard, (wedlocked parents notwithstanding) and if he’s going down, it’s damn sure not going to be alone. “There’s no way you’re getting out of this.” Stand up, and face forward, Michael. The music’s this way.

“Wanna bet?”

“Don’t have to.”

“They’ll have to drag me kicking and screaming.”

“They’re not above doing that.”

“This blows.”

“Tell me about it.”

And with that declaration, along with the realization that there isn’t really much either of them can do to get out of this mess, both men know they are resigned to their fate. Well. Max was already resigned, but it is nice to know he is not the only person being dragged on this trip against his will. And at least with Michael, he won’t actually have to put up with hours upon hours of constant estrogen, of which he is pretty certain he is allergic to.

And speaking of estrogen…

Max tilts his head to the side as he peers down at Michael. “Nice pants.” And by ‘nice’ he means ‘whatthefuckdude?’ Not nice. So not nice that it makes his head spin.

Michael looks down in his crotchular area, seemingly just as surprised as Max is to find that he is wearing a pair of fleece pink sweatpants that are actually too small and riding quite low on him. He looks back to Max with a slightly uncaring shrug. “I was high last night.”

Max sure hopes so. “Why is this not the first time I’ve heard that sentence?”

“Kindly shut the hell up, Maxwell.” Michael gets up from the floor and drops his pants. And to Max’s ever fearing horror, apparently wearing underwear is not part of the pink pants package deal, leaving Michael swinging in the wind for all to see. (hahaha package)

Max turns his head away, least he go blind, which actually, would not be so bad at the moment. “A little warning before you go whipping Willy Wanka out of the chocolate factory wouldn’t be unwarranted.”

Michael looks down at himself unabashedly. “Calm down buttercup, it’s nothing you don’t wake up with every morning.”


Stop right there!

Max would rather you not misconstrue those words into homoerotic subtext, but he’s sure your brain is already traveling down that road. Well kindly back the hell up! This train makes no stops at that station. It doesn’t even travel in that direction. “Just put some damn pants on. I’m going back down.”

…okay, poor choice of words. (Shutter) But. don’t. even. think. it. (shutter…sweat…sweat) Max is going back downstairs now, and you had better not be thinking otherwise.
For the most part (apart from being completely neurotic) Max is a relatively sane and reasonable person. Like anyone’s, his private thoughts may spiral out of the realm of ordinary from time to time, but the neurosis of his inner being never quite survive the trip from his brain to his vocal cords, thus leaving him free of any suspicions of insanity. On any given day he is most adequately able to project the image of being of sound mind.

Today is a special day.

It’s not his fault really. His neurosis is easily provoked, you see.

Keep this in mind as we venture on to the next portion of our (ad)venture, which consequently is the shopping portion, as apparently these things (the road trips abundant) cannot be done without at least the slightest hint of planning, i.e. preparations for starvation prevention.

Max and Liz exit Maria’s house, and make for Max’s car. Maria follows them out onto her front porch. “Hey, you sure you don’t need me to come with you?”

At some point—perhaps while Max was upstairs waking Michael—it has been decided that he and Liz shall take care of the starvation prevention, while Michael and Maria prepare themselves with showers, and clothing, and the like. Then teams A and B will re-rendezvous back at Maria’s house. (ready?…break!)

“Nope, we got this,” Liz promises. “Max and I can get it done fine on our own, right Max?”

Lies lies! These are all lies! Max does not believe this at all! Please come, Maria! Leave him back here! In fact, leave him back at his house! Leave him on the side of the street! Leave him dead! Leave him be!


They leave Maria’s porch and head back over to Max’s car. Once situated in her seat, Liz scoots too far over to the left and loops her arm through Max’s. “Let’s go, partner in crime.”

“Partner?” Max frowns most frownlike at this word. He likes to think of this as more of a hostage situation, but whatever.

“Yep. We’re like Thelma and Louise.”

They are nothing like Thelma and Louise!

“That’s just stupid, Liz.”

“Okay, then how about Bill and Ted?”

They are nothing like Bill and Te—well…which one is he—No! They are nothing like Bill and Ted. And this adventure is nothing like excellent!

She ignores him, and props her feet up on the dashboard. “Onward!” she exclaims pointing out to the road ahead of them.

Oy vey iz mir,” Max mumbles under his breath.

Liz smiles at up at him. “I didn’t know you spoke Yiddish, Max.”

“Shut up.”

“Don’t be so grumpy. This is supposed to be a fun.”

“Shut up.”

“Which means you’re supposed to be having fun.”

Max will make no response to that, as he is sure he has already explained what constitutes as fun in his book, and that this particular situation is not even a footnote in said book. He will not say it again. “Shut up.”

Liz shrugs.

“Where to now?”

The grocery store apparently. At least that is where the two of them end up next.

For the sake of the shopping, and doing all shopping like things, Max finds that he doesn’t really mind the grocery store. It’s the people who come with the grocery store he has a problem with—yes, he has a problem. (would you ever have guessed?) Though for grocery’s sake, it could be a lot worse.

Admittedly, Max finds fault with many things. He is difficult to please, if you are in the business of pleasing, or in the pleasing of businesses. He does find he is able to put such petty issues aside when his mind is distracted by other much pettier issues. This case being that his distaste for the people in the store is overshadowed by his distaste for his reasoning for being in the store (a much pettier issue). And so we are back to this road tripping business.

Looking to Liz, he is not entirely sure if either he or she knows what shopping for a road trip actually entails. However, if Liz is as in the dark on the matter as he is, she does an exceptional job of pulling it off. As she does by pulling items off of the shelves and into their cart. Max makes no note of what the items are. He pretends to have faith in her ability to do the pulling part of the shopping. He shall do the pushing part.

He knows Liz knows this—knowing everything about him, as she does. However in the world that could have possibly happened, Max is not sure. It may perhaps be all the constant time they spend together constantly. Making it the simple result of the continue(ity) of their consistent relationship. Whatever the reason, Liz knows this. Max knows that Liz knows this. Liz knows that Max knows that Liz knows this. And so forth and so on into a paradoxical round of continuous knowing. So being, Max has discovered that it is Liz’s job to use this knowledge of hers to her most advantages advantage.

She pulls without consulting and without question from him. To the point where their cart is full of things Max has perhaps never seen before. Even then, he does not question. He is content to have no active part in the pulling process. No “Oh what’s that?” “Grab that please!” or “We need this.” His mind is focused solely on the pushing of the cart up and down the aisle.

Max continues in this disengaged process of shopping until he finds that their cart has reached a point where it can no longer be filled. Only then does he wonder in his most wondering voice “What the hell is all this shit?”


Yes, Max knows this. “Elaborate please.”

“Stuff we need for our trip.”

Stop right there. Max has a problem with this statement. “All of this? For four people?”

Liz shakes her head. “I get hungry?”

Max shakes his head. This answer is unacceptable.

“Michael and Maria?” Liz tries again.

He mulls this over in his head. Plausible, but still, even Michael and Maria couldn’t go through this much food in one week. No. He calls bullshit.


Liz shrugs her daintily little shruggable shoulders. Yes, very keyed in the art of shrugging, they are. “Don’t know what to tell you, baby.”

The truth would be nice. Though he is beginning to think that when constructed, the ability to not lie was blisslessly left out of her operating manual. He peers down at her, making the angry face. His angry face is quite angry, you see. Able to inflict deep set fear into many-o-man.

Liz laughs at him.

Ahh, but damnably ineffective on any-o-woman.

“What’s all the food for?” he asks, this time trying a more direct approach.

She laughs again. “Who do you think it’s for, Max?”

Damn, not this game. “God damnit, Liz!” Oh yes, he is quite angry now.

“Dog tinmad, Max,” she answers lightly, finishing her statement off by lifting herself on her toes and giving him a light peck on the cheek, thus making quite the mockery of his anger in the process.

