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Across the Far Horizon (CC ALL, Mature) Epilogue - 01/01/11

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 1:30 am
by PML
Well its NANO time. And this will be my entry into the insanity. I should be posting almost everyday until the beginning of December. Wish me luck.

Oh. It is going to be fairly AU, just warning. If anyone has any questions please let me know.

Title- Across the Far Horizon

Author- PML

Disclaimer- Roswell is not mine. It is owned by Jason Katims, Melinda Metz, and Fox. This is for entertainment only and no infringement is intended.

Category- AU/CC

Rating- Mature

Summary- Maxwell Evans is a Mage Adept of extraordinary skill. He has spent years honing his mastery of the elements and has many lucrative opportunities awaiting him upon graduation. But lately his dreams have been haunted. And he can not help feeling that something from beyond the Verge is calling him.

This is his story and those of his friends.

Across the Far Horizon prologue

Max Evan’s turned his sleeping head, this way and that. Trying to avoid what was to come. Trying to avoid what he was to see.

But he was who and what he was. And he could avoid this no more than he could stop the tides or the sun from rising. He had been made for a purpose.

And it was calling him now.

To remember. To remember a part of once was.

Zan looked down at his clenched fists. “You can not be serious. Doing this betrays… It betrays all you have stood for since the founding of the City! It betrays your Oath, it betrays everything! How can you say you follow the Creator and hurl down such nightmarish devastation!”

“It is not for you to judge us, but for you to enact our orders, Scion Zan. Or do you wish to follow in your sister’s footsteps. Will you too betray us?” Said High Councilor Bethanar.

Zan looked at them. At the beautiful and ageless men and women who sat in Council before him. All of them young. So very young and hale.

Except the eyes. The eyes were ancient and full of memories. And worry. Zan could see that. These Ancients had lived for so long and had ruled for so long.

And they could see things falling apart.

“My sister?” He vaguely asked. He had known that both Ava and Vilandra had been drifting politically, but he’d been so busy. So busy trying to stop the Empire’s slide into chaos.

Too busy perhaps.

“Your elder sister betrayed the Southern Gates to Khivar. We stemmed the tide, but they are bottled in the lower city. The casualties are large amongst the inhabitants….” The councilor’s voice was hushed, “There were casualties even amongst the Azen.”

Angry grumbles and curses were heard amongst the Council. Not surprising. The last child born amongst the Azen had been more than five hundred years ago.

“Can I see her?”

“She is being broken publicly in the Garden along with all the other Scions who have betrayed us. Surely you do not believe your own family is above the law?”

“But the trial…. Surely she has the right to one? I don’t expect special privileges, but the Law….”

Bethanar looked down at him and sighed.

Aric spoke up, “We don’t have time for the Law, boy. We need to hurry and do what needs to be done to purge us of the filth that is dragging us down. Your sister is not alone, boy. One third of your people are being broken as we speak. Human sympathizers.”

Sudden horror flooded through him. “Our families, our children…..”

“Are replicable. You can find others in the Empire after we are done. You at least can still sire children.” Aric’s last comment was bitter.

Bethanar squeezed his shoulder. They had been lovers for over a millennium. And were yet childless.

“So you betray your oaths not only to yourselves and to the Most High, but also to us your servants. Do you think we love our mates less for the fact they are mortal? That we do not love our children unless they too bear the mark of Scion?” Zan thought of his wife, her dark eyes and chocolate hair. How he loved her! “I have served you loyally through lifetimes of toil. I have lived for you and have died for you. And at the end this is what we can expect?”

Zan looked everyone of the Councilors directly in the eyes, using every trick of persuasion he had learned over the generations he had served the Azen. “That in your hour of need, you will cut us down as fast as you will your enemies. And those enemies who merely seek a seat at the table. You have worked with these people for generations, seeking to raise their level of civilization up so that they could be treated as equals. Can you not understand how angry they would get when they realized you would never treat them as equals. That you would always treat them as children, no matter how learned or civilized they became?”

Aric twisted his hands and a surge of power flung Zan across the hall, “They are not AZEN! They will never BE Azen! They will always be children, always be HUMAN. Always accursed. And always scorned for the mistakes their distant forbears made to earn the wrath of God!” Aric stood up straight, using his power to hold Zan against the walls.

Zan could hear his ribs cracking under the pressure, could feel the pain as he was being crushed like a bug against the wall.

Aric strode up to him, holding him against the wall with his powers. “We Azen have never fallen. We have always been loyal to the Most High. And he has gifted us greatly. All we sought was to raise you and the rest of the human race to our near equal. But you will never be us. You will never overcome your ancient failures. Your ancient sins. And now it is time for them to be shown their place in the world. They would pray to the most high begging relief from us? Do they not understand that we are HIS people!” He twisted his hands pressing Zan just that tiny bit harder.

Blood began to pool from where Zan’s bones poked out of his body cavity. And yet he lived. He was a Scion and tough. He coughed blood and just watched as Bethanar pulled Aric back.

Bethanar watched as Aric went back to the Council and began to discuss beginning some ritual. A ritual to call upon the wrath of God. She turned to face him, “I am so sorry Zan. So sorry it has turned to this. There was talk amongst others of the Council of raising you up. There is a way, a way to make someone Azen.” She looked furtively back at the Council, “He didn’t mention it, but we plan on disbanding the Scions soon. Your youngest sister is definitely one of the candidates. And so were you. You still can be. You can still be one of us.”

Zan coughed heavily, the pain intense. “We were supposed to be a bridge between you and Mankind. A bridge. We could never serve that purpose if we were one of you. For thousands of years I have served you. But if you do this, if you go on this path… I can not follow you. Sweet Bethanar, surely you can see were this will lead?”

Bethanar’s face was sad and serene, “Yes, my dear Zan, I do.” She raised her hand above him. So had she healed him many times from battle and woe in life after life. Only this time was different.

For while the pain went away, he was not healed.

He had died.

Max woke up with a start. Winds were surging around his tower. He could feel the air as it shrieked across the old tower he and his friends had chosen to live in.

“What was that?”

There was a pounding at his door. Questions to be answered.

Max shook his head and tried to remember the dream, “But who will answer mine?”


Re: Across the Far Horizon (CC ALL, Mature) Prologue - 11/01/10

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 1:06 pm
by PML
Thanks again.

XAF RU208- Thanks. Hopefully it remains interesting.

Disclaimer- Roswell is not mine and no infringment is intended.

Across the Far Horizon part 1


Liz bit her lips as she stood outside of Max’s chambers. The winds outside shrieked. That high level of a mage wind could knock down the tower if it kept up long enough. She pounded the doors again. “Max wake up!”

She heard the rattle of a tray from behind her and looked down the stairs. It was Maria, her blonde hair askew from sleep. Liz could smell the aromatic teas Maria had on the tray and smiled.

Maria and her herbal teas.

Maria glared up at her, “Open his door already, girl. Unless you want him to shake us all to bits.”

Liz turned to look at her friend in annoyance. “I can’t just open his bedroom doors in the middle of the night!”

Maria slowly shook her head, “If either of you had a lick of sense you’d both be sharing those chambers and giving Mr. Broods-a-lot something to obsess about rather than his bad dreams.”


Maria‘s lips quirked into a smile, “Hey a little sex is good for the soul. Loosen both of you up a little. And I mean, come on the whole College knows you two are made for each other. Both of you are still the byword for sappy sentimentality.”

Liz looked away her face flushing. “That was years ago. We, we hurt each other too badly since. It, it is better this way. This way we are friends.”

Maria laughed, “Friends. Just friends, right. None so blind as those who refuse to see.”

“Maria, please, not right now.”

Maria probably would have continued, but the door opened. So instead she snapped at Max, “Mage wind. Stop it now.”