He frowns at her. “I hate it when you do that.” Though to be fair, he hates it when she does just about everything. (Hate. Anger. Rawr. Rawr!)

She nodes humoringly. “I know dearest.”

(Rawr! Rawr! Spit…spit!)

“Just answer the question.”

“And what question is that?” She looks up at him innocently, as she reaches over to grab something off the shelf in front of him to put in the cart. This times Max makes a conscious effort to actually pay attention to what the “it” is.

He picks it up and looks at her as he reads the label. “Coffee creamer? Why the duce would we need coffee creamer on a road trip?”

“For coffee,” Liz answers brightly, taking the canister out of his hands and tossing it back into the cart.

Okay, maybe it was an obvious question, but when the hell are they going to stop to make coffee on the middle of the road? He is not following this in the least.

“Oh don’t worry about it,” she says, reading his mind. She does that sometimes. Again, a minor defect from the continuity of their ambiguous relationship. “You have to trust me, Max. I know what I’m doing.”

He does not even trust this statement, let alone that she knows what she is doing…but he will no longer argue the contrary. He is sick of arguing this and that, and most notably sick of losing. He will set his mind to autopilot and que sera, sera, and all of that.

One Way Road Trip (Adult/Max POVish/AU) Three 10/25/10

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 8:14 pm
by RosDude
mary mary
Oh I am no where near this least I hope I'm not.

Thanks for reading!
Chapter Three
(I’ll Take That As a Yes)
Doris Day is a filthy liar!

Que sara non sara, and whatever will be most certainly will not be! Has been…having been…or will have been before. Oh yes, and Max is quite angry. Can’t you tell? As part of his neurosis, he does enjoy things to be fairly orderly, structured, put together and whatnot. Based on this fact, it is overly apparent that he should get new friends. His current ones fall under the answer of D: None of the above. Though in this great multiple choice test of life, most of his answers are D. (maybe he should do more studying?)

But digressing.

Once again, Max is angry. He’ll give you a hint as to why. Let’s see if you can figure the rest out on your own. First of all, as a general rule of thumbs, he hates being lied to. Lies always make things far more complicated than the truth, and are generally quite bothersome to deal with. (note: he always avoids ‘bothersome’ to deal with, as much as unwantedtodo.) Secondly, and this is a point that he’s sure has been harped on incessantly: HE HATES DOING THINGS HE DOES NOT WANT TO DO!

See where this is going?

Both of these things have taken place within the last hour. The lies, as well as the bothersome to deal with things. (O to the bothersome lies!) Granted he does not know what the lie is. But he is sure that it is bothersome, and that there is one in the vicinity. Liz is up to something. Of that he is as positive as HIV.

They are once again at the dwelling of Michael and Maria, seated on the couch of Michael and Maria. And speaking a third time of Michael and Maria, it appears the two of them have somewhat deviated from the original plan, and instead are fucking like bunnies in the room directly above them. Max knows this because, as it turns out, bunnies are quite loud creatures when they are fucking.

It has taken quite a bit of skill for Max to keep his tongue bitten until now—on the lies not the humping. He does not usually bite his tongue, so the practice is foreign to him. But somewhere along the way he does believe it was he who stated that he would simply let things fall where they may. He has adopted this attitude because he finds it easier than constantly arguing about things. It is only fair that he at least try it out before completely blowing up about things that probably do not warrant blowing up about.

Like lies.

And girls who tell lies.



To him.

“Are you not talking to me now, Max?”

No. Max is not ‘not talking to you’. He is not talking at all. Although there may be a few words missing from this statement that will make it true one. Like ‘specifically’ and ‘to you, you crazy manipulative person of distaste’. (the taste tastes distastefully on his tongue.)

It is clear that Liz finds his silence amusing. There is a twinkle of light in her twinkling light eyes. It’s a light Max is most mostly used to seeing. Oh it is a dangerous light—a most beautiful light—a deceptive light—a blinding light—a light that oft makes Max want to gouge his eyes out. (that’s right: Oft!)

Clearly, the challenge has been issued.

“You’re not mad at me are you, Max?”

Yes. Yes he is.

“Say yes if you are. If you say nothing I will assume that all is right with the world.”

Max will not be goaded into this little game.

Liz pouts at him most pouting-ly. “You’re no fun as a mute, Max.”

Yes, that is the idea. No kindling for you!

She straddles him at his continued silence, then drapes her arms over his shoulders to rest on the back of the couch. “You aren’t as fun, but you are more manageable, aren’t you?”

This is not a question Max has any intention of answering. Even if he had been currently exorcising his right to free speech. And this whole “straddling” business. It is a strike Max is not prepared for. Definitely fuel for his fire. (ahh his opponent is cunning, she is.)

One of her hands comes forward to rest on the side of his face. She strokes it slowly. (ohh you bad, bad kitty!) “So since you are no longer speaking to me, I think I’m just going to do whatever I want to you. If that’s alright with you, say nothing.”

Max most eagerly says nothing. Hmm, this is actually working quite nicely. And to think, all this time of wondering how to win his way with her, and all he needed to do was…well, nothing.

Liz smiles at him and leans in to place her mouth against his ear. “I fine you very cute, Max.”

He finds her very annoying…but very cute too.

“Do you think I’m cute, Max?” she asks, reading his mind in that mind reading way she has. “If you do, say nothing.”

Max rolls his eyes at this. However, he is so busy paying attention to her ‘cuteness’ he has neglected to notice the hand that has slipped down from his face and is currently making its way down the front of his shirt. (oh kitty purr purr!)

Liz laughs lightly into his ear. “I’ll take that as a yes.” Her wandering hand has now made its way to the belt of his pants. Her teeth scrape his ear as she whispers her next words. “Would you mind if I undid your belt, Max?”

No he would not mind so much if she did that. His mind is reserved for minding other things. (purr purr!)

“I’ll take that as a yes,” she repeats, and starts to unbuckle his belt.

Max allows this. He wonders what she will do next. Oh yes, and he has already forgotten why it is he is not speaking to her, but he will allow the game to continue. He is just a good sport that way.

“Can I feel you up like a cheap slut, Max?”

Max has to fight the urge to laugh at this, but he continues not to speak. (purr purr hiss hiss!)

“I’ll take that as a yes.”

She wastes no time. Her hands ghosts over the crotch of his pants, feeling for his already hardening cock (don’t you judge him!). She rubs her hands lightly over the forming bulge.

“Max, I think you’re enjoying this,” she teases.

Well duh. She does have her hand in his cookie jar. He’d have to be a zip damn fool not to be. And Max is no fool.

“So, can I kiss you, Max?” Liz asks next.

Max says nothing…again. In case you have not picked up on the formula yet, this means he does not mind being kissed. (purr purr meow meow!)

“I’ll take that as a yes.”

Max bet she will.

But Liz does not lean in and kiss him the way he is expecting. Instead she opens the top two buttons of his shirt.

Okay, not what he is expecting, but not unpleasant.

“You said I can kiss you, Max,” she answers at his confused look. “But you didn’t say where.”


She opens another button.

More interesting.

And another.

Max is now completely absorbed in this topic.

After all the little buttons have been opened up by all her little fingers, Liz pushes the shirt away, revealing his naked chest to her. First she kisses the side of his neck just below his ear as she traces a finger across his pectoral.

Max quite enjoys this type of kiss.

Next she kisses his collarbone…

He enjoys this as well.

She repositions herself on his lap so she can kiss his chest…

Max smiles and drops his head down against the back of the couch.

Then his nipple…

He closes his eyes.

She takes the nipple between her teeth…

He opens his eyes.

She sucks on the nipple.

Max raises his head back up. He places his hand on the bottom of her chin and lifts her face away from his chest so that she is looking up at him once again.

“What’s the matter?”

He shakes his head. Ahahah. The rules of this games state, she has to ask before he can receive. He has not agreed to this.

She smiles. “Oh, I see. Did I not say the magic words?”

He’s never been so proud of her ability to read his mind.

She pushes herself back up his body so that her mouth is once again aligned with his ear. “Can I suck you, Max?”

He might have blown, right then…

He didn’t…but he might have. (oh kitty meow purr!)

Liz laughs, reading his expression clearly. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

Damn right she will!

Returning her mouth to its position (suctioned around his most grateful nipple) she sucks it between her lips and uses her teeth and tongue to play with the appendage.

Well this was not the ‘suck’ he had been hoping for, but it is definitely a start. And if he knows Liz, (thank you God, he most certainly does!) a start is all this is. She continues her oral massage for a while, alternating from right to left, giving left and right nipple due attention (never let it be said she isn’t an equal opportunity sucker!) before she starts moving slowly back down his chest, and returns to kissing. She kisses down his abdomen until she reaches the waste of his unbuckled belt.

Very slowly, she undoes the buttons of his pants.

And like a pail of cold water tossed unexpectedly over a building flame, (how’s that for imagery?) it is in this moment that Max remembers where they are. Consequently, he begins debating whether or not he should stop her. He does enjoy everything she is doing to him. However he is slightly adverse to the idea of doing it on someone else’s couch. He also has not heard the bumpbump of the hump humping bunnies in some time now. And he definitely does not relish the idea of being walked in on while doing it on someone else’s couch.

Exorcising more willpower than he has in all of his life, Max places a stopping hand over Liz’s, just as soon as she has finished with his pants. She looks up at him curiously. He shakes his head again.

“No?” she asks, clearly surprised by this.

Max nods.

She seems taken aback by this for a moment. Max takes the opportunity to lift her back over his lap, kiss the disappointed pout that is forming on her lips, (oh so sorry, didn’t mean to ruin all the fun) and deposit her back on the couch beside him.

Liz folds her arms and drapes her legs across his lap, then slumped back against the arm of the couch in a little huff. Max revels. It is rare that she is the one annoyed by him.

“Are you going to pout now?” he asks, finally breaking his vow of silence.

His simple words invoke the return of her smile. “Are you talking to me again?”

He shrugs. “That’s what it sounds like.”

She moves across the couch so that she is sitting in his lap. “I knew you couldn’t last much longer.”

Max resents that statement. He could have lasted all night long. “Don’t flatter yourself, baby. Your conversation is truly not that fascinating.”

“You know what is fascinating?” Liz asks.


“Your hard-on.”


Max looks down at himself, however his view is obstructed by her shapely ass sitting on his shapely crotch. Liz takes this as an invitation to wiggle her ass in his lap.

“Stop that,” Max chides sternly. He’s very stern in his chiding, and always chides very sternly.

She doesn’t. Damn her.

“Why’d you make me stop, Max?”

Max is having a hard (hahaha) time focusing on anything aside from the way her ass is moving against his cock. “I’m not doing it on Michael and Maria’s couch.” Though at the moment, that statement is up for debate.

“Who said anything about doing it? I was just going to suck your—”

And like clockwork, Michael and Maria walk into the room.

And Max is still hard.

One Way Road Trip (Adult/Max POVish/AU) Four 1/19/11

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 4:06 pm
by RosDude
mary mary

Alien_Friend: I think it’s a combination of both lol

Sundae: You may have hit the nail on the head.
Rowedog: I looked up Albert Fish. I am gravely offended.
jake17: I have never been more happy to completely disrupt someone’s plans.
angiebrenna: I think you are absolutely right. And Max and Liz’s relationship is all about the power they have over each other, but only because the other allows the power to shift. Which I think you will see is further displayed in this chapter.

Hey guys. My gawd it’s been a long time! I have no excuse aside from the fact that for some reason this chapter was murder to finish up. Most of it was written ages ago, but writing the last few pages was kind of like having my teeth pulled. I hope it doesn’t show. Anyway, enough blather from me. Enjoy.


Chapter Four
(A Sprinkle of ‘Haha’)
Well, isn’t this the fanciest of situations? (Fancy meeting you here my dear…oh…what’s that, you ask? It’s just the banana in my front pocket) And what a compromising position to be compromised in. Max feels as if he is about ten years old, and has just been caught doing something naughty boys might often be caught doing when they are ten years old, and highly likely to be caught doing something naughty. But hmm, there is a great similarity to that thought and the actuality of the moment, for though he is not ten years old, he has been a very naughty boy.

Max clears his throat to better his ability to speak—should he somehow manage to come up with a proper excuse for this situation—and smiles up at Michael and Maria. How curious it is that he is smiling in the same way he would be had he actually been caught being a naughty, naughty (repetition is key) boy. He tries not to draw too much attention to the lady in his lap (maybe they haven’t noticed).

“Well, well, well. What the hell is going on down here?” Maria questions most questionably question like, while looking suggestively between the two of them suggestion-ably suggestive like (oh shit, she noticed!).

It’s a good thing he does not embarrass easily.

What? He doesn’t.

This is not embarrassment. A slight…nerve imbalance, is all.

Why is he blushing…?

A slight…temperature flux, is all.

Why is he making excuses…?

A slight…automatic denial mechanism, is all.

Please recall that Max tends to exaggerate his propensity for telling the truth never ever never lies about things like this.

He bites down on a groan. Maria, Maria, why would you ask such a question? He would think it is obvious what is…or was “going on” down here. Not only that, he would wager it’s not all together too different—if not slightly more PG—than what was just going on upstairs, but he’s too polite to say so.

Oh but worry not. Liz apparently, is too impolite not to. For O tactlessness, thy name is Elizabeth. Thou art graced with beauty and brains, but lacking in practice of the deft art of shut-the-fuck-upery. And so she saith, “We just thought that since the two of you seemed to be having so much fun by yourselves, we’d throw our own little party down here. Right Max?”

For the record, Max’s party is not little ‘down there’. “Right.”

Maria is still looking between the two of them. Max can’t decide if that is a smirk on her face, or a look of disgust. Knowing Maria, his best guess would be a disgusted smirk. Michael on the other hand, looks as if he doesn’t care enough to be bothered by the situation. Not surprising considering the little exhibition he put on earlier. (To whom it may concern: yes, Max is still trying to get that mental image out of his head.) Clearly Michael isn’t one to be unnerved by sexual displays of sexuality. He’s no shining beacon of modesty or morality, and doesn’t care much about what was, or was not happening on the couch (nor the size of anyone’s party aside from his own). But would you look at that, at least he’s managed to put some damn clothes on this morning.

And then: “I’m hungry,” Michael announces, further confirming Max’s suspicions that he really doesn’t give two to three shits about what they were doing/about to do/might have already done down here on Maria’s most virginal living room couch.

But yes, let us please steer the conversation in the direction of Michael’s last statement. “Food,” Max agrees dumbly. He truly apologizes. At the moment he is unable to form words with his mouth as clearly as he is able to form them in his head. It would seem the part of his brain that allows him to speak intelligibly has not yet been set back to the properly functioning position. “I mean, I’m hungry too,” he elaborates.


“We should go out…and get…some breakfast.” See how he just slipped that suggestion right in there like that? Hey, it’s still early enough. And besides, they say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Even more so when it is a distraction used to avoid having an awkward conversation with two friends who have just caught you in a compromising position you are as hungry as Max is (yes yes, he is quite vera much hungry).

Well at least he doesn’t have to tell Michael twice. Sadly, Maria is not so easily diverted by the prospect of food (those early morning happy meals must not have kicked in yet). She’s still giving him and Liz the nosey eye. Liz—that cheeky witch – w + b—just smiles back at her as if she hadn’t just been discussing possibly giving Max a jobber not more than two minutes ago. “Sounds like a good idea,” she says pleasantly, sliding off of Max’s lap (the sliding is done very pleasantly, as she is a very pleasant slider) and following behind Michael, who is already heading for the front door.

Max can’t elects not to stand up (don’t look at his crotch, don’t look at his crotch don’t look at his crotch!).