Max ruffled his hair. A dark black Liz wanted to run her hands through. His golden-brown eyes were heavy with sleep, a trace of worry and fear inside them.

Liz’s heart wanted her to rush forward and hold him. To banish his fears in her arms.

But those days were over. They had simply hurt each other too much. Much better as friends.

Their eyes met. And for a moment those years melted away. For that sparkling moment they were younger and happier.

Both of them turned away. Liz looked down at her friend Maria.

Maria didn’t hide her tears as she looked between the two of them. In that year, that horrible year when the pain had been too much and Liz had fled home for the semester. Maria had stayed and kept Max sane.

She loved the both of them. And the division between them hurt her.

But while Max and Liz loved each other intensely, it was that very intensity that scared them. That kept each other at bay. Because the last time they had opened up to the other it had ended…. Badly.

Much better this way.

“Max. The wind?”

Max made a few casual gestures and the wind died down. “I, I am sorry to have woken you both.”

Maria rattled her tray. “Do you mind if we come in? I for one can use the company. And you definitely look like you could use it, Max. More of those bad dreams?”

Max moved aside and let Liz and Maria by. “Yes,” he said softly. “They are getting clearer and yet….”

Maria nodded and set the tray down on a table. She began mixing their favorite blends. A quick whispered spell heating the water back to optimum. “But still not clear?”

Liz cleared her throat. “There are wards, Max. If these are from some outer source, something trying to influence you….”

Max shook his head. “They don’t feel like that. They feel like, like memories.”

Liz whispered a quick spell of her own. She felt as the enchanted tattoos around her eyes flared to life, allowing her Sight to operate. She Saw the remnants of a variety of spells lingering in the room. But none harmful.

She looked at her friends. Both of them were the same as always. Except there was a sheen about them. An odd glow unlike any spell effect she had ever seen. But what it was… it would not harm them.

The reverse if anything.

Liz had to ask, “Maria? I know I was up studying the stars. But you came awfully fast. Bad dreams of you own?”

Maria walked to the window. “Bad dreams? No. Not exactly.”

Max sat down and took a sip of his tea. “What then?”

Maria looked at both of them. A look flashed across her face, she thought they wouldn’t take her seriously. That they would think it another Maria flight of fancy.

Liz walked over to her friend and held her hand, “Trust us, you are among friends.”

Maria nodded and looked back out the window. “Do either of you ever feel Called from beyond the horizon?”


Re: Across the Far Horizon (CC ALL, Mature) Part 1 - 11/01/10

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 1:22 am
by PML
Thanks to those reading along. Ah the beginning of an adventure story. Trying to get all the heroes in the same place at the same time. Well this part places Michael, if not directly with Max, Liz and Maria, closer than they or he thinks.

keepsmiling7- Thanks

Disclaimer - Roswell is not mine and no infringement is intended.

Across the Far Horizon part 2


Michael stumbled into the alley. Trying to drown the memories in drink never worked well enough for him. He could get drunk, but he could feel his body work in overdrive to keep him somewhat sober.

The most he could usually hope for was a sustained buzz, and that was not enough. Not enough to drown out memories of her.

He could see her, taste her, all hear but her moans as moved over her. Her voice calling his name was the only reason he knew his own.

Michael. The name she called out was Michael.

“Well look what we have here. Another man for the Captain’s crew I think.”

“Careful, Karl. He moves like he’s seen his share of fighting.”

“Bah, given the amount of drink the man is carrying? And he’s unarmed? No, we’ll roll him easy. Take what he owns and the next thing he knows he’s ship board on a little jaunt.”

Michael could feel as the nausea and dizziness began to flee from him. As his mind began to clear and memories of similar situations, many worse flowing into him.

As always he saw his silver sword appear a few feet from him.

It had never failed him. Not even in his darkest hours. Again the Oath flashed through his mind. The exact words escaped him. But he knew that even in in his darkest days he had not forsaken it.

Again the surety that he was indeed forsaken by those he had sworn to help, but he still was not forsworn.

It flew into his hands. And he looked at his five assailants. “Please. Leave me be. Don’t make me kill you.”

The one named Karl snarled, “Take him.” They rushed him.

Instants later four of them lay dead and the fifth was nursing a wound to his arm. The would be thief just looked stunned and stared at Michael.

Michael’s mind was clear and clam. Distant ancient memories told him of a time when he would have marched forward and slain the man before him. A would be thief and possible pirate. Crimes innumerable likely were attached to that man.

And yet Michael was so tired of death. He would do what he must. But the man could atone and change as easily as continue on his current path. Who was Michael to judge?

So Michael pled with him, “Go. Run away. I will not harm you if you only leave me alone.”

“What are you? I have never seen anyone move like that. And I have seen some pretty sharp fighters.”

Michael looked at him. As long as he did not advance or present a threat, Michael would not kill him. “I am a memory. A memory of what once was.”

“A memory drinking to forget. Huh.” He looked again at the carnage that stood strewn between them. “And I am sorry.”

“Yes. Please now, just go away, and we can both go on living.” Michael closed his eyes. “You have another chance, one your friends didn’t get. Change your life. Don’t waste it.”

The ruffian was nodding, “And you lord? What do you plan on doing?”

Michael smiled, “Wait for another chance. And this time I won’t waste it!”

The ruffian laughed and quickly ran off, still nursing his wounded arm.

Michael could already feel the wounds on his arms closing. The alcohol was a distant memory in his system, burned up by his rapid metabolism. He kept still waiting for the sound of the would be thief’s foot steps to fade.

He put away the sword. He just set it down. There would be a time when he would carry it again, but that time was not now. For now he would go on as he had.

But first he had to take care of these bodies. Bright Cove did have a watch, one that wasn’t particularly concerned with more than keeping the fights between crews manageable. Scenes like this alley had been seen before, and likely would again.

Michael reluctantly removed their valuables, including a serviceable cutlass. The sword would always be there, but he disliked calling it for such demeaning duties.

He said a couple of quick prayers over the dead and then he left into the night.


Re: Across the Far Horizon (CC ALL, Mature) Part 2 - 11/02/10

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 1:20 pm
by PML
Thanks again to everyone.

Ti88- Thanks. Good luck on hitting your goals. And I hope you continue to enjoy.

Begonia9508- Thanks. What Max is and who he was is one of the drivers of this story. It is going to be a few parts before we get back to Max and company, but I promise I will explain the whole sordid and sad little story. (and I am enough of a dreamer not to leave it there!)

Disclaimer- Roswell is not mine and no infringement is intended.

Across the Far Horizon part 3


Kyle had never thought it would get to this point. That he would be leaving the Capital of the Verge simply because he was getting bored.

Part of it was the price of being part of the nobility. Outside of government service, he would lose serious face taking a job. So he had been debating having his father purchasing a commission in either the Navy or Army.

Neither really sounded good to him. The Army sounded even more restricted than his current life with the added opportunity of getting shot from time to time.

Not fun.

The Nave sounded worse. Oh, it wouldn’t be boring, what with all the pirates that the Navy chased on a half dozen worlds. Even more chances to be shot or cut up. How fun.

And the living conditions were supposed to be even worse than what the Army had to put up with.

Kyle shuddered.

But his only other option was to go into Civil Service. Which at his age and experience meant being either a bean counter or a lackey to some other power friend of the family.

Or he could take up Alex on his offer of adventure. Now he was sure that would entail. But Alex had been a good friend of his at World’s Edge.

He lifted his kit and got onto the train that would take him the distance to the port. He would meet Alex there. Alex had told him to travel light. But to bring his brightest sword, a brace of pistols, and his armor.

Kyle smiled. Sounded like Alex had some sort of daring and dangerous plan. One that was probably not as structured as Army or Navy life would be.