Maria is watching him knowingly (she’s looking at his crotch). As if there could possibly be another reason for him not to stand up. (what? no!)

“Aren’t you coming, Max?”

Well he was about to before he was so rudely interru—eh-hem, not now Mr. Double Entendre, there are more important issues to deal with at the moment. “I’ll be there in a minute.” (Gh-odd take the hint, woman!)

After one more moment of “I Know What You Did Last Several Minutes Ago” staring, Maria does take the hint (finally), leaving Max to straighten himself out before joining her, Liz, and Michael outside.

Alone in the living room, and particularly uncomfortable (damn banana!), Max rests his head against the back of the couch, still not feeling highly inclined to make an attempt to stand up. Damn, hasn’t this been quite an eventful morning? And to think, the road trip hasn’t even begun yet. Now more than ever he is sure that this whole road tripping business is not a good idea. He can barely contend with Liz on a regular day to day basis. He’s not sure if he possesses the strength to handle her, and her teasing (pleasing teasing) for hours upon hours of driving in cars on roads while tripping.

Then there is Michael and Ma-cock blocking-ria as an added stress. His banana can only stand so much pocketing!

Well, going back to one of his earlier thoughts, there is only one thing he is surer of than he is that this trip is a bad idea.

He has got to get some new friends.
Or no friends at all. That may very well work. He isn’t very fond of people as a whole anyway. He can survive living the rest of his life sans friendship. Sure, things might get a little boring from time to time, but he has the innate ability to thoroughly wrap himself up in the entertainment of his own personal thoughts. Which, he finds are more often than not, far more interesting than any conversation that happens to be going on around him. And speaking of conversations going on around him. He is pretty sure someone just asked him a question.


Liz, who is now sitting beside him in the passenger’s seat of his jeep as the four of them make their way to whatever restaurant it has been decided that they will go to for breakfast, is looking at him like she’s expecting him to say something.


She arches a brow. “Were you not listening?”

No he wasn’t. “I was listening.” Pardon his natural inclination to always disagree with her.

“So then?”

“So then, what?” says the man who was not actually listening to the woman who was asking him a question.

She laughs knowingly. “You weren’t listening.”

He shrugs. No need to repeat the lie. “What do you want?”

“I was telling Michael and Maria that there is one more thing we have to do before we hit the road.”

Well she’s got his attention now. “One more thing?” he repeats. And he just bets this ‘one more thing’ is not referring to the going-and-getting-breakfast matter they are currently dealing with.

They haven’t even left town yet, and already Max is ‘bout sick of this shit. They’ve already made two unnecessary stops. Although, he supposes the grocery store doesn’t technically count, since that stop was probably rather necessary in the long run (referring once again to the starvation prevention portion of this little adventure). But Michael and Maria’s house was quite unnecessary…never mind that he is actually grateful for their company. Mostly Michael’s, but since he and Maria come as a package deal, Max doesn’t mind her presences all that much either (cock blocking notwithstanding).

Hmm, it would seem that contrary to his minds constant proclamations of disdain, he does not hate his friends as much as his brain thinks he does. This realization is not computing properly with the rest of his personality, and thus must be stored away for more thorough examination. (Aye, Max knows himself very well, he does.)

“Where the hell are we going now?” To Miss Tight Lips, this question goes.

“To get breakfast?” Miss Tight Lips answers.

“Not what I mean, Liz.” And she knows it.

“Let me drive.”

Eh? “What?” Where the fuck-buck did that come from? And she still hasn’t answered his question.

“Pull over and let me drive.”

“Why?” And she still hasn’t answered his question.

“Do you know where we’re going?”

“To get breakfast?”

“Not what I mean, Max.”

Max snorts. “You still haven’t answered my question.”

“Which question would that be, darling?”

“Where the hell are we going—” He stops her before she can make another smart ass reply. “—after we finish breakfast?”

“Will the two of you shut the hell up and fucking talk to each other straight,” Michael interrupts from the back seat, clearly having grown annoyed by the ring-a-round nature of the conversation.

Max frowns. ‘Shut the fuck up and talk?’ That seems rather oxymoronic, doesn’t it?

“Where are we going, by the way?” Maria chimes in.

“To get breakfast,” someone answers.

“Yeah, but I mean like in the long run. What’s our final destination?”

And that question gets everyone to shut the fuck up.

Max looks over at Liz, vaguely recalling having asked that very same question and never receiving an answer. Yes. If he recalls clearly, she’s been quite dodgy on the subject. And he for his part has not brought the subject up with the relentless persistence it clearly deserves. “Good question, Maria.” He must now focus all of his efforts on his integrating skills. “You’re up to something again.”

Rebuttal Madame?

“Oh,” Liz smiles brightly at him (damn he hates that smile!) after shooting an annoyed glance at Maria through the rearview mirror. “It’s a surprise.” (because he loves that smile!) “But for now,” she turns in her seat to face Max.

“Pull over baby, I’m driving.”


The answer to the question ‘where are we going—the short term one, referring to the place where they will stop to have breakfast—is the Crashdown Café. The restaurant is owned by Liz’s parents. Max has not yet decided if this has factored into her decision to stop here. Due to their earlier conversation in the car, Max is now on the lookout for any suspicious activity in the area (Liz = The area). For the moment, he’ll say the area is clear of any suspicious activity. The diversion idea of stopping for breakfast was initially his. That means there couldn’t possibly be a scheme hiding somewhere in this decision. If you’ll take note, Max chooses to maintain an air of delusion whenever circumstances permit. He’s a benefit of the doubt giving person.

The time is now around nine-ish, so the restaurant is very crowded, since the ish of nine is apparently when a lot of people tend to have breakfast. Max is grateful for, and resentful of this. On the one hand, it means that there is an annoying crowd to deal with. On the other, it means there are too many “other patron” distractions to keep Liz’s parents from bothering them. Not that he doesn’t like Liz’s parents. They’re just shitingly annoying, and have the irritating habit of acting as if every time their daughter comes into their restaurant it is cause for great celebration.

Right on cue, Liz’s father waves at them from the counter as they enter the restaurant. A tame reaction, Max knows, but he’s sure the man will break out the streamers and confetti soon enough. It seems not even the large breakfast rush can keep the man from noticing them.

Liz waves back at her father before turning her attention back to Max, Michael, and Maria. “You guys can get a booth. I’ll be right back.”

Michael and Maria—trusting fools that they are—follow their waitress over to a booth that has just opened up (that’s right bitches, no wait for us!), but not Max. He knows Liz much too well to be done in by that innocent sounding suggestion that does not actually merit any cause for suspicion whatsoever, unless you are some unreasonably paranoid suspicious person who always questions the tiniest detail of everything…

Which he totally is. But as mentioned before, only in a completely benefit of the doubt giving way. (Un)fortunately, his benefit is doubting her more and more with every lack thereof word of explanation.

Max follows Liz into the back room, stopping her before she can make her grand escape. “Is there anything else you want to say?”

You see, this is him taking the direct approach.

“Say about what, Max?” Liz asks, sounding so very innocent. Like the littlest of little lambs.

“Why don’t you tell me?” Max believes her not. Like the skeptical-est of skeptic skeptics.

“Tell you what?”

“What you’re planning.”

“What am I planning?”

“You would know.”

“So would you. That is, if I were actually planning something.”

Damn, she’s good. And yes, he would. But that is also as much of a confession as he could hope to get. Which means…

“You are planning something.” (damns and shits, and curse words abundant!)

Liz smiles at him. “You should go sit down and order, Max. It’s pretty crowded in here. Who knows how long it could take.”

“We’re not done talking.” Mostly, he is not done yelling and grousing (oh there will be so much grousing) and attempting to get a direct answer out of the most indirect woman he knows.

Liz ignores him, as it has been established she is like to do whenever there is potential grousing. “And order me something too. Something with a lot of meat.”

Yes, that is total ignore-ation right there.

Max groans. Clearly she does not understand the depths of his anger (and ‘with a lot of meat?’ ‘the fuck does that mean?). He will try putting it into more volatile terms. “You do realize no court is going to convict me for your eventual murder.”

Liz laughs at this. Not, and yet so much exactly the response Max was expecting. “Surely I haven’t driven you to contemplating murder in the first yet?”

“Yes. I already know where I’m going to hide the body.” There’s a nice little spot out in Frazier woods. It would serve perfectly. (he’ll show her ‘with a lot of meat’!)

“Why bother, if no court’s going to convict you anyway?”

“No court, but I imagine your parents aren’t going to be too pleased with me. And Maria might be marginally upset.”

“Ahh, is that all? Won’t you miss me even a little bit?”

Hm…a moment of contemplation, if you please. “It’ll be quiet. You’re very loud.”

“That’s because you’re so aggravatingly not loud. I’m your yin.”

“You’re my yang,” Max corrects. He is most definitely the yin.

“Whatever.” Liz shifts closer to him, wrapping her arms around his neck and invading his personal space, though he can’t honestly say there has ever really been such a thing between the two of them. She’s close enough that if he wanted to—and why ever would he want to?—he could lean in and kiss her. “It’s too bad you’re going to kill me. If I’m not around you’ll never realize how much you love me.”

No, that’s quite not true. “I already know how much I love you.”

“Well if that’s the case, how could you ever possibly consider killing lil’ ol’ me?”

Max shrugs. “Killing you is much easier than loving you.”

She laughs. “Oh, Max, you’re so sweet.”

Only she would think that was sweet. Just as only she would know he would find it cute that she would think it was sweet. But on to more important issues. “Tell me what you did that’s going to piss me off.”

In a rare moment of honesty, Liz answers him straightly. “Michael and Maria aren’t the only people coming with us.”


“Damn.” He should have known. The signs (he unwittingly chose to ignore) were all there for him to see as clear as day. He knew there was no way all that shit was for four people. He needs to make a note to pay more attention to these things. “Who else is coming?”

“Alex, Isabel, and Tess.”

Oh. Well that’s not so—

“And Kyle.” Added very quickly and sneaky so that Max may not actually hear it.

He hears it. “You invited my nemesis?”

She puppy dog eyes him. “Well I had too. Alex is one of my best friends, and Kyle is one of his best friends, and I invited Tess, and I couldn’t invite her without inviting Kyle because I’m secretly trying to hook the two of them up.”

Grousing activate! “You know I hate him.” Of course she does. He knows she does. But Liz has evolved evading the truth into a six step program.

Step one: False Humoring. “I know sweetie.”

“You invited him just to fuck with me.”

Step two: Blatant Lying. “Did not. Scouts honor.”

“You were never a scout.”

Step two continued: More Blatant Lying… “Says you. I was totally a brownie.”

“You were never a brownie.”

Step three: Bogus Offense. “You don’t believe me?”

Um…in a word(s). Hell mother fucking, god damn“No.”

Step four: Unjustified Indignation. “Ugh, I think I’m offended, Max.”

“I think you’re a liar, Liz.”

Step five: Attempted Persuasion. “Is it really so hard for you to believe for two seconds that I’m not lying to you?”

“Only if those two seconds are not consecutive.”

And finally, Step six: Regretful Admittance. “Okay fine. How about this? I invited Kyle seventy percent so I could hook him up with Tess, twenty percent because his dad has a van, and ten percent to fuck with you.”

Oh, he’s so proud of her (sarcasm sarcasm)! “Get away from me.” He tries to pry her arms from around his neck. This is him shunning her.

She hangs on to him anyway. “Oh, poopy, don’t be mad.”

(Shun Shun Shun!) “Don’t call me poopy.”

“Please don’t be mad?”

(Shunning Shun Shunerson!) “I said get off.”

She rolls her eyes. “See, this is why I don’t tell you things.”

(Shun Shunning Shu—wait what?) “What is that supposed to mean?”

“It means you’re an antisocial killjoy who never wants to do anything fun, and getting you to get off your ass usually requires large amounts of lying.”

In case you are wondering, Max cannot believe what he is hearing. “Are you saying it’s my fault that you’re a horrendous liar?” Cuz it is so not!

“Well if you weren’t such a bore, I could have just told you like everyone else.”

“Like everyone else?” He has the strangest feeling this is the big revelation portion of the conversation. “What do you mean ‘like everyone else’?”

Liz lets out a sigh as she places her hands (arms successfully pried from around his neck) on her hips. And if Max is not mistaken, there is just a sprinkle of ‘haha’ in her eyes. “Everyone else has known about this trip for weeks.”

Shock! “For weeks?” he repeats.

“For weeks.”

Does not compute. “Even Michael and Maria?”

“Even Michael and Maria.”



“And Maria?”


Does not compute. “Weeks?”



Ye gads! All of his friends are liars

“When?” When could she have possibly had time to arrange all of this?

“Long before now. Actually, this trip has always been a group thing. I just didn’t know how to tell you. Mostly because I knew you’d never agree to come if I did.”

Funny. He has that murderous feeling again. “So you decided to spring it on me like this?” Someone please explain to him how this could possibly make any sense.

“Well it worked didn’t it? You’re here.” Smug smile.

“Yeah but—”

Dot dot dot.

Damn. Look at him with no response to that. Because it did work, and he is here. And now Liz is smiling because she knows she’s gotten the better of him. And Max is not smiling because he knows she’s gotten the better of him.

Please allow him to stew on this for a moment. “You tricked me.”

She nods. “Yes darling, I sure did.”

Let us recap then, shall we?

The two of them (plus Michael and Maria) going on a spur of the moment road trip?


Michael and Maria not knowing about this little plan of hers?

Double lie.

Thinking he will ever be able to read Liz better than she can read, work, manipulate, entice, fool, elate, trick, entrance, scheme, love, play him.

Oh-ho buddy, who are you kidding?

And now he will stand here like an idiot who has just been played for a fool, and let the wound fester, and puss, and gross-gross all over the floor.

Luckily for Max (you lucky dog you), Liz takes it upon herself not to let him gross-gross for too long (messy to clean up). She wraps her arms around him in a comforting hug, and he wraps back in a comforting acceptance of a comforting hug.


“Huh?” Words. Too. Much. Sounds. Must. Suffice.

“Will you go on a road trip with me, Michael, Maria, Alex, Tess, Isabel, and…Kyle?”

Deep sigh of acceptance. “Sure. Why the hell not.”

One Way Road Trip (Adult/Max POVish/AU) Five 5/10/11

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 2:06 am
by RosDude
mary mary

Yes you're seeing this right. This is not an apparition. This is chapter five. Thank you all so much for hanging in there. I have this whole big explanation for why it's taken me so long to update all written out but you know what...who cares. So no excuses, no long ass author's note (current length notwithstanding). No bullshit. Here it is. Hope you enjoy.


Chapter Five
(Great Unholy Mother of Sweet Zombie Jesus)
Well then.

Like the mature, reasonable, well rounded, if not slightly easily aggravate-able adult he is, this is Max dealing. His way of dealing involves sitting calmly in his chair (is actually a booth seat) and eating his breakfast with little fuss. You understand this is a large accomplishment for someone who is as inclined to make a fuss as often as Max is, right? But truth is truth, and accolades must be given, for not even is he making a big deal out of the fact that his eggs are scrambled, when he distinctly remembers forgetting to order them sunny side up. A clearly commendable effort on his part, and yes Max’s demands his commend-cement.

Michael and Maria are sitting across from him in a happy bubble of obliviousness, while Liz is seated beside him, thinking he’s not paying attention to the examining glances she keeps shooting his way when she thinks he’s not paying attention (makes more sense if you don’t think about it). Oh, but little does she know, he’s always paying attention (please disregard the fact that Max’s current situation is a direct result of his lack of paying attention skills). Well, he’s mostly always paying attention…that is to say…he always pays attention whenever it counts. Just not so much as always when he probably should (there, you see? he’s amendable).