Hopefully there would be the occasional breaks for wine, women and song. He would miss that. Every night he had hit the clubs and was becoming bored with the dissolute lives of his old friends.

Liz Parker had ruined one of the great joys of his peers. She had taken and described gambling in such a way that had made it seemed so very contrived. A veritable legal method or pick pocketing.

It had not helped that her father ran several of the establishments he had once thoroughly enjoyed. And was one of the few people who could reliably beat the house. (He had never beaten her at cards.) But she had basically proved that gambling was a way that would only cause him to be desperate and broke.

Dueling was fun, but sooner or later you became either a jaded killer or dead.

Not exactly a good career prospect.

There was always drinking and other refined obsessions, but those his father had made him watch not just those of his peers, but those who were just a little older. If his former girlfriend had broken him of the vice of gambling, his older brothers had broken his desire to be a dissolute rake.

No he would enjoy his pleasures, but he would not let them control him.

He just needed to find something to do! Preferably something that would bring honor and glory to his name and that of his House. Because that would lead to other more lucrative options further down the line.

Kyle Valenti was going to be a big success. It was just getting that first big break.

He spent the remainder of the short trip flirting with a pretty young girl of the middle classes. One ready and willing to meet up with him later that night.

Hopefully Alex didn’t plan on leaving until tomorrow morning, he thought as he watched her get off the train and sway down sidewalk, her glance over her shoulder telling him that she probably would indeed be at that assignation.

Middle class girls. Always seeking to snare one of the upper classes. And if the spells failed and she came a cropper with his child he would support her.

It had happened to his step-mother. Although seeing Amy as less than the Baroness she had become was mind-boggling. But for more than five years, Amy had barely kept herself out of the stews with little Maria in tow.

The fact that she became a modestly successful business woman in her own right before finally catching his father’s eye.

No Amy Deluca Valenti was one of the most formidable people he had ever met. And if Maria was no longer held in favor in Court, if she was little more than a remittance woman, she was just as formidable as her mother. No. Should he ever sire a child he would honor that bond.

That didn’t mean he would marry the mother. But he would support her and the child.

He was still staring off after the girl when he felt the thump of a walking stick softly strike his arm.

“Dark thoughts to be thinking while watching such an armful. I take it you have plans for the evening then?”

Kyle looked over and saw Alex. Alex had always dressed a bit formally. Always.

But this?

Kyle looked over at the crisp white shirt and the black suit he was wearing. All over laid by a dark opera cape. The inside was made of some God-awfully expensive fabric that looked white at first glance, but sparkled with muted iridescence in the sun. Held to his throat by a what appeared to be a lavender rose.

A top hat graced his head and the walking stick was carved of mahogany and topped with yet another purple rose. This one made of solid amethyst.

“Alex, you do realize you look ridiculous. Like something out of a bad theater play.”

Alex just smiled. “You brought everything I asked? Your hunting armor? That sword Lizzie gave you the year before you left?”

“And a brace of pistols, as you asked.”

Alex looked at him, “Revolvers or those silly wheel lock pistols you favored at school?”

“Revolvers, of course. Alex, how dangerous is this going to be?”

Alex shook his head, “Not here. Let me take you to my ship.”

Kyle whistled. Kyle knew Alex’s family was rich, but giving a younger son a boat of his own at this age? Serious money. And a considerable allowance or trade concessions, because boats took serious money to operate and keep sea worthy.

Which was why he was a little disappointed to be lead to what looked like an over sized yacht. It looked under masted, and if he could see a couple of steam stacks, he could not see a paddle wheel.

Kyle closed his eyes. “Alex, how many patents are you testing for your father?”

“Eight, no nine I think.” Alex said as he walked up the plank to the ship.

A woman walked out of the cabin. “Twelve actually.”

Kyle looked at the woman. She had dark red hair and an olive complexion. A mix he’d honestly never seen before. She was striking if not beautiful. Her jaw a bit too strong, her large eyes a bit too intense.

Alex smiled and gave the woman a kiss, “This is Serena. She runs the Far Horizon.”

“Captain. I am the Captain, Kyle Valenti. Alex may own the boat, and I do follow his orders. But make no mistake this is my ship.”

Kyle smiled at Serena, “Well a woman Captain. Where is the rest of the crew?”

Serena glared at him, “They are below decks and are a trifle shy. You will not bother or molest them. Not unless they invite you first. I know your kind, Lord Valenti.”

Kyle’s eyes shot up. What kind of crew did Alex have?

Kyle’s thoughts were wild as Alex lead him about the ship. He set his belongings down in his cabin and grabbed Alex by the arm. “Come on, we are going back to the City.”

“Kyle it’s still early and I haven’t shown you most of the ship yet?”

He grabbed Alex arm in arm, and said, “Alex, I am sure I will be amazed and dazzled at all the new and remarkable ways you are going to try to get me killed. But before I let you kill me, you and I are going to get thouroughly drunk and spread our seed around a little.”

“Kyle, you know I don’t usually enjoy….”

Kyle stopped him. “Tonight you will make an exception. You will enjoy yourself. Just this once.”

Alex looked at him seriously, “You are still going to join me, right?”

Kyle nodded, “Wouldn’t miss it for the world, Tomorrow we do your insanity. Tonight we do mine.”

Kyle lead him off the ship and back into town.

Re: Across the Far Horizon (CC ALL, Mature) Part 3 - 11/02/10

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 12:50 am
by PML
Thanks again to everyone.

begonia9508- Thanks. Alex has a reason for every seemingly non-sensible thing that he does. Sigh, Serena. Yeah, probably should have just slotted another name there. But its just so tempting...

keepsmiling7- Thanks. And yeah, pirates have a bit to play. I should warn you, these are not Disney pirates.

Disclaimer- Roswell is not mine and no infringement is intended.

Across the Far Horizon part 4


Isabel’s dreams were a muddled mess.

There were the old dreams. They came seldom, but felt so real. She didn’t remember much from them, she had often woken from them screaming. Betrayal, guilt, and death stained those dreams black.

She had had them first when she was ten. Although they had not become serious until after she had hit puberty and had menstruated for the first time. Because after those dreams particularly if they were strong, she could do things.

Magical things. Things that scared the superstitious villagers of Breva. Life was hard enough without a possessed girl. There was talk that they needed to sacrifice her to appease the local spirits before she blighted the land and seas.

Isabel’s father was the head of the village, and loved his daughter. He did not wish to see her burnt or tossed to the sharks. No. He would find another way.

And he found one. A local shaman a few islands over had a drug that would work. A medicine that would kill the dreams. That it would dull her mind was taken as an acceptable exchange.

So Isabel had lived for the last nine years. Her once ready and somewhat scathing wit dimmed. The new Isabel was dreamy and somewhat ditzy.

At least that is what she seemed from the outside. On the inside she knew something had been stolen from her. That part of her was broken. But she accepted it as she had been told it was for her own good.

Her good and the good of the village. And she trusted her father and mother. And trusted her husband. She continued to take the medicine. Even though she knew it hurt her. That it took away something bright and wonderful and special.

Because part of her had always, even in the days of those dreams, simply wanted to be normal. So she tried. Tried to accept the slowness of her mind, tried to accept the loss of that hidden wonder.

She had tried so very hard.

And she had failed. For Isabel had a secret. If she was denied those ancient dreams and the power they bore, she was not denied her dreams. Or the fact that in them she could wander. That she could peek inside of others dreams.

She told no one of this. It simply wouldn’t be safe.

Isabel tired to stop. Tried to avoid the dreams of her fellow villagers and then those further away along the archipelago. But she couldn’t. And if she were truly honest with herself, she didn’t want to.

She liked seeing how people truly saw the world.