Alas, Max has not brought up the topic of the road trip, and is reluctant to do so anytime soon. He is an admittedly stubborn breed of man (aware of self flaw and or -aws), and as such, will not admit when he has been placed anywhere near the realm of ‘got’ and ‘ten’—particularly when they are together. His pride simply will not allow it (flaw of refusing to acknowledge self awareness of flaws). And because this breed of man is such a common one, the last thirty minutes—feeling more like thirty hours—has consisted mainly of nothing more than menial chatter from Maria and Liz. Acknowledging grunts from Michael and himself. Eating, chewing, (yum yum, eggs that are not sunny side up) and drinking.

He does find it just a bit odd that Liz has not brought up the topic on her own. She is by no means a woman not of a mind to brag when she has ‘gotten’ someone—particularly when that someone is him. But so far, she too has refrained. Max can only guess it is her way of placing a soothing balm over his wounded pride. But to be honest, a part of him wishes she would just get it over with. You see, as much as Max likes to pretend believe he is a person who enjoys quiet non-communication time, he finds the non-talking to be slightly alarming. The non-talking between Liz and himself, he means. Not that he is in desperate need or want of conversation, just that he has gotten used to the sound of her voice, is all.

“Oh by the way, I told Max everything.”


“Mostly everything.”

“Oh, that explains why he’s been sulking for the last thirty minutes.”

“Yeah, he tends to do that when things don’t go his way.”

So much for a soothing balm. But now there is a twitching of interest at the sound of his name being dropped into the conversation (his attention paying skills at work ladies and gentlemen). Oh yeah, and he should have some very choice words for Michael and Maria. “You two suck.” Precise glare at Michael. “Especially you. I expect this from her—(girl power and the like)—but not from you.” (you supposed best friend person!)

Michael shrugs in the manner of a man who does not give much of a damn. “She made me do it,” he admits, leaning his head ever so slightly in the direction of one Maria/Girlfriend.

“She made me do it,” Maria points her finger ever so accusingly across the table at one Liz/WTFriend.

Liz chuckles and manages to look not the slightest bit guilty of any misdeeds when it’s clear to everyone at the table she has misdeeded all over the place. “Oh Max, stop living in the past. You’ve already agreed to go, so you can’t do anymore bitching about it. From now on, consider yourself officially a willing participant.”

Here’s the thing about that, his problem isn’t particularly with the fact that he is a willing participant, so much as it is with the way he became one. Although, if he thinks about it, Max can ever so slightly recall not actually wanting to be a participant—willing or otherwise—from the very start. And thinking further upon that thought about it, Liz’s foreknowledge of his lacking in want of participation is the reason for all of this deceptivity in the first place. Meaning the stem of this entire plot can essentially be traced back to his general stubbornness (upshot of his breed of man) and refusal to do unwantedtodothings.

And in case you didn’t get all that, it is quite a fancily roundabout way of saying, he brought this on himself.

However, the fantasy of that fancy is completely irrelevant. Max will never in a hundred thousand million billion trillion quadrillion quintillion (but when sextillion hits, it’s up for debate) years admit that this is in anyway remotely his own fault (flaw of intentional unawareness of awareness of self-awareness)

“So, now that everything has all been sorted out, we can finally get this show on the road.” Liz continues, clearly taking Max’s lack of refute to mean he is in agreement.

“Where is everyone else?” Maria asks.

“I told them all to meet here. They should be here soon.”

“Oh joy.” The sarcasm of Max’s exclamation is about as thick as the long line of syrup running off the bottle that’s sitting in front of him on the table. “I can hardly contain myself.”

Someone kicks him underneath the table.

“Ouch!” Max glares at someone (Liz).

“Stop being such a sourpuss. You’re killing the mood.”

“And what mood is that again?” Insert frowningest frown of displeasingly displeasing frowns.

“Haven’t we gone over this, darling? You’re supposed to be having fun.” Insert smelliest smile of patronizingly patronizing smiles.

Yes. Max vaguely recalls them having gone over “this”. He also recalls explaining that “this” (synonymous with oad-ray ripping-tay) is not his idea of fun. Though to be fair, that explanation was never actually given verbally. “If getting me to have fun is your goal, then I have to tell you, you’re going about it the wrong way. Going on a road trip to a conspicuously still undisclosed location is not really my idea of fun.” There. Verbal explanation officially given.

“Give it up, Max. Some battles are just not worth fighting,” Michael advises around a mouthful of crunchy toast. “This one stopped being about twenty minutes ago.”

“Oh really?” Well then, let him turn his attention to you, Michael. “Was that your excuse for not warning me about this little ambush?” Max asks.

That’s right, you’re on his shit list too, Guerin.

“Hell yeah,” Michael swallows. “That, and I like fucking a hell of a lot more than I like you.”

(oh you so not best friend person!) Even if Max cannot honestly argue with the completely sound logic of Michael’s proclamation—for the street is two ways, and he too fancies a good shag more than a best mate—he can still take offense. And he shall do it in a very offense taking manner. “Whatever happened to bros before hos, dude?”

Michael shrugs. “Glands before hands, man.”

Well. That’s quite a disturbing mental image to behold over his not sunny side up eggs. Max washes it down with a quick gulp from the glass of orange juice that is placed conveniently within reaching distance of his hand, as if having been set there for just the occasion as him needing to wash down such an image.

Liz, who has no doubt been completely enjoying Max and Michael’s bro-fight—the no doubt of that sentence being the smile on her face that is about as big and obvious as the stretching of lips over teeth can possibly be—leans her head subtly against Max’s shoulder. “Max, do you want to try a bight of my pancakes?”

Please take note that Max has no idea where that left fielder came from. He shakes his head no, still glaring (and laughing just a little bit) at Michael’s crude statement, and glaring (and laughing just a little bit) at the look on Liz’s face.

“Are you sure?” she continues. “They’ve got strawberry syrup on them. I know how much you like strawberries.” To exercise her point, Liz swirls a bit of the fluffy pancake around in the afore mentioned syrup, then holds it up in front of Max’s face, letting the red sauce drip slowly over his own plate. Making sure that she now has Max’s full attention, (she sooo has Max’s full attention) she catches a line of the sticky syrup on her finger and brings it to her lips to taste, twisting the finger suggestively inside of her mouth.

Ahh, now he’s catching on (haha see what he did there?). Max leans over and takes the bight off of her fork.

Liz smiles at him. “Good, isn’t it?”

He swallows. Actually, no, it’s not. The sweet strawberry flavor mixes horribly with the tang of the orange juice he just drank, but that thought is just a vague notion in the back of Max’s head. “Are you trying to distract me, Liz Parker?”

“Is it working, Max Evans?”

Indisputably! “Maybe.” Like nothing has ever distracted him before. “A little bit.” The fact that he’s sitting in the middle of a crowded restaurant with two of his best friends seated directly across the booth from him, Liz’s father less than ten feet away, and a mob of other eaters of breakfast, yet all he can think about is leaning over and liking the dot of syrup on her lips (just how sturdy is this table, anyway?) may be some indication of how much of a distraction her culinary imagery has presented for his mind.

And just because his good buddy Liz is such a tease that way—who Max is thoroughly convinced sold her soul for the ability to read his mind—she sticks her tongue out and licks her lips clean of any lingering syrup.

Max sighs. “Why do you always do this to me?”

“Because I love you so much,” she answers quickly, as if she already knew he would ask that question (an ode to the powers of mind readation) and had just the appropriately irrelevant answer waiting for him. “But Max, it looks like you’ve got a little something right here.” And because, yes, she really REALLY can read his mind, Liz sticks her tongue out again and this time, runs it across his lips.