It was her little secret. For in her dreams her mind was still barred from the ancient past, but it was no longer crippled.

And it was how she got her husband. So many others in the village and beyond saw only her body and desired to dominate her. To treat her as a possession to plant his seed in.

Jesse was different. Not perhaps very different. But he actually cared a little for her.

Not enough perhaps. But more than the others.

She was not truly happy married to him, but she was content. And the life she bore within her brought her joy, even as it brought increasing discomfort. She shared dream fragments with the tiny unstructured mind within her.

A new life…..

But then there were the third set of dreams. The ones she’d been having only the last few days.

Dreams of monsters. Monsters with human faces who came to rape, pillage, enslave and destroy.

How could she tell her husband about them? Or even her father?

They had cut back the medicine when a midwife had told them it might hurt the child. If she told them of her new dreams, surely they would only dose her. Give her more if that hated drug.

No she could not risk her child.

And so she said nothing. Nothing for days on end. Not even when she noticed some of the village elders begin to discuss things quietly.

Quietly but in fear.

Day by day she heard more whispers. And day by day her belly swelled.

It was on a night when she lay in bed with her husband, unable to find any way to sleep comfortably that her dreams hit her in full force. While she was awake.

“They are coming. Jesse, get up. The raiders, they are coming.”

Her husband turned over slightly, “Go to sleep woman. Unless it is time to call the midwife I don’t want to hear it.”

Isabel was too caught in her fear to stop. For she could feel them slowly moving up the shore and in amongst the closest houses.

“Please get up Jesse!”

Jesse rolled over and sat at the edge of the bed, trying to wake up. He looked over and glared at her. “Are you happy?”

Isabel just sat up in the bed, the blankets pooling around her lap, her hands moving protectively over her belly. And her heartbeat began to beat so very fast.

Isabel had been on a weakened level of the drug for months now. And the only thing stopping her from fully overcoming the drugs effects was her simple belief that she could not.

But the fear in her was beginning to change. Even as she saw Jesse get up and grab a spear and head to the door.

The fear was turning to anger. A deep well of anger that went back generations. Why would they never leave her alone? Why could she never have this, the most wonderful gift to womankind without grief?

Screams began around the village. As the raiders broke into and slaughtered the nearly defenseless villagers. The few villagers who managed to arm themselves fought bravely. But they were armed with spears, their enemies fought with gunfire and cutlass and flash of magic.

Isabel staggered to her feet, her swollen legs aching at her sudden rise.

And she felt her old memories return. Once she had been the Defender of the Southern Gate. Accounted amongst the strongest of her kind.

The battle would have had a completely different outcome had she been in her prime. Had she not been fed crippling medicine for years. Had she not been led to deny herself.

Pirate Chief Nikolai himself would have avoided the island and its populace had he known that amongst its inhabitants was the reborn Betrayer of Hope.

But she was so weak now. So very tired.

And before she could even put her now paltry powers into play a nearly spent bullet clipped her on the side of the head, stunning her. A few well placed blows with a musket and her world went dark.

Her last thoughts, ‘I have failed again….’


Re: Across the Far Horizon (CC ALL, Mature) Part 4 - 11/03/10

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 3:05 am
by PML
Thanks again.

mary mary- Thanks. You know, I hadn't made that connection, but yeah. Basically. He's not a vampire though.

begonia9508- Thanks. Isabel's starting point in this tale is not a happy one.

keepsmiling7- Thanks. Nope, not one bit.

valentinebaby- Thanks. She frightened them. They thought she might be possessed. From their point of view a little brain damage was worth making her 'safe'.

Disclaimer- Roswell is not mine and no infringment is intended.

Across the Far Horizon part 5


Max yawned. All of them had been tired, but unwilling to sleep after they talked. After a few hours, Maria went downstairs to grab some breakfast, and Liz had to check on some of her experiments.

Leaving her to play around with her toys usually yielded good things. And not letting her check up on them could be down right dangerous.

She had blown out one of the tower walls once on one of her ‘improvements’ when she had left it unattended for just a little too long.

Fixing that had been unpleasant, particularly since it had been in the middle of the winter. Once it had been done and Liz had fixed her mistake the never ending hot water had been nice.

Max looked into the mirror. He picked up the razor to clear up the stubble on chin. The razor was another gift from Liz. It kept its edge, never rusted, and the blade never cut his skin.

Living with an active enchanter was nice. In fact living in World’s End was nice. The people here understood the magically gifted in ways most other cities in the Verge did not.

He would miss living here. He would miss the people.

He would miss Liz.

Max closed his eyes and wished, simply wished that he could have one last chance. One last hope to save what they had had that one blessed year. Before Tess had come into their lives.

Before everything had fallen apart.

He opened his eyes. The world didn’t work that way. You lived with the mistakes you made and tried to move on. But how could he move on when he still loved her so?

Max sighed. He knew she still cared as well. But there simply were not enough embers left to relight the fire. Not enough to risk losing the deep friendship they retained.

There was a knock at the outer door. (Each of them had a separate entrance to their tower.)

Max set down his razor and tossed on a shirt. He walked over and opened the door.

It was Professor Milton from his upper level navigation classes. It was one thing to carry the star patterns of one world, but Max had had to memorize at least six, as well the major constellations of a dozen other worlds. All so that he could look up at the night sky on some distant world and say where he was.

The first step in navigation. Figure out what world you were on. That would tell you which map set to use. Then all the trick and tools for longitude and latitude…..

So much to remember.

But Max had done it. He would be graduating this year.

He had already been approached by the Navy and various other shipping Guilds with lucrative contracts. He wasn’t really sure what he was going to do yet.

But why would Professor Milton be here now? Could he truly possibly get a spot on one of the local faculties and be able to stay in World’s End?

Professor Milton was an average looking man. He had dark hair and nervous eyes. On first glance one would think him in his forties, but he had been a member of the Senior Faculty for more than twenty years.

Prolongued use of high order magics had that effect. Extending life often well beyond normal bounds, even before you got to the various life extension spells.

One quick look at the eyes would tell you the man had probably seen his first century at least.

He was also known to be strange and a bit of a conspiracy theorist. Which given the strangeness that seemed drawn to mages and wizards was saying something.

Still, Max had always gotten on well with the man. Might as well here him out. “Come on in? Coffee or tea?”

Professor Milton shook his head. “No time I am afraid. I have much too much to do before we leave.”

“You are going somewhere?”

“We my boy, you and I. Beyond and across the far horizon we shall go. And at the end we shall find paradise once more.” He paced a little in Max’s living room. He looked over at the skeptical face of Max. “Yes, I know you wonder if Old Milty ad finally lost that last screw on the old astrolabe. And I wish I had more time. But I don’t. We don’t.”

Max just stared at the man. What the….

Milton grabbed him by the shoulders. Your dreams…. They are getting vivid aren’t they? Strong enough to trigger a higher order mage wind…. And more. “ He let go of Max and returned pacing. “You don’t really understand who or what you are or how strong you truly are,”

“What are you talking about?”

Milton stopped pacing and looked at Max. “The reason I am here now and not this morning is that I and some of my colleges had to spend the morning trying to undo some of the alterations you made to the local weather patterns. We aren’t quite sure just how big a knock on effect they could have had. Maybe just a bad rainy season here in World’s End. Or possibly a global weather shift.”

Max blinked at that. It was part of learning Mage winds, to learn the control necessary to balance out the effect. To not have a net effect in the local weather web. He knew he was strong. But that strong? “Excuse me?”

Milton laughed, a trace of bitterness leaking through, human ingenuity and skill at mage craft has come a long way over the millennia. Enough that they are passable navigators themselves. But those skills matched with the talent of a Scion? With a Navigator. Your strength is so far beyond what the majority of your teachers suspect. Strong enough to open a gate back to Azenar. And with the dreams….”

That Milton knew of the dreams frightened him. He had only told a few people of them, none of whom he would suspect telling someone like the Professor about them. The dreams themselves frightened him.

And they had indeed been growing stronger. “I don’t understand.” Things were spiraling rapidly out of his control. He hated that.

A soft determined voice cut through the silence of the two men staring at each other. “Milton, catch.”

Milton turned and caught what looked like a meat pastry of some sort.

Maria must have been busy. His own mouth watered. He hoped Liz had a few more. Ever since Maria had audited a few classes on the use of magic to cook, she had been making most of their meals. Her touch with spices and herbs made her normally good food even better.

Another thing he would deeply miss when he left World’s End.

Liz looked intently on Milton, who was just staring at the pastry. She pressed a cup of coffee into his hands. “Sit down and eat. You won’t do any of us any favors by being scatterbrained because you didn’t eat.”

“Miss Parker I must…..”

Liz kept talking. “I know you are busy. The explanations can wait until we are all undersail tomorrow morning. We will meet you at first light on the piers. The Winter’s Edge I believe is the boat you hired?”

Max sighed. Liz reached into a basket and handed him a pastry of his own. “A vision?”

Liz nodded her eyes shadowed. “Maria is coming too. No point in arguing. Without us your mission fails and you die. And without you….” Liz looked away. “And for some reason Maria needs this too. Not really sure why. But it looks like our fates remain intertwined.”

Milton’s jaw flapped open once or twice. He looked from Liz to Max and back again. “Miss Parker, are you saying you are a Seer?”

Liz snapped at him, “Nope. Not a Seer, not a Prophet. I don’t see big things. I see smal things. Personal things.”

“Fascinating Miss Parker, but I do not see how this can possibly….”

Liz set the basket down. “Proof, they always need proof.” She touched Milton’s arm and cried out. She looked up at him, a look of intense sorrow. “She is dead. Dead and gone, the one who would have completed you. There have been others, will be others in the future who will push the darkness back for a time. But SHE has been gone for so very long.” She took a step back, “My God, Professor…. How old ARE you?’

Milton backed away from Liz, his face white as a sheet. “I believe you, child. You have the gift. Limited but very real.” He shivered, “I will see you all tomorrow at first light.” He reached a hand out in supplication to Liz. But she backed away, still stunned at what she had seen. “I promise I will explain everything. Heaven’s Oath.”

Liz nodded.

Max said, “Tomorrow then.”

Milton downed the coffee, took the pastry and left.

Max looked over at Liz.

Liz didn’t look back at him, still staring off into space. “No Max. Non-negotiable. We are going. End of argument.”

Max smiled softly and looked at his lost love, “I wasn’t going to argue. I wanted to thank you. He had me so off balance.”

“Yes. The next few days are going to be a struggle for us.” She looked at Max, a slight smile on her face. “But know that you don’t scare me Max. You never have. I wish….”

They stared intently at each other for a few awkward moments before looking away.

Max nibbled at his pastry. He watched as Liz took one out and began thoughtfully eating herself.

They were absolutely delicious.

They ate in silence for a few moments before Liz began nodding. “Of course. It makes about as much sense as anything else.”

“What is it Liz?”

“Professor Milton is Azen. That is why feeling is future, feeling his past….. It was like staring into a deep well Max. One that stretched off into forever. Not even High Magister Olin is like that. And he’s nearly four hundred years old.” She took a napkin and carefully removed any crumbs from her face.

“That is impossible Liz. No one has heard of seeing any of them since right after the Fall of their empire. They all disappeared along with their homeland.”

Liz shook her head. “There is some mention of them being active in the years after the Fall. But Max, only a few of them were not on their world. The records I read speak of only two of them in the Verge at the time of the Fall. Maybe Milton was one of them. They are immortal after all.”

“Azen.” Max closed his eyes, “Liz he called me a Scion. A Scion, Liz.”

Liz’s gaze on him was sorrowful. “As I said. These next few days are going ot be hard.” She got up. “I need to go pack. Let me know if you need any help.” She turned to go.

Max sighed and watched Liz sway down the stairs.

A Scion. One of the hated enforcers of the Azen rulers. It wasn’t possible was it? Not after all these centuries?

He began grabbing what he would need for tomorrow. He trusted Liz’s gift. If she said they needed to go, they needed to go.

But that didn’t stop him from brooding over his dreams. Dreams that might have more meaning than he had ever feared.


Re: Across the Far Horizon (CC ALL, Mature) Part 5 - 11/04/10

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 2:26 am
by PML
Okay. What follows next is feedback responses and a small glossary. If you folks want me to add to it, let me know what you need me to expain or describe and I will add it to this.

Begonia9508- Thanks. Here is the start of a lexicon. If you need me to describe more words, just let me know. As for the others, Max, Liz, and Maria are in World's End. ALex and Kyle are a few days ship board trip in the Capital. Isabel, Michael and Tess are not even in the Verge. But we will get to them soon.

mary mary- Thanks. That is one of the advantages of NANO season. I have to write about 1700 words a day to finish. Which means frequent posts.

valentinebaby- Thanks. And yes, that is the plan.

Mt. Gazer- Thanks. Thought you might like this Alex. As for the time period, The Verge is probably about as developed as England circa the late nineteenth century. They are by far the most advanced nation locally. Bright Cove is probably closer to the Eighteenth Century in terms of development.

Disclaimer- Roswell is not mine and no infringment is intended.

Across the Far Horizon Basic Terms

Azen- They were a race of men who were intrinsically good. They formed a massive empire to bring peace and stability to the rest of mankind wherever they found them. They were not always seen as beneficent. As years past they became increasingly arrogant and egotistical, desiring to have as little contact with the Fallen as they referred to most of Mankind.

As a people they were blessed with long lives and good health, for which they generation after generation prayed for more of. Until the final generation which was effectively immortal.

They possessed immense magic and Divine gifts. Their magic was by nature creative and not destructive.

The Fallen - All of mankind, save the Azen, have stories of creation that detail not only their creation, but also their fall from grace. A reason and explanation for the existence of evil. Some task undone or commandment broken. And so unlike the Azen, they have Fallen. Used as a pejorative to denote the lesser status of the rest of Mankind to the Azen.

Scion - As the Azen Empire grew in size, they grew increasingly outnumbered. Also the magic and gifts they possessed were not directly useful as weapons. The Scion’s were originally conceived as a tool they could use to lead their armies and exploration fleets. And while they had massive and often destructive powers, they also lived comparatively normal lives. Unlike the Azen, who were just as fragile to normal injuries of mankind but immune to age, so the Scions were the reverse. They were tough and capable of surviving wounds that would kill other mortals. But they were mortal. They lived normal length lives, married, had normal lives and died of old age. They were seen by the Azen in this regard as a bridge between their mortal subjects, and the increasingly immortal Azen. For when they died, they would in time be reborn and live again, eventually regaining their old memories. So they too were in a sense immortal and yet lived lives that were much closer to that of normal mankind.

While many were loved and respected by segments of the Empire, many of them were also seen as the main tool the Azen used for oppression. They often would gain epithets describing them from a historic event they had participated in.

The Verge - The world that most of our heroes hail from. It was built at the edge of the Empire, avoiding the wars that wracked most of the Azenar Empire when the Azen disappeared. Enthusiastic developers of both technology and magic.

Mage - Someone who uses the natural currents of magic to alter the world in some way. Usually quick and effective, but somewhat limited in power and scope. Manifests as talents and abilities.

Wizard - A practitioner of the dangerous arts that use the fundamental powers underlying creation to accomplish just about anything. Requires advanced planning and or items to focus the powers. Sometimes uses elaborate rituals and spells. Very effective but difficult and dangerous to use at high levels.