He will not groan he will not moan he is not turned on by this he does not want to sweep the table and take her in front of all of these people he does have control over himself he is not thinking about sex he is not thinking about strawberry syrup and sex he does remember his own name it is…it is…his name is…


This conveniently timed reminder of what his name is, presented by the always helpful, ever lovely Maria, plus a loud clapping in front of his face—also of her courtesy—draws Max’s attention away from…well…what had currently been keeping his attention.

“What,” he answers mechanically.

“Hi, I’m Maria, this is Michael. Though you may have forgotten about us, we are still sitting here. So if you could please reserve your dirty sex games until after I’ve finished my breakfast, that would be super.”

“You didn’t have a problem with dirty sex games on the kitchen counter last ni—” Oh look at that, yet another convenient hand placed conveniently over Michael’s mouth before he can get that last word out. But honestly, no pictures really need to be drawn here. And lord Geezee, all of this talk of sex is beginning to make Max suspect more and more that there is an orgy somewhere in their near future.

“Did someone say dirty sex games?”

And as his point is further proven, Max swears there is an audible whoosh at the sound of their four collective heads all being drawn in the direction of the speaking voice approaching their booth. “Sign me up.”

“Alex!” Liz, (to Max’s ‘get your ass back here so I can grab it’ disappointment) apparently having forgotten that she is supposed to be distracting him, stands up and hugs Alex like she hasn’t seen him in many years rather than what has likely only been a day or so. “Yay, you’re here.”

“I am,” he answers, hugging her back, and if Max’s suspicions are correct, copping a little bit of a feel in the process.

Really? What the hell is that about? And scrawled hastily in the margin of the pages of the text book of Max’s mind, why on earth does the notion of Alex copping a feel of Liz’s ‘not yet gotten back here’ ass, make him feel slightly…? Well whatever. Alex is deep in the throes of unrequited lust with his sister. The only feels he should be trying to cop should be from her.

Wait a fucking tic-toc, that doesn’t sound right either.

“Where’s everyone else? Did you take care of that thing I asked you to do?” Liz is asking Alex while Max is still mulling over the inappropriately non-fraternal thoughts he’s having towards the guy who’s trying to bang his sister, and wondering why they significantly underweight the hostile thoughts he’s having towards the guy who may have just copped a feel on the girl he’s quite indefinably related to in an as of yet obscure relationship that consists of friendship, love, hate, and the occasional shaking up of sheets.

“Yeah, we took care of it. Isabel and Tess ran to the ladies room, and Kyle is outside parking his precious van,” Alex states mockingly.

Kyle. Ugh as if the rather radical thought process of his own mind isn’t enough to keep him occupied. The bringing up of that name makes him want to toss his plate of eggs that have surprisingly been almost completely eaten up (because they are delicious and who the hell eats sunny side up eggs anyway?) at something…someone…Kyle’s head.

“Jeeze, man, what did those eggs ever do to you?”

“Huh?” Max looks up at Alex. It would seem his mood hasn’t gone unnoticed. Not very surprising when you consider the constant stabbing of his eggs with his fork. “They’re scrambled.”

Alex, clearly not knowing the significance of that statement, doesn’t bother to prod for an explanation. “So, are you guys all set?”

“Yep,” Maria answers.

“Definitely,” Liz follows.

No, Max thinks.

“Alex, what the hell is that on your face?” Michael asks.

Alex frowns. “What, my beard?” He rubs his hands through the thick growth of man-bush spread wildly across the bottom half of his face. “You don’t like it? Isabel says it makes me look distinguished.”

Yet another moment of silence as Max, Liz, Michael, and Maria take the time to examine Alex’s face for any marks of distinguish.

“You look like a yeti.”

“You look homeless.”

“You look like a distinguished homeless yeti, if yetis are not distinguishingly homeless by nature.”

Alex is unaffected by the unflattering remarks about his facial hair. Though he may be the type of man to be swayed by words of adulation from a pretty girl, he’s not so affected by words of criticism from his friends. “So what are you people doing here having breakfast without us? That’s just rude.”

“We needed a way to distract Max,” Liz answers helpfully.

Funny. Max could have sworn this was his way of distracting Michael and Maria from the fact that he and Liz had been about to get it on on their living room couch. Clearly, in this world, nothing is as it seems.

“So I take it you guys let him in on the little secret.”

“Yep. Worked like a charm.”

Notice how Max is saying nothing? This is out of spite. But he will smite these damn eggs (the small portion that remains not yet in his stomach) if it’s the last thing he does. And these guys! How dare they take joy in his plight! His soul is quite easily woundable, twice as spiteful, and a mere quarter forgivable. He’s used up much of his wound room and all of his forgiveness, leaving nothing but spite spite spite! (his poor poor poor eggs) Yes, spite and smite are his two new favorite words.

A stopping hand places itself over his massacring fork. “Max.” He looks up at a brightly smiling Liz. “Are you finished?”

“Yes.” So long outlet of anger and rage.

“Can I have the waitress take this away?”

“Yes, please.” Farewell recipient of spite and smite.

And just to add insult to injury, kick him while he’s down, pour salt on the wound, or use some other analogy that involves dramatically worsening an already painful injury—the injury in this case being metaphorical, of course—in now walks the bane of Max’s trifling existence.

Kyle Valenti.

Kyle greets their party amicably while Max tries desperately to pretend he doesn’t notice, and is not offended by the guy’s sheer presence (how dare he breathe the same air!). He does however manage to catch Liz’s eye long enough to offer her insight into his displeasure.

Picking up his cue, very causally, Liz slips back into the booth beside him, and hooks her arm though his. As much as Max hates to admit it, that little gesture does help sooth his anger. He thanks her for it by placing a quick kiss on the top of her head.

“Max,” Kyle greets in that fake nice guy grate on his nerves way he has that makes Max want to punch him the face every time he opens his mouth.

Instantly, Max’s anger (that fickle bitch) returns. Jackass. Douche bag. Asshole. “Kyle,” he returns the one word greeting.

The two stare at one another for an almost uncomfortably long period of time. You see, there is no way in hell Max is looking away, and Kyle is probably equally as stubborn. Meaning in short, the two of them will continue staring at each other until one of two things happens: They both die of some rare immobility disease. Or someone, somewhere, somehow breaks their line of sight.

Thankfully, the latter happens first. And the helpful breaker-upper? Miss Tess Harding—fresh from her and Isabel’s trip to the ladies room, and looking refreshing as ever—skillfully steps in front of Kyle, effectively placing herself between the two of them. “It’s good to see everyone made it,” she says in a polite attempt to shift the tension in the air.

“Yeah,” Liz agrees with a knowing glance at Max. “Isn’t it nice to see everyone, Max?” A loaded question if he ever heard one.

“Do you want the truth?” Max replies before allowing his brain to filter his response. (translation: fuck it!)

“Ehm,” Isabel, who too has just returned from the ladies room, interrupts with a subject change before Liz can answer that question (because we all know how Liz will answer that question). “It looks like you guys are just finishing up your breakfast. That’s perfect. I took the liberty of drawing up a schedule, and it looks like if we leave now we’ll be right on time.”

The air is immediately overwrought with a multi person collective groan.

“A schedule?” Michael shakes his head in disgust. “Clearly you’ve never been on a road trip before.”

“What do you mean?”

“There’s no scheduling. You just get on the road and go. Hell, half the fun in getting there is not knowing where the hell you’re going to wind up in between.”

“Or in some cases, not knowing where the hell you’re going at all.”

“That doesn’t sound very practical.”

“I thought the point of road trips was staying in seedy motels and eating podunk diner food.”

“We’re eating podunk diner food?”

“We’re staying in seedy motels?”

“No one’s staying in a seedy motel.”

“We could always sleep in the van.”

“All eight of us?”

“Nah, just me and Tess. Don’t really care where you guys sleep.”

“Michael and I don’t want to sleep in your musty old van anyway.”

“My van isn’t musty. It’s got an aged aroma.”