Re: Across the Far Horizon (CC ALL, Mature) Part 5 - 11/04/10

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 2:31 am
by PML
And now for part six.

Disclaimer- Roswell is not mine and no infrinement is intended.

Across the Far Horizon part 6


Alex shifted his stance a few times. He turned to face Kyle. “I still can’t believe you shot him.”

Kyle threw up his arms, “It was a duel! What else did you want me to do? Just meekly let myself get shot?”

“You did sleep with the girl.”

Kyle just smiled and preened. “Quite a handful. A real firecracker, Alex. I don’t care what the man said, she was no virgin.”

Alex sighed, “You do realize Serena is going to kill the both of us. We were supposed to leave at first light. And now, its what almost ten?” Alex reached into a pocket and pulled out his pocket watch. It was one of the items he’d helped fashion that he was perhaps the most proud of. The mere fact that his alterations hadn’t ruined its ability to tell time for one of them.

He couldn’t wait to show Liz. Liz had always been so much better at enchantment that he.

Kyle broke his reverie. “Here they come. What did you choose anyway? Spell craft?”

Alex shook his head, “Kyle! The man is not a wizard or mage! I can’t honestly call a duel arcane. He would be powerless.”

“Well sure. It’s a duel Alex. You choose the weapon you are best with.” He sighed. “You are going to get hurt aren’t you? What did you choose? Pistols?”


Kyle closed his eyes. “You realize you won’t be able to save your sister if you are dead. I wish I could have been here to second for you this morning.”

“Well you are here now. Not that I think he will be doing anything untoward with an official magistrate watching.” Alex shrugged, “It’s only first blood.”

The magistrate motioned to both parties. “If the two parties will take a few moments to discuss this to see if there is no way to avoid meaningless bloodshed.”

Alex looked over at his aristocratic foe. Where Kyle had picked a relatively safe middle class girl, not realizing he’d be dueling a brother in the morning. Alex had merely spent time with a few people he had spent time with at World’s End. Unfortunately that had included a few friends of friends. Including Mirabelle.

He hadn’t slept with her. But he had spent time with her last night, talking and kissing. Okay, maybe a few inappropriate caresses had been exchanged. He’d had fun. And had convinced the girl to not waste herself merely looking for a husband but to try her chances at Land’s End.

The others moved back. Alex spoke first, “I didn’t sleep with her.”

“So you both say. It doesn’t matter. She was not chaperoned and in your company all of last night. Who can say what happened. A loss of family honor I will be pleased to spill your blood to regain.” He looked at Alex in contempt.

Alex looked down at his formal garb and opera cloak. Why did people keep looking at him like that? “So you are determined to do this? Nothing else will satisfy you? You petty nobles are usually pretty broke. I could always buy you off.”

“Your pathetic, Wizard. Without your magic you are powerless against an honest man. Filling Mirabelle’s head with pointless fancies of magic. She will see how weak you people truly are. She can do better.”

“Have a rich friend you plan on selling her to, huh. How about this. You cut me I leave you be, and you can live your pathetic life. But if I win, your sister is free to live her life as she wishes.”

His foe sneered at him. “I will have your hearts blood, worm. Nothing else will satisfy me now.”

“Right. So this conversation is pointless.” Alex turned his back and walked to the magistrate. “I am afraid we are unable to reach accommodation. The duel will proceed.”

The magistrate walked over and talked to Mirabelle’s brother. Presumably finding the same thing.

Alex handed Kyle his cloak and jacket.

Kyle grunted under the weight of the opera cloak. “What do you have in this thing?”

Alex shrugged, “A little of this, a bit of that. If anything happens try to find Lizzie and protect her, okay?”

“Yeah.” Kyle looked over at the opponent as he began making practice moves. “Are you sure this is a good idea, Alex?”

“Kyle…. Part of a Wizard’s practical testing is in physical combat. I chose the sword play credit. I mean we all learn staff work, but we need another weapon choice to widen out options….” He looked over at Kyle. “What?”

“I just always thought you wizards specialized in sitting back and frying your opponents.” He shifted the cloak. “I mean, I can’t see you hurting a fly, let alone Liz.”

“Yeah. Common mistake. Kyle, I have a bunch of spells prepared, okay? But I’m not much of a mage, without those spells, it takes me a bit to do anything major. I need to be able to protect myself if I get caught off guard.” He made a few motions to stretch. “I really wish I hadn’t drunk so much last night. Well, what can you do.”

Kyle motioned over at the opponent who was now ostentatiously practicing and waiting for Alex. “Do you think you can take him?”

Alex stared for a few minutes. “Probably. It depends on whether he knows how to fight or just duel.” He walked over to a third party that was supplying the weapons.

He chose his saber and swung it a few times to feel its balance. Nothing special, but perfectly serviceable.

He motioned to the magistrate that he was now ready. The opponent did the same.

The magistrate turned to both of them again, “I ask one last time if there is no other recourse to resolve this issue?”

Alex shook his head. His opponent made some sort of bleating statement about avenging his sisters honor.

Right now Alex simply didn’t care. He was busy measuring his man.

The duel began. His opponent had some skill. Many aristocratic twits his age were highly practiced duelists. They usually fought to first blood or even to first touch.

The fighting style was highly stylized and was careful to follow the rules. Even with the full steel blades they used, and the risks it presented, it still wasn’t a real battle. Not the sort that Alex had been trained for.

Alex himself had to hold himself back from making some easy cuts that would not have been legitimate according to the dueling accords.

But he was fairly sure that sooner or later his opponent would make a mistake and give him an opening. It helped that his opponent was looking to seriously hurt Alex. No simple touches or cuts for him. No he was looking to hurt or kill.

Alex just wanted this over. So after a few moments of furious exchange he took a risk and left a tiny opening. One that would over extend his opponent.

He saw the man’s face turn to a sneer as he took the bait.

Alex beat the man’s sword aside at the last minute. He then cut him on the inside of his sword arm. As the man backed up, Alex harshly rapped the man’s sword hand with the guard of his own blade. Another quick moment and the man’s sword flung free.

Alex placed his blade at the man’s throat. “Yield.”

The man‘s face was covered in shock as he nodded slowly.

Alex turned to face the magistrate, “We are done here.” He gave the sword to the third party provider.

Alex walked over and gathered his cloak from Kyle.

Kyle was all smiles. “Not bad. Not bad at all. We should spar sometimes.”

Alex nodded and put on his cloak and hat before walking down the hill. Back toward the City. He had a banker to meet and a pension to craft. If Mirabelle was serious about taking a chance, he was willing to fund her. If only to get back at that lout of a brother of hers.

Duel of honor. Bah.

Alex had had to restrain himself at the last moment not to make a few cuts that could have killed the man. And why? So that the brother could show who was boss.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

“Hey, where are we going? Serena is going to kill us as it is.”

“Just something I should have set up this morning. Come on, the sooner we are done the sooner we can try to save my sister’s life.” Alex nodded to himself. Might as well do everything. “We’ll need to stop at Government House as well. I have a document to pick up. Just to make it all legal like.”


“I was offered a Letter of Marque and Reprisal. I turned it down. But maybe, just maybe I should provide cover for the Council. Yes, if I am going to be doing it in part, I might as well do it in whole.”

Kyle caught up to him, “We are going to be hunting pirates? In that tiny little thing? I didn’t see any other sailors or soldiers…. Do you really think this is wise?”

Alex kept moving confidently down the street, “The Far Horizon is better protected than you think. She’s got a 28 pounder rifled cannon.”

“Yeah, I saw the chase gun. Pretty impressive. But…. Alex, I didn’t see any other gun ports.”

“She doesn’t have any other cannon. Just the chaser.”

Kyle let out a despairing sigh. “ONE gun? One? And your thinking of hunting pirates?”

“Kyle it’s a breach-loading rifle. It shoots far and fast. And in a few years it will revolutionize naval combat. Particularly if those explosive shells work like they are supposed to.”

Kyle’s laugh was sarcastic, “Testing them for old dad are you? Let me guess, the propulsion is some experimental steam variant?”

Alex looked over at Kyle, “Not bad. You noticed.”

Kyle snorted and then frowned. “We’ll have to make frequent stops for coal though.”

Alex shook his head. “Not coal. Spin generation.”

“Spin generation? As in Wizardry? Are you insane? Do you have any clue how dangerous that is?” Kyle was looking progressively frazzled.

Alex looked over at his friend. “The sea drowns out most of that effect Kyle. We’ve done plenty of tests on it. Just raises the background magic radiation a little. Magic that others can use.” Alex shrugged. “It’s not safe for land power generation, which is truly a shame. Who knows, maybe if we keep it up we can shut down those new petroleum power plants. Let alone those dirty coal plants. The Council has run the numbers and lets just say that’s a lot of air pollution Kyle.”

Kyle stopped. “You’re not just testing stuff for good old Charlie Whitman are you? Who else? The Council? The Admiralty? Parliament?”

Alex shrugged. It was true, why deny it? “I really want you to go with me, but you don’t have to Kyle. And it will be dangerous. Perhaps very dangerous.”

“Let’s see. Save the most headstrong girl in the world from some fate she has no doubt already planned on from the start. In an experimental boat. Captained by a woman. With a crew that doesn’t visit the City when in port.” He snapped his fingers, “Topped off by a side mission of fighting pirates on said experimental ship with ONE gun.”

“Kyle…. Are you in or out?”

“Oh, I am in. You are probably going to get me killed. But at least it will be in some new and likely original way. Its just…. Can’t we add a few six-pounders or few small side guns or something?”

Alex sighed. “No time. Plus that gun was never seen as the Far Horizon’s main armament.”

“Okay…. Then what is? I don’t see anything else!”

Alex nodded to himself. Kyle still saw him as his friend and not what he had become over the last few years. Totally understandable. So much of what he had done was either in secret or kept out of common sight. “I am, Kyle. I am the primary armament of that vessel. I want you along to keep me company and watch my back. And help me plead with Liz. But if we get into a fight…. Well you said it yourself up before the duel. We wizards specialize in frying our opponents. Let’s just say I am a specialist in that. Unless we get in a full naval battle I don’t see it being a problem.”

Kyle grabbed his arm, “I will be there, Alex. You can trust in me.”

Alex smiled, “Well then, we have a lot to do and not a lot of time. Let’s go.”

And they went.

Re: Across the Far Horizon (CC ALL, Mature) Part 6 - 11/05/10

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 11:11 pm
by PML
Warning. This part contains some dark matter. And some un-Disney pirates. You have been warned.

keepsmiling7- Thanks. And if any word crops up let me know and I will add it.

mary mary- Thanks. Alex comes across as a bit eccentric and nice. Seeing him, particularly considering how over dressed he is, you wouldn't think he would be an expert swordsman or capable of blowing holes in buildings. Even if he actually is capable of doing just those things.

Disclaimer- Roswell is not mine and no infringement is intended.

Across the Far Horizon part 7


Tess looked away from the island as she was rowed up to it. She could still hear the shrill cries of the men and women who had been chosen to live. Chosen to either be sold into slavery or to become members of Nikolai’s crew.

She closed her eyes and envisioned the long work she had ahead of her. Healing their bodies and reworking their minds. Either way she would be changing them from people into tools.

She hated her work. Hated what she and her life had become after she had ruined all hope of living in the Verge.

She had wanted revenge and Nikolai had promised it to her. And once more, as she had in so many countless lives before, Tess had taken the deal. The poisoned deal that ruined her life.

How many times did she have to do this to not recognize the pattern?

There had to be a way. Some way to escape this life that was poisoning her soul with Nikolai and Nyssa’s evil. The things they made her do….

If it were just her, if she were alone, then maybe she would do something drastic. Make a desperate attempt to escape. Even make a last stand, try to cleanse Nikolai’s base. Put her powers on overdrive and blow herself as well as most of the island up with her.

It wouldn’t truly kill Nyssa or Nikolai, of course. Any more than it would truly kill her. They would just be reborn. As would she.

But her son. Her normal human son. He too would die.

She closed her eyes and used all her will to keep from crying. So much had changed when she had left World’s End.

Finally she looked back at the now destroyed fisher village that had once stood on the island.

Had Nikolai known this was where her drop was supposed to be? Where she was supposed to leave her message for Alex? Is that why he picked this one insignificant dot out of all the larger ones?

How she wished she knew.

She would still leave the message, and pray that Alex would stop anyway.

The boat pulled up to shore. Tess used her powers to keep the water from touching her clothes as she got out of the boat and walked up the shore.

She ignored the salutes of the men, the ones not occupied anyway. She tried to avoid listening to what they were occupied with. But the helpless cries and groans of those women who had survived.

How had she gotten herself into this again?

Right. She had trusted the wrong man. And he had lead her to nearly kill a friend to access an ancient relic.

She stumbled over the legs of a dead woman. She caught herself in time, but not soon enough to not fully look at the woman.

She had been beautiful once. Her hair a golden blonde. Her breasts were swollen and a tiny trickle of white trailed from one. There were bite marks and bruises that covered so much of her fair skin.

Abused like so many of the other women she would have to heal later. But this one had her belly ripped open.

Tess had seen this before. Reflexively she made a series of holy symbols with her hand. Different faiths and worlds had different signs, but she had memories of more than one. She used them all now.

Pregnant. The woman had been pregnant.
Tess backed away and something hit her head. And shook in horror. The soft hardness of the object hung behind her…. She stifled a scream.

She did not look behind her. She slowly moved away, saying prayers for mother and child.

There had to be a way she could escape from this life. Someway she could make amends and repair the damage she had helped to cause.

She prayed to heaven that some how some way would be shown to her.

Until then she would have to hope that the man she had once nearly killed would still stop here. And would have mercy and decide to help her. Or even just her son.

This had to stop.

Heaven help her this had to stop.

She set the marker and walked back to the shore and began healing the captives.

Re: Across the Far Horizon (CC ALL, Mature) Part 7 - 11/06/10

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 10:39 pm
by PML
Here we go again. This part is a bit lighter, if not light. The first act, the one that presents the characters and their motivations is just about done. That is why I needed the last chapter, to show Tess just how EVIL her coworkers truly were. She knew intellectually, but not viscerally. That has changed. This bit is Maria's story. Max and Liz's will unfold in act two. Both of them are avoiding it for now. And they have their reasons. But I will get to it.

mary mary- Thanks. I do not play to spend a lot of time here. But in many ways what happened on this island will drive a bit of the plot.

valentinebaby- Thanks. Tess is tangled in a web partly of her own making. And the more she struggles the worse of she gets. She needs help and has asked for it from she has NO reason to get it from.

keepsmiling7- Sorry and thank you. Don't worry, we aren't going to be spending a lot of after action time on the battlefield. But this island will drive a lot of the second act.

Disclaimer- Roswell is not mine and no infringement is intended.

Across the Far Horizon part 8


Maria could not help but look back at the sprawling towers and buildings of World’s End.

She had been happy there. One of the few times she had truly ever been happy, save those few short months in his arms. She glanced over at her friends. They were much of what had made her exile palatable. She had long feared what life would be like here when they had gone.

Gone like Alex and her step brother Kyle.