“Isn’t that just a fancy way of saying it’s musty?”

“What’s wrong with podunk diner food?”

“I’m not sleeping in a van.”

“You can always sleep outside on the ground.”

“That’s barbaric!”

“I believe it’s pronounced, ‘camping’.”

“That’s worse!”

“Not every motel is seedy.”

“Clearly you haven’t been in many motels.”

“Isn’t this technically a podunk diner?”

“Hardly, this is a café.”

“What the hell is the difference?”

“Do you see any truckers or rednecks?”

“Does Michael count?”

“As a trucker, or a redneck?”

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

“You live in a trailer park.”


“So I think that makes you both.”

“Michael lives with me most of the time.”

“That just makes him a freeloader.”

“So about these seedy motels?”

“Doesn’t mean you’re getting laid, Alex.”

“Damn it!”

Max pinches the bridge of his nose as he listens to his friends…and Kyle…discuss their different views on the important aspects of how to properly road trip. From the fascinating dialogue of what sanctions a podunk diner, to the riveting exchange of possible sleeping situations, simply listening to the conversation, he can’t decide whether to be amused or annoyed. Shockingly enough, this is not the first time he’s found himself in a state of in between two contrasting emotions when dealing with these people he calls friends…and Kyle. He looks to Liz at his side, who is also nothing more than a spectator of the conversation. For this being her brain child, he finds it odd, suspicious, and thus very Liz like that she has not chimed in.

Feeling his gaze on her, she looks up at him.

He arches a questioning brow.

She shrugs nonchalant shoulders.

He rolls impatient eyes.

She smiles patronizing lips.

He taps unsatisfied fingers.

She gives him one.

“Real cute,” he says, bringing verbalization to their silent conversation.

“I know.”

“You got a plan?”

“Why darling, I never leave home without one,” she answers cheekily.

“Then by all means, do put me out of my misery.”

“Your misery is highly exaggerated. You love this.”

“Then put me out of my loving misery,” he restates.

She sighs. “You’re a real party pooper, you know that.”

“Yes,” he answers sarcastically. “It is my highest aspiration in life to poop on every party you throw.”

Liz sticks her tongue out at him before sliding out of the booth. Max watches her with a pesky little smile burgeoning on his face. Damn her and her innate ability to bring forth such pesky little smiles. He hates it when that happens (the smiling bit). It only serves as proof of the power she so skillfully wields over him (how high would you like that jump dear?).

“Okay people, listen up,” Liz starts as she draws everyone’s attention to her. “We’ll be following the travel schedule Isabel so helpfully wrote up for us.”

Isabel smiles victoriously, while a noted look of disappointment takes shape on almost everyone else’s face.

“Great, this is officially going to be the most boring road trip ever,” Maria complains.

“Can I finish?” Liz asks before the rest of the groans and moans can start in. When no one else interrupts she continues. “Everyone’s allowed one unscheduled stop between here and our destination. Otherwise, majority rules. Sound fair?”

No further complaints are given as they all agree that this is about as fair as they can get given the anal retentiveness of some of the travelers in their group, and free spiritedness of others. Though Max does note that a consensus has yet to be reached on the topic of seedy motels and podunk diners.

“Great, then let’s get this show on the road.”

And as simple as that, the matter is simplified.

As they all make to file out of the restaurant and head for Kyle’s van, Max hangs back for a moment, taking hold of Liz’s hand in order to slow her down as well (yes darling, he’s not quite finished with you). “Where’s my jeep?” he questions as they step out into the parking lot.

“My dad let me park it in the port behind the restaurant,” she answers smoothly.

Ahh, so that’s why she wanted to drive. He hadn’t even thought about the fact that she’d been the last person in possession of his keys. A small lapse in his strive towards paying more attention to details, but surely nothing to make mention of. Ahem…on to the next bullet then. “What about all that stuff we brought?”

“Loaded up and ready to go.”


“While you were eating your breakfast, silly. Kyle and Alex handled it when they got here with the van.”

Max takes a moment to ponder all of this. He must admit, the girl is efficient. Sneaky, manipulative, sexy as all get out, but most definitely efficient.

“Come on, Max we’re holding everyone up,” she says, attempting to pull him towards their waiting party.

No, no, not just yet, Ms. Parker. “Just one more thing.”

“What is it?”

A small thing. Minor detail really. “Where the hell are we going?”

Liz takes a small pause before turning to face him. With a slight, dare he say hesitant look on her face, she takes his other hand.

“Liz?” he warns. Stretched with a long izzzzz so as to sound more menacing.

“Promise me you won’t get mad.”

Oh look, here comes that a-bomb he ordered. “Where are we going?”

“Promise me first,” she repeats.

“Tell me first.”

She rolls her eyes. “That negates the entire premise of me getting you to promise before I tell you.”

“If it’s some place that’s going to make me mad, I can’t promise you that I won’t get mad, get mad, and have you bitch at me for going back on my promise.”

Why yes, that is experience you hear coming from his mouth.

“It’s not going to make you mad.”

Why yes, that is a lie you hear coming from hers.

“Then why have me make the promise?”

“Covering my bases, darling.”

“Really? Sounds more like your ass to me, dear.” (zing!)

“Same diff’.”

Max pushes a long breath out from the back of his throat (otherwise known as a sigh). You’d think he would know by now that there was virtually no winning with her (what’s that? Don’t ask questions, just start jumping?) If Liz Parker wants something, more often than not, something is hers (whatever you say dear). Still, his breed of man always kicks in, preventing him from giving in completely. “I promise I will attempt to take into consideration the fact that you do not want me to get mad once I hear the place you have so sneakily tricked me into going.”

Liz laughs. “Darling, you could run for office making promises like that.”

Yes, and she would be his running mate. “Are you going to tell me?”

“Are you going to get mad?”

“Darling, you could run for office, evading questions like that.”

And so they were at a standstill. Her Lizimsical whiles preventing her from being intimidated by his stubborn breed of man, which in turn refused to be taken in by her whiles.

Or something like that.

“Hey, bring your asses, or we’ll leave you!”

Max and Liz both ignore the command coming from the van. Max, because being left behind is no way to make a threat to he-who-would-rather-not-go-in-the-first-place, and Liz because she has mastered the art of completely ignoring things she does not wish to hear.

“Compromise?” he suggests.


“I promise I’ll stop complaining, and won’t blow up about the destination if you promise not to lie to me, no matter how small, for the rest of the trip.”

“Deal,” she agrees quickly…a little too quickly for his liking. And now Max has that feeling that he’s just been gotten again. Yes. He knows this feeling. There’s that distinct sense of ‘na na na na nana’ that’s just screaming ‘gotcha’ from the rooftops.

“So where are we going?”

Liz stands up on her tippy toes and whispers their destination in his ear.

Well hell.

“Really?” he asks.

Liz nods.


She nods again.

Well hell again.

Liz runs a soothing hand down the length of his arm. “Are you mad?”

Max shakes his head. “Not mad, just a little annoyed.”

“Just think about how much fun we’re going to have.”

“Right,” he says unenthusiastically.

“Remember our deal. You can’t complain.”

“I’m not complaining.”

“And you have to have fun.”

“That wasn’t part of the deal.”

“Call it a write in.”

“Fine. As long as you remember your part of the deal too.”

She nods vigorously. “Right, no lies.” A snarky smirk plays across her face. “And since we’re on the topic of being completely honest, there is one more thing I have to tell you.”

He does not like that look. If you squint very squinty like you can see the look of unadulterated horror that runs smoothly across his face. Oh, his expression remains unchanged. But the eyes baby, the eyes say it all. “What is it?”

Liz steps closer to him and pulls his head down to her so that his ear is a breath away from her lips. “I packed a lot of condoms,” she whispers seductively, then places a quick kiss to the lobe, before turning quickly and jogging off towards the waiting van.

Great unholy mother of sweet zombie Jesus. This trip is going to be the death of him.