She supposed she would make other friends, get involved with other people. She once had been such a social person. Her friends and classmates probably still thought of her as so.

But Michael had changed her as much as she had changed him. He had opened her eyes to the small pettiness that permeated the world. The fact that people operated more on self interest than kindness.

He had not broken her faith in people so much as opened her eyes. She still tried her best to help people, but maybe her own heart was not as open anymore. Not since Michael’s death.

It had been her fault of course. She should have been stronger. Should have been able to resist him. But Michael had been the only one in her husband’s cold court that she had been able to relate to.

Her mother-in-law in particular had hated her. Had hated her City ways, her lackluster faith, her everything. And her husband…. He had tried. But he had only been nine. What kind of relationship could there truly be?

Michael on the other hand had been handsome. A bit of an asshole at first, but then considering the cold and insincere deference the others pretended to give her, that was actually refreshing. The man actually saw her as a person and not a tool.

Maria had thought she would be up to the task. That she could last long enough for the politics to shift and get a divorce. But the politics of the day had required some connection between the Valenti and Coreli factions.

The real target of the ploy had been her elder step sister Victoria, already set to marry the man of her dreams. Maria was enough of a romantic to want her sister to be successful in love. Maria was well aware that her background would give her little chance of the same on the noble marriage market. But she was a Valenti. And so she offered herself.

As the Valenti candidate changed, so did the Coreli candidate. To nine year old Aaron Coreli. Politics dictated that it was a full wedding. That the tie, while obviously not due to be consummated any time soon, was fully legal under both law and religion.

But religion in a nation as diverse as the Verge was becoming, could mean many different things. From mother’s stand point, Maria was little more than trash. She was a bastard of unknown birth. A City bred tramp of loose morals and no real religious standing. To top it off, Maria was a Mage. Which to Tricia Coreli’s eyes as little more than an evil witch.

But both families needed this for different reasons. And so a eighteen year old Maria had marched down the aisle to marry someone nearly a decade her junior .Legally she would have to wait years for their marriage to be consummated. And that lack of consummation could not be declared a reason for annulment.

Maria had not realized just how bored she would be in the country. Reading had never really been her thing, so the fact that the estate had a decent library was only of small use to her. And she certainly didn’t knit or sew like the other ladies. That’s what clothes factories were for.

Maria practiced her magic. Took up gardening and learned how to grow the herbs that she had once merely bought. And tried to ignore the fact that everyone living in the estate hated her.

Michael was the local military attaché to area. When he wasn’t out visiting the various military units and militias in the North, trying to keep the locals from fighting each other, he was stationed at the same estate she was. As the man responsible for making sure that government policy was being followed and the local feuds were kept out of the actual fighting stage, Michael Guerin was probably more hated than she was.

But he unlike her let the hatred of the locals wash off him. He almost seemed to relish it at times. Maria had tried to talk to him, but he was just as cold to her. Even if she could read interest in his eyes.

And so it went for six months. Six long cold boring months. Until the day she saw him in the garden, dying. He had just been sitting there, near the roses she had managed to grow. He was so badly wounded, but for some reason he was whispering at the rose bushes.

Maria cried for help. Called to the servants. But she knew that would not be enough.

Maria’s magic had always been weak. Weak and tied up with living things. She had never been trained or taught to heal. Knew it was risky and dangerous magic even for those with power and talent and skill.

Yet she could not let him die. Not even if he did annoy her.

There had been a strange almost electric spark when she had touched him. And just as she would flow into her plants to find and fight blemishes or blight, she sunk herself into Michael. Trying to fix him or to at least stabilize him so that a doctor could be summoned.

She prayed so hard that she could save him, that he wouldn’t die on her.

She woke five days later. Uncertain and unsure of just what had happened. They told her she had suffered some sort of attack. That she had collapsed and screamed for help. That her cries had called to the battered but hale military attaché. The man had carried her into the house.

But Maria knew something more had happened. She waited for months to talk to Michael, for some sort of communication. But he had been called into the City for further orders.

When he had come back three months later he tried to pretend nothing had happened. But it had. And they both knew it.

He started to come to her garden and watch her work. He would never say thank you, never say a word. Just watch her.

Finally she’d had enough stalked up to give him a piece of her mind and… He kissed her. That sudden electric shock was back. And it heated her to the core. She wanted, no need him to touch her, to hold her.

To make love to her.

She backed away in shock. She was a married woman. She shouldn’t think these thoughts.

He said, “Thank you.” And left.

She stood there quivering, needing him. She’d never felt it that strong before. In the City, she had played the field a bit, much like her friends. But she’d been cautious. Her mother’s early life had been ruined because of one careless affair of the heart. And her mother had gotten lucky, avoiding some of the deadly pitfalls that could have lead to an early grave.

What Maria was feeling now was dangerous. And had to be resisted at all costs.

That resistance lasted three days.

What followed was a furtive but glorious period. In many ways the best time of Maria’s life. Until they had been caught the danger had added an extra thrill to the affair.

But they were caught. In the midst of passionate lovemaking her husband and his mother entered, flanked by guards.

No denial of what had been happening was possible. Michael offered to fight their way out, to go into hiding….

But Maria didn’t want him to get hurt.

Hah. Foolish choice. The mother had been looking for an excuse any excuse to get rid of Maria, and hopefully stain the House of Valenti in the process. The fact that it was a King’s Man who had been caught in the act made it only better.

She wanted Michael castrated and hung, and Maria burnt at the stake for sorcery.

It was Aaron who saved them. Sort of. He kept them from being harmed immediately. And ordered them kept in tight confinement. And to send to the City for a high level magistrate to see what recourse was available.

Maria wasn’t sure if what happened next was actually what Aaron had in mind. Neither one of them were allowed to dress. Both of them were marched to the cliffs over looking the bay.

The were roughly put in cages and hung over the bay. The sort of treatment traitors or other major criminals received. Left alone to the elements. Both of their cages swaying softly in the chilly wind.

Two days later a large armed guard lead by Kyle trooped up to the estate. Eager to save his sister.

Apparently the man that the mother-in-law had sent had been told to take his time. Time that would have rendered the magistrate’s decision useless. But apparently her step father had spies in the estate. Spies that had been watching her, and had seen what was done to her.

A miracle that her brother had been conducting maneuvers so close. Close enough for a telegraph message to reach him in time to save her.

When they pulled her up from her prison she had been wind burned and hypothermic. But her fear was mostly for Michael. That she was being taken away from the only man she could ever love.

And Kyle had been under orders, directly from his father to NOT save her lover. To leave him to the tender mercies of the affronted Coreli’s.

Maria remembered her feeble tries to save Michael. Remembered being taken away and cursing her brother and father.

In hindsight she could understand their positions. And the Coreli’s did indeed have a tough political time dealing with the whole scandal. For Michael was never recovered for trial. While they could never prove his death at their hands, it cast serious doubt at that branch of the family.

As for Maria herself, she was bundled off a few days after returning to the City. Her mother had explained that she was to be exiled. The political scandal was so intense, that as long as she stayed it would linger. Weakening the family’s fortunes.

She was given the opportunity, finally, to receive proper training for her magical gifts. And was told not to hurry in her pursuit of knowledge.

Maria was paid quite a lot of money to not go home.

Only her home was World’s End now. Or had been. Until now.

Would she ever see it again? Or would it be a memory, just like those stolen days with Michael?

Liz might predict all she could, with all the force and power that that indomitable girl possessed. But whatever she said, Maria did not believe that her true love waited for her out beyond the horizon.

No. Maria knew where her true love lay.

In the deep waters beneath that cliff at North Point Manor.

Maria said a quick prayer for the dead. And wished one day to meet her Michael, if only in heaven.

She joined the others and their journey began.